Low Cost, High Efficiency Solar Cell Based On Dye-Sensitized Colloidal TiO2 Film
Low Cost, High Efficiency Solar Cell Based On Dye-Sensitized Colloidal TiO2 Film
Low Cost, High Efficiency Solar Cell Based On Dye-Sensitized Colloidal TiO2 Film
10- 7 S m 2 r' for H 2 P and ZnP respectively at room temperature. maximum jump times of 0.6 and 2 ps for solid ZnP at room
The presence of the central zinc atom therefore seems to increase temperature and the mesophase at 100 °C, respectively.
the conductive properties of the solid slightly. Our results confirm that the transport of charge can occur
In Fig. 2, (6.u/ D) 0 is plotted as a function of temperature. very rapidly within an organized self-assembly of porphyrin
For H 2 P, a single, sharp decrease occurs at the transition from moieties even in a relatively fle xible, liquid crystalline phase.
the solid to the isotropic liquid. No conductivity could be Such peripherally hydrocarbon substituted compounds may
detected in the isotropic phase. For ZnP, the conductivity therefore be considered to provide model systems which
decreases abruptly, but does not disappear completely, at the crudely mimic the channelling of energy and charge found in
solid to liquid-crystal transition temperature. The conductivity the highly varied antenna chlorophyll arrays of photosynthetic
in the mesophase is a factor of - 3 less than in the solid with membranes. 0
(6.u/ D) 0 = 0.5 x 10- 7 S m 2 r 1 • This increases slightly with fur-
ther increase in temperature in the mesophase and then suddenly Received 9 July; accepted 13 September 1991.
drops to zero at the clearing point of ZnP. 1. Gregg, 8. A .. Fox, M. A. & Bard, A. J. J. Am. chem. Soc.. 111, 3024 - 3029 (1989).
We conclude that the long-range columnar order of porphyrin 2. Weber, P., Gurllon. D. & Skoulios, A. Liq. CrysL 9, 369-382 (1991).
moieties in the solid and liquid-crystalline phases is essential 3. Warman. J. M. & de Haas. M. P. in Pulse Radiolysis. Ch. 6 . (ed. Tabata, Y.) 101- 133 (CRC, Boca
Raton, 1991).
for the conductive properties observed. In the isotropic liquid 4. Warman, J. M. & de Haas, M. P. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 34, 581- 586 (1989).
phase, any molecular organization that might occur must be of 5. Eley, D. D. Malec. Crysl. Liq. Cryst. 171, 1 - 21 (1989).
6. Simon, J. & Anore, J-J. Molecular Semiconductors (Springer, Berlin. 1985).
such a limited temporal or geometrical extent that it cannot 7. Pietro, W. J.. Marks, T. J. & Ratner, M. A. J Am. chem. Soc. 107, 5387- 5391 (1985).
support charge conduction. The results provide definitive 8. Warman, J.M., de Haas,M. P., van der Pol, J. F. & Drenth, W. Chem. Phys. Letr. 164, 581 - 586 (1989).
9. Warman, J M. in The Study of Fast Processes and Transient Species by Electron Pulse Radiolysis
evidence, therefore, for the general supposition that electrons (eds Baxendale, J. H. & Busi, F.) 433- 533 (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1982).
and/ or holes can move rapidly along the axis of column-stacked 10, Schmidt. W. F. & Allen, A. 0 . J Phys. Chem. 72, 3730- 3736 (1968).
7T-systems 5 •6 • The decrease in conductivity on going from the 11. Shinsaka, K. & Freem an, G. R. Can. J. chem. 52, 3495 - 3506 (1974).
12. Cox, C. A. & Knight, P. C. J Phys. C. 7, 146- 156 (1974).
crystalline solid to the mesophase is attributed to a lower charge 13. rv1ott. N. F. Conduc tion in Non-Crystalline Materials. Ch. 6 (Clarendon. Oxford. 1987).
mobility. This is probably due to an increase in positional
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. We thank M. Northolt and S. J. Picken (AKZO Research Laboratories, Arnhem)
disorder of the porphyrin moieties 7 on melting of the hydrocar- for X-ray diffraction analysis of the ZnP compound and for helpful discussions. The synthetic work
bon mantle. was sponsored by the Texas Advanced Technology Program.
electron transfer from a redox species in solution which is then easily. Films of 10 µm thickness consisting of particles with an
reduced at the counter electrode. The monochromatic current average size of 15 nm gave linear photocurrent response up to
yield full sunlight and were used throughout. A cubic close packing
of 15-nm-sized spheres to a 10-µm-thick layer is expected to
7/ i(A ) = LHE(A) X <Pinj X 7/e (1)
produce a 2,000-fold increase in surface area.
where LHE (light harvesting efficiency) is the fraction of the Absorption spectra obtained for such nanostructured TiO 2
incident photons that are absorbed by the dye, <Pinj is the quan- films are shown in Fig. 3. Bare films are transparent and colour-
tum yield for charge injection and 7/e is the efficiency of collecting less, displaying the fundamental absorption edge of anatase
the injected charge at the back contact, expresses the ratio of (band gap 3.2 eV) in the ultraviolet region. Deposition of a
measured electric current to the incident photon flux at a given monolayer of the trimeric ruthenium complex 15 ·16 , RuL 2 (µ-
wavelength. The photovoltage ~ V in Fig. I, generated by the (CN) Ru ( CN) L;) 2 , 1, where Lis 2,2' bipyridine-4,4' -dicarboxylic
cell , corresponds to the difference between the Fermi level in acid and L' is 2,2'-bipyridine, results in deep brownish-red
the semiconductor under illumination and the Nernst potential coloration of the film. The absorption onset is shifted to 750 nm,
of the redox couple in the electrolyte. the light harvesting efficiency reading almost I 00% in the whole
Although attempts to use dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical visible region below 550 nm . Integration of the spectral overlap
cells in energy conversion have been made before, the efficiency between a solar emission of AM 1.5 and this absorption band
of such devices has been extremely low and practical applica- shows that 46% of the incident solar energy flux is harvested
tions have seemed remote . One problem is that of poor light by the dye coated film (AM= 1/ sin a where a is the angle of
harvesting. On a smooth surface, a monomolecular layer of incidence of the solar rays at the Earth's surface ),
sensitizer absorbs less than l % of incident monochromatic light. The optica l density of the film at 478 nm corrected for the
Attempts to harvest more light by using multilayers of dye have absorption by the conducting glass support was 2.45. Dividing
in general been unsuccessful. The remaining option is to increase by the extinction coefficient 16 of I ( e478 = L88 x 10 7 cm 2 mol - 1)
the roughness of the semiconductor surface so that a larger yields the dye surface concentration, r = 1.3 x 10- 7 mol cm - 2 ,
number of dye molecules can be adsorbed directly to the surface As each dye molecule occupies an area 16 of I nm 2, the inner
and can simultaneously be in direct contact with the redox surface of the film is 780 cm 2 for each I cm 2 of geometric surface,
electrolyte. Matsumura et al. 12 and Alonso et al. 13 have used Thus, the roughness factor is 780, which is smaller than the
sintered ZnO electrodes to increase the efficiency of sen sitization predicted value of 2,000. The difference is attributed to necking
by rose bengal and related dyes. Willig, Parkinson and col- between TiO 2 particles. In addition , the large si ze of I prevents
leagues14 have reported high quantum yields for the dye sensitiz- its access to very small pores, reducing the apparent surface area.
ation of SnS 2 . But the conversion yields from solar light to The photocurrent action spectrum obtained with the dye-
electricity remained well below l % for these sys tems. In addition, coated TiO 2 film is also shown in Fig. 3. It closely matches the
the instability of the dyes employed presented a severe practical absorption spectrum, indicating that the current is due to elec-
drawback. By using semiconductor films consisting of tron injection from I into the conduction band of TiO 2 , The
nanometer-sized TiO 2 particles, together with newly developed photocurrent yield measured at 520 nm was found to depend
charge-transfer dyes, we have improved the efficiency and stabil-
ity of the solar cell.
High-surface-area TiO 2 films were deposited on a conducting
glass sheet from colloidal solutions . A transmission electron
micrograph of the colloid is shown in Fig. 2. Electronic contact
between the particles was produced by brief sintering at 450 °C.
The size of the particles and pores making up the film is control-
led by the size of the particles in the colloidal solution. The
internal surface area of the film is determined by the size of the
particles and the thickness of the film. These parameters were
optimized to obtain efficient light harvesting while maintaining
a pore size large enough to allow the redox electrolyte to diffuse
semiconductor dye electrolyte conducting glass
............ . .
E /< (S+/S' )...................... / .•.·••·.· •·t·•·•·•
··~ ···.··.·.· ... · .· . . ·.···
- (~1#
>>(s+;s) · ·
FIG. 2 Transmission electron micrograph of Ti0 2 particles used in thin film
production. The scale bar represents 10 nm. Particles were prepared by
hydrolysis of titanium tetraisopropox ide1 8 ·19 foll owed by autoclaving for 12 h
at 200 °C. To form films the sol was concentrated by evaporation of water
load in vacuum at 25 °C until a viscous liquid was obtained. Carbowax M-20,000
(40% by weight of Ti0 2 ) was added and the viscous dispersion (Ti0 2 content
20% by weight) was spread on the conducting glass support (Asahi glass.
fluorine-doped Sn0 2 overlayer, transmission 85% in the visible, sheet resist-
ance BO/ square ) to give a membrane of 10 µm thickness . This was heated
FIG. 1 Schematic representation of the principle ot the dye-sensitized under air for 30 min at 450 °C. High-resolution scanning electron microscopy
photovoltaic cell to indicate the electron energy level in the different phases. revealed Ti0 2 films to be composed of a three-dimensional network of
The cell voltage observed under illumination corresponds to the difference, interconnected nanoscale particles 1 9 . Transmission electron micrographs
a V, between the quasi-Fermi level of Ti0 2 under illumination and the of Ti0 2 particles were taken before heat treatment; the annealing of 450 °C
electrochemical potential of the electrolyte. The latter is equal to the Nernst did not induce significant changes in particle size. Before dye coating, a few
potential of the redox couple (R/R -) used to mediate charge transfer between monol ayers of Ti0 2 were electrodeposited onto the colloidal Ti0 2 film from
the electrodes. S, sensitizer; S*, electronically excited sensitizer; s+,oxidized a Ti (III ) solution. Detailed description of this procedure will be published
sensitizer. elsewhere (L. Kaven, B.O'R., A. Kay and M.G., manuscript in preparation ).
tage]) are 0.76 and 0.685, respectively. Similar yields were <( 0 0
E o. 7
obtained under direct sunlight (measurements performed in 0 0 0. ~ 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 0 5 0 6
w OJ B
Super-spiral structures in an
quality of the printed pictures.
Spiral waves with many turns were created by the following
excitable medium procedure: at the beginning of the experiment, the sulphuric
acid concentration was reduced (to -0.2 M) to avoid the spon-
V. Perez-Muiiuzuri*, R. Aliev, B. Vasiev, taneous appearance of wave sources. Spiral waves were pro-
duced in this medium by the breaking of a circular wave. To
V. Perez-Villar* & V. I. Krinsky increase the frequency and the number of spiral turns, sulphuric
Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics,
acid was added until it reached its final concentration (0.5 M ).
Academy of Sciences USSR, 142292 Pushchino, Moscow Region, USSR This procedure made it possible to create a single vortex of
* Departamento Fisica de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Fisicas, -14 turns, with period T, = 94 s and wavelength A,= 0.34 cm
E-15706 University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Fig. I ).
After the medium had become homogeneous, the spiral waves
ROTATING spiral waves have been observed in various excitable were perturbed by switching the current on and off. This resulted
media, including heart muscte1, retinae2, cultures of the slime in the successive increasing and diminishing of the size of the
mould Dyctiostelium discoideum 3 •4 and chemical oscillators such core 12, so that the spiral tip described a 'flowerlet' pattern. The
as the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reactionS-7 • Under certain con- ratio of two frequencies associated with this motion was about
ditions the spiral wave does not exhibit simple periodic rotation, six.
but quasiperiodic8 (or 'compound' 9 ) rotation, in which the spiral's When this highly meandering tip motion occurs, the spiral
origin (the tip) meanders 10. Recent calculations 11 have shown that shape becomes asymmetric. Some of the wavefronts that make
highly meandering tip motion can impose superstructures on spiral up the spiral approach each other (see Fig. 2a ). When the picture
waves. Here we reproduce these patterns experimentally, using the is processed by subtracting one image from another, a su per-
BZ reaction as the excitable medium. We induce high tip meander structure appears with the shape of a spiral wave (Fig. 2b ). This
by applying pulses of electrical current locally at the tip 12 • Image super-spiral does not disappear with time, but rotates as the
processing of the patterns reveals a spiral wave of larger wavelength base spiral does; the tips of both spirals always coincide ( Fig.
superimposed on the original wave, an effect that can be described 3). Note that the same results were observed numerically 11
in terms of a Doppler shift in the original spiral. (compare upper and lower parts of Fig. 2).
All our experiments were performed in a BZ reaction 13 The period and wavelength of the super-spiral ( T,, = 540 s
in silica gel at room temperature (20 °C). A 0.9-mm-thick gel and Ass = 2 cm) proved to be six times as great as those of the
layer containing ferroin (0.008 M) was prepared in a Petri dish. base spiral. In contrast, the linear velocity was roughly equal
During the experiments this layer was covered with a thick for both spirals.
(6- 8 mm) solution of the other BZ reaction components: The super-spiral can be considered to be the result of the
0.1 M NaBrO 3 , 0.1 M CH 2 (COOH) 2 and 0.5 M H 2 SO4 • approach between fronts of the base spiral. In this case, the
The highly meandering tip motion needed for the production wave period detected at any point in the medium changes
of superstructures was enhanced by using stepwise pulses of periodically with time. Figure 4a shows this effect, measured at
electric current 12 with a period of 11 min. In each period, the a point near the centre of Fig. 2a.
voltage (1.5 V, -5 mA) was switched on for 4 min. The results presented in Fig. 4a can be interpreted by the
The electrical circuit used (analogous to that in ref. 12) Doppler effect. If we suppose that the waves of the spiral are
included two electrodes immersed in the liquid layer. One of emitted by a source rotating around a circle at constant velocity
these was a circular electrode which ran around the border of v1 and period T,,, then the period of waves at any point in the
the Petri dish, the other was needle-shaped (0.6 mm diameter) . medium is given by the equation
The needle was placed over the spiral tip (3 mm into the liquid
layer). Two different types of electrodes, stainless steel and T(t)= T,{1+ !::.!.cos(21r_:__+ ¢ )} (l )
platinum, were used, with the same results. v0 T,,
FIG. 1 Rigidly rotating spiral waves (a) for t he phase-reaction/ diffusion The appearance and behaviour in the two cases are strikingly similar:
equation, d'l'/dt = R{1- 15 sin (\I')} +aV 2 '1' +f31V 'l' l2 (refs 11 and 15; and P. constant wavelength, sharp fronts and rigid rotation around the centre. The
Hanusse and V.P.M., manuscript in preparation) and (b) in the BZ reaction. black spot in the centre of b is the electrode shadow.