Descale-It: Maintenance Chemicals
Descale-It: Maintenance Chemicals
Descale-It: Maintenance Chemicals
Description Important Information and Precautions
DESCALE-IT is a liquid acid used to remove scale and cor- • Always add acid to water. Never add water to acid.
rosion deposits from heat exchanges and piping systems.
The use of DESCALE-IT eliminates costly downtime and • Do not allow acid solution to remain in equipment for
expensive manual descaling. The inhibitor contained in more than 24 hours.
DESCALE-IT prevents serious attack of the base metal
after removal of heat exchanger deposits is complete. • As with all acid cleaning, be sure to remove zinc plates
DESCALE-IT is recommended for descaling boilers, evapo- and rods or other sacrificial anodes before cleaning.
rators, condensers, heaters and coolers.
• The acid cleaning process may generate flammable/
Application and Use hazardous gas, including hydrogen. Do not perform hot
For general descaling of heat exchanger units, boilers, evapora- work when acid is in circulation.
tors, etc., add 200 liters of DESCALE-IT per ton of cleaning
capacity. The solution should be heated to 54° C for best • Always make sure that equipment has sufficient ventila-
results. Circulate the solution through the heat exchanger by tion to prevent the accumulation of gases.
use of a pump, or agitate the solution by bubbling steam or
air through the exchanger. If steam is used for agitation, the • Do not use DESCALE-IT liquid acid descaler for re-
steam should be discontinued when the temperature of the moving deposits on equipment made of stainless steel.
solution reaches 71° C. Higher temperatures reduce the ef-
fectiveness of the inhibitor. The system should be ventilated • For boiler cleaning:
to the atmosphere at all times during cleaning.
• Do not acid clean a boiler with DESCALE-IT
Depending on the quantity and nature of deposits, most liquid acid descaler when deposits contain
types of scale will be removed in 4-12 hours. When unusually significant amounts of copper or a high percent-
heavy deposits are encountered, a sample of scale should be age of silica.
immersed in the recommended solution strength to determine • Never fire a boiler containing an acid solution.
the approximate time necessary for removal. • Vent to the outside.
When the cleaning operation is completed, the system should NOTE: Care should be taken to follow local disposal
be drained and flushed thoroughly with fresh water. A 1% regulations with all waste water.
solution of GCTM should then be circulated to neutralize
metal surfaces.
Features Benefits
• Concentrated liquid acid • Highly effective in removing scale
• Contains an effective corrosion inhibitor • Convenient to use
• Soluble in water in all proportions
• Minimizes attack of the base metal
Continued on page 2
Equipment Required Packaging
Proper planning is essential when acid cleaning with DESCALE-IT is available in 25-liter containers
DESCALE-IT. (P/C #9511404).
Registered trademark, TMTrademark, Drew Marine
2012 Drew Marine • All Rights Reserved • DESCALE-IT_PDS_0412_R1
All statements, information and data presented herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are not to be taken as a guarantee, express warranty or implied warranty of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose, or representation, express or implied, for which seller assumes legal responsibility, and they are offered solely for your consideration, investigation and
verification. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of this product are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement and are not
recommendations to infringe on any patent.
DREW MARINE • 100 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 USA • Tel: (1-973) 526-5700