TPU Histerese
TPU Histerese
TPU Histerese
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Cambridge, MA 02139
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309
Corresponding author. Tel: 1-617-253-2342; fax: 1-617-258-8742
Stress-Strain Behavior of Thermoplastic
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309
polyurethanes are copolymers composed of hard and soft segments. The hard and soft
segments phase separate to form a microstructure of hard and soft domains typically on a
length scale of a few tens of nanometers. Studies have revealed this domain structure to
evolve with deformation; this evolution is thought to be the primary source of hysteresis
and cyclic softening. In this paper, experiments and a constitutive model capturing the
behavior, time dependence, hysteresis, and softening, are presented. The model is based
on the morphological observations of TPUs during deformation. A systematic method to
estimate the material parameters for the model is presented. Excellent agreement between
1. Introduction
(Schollenbenger et al., 1958). The Alliance for the Polyurethane Industry (API) describes
TPUs as “bridging the gap between rubber and plastics”, since TPUs offer the mechanical
niche of TPUs among other polymers and elastomers imparts high elasticity combined
with high abrasion resistance, and results in a wide array of applications ranging from ski
Figure 1: The alternating structure of TPUs. HS: Hard segment; SS: Soft Segment.
HD SD HD Isolated HS SD
(a) (b)
Figure2: Hard domains (HD) and soft domains (SD) of TPUs with (a) a low hard segment
content (adopted from Petrovic and Ferguson, 1991); (b) a high hard segment content
(adopted from Estes et al. (1971) and Petrovic and Ferguson (1991)). Isolated hard
segments (HS) seen in (b).
Thermoplastic polyurethanes are randomly segmented copolymers (Hepburn, 1982)
composed of hard and soft segments forming a two-phase microstructure (Figure 1).
Generally, phase separation occurs in most TPUs due to the intrinsic incompatibility
between the hard segments and soft segments: the hard segments, composed of polar
materials, can form carbonyl to amino hydrogen bonds and thus tend to cluster or
aggregate into ordered hard domains, whereas the soft segments form amorphous
domains. Phase separation, however, is often incomplete, i.e., some of the hard segments
are isolated in the soft domains as illustrated schematically in Figure 2(b) (Petrovic and
Ferguson, 1991). In many TPUs, the hard domains are immersed in a rubbery soft
segment matrix (Wang and Cooper, 1983; Petrovic and Ferguson, 1991). Depending on
the hard segment content, the morphology of the hard domains changes from one of
isolated domains (Figure 2(a), (Petrovic and Ferguson, 1991)) to one of interconnected
domains (Figure 2(b))(Estes et al., 1971; Petrovic and Ferguson, 1991). Using TEM
for the TPU1 used in this research as shown in Figure 3. The domain size in Figure 3 is
10~20nm, which is consistent with observations on various other TPUs (e.g., Cooper and
Tobolsky, 1966; Koutsky et al., 1970; Chen-Tsai et al., 1986). For instance, Koutsky et
al. (1970) observed a domain size of 3nm~10nm for a polyester-based polyurethane and
domain length scale of about 11nm with inter-domain distance of 13nm for a
PBD/TDI/BD-based polyurethane.
The provider of the sample would prefer the composition of the material unrevealed.
mechanical properties. In segmented polyurethanes, hard domains act as physical
crosslinks, playing a role similar to chemical crosslinks in vulcanizates and imparting the
material’s elastomeric behavior. Since hard domains also occupy significant volume and
are stiffer than soft domains, they also function as effective nano-scale fillers and render
a material behavior similar to that of a composite (Petrovic and Ferguson, 1991). At room
temperature, soft domains are above their glass transition temperature and impart the
material its rubber-like behavior; hard domains are below their glassy or melt transition
temperature and are thought to govern the hysteresis, permanent deformation, high
modulus, and tensile strength. The domain structure also imparts TPUs’ versatility in
varying the molecular weight of the hard and soft segments, their ratio, and chemical
type. For instance, TPUs with shore hardness of from 60A to 70D are available (Payne
excellent mechanical properties, blood and tissue compatibility, and structural versatility.
compression tests probing the time-dependent and cyclic loading effects on the large
strain deformation behavior. A constitutive model for the observed stress-strain behavior
2 Stress-Strain Behavior
The stress-strain behavior of TPUs demonstrates strong hysteresis, time dependence, and
cyclic softening. In this section, a series of uniaxial compression tests are conducted to
quantitatively identify these features.
single axial test machine, Instron model 1350. The sample material was a thermoplastic
polyurethane with durometer hardness value of 92A immediately after production and
about 94A after 1 year of shelf life at room temperature. Sheets of material of about 3mm
in thickness were cut into cylinders of about 12mm diameter using a die cutter. To
eliminate potential buckling, the sample height to diameter ratio was set to be less than 1.
In addition, to reduce the contribution of friction due to the interaction with the
compression platens, Teflon sheets were placed between the sample and the platens and
Specimens were subjected to constant true strain rate loading-unloading cycles and
the true stress vs. true strain curve was documented for each test. True strain was defined
as the logarithm of the compression ratio determined as the current height over the initial
height, where the current height of the sample was monitored during testing using an
extensometer. Height measurements were used to form a feedback loop with the actuator
to define and control the displacement history such that constant true strain rate
conditions were achieved. True stress was obtained by multiplying nominal stress by the
compression ratio (Smith, 1974; Petrovic and Ferguson, 1991), assuming the material
Elastomers are generally incompressible. DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter) tests on the
sample used in this paper showed that the glass transition temperature was about -40°C and the melting
TPU samples exhibited a certain amount of permanent set after each loading-
unloading cycle. The dimensions (diameter and height) of the samples were measured
after each loading-unloading cycle to ensure that the true stress-true strain curves always
started from the new unloaded specimen height for each cycle. The measurement of the
dimensions took about 2~3 minutes, including re-positioning the sample on the
2.2 Hysteresis
Figure 4 shows the axial compression true stress-true strain behavior of two fresh
samples loaded to two different maximum strains, i.e. ε max = 0.5 and ε max = 1.0 ,
respectively. The loading curves show an initially stiff response, followed by rollover to a
more compliant behavior at a strain of about 0.15, and stiffen again after a strain of 0.70.
The unloading paths show a large hysteresis loop with a residual strain. Additional
recovery occurred with time after unloading. Residual strains were measured
approximately 1 minute after the tests and were found to be ε r = 0.02 for the ε max = 0.5
temperature was about 180°C, which confirmed that the sample was in rubbery state at room temperature.
It is hence reasonable to assume the Poisson’s ratio ν ranges from 0.48 to 0.50. At logarithm compression
strain of 0.5, the error in the stress determination due to the incompressible assumption is 2% (ν=0.48) and
1% (ν=0.49); at logarithm compression strain of 1.0, the error is 4% (ν=0.48) and 2% (ν=0.49).
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain
Figure 4: Uniaxial compression tests on fresh samples (N=1) at a strain rate ε = 0.01 / s ,
to different maximum strains ( ε max = 0.5 and ε max = 1.0 , respectively). N indicates cycle
2.3 Time-Dependence
Figure 5 shows the true stress-true strain curves to ε max = 1.0 at three different
compression strain rates, i.e. ε1 = 0.01 / s , ε2 = 0.05 / s , and ε3 = 0.1 / s . For the loading
portions of the curves, the higher the strain rate, the larger the stress. The unloading
curves from different strain rate tests are nearly identical, suggesting that unloading
behavior has less rate dependence than loading behavior. The residual strains were
measured to be ε r = 0.062 for the ε1 = 0.01 / s test, ε r = 0.046 for the ε2 = 0.05 / s test,
16 0.1/s
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain
During the process of loading and unloading, if the test is suspended, time
dependence either in the stress response (stress relaxation when the strain is held
constant) or in the strain response (creep when the stress is held constant) will be
observed for TPUs. Stress relaxation tests were conducted during the course of loading-
unloading cycles where the sample was compressed to a maximum strain of 1.0 at a strain
rate of 0.1/s with intermittent 60s strain holding periods at strains of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8
during both loading and unloading as shown in the strain history plot of Figure 6(a).
Figure 6(b) shows the corresponding true stress-time curve for this test. During each hold
period, 50% of stress relaxation occurred in the first 2~5s. During loading, the stress was
observed to decrease during the strain hold period; whilst during unloading, the stress
was observed to increase during the strain holding period (Figure 6(b,c)). This behavior is
0.4 8
0.2 4
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
-True Stress (MPa)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain
Figure 6: (a) Applied strain history for stress relaxation tests; (b) True-stress vs. time
curves for uniaxial compression test with a number of intermittently stops. (c) True-stress
vs. true strain curves for the same test.
2.4 Softening
Figure 7 shows the compressive true stress-true strain behavior during the cyclic loading-
unloading tests with ε max = 1.0 and ε = 0.01 / s . Several features are observed. First, in
cyclic tests, the stress-strain curve in the second cycle is far more compliant than that
observed in the first cycle; this effect is referred to as softening behavior. Second, the
stress-strain behavior tends to stabilize, after a few cycles, with most softening occurring
during the first cycle. Third, as the strain upon reloading approaches the maximum strain
achieved in prior cycles, the stress tends to approach the stress level of a first cycle test at
that strain. Fourth, the unloading paths after a given strain all follow the same curve,
independent of cycle number. Fifth, softening depends upon strain history, where larger
strain produces greater softening. Last, the residual strain occurs predominantly after the
first cycle, and no significant height changes are observed after the additional cycles. In
the rest of this paper, the test whereupon the stress does not show significant decrease
from previous cycles will be referred as the stabilized test; stable curves are typically
N=1, 2, 4
Figure 7: Cyclic uniaxial compression tests at strain rate ε = 0.01 / s . N indicates cycle
ε=0.5, N=1
ε=0.5, N=4
ε=1.0, N=1 after the e=0.5 tests
ε=1.0, N=4 after the e=0.5 tests
ε=1.0, N=1
Figure 8: Uniaxial compression tests with cyclic straining to different maximum strains.
N indicates cycle number. The strain rate is ε = 0.01 / s .
Uniaxial compression tests with ε max = 0.5 and ε max = 1.0 were conducted on two fresh
samples, respectively. The true stress-true strain curves shown earlier in Figure 4 are
repeated in Figure 8. The sample strained to ε max = 0.5 was then subjected to cyclic
loading-unloading with ε max = 0.5 . The true stress-true strain curves stabilized after the
4th cycle. This sample was then strained to ε max = 1.0 . As illustrated in Figure 8, upon
straining to ε max = 1.0 after previous excursions to ε max = 0.5 , the true stress-true strain
curve for ε < 0.5 moves along the previously stabilized softened curve; as the strain
approaches 0.5, the stress approaches the previous maximum stress. After ε = 0.5 , the
true stress-true strain curve follows the course shown by the fresh sample test with
ε max = 1.0 , and the material exhibits the same behavior as the fresh material. The cyclic
tests with ε max = 1.0 result in the stress-strain behavior being softened to the new
stabilized curve as defined by ε max = 1.0 cycle tests on an originally fresh sample. These
variations demonstrate the strong dependence of the material behavior on the strain
In the stress relaxation tests, the stress relaxes towards an equilibrium state during the
holding periods (Figure 6(b)(c) and Figure 9(a)(b)). Figure 9 shows the stress relaxation
behavior during the 1st cycle test and during the 4th cycle test after cycling between
strains of 0.0 and 1.0. In these tests, the stress relaxes towards two distinct equilibrium
paths after 60 seconds for the fresh sample and the cycled sample3. The relaxed value at
any strain depends upon the maximum strain the material has experienced in its prior
loading history. During unloading the increase in stress at each hold period is the same
for both the 1st cycle and the 4th cycle tests since both have been strained to a maximum
strain of 1.0 before unloading. The stress differences between the stabilized stress from
loading vs. unloading hold periods are fairly small for the 4th cycle test. These
observations strongly imply that the unloading stress and the loading stress (except the 1st
loading) converge to the same equilibrium path, but this path depends on the maximum
strain experienced on the loading history. Precisely determining the equilibrium paths for
the 1st cycle test and the stabilized test, however, is difficult because of ambiguity in the
concept of “long enough time for relaxation”. For the first loading, equilibrium paths
were determined by finding the point where another 10% stress relaxation would occur at
Further stress relaxation can be expected for a longer relaxation time, but the difference between the
two equilibrium paths is so significant that simply accounting for such a difference as the result of
the same strain. The equilibrium path for the relaxation tests on a previously loaded
sample is determined by simply finding the midpoint of the points of the same strains on
the loading and the unloading paths of the stabilized test (the 4th cycle test), assuming that
the set points under the same strain would converge at their middle points if given infinite
Comparing the cyclic tests with ε max = 0.5 (Figure 4) to those with ε max = 1.0 , we
conclude that the softened equilibrium path after cycling at ε max = 0.5 must be stiffer
than the softening equilibrium path after cycling at ε max = 1.0 . Therefore, the degree of
softening of the equilibrium path increases with an increase in the prior maximum strain
20 20
N=1 N=1
N=4 N=4
16 16 Equilibrium path for N=1
Equilibrium path for N=4
-True Stress (MPa)
-True Stress
12 12
8 8
4 4
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Time (s) -True Strain
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Uniaxial compression test with a number of intermittent strain hold periods, (a)
true-stress vs. time curves, and (b) true-stress vs. true-strain curves and the equilibrium
paths for initial and stabilized cycles. N indicates cycle number.
3 Constitutive Model
3.1 A review
A constitutive model for the large strain deformation of TPUs should address the three
salient features of the material behavior: 1. Nonlinear large strain elastomeric behavior;
2.Time dependence; 3.Softening of the equilibrium paths observed during cyclic tests.
The experimental data indicates that the stress-strain behavior can be decomposed
equilibrium path, as illustrated in Figure 10. The constitutive model developed in Boyce
here as a starting point for the new constitutive model. The equilibrium part of the stress-
strain behavior acts as the backbone of the overall material stress-strain behavior and is
taken to originate from the entropy change of long molecular chains in the amorphous
soft domain due to orientation of the molecular network with deformation. The rate-
dependent part is taken to originate from the concomitant internal energy change due to
deformation of the hard domains. The viscoplastic response tends to relax the elastic
deformation of the hard domains and hence produces the relaxation of the stress-strain
behavior to the equilibrium behavior with time. As the strain rate approaches an
infinitesimal value, the hard domain elastic deformation will be fully relaxed and the
deviation from the equilibrium path will diminish. The viscoplastic behavior comes from
energy dissipation sources; potential sources include plastic slip in hard domains, the
breakage of hydrogen bonds in the hard domains, possible frictional interaction between
two hard domains, and the interaction between the soft and hard domains. In this paper,
all energy dissipation mechanisms are lumped into a single viscoplastic constitutive
= +
strain history induced softening behavior to be due to softening of the equilibrium path.
In rubbery materials, the softening of the equilibrium path is referred to as the “Mullins’
effect”, so named due to the comprehensive study of this behavior by Mullins on unfilled
and filled rubbers during the 1950s and the 1960s (Mullins and Tobin, 1957, 1965;
Mullins, 1969).
responsible for the softening, the hysteresis, and the corresponding energy dissipation.
Replacing physical crosslinks in segmented polyurethanes by disrupting the hard domain
structure and forming chemical crosslinks was shown to reduce the softening and
hysteresis; however, this also resulted in a loss in modulus and tensile strength (Cooper et
Bonart et al., 1969; Bonart and Muller-Riederer, 1981; Estes et al., 1971; Kimura et al.
1974; Sauer et al. 2002; Sequela and Prudhomme, 1978; Sung et al., 1979, 1980a, 1980b;
Wilkes and Abouzahr, 1981; Yeh et al. 2003;). Bonart and coworkers (Bonart, 1968;
Bonart et al., 1969; Bonart and Muller-Riederer, 1981) systematically studied the
morphology change during deformation using X-Ray scattering. They and, more recently,
Yeh et. al.(2003), found that the stress inhomogeneity in the soft domains could lead to a
rotation of the hard domains in order to minimize the overall energy of deformation.
They also found that at large stretch the hard domains would break down to further
accommodate stretch. Estes and coworkers (1971) found that during tensile deformations
the hard domains were displaced into a position where their longer dimensions were
where the hard domains appeared to align perpendicular to the applied stress. To achieve
the high degree of hard block orientation, it was necessary that the hard domains
underwent plastic deformation, which was accompanied by the breakage and reformation
of hydrogen bonds. At sufficiently high strains, the hard domains might break into
smaller units.
At present, most elastomer softening theories are based on two concepts. The first
theory originates from Blanchard and Parkinson (1952) and Bueche (1960, 1961), who
considered the increase in stiffness produced by fillers to be a result of rubber-filler
attachments. Models based on this concept include the works of Bueche (1960, 1961),
Dannenberg (1974), and Rigbi (1980), Simo (1987), Govindjee and Simo (1991, 1992),
Miehe and Keck (2000), and Lion (1996, 1997). The second theory is due to Mullins,
Tobin, Harwood, and Payne (Mullins and Tobin, 1957, 1965; Harwood et al., 1965;
Harwood and Payne, 1966a, 1966b; Mullins, 1969), who treated the Mullins’ effect as the
molecular networks during deformation. Models based on this concept include Beatty and
coworkers (Johnson and Beatty, 1993a, 1993b; Beatty and Krishnaswamy, 2000),
Marckmann et al. (2002), and Ogden and coworkers (Ogden and Roxburgh, 1997, 1999;
Dorfman and Ogden, 2003; Horgan et al. 2003)(See Qi and Boyce (2004) for a brief
In filled elastomers, due to the existence of stiffer fillers, usually carbon black, the
strain (or the stretch) is magnified by an amplification factor due to the greater
deformation in the soft domains needed to accommodate the applied strain because of the
very low strain in the stiffer filler domains. Based on the concept of amplified strain,
Mullins and Tobin (1957) suggested that the softening in rubber vulcanizates was due to
the decrease of volume fraction of the hard domains with strain, as a result of conversion
of the hard domains to the soft domains. Micromechanical modeling of rigid particle
filled elastomers by Bergstrom and Boyce (1999) revealed that some of the rubber
became trapped among hard particles and could not deform, thus resulting in the effective
fraction of stiff particles to be larger than the physical fraction, so named “occluded
volume” effect in filled elastomers postulated by earlier workers (Medalia and Kraus,
the fillers, Boyce et al (2001a, 2001b) showed that the cyclic softening was due to the
during subsequent cycles. Although the material in their study was a system of soft
fillers/hard matrix, in contrast to filled rubbers and TPUs, which are hard fillers/soft
matrix, their research does enlighten the evolution of the filler/matrix structure with
deformation. Based on these observations and Mullins and Tobin concept of an evolution
in the underlying hard and soft domain microstructure, we (Qi and Boyce, 2004) recently
proposed a new constitutive model to account for the observed softening of the
equilibrium stress-strain behavior of elastomer via an evolution in the soft and hard
domain structures with stretching. The model was shown to capture stretch-induced
softening and is thus used here to represent the softening of the equilibrium behavior of
In this paper, we propose a comprehensive model that captures the observed time
dependent nonlinear large strain behavior and softening of the stress-strain behavior. The
The model requires three constitutive elements, illustrated schematically in Figure 11 for
a one-dimensional rheological analog to the elastomer deformation model. The
elastic contribution due to internal energy change, and a nonlinear viscoplastic dashpot
capturing the rate and temperature dependent behavior of the material. The equilibrium
behavior is modeled with the hyperelastic rubbery spring component capturing the
entropy change due to molecular orientation of soft domains and is responsible for the
high elasticity (large recoverability) of the overall deformation. We note that in the actual
material, there are constant interchanges and interplays between deformations in the soft
and hard domains. Here, we average out this interplay by taking the two elements to be
“in parallel” in the one-dimensional analog which, in turn, corresponds to subjecting both
elements (the rubbery spring element and the viscoelastic-plastic elements) to the same
denotes the variables acting on the hyperelastic rubbery network spring, whilst
component (V)
Elastic spring
rubbery spring
F N = FV = F , (1)
on the hyperelastic rubbery network, and F V is the deformation gradient acting on the
T = T N + TV , (2)
where T N is the portion of the stress originating from the hyperelastic rubbery behavior;
TV is the portion originating from the viscoelastic-plastic (hard) domains. The rubbery
The stress acting on the hyperelastic rubbery spring, T N , captures the resistance to
entropy change in the soft domains due to molecular network orientation (stretching and
alignment), and is modeled using the recent model proposed by Qi and Boyce (2004) to
account for the observed stretch-induced softening behavior. Here, the model will be
briefly outlined; the detailed description of the model and discussion can be found in Qi
eight-chain model (Arruda and Boyce, 1993) captures the hyperelastic behavior of the
material up to large stretch and is used here to represent the equilibrium behavior. Taking
the rubbery network strain to be deviatoric, the Arruda-Boyce eight-chain model gives
µr N λ
TN = L−1 chain B ′ , (3)
3 J λchain N
density (number of molecular chains per unit reference volume) of the underlying
macromolecular network, and N is the number of “rigid links” between two crosslinks
(and/or strong physical entanglements). In this model, F N will potentially contain a small
L (β ) = coth β − . (4)
For thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers, the hard domains play an important role
domains occupy a significant volume serving as effective stiff fillers in the material
(Petrovic and Ferguson, 1991). This suggests that it is reasonable to model the
equilibrium behavior of TPUs using the methodology for elastomer composites where the
elastomer is reinforced with very stiff particles. Here, the soft domains are treated as the
matrix occupying effective volume fraction v s , and the hard domains are treated as fillers
as effective volume fractions and are different from the actual volume fractions
In this comprehensive model, the bulk resistance to volumetric strain (i.e. the bulk modulus) will be
lumped into the viscoelastic-plastic component which acts in parallel with the rubbery spring element.
calculated from the material composition of soft and hard segments. This difference will
be discussed in more detail following the presentation of the model for the hyperelastic
rubbery spring.
In filled elastomers, the average strain (or alternatively, stretch) in the elastomeric
domains is necessarily amplified over that of the macroscopic strain since the stiff filler
particles accommodate little of the macroscopic strain. For a general three dimensional
deformation state, the first invariant of the stretch is amplified by (Bergstrom and Boyce,
I1 m
= X ( I 1 − 3) + 3 , (5)
where I 1 m
is the average I 1 in the matrix, and I 1 is the overall macroscopic I 1 of the
fraction, νf, and distribution. X can take a general form of X = 1 + 3.5v f + bv 2f . Here, we
Following Bergstrom and Boyce(2000) and Qi and Boyce(2004), the Cauchy stress as
v s X µ N −1 Λ chain
TN = L B ′ , (6)
3 J Λ chain N
X = 1 + 3.5(1 − v s ) + 18 (1 − v s ) .
In a TPU, the effective volume fraction v s of the soft domains is not equal to the
volume fraction of soft segments calculated from the material chemistry. On the one
hand, phase separation in TPUs is generally incomplete and there exist isolated hard
segments, resulting in a smaller volume fraction of the hard domains than that obtained
from composition calculation; on the other hand, a portion of the soft domains is
occluded by the hard domains, resulting in an increase in the effective hard domain
volume fraction. The latter will dominate the small to middle deformation, whereas the
first causes the effective soft domain volume fraction to possibly become larger than the
segment composition calculation at large deformations when all of the soft domain has
been released from occlusion and isolated hard segments may resolve in soft domains.
Following Qi and Boyce (2004), we take v s to evolve with deformation where initially
occluded regions of soft domains are gradually released with deformation and this
evolution is driven by the local chain stretch, Λ chain , in the soft domains. Upon removal
of applied load, it was found that the hard domains remained largely in the deformed
configuration with very little recovery (Estes et al. 1971). We thus assume that the
its loading history. Evolution in v s will be re-activated as the local chain stretch exceeds
the previous maximum chain stretch. Therefore, when Λ chain > Λmax
chain , v s is modeled to
increase with increasing Λ chain , and thus the amplification X decreases with increasing
Λ chain . We also assume v s varies from an initial value v s 0 to a saturation value v ss as the
local chain stretch Λ chain reaches the locking stretch of the chain, λlocking
chain . The evolution
chain − 1 max ,
v s = A(v ss − v s ) Λ (7a)
chain −Λ max
chain)2 chain
max = 0 ,
Λ chain < Λmax
, (7b)
Λ , Λ ≥ Λmax
chain chain chain
and A is a parameter that characterizes the evolution in v s with increasing Λ chain . (For a
discussion on this evolution rule and its effect on the Cauchy stress, see Qi and Boyce
TV =
det F Ve
Le ln V V e , ] (8)
deformation gradient and V V e is the left stretch tensor of the elastic deformation gradient
v h is the effective volume fraction of hard domains. It should be noted that a TPU is not a
composite material, even though a methodology for composite material averaging is used
here. Since the viscoelastic-plastic component captures a significant portion of the initial
elastic stiffness of the material and lumped energy dissipation, the combination of these
behaviors is believed to relate to the hard domain and soft-hard domain interactions. We
simply take v h = 1 − v s .
FV = F V e F V v
Current configuration
FV v FV e
Initial configuration
Relaxed configuration
FV = FV e FV v . (9)
LV = F V F V −1 = F V e F V e −1 + F V e F V v F V v −1F V e −1 . (10)
LV v = F V v F Vv −1 = DV v + W V v , (11)
where DV v and W V v are the rate of stretching and the spin, respectively. We take
γ v ′
DV v = TV , (12)
2τ V
relaxed configuration ( T V = R V e TV R V e ); the prime denotes the deviator; τ V is the
1 ′ ′ 2
τ V = TV • TV . (13)
γ v denotes the visco-plastic shear strain rate of the viscoplastic component, and is
∆G τ V
γ v = γ0 exp − 1 − , (14)
kΘ s
where γ0 is the pre-exponential factor proportional to the attempt frequency, ∆G is the
zero stress level activation energy, and s is the athermal shear strength, which represents
The true stress-true strain behavior including relaxation periods (Figure 9) shows that
the amount of stress decrease during loading strain hold periods is larger than the amount
of stress increase during unloading strain hold periods. This effect is significant during
the 1st cycle test. This suggests the resistance to viscous flow evolves with strain history.
Although the mechanism is not clear yet, a possible conjecture is that such a mechanism
change is related to the configuration change of soft and hard domains as evidenced by
Estes et al (1971). During the loading course, the hard domain clusters will irreversibly
the hydrogen bonds. We propose the following evolution rule as a first step to capture
this behavior,
s1 = h s 0 . (15)
3.5 Summary of the Constitutive Model
dependent; it is hysteretic; and it softens with cyclic loading where the degree of
softening depends on the maximum strain level reached in prior cycles. The new
systematic procedure for determining values for the material properties can be developed.
The three constitutive elements in the model each account for different features of the
observed material behaviors: i.e. the hyperelastic rubbery softening spring for equilibrium
behavior; the evolution of effective volume fraction of soft domains for the softening of
equilibrium paths; the linear elastic spring accounting for the stiffness contribution of the
time dependent behavior; and the viscoplastic dashpot accounting for the nonlinear time
dependent behavior. It is thus possible to identify the material parameters associated with
the different features of the material behavior. The Appendix provides a methodology to
Table 1. Summary of constitutive model and material parameters.
Hyperelastic v s X µ N −1 Λ chain
µr , TN = L B ′
3 J Λ chain N
Equilibrium Hyperelastic “filler”
N, 2
Stress-Strain Rubbery effect X = 1 + 3.5(1 − v s ) + 18 (1 − v s )
Response Spring
vs 0 ,
TN Element Λ −1
Softening v ss , v s = v ss − (v ss − v s 0 ) exp − A lock chain
λ chain − Λ chain
T = T N + TV
Linear vh
Ev , TV = Le ln V V e
[ ]
det F V e
Non-equilibrium Spring
Rate Dependent Element vh = 1 − vs
Time γ0 , ∆G τ V
Response Viscoplastic γ v = γ0 exp − 1 −
Dependence ∆G kΘ s
T Dashpot
Element v
Softening s0 , s = h s0
vi 0
4 Results
The material parameters for the TPU tested in this study were identified using the
µr N A vs 0 v ss
(MPa )
Elastic-Viscoplastic Component
Ev ν s0 γ0 ∆G
Uniaxial compression tests at different constant strain rates on fresh samples were
simulated to verify the proposed constitutive model. Figure 13(a) shows the simulation
and experimental stress-strain curves for the tests at ε = 0.01 s −1 and ε = 0.1 s −1 . The
simulation results agree very well with the experimental data and capture the rate
dependence of the stress strain behavior. Figure 13(b) shows the decomposition of the
material stress-strain behavior into an equilibrium part (same for both strain rates) and a
The proposed model does not fully capture the feature that the unloading curves follow
the same path for the tests at different strain rates, but the difference is small. Further
amount of time prior to unloading. Figure 14 shows the true stress-true strain curve from
20 25
Overall, 0.01/s
Model, 0.01/s Equilibrium, 0.01/s
Model, 0.1/s Time-dependent, 0.01/s
Experiment, 0.01/s 20
16 Overall, 0.1/s
Experiment, 0.1/s Equilibrium, 0.1/s
-True Stress (MPa)
0 -5
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain -True Strain
(a) (b)
Figure 13: (a) True Stress-true strain curves for uniaxial compression tests; (b)
Decompositions of the stress-strain behavior into an equilibrium part and a time
dependent part.
100 130 230
Figure 14: True Stress-true strain curves for uniaxial compression test with ε = 0.01 / s
and 30 seconds delay before unloading. The inset shows the true strain loading history.
Simulations on cyclic loading-unloading tests were also conducted. Recall that the
TPU sample showed residual strain (permanent set) after unloading. In the experiments,
the dimensions of the sample (diameter and height) were measured between cycles, and
were used as the new dimension for the sample so that the true stress-true strain curves
always started from the new unloaded specimen height for each cycle. Such a process of
having the true stress-true strain curve begin at the origin by measuring the dimensions
before each test corresponds to simply shifting the true stress-true strain curves leftward
by the amount of residual strain ε r . In simulations, the true stress-true strain curves were
first obtained based on the initial dimensions of the sample and were then shifted leftward
by the residual strain measured after 2 minutes idling time between the two cyclic
measure the dimension change and reposition the sample on the platen for the next cycle
of loading. Figure 15(a) shows the loading history for the test with ε max = 1.0 and
ε = 0.1 s −1 . Due to the shift of the curve, the second cycle simulation was loaded to the
strain 1 + ε r , where ε r is the residual strain measured from the first cycle simulation.
ε = 0.01 s −1 (Figure 15(b)) and ε = 0.1 s −1 (Figure 15(c)). The model captures the
loading and unloading paths at both strain rates. The residual strain after 2min idling time
in the simulation was 0.05, which was very close to the residual strain of 0.04~0.06
observed in the experiments. Figure 15(d) and (e) show the decomposition of the material
stress-strain behavior into an equilibrium part and a time dependent part for each cycle of
the tests. From Figure 15(d) and (e), the equilibrium parts during loading and unloading
for the second cycle follow the same path, indicating that additional softening does not
occur during the second loading cycle.
- True Strain
0 50 100 150
Time (s)
(a) (b)
Overall, N=1
Equilibrium, N=1
20 Time-dependent, N=1
Overall, N=2
-True Stress (MPa)
Equilibrium, N=2
15 Time-dependent, N=2
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain
(c) (d)
Overall, N=1
Equilibrium, N=1
20 Time-dependent, N=1
Overall, N=2
Equilibrium, N=2
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain
Figure 15: Numerical simulation on cyclic loading tests: (a) loading history; Stress-strain
behavior for (b) ε = 0.01 / s ; and (c) ε = 0.1 / s ; Decompositions of the stress-strain
behavior into an equilibrium part and a time dependent part for (d) ε = 0.01 / s ; and (e)
ε = 0.1 / s . N indicates cycle number.
Figure 16(a) shows the cyclic loading to different maximum strains at ε = 0.01 / s
where the sample was subjected to three loading-unloading cycles: the first cycle was
loaded to ε max = 0.05 , and the second and the third cycles were loaded to ε max = 1.0 . The
corresponding experimental results are also presented in the figure. The numerical
simulations adequately capture the softening effects during the cyclic tests. It is noted that
the experimental results used to obtain material parameters did not include the tests with
loading to ε max = 0.5 , but the model predicts the softening response corresponding to 0.5
strain. Figure 16(b) shows the evolution of the effective volume fraction of soft domain
during this deformation course. The v s evolves with strain from the original v s 0 = 0.4
and reaches v s = 0.59 at ε max = 0.5 . This value for v s is retained until the strain exceeds
Model, N=1
20 Model, N=2
Model, N=3 3rd Loading
Experiment, N=1
Experiment, N=2
-True Stress (MPa)
Experiment, N=3 2nd Unloading
2nd Loading
12 2nd Loading
1st Unloading
1st Loading
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain
(a) (b)
Figure 16: Cyclic loading to different maximum strains, i.e. ε = 0.5 first, then ε = 1.0
with strain rate of ε = 0.01 / s . (a) true stress-true strain curve; (b) evolution of effective
volume fraction of soft domain. For both simulations and experiments, the curves are the
first loading to ε = 0.5 then unloading (N=1), followed by reloading to ε = 1.0 then
unloading (N=2), finally reloading to ε = 1.0 then unloading (N=3). In experiments, the
subsequent reloading occurred after the stress-strain behavior stabilized.
Figure 17 shows the numerical simulation of the relaxation test at ε = 0.1 / s . For the
first cycle (Figure 17(a)), the numerical simulation captures the decrease/increase of the
stress during each hold period during loading/unloading, except for the stop at ε = 80%
during unloading due to relative slow stress drop at the transition from loading to
unloading in the simulation. Figure 17(c) and (d) show the one-dimensional
decomposition of the material stress-strain behavior into an equilibrium part and a time
Experiment, N=1 Experiment, N=4
Model, N=1 Model, N=4
-True Stress (MPa)
0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain -True Strain
(a) (b)
20 20
10 10
5 5
0 0
-5 -5
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain -True Strain
(c) (d)
Figure 17: Numerical simulations of relaxation test: (a) the 1st cycle; (b) the 2nd cycle
curves; Decomposition the material stress-strain behavior into an equilibrium part and a
time dependent part: (c) the 1st cycle; (d) the 2nd cycle curves. N indicates cycle number.
5 Conclusion
in this paper. It was shown by uniaxial compression tests that TPUs exhibited very
complicated stress-strain behavior, which has strong rate dependence, hysteresis, and
softening, where the softening is evident upon reloading. A set of experiments has been
presented which acted to isolate these various dependencies and features of the stress-
constitutive model.
polyurethane materials and the softening behavior is then presented. The constitutive
model decomposes the material behavior into a rate-independent equilibrium part and a
rate-dependent viscoelastic-plastic part. For the softening of the equilibrium path, the
model adopts the concept of amplified strain, and takes the strain amplification factor to
evolve with loading history due to microstructural reorganization of the soft and hard
domains which act to increase the volume fraction of the effective soft domain.
data verify the proposed constitutive model. The model adequately captures the overall
nonlinear behavior, the softening (Mullins’ effect), and the time dependent behavior of
the TPUs.
The underlying material structure of TPUs undergoes significant changes during large
deformation. As a first approach, these changes are emulated in the proposed constitutive
model by simply taking the volume fraction of the soft domain to evolve with
processes such as the time-dependent viscous response and will result in anisotropy of the
structure and behavior. The underlying physical process for these evolution rules is not
clear. In the future, micromechanical modeling, together with advanced experiments
In order to identify the material parameters in the proposed constitutive model, two types
of cyclic tests are necessary: Cyclic relaxation tests (tension or compression) with
intermittent holding period at distinct strains during both loading and unloading courses
Here, the procedure of parameter identification is exemplified using the cyclic uniaxial
The material parameters associated with the hyperelastic rubbery component of the
constitutive model can be determined using the two equilibrium paths (the 1st cycle test
and the 4th cycle test after cyclic loading to a strain of 1.0) presented in Figure A1. The
initial Young’s moduli for these two curves were measured from the initial slopes of the
curves, Er(0 ) ≈ 24MPa and E r(1) ≈ 14MPa , where E r(0 ) denotes the initial Young’s
modulus for the 1st cycle equilibrium path, and E r(1) denotes the initial Young’s modulus
for the stabilized equilibrium path after a maximum cyclic strain of 1.0. In the following,
a superscript 0 denotes the variables for the 1st cycle equilibrium path, and a superscript 1
denotes the variables for the stabilized equilibrium path. The ratio is E r(0 ) E r(1) = 1.7 , and
from eqn.(6),
E r(0 ) v s 0 X (0 ) v s 0 1 + 3.5(1 − v s 0 ) + 18(1 − v s 0 )
= =
[ (
E r(1) v s(1) X (1) v s(1) 1 + 3.5 1 − v s(1) + 18 1 − v s(1) 2 ) ( )]
where v s(1) is effective volume fraction of soft domain at ε = 1.0 , and remains constant
The chemical composition of the TPU used in the current study is 57% soft segment
and 43% hard segment. Therefore, based on the argument in the discussion of the
effective volume fraction, it is reasonable to assume that v s 0 = 0.4 and v ss = 0.8 . From
Equilibrium path, N=1
Equilibrium path, N=4
-True Stress (MPa)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain
Figure A1: Equilibrium paths from the 1st relaxation test and the 4th relaxation test. N
indicates cycle number.
Since in the 4th cycle test, both v s and X remain constant, it is convenient to use the
model. We found µ r = 1.40 MPa and N = 6.0 . The locking chain stretch hence is
chain = N = 2.45 .
In a uniaxial compression test, the compression ratio in the axial direction is λ1 and is
For ε = 1.0 , λchain ≈ 1.35 . The amplified chain stretch ratio is thus Λ chain = 1.86 . From
Equilibrium path, N=1
Equilibrium path, N=4
Arruda-Boyce model, N=1
15 Arruda-Boyce model, N=2
-True Stress (MPa)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain
Figure A2: Material parameter identification for the rubbery hyperelastic spring. N
indicates cycle number.
N=1, strain=0.5
N=1, strain=1.0, after strain=0.5
N=2, strain=1.0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
-True Strain
Figure A3: The stress-strain behavior of equilibrium behavior during cyclic loadings to a
maximum strain of 0.5 for first cycle, then reloading to 1.0 for two cycles. N indicates
cycle number.
The obtained parameters for the equilibrium path were used to simulate the tests
where the sample was subjected to three load-unloading cycles: the first one to a
maximum strain of 0.50, whereas the last two to a maximum strain of 1.0. Figure A3
shows the numerical simulations. Clearly, the loading to the maximum strain of 0.50
shows less softening in the stress-strain behavior than that with the maximum strain of
From the one dimension simplification of eqn.(2), the axial stress acting on the
TV = T −T N . (A3)
The elastic modulus E v for the elastic spring in the viscoelastic-plastic component can be
determined since the initial Young’s modulus of the material is the summation of the
contributions from hyperelastic rubbery spring and the elastic spring. The initial overall
Young’s modulus was measured from the true stress-true strain curve in Figure 7,
For the material parameters associated with the viscoplastic dashpot element, s0 ,
∆G , and γ0 can be determined using the loading curve. From eqn.(A3), T V vs ε plots
for the tests at difference strain rates were constructed, as shown in Figure A4(a).
The equivalent shear strain γ and shear stress τ are related to strain and stress in
γ = 3ε , τ = TV (A4)
The equivalent visco-plastic shear strain is obtained by subtracting the elastic shear
γ v = γ − τ / G , where G ≈ E v / 3 (A5)
The equivalent visco-plastic shear stress and shear strain curves at different strain rate
τ = c ln γ v + b , (A6)
s s ∆G
c= , b = (D − ln γ0 ) , D = . (A7)
D D kΘ
Eqn. (A6), together with Figure A4(b), provides insight into the evolution of s during
vs γ v curves at a number of γ v from Figure A4(b), and then investigating the variation of
the slopes and interception of the curves with respect of γ v . Here, for the sake of brevity,
we assume s evolves with effective volume fraction of hard domain, i.e. s = (vh vh 0 )s0 .
As shown in the results, such simplification generally can give good predictions of the
-Non-equilibrium Stress (MPa)
8 0.1/s
τ (MPa)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75
-True Strain γv
(a) (b)
Figure A4: (a) T V vs ε plots at different strain rates; (b) τ - γ v plots at different strain
From Figure A4(b), the equivalent shear stress at each equivalent shear strain rate
approximates to a constant value at large equivalent shear strain. For γ1v = 0.0173 / s
for γ3v = 0.173 / s (from ε = 0.1 / s ), τ 3 = 4.3MPa . Using least square fit gives
c = 0.60 , b = 5.3 .
D= . (A8b)
Using a kinked model, Argon (1973) and Argon and Bessonov (1977) predicted for a
s= . (A9)
1− v
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used as a starting point for identifying material parameters. From eqn. (A8), we obtained
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