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Receiver Under Civil Procedure Code and Specific Relief Act in Bangladesh

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Receiver under Civil procedure Code and Specific Relief Act in Bangladesh

Preprint · April 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14865.76649

0 66

1 author:

Shah Mohammad Omer Faruqe Jubaer

Leading University


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Receiver under Civil procedure Code and Specific Relief Act in Bangladesh
Shah Mohammad Omer Faruqe Jubaer1

Abstract: This paper points to move forward our understanding of the predominance and determinants
of Receiver in both the Civil Procedure Code and Specific Relief Act with an early reflection on the nature
and part of a Receiver under our Court Framework, the interrelationship between the obligations and
liabilities of the sources in common, encourage issues secured and incorporate the common
arrangements with respect to Receiver within the courts nowadays. Consideration is given to the
definition of the category ‘Receiver', endeavors to administer the widespread structure of Receiver in
South East Asia because It is particularly pertinent for understudies interested in the comparative civil
lawful theory; the convergences of the law practices; and the part of the law in determining or
transforming the Receiver.
Keywords: Receiver, entitle, obligation of a receiver, liability of a receiver, method of appointment.
Introduction: In civil cases, a receiver plays a vital part in helping the court. The Receiver is considered to
be an officer of the court who makes a difference in the court to ensure and protect the subject matter
of suit till the time the court decides the matter. Now and then, the court considers, it is within the best
interest of both the parties to appoint a receiver who will be dependable for the administration of the
subject matter. The subject matter is for the most part a mobile or undaunted property. The Receiver is
obligated to require care of the property fair as a judicious man will watch out for his claim of an individual
property. He ought to take after the headings of the court or else his property can be connected by the
court to recuperate the sum which is due to him.
Methodology: The method refers to the range of techniques that are used in legal research. Additionally,
the thesis adopts a comparative method and the scope of this research encompasses qualitative research
with comparative nature. The interpretative study of the receiver is central. The research is based on
analyzing the provisions and implications of the principles of a receiver under specific relief Act and Civil
Procedure Code, 1908. And assessing the suitability of the application of Receiver in the court system of
Bangladesh. Moreover, it also looks to other sources of optional or secondary sources. Such as, books,
journals and common construction of rules in court.
Objectives of the study:
Against the background of the set articulation, the main objectives of the research paper are as follows:
i. To look at how the courses of action and standards of Receiver connected.
ii. To recognize and compare with the different provisions relating to the receiver
iii. To see and distinguish the unwavering quality and the changeability of the performance of the receiver
iv. To mean the result of expansion and deliberate Justification of Receiver.
v. To become mindful of the part application of different applications of Receiver.
Who may be a receiver under the civil procedure code and Specific Relief Act?
Under order 40 of CPC and Section 44 of the Specific Relief Act, The Receiver is an independent and
impartial individual who is appointed by the court to administer/manage, that is, to secure and protect a
debated property included in a suit. For illustration, in a debate between A and B for immovable property,
in case the court considers that it is within the best interest of both the parties that owners ought to be

Research Manager at Shah Legal Aid and Research Centre. Email: smofjubaer@gmail.com
taken from B and given to an independent individual, the court may designate a collector who can manage
the property till the time the suit is being chosen.2 Such a receiver appointed by the court would be
capable of the maintenance of the property. He can collect the wage gathering like a lease or any other
benefits and utilize it to preserve the property. After deducting the costs caused in maintenance from the
wage gotten from the property, the collector will have to yield the remaining income, if any, in the court.3
He isn't representative of either of the parties within the activity is consistently respected as an officer of
the court working in the interest of neither plaintiff nor litigant but for the common advantage of all the

What is the reason for the arrangement of a receiver?

When a party in possession of the debated property debilitates the property or causes irreparable harm
to it, the whole question of the suit gets vanquished since the subject matter ceases to exist or its value
gets influenced. Hence, when the court is of the supposition that the property in the debate must not go
to either of the parties, the court names a receiver who is endowed with the security and conservation of
such property. It may be a shape of an interim assurance that the court gives to the parties who make the
application till the time the court adjudicates the matter.

Who can entitle a receiver?

According to the civil procedure code, the court sometime recently which the proceedings are pending
can appoint a receiver if it shows up fair and helpful to the court to delegate such collector. It is inside the
optional control of the court to designate the collector. For illustration, in a suit, the trial court can
delegate a collector. While, in the request, the re-appraising court can name a collector. However, the
tact isn't absolute, arbitrary, or unregulated.4 The expression “just and convenient” does not cruel the
appointment is based on the impulses and wishes of the judge on any grounds which stand against equity.
For the most part, a plaintiff files the application for the appointment of a receiver but respondents can
too record such an application. A third party isn't permitted to record the application but if he is inquisitive
about the assurance and conservation of the property, he can also make an application after taking
permission from the court.5 The court must keep the taking after standards in intellect before designating
a receiver:
1. The appointment of a receiver could be an optional power.
2. It may be a defensive alleviation to the plaintiff. The protest is to protect and protect the debated
property till the time the suit is pending in court.
3. A receiver ought to not be designated unless the offended party appears prima facie that he
includes a strong case against the litigant and it is more than likely that he will succeed within the

1991 CLC 1573
The code of civil procedure Code,1908 (Act 5 of 1908)
AIR 1949 AII. 112=ILR 1948 AII. 432 (DB)
Mohammad Saiful Islam, Specific Relief Act Published by KBH, 3RD Edition page-147
4. Appointment of a receiver is one of the hardest cures because it deprives the litigant of his right
to possession sometime recently the ultimate declare. Hence, the court ought to not resort to it
just on the ground that it will do no hurt.
5. The court should keep the taking after standards in intellect sometime recently the court ought
to not resort to it merely on the ground that it'll do no hurt. There ought to be solid trepidation
that there is a threat to the property or the offended party will be in more awful of a circumstance
in the event that the appointment of a receiver is postponed.
6. The court ought to appoint a receiver as it were when there's a plausibility of wrong or damage.
Too, in case it appears that the subject matter isn't within the possession of any of the parties and
it is in the common intrigued of both the parties to name a collector for the security and
conservation of the property.
7. The court ought to see at the conduct of the party who makes the application for the appointment
of a receiver. The party should come to the court with clean hands and their conduct should be
such that they are not disentitled to this impartial relief.

What is the role of a receiver?

The Recipient is regarded as an officer of the court and is the expanded arm and hand of the court. He is
dependent on the duty to get debated property or cash given by the court and oversee such property or
cash till the time a decree is passed or the parties have compromised or any other period as the court
considers fit. The property or finance dependent on the receiver is considered to be custodia legis i.e.
within the care of the law.6 The Recipient has no control other than those depending on him by the court
whereas naming him. A person who is independent, impartial, and completely unengaged ought to be
designated as a receiver. Such an individual ought to not have any stake within the debated property. By
and large, parties to the suit are not designated as a collector by the court. But in uncommon
circumstances, a party to suit can be appointed as a receiver.7

When can a receiver be appointed?

The court can designate a collector at whatever point the court is of the supposition that either party
ought to not hold the property in dispute. The court can designate a collector before or after a decree and
can expel any person from the ownership or custody of the property and commit the same property in
the care or management of the receiver. Under the code itself, the receiver can be named to avoid the
closes of equity from being defeated. Additionally, for the execution of a decree, the court has the power
to appoint a receiver. There are provisions in special acts that give for the appointment of a receiver by
the court.

What is the method of appointment of a receiver?

Singh, Avtar, Contract and Specific Relief, Published By Eastern Book Company, 10th Edition. At Page-921
Order 40 of Civil Procedure Code, 1908
The handle of appointment of a receiver is given by the courts in their respective court rules. The high
court has the control to make rules for the superintendence and control of the subordinate courts. For
1. Application for appointment should be made in writing and should be supported by affidavit.
2. Receiver other than the official receiver has got to provide security.
3. The security is to be given to the satisfaction of the registrar. 4. He has to give personal bonds with the
number of surety required by the registrar. The personal bond will be double the sum of the annual rental
value of the property or the entire value of the property which the recipient is going to administer.
4. Inside a week of appointment, the receiver will need to submit a report giving the details regarding the
property such as inventory of property or books of account etc.
6. The registrar will allow directions on where to contribute the money received by the receiver from the
property. Generally, such money is submitted in scheduled banks or government bonds.

What are the powers of the receiver?

Receivers are entitled to remuneration as settled by the court for the administrations rendered by them.
Too, a receiver should be given for the misfortune or costs caused by him for maintaining the property.
Under arrange 40, the court can settle the compensation to be paid to the recipient for the
administrations given by him.9 The court can pass a common or particular arrangement with respect to
the same. Under order 40 rule powers of the receiver are given as follows:
1. Collection of rents and benefits emerging out of the property.
2. Application and transfer of such rents and profits.
3. Execution of reports as the proprietor himself.
4. Organized and protect the suit.
5. Such powers as the court may consider fit.
Also, there are backhanded powers that a recipient appreciates being the hand of the court. For
illustration, In the event that an individual discourages or meddling with the receiver’s right to ownership,
it will sum to obstruction in a court continuing and such a person can be made obligated for scorn of court.
Similarly, property in the hands of the receiver cannot be attached without the takeoff of the court.

What are the obligations of the receiver?

Under order 40, the duties of a receiver are given as follows:
1. Furnish security to account for what he will receive from the property as income.
2. Yield accounts (half-yearly) for such period or form as coordinated by the court. The account essentially
incorporates the wage received and costs caused for the security and preservation of the property.
3. Pay the sum due to the court.
4. Take duty for any lessening in the value of the property since of the receiver’s willful negligence.
5. Release the duties actually and should not delegate or relegate any of the rights depended on him by
the court.

Khan Raza Said Akbar, The Specific Relief Act, PLD Publisher, seventh Edition at page 241.
Shah Jubaer, Guiding Principles of Equity, Published by Panshi, 2nd Edition page-124
The receiver should satisfy all the obligations and duties entrusted to him by the court. Otherwise, the
court can take activity against him and make him personally liable for any misfortune which might occur
due to his negligence or wilful disappointment to secure and protect the property.

What are the liabilities of a receiver?

The receiver is bound in keeping down the expenses and taking care of the property in his possession as
a judicious man would observe in association with his possess property under comparable circumstances.
According to Order 40, when a receiver fails:
1. To yield the reports as indicated by the court or,
2. To pay the sum due to him as coordinated by the court or,
3. Causes misfortune to the property due to net negligence.
4. Any other obligation which court coordinated him to do.

The court may order the attachment of property of the receiver to recuperate the loss caused due to his
wilful default or negligence. The court, after recovering all the losses from the proceeds gotten after
offering the receiver’s property, will pay the balance (in the event that any) to the receiver.

Conclusion: the receiver plays a vital part whenever the court requires the collector to oversee the subject
matter in a suit to ensure and protect it till the time, the court orders the suit. The recipient is an officer
of the courts and the subject matter overseen by him is considered to be in the care of the law. The court
appoints a receiver when the court is of the supposition that not one or the other of the party ought to
manage the property till the time the matter is chosen. Any individual can become a receiver given they
satisfy the prerequisites set by the court. A receiver ought to be of unbiased, free and uninterested
character who has no stake within the subject matter and can oversee the property fair as a judicious man
will do with his claim property. Court has vested certain powers and duties on the receiver which he ought
to utilize to manage the property in a perfect way the most perfect way possible. The recipient ought to
use caution whereas making a vital choice related to the subject matter as he is personal.

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