Asian Institute of Technology and Education, Inc.: A I T E

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Achieve Great Things, Initiate Changes, Transform from Better to best, Excel and Remain Humble

Asian Institute of Technology and Education, Inc.

Olinsterg Bldg., Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Poblacion III, Tiaong, Quezon, Philippines
Telefax Number: (042)-545-6547 / Cell No. 0922-8934738


I. Title of the Project : Asian Institute of Technology and Education 2020

Teacher's Day Celebration
“Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future”

II. Date : October 3, 2020

III. Setting. : Social Media Platform

IV. Proponent : Guidance and Counseling Office and the Student Council

V. Introduction :

Teachers are a significant part of everyone's life. They show us the right path and
groom us to become a better citizen and a better person. They teach us to face the most
difficult challenges of life and get through them, easily.

VI. Brief History and Background :

The celebration of World Teachers' Day started on October 5, 1994. Since then, this has been
celebrated annually across the globe This event took off from the UNESCO/ILO
(international Labor Organization) "Recommendation concerning the status of Teachers
adopted by the Intergovernmental Conference on October 5, 1966.

This Recommendation, for the first time ever gave teachers, throughout the world, an
instrument that defined their responsibilities and asserted their rights, On October 5, 1994,
UNESCO inaugurated World Teachers' Day.

World Teacher's day aims to mobilize support for the teachers across the world and ensure
that the needs of future generations are efficiently met by them. The day seeks to
acknowledge the dedication and commitment of the teachers of the world towards the

Teachers' Month Campaign in the Country

Teachers' Month Campaign in the country started in 2008 through the participation
of key business, academic institutions and private organizations on education. The aim is to
contribute to the development of the teaching profession in the country.

VII. Rationale :

In order to give honor to all the teachers throughout the world to

acknowledge their crucial role, loyal service and dedicated commitment indeveloping
globally minded citizens, nurturing families, strengthening communities and building
the nation, presidential proclamation no. 242 was promulgated, declaring the period
from September 05 to October 05 as “National Teachers Month’’ which was signed
on August 24, 2011 by His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III. This
proclamation was also supported by DepEd with the theme: “Teachers: Leading
in crisis, reimagining the future”
The teachers in the Asian Institute Techonology and Education are one of
the reasons why the institution continuously provides quality education that forms
competent, compassionate, committed professionals who are active agents of social
transformation. In line with this, and in the celebration of World Teachers' Day, the
Senior High Student Council will conduct an event and activities through a virtual
celebration that will give the teachers the warmest gratitude they deserve for helping
the institution achieve its mission and mold the students in becoming better
professionals in the future.

VIII. Goals and Objectives :

VII. I General Objective:

a. The main objective of this activity is to strengthen the student-teacher relationship
and to celebrate the teacher's day in very memorable and creative manner.
b. To honor those who are in the teaching profession;
c. Acknowledge and give emphasis on the crucial role, loyal serviceand dedicated
commitment of teachers in developing globallyminded citizens, nurturing families,
strengthening communities,and building the nation;
d. Express gratitude for the positive influences of teachers on the students of AITE.

VII.II Spefic Objectives:

• To strengthen the student-teacher relationship
• To have a celebration wherein the teachers will have a fruitful memories here in
• To showcase the students creativity on showing their appreciation for the teachers
• To build a great collaboration with the different guild and organizations in AITE.


1.The student council will have a collaboration to different guilds to showcase their most
creative way on showing their appreciation to the teachers that will be posted on AITE Page.
2. The student council along with the art club will have a collaboration for the teachers
day certificate which contains the letter of appreciation of students for their teachers.
3. Each member of the journalism club will provide a editorial writing which emphasizes
the importance of the teachers in the lives of every students.
4. The student council will provide a video presentation which composed of their pictures,
video greets of students and their loved ones and e card which contains the message of the
students for their respective teachers.

X. Participants & Requisitions :

The participants are the Senior High School students and some of their relatives for the video
Requisitions :

• Video Editor
• Student's greeting and e card.
• Family greeting
• Journalism Club editorial writing
• Presentation of different guild
IX. Evaluation/ Recommendation:

This activity will surely be beneficial among the students but also to their respective

As such, undersigned highly recommends for the approval of this project proposal.

Prepared by:

Student Council


SHS Principal



VP for Finance and Administration School President

Achieve Great Things, Initiate Changes, Transform from Better to best, Excel and Remain Humble

Asian Institute of Technology and Education, Inc.

Olinsterg Bldg., Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Poblacion III, Tiaong, Quezon, Philippines
Telefax Number: (042)-545-6547 / Cell No. 0922-8934738

Schedule of Activities
Asian Institute of Technology and Eucation
Teacher's Day Celebration
October 3,2020

(Gwyn Uri of Pax Romana)
1:05 National Anthem
1:10 AITE Hymn
Dr. Nilo S. Gret, School President
Presentation of the Editorial Works of the
1:30 Journalist Club (Voice Over) and the Artworks of
the Art Club
Presentation of Certificates for Teachers :
Collaboration of Student Council and Art Club
1:45 Presentation of Dance Troupe
1:50 Presentation of AITE Band and AITE Chorale
1:55 Video Presentation (Faculty Staff)
Video Greet of Student Council Officers and
Former Student Council
Closing Remarks
Maria Gloria Perez, Student Council President

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