Module 5 Activities and Apply What You Have Learned
Module 5 Activities and Apply What You Have Learned
Module 5 Activities and Apply What You Have Learned
Directions: Read each statement in the guide questions carefully. Find what is being asked or described
in each item in the table. Encircle the best answer.
Guide Questions:
2. It is a situation or occurrence with capacity to bring damages to lives, properties, and the
3. It is a set of prevailing or consequential conditions, which adversely affect the community’s ability to
prevent, mitigate, prepare for and respond to hazardous events.
4. It refers to, “all strengths, attributes and resources available within the community, organization, or
society that can be used to achieve an agreed goal.”
Directions: The learner together with his/her parents/guardian will conduct a vulnerability assessment
of their home involving the steps below. Write your answers in the tables provided below.
I. Identify the possible hazard that will most likely affect your home. It can be natural (typhoon,
earthquake, flood), technological, or biological hazards (spread of virus).
II. Identify all the elements within the home that will be exposed to this hazard.
IV. Based on identified vulnerabilities, make an action plan on how to address these vulnerabilities. The
goals of this plan must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Reasonable, Time-bounded)