Best Boss!

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Best Boss!

Best Boss!
The Impact of Extraordinary Leaders

Duncan Ferguson, Toni M. Pristo, and John Furcon

Best Boss!: The Impact of Extraordinary Leaders

Copyright © Business Expert Press, LLC, 2022.

Cover design by Charlene Kronstedt

Interior design by Exeter Premedia Services Private Ltd., Chennai, India

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other
except for brief quotations, not to exceed 400 words, without the prior
permission of the publisher.

First published in 2021 by

Business Expert Press, LLC
222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017

ISBN-13: 978-1-63742-078-2 (paperback)

ISBN-13: 978-1-63742-079-9 (e-book)

Business Expert Press Human Resource Management

and Organizational Behavior Collection

Collection ISSN: 1946-5637 (print)

Collection ISSN: 1946-5645 (electronic)

First edition: 2021

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
This book pinpoints the one-on-one people leadership behaviors of
extraordinary managers and provides strategies for developing the reader
into a “Best Boss.” Embedded in a model containing five dimensions, the
Best Boss Approach presents a self-reinforcing and self-sustaining system
of interaction, based on developing a foundation of trust and respect
between manager and direct report that can last a lifetime. The book pres-
ents self-assessments and development tactics to facilitate growth in lead-
ership insights and behavior. Moving beyond the individual leader, the
authors examine factors within the organization that either promote or
discourage “Best Boss” behaviors and suggest strategies for reducing barri-
ers to successful leadership development. Finally, the book examines how
the external market preoccupation and quest for shareholder value that is
at odds with investments in leadership development and broader stake-
holder value is now being reconsidered by economists and business leaders.
The book will be of singular assistance to anyone in a leadership role
who manages people and aims to impact their motivation, engagement,
performance, retention, and career development. It will also provide useful
insights to leaders with responsibility for leadership development. Addi-
tionally, it provides significant value to two specific audiences: MBA stu-
dents will find this book of particular value for shaping their leadership
approach for enhancing business performance. CEOs and their advisors
will find value in this book for gauging their organizations’ current state of
leadership development, readiness for improvement, and key areas of focus
to achieve internal and external recognition as a “Best Boss” organization.

leadership development; leadership; engagement; potential; trust; learn-
ing agility; organization improvement; values-based leadership; authen-
ticity; individual performance
Preface������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xv
Acknowledgments��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xix
Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xxiii

Chapter 1 Courtney’s Story: Perspective of a GenXer����������������������1

Chapter 2 A Simple Study���������������������������������������������������������������7
Chapter 3 The Best Boss Leadership Approach������������������������������13
Chapter 4 Leads From a Higher Purpose���������������������������������������23
Chapter 5 Activates Potential���������������������������������������������������������33
Chapter 6 Promotes Dynamic Autonomy��������������������������������������43
Chapter 7 Provides Pervasive Feedback������������������������������������������51
Chapter 8 Inspires Continuous Learning���������������������������������������59
Chapter 9 How to Become a Better Boss���������������������������������������69
Chapter 10 Jeff’s Story: Perspective From a Baby Boomer����������������87
Chapter 11 Why Best Bosses Matter�����������������������������������������������91
Chapter 12 Our Aspiration: More Best Bosses!������������������������������103
Part I Why Don’t We Have More Best Bosses?����������������������104
Part II Hope on the Horizon�������������������������������������������������112
Chapter 13 Lees’ Story: A Millennial’s Perspective�������������������������119

Appendix: Best Boss Action Planning and Actualization Example����������123

About the Authors�������������������������������������������������������������������������������141
“ ‘Best Boss! The Impact of Extraordinary Leaders’ is focused on a topic that
accounts for much of the variance in performance and satisfaction among peo-
ple at work—in departments, teams, and organizations: what is the nature of
boss-subordinate relations? When interactions are built on trust, as the authors
explain, everyone wins. As an executive coach, I believe bosses can learn to
build trust. For me, this book is valuable because it shows how.”—Harry
Hutson, Executive Coach and Author of Navigating an Organiza-
tional Crisis: When Leadership Matters Most

“When I look back upon the best bosses throughout my career, there were three
recurring characteristics that inspired me to provide my best efforts: they were
authentic in their approach, they cared for my well-being and they were gener-
ous in sharing their knowledge for my benefit. The best bosses generated more
discretionary effort in my activities, I was grateful for their excellent care, and
wanted to keep that partnership thriving. ‘Best Boss! The Impact of Extraor-
dinary Leaders’ is a validation of my experience of great people leadership and
what it can do for both employees and the organization.”—Bob Cancalosi,
CEO and Owner of Four Loop Learning

“ ‘Best Boss! The Impact of Extraordinary Leaders’ comes from a deep belief
by the authors in the power of leadership and offers comprehensive research,
assessments and self-reflection guides on effective behaviors. In addition, it
encourages organizations to reflect on their mental models that underly and
potentially interfere with leadership development. This book stirs your think-
ing and offers practical solutions.”—Malini Janakiraman , Malini Global
x Testimonials

“There are few things more important in our early growth and development
than healthy attachments to our parents and caregivers. Similarly, there are
few things as important in our work lives as who our supervisors are to us.
What else has the degree of impact in terms of satisfaction and growth? Co-
authors Duncan Ferguson, Toni Pristo and John Furcon have generated novel
perspectives on best bosses which we know will be critically important. It will
show how the workplace can be better for all of us. And for most of us work
is where we will spend the better part of our lives.”—David Evan “Daven”
Morrison, MD, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry; Commit-
tee on Work and Psychiatry and author of Psychiatric Dysfunction in
the Workplace (Oxford)

“Having had the experience of working for a Best Boss, I know first-hand the
immeasurable positive impact this type of leader can have on personal growth
and professional progression. Working in the engagement space, I hear so many
organizations and leaders wondering how managers and executives alike can
drive engagement, innovation, and genuine connection – especially during
this time where we are more remote than ever and increasingly burnt out.
Ferguson, Pristo, and Furcon have harnessed the power of personal stories and
consolidated them into universally relatable insights that inspire action. ‘Best
Boss! The Impact of Extraordinary Leaders’ goes beyond description, helping
readers reflect on their style through self-assessment exercises – allowing us all
to realize our own personal brand of Best Bossing!”—Carolyn Kalafut, MA,
People Science Consultant at Glint, a part of LinkedIn

“This isn’t just a leadership book, it’s a combination of powerful personal

stories and insights that will stir emotion, inspire, and provide actionable
strategies for becoming a Best Boss… a boss who brings out the best in others,
activates potential, and makes the workplace experience (and the world) a
truly better place. The Best Boss effect is hard to quantify… their impact can
cascade through others in a way that multiplies their positive impact, creating
more Best Bosses in the process. I’ve seen it firsthand in my work with organi-
zations. Duncan, Toni, and John have poured their hearts and souls into the
Best Boss research for years and this book brings their thought leadership to
the world… grab a copy and get ready to be drawn right in…”—Stefanie
Mockler, Ph.D., Leadership Consultant, Coach and Founder of the
Female Leader’s Edge
Testimonials xi

“You do not become a Best Boss overnight. This book will assist you in devel-
oping the skills and characteristics that make you an unforgettable leader …
If you learn nothing else from reading this book, don’t forget to reach out
to your Best Boss and tell him or her how much of an impact they made in
your work and personal life… and that you will continue this legacy.”—Paul
Schneider, Partner, Keystone Partners
If you are looking for a quick read on how to become a “good enough”
boss—one that doesn’t inspire ridicule behind your back, well, you’ve
come to the wrong place. Ferguson, Pristo, and Furcon set a much higher
bar as they successfully distill the qualities and behaviors that distinguish
extraordinary leaders from the rest of the pack. Their survey and related
thinking focus on the women and men, from frontline supervisors to
CEOs, who transcend their roles—shaping the very culture of the organi-
zations they serve. Their positive influence on the individuals they man-
age is often surprisingly palpable and profoundly durable—they tend to
leave an unforgettable mark. They are, by nature, talent magnets and tal-
ent actualizers, and it turns out there is a whole lot to learn from taking a
closer look at how they succeed.
This work is clearly near and dear to the authors, which makes it all
the more compelling. Each brings with them an entire career’s worth of
experience in studying, influencing, and indeed being led by the entire
gamut of bosses, both strong and not-so-strong. Based on their survey
results, which provide inspirational stories and powerful examples, they lay
out a five-factor framework that is at once simple to grasp, yet profound in
its impact. The pieces of the puzzle they identify are interdependent and
complementary, transcending organizational settings, leadership levels and
era. And, when they speak about “igniting the entire system,” true magic
emerges! Furthermore, they validate this model with related thinking from
decades past. The good news is that reading “Best Boss! The Impact of
Extraordinary Leaders” will most certainly inspire action. At the onset of
the first page to the back cover, you’ll be challenged constantly to engage
in self-reflection and, more importantly, to do something different. The
coaching they offer meets you where you are—early in your journey, or
well down the path. All can benefit.
If you have managed to cross paths with a Best Boss, you have cer-
tainly been fortunate. You know firsthand how engaging and inspiring
leaders like this can be. We need many more of them—now more than

ever. Given the plethora of titles out there in the “make-a-better-leader”

industry that don’t exactly live up to their promise, it’s about time one
shoots for the stars and actually hits the mark.
Carl Robinson, PhD
Founding Partner, Vantage Leadership Consulting
Chicago, Illinois
Reflecting on our careers, we are very much aware of the fact that a small
handful of people have had a disproportionate impact on our success.
Some have been colleagues or peers; some have been teachers, coaches, or
even clients. And then there are those cases in which our own manager
greatly affected the trajectory of our lives. A few years back, we discussed
the idea of taking a more substantive look at the method and impact of
these inspiring individuals by learning how others would respond to two
straightforward yet provocative queries:

• Who was your “Best Boss?”

• Why do you think so?

The study that followed these two questions yielded profound insights
in terms of who a Best Boss is, what he or she does, and the subsequent
impact of such leadership.
The reader might wonder why our efforts were directed at under-
standing a “boss” rather than a manager, supervisor, or even leader. If so,
you are not alone—for at least one of our book reviewers, Harry Hutson,
did the same:

In today’s world, hierarchy is blurred, except in repetitive work-

flows. Knowledge and service workers work independently or in
teams where their colleagues, peers, outside experts, and even cli-
ents are more important than their direct supervisors. Does the
boss concept even fit?

In fact, as we set up the study, it was not a consideration we took

lightly. We tested the use of the term “boss” in advance and found that it
resonated clearly with all ages and generations. The common interpreta-
tion is that a boss is someone who has a big impact on one’s life at work,
both in reference to the conduct of the work itself, and with reference
xvi preface

to the leadership style an individual enjoyed (or endured). It wasn’t just

about managing, supervising, or leading—it was about all of these things.
“Boss” fit the bill.
Much of what we have learned has been deciphered from the stories
that came as a result of our research methodology. These stories conveyed
not only the behaviors and traits of respondents’ Best Bosses, but also
the emotion elicited in working with him or her. For some, the recollec-
tions were, at times, overwhelming, even in instances where decades had
In reality, very few of the Best Bosses we studied seemed to come
close to being perfect. However, what stood out as common denomina-
tors among a highly diverse set of individuals deemed a Best Boss, was
each one’s unique way of:

• Establishing a positive connection and authentic relationship

with the individual; and
• Creating an environment in which a person was encouraged
to reach his or her potential, that, in turn, benefitted the

As authors, we anticipated the positive impact of a Best Boss, but

upon reflection, we found the topic even more compelling in the context
of the world in which we live today. Writing this book during the sum-
mer of 2020, a sense of urgency developed around our mutual mission to
complete it, as global events unfolded around us with dramatic ramifica-
tions for life as we know, or knew it:

• The COVID-19 virus is changing both how we work and

how we collaborate.
• The Black Lives Matter movement has resulted in organi-
zations re-examining how we relate to, work with, and lead
others equitably.
• Political developments brought the question of leadership to
the forefront on a daily basis.
• The Me-Too movement demanded the eradication of all
­sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace and in life.
preface xvii

• Leading up to 2020, newer generations of workers, led by

Millennials, had already begun to demand that organizations
evolve in how they both operate and integrate into our work
and lives.
• The evolution of social media and its impact on our work life
and everyday life is an experiment in progress.

So, what is the impact of a Best Boss and why is this way of leading
so urgently needed at this turbulent time in modern history? Through
our efforts and reflections, we learned that a Best Boss elicited a level
of commitment and conviction within a person that ensured he or
she would consistently go beyond ordinary performance at work. And
more, the effect of a Best Boss was often to create “leadership legacies”—
generating a multiplier effect in the sense that, great bosses beget great
Beyond that, we believe the most important effect of the Best Boss way
of leading is the impact it can have on the human condition—by reducing
the stress and demoralization of disengagement, by always encouraging
respect and integrity, and by showing us through their interactions that
each and every one of us matters, at work and in life. This bold statement
will reveal its own explanation in the stories that lie ahead. Consider this
book a different kind of leadership exploration, as it addresses the human
experience between two people, not just the work experience.
Best Boss! The Impact of Extraordinary Leaders is offered for those who
are looking for a way to make a meaningful difference through the way
they lead others in this challenging and chaotic world. Such individuals
likely understand the value of great people leadership, but may not be
so clear as to how to bring it about, whether that be in the employees
they currently lead or in anticipation of future leadership roles to which
they aspire. We believe our characterization and approach to leading as
a Best Boss are timeless, no matter the era and are blind to race, culture,
or differences in sexual orientation. This is because, amid the chaos that
always accompanies large-scale change, transition and the human con-
dition, people yearn for compassion, support, and authenticity in their
work and their lives.
xviii preface

In Best Boss! The Impact of Extraordinary Leaders, we will share a sys-

temic approach to the Best Boss way of leading, some of which might
already be incorporated into your current leadership style. We will describe
specific traits, behaviors, and tools, as well, for both your reflection and
use in unleashing your own unique capabilities. In doing so, we invite
you to join us on this journey of discovery and discernment to embolden
your leadership and be ready to take on the possibilities of tomorrow.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and
become more, you are a leader.
—Quote attributed to John Quincy Adams, the sixth president
of the United States
Duncan Ferguson
So many people, once they learned about our Best Boss study and asso-
ciated insights, have asked me, “So, when are you writing a book?”
However, writing a book is much harder than it looks. It took incredible
support and assistance from so many special people that I would be remiss
for not acknowledging their participation in this achievement.
First, and most importantly, I am forever grateful to my wife, Linda,
who told me from the beginning to stop thinking about writing and just
write! Many in my family were also so interested in the Best Boss effort,
from my sons, Ryan and Brendan to my Canadian family, Karen, John,
Ken, Lauren, William, Beth Anne, Janet, and Paul.
None of this, from the Best Boss study and analysis, could have hap-
pened without the friendship, thought leadership and avid interest from
all of the folks at Vantage Leadership Consulting. Cat Savage was there
from the beginning, playing a pivotal role in our data gathering and
analysis. Lees Parkin provided her story, literary elegance, and contin-
ual enthusiasm. Stephanie Mockler, Eileen Linnabery, Kelly Levin, and
Kathy Kurnyta took the lead in developing our Best Boss workshops.
Last, and not least, are the partners at Vantage—Carl Robinson, Keith
Goudy, Mike Tobin, Jackie Ackerman, and Dave Sowinski, who were
encouraging, supporting, curious, and nurturing throughout.
Special thanks to Rich McGourty for his keen insights, artful criti-
cism, and ever-present optimism.
A big shout out to our extended team member and editor, Lizzie
Riggan, who did a spectacular job polishing our thoughts and making us
look like actual writers.
Thanks to the provocateurs, Phil Gardner, Paul Schneider, and Phil
Kosanovich, who continually queried, “when is that book going to be
xx Acknowledgments

To all of my corporate Best Bosses (yes, I was lucky to have many)

who made my work strong and my whole life brighter through their
coaching, “potential activation,” and friendship. Thanks to Melanie
Brennan, Wendell Johnson, Joe Ryan, Ed Van Steddam, Jack Graham,
Bill Slight, Henry Davis, Kent Carson, Doug Ford, Dave Lemmon, Carol
Bullock, John Campbell, Wayne Anderson, and Tobi D’Andrea.
To all of our survey respondents, too numerous to name, but who
took the time to provide such thoughtful, robust, and inspirational stories
about their own Best Bosses. Their quotes provided the heart and soul to
our book.
Finally, to my two coauthors, a deep and heartfelt thank you to Toni
and John, who have been on this journey with me from the beginning.
Without their friendship, expertise, passion, and resilience, none of this
would have happened.

Toni Pristo
I would like to acknowledge coauthors Duncan and John for our collab-
oration on the topic of Best Boss. Between a recession and a pandemic,
we conducted the Best Boss study and eventually wrote a book, thus cre-
ating opportunities to do meaningful work during particularly difficult
times. Plus, we had fun. In addition to comments already made about
Vantage, I also wanted to call out Cat Savage for her impeccable work on
developing and maintaining the study database. What a difference it has
made for us! When it comes to book content, I have to thank my orig-
inal Best Bosses—Tony and Margie Pristo. Their parenting method was
analogous to and inspirational for understanding a Best Boss. Heartfelt
thanks to BEP’s Scott Isenberg, Mike Provitera and Charlene Kronstedt
who lifted us through the publishing process with such validation, not to
mention alacrity. Finally, I must thank Best Boss Warren Wilhelm who
routinely “activates employee potential.” For me, he suggested I start my
own consulting business—something I never would have imagined. As of
this publication, it is in its 25th year. More importantly, having my own
business enabled the life I so desired with my family for whom I am the
most grateful—Dan, Michael and Gina Conti.
Acknowledgments xxi

John Furcon
First and foremost, especial thanks to my coauthors, Toni and Duncan,
who demonstrated remarkable insight, diligence, eloquence, and working
from “higher purpose” throughout our journey from research to publica-
tion. In addition to the preceding affirmations of Vantage staff and other
colleagues who supported our work, three other individuals stand out for
me: Alan Tecktiel (HR executive) who supported our initial foray into
implementation of a Best Boss workshop and diagnostic 360-degree feed-
back process, which provided the unvarnished reactions of potential users
to our ideas; Kathleen Quinn (film producer), who directed our quest
into capturing CEO video reminiscences of Best Boss experiences; and
Harry Hutson (executive coach), who reviewed our draft manuscript and
conveyed many substantive observations which challenged our thinking
and honed our insights and writing.
I’ve been fortunate to have a number of great bosses. Four individuals,
however, were singular in this regard at different stages of my career: Wally
(Wallace) Lonergan at the Human Resources Center, The University of
Chicago; Bea Young at Harbridge House, and Bud Block and Iris Gold-
fein at PriceWaterhouseCoopers. They personified quite memorable fac-
ets of Best Boss behavior in their leadership and in our work relationships.
I realize that learning from the work experiences of family members
has had a decided impact on my views of and insights concerning the
boss-employee relationship. Being blessed with five daughters and five
sons-in-law (Juliana and Pete, Annalisa and Phil, Diana and Gary, Sarah
and Adam, Beth and Chris) who have freely shared ideas and experiences
from their career journeys, I feel that a multigenerational perspective has
been “baked in” along the way. Additional learning, courtesy of our eight
grandchildren, is underway.
Finally, my heartfelt thanks to my wife, Denise Bettenhausen, whose
encouragement and support was incredibly important to me throughout
the authorship process. In addition, her career as an educational administra-
tor and consultant has provided many relevant experiences and insights that
she has generously shared. In truth, I suspect that many of her colleagues
and workmates would describe her as a Best Boss! And her comments on
the final draft were most helpful in bringing the book to completion.
We did not discover the topic of Best Bosses as an outgrowth of a pre-
determined academic pursuit to uncover the secrets of great leadership.
It germinated rather from a simple comment to Duncan, made by an
individual named Joel as he was describing why he loved his current job:

It’s because of my boss. He is absolutely the best boss I have ever

had in my life. I am given autonomy and freedom to run my
business unit. He gives me constructive feedback when necessary
and recognition when warranted. He has my back in all situations.
And he really cares about me as a person. I don’t think I will ever
be able to work for anyone else again because this experience has
been so great.

While Joel’s description of his boss was intriguing, it was his last sen-
tence that catches one’s attention. Joel assumed it was unlikely he would
find another great boss during his career. In other words, having a great
boss was the exception, not the rule, in employees’ working lives.

Duncan Ferguson
As a human resources leader and then organizational consultant, Duncan
has been fascinated with understanding the secrets of great leadership
throughout his entire career. But the conversation with Joel was a cat-
alyzing event. Shortly thereafter, Duncan began to casually incorporate
the question, “Who was your Best Boss?” into interactions with friends,
business colleagues, and clients. The responses were universally positive,
emotional, and energizing. He also created a leadership blog in hopes of
collecting more evidence for the importance of this topic. One comment
from a reader stands out:
xxiv introduction

The greatest boss EVER … he cared about everyone in his depart-

ment. He had extreme competence and was trusted by most
important people above him. But really it all came down to giv-
ing you a clear direction and, within that, complete autonomy.
He didn’t allow “run-arounds” by his direct reports, stuck up for
you with your peers and other departments, and if he didn’t agree
with you, he dealt with you in private and let you sort things out.
He had an open door and always made you feel welcome when
you came in to talk with him.

Invigorated by these interactions, Duncan connected with Toni and

John, as he was aware of their shared passion for the topic.

Toni Pristo
As an organizational psychologist, Toni’s interest and work in the area
of leadership behavior and effectiveness at multiple organizational levels
has spanned a long career. In a variety of internal and external roles she
has played as an organization and leadership development consultant, the
topic of boss–employee relationships has been a strong focus. Equally
important, she also has abundant experiences—and memories—of her
own bosses who, from her perspective, ran the gamut from not-so-good
to out of this world. Trying to understand this great divide, the inconsis-
tency of great boss leadership in organizations, and the role of the “other”
in the boss employee relationship hold unending interest.
For years, Toni worked with first-time “people leaders” to develop
emotional competence as a way to optimize boss–employee relationships.
In a specially designed exercise, workshop participants would begin to
understand the difference between “good” and “bad” bosses by collec-
tively recalling their own past experiences. After dividing the class into
two groups—one that experienced a great boss and one that experienced
an undesirable boss—the two subgroups collected the following data:

• What did the boss say or do?

• How did it make you feel?
• What was the impact on performance—yours, your team,
your organization?
introduction xxv

Inevitably, the two groups learned rather quickly the correlation

between boss behaviors, employee feelings, and impact on performance.
For example, a boss who shouted at a direct report intimidated the
employee, and performance diminished out of fear of making mistakes.
On the other hand, a boss who openly recognized a deserving employee
made the individual feel confident, which in turn, translated into
enhanced future performance due to growing confidence and developing
trust with the boss.
Certainly, emotional intelligence and competence were central to the
Best Boss–employee relationship. But what else? A chance reunion with
two colleagues from the very beginning and middle of her career would
provide an interesting opportunity to find out.
xxvi introduction

John Furcon
John, also an organizational and leadership consultant, has demonstrated
a career-long interest in great leadership. It began with developing and val-
idating psychological tests and assessment centers for manager selection,
and continued with design and implementation of 360-degree feedback,
management development, and succession planning programs. However,
he recognized that great leadership involved more than just the sum of
strong competencies. This seemed to be the case at all levels in organiza-
tions, from first-line supervisors up to and including C-Suite officers and
CEOs. Other, more intangible processes seemed to be in play.
John’s attraction to the topic of Best Bosses was also more organic
and even personal. Early in his career, he recognized the importance of
having a great boss from whom he could learn; one who would trust and
respect him. As he moved through his career, he was fortunate to have
several great bosses who met these standards, supporting him to perform
effectively in making a positive impact on organizations and people. One
story in particular is emblematic of the impact a Best Boss can have:

It was my first interview with my prospective boss when I was

making the career transition from academia to consulting.
I arrived with a briefcase filled with papers, publications, and
reports, which at one point, I began to spread out on the desk for
her review. I remember clearly the moment she interrupted me
and made a statement to the effect of “There’s no need to look at
any of that; we look forward to learning from you and providing
the opportunity for you to put these approaches to use in the
organizations we assist.”

It is hard to imagine a more positive start to a new career direction.

Our Journey of Discovery Begins

Ultimately, the three of us gathered at a suburban Chicago coffee shop

where we discussed our mutual interest in discovering the exceptional
aspects of a Best Boss. We also discussed, based on our collective 100+
introduction xxvii

years of human resources and consulting experience, a shared viewpoint

on the general state of leadership across all types of public and private
organizations. At best, we felt the current state of leadership was unin-
spired. At worst, we thought it was horrible. And, we believed that most
of us were feeling the fallout.
The numbers support this anecdotal point of view on leadership.
Consider these data points from Gallup (State of the American Work-
force Report 2020):

• Only 33 percent of employees are engaged in their work and

• Just 20 percent of employees say their performance is man-
aged in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work.
• Fifty-six percent of nonengaged and 73 percent of actively
disengaged employees are looking for jobs or watching for
• Three in 10 of U.S. employees say they have received praise or
recognition for good work in the past seven days.
• Three in 10 of U.S. employees say there is someone at work
who encourages their development.
• Four in 10 of U.S. employees say that their supervisor or
someone at work cares about them as a person.

If these data aren’t depressing enough, there is ample evidence—to be

shared later in the book—that your boss also has an immediate impact on
your personal health and well-being.
Our own intrigue with the topic, coupled with years of discouraging
data on the state of work, motivated us to better understand what dif-
ferentiates a Best Boss from all others. But before we dive into what this
book is, we feel it important to tell you what it isn’t.
It would have made sense if Joel’s story led us to take a closer look
at bad bosses. After all, bad bosses are, in their own right, alluring. Who
among us hasn’t heard or shared a funny (or painful) story about a toxic
boss? We decided, however, to go in a more positive direction and set
out to study Best Bosses, like the one Joel was fortunate enough to have,
rather than the terrible bosses that many of us have had to endure from
xxviii introduction

time to time throughout our careers. This is not unlike the notion that in
order to understand why some marriages are great, it makes more sense to
study successful marriages, rather than those that end in divorce. While
certain topics are of critical import for further research and discussion at
this particular time in modern history, the following considerations are
not directly addressed in this book: the employee–boss relationship with
respect to gender, race, and sexual orientation. We strongly support the
exploration of such topics. At the same time, we entertain the possibility
that so many issues in the workplace might disappear on their own if we
lived in a world in which Best Boss leadership was the rule, and not the
exception. In this regard, all employees, regardless of race, gender, or ori-
entation might feel the psychological space at work to be, and continue
becoming, the best version of themselves. We understand this vision is an
extremely tall order and do not discount for a moment the unacceptable
situations endured by far too many for far too long: biases in leadership
based on such factors cannot be tolerated in organizations. Period.

Overview of the Book

Now, on to what this book is and what we hope it will provide for our
reader. The book begins with a story, based on a late entry to our study,
that sets the stage for what it means and feels like to have a Best Boss. This
first story is about Courtney, a Gen-Xer. Two more stories—not from our
study, but from our direct experience in working with others—are told in
the middle and end of the book. They are based on the experiences of a
Baby Boomer (Jeff) and a Millennial (Lees). This is one way in which we
attempt to demonstrate that this type of leadership has universal impact,
regardless of age.
Chapter 2 (“A Simple Study”) provides a detailed look at our Best
Boss study design and methodology as well as an initial look at some
findings such as study demographics, traits, and overall themes describing
the purview of Best Boss leadership. In Chapter 3, the reader is presented
with a model of how the employee–Best Boss interaction seems to oper-
ate, and the impact it has for each individual and the organization as a
whole. Chapters 4 through 8 cover an in-depth look at Best Boss behav-
iors. They include an abundance of quotes gathered from the research
introduction xxix

we conducted that led us to develop the models and tools offered in this
book. In addition, these chapters include references to other important
research where similar findings have been identified. Finally, these chap-
ters also provide the reader with an opportunity to begin a self-reflection
journey in regards to how well he or she currently behaves in the fashion
of a Best Boss. In Chapter 9, the reader will discover methods for assess-
ing current leadership capabilities, and it also provides suggestions for
what he or she can do to address needed improvements.
Throughout earlier chapters, there are many references to the impor-
tance of Best Boss leadership. Chapter 11, Why Best Bosses Matter, takes
a deeper dive into the “why” and will reference compelling evidence for
the pursuit of great leadership that goes well beyond what we have identi-
fied. Chapter 12 presents considerations as to why Best Bosses are few and
far between and concludes the discussion with hopeful developments to
address these issues, as well as how our audience might intervene within
their own organization, if leadership deficits exist. We sincerely hope that
our readers will find inspiration for championing and becoming a Best
Boss in reading this book.

Courtney’s Story:
Perspective of a GenXer
Courtney was 21, recently out of college, and ready to get her career and
life started. Following graduation from Vanderbilt, she landed a position
in Chicago as a research analyst at a professional services firm. Courtney
was filled with a host of emotions as she entered the workforce—
excitement, anticipation, anxiety, hope. While she believed in herself and
knew she was capable, she was also confronted with the typical self-doubt
and uncertainty that accompanies any big transition. And she was expe-
riencing plenty of firsts in her life—new job, new city, new expectations.
Perhaps the most intimidating “first” for Courtney was working for a real
boss. It’s not that Courtney had never been supervised before, but only
on summer or part time jobs. This, however, was a real job with a real
boss, someone who would set her objectives, judge her performance, and
permeate a significant portion of her life. The prospect distressed her.
With these anxieties firmly in tow, Courtney began working for Bob,
a senior project manager at her firm. Almost immediately, Courtney real-
ized her concerns were unfounded. Bob disarmed her by being genuinely
interested in her as an individual. He appreciated how difficult it can be
to start a new job—especially early in one’s career—and he made it his
mission to help her be successful at the firm.
Bob brought many great human qualities to their working relation-
ship. He was a coach, mentor, confidant, and ultimately, a friend. From
the very beginning of their time working together, Bob made it clear that
he fully trusted Courtney and truly valued her judgement. Even though
Courtney was young and unproven, he immediately sought to collaborate
with her and encouraged her to share her opinions.
Whether introducing her to new experiences, providing access to stra-
tegic conversations with clients, or creating developmental opportunities,
2 Best Boss!

Bob quickly became Courtney’s strongest advocate. Occasionally, he

would “push” Courtney outside of her comfort zone, which could be
uncomfortable for her. One memorable experience occurred when Bob
and his team were preparing for a global conference to be attended by 100
of the firm’s top senior consultants. Since she was still relatively new in her
role, Courtney assumed she would simply provide background support
for the conference. She was wrong.
While discussing the agenda during a preplanning meeting, Bob
mentioned that he was going to give Courtney the opportunity to lead
an important topic discussion. Her heart rushed to her throat. Did she
hear him right? What was he thinking, placing a young, inexperienced
person in front of such a high-powered group? She never would have
sought out such an assignment on her own. But Bob, well aware of her
anxiety, immediately helped assure her by saying, “you are going to get up
there, own this time, and do a great job.” Courtney was not so sure, but
Bob’s encouragement bolstered her. As the conference date approached,
Courtney was scared, to be sure, but she was also gaining confidence.
After all, if Bob believed in her, maybe she should as well! When the
big day finally arrived, Courtney was nervous as her time on the agenda
approached. There was no saving her now, but as she got to the front of
the room, she looked out into the audience to see Bob smiling, giving
her give her a thumbs up salute. The presentation went flawlessly, and as
Courtney recounts,

When you know someone believes in you, provides a safety net,

encourages you to do your best and reminds you it’s okay to not be
perfect, your fear melts away and you can do just about anything.

There were occasions, however, when Courtney would put Bob’s faith
in her to the test. One such instance, from early on in her time working
for Bob, still stands out in her memory. During her first few weeks on the
job, Courtney was given an assignment to oversee a marketing project
to create and then mail an important communication to a list of critical
customers and potential future clients. Before the communication was
released, Bob reviewed it with the CEO, who quickly pointed out that
the first client name on the communication was completely misspelled.
Courtney’s Story: Perspective of a GenXer 3

Thousands of copies of the communication had already been printed

and were scheduled for mailing later that day. After finding out what
happened, Courtney was mortified. She walked, well… actually it was
more like a hurried trot… to Bob’s office with the intention of offering
a heartfelt apology. She fully expected a good “chewing out” or worse.
Either way, it felt like the end of the world. Or at least it did, until she
arrived at Bob’s door where he reassured her that, “These things happen,
and this is not the worst thing that is going to happen in your life. Every-
thing is going to be okay.” Years later, Courtney still thinks back to this
particular incident. It’s funny how early career mistakes never totally leave
your consciousness. But more importantly, what also stuck with Court-
ney was how Bob defused the situation with kindness and reassurance.
It was a moment she will always remember.
Courtney recognized the impact Bob had on both her performance
and her career as a whole. She excelled, both personally and profession-
ally, during her time with him. This was driven, in part, by his support,
but there were other parts of his leadership style that brought out the best
in her, too. He consistently empowered Courtney to be innovative, to try
new things, and to take risks. He regularly adjusted her role to keep it
both interesting and developmental.
Perhaps the biggest influence Bob had on Courtney was via the val-
ues-based behaviors he displayed at work. Bob was resolute in his com-
mitment to both the customer and the people who worked under his
supervision. He was also committed to doing quality work. Bob was
always true to his word by being reliable, trustworthy, transparent, and
honest. These were natural traits for Bob, and it was impossible for Court-
ney not to be impacted by such integrity. As Courtney reflects on her rela-
tionship with Bob, she can easily see the direct line between Bob and her
own values and leadership behaviors. Commitment, quality, trust, and
integrity have become themes for her, both in work and in life in general.
Bob and Courtney’s lives eventually diverged. He continued with the
company, advancing to more senior level roles during his tenure. Court-
ney’s life expanded. She moved on to different jobs and ultimately dif-
ferent companies, earned her master’s degree, got married, and became a
mother. They eventually lost touch with each other, until the day a friend
reached out to her and asked her for favor. He wondered if Courtney had
4 Best Boss!

ever been lucky enough to have a Best Boss, and, if so, would she take a
moment to complete a survey on her experience? Intrigued, she kept the
e-mail, fully intending to follow through on the request when she had a
moment to reflect. But life intervened and she forgot about the request
until she stumbled upon it in her inbox a few weeks later. When she
opened the survey, memories of Bob came rushing back. Each question
joyfully made her remember a wonderful man who she was lucky enough
to have as her first boss. Here is how she completed the survey:

Why do you consider this person your favorite boss?

“He is the whole package! An inspirational leader, a mentor, a
friend and one of my greatest advocates and supporters. He is very
dear to me…like a second father.”

What kinds of things would he/she say or do?

“As Practice Leader and Consultant, he was a strong, decisive,
strategic leader who took care of the people who worked for him,
while still enabling them to be independent and grow. He highly
valued my thinking, judgment and input and solicited it often
in making decisions. This was empowering. He believed in my
potential and opened doors for me into new experiences, roles,
and opportunities. He always had my best interests in mind, and
his actions spoke as loudly as his words.”

How did this person make you feel?

“Empowered, smart, capable, supported, and safe.”

What were the impacts on your career to this point?

“Bob has played a tremendous role in instilling many of the values
I bring to my work each day. A strong client focus, a commitment
to quality, and following through on my commitments to myself,
my colleagues, and my clients.”

Please provide at least one story or specific experience that

stands out in your memory as an example of why this person is
your favorite boss. Please indicate what the person said or did.
Also describe how it made you feel.
Courtney’s Story: Perspective of a GenXer 5

“Early in my career, I was working on a marketing piece ‘announce-

ment card’ that was sent to all of the firm’s clients, which included
many C-Level executives from companies across the Fortune
1000. After thousands of copies had been printed and were at
the mail house about to be distributed, the Chairman of our
firm pointed out to Bob that the name of one of our key clients
was prominently misspelled on the very front page. Somehow,
I had missed it! I felt absolutely terrible, was sick to my stomach,
and told Bob to take the cost of the printing out of my bonus.
I thought he would be angry, but much to my surprise, he was
understanding and forgiving. It’s a small story and gesture, but
I will never forget the level of compassion and support he showed
me. It made me realize that it was safe to make mistakes working
for him, and that he would always have my back. He knew I was
doing the best I could, that I was fully committed to my role and
to delivering a quality product, and also that I was human…and
he supported me, despite my mistake.”

What would you tell that person today if you had the chance
to see him/her in person?
“Thank you!!!! Words cannot express what your support, mentor-
ship, guidance, and friendship have meant to me all of these years.
I would not be the professional or person I am today without you
and all you have given me. I am incredibly grateful, appreciative
and privileged to have known and worked with you. I will take
everything you have taught me into all of my future roles in work
and life as a colleague, friend, wife, and mother.”

The last question lingered with Courtney as she wistfully recalled a

special person who had made a such an imprint on her life. Had she ever
told him? She did not think so. Yet, even if she had, the time had come to
give proper thanks. So, Courtney set off to reconnect with Bob. Through
her network, she discovered Bob had retired and was still living in the
same house he called home during their days working together. She also
learned the unimaginable—that Bob had a terminal illness and did not
have long to live. Wasting no time, Courtney printed a copy of her sur-
vey responses and headed to the hospital to tell Bob, in person, what he
6 Best Boss!

meant to her. Upon arrival, she was told that Bob was too sick to receive
visitors. Distraught, but undaunted, she gave the document to Bob’s wife
with the attached note:

I was recently asked to be interviewed regarding my favorite boss,

who is resoundingly YOU. I felt like my responses truly cap-
tured all that you mean to me and the multitude of ways you
have touched and enriched my life over the years, so I’ve enclosed
the transcript for you to see. It could never do justice to expressing
the role you’ve played in my life and the special place you hold in
my heart, but it’s a start. I hope you find comfort and peace know-
ing how many people love you and the level of positive impact
you’ve had on everyone you’ve touched in this world.
Love always,

A short time later, Bob died. But before he did, his wife had the
opportunity to share Courtney’s words of admiration and love with him.
Bob’s family was so moved by Courtney’s testimonial that excerpts were
shared at his funeral, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the gathering as her
words were read.
Action planning, 74–75 Best boss online questionnaire
case study, 123–132 content, 8
forms, 135 Best Boss skills and impact
Activates Potential dimension, 19 action planning, 74–83
author experience, 37–39 activates potential, 76–77
continuous learning, 36–37 actualization, 84–86
definition, 33 analysis
Dweck’s research, 37 interviews, 74
dynamic autonomy, 36 self-assessment, 73–74
pervasive feedback, 36 assessment, 69–73
self-reflection, 41 continuous learning, 81–82
specific traits, 34–35 dynamic autonomy, 78–79
study quotes, 33 higher purpose leads, 75–76
workplace implications, 39–41 pervasive feedback, 79–81
Adaptive feedback, 62 Boss–employee relationship, 30
Autonomy support, 48 Business Roundtable (BR), 112–113
Actualization, 84–86
Agency theory, 109 Community, 110
Attitude and motivation, 85 Competency-based talent review
process, 106
Behavior change, 84–86 Confirmative feedback, 62
Behavior dimensions, 11–12 Constructive feedback, 56
Best boss dimension Continuous learning, 27
extent of use profile, 113 activates potential, 62
paired-comparison evaluation author experience, 65–66
matrix, 134 definition, 59
Best Boss experiences dynamic autonomy, 62
behavior dimensions, 11–12 higher purpose, leadership, 61–62
data collection process, 7–8 learning opportunities, 61
personal characteristics, 10–11 perfection, 61
respondent demographics, 8–10 pervasive feedback, 62–63
Best Boss leadership philosophy of mistakes, 60
determinants, 115 related thinking, 63–65
GenXer perspective, 1–6 self-reflection, 67–68
millennial’s perspective, 119–121 study quotes, 59
profile workplace implications, 66–67
achievement foundation, 94–95 Corrective feedback, 62
leadership legacy, 95–97
life impacts, 97–100 Data collection process, 7–8
lives impacts, 100–101 Direct report impacts, 21, 91
organization and employee Dynamic autonomy, 26, 36
connection, 92–94 activates potential, 45
144 Index

author�s experience, 48 Organizational culture, 116

continuous learning, 46 Organizational design factors
definition, 43 corporate governance and corporate
feedback, 45–46 law, 108–111
flow theory, 47–48 culture, 107–108
higher purpose, 44–45 leadership and business strategy,
Kilts’ leadership approach, 48 104–105
Pink’s observations, 48 process, 106
self-reflection, 50 reward systems, 107
study quotes, 43 structure, 105–106
workplace implications, 49
Pan-European leadership development
Flow theory, 47–48 strategy, 105
Friedman’s essay, 114 Performance feedback research, 55
Performance management of
Higher purpose in leadership employees, 116
Activates Potential dimension, Personal characteristics, 10–11
25–26 Pervasive feedback, 26–27, 36
author experience, 29–31 activates potential, 53
continuous learning, 27 author experience, 56–57
definition, 23 benefits, 55–56
dynamic autonomy, 26 candid and continuous
pervasive feedback, 26–27 feedback, 52
self-reflection, 31 constructive feedback, 56
study quotes, 23–24 continuous learning, 54
values-driven leadership, 27–29 definition, 51
workplace implications, 30 dynamic autonomy, 54
higher purpose, 53
Knowledge, 84 relationship impacts, 52
reward, 51
Leaders of people, 116 self-reflection, 57–58
Leadership approach study quotes, 51
features, 13 workplace implications, 57
synergistic system of interaction, Philosophy of leadership, 30–31
trust and mutual respect, 13–15 Quick self-assessment, 71–73
virtuous cycle of performance,
19, 21 Respondent demographics
Leadership development, 117 “synergistic and virtuous system” of
Leadership philosophy, 104 interaction, 15–19
Leadership pipeline process, 106 career stage breakdown, 8–9
Long-lived companies, 110 career tenure breakdown, 8
functional responsibility
Meaningful feedback, 53 breakdown, 9, 10
Mindful managers, 29 leadership level breakdown, 9
Reward systems, 107
Organization communications, 117 Rigorous self-assessment, 69–71
Index 145

Self-reflection, 31 employee’s ability, 18

Servant-leaders, 28 synergy creation, 15–16
Shareholder-manager relationship,
111 Trust and mutual respect relationship,
Short-lived companies, 110 13–15
Synergistic system of interaction
Activates Potential dimension, 19 Values-driven leadership, 27–29
boss’ attention, direct reports, 30 Virtuous cycle of performance, 19, 21
conceptualization, 17
dimensions, 18 Workplace, 30–31

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