Name: Courtney Love L. Rivera Date: May 06, 2021 GR. & SEC.: 11-Humss H Teacher: Mr. Elmer Mones

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Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

1. From your answers in WW4, Copy and paste your answers in RELATED STUDY and ABSTRACT
parts.Choose 5 related studies and abstracts only.
2. Extract the abstracts by getting the following information.
A. Title of the study
B. Aim/objectives of the study
C. Instrument Used (Name of the Survey Instrument used in the study)
D. Result of the study
E. Conclusion and Recommendation



Title: Bullying has been recognized as a A. Title of the study
Bullying's Impact on serious problem in today’s schools Bullying's Impact on Academic Success of
Academic Success of (Rose & Monda-Amaya, 2012). It is Students With and Without Disabilities
Students With and imperative that educators
Without Disabilities understand the dynamics and
URL: consequences of bullying, as well as B. Aim/objectives of the study what they can do to support mainstream, one Special Education. students in these situations (Allen, Findings show that students who are
06 2010). This research study will bullied have a fear of coming to school
explore the ways in which students because they feel unsafe; thus, they
in mainstream and special education are unable to concentrate and their
classrooms are affected academically academic success is hindered.
by the bullying they encounter. The Additionally, students with
purpose of the study is to exceptionalities are bullied more often
understand how bullying impacts a than students without, which place
student’s ability to succeed them at a double disadvantage.
academically so that educators can
better support children in their C. Instrument Used
classrooms. Data for this research It is imperative that educators
study was collected by conducting understand the dynamics and
face-to-face interviews with two consequences of bullying, as well as
teachers; one mainstream, one what they can do to support students
Special Education. Findings show in these situations (Allen, 2010).
that students who are bullied have a D. Result of the study
fear of coming to school because This research study will explore the
they feel unsafe; thus, they are ways in which students in mainstream
unable to concentrate and their and special education classrooms are
academic success is hindered. affected academically by the bullying
Additionally, students with they encounter. The purpose of the
exceptionalities are bullied more study is to understand how bullying
often than students without, which impacts a student’s ability to succeed
place them at a double disadvantage. academically so that educators can
According to the participants, these better support children in their
students do not have the social skills classrooms. Data for this research
to stand up to bullies to protect study was collected by conducting

Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

themselves. Lastly, the findings face-to-face interviews with two

inform understandings teachers; one mainstream, one Special

E. Conclusion and Recommendation

According to the participants, these
students do not have the social skills
to stand up to bullies to protect
themselves. Lastly, the findings inform
understandings how teachers, schools
and parents can better support
students who are experiencing
Title: The work done here involved A. Title of the study
Latin America: school estimating the extent of bullying in Latin America: school bullying and academic
bullying and academic Latin American schools and its achievement
achievement impact on the academic achievement
URL: of primary school students. Pupils’ socio demographic characteristics
rg/bitstream/handle/1136 were
pdf? Analysed and linked with bullying. B. Aim/objectives of the study
sequence=1&isAllowed=y Three- and four-multilevel models The main purpose of this research is
were applied to data from the to determine the
Second Regional Comparative and associations between school bullying
Explanatory Study (serce) conducted and academic
by the United Nations Educational, achievement in primary-school
Scientific and Cultural Organization students in Latin
(unesco), analysing 2,969 schools, America. It also estimates and
3,903 analyses the magnitude
Classrooms and 91,223 sixth-grade of peer violence in schools in 16
students in 16 Latin American countries of the region,
countries (not including Mexico for identifying the socio-demographic
the association between school factors that appear
bullying and academic performance). to be linked to bullying.
The study found that bullying is a
serious problem throughout the C. Instrument Used
region; students who suffer peer The output variables (math and
aggression yield a significantly lower reading achievement)
performance in reading and math were compiled using standardized
than those who do tests which were
Not; and those in classrooms with Validated for all the countries. The
more episodes of physical or verbal tests used matrix
violence perform worse than those
in less violent classroom settings. sampling, and were divided into
different booklets,
testing two dimensions: first,
curricular elements known
to be common to the region and,
second, a life-skills

Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

D. Result of the study

Consistently with the aims of the
study, the findings were
organized in three main categories: an
estimate of the
extent of bullying in Latin America, a
study of the sociodemographic
characteristics associated with
bullying and
An analysis of its impact on school

E. Conclusion and Recommendation

The outcomes of this research are
consistent with the
findings of regional and international
studies and reviews
on the problem of bullying, its
magnitude and its impact

On learning and academic

achievement. As well as
backing up earlier findings, however, it
also contributes
a specific perspective for Latin
American students and a
comparison between the countries of
the region.
Title: This article describes kindergarten A. Title of the study
The Kindergarten Child: from the perspective of the whole The Kindergarten Child: What
What Teachers and child. Specifically, it reviews current Teachers and Administrators Need to
Administrators Need to research on best practices to Know to Promote Academic Success in
Know to Promote improve children’s math and all Children
Academic Success in all language arts competencies, B. Aim/objectives of the study
Children memory skills, and the role of Currently, the goal that children
kindergarten in beginning science. It achieve skills that seem
URL: also describes the social experiences developmentally significant at certain children have in kindergarten with ages has replaced
article/10.1007/s10643- respect to their academic success. and discounted concerns that children
010-0383-3 Similarly, it reviews the impact of engage in developmentally
emotional competence on school appropriate behaviour, especially for
success. This article then reviews ways of
research describing three major
influences on children’s kindergarten Learning (Ranz-Smith 2007).
adaptation and success (i.e., Moreover, children’s preferred ways
transition, parental involvement, of learning appear to be at odds with
retention). The article concludes with typical
a discussion of full-day kindergarten School practices and structure
programs and their potential for (Cullingford 2007).
improving the chances of all

Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

kindergarten children, especially low- C. Instrument Used

income and ethnic minority children, Research on best practices to improve
for success in school. children’s math and language arts
competencies, memory skills, and the
role of kindergarten in beginning
science. It also describes the social
experiences children have in
kindergarten with respect to their
academic success.
D. Result of the study
This article then reviews research
describing three major influences on
children’s kindergarten adaptation
and success (i.e., transition, parental
involvement, retention). The article
concludes with a discussion of full-day
kindergarten programs and their
potential for improving the chances of
all kindergarten children, especially
low-income and ethnic minority
children, for success in school.

E. Conclusion and Recommendation

The goals of this paper were to
examine research based
Practices for the role of kindergarten
in children’s development. Cognitive
skills incorporate mathematics,
language arts, and beginning science
as well as memory
Strategies that assist in effective
learning. Social development was
addressed with regard to the
importance of play

in the classroom, how teachers can

interact with their
students to promote social
development, and how children
Develop a sense of community.
Emotional development
involves how kindergartners self-
regulate and the effects of
Emotional security on classroom
performance. Kindergarten transition,
parent involvement, and retention,
have important implications for later
success, also were
Described. Finally, the costs and
benefits of implementing a

Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

balanced program through full-day

kindergarten were
Title: Bullying involvement may have an A. Title of the study
How Can Bullying adverse effect on children’s How Can Bullying Victimisation Lead to
Victimisation Lead to educational outcomes, particularly Lower Academic Achievement? A
Lower Academic academic achievement. However, Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of
Achievement? A the underlying mechanisms and the Mediating Role of Cognitive-
Systematic Review and factors behind this association are Motivational Factors
Meta-Analysis of the not well-understood. Previous meta-
Mediating Role of analyses have not investigated
Cognitive-Motivational mediation factors between bullying B. Aim/objectives of the study
Factors and academic achievement. Bullying victimisation was negatively
URL: related to cognitive-motivational factors, which, in turn, was associated
660-4601/18/5/2209 with poorer academic achievement.
These findings were moderated by the
design of the studies, assessment
methods for the bullying reports,
mediators and outcomes, country, age
of children in the sample and/or types
of bullying.

C. Instrument Used
Children involved in bullying
behaviour were less likely to be
academically engaged (k = 4) (OR =
0.571, 95% CI [0.43, 0.77], p = 0.000),
to be less motivated (k = 7) (OR = 0.82,
95% CI [0.69, 0.97], p = 0.021), to have
lower self-esteem (k = 1) (OR = 0.12,
95% CI [0.07, 0.20], p = 0.000) and
lower academic achievement (k = 14)
(OR = 0.62, 95% CI [0.49, 0.79], p =
0.000). Bullying involvement was also
significantly related to overall
cognitive-motivational factors (k = 17,
OR = 0.67, 95% CI [0.59, 0.76], p =
0.000). Cognitive-motivational factors,
taken together, mediated the
association between bullying
victimisation and academic
achievement (k = 8, OR = 0.74, 95% CI
(0.72, 0.77), p = 0.000).
D. Result of the study
Previous meta-analyses have not
investigated mediation factors
between bullying and academic
achievement. This meta-analysis
examines the mediation effect of
cognitive-motivational factors on the

Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

relationship between peer

victimization and academic

E. Conclusion and Recommendation

The findings are of relevance for
practitioners, parents, and schools,
and can be used to guide bullying
interventions. Interventions should
focus on improving internal and
external motivational factors including
components of positive
reinforcement, encouragement, and
programs for enhancing academic
engagement and achievement
amongst children and adolescents.
Title: Bullying has become a prominent A. Title of the study
Bullying affects more than topic within education due to recent Bullying affects more than feelings: the
feelings: the long-term media headlines in the United States long-term implications of victimization on
implications of and abroad. The impact of these academic motivation in higher education
victimization on academic occurrences ripples beyond the bully
motivation in higher and victim to include administrators,
education parents, and fellow students. While
previous research has concluded
URL: bullying behaviours decrease as a B. Aim/objectives of the study child progresses in school, more Similar to previous research, our
article/10.1007/s11218- recent studies found bullying can results demonstrate bullying
014-9287-1 continue into college. The current behaviours do continue
project investigated differences After high school (Adams and
between perceptions of bullying in Lawrence 2011; Chapell et al. 2004,
high school and college along with 2006). However, as reflected in
how college students’ experiences previous findings (Nansel et al. 2001),
with bullying impacted several bullying decreases as children move
constructs related to academic through school; likewise, we found the
success (i.e., basic psychological prevalence of victimization does
needs, academic motivation, decrease in higher education.
perceived social support, and Specifically, a 33% decrease in self-
perceived stress). Participants reported victimization appeared
(N=130, 68 male) completed a in our sample.
Perceptions of Bullying
Questionnaire, Basic Psychological C. Instrument Used
Needs Scale (BPNS), Academic The following surveys were
Motivation Scale, Multidimensional administered to participants:
Scale of Perceived Social Support, Perceptions of Bullying
Perceived Stress Scale, and a Questionnaire (PBQ), Basic
demographic data form. The results Psychological Needs Scale (BPNS; Deci
indicate participants who described and Ryan 1985),
themselves as either current or past Academic Motivation Scale (AMS;
bullying victims had significantly Vallerand et al. 1992),
lower academic motivation than Multidimensional Scale of
respondents who did not. In Perceived Social Support (MSPSS;

Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

addition, current victims of bullying Zimet et al. 1988), an adapted version

scored significantly lower on two of of the
the three constructs in the BPNS: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen et
autonomy and competence. These al. 1983), and a demographic data
findings suggest students are form.
susceptible to bullying after high D. Result of the study
school, and the effects can negatively Within the first subsection of the PBQ,
impact college life, academic titled Bullying at University (BU;
motivation, and educational Cronbach’s α = 0.84; Cronbach 1951),
outcomes. In addition, past a summation score was used with
victimization can cause academic higher scores indicating greater
difficulties for college students, even perceptions of bullying as a problem
after the harassment has ceased. at this university. Examining the
scores for this subsection of the PBQ
(M = 2.65, SD = 0.73), it appears
participants did not believe bullying
was a problem at the university

E. Conclusion and Recommendation

Follow-up research should continue to
assess bullying in higher education.
Most importantly, subsequent
investigations need to examine the
discrepancy that appeared in
students’ assertion to general bullying
victimization and specific bullying
victimization. The incongruence may
be a result of society’s grave coverage
of bullying
And the effects of victimization.
Students may downplay their own
experiences in an
Effort to avoid cognitive dissonance.
Additional research should assess
bullying and
collegiate achievement by comparing
the GPA and class attendance records
of bullies, victims, and non-

Write down the following information about your research title.
1. Title of the Research Study
2. General Aim/Objective
3. Specific Objectives
4. Research Questions

Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

The Effects of Pop Music to the Academic Achievement of Grade 12 STEM students in Buting Senior High
School; Basis for the improvement of Academic Achievement
General Aim/Objective
This research are will to know the possible good benefits to the academic rendition of the STEM students in
the school of Buting Senior High School (BSHS) in view of the changes that may happen to the students and
their academic performance. The word “improving performance
And achievement” is the main course of the researchers.
Specific Objectives
The purpose of this study was to examine and test the relationship of listening to Pop Music to the
Academic Achievement of Grade 12 STEM students from Buting Senior High School. We would like to
discover if listening to Pop Music can really affect the students in a good way. Furthermore, if the result will
support our study, it can be a way to let students to know the advantage of Pop Music not only for uplifting
the mood but importantly to perform well in school.
Research Questions
1. What is the demographic profile of grade 12 STEM students in terms of the following:
1.1 AGE
2. What is the main reason why students are getting low Academic Achievement?
3. Why students prefer Pop Music rather than the other genre?
4. How Pop Music could help students to concentrate while studying?
1. Write down the Scope and Delimitation of your research study by answering the following.
A. What is the title of your study?
The Effects of Pop Music to the Academic Achievement of Grade 12 STEM students in Buting
Senior High School; Basis for the improvement of Academic Achievement

B. What are the general purpose/ general aim of your study?

This research are will to know the possible good benefits to the academic rendition of the STEM
students in the school of Buting Senior High School (BSHS) in view of the changes that may
happen to the students and their academic performance. The word “improving performance
And achievement” is the main course of the researchers.

C. Where is the setting/place of your study?

The subject practical research where the study is situated at Pasig city. In a public school that
has established in 2018 as Buting Senior High School established by the local government unit. Its
status as a full-blown school happened during his watch, the mayor of the city of Pasig, Hon. Bobby
C. Eusebio.

D. What is the timeframe or period of your study?

The first step before going to the testing proper is to make a draft and request for an approval
from our Professor. After finalizing the proper research questions, the researcher was use the time

Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

allotted for vacant to avoid distraction of class discussions. The student responses were given
enough time to answer the questionnaire checklist. After data gathering, the research now
collected it for tallying the scores and to apply the statistical treatment to be used with the study.

E. Who are your respondents?

The researchers considered the Grade 12 STEM students of Buting Senior High School
comprising 30 respondents, male and female. They were the chosen participants because their
subject has to do with our study. Moreover, we highly expect that they are into Pop Music based
on their generation.

F. How will you conduct your study? (methodology)

The researchers used survey method to gather information and identify the strategies and
techniques used in studying by the students. All participants required to answer all items and must
answer the questionnaire honestly about the effects of pop music to the academic performance of
Buting Senior High School STEM students in expressing their thoughts or ideas. The generality of
this study focus in explanation and investigation about the effects of pop music to student’s
academic performance given by the survey questions. One main that aspire the researchers is to
convey the factual knowledge about the effect of pop music. In further, the other aim of this study
is to find out if pop music has effects on the academic performance.

2. Using the information above, write down the Scope and Delimitation of your study in paragraph form.
(Refer to SLM 11).
Scope and delimitations are two elements of a research paper or thesis. The scope of a study
explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work and specifies the
parameters within which the study will be operating.

Write down the Background of the Research of your study. Follow the format below:

1. Research Jurisdiction (Paragraph 1 / 3-5 sentences)

The data processing was done through analyzing and utilizing the following techniques in presenting the
data with the use of questionnaire checklist for quantitative analysis. We used Percentage Frequency
distribution to examine the profile of our dear respondents.

2. Summary of the Literature Review (Paragraph 2/ 3-5 sentences)

Based on the study of Mamoona Khan and Asir Ajmal, their study was conducted to measure the
influence of classical and pop music on mood and performance of university students. Music affects the learning
ability of the students. Since the students are no longer interested to listen in the classical music, (Mozart
effects). Their study was conducted to measure the influence of classical and pop music on mood and academic
performance of the students. In their study, Pop music enhances positive mood and level of happiness in order
for students to be more attentive.

Courtney Love L. Rivera May 06, 2021
11-HUMSS H Mr. Elmer Mones

3. Research Aim (Paragraph 3 / 1 sentence)

This research are will to know the possible good benefits to the academic rendition of the STEM
Students in the school of Buting Senior High School (BSHS) in view of the changes that may
Happen to the students and their academic performance. The word “improving performance
And achievement” is the main course of the researchers.

4. Summary of Research design (Paragraph 3 / 1 sentence)

The researchers used survey method to gather information and identify the strategies and techniques
used in studying by the students. All participants required to answer all items and must answer the
questionnaire honestly about the effects of pop music to the academic performance of Buting Senior High
School STEM students in expressing their thoughts or ideas. The generality of this study focus in explanation and
investigation about the effects of pop music to student’s academic performance given by the survey questions.
One main that aspire the researchers is to convey the factual knowledge about the effect of pop music. In
further, the other aim of this study is to find out if pop music has effects on the academic performance.

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