(Recognised Under Section 2 (F) and 12B of UGC)
(Recognised Under Section 2 (F) and 12B of UGC)
(Recognised Under Section 2 (F) and 12B of UGC)
The candidates will be required to attempt All questions in Part-A and Part-B
(Compulsory Sections). Attempt any four questions from Part-C selecting at least one
from each unit.
Allotted time for examination is 4 hours that includes time for downloading the
question paper, writing answers, scanning of answer sheets and uploading the sheets
on the Attendance Sheet Cum Answer Sheet Uploading google form. The link will be
closed after the stipulated time.
The PDF files should be saved as Roll No. and Subject Code.
Maximum Page Limit should be 36 (Thirty Six) for attempting the question paper on
A4 sheets which could be downloaded and printed from the sample sheets given in
the UIET Website.
Over-attemptation should be avoided.
Handwriting should be neat and clean and diagrams should be clear and contrasted.
The candidate should not write their Mobile No. otherwise Unfair Means Case will
be made.
While attempting the paper, the candidate will use blue/black pen only.
Before attempting the paper, the candidate will ensure that he/she has downloaded
the correct question paper. No complaint for attempting wrong question paper by the
candidate will be entertained.
Candidate must ensure that he/she has put his/her signature on each page of the
answer sheet used by him/her. Answer sheet without the signature of the candidate
will not be evaluated.
Attempt parts A, B & C separately. Do not inter-mix them. Write neatly & mention the
question number clearly.
PART - A (15 Marks)
(v) How many stpes are required(worst case) to serach an element in an sorted array of 1000
numbers using binary search.
(vi) What is Big-O Notation.
(vii) What will be output after 3rd iteration of bubble sort in ascending order of {
(viii) Convert to post fix notation ((A+B)*C)-D)
2 Write an algorithm to find two same numbers out of three numbers without using array. 5
For example 2,3 and 2 answer should be 2 and from 1,2 and 3 answer should be no
two same numbers.
3 Disucss & and * operator in C in terms of pointers. 5
4 Explain Linked Stack. 5
5 Disucuss linked representation of graphs. 5
6 Write an algorithm to compute number of even and odd numbers from an array of 10 10
number. Also demonstrate the algorithm using random list of 10 numbers.
7 Write an algorithm to sort integers using Selection Sort in an array of length N. 10
Also, demonstrate the working of algorithm iteration wise on a random array of
10 integers.
8 Discuss in detail concept of queue alongwith its operations. Also discuss 10
circular queue.
9 Translate the expression to postfix notation (((A-B)+C)/((D^E)*F)) using stack 10
and also evaluate the postfix expression using stack. The values are A = 10,
B = 2 , C = 8, D = 2, E = 2 and F = 2.
10 Consider a Linked List having five elements L = {6,5,3,1,1}. Write an algorithm to 10
insert the new element 4 before 3. Explain your algorithm with appropriate diagrams.
13 Draw Adjacency Matrix and Set representation for the given graph 10