Commerce Syllabus Full

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Paper 6.


Duration: 3 hrs. MID SEM- 20, END SEM – 80, F.M. – 100, Lectures: 65

Objective: To provide knowledge of auditing principles, procedures and techniques in

accordance with current legal requirements and professional standards.

Unit I.

Auditing: Introduction, Meaning, Objects, Basic Principles and Techniques; Classification of

Audit, Audit planning, Internal Control- Internal Check and Internal Audit; Audit procedure
Vouching and verification of Assets & Liabilities.

Unit II.

Audit of Limited Companies: Company Auditor- Qualifications and disqualifications, Audit

planning, Internal Control- Internal Check and Internal Audit; Audit procedure Vouching and
verification of Assets & Liabilities.

Unit III.

Special Areas of Audit: Special features of Cost audit, Tax audit, and Management audit;
Recent Trends in Auditing: Basic considerations of audit in EDP Environment; Standard on
Auditing (SA); Relevant Case Studies/problems;

Unit IV.

Corporate Governance: Conceptual framework of corporate Governance, corporate

Governance Reforms. Major corporate scandals in India and Abroad: common Governance
problems Noticed in various corporate failures. Codes & standards on corporate Governance.

Unit V.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Strategic planning and corporate social responsibility;
corporate philanthropy, meaning of CSR, CSR and CR, CSR and corporate sustainability, CSR
and Business Ethics, CSR and and Business Ethics, CSR and corporate Governance,
Environmental Aspect of CSR, CSR provision under the companies Act 2013, CSR committees

Suggested Readings:

1. Gupta, Kamal and Ashok Arora. Fundamentals of Auditing. Tata McGraw Hill Publicating
Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Jha, Aruna. Auditing. Taxmann.
3. Tendon, B.N., S.Sudharsanam and S. Sundharabahu. A.Handbook of practical Auditing. S.
Chand and Co Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Ghatalia, S.V. Practical Auditin. Alled publishers private Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Singh, A.K and Gupta Lovleen. Auditing Theory and practice. Galgotia publishing
6. Alvin Arens and james Loebbecke, Auditing: an integrated Approach.
7. Ravinder kumar and Virendra Sharma, Auditing principles and practice, PHI Learning
Christine A Mallin, Corporate Governance (Indian Edetion), Oxford University press, New
8. Bob Tricker, corporate Governance- principles, policies, and practice ( Indian Edition),
Oxford University press, New Delhi.
9. The Companies Act 2013( Relevant Sections)
10.MC Kuchhal Corporate Laws, Shri Mahaveer Book Depot. (Publishers). (Relevant
11.Relevant publications of ICAI on Auditing (CARO).


Core Course-14


Duration: 3 hrs. MID SEM- 20, END SEM – 80, F.M. – 100, Lectures: 65

Objective: To familiarize the students with the principles and practices of financial


Unit I.

Introduction to financial Management: Scope and objective, Time value of mony, Risk and
return, Valuation of securities – Bonds and Equities.

Unit II.

Long Term Investment Decisions : The capital Budgeting process, cash flow estimation,
payback period Method, Accounting Rate of Return, Net present value (NPV), Net Terminal
value, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Profitability index.
Unit III.

Financing Decisions: Sources of long- term financial Estimation of components of cost of

capital. Methods for calculating cost of equality capital, cost of Retained Earnings, Cost of Debt
and Cost of preference capital, Weighted Average cost of capital (WACC) and Marginal cost of
capital. Capital structure- Theories of capital structure (Net income, Net Operating income,
MM Hypothesis, Traditional Approach). Operating and financial leverage. Determinants of
capital structure.

Unit IV.

Dividend Decisions: Theories for Relevance and irrelevance of divided decision for corporate
valuation. Cash and stock divided policies in practice.

Unit V.

Working Capital Decisions: Concepts of working capital, the risk- return trade off source of
short – term finance, working capital estimation, cash management, receivables management,
inventory management and payables management.

Suggested Readings:

1. Horne, J.C. Van and Wackowich, fundamentals of Financial Management. 9th ed. New
Delhi prentice Hall of India.
2. Johnson, R.W. Financial Management. Boston Allyn and Bacon.
3. Joy, O.M. Introduction to financial management. Homewood
4. Khan and Jain. Financial Management text and problems. 2nd ed. Tata McGraw Hill New
5. Pandey, I.M financial Management. Vikas publications.
6. Chandra, P.Financial Management- Theory and practice. (Tata Mc Graw Hill)
7. Rustagi, R.P. Financial Management. Taxmann publication Pvt. Ltd.
8. Singh, J.K financial Management- text and problems. 2nd Ed. Dhanpat Rai and Company,
9. Singh, surrender and kaur, Rajeev. Fundamentals of financial Management. Book Bank
10.Brigham and Houston, Fundamentals of financial Management, 13th Ed., cengage

Core Course-14


Duration: 3 hrs. MID SEM- 20, END SEM – 80, F.M. – 100, Lectures: 65

Objective: To provide Basic knowledge of corporate tax planning and its impact ondecision-

Unit Contents Number of lectures

Unit I. Tax planning, tax management, tax evasion, tax avoidance. 9

Corporate tax in India

Types of companies

Residential status of companies and tax incidence

Tax liability and minimum alternate tax

Tax on distributed profits

Unit II.Tax planning with reference to setting up of a new business 12

Locational aspect. Nature of business, form of organization.

Tax planning with reference to financial management decision-

Capital structure, dividend including deemed dividend and bonus shares

Tax planning with reference to sale of scientific research assets

Unit III.

Tax planning with reference to specific management decisions- 15

Make or buy; own or lease; repair or replace

Tax planning with reference to employees’ remuneration

Tax planning with reference to receipt of insurance


Tax planning with reference to distribution of assets at the time of liquidation

Unit IV.
Special provisions relating to non- residents

Double taxation relief

Provisions regulating transfer pricing

Advance pricing agreement

Unit V.

Tax planning with reference to business restructuring



Slump sale

Conversion of sole proprietary concern/ partnership firm into company

Conversion of company into LLP

Transfer of assets between holding and subsidiary companies.

Suggested Readings:

1. Singhania, Vinod K. and Monica Singhania. Corporate Tax Planning. Taxmann

publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Ahuja, Girish and Ravi Gupta. Corporate. Tax planning and Management. Bharat Law
House, Delhi.
3. Acharya, Shuklendra and M.G Gurha. Tax planning under Direct Taxes. Modern Law
publication, Allahabed.
4. Mittal, D.P. Law of Transfer pricing. Taxmann publications pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. IAS- 12 and AS- 22.
6. T.P. Ghosh. IFRSs. Taxmann publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.


1. Income tax reports, company law institute of India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.
2. Taxman, Taxman Allied Services Pvt. Ltd.. New Delhi.
3. Current tax Reporter, current tax reporter, Jodhpur.



Duration: 3 hrs. MID SEM- 20, END SEM – 80, F.M. – 100, Lectures: 65


This course aims at acquainting the students with the working of financial markets in India.

Unit I. Lectures: 13
An overview of financial markets in India: Indian money markets composition and
structure : (a) Acceptance houses. (b) Discount houses. And (c) Call money markets: Recent
trends in India money markets.

Unit II. Lectures: 13

Capital market: Security market – (a) New issue market. (b) Secondary market:
Functions and roll of stock exchange: Listing procedure and legal requirements: Public issue –
pricing and marketing: Stock Exchange – National Stock Exchange and over – the counter

Unit III. Lectures: 13

Securities Contract and Regulations Act: Main provisions Investors Protections :

Grievances concerning stock exchange dealing and their removal: Grievances cells in stock
exchanges SEBI: Company law Board: Press Remedy through courts.

Unit IV. Lectures: 13

Functionaries on Stock Exchanges: Brokers, Sub brokers, market makers, jobbers,

and NRIS.

Unit V. Lectures: 13

Financial Services: Concept, functions, and types, financial services: Meaning and
Definition Roll of financial services in a financial system Leasing, Meaning and features,
Introduction to Equipment leasing: Types of Lease, Evolution of Indian leasing industry.
Legal Aspects of leasing present Legislative Framework. Hire purchase: concept and
characteristics of hire purchase. Difference between hire purchase and leasing SEBI
guidelines: Credit rating.

Suggested Readings:

1. Chandler M.V. and Goldfeld S.M. Economics and Money and Banking
Harper and Row, New York.
2. Gupta Suraj B. Monetary Economics : S. Chand and Co.
3. Gupta Suraj B. Monetary Planing in India: Oxford Delhi
4. Bhole I.M. Financial Markets and Institutional: Tata Mc Grow Hill,

Duration: 3 hrs. MID SEM- 20, END SEM – 80, F.M. – 100, Lectures: 65

This course aims at providing the general understanding of business research and the
methods of business research. The course will impart learning about how to collect analyze,
present and interpret data.

Section A: Business Research Methods 50Marks

Unit I. Lectures: 10

Introduction: Meaning of Research, Scope of Business Research, Purpose of Research

Exploration, Description, Explanation, Unit of Analysis- Individual, Organization, Groups, and
data series, Conception, Construct, Attributes, Variable, and Hypotheses.

Unit II. Lectures: 10

Research Process: An overview Problem Identification and Definition Selection of basic

research methods- Field Study, Laboratory study, Survey method, Observational Method
Existing data base Research, Longitudinal Studies, Panel Studies.

Unit III. Lectures: 10

Measurement: Definition Designing and writing items, Uni- dimensional and Multi –
dimensional scales, Measurement Scales- Nominal Ordinal, Interval, Ratio, Ratings and Ranking
scale. Thurstone, Likert and Semantic Differential scaling, Paired Comparison , Sampling- Steps
type. Sample Size Decision, Secondary data sources.

Hypothesis Testing: Tests concerning means and proportions; Anova, Chi-square test and
other Non-parametric tests.

Testing the assumptions of Classical Normal Linear Regression.

Section-B- Project Report Marks-50

Unit-IV Lectures: 26

Report Preparation : Meaning, types and layout of research report v, Steps in report writing,
Citations, Bibliography and Annexure in report, JEL Classification.


1. There shall be a written examination of 50% marks on the basis of Unit I to III.
2. The student will write a project report under the supervision of a faculty member
assigned by the college bassed on field work. The project report carries 50% marks and
will be evaluated by University appointed examiners.

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