Foot Function, Exercise Related Pain and The Influence of Footwear

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The document discusses how foot structure and function are important for movement but have been historically neglected. It also explores how footwear can either support or compromise foot function.

The document states that footwear can be either destructive or restorative to foot function depending on the type of shoes worn. Shoes that do not allow natural foot function can lead to 'shoe-shaped' feet.

The document mentions that common causes of exercise-related pain include compromised foot structure, which can be a perpetuating factor in developing musculoskeletal pain throughout the body.

Foot Function, Exercise Related Pain Foot Function, Exercise Related Pain

and the Influence of Footwear

and the Influence of Footwear
We live in a world where physical activity is being enthusiastically promoted but exercise
related pain and injuries are on the increase. Many people are trapped in a frustrating and
‘vicious cycle’ of trying to lose weight and improve their metabolic health through regular
exercise, only to get injured, become even less active than before and gain even more weight!

Although Leonardo DaVinci understood that the human foot is a ‘masterpiece of engineering
and a work of art’ the importance of foot structure and function in human movement has been
historically neglected or ignored by both the medical professions and the fitness industry.

This brief introduction on the human foot and it’s role in exercise related pain and movement
dysfunction has been written by a world renowned running coach and a senior univer-
sity lecturer in Sports Science. Within it’s 50 pages a simple biomechanical understanding
of the human foot is presented, explaining it’s vital role in everyday activities and how foot-
wear is either destructive or restorative to foot function based on our footwear choices.

Just as the roots of a tree adapt to the shape of the container they are in,
the shape of the foot adapts its shape to its “container“. by Lee Saxby & Dr. Mick Wilkinson



All rights are retained, in particular the right of reproduction and distribution as well as the right • Exercise: The universal ‘Polypill‘ with side effects 3
of translation. No part of the work may in any form - by photocopying, microfilm or another
Procedure - without written permission from Joe Nimble® / Lee Saxby reproduced or processed • Exercise related pain 6
using electronic systems, stored, reproduced or distributed.
• Shoe-shaped feet 14
© 2018 Joe Nimble® / Lee Saxby
• Shoe-shaped feet, standing posture and back pain 20

• Shoe-shaped feet, walking and knee pain 28

• The epidemiology and etiology of shoe-shaped feet 36

• What type of foot do you have? Take the test 42

• How to fix shoe-shaped feet 48

• How to use functional footwear 53

• References 57

Physical activity and regular exercise have many health benefits, and the public education
campaigns to reduce sitting time using standing desks, and to walk 10,000 steps per day are

The health ‘Polypill’ with side effects?!

based on established physiological principles and medical research. Unfortunately, it is also
clear from medical evidence that risk of lower back pain is more than doubled in populations
that continuously stand for over 2hrs per day, and knee pain is cited as the primary reason for
sedentary people being unable to exercise or engage in regular physical activity.

For the majority of people frequent ‘sitting breaks’ are the only effective method of
relieving both chronic back and knee pain!

3 4
‘A compromised foot structure
is a major perpetuating factor
in the development of chronic
musculoskeletal pain
throughout the body’ Exercise related pain
Janet Travell, (Pioneer of Trigger Point Therapy)

5 6
70-80% of adults experience back
pain during their lifetime
It is estimated that between 70% and 80% of adults
experience an episode of low back pain at least once
during their lifetime. The risk of developing back pain
doubles in occupations requiring more than 2 hours
of standing per work shift

25-37% of people over 50 suffer
chronic knee pain
Knee pain affects an estimated 25–37% of people over 50
and is the most common reason for giving up sport and
exercise in adolescents and adults. In elderly populations,
knee pain is the main reason given for the inability to walk
and climb stairs unaided.

7 8
Foot Function: the missing link What is the Function of the foot
in movement-related pain in human movement?
The most efficient way to increase daily activity and basal metabolic rate is to increase the Standing and running are the two movements that represent the natural extremes of foot func-
amount of time spent standing and walking i.e. time on feet. The world-wide recommendation of tion: In ‘Standing’, the foot must be a compliant but stable base of support, providing maximal
increasing walking activity to 10,000 steps per day equates to 3,650,000 steps per year and each ground contact and stability in all directions. In ‘Running’, the foot must become a rigid lever
step loads the supporting leg and foot with forces up to 125% of bodyweight! that can store and return elastic energy to aid propulsion in the direction of movement.

Based on these facts, is it any wonder that a dysfunctional foot is often the weak link in The movements of walking and jogging can be considered the intermediate forms of locomotion
exercise and sports biomechanics and a major factor in posture-related pain? between standing and running. They require the foot to provide less stability and become more
of a lever as speed increases.

Based on evolutionary theory and the principles of ‘biological design’, the structure and
‘form’ of the human foot should reflect the mechanical and energetic requirements
placed upon it, and the compromise between its ‘static’ role (standing and squatting) and
its ‘dynamic’ role (walking, running and jumping)

9 10
The static and dynamic function of the human foot

Increased force and instability = increased skill and strength demands on the body (especially the foot!)

Standing Squatting Walking Jogging Jumping Running

11 12
“The human foot is a masterpiece of
engineering and a work of art.“ Shoe-Shaped feet

Leonardo da Vinci

13 14
The effects of shoes on the human foot
The human foot is remarkably ‘plastic’ and the habitual use of poorly designed or ill-fitting shoes
can have a dramatic effect on its form and function. The ‘unshod’ human foot (a foot that has ne-
ver worn shoes) typically has a broad, flat forefoot and toes that are spread out and aligned with
the metatarsal heads to give the foot a ‘fan-shape’(1). The habitually shod human foot (always in
a shoe) has begun to adapt to the footwear being worn and has become ‘shoeshaped’. A shoes-
haped foot has a narrow forefoot relative to the rear foot, metatarsal heads that are no longer
aligned horizontally, and toes that are cramped together, twisted and elevated from the floor.

The Unshod Foot The Shod Foot

“The human foot is a perfect miracle of mechanical ingenuity and in the vast majority of people it
should be perfect throughout life. With the exception of the victims of congenital abnormality or
of gross disease or injury, a painless and perfect foot should be our heritage. Of this heritage we
have been deprived by our foot-gear and I cannot help feeling that this evil thing is a reflection on
the lack of co-operation between the shoe manufacturers, the anatomist and the medical man...“

15 16
STJ supinated STJ pronated

The rigid shoe-shaped foot and its footprint The collapsed shoe-shaped foot and its footprint

In young, athletic people the shoe-shaped foot has high rigid arches In older, heavier people the shoe-shaped foot has collapsed arches
and a supinated subtalar joint and a pronated subtalar joint

17 18
Only by bringing peace
“from the ground up” can problems
higher in the body be “understood”
Ida. P. Rolf
Shoe-shaped feet,
(Founder of ‘Structural Integration’ and ‘Rolfing’)
standing posture and back pain

19 20
What is the ideal standing posture? Ideal standing posture
Ideal standing posture cannot be defined anatomically due to natural variation in human and functional feet
structure (e.g. relative limb and spine lengths etc.), but it can be defined biomechanically as:

The optimal alignment of the body in relation to gravity and its base of support (feet)
which can be maintained with minimal energy expenditure during both static and
dynamic loading

Gravity Base of Ideal body

support alignment

Base of support
21 22
Standing posture and shoe-shaped
The typical postural adaptation to a rigid shoe-shaped foot is the ‘sway-back’ standing posture.
Due to the poor range of movement available in the ankle joints, the body’s centre of gravity is Pelvis ‘tips‘
positioned towards the rear of the foot and the toes are elevated off the ground. backwards
on hips
In an attempt to bring the centre of gravity back to the centre of the foot, the pelvis moves
forward and is ‘tipped’ backwards on the hips as the torso leans or ‘sways back’ to maintain D
standing balance. Bodyweight back
on heels and toes
The most common postural adaptation to a collapsed shoe-shaped foot is the ‘kyphotic-lordotic’ elevated Sway-back posture
standing posture. The unstable foot structure collapses under load and the pelvis and bo-
dyweight falls forwards and inwards on to the inner part of foot.

These postural misalignments create chronic tension in muscles that must work to
maintain balance. They become strained and eventually develop painful trigger points

Pelvis ‘tips‘
forwards on hips

Feet are ‘turned out‘
and bodyweight is
on the forefoot
23 24
The asymmetrical standing posture
80% of the population are asymmetrical when weight bearing, with one foot being over pronated
(collapsed shoe-shaped foot) and the other foot being supinated (rigid shoe-shaped foot). Normally
the ‘dominant’ side (kicking foot) is over pronated and the ‘non-dominant’ side is supinated. This
‘misaligned’ posture is associated with asymmetrical trigger point patterns in the left and right sides
of the body (see diagram).

Pronated Supinated

25 26
Shoe-shaped feet,
walking and knee pain

27 28
The three functional rockers Walking with a functional foot
The objective of human locomotion (walking and running) is to move the body and its centre
of gravity forwards. This requires both STABILITY (so we don’t fall over) and MOBILITY so that
the body can progress forwards with momentum maintained. The functional human foot and
ankle creates a unique pivot system based on a series of three anatomical ‘rockers’.

• THE HEEL ROCKER: As bodyweight ‘falls’ onto the lead leg, momentum is preserved by the
rounded surface of the heel which acts as a pivot, allowing the foot to roll flat onto the ground.

• THE ANKLE ROCKER: Once the foot rolls flat to the floor, the ankle joint becomes the next
pivot for the continued progression of bodyweight over the length of the foot until it reaches
the forefoot (metatarsal heads).

• THE FOREFOOT ROCKER: As bodyweight reaches the metatarsal heads, the heel rises and the
rounded surface of each metatarsal head serves as a pivot. The toes play a vital role in the
forefoot rocker by anchoring the pivot to and increasing its contact area with the ground. Fully
functional toes are essential to reduce the pressures experienced by the metatarsal heads and
forefoot during walking, running and jumping.

Foot and ankle function in walking

The three anatomical rockers

29 30
Walking with shoe-shaped feet Walking with a rigid shoe-shaped foot
THE HEEL ROCKER: In shoe-shaped feet the increased heel pressures during walking can make
the heel rocker painful.

THE ANKLE ROCKER: A shoe-shaped foot normally starts out as a foot with high-rigid arches
and a ‘supinated’ subtalar joint. This foot alignment limits the functional range of the ankle joint
and its ability to act as a rocker. To overcome this ‘block’ in the forward direction (sagittal plane)
the body has two strategies:

1. Keep the foot facing in the direction of movement and laterally load the foot and hip to move
‘around’ the sagittal block. This movement strategy requires a strong compensatory action of
the lateral muscles of the lower leg and is associated with the rigid shoe-shaped foot

2. Turn the foot ‘out’ to position the other joints of the foot that normally function in the frontal
plane to function in the sagittal (forward) plane to compensate for the blocked ankle joint.
These other joints (subtalar and midtarsal) normally function to ‘lock’ and ‘unlock’ the foot to Walking with a collapsed shoe-shaped foot
become rigid or compliant as required. When repositioned to work in the sagittal plane, the
excessive motion and force overload the ligaments that support the joints, creating
the collapsed shoe-shaped foot.

Rigid foot structure Collapsed foot structure

Stiff joints Midtarasal Midtarasal

Lax joints
Metatarsophalangeal Metatarsophalangeal

High arch Low arch

31 32
The forefoot rocker: The shoe-shaped feet forefoot rocker:

The main characteristic of ‘shoe-shaped’ feet is compromised forefoot and toe anatomy and
function. In both types of shoe-shaped feet, the metatarsals are misaligned in the horizontal
plane meaning the forefoot rocker no longer pivots on five metatarsal heads, but usually just
three. Pressure on the forefoot due to the reduced contact area of the forefoot rocker is further
increased by the inability of the toes to function as ‘stabilisers’, being cramped together and
elevated, rather than spread out and flat on the floor.

Increased forefoot pressures and instability created by a compromised ‘forefoot rocker’

and the related toe dysfunction, are the biggest problems associated with ‘shoe-shaped’
feet and are major risk factors for movement-related pain and the biggest problem to
overcome for people who wish to transition to more ‘minimal’ footwear.

Contact area of forefoot rocker Reduced contact area of forefoot rocker

33 34
The epidemiology and etiology
of shoe-shaped feet

35 36
Functional foot (Foot shaped) Dysfunctional foot (Shoe shaped)

Functional footwear Dysfunctional footwear

No toe spring Toe spring

Natural flexible arch Foot shaped High, rigid arch Shoe shaped

37 38
Typical foot shape in Distribution of foot types in modern,
industrialised populations industralised populations

Number of people

Type of foot
Functional foot Rigid Collapsed
shoe-shaped foot shoe-shaped foot

39 40
What type of foot do you have?

Take the test

41 42
A) At home with the wet footprint test:

1 2 3 4

43 44
B) With a certified Find a certified
– Foot Map practitioner – Foot Map practitioner

Become a certified
– Foot Map practitioner

Contact us: [email protected]

45 46
‘Shoes should follow the natural shape
of the foot and offer uncompromising
toe freedom, thereby strengthening
the body as a whole’
How to fix shoe-shaped feet
Christian Bär, 1982
Founder of BÄR Shoes and functional footwear pioneer

47 48
Functional footwear defined
Shoe Design: Restoring foot function begins with restoring its ‘form’ or shape. Just as the foot
becomes shoe-shaped from wearing shoe-shaped shoes, the foot will become more foots-
haped by wearing foot-shaped shoes! The adaptation of the human body to the mechanical
loads and stresses placed upon it is known as ‘Wolff’s law’ in biology, and historically has been Widest part
used (abused?) by many cultures e.g. chinese foot binding, victorian corsets and the neck coils of of shoe
the Kayan people.

1- Foot-shaped design: A shoe should mimic the ‘fan-shape’ of a healthy unshod foot i.e. the
widest part of the shoe should be the distance from the base of the great toe to the tip of the
smallest toe (the toe-box). ‘Wide’ shoes that are not foot shaped are just as harmful to foot 1 - Foot-shaped design
function as narrow shoe-shaped shoes

2- Flat sole: The weight–bearing area of the sole should be flat to the floor to provide maximum
surface area

3- No toe-spring: The toes can only perform their stabilising role if they are in contact with the

2 - Flat sole 3 - No toe-spring

49 50
Sole thickness Functional footwear defined:
The thickness of the sole will vary depending on the activity (forces acting on the foot) and the Sole thickness
terrain. In activities that require maximum sensory feedback, a thin sole is appropriate,
but in activities that expose the foot to large, repetitive loads (marathon running) or
unstable, irregular substrates (trail running), a thicker sole to provide more cushioning or
increased traction is appropriate.



Thickness of sole
(increased traction ®

nimble sole
and/or protection) (sensory feedback)


terrain sole
(increased traction)

nimbleToes Jog footbed

(increased protection)

Sensory feedback terrain sole

51 52
How to use functional footwear A consistent theme has been repeated throughout this ebook which is the ‘Goldilocks Principle’
i.e. just as too little exercise is a risk factor to health, too much exercise can also be a risk
factor to health, and there is a level of exercise and activity that is ‘just right’ for each
individual. This is the ‘art and science’ of personal training and coaching and beyond the scope
of this little book, but there is a template that can be applied based on simple biomechanical

53 54
How to use functional footwear
Based on simple physics, the demands on the movement system increase as the forces
acting on the body increase (bodyweight) and/or stability decreases e.g. two feet to one foot
to just the forefoot. Start using your functional footwear with the movements on the
left and slowly progress towards the movements on the right.

Increased force and instability = Increased skill and strength demands on the body (especially the foot!)

Standing Squating Walking Jogging Jumping Running

55 56
References • Gallagher KM et al. The influence of a seated break on prolonged standing induced low back
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• Hootman JN et al. Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injuries among sedentary and physically
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• Perry J. Gait Analysis: Normal and Pathological Function. SLACK inc (1992)
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• Nelson-Wong E and Callaghan JP. Transient Low Back Pain Development During Standing • Hughes J et al. The Importance of the Toes in Walking.
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57 58
• Mennell J. Foot-gear. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. (1939) Lee Saxby is one of the most recognised coaches for running technique
• Hoffman P. Conclusions Drawn From A Comparative Study of Barefooted and Shoe-Wearing on a global level. Over the last 15 years Lee has been a key figure in the
Peoples. The American Journal of Orthopedic Surgery (1905) natural movement / barefoot revolution and has been consulted by
• Rossi WA. Why Shoes Make “Normal” Gait Impossible: How flaws in footwear affect this various shoe companies, university research projects, and injured
complex human function. Podiatry Management (1999) athletes for his ability to diagnose and correct biomechanical problems.
• D’Aout Ketal . The effects of habitual footwear use: foot shape and function in native barefoot Best-selling author Christopher McDOugall (“Born to run”) as well
walkers. Footwear Science (2009) as the barefoot professor Daniel E. Liebermann (Harvard University)
• Janisse DJ. The Art and Science of Fitting Shoes. Foot & Ankle (1992) were able to regain their natural athletic abilities through Lee´s coaching
• Mei Q et al. A comparative biomechanical analysis of habitually unshod and shod runners methods. Lee works closely together with Joe Nimble developing
based on a foot morphological difference. Human Movement Science (2015) innovative, holistic movement concepts.
• McKenzie J. The Foot as a Half-Dome. British Medical Journal (1955)
• Army Foot Measuring and Shoe Fitting System. A manual for commissioned officers.
US War Plans Division (1918)
• Harris RI & Beath T. Army foot survey: an investigation of foot ailments in Canadian soldiers.
National Research Council of Canada (1947) Dr. Mick Wilkinson
• Kirby K. Subtalar Joint Axis Location and Rotational Equilibrium Theory of Foot Function.
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association (2001) Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science at
• Lambrinudi C. The Feet Of The Industrial Worker. Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK
Functional Aspect: The Action of the Foot Muscles. The Lancet (1938)
• Lambrinudi C. Use and Abuse of Toes. Post Graduate Medical Journal (1932) Dr Wilkinson’s research area is the biology of human health and perfor-
• Mei Q et al. Investigating biomechanical function of toes through external manipulation mance. His work has included applied sport science with world-class
integrating analysis. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics (2015) squash players, determinants of performance and training for distance
• Rossi WA. Fashion and Foot Deformation: The need for podiatrists to deal with human nature. running, and biomechanical aspects of running. Ongoing-funded work
Podiatry Management (2001) is exploring links between plantar sensation and regulation of bipedal
• Wolff J. Das Gesetz der Transformation der Knochen. gait, the influence of foot structure and footwear on foot function and
Berlin: A Hirschwald, (1892.) joint loading in running, and exercise and nutritional impacts on thy-
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