Examination of The Code Requirements For The Inter-Story Drift Ratio Limits
Examination of The Code Requirements For The Inter-Story Drift Ratio Limits
Examination of The Code Requirements For The Inter-Story Drift Ratio Limits
Examination of the code requirements for the inter-story drift ratio limits
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1 author:
Özgür Avşar
Eskişehir Technical University
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Özgür Avşar *
Eskişehir Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Eskişehir, Turkey
Seismic design codes limit the inter-story drifts of buildings to protect the non-structural components and to
minimize the secondary effects of gravity loads. A new version of Turkish Building Earthquake Code
(TBEC, 2018) is in act starting from 2019 by replacing the former version of the Turkish Earthquake Code
(TEC, 2007). One of the significant changes in TBEC (2018) is the definition of the inter-story drift ratio
(ISDR) limit. The ISDR is limited by 2% as per TEC (2007) without considering any other criteria. However,
the ISDR limit of TBEC (2018) is modified by considering several parameters. The type of building
(reinforced concrete (RC) or steel), the interaction of infill walls with the neighbouring structural components
and the ratio of spectral ordinates at the fundamental period of the building of 72-year return period
earthquake to 475-year return period earthquake (λ) are the three important parameters. Moreover, effective
rigidities of RC members should be adopted in TBEC (2018). Change in ISDR demands and corresponding
limits specified by the two versions of the earthquake code are examined for a 6-story RC building.
Moreover, the variation in the ratio of spectral ordinates (λ) and ISDR limit are investigated for 105 points
mainly in the Marmara Region. The comparisons are conducted for five different local site conditions (ZA
to ZE). The change in the ISDR limits is considerable, especially for the poor soil conditions. Moreover, the
interaction of infill walls with the structural components has a direct influence on the ISDR limits.
Story drift; Effective rigidity; Seismic codes; Earthquake.
Received: 23 September 2019; Accepted: 31 December 2019
ISSN: 2630-5763 (online) © 2020 Golden Light Publishing All rights reserved.
Corresponding author
Email: [email protected]
Examination of the code requirements for the inter-story drift ratio limits 50
damaging earthquake, seismic design codes have for the ISDR limits specified by the corresponding
been developed and improved several times. The codes.
latest version of the Turkish Building Earthquake
Code (TBEC, 2018) [1] is enforced starting from 2. Code requirements for ISDR
2019. In this new version of the earthquake code,
Seismic design codes enforce structural engineers
not only the existing code sections were improved,
to limit the inter-story drifts of buildings to protect
but also several new sections such as the seismic
the non-structural components and to minimize the
design of tall buildings, seismically isolated
secondary effects of gravity loads. For this purpose,
building, etc. were included. Besides the new
earthquake design codes limit the max ISDRs of
requirements for structural systems, a coordinate
building under seismic effects.
based seismic hazard assessment can be conducted
for each individual building, which is one of the 2.1. ISDR limit of TEC (2007)
significant differences compared to the preceding
earthquake code. This has been achieved by the The drift demand for each story is obtained by
development of Earthquake Hazard Map of Turkey subtracting the successive floor displacements,
by AFAD [7]. The earthquake actions can be which are obtained from structural analysis of the
specified more accurately compared to the building under reduced earthquake forces as given
earthquake actions calculated by employing the by Eq. (1). The effective story drift is calculated
earthquake zoning map, which is used in the former with Eq. (2) by multiplying with the response
Turkish Earthquake Code (TEC, 2007) [2] for reduction factor (R). The max ISDR of the building
determining the earthquake forces. is specified by calculating the maximum of the
With the implementation of the new version of story drift to story height ratio. The max ISDR of
the earthquake code (TBEC, 2018), several design buildings is limited by 2% as per TEC (2007)
requirements have been modified in comparison without considering any other criteria as in Eq. (3).
with the older version of the earthquake code (TEC, i =di di 1 (1)
2007). In this study, the modification of inter-story
drift ratio (ISDR) limits specified for buildings is i =R i (2)
investigated. For this purpose, the requirements of
each version of the earthquake code on ISDR limit
max ISDR i 0.02 (3)
is compared. The type of building (reinforced hi max
concrete (RC) or steel), the interaction of infill
walls with the neighbouring structural components 2.2. ISDR limit of TBEC (2018)
and the ratio of spectral ordinates at the
The drift demand for each story is obtained by
fundamental period of the building for 72-year
subtracting the successive floor displacements,
return period earthquake to 475-year return period
which are obtained from structural analysis of the
earthquake (λ) are the critical parameters in
building under reduced earthquake forces given by
defining ISDR limit by TBEC (2018). The (λ) ratio
Eq. (1). The effective story drift is calculated with
is calculated for 105 points mainly in the Marmara
Eq. (4) by multiplying with the ratio of response
Region, whose seismic parameters are obtained
reduction factor (R) to importance factor (I). Two
from the Earthquake Hazard Map of Turkey. The
different ISDR limits are specified for buildings
comparisons are conducted for five different local
depending on the interaction between the infill
site conditions (ZA to ZE) to examine the effect of
walls and the neighbouring structural components.
site conditions on the (λ) ratio. Finally, the ISDR
If the infill walls are constructed adjacent to the
values of a 6-story RC building were calculated by
structural components without any spacing in-
employing both TEC (2007) and TBEC (2018).
between, in other words, if the stiffness and strength
Then the calculated ISDR values were compared
of infill walls affect the seismic behaviour of the
51 Avşar
structural system, then the max ISDR limit is Marmara Region were calculated for 5 different
specified by Eq. (5). Otherwise, the ISDR limit is local site classes (ZA to ZE). The distribution of the
doubled as in Eq. (6) for the buildings whose inspected 105 points in Marmara Region is
structural components and infill walls are presented in Fig. 1.
sufficiently separated such that the seismic Elastic spectral ordinates of each point are
response of the building is not affected by the infill calculated by TBEC (2018). Spectral acceleration
walls. In Eq. (5) and (6), κ = 0.5 for steel buildings coefficients SS and S1 are obtained from the
and κ = 1.0 for RC buildings. Therefore, the type of Earthquake Hazard Map of Turkey for each
the building affects the ISDR limit considerably. individual point. The design spectral acceleration
coefficients SDS and SD1 are determined by
i = i (4) multiplying the spectral acceleration coefficients
I with local soil site coefficients given for 5 various
site classes from ZA to ZE. The design spectral
max ISDR i w/ interaction (5) acceleration coefficients are employed to obtain the
i max
spectral ordinates of the inspected point for 5
different site classes. This procedure is repeated for
max ISDR i w/o interaction (6) the 72-year return period earthquake (DD-3) and
i max
the 475-year return period earthquake (DD-2).
where, λ is the ratio of spectral ordinates at the Finally, λ is simply obtained by taking the ratio of
fundamental period of the building of 72-year elastic spectral ordinates at the fundamental period
return period earthquake (DD-3) to 475-year return of the building for DD-3 earthquake to the one for
period earthquake (DD-2). Therefore, seismicity of DD-2 earthquake as shown in Fig. 2.
the building location as well as its soil conditions The variation of λ for 5 different site classes is
affect the ISDR limit specified by TBEC (2018). presented in Fig. 3 for different fundamental
periods. In addition to the variation of λ for each
3. λ values for 105 points in Marmara region individual point, the minimum, maximum and
mean variation for each site class are also presented.
In order to investigate the effect of λ on the code
For each site condition, after a certain fundamental
specified max ISDR limit, λ values of 105 points in
period, the variation of λ is constant.
Sae (g) 0.8
0.6 DD3
0.4 Sae(DD3)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
T (s)
Fig. 2. Calculation of λ
0.9 0.9
= Sae(DD3)/Sae(DD2)
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
T (s) T (s)
0.2 0.2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0.9 0.9
= Sae(DD3)/Sae(DD2)
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
T (s) T (s)
0.2 0.2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
T (s)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
For relatively stiff to medium stiff site classes (ZA structural components on the ISDR limits, two
to ZC), λ generally varies between 0.3 to 0.5. cases were considered for each building type.
Whereas, as the soil condition gets worse, λ In the first case, the infill walls were considered
becomes bigger especially for buildings with a low to be adjacent to the neighboring structural
fundamental period. For very soft site conditions components, whereas in the second case, it is
(ZE), the λ value can reach to 0.8 depending on the assumed that a sufficient amount of gap is provided
fundamental period of the building. In Chapter 7 of between the infill walls and structural components
the TEC (2007), which is the chapter entitled to prevent any interaction in-between, which is
seismic performance assessment of existing termed as isolated infill as shown in Fig. 5. Constant
buildings, the λ value is approximated to be 0.5 ISDR limit of 2% specified by TEC (2007) is
without considering any parameter such as site presented in all graphs.
conditions or fundamental period of the building. When infill walls are constructed adjacent to
The mean variation of λ values for each site class structural components of RC buildings, which is a
and TEC (2007) approximation for λ value are very common practice in Turkey, for soft to very
compared in Fig. 4. TEC (2007) approximation for soft site conditions (ZD and ZE), depending on the
λ overestimates the mean λ values for ZA, ZB, ZC fundamental period values, the ISDR limits are less
and ZD site classes. However, for the very soft site than 2%, which is the limiting ISDR specified in
conditions (ZE), TEC (2007) underestimates the TEC (2007). For the medium to dense soil
mean λ values. This underestimation is much more conditions (ZA, ZB, ZC), ISDR limit is determined
for the fundamental period interval of 0-0.6 to be slightly greater than 2%. ISDR limits are
seconds. considerably larger than 2%, especially for good
site conditions, when the infill walls are separated
4. Variation of ISDR limit for various from the structural system with a sufficient gap. The
parameters ISDR limits for steel buildings is half of the ISDR
The λ values obtained for the inspected 105 points limits for RC buildings. When infill walls are
were employed in calculating the ISDR limits given constructed adjacent to structural components of
in Eqs. (5) and (6). Also, TEC (2007) steel buildings, the ISDR limits were determined to
approximation for λ = 0.5 is considered to calculate be much less than 2%. With this outcome, it is
the corresponding ISDR limit for comparison expected that the structural design of steel buildings
purposes. ISDR limits were determined for RC and will be mainly controlled by the ISDR limits
steel buildings separately. Moreover, in order to specified by TBEC (2018).
investigate the effect of infill wall interaction with
ZE TEC (2007)_Ch7
Mean = Sae(DD3)/Sae(DD2)
T (s)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
gross sectional properties.
Therefore, for the same RC building, even under
2.0 the same earthquake forces, TBEC (2018) results in
- Steel Buildings (=0.5) more flexible structural system and consequently
max ISDR (%)
- Adjacent Infill increased lateral displacements are determined
1.0 compared to TEC (2007). Therefore, larger ISDR
values will be calculated with TBEC (2018).
0.5 ZA ZB The variation in the ISDR demands and the
T (s) ZE TEC2007_Ch7 corresponding limit specified for two earthquake
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 codes were investigated with an analytical model of
5.0 a 6-story RC framed building. The selected 6-story
RC building is the first design example presented
both in the design examples books presented for
max ISDR (%)
3.0 TEC (2007) [8] and TBEC (2018) [9]. The building
2.5 is assumed to be located in İstanbul with the
- RC Buildings (=1.0)
coordinates of 40.960ºN and 28.825ºE. The
- Isolated Infill structural system of the building is assumed to have
1.0 ZA ZB
0.5 ZC ZD a high ductility level. Therefore, the response
T (s) ZE TEC2007_Ch7
0.0 reduction factor (R) of the building is 8.0. The
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
building is in the 1st Seismic Zone and its local site
class is specified as Z3 according to TEC (2007).
2.0 Whereas, its local site class is specified as ZD
according to TBEC (2018). The design spectral
max ISDR (%)
Sae (g)
T (s)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
To be consistent in the earthquake force calculation flexural rigidity of the column and beam sections
for both codes, the mass calculation presented in the were modified by 0.7 and 0.35, respectively.
design examples of TBEC (2018) was adopted in First, modal analyses were conducted to obtain
the developed analytical model. The total mass of the modal properties of the building with two
the building is assumed to be 2110 tons. As shown different section rigidities. The modal properties of
in Fig. 8, two analytical models were developed to the building for the two principal axes are presented
perform structural analysis for both gross sectional in Table 1. Modal properties of the building in both
properties and effective sectional properties, which principal axes are very similar to each other owing
were obtained from TBEC (2018). Accordingly, to the symmetry in the structural system.
Examination of the code requirements for the inter-story drift ratio limits 56
Table 1. Modal properties of the 6-story RC building with EIeff and EIgross
X-Direction Y-Direction
Section Mass Modal Modal Mass Modal Modal
Rigidity Period Period
Participation Mass Stiffness Participation Mass Stiffness
(s) (s)
(%) (tons) (kN/m) (%) (tons) (kN/m)
EIgross 86.6 0.719 1 76.4 86.1 0.731 1 73.9
EIeff 84.7 0.992 1 40.1 85.4 0.987 1 40.5
Although the mass participation ratio of both calculated in Table 2 and Table 3 were applied to
models does not change considerably, there is a the floor mass center as well as to the points defined
35% increase in the fundamental period of the by shifting it ±5% of the floor plan length in the
building when effective sectional properties are perpendicular direction to the earthquake direction
concerned. Modal properties are obtained for the considered in order to account for the additional
mass normalized mod shapes. The modal stiffness eccentricity effects. ISDR demands at each story
of the fundamental vibration mode for the analytical were calculated by conducting the structural
model with effective sectional rigidities in both analysis under the effect of seismic loading for both
principal axes is almost half of the modal stiffness codes. Although the equivalent earthquake load
calculated with gross sectional properties. This determined by TBEC (2018) is less than the one for
outcome is considered to be the evidence for TEC (2007) due to differences in spectral ordinates
achieving a less stiff structural model when the and seismic hazard calculations, the ISDR demands
effective rigidities are considered. calculated by TBEC (2018) are more than 50%
Equivalent earthquake loads were calculated for greater than the ISDR demands calculated by TEC
each principal axes of the building. Lateral loads (2007) on average (Table 2 and Table 3).
57 Avşar
Table 2. Equivalent earthquake load and ISDR demands with TBEC (2018)
Story No. hi (m) mi (t) FX (kN) ui(X) (mm) i(X) (mm) i = R/I·i(X)(mm) i(X)/hi
6 3 260.7 457.2 36.90 2.71 21.67 0.0072
5 3 369.2 445.1 34.19 4.66 37.27 0.0124
4 3 369.2 358.9 29.53 6.39 51.09 0.0170
3 3 369.2 272.8 23.14 7.65 61.20 0.0204
2 3 369.2 186.6 15.49 8.26 66.09 0.0220
1 3.5 372.8 101.5 7.23 7.23 57.86 0.0165
Story No. hi (m) mi (t) FY (kN) ui(Y) (mm) i(Y) (mm) i = R/I·i(Y)(mm) i(Y)/hi
6 3 260.7 457.2 38.68 2.79 22.32 0.0074
5 3 369.2 445.1 35.89 4.81 38.45 0.0128
4 3 369.2 358.9 31.08 6.58 52.63 0.0175
3 3 369.2 272.8 24.50 7.89 63.11 0.0210
2 3 369.2 186.6 16.61 8.63 69.04 0.0230
1 3.5 372.8 101.5 7.98 7.98 63.86 0.0182
Table 3. Equivalent earthquake load and ISDR demands with TEC (2007)
Story No. hi (m) mi (t) Fx (kN) di-max (mm) i-max (mm) i-max = Ri(mm) i-max / hi
6 3 260.7 561.7 23.56 1.66 13.28 0.0044
5 3 369.2 546.9 21.90 2.88 23.04 0.0077
4 3 369.2 441.1 19.02 3.94 31.52 0.0105
3 3 369.2 335.2 15.08 4.71 37.68 0.0126
2 3 369.2 229.4 10.37 5.20 41.60 0.0139
1 3.5 372.8 124.7 5.17 5.17 41.36 0.0118
Story No. hi (m) mi (t) FY (kN) di-max (mm) i-max (mm) i-max = Ri(mm) i-max / hi
6 3 260.7 554.3 25.33 1.75 14.00 0.0047
5 3 369.2 539.7 23.58 3.06 24.48 0.0082
4 3 369.2 435.3 20.52 4.17 33.36 0.0111
3 3 369.2 330.8 16.35 5.00 40.00 0.0133
2 3 369.2 226.3 11.35 5.56 44.48 0.0148
1 3.5 372.8 123.1 5.79 5.79 46.32 0.0132
Examination of the code requirements for the inter-story drift ratio limits 58
This outcome is attributed to the effective flexural On the other hand, the ISDR demands calculated by
rigidities employed by TBEC (2018), while gross TBEC (2018) at the 2nd and 3rd story exceed the
sectional properties were used by TEC (2007). ISDR limit specified for the building with adjacent
The ISDR limit for the building was calculated infill walls (Fig. 10). Therefore, the investigated
based on the Eqns. (5) and (6) for two cases, which building with adjacent infill walls is not acceptable.
are adjacent infill walls and isolated infill walls, If the structural engineer wants to design this
respectively. Since the fundamental period of the building with adjacent infill walls, he/she should
building in both principal axes is very close to each increase the stiffness of the structural system to
other, the same λ values were calculated. Therefore, reduce the ISDR demands. Otherwise, the infill
the same ISDR limits were determined for both walls should be separated from the structural
axes as shown in Table 4. components with sufficient gap in-between. Both
The variation of ISDR demands along the story design and construction practice in Turkey is not
height is presented together with the ISDR limits in familiar with the concept of isolated infill walls. In
Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. According to TEC (2007) results, such a case, additional details should be developed
all the ISDR demands are less than 2%, which is the in isolating the infill walls from the structural
ISDR limit as per TEC (2007) as shown in Fig. 9. components in order to prevent their out-of-plane
This indicates that the investigated 6-story RC failure and fulfill thermal and sound insulation.
building is acceptable in terms of the ISDR criteria.
TEC (2007)
5 X-dir
4 max ISDR=2%
Story No.
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040
Drift Ratio
Fig. 9 ISDR and limits of the 6-story RC building according to TEC (2007)
59 Avşar
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040
Drift Ratio
Fig. 10 ISDR and limits of the 6-story RC building according to TBEC (2018)