Urban Design Studio Prelim Exam - Abubo, Kenneth M.
Urban Design Studio Prelim Exam - Abubo, Kenneth M.
Urban Design Studio Prelim Exam - Abubo, Kenneth M.
AR421S2 – ARCH 421S1 (Urban Design Studio)
Residential Address: 1130 Eloisa St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila
Satellite Map
Facility/Amenities Length and/or Number Nearest point or relative distance from place of
residence (in meters)
Major Road None on the 150-meter radius The nearest major road is located outside the 150-
meter radius. The distance of the major road from
Nearest Major Road outside the 150-meter radius: our Residence is 245 meters.
• España Blvd.
Minor Road Padre Noval Street Distance to the Minor roads are about 30 meters.
Alley Barlin Street, Eloisa Street, Tolentino Street, Adelina Street, Distance to Alleys is 1 meter
Delos Reyes Street, Gonzales Drive
River/Creek None on the 150-meter radius The nearest river is located outside the 150-meter
radius. The distance of the river from our
Nearest River outside the 150-meter radius: Residence is approx. 15.4 kilometers.
• Pasig River
Houses Total of 59 Houses including ours. Houses that are clustered on each side of the
street are mostly detached to each other
separated by firewalls.
Commercial Building Total of 57 Bldgs. Commercial Bldgs. are found sprinkled on the
(Mcdonald’s P. Noval Street, radius of our Residence so the distance ranges
Jasha Dormitory, Beanquest Café, Aina’s Space from 5 meters – 150 meters.
Condominium, Natividad’s Dental Office, Albeth Bakeshop
Inc., J. Allen’s Eatery, Nail Bistro/ Dormitory, Novo Ecijiano The nearest commercial building from our
D3 Dormitory, Cataluña laundtry, Dormina Espressia, Lotus Residence is 5 meters.
de Cataluña Dormitory, Hokzon Bldg,, St. Benedict’s Bldg.,
Vizione Dormitory, Arjun’s Resto Grill, Andrea Bldg. II,
Vicente Bldg Dormitory, Guerrero Bldg Dormitory,
Sari-sari Store Total of 2 Sari-sari Stores. (Eloisa St, Sari-sari Store, Pakboy Sari-sari stores are found sprinkled on the radius
Store) of our Residence so the distance ranges from 10
meters – 20 meters.
Church Total of 2 Religious Bldg. The nearest location of Religious Bldg. is located
(Augustinian Missionaries of the Philippines Mission Center 142 meters from our residence.
(P Noval Street), Santisimo Rosario Parish Church (Roman
Catholic church)
Schools Total of 1 School The nearest location of school is located 41 meters
(University of Santo Tomas) from our residence.
ETC. None on the 150-meter radius The nearest mall is located outside the 150-meter
Mall radius. The distance of the mall from our
Nearest mall outside the 150-meter radius: Residence is 304 meters.
• St. Thomas Square
Hospital None on the 150-meter radius The nearest hospital is located outside the 150-
meter radius. The distance of the hospital from
Nearest hospital outside the 150-meter radius: our Residence is 401 meters.
• UST Hospital
Police Station None on the 150-meter radius The nearest police station is located outside the
150-meter radius. The distance of the police
Nearest Police Station outside the 150-meter radius: station from our Residence is 280 meters.
• MPD PS3 – Central Market Police Station
Fire Station None on the 150-meter radius The nearest fire station is located outside the 150-
meter radius. The distance of the fire station from
Nearest Fire Station outside the 150-meter radius: our Residence is 521 meters.
• Philippine Ling Nam Fire and Rescue Volunteer
Barangay Hall Barangay Hall is not located on the 150-meter radius: The Barangay Hall is located outside the 150-
• Barangay 467 Barangay Hall meter radius. The distance of the Barangay Hall
from our Residence is 184 meters.
Map with Label Inside the 150-Meter Radius
Map with Label outside the 150-Meter Radius
Map (with Road and Streel Label)
Additional Requirements:
1. Identify some issues and concerns with respect to the areas within the 'public realm' on that map. Relate them to the flooding which affects
your community or neighborhood.
the area is commercially superior, the edges generate from low income profits to average profits, which is good economically but somehow not
healthy because if every day those kind of wastes that these commercial spaces exhale in the city, little by little they generate enormous pollution
like plastics from a convenience store or the plastics bottle, fork, spoon, from a fast food restaurant, all kinds of all that they throw and other
chemicals they throw on drainage cause water contamination, those aircons and other equipment that generate heat which contribute to global
warming, also the area produce a heat island effect due to massive concrete pavements and structures, it is very hot that these buildings built
aircons which also enhance the heat on the area,
It is draining when I think about it, the loop of mistakes that run through its illusion of excuses, the incorrect planning and uneducated stakeholders
will die slowly without them knowing unless that professionals educate them but since this world can be manipulated through the use of
survivability, we need to survive and in order to do that we need to generate and generate money, that soon it will be too late to realize that we
cannot inhale money to live or to drink money to survive or eat them, they're just a tool, a piece of paper, that is created by a man, but life is more
than that.
Generally flooding occurs when the water is clogged or the elevation is not properly planned and built, but this is Manila, the capital of the country
with enormous professionals in the field of urban designs and construction, top-tier schools are here and so with the government's department
and center. So what is the problem? The problem is improper implementation of laws, ordinances, leaders close their eyes when it comes to
environmental problems, figuratively it is not their priority. That is why, for us specifically in that area not to experience that flood again is to
1. Strict implementation and sanctions to those who will disobey the laws, ordinances, and other commands for the benefit of the public
2. Collaborations of all technical, professionals in the field of urban and city designs, as well as the educators, and leaders on the city, and
the representative of each barangays, identify the problems, identify-communicate-comprehend-solve-implement
3. Open Space, the city, specifically our area needs to breathe, it’s like a body that needs to remove the toxins in his body, our area needs
a permeable space like landscapes, trees,
4. There should be an ordinance on designing structures that would require landscape on their exterior edges, to decrease heat island
effect, also can be an ordinance to recommend the use of natural ventilations, well this is just my idea, also can be the use of rainwater catchment
2. What are the public spaces or public structures in your neighborhood that were or will be greatly affected by flooding (if in case) and what
are some of the physical, social, and economic modifications that urban design can contribute to mitigate or adapt to flooding incidence in the
future. Identify as many public spaces as possible on that map.
Example: On sidewalks. What is the width of the sidewalk? Do you think that the physical distancing required by the COVID-19 protocol of at least
a meter away from each person (side by side) is enough? How can you correct this? What measure/s can you put in place to ensure that this
protocol is observed on that public space? What about on the transport terminals, i.e., tricycle stations? What about on the neighborhood store?
Entrance to your subdivision? Front of your house? Neighborhood park and the park or street amenities?
Well, honestly every structure that is inside the 150-meter radius greatly experience flood, there is no public space but more of commercially
private space, and institutions like the school and the church, and the others are residence. Probably one factor why it is flooding because of its
level of elevation, also the problem on flooding system and the massive impermeable spaces greatly contribute to flooding,
Physical modifications can be adding permeable spaces like plants and trees and decreasing the areas of concretes and requiring the rainwater
catchment system to every structure can mitigate and adapt the flooding incidence in the future. When we zoom out the map, physical
modifications can be relocation of some commercial spaces or can be creating or designing a holistic commercial space with an open park, like a
business park that has an enormous landscape with some rainwater catchment system.
For us to implement the Physical Modifications we need social modifications, leaders and technical and professionals in the field of urban design
and construction must educate their stakeholders, must identify the problem why there it is flooding, when these people identified the problem
and they found out that it is the commercial buildings that are contributing in the clogged of the drainage, they need to lead them, instead of
casting them away, educate them, reuse their waste into something more sustainable, instead of blaming them, make them realize their mistake
and persuade them educate them how to sustain the city's natural beauty, where when it rains people will not experience flood but just a normal
rain and to their professionals, listen to them, their warnings and their ideas on how to sustain the city.
For us to make them cooperate and conjoint we need a massive budget, a budget of ideas, money is easy to make, but ideas are priceless, so for
me we need to fund the ones who will solve the problems, the professionals who are expert in this kind of problem, specifically the flood. Provide
them the equipment’s, the materials, do not break them make them all connected. That is the solution that I can think of to solve the problem in
the flooding.
In terms of COVID-19 protocols, there must be a balance between income generation and health priorities, ask why these people still goes out in
their house, despite the danger, why? Because they need to live, they need to survive, they need to feed their family, they need to pay taxes, and
other government bills, electricity bills, water bills, mortgage, rents, that is why there must be an alternative solution on profits because without
that, you cannot control these people who has no choice, probably promoting an online business, or can be creating more services through
deliveries and transportation of goods, can be promoting an online jobs, but what about those who have lost their jobs and no company would
hire them, encourage them to do business and educate them with planting vegetables and fruits, like urban gardening, instead of giving them
temporary goods like canned goods, noodles, etc. but for me it is also good but it is not a permanent solution, what if this pandemic will end 10
years later? then these people are doomed, that is why instead of giving them temporary solutions, give them permanent solutions, give them
seeds of vegetables, give them a pot and soil and a manual on how to harvest vegetables, etc. and all these income strategies must not compromise
health protocols, wherein we are encouraging them to stay at home where they can sustain their life and survive.
3. Also, identify (probably on the same map) a potential evacuation area in your community whether outside the 150meter radius or
horizontal/vertical distance. Define the criteria or justify why you choose that area to be an evacuation zone or center.
The location of our residence is located at the west quadrant based on the earthquake response plan drafted by the MMDA (Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority). The MMDA recommended that the safe open space on the west quadrant is Intramuros Golf Course, but the distance of
the evacuation space from our residence is 1.88 kilometers, well that would require us to find an alternative safe open space for evacuation since
it is not logically bordering our residence and we might be injured or dead before we reach that place due to the tall buildings that is proximate in
our house, plus the alleys and roads are not that broad and wide, and another factor is the population on the west quadrant that is so massive, so
the best idea to an open space that is near and somehow safe is the UST Open Field which is 100 meters away from our house, around 3-5 minutes
we can easily walk to the Open Field and for me this only a quick solution for an earthquake calamity.
In terms of flooding, our area is also prone to flood due to unequal distribution of permeable and non-permeable space, too much concretes and
the canals and drainage are clogged with trash, garbage, etc. also our area have less permeable spaces like open parks, landscapes, trees, etc.
which would result to flooding so for sure, UST Open Field will be flooded too, which in my idea is not an ideal safe open space for flooding, for
me I would require a higher terrain open space and it must accommodate flood that would permit the water in the soil, so the safe open space
can be Intramuros gold course, for me Intramuros golf course is good for evacuation center in terms of flooding because it has an elevated spaces
also the hills on gold course is not just a normal grass, grass on gold course need a massive amount of water due to its terrain and properties,
which for me good since flood contains amount of flood.
In terms of an epidemic or pandemic emergency, well self-isolation is ideal, but we should always expect the worse like a joint catastrophe or joint
calamity, what if a 7.9 earthquake and a pandemic simultaneously commence on the same day, same hour, well we would need an evacuation
center that is equipped with medical equipment, medical professionals, emergency services, and crowd control, for me the ideal area on that kind
of situation is the Intramuros golf course and the Luneta Park but for me I would place my command center at the kilometer zero and its open
park, since earthquakes will cause the road to break, and falling debris will clogged the roads so the ambulance and other vehicles cannot pass
easily to rescue people so for me I placed my command center and evacuation center at this part because I can maximize other type of emergency
transportation like water, since the kilometer zero and park along Luneta is near the river and the sea, emergency responder can rescue injured
persons through riverbanks and the shores also it is good since it is located at the edges, which is openly on other sides unlike centered locations,
which if there is so much population then it cannot be accommodated because injured and sick people come from every direction and it is
increasing but the centered evacuation shapes cannot increase.
4. Coming from the recent experience of urban areas with regards to flooding and the pandemic in various places all over the country; define
a program of evacuation where it could be effective, safe, and resilient.
If ever the worst-case scenario would happen, wherein all types of calamities happen simultaneously in a specific day, pandemic, flood, typhoon,
earthquake, what would be the plan?
The plan would probably be ahead of it, expect it, the impossible possibility of the dark side of nature, that might demand massive death if not
immediately prepared.
If ever I would become the leader of the disaster department, and if ever I am permitted and allowed by this country to implement on how to
prevent casualty with regards on that types of calamities here are my plans:
• I would maximize the edges on rives and shores and turn them into evacuation open centers and they would be placed equidistantly to
each other.
• I would use those evacuation spaces only for evacuation emergencies like when there is flood or earthquake or typhoon or whatever
calamities, if people would ask why? it’s a waste of space since massive area must be used for people, so why not make it generate profit
like make the people rent it for concerts or like mass gatherings, this would give me more profit to be able to use in the future, my answer
would be no, first of all why, calamities cannot be measured, calamities are unpredictable, if they can be predicted then what is the use
of evacuations? If I would agree with temporary gatherings or concerts on my evacuation center then suddenly a 10.9 earthquake happens,
I cannot bear the responsibility of the deaths of my users, so my answer would be those evacuation centers is strictly for emergency
situations, whether the next earthquake would happen 100 years from now, it should be for evacuation situations only, because calamities
are unpredictable.
• I would also require specific professionals and services only for emergency situations like medical doctors, nurses, volunteers, and even
the army for crowd control, I would place my command center on each evacuation sites that can be communicated without the use of
electricity that is powered by electric companies instead I would require sustainable energies, etc. I would build specific survival needs like
water filters, and temporary shelters that is not so heavy, probably just tents, why? Because during earthquakes, it might also get
destroyed which is not ideal, probably those who are retractable and portable and flexible structure I will design, also I can design the
structure that can float so that the flood would not be a problem.
• Then I would design a radial zone but with different levels, if the concentric zone model has its specific type of model and the CBD is their
center, my center is the Evacuation center it will become my innermost priority, next would probably my large open space, so that people
would easily gathered and can be easily located, but remember the location of the evacuation is on the riverbanks and shores, so most
likely problems also can occur, that is why I would need to improve the stability of my structures and to learn what type of soil is in that
area, is it buildable, unbuildable, etc. but mostly for me it is an ideal solution in order to survive the alarming simultaneous big one, there
will still be emergency responders that can travel in every specific areas, whether it is quadrant 1, 2, 3, or 4, also the evacuation is
distributed equally on each specific structures and areas, evacuation center that needs to be extended would not be a problem anymore
and we can accommodate the users equally,
This is for an emergency plan, the next plan would be how to sustain our survival, people would be hungry, plants and crops are destroyed, no
shops are open, malls are closed, etc. so we could implement here the idea of urban gardening like providing seeds to each specific type of group
like families, teaching them to survive, etc. until the city recovers again.
Terrain Map
Map (with Liquefaction Level)
Map (with Tsunami Risk Level)
Flood Map
Reference on the Map:
Georisk. (n.d.). Retrieved from Hazard Hunter PH: https://hazardhunter.georisk.gov.ph/map#