Service Manual Mastertig MLS 2300 ACDC: Downloaded From Manuals Search Engine

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Service manual

Mastertig MLS 2300 ACDC

Version 1.3.1

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Technical data
Connection voltage, 1~ 50/60 Hz 230 V ± 15%
Loadability TIG
40% ED 230 A / 19,2 V (5,7 kVA)
60% ED 200 A / 18,0 V (4,8 kVA)
100% ED 170 A / 16,8 V (3,9 kVA)
Loadability MMA
40% ED 180 A / 27,2 V (6,0 kVA)
60% ED 150 A / 26,0 V (4,8 kVA)
100% ED 120 A / 24,8 V (3,7 kVA)
Supply cable / fuse 2,5 mm² S - 3,3 m / 16 A slow
Adjustment range
TIG 3 A (AC 5 A) / 10,0 V…230 A / 19,2 V
MMA 10 A / 20,4 V…180 A / 27,2 V
Maximum welding voltage 32 V / 180 A
OCV 50 V
Efficiency 0,8
Power factor 0,99
Open circuit power
MMA 180 W
Degree of protection IP 23C
Length 500 mm
Width 180 mm
Height 260 mm
Weight 15 kg

8 kVA generator can provide maximum output power for the power source however
recommended generator size is 10 kVA

The device may be repaired only by a person legally authorized

perform electric work!

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User interface



2 6

1 Gas connector for TIG torch

2 Welding current connection (negative)
3 Operation panel
4 Remote controller connection
5 TIG -torch control connection
6 Welding current connection (positive)
7 Main switch
8 Gas connector

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Setup functions
Entering the advanced setup press and hold the setup and Return buttons at the same
time. Changing the level press Setup button shortly
ON The upslope time depends on the welding
Welding current upslope time * A1 current
OFF The upslope time is fixed
ON The downslope time depends on the welding
Welding current downslope time * A2 current
OFF The downslope time is fixed
ON TIG Antirfeeze is ON
TIG Antifreeze * A3
OFF TIG Antifreeze is OFF

ON MMA antifreeze is ON
MMA Antifreeze * A4
OFF MMA antifreeze is OFF

ON VRD-function: MMA open circuit voltage < 35

VRD * (MMA open circuit voltage) A7 Vdc
OFF Normal open circuit voltage is 50 Vdc
ON On 2T-function the downslope is cut off by a
2T-function´s downslope cutoff A8 quick press on the start switch
OFF Quick press on the start switch has no function
ON Tacking automatics is ON; no downslope, if the
Tacking automatics A9 weld is shorter than 3 s
OFF Tacking automatics is OFF
ON If upslope time is 0,0 s, it goes to 0,2 s from the
Current upslope speed A10 halfway of currents > 100 A.
OFF Maximum current upslope speed
ON Method selection; TIG: minimum end of the
range of the remote controller, MMA: the
Method selection by remote maximum end of the remote controller range
controller *
OFF The remote controller works as a normal current

* Setting is always on ** Adjustable also by the Quick Setup

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Setup functions

ON Start current level in use

Start current level A13
OFF Start current level not in use

ON During downslope the current can be ”frozen”

onto a certain level, using the start switch
Current ”freezing” A14
OFF ”Freeze” function is OFF

ON Torch auxiliary switches are used to select

TIG -torch auxiliary switches (RTC memory channels
20) *
OFF Torch auxiliary switches adjust welding current
ON Auxiliary switches are always active
TIG -torch auxiliary switches (RTC
A16 OFF Auxiliary switches are active only when torch
20) activation *
control is selected
ON Flow control is active
Cooling unit flow control * A17
OFF Flow control is not active
ON Controlled run
Cooling unit control * A19
OFF Continous run

ON Temperature watch is active

Coolant temperature watch * A20
OFF Temperature watch is not active

ON Automatic detection is ON
Remote controller automatic
detection * OFF Automatic detection is OFF

ON 4T-LOG: End current level is in use

End current level A22
OFF MINILOG: End current level is not in use

* Setting is always on ** Adjustable also by the Quick Setup

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Setup functions

20 Factory setting 20 A
Contact ignition current * B1
3…2 Adjustment range 3…230 A
1.0 Factory setting 1,0 s.

Spark ignition duration * B2 0.2 Adjustment range 0,2…2,0 s.

10 Factory setting 10 % of the welding current
Downslope cutoff level * B3 5…4 Adjustment range 5…40 % of the welding
0 current
OFF Factory setting
PAN Recalls factory settings to the panel, but keeps
Factory settings recall * B5 memory channels
ALL Recalls factory settings and empties the memory
1 Upslope speed maximum
Downslope interruption – upslope
B6 2 According to the upslope setting
angle *
3 According to the downslope
Non-linear downslope OFF Factory setting
(Current drop in the beginning of B7 0…5 Adjustment range 0…50 % of welding current
downslope) 0
0.4 Factory setting 0,4 s.

Torch switch long press * B8 0.3 Adjustment range 0,3…1,0 s.

OFF Factory setting 4 min.
Cooling unit post running time * B9
ON Post-running time 30 s.

* Setting is always on ** Adjustable also by the Quick Setup

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Setup functions

OFF Factory setting 0,0…15,0 s.

Spot welding spot-time * B10
ON 0…150 s.

0 Factory setting

MMA dynamics ** B11 - Adjustment range -9 = soft arc, 9 = rough arc

0 Factory setting

MMA ignition pulse ** B12 - Adjustment range -9 = minimum overrun, 9 =

9…0 maximum overrun
10 Factory setting 10 % of the welding current
OFF Minimum current
Start current level * B13
5…4 Adjustment range 5…40 % of the welding
0 current
5.0 Factory setting 5,0 s.

Display recovery time B14 1.0 Adjustment range 1,0…20,0 s.

1.0 Factory setting 1,0 s.

2T Hot Start duration ** B15 0.1 Adjustment range 0,1…5,0 s.


* Setting is always on ** Adjustable also by the Quick Setup

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Setup functions

0.0 Factory setting 0,0 s.

Pregas time minimum * C1 0.0 Adjustment range 0,0…2,0 s.

1.0 Factory setting 1,0 s.
Postgas time minimum * C7 0…1 Adjustment range 0…10 s.
-80 Factory setting -80 %

AC balance minimum * C16 - Adjustment range -80…-10 %

1 Factory setting 1 s.
Pregas time maximum * D1 0…1 Adjustment range 0…10 s.
30 Factory setting 30 s.
Postgas time maximum * D7 15… Adjustment range 15…150 s.
10 Factory setting 10 %
AC balance maximum * D16 0…2 Adjustment range 0…120 %

* Setting is always on ** Adjustable also by the Quick Setup

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Setup functions
60 Factory setting 60 Hz
AC frequency ** E1
50…250 Adjustment range 50…250 Hz
Sqr Square wave
AC waveform ** E2
Sin Sinus wave

5 Factory setting 5 A
Half cycle AC E3
5…20 Adjustment range 5…20 A
-25 Factory setting -25 %
AC balance ** E4
-50…10 Adjustment range -50…10 %
100 Factory setting 100 %
Negative ignition current * E5 100…500 Adjustment range 100…500 % (Limited by
the max. of the power source)
50 Factory setting 50 %
Positive ignition current * E6 30…150 Adjustment range 30…150 % (Limited by
the max. of the power source)
10 Factory setting 10 = 0,01 s
Positive ignition sequence time * E7
0…20 Adjustment range 0…20 = 0,0…0,02 s
0.20 Factory setting 0,2 s (up to 0A8) / 0,01 s
Ignition cycle total time * E8 (since 0A9).
0.01…1,0 Adjustment range 0,01…1,0 s.
0.6 Factory setting
MIX TIG cycle time ** E9
0.1…1,0 Adjustment range 0,1…1,0 s.

*Setting is always on
**Adjustable also by the Quick Setup
***Note panel software version

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Setup functions

50 Factory setting 50 %
MIX TIG AC pulse ratio ** E10
10… Adjustment range 10…90 %
100 Factory setting 100 %
MIX TIG DC level ** E11 50… Adjustment range 50…150 %
10 Factory setting 10 ms.
Spotwelding time * E12 1…2 Adjustment range 1…200 ms.

* Setting is always on ** Adjustable also by the Quick Setup

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Z001 (behind the isolator)






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Main circuit diagram

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Operation principle
Functions and components:

Primary- and secondary inverter control

This is the block diagram of an AC TIG -power source with active power factor
correction. A power source based on this principle can be loaded in TIG -process with
230 A current by a duty cycle of 40 % (1~ 230 Vac / 16 A slow fuse).
Error code Description
Err 3 Over/Undervoltage
Err 4 Overheating
Err 6 Internal fault, secondary voltage over the limit.
Err 8 Maximum overheat time, machine doesn’t cool down fast enough. Only machine
shutdown and restart removes error.
Err 61 Water cooled gun connected but no water cooler in the system.
Cooler Cooler error:
- Cooling liquid over- / under pressure state
- Overheated alarm
BuS Err Communication between panel and power source isn’t possible
Err rSt System error, machine makes reset itself.

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Main circuit card Z001
Functions and components:

Main circuit card Z001 includes following operational blocks:

- Energy reserve
- Power stage (full bridge)
- Damping circuits
- Gate buffers

- Electrolyte capacitors C2, C3, C4 and C5 (470µF/450V) provide the energy storage
- Power stage is a traditional full bridge, where the power switches are parallel connected discrete
IGBTs (30A/600V).
- The current transformer T1 measures the primary current
Note ! IGBTs V12 – V14 and V9 – V11 are insulated from the heat sink!
- Primary inverter's operating frequency is constant, being approx. 65 kHz (cycle time is about 15,3 µs)
throughout the whole power range. Power is controlled by changing the IGBT’s conductivity timings.

Energy reserve

Current transformer

Pulse transformer

Positive half cycle

(+) IGBT s
Positive half cycle (+) IGBT`s
Negative half cycle (-) IGBT s
insulated from heat sink !!!

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Main circuit card Z001

X8 Z004
X2 X1
X8 X7



X4 A001

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PFC card Z004
Functions and connectors:
The PFC -card Z004 includes these operational blocks:

- EMI -filter
- Net connecting transient damping
- Primary rectifier
- PFC -power stage
- PFC -power stage control
- Net overvoltage watch
- Auxiliary voltages developing

- EMI -filter reduces the electromagnetic disturbances conducting to the net (EN50199).
- The net connecting transient is damped by the PTC-resistor R23 and relay K1 together. The rectifier
unit V1 rectifies the net voltage to DC, which can fluctuate between + 260…380 V. Power
supply to the power supply card A002 via connectors X13 and X14.
- PFC’s power stage (boost converter) increases the full-wave rectified net voltage up to +400 V DC and
forces the net current into sinus form.
- Note. IGBT -transistors V4…V7 are insulated from the heat sink! Diodes V2 and V3 are not insulated, so
diode cathodes and heat sink share the same potential approx. + 400 V!

X2 X3 X5 X7

X14 X15


X9 X6

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PFC card Z004

EMI –choke L002

Main switch S001

IGBT -transistor
Varistor R002 insulated from the heat

EMI -filter

Primary rectifier V1

X5 A001

X11 Z002

Diodes V2 and V3
Intermediate circuit
X2 and X4: control card A002
charging resistor and relay
power supply, 230 Vac

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Secondary rectifier Z002

Functions and main components

Secondary diode card Z002 includes the following operational blocks:

- Full wave rectifying for secondary

- AC –welding auxiliary pulse rectifying
- Damping circuits
- Machine size code

- Voltages of the main transformer's secondary are rectified by a full wave rectifier, which consists
of parallel connected diodes (60A/600V). Note ! Diodes V11 – V15 and V16 – V20 are insulated
from the heat sink !!!
- Damping circuits (RC) reduce the voltage stress of secondary diodes. The machine size is coded
by resistor R1 s value.
- AC –welding auxiliary pulses are developed from the voltages of the auxiliary coils of the main
transformer T001. AC –welding auxiliary pulses stabilize the AC -arc by increasing secondary
voltage up to +/- 350 V (max. about 500 µs) at the beginning of the half cycle. Chokes L1 and L2
limit the current to a few amps.

AC -welding
auxiliary pulse chokes

AC -welding Positive side

auxiliary pulse diodes

Negative side diodes

insulated from heat sink !!!

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Secondary rectifier Z002


X8 X4 X3

X11 X9


X1 X2

X6 X5

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Secondary inverter Z003

Functions and main components

The secondary inverter card Z003 includes these following operational blocks:

- Power supply for control circuits

- Gate control circuits
- Under voltage watches
- Secondary overvoltage protection
- Secondary inverter s power stage

Negative side IGBTs

insulated from heat sink !!!

Positive side IGBTs

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Secondary inverter Z003



X18 X4


X12 X3

X15 X7

X2 (A001)



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A001 Control card
Functions and connectors
The control card A001 includes these following
operational blocks: H1 Secondary voltage watch, active

- Micro controller (Renesas M30262) H2 Primary inverter PWM -control

- PWM -control H3 DC+ mode
- Shunt amplifier
- Supply overvoltage watch H4 DC- mode
- Under voltage watch H5 AC- auxiliary pulse, DC+
- Over temperature watch
- Secondary inverter control H6 Spark control
- Spark generator control H7 AC- auxiliary pulse, DC-
- Secondary voltage watch
- Secondary overvoltage watch R96 Inverter frequency adjustment

X4 R96
H1 H2




X11 X9 H6 X8 X7
H7 H3 X3
H4 H5 X2

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A002 Auxiliary power card
Functions and connectors
Auxiliary power supply card A002 includes the following
operational blocks :

- + 5 V (continuous)
- + 24 V and + 15 V from main transformer T001 s auxiliary coils
(Flyback chopper)
- About + 20 V start power for the primary inverter's gate buffers
- Cooling unit ~ 230 V power supply

H1 H1 + 15 V (lighted when power stage is on)

H2 H2 + 24 V (lighted when power stage is on)

X3 H3 + 5 V (lighted all the time)




X8 X1

X7 (A001) X2

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A003 Spark card
Functions and connectors
HF spark card A003 includes these following operational blocks:

Voltage multiplier
Spark on/off -control
Spark voltage control



Spark voltage adjustment

X3 X2

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A004 Interface card
Functions and connectors
Filter card A004 includes following operational blocks:

Remote/foot control interface

TIG –torch interface
Panel interface
Filtering of control lines

X3 X2







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Low voltage and secondary overvoltage watch tests

Tests in the following pages (three tests) have to be done after replacing any primary or secondary
units or cards. It absolutely important because possible short circuit (e.g. improperly installed mica
insulator) may damage the machine heavily.

To execute following low voltage tests, Kemppi Multipower (and wire set) and digital multimeter is

Be very careful and follow the instructions set by step to make everything in right order. Otherwise you
may damage the machine or the testing equipment.

Remember to measure DC-link is not charged while making any connections. In the case it is in high
voltage state you may injure yourself or damage the Kemppi multipower.

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Z003 X6 heat sink
Copper rail

Z003 X9

Z003 X7

Gnd Jumper X12

Negative dix

A002 X1 A002 X2 and X4

24 VDC 230 VAC

Z004 X4
24 VDC

Z004 ”heat sink”

DC-link positive Z004 X15
DC-link negative

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Test 1: power state, main transformer and secondary rectifier

1. Disconnect cooling fans.
2. Auxiliary power supply card A002:
• Disconnect wires from connectors X2 and X4 and connect 230 VAC connector to the X2
and X4 (Do not connect it to the main supply voltage). Use the wire delivered with the
multipower wire set.
• Disconnect connector X1 and connect 24 VDC from Kemppi Multipower to the X1
(polarity is not important).
3. Connect 50 VDC from Kemppi Multipower to the DC-link circuit. Measure DC-link voltage before
connecting PSU to the DC link. Voltage must be under 10VDC, otherwise it may destroy the Multipower.
Connections can be found on Z004 card:
• +50V to the heat sink via screw.
• GND to the connector X15.
4. Switch on the Kemppi Multipower and connect the 230VAC plug to the main supply voltage.
5. ERR 3 should appear, if not machine cannot recognize the over/under voltage state. Connect jumper to
the control card A001 jumper block X12 to mask off the Over/under voltage detection.
6. Set machine to the MMA mode.
7. Measure voltages from following points (GND = minus terminal of machine):
• Z003 X7 voltage should be approx. +40V…+58V
• Z003 X9 voltage should be approx. -40V…-58 V
• Z003 X6 (copper rail) voltage should be approx. -6…-10 V
• Secondary heat sink voltage should be approx. +6V…+10 V
• VRD machine has +22VDC
8. If voltages are OK -> power stage is OK.
9. Switch OFF the Kemppi Multipower and disconnect 230VAC test wire main supply voltage plug.
10. Remove testing wires from DC-link (+50V in the heat sink screw and GND in the connector X15)
11. If making Test 2. jump to Test 2 step 4 otherwise disconnect testing test wires.
12. Connect back disconnected wires to the A002.
13. Disconnect jumper from the control card A001 jumper block X12.
14. Connect cooling fans

Next test

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Test 2: PFC card
1. Disconnect cooling fans.
2. Connect jumper to the control card A001 jumper block X12. If not connected -> ERR 3
3. Auxiliary power supply card A002:
• Disconnect wires from connectors X2 and X4 and connect 230 VAC connector to the X2
and X4 (Do not connect it to the main supply voltage). Use the wire delivered with the
multipower wire set.
• Disconnect connector X1 and connect 24 VDC from Kemppi Multipower to the card
connector X1.
4. PFC card Z004:
• Disconnect connector X4 and connect 24 VDC from Kemppi Multipower to the PFC card
connector X4.
5. Connect Multipower 22VAC to the main supply cable.
• Current limit must be set to 2,5A
6. Connect test wires to DC-link and DMM. Connections can be found on the Z004 card:
• DC-link positive in the heat sink via screw.
• GND to the connector X15.
7. Turn main switch to the OFF position.
8. Switch on the Kemppi Multipower and connect the 230VAC test wire plug to the main supply voltage.
9. Set machine to the TIG mode.
10. Switch on the main switch (22VAC goes to the machine primary)
• DC-link voltage should raise up to approx. 400 VDC.
• NOTE!! 430 VDC is maximum value. If the voltage rises higher switch off the main switch ->
PFC-circuit is not working correctly.
• If voltage is OK -> PFC is working correctly.
11. Switch off the machine main switch.
12. Switch the machine to MMA mode to discharge the DC-link.
13. Switch OFF the Kemppi Multipower and disconnect 230VAC main supply voltage plug.
14. Disconnect the testing wires and connect back A002 and Z004 wires.
15. Disconnect jumper from the control card A001 jumper block X12.
16. Connect cooling fans

Next test

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Test 3: Secondary over voltage watch (control card, secondary
inverter card)

1. Connect Kemppi multipower DC outputs (50 VDC, 24 VDC and 24 VDC) in the series. Outputs must
be protected by PTC-resistors (included to the cable set). See picture below.
2. Switch ON the Kemppi Multipower.
3. Switch ON the machine.
4. Set machine to the TIG-mode.
5. Touch to the machine terminals with tester wires.
6. Machine will show Err 6 on the display, if secondary voltage watch is working correctly.
7. Test secondary voltage watch with reversed polarity !
8. Disconnect the A001 X3 connector and switch the machine to MMA, error 6 should appear.
9. Connect A001 X3 connector to control card.

Kemppi Multipower
24 VDC 24 VDC 50 VDC


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Installation of semiconductors
Z001 Main circuit card

Voltage of the heat sink is approx.+ 400 V

Negative side IGBTs are insulated from

the heat sink by Mica/Aluminium oxide
insulators. Insulators have to be replaced
every time the main circuit card Z001 is
separated from the heat sink !!!

Heat transferring paste is applied as thin

layers on both sides of the insulators.
Absolutely no impurities are allowed on
surface of the insulators when mounting
them between the heat sink and the IGBT!

Aluminium oxide insulators are more
reliable in the primary and should be
used always if any primary repair work
is done. They are thicker than micas so
heat sink must be replaced.

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Installation of semiconductors
Z004 PFC card

Voltage of the heat sink is approx. + 400 V

IGBTs V4.. V7 are insulated from the heat

sink by Mica/Aluminium oxide insulators.
insulators must be replaced every time the
PFC- card Z004 is separated from heat
sink !!!

Heat transferring paste is applied as thin

layers on both sides of the insulators.
Absolutely no impurities are allowed on
surface of the insulators when mounting
them between the heat sink and the IGBT!

Aluminium oxide insulators are more
reliable in the primary and should be
used always if any primary repair work
is done. They are thicker than micas so
heat sink must be replaced.

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Installation of semiconductors
Z002 Secondary rectifier

Negative side diodes are insulated from

the heat sink by mica insulators. Mica
insulators have to be replaced always,
when the secondary diode card Z002 is
separated from heat sink !!!

Heat transferring paste is applied as thin

layers on both sides of the insulators.
Absolutely no impurities are allowed on
surface of the insulators when mounting
them between the heat sink and the

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Installation of semiconductors
Z003 Secondary inverter

Negative side IGBTs are insulated from

the heat sink by mica insulators. Mica
insulators have to be replaced every time
the main circuit card Z003 is disconnected
from heat sink !!!

Heat transferring paste is applied as thin

layers on both sides of the mica
insulators. Absolutely no impurities are
allowed on surface of the insulators when
mounting them between the heat sink and
the IGBTs!

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