Example Project Management

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Activity Immediate Week

Predecessors a m b
A - 4 7 10
B - 3 4 5
C A, B 2 5 8
D C 16 19 28
E C 6 9 24
F E 1 7 13
G C 4 10 28
H D, F, G 2 5 14
I G, F 5 8 17
J H 2 5 8
K I, J 17 19 45

a) Construct a network for this problem.

b) Determine EST, EFT, LST, LFT and slack for each activity.
c) Determine the critical path and project completion time.
d) Determine the probability that the project will be finished in 70 days or less.
Activity Immediate Day Cost ($)
Predecessors Normal Crash Normal Crash
A - 5 4 8,000 12,000
B A 8 6 6,000 9,000
C A 7 6 10,000 12,000
D A 6 5 9,000 11,000
E B, C 10 7 7,000 19,000
F B, C 10 8 10,000 15,000
G C, D 7 4 22,000 28,000
H E, F 7 6 15,000 18,000
I F, G 8 6 12,000 18,000
J G 4 3 14,000 15,000

a) What is the project completion time and total cost of this project?
b) Please crashing the project to reach the deadline at 28 days

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