International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70-82
International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70-82
International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70-82
University of Sao Paulo, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2231, 05508-030, São Paulo, Brazil
Toulouse Business School, Information, Operations and Management Sciences, Place Alphonse Jourdain, 31068, Toulouse, France
Keywords: The digitalization phenomenon is leveraging new relationship models through the entire supply chain network.
Blockchain In this outlook, blockchain is a cutting-edge technology that is already transforming and remodeling the re-
Adoption lationships between all members of logistics and supply chain systems. Yet, while studies on blockchain have
Supply chain network gained a relative pace over the recent years, the literature on this topic does not report sufficient research cases
Digital disruption
on blockchain adoption behavior at the individual level. The present study, therefore, aims to bridge this gap,
notably by helping understand the individual blockchain adoption behavior in the logistics and supply chain
field in India and the USA. Drawing on the emerging literature on blockchain, supply chain and network theory,
as well as on technology acceptance models (TAMs), we have developed a model based on a slightly-altered
version of the classical unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). The model being developed
was then estimated using the Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). As the model was
eventually supported, the results obtained revealed the existence of distinct adoption behaviors between India-
based and USA-based professionals. In parallel, the findings appear as a useful contribution to and a sign of
progress for the literature on IT adoption, SCM, and blockchain.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Fosso Wamba).
Received 15 September 2018; Received in revised form 30 November 2018; Accepted 30 November 2018
Available online 05 December 2018
0268-4012/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M.M. Queiroz, S. Fosso Wamba International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70–82
of costs reductions and efficiency. various applicable technology acceptance model theories. In Section 3,
The emerging literature on blockchain has reported various benefits we derive our research model, followed by a description of the selected
and advantages of this technology that can directly impact the L/SCM. methodology and the main results in Section 4. Section 5 deals with the
They include transparency and accountability (Kshetri, 2018; Zou et al., discussion of such results, the implications for research and practice, as
2018), traceability and fraud prevention (Biswas et al., 2017; R. Chen, well as the limitations of the research coupled with some suggestions
2018; Lu & Xu, 2017), cybersecurity and protection (Kshetri, 2017), etc. for future research. Finally, Section 6 exhibit the main conclusions of
The blockchain technology can rely on its tamper-proof characteristic this study.
(Aste et al., 2017; Viryasitavat et al., 2018) to remodel relationship
paradigms between all members of the supply chain. As blockchain 2. Theoretical background
applied to L/SCM is still at its infancy stage, most of the organizations
are yet to go beyond analyses leading to the adoption phase. This is 2.1. Blockchain applications: fundamentals
why, as indicated by the literature on technology acceptance models
(TAMs) (Davis, 1989; Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012; Venkatesh, Blockchain emerged in the cryptocurrency market as a disrupting
Morris, Davis, & Davis, 2003), various authors have dedicated sig- technology (Nakamoto, 2008). The blockchain core is related to a dis-
nificant efforts to help understand how individuals behave when it tributed database (ledgers) (Kano & Nakajima, 2018) that performs in a
comes to accepting to use a technology. shared and synchronized environment (chain), in which information is
In this vein, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology validated by the users (Aste et al., 2017). This implies a decentralized
(UTAUT) of previous TAM (Venkatesh et al., 2003), whose extension is system where the validation of transactions does not give rise to any
UTAUT2 (Venkatesh et al., 2012), is a suitable approach to gain un- alteration (Y. Chen, 2018) and where the tamper-proof characteristic of
derstanding of the blockchain adoption in the supply chain field. The blockchain constantly comes into play. Moreover, all transactions can
UTAUT is a robust model in which the variance explained by behavioral be traceable, and consequently, organizations can achieve the genesis
intention achieved 56%, and technology use, 40%. However, the node. In essence, the data are organized into blocks that shape a chain
UTAUT2 outperforms these results, reaching 74% and 52%, respec- (Li et al., 2018), and the current block is expected to store the in-
tively for behavioral intention and technology use (Venkatesh et al., formation of the previous block. Fig. 1 synthesizes the blockchain
2012). fundamentals.
A good number of recent studies have integrated technology ac- Blockchain transactions operate in a peer-to-peer network, in a
ceptance models in various contexts (Fosso Wamba, Bhattacharya, decentralized way (Y. Chen, 2018). In other words, the transactions are
Trinchera, & Ngai, 2017; Huang, Liu, & Chang, 2012; Liébana- validated and stored by a distributed consensus, and it is not necessary
Cabanillas, Marinković, & Kalinić, 2017; Lin, 2011; Mamonov & to have a central entity that validates the transactions. The Fig. 1 shows
Benbunan-Fich, 2017; Mortenson & Vidgen, 2016; Wu, Zhao, Zhu, Tan, that each block is connected (chain) with the preceding one, and that
& Zheng, 2011; Zhang, Weng, & Zhu, 2018). In addition, few empirical this integration makes it easier to any information history to be re-
studies using surveys on blockchain and supply chain were reported in covered only by exploring the previous blocks. Each block has its own
the literature (Fosso Wamba, Kamdjoug, Robert, Bawack, & Keogh, hash, with a unique ID, and it also brings the hash of the previous block
2018; Kamble, Gunasekaran, & Arha, 2018). and generates more transaction security. In addition, the blocks store a
However, the blockchain adoption behavior and the drivers for such set of transactions that are recorded and validated by other computers
adoption in organizations remain scarcely investigated, according to of the same network. In this process, the transactions receive a unique
the extent relevant literature. Therefore, we aim to answer the fol- sequence and time (timestamp). Once the transaction is validated, it
lowing research question (RQ) to shed more light on the employees’ cannot be modified. Furthermore, transparency of the operations is
behaviors associated with blockchain adoption: what are the drivers of strengthened because the transactions are shared across the network,
blockchain adoption in the supply chain? together with any useful information, thereby enabling all network
Moreover, this study aims to provide the supply chain and logistics actors to informed of all in due time. At the same time, this triggers
community with the finest discussion elements for a better under- trust. As indicated, blockchain integrated with the supply chain field
standing of the current impact of the blockchain technology on the has the potential to transform the relationship between network
adoption behavior of professionals (individual level). The study further members increase efficiency and streamline transactions costs.
seeks to spur supply chain stakeholders to rethink their internal re- Considering the supply chain context, there is a clear implication
lationships in order to keep abreast of this digital age where blockchain with related traditional constructs such as trust between the partici-
is quickly gaining ground. To answer our research question, this study pants, cooperation, knowledge, information exchange, etc. Recent stu-
draws on the recent literature on blockchain (Aste et al., 2017; dies have been investigating the impact of blockchain in supply chains.
Banerjee, Lee, & Choo, 2018; Francisco & Swanson, 2018; Kano & Focus has been on elements such as cost, quality, risk reduction, and
Nakajima, 2018; Kshetri, 2018), network theory (Borgatti & LI, 2009; flexibility (Kshetri, 2018), product traceability problems (Biswas et al.,
Burt, 1980; Grandori & Soda, 1995; Granovetter, 1973), considering 2017; R. Chen, 2018; Lu & Xu, 2017), and anti-counterfeits (Toyoda,
that the L/SCM is a complex network and that a better understanding Mathiopoulos, Sasase, & Ohtsuki, 2017). Almost all organizations want
supply chain relationships and networks evolution requires the latest to take advantage of the great deal of improvments brought about by
available information. As the primary objective of this study is related blockchain, which span enhanced process and operations through the
to the blockchain adoption, our theoretical model was based also on the entire supply chain, safer, transparent and efficient transactions
literature on technology acceptance models (2012, Davis, 1989; (Kshetri, 2018), and trust and reliability across the network, all trans-
Venkatesh & Bala, 2008; Venkatesh & Davis, 2000; Venkatesh et al., actions and related information being shared by all network partici-
2003; Yi, Jackson, Park, & Probst, 2006). pants. Therefore, the relationships between stakeholders (cooperation
This paper contributes to enriching the literature on IT adoption, as and trust, among others) will be very positively affected in supply
it reports blockchain adoption as a hot topic for scholars and practi- chains. Moreover, products traceability can be improved significantly
tioners, who are eager to gain an in-depth understanding of the adop- (Biswas et al., 2017), allowing customers to check the entire journey of
tion behavior at the individual level. Additionally, this study con- a particular product and upgrading the level of logistics service. All of
tributes to the advancement of the logistics and SCM field, because it this adds to a significant streamlining of associated transactions costs,
unveils the blockchain implications for SCM. As for the remainder of especially because an intermediary is no longer necessary in the process
this paper, Section 2 describes the fundamental concepts and perspec- (Kim & Laskowski, 2017).
tives for blockchain, supply chain and related networks, but also the A significant characteristic of blockchain is security (Aste et al.,
M.M. Queiroz, S. Fosso Wamba International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70–82
2017), as it has the potential to promote a reconfiguration of all the embedded with other relations (Granovetter, 1985). In this regard, the
supply chain relationships. Moreover, blockchain can be combined with development of relationships can lead to cooperation between organi-
other cutting-edge technologies, including the Internet of Things (IoT) zations of the same network (Grandori & Soda, 1995), and even to al-
(Banerjee et al., 2018), cyber-physical systems (CPS) (Yin, Bao, Zhang, liances in the development of common processes and technologies
& Huang, 2017) and big data analytics (BDA) (Li et al., 2018). The (Gulati, 1998). To understand the complexity of in-network relation-
literature covering these applications keeps developing and may deliver ships, scholars have been deploying considerable effort to develop
better and more relevant data only in the near future. As the objective models that can support the comprehension of the network structure
of this study is to help understand the behavior of professionals in- (Burt, 1980).
volved in the blockchain adoption process as well as the related facil- Furthermore, the supply networks (Borgatti & LI, 2009) approach is
itating conditions, the next sections will present the theoretical back- gaining prominence in the supply chain field. For example, knowledge
ground of blockchain (Kshetri, 2018), the network theory (Mitchell, sharing across SCN can be a critical aspect, leading to more resources
1969) and UTAUT/UTAUT2 (2012, Venkatesh et al., 2003), so as to commitment (Wagner & Buko, 2005), supply chain functions and their
enable the development of supportive hypotheses and a research model. integration with demand (Stolze et al., 2015), and risk and uncertainty,
notably in global supply networks (Sydow & Frenkel, 2013). In the
health sector, care coordination process can be better achieved
2.2. Supply chain and network theory perspective (Sampson, Schmidt, Gardner, & Van Orden, 2015). In terms of block-
chain adoption, there are several challenges associated with, and direct
This study follows research by (Carter, Rogers, & Choi, 2015), which impacts on, the network theory perspective. They include the re-
considers supply chain is a complex adaptive systems network. Such lationships between organizations, trust, commitment, knowledge ex-
complexity renders the understanding of the supply networks behavior change, etc.
a critical function (Choi & Dooley, 2009) to any organization. In a
supply chain network (SCN), organizations exchange goods, informa-
tion and services (Choi, Dooley, & Rungtusanatham, 2001), and 2.3. Technology acceptance models (TAMs)
therefore the actors’ relationship within the system is not always so
easy to understand. This is why we have resorted to the basic concepts The rapid evolution of information and communication technolo-
of the network theory (Borgatti & Foster, 2003), and more specifically, gies (ICTs) has impacted the acceptance and use of these technologies.
to the social network theory. It is defined as “a social network as a Scholars studying management information systems (MISs) have dedi-
specific set of linkages among a defined set of persons, with the addi- cated substantial efforts in developing robust models to help under-
tional property that the characteristics of these linkages as a whole may stand adoption behaviors (Al-Sayyed & Abdalhaq, 2016; Davis, 1989;
be used to interpret the social behavior of the persons involved” Venkatesh et al., 2003, 2012). Available classic studies endeavored to
(Mitchell, 1969, p.2). This definition implies a relationship with TAMs, consider the relationship between individual attitudes and behaviors
the core of the social network theory being the interpretation of the (Azjen & Fishbein, 1980; Davis, 1989; Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975).
social behavior. Thus, these two theories are suitable to gain an in- Drawing on the TRA concepts (Azjen & Fishbein, 1980). Davis (1989)
depth understanding of blockchain adoption challenges in supply net- proposed the technology acceptance model (TAM) to help understand
works. the individual behaviors in IT acceptance and adoption. This seminal
Prior literature highlights how necessary the social network analysis study was focused on two constructs, namely perceived usefulness (PU)
is for the understanding of relationships within the network (Tichy, and perceived ease of use (PEOU), both of which were also the pillars
Tushman, Fombrun, & Tushman, 1979), such relationships being as- for other models (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000; Venkatesh et al., 2003;
sociated with the strength of their ties (Granovetter, 1973) and Venkatesh, Brown, Maruping, & Bala, 2008).
M.M. Queiroz, S. Fosso Wamba International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70–82
2.3.1. Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) blockchain adoption implies that we grasp the professional behavior in
The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was inter-firm, but also how this behavior can be significantly influenced by
proposed (Venkatesh et al., 2003) as a synthesis of eight models from the entire supply chain network relationships. Consequently, the net-
prior acceptance literature. These include: TAM (Davis, 1989); theory of work theory supports our argumentation in this regard, mainly given
reasoned action (TRA) (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975); motivational model the complexity of the inter-firm relationships (Granovetter, 1973; Tichy
(MM) (Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1992); theory of planned behavior et al., 1979), cooperation (Grandori & Soda, 1995), and the necessary
(TPB) (Ajzen, 1991); combined TAM and TPB (C-TAM-TPB) (Taylor & partnerships (Gulati, 1998). Considering the nascent development of
Todd, 1995), model of PC utilization (MPCU) (Thompson, Higgins, & blockchain technologies, all constructs were mainly derived from the
Howell, 1991); innovation diffusion theory (IDT) (Moore & Benbasat, extant literature on UTAUT, networks and supply chain theories.
1991); and social cognitive theory (SCT) (Compeau & Higgins, 1995). In Upon review, constructs such as performance expectancy, social
the UTAUT model, the authors modeled performance expectancy, effort influence, and facilitating conditions were identified as predictors of
expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions as exogenous behavioral intention and behavioral expectation (adopted from the
constructs for predicting the behavioral intention and use. As a result, we literature on UTAUT), as well as of blockchain transparency and trust of
have set a model by adapting the UTAUT and integrating two new supply chain stakeholders (derived from the literature on networks and
constructs (blockchain transparency, and trust of supply chain stake- supply chain). In the Appendix, we detailed the set of questions for each
holders) (see Appendix for constructs definitions). Our model does not construct. The performance expectancy (PEXP) indicators are related to
utilize the moderator's variables (i.e., gender, age, experience, and vo- the improvement of expectancy in job activities that blockchain can
luntariness of use) of the original UTAUT model (Dwivedi, Rana, Janssen bring for the SCM professionals; social influence (SINF) is made of
et al., 2017; Dwivedi, Rana, Jeyaraj, Clement, & Williams, 2017). questions that are related to the possible influence exerted by co-
The UTAUT is an influential model in several research fields, and workers, family, and so forth, to make them adopt blockchain; facil-
the original model has been used in various studies and has inspired itating conditions (FCON) had questions related to how the infra-
scholars to propose some modifications. For instance, the UTAUT has structure of organizations is made to support blockchain transactions;
been adapted or modified in social networking apps (Chua, Rezaei, Gu, blockchain transparency (BTRAN) has questions connected to the ex-
Oh, & Jambulingam, 2018), in cloud services utilization by teachers change and visibility of information between organizations; trust
(Wang, 2017) and in systems by government employees adopting new among supply chain stakeholders (SCTRU) reflects the level of con-
technologies and processes (Batara, Nurmandi, Warsito, & Pribadi, fidence that blockchain can bring to the transactions and their actors;
2017). A significant extension of the UTAUT, the so-called UTAUT2, finally, while behavioral intention (BINT) has questions associated with
was proposed by (Venkatesh et al., 2012), who incorporated three new the intention to adopt blockchain, behavioral expectation (BEXP) is
constructs: hedonic motivation, price value, and habit. Since then, the concerned with questions that show the subjective probability for
UTAUT2 model has been used with success in diverse contexts (Farooq supply chain professionals performing a behavior in favor of blockchain
et al., 2017; Hew, Lee, Ooi, & Wei, 2015; Makanyeza & adoption.
Mutambayashata, 2018). In order to achieve the aims of this study, it A recent study on mobile banking adoption (Oliveira, Faria,
has appeared to us that the network theory and the UTAUT are suitable Thomas, & Popovič, 2014) developed a UTAUT-based model combined
approaches to be used. In fact, while the UTAUT helps to better un- with the task technology fit (TTF) and the initial trust model (ITM). The
derstand the main employees’ motivations for blockchain adoption, the authors highlighted that effort expectancy construct was not statisti-
network theory is well suited for explaining how external variables can cally significant in explaining the behavioral intention. Also, more re-
influence technology adoption. cently, Batara et al. (2017) showed that effort expectancy was not a
good predictor of e-government adoption in Indonesia. Because of this,
our modified UTAUT does not include effort expectancy.
3. Research model and hypotheses In the same vein, following recent studies resorting only on a subset
of the model, the moderators were dropped (Dwivedi, Rana, Janssen
Drawing on the literature on TAM and its extensions, blockchain, et al., 2017; Dwivedi, Rana, Jeyaraj et al., 2017; Rana, Dwivedi, Lal,
SCM and the network theory, we derived a model (Fig. 2) to understand Williams, & Clement, 2017; Rana, Dwivedi, Williams, & Weerakkody,
the role of blockchain adoption in the supply chain field. Understanding 2016). The main reason for this exclusion is the lack of variation in
adoption and use as a result of moderators (Dwivedi, Rana, Janssen
et al., 2017; Dwivedi, Rana, Jeyaraj et al., 2017). In addition, although
our survey’s respondents have some experience (Batara et al., 2017;
Oliveira et al., 2014) in the area of blockchain, we excluded the con-
struct “usage behavior” (UB) (Batara et al., 2017; Oliveira et al., 2014),
as the technology is still new and has not yet lured a significant degree
of awareness.
Finally, our model utilizes behavioral intention (BINT) as a pre-
dictor of behavioral expectation (BEXP) (Maruping, Bala, Venkatesh, &
Brown, 2017; Venkatesh et al., 2008). According to Venkatesh et al.
(2008), p.486), “Behavioral expectation […] reflects the strength of the
focal behavioral intention over other (competing) behavioral inten-
tions”. This implies that “BINT will lead to formation of BEXP” [… and
that] this further reinforces the idea that BEXP reflects both internal
and external factors in predicting behavior” (Maruping et al., 2017,
p.628). Fig. 2 points out the research model.
M.M. Queiroz, S. Fosso Wamba International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70–82
study context, performance expectancy refers to the degree to which an H3a. Facilitating conditions positively affect the behavioral intention to
employee perceives that using the blockchain technologies will improve adopt blockchain.
their productivity and performance. The individual (employee’s) mo-
H3b. Facilitating conditions positively affect the behavioral expectation for
tivation to accept and use a new technology is related to his/her per-
blockchain adoption.
ception of some advantages (including the useful level) of the tech-
nology in his or her job routine (Davis, 1989; Venkatesh et al., 2003).
Thus, blockchain applications have generated high expectations in 3.4. Blockchain transparency
terms of improvements in supply chain activities, ranging from effi-
ciency and product quality and to other supply chain key process im- Transparency in supply chain context can be defined as “how supply
provements (Kshetri, 2018). Additionally, blockchain can leverage its chain information is communicated to stakeholders” (Morgan et al.,
decentralized status (lack of central intermediary for transaction vali- 2018, p.961). In our study, blockchain transparency (BTRAN) refers to
dation) to minimize process complexity and uncertainty, especially the models through which an organization communicates and reports
with operations based on smart contracts (Kim & Laskowski, 2017). its action to its relationships across their supply chain network, so as to
Prior literature (UTAUT/2) reported that the intention of individuals to support the visibility of the operations at all levels. In an SCN per-
use and adopt a technology depends significantly on performance ex- spective, blockchain can improve the transparency and accountability
pectancy (Alalwan, Dwivedi, & Rana, 2017; Riffai, Grant, & Edgar, (Biswas et al., 2017; Kshetri, 2018; Lu & Xu, 2017). As a result, our
2012; Venkatesh et al., 2003; Venkatesh et al., 2012; Weerakkody, El- study argues that blockchain transparency is a significant predictor of
Haddadeh, Al-Sobhi, Shareef, & Dwivedi, 2013). Therefore, we propose behavioral intention of use blockchain. Also, blockchain transparency
the following hypothesis: can enhance the SCN members’ cooperation, thus provoking significant
transformation in the industry and in the society at large (Aste et al.,
H1. Performance expectancy positively affects the behavioral intention to
2017). Therefore, we set forth the following hypothesis:
adopt blockchain.
H4. Blockchain transparency positively affects the behavioral intention to
3.2. Social influence
3.5. Trust of supply chain stakeholders
Social influence (SINF) is defined as “the degree to which an in-
dividual perceives that important others believe he or she should use
Trust can be defined as “the willingness of a party to be vulnerable
the new system” (Venkatesh et al., 2003, p.451). For the purpose of this
to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other
study, social influence will refer to the extent to which the employee
will perform a particular action important to the trustor, irrespective of
comprehends the relevance of why others believe they should use the
the ability to monitor or control that other party” (Mayer, Davis, &
blockchain technology. Previous studies highlighted that, at the in-
Schoorman, 1995, p. 712) This research will be referring to trust of
dividual level, SINF is impacted by the opinions and acts of colleagues,
supply chain (SCTRU) stakeholders as the willingness that two or more
friends and family members (Irani, Dwivedi, & Williams, 2009;
organizations within the supply chain network are vulnerable to each
Venkatesh & Brown, 2001). Recent studies have shown how important
other and uphold each other’s expectations. Trust is a fundamental
SINF is in systems adoption. For instance, SINF plays a key role in the
aspect in all business models. Its influence on technology acceptance
adoption of Internet-based banking (Martins, Oliveira, & Popovič, 2014;
model constructs is well demonstrated in the literature (Liébana-
Zhang et al., 2018) and mobile government services (Ahmad & Khalid,
Cabanillas et al., 2017; Lin, 2011; Riffai et al., 2012; Wu et al., 2011),
2017; Weerakkody et al., 2013). Blockchain integrated into SCN also
with significant data helping to understand trust effect in several con-
needs a collaboration between supply chain members (Bartlett, Julien,
texts (Wu et al., 2011). The social network approach is well re-
& Baines, 2007; Zhu, Song, Hazen, Lee, & Cegielski, 2018) because the
commended for grasping the organization's requirement about the deep
existing relationships create a significant influence on whether to adopt
understanding of the relationships dynamics (Granovetter, 1973; Tichy
blockchain across the network. Hence, we propose the following hy-
et al., 1979). Supply chains are characterized by multiple relationships
and a certain level of complexity, and as a result, cooperation across the
H2. Social influence positively affects the behavioral intention to adopt network becomes an essential variable to most organizations, which
blockchain. implies that such entities have to develop coordination tools to support
this interaction (Grandori & Soda, 1995). In a supply chain context,
relationships between organizations are a fundamental to their opera-
3.3. Facilitating conditions tions. For example, a relationship involving information sharing is
critical for operations performance. Unfortunately, the supply chain
Facilitating conditions (FCON) are defined as “the degree to which network generally lacks transparency among the members, which re-
an individual believes that an organizational and technical infra- presents a considerable difficulty for organizations (Lamming,
structure exists to support use of the system” (Venkatesh et al., 2003, p. Caldwell, Harrison, & Phillips, 2001). An efficient solution to this is the
453). In our study, they will refer to employee’s understanding of the integration of blockchain technologies, as they can minimize un-
resources that are available in organizations to support the use of certainty and empower transparency throughout the entire supply
blockchain. In line with prior literature, FCON (e.g. computers, internet chain (Biswas et al., 2017; Lu & Xu, 2017), as well as supply chain
speed, integration with other systems) influence the adoption and use of traceability (Jeppsson & Olsson, 2017). Moreover, blockchain can im-
the technology (Huang et al., 2012; Oliveira et al., 2014; Sabi, Uzoka, prove the level of trust between supply chain members, as indicated by
Langmia, & Njeh, 2016; Venkatesh et al., 2003, 2012). In a supply chain recent studies (Kano & Nakajima, 2018; Kshetri, 2018; Reyna, Martín,
context, the transactions supported by blockchain technologies are Chen, Soler, & Díaz, 2018; Zou et al., 2018). Therefore, we propose the
stored in the cloud. This represents a significant non-barrier adoption in following hypotheses:
relation to infrastructure costs. Additionally, the blockchain infra-
H5a. Trust between supply chain stakeholders positively affects behavioral
structure stores a copy of the transactions, thus supporting a query at
intention to adopt blockchain.
any time and enabling the traceability of the products and/or services
to supply chain members in an easy way (Francisco & Swanson, 2018; H5b. Trust between supply chain stakeholders positively affects behavioral
Tian, 2017). Therefore, we propose the following hypotheses: expectation for blockchain adoption.
M.M. Queiroz, S. Fosso Wamba International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70–82
M.M. Queiroz, S. Fosso Wamba International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70–82
this study, our conceptual model causality goes from constructs to Table 2
items, thus giving a reflective model (Akter, Wamba, Gunasekaran, Outer loadings.
Dubey, & Childe, 2016). Construct Item Loadings
Table 1 shows the respondents’ demographic profile. The distribu-
tion of male and female respondents was similar in India and the USA: India USA
70.1 and 72.3 percent, and 29.9 and 27.7 percent, respectively. In terms
BEXP BEXP1 0.866 0.930
of age, most respondents in India were between 26 and 33 years old BEXP2 0.880 0.925
(51.2 percent), while most respondents in the USA were between 34 BEXP3 0.831 0.927
and 41years old (39.6 percent). Considering the education level, 52.6 BINT BINT1 0.879 0.931
percent of respondents in India and 33.0 percent of those in the USA BINT2 0.875 0.931
BINT3 0.858 0.926
held a postgraduate degree, against 34.0 percent and 26.6 percent for
BTRAN BTRAN1 0.841 0.854
holders of a bachelor’s degree. In India, 40.1 of respondents were BTRAN2 0.799 0.902
working in an organization for at least 2–5 years, followed by those BTRAN3 0.839 0.883
(38.1 percent) with 6–10 years’ experience. In the USA context, the BTRAN4 0.809 0.878
FCON FCON1 0.844 0.863
majority (34.5 percent) of respondents had been working in an orga-
FCON2 0.846 0.870
nization for at least 6–10 years, and 20.6 percent of respondents had FCON3 0.685 0.741
2–5 years’ experience. Also, the respondents with at least 11–15 years FCON4 0.799 0.849
of experience, 16–20 years and over 20 years were more expressive in PEXP PEXP1 0.838 0.893
the USA case, their percentage being19.0, 12.9, and 10.7 percent, re- PEXP2 0.838 0.873
PEXP3 0.838 0.884
spectively. By contrast, in the Indian case, the percentages for the re-
PEXP4 0.819 0.838
spondents with the same aforementioned age brackets were 14.2, 2.3, SCTRU SCTRU1 0.870 0.885
and 1.5, respectively. The dominant industry of respondents in India is SCTRU2 0.822 0.910
manufacturing (35.2 percent), while in the USA we have transportation, SCTRU3 0.847 0.915
SCTRU4 0.808 0.901
manufacturing, and construction, with 16.2, 14.7 and 14.5 percent,
SINF SINF1 0.844 0.861
respectively. SINF2 0.830 0.872
SINF3 0.818 0.882
4.4. Findings SINF4 0.784 0.865
This study used SmartPLS 3.0 to analyze the proposed model (Hair BEXP (Behavioral Expectation), BINT (Behavioral Intention), BTRAN
(Blockchain Transparency), FCON (Facilitating Conditions), PEXP
et al., 2017; Han et al., 2017; Ringle, Wende, Sven, & Becker, 2015;
(Performance Expectancy), SCTRU (Trust of Supply Chain Stakeholders), SINF
Svensson, Ferro, Hogevold, Padin, & Sosa Varela, 2018). Findings are
(Social Influence).
presented below, together with the measurement model and the
structural model.
Table 3
Cronbach’s Alpha, CR and AVE values.
4.4.1. Measurement model
Our model was developed in line with the prior literature. Thus, the Construct Cronbach's Alpha Composite Reliability Average Variance
(CR) Extracted (AVE)
constructs and its indicators were chosen because they are recognized
as suitable for better explaining technology behavior adoption (2012, India USA India USA India USA
Brown, Dennis, & Venkatesh, 2010; Maruping et al., 2017; Venkatesh
et al., 2003). As regards the indicators related to blockchain transpar- BEXP 0.823 0.919 0.894 0.948 0.739 0.860
BINT 0.840 0.921 0.904 0.950 0.758 0.863
ency and trust, they were chosen according to the well-established lit-
BTRAN 0.841 0.902 0.893 0.932 0.676 0.773
erature on supply chain (Mayer et al., 1995; Svensson, 2001; Whipple, FCON 0.808 0.851 0.873 0.900 0.634 0.693
Griffis, & Daugherty, 2013). For instance, the four indicators related to PEXP 0.853 0.895 0.901 0.927 0.695 0.761
SINF show how likely a supply chain professional can influence SCTRU 0.857 0.924 0.903 0.946 0.701 0.815
blockchain adoption. The four FCON indicators reflect organizations’ SINF 0.837 0.893 0.891 0.926 0.671 0.757
M.M. Queiroz, S. Fosso Wamba International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70–82
Table 5
Path coefficients.
Hypothesis Path INDIA USA
H1 PEXP - > BINT 0.472 0.082 5.763 0.000 0.393 0.088 4.439 0.000
H2 SINF - > BINT 0.386 0.074 5.188 0.000 0.092 0.099 0.923 0.356
H3a FCON - > BINT 0.105 0.072 1.461 0.144 0.285 0.074 3.874 0.000
H3b FCON - > BEXP 0.098 0.068 1.436 0.151 0.195 0.066 2.955 0.003
H4 BTRAN - > BINT −0.060 0.090 0.665 0.506 0.002 0.092 0.023 0.982
H5a SCTRU - > BINT −0.017 0.072 0.241 0.810 0.136 0.080 1.704 0.089
H5b SCTRU - > BEXP 0.131 0.060 2.187 0.029 0.065 0.050 1.295 0.195
H6 BINT - > BEXP 0.633 0.069 9.195 0.000 0.681 0.056 12.263 0.000
exceeding 0.50 shows that the items variance observed accounted for in BEXP, respectively for the same countries. Regarding BINT, the
hypothesized constructs (Y. S. Wang et al., 2013). Furthermore, we variance found is close to the benchmarks (2012, Venkatesh et al.,
tested the discriminant validity of the model (Table 4), which showed 2003) while BEXP results corroborate those by Maruping et al. (2017).
for each construct an AVE square root greater than the correlations
between that particular construct and all other constructs (Fornell & 5. Discussion
Lacker, 1981); this, therefore, confirms the discriminant validity (Fosso
Wamba, 2018). Based on theories concerning technology acceptance models (TAMs)
(Davis, 1989), with special focus on UTAUT and UTAUT2 (Venkatesh
4.4.2. Structural model et al., 2012; Venkatesh et al., 2003), we theoretically developed and
Table 5 presents the results regarding the path coefficients, std. empirically validated a proposed research model to help understand the
dev., t-values, and p-values for the strucutural model, for each country. individual behavior behind blockchain adoption and use. Un-
PEXP had a significant positive effect on BINT in both India and the fortunately, prior literature on IT adoption or even on SCM does not, to
USA (β = 0.472, t = 5.763, p = 0.000, and β = 0.393, t = 4.439, p = the best of our knowledge, include outstanding research on blockchain
0.000), respectively for the two contexts. Thus, H1 was supported in adoption using the UTAUT model or its variation. This is why our model
both countries. SINF was found to have a significant positive effect on presents new constructs that may help to predict behavioral intention
BINT in India (β = 0.386, t = 5.188, p = 0.000), unlike in the USA and behavioral expectation in blockchain adoption in the SCM context.
case, where there was a positive non-significant effect (β = 0.092, Thus, we incorporated BTRAN as a predictor of BINT (H4), and SCTRU
t = 0.923, p = 0.356). Therefore, H2 was supported for India data and as a predictor of BINT (H5a) and BEXP (H5b).
non supported for the USA. This finding indicates that there are clear Our analysis showed that the variance in BINT was 63.9 and 69.2
differences in blockchain adoption behavior across the countries under percent for India and the USA, respectively. These values are higher
study. A non-significant positive effect of FCON on BINT and of FCON than original UTAUT (Venkatesh et al., 2003) and similar to UTAUT2
on BEXP was observed when using India’s data (β = 0.105, t = 1.461, (Venkatesh et al., 2012). Additionally, the BEXP variance was 62.3 and
p = 0.144 for the former; and β = 0.098, t = 1.436, p = 0.151 for the 79.0 percent for India and the USA and therefore looked very close to
latter). In this case, H3a and H3b was not supported for the Indian case. the results reported in a recent study (Maruping et al., 2017). In line
However, the effetcts of FCON on BINT and BEXP were found to be with the prior literature, PEXP (H1) had a significant positive effect on
significantly positive when using the USA data (β = 0.285, t = 3.874, BINT (Maruping et al., 2017; Venkatesh et al., 2003), and BINT (H6)
p = 0.000; and β = 0.195, t = 2.955, p = 0.003). Surprinsigly, we can appeared to be a significant predictor (Maruping et al., 2017) of BEXP
observe a non-significant negative effect of BTRAN on BINT for India, in both the Indian and American contexts for blockchain adoption.
and the contrary for the USA(β = -0.06, t = 0.665, p = 0.506; and Moreover, the results confirm that SCTRU (H5b) is an important
β = 0.002, t = 0.023, p = 0.982). Therfore, H4 was not supported the predictor of BEXP only for India’s case. Surprisingly, our findings in-
two countries (India and the USA). We can observe that H5a (SCTRU on dicated that SCTRU (H5a) is not a predictor of BINT for the two con-
BINT) was not supported for the same countries, where β = -0.017, texts, although with a non-significant positive effect in the USA. These
t = 0.241, p = 0.810; and β = 0.136, t = 1.704, p = 0.089, respec- results suggest that trust between supply chain stakeholders does not
tively. However, the effect of SCTRU on BEXP was found to be positive affect blockchain adoption in both cases. Besides, BTRAN (H4) has a
for India and the USA (β = 0.131, t = 2.187, p = 0.029; and β = 0.065, non-significant negative influence on BINT in India, and a non-sig-
t = 1.295, p = 0.195). However, H5b was supported only for India’s nificant positive effect on the same in the USA. Furthermore, consistent
data. Finally, as expected, we have a significant positive effect of BINT with prior literature, our results confirm that PEXP (H1) is an important
on BEXP for the two contexts (India and USA) (β = 0.633, t = 9.195, predictor of BINT (Oliveira et al., 2014; Venkatesh et al., 2012;
p = 0.000, and β = 0.681, t = 12.263, p = 0.000), which indicates Venkatesh et al., 2003; Weerakkody et al., 2013) in both countries.
that H6 was supported. Lastly, Table 6 shows that the proposed model Lastly, FCON is a predictor of BINT (H3a) and BEXP (H3a) only in the
accounted for 63.9 and 69.2 percent of the variance in BINT, respec- USA. Thus, these findings reinforce the existence of differences in
tively for India and the USA, and 62.3 and 79.0 percent of the variance blockchain adoption behavior across the countries.
The values of R2 accounted in behavioral intention (63.9% and
Table 6 69.2%, for India and the USA, respectively) exceeded the percentages
R-square result. recommended in the literature. For instance, 20% (Chin, 1998; Martins
Dependent INDIA USA
et al., 2014) and 30% (Chin, 1998). In addition, our findings are very
constructs close to those of a recent empirical study of blockchain adoption
R Square R Square R Square R Square (Kamble et al., 2018) that registered a variance rate of 68.7% in the
Adjusted Adjusted behavioral intention to use blockchain in the supply chain.
Our major findings indicate interesting similarities and differences
BEXP 0.627 0.623 0.792 0.790
BINT 0.644 0.639 0.696 0.692 between the countries analyzed. For instance, BTRAN (H4) was not
supported in both countries, possibly because of the degree of
M.M. Queiroz, S. Fosso Wamba International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70–82
awareness of the technology among supply chain professionals. For model and the overall study, indivuals do not behave the same way in
example, Kamble et al. (2018) found that the SCM respondents had a India and the USA when it comes to adopting blockchain. Scholars can
low level of blockchain awareness, and this evidently impacted the extend this study by applying or adapting our model to a new set of
survey’s return. Moreover, PEXP was supported in India and the USA, countries, taking into account their various distinctive characteristics.
where PEXP (H1) is a sensible variable for a cutting-edge technology Moreover, they may deepen research on our results regarding BTRAN
and highly influences blockchain adoption by supply chain profes- (H4) and SCTRU (H5a) as non-predictors of BINT, as we found out for
sionals. Such findings are in line with those of prior studies that used the cases of India and the USA.
this construct (Alalwan et al., 2017; Weerakkody et al., 2013). On the
other hand, FCON (H3a and H3b) was not supported in the Indian 5.2. Implications for practice
context, suggesting that in developing countries, facilitating conditions
play a key role in repulsing the adoption of blockchain. It also suggests Our findings bring essential insights for IS and SCM practitioners.
that developed countries have all necessary facilitating conditions to First, this study presents a model based on the literature on classic IT
support blockchain adoption in SCM. adoption that is further adapted to blockchain adoption in the supply
Furthermore, our results show that SCTRU (H5b) has a significant chain context. Second, our statistical results show interesting differ-
influence on BEXP only for the Indian case. Again, it reinforces the ences in blockchain behavior adoption in the supply chain management
differences in individual behaviors to adopt blockchain in SCM. context. For instance, FCON (H3a) and (H3b) was supported only in the
However, while some studies reported trust as a predictor of BINT USA; the effect of SCTRU on BEXP (H5b) and SINF (H2) on BINT was
(Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2017; Weerakkody et al., 2013), our findings supported only in India. Thus, it reinforces a recent finding (Kamble
indicated that trust (H5a) in the context of the supply chain (SCTRU) et al., 2018) on the low level of blockchain awareness in the supply
does not affect the behavioral intention to adopt blockchain. Lastly, chain context. Consequently, managers are informed of challenges and
although social influence is being reported as a good predictor of BINT opportunities they will be facing when implementing blockchain pro-
(Venkatesh et al., 2012, 2003), the SINF (H2) findings indicated that jects.
social influence has a significant positive effect in blockchain adoption Third, BTRAN (H4) and SCTRU (H5a) were found to have an in-
only in India. This suggests that in emerging economies, colleagues and significant effect on BINT, thereby suggesting that supply chain pro-
family members exert an important influence on BINT. As for our re- fessionals in India and the USA are reluctant to exchange data with
sults for the USA, they are aligned on those of a recent study on the their supply chain members. Such behavior was already reported in a
adoption of mobile banking (Alalwan et al., 2017), which did not in- recent research work by Kamble et al. (2018), where the “insecurity”
dicate any effect of the SINF on BINT. construct was not supported for predicting perceived usefulness and
In short, our results bring valuable contributions to the theory and perceived ease of use.
for practice. The validated model showed important relationships with Regarding the influence and role of facilitating conditions, this
strong coefficients. Although the adoption of blockchain in logistics and study provided supply chain professionals involved in blockchain pro-
supply chains is quite recent, the findings suggest essential insights that jects with useful clues. One of them is that in emerging countries where
may be explored by managers involved in blockchain adoption projects, organizations face a shortage of IT infrastructure and Internet speed,
including consideration for country’s particularities the infrastructure among other shortcomings, the FCON acts as a demotivator variable in
of adopting organizations (e.g., FCON H3a and H3b were not supported blockchain adoption. A derived implication is that organizations and
in India). Another point is that, according to the results obtained, social managers have to put in important efforts in order to develop the in-
influence could not impact blockchain adoption only in India. This frastructure that is needed to facilitate the adoption and implementa-
clearly reinforces the fact that blockchain adoption varies from one tion of blockchain adoption.
country to another, and suggests that the opinion of co-workers and Other important implications are suggested for CIOs and top man-
family members on blockchain adoption counts much more than ex- agers involved in blockchain projects. For instance, they should be
pected in developing countries and triggers real influence. In addition, henceforth better aware of the fact that facilitating conditions (H3a)
despite the low level of infrastructure in emerging economies infra- and (H3b) influence blockchain adoption behavior or do not do so,
structure, the results showed that their influence on blockchain adop- depending on the peculiarities of each country (in our case, there was
tion is real only in developed countries as compared to developed influence in the USA, but the contrary ocurred in India). Also, the re-
countries. Another interesting finding was that the SCTRU was proved sults highlight the importance of the performance expectancy (H1) re-
to influence behavioral expectation for blockchain adoption only on garding behavioral intention, in India and the USA. Therefore, CIOs and
India, thus suggesting that trust among supply chain stakeholders ac- practitioners should consider this critical finding in their project-related
tually affects the expectation to adopt blockchain only in emerging decisions, in line with the impact of blockchain usefulness and pro-
economies. ductivity in their operations. The last strong practical implication of
this study is neccesity for blockchain adopting organizations and de-
5.1. Implications for research velopers to pay attention to how the system can maximize the users’
In this study, we developed a model to enable a better under-
standing of adoption behavior at the individual level for this disruptive 5.3. Limitations and future research
and emerging technology (blockchain) in the SCM context. For the
development of the IT adoption field and that of SCM, and considering This study has several limitations to be addressed in the future re-
the expected impacts of blockchain, our study appears as a valuable search. Firstly, our model considers a limited number of constructs to
contribution. While our research model was derived from prior litera- explain blockchain adoption in the SCM context. Future studies may
ture acceptance models (Davis, 1989; Venkatesh et al., 2003; Venkatesh consider extending our model by integrating information systems
et al., 2012), we furthered research and attempted to bridge a real gap benefits for individuals (ISBI) (DeLone & McLean, 1992, 2003) and the
in the literature on blockchain adoption in ISs and SCM. And in this TJW framework (Sun & Teng, 2017). Secondly, our study does not in-
case, we applied PLS-SEM in a cross-country context; in India and the clude neither the effort expectancy construct nor the UTAUT mod-
USA. Our proposed model provides the literature on IT adoption and erators. It is expected that such shortcomings may be mitigated by fu-
SCM with important insights that should help scholars and practionners ture research. Thirdly, the fact that our model was tested only in two
to better understand and advance research on how indivuals behave countries does not give us the adequate leeway to generalize our results
when they adopt blockchain. Following results from the proposed worldwide. Thus, it opens a research avenue that will consist in
M.M. Queiroz, S. Fosso Wamba International Journal of Information Management 46 (2019) 70–82
applying a comparative blockchain adoption modeling in other coun- our results showed that the blockchain adoption by logistics and supply
tries and contexts. They may include national environments such as the chain management professionals is still at its infancy stage. Future studies
BRICS, and developed and emerging economies, etc. Finally, as high- are therefore called upon to investigate, inter alia, the relationship be-
lighted in the analysis section, it was discovered that BTRAN (H4) and tween blockchain awareness and the adoption of the blockchain applica-
SCTRU (H5a) had no influence on BINT. This needs to be more in- tions in the supply chain field.
vestigated in other cross-country studies. According to the results obtained, our proposed model was ade-
quately explained, with accounting signficantly in behavioral intention
6. Conclusions (63.9% and 69.2%, for India and the USA, respectively), while out-
performing the UTAUT benchmark (Venkatesh et al., 2003) and similar
In this paper, we aimed to shed light on blockchain adoption behavior to UTAUT2 (Venkatesh et al., 2012). Moreover, some results are aligned
in the SCM field, while taking into account the behavior of the adopters with those from previous literature on IT adoption. For example, PEXP
from India and the USA. Our model was developed in accordance with (H1) influences BINT (Oliveira et al., 2014; Venkatesh et al., 2003,
prior IT adoption literature (Davis, 1989; Maruping et al., 2017; Venkatesh 2012; Weerakkody et al., 2013), and BINT (H6) influences BEXP
et al., 2012; Venkatesh et al., 2003). Our model was estimated using PLS- (Maruping et al., 2017) in both countries for blockchain adoption;
SEM approach, and the results obtained supported the proposed model. FCON (H3a and H3b) showed contrast with adoption literature
However, it showed important differences in blockchain adoption beha- (Venkatesh et al., 2003, 2012), for the Indian context. Furthermore, we
vior across the countries under study. We incorporated BTRAN as a pre- noticed that trust had no effect on BINT, that is, trust (H5a) in the
dictor of BINT, and SCTRU as a predictor of BINT and BEXP. SCTRU context of the supply chain (SCTRU) had no effect on the behavioral
proved to have a positive effect on BEXP only in the Indian context. Other intention to adopt blockchain. As a result, previous relevant studies
significant findings were related to the influence of facilitating conditions (Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2017; Weerakkody et al., 2013) are contra-
on blockchain adopters; this was the case only in the USA. Blockchain dicted. Finally, our study and the proposed model suggest how it is
adoption behavior in other countries and contexts (not only IT and SCM) urgent to conduct more studies on blockchain and extend research to
has to be investigated to complete our findings and enable any general- many other countries around the world.
ization. In line with a recent blockchain adoption (Kamble et al., 2018),
Social influence (SINF) SINF1 People who influence my behavior think that I should use blockchain technologies (Brown et al., 2010; Maruping et al., 2017;
SINF2 People who are important to me think that I should use blockchain Venkatesh et al., 2003, 2012)
SINF3 The senior management of this business has been helpful in the use of blockchain
SINF4 In general, the organization has supported the use of the blockchain technologies
Facilitating conditions (FCO- FCON1 I have the necessary resources to use blockchain technologies (Brown et al., 2010; Maruping et al., 2017;
N) FCON2 I have the knowledge necessary to use blockchain technologies Venkatesh et al., 2003, 2012)
FCON3 Blockchain technologies are not compatible with other systems I use
FCON4 A specific person (or group) is available assist in case of blockchain-related difficulties
Behavioral intention (BINT) BINT1 I intend to use blockchain technologies in the following months (Brown et al., 2010; Maruping et al., 2017;
BINT2 I predict I would use blockchain technologies in the following months Venkatesh et al., 2003, 2012)
BINT3 I plan to use blockchain technologies in the following months
Behavioral expectation (BE- BEXP1 I expect to use blockchain technologies in the following months (Maruping et al., 2017)
XP) BEXP2 I will use blockchain technologies in the following months
BEXP3 I am likely to use blockchain technologies in the following months
Performance expectancy (P- PEXP1 I would find blockchain technologies useful in my job (Brown et al., 2010; Maruping et al., 2017;
EXP) PEXP2 Using blockchain technologies enables me to accomplish tasks more quickly Venkatesh et al., 2003, 2012)
PEXP3 Using blockchain technologies increases my productivity
PEXP4 If I use blockchain technologies, I will increase my chances of getting a raise
Blockchain transparency (B- BTRAN1 I believe blockchain enabled-supply chain processes would be transparent (Awaysheh & Klassen, 2010; Morgan, Richey,
TRAN) BTRAN2 I believe supply chain stakeholders will provide me with deep access to how et al., 2018)
blockchain enabled-supply chain applications work
BTRAN3 I believe supply chain stakeholders will provide me with in-depth knowledge about
applications of blockchain in supply chain
BTRAN4 I believe I will have opportunities to provide feedback on blockchain enabled-supply
chain applications
Trust of supply chain stake- SCTRU1 I think I can trust supply chain stakeholders (Mayer et al., 1995; Svensson, 2001; Whipple
holders (SCTRU) SCTRU2 Supply chain stakeholders can be trusted to carry out blockchain transactions faithfully et al., 2013)
SCTRU3 In my opinion, supply chain stakeholders are trustworthy
SCTRU4 I trust supply chain stakeholders to keep my best interests in mind.
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Weerakkody, V., El-Haddadeh, R., Al-Sobhi, F., Shareef, M. A., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2013). Dr Maciel M. Queiroz is a Researcher in Operations and
Examining the influence of intermediaries in facilitating e-government adoption: An Supply Chain Management at the Naval Architecture and
empirical investigation. International Journal of Information Management, 33(5), Ocean Engineering Department of the University of São
716–725. Paulo, Brazil. Maciel holds an MSc and a PhD in Naval
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we trust them? Journal of Business Logistics, 34(2), 117–130. São Paulo. His current research interests focus on supply
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ship and innovation. Business Horizons, 61(4), 567–575.
Yadlapalli, A., Rahman, S., & Gunasekaran, A. (2018). Socially responsible governance
Dr Samuel Fosso Wamba is Full Professor at Toulouse
mechanisms for manufacturing firms in apparel supply chains. International Journal of
Business School. Prior, He was Associate Professor at
Production Economics, 196(April 2017), 135–149.
NEOMA Business School and Senior lecturer in the School
of Information Systems & Technology, University of
Yi, M. Y., Jackson, J. D., Park, J. S., & Probst, J. C. (2006). Understanding information
Wollongong, Australia. Dr Wamba successfully defended on
technology acceptance by individual professionals: Toward an integrative view.
September 2015 his Habilitation of Conducting Research in
Information & Management, 43, 350–363.
Management Science at the Telecom Business School,
Yin, S., Bao, J., Zhang, Y., & Huang, X. (2017). M2M security technology of CPS based on
France. He earned his pH.D. in industrial engineering at the
blockchains. Symmetry, 9(9),
Polytechnic School of Montreal, Canada. He also holds two
Zhang, Y., Weng, Q., & Zhu, N. (2018). The relationships between electronic banking
Masters degrees: one MSc in mathematics, from the
adoption and its antecedents: A meta-analytic study of the role of national culture.
University of Sherbrooke in Canada and another MSc in
International Journal of Information Management, 40(January), 76–87.
electronic commerce from HEC Montreal, Canada. He is
CompTIA RFID + Certified Professional, Academic Co-
Zhu, S., Song, J., Hazen, B. T., Lee, K., & Cegielski, C. (2018). How supply chain analytics
Founder of RFID Academia.
enables operational supply chain transparency. International Journal of Physical Distribution
& Logistics Management, 48(1), 47–68.
Zou, J., ye, bin, Qu, L., Wang, Y., Orgun, M. A., & Li, L. (2018). A proof-of-Trust consensus
protocol for enhancing accountability in crowdsourcing services. IEEE Transactions on
Services Computing, 1374(c), 1–14.