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Dance Syllabus Hooks

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Dance Syllabus

Dublin Middle School

Ms. Hooks
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 11:55am-12:55pm per appointment

Dear parents and students,

Welcome to Dublin Middle School’s Dance Program! I am Ms. Hooks and I am very excited to
have the 1st Dance Program in Dublin City Schools! Students will explore multiple dance genres,
dance history and culture, choreography, dance elements, and learn how to express themselves
through dance. It will also encourage healthy living through exercise. This class will enhance
students’ critical thinking skills, coordination, strength and flexibility. Let’s work together to make this a
great experience for all!

Course Descriptions based on GA Standards for Education:

Dance/ Grade 5 - Enhances previous course. Develops dance concepts that recognize
anatomy and kinesiology of movement, emphasize proper technique and choreographic
principles, execute a large range of locomotor movements and movement combinations, and
integrate the use of technology and media

Dance/ Grade 6 - Introduces students to basic dance knowledge in order to develop coordination,
flexibility, and strength through various dance forms with an emphasis on ballet, jazz, and modern
techniques. Students learn about dance history and movement sciences as they relate to injury
prevention and technical training.

Dance/ Grade 7 - Introduces and refines basic dance knowledge, terminology, and skills through
various dance forms with an emphasis on ballet, jazz, and modern techniques. Students learn about
dance history and movement sciences as they relate to injury prevention and technical training.
Students participate in informal and/or formal performances with their peers, and demonstrate proper
dance etiquette in the classroom and in the performance environment. Students may or may not have
taken the sixth grade course.

Dance/ Grade 8 - Introduces and refines basic dance knowledge, terminology, and skills through
various dance forms with an emphasis on ballet, jazz, and modern techniques. Students learn about
dance history and movement sciences as they relate to injury prevention and technical training.
Students participate in informal and/or formal performances with their peers, and demonstrate proper
dance etiquette in the classroom and in the performance environment. Students may or may not have
taken the seventh grade course.

Grading Scale:

Participation: 60%
(Daily grade: 50 points for dressing out/50 points for participating & averaged weekly)

Tests, Projects, Surveys: 40%

(Be sure you complete your Google Classroom assignments on time.)
Participation and General Classroom Procedures:

Daily participation in dance class is essential in order to pass dance.

 A DOCTOR OR NURSE NOTE is the only note that will excuse a student from active
participation in class. Students with a doctor’s note will be given an alternative assignment.
 Students must properly dress out in his/her gym uniform or movement clothes for each class
period unless otherwise instructed. We will not dress out yet until it is safe due to covid.
Students can receive 100 points per day (50 points for dressing out and 50 points for
participating). As of now, you will receive 100 points for participation. These grades will be
averaged every week for a weekly participation grade.
 Absolutely NO JEWELRY (earrings, watches, bracelets, rubber bands, rings, etc.) will be
worn during class. This is a safety hazard. ** Very small studded earrings are acceptable.
 NO PURSES OR BOOK BAGS or other personal items will be permitted in the dance space at
any time. You may store these in a cubby!
 NO GUM, FOOD, OR DRINK (WATER ONLY) in the dance space at anytime. Let’s keep our
facilities as well kept as possible.

Materials Needed:
 Appropriate movement clothes
 1 inch spiral notebook (dance history, vocabulary, dance journal)
 Chromebook

 Black Dance pants/sweat pants
 Black T-shirts/cotton shirts (no inappropriate writing)
 Black Jazz shoes or shoes you can move in and not slide around
 Gym uniform

 Athletic pants/shorts/sweat pants
 T-shirts/cotton shirts
 Black Jazz shoes or shoes you can move in and not slide around
 Gym uniform

* Clothes should not be too loose or too tight for movement

* Clothes should be appropriate. If deemed inappropriate by teacher, you will be asked to change.
* Black Jazz shoes may be found at Walmart, G Rhythm, Fancy Dancer, or

1. Entering the space

When you come into the studio please sit in your assigned square and start your stretches. Everyone
must remain in his/her square and stay 6 feet apart at all times. Your mask must remain on at all
times covering your mouth and nose.
2. Tardy

Students must be on time for every class in order to dress-out.

3. Turning in work

It is your responsibility to turn in work on time in Google Classroom.

4. Pre-Dismissal

Before I dismiss you, I will announce Star Student. This means you do not get up or leave until
AFTER I have announced Star Student!

5. Walking in Hallway/Dismissal

Ms. Hooks dismisses the class, not the bell. When you have been dismissed, you are to leave the
room quietly, I will give hand sanitizer to everyone as he/she leaves. In the hallway, you should walk
on the right side, keep noise to a minimum, and stay 6 feet apart.

6. Dressing out

You should always be prepared to dress out when we have class. During covid, we will not dress out
until it is safe.

Due to allergies, please do not apply scented lotions or sprays in the dressing room or classroom.

7. Watching Performances

Whether we are watching a video performance, an informal performance in class, or a formal

performance on a stage, the behavior should be the same.

Audience Rules
1. Remain quiet, attentive, and seated at all times during the performance.
2. Show your appreciation by applauding after each dance piece.
3. Do not discuss negative comments about a performance. Only use positive comments and/or
constructive criticism when discussing a performance.

8. Expected Behavior

Everyone must follow the school rules while in the dance room.

If you violate the rules:

1. Warning
2. Parent Contact
3. Referral

Let’s make this a positive learning experience for everyone! –Ms. Hooks
The Dublin Middle School Dance Contract of Mutual Consent

Please go to your Google Classroom account to read the syllabus.

Please sign and date this page and return it no later than Feb. 12 th!
Please detach this page and keep the syllabus.

Student Name (print):


T-Shirt Size: _____________________________________________________
Pants Size: ______________________________ Shoe Size: ________________

Parent/guardian (print):___________________________________________________________

Phone number: _________________________________________________________________

Parent/guardian (print):__________________________________________________________

Phone number: __________________________________________________________________

Parent Email address (This is a necessity!) *Please print very clearly:


Please check any area you might be willing to help:

_______ Chaperone (for field trips and performances)
_______ Dance Camp helper (setup, break down, serve food etc.)
_______ Fundraiser Committee (help organize, distribute, collect money)
_______ Media (help document and record performances and events)
_______ Costuming/Set Design for Shows

Please sign below:

I, the undersigned student, accept membership in the Dublin Middle School Dance
program and understand that I am responsible for all policies set forth in the dance syllabus.
Student signature
Student signature date

I, the undersigned parent or guardian, have read and understand the policies set forth in the dance
syllabus. I also grant full permission for my child to be an active member of the Dublin
Middle School Dance program.
Parent signature
Parent signature date

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