Closing Movement 5 - Qi Returns To The Origin - Proofread LN 2021-06-04
Closing Movement 5 - Qi Returns To The Origin - Proofread LN 2021-06-04
Closing Movement 5 - Qi Returns To The Origin - Proofread LN 2021-06-04
Continue from Closing Movement 4. Relax your breath and muscles. Let your
Shen and Qi settle.
Spread your palms and extend them outward at shoulder height. Imagine that
both your wrists are connected by a rubber band and your hands are
magnetically attracted to each other. Keep your Mind on your Qi sensations.
Relax your shoulders and sink your elbows.
Your hands and arms form a curved line. Imagine you are pushing a ball down
at shoulder level.
Copyright 2021 Kevin Siddons & Ariel Maayan sections from 15 Taiji Movements Qigong book 1 of 2
Copyright 2021 Kevin Siddons & Ariel Maayan sections from 15 Taiji Movements Qigong book 2 of 2