Legal Compliance AUH

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EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.


LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Section 5.6: Legal Register Abu Dhabi

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
OSHAD SF Version 3.0 Requirements
This Decree aims to implement the
Environment, Health and Safety Management
System in the Emirate through provision of a EHSMS Approval from
unified tool at Emirate level to facilitate Industrial Sector and
Decree No 42 of 2009 UPC, contractors
implementation of legislations relevant to Yes Yes
and stakeholders
completed EHSMS Yes
Concerning OSHAD environment, health and safety and for implementation and
protection of human health and safety and the maintaining
environment and conservation of natural
This Regulation applies to the use and storage
of hazardous substances and mixtures, All
persons who work with asbestos or have a duty
to manage premises where asbestos
containing material(s) (ACM) have been Hazardous Handling of Hazardous
CoP 1.0 substances Substances Procedure –
identified or presumed to be present have to Yes
Hazardous Materials-V3.0 - July 2016 provide all the technical information they Yes Yes generated by UPC/EHS/5.004
require to meet Federal and Local legislative concrete EHSMS Documentation
requirements. It covers all operation, operation and records
maintenance, manufacturing, recycling, surface
preparation, sandblasting, painting, and any
other worksite where employees could have an
exposure to airborne lead at any level,
CoP 2.0 The requirements or measures to be taken to working in Personal Protective
ensure Personal Protective Equipment Yes Yes UPC, which might Equipment Procedure – Yes
Personal Protective Equipment-V3.0 - (referred to as PPE) is introduced carefully,
be exposed to UPC/EHS/5.007
July 2016 used properly and regularly maintained and risks.

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EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
Control measures identified Yes
Employee’s exposure to noise levels in excess Employees
in the risk register to
of 85 decibels (dB) at anytime during a work working in UPC
mitigate the noise
shift of 8 hrs. Ensure employees are not who are exposed
CoP 3.0 exposure
exposed to continuous, intermittent, or impact to noise levels
Occupational Noise-V3.0 - July 2016 noise levels above 130 decibels, unless the Yes Yes
appropriate hearing protection is provided;
develop a written “Hearing Conservation
Program” when they have noise hazards that
exceed 85 decibels.
To ensure that adequate first aid facilities and
procedures are established and ensure that
CoP 4.0 Applies to all Emergency Management
competent persons are readily available within
Yes Yes employee s, procedure – Yes
First Aid and Medical Treatment-V3.0 - the workplace to provide the services and contractors and
necessary supplies and equipment are present UPC/EHS/3.006
July 2016 visitors of UPC
and maintained in the workplace suitable to the
first aid or medical services required.
Heat stress related
hazards are identified, risks
are assessment and
Applies to all
appropriate control
employee s,
measures are implemented
Working in high temperature environments. contractors and
as per risk register –
High temperature environments include both visitors of UPC
CoP 11.0 UPC/EHS/4.001
weather (working outside in summer months) Yes Yes who are working, Yes
Safety in Heat-V3.0 - July 2016 and site operations (furnaces, ovens, other high inspecting,
Health surveillance
temperature operations) auditing and
requirements for the
visiting in heat
employees who exposed to
heat are identified EHS
performance monitoring
procedure –
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
Requirements regarding Manual handling Applies to
Manual handling relevant
which is any transporting or supporting of a employee s,
CoP 14.0 risks and appropriate
load (including the lifting, putting down, contractors of
Yes Yes mitigation measures are Yes
Manual Handling and Ergonomics-V3.0 - pushing, pulling, carrying or moving thereof) by UPC who are
identified in EHS Risk
July 2016 hand or by bodily force. The management of responsible for
register – UPC/EHS/4.001
risks associated with manual handling tasks. Manual handling
Requirements to establish standards and
principles that promote the design, construction All areas of office,
Electrical safety measures
CoP 15.0 and operation of safe and efficient systems of factory and sites
Yes Yes are identified in EHS risk Yes
wiring in buildings and other premises. where electricity is
Electrical Safety V3.0 - July 2016 register
Requirements for eliminating, preventing and used
controlling electrical hazards.
Permit to work
Requirements related to permit-to-work system.
Works involved in requirements and
Communication between site/installation
CoP 21.0 high level risk as methodologies are
management, plant supervisors and operators Yes Yes Yes
per Risk identified Hot works
Permit to Work-V3.0 - July 2016 and those who carry out the hazardous work.
Assessment procedure –
Essential features of permit-to-work systems.
This Code of Practice covers the requirements
relevant to the planning, preparation and All employees and
conduct of health and safety work practices in contractors where
Working at heights
CoP 23.0 connection with working at heights: people are
Yes Yes Procedure – Yes
(i) existing places of work and means of access exposed to
Working at Heights-V3.0 - July 2016 UPC/EHS/5.006
for working at height; (ii) fall prevention; (iii) working at
guardrail systems; (iv) safety nets; (v) fall arrest heights.
systems; and (vi) working platforms.
This applies to the servicing and maintenance Applies to Lock out tag out work
CoP 24.0 of machines and equipment in which the maintenance of instruction shall be
unexpected energization or start up of the Yes Yes machines and developed and Yes
Tag-out - Lock-out (Isolation)-V3.0 - July
machines or equipment, or release of stored electrical implemented by
energy could cause injury to workers. equipment in UPC maintenance department
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
establishes minimum performance
requirements for the control of such hazardous
The requirements that the risks associated with
hot work operations (welding and cutting), are
assessed, that control measures are
CoP 28.0 Applies to all hot
implemented in accordance with the hierarchy Hot Work Procedure –
Yes Yes work operations in Yes
Hot Work Operations (eg. Welding and of controls and that measures are taken to UPC/EHS/5.002
Cutting)-V3.0 - July 2016 prevent injury, illness and disease to persons
who might be exposed to risks arising from
those activities.
The requirements for risks associated with the
use of lifting equipment and lifting accessories
involving with or
are assessed, that control measures are
CoP 34.0 use of lifting Lifting operations
implemented in accordance with the hierarchy
Safe Use of Lifting Equipment and Lifting Yes Yes equipments and procedure – Yes
of controls and that measures are taken to
Accessories-V3.0 - July 2016 lifting accessories UPC/EHS/5.001
prevent injury, illness and disease to persons
All lifting
who might be exposed to risks arising from
operations of UPC
those activities.
This Code of Practice establishes the
requirements and standards so that the risks
associated with tilt-up and precast concrete EHS Risk register for
elements are assessed, that control measures Applies to tilt up precast operations –
CoP 42.0
are implemented in accordance with the Yes Yes and pre cast UPC/EHS/4.001 Yes
Pre-Cast Construction-V3.0 - July 2016 hierarchy of controls and that measures are constructions Lifting operation procedure
taken to prevent injury, illness and disease to – UPC/EHS/5.001
persons who might be exposed to risks arising
from those activities.
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance

This Code of Practice establishes the

requirements and standards so that the risks Movements all
CoP 44.0 EHS Risk register for
associated with site traffic and vehicles, mobile
Yes Yes transport safety – Yes
Traffic Management and Logistics-V3.0 - logistics can be prevented or reduced through equipments and
July 2016 the introduction of planning and physical control pedestrians

Requirements for the development and

implementation of the Waste Management UPC Operations Waste Management
CoP 54.0
requirements to the production, handling, Yes Yes and services procedure – Yes
Waste Management- V3.0 - July 2016 keeping, safe storage, transport, collection and waste generation UPC/EHS/5.005
disposal of all waste generated
Mechanism 1.0
The Integration of OHS Requirements in UPC employees, Submission of EHSMS
the Emirate of Abu Dhabi-V3.0 - July OSHAD SF version 3.0 requirements and its contractors, documents for approval
Yes Yes In progress
2016 Mechanism 4.0 Industrial sector EHSMS requirements. visitors and stake and implement the EHSMS
holders in UPC and maintain
EHSMS Submission, Review and
Approval-V3.0 - July 2016
Reporting through FORM E
& FORM G1 & G2
UPC employees,
Mechanism 6.0 EHSMS Performance reporting through FORM EHS performance
contractors, stake
Yes Yes monitoring procedure – In progress
EHSMS Performance and Incident E and reporting of all incidents through FORM holders and
G1 & G2 UPC/EHS/3.014
Reporting-V3.0 - July 2016 visitors
Incident reporting and
investigation procedure –
UPC employees, Reporting through
Mechanism 11.0 Reporting of all EHS incidents and investigation Yes Yes Yes
contractors, stake FORMG1 & G2 to
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
shall be conducted for all. Appropriate actions holders and Industrial sector
EHS Incident Investigation- V3.0 - July
to be taken for all EHS incidents to prevent the visitors Incident reporting and
same. investigation procedure –
All EHS roles and responsibilities shall be All employees of
Element 1 Roles and responsibilities
clearly identified, communicated to all roles. UPC, contractors,
Yes Yes procedure – Yes
Roles, Responsibilities and Self Evaluation of status of compliance of visitors and stake
regulation responsibilities shall be conducted holders

Identify EHS hazards, risks, consequences, All routines and

who may be harmed, probability and relevant Risk management
Element 2 non routine
control measures and residual risks for all Yes Yes procedure – Yes
activities of UPC
Risk Management routine and non routine activities of UPC and its UPC/EHS/3.004
and its contractors
Contractor selection, contractual agreements’,
compliance of EHSMS requirements by UPC contractors, Management of
Element 3
contractors, audit and inspection for Yes Yes sub contractors Contractors procedure – Yes
Management of Contractors contractor’s activities and compliance of UPC and stake holders UPC/EHS/3.005
EHSMS requirements.
EHS Committee forming, conduct EHS UPC contractors,
Element 4 Consultation and
meetings, consult with employees and Yes Yes sub contractors Yes
participation procedure –
Communication and Consultation contractors and stake holders
Identify EHS training and competency level Training procedure –
UPC employees
Element 5 through consults with employees and UPC/EHS/3.008 &
Yes Yes and high risk Yes
contractors. Provide EHS trainings and Competency Procedure
Training and competency activities
evaluate the effectiveness of the trainings. UPC/EHS/3.009
UPC employees,
Identify all emergency scenarios from routine Emergency Management
Element 6 contractors, stake
and non routine activities of UPC, its Yes Yes procedure – Yes
holders and
Emergency Management contractors and stakeholders. Provide UPC/EHS3.006
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
Emergency awareness and training to all
relevant employees and contractors. Evaluate
the compliance of requirements through
inspection and emergency drills
EHS performance
Monitoring of set EHS Objectives and targets, UPC employees, monitoring procedure –
Element 7 compliance of employees and contractors, contractors, stake UPC/EHS/3.014
reporting and investigation of all EHS near Yes Yes Yes
holders and Incident investigation and
Monitoring, Investigation and Reporting misses, dangerous occurrences, incidents and visitors reporting procedure –
accidents. UPC/EHS/3.010
UPC employees, EHS Inspection procedure
Element 8 EHS inspections and audits shall be performed contractors, stake – UPC/EHS/3.012
Yes Yes Yes
as per OSHAD SF version 3.0 requirements holders and Internal and External Audit
Audit and Inspection
visitors – UPC/EHS/3.013
Management Review
Element 9 Management review requirements shall be Yes Yes UPC EHSMS procedure – Yes
Compliance and Management Review implemented and maintained UPC/EHS/3.016
Ministerial Resolution 443/2010
The Ministry of Labour extended the prohibition
of work in the afternoon during this year an UPC employees Will be implemented every
extra month, thus making it three months, and contractors year by UPC to their
Abu Dhabi Municipality urges adherence according to the ministerial resolution No. / 443 workers who employees and contractors
to the afternoon work ban rules / 2010, which sets out the working hours of the Yes Yes Yes
works under the who are directly working
work performed under the sun and in open sun and in open under sun in sites and also
spaces during the summer period from mid- spaces in factory
June for the next three months. 12:30 pm until
3:00 pm
Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Executive Degree No. 42 of 2009
Article 2. This Decree aims to implement Development & Implementation of EHSMS EHSMS Developed and
the Environment, Health and Safety which meets the requirements of the Industrial Yes Yes All implemented in UPC and
Management System in the Emirate Sector and also meets the requirements of all contractors are
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
through provision of a unified tool at legal laws and regulations related to complying the same
Emirate level to facilitate implementation environment, health and safety.
of legislations relevant to environment,
health and safety and for protection of
human and safety and the environment
and conservation of natural resources.
Article 8. Entities shall do the following: EHSMS developed and
implemented within UPC
1. Develop and implement an and for their contractors to
EHSMS within their scope of UPC shall develop EHSMS based on OSHAD protect workers, society
work to protect workers, society SF Version 3.0 and also shall comply all legal and the environment result
and the environment from any laws and regulations which are related to from UPC activities.
adverse impacts that may result protect environment, health and safety. Ref: UPC EHSMS
from their activities, in
accordance with the
requirements of Abu Dhabi
EHSMS and any additional
requirements specified by Yes Yes Yes
Relevant Authority of the Sector. Internal and External Audit
procedure -
2. Conduct annual audit on their Entity Annual External
EHSMS to ensure compliance Audit procedure shall be developed and EHSMS Audit Report –
with OSHAD SF version 3.0. implemented by UPC and that procedure shall Form F
comply the OSHAD SF version 3.0 EHS performance
requirements monitoring Procedure
3. Prepare and submit periodical
Entity EHSMS quarterly
reports on the performance of EHS Quarterly performance shall be monitored
and reported to sector regulatory authority as performance – Form E
their EHSMS to the Relevant per the requirement of OSHAD SF version 3.0 Entity EHS incident Report
Authority of their sector, in – Form G, G1 & G2
accordance with the reporting
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
mechanism approved by the
higher committee.

Article 9. Entities referred to in the

preceding article of this decree shall
UPC shall develop and submit the EHSMS to Yes Ref: UPC EHSMS
develop and implement and EHSMS No All Yes
sector regulatory authority by complying the
within a period not exceeding two years
requirements of OSHAD SF version 3.0
from the date of notification by the
Relevant Authority of their Sector.
Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Ministerial Decree No.42 of 2009
Development & Implementation of EHSMS
Concerning Environment Health and which meets the requirements of the OSHAD
Approval from Industrial
Safety Management system in Abu Dhabi SF version 3.0 and Industrial Sector EHSMS Yes Yes All areas yes

Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Federal Law No : 8 of 1980

Article 91. Every employer must provide
adequate means of protection for the
employee from the hazards of injuries and
vocational diseases that may occur during
work as well as the hazards of fire and
Employer ensure to provide safe work place, Fire protection and
other hazards arising from use of
equipments, tools etc. and employees need to prevention procedure – Yes
machines and other tools, and he must
cooperate with the OH&S policy of the Yes Yes All areas UPC/EHS/5.003
apply all other means of protection as
company. And also shall provide PPE for all
approved by the Ministry of Labour &
employees and contractors
Social Affairs, and the employee must
use protective equipment and clothing
provided to him for such purpose and he
must abide by all instructions of the
employer aiming at his protection from
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
dangers and must not act in a way that
may obstruct the application of said

Article 92. Every employer must display at

All identified and foreseeable hazards must be
a conspicuous point in the place of EHS Risk Register –
thoroughly discussed prior the task begin and
business detailed instructions concerning UPC/EHS/4.001
ensure that it’s communicated clearly to all
methods to prevent fire and protect Yes
persons involved for the task as well as Communication,
employees from dangers while they Yes Yes All areas
affected person such as visitors and general Consultation and
perform their duties. Said instructions
public and clearly discussed as well the Participation Procedure –
shall read in Arabic and, if necessary, in
emergency response in the event of emergency UPC/EHS/3.011
another language understood by the
Article 93. Each employee has to arrange
for one medical aid box(s), supplied with
medicines, bandages disinfectants and
other relief aids, to be fixed in a
Emergency Management Yes
conspicuous place within the reach of
As per legal requirements. Yes Yes All areas procedure –
employees and to be used by a specialist
in handling first aids, and every one
hundred employees should be provided
with an aid box. Each first- aid box shall
be sufficient for every 100 employees.
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance

Article 94. Without prejudice to the

provisions of by-laws and regulations Welfare facilities are
issued by concerned government maintaining in good
authorities the employer must provide Provision of adequate welfare facilities as per condition, regular cleaning Yes
Yes Yes All areas
proper cleanliness and ventilation in each legal requirement. and inspections are
place of business and must provide such conducted by EHS
places with adequate illumination, potable department
water and toilets

Article 95.The employer must appoint

one physicians(s) to do full medical
check-up at least once each 6 months
regularly for his employees who are
exposed to the danger of infection with
any of the occupational diseases
reserved in the schedule attached hereto,
and to record the results in his registers Health Surveillance will be
and in the personal files of such conducted as per EHS Yes
Employed physicians he/she should health
employees and the cases of occupational Yes Yes All areas performance monitoring
authority A.D. (HAAD) approved
diseases must be reported instantly by procedure –
the doctors to the employers and the UPC/EHS/3.014
Labour Department after these become
certain through medical and laboratory
analysis. The physician in charge of
regular medical check-up may ask for a
second medical check-up for any
employee who is exposed to occupational
diseases before the lapse of the time limit
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
stated in the para. under this article if the
case of the employee so requires.
Article 96. The employer must provide
employees with means of medical care
according to the standards decided by the
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs in
collaboration with the Minister of Health.
The Minister of Labour and Social Affairs
has the capacity in consultation with the Health insurance is mandatory for every All employees of UPC are
Ministry of Health, to determine the employee under the control of organization. insured for health issues Yes
general Measures for health prevention Yes Yes All areas and also welfare facilities is
Working environment and welfare facilities
applicable to all establishments having maintaining in good
should ensure its adequacy, effectiveness and
staff and in particular such measures condition to avoid ill heath
relating to safety, illumination, ventilation
and dining rooms, as well as supply of
potable and cleaning water and measures
relating to purification of atmosphere form
dust and smoke and to stipulate
precautionary measures against fire and
electric current.
Article 97.The employer or his
Risk register and relevant
representative at the time of appointment
safe operating procedures
must keep employees informed of the
Risks, hazards identified and precautionary and work instruction will be
dangers related to their profession and
measures must be clearly communicated to all Yes Yes All areas communicated through tool Yes
preventive measures they have to take.
employees, visitors, general public etc. box talks, notice boards,
Moreover, the employer must display
awareness trainings and
detailed written instructions in this respect
safety campaigns
at places of business

Article 98. The employer of his UPC shall identify the dangers related to their Risk Management Yes
Yes Yes All
representative at the time of appointment regular and irregular activities through risk Procedure –
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
must keep employees informed of the assessment and those risks and dangers shall UPC/EHS/3.004
dangers related to their profession and be communicated to all employees related to
preventive measures they have to take. their job responsibilities through training and
Consultation and
Moreover, the employer must display notices
participation procedure-
detailed written instructions in this respect
at places of business.
Training procedure –
Competency procedure –
Article 99. Employers, agents of the
employers or any other persons having
authority on employees may not permit
entry of any kind of alcoholic drinks into Any infraction on the OH&S policy must be Yes
Yes Yes All areas yes
the places of business for consumption reinforce through safety disciplinary action
threat, and they may not permit entrance
into or stay at the establishment or any
intoxicated person.
Article 100.The employee shall abide by
instructions and orders related to
business safety and precautions, and
adopt precautionary methods and pledge
to care for items thereof in his
Employees needs to cooperate with all the Yes
possession. It is prohibited for an
precautionary measures provided by the Yes Yes All areas Yes
employee to act in any way that may
employer/EHS personnel
contravene enforcement of said
instructions or misuse methods placed for
health and safety protection of employees
or which may cause loss or damage to
the same.
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance

Article 101.Each employer who employs

employees in areas that are remote from
cities where there is no access to normal
means of transportation shall provide
employees with the following facilities
Adequate means of transport
Adequate accommodation
Drinking water
Proper foodstuff
Medical aid equipment All necessary facilities must be provided to all
employees under the control of organization Yes
Entertainment and sports amenities. Yes Yes All areas Yes
with no cost to the employees as per law
Areas to which all or part of the provisions
of this Article apply shall be stated by
decision of the Minister of Labour &
Social Affairs.

With exception of foodstuff, all services

referred to in this Article shall be at the
expense of the employer and nothing
hereof is to be borne by the employee.

Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Ministerial order 32 of 1982

Article 1. Every employer shall provide Prior the task begin ensure to conduct suitable Yes Yes All areas Yes Yes
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

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Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
the appropriate preventive measures for and sufficient risk assessment to eliminate or
the protection of workers from risks of mitigate the risk as low as reasonably
injuries or occupational diseases which practicable.
may occur during working hours and
against fire risks and all other risks which
may result from the use of machineries
and other equipments. The employer
shall also adopt other preventive
measures specified by the Ministry of
Labour and Social Affairs.
The worker shall use the protective
equipments and clothes supplied for this
purpose and shall comply with all the
instructions of the employer aiming to
protect him from risks and shall refrain
from doing any work which impedes the
implementation of such instructions.

Article 2. Every employer shall display at

prominent and conspicuous place,
detailed and clear instructions on All identified and foreseeable hazards must be
measures for the prevention of fire and thoroughly discussed prior the task begin and
the protection of workers from the ensure that it’s communicated clearly to all
dangers which they may be exposed to persons involved for the task as well as Yes
Yes Yes All areas Yes
during the performance of their work and affected person such as visitors and general
ways and means of dealing with occurring public and clearly discussed as well the
accidents; and the displayed instruction emergency response in the event of emergency
shall be written in Arabic and in other situation.
language understood by workers if
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
The employer shall place warning signs in
front of dangerous sites.
Article 3. Every employer or his
representative shall brief his employees
before they assume work on the Yes
Provision of suitable and sufficient information,
occupational risks such as fire and Yes Yes All areas Yes
instruction, training and adequate supervision.
machinery risks, dangers of falling and
relevant occupational diseases and other
Article 4. Every employer shall assign the
task of supervising first aid treatment to a
Employer ensure to provide competent first Yes
specialist in first and treatment and shall
aider capable to perform his/her duties and Yes Yes All areas Yes
provide for the first aid box the contents
specified in table No. (3) attached to this
Article 5. The employer shall take the
necessary measures to ensure that the
conditions prevailing in the place of work
provide sufficient protection for the health
and safety of the worker working in the
establishment and that he shall give
special attention to the following. Yes
Provision of adequate welfare facilities and safe
Yes Yes All areas Yes
The space assigned to each person shall working environment.
not be less than 400 cubic feet. This
measurement, however, shall exclude
any height of over 14 feet.
Avoid any insufficiency in the necessary
amount of clean air or delays in renewing
this air, and keep out all harmful air drafts
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
or sudden changes in temperature and,
as far as possible, eliminate excessive
humidity, excessive high or low
temperatures and bad-smelling air
Provide sufficient and appropriate lighting,
natural or artificial, by ensuring that
windows and other accesses to natural
lights are open and that the sources of
natural or artificial lighting avoid direct
forceful illumination and appreciable
difference in the distribution of lights in
close quarters.
Provide appropriate lighting for operations
varying in the degree of their accuracy,
using the guiding measures provided in
the table (1) attached.
Prevent or reduce the noise and tremors
which may endanger the health of
workers in compliance with the
permissible scientific standards.
Provide a place for meals in cases where
it is prohibited for workers to have their
meals at the work place. Food shall not
be served in the place of work under any
of the following conditions: When the
work involves the use or handling of
poisonous or harmful substances which
may spread in the workplace in the form
of dust, smoke or vapour.
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
Works in which workers are vulnerable to
detrimental radiations.
Works where parts of the body such as
the hands or the Works where parts of the
body such as the hands or the head, or
the worker’s clothes may come in contact
with harmful substances.
g) Provide adequate number of washing
basins for the workers to wash their
hands and apply the appropriate cleaning
materials for that purpose. Also supplying
sufficient and adequate toilets for workers
and suitable places for dressing and
keeping clothes and ensuring that the
clothes are regularly clean and kept in
good condition. And in all cases separate
facilities of such kind shall be assigned to
each sex of workers.
Article 6. The employer shall take COSHH assessments are reviewed forthwith
practical and appropriate measures to whenever there is reason to suspect that the
prevent or assessment is no longer valid or there has
reduce the health risks in the work place been a significant change in the work to which
and he shall give particular attention to the assessment relates, and otherwise at
appropriate intervals. Yes
the following: Yes Yes All areas Yes
That carrying out industrial operations or
otherwise are not detrimental to the information, instruction and training are given to
worker’s health or safety. employees, students and visitors about the
The operations which are harmful to risks presented by their work and the
health shall be carried out in separate precautions to be taken
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equipment to prevent contact with harmful
substances, gases, vapour, dust, fibres or
smoke shall not be allowed to spread in Compliance with the control of substance
the place of work in quantities harmful to hazardous to health (COSHH)
Veiling dangerous radiations from the
Dispose of substances harmful to health
so that the quantities of such substances
used in industrial operations do not
exceed the limits shown in table (2),
Promptly dispose of harmful dust,
spreading gases, vaporous or fibres at
the source of their formation by means of
employing exhaustive equipment or by
other appropriate engineering means or
by supplying adequate ventilation system.
Provide workers with protective clothes
equipped with the appropriate equipments
for personal safety, if the other adopted
measures proved to be impractical or
insufficient for the safety of the workers,
after training the workers in the use of the
equipment supplied and after providing
the necessary facilities for cleaning,
disinfecting and keeping in good condition
the said clothes according to the safety
standards required by the conditions of
the work in question.
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Article 7. Particular attention shall be
given to the following conditions at the
The floor of the work room shall have an
even surface made of material suitable for
the work in progress.
Sufficient space shall be left around the
machinery and units allowing space for
workers to move and perform their
ordinary duties without obstacles and
allowing for repair of the machinery or
shifting the materials used.
The passages shall be free of holes of Employer has ensure to maintain a safe
unfixed manhole covers, projecting nails, working environment, observed good Yes
pipes or other installations which may, housekeeping, adequate access and egress Yes Yes All areas Yes
cause a risk of collision, and the floors of and materials being used must be sound
the passages shall not be made of materials.
substances that may cause slipping.
Passages shall not be damped with
materials, work-equipment, products or
objects that may impede the movement of
the workers and subject them to the risks
of collisions or falling.
Staircases, elevated passages and
similar places must be made of floors
which do not cause slipping.
Staircases shall be surrounded by side-
railings made of bars set at narrow
distances to prevent object passing
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through the openings, or to have such
opening covered by hinged metallic
covers to prevent the fall of objects on
persons below, which may endanger their
The steps of the staircases shall be of
sufficient strength and wide enough to
allow safe passage and shall be
surrounded by side-railings from both
sides when one of its sides is not a wall.
Mobile ladders shall be of adequate
strength and their steps must be of
suitable dimensions, and their base or top
must be so designed to reduce the risk of
falling. However, ladders made of wood
shall not be painted with any kind of paint.
Article 8. The employer shall provide
necessary facilities for the prevention of
fire and fire-extinguishers appropriate for
the type of materials used in the
establishment and he shall observe the
following: Employer must ensure that all necessary
precautionary measures should be thoroughly
Provide entry, exit and ladders in the work discussed to the workforce to eliminate any Yes
Yes Yes All areas Yes
place in order to facilitate the speedy exit potential of fire hazard on the workplace.
of workers when fire breaks out in the
establishment or in any part of it without
The fire-extinguishing equipments must
be always kept in a condition suitable for
the purpose they are designated for and
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must be placed in locations of easy
access, and a sufficient number of
workers must be trained to use them.
There must be a fire alarming (warning)
system and the workers must be trained
to respond to fire warnings.
Where there are several work-rooms or
chambers at the work place connected to
one another they must be separated by
doors which prevent the spread of fire
from one room to the other.
Signs containing instructions for the
prevention of fire shall be displayed at the
inflammable places of work. Such signs
shall be projected in conspicuous
positions indicating the places of exits
and written in Arabic and in other
language understood by the workers, if
Article 9. The employer shall undertake Risk assessment Training
necessary precautionary measures to
Pro-active and Reactive monitoring
protect workers from the dangers of
falling, falling objects, flying metals or Trainings on PPE, Compressed gas cylinder
sharp bodies or caustic liquid materials, safety, flammable materials, and work at height Yes
or hot or inflammable or explosive to be provided Yes Yes All areas Yes
materials or other harmful materials. He
shall also make the appropriate
precautions for protection of workers from employer is accountable to provide a safe
dangers of compressed gases and working environment to the workforce as per
electricity and means of providing legal requirement.
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persons protection equipment designated
for such purpose or by providing personal
protection facilities such as protective
glasses, gloves, belts, uniforms, mask or
other protective clothes suitable for the
kind of work.

Article 10. The employer shall always

provide constant protective barriers to be
installed around the exposed mobile parts Machine Inspection – External/Internal
of generators or motors and around Yes
Yes Yes All areas Yes
dangerous machinery, mobile or
immobile, except when such parts are Provision of adequate
designed in a manner providing the barrier/ barricade to prevent contact with the
required safety standard. moving parts of any equipment and provision of
adequate signage and watchman.
Article 11. The employer when installing
barriers referred to in the preceding
article, shall observe the following:
Provide full protection against the
dangers for which they installed.
Prevent the contact of worker or part of Yes
Employer has ensure to the adequacy of safe
his body with the dangerous area Yes Yes All areas Yes
system of work.
throughout the period of work and at the
same time do not impede his
They do not impede production or the
work of the machine.
They do not impede the adjustment or
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repair of the machine or its inspection
with the least service.
They must be fire-resistant and rust-proof.
They may not be a possible cause for
accident which may result from the
barrier, protruding parts or because of its
sharp edges or rough extensions.

Shall be installed by competent personnel and

Article 12. When installing new machines
as per manufacturer instructions.
or operating equipment or parts, the
employer shall ensure that they are Yes
Yes Yes All areas
provided with the protection facilities
Employer has to ensure that all the dangerous
which meet the required protection
equipment/machine with moving parts has
sufficient machine guarding

Machine Inspections – Internal/External.

Article 13. The employer may not allow Training on machine safety.
any person to remove or install any Yes
barrier or any other part of the protective Yes Yes All areas Yes
equipment while the machine is running, Employer need to ensure that all person
and the machine shall not be operated working under the control of his organization
unless being re-installed in its place. must be adequately inducted.
Article 14. The employer shall display Standard pictorial sign boards to be provided
instruction sign-boards at the locations of and the employees shall be given awareness
machinery or operations stating the Yes
on the different sign boards used in the Yes Yes All areas
necessary technical measures and such industry.
instructions shall be written in Arabic or
other language understood by the
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workers, if necessary.
Article 15. Each worker shall comply with
the orders and instructions related to the
precautions taken for his safety and
security of work. The workers shall use
safety equipment and shall care for such
equipment in his possession. The worker
shall be prohibited from doing any act Employees duties shall be briefed and
which prevents the implementation of the awareness sessions to be provided.
said instructions or misuse the Yes
The employees are accountable to cooperate Yes Yes All areas Yes
equipments designed for protecting the and participate with all the necessary control
health and safety of the workers or measures to prevent any incident in the
damage such equipments. workplace.
The employer may impose disciplinary
punishments for any worker who violates
the regulations stated in the preceding

Article 16. When using steam boilers, the

employer shall observe the following:
Each boiler must have a suitable safety
valve, a suitable closing valve, and
apparatus for measuring the water level, Employer need to ensure to develop safe Yes
and another for measuring the steam system of work under the control of his/her Yes Yes All areas Yes
pressure and that all such equipments organization.
must be kept in good working condition as
long as the boiler is in use.
A suitably constructed room must be
allocated for the boiler, and shall be kept
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at a distance of at least three metres
away from any other building in the
establishment and the room shall have
good lighting.
A qualified person must be assigned to
supervise the boiler and a suitable place
shall be arranged for him either inside or
outside the boiler room so that he can
supervise effectively.
The maintenance and cleaning of the
boiler must be performed at least once
every two month by a qualified person
who shall comply with all safety
The boiler must be checked at least once
a year by a qualified person licensed to
do so by the competent labour
The person who checks the boiler must
prepare a report on the condition of the
boiler and the steps taken in performing
the check-up, provided that the employer
shall send a copy of such report to the
competent labour department and keep
one copy with the establishment.
When using pressure appliances, they
must be made of material which do not
react to chemical materials or rust, and
must be examined once a year by a
qualified person licensed by the
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competent labour department who shall
prepare a report thereon and send a copy
of such report to the competent labour

Article 17. The workers shall be Proper warning signs to be provided for the
prevented from entering the work site access control.
when machines are in operation except
when they are wearing the suitable outfits Yes Yes All areas Yes
as determined by the establishment to Suitable and sufficient information and
secure their safety. instruction to the workers, visitors, general
public etc. must be provided to prevent any
harm with them
Article 18. The employer shall take
precautionary measures to protect the
workers from dangerous materials by
keeping them stored safely in special
places or by placing such materials inside Appropriate measures are taken to prevent, or
suitable barriers or fences. When such where that is not reasonably practicable,
materials are kept in containers, such adequately control exposure to substances
hazardous to health. Yes Yes All areas Yes completed
containers must be closed tightly bearing
labels displaying the name of the contents
and the correct method of using them,
and the appropriate warnings against Employer shall at all time provide a safe
their dangers which must be written in working atmosphere for the employee
Arabic and in other language understood
by the workers if necessary.
Article 20. Hoisting machinery and towing Valid third party certification required for all
tools must meet the following conditions: lifting equipments and tools. Yes Yes All areas Yes
Each hoisting machine or elevator for The operators shall be competent and periodic
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carrying people or goods must be trainings to be given.
manufactured in solid state, consisting of
sound composition, and the parts must be
sufficiently solid. Such machines must be Ensure the adequacy of materials/equipment
provided with necessary technical being used and inspect regularly in accordance
maintenance and examined regularly, at with the manufacturer’s instruction
least once a year by a specialist.
Places of elevators must be surrounded Develop a risk assessment for manual handling
by high fences which prevent any person task to avoid any MSDS or CTDs
from jumping or approaching the moving
parts of the elevators. Doors must not be
opened while the elevator is moving.
A sign stating maximum loading capacity
of the elevator or machine must be
displayed in conspicuous place in the
The worker may not be asked to carry
loads beyond his capabilities and in cases
the carried load must not be more than 50
kilograms for a man and not more than 20
kilograms for a woman and use hoisting
equipment whenever possible in carrying
loads instead of depending upon human
effort only.
The chains, ropes or towing wires or
alike, must be in a solid state and must be
fully and continuously maintained at least
once every six months and must not be
Article 22. The responsibility in providing Gate security to be provided. Yes Yes All areas Availability of sufficient completed
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industrial security equipment for security service to comply
contracting works by the employer, main this law
contractor and sub-contractors shall be Employers accountable to provide all the
according to the following: necessary security measures on the workplace
and suitable equipment being mobilized on the
The employer shall be responsible for the
workplace and provision of PPE for the workers
industrial security conditions related to the
with no cost.
work-site and the equipment which he
Personal safety equipment for workers
shall be provided by the contracting
Article 23. The competent labour
inspector shall take a sample or samples
of the materials used in the manufacturing
process or other materials which are
subject to inspection and which may have
harmful effect on the workers health or
safety. Such samples shall be collected
for the purpose of analyzing them and
where necessary, arrangements are made for EHS performance
determining their effect on the workers,
monitoring of exposure to substances monitoring procedure – Yes
and the inspector shall notify the
hazardous to health and/or for suitable health Yes Yes All areas UPC/EHS3.014
employer or his representative of the
surveillance of those who are liable to be
results of the analysis and of any
exposed to such substances.
measures required to be taken in this
concern. The inspector may demand if
necessary that medical examination be
carried out on the establishment's
workers and that other clinical and
laboratory examination be made to
ensure that the appropriate conditions are
provided. Such checks and examinations
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shall be made during the official working
hours when they are conducted inside the
establishment as specified by provision of
Article (175) of Law No. (8) 1980
concerning the regulation of labour
Article 24. The employer shall notify the
competent labour department on
accidents which that may occur during
working hours in his establishment and
which may cause the following:
The death of a worker
Fires or explosions
Rendering any of the workers unfit to EHS performance
perform his work for three or more days. monitoring procedure –
The employer shall give notice of such UPC/EHS/3.014
accident in the form show in table (4) As per legal requirements Yes Yes All areas
attached to this decision, provided that
Incident reporting and
notification shall be as follows:
investigation procedure –
In case of the death of a worker, fire or UPC/EHS/3.010
explosion, notice must be given
immediately after the occurrence of the
accident through the fastest means of
communication available.
When a worker becomes unable to do his
work for three or more days, notice must
be given within 24 hours following the
occurrence of the accident.
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In all cases, however, the employer shall
present to the competent labour
department, a report in two copies, once
every three months, containing an
account of the injuries of work and
occupational diseases in the form
designated for that purpose, provided that
the said report shall not be delayed for
more than 15 days from the expiry date of
the three-month period referred to herein.
The employer shall keep a third copy of
the said report at his establishment so
that the competent labour inspector may
have easy access to it when he visits the
Article 25.The labour inspector entrusted
with the tasks specified in this Decision
shall have the following qualifications: Training procedure –
Ensure that the person involved for a certain UPC/EHS/3.008
When undertaking duties related to Yes
task has sufficient knowledge, skills,
industrial security he must be an engineer Yes Yes All areas
experienced and training to perform his/her
or a technician experienced in this field.
duties and responsibilities. Competency procedure –
When undertaking duties related to UPC/EHS/3.009
health, he must be a doctor specialized in
vocational health.
Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Local law No.16 of 2005

Article 14, Establishment or individual is

prohibited to carry out any activity that Yes
Prior approval from the authority Yes Yes All areas Approval from
could adversely affect the lives of human
beings and the safety of the environment
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before obtaining a license from the
Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Local law No.21 of 2005
Waste management within the premises
Waste management
Disposal through approved waste handlers Waste management Yes
Yes Yes All areas procedure –
Documentation related to waste UPC/EHS/5.005

Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Local law no.23 of 2005

Executive regulations regarding the Health insurance as per the requirements

Yes Yes All areas Yes
health insurance scheme

Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Federal law No.24 of 1999
Cause no environmental impacts
Environmental impact assessment of the
project Yes
Protection & development of environment Yes Yes All areas Yes
Monitoring of air, water, land, waste generated.
Protection of air from pollution

Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Ministerial order No.12 of 2006
Air quality monitoring reports
Protection of air from pollution Yes Yes All areas Yes

Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Ministerial order No.37 of 2001
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Environmental impact assessment of the
Environmental Impact Assessment of project Yes
Yes Yes All areas Yes

Risk assessment
Accidental Release, Spill Prevention Yes
Handling Hazardous material, Hazardous
Mechanisms Yes Yes All areas Yes
wastes and medical wastes
MSDS of the chemicals
Proper storage, handling and disposal through
approved waste handlers
Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Abu Dhabi Emirate Environment Protection Policies (EEPPs)
Part 1 –Air Quality
Part 2 – Water Quality
Part 3 – Land Quality
Part 4 – Noise
Part 5 – Waste
Protection of Environment from pollution Yes
Part 6 – Hazardous substances Yes Yes All areas Yes
Protection of employees from risks
Part 7 – Occupational & Environmental
Health and safety
Part 8 –Bio diversity & Conservation

Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Abu Dhabi Emirate Environment Protection Policies Standards
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Part 1 –Air Quality
Part 2 – Water Quality
Part 3 – Land Quality Yes
Monitoring of air, water, land and Noise Yes Yes All areas Yes
Part 4 – Noise Quality

Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Industrial Safety and Health Regulations

Occupational Health and Environmental Yes

As per the requirements Yes Yes All areas Yes
Control SSUAE No.209/1995

Law / Regulation / Standard – Title / Issue Date Federal Law no 24 of 1999

Executive By-Laws for Federal law No. When commencing production, service or other
(24) of 1999, Regulation for the Protection activities, namely when operating any Yes
of Air from Pollution, Article 11 equipment and machinery or using horns or Yes All Yes Yes
loud speakers, businesses must not exceed the
allowable limits of noise.
Executive By-Laws for Federal law No. Requires businesses to provide sufficient
(24) of 1999, Regulation for the Protection ventilation at work sites and take necessary Yes
precautions and provisions for avoiding any Sufficient ventilation are
of Air from Pollution, Article 12 Yes Yes
leak or emission of air pollutants except within provided in the factory
the allowable limits.
Requires businesses to conduct periodic
Executive By-Laws for Federal law No. analysis of air pollutant emissions and to record
(24) of 1999, Regulation for the Protection the particulars of such emissions. Further, they Yes EHS Performance Yes
of Air from Pollution, Article 15 should also maintain a record of measurements Yes All monitoring procedure –
of such pollutants for a period of five years from UPC/EHS/3.014
the date of such analysis as well as to avail
such records for review by authorized
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authorities and competent authority personnel,
entitled with such jurisdiction.

Businesses generating hazardous wastes shall

observe the following: (a) Endeavour to reduce
generation rates of such wastes in both quality
and quantity by developing the utilized
technologies and adopting clean production
principle and the selection of product or raw
material alternatives of lesser damage to the
environment; (b) Describe and record the
quality and quantity of generated wastes; (c)
Construction and operation of waste treatment
Executive By-Laws for Federal law No. units in the source subject to the competent
(24) of 1999, Regulation Concerning authority’s approval of treatment method, Waste Management
Handling of Hazardous Substances, technical specifications and operation Procedure –
Hazardous Wastes and Medical Wastes, programmes of such units. If the treatment or UPC/EHS/5.005 Yes
General Rules and Procedures for disposal of hazardous wastes in their source Yes Yes All
Hazardous Waste Management, Article Handling of Hazardous
was impossible, the generating party shall
10 substances procedure –
collect and transport them to the places
allocated to such purpose as determined by the
competent authority; 2. Collection and Storage
of Hazardous Waste: Parties generating
hazardous wastes shall observe the following:
(a) Determine certain places for storing
hazardous materials meeting safety conditions
preventing any damages to the public (b)
Storage of hazardous wastes in special
containers made of block material free from
holes resisting leakage provided with tight caps
and seals and of enough capacity to hold the
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hazardous wastes (c) Clear marks shall be
placed on hazardous waste storage containers
stating the containers contents and indicating
the hazards which might arise upon improper
handling of such materials (d) Set up a time
programme for the collection of hazardous
waste so as not to be left for a long period in
storage containers (e) In case of mobile
containers, the hazardous wastes generating
party shall not put such containers in public
areas and shall not damage the environment;
3. Transport of Hazardous Wastes: Hazardous
wastes shall not be transported by any means
other than those belonging to parties licensed
to manage hazardous wastes and such means
must meet the following conditions: (a)
Transport vehicles shall be equipped with all
safety equipment (b) Hazardous waste
transport vehicles must be capable of
containing hazardous wastes without any
leakage; (c) Transport vehicles shall be of
capacity suitable to the quantity of hazardous
wastes (d) These vehicles shall be driven by
trained licensed drivers capable of taking
necessary actions especially in emergency
cases (e) Vehicles shall display clear marks
indicating the extent of danger of their loads
and the best course of action in emergency
cases (f) Determination of the routes of
hazardous wastes transport vehicles and
immediately advising the Civil Defense
Authorities of any change in such routes
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enabling Civil Defense Authorities to take
immediate sound actions in emergency cases
4. Treatment and Disposal of Hazardous
Wastes: a. The licensed party shall, in
coordination with the concerned authorities,
select the sites of hazardous waste treatment
and disposal plant in an area of not less than
five kilometers away from residential and urban
gatherings. The following conditions, equipment
and installations must be available: a1) The site
area shall commensurate with the quantity of
hazardous wastes expected to be collected, a2)
Site shall be surrounded by a brick wall not less
than 2.5 meters high, a3) Site shall be provided
with more than one door of suitable opening
permitting easy entrance of hazardous waste
transport vehicles, a4) Site shall be provided
with water source, toilets and a telephone line,
a5) Site shall be provided with all mechanical
equipment facilitating work movement therein,
a6) Site shall be provided with equipped stores
for keeping hazardous wastes until treatment
and disposal thereof, a7) Site shall be provided
with an incinerator for burning all kinds of
hazardous wastes, a8) Site shall be provided
with the necessary equipment and installations
for sorting and classifying some hazardous
wastes for recycling purposes, a9) Site shall be
provided with sanitary burial hole of a suitable
capacity for burying incineration leftovers.
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Businesses producing or handling hazardous
wastes, whether in liquid, gaseous or solid
state shall take all precautions necessary for
preventing any environmental damages and
shall in particular observe the following: 1.
Selection of the site on which such materials
shall be produced or stored under necessary
conditions in accordance with the quality and
quantity of such materials; 2. Buildings inside
which such materials are produced or stored
shall be designed in accordance with the
engineering standards and criteria which must
Executive By-Laws for Federal law No. be observed for each kind of such materials.
(24) of 1999, Regulation Concerning Such buildings shall be subject to periodic Waste Management
Handling of Hazardous Substances, inspection by the competent unit; 3. Procedure –
Hazardous Wastes and Medical Wastes, Technology used for the production of such Yes UPC/EHS/5.005 Yes
General Rules and Procedures for materials as well as all suitable equipment and All
Hazardous Waste Management, Article Handling of Hazardous
systems shall not cause any damage to the
13 substances procedure –
installations, environment or personnel; 4.
Buildings shall include security, safety, alarm,
fire fighting and first aid systems and
equipment in proper quantities and numbers in
coordination with Ministry of Health, Civil
Defense Directorate and the competent
regularity unit; 5. Emergency plan shall be set
for facing any expected accidents during
production, storage, transport or handling
operations of such materials provided such
plan shall be approved by the competent
regularity unit; 6. Staff of hazardous wastes
handling parties shall be subject to periodic
medical check-up, provided the results of such
EHSMS – System Procedure Doc No: UPC/EHS/3.003

LEGAL COMPLIANCE Date: 09/01/2017

Applicable to Area of Licenses / Compliance Status of

Clause / Article / Reference Requirement / Obligation
CO C/S Applicability Records Required Compliance
medical check up shall be kept in the file of
each person, and provided they shall be treated
from all occupational diseases under the U.A.E.
applied laws, rules and regulations.
Executive By-Laws for Federal Law No. Businesses generating hazardous wastes
(24) of 1999, Regulation Concerning under the provisions of this Law shall maintain
Waste Management
Handling of Hazardous Substances, a record for such a wastes including: · 1. Full
Procedure –
Hazardous Wastes and Medical Wastes, description of wastes showing their dangers
UPC/EHS/5.005 Yes
General Rules and Procedures for and their physical and chemical characteristics; Yes Yes All
Hazardous Waste Management, Article 2. Quantities; 3. Sources; 4. Collection rates Handling of Hazardous
14 and periods; 5. Transport means; 6. Treatment substances procedure –
method; 7. The name of the contractor to UPC/EHS/5.004
which these wastes are delivered.

 OSHAD SF version 3.0
 OSHAD SF version 3.0 Mechanisms and Elements
 OSHAD SF version 3.0 COPs
 ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management systems – Requirements
 OHSAS 18001:2007 –Occupational Health & Safety management systems – Requirements

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