Understanding The Self-Syllabus - OBE
Understanding The Self-Syllabus - OBE
Understanding The Self-Syllabus - OBE
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The total hours for the whole subject course with one hour and a half allotted for the major examinations, that is, the midterm and final
examination is fifty four (54) hours. In cases of inevitable cancellation of classes due to weather, declared holidays and other reasons mandated
by the university or the local government, submission of reflection papers, film analysis and self-assessment essays are employed.
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6. Compare and contrast I.2. Sociological views of the Participatory Discussion Laptop Reflection paper At least 85% of the class
the different views of the self: The self as a product of Buzz sessions LCD Projector Enrichment Activities, compared and contrasted
self; modern society, Mead and Understanding p.25, the different views of the
7. Examine the two the social self the Self by Assessment pp.26-27 self; examined the two
components of self; Villafuerte (2018), Johari’s window components of self;
8. Describe the concept of et al., pp.18-24 Happy face/sad face described the concept of
the looking-glass self and . the looking-glass self and
how it affects self- how it affects self-
concept; concept; & explained the
9. Explain the concept of concept of social
social comparison & why comparison and why it is
it is important to import- ant to human
humanbehavior. behavior.
10. Define anthropology; I.3. Anthropological views of Interactive Discussion Laptop Motivational Activity, At least 85% of the class
11. Explain culture and the the self: The Self and Person Motivational activity presentation LCD Projector p.29 defined anthro- pology;
mechanisms of enculturation; explained cul- ture and the
12. Synthesize anthro-
in contemporary Understanding Enrichment Activities, mecha- nisms of
pological perspec- tives on anthropology- self-awareness the Self by pp.36-38 enculturation; Synthe- sized
self aware- ness and self- and self and behavioral Villafuerte (2018), Output plans, anthro- pological perspectives
refle- xive conduct; environment, the self as et al., pp.28-36 pp.39;Assessment-Self on self-awareness and self-
13. Show appreciation of embedded in culture Project p. 40. reflexive conduct;
one’s cultural identity through showed appreciation of one’s
- p. 41. cultural identity through
practice of one’s cultural
Family Tree practice of one’s cultural
(3generations) values.
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14. Demonstrate critical 1.4. Psychological Interactive discussions Laptop Enrichment Activities, At least 90% of the class
and reflective thought in perspectives of the self: The Collage-making, p.48 LCD Projector p.48, demonstrated critical and
analyzing the different self as a cognitive Simple psychological experiment, p.48 Understanding Assessment pp. 49-50. reflective thought in
psychological theories in construction-William James Song analysis, p.48 the Self by 20 statement test analyzing the different
the study of the ‘self’; and the Me-Self, I-Self, Villafuerte (2018), Reflection paper psychological theories in
15. Expound the self as a Global vs. Differentiated et al., pp.42-47 the study of the
cognitive construction Models, Real and Ideal Self, ‘self’;expounded the self
16. Examine the self as Multiple vs. Unified Selves, as a cognitive
proactive and agentic True and False Selves and construction
The Self as Proactive and examined the self as
Agentic proactive and agentic
17. Distinguish the Eastern I.5. The Self in Western and Socialized discussion Laptop Motivational Activity, At least 85% of the class
from the Western Oriental/Eastern Thought: Field work, p.63 LCD Projector pp.53-54 distinguished the Eastern
Constructs of the self; Individualistic vs. Collective Motivational activity presentation, Understanding Enrichment Activities, from the Western
18. Differentiate the indi- Self, the social construction pp.53-54. the Self by pp.60-62 Constructs of the
vidualistic self from the of the self in western thought, Villafuerte (2018), Output plans, p.63 self;differentiated the
collective self; the self as embedded in et al., pp.51-59 Video reflection individualistic self from the
19. Explain the spiritua- lity relationships and through Role play collective self; explained
and philosophy of spiritual development in the spirituality and
Confucius. Confucian Thought-Eastern philosophy of Confucius.
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University Town, Northern Samar
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25. Discuss the sexual II.2 The Sexual Self: Lecture Laptop Enrichment Activities, At least 90% of the class
development involving development of secondary sex Class Discussion LCD Projector p.95 the discussed the sexual
the human reproductive characteristics and the human Interview activity, p. 95 Understanding the Assessment- pp. 96-97. develop- ment involving
system, erogenous reproductive system, Slogan-making, p. 95 Self by Villafuerte Reaction paper or the human reproductive
zones, sexual behavior erogenous zones, human Jingle-making, p. 95 (2018), et al., Debate on system, erogenous
and human sexual sexual response; basic biology pp.83-94 Reproductive Heath zones, sexual beha- vior
response; of sexual behavior, the Law and human se- xual
26. Demonstrate critical and chemistry of lust, love and response;demons- trated
reflective thought in attachment and the critical and re- flective
understanding one’s sexuality,
chemistry of lust, love and
psychological aspect-what thought in un-
attachment &the turns people on and phases of derstanding one’s se-
psychological aspect of being sexual response, diversity of xuality, chemistry of
turned on; sexual behaviors, sexually lust,love &attachment
27. Examine the diversity of transmitted diseases, &the psychological
human sexuality, sexual
health, sexually transmitted
responsible parenthood, family aspect of beingturned
diseases and methods of planning and methods of on&examined the
contraception. contraception. diversity ofhuman se-
xuality,sexual health,
sexually transmitted
diseases, responsible
parenthood, family
planning &methods of
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35. Trace the historical context II.5. The Political Self: Developing a Class discussion Laptop Enrichment Activities, pp. At least 85% of the class
of the political self of the Filipino Identity: Values, Traits, Class Debate LCD Projector 129-132 traced the histo- rical context
Filipinos; Community and Institutional Factors Motivational activity presentation, p.124 Understanding the Output plans p.1133 of the poli- tical self of the
36. Take pride of the Filipino and establishing a democratic culture Lobby letter, p. 133 Self by Villafuerte Filipi- nos;Takes pride of the
identifying values and traits; Jingle composition, p. 133 (2018), et al., pp.122- Filipino identifying values and
and 128 traits; and
37. Connect the current trends connected the current trends
or social uphea vals to the or social uphea- vals to the
historical viewpoints of historical view points of
indepen- dence and liberation indepen- dence and liberation
38. Discuss about online II.6. The Digital Self: Self and Other Lecture Laptop Enrichment Activities, At least 90% of the class
identity and their ‘self ’ in in cyberspace, I, me, myself and my Pictorial analysis, pp. 136-137 LCD Projector pp.141-142 discussed about online
cyberspace and user ID; user ID online identity, selective self- Group discussion on negative and positive Internet connection Assessment, p.143-144 identity and their ‘self ’ in
39. Expound selective self- presentation and impression effects of online interactions, p. 138 (YouTube) cyberspace and user
presentation & im- management, impact of online Video presentation link, p.141 Understanding the ID;expounded selective self-
pressionmanagement; interactions on the self, boundaries of Slogan-making and Video clip-making, p.141 Self by Villafuerte presenta- tion&impression
40. Evaluate the impact of the self- online, private vs. public, Quick survey form, p. 142 (2018), et al., pp.134- management;evalua- ted the
online interactions on the self; personal/individual vs. social identity 140 impact of online interactions
and online, gender and sexuality online on the self; and established
41. Establish boundaries of the boun- daries of the online self:
online self: private vs. public, private vs. public, personal vs.
personal vs. social identity social identity online; gender
online; gender and sexuality and sexuality online
42. Articulate the theoretical Learning to be a better Lecture Laptop Enrichment Activities, At least 90% of the class
underpinnings for how to student: what happens during Learning strategy guide, p. 161 LCD Projector pp.161-163 articulated the theoretical
manage and care for different learning? Goals and goal-setting guide, p. 162 Internet connection Assessment, p.164-165 underpinnings for how to
aspects of the self; Brain and behavior changes, Developing a self-care plan (YouTube) Final Self Survey manage and care for different
metacognition and study Understanding the Output- Self Management aspects of the self; acquired
43. Acquire and manifest new strategies, managing your Self by Villafuerte and Self Compassion/ Self and manifested new skills and
skills and learning for own learning and self- (2018), et al., pp.146- Care Plan (to be submitted learning for managing of one’s
managing of one’s self and regulated learning. 160 during the Final self and behavior; and
behavior; and Setting Goals for Success: Examination) applied new skills to one’s self
to function for a better quality
the importance of goals,
44. Apply new skills to one’s of life
Bandura’s self-efficacy,
self to function for a better
quality of life. Dwecks’ mindset (growth vs.
fixed), Locke’s goal setting
Taking Charge of one’s
Stressors and Responses,
Stress and Filipinos-the social
and cultural dimensions of
stress, taking care of the self-
the need for self-care and
Self Management and Self
Compassion/ Self Care Plan
TOTAL 54 hrs
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1. Propose an answer to the questions, “Who am I?” II. The Self from various
2. Examine one’s thoughts and experiences according to the philosophical views of the self; philosophical perspectives. A.
3. Articulate the various philosophical views about the self; Discussion of “Who am I?” from
various philosophical perspectives.
4. Compare and contrast the different views of the self;. B. Sociological Views of the Self
5. Examine the two components of self;
6. Describe the concept of the looking-glass self and how it affects self-concept;
7. Explain the concept of social comparison and why it is important to human behavior.
8. Define anthropology; C. Anthropological Views of the Self
9. Explain culture and the mechanisms of enculturation;
10. Synthesize anthropological perspectives on self-awareness and self-reflexive conduct;.
11. Expound the self as a cognitive construction D. Psychological Views of the Self
12. Examine the self as proactive and agentic.
13. Distinguish the Eastern from the Western Constructs of the self; E. The Self in Eastern And Western
14. Differentiate the individualistic self from the collective self; Thought
15. Explain the spirituality and philosophy of Confucius.
16. Identify and reflect on the different forces and institutions that impact the development of the physical self; II. Unpacking the Self
17. Explain the impact of culture on body image and self-esteem;
18. Discuss the role of media on the adolescent’s understanding of beauty and self-esteem and its influence on 1. The Physical Self
their body image satisfaction
19. Examine one’s self against the different concepts and aspects of the physical self;
20. Propose measures to enhance the adolescents’ ‘body image satisfaction
21. Examine the diversity of human sexuality, sexual health, sexually transmitted diseases, responsible 2. The Sexual Self
parenthood, family planning and methods of contraception.
22. Discuss the sexual development involving the human reproductive system, erogenous zones, sexual
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Villafuerte, S.L., Quillope, Al, Tunac, Rudjane, Borja, Estela(2018), Understanding the Self. NIEME Publishing House, Co. Ltd.,Cubao, Quezon
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3) http://www.focusas.com/SexualBehavior.
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