Essay #2 - The NSTP Law
Essay #2 - The NSTP Law
Essay #2 - The NSTP Law
09 December 2020
The National Service Training Program of 2001 was also known as “An Act Establishing
the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level Students, Amending for the
Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree no. 1706, and for other Purposes” or
It invoked the constitutional provision regarding the “duty of the state to serve and
protect its citizens,” specifically Article II (Declaration of Principles and State Policies), Section
2, which states that “The prime duty of the government is to serve and protect the people. The
government may call upon the people to defend the state, and in fulfillment thereof, all citizens
may be required under conditions provided by law, to render personal military or civil service”
(italics supplied). This is the same principle that created and sustained the Reserve Officers
Training Corps. The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth
in nation-building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military
leaders and volunteers whom could be called upon by the nation in cases their services are
needed. Compared with the ROTC which specializes in military training, and the E-ROTC
which granted three options for students yet was limited in implementation, the NSTP law
ensured that the three components – Civic Welfare Service, Literacy Training Service, and
Reserve Officers Training Corps – will be given the same and equal implementation in
educational institutions. Moreover, it defined the different components, the duration of the
The goal of the law and of the program is to harness the strength and capacity of the
youth to contribute to nation-building, thus the National Service Reserve Force was created to
enlist CWTS and LTS graduates which is also equivalent to the Citizen Armed Force of the
ROTC. In the event that the state will need people for its civic and literacy activities, it will
merely utilize the personnel of the reserve force, the student volunteers the NSTP-CWTS and the
NSTP-LTS has produced. As with the need of the Armed Forces for additional force for its
defense campaigns, it can easily use its body of reservists in the Reserve Command