Fault Detection and Localization in Empty Water Bottles Through Machine Vision
Fault Detection and Localization in Empty Water Bottles Through Machine Vision
Fault Detection and Localization in Empty Water Bottles Through Machine Vision
of the corresponding gradient direction @. Assuming the approaches have a reduced computational complexity in
case of rigid motion, in the online phase a three- common but on the other hand have serious limitations.
dimensional accumulator m a y A is set up over the The use of relative gradient angles supposes the object not
domain of parameters, where the parameter space is to be occluded, whereas considering the slope and the
quantized and range restricted. Each finite cell of that curvature fails when dealing with shapes that are
array corresponds to's certain range of positions and composed mainly of straight lines.
orientations of the reference image in the search image,
which can be described by the three variables x, y , and 8.
Here, x and y describe the translated position of o in the
search image and 8 the orientation of the object in the
search image relative to the object in the reference image.
For each edge pixel p: in the search image and each R-
table corresponding to one orientation 4, all cells r, + p:
in A receive a vote, i.e., they are incremented by 1, within
the corresponding two dimensional hyper plane defined
by 6' = 6 under the condition that @si = @'i. Maxima in A
correspond to possible instances of the object in the
search image.
As we know the shape of the bottles varies from each
other so we used generalized Hough transform to detect
different shape of the bottles. In this particular case we Figure 5: Bottle detection from top view of a typical
have to detect the base of the bottle, and the base of the empty water gallon. The green line represents the
bottle is in circular shape. So, here we used circular detected bottle, while the purple arcs at the four
Hough transform, to detect circular area (base) of the corners represent the points making the best-fit circle.
bottle as shown in Fig 4.
(a) (b)
Figure 6Fault detection after image segmentation. (a)
Handle and bar code shadows are clearly detected. (b)
Foreign object inside the bottle is detected.
It was our main target to minimize B e in our inspection
Since we know the shape of the bottle under system. If we again observe the tables I1 & I we can see
inspection, we can separate the false negatives from true that B&s slightly increased in our inspection system as
negatives using information about the size and relative compared to manual inspection. There are many factors,
position of the detected regions. For example for the which are the cause to increase the Bp (good bottle
botde in Fig. 2, the bottle handle and the bar code have a rejection rate),B p mainly depends on environment,
fixed size.and relative distance, so these can be easily proper placement of vision inspection system and minor
separated from the other negatively detected regions. production faults (e.g. prominent part line) of the bottles.
These above mentioned factors are external force to
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . increase the Bv values independent of the performance of
our vision-based inspection system.
The statistical results obtained using our visual inspection
tool are given in Table I. In order to compare the state of 4. CONCLUSION
the art in the field of bottle inspection with our visual
inspection tool, the result obtained from manual In this paper we have presented a vision-based
inspection are listed in Table II.Since manual inspection approach for empty water bottle's inspection. State of the
was not very precise, only approximate values are used in art machine vision tools are being used in bottle
Table II. inspection systems. The main problem in previous manual
If we compare both of the statistical results in tables 11 based inspection system was high missed rate of faulty
and I, we can see that (fault bottle miss rate) is very bottles. Our objective is to minimize fault bottle missed
high io manual inspection of bottles where as Bv is rate.
minimum down to 0%. In our vision based inspection We have used circular Hough transform for bottle
system Bm,is low down to minimum. detection, since the bottles under inspection had circular
base. Generalized Hough transform c q be used to detect
bottles of~anyshape. After bottle detection.’ we inspect the Photogrammetrie und . Fernerkundung
bottle for any defects or faults using image segmentation. (DGPF), pages 571-578, Berlin, 2001
A special technique of shape dependent segmentation was
used to obtain more precise information. The decision for
a defect was based on the intensity variations of the image ’ .
within each segment. This helped to remove the problem
of global illumination changes.
Using this vision based approach; we successfully
reduced the fault bottle missed rate’(&,) down to 0% in
real time processing. We got slightly increased good
bottles rejection rate (lower than I%), as compared to
.manual inspection, but the gain in fault bottle rejection
rate ensured more stringent quality control as compared to
manual inspection. Methods to reduce good bottle
rejection rate are open for future investigations.
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