Tuyen Quang, 2020, Discursive Essays
Tuyen Quang, 2020, Discursive Essays
Tuyen Quang, 2020, Discursive Essays
1. Sample analysis
Activity 1:
In groups, discuss the similarities between the two introductory paragraphs of the two writing
samples below.
Sample 1
Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages
together. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
It is often said that music has the power to unite and connect people, regardless of their cultural
backgrounds or ages. I completely agree with this view, and will give my reasons below.
Music can certainly reach across cultural and national boundaries and bring people together.
Perhaps the best example of this would be the Live Aid concerts that took place back in the
1980s, and which were broadcast to a global audience. Two live events were held simultaneously
in the UK and the US, and the objective was to raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia. The
concerts were a huge success, both in terms of the number of people around the world who
watched them and their impact on international public awareness of the famine. They
demonstrated, I believe, that music truly is the planet’s global language.
Just as it transcends cultures, music also has the ability to connect people from different
generations. Regardless of age, we can all enjoy a memorable melody, a strong rhythm or a
beautiful singing voice, and the best songs seem to have the same magical effect on all of us.
This would explain why televised music competitions, such as ‘The X Factor’ or ‘The Voice’,
are such popular prime-time shows. These programmes attract incredibly broad audiences
because singing and popular songs appeal to children, parents and grandparents alike. I would
argue that no other form of entertainment can bring families together in this way.
In conclusion, I believe that music is unique in its capacity to create shared experiences between
people, irrespective of culture and age.
(Written by Simon)
Sample 2
Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will
improve people’s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
It is true that genetic engineering is a key area of modern scientific research, with broad
implications for all human societies. While I accept that this field of technology may have its
dangers, I believe that the benefits of genetic engineering outweigh the drawbacks.
The negative implications of genetic engineering are often discussed in terms of two key areas,
which are food production and the cloning of humans. Genetically modified crops are already
being grown, and people are concerned that they may damage whole ecosystems as foods
become resistant to diseases and natural predators. But perhaps even more worrying is the
possibility that humans could be modified or cloned. Some people imagine a world in which
cloned humans are used to fight wars or to provide body part replacements. Although perhaps
not a threat to life on earth, the implications of such practices would be unprecedented.
A more optimistic prediction, and one that I favour, is that humans will find ways to mitigate the
risks and use genetic technologies in a responsible way. From the food production perspective,
genetic engineering could be the solution to famine in developing countries, if, for instance,
crops can be grown more reliably in harsh conditions. From a medical perspective, scientists may
use genetic engineering to produce vaccines, to cure diseases, or to correct a genetic defect
before a child is born. If properly regulated, even cloning can be done in a way that improves
lives. For example, the cloning of individual organs, such as a heart or kidney, could be
permitted for transplant purposes.
In conclusion, I am convinced that genetic engineering will have a positive impact on our lives,
and that people's fears will be unwarranted.
(Written by Simon)
2. Introductory paragraphs
Here are four 'rules' to follow when writing an introduction for an academic essay:
Write from two to four sentences to first introduce the topic and then give a general
In those sentences you should briefly mention everything that the question mentions.
Demonstrate that you can paraphrase the ideas in the question.
Don't save any surprises for the conclusion; give your opinion in the introduction if the
question asks for it.
It is true that genetic engineering is a key area of modern scientific research, with broad
implications for all human societies. While I accept that this field of technology may have its
dangers, I believe that the benefits of genetic engineering outweigh the drawbacks.
Let's look at how paraphrasing can be used in an introduction. The ability to paraphrase
demonstrates both range and flexibility of your language use.
Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages
together. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
My introduction:
It is often said that music has the power to unite and connect people, regardless of their cultural
backgrounds or ages. I completely agree with this view, and will give my reasons below.
Examples of paraphrasing:
Activity 3:
Underline the key information in the questions below and paraphrase it in a couple of sentences
that aim to introduce the writing topic.
Question 1
Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
Question 2
Popular hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and
fashions than an indication of what individuals really want to do in their spare time. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Question 3
Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive
impact on our lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that we are not
prepared for a world in which computers are more intelligent than humans. Discuss both of
these views and give your own opinion.
2.2 Rule 4
Activity 4:
Now fasten your focus on the thesis statement in the two sample introductory paragraphs and
then identify their key components.
Sample 1
Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages
together. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
It is often said that music has the power to unite and connect people, regardless of their cultural
backgrounds or ages. I completely agree with this view, and will give my reasons below.
Sample 2
Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will
improve people’s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
It is true that genetic engineering is a key area of modern scientific research, with broad
implications for all human societies. While I accept that this field of technology may have its
dangers, I believe that the benefits of genetic engineering outweigh the drawbacks.
Thesis statement:
[Acknowledgement of the other side] + [your opinion/stance] + [your writing purpose]
Activity 5:
Now please come back to the three questions in Activity 3 and write the thesis statements for
Question 1
Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
Question 2
Popular hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and
fashions than an indication of what individuals really want to do in their spare time. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Question 3
Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive
impact on our lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that we are not
prepared for a world in which computers are more intelligent than humans. Discuss both of
these views and give your own opinion.
Genetic engineering is an important issue in society today. Some people think that it will
improve people’s lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on earth.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
And here's an introduction, using our normal 2-sentence technique:
It is true that genetic engineering is a key area of modern scientific research, with broad
implications for all human societies. While I accept that this field of technology may have its
dangers, I believe that the benefits of genetic engineering outweigh the drawbacks.
The first sentence introduces the topic, using paraphrasing and some extra information. The
second sentence covers both views and makes your own opinion clear.
Activity 6:
Apply the two-sentence introduction technique above for the three questions in Activity 5.
Question 1
Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
Question 2
Popular hobbies and interests change over time and are more a reflection of trends and
fashions than an indication of what individuals really want to do in their spare time. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Question 3
Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive
impact on our lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that we are not
prepared for a world in which computers are more intelligent than humans. Discuss both of
these views and give your own opinion.
tremendous breakthroughs in various fields such as medicine, cosmetic surgery or food industry.
While I accept that this technology may have its dangers, I believe that the benefits of genetic
engineering far outweigh the drawbacks. In what follows, I shall discuss these benefits in greater
Background For the past few decades, this technique has captured the interest of both the
academic world and the general public alike as it has created many
tremendous breakthroughs in various fields such as medicine, cosmetic
surgery or food industry.
This is to give further background information to your writing.
Thesis While I accept that this technology may have its dangers, I believe that the
statement benefits of genetic engineering far outweigh the drawbacks.
This aims to state your opinion or stance.
Activity 8:
Use the four-sentence introduction technique above to write the introductory paragraph for the
following question.
Question 3
Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive
impact on our lives in the near future. Others, by contrast, are worried that we are not
prepared for a world in which computers are more intelligent than humans. Discuss both of
these views and give your own opinion.
5. Practice
Activity 9:
Each of the following essays missed the introductory paragraph. Can you write suitable
introduction for it?
Essay 1
In many countries today, people in cities either live alone or in small family units, rather than
in large, extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend?
As families become smaller, the traditional family support network is disappearing, and this can
have a negative impact on children as they grow up. In a nuclear family or single-parent
household, childcare becomes an expensive and stressful part of daily life. Without the help of
grandparents or aunts and uncles, busy parents must rely on babysitters, nannies and after-school
clubs to take care of younger children, while older children may be left alone after school and
during holidays. The absence of adult family members can mean that friends, television and the
Internet become the primary influences on children’s behaviour. It is no surprise that the decline
of the extended family has been linked to a rise in psychological and behavioural problems
amongst young people.
The trend towards people living alone is perhaps even more damaging because of the
psychological effects of reduced human interaction. Individuals who live on their own have
nobody to talk to in person, so they cannot share problems or discuss the highs and lows of daily
life. They forgo the constant stimulation and hustle and bustle of a large family, and are left to
their own devices for extended periods of time. The lack of human contact in the home is
necessarily replaced by passive distractions, such as television, video games, online chat rooms
or Internet surfing. This type of existence is associated with boredom, loneliness, and feelings of
isolation or even alienation, all of which are factors that are known to increase the risk of mental
In conclusion, I believe that individuals thrive when they are part of larger family groups, and so
it is worrying that many people are choosing to live alone or in such small family units.
Essay 2
Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the
real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Advertisements can certainly tempt people to buy products that they might not otherwise want. A
good example could be the mobile phone. Every year people can be seen queuing to buy the
latest models, even when they already have a perfectly good phone that does not need replacing.
Perhaps it is the influence of marketing that leads us to make these kinds of decisions; we want
to stay up to date with the latest fashions or own the newest high-status device. The high sales of
the iPhone seem to support this idea.
On the other hand, I believe that most people do not buy products because of the advertising
alone. There are other good reasons why we make these choices, and there must be some kind of
need before a person makes a purchase. New versions of products almost always have improved
features that buyers may want. A new car, for example, may have greatly improved safety
features, or it may be more economical to run, or it may pollute less. A new phone may allow the
user to communicate more quickly or effectively, thus enhancing their quality of life.
In conclusion, while advertising obviously influences our buying behaviour, I do not agree that
people make decisions that go against their real needs.
Essay 3
Some people believe that it is more important to teach children the literature and history of
their own country, rather than the literature and history of other countries. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
There are several reasons why I believe that schools should focus on teaching national literature
and history. Firstly, children enjoy learning about where they live, and by studying the ideas,
culture and history of their own countries they begin to develop a sense of identity. At the same
time, this approach is appealing to parents, who studied the same books and historical events and
can therefore help their children with school work. English children, for example, read
Shakespeare and learn about the Battle of Hastings just as their parents did, and there is
educational continuity across the generations. Finally, an emphasis on national literature and
history gives educators a narrower teaching scope, making curriculum design an easier task.
By contrast, the study of global events and foreign novels could cause unnecessary difficulty and
confusion for school pupils. For example, I do not see the point in presenting Russian or Chinese
history to a British child who has not yet studied the history of his or her own country in detail.
Surely the child would be more able to comprehend historical events that took place in London
than those that happened in Moscow or Beijing. Similarly, any exposure to international
literature is likely to require the teaching of a foreign language or the use of translations. Young
people at primary or secondary school age are simply not ready for such complications.
In conclusion, I would argue that it is undesirable for schools to cover aspects of foreign history
and literature; they should ground their pupils in the local culture instead.
Topic sentence Albeit receiving a strong advocate from many communities worldwide, the
installation of CCTVs in public places turns out to have several demerits.
Supporting First and foremost, the devices put any behavior of ours under surveillance
idea 1 and thus derive us of the personal privacy in the public.
Further This is, in nature, against all our endeavors to retain individual freedom from
elaboration some dictatorship in the past history.
Supporting Skeptics also raise a concern that data collected from this source can be
idea 2 distorted or manipulated for illegal purposes.
Supporting The increasing use of these digital devices in some western countries has
idea 3 even made a large number of human police staff redundant.
Further As a consequence, local residents in these countries are now no longer lent a
elaboration helping hand when it comes to the case of a crime, for example, but only a
camera to capture the footage of the incident.
2.1 Ensure that your supporting ideas are RELEVANT to your main idea.
In the following paragraphs, some supporting ideas are missing. Please write a relevant
supporting idea for each paragraph. You can elaborate this supporting idea further if you like.
Paragraph 1
The negative implications of genetic engineering are often discussed in terms of two key areas,
which are food production and the cloning of humans.
But perhaps even more worrying is the possibility that humans could be modified or cloned.
Some people imagine a world in which cloned humans are used to fight wars or to provide body
part replacements. Although perhaps not a threat to life on earth, the implications of such
practices would be unprecedented.
Paragraph 2
As families become smaller, the traditional family support network is disappearing, and this can
have a negative impact on children as they grow up. In a nuclear family or single-parent
household, childcare becomes an expensive and stressful part of daily life. Without the help of
grandparents or aunts and uncles, busy parents must rely on babysitters, nannies and after-school
clubs to take care of younger children, while older children may be left alone after school and
during holidays.
2.2 Ensure that any evidence you use in your paragraph is RELEVENT to your supporting idea
In the following paragraphs, some evidence is missing. Please write relevant evidence for each
Paragraph 1
Alongside the influence of the Internet, globalization is making the world smaller and
compounding this problem of too much choice. Cheap international flights have made overseas
travel possible for millions of people, but this also means that we are faced with a world of
options when ……………………………………………………………………………………….
We no longer have the limited but simple travel choices of our grandparents’ generation. The
same is true if we look at the increasing tendency for young people to study abroad. While the
opportunity for overseas study seems appealing, many students are confused about where to go
and which path to take.
Paragraph 2
By contrast, the study of global events and foreign novels could cause unnecessary difficulty and
confusion for school pupils. For example,
Similarly, any exposure to international literature is likely to require the teaching of a foreign
language or the use of translations. Young people at primary or secondary school age are simply
not ready for such complications.
3. Linear paragraphs
Unlike a parallel paragraph in which we have two or three co-ordinate supporting ideas, a linear
paragraph aims to elaborate only one single (main) idea by using several layers of information.
Please study the example below:
Topic sentence The trend towards people living alone is perhaps even more damaging
because of the psychological effects of reduced human interaction.
Supporting Individuals who live on their own have nobody to talk to in person, so they
idea cannot share problems or discuss the highs and lows of daily life.
Further They forgo the constant stimulation and hustle and bustle of a large family,
elaboration and are left to their own devices for extended periods of time.
Further The lack of human contact in the home is necessarily replaced by passive
elaboration distractions, such as television, video games, online chat rooms or Internet
Further This type of existence is associated with boredom, loneliness, and feelings of
elaboration isolation or even alienation, all of which are factors that are known to
increase the risk of mental illness.
and to prevent crime. For example, petty criminals like shoplifters and pickpockets are less likely
to operate in parts of cities where they know that they are being watched. At the same time, when
crimes are committed, the police can use video evidence to catch and prosecute offenders.
Therefore, in my view, video cameras offer valuable support to police officers, and they make
cities safer for inhabitants, workers and visitors alike.
In the following paragraph, some linking devices are missing. Can you please give appropriate
cohesive devices in these cases?
Paragraph 2
If parents want to raise respectful and well-behaved children, I believe that a certain amount of
discipline is necessary. Having worked with children myself, I have learnt that (1)
……………………………………. are necessary, and it is important to be able to say ‘no’ to
children when they misbehave or try to push against (2) ………………….. boundaries. (3)
…………… is the only way to help young people to regulate their desires and develop self-
control. In my view, parents who (4) ……………………………………………………………..,
are actually doing more harm than good. (5) ………………………………….. are failing (6)
……………….. children rather than being kind to (7) ………………………...
a vital connection with the cultural identity of the people who speak it. If a language disappears,
a whole way of life will disappear with it, and we will lose the rich cultural diversity that makes
societies more interesting. By spending money to protect minority languages, governments can
also preserve traditions, customs and behaviours that are part of a country’s history.