A High-Energy Multispark Capacitor Discharge Ignition System For A Two-Stroke Direct Injection Spark Ignition Heavy Fuel Engine
A High-Energy Multispark Capacitor Discharge Ignition System For A Two-Stroke Direct Injection Spark Ignition Heavy Fuel Engine
A High-Energy Multispark Capacitor Discharge Ignition System For A Two-Stroke Direct Injection Spark Ignition Heavy Fuel Engine
Abstract— A high-energy multispark ignition system with a and logistical support of troops, the USA and most European
single discharge capacitor was designed and developed. The countries have proposed a spark ignition (SI) heavy fuel engine
ignition system was verified to be capable of releasing high development program for UAV power plants to be fueled with
ignition energy. The cold start and partial-load test at 6 °C
ambient temperature were conducted on a two-stroke spark aviation kerosene, diesel, and biodiesel in the future [3]–[5].
ignition heavy fuel engine with air-assisted direct injection. The This approach is different from the traditional approaches
results showed that compared to the original magnetoignition in an aircraft engine or spark-assisted compression ignition
system, applying the 5-times multispark ignition approach with engine [6], and not only leads to a great challenge regarding
the new ignition system is able to successfully solve the cold the structural design of existing engines, but also adds more
start problem of the heavy fuel engine. Under the partial-
load condition, increasing the number of ignitions enhances requirements to the design and upgrade of the spark ignition
combustion in the cylinder. Four-times ignition is better than system.
2-times ignition with the ignition timing angle between 10° and Generally, gasoline engines have no difficulty achieving a
20°CA BTDC, improving the power output, fuel economy, and successful cold start as they utilize a carburetor, port injection,
HC/CO emissions performance. The effects of multispark ignition and direct injection (DI). The high atomization of DI is more
gradually become small with the ignition timing angle advanced
to 30°CA BTDC. helpful for rapidly starting an engine. Compared to the physic-
ochemical properties of gasoline, heavy fuels show lower
Index Terms— Air-assisted direct injection (AADI), capacitor volatility, higher viscosity, and lower evaporation. It is difficult
discharge ignition (CDI), cold start, heavy fuel, multispark
ignition, two-stroke engine. to start heavy fuels engines equipped with carburetors or port
injection systems without auxiliary preheating or aided igni-
tion, which require additional energy sources [7].
I. I NTRODUCTION Cathcart et al. [8] developed a two-stroke DI spark igni-
tion (DISI) heavy fuel engine equipped with a programmable
U NMANNED aerial vehicle (UAV) power plants, includ-
ing reciprocating or rotary piston engines, gas turbine
engines, and battery-powered motors are currently widely
capacitive ignition system; this approach has overcome the
cold start difficulty. However, detailed reports of improv-
used. The applications and developments of the piston engine ing or solving the cold start problem of the DISI heavy fuel
spread because of its simple structure and cost effective- engine were not present. According to their valuable work,
ness [1], [2]. Most reciprocating piston gasoline engines used the first significant aspect is heavy fuel atomization. The
in the aviation field are usually equipped with magnetocapaci- atomized particle size can be reduced to increase the unit-time
tor discharge ignition (CDI) systems, such as the Rotax engine fuel evaporation mass via high-pressure DI or low-pressure air-
series in Austria and the Hirth engine series in Germany, assisted DI (AADI). The second aspect is the redesign of the
in which the spark plug distributions are all of dual redundant original magnetoignition system, adjusting the ignition timing
design. In recent years, in considerations of the UAV cost and improving the ignition energy to match the fuel DI will
guarantee a stable combustion. The traditional magnetoignition
Manuscript received August 2, 2016; revised January 14, 2017 and system has the shortcomings of a low charging voltage at low
April 23, 2017; accepted May 29, 2017. This work was supported in part speed and short charging time at high speed, which easily
by the Funding of the Jiangsu Innovation Program for Graduate Education
from the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under cause misfires in the transient condition during a cold start.
Grant KYLX15_0262 and in part by the National Natural Science Foundation Because of its insufficient ignition energy, it is difficult to
of China under Grant 51505171. (Corresponding author: Rui Liu.) ignite the mixture gas of the carburetor or port injection heavy
R. Liu, M. Wei, C. Chang, H. Ji, and T. Bei are with the College of Energy
and Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, fuel engines without adequate preheating [9]–[11]. Moreover,
Nanjing 210016, China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; the cold start problem may still exist in the DISI heavy fuel
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). engine without a suitable match of the fuel injection and spark
S. Xu is with the College of Energy and Power Engineering, Nanjing
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China, and ignition. Therefore, the redesign of the traditional ignition
also with the Huaiyin institute of technology, Huaian 223003, China (e-mail: system of an aviation piston engine is a very important task.
[email protected]). To date, there have been many research reports regarding
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. digital direct current (dc) CDI systems with multicapacitor
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2017.2711266 continuous discharge ignition or multiple spark plugs ignition;
0093-3813 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 5. Multispark ignition triggering pulse and primary coil voltage. (a)
Waveforms in two cycles. (b) Waveforms in a single cycle.
TABLE V Fig. 7. Test bed of the SI heavy fuel engine with AADI.
Fig. 8. Speed variations during cold start with different CDI ignition system.
Fig. 10. Cylinder pressure and heat release rate with multispark ignition at
the ignition timing angles of (a) 10°CA BTDC, (b) 15°CA BTDC, and (c)
Fig. 9. Effects of multispark ignition on (a) engine power and (b) fuel 20°CA BTDC.
consumption rate.
IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS 800 rpm. The fuel injection control strategies were identical.
The ignition strategy used at cold start was the following:
A. Cold Start
applying 5-times continuous ignition at the process of motor
To highlight the advantages of the multispark dc–CDI igni- cranking and startup and gradually reducing to 2-times con-
tion system over the traditional magneto-CDI ignition system, tinuous ignition in the warm-up phase if starting the engine
the dc–CDI system was applied on a two-stroke DISI engine successfully. Fig. 8 shows the engine speed variations at cold
to conduct a cold start test. Table VII provides a comparison start with the self-designed multispark dc–CDI system and
of gasoline, kerosene (No.3 rocket propellant, RP-3), and the prototype magneto-CDI system. From the speed variations,
diesel fuel properties. Based on that comparison, diesel fuel shown in Fig. 8, it was difficult to start the engine successfully
is the most difficult to be ignited under the same condition. by using the prototype magneto-CDI system, whereas the
Therefore, diesel fuel was selected for the engine test. The engine starts smoothly to 2000 rpm with the self-designed
engine output shaft was coupled with the dynamometer. The multispark dc–CDI module. Therefore, the multispark
test ambient temperature was 6 °C, and the ambient pressure dc–CDI system effectively improved the cold start perfor-
was 101 kPa. The peak cranking speed of start motor was mance of the DISI heavy fuel engine compared with the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Based on a two-stroke spark ignition heavy fuel engine with
AADI, this paper presented a proposed method of continuous
Fig. 11. Effect of multispark ignition on engine emissions. (a) HC. (b) CO.
(c) CO2 . multispark discharge ignition with a single capacitor, described
the developed ignition module, and presented a verification
prototype magnetoignition system. of the multispark ignition functionality of the module based
on a measurement of the ignition energy. At the ambient
temperature of 6 °C, the cold start and partial-load tests at
B. Engine Partial-Load Performance and Emissions
3000 rpm were investigated. The conclusions are as follows.
After the smooth cold start described in the previous section, The ignition energy of the designed multispark dc–CDI system
the engine was switched to operate under partial load with can easily reach more than 160 mJ. The 5-times spark ignition
the conditions of a 10% throttle position and 3000 rpm. The strategy during the motor cranking process and startup process
effects of the ignition parameters on the engine power output, starts the engine successfully, thereby solving the cold start
fuel economy, and exhaust emissions were investigated. problem of the heavy fuel engine. Increasing the ignition
Fig. 9 shows the variations of the power output and fuel times at partial load can enhance the combustion in the
consumption rate with different ignition advance angle and cylinder. Four-times ignition effectively improves the engine
ignition times. The ignition interval was 0.6 ms per spark. power output and fuel consumption rate compared to 2-times
Overall, increasing the number of ignition times is con- ignition. As the ignition timing angle is adjusted to 30°CA
ducive to improve the dynamics and fuel economy at partial- BTDC, the improving effect of multispark ignition becomes
load condition. As the ignition timing angle was between flat. Four-times ignition can further reduce HC and CO exhaust
10° and 20°CA BTDC, the power output and fuel economy emissions of the engine compared to 2-times ignition.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.