Brave New World and Gattaca Holiday Homework
Brave New World and Gattaca Holiday Homework
Brave New World and Gattaca Holiday Homework
Attached is your holiday homework to prepare for Unit 2, Area of Study 1: Reading and
Comparing. Please ensure all these activities are completed by FRIDAY 17 JULY (end of
week 1).
Task Description: Using the questions as a guide, research the different aspects of Gattaca and Brave
New World (bold text) to understand the concepts behind the texts. Dot point your information in the
corresponding column on the grid.
Andrew Niccol
- Who is Andrew Niccol
- Timeline of his life
- Biographical details
- Genre and style
- Key concerns in his texts
IVF/Designer Babies
- Research IVF in Australia
- Significant dates
- Who is eligible
- Impact of designer babies today
Nature VS Science
- Who is Henry Ford - what was his invention
- Who is Ivan Pavlov – what is he famous for?
- What is Pavlovian conditioning
- Which part(s) of the brain control our emotions
Caste System
- What is a caste system?
- What is the role of the ruling class?
- What is the fate of those in the lowest class
- Which countries operate using a caste system today? How does this look?
Aldous Huxley
- Who is Aldous Huxley?
- Timeline of his life
- Biographical details
- Genre and style
- Key concerns in his text
Andrew Niccol IVF/Designer Nature vs. Science Ethics of Genetic The World of
babies Alteration Gattaca
- Andrew Niccol - IVF is one - Henry Ford is - Many - A dystopian
is a New of several an American technologie world is an
Zealand born technique automobile s have been imaginary
screenwriter. s available manufacture invented for place in
He wrote and to help r and was genetic which
directed people great alteration everything
“Gattaca”. with engineer. including, is
- Nicool studied fertility - His first reproductiv extremely
and lived in the problems created or e genetic bad or
home country, have a invented a and NIPD unpleasant.
New Zealand. baby. gasoline- tec. - On the
- Then he moved - First IVF powered - Some other hand,
to Britain, pregnancy horseless ethical utopia is an
London. as carriage. issues imaginary
- For first ten reported - Further, he related place or
years in in 1970s. established genetic state in
London, he - Women the Ford alteration which
directed short aged Motor includes everything
advertisements between Company Justice and is perfect.
. 40-42 and rolled Equality, - The letters
- Furthermore, years. out the first Informed G, A, T, and
he shifted to Model T. consent, C, which
America, Los - Ivan Pavlov is religious stand for
Angles, where a and cultural guanine,
he created physiologist, issues. adenine,
films that “last born in - It is more thymine,
longer than 60 Russia, and appropriate and
min.” he is popular to alter our cytosine,
- He wrote the for his genes if we the four
screen play of theory of have some nucleobase
“The Truman classical genetic s of DNA.
Show.” conditioning. diseases, - The
- Then in the - Pavlovian or such as Gattaca’s
decade of classical Cystic film setting
1990s, he conditioning fibrosis, as was in USA,
wrote, directed is essentially altering Los
and released two stimuli genes helps Angeles.
the “Gattaca.” that are cure those
linked type of
- Genre-Thriller
together to problems.
- In many of his
produce a - Genetic
movies or
new learned alteration is
books, Niccol
response in a legal
explores social,
person or through
cultural and
animal. national
political issues.
- The limbic consistent
system, a legal
brain area scheme and
located in Gene
between of Technology
brain stem Act.
and the two Otherwise,
cerebral it’s illegal in
hemisphere, Australia.
controls our
Henry Ford and Prohibition and Features of a Caste System Aldous Huxley
Industrialisation the Prevalence Dystopian World
of Drug Use
Task Description: Read the corresponding chapters of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and write an
extended response (1 paragraph using TEEL/ half to three quarters of a page) to EACH of the questions
Chapters 1 – 3
1. Describe the way this society functions. In what ways is it different from our society (in terms of the
people’s values, the way they live, the organization of society, etc.)? Why do you think the author
chose Ford to be the “God” of this society?
Chapters 4 - 6
1. Why is talking about the “remote past” (probably anything more than a year before) a taboo? What
do you think drives the Director to unconsciously violate this taboo? What do Bernard’s initial
reaction to being reprimanded, his bragging to Helmholtz, and his reaction upon learning of his
impending transfer to Iceland (Part 3) show about his character?
"Jerome had been engineered with everything he needed to get into Gattaca, except the desire to do so"
"For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time
leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving...
maybe I'm going home."
Task Description: During and after watching the film, answer the following questions:
1. For each word below, write a definition based on each word’s usage in the movie:
a. de-gene-erate- A person born naturally.
b. Valid- officially acceptable; High caste
c. in-valid- Not acceptable; low caste
d. faith baby- a bay born by god;
e. genetic engineering- modification or manipulation of genes.
2. Compare Jerome and Vincent. What were their strengths and their weaknesses? In what ways were
they the mirror image of each other (the same)?
A. Both Jerome and Vincent had a strong passion of their own desire- Jerome (Coming first in the
swimming race) and Vincent (going into space). Vincent’s diseases and being faith baby created
many problems in the way of achieving his desire of going into the space, which was the major
weakness of Vincent. In addition, his desperate will to achieve what he dreamt of was his strength.
Besides this, another character, Jerome, had the weakness of becoming depressed or unmotivated,
unlike Vincent. We know this that he wanted to suicide after coming 2 nd place in swimming race.
They are similar in how they look. They are bout similar sage, similar hiehight and appearance.
4. Compare Anton and Vincent, the two brothers. How was Vincent able to beat Anton at swimming
despite Vincent's weak heart?
The prodomient difference etween the two brothwr is that Anton is genetically born, whereas,
Vincent is not- faith baby. Since vinctnen is bron naturally he was considered as low caste, unlike
Anton, who was born with the technology of genetic engineering. Although Anton was gnernetically
modified or “perfect” and was best in swimming, Vincent was able to beat him in the Chicken game.
He was able to do because he has the passion of achieinving what he wanted and also because he
“never saved anything [energy] to swim back” and gave “all the stregntgn to fo forward.”
5. Why is there such resistance to the new order imposed by this society? E.g., Vincent's girlfriend; the
test technician?
There is a resistance or opposition to the new order imposed by this society as evrthhng is tested
through gener=es and urines samples. I think there is resistenace between the chrachters because
many cheractersdont’ like with they society works- urine blood and genes are tested.
7. What made Vincent able to qualify for the Saturn mission despite his lack of genetic perfection?
Since “Jerome had been engineered with everything he needed to get into Gattaca”, Vincent was ble
to use Jeorm’s samples and debut Jermr’s personality. Therofre, using Jeorm’s identity
andperopsnality, Vincent was able to qualify for the mission.
8. The character of the Director (the murderer) told the investigators that there was no indication of
violence in his genetic make-up. What were the screenwriters trying to tell us by this scene?
9. What were the screenwriters trying to tell us through the episode of the 12 fingered pianist? What is
wrong with engineering children to have 12 fingers if, as a result, they will be able to make
extraordinarily beautiful music?
10. Jerome committed suicide at the end of this film. What was the screenwriter's purpose in showing this
end to this character?
11. Which did Anton have more allegiance to: his caste of genetically enhanced beings or his brother?
12. Were Vincent and Jerome friends by the end of the film?