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Altair NewFASANT User Guide

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Altair newFASANT 2021

User Guide
Intellectual Property Rights Notice
Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Patents & Third Party Software Licenses

Altair Engineering Inc. Copyright © 1986-2020. All Rights Reserved.

Copyrights in the below are held by Altair Engineering, Inc., except where otherwise explicitly stated.
This Intellectual Property Rights Notice is exemplary, not exhaustive.

Note: Pre-release versions of Altair software are provided ‘as is’, without warranty of any
kind. Usage of pre-release versions is strictly limited to non-production purposes.

Altair HyperWorks™ - The Platform for Innovation™

Altair AcuConsole™ ©2006-2020

Altair AcuSolve™ ©1997-2020

Altair Activate® ©1989-2020 (formerly solidThinking Activate)

Altair Compose® ©2007-2020 (formerly solidThinking Compose)

Altair ConnectMe™ ©2014-2020

Altair EDEM ©2005-2020 DEM Solutions Ltd, ©2019-2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair ElectroFlo™ ©1992-2020

Altair Embed® ©1989-2020 (formerly solidThinking Embed)

• Altair Embed SE ©1989-2020 (formerly solidThinking Embed SE)
• Altair Embed/Digital Power Designer ©2012-2020
• Altair Embed Viewer ©1996-2020

Altair ESAComp™ ©1992-2020

Altair Feko™ ©1999-2014 Altair Development S.A. (Pty) Ltd., ©2014-2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair Flux™ ©1983-2020

Altair FluxMotor™ ©2017-2020

Altair HyperCrash™ ©2001-2020

Altair HyperGraph™ ©1995-2020

Altair HyperLife™ ©1990-2020

Altair HyperMesh™ ©1990-2020

Altair HyperStudy™ ©1999-2020

Altair HyperView™ ©1999-2020

Altair HyperXtrude™ ©1999-2020

Altair Inspire™ ©2009-2020 including Altair Inspire Motion, Altair Inspire Structures, and Altair Inspire

Altair Inspire Cast ©2011-2020 (formerly Click2Cast)

Altair newFASANT 2021
Intellectual Property Rights Notice p.iii

Altair Inspire ElectroFlo ©1992-2020

Altair Inspire Extrude Metal ©1996-2020 (formerly Click2Extrude-Metal)

Altair Inspire Extrude Polymer ©1996-2020 (formerly Click2Extrude-Polymer)

Altair Inspire Form ©1998-2020 (formerly Click2Form)

Altair Inspire Friction Stir Welding ©1996-2020

Altair Inspire Mold ©2009-2020

Altair Inspire Play ©2009-2020

Altair Inspire PolyFoam ©2009-2020

Altair Inspire Render ©1993-2016 Solid Iris Technologies Software Development One PLLC,
©2016-2020 Altair Engineering Inc (formerly Thea Studio)

Altair Inspire Resin Transfer Molding ©1990-2020

Altair Inspire Studio ©1993-2020 (formerly ‘Evolve’)

Altair Manufacturing Solver™ ©2011-2020

Altair Material Data Center ©2019-2020

Altair MotionSolve™ ©2002-2020

Altair MotionView™ ©1993-2020

Altair Multiscale Designer™ ©2011-2020

Altair nanoFluidX™ ©2013-2018 Fluidyna GmbH, ©2018-2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair newFASANT ©2010-2020

Altair OptiStruct™ ©1996-2020

Altair PollEx ©2003-2020

Altair Radioss™ ©1986-2020

Altair Seam™ ©1985-2019 Cambridge Collaborative, Inc., ©2019-2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair SimLab™ ©2004-2020

Altair SimSolid™ ©2015-2020

Altair ultraFluidX™ ©2010-2018 Fluidyna GmbH, ©2018-2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair Virtual Wind Tunnel™ ©2012-2020

Altair WinProp™ ©2000-2020

Altair WRAP ©1998-2020 WRAP International AB, ©2020 Altair Engineering AB

Altair Packaged Solution Offerings (PSOs)

Altair Automated Reporting Director™ ©2008-2020

Altair GeoMechanics Director™ ©2011-2020

Altair Impact Simulation Director™ ©2010-2020

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering

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Altair Model Mesher Director™ ©2010-2020

Altair NVH Director™ ©2010-2020

Altair Squeak and Rattle Director™ ©2012-2020

Altair Virtual Gauge Director™ ©2012-2020

Altair Weight Analytics™ ©2013-2020

Altair Weld Certification Director™ ©2014-2020

Altair Multi-Disciplinary Optimization Director™ ©2012-2020

Altair PBSWorks™ - Accelerating Innovation in the Cloud™

Altair PBS Professional® ©1994-2020

Altair Control™ ©2008-2020; (formerly PBS Control)

Altair Access™ ©2008-2020; (formerly PBS Access)

Altair Accelerator™ ©1995-2020; (formerly NetworkComputer)

Altair Accelerator™ Plus©1995-2020; (formerly WorkloadXelerator)

Altair FlowTracer™ ©1995-2020; (formerly FlowTracer)

Altair Allocator™ ©1995-2020; (formerly LicenseAllocator)

Altair Monitor™ ©1995-2020; (formerly LicenseMonitor)

Altair Hero™ ©1995-2020; (formerly HERO)

Altair Software Asset Optimization (SAO) ©2007-2020

Compute Manager™ ©2012-2017 is now part of Altair Access

Display Manager™ ©2013-2017 is now part of Altair Access

PBS Application Services™ ©2008-2017 is now part of Altair Access

PBS Analytics™ ©2008-2017 is now part of Altair Control

PBS Desktop™ ©2008-2012 is now part of Altair Access, specifically Altair Access
desktop, which also has Altair Access web and Altair Access mobile

e-Compute™ ©2000-2010 was replaced by “Compute Manager” which is now Altair


Altair KnowledgeWorks™
Altair Knowledge Studio® ©1994-2020 Angoss Software Corporation, ©2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair Knowledge Studio for Apache Spark ©1994-2020 Angoss Software Corporation, ©2020 Altair
Engineering Inc.

Altair Knowledge Seeker™ ©1994-2020 Angoss Software Corporation, ©2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair Knowledge Hub™ ©2017-2020 Datawatch Corporation, ©2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering

Altair newFASANT 2021
Intellectual Property Rights Notice p.v

Altair Monarch™ ©1996-2020 Datawatch Corporation, ©2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair Monarch Server ©1996-2020 Datawatch Corporation, ©2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair Panopticon™ ©2004-2020 Datawatch Corporation, ©2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair SmartWorks™
Altair SmartCore™ ©2011-2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair SmartEdge™ ©2011-2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair SmartSight™ ©2011-2020 Altair Engineering Inc.

Altair One™ ©1994-2020

Altair intellectual property rights are protected under U.S. and international laws and treaties.
Additionally, Altair software may be protected by patents or other intellectual property rights. All other
marks are the property of their respective owners.

ALTAIR ENGINEERING INC. Proprietary and Confidential. Contains Trade Secret Information.

Not for use or disclosure outside of Altair and its licensed clients. Information contained in Altair
software shall not be decompiled, disassembled, “unlocked”, reverse translated, reverse engineered,
or publicly displayed or publicly performed in any manner. Usage of the software is only as explicitly
permitted in the end user software license agreement. Copyright notice does not imply publication.

Third party software licenses

AcuConsole contains material licensed from Intelligent Light (www.ilight.com) and used by permission.

Software Security Measures:

Altair Engineering Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates reserve the right to embed software security
mechanisms in the Software for the purpose of detecting the installation and/or use of illegal copies of
the Software. The Software may collect and transmit non-proprietary data about those illegal copies.
Data collected will not include any customer data created by or used in connection with the Software
and will not be provided to any third party, except as may be required by law or legal process or to
enforce our rights with respect to the use of any illegal copies of the Software. By using the Software,
each user consents to such detection and collection of data, as well as its transmission and use if an
illegal copy of the Software is detected. No steps may be taken to avoid or detect the purpose of any
such security mechanisms.

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering

Technical Support
Altair provides comprehensive software support via web FAQs, tutorials, training classes, telephone, and

Altair One Customer Portal

Altair One (https://altairone.com/) is Altair’s customer portal giving you access to product downloads,
a Knowledge Base, and customer support. We strongly recommend that all users create an Altair One
account and use it as their primary means of requesting technical support.

Once your customer portal account is set up, you can directly get to your support page via this link:

Altair Training Classes

Altair’s in-person, online, and self-paced trainings provide hands-on introduction to our products,
focusing on overall functionality. Trainings are conducted at our corporate and regional offices or at your

For more information please visit: https://learn.altair.com/

If you are interested in training at your facility, please contact your account manager for more details.
If you do not know who your account manager is, please contact your local support office and they will
connect you with your account manager.

Telephone and E-mail

If you are unable to contact Altair support via the customer portal, you may reach out to technical
support via phone or e-mail. Use the following table as a reference to locate the support office for your

When contacting Altair support, please specify the product and version number you are using along
with a detailed description of the problem. It is beneficial for the support engineer to know what type
of workstation, operating system, RAM, and graphics board you have, so please include that in your

Location Telephone E-mail

Australia +61 649 413 7981 anzsupport@altair.com

Brazil +55 113 884 0414 br_support@altair.com

Canada +1 416 447 6463 support@altairengineering.ca

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France +33 141 33 0992 francesupport@altair.com

Germany +49 703 162 0822 hwsupport@altair.de

Greece +30 231 047 3311 eesupport@altair.com

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Technical Support p.vii

Location Telephone E-mail

India +91 806 629 4500 support@india.altair.com

+1 800 425 0234 (toll free)

Israel israelsupport@altair.com

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Sweden +46 46 460 2828 support@altair.se

United Kingdom +44 192 646 8600 support@uk.altair.com

United States +1 248 614 2425 hwsupport@altair.com

If your company is being serviced by an Altair partner, you can find that information on our web site at

See www.altair.com for complete information on Altair, our team, and our products.

Proprietary Information of Altair Engineering

Intellectual Property Rights Notice............................................................................ ii
Technical Support...........................................................................................................vi

1 GUI.................................................................................................................................. 22

1.1 GUI Overview............................................................................................................23

1.1.1 Console..........................................................................................................23
1.1.2 Tree...............................................................................................................24
1.1.3 ToolBar.......................................................................................................... 34
1.1.4 StatusBar....................................................................................................... 36
1.1.5 Multi-Tab........................................................................................................ 37
1.2 File Menu..................................................................................................................38
1.2.1 New (Ctrl+N)................................................................................................. 38
1.2.2 Wizard........................................................................................................... 38
1.2.3 Open (Ctrl+O)................................................................................................ 40
1.2.4 Recent Projects............................................................................................... 41
1.2.5 Close............................................................................................................. 41
1.2.6 Save (Ctrl+S)................................................................................................. 42
1.2.7 Save As (Ctrl+S)............................................................................................ 42
1.2.8 Project Folder................................................................................................. 43
1.2.9 Exit............................................................................................................... 43
1.3 View Menu................................................................................................................ 44
1.3.1 Reset View (Ctrl+R)........................................................................................ 44
1.3.2 Zoom In........................................................................................................ 44
1.3.3 Zoom Out...................................................................................................... 44
1.3.4 Zoom Selected................................................................................................44
1.3.5 Rotate............................................................................................................44
1.3.6 Pan................................................................................................................45
1.3.7 Select............................................................................................................ 45
1.3.8 Axis............................................................................................................... 45
1.3.9 Reference Plane.............................................................................................. 45
1.3.10 Set View...................................................................................................... 49
1.3.11 Render Mode................................................................................................ 51
1.4 Edit Menu................................................................................................................. 53
1.4.1 Undo (Ctrl+Z)................................................................................................ 53
1.4.2 Redo (Ctrl+Y)................................................................................................. 53
1.4.3 History...........................................................................................................53
1.4.4 Delete............................................................................................................54
1.4.5 Delete All....................................................................................................... 54
1.4.6 Copy (Ctrl+C).................................................................................................54
1.4.7 Move (Ctrl+X)................................................................................................ 55
1.4.8 Duplicate........................................................................................................56
1.4.9 Group............................................................................................................ 57

1.4.10 Explode........................................................................................................ 58
1.4.11 Geometric Operations.................................................................................... 59
1.4.12 View Control Points....................................................................................... 80
1.4.13 Invert Normals..............................................................................................82
1.4.14 Layers.......................................................................................................... 83
1.4.15 Object Properties...........................................................................................84
1.5 Geometry Menu......................................................................................................... 86
1.5.1 Importing and Exporting.................................................................................. 86
1.5.2 Primitives....................................................................................................... 88
1.5.3 Tools............................................................................................................ 178
1.5.4 Parameters................................................................................................... 196
1.6 Tools.......................................................................................................................201
1.6.1 DIA Files...................................................................................................... 201
1.6.2 Diagram Correlation.......................................................................................218
1.6.3 Plot Viewer................................................................................................... 218
1.6.4 Calculator..................................................................................................... 221
1.6.5 User Functions.............................................................................................. 221
1.6.6 Script........................................................................................................... 243
1.6.7 Batch........................................................................................................... 247
1.6.8 Remote........................................................................................................ 249
1.7 Help Menu.............................................................................................................. 251
1.7.1 About...........................................................................................................251
1.8 Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options......................................................................... 252
1.8.1 Properties..................................................................................................... 252
1.8.2 Copy............................................................................................................ 258
1.8.3 Save As....................................................................................................... 258
1.8.4 Print............................................................................................................ 259
1.8.5 Zoom In.......................................................................................................260
1.8.6 Zoom Out.....................................................................................................260
1.8.7 Auto Range.................................................................................................. 261
1.9 Annex 2: Inverting Normals...................................................................................... 262

2 Post-Process............................................................................................................... 268

2.1 Post-Process Menu................................................................................................... 269

2.2 Post-Process Window................................................................................................ 270
2.3 Trace Window.......................................................................................................... 272
2.3.1 Trace Options Panel....................................................................................... 272
2.3.2 Trace Representation Panel............................................................................. 273
2.4 Trace Results Output................................................................................................ 276
2.5 Examples................................................................................................................ 280
2.5.1 Example 1: Table Trace..................................................................................280
2.5.2 Example 2: Plot Trace....................................................................................282
2.5.3 Example 3: Diagram 2D Trace........................................................................ 283
2.5.4 Example 4: Diagram 3D Trace........................................................................ 285

3 Antennas...................................................................................................................... 287

3.1 Plane Wave............................................................................................................. 288

3.2 Dipole..................................................................................................................... 290
3.2.1 Dipole Antenna............................................................................................. 290
3.2.2 Dipole Array................................................................................................. 294
3.2.3 Attach Dipole to Object..................................................................................297
3.3 Pattern File............................................................................................................. 298
3.3.1 Pattern File Antenna...................................................................................... 298
3.3.2 Pattern File Array.......................................................................................... 300
3.3.3 Attach Pattern File to Object.......................................................................... 302
3.4 Equivalent Sources................................................................................................... 304
3.4.1 Multipole Antenna..........................................................................................304
3.4.2 Insight......................................................................................................... 305
3.4.3 Feko Source................................................................................................. 307
3.5 Coaxial Feed............................................................................................................309
3.5.1 Add Feed Point............................................................................................. 309
3.6 Waveguides............................................................................................................. 310
3.6.1 Add Waveguide Port...................................................................................... 310
3.7 Primitive Antenna.....................................................................................................312
3.7.1 Horns...........................................................................................................312
3.7.2 Coaxial Feed................................................................................................. 317
3.7.3 Slot Antennas............................................................................................... 330
3.7.4 Patch Antennas............................................................................................. 340
3.8 Radome.................................................................................................................. 349
3.8.1 Define Interface Radome................................................................................349
3.8.2 Define Volumetric Radome..............................................................................350
3.8.3 FSS Primitives...............................................................................................351
3.9 Reflectors................................................................................................................ 353
3.9.1 Simple Reflector............................................................................................ 353
3.9.2 Cassegrain Reflector...................................................................................... 355
3.9.3 Gregorian Reflector........................................................................................358
3.9.4 Equivalent Antenna........................................................................................361
3.10 Reflectarrays.......................................................................................................... 364
3.10.1 New Layout................................................................................................ 364
3.11 Import Pattern File................................................................................................. 367
3.12 Edit Antenna..........................................................................................................368
3.13 Delete Antenna...................................................................................................... 369
3.14 Antenna Size......................................................................................................... 370
3.15 Antenna Feeding.................................................................................................... 371

4 Materials...................................................................................................................... 372

4.1 Materials Menu (MOM and MONCROS Modules)............................................................373

4.1.1 Add............................................................................................................. 373

4.1.2 Edit..............................................................................................................377
4.1.3 Delete.......................................................................................................... 377
4.1.4 Assign.......................................................................................................... 378
4.1.5 Material Properties.........................................................................................378
4.2 Materials Menu (PO Module)......................................................................................380
4.2.1 Add............................................................................................................. 380
4.2.2 Edit..............................................................................................................384
4.2.3 Delete.......................................................................................................... 385
4.2.4 Assign.......................................................................................................... 385
4.2.5 Material Properties.........................................................................................386
4.3 Materials Menu (GTD and GTD-PO Modules)................................................................388
4.3.1 Add............................................................................................................. 388
4.3.2 Edit..............................................................................................................392
4.3.3 Delete.......................................................................................................... 392
4.3.4 Assign.......................................................................................................... 393
4.3.5 Material Properties.........................................................................................394
4.4 Materials Menu (Periodical Structures Module)............................................................. 395
4.4.1 Add............................................................................................................. 395
4.4.2 Edit..............................................................................................................396
4.4.3 Delete.......................................................................................................... 396
4.5 Materials Menu (US Module)..................................................................................... 398
4.5.1 Add............................................................................................................. 398
4.5.2 Edit..............................................................................................................401
4.5.3 Delete.......................................................................................................... 401
4.5.4 Assign.......................................................................................................... 402
4.5.5 Properties..................................................................................................... 403
4.6 APPENDIX A: Color Selection.....................................................................................404

5 Command Line........................................................................................................... 407

5.1 Using the Command Line..........................................................................................408

5.2 List of Commands Ordered by Functionality................................................................ 409
5.3 Command Reference................................................................................................ 413
5.3.1 analyzeCurvature...........................................................................................417
5.3.2 analyzeEdges................................................................................................ 418
5.3.3 analyzeNakedBorders..................................................................................... 419
5.3.4 angle........................................................................................................... 420
5.3.5 arc...............................................................................................................421
5.3.6 area.............................................................................................................423
5.3.7 array............................................................................................................424
5.3.8 arrayOnSurface............................................................................................. 426
5.3.9 axis............................................................................................................. 431
5.3.10 bentDipoles................................................................................................. 432
5.3.11 booleanDifference........................................................................................ 433
5.3.12 booleanInside.............................................................................................. 436
5.3.13 booleanIntersection...................................................................................... 438
5.3.14 booleanOutside............................................................................................441

5.3.15 booleanSplit................................................................................................ 444
5.3.16 booleanUnion.............................................................................................. 447
5.3.17 booleanXOR................................................................................................ 449
5.3.18 box............................................................................................................ 452
5.3.19 capacitance................................................................................................. 454
5.3.20 circle.......................................................................................................... 455
5.3.21 circularHole................................................................................................. 456
5.3.22 cone...........................................................................................................457
5.3.23 connect2Surfaces.........................................................................................459
5.3.24 connectCurves............................................................................................. 462
5.3.25 coons......................................................................................................... 463
5.3.26 copy...........................................................................................................466
5.3.27 cross.......................................................................................................... 468
5.3.28 crossHole.................................................................................................... 470
5.3.29 curve......................................................................................................... 471
5.3.30 curveFunction.............................................................................................. 473
5.3.31 curveInterpolation........................................................................................475
5.3.32 cylinder...................................................................................................... 477
5.3.33 delete.........................................................................................................479
5.3.34 disk............................................................................................................480
5.3.35 distance......................................................................................................481
5.3.36 duplicate.....................................................................................................482
5.3.37 ellipse........................................................................................................ 483
5.3.38 ellipsoid...................................................................................................... 485
5.3.39 exit............................................................................................................ 487
5.3.40 explode...................................................................................................... 488
5.3.41 export........................................................................................................ 489
5.3.42 extendHole..................................................................................................490
5.3.43 extrude...................................................................................................... 493
5.3.44 extrudeNormal.............................................................................................495
5.3.45 extrudeSurface............................................................................................ 497
5.3.46 flare........................................................................................................... 499
5.3.47 group......................................................................................................... 501
5.3.48 help........................................................................................................... 502
5.3.49 hexagon..................................................................................................... 503
5.3.50 hyperbola................................................................................................... 504
5.3.51 hyperboloid................................................................................................. 505
5.3.52 import........................................................................................................ 506
5.3.53 interdigitalLines........................................................................................... 507
5.3.54 invertNormals..............................................................................................508
5.3.55 length........................................................................................................ 510
5.3.56 line............................................................................................................ 511
5.3.57 localTransform............................................................................................. 512
5.3.58 meshFromSurfaces.......................................................................................515
5.3.59 meshToSurfaces...........................................................................................516
5.3.60 move..........................................................................................................517
5.3.61 ogive..........................................................................................................519

5.3.62 openRing.................................................................................................... 522
5.3.63 parabola..................................................................................................... 523
5.3.64 paraboloid...................................................................................................524
5.3.65 perpendicular.............................................................................................. 525
5.3.66 pipe........................................................................................................... 528
5.3.67 planarSurface.............................................................................................. 530
5.3.68 plane..........................................................................................................532
5.3.69 point.......................................................................................................... 534
5.3.70 pointCloud.................................................................................................. 535
5.3.71 pointsFromCurve..........................................................................................537
5.3.72 pointsFromCurveByDistance.......................................................................... 538
5.3.73 pointsFromSurface....................................................................................... 539
5.3.74 polygon...................................................................................................... 541
5.3.75 project....................................................................................................... 543
5.3.76 rebuildCurve................................................................................................546
5.3.77 rebuildSurface............................................................................................. 547
5.3.78 rectangle.................................................................................................... 550
5.3.79 rectangularHole........................................................................................... 552
5.3.80 rename.......................................................................................................553
5.3.81 revolve....................................................................................................... 554
5.3.82 rhomboid.................................................................................................... 557
5.3.83 ring............................................................................................................559
5.3.84 rotate......................................................................................................... 560
5.3.85 scale.......................................................................................................... 562
5.3.86 scale1D...................................................................................................... 564
5.3.87 scale2D...................................................................................................... 567
5.3.88 scale3D...................................................................................................... 570
5.3.89 scaleNonUniform.......................................................................................... 573
5.3.90 script......................................................................................................... 576
5.3.91 segment..................................................................................................... 577
5.3.92 semicircle................................................................................................... 578
5.3.93 set............................................................................................................. 579
5.3.94 skinned...................................................................................................... 581
5.3.95 sphere........................................................................................................583
5.3.96 spiral..........................................................................................................585
5.3.97 spiralCross.................................................................................................. 586
5.3.98 splitByProjection.......................................................................................... 587
5.3.99 splitCurves.................................................................................................. 590
5.3.100 splitRing................................................................................................... 592
5.3.101 splitSurfaceByIsoparam...............................................................................593
5.3.102 splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid......................................................................... 595
5.3.103 splitSurfaces..............................................................................................596
5.3.104 stripCross..................................................................................................598
5.3.105 stripHexagon............................................................................................. 599
5.3.106 stripTrifilar.................................................................................................600
5.3.107 surface..................................................................................................... 601
5.3.108 surfaceCornerPoints.................................................................................... 603

5.3.109 surfaceEdges............................................................................................. 604
5.3.110 surfaceEllipse.............................................................................................606
5.3.111 surfaceFromEdges...................................................................................... 607
5.3.112 surfaceFunction..........................................................................................610
5.3.113 surfaceInterpolation....................................................................................612
5.3.114 surfaceIsoparamCurve................................................................................ 614
5.3.115 surfaceSpiral............................................................................................. 616
5.3.116 sweep.......................................................................................................617
5.3.117 symmetric................................................................................................. 618
5.3.118 tangent.....................................................................................................621
5.3.119 tCross.......................................................................................................622
5.3.120 threeDipoles.............................................................................................. 623
5.3.121 threeDipolesUnion...................................................................................... 624
5.3.122 torus........................................................................................................ 625
5.3.123 trifilar....................................................................................................... 627
5.3.124 trim..........................................................................................................628
5.3.125 unset........................................................................................................631
5.3.126 untrim...................................................................................................... 632
5.4 Appendix I: List of Functions.................................................................................... 634

6 GTD................................................................................................................................638

6.1 File Menu................................................................................................................ 639

6.2 Edit Menu............................................................................................................... 640
6.3 View Menu.............................................................................................................. 641
6.4 Geometry Menu....................................................................................................... 642
6.5 Materials Menu........................................................................................................ 643
6.6 Simulation Menu...................................................................................................... 644
6.6.1 Parameters................................................................................................... 644
6.6.2 Creeping.......................................................................................................647
6.6.3 Doppler........................................................................................................ 647
6.6.4 HPC Parameters............................................................................................ 649
6.7 Antennas Menu........................................................................................................ 651
6.7.1 Dipole.......................................................................................................... 651
6.7.2 Pattern File...................................................................................................655
6.7.3 Multipole Antenna..........................................................................................658
6.7.4 Import DIA File.............................................................................................659
6.7.5 Edit Antenna.................................................................................................659
6.7.6 Delete Antenna............................................................................................. 660
6.7.7 Antenna Display Size..................................................................................... 660
6.7.8 Antenna Feeding........................................................................................... 660
6.8 Output Menu........................................................................................................... 662
6.8.1 Observation Directions................................................................................... 662
6.8.2 Observation Points.........................................................................................663
6.8.3 Coupling....................................................................................................... 672
6.9 Meshing Menu......................................................................................................... 679
6.9.1 Ignore Edges................................................................................................ 679

6.9.2 Create Mesh................................................................................................. 681
6.10 Calculate Menu...................................................................................................... 682
6.11 Show Results Menu................................................................................................ 684
6.11.1 Common Options......................................................................................... 684
6.11.2 Far Field..................................................................................................... 686
6.11.3 Near Field...................................................................................................690
6.11.4 Doppler Spectrum........................................................................................700
6.11.5 Coupling..................................................................................................... 703
6.11.6 MIMO Results.............................................................................................. 709
6.11.7 Post-Process................................................................................................714
6.12 Tools Menu............................................................................................................ 715
6.13 Help Menu.............................................................................................................716
6.14 Training Examples.................................................................................................. 717
6.14.1 Example 1: Getting Started.......................................................................... 717
6.14.2 Example 2: Dynamic Simulation.................................................................... 724
6.14.3 Example 3: Radiation Pattern File Simulation.................................................. 730
6.14.4 MIMO Examples...........................................................................................736
6.14.5 Using Multipole in GTD Module......................................................................748

7 PO.................................................................................................................................. 756

7.1 File Menu................................................................................................................ 757

7.2 Edit Menu............................................................................................................... 758
7.3 View Menu.............................................................................................................. 759
7.4 Geometry Menu....................................................................................................... 760
7.5 Materials Menu........................................................................................................ 761
7.6 Simulation Menu...................................................................................................... 762
7.6.1 Parameters Menu.......................................................................................... 762
7.6.2 Doppler........................................................................................................ 763
7.6.3 Delete Edges................................................................................................ 765
7.6.4 Duplicate Normals......................................................................................... 767
7.7 RCS Menu............................................................................................................... 768
7.7.1 Parameters................................................................................................... 768
7.8 Output Menu (Alt +O).............................................................................................. 769
7.8.1 Observation Directions................................................................................... 769
7.9 Meshing Menu......................................................................................................... 771
7.9.1 Create Mesh................................................................................................. 771
7.9.2 Visualize Existing Mesh.................................................................................. 773
7.9.3 View Log...................................................................................................... 774
7.10 Calculate Menu (Alt + C)........................................................................................ 775
7.10.1 Execute...................................................................................................... 775
7.11 Show Results Menu................................................................................................ 777
7.11.1 Far field......................................................................................................777
7.11.2 Post-Process................................................................................................782
7.12 Tools Menu............................................................................................................ 783
7.13 Help Menu.............................................................................................................784
7.14 Training Examples.................................................................................................. 785

7.14.1 Example 1.................................................................................................. 785
7.14.2 Example 2.................................................................................................. 796
7.14.3 Example 3.................................................................................................. 804
7.14.4 Example 4: Monostatic RCS of a Ship............................................................ 813

8 GTD-PO......................................................................................................................... 818

8.1 File Menu................................................................................................................ 819

8.2 Edit Menu............................................................................................................... 820
8.3 View Menu.............................................................................................................. 821
8.4 Geometry Menu....................................................................................................... 822
8.5 Materials Menu........................................................................................................ 823
8.6 Simulation Menu...................................................................................................... 824
8.6.1 Parameters................................................................................................... 824
8.6.2 Creeping.......................................................................................................827
8.6.3 Doppler........................................................................................................ 827
8.7 RCS Menu............................................................................................................... 830
8.7.1 Parameters................................................................................................... 830
8.8 Source Menu........................................................................................................... 831
8.8.1 Source Parameters........................................................................................ 831
8.8.2 Pattern File...................................................................................................832
8.8.3 Import Pattern Files.......................................................................................834
8.9 Output Menu (Alt +O).............................................................................................. 835
8.9.1 Observation Directions................................................................................... 835
8.9.2 Coupling....................................................................................................... 837
8.10 Meshing Menu........................................................................................................839
8.10.1 Create Mesh............................................................................................... 839
8.10.2 Visualize Existing Mesh................................................................................ 842
8.10.3 Manual Surface Classification........................................................................ 843
8.10.4 Manual Divisions..........................................................................................844
8.11 Calculate Menu (Alt + C)........................................................................................ 845
8.11.1 Execute...................................................................................................... 845
8.12 Show Results Menu................................................................................................ 847
8.12.1 RCS........................................................................................................... 847
8.12.2 Field...........................................................................................................852
8.12.3 Ray Tracing.................................................................................................857
8.12.4 Coupling..................................................................................................... 859
8.12.5 Doppler...................................................................................................... 861
8.13 Tools Menu............................................................................................................ 871
8.14 Help Menu.............................................................................................................872
8.15 Training Examples.................................................................................................. 873
8.15.1 Example 1: Monostatic RCS of a Sphere and a Box..........................................873
8.15.2 Example 2: Monostatic RCS of a Ship............................................................ 884
8.15.3 Example 3: Bistatic RCS of a Box..................................................................891
8.15.4 Example 4: Coupling....................................................................................897
8.15.5 Example 5: Doppler Spectrum...................................................................... 901
8.15.6 Example 6: Monostatic RCS of a Truck........................................................... 907

8.15.7 Example 7: FMCW Analysis...........................................................................911

9 MONCROS.....................................................................................................................923

9.1 File Menu................................................................................................................ 924

9.2 Edit Menu............................................................................................................... 925
9.3 View Menu.............................................................................................................. 926
9.4 Geometry Menu....................................................................................................... 927
9.5 Materials Menu........................................................................................................ 928
9.6 Simulation Menu...................................................................................................... 929
9.6.1 Parameters................................................................................................... 929
9.6.2 HPC Parameters............................................................................................ 929
9.7 Solver Menu............................................................................................................ 931
9.7.1 Parameters................................................................................................... 931
9.7.2 Advanced Options..........................................................................................936
9.8 RCS Menu............................................................................................................... 939
9.9 Output Menu........................................................................................................... 941
9.9.1 Observation Directions................................................................................... 941
9.9.2 Observation Points.........................................................................................943
9.10 Meshing Menu........................................................................................................950
9.10.1 Create Mesh............................................................................................... 950
9.10.2 Visualize Existing Mesh................................................................................ 956
9.10.3 Visualize Mesh Log...................................................................................... 957
9.11 Calculate Menu...................................................................................................... 959
9.11.1 Execute...................................................................................................... 959
9.12 Show Results Menu................................................................................................ 961
9.12.1 Far Field..................................................................................................... 961
9.12.2 NearField.................................................................................................... 966
9.12.3 View Currents............................................................................................. 973
9.12.4 View Charges.............................................................................................. 974
9.13 Tools Menu............................................................................................................ 976
9.14 Help Menu.............................................................................................................977
9.15 Training Examples.................................................................................................. 978
9.15.1 Example 1.................................................................................................. 978
9.15.2 Example 2.................................................................................................. 988
9.15.3 Example 3................................................................................................ 1001
9.16 Annex 1: Post-Processing Currents......................................................................... 1007

10 MOM.......................................................................................................................... 1014

10.1 File Menu............................................................................................................ 1015

10.2 Edit Menu............................................................................................................ 1016
10.3 View Menu...........................................................................................................1017
10.4 Geometry Menu....................................................................................................1018
10.5 Materials Menu.....................................................................................................1019
10.6 Simulation Menu...................................................................................................1020

10.6.1 Parameters................................................................................................1020
10.6.2 HPC Parameters.........................................................................................1022
10.7 Solver Parameters Menu........................................................................................1023
10.7.1 Parameters................................................................................................1023
10.7.2 Advanced Options...................................................................................... 1030
10.8 Source................................................................................................................ 1033
10.9 Output Menu........................................................................................................1034
10.9.1 Passive Antenna........................................................................................ 1034
10.9.2 Observation Directions................................................................................1035
10.9.3 Observation Points..................................................................................... 1036
10.10 Meshing Menu.................................................................................................... 1046
10.10.1 Create Mesh............................................................................................ 1046
10.10.2 Visualize Existing Mesh............................................................................. 1053
10.10.3 View Log.................................................................................................1053
10.11 Calculate Menu................................................................................................... 1054
10.11.1 Execute...................................................................................................1054
10.12 Show Results..................................................................................................... 1056
10.12.1 Far Field................................................................................................. 1056
10.12.2 Radiation Pattern..................................................................................... 1064
10.12.3 View Currents.......................................................................................... 1074
10.12.4 View Charges.......................................................................................... 1075
10.12.5 Near Field............................................................................................... 1076
10.12.6 View Radiation Map.................................................................................. 1087
10.12.7 View Delay Process.................................................................................. 1089
10.12.8 Export Multipole File................................................................................. 1092
10.12.9 Antenna Impedance................................................................................. 1093
10.12.10 S-Parameters......................................................................................... 1096
10.12.11 Insertion Losses..................................................................................... 1100
10.12.12 Boresight Error.......................................................................................1101
10.12.13 Post-Process.......................................................................................... 1101
10.12.14 Amplitude-Phase Point Results................................................................. 1102
10.13 Tools Menu.........................................................................................................1110
10.14 Help Menu......................................................................................................... 1111
10.15 Training Examples............................................................................................... 1112
10.15.1 Example 1: Common Simulation................................................................ 1112
10.15.2 Example 2: Common Parametric Simulation with Frequency Sweep................. 1123
10.15.3 Example 3: Radiation Map Simulation with Frequency Sweep......................... 1142
10.15.4 Example 4: Delay Process Simulation with Frequency Sweep......................... 1155
10.15.5 Example 5: Multipole Examples................................................................. 1167
10.15.6 Example 6: Common Simulation with a Coaxial Feed Source.......................... 1187
10.15.7 Example 7: Basic Reflectarray Simulation....................................................1200
10.15.8 Example 8: S-Parameters......................................................................... 1211
10.15.9 Example 9: Parameters, Frequency Sweep, Far and Near Field....................... 1221
10.15.10 Examples with Different Pointing Algorithms.............................................. 1235
10.15.11 Corrugated Horn Examples...................................................................... 1301
10.15.12 Design of Waveguides............................................................................. 1335
10.15.13 Reflectarrays.......................................................................................... 1352

10.15.14 Radomes............................................................................................... 1362
10.16 Test Cases......................................................................................................... 1400
10.16.1 Test Case A.............................................................................................1400
10.16.2 Test Case B.............................................................................................1410

11 Periodical Structures............................................................................................ 1425

11.1 File Menu............................................................................................................ 1426

11.2 Edit Menu............................................................................................................ 1427
11.3 View Menu...........................................................................................................1428
11.4 Geometry Menu....................................................................................................1429
11.5 Materials Menu.....................................................................................................1430
11.6 Cell Menu............................................................................................................ 1431
11.6.1 Define Cell................................................................................................ 1431
11.6.2 FSS Primitives........................................................................................... 1432
11.6.3 Import...................................................................................................... 1432
11.6.4 Export...................................................................................................... 1432
11.7 Simulation Menu...................................................................................................1433
11.7.1 Simulation Parameters................................................................................1433
11.8 Solver Menu........................................................................................................ 1434
11.8.1 Solver Parameters......................................................................................1434
11.9 Meshing Menu...................................................................................................... 1436
11.9.1 Create Mesh..............................................................................................1436
11.9.2 Visualize Existing Mesh...............................................................................1441
11.9.3 Visualize Mesh Log.....................................................................................1442
11.10 Calculate Menu (Alt + C).....................................................................................1443
11.10.1 Execute...................................................................................................1443
11.11 Show Results Menu.............................................................................................1445
11.11.1 View Cuts by Frequency........................................................................... 1445
11.11.2 View Cuts by Step................................................................................... 1446
11.11.3 View Text Files........................................................................................ 1446
11.11.4 Export Database...................................................................................... 1446
11.11.5 View Database......................................................................................... 1447
11.12 Tools Menu.........................................................................................................1448
11.13 Help Menu......................................................................................................... 1449
11.14 Training Examples............................................................................................... 1450
11.14.1 Example 1: Analysis of a Cell with Disk Geometry........................................ 1450
11.14.2 Example 2: Analysis of a Cell with Spiral Geometry and Skew Angle................1455
11.15 Annex 1: Creating a Reflectarray Database............................................................ 1461
11.16 Annex 2: Analysis of a Reflectarray Database Creation............................................ 1465

12 Parabolic Equation................................................................................................ 1473

12.1 File Menu............................................................................................................ 1474

12.2 Edit Menu............................................................................................................ 1475
12.3 View Menu...........................................................................................................1476

12.4 Terrain Menu........................................................................................................1477
12.4.1 Import Terrain........................................................................................... 1477
12.4.2 Delete Terrain............................................................................................1479
12.5 Profiles Menu....................................................................................................... 1480
12.5.1 Extract Topographic Profiles........................................................................ 1480
12.5.2 Topographic Profile Editor........................................................................... 1481
12.6 Simulation Cases Menu......................................................................................... 1484
12.6.1 Simulation Case Editor............................................................................... 1484
12.7 Calculate Menu.....................................................................................................1487
12.8 Results Menu....................................................................................................... 1488
12.8.1 Visualizing Results..................................................................................... 1488
12.9 Annex 1: PE Module Commands.............................................................................1491
12.9.1 importTerrain command.............................................................................. 1491
12.9.2 deleteTerrain command............................................................................... 1492
12.9.3 profileBetweenPoints command.................................................................... 1492
12.9.4 radialProfiles command............................................................................... 1492
12.10 Training Examples............................................................................................... 1494
12.10.1 Example 1: Propagation Factor on an Existing Terrain................................... 1494

13 Ultrasound............................................................................................................... 1500

13.1 File Menu............................................................................................................ 1501

13.2 Edit Menu............................................................................................................ 1502
13.3 View Menu...........................................................................................................1503
13.4 Geometry Menu....................................................................................................1504
13.5 Materials Menu.....................................................................................................1505
13.6 Simulation Menu...................................................................................................1506
13.6.1 Parameters................................................................................................1506
13.6.2 Doppler.....................................................................................................1509
13.7 Source Menu........................................................................................................1511
13.7.1 Ultrasound Pattern..................................................................................... 1511
13.7.2 Import DUS File........................................................................................ 1513
13.7.3 Edit Source............................................................................................... 1513
13.7.4 Delete Source............................................................................................1514
13.7.5 DUS File Editor..........................................................................................1514
13.7.6 Source Display Size................................................................................... 1515
13.8 Output Menu........................................................................................................1516
13.8.1 Observation Points..................................................................................... 1516
13.8.2 Coupling................................................................................................... 1525
13.9 Meshing Menu...................................................................................................... 1527
13.9.1 Create Visibility Matrix................................................................................1527
13.10 Calculate Menu................................................................................................... 1528
13.11 Show Results Menu.............................................................................................1529
13.11.1 View Ray Tracing..................................................................................... 1529
13.11.2 View Ray Tracing Text File.........................................................................1530
13.11.3 View Text Files........................................................................................ 1532
13.11.4 Near Field............................................................................................... 1533

13.11.5 Coupling..................................................................................................1543
13.11.6 Doppler Spectrum.................................................................................... 1545
13.12 Tools Menu.........................................................................................................1548
13.13 Help Menu......................................................................................................... 1549
13.14 Training Examples............................................................................................... 1550
13.14.1 Example 1: Getting Started.......................................................................1550
13.15 Annex 1: DUS File Format................................................................................... 1559
13.15.1 REV DUS Files......................................................................................... 1559
13.15.2 3D DUS Files........................................................................................... 1560
13.16 Annex 2: Closed-Loop Simulation Support in the US Module.....................................1561
13.16.1 Simulation Workflow................................................................................. 1561
13.16.2 Command Reference.................................................................................1563

14 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................................ 1572

14.1 Acronyms............................................................................................................ 1573

Index............................................................................................................................... 1574


An overview of the newFASANT graphical user interface is given.

This chapter covers the following:

• 1.1 GUI Overview (p. 23)

• 1.2 File Menu (p. 38)
• 1.3 View Menu (p. 44)
• 1.4 Edit Menu (p. 53)
• 1.5 Geometry Menu (p. 86)
• 1.6 Tools (p. 201)
• 1.7 Help Menu (p. 251)
• 1.8 Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options (p. 252)
• 1.9 Annex 2: Inverting Normals (p. 262)
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1.1 GUI Overview

• Main panel: Multi-tab panel with the geometry model, mesh and different results.
• Right panel: Multi-tab panel where different windows are displayed.
• Menu: Includes all options and geometry commands.
• Console: Its used to create or edit geometry.
• Tree: Provides quick access to geometry and simulation parameters.
• Tool Bar: Contains the common application functions.
• Status Bar: Contains information and geometry options.

1.1.1 Console
The newFASANT command console is a command-line shell which supports both interactive and batch-
file commands to manage geometry. The command line supports geometric construction with the
mouse. All commands are accessible from menu.

Figure 1: Console panel

The basic usage of the command line is explain on 'help' command:

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Figure 2: 'help' command

You can view the Command Line to see a description of each command.

1.1.2 Tree
The left side of the main window features the tree panel, where the tree can be found
The purpose of the tree is to provide a simple and global view of the parameters of the current project,
as well as an alternative way to modify these parameters.

The following figure shows the tree for a Moncros project:

Figure 3: Example tree of a Moncros project

The tree is composed of nodes, which are laid out in a hierarchical structure. This means that some
nodes can have children nodes that represent related project parameters. A node that owns at least
one children is called a parent node, and its children can be hidden (also known as collapsing the
parent node) or shown (also known by expanding the parent node) by clicking the “-“ (minus) sign
to the left of the node to hide its children or the “+” (plus) sign to the left of the node to show its

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children. Additionally, it is possible to double-click on the node to toggle its state between collapsed and

Some nodes provide functions that are not visible at first glance, as they may be provided through a
contextual menu of the node. Showing the contextual menu for a node is as simple as right-clicking
that node. Note that most nodes don’t have a contextual menu.

Regarding to the contents of the tree, there’s a common node that is displayed in every project (module
independent) the geometry node. Additionally, every module provides its own set of nodes that
represent the parameters of a project from that module. However, the user interface of the tree is
the same across all modules and the different ways of editing project parameters is explained in the
following subsections.

Managing Geometry Objects

The geometry tree node is fixed to the top of the tree panel and it’s always present. This node displays
all the geometry objects of the current project, as can be seen in the following figure:

Figure 4: Geometry node displaying some existing objects

The objects are grouped regarding to its type (points, curves, surfaces or 3D objects) and, for each
object, a name and a more specific type (if available) are shown. It is possible to change the name of
an object by selecting it and pressing enter, or by triple-clicking on it. Doing any of these actions will
put the node in “editing state”, in which the new name for the object can be written:

Figure 5: Changing the name of an object

When the new name for the object has been entered, the Enter key needs to be pressed in order to exit
the editing state and actually assign the new name to the object.

It is easy to see which object a node corresponds to by clicking on it on the tree. This will select the
object globally and the user will be able to see the selected object in the geometry panel, as it will be
coloured in yellow.

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Figure 6: Viewing a selected object in the geometry panel

The user can also perform several other operations on the objects of the geometry besides renaming
them. For this, they first need to right-click on the node. This action will cause a popup menu to show,
giving the user the option to select one of various geometric operations:

Figure 7: Contextual menu showing the different operations that can be performed on an object

Selecting any of these options will call the corresponding command on the selected objects. For a
detailed reference about how these operations work, consult Edit Menu.

For operations that can work with more than one object at a time (like, for example, the copy or move
operations), it is possible to select several objects by holding the Ctrl key and clicking on each node.
Additionally, it is possible to select a consecutive set of nodes on the tree by selecting the first one and
then selecting the last one while holding the Shift key. Selecting a operation on the contextual menu
while there are several selected objects will run the operation on all the selected objects.

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It is also possible to select one or more objects and change the layer they are on. To do this, call the
context menu and put the mouse over the “Move to Layer” option. A list of all the layers will be revealed
and the user may click one of them to move the selected objects to that layer.

Figure 8: Contextual menu showing the "Move to Layer" option

Nodes on a hidden layer are grayed-out in the tree, and cannot be selected by clicking in their parent
node. For example, in the next figure, if the user clicks on the “Objects (2)” node, only the “box1”
object will be selected. This is by design, as it prevents the user from doing operations (accidentally) in
objects that are not visible to them. However, if the user clicks on the grayed-out node directly, it will
still be selected.

Figure 9: Example of a node on a hidden layer

Finally, it is possible to delete an object or set of objects by selecting them on the tree and pressing the
Delete key on the keyboard (as well as selecting the “Delete” option in the contextual menu).

Editing Project Parameters

As mentioned in previous sections, each module provides each own tree structure to modify the
parameters of a project. However, the ways the user can interact with the tree are very similar across
all modules.

The nodes below the geometry node are the nodes that are specific to the project and they usually
give the user the option to visualize every parameter of the project in a hierarchical and concise way.
Additionally, each parameter can be modified in one of the following ways:

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• On/off parameters Some parameters can only be in one of two states enabled or disabled. These
parameters are represented in the tree with a checked or unchecked box, respectively, and its state
can be toggled between the two states by clicking on them, or by pressing the Enter key while the
node is selected.

Figure 10: Tree node with a check box

• Numerical parameters Some other parameters have a numerical (integer or real) domain. In
these cases, the parameter can be modified by triple-clicking on the node, or by pressing Enter
while the node is selected. This will put the node in “edit state”, where the new value for the
parameter can be inserted. Once the new value has been written, the user needs to press Enter to
confirm this value. If the input value is not valid for the parameter, a error dialog will be shown.

Figure 11: Tree node that represents a numerical value (view state)

Figure 12: Tree node that represents a numerical value (edit state)

• Multiple choice parameters In some cases, the possible values for a parameter belong to a small
set of values. To modify these values from the tree, the user can triple-click on a node to display
a dropdown menu with every possible value for the parameter, and they can select one of these
values to assign it.

Alternatively, the user can press the Enter key while the node is selected to put the node in “editing
mode” and press the up and down arrow keys to switch between the possible values. Once the
value is selected, the user can press the Enter key to confirm the selection.

Figure 13: Editing tree node with a predefined set of values

• Drag and drop In some cases, it is possible to drag a node from the tree and dropping it over
another node to carry out an action. Examples of this feature include material assignation to
surfaces and 3D objects (in which the user has to drag a material node and drop it over a geometry
object), material assignation to a ground plane in the Moncros module, or even adding Doppler and
Creeping to objects in the PO and GTD modules, respectively. The different uses for this feature will
be explained in the following section, “ Drag and drop“.

These types of nodes are usually the leaf nodes of the tree. In addition to this, there can be grayed
out nodes in the tree that represent groups of configuration parameters that are not available at the

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moment due to diverse reasons (for example, because these parameters wouldn’t apply to the currently
selected simulation type, or because the functionality is not enabled):

Figure 14: Example of a disabled tree node

Usually, double-clicking these nodes will show a message dialog describing the reasons of why the node
is disabled and, if possible, asking the user if they want to enable the functionality associated with the

Figure 15: Dialog window asking the user to activate the functionality

If the user answers affirmatively to this question, the functionality will be enabled. In consequence, the
tree node will be activated and it will show the corresponding configuration options:

Figure 16: Example of an enabled node

Drag and Drop

Some tasks can be simplified using the “Drag and Drop” feature of the tree. This feature allows the user
to perform certain actions by clicking and dragging a node of the tree into another node of the tree.

The uses of this feature are detailed below:

Material assignation to a surface or object

In every module, it is possible to assign a material to a surface or 3D object by just clicking and
dragging a material node into a geometry node in the tree.

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Figure 17: Drag and drop process of assigning a material to an object

Doing this will assign a layer to the object with a default thickness. If the user wants to further
configure the layers of an object, they need to use the “Assign” menu option of the “Materials” menu,
available in most modules.

Material assignation to a ground plane layer

In the PO and Moncros modules, it is possible to assign a material to a ground plane defined by
geometry. To do this, the user needs to drag a material node and drop it into the node that represents
the ground plane layer. The user can modify the thickness of each layer from the tree.

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Figure 18: Drag and drop process of assigning a material to a ground plane layer

Creation of observation points from a curve or surface

In the Moncros, GTD and MOM modules, the user is able to extract points from a curve or surface to
create a set of observation points used for the analysis of the near field. To do this using the tree, the
user needs to drag a curve or surface node into the “Observation points” node. Doing this will show a
dialog prompting the user to specify the number of points that will be sampled from the selected curve
or surface.

Please, note that:

• In order to be able to add a set of observation points in Moncros, bistatic RCS needs to be enabled.
• To add a surface of observation points, it is possible that the user needs to explode the object that
represents the surface, so that it appears in the “Surfaces” folder of the tree.

Figure 19: Drag and drop process of adding a set of observation points from a curve

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If the user drags a curve node into the “Observation points” node, the following dialog will appear:

Figure 20: Dialog asking the user how many point samples to extract from the curve

In the other hand, the following dialog will appear if the user does the same with a surface node. In
this case, it is necessary to specify the number of points to sample in each direction of the parametric

Figure 21: Dialog asking the user how many point samples
to extract from the surface, for each parametric direction

When the user presses the “OK” button, the observation points will be added.

Duplicate normals of an object in the PO module

In the PO module, the user can duplicate the normals of an individual surface or all the surfaces of an
object by clicking and dragging the object or surface and dropping it in the “Duplicated normals” node.

Figure 22: Drag and drop process of adding a set of observation points from a curve

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The list of objects and surfaces with duplicated normals can be found under the “Duplicated normals”

Figure 23: Tree node that shows the list of objects with duplicated normals

In order to cancel the normals duplication of a surface or object, the user needs to right-click the
corresponding node and select the “Don’t duplicate normals” option of the popup menu.

Set creeping to an object or surface

In the GTD module, it is possible to add creeping behaviour to an object or surface by just clicking
and dragging a object node and dropping it into the “Creeping objects” node. Please nota that the
“Creeping” simulation option must be enabled before doing this.

Figure 24: Drag and drop process of adding creeping to an object

The children nodes of the “Creeping objects” node represent the objects that have creeping enabled at
the moment. To remove creeping from any of these objects, the user needs to right-click the node and
select the “Remove Creeping” option.

Figure 25: Tree node that shows the list of objects with creeping

Set Doppler parameters to an object

In the PO and GTD modules, the user is able to add doppler parameters to an object. This task can also
be done with drag and drop by clicking and dragging the object node and dropping it into the “Doppler”

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Figure 26: Drag and drop process of adding doppler to an object

The children nodes of the “Doppler” node will represent all the objects with doppler in the current
project. This node will also allow the user to modify the doppler parameters for each object (i.e the
translation parameters and the rotation parameters, as well as the global parameter “frequency bin”).

Figure 27: Tree node that shows the list of objects with doppler

To delete doppler of an object, the user needs to right-click the corresponding child node of the
“Doppler” node and select the “Delete doppler” option from the contextual menu.

1.1.3 ToolBar

Figure 28: ToolBar Panel

The ToolBar panel contains the most common options, it is divided into 5 sections:

Project options:
• New project -> Creates a newFASANT project.

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• Open project -> Open an existing file project.

• Save project -> Save the current project.

Geometry file options:

• Import file -> Import a geometry file.
• Export file -> Exports the geometry.

• Undo (CTRL+Z) -> The undo option is used to undo the previous change.
• Redo (Ctrl+Y) -> If the user has undone any changes it is possible to redo them with this option.

View options:
• Reset view (CTRL+R) -> This option resets the view settings of the Geometry view area to the
default values. If you click with the right button can select the view.

• Perspective / Parallel projection -> Sets the perspective or parallel projection.

• Zoom in -> This option zooms in the current view of the Geometry.
• Zoom out -> This option zooms out the current view of the Geometry.
• Zoom selected -> This option zooms into the selected area of the Geometry.
• Invert selection -> This option inverts the geometry selection.
• Rotate -> This option allows to rotate camera with the left mouse button.
• Pan -> This option allows to translate camera with the left mouse button.
• Select -> This option allows to select objects with the left mouse button.
• Show axis -> This option toggles the visualization of the three axes in the view area.
• Reference plane -> Shows the reference plane panel.
• Lines -> Toggles render mode to lines.
• Shaded -> Toggles render mode to shaded.
• Shaded with lines -> Toggles render mode to shaded with lines.
• Material / Layer view -> Shows the color of the material or the layer.

• Control Points -> Shows the control points of a selected NURBS surface.

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• Invert Normals -> View and invert normals of a selected objects. To invert normals click on the
view area.

1.1.4 StatusBar

Figure 29: StatusBar panel

Current Point: Shows the mouse point selected. If pick is enabled you can view this point on the
geometry panel with blue color.

Units: This combo allows to change the model units. If the panel contains geometry you can scale it to
keep the size.

Pick: This option enables you to select a geometry point with the mouse. Contains seven pick modes.
• NO_PICK The selected point is the transformation of the mouse position into 3d coordinates.
• PICK_NEAR or PICK_NEAR_CLOSEST The selected point is the nearest point of the geometry or
reference plane. PICK_NEAR only gets the point if its near of the mouse.
• PICK_POINT or PICK_POINT_CLOSEST Returns the coordinates of the nearest point object.
PICK_POINT only gets the point if its near of the mouse.
• PICK_OBJECT_MID If the object is an object3D selects the geometric center. If the object is a
surface or a curve selects the mid point.
• PICK_OBJECT_END Returns the corners of the object that is closest to the mouse.

Selection: Contains the geometry selection options. This changes the mouse selection and rectangle
• SELECTION_ALL: All objects can be selected (points, curves, surfaces and objects).
• SELECTION_POINT: Only points can be selected.

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• SELECTION_CURVE: Only curves can be selected.

• SELECTION_SURFACE: Only surfaces can be selected.
• SELECTION_OBJECT: Only objects can be selected.
• DISABLE: Disable selection.

1.1.5 Multi-Tab

Figure 30: Right panel

Clicking on the right button in a tab a popup menu appears with the following options:

• Close: Close the selected tab.

• Close All: Close all tabs on the panel.
• Close Other: Close all tabs except the selected tab.

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1.2 File Menu

Figure 31: File menu

The options of the File Menu are explained below.

1.2.1 New (Ctrl+N)

This option allows the user to create a new project. The user have to select the desired module from the
list that appears in the central area.

Figure 32: Method Type selection

The user may save the changes to the current working project before creating the new one. A dialog will
ask the user to do that.

1.2.2 Wizard
Using the project wizard it is possible to create new projects using a template for a particular case. If
the simulation conditions are known, they save time by setting the default values for a project, such as
units, simulation frequency and number of processors to use during the meshing and simulation stages.

To create a new project using the template wizard, use the New | Wizard menu entry. The wizard
window will open presenting the list of available project templates. Each template is based on a

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particular solver and may use different parameters in order to optimize it for a particular kind of project.
Select a template of your choice and press Next to continue to the next step.

Figure 33: Step 1— Choosing a project template through the wizard.

The next step is to select what kind of project create based on this template. There are two possible

• Create a new empty project use this option to create a brand new project using the optimized
default parameters for the particular template selected in the previous step. It is still possible to
modify some of the parameters using the controls below, such as the default units, the number of
processors (a number that is set by default to the number of processors in your system), or the
project simulation frequency.
• Open a master project using this option, a new project is bootstrapped from an example project,
containing sample geometries and possibly other project features such as antennas or observation
points. They can be used to test the meshing and simulation process, or they can be deleted once
the project is created to replace them by your own geometries and project settings.

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Figure 34: Step 2— Setting the new project parameters.

Once the selection is made, press Next to jump to the last step.

The last step presents a summary for the choices made in this project, including information about the
template and the default values set by the template or changed by the user. Press Finish to confirm the
selection and to create the project.

Figure 35: Step 3— Project summary.

1.2.3 Open (Ctrl+O)

This option allows the user to open an existing newFASANT project (.nfp file extension). A dialog asking
whether the user wants to save the previous working project will be prompted.

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Figure 36: Open file dialog

1.2.4 Recent Projects

This menu lists the last projects recently used. The user can open the project immediately by clicking on
any project of the menu list.

Figure 37: Open file dialog

1.2.5 Close
This option will close the current project. A dialog will offer the possibility to save the changes to the
current project.

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Figure 38: Dialog to save the changes

1.2.6 Save (Ctrl+S)

This option allows the user to save the current project. The first time that this option is selected, a save
dialog will be shown asking the user for the location of the new newFASANT Project file (.nfp). The
following times that the option is clicked on, the project will be saved in the previously chosen location.

1.2.7 Save As (Ctrl+S)

This option allows the user to save the current project in any location. When this option is selected, a
save dialog will be shown requesting the location of the new newFASANT Project file (.nfp).

Figure 39: Save as dialog

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1.2.8 Project Folder

This option shows the project location in your system. When opening a project, all the work performed
will be stored temporally in this location.

A folder explorer window appears as shown in the following Figure:

Figure 40: Project Folder window

1.2.9 Exit
This option will close the application. A dialog will offer the possibility to save the changes to the current
project before exiting.

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1.3 View Menu

These options allow the user to configure the properties of the main window area.

Figure 41: View menu

1.3.1 Reset View (Ctrl+R)

This option resets the view settings of the Geometry view area to the default values.

1.3.2 Zoom In
This option zooms in the current view of the Geometry view area.

1.3.3 Zoom Out

This option zooms out the current view of the Geometry view area.

1.3.4 Zoom Selected

This option zooms into the selected area of the Geometry view area.

1.3.5 Rotate
Use this option to rotate the current view at the geometry view area.

Remark Even if this tool is not selected, the user is also able to rotate the view by holding down the
right mouse button while moving the cursor.

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1.3.6 Pan
This option changes the current tool to the Pan tool. Using this tool, the user can move the field of view
by using the cursor while holding down the left mouse button in the view area.

1.3.7 Select
This option changes the current mouse to the Selection tool. Using this tool, the user can select the
different objects that appear in the view area by left-clicking them, or using the rectangular selection
(hold on the left mouse button to draw a rectangle and select all the elements inside it). The user may
also select several objects by holding down Ctrl and then left-clicking on the objects to select.

1.3.8 Axis
This option toggles the visualization of the three axes in the view area.

1.3.9 Reference Plane

This option shows the following panel on the right side of the window:

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Figure 42: Reference plane panel

This panel allows the user to show a reference grid by selecting the center, orientation and resolution.
It is especially useful for modeling geometry or placing elements, as it may be used as a local
coordinate system.

All the options available in the Reference Plane panel are listed in the following:

The Show reference plane option paints or hides the current configuration of the reference plane.

When the Local coordinates check box is enabled, the local coordinate system defined by the
reference plane is considered for new geometrical operations. Disable this option to work with the
default Cartesian coordinate system.

All the previous different coordinate systems are listed in the Recent planes section. The reference
plane is updated when an element of the list is selected, by using the current Step and Div parameters.

• The position section gathers the parameters required for the new local coordinate system.
• The options Mouse pick may be used to load the adjacent fields from the next clicked point on the
• The Center fields define the position where the reference plane is centered.

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• The option Mouse pick disabled option deactivates the fields load from the mouse click events on
the geometry.
• The Orientation subsection contains multiple ways for defining the coordinate system of the
reference plane. The next options are available:
• XY-Axis

The direction of the X and Y axes must be specified. Note that the directions are defined starting from
the center position.

Figure 43: Orientation of reference plane with XY-axis

The Direction on surface button search the closest point to the specified Center on the selected
surfaces. The positions parameters of the reference plane are directly loaded to generate a plane
centered on the closest point on the surface that is tangent, i. e., the Z axis of the new reference plane
is the normal vector of the surface at the center point.


The reference plane is normal to the specified Z axis. Once the plane is defined, it also may be rotated
by specifying the Alpha rotation angle, in degrees.

Figure 44: Orientation of reference plane with Z-axis


The reference plane orientation is defined in spherical coordinates with the Theta and Phi angles, and
also may be rotated with the Alpha rotation.

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Figure 45: Orientation of reference plane with Spherical coordinate system


The reference plane is defined by applying the X, Y and Z rotation angles, centered at the specified

Figure 46: Orientation of reference plane with Rotation angles

Direction cosines

The reference plane’s coordinate system is directly defined by its rotation matrix.

Figure 47: Orientation of reference plane with Director cosines

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The Size section allows to change the resolution and size of the reference plane. Note that the
reference plane is always a square grid, so the Size properties affects both directions of the plane.

• The Step parameter modifies the length of all divisions.

• The Div parameter changes the number of divisions.

The Update button repaints the new reference plane with the last updated parameters.

The Reset button restores all the default parameters of the Reference Panel, so it is placed at the XY
plane and centered at the origin.

1.3.10 Set View

This submenu contains several options that set the user view to different perspectives.
• The perspective view is the real one: the camera rotates around the center.
• The parallel view sets a visualization to a plane view: the dimensions are projected always to a

Figure 48: View modes

A box has been created with the following parameters to compare the different view possibilities.

The next table shows the comparison of all views of the box.

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View Perspective Parallel

Reset view




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View Perspective Parallel




1.3.11 Render Mode

This submenu contains several options that affect how the geometry is rendered. The effects for each
one of these options can be seen in the following figures:

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Figure 49: Render modes

Figure 50: Submenu

In addition, the submenu also contains a Material Render Mode. This only modifies the figures color by
the corresponding material color.

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1.4 Edit Menu

1.4.1 Undo (Ctrl+Z)

The undo option is used to undo the previous change. The same functionality can be achieved using the
button on the toolbar.

1.4.2 Redo (Ctrl+Y)

If the user has undone any changes it is possible to redo them with this option. The same functionality
can be achieved using the button on the toolbar.

1.4.3 History
This option opens a new panel on the right side of the window. In this panel we can see and select
the different objects in the geometry view. Also we can delete this objects history or all history. It
is possible to modify the values of the parameters that define the objects by clicking on Save after
changing the values.

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Figure 51: History panel

1.4.4 Delete
With this option the user can delete a set of objects on the screen by selecting them and pressing enter.
This option is associated with the “delete” command, so this functionality can also be achieved from the
command line.

1.4.5 Delete All

This option is used to remove all the objects of the geometry. It is associated with the “delete all”
command of the command line.

1.4.6 Copy (Ctrl+C)

An object can be copied into another position. For example, given a box-shaped geometry, after clicking
on the Edit → Copy button, different options to select the objects to be copied are available:

• Copy Selection multiple objects can be selected by pressing simultaneously “Ctrl + Left Mouse
• Copy All to select all existing objects in the geometry.

With this option the user can select the object to copy by entering the coordinates where it will be
placed or by clicking directly on the geometry area and pressing enter.

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For example, in the figure below we will make a copy of the box. To do this we click on copy, select
the object and press enter. Now we introduce the points as seen in the figure and press enter. In this
example the result is shown in next Figure.

Figure 52: Initial state of the geometry

Figure 53: After copying

1.4.7 Move (Ctrl+X)

An object can be moved into another position. After clicking on the Edit → Move button, different
options to select the objects to be moved are available:

• Move Selection multiple objects can be selected by pressing simultaneously “Ctrl + Left Mouse
• Move All to select all existing objects in the geometry.

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With this option the user can select the object to move by entering the coordinates where it should be
placed or by clicking directly on the surface and pressing enter.

For example, if we want to move the object in the previous figure of the Copy section, we click on the
object and select move. For the sake of illustration, we explode the box and then select only one of the
exploded surfaces, after that, we introduce the origin and destination points. The result is shown in the
following Figure.

Figure 54: Moving a surface

1.4.8 Duplicate
This option allows to create a copy of the selected objects that is placed at the same position than the
original ones. The figure below show an example for duplicating a plane.

Figure 55: Duplicated plane

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1.4.9 Group
Two or more objects can be grouped into an unique one. This operation turns the original objects into
an imported object that can be used to perform different operations, but the properties of the original
primitives disappear.

The user can select the surfaces and then click on Group.

For example, we will apply group surfaces on surfaces of the next Figure. We can see that in the tree on
the left we have zero objects and six surfaces.

Then, select all and click on Group. We can see the result in the tree on the left of the subsequence.
Now we can see that we have zero surfaces and an object.

Figure 56: State of the geometry before grouping

Figure 57: After grouping the surfaces

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1.4.10 Explode
An object can be broken into its components. When the option Edit → Geometric Operations → Explode
is selected, a number of options to select the objects to be exploded are available:

By clicking on them, multiple objects can be selected (pressing simultaneously “Ctrl + Left Mouse

Rectangle selection by drawing a rectangle and selecting the objects inside the rectangle.

For example, In the figure below, we have an object and zero surfaces. If we select the explode option
and the whole object, we can see that we now have six surfaces and zero objects.

Figure 58: Explode

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1.4.11 Geometric Operations

Figure 59: Geometric Operations Menu

Boolean Operations

The union operation computes the total regions where at least one of the two candidate objects exits,
i.e., the OR logical operation. The order of the selected objects does not modifies the result.

Object A Object B OR

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 1

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The intersection operation computes the mutual regions of two different objects, i.e., the AND logical
operation. The order of the selected objects does not modifies the result.

Object A Object B AND

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

The difference operation computes the regions of the first object after subtracting the second one, i.e.,
the MINUS operation.

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The union-exclusive operation computes the regions where only one of the two objects exits, i.e., the
XOR logical operation. The order of the selected objects does not modifies the result.

Object A Object B XOR

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0

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The inside operation computes the regions of the first object that is completely contained in the second

The outside operation computes the regions of the first object that is not contained in the second one.

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The split operation computes the cuts that an objects produce in the other one. The command may
process both surfaces and objects, and the result is returned in the same format, i.e., after splitting a
surface, the resulting sections is returned in multiple surfaces; however, an object is returned as the
same object but with the resulting surfaces of the operation (explode it if necessary). Intersections only
is computed between different objects.

This menu contains the available options for arrays generation.

3D Array
This is an option to create an array from an existing geometry. This option lets the user easily create
a matrix of geometries. It is possible to create a circular array using the array command with the
parameter -cir <radius>.

First, create any geometry (for example a sphere). To create it, click on “Geometry”, “Solids”, and click
on “Sphere”. Now click on “Edit”, “Geometric Operations”, and click on “Array”.

This option is used to double up the selected surface. To do this, enter the number of copies in X, Y and
Z and the distance between them using a starting point and end point.

For example, create a rectangle and press the option array. Then select the desired surface as shown
in the next Figure.

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Figure 60: Selecting the sphere to replicate

Then introduce the parameters shown in the command line of the figure below and press enter. The
results are seen in the next Figure.

Figure 61: After applying the array function

This is an option to create an array from planar elements conformed to the selected surface.

Defining the cell structure on XY Plane and centered at the origin is the first step. In the example below,
a disk with center in 0,0,0 and radius 0.04 is considered.

The next step is the creation of the object or surface where the cell structure will be placed on. For
example, a sphere is created with center in 0,0,0 and radius 0.5, then it is exploded for extracting its

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Now click on Edit - Geometric Operations – Arrays – ArrayOnSurface option to start with the array

The command ask the selection of the surfaces where the cell will be placed. This selection is only valid
over surfaces entities, so objects should be exploded before using the command.

The first required option is the mode of array generation. Four different ways of cell distributions are

• Parametric This option generates a quasi-regular distribution of cells along the parametric
dimensions of the surfaces, i. e., the cells sizes may vary in the surfaces but the structure shape is
guaranteed. It is recommended for non-degenerated surfaces or when the size of the cell in X and
Y dimension must be different.
• Global This option generates a more regular distribution of cells on the surfaces, i. e., the cells
sizes and the structure shape may be slightly varied but the global quality of the array is improved.
It is recommended for most of structures but it is only available when the size of the cell in X and Y
dimension are identical.
• Projected This option generates a full regular distribution of cells along the reference plane and
then they are projected onto the target surfaces, i. e., both the cells sizes and the structure shape
are guaranteed whenever the curvature of the surfaces is soft enough. It is only recommended for
soft-curvature surfaces. When this mode is selected, the command ask whether the cells have to be
projected onto the surfaces bounds or not:
• ◦ Yes (by default) option generates and projects the cells on full surfaces, and the bounding cells
are trimmed.
◦ No option only generates cells on the rectangles (Tx Ty) that are completely inside the
• Manual This option place cells on the closest point on the surfaces to the introduced by the
user, i. e., both the cells sizes and the structure shape are guaranteed whenever the curvature
of the surfaces is soft enough in the selected points. It is recommended for customizing the cells
distribution in most of structures.

The next parameter required is the type of array. Two different types of array types are available:

• Capacitive Metallic cell structures are generated as the original one.

• Inductive: Metallic cell structured are inverted to the original one, i.e., the generated cells are
rectangular cells with holes with the shapes of the original cell.

Then, the size of the cell structure (in the units selected) is required. As a planar cell is considered, the
size in X and Y dimensions are required. In the considered example, 0.1, 0.1 are introduced.
When the sizes of cell structure in X and Y are different, the global option returns an error because the
two sizes must be identical for this mode.

The last parameter required is the selection of the planar object used as reference cell. Note that these
objects must be centered at the origin of coordinates, contained in the XY plane and surrounded by the
red rectangle (of Tx Ty sizes) highlighted. If multiple surfaces are required for the cell definition, all of
them must be grouped in one unique object.

When the array operation is finished, the original surfaces and cells are in the geometry. It may be
removed by using the Delete command.

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The next figure shows the full example of the disk array on the sphere with all the parameters required
by default (the original objects have not been deleted).

Figure 62: Disk array on sphere with global mode and capacitive type

The next figure shows the full example of the disk array on the sphere generated with parametric mode
(the original objects have not been deleted).

Figure 63: Disk array on sphere with parametric mode and capacitive type

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The next figure shows the full example of the disk array on the sphere generated with manual mode
(the original objects have not been deleted).

Figure 64: Disk array on sphere with manual mode and capacitive type

The next figure shows again the full example of the disk array on the sphere generated with the global
mode and the inductive type (the original objects have been deleted).

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Figure 65: Disk array on sphere with global mode and inductive type

The next figure shows the full example of the disk array on the sphere generated with the parametric
mode and the inductive type (the original objects have been deleted).

Figure 66: Disk array on sphere with parametric mode and inductive type

The next figure shows the full example of the disk array on the sphere generated with the manual mode
and the inductive type (the original objects have been deleted).

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Figure 67: Disk array on sphere with parametric mode and inductive type

In the last part of this section, a paraboloid is considered to evaluate the generation of a crosses array
with the projected mode.

The next figure shows the full example of the crosses array on the paraboloid with the rest of required
parameters by default (the original objects have not been deleted).

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Figure 68: Cross array on paraboloid with projected mode, projecting onto surface bounds and capacitive type

The next figure shows the full example of the cross array on the paraboloid without projecting onto
surface bounds, and the rest of required parameters by default (the original objects have not been

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Figure 69: Cross array on paraboloid with projected mode,

without projecting onto surface bounds and capacitive type

The next figure shows the full example of the cross array on the paraboloid with inductive mode and the
rest of required parameters by default (the original objects have been deleted).

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Figure 70: Cross array on paraboloid with projected mode, projecting onto surface bounds and inductive type

The next figure shows the full example of the cross array on the paraboloid without projecting onto
surface bounds inductive mode, and the rest of required parameters by default (the original objects
have been deleted).

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Figure 71: Cross array on paraboloid with projected mode,

without projecting onto surface bounds and inductive type

Scaling any geometry is also possible by using the Scale menu. When the Edit – Geometric Operations -
Scale button is clicked, different options to select the objects to be scaled are available:

• Scale Selection multiple objects can be selected by pressing simultaneously “Ctrl + Left Mouse
• Scale All to select all existing objects in the geometry.

Several options of scaling are available in this menu. To select one of them, click on Edit - Geometric
Operations – Scale menu. A cylinder centered at the origin with radius of 0.25 and height of 1 has been
generated for the following sections.

Scale 1D
By using this option, only the X, Y or Z dimension is scaled by the scale factor.

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Figure 72: Example of a cylinder scaled in the X dimension

Scale 2D
By using this option, only two of the X, Y or Z dimensions are scaled by the same scale factor.

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Figure 73: Example of a cylinder scaled in the X and Z dimensions

Scale 3D
By using this option, the three X, Y and Z dimensions are scaled by the same scale factor. This function
is the corresponding to the “scale” or “scale3D” commands.

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Figure 74: Example of a cylinder scaled in the three dimensions

Scale Non-Uniform
By using this option, the three X, Y and Z dimensions are scaled by the corresponding scale factor each

Figure 75: Example of a cylinder scaled in the three dimensions with different factors

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This option is used to rotate the selected objects. The user will select the objects and enter the
coordinates of the points that form the rotation axis and the angle of rotation and press enter, as shown
in the following figure.

Figure 76: Selecting the surface to rotate

After selecting the surface and having selected the option to rotate, introduce the desired points. The
result appears in the next Figure.

Figure 77: Rotate

The symmetry operation can be used to generate new objects. After clicking on the Edit – Geometric
Operations – Symmetric button, different options to select the objects are available:

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• Symmetry Selection multiple objects can be selected by pressing simultaneously “Ctrl + Left
Mouse button”.
• Symmetry All to select all existing objects in the geometry.
By selecting the proper surface or figure, the system will require to introduce two points. These two
points form a vector which is the vector normal to the plane of symmetry. Pressing enter creates the
symmetric of the selected surface from this plane.

Note that this option modifies the original input object. In case of wanting a copy and then symmetry
operation on the copied objects, the two operations may be grouped by using the command 'symmetric

For example, introduce a cylinder and click on Edit - Geometric operations and symmetric, and select
the surface as shown in the figure, pressing enter, introduce points as those seen in the following Figure
and the result is shown in the subsequent Figure.

Figure 78: Symmetry

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Figure 79: Symmetry

Transform to Reference Plane

This option applies the transformation of the Reference Plane to the selected objects, and also can be
used by using the localTransform command. It is useful to create geometrical objects in the default
origin and then translate and orientate them with the desired reference plane.

The figure below shows two planes of different sizes that have been created in the default system.

Figure 80: 2 planes created with the default reference plane

Then, the reference plane has been centred in the right edge of the first plane. It has been also oriented
to be contained in the YZ plane, so its Z-Axis is pointing to the X axis. By using the new reference
plane, select the second created plane and then click on Edit - Geometric Operations - Transform
to reference plane option. Note that the selected plane has been moved an rotated according to the
reference plane parameters, as shown in next figure.

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Figure 81: Dihedral after applying the 'localTransform' command to the second plane.

1.4.12 View Control Points

This menu allows you to change the control points of surfaces. It is possible to view and edit the
component values for each control point part of a surface. To use this menu, a surface has to be
selected. Objects cannot be selected unless they are exploded and a single surface part of the object is
To use this feature, select a surface, and then select View Control Points from the Edit menu or click the
toolbar icon.

A new window will appear on the right side showing a table with all the x, y, z components for each
control point the surface is made of.

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Figure 82: control point list

It is possible to select a row from this table in order to view the control point on the 3D viewer. For
instance, click on a row to tint the control point to make it visible.

Figure 83: the control point is tinted yellow when the row is clicked.

Additionally, it is possible to click on a control point to select the row in the table.

If a control point gets selected, and then dragged using the mouse, it is possible to translate it,
transforming the original geometry. This allows you to draw using the mouse the desired location of the
control points. It is not possible to change the weight of such nodes using the mouse.

Alternatively, for a more precise behaviour, it is possible to double click a cell from the table and
manually set the value for that cell. It is possible to change any cell, including position and weight for
the control point.

Figure 84: modifying the value for a component.

To exit this mode, simply select View Control Points again from the Edit menu or click the toolbar icon.

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1.4.13 Invert Normals

The Invert Normals command menu allows you to invert the normals of objects and surfaces. The
direction the normal vector of a surface is pointing to affects the way some core components of
newFASANT such as the meshing process or the simulation process work.

In order to use this functionality, select an object or a surface and then choose Invert Normals from
the Edit menu or from the toolbar. This will change the view to the Normal Editing view, displaying the
normal vectors of the surface, or from all the surfaces the selected object is made of.

Figure 85: normal vectors for a plane.

To invert the normals now, click on the geometry panel. This will swap the orientation of the normal
vectors so that now they are pointing to the other side.

Figure 86: normal vectors of such planar surface once inverted.

Though, to save the new normal vectors, select again Invert Normals from the Edit menu or click the
toolbar icon again. This will update the normals of the object

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One common perception after inverting normals is that the brightness of the planar surface changes.
The following screenshot was taken after inverting the normals. The camera was not panned nor rotated
since. Note how the surface is now brighter than on previous screenshots.

Figure 87: an inverted surface.

Surfaces are always brighter when being looked from the direction the normal vectors are pointing to.

1.4.14 Layers
The Layer Menu is opened when the user clicks on the submenu Layers – Manage Layers.

Figure 88: Layers Menu

The layers-based approach is useful to distribute the geometries into groups. Another advantage is the
possibility of making a layer invisible for an easier way to visualize and/or work with the geometry.

Layers also allow the possibility to select the objects that are on the first visual level, that is to say, the
objects that can be visualized without having others between them and the camera view.

In the following example, an imported geometry is considered. The first step is to explode the
geometry, so that the user can select independently each component (click on Edit- Explode).

After exploding the geometry, it is possible to select independently every component and then to assign
it to a new layer.

Clicking on layers around the object that is assigned to the default layer "Default". We can create new
layers by clicking on New Layers. New layers appear with fields name, show, color and selected.

• Name clicking twice we can rename the layer.

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• Show to make a layer visible or hide it.

• Color selects the color of the layer.
• Current to select the working layer where new objects will be inserted.
It is possible to delete layers by clicking on the layer and then clicking Delete button. The default layer
can not be deleted. See next Figure.

Figure 89: Layers

1.4.15 Object Properties

This option is used to visualize and edit some of the parameters of every geometrical element.

When selecting this option, and having selected an object, the following menu appears:

Figure 90: Object Properties Menu

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The following parameters may be modified within this panel:

• Name objects may be renamed.

• Layer objects may be moved from their current layer to different ones.
• Level of Detail (Render) change this bar to increase or decrease the resolution of rendering.

By depending on the type of selected object, different properties that can not be modified within this
panel are shown.

A table can also be seen in the bottom right indicating the properties of the surfaces.

Figure 91: Object Properties

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1.5 Geometry Menu

1.5.1 Importing and Exporting

When selecting a geometry, the following menu appears:

Figure 92: File Menu

The supported formats to be imported and exported by newFASANT are:

• NURBS file format (.nur extension), used only in the newFASANT software.
• IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, .igs extension) file format, widely used format for
exchange of information among CAD software.
• STEP file format.
• DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) file format.
• MSH (Mesh) file format.
• STL (STereo Lithography) file format.
• NAS (NASA STRuctureANalysis extension) file format.
• Points file, in .txt format. List or points (every point in a different line) given by their X, Y, and Z in
the same line.

Import (Ctrl+l)
The Import option allows the user to import an external geometry. After selecting this option, the
window represented in the following Figure shows up asking for the file to import. Select the file and
click on open.

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Figure 93: Open geometry dialog

Export (Ctrl+E)
The Export button lets the user export the geometry contained in the current project. Select the file
and click on Save.

To export just the selected elements instead of the whole geometry, use the "export -s" command.

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Figure 94: Export geometry dialog

1.5.2 Primitives
This section will explain the available primitives to generate the geometry. These primitives include
points, curves, surfaces and solid volumes (objects). Some remarks to take into account while reading
this section are:

• Every primitive is associated with a particular command. This means that the user is able to pass
the parameters needed to draw the primitives using the command line. In most cases, the user
can also pass these same parameters by clicking a specific point of the view area (e.g. it is possible
to pass a point parameter to a command clicking on the corresponding point in the view area and
pressing Enter). Note that for this functionality to work properly, it is required to select a Pick
option different than “NO_PICK” in the bottom menu bar, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 95: Pick options

• In some cases, figures can only be generated in a way that they are contained in a plane parallel
to the XY plane (in other words, the points in the figure share the same Z coordinate). It may be
necessary to rotate and move the figure to adjust its position to specific needs.

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• The user may limit the geometric selection to the desired type of entities. The commands that
require to select specific entities assign the Selection to the desired type automatically.

Figure 96: Selection options

When selecting the point menu item, the following submenu is shown:

Figure 97: Geometry- > Point menu

Single Point (Alt + P)

With this option the user can build a point in the space by selecting directly on the geometry view and
pressing Enter or by entering the point coordinates directly in the command line.

If the user decides to write the point directly in the command line, the components of the coordinate
must be separated with a space.

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Figure 98: Drawing a point

Multiple Points
With this option the user can place several points. Each point is given by its three Cartesian
coordinates. When as many points as desired have been inserted, the user can press the Enter button
to generate them.

Figure 99: Drawing multiple points

From Curve
With this submenu the user can generate several points along a selected curve. There are two different
options within this submenu that are explained in the following by considering a circle centered in the
origin and with a radius of 0.5.

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By Divisions
The points are generated along a curve as a result of its division in several subcurves (the curve is not
split) of identical size. The user can select the number of points to be inserted.

Figure 100: Points from Curve By Divisions.

By Distance
The points are generated along a curve when the desired length of a subcurve (the input curve is not
split) is reached. The user will introduce the desired length of every step (no points are generated when
the length of the curve is lower than the specified length).

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Figure 101: Points from Curve ByDistance.

From Surface
With this submenu the user can generate several points along the two parametric dimensions of a
selected surface. The user needs to introduce the maximum number of points along the U-dimension
and the V-dimension of the surface. When the selected surface is a trimmed surface, only the points in
the valid region (by default) or all the grid points on the surface (-noTrim option) can be obtained.

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Figure 102: Points from Surface.

Project To Surface
This menu contains two options for projecting points onto surfaces.

To Closest Point
Every point is projected onto the selected surfaces. When multiple target surfaces are selected the
points may be projected onto all surfaces, whenever the projections are perpendicular to the normal

This projection may be slow because the points are evaluated onto all surfaces.

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Figure 103: Project points to closest point.

By Direction
Every point is projected only onto the selected surfaces that are in the specified direction from the

This projection is faster than the closest one due to the direction check.

After selecting the target surfaces, the direction vector is required.

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Figure 104: Project points by direction

This menu contains the following options:

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Figure 105: Curve submenu

Control Points
This option allows the user to generate a NURBS curve specifying its control points. After selecting
this option, the console will require the degree of the curve (e.g. 1 for a linear NURBS curve, 2 for
a quadratic NURBS curve and so on). After that, the user needs to specify as many control points
(specifying their Cartesian coordinates as well as the weight associated with each point) as wished.
When enough points are inserted, the user can press Enter to finish.

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Figure 106: Drawing a cubic NURBS curve

Interpolate Points
This option allows the user to generate a curve that goes through a set of points by applying polynomial
interpolation. After selecting this option, the program will ask the degree of the polynomial to use and
the actual points to be interpolated (note that a minimum of points are needed for the interpolation to
be possible). When enough points are specified, the user can press the Enter key to finish.

Figure 107: Drawing a curve using cubic interpolation

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This option creates a curve by defining a parameter and three functions. To generate the curve it is
necessary to define the '$u' parameter. With this parameter, the user defines three functions f($u), for
the x, y, z coordinates. The resulting curve will pass through all the points.

Figure 108: Drawing a curve using function

This options allows the user to connect two distinct curves (that are in contact at least in one pont) into
one single curve. By using this operation, the two curves are combined in just one curve. The following
example shows the connection of two arcs to get a circle.

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Figure 109: ConnectCurves function

This option allows rebuilding any given curve by sampling and interpolating the resulting points. The
user needs to specify the degree of the new curve and the number of samples to take into account on
the original curve.

The figure above shows the example of a rebuilt arc.

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Figure 110: Rebuild a Curve from an original arc

This option generates tangent segments to the selected curve that cross the introduced point. Only one
curve must be selected.

If the introduced point is on the curve, only one tangent segment is generated; otherwise, more than
one segment may be inserted.

After confirming the point to across with the tangent line, the length of the segment is required. Positive
or negative lengths determine the orientation of the resulting segments.

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Figure 111: Example of tangent lines from a circle.

This option generates a normal segment to the selected curve or surface that cross the introduced
point. Only one curve or surface must be selected.

After confirming the point to across with the perpendicular line, the length of the segment is required.
Positive or negative lengths determine the orientation of the resulting segments.

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Figure 112: Example of perpendicular line from a sphere.

This option allows to create a segment between two points specified by the user.

Figure 113: Drawing a segment

This option allows the user to create a rectangle by specifying the coordinates of two opposite corners.

Remark the second corner point implicitly assumes the same z coordinate as the first point.

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Figure 114: Drawing a rectangle

This command allows the user to create a polygon specifying its vertices.

Remark The second and following points assume implicitly the same z coordinate as the first point.

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Figure 115: Drawing a polygon

Regular Polygon
This option allows the user to create a regular polygon specifying the number of sides, the center and
the radius of the circumference it is inscribed in.

Figure 116: Drawing a regular octagon

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Star Polygon
This option allows the user to create a star polygon specifying the number of vertexes, the center and
the two radius of the circumference they are inscribed in.

Figure 117: Drawing a star of eight vertexes.

This command allows the user to create a rhomboid specifying three of its vertices.

Remark The second and third points assume implicitly the same z coordinate as the first point.

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Figure 118: Drawing a rhomboid

This command allows the user to create a circumference arc specifying its central point, radius, initial
and final angles (in degrees), in this order.

Figure 119: Drawing an arc

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This option creates a circumference around a center point and with a given radius, both specified by the

Figure 120: D rawing a circle

This option creates a semicircle around a center point and with a radius, both specified by the user.
This function also receives as a parameter the direction in which the arc of the semicircle is generated
if the angle is 0, the semicircle is created in the positive Y axis direction, and greater angles describe a
counter-clockwise rotation around the Z axis).

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Figure 121: Drawing a semicircle

This option allows the user to create an ellipse by specifying its center and both radiuses.

Figure 122: Drawing an ellipse

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This option allows the user to create a parabola. The parameters to this function are directrix center
point of the parabola, focus point and corner point. The directrix point determines the axis of symmetry
of the parabola. The focus of a parabola is a fixed point on the interior of a parabola used in the formal
definition of the curve . The end point determines the length and curvature of the parabola.

Figure 123: Drawing a parabola.

This option allows the user to create a hyperbola. The function receives the following parameters three
points that represent the directrix center, focus and corner points.

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Figure 124: D rawing a hyperbola.

The primitive spiral generates a coplanar curve that turns from the center to the end point, specified by
the radius and the number of turns. The first point of the curve is at the center and the last point is at
the radius distance.

Figure 125: Spiral example of 3 turns and counter-clockwise direction

By default, the generated spiral is generated in counter-clockwise direction. To generate spirals in

clockwise direction, the parameter “-rightTurned” must be included.

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Figure 126: Spiral example of turns and clockwise direction

From Surface
This submenu contains several options to obtain curves from existing surfaces.

This option allows obtaining the curves that bound the selected surfaces (multiple surfaces and objects
may be selected). After selecting the surfaces to be considered, the corresponding curves appear as
selectable curves to be added.

• If no curves are selected, all the curves are added to the geometry.

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Figure 127: Extraction of all the curves from a cross primitive

• If one or more curves are selected, only the selection is added to the geometry. Multiple curves
may be selected by using the Ctrl-Key and the Left-Mouse button.

Figure 128: Selection of the outer curves from a cross primitive to be extracted

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Any isoparametric curve of a surface (in the U- or V-dimension) may be obtained by using this
command. To do this, only one surface will be selected. Then, tip “u” or “v” to change the parametric
dimension where the curve will be extracted and insert the parametric value of the desired coordinate
(pick mouse functions make easier this operation).

Figure 129: Isoparametric curve from a disk-sector

This menu contains the available options for splitting curves.

By Curves
Select this option when multiple curves must be mutually split. Every curve will be divided in as many
sections as required by the intersecting curves.

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Figure 130: Mutual split of two arc curves

This option is useful when a curve need to by split at a point on the own curve. The point is specified
as a parametric coordinate (between 0 and 1), and the pick mouse functions may be useful to split the
curve close to any desired point.

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Figure 131: Split a curve by a parametric coordinate

By Cutting Objects
Select this option when only some curves must be split by different objects (the parameter–cis used).
All the curves to be split must be selected in the first step, and after confirming the selection, the
cutting objects are selected.

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Figure 132: The arc or the segment is split by the other curve

Project To Surface
This menu contains two options for projecting curves onto surfaces.

To Closest Point
Every curve is projected onto the selected surfaces. When multiple target surfaces are selected the
curves may be projected onto all surfaces, whenever the projections are perpendicular to the normal

This projection may be slow because the curves are evaluated onto all surfaces.

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Figure 133: Project curves to closest point

By Direction
Every curve is projected only onto the selected surfaces that are in the specified direction from the

This projection is faster than the closest one due to the direction check.

After selecting the target surfaces, the direction vector is required.

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Figure 134: Project curves by direction

This menu contains the following options:

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Figure 135: S urface submenu

Corner Points
This option creates a new surface of three or four vertex from the given corners. The command requires
the four vertexes in order. Insert no coordinates in the fourth vertex to get a triangular surface.

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Figure 136: Surface from 3 corner points

Figure 137: Surface from 4 corner points

Control Points
This option allows the user to create a NURBS surface. The parameters that this function receives are
the number of points in u and v direction (this determines the degree of the NURBS surface) and the
points themselves. The number of points the program will ask for will be the product of the number of
points in each direction.

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Figure 138: Drawing a NURBS surface

Interpolate Points
This option allows to create a surface that passes through the points specified by the user, using
interpolation. The parameters of this function are the number of points in each direction of the surface
and the points themselves.

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Figure 139: Drawing a surface using interpolation

This option creates a surface by defining two parameters and three functions. To create the curve
is necessary to define the '$u', '$v' parameters. With these parameters, the user will define three
functions f($u, $v), for the x, y, z coordinates. The resulting surface will pass through all of the points.

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Figure 140: Drawing a surface using functions

Extrude Curve
These options allow creating a surface based on a curve. There are two different ways to do this:

• Straight This function creates a surface by applying a translation vector to an existing curve. The
parameters this function receives are the curve to be extruded (the user can select it by clicking it
on the view area or by selecting it in the tree structure), a start point and an end point. The vector
that goes from the start point to the end point will be the translation vector applied to the curve.

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Figure 141: Extrude straight

• To point This function creates a surface extruding a curve to a point. This is, given a curve to
extrude and an extrusion point, the function creates the surface resulting from connecting all the
points in the curve to the extrusion point.

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Figure 142: Extrude to point

Extrude Normal
This function returns an object with the surfaces resulting of extruding the input surfaces according to
their local normal vectors.

The resulting surfaces are a parallel approximation of the original ones, so in case of you need multiple
parallel layers, it is recommended to generate each one from the original surfaces. Take special care in
concave regions which may result wrong shapes.

The only required parameter is the extrusion distance that may be positive or negative.

The next figure shows and example of the resulting surfaces when this function is applied to a parabolic

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Figure 143: Generation of one parallel layer from a reflector.

This function creates a surface by rotating a curve around a rotational axis. This function receives the
following parameters the curve to rotate, two axis points and the initial and final angles of rotation. The
line that contains the two axis points will be considered the rotation axis.

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Figure 144: Revolve a segment to create a cone

This function allows the user to trim a surface with a set of selected curves. The function receives the
surface and one or more (closed) curves.

Note that the final surface depends on the direction of the curve used for the trim operation, as shown

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Figure 145: Squared surface trimmed by a circle

This function does the inverse operation of the trim function. It receives a trimmed surface as a
parameter and removes the cutting loops from it.

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Figure 146: Untrim a rectangular surface that had been bounded by a circle

Extend Hole
This option allows the user to trim a surface with a loop and extrude the resulting cut off part of the

To use this operation,click on “Edit → Geometric Operations → Extend Hole” option. Then, the selection
of the surface to be extruded is required. After that, select a curve or set of curves that form a closed
loop. Finally, the length of the extruded pipe is required.

The figure below shows a box that has been created and exploded. Its upper surface is going to be
extended with a hole defined by a rectangle.

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Figure 147: Definition of a rectangular hole in a surface

Figure 148: Extended rectangular hole in a surface

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Connect 2 Surfaces
This option allows the user to connect two separated surfaces by creating a new surface between them.
To use this operation select one surface, confirm it and then select the second surface.

Figure 149: Connec2Surfaces function

This option allows rebuilding any given surface by sampling and interpolating the resulting grid of
points. The user needs to specify the degrees of the new surface and number of samples (both in U-
and V-dimensions) taken into account on the original surface.

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Figure 150: Rebuild a surface

This option allows the user to create a finite plane specifying its corner points.

Remark The second point assumes implicitly the same z coordinate as the first one.

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Figure 151: Creating a plane

This option allows the user to create a disk by specifying its center point and the radius.

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Figure 152: Creating a disk

The hexagon primitive can be used to create a solid hexagon surface.

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Figure 153: Hexagon created

The ellipse option allows the user to create a solid ellipse surface, given the radius along the X axis, the
radius along the Y axis and the center point.

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Figure 154: Creating an ellipse

This menu gives the user the option to create several types of ring-shaped geometries.

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Figure 155: Creating a ring

Open Ring
This option allows the user to create an open ring surface. The parameters asked for the creation of this
type of surface are the following:

• The center point of the ring.

• The minor (inner) radius and major (outer) radius.
• The angle of the opening, in degrees.
• The direction of the opening, in degrees, that determines in which direction the opening is facing. A
angle of zero degrees means that the opening will be facing in the direction of the positive Y axis,
while larger angles of this parameters are interpreted as counter-clockwise rotations.

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Figure 156: Creating an open ring

Split Ring
This option allows the user to create a split ring, that is, a ring surface that is open at two opposite
points. The parameters that need to be supplied by the user are:

• The center point of the ring.

• The minor (inner) and major (outer) radius, as in the previous geometries.
• The opening angle, in degrees, that determines how large the openings are. Both openings are
created the same size.
• The opening direction, in degrees, that determines how the openings are oriented. An opening
direction of 0 degrees means that the openings will be oriented in the direction of the Y axis. Larger
angles are interpreted as a counter-clockwise rotation.

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Figure 157: Creating a split ring

This menu lets the user create different kind of crosses.

This function allows the user to create a cross-like surface. The parameters that this function receives
are the center point and two distances (Size A and Size B). Size A defines the side of the central square
forming the cross, while Size B defines one of the sides of each of the four rectangles around the

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Figure 158: Creating a cross

Spiral Cross
This option allows the user to create a spiral cross surface. The parameters needed for the creation
will be asked to the user, namely, the center point of the cross, the thickness of the segments and the
lengths of each segment.

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Figure 159: Creating a spiral cross

T Cross
This option allows the user to create a cross with T-shaped segments. The parameters needed for the
creation of this type of surface are the following:

• The center point of the cross.

• The thickness of the segments.
• The length of the first segment, that is, the height of each T-shaped segment.
• The length of the second segment, that is, the length of the top of the T-shaped segment.

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Figure 160: Creating a T Cross

This option allows the user to create a new trifilar surface, that is, a cross with three evenly spaced
segments. The user needs to supply several parameters, namely, the central point of the trifilar, the
thickness of the segments and the length of the segments.

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Figure 161: Creating a trifilar

This menu lets the user create different kinds of strip primitives such as spirals or interdigital lines.

Strip Hexagon
The stripHexagon primitive creates an hexagon that has a given outer thickness. The inner area of the
surface has a hole.

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Strip Trifilar
This option allows the user to create a hollow trifilar surface. The parameters needed for the creation of
a strip trifilar are the central point of the trifilar, the thickness of the (equivalent, not hollow) trifilar, the
length of the segments and the thickness of the hole of the trifilar.

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Figure 162: Creating a strip trifilar

Strip Cross
The stripCross primitive can be used to generate a cross primitive that has a defined outer thickness
and an inner hole.

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Interdigital Lines
The interdigitalLines primitive lets the user create a stripline interdigital filter. The user can define
different parameters for the geometry. Most of the settings can be selected either by writing the correct
value in the command prompt or by pick-pointing the screen. The user can preview the geometry as it
is being defined.

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This option allows the user to create a capacitance surface. The needed parameters are the center
point of the capacitance (equidistant to both plates), the separation between plates, the size (width and
height) of the plates and the length of the capacitance.

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Figure 163: Creating a capacitance

The primitive surfaceSpiral generates a coplanar set of surfaces that turns from the center to the
end point, specified by the width, the radius and the number of turns. Some configurations of these
parameters may generate invalid spirals, so the command will return an error with some suggestions for
the parameters review.

Figure 164: Surface Spiral of 3 turns and counter-clockwise direction

By default, the generated spiral is generated in counter-clockwise direction. To generate spirals in

clockwise direction, the parameter “-rightTurned” must be included.

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Figure 165: Surface Spiral of 2 turns and clockwise direction

This menu lets the user create different kinds of hypersurfaces.

This option allows the user to draw a paraboloid. This function receives the following parameters center
point (vertex), focus distance, radius and hole radius.

Figure 166: Drawing paraboloid.

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This option allows the user to create a hyperboloid. The parameters needed for this function are:

• Center point: Describes the vertex of the hyperboloid.

• Focus distance: It is defined as the distance between the vertex and focus point.
• Radius: It is the distance from the vertex to the corner point in XY plane.
• Height: It is the distance from the vertex to the corner point in Z.
• Hole radius: It is the size of the hole in the center of hyperboloid.

Figure 167: Drawing a hyperboloid.

This menu lets the user create different kinds of holes.

Circular Hole
This option allows the user to quickly create a plane with a circular hole in it. The parameters for this
primitive are the following the corner point of the plane, the size of the plane (width and depth) and the
radius of the circular hole in the plane.

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Figure 168: Creating a circular hole

Rectangular Hole
The rectangularHole primitive allows the user to quickly create a rectangular surface with a hole defined
on its center. Usage:

• First corner of plane: click the 3D View to pick-point a corner of the rectangle or provide a valid 3D
• Size of the plane: the size of the plane can be previewed by moving the cursor through the 3D
View and clicking for setting the size. Alternatively, the width and height can be provided.
• Size of the hole: the hole will be centered in the outer rectangle. Move the cursor through the 3D
View to preview the size and click to set, or provide the numeric width and height in the console.

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Figure 169: Creating a rectangular hole

Cross Hole
This option allows the user to quickly create a plane with a cross-shaped hole in it. The parameters
needed to create this primitive are the corner point of the plane, the size (width and depth) of the
plane, the thickness of the cross-shaped hole and the length of the segments of the cross.

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Figure 170: Creating a cross hole

This menu allows the user to create several types of dipoles.

Bent Dipoles
This option allows the user to create two bent dipoles in the geometry. The following parameters will be
asked to the user when creating a pair of bent dipoles:

• The center point. This point will be equidistant to the central segment of both dipoles.
• The separation between both dipoles.
• For each of the dipoles the height, thickness and length of the dipole.
These parameters must be chosen so the resulting geometry is valid (i.e dipoles do not overlap). If this
is not the case, an error will be issued and the geometry will not be created.

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Figure 171: Creating bent dipoles

Three Dipoles
This option allows the user to create three dipoles in the geometry. The following parameters will be
asked center point of the set of three dipoles, dipole size of the central dipole (width and height),
separation between dipoles and height of the lateral dipoles.

Figure 172: Creating three dipoles

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Three Dipoles Union

This option allows the user to create three joined dipoles in the geometry. When creating a primitive of
this type, the following parameters will be asked the central point of the set of dipoles, the size of the
central dipole (width and height), the separation between dipoles, the height of the lateral dipoles and
the width of the union of the three dipoles.

Figure 173: Create three joined dipoles

From Curves
This submenu contains several ways for creating surfaces by using more geometrical objects.

From Edges (Coons)

This function constructs a new surface from the closed set of edge curves that bounds the surface. This
command only needs to select the two, three or four edges that forms the boundary loop.

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Figure 174: Coons surface

Planar Surface
This option allows creating planar surfaces from multiple coplanar lines. The operation searches for
all the closed loops created by the input curves, and surfaces are generated when at least one loop is

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Figure 175: Creating a planar surface from a circle and a rectangle

This function creates a surface with a set of curves that is required in order. Skinning is a process of
blending the section curves together to form a surface. The blend direction is the v direction, sometimes
called the longitudinal direction.

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Figure 176: Joining the curves as a surface

The command sweep generates a surface by sweeping a given cross-section (profile) curve along the
rail curve. The resulting surface is always placed on the rail curve.

Note that the directions of the rail and cross-sections curves may vary the resulting surfaces.

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Figure 177: Spiral cross-section swept along a segment rail

Figure 178: Segment cross-section swept along a spiral rail

The primitive pipe generates a tube that surrounds to the given curve with a specific radius.

If the reference curve describes strong curvatures, the resulting pipe may be complex. Note that the
generated pipe has no caps.

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Figure 179: Example of pipe that surrounds a parabola.

This submenu contains several options for splitting surfaces in different ways.

Select this option when multiple surfaces must be mutually split. Every surfaces will be divided in so
many sections as required by the intersecting surfaces. The command may process both surfaces
and objects, and the result is returned in the same format, i.e., after splitting a surface, the resulting
sections is returned in multiple surfaces; however, an object is returned as the same object but with the
resulting surfaces of the operation (explode it if necessary).

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Figure 180: Mutual split of a cylinder with a plane

By Cutting Objects
Select this option when only some surfaces must be split by different objects (the command
splitSurfaces with the parameter –c is used). All the surfaces to be split must be selected in the first
step, and after confirming the selection, the cutting objects are selected (curves, surfaces and objects
are considered).

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Figure 181: Exploded plane split by an interpolated curve

By Isoparam
This option is useful when a surface need to by split in a given isoparametric curve. This operation may
be used to separate surfaces with extreme curvatures in different parts. Tip u or v to change between
the two parametric dimensions of the surface. Then, the point is specified as a parametric coordinate
(between 0 and 1), and the pick mouse functions may be useful to split the surface close to any desired

One or multiple parametric divisions may be inserted in the command line, all of them corresponding to
the selected U or V dimension.

To select the divisions points with the pick mouse functions, two different modes may be used:

• Use the left mouse button to set an unique division coordinate. The previous values are removed
and just the last one is considered.
• Use the right mouse button to add the last coordinate to the already existing values.

Confirm the selected divisions by pressing Enter key in the command line.

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Figure 182: Split a cylindrical surface by isoparam line

By Curves Projection
This menu contains two options for splitting surfaces by using the projection of any set of curves.

To Closest Point
Every cutting curve is projected onto the selected surfaces. When multiple target surfaces are selected
the curves may be projected onto all surfaces, whenever the projections are perpendicular to the
normal vectors.

This projection may be slow because the cutting curves are evaluated onto all surfaces.

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Figure 183: Split a cone with the projection of a rectangle to the closest point

By Direction
Every cutting curve is projected only onto the selected surfaces that are in the specified direction from
the curve.

This projection is faster than the closest one due to the direction check.

After selecting the cutting curves and the target surfaces, the direction vector is required to project.

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Figure 184: Split a torus with the projection of a star polygon by direction (1/2)

Figure 185: Split a torus with the projection of a star polygon by direction (2/2)

This menu contains the following options:

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Figure 186: Solid submenu

Extrude Surface
This option allows the user to create a solid volume from a surface. There are two different forms to do

• Straight: This option creates a solid object by sweeping a surface along a direction vector. This
function receives two points as parameters. The vector that connects these two points will be the
direction vector considered for the extrusion.

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Figure 187: Result of extruding a surface

• To point: This option allows the user to create a solid object by connecting all points of the surface
to a single point. The parameters needed for this operation are the surface to extrude and the

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Figure 188: Result of extruding a surface to a point

Extrude Normal
This function returns an object with the surfaces resulting of extruding the input surfaces according to
their local normal vectors plus the side surfaces to obtain a volume together the original surfaces.

The next figure shows and example of the resulting surfaces when this function is applied to four plane
with hole surfaces.

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Figure 189: Generation of a closed object with the extrudeNormal command.

The first parameter is the extrusion distance that may be positive or negative.

The second parameter is the mode to close the result object.

1. None: Only the parallel layer is returned.

2. All: Connects all edges of the surfaces. If the surfaces are connected it generates duplicate
surfaces on the outer edges.
3. Inner: Only connects the inner edges (holes) of the surfaces.
4. Outer: Only connects the outer edges (bounds) of the surfaces.
5. Auto: Study the topology and connect the naked edges. It is not recommended to use on curved
surfaces with long extrusion distances because the parallel layer may not be well connected.

This option allows the user to create a solid box. This function receives two corner points of the base
of the box (these must be two points in the same diagonal and share the same Z coordinate) and the
height of the box.

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Figure 190: Creating a box

This option creates a solid cone. The required parameters are the center point of the base of the cone,
the radius of the bottom base, the height and the radius of the top base of the cone.

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Figure 191: Creating a cone

This option allows the user to create a solid cylinder. Parameters needed for this function are the center
point of the base, its radius and its height.

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Figure 192: Creating a solid cylinder

This option allows the user to create an ellipsoid. The parameters required in this function are the
center point, major radius and minor radius.

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Figure 193: Creating an ellipsoid

This option allows the user to create a spherically blunted-tangent ogive. It is a tangent ogive with its
upper side smoothed by an sphere.

The base center, the bottom radius (measured in the the base center), the total height (measured
for the tangent ogive without being spherically blunted) and the top radius of the spherical side are the
parameters required.

A spherically blunted-tangent ogive is shown in next figure.

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Figure 194: Spherically blunted-tangent ogive

A tangent ogive with the same parameters than the spherically blunted is shown in figure below. Note
that the height of the generated ogive only agrees with the specified one when the top radius is set to
0 (tangent ogive), otherwise the ogive is shorter (spherically blunted-tangent ogive).

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Figure 195: Tangent ogive compared to the spherically blunted-tangent ogive

This option allows the user to create a trapezoidal prism. This function receives the following
parameters two corner points of the base (these must be in the same diagonal), the height and two
corner points of the top base (again, in the same diagonal).

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Figure 196: Creating a flare

This option allows creating a sphere with both the center and the radius specified by the user.

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Figure 197: Creating a sphere

This option allows creating a torus with the center, the minor radius and the major specified by the user.

Figure 198: Creating a torus

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This menu contains the following options:

Figure 199: Mesh menu options

To Surfaces
This option allows the user to explode a mesh object into several open surfaces.

Note that high density meshes may overload the GUI behaviour after being converted to surfaces.

From Surfaces
This option allows the user to create a mesh object by joining a set of surfaces.

Note that the surfaces to be converted to a mesh must have degree 2 in their U and V dimensions
without trimmed areas (which is equivalent to surfaces defined by three or four corner points). Surfaces
with higher degrees are not allowed, so the command would returns an error.

1.5.3 Tools
This submenu contains several utility tools which can be used through the command line. Most of
functions are useful to analyze parameters on the existing geometry, such as the dimensions of the
objects, the curvatures, or the overlapped areas.
The available tools are shown in the following figure:

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Figure 200: Geometry - Tools menu

This option allows the user to calculate the Euclidean distance between two given points.

Figure 201: Calculating the distance between two points

This tool allows the user to calculate the angle (in degrees) between two given vectors. Vectors are
specified by an initial point and an end point.

Figure 202: Calculating the angle between two vectors

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This tool computes the length of the selected curves. When multiple curves are selected, the length
computed is the total sum of all the curves lengths.

Figure 203: Length of a circle

This tool computes the approximate area of the selected surfaces. When multiple surfaces are selected,
the area computed is the total sum of all the surfaces areas.

Figure 204: Area of a sphere

Naked Borders
This tool shows the borders of the surfaces in the geometry that are not connected with another ones.
The command only shows the naked borders, but it asks to the answer whether the detected borders
must be added as new curves in the geometry or not, as shown in next figure.

Two different options may be used to use this command:

• If no parameters (analyzeNakedBorders) is introduced, the whole geometry is considered.

• If the parameter –s is added (analyzeNakedBorders –s), only the geometry specified by the user is

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Figure 205: Analyzing the naked borders of a cross

This tool shows the borders of the surfaces in the geometry that are considered as Edges, it means that
they are not connected with another ones or even being connected, the transition between the normal
vectors of the connected surfaces is discontinuous (define an angle greater than zero). The command
only shows the edges, but it asks to the answer whether the detected edges must be added as new
curves in the geometry or not, as shown in figure below (in this case, the 12 resulting curves has been
added and selected to be highlighted).

Two different options may be used to use this command:

• If no parameters (analyzeEdges) is introduced, the whole geometry is considered.

• If the parameter –s is added (analyzeEdges –s), only the geometry specified by the user is

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Figure 206: Analyzing the naked borders of a flare

This option identifies approximately when the curves or surfaces vary their direction at a given angle.
It may be useful for splitting strong curvatures, so the meshing-analyzing processes should be simpler.
The command only shows the points where the curves varies the desired angles, but it also asks to the
user whether the detected points must be added to the geometry or not.

The command only asks for the desired reference angle (in degrees).

The following figure shows an example of application:

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Figure 207: Example of curvature analysis on a circle

Duplicated Objects
This tool identifies the elements duplicated in the existing geometry. The duplicated elements are listed
and the user must decide how to proceed with them.

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Figure 208: Duplicated Objects panel

The elements and options available in the tool are:

• Check Normal Vectors If this option is selected, the tool identifies as duplicated elements only
those whose normal vectors of the duplicated surfaces (or direction for curves) are coherent.
• Update Button Press it to repeat the identification of the duplicated elements in the current
geometry. It is necessary when the Check Normal Vector option or some elements of the geometry
have been modified.
• Status Indicates if there are duplicated objects or not.
• List of duplicated objects found In case of identifying some duplicated elements, they are
separated in different lists. When the current selected list is changed, its details are updated and
its geometric elements are selected. If some geometric entity is deleted, the next time that the
current list is selected, the deleted element won’t be included. Two different duplicated elements
may be identified:
• ◦ Full duplicated objects, that is, identical elements. If there is one or more of this type, the
first list element contains all the duplicated entities identified (without including the original
ones) with the name “All duplicated elements”. However, the user also can inspect every
duplicated shape (including both the original shape and its duplications), as they are listed
in the next elements as “Duplicated XXX counter”, where XXX is the type of elements (point,
curve, surface or object) included, and counter is just a counter of each type.
◦ Partial duplicated objects, that is, objects with some of their surfaces duplicated with other
ones. They are listed as “Partial duplicated object Counter”, where Counter is just a counter of
partial duplicated elements.
• Selectable geometric entities in the list All the geometric elements included in a given list
of duplicated objects are shown. These elements may be selected from this list. The index of the
surface within any partial duplicated object is also shown.

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• Commands that may be useful for the selection By depending on the type of the duplicated
objects selected in the first list and the existing geometry in it, some commands are suggested to
be applied. Click twice quickly on the desired command to run it.
In the following, an example of a box and two identical planes is analysed to test this tool.

Figure 209: Example for duplicated objects identification.

Click on Geometry – Tools – Duplicated Objects to check the duplicated elements identified in the

With the default configuration, the next elements have been identified:

• All duplicated elements. Only the second plane is listed. All the duplicated elements included in
this list could be deleted to solve the identical entities duplication.

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• Duplicated object 1. The two planes are listed. The user should decide whether changing or not
one of the involved elements.

• Partial duplicated object 1. The local index of the surface duplicated within every object is

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Without changing the existing geometry, select the option Check Normal Vector and then click on the
Update button to re-run the identification. The next lists are shown:
• All duplicated elements. Only the second plane is listed.

• Duplicated object 1. The two planes are listed because their normal vector is coherent.

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• Partial duplicated objects are not listed because the normal vectors of the planes are opposite to
the duplicated surface of the box.
Without changing the existing geometry again, unselect the option Check Normal Vector and then click
on the Update button to re-run the identification and come back to the first configuration. Then select
the Partial duplicated object 1 in the list. Note that the two planes are directly selected, so click on
delete command. After deleting the two planes, the lists contain the following elements:

• All duplicated elements. Now the list is empty.

• Duplicated object 1. Now the list is also empty.
• Partial duplicated object 1. Only the box is listed because the two planes have already been

Click on Update button to re-run the identification. The Status has changed and no duplicated objects
are identified.

Overlapped Objects
This tool identifies the elements overlapped in the existing geometry. The overlapped elements are
listed and the user must decide how to proceed with them.

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Figure 210: Overlapped Objects panel

The elements and options available in the tool are:

• Check Normal Vectors If this option is selected, the tool identifies as overlapped elements only
those whose normal vectors of the overlapped surfaces (or direction for curves) are coherent.
• Update Button Press it to repeat the identification of the overlapped elements in the current
geometry. It is necessary if the Check Normal Vector option or some elements of the geometry
have been modified.
• Status Indicates whether there are overlapped objects or not.
• List of overlapped objects found In case of identifying some overlapped elements, they are
separated in different lists. When the current selected list is changed, its details are updated and
its geometric elements are selected. If some geometric entity is deleted, the next time that the
current list is selected, the deleted element won’t be included.
• Selectable geometric entities in the list All the geometric elements included in a given list of
overlapped objects are shown. These elements may be selected from this list. The index of the
surface within any partial overlapped object is also shown.
• Commands that may be useful for the selection By depending on the type of the overlapped
objects selected in the first list and the existing geometry in this list, some commands are
suggested to be applied. Click twice quickly on the desired command to run it.

In the following, an example of a box and a plane is analysed to test this tool.

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Figure 211: Example for overlapped objects identification.

Click on Geometry – Tools – Overlapped Objects to check the overlapped elements identified in the

With the default configuration, the next elements have been identified:

• Overlapped object 1. The box and the plane are listed (both are objects). The local index of the
surface duplicated within every object is shown.

Without changing the existing geometry, select the option Check Normal Vector and then click on the
Update button to re-run the identification. Then no overlapped objects are identified, as the vector
normal of the plane is in the opposite direction to the lower surface of the box.

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Without changing the existing geometry again, unselect the option Check Normal Vector and then
click on the Update button to re-run the identification and come back to the first configuration. Then
we are going to solve the overlap issue by using one of the suggested commands. Click twice on
booleanUnion, and then select the box as "objectA", and the plane as "objectB".
After finishing the booleanUnion operation, click on Update button to re-run the identification. The
Status has changed and no overlapped objects are identified, as the overlapped part of the plane has
been removed.

Split Surfaces by Curvature

This tool analyzes the curvature of the selected surfaces according to a specified angle in degrees. The
surfaces with such curvatures are listed with the list of parametric coordinates where this criterion may
be satisfied.

By default, not all the parametric coordinates will be always enabled because the analysis is performed
taking into account the neighboring surfaces, so more divisions may appear because of the adjacent
surfaces. The tool enables only the divisions that provide the angular step.

This tool only takes into account NURBS surfaces, so objects must be exploded (explode command) to
be analyzed and meshes must be converted (meshToSurfaces command). Note that meshes are made
of almost planar elements, so analyzing its curvature would not have real interest.

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Figure 212: Split Surfaces By Curvature panel

The elements and options available in the tool are:

• Angle The reference angle for the curvatures detection.

• Update Button Press it to repeat the identification of the curved surfaces in the selected list. It
must be pressed if the Angle is modified.
• Status Indicates if there are curved surfaces or not.
• List of curved surfaces found In case of identifying some curved surfaces, they are separated in
this list. The list is updated whenever some of the considered surfaces is removed of the geometry
or modified with some opperations such as group, split or boolean operations,...
• Parametric coordinates Table with the U and V coordinates where a curvature deviation has been
detected for the selected surface in the list. The detected parametric coordinates can be selected to
be visualized in Dash-Blue lines, but only the enabled coordinates are always represented in grey
• SplitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid button The curved surface selected in the list may be split by the
isoparam lines corresponding to the parametric points enabled in the U-V tables. The button only
can be used when at least one parametric coordinate is enabled.
In the following, an example of a sphere is analyzed to test this tool. Remember that the sphere must
be exploded to be analyzed with the tool.

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Figure 213: Example for splitting an sphere by curvature

Click on Geometry – Tools – Split Surfaces by Curvature to open the panel.

By selecting all the surfaces of the exploded sphere, the next two test are performed:

• Angle of 30 degrees. Select all the surfaces, insert a curvature angle of 30 degrees and then click
on Update button.

As all the surfaces of the sphere has the same shape and a curvature of 90 degrees in each parametric
dimension, they are listed with 2 parametric divisions in U and V dimensions each one. The next figure
shows the representation of the second surface in the list with all the parametric coordinates on the
table enabled and only one of then selected.

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Figure 214: Analysis of curvature on the sphere performed with 30 degrees

• Angle of 20 degrees. Select all the surfaces, insert a curvature angle of 20 degrees and then click
on update button.

As all the surfaces of the sphere has the same shape and a curvature of 90 degrees in each parametric
dimension, and the selected angle is not a divisor of 90, the curvature of 20 degrees may be different
according to the start reference point that is considered. The next figure shows the representation of
the second surface in the list with the default parametric coordinates on the table enabled and the
disabled ones in V-dimension selected. In this figure is shown that the curvature analysis provides two
different solutions the enabled and the disabled divisions.

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Figure 215: Analysis of curvature on the sphere performed with 20 degrees.

Click on SplitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid button to finish the example by dividing the surface with the
enabled parametric coordinates. After run the command, the list of curved surfaces is updated and the
first one is selected, as shown in next figure.

Figure 216: Surface of the sphere divided by the default points for 20 degrees

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Clean Surfaces
This tool allows to filter the selection of multiple surfaces by applying different criterions. Use the tool if
the geometry may contain tiny surfaces.

The selected surfaces are filtered according to the selected Criterion:

• Smallest dimension only the surfaces with their shortest side lower than the Smaller than
parameter (in Units) are kept in the original selection.
• Area only the surfaces with their area lower than the Smaller than parameter (in square Units)
are kept from the original selection.
• Perpendicular to direction only the surfaces with their normal vector perpendicular to the
direction given by the XYZ fields are kept from the previous selection. The direction from the
origin of coordinates to any point given by the mouse-click may be computed by selecting the Pick

After choosing the desired Criterion and its parameter, select the surfaces to be analyzed ( Objects
must be exploded) and click on Update button.

The Status label shows tips for filtering surfaces or information about the filtered surfaces.
The filtered surfaces are listed in the Detected tiny surfaces table. Any surface within the list may be
selected, and also the multiple selection is enabled.

• Click on Delete button to remove the surfaces selected within the Detected tiny surfaces list.
• Click on Delete Allbutton to remove the all the surfaces listed in the Detected tiny surfaces

Figure 217: Clean Surfaces panel

1.5.4 Parameters
The options in this submenu allow the user to specify certain parameters that act as variables for the
geometry. This allows parametrizing our geometries in order to be able to run several simulations

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more easily by tuning the different parameters of the geometry (thus not being necessary to redo the
geometry for different simulations).

This procedure works in the following way the user defines several parameters and their value arrays
(i.e. the possible values for the parameters) and assigns them to the geometry. This creates several
states for the geometry, which we will call “steps”. A step is a geometry state in which each of the
parameters takes the value of a specific index of its set of values. As an example, in step 1, every
parameter takes the value of the first value of its value array; in step 2 the second value and so on.
This means that there will be as many steps as the length of the larger value array of those parameters
used in the geometry.
In this way, the user can use parameters while defining the geometry. For example, the following figure
shows how to define a cube with a side length depending on a parameter called “myLength”.

Figure 218: Creating a parameterized cube

When using a parametrized geometry, the user will be able to view the results for each step in the
options of the Show Results menu.
The options explained below will allow adding parameters and visualizing the effect of these parameters
in the geometry view.

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Figure 219: Options in the Parameters submenu

Define Parameters
After selecting this option, the following panel will be shown:

Figure 220: Define Parameters panel

In this panel the user can define the parameters needed to parametrize the geometry. In the figure
above, we have defined a parameter with a value varying in the array of values (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0).
The user can define new parameters with the Add parameter button, which will add a new row in the
parameters table.
The name of the paramaters may satisfy the following requirements:

• Blank spaces are not allowed. For example, "new parameter" is not a valid name.
• No empty names are allowed.
• The name must be made-up only by alphanumeric characters and the "_" character. For example,
both "parameter1", "parameter_1", "d" and "newParameter" are valid names, while both "new
parameter", "parameter&1", "", and "?" are not valid names.

The user can set the array of values of each parameter manually. There are three ways to define

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• Implicit linear values with this way to parametrize the geometry, the user indicates the values
of the parameter. The number of values introduced will define the number of steps that the
objects parametrized obtain with this parameter. The syntax required for the implicit linear
parameters definition is a list of values, separated with commas and surrounded between "{" and
"}" characters, as in the below example.

{2, 5, 12.5, 15}

• Range of linear values with this option, the program will assign a new array of values to
the parameter. The values of this array will be uniformly chosen between the intervals, with
as many values as the number introduced after the range. The syntax required for the linear
parameters definition is an interval defined by its initial and final values, separated with commas
and surrounded between brackets, and followed by the number of samples (integer positive value)
to be taken. See the following example to parametrize in this way:

[0.0,3.0] 4 The program will assign an array of values (0, 1, 2, 3)

Values defined by functions with this option, the user can specify an expression using other
parameters and built-in functions
. If the expression is a constant value (i.e. does not use parameters) the set of values generated
for the parameter will be a singleton set containing that constant value. Otherwise, i.e. the
function depends on previously defined parameters, the set of values will contain as many values
as the smallest array used, and the actual values will be the result of the expression. See the
following examples to parameterize in this way:

cos(90) Array of a singleton set.

sin(a) Array of different values using the "a" parameter created previously.

The auxiliary parameters are automatically defined when an operation is performed on an existing
parameter, and their name starts always with the ' $' character to be identified. In this way, for
example, given a parameter named 'Length', the using of 'Length/2.0' at any operation creates (or uses
the previously created the following times) an auxiliary parameter named '$x', where 'x' notation is an
internal numeration.

The user can also delete existing parameters by selecting them and clicking the Delete parameter

Finally, the user may save the changes in the parameter list by pressing the Save button.

Set Step
This option allows the user to visualize an animation of the geometry as the value of each parameter
cycles through the set of values of the parameter. When the user selects the Set Step option, the
following panel will show:

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Figure 221: Set Step panel

This panel allows the user to select a step to view on the geometry view. There are two available
variation methods used to generate the steps:

• Cross join Generates a step for every combinations of the possible values of the parameters used
in the geometry. Parameters that are not used in the geometry will not be not considered.
• Linear The values of the parameters are the values at a specific index (determined by the step)
of the array of values. There will be as many steps as the maximum length of the value arrays of
those parameters used in the geometry.

It is also possible, as mentioned before, to see an animation of the geometry view on each step. In
order to do this, the user may change the time delay between steps and press the Run button.

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1.6 Tools
When you select a new module, the following menu appears at the top of the screen:

Figure 222: Tools Menu

1.6.1 DIA Files

In this menu we can see a set of options used to feed an antenna with the data represented in the table

Figure 223: DIA Files Editor

The radiation pattern section defines the three types that can be chosen and, depending on each one,
a different table is then displayed REV, RV2 and 3DE. The general features of each one of these options
are explained below:

Radiation pattern: In this section we can see three options the type of radiation (mentioned above),
angular range to be considered, only visible in REV type, and Polarization, to indicate a linear or circular

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Figure 224: Radiation Pattern

Theta and Phi sections used to mark the initial and final values in degrees that define the angular

Figure 225: Theta and Phi Menu

File Content In this section the user can select an operation and load in the formula using the button
Load Formula, and introduce a customized mathematical formula. To do this the Theta o Phi variables
are required, as well as the operation, shown in the drop down menu.

Figure 226: File Content

• Operations of File Content operations available to be applied to a given formula are as follows
• abs
(absolute value)


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(arccosine in radians)


(arcsine in radians)

(arctangent in radians)



(cosine in radians)

(value in degrees with a circumference of 360 parts)

(elevate a number to an exponent)


(natural logarithm)

(logarithm with the introduced base)

(logarithm in 10 base)



(to raise a number to the power)

(value in degrees with a circumference of 360 parts)

(random value)

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(round up of value)


(sine in radians)

(square root of value)

(tangent in radians)

After creating the formula, the user needs to select the cells in the table where the formula is going to
be applied and press Apply.

To insert multiple values in the table, insert the number in Value and select the required cells and then
press Fill value to selection.

In order to reset the initial values, press Update Cut Ranges.

Finally to save the data calculated using the formula, press Save or load previous data with the button
Load DIA File.

After seen the basics, let us overview each type options:

REV The user can select Phi degrees on Radiation pattern and the table will include the following

Figure 227: REV File Content

The attribute Theta describes the angle in degrees, Etheta (dB) and EPhi (dB) describe the module
and Etheta(deg) and EPhi(deg) the phase values.

RV2 With this option it is not possible to select Phi degrees on Radiation pattern. In this case the table
will contain the following information:

Figure 228: RV2 File Content

In this case the field is expressed in the E-plane components and the H-plane components (module in
dB and phase in degrees), instead of using the theta and phi components as in the previous case.

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3DE With this option it is not possible to select Phi degrees on Radiation pattern. In this case the
table will contain the following information:

Figure 229: 3DE File Content

The table values in this case are the same as those shown for the REV option. In this case the full
pattern is provided and no revolution condition is assumed.

DIA File Format

File Structure
This section describes the structure of the radiation pattern files in newFASANT.

These files are plain text files whose format depends on the kind of radiation pattern. The radiation
pattern file contains:

Title Description Possible Values

File Three lines describing the Any. These lines will be interpreted as comments.
description file.

Cut Only if radiation pattern TH=<angle>

is REV (revolution).
The cut in theta or phi.
Comments <angle> is a decimal number representing the
angle in degrees.

Polarization Only for linearly Eth

polarized antennas.
Polarization of the radiated
Eth, Eph

Polarization Only for circularly Ui

polarized antennas.
Polarization of the radiated
Ui, Ud
Comments Use Ui for LHCP polarized antennas, Ud for
RHCP polarized antennas, and Ui, Ud for both LHCP and
RHCP polarized antennas.

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Title Description Possible Values

Blank line A blank, empty line None.


Sweep Sweep in the direction of <initial_theta> <num_points_theta> <step_theta>

theta and phi. <initial_phi> <num_points_phi> <step_phi>

Comments All initial angles and steps are specified in

degrees. The values are delimited by, at least, one blank

Blank line A blank, empty line None.


And then, for each sampled direction (note brackets denote optional values and must not appear in the
radiation pattern files):

Title Description Possible Values

Data (REV) If radiation pattern <theta> [<phi>] [<eth_amplitude><eth_phase>]

of the antenna is REV [<phi_amplitude><phi_phase>].

Value of the field in the


Data (RV2) If radiation pattern <theta> [<phi>] <eplane_amplitude>

of the antenna is RV2 <eplane_phase><hplane_amplitude> <hplane_phase>
Comments HPlane phase must be equal to EPlane phase
Value of the field in the + 180 degrees.

Data (3DE) If radiation pattern <theta> [<phi>] [<eth_amplitude> <eth_phase>]

of the antenna is 3DE [<phi_amplitude> <phi_phase>]

Value of the field in the


It is necessary to define the field values for each point defined in the Sweep line.

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File Examples
How to create a Pattern File step by step

This part explains, step by step, how to create a Pattern File, in the case a 3DE Linear file with a sweep
on theta from 0º to 180º on steps of 45º and a sweep on phi from 0º to 360º with steps of 45º.For real
cases increment value is recommended to be a lower value e.g. 1º.

For field amplitude values, (dB) columns, the function will be 20*log10(pow(cosd(Theta/2.),4)) for
'Eth' column and 20*log10(pow(cosd(Theta/2.),3)) for 'Eph' column. For field phase values, (deg)
columns of the two components, the value will be 0.0.

Step 1: Select Radiation Pattern Type with the combo box named 'type'. For the case, select '3DE'

After the selection, the table contents changes to 3DE type contents. This option disables 'Cut' option
because the sweep will be on the two coordinates.

Step 2: Select Radiation Pattern Polarization with the combo box named 'Polarization'. Select 'LIN'
option in the list to generate a linear polarized pattern.

Step 3: Set Theta and Phi sweep. Introduce the initial, final and increment per step values to define the
sweep. For the case Theta starts on 0º and goes to 180º with an increment of 45º. Phi starts on 0º and
goes to 360º with an increment of 45º. Then click on ' Update Cuts Ranges' button to update Theta
and Phi columns of the table.

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Step 4: Set Etheta Field amplitude values (Eth (dB) column). To do this, is necessary to introduce the
formula on the text field named ' f(theta,Phi)' using the combo boxes of parameters and functions at
the top of the ' File Content' panel, and the ' Load Formula' button to load the selected formula on the
text field. Is possible to hand write the functions on the text field. When the formula will be completed
is necessary to select the cells to assign the values. In the case select first cell on the third column and
with 'Mayus.' key pressed select the last cell of the same column to select all the column cells. Then
click on ' Apply' button.

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Step 5: Set Etheta Field phase values (Eth (deg) column). To do this, is necessary to introduce the
value 0.0 on the text field named 'Value' at the bottom of the ' File Content' panel then select all the
cells of the column and click on ' Fill value to selection' button.

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Step 6: Set Ephi Field amplitude values (Eph (dB) column). To do this, repeat 'Step 4' with the formula
for 'Eph' component.

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Step 7: Repeat 'Step 5' with the last column to complete the file contents.

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Step 8: Export the table values as a Pattern File, '.dia', file clicking on ' Save' button at the bottom of
the ' File Content' panel and selecting the computer directory on the file chooser that appears.

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To add more complexity to the files is possible to define more complex formulas to define the values.
For example:

Set Etheta amplitude values, 'Eth (dB)'column, to the following formula.

Set Etheta phase values, 'Eth (deg)' column, from phi 135º to the end to 180º value.

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Set Ephi phase values, 'Eph (deg)' column, from phi 180º to the end to 180º value.

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Then, export the file.

Example 1: ‘boc0677.dia’ file

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Some of the contents of the file are omitted for brevity.

NAME (Semi-revolution RV2)



.0 181 1.0 .0 1 .0

.0 .00000 .0 .00000 .180

1.0 .00000 .0 .00000 .180

2.0 .00000 .0 .00000 .180

3.0 .00000 .0 .00000 .180

4.0 .00000 .0 .00000 .180

5.0 -.10000 .0 .00000 .180

6.0 -.10000 .0 -.10000 .180


177.0 -22.40000 .0 -20.10000 .180

178.0 -22.40000 .0 -19.90000 .180

179.0 -22.40000 .0 -19.60000 .180

180.0 -22.40000 .0 -19.50000 .180

Example 2 ‘antlin.dia’ file

Some of the contents of the file are omitted for brevity.





0. 181 1. 0. 72 5.

.00 .00 19.30 11.99 -13.52 16.58

1.00 .00 19.26 10.12 -12.94 12.40

2.00 .00 19.17 8.01 -12.33 11.45


178.00 .00 -45.44 152.96 -49.41 69.34

179.00 .00 -46.34 171.15 -44.65 86.60

180.00 .00 -44.81 177.94 -41.65 68.53

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.00 5.00 19.28 12.26 -3.96 190.82

1.00 5.00 19.25 10.45 -4.20 189.62

2.00 5.00 19.16 8.45 -4.55 187.06

3.00 5.00 19.03 6.38 -4.83 183.02


178.00 355.00 -38.42 115.93 -37.56 293.68

179.00 355.00 -39.74 135.22 -42.42 240.49

180.00 355.00 -38.57 137.33 -46.54 154.71

Example 3 ‘tx.dia’ file



3 GHz



0.0 19 10 0.0 1 0.0

0 -80.0 0.0

10 -15.2 0.0

20 -9.32 0.0

30 -6.02 0.0

40 -3.84 0.0

50 -2.31 0.0

60 -1.25 0.0

70 -0.54 0.0

80 -0.13 0.0

90 0.0 0.0
100 -0.13 0.0

110 -0.54 0.0

120 -1.25 0.0

130 -2.31 0.0

140 -3.84 0.0

150 -6.02 0.0

160 -9.32 0.0

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170 -15.2 0.0

180 -80.0 0.0

1.6.2 Diagram Correlation

In this section the user can calculate the correlation between two radiation pattern files. The pattern file
format must be 3DE DIA File.

Select the DIA Files with the browse buttons and click on calculate.

Figure 230: Diagram Correlation Tab

The formula below is used to calculate the correlation parameters.


1.6.3 Plot Viewer

After selecting Plot Viewer, the following menu appears at the top of the screen:

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Figure 231: Plot Viewer

This tool enables the user to visualize graphic series saved from previous calculations.

The user needs to click on Import Serie to load a previous graphic, as seen in the next figure.

Figure 232: Import Serie

The file to be imported must be saved with .txt extension and the following format is required:
• Each point to be plotted is defined by its X and Y coordinate.
• Every points to be plotted must be defined in separated lines.

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Considerer an example file (file.txt) to plot with the following content:

-5 -0.1
-4 -0.2
-3 -0.05
-2 0.075
-1 1.02
0 1.85
1 2.05
2 0.75
3 0

After importing this file, a new serie is added in the List of Series and its curve is plotted. Having a
plot within the List of Series, a new serie may be added by applying any mathematical operation to the
original one with the Functions section.

The figure below shows two plots: the first one (plot1) is obtained after importing the example file, and
the second one (squared) has been generated by squaring plot1 with the Math.pow function available
within the Java language.

Figure 233: Plot Viewer example

It is also possible to export the modified graph by clicking on Export serie, showing an analogous
In visualization it is possible to see the points of the graphic with View Points and change the color of
the selected graph with the button Change Color.

Under this menu it is possible to see a list of series that have been imported and can be removed with
the Remove button after being selected.

In other part of the window two display modes can be chosen for the representation of the imported
series: Linear and Polar.

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1.6.4 Calculator
Calculator or function evaluator. The calculator works with real and complex values as well as with
arrays. To see all the available functions type "help".

Figure 234: Help command

It is possible to evaluate expressions like "x = sin (PI / 2)". To insert custom functions go to menu
Tools→ User Functions.

1.6.5 User Functions

User Functions are an extensibility feature of newFASANT that allows the user to write general purpose
numerical functions using the Java programming language. Those functions can then be used in several
other features of newFASANT as a way for making easier and faster to work with numerical data or
other kind of data, such as defining curves or surfaces based on functions or during the post-process.

User Functions Editor

The user functions editor is an integrated environment where you can create, edit or delete user
functions that can later be used in newFASANT. Open Tools | User Functions, to start the User
Functions editor.

Figure 235: the User Functions menu item.

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This is the User Functions Editor. On your left, there is a sidebar with the different Java files currently
registered in newFASANT. There is a main container where the editor will appear once a file is opened.
At the top, a toolbar lets you perform several actions on the files or on the opened user functions.

Figure 236: The User Functions tab panel.

The following buttons are available on the toolbar for working with user function files.

Figure 237: User Functions toolbar (left button group).

• New user function creates an empty and unsaved user function.

• Open function once a function is selected in the sidebar, it will open the selected function in the
• Import user function if you have a .java file on your file system that you want to quickly import
into newFASANT for later usage, such as a user function downloaded from our Scripts Center,
you can use this button to copy a Java file into your user functions directory, instead of manually
copying and pasting the contents.
• Open user functions directory this will open your file explorer at the folder where all the Java
user functions files are actually stored at the newFASANT installation directory.

When a user function is opened, the following buttons are also available.

Figure 238: User Functions toolbar (right button group).

• Save user function saves the contents of the user function editor to disk.
• Rename user function it will ask the user for a new name for this user function file. Note that
the names given to the user function files are only relevant to the user as a way for managing the
content of the different user function files added to newFASANT. There is no real difference on how
the user interface will later execute these functions depending on the name.

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• Delete user function it will ask the user for confirmation, before deleting the selected user
function file from the hard disk. This operation cannot be undone. Keep in mind that once an user
function is deleted, projects that depend on that user function may behave unexpectedly unless it
is created again. User functions are not saved in project files.
• Undo undo the latest modification made to the editor.
• Redo redo the latest modification undone.

To open a user function, double click it from the sidebar, or click it on the sidebar and then press the
Open User Function button in the toolbar. This will display the file in the editor. The editor can keep
multiple files opened at the same time.

Figure 239: The User Functions editor with a few files opened.

You can close a user function by clicking at the Close (X) button on the tab for the user function
you want to close. Additionally, you can close the User Functions editor in order to close all the user
functions at once and remove the editor from your desktop interface. Note that if you have unsaved
changes it will ask for confirmation.

Figure 240: Asking for confirmation before closing the User Functions editor because there are unsaved changes.

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Example Functions
The general syntax for any Java function can be summarized as:

<output> <functionName> ( <inputs> ) {

// Comment Add your Java code here

The next elements are identified:

• Output It specifies the type of data that the function will return. The most common type will be
double or double [], that is, real numbers or arrays of real numbers.
• functionName Name that defines the function. This name is used to invoke the function.
• inputs Arguments required for invocating the function. Any type of argument is allowed, for
example "()" for empty arguments; "(int n)" for an integer argument; or "(double start, double
end, int samples)" for a real range defined by its boundary values and the number of samples."

Multiple functions are included in the following:

Function examples:

// Calculate the square of 'a'

double square(double a){
return a*a;

// Calculate the modulus of vector (x,y,z)

double modulusVector(double x, double y, double z){
return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);

// Calculate if 'a' is prime

int prime(int a){
// returns 1 if 'a' is prime, else return 0
for(int i=2 ; i<=(a/2) ; i++) {
if(a % i == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;

// Calculate the a-th number of the Fibonacci sequence

int fibonacci(int a){
int fib_n = 1; // fibonacci(0)
int fib_m = 1; // fibonacci(1)
int fib_i;
if (a < 0) {
return 0;
if (a < 2) {
return 1;
for(int i=2 ; i<=a ; i++) {
// calculate fibonacci(i)
fib_i = fib_n + fib_m ;
fib_n = fib_m;

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fib_m = fib_i;
return fib_i;

// Calculate the 'a' factorial (a!)

double factorial(int a){
double acc = 1;
for(int i=1 ; i<=a ; i++) {
acc = acc * i;
return acc;

// Calculate the binomial coefficients function

double binomial(int m, int n){
return (factorial(m)) / (factorial(n) * factorial(m-n));

In this section, the main applications of the User Functions are summarized.
• Calculator
• Plot Viewer
• Geometry Parameters
• Geometry Creation
• Reflectarray Layout

Take the following user functions file that will be used in the following sections. You can copy and paste
it into a new user function on your editor if you want to try these by yourself. Press New user function
to create a blank file, then write the contents of the user function file, and then press Save to save the
file. It will ask you for the name to give to the user function.

Figure 241: File name to use for this user function.

//Returns a random value between 0 and 1

double randomValue() {
return Math.random();
//Returns a random value between 'min' and 'max'
double randomValue(double min, double max) {
double size = max - min;
return min + size*Math.random();

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//Returns an array of random values between 0 and 1
double[] randomArray(int size) {
double [] array = new double[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
array[i] = randomValue();
return array;
//Returns an array of random values between 'min' and 'max'
double[] randomArray(double min, double max, int size) {
double [] array = new double[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
array[i] = randomValue(min, max);
return array;

//Generate linearly spaced vector

double[] linspace(double min, double max, int samples) {
double step = (max-min)/(samples-1);
double[] range = new double[samples];
for(int i=0; i<samples; i++) {
range[i] = min + (step*i);
return range;
//Return an array with the values of applying the 'sin' operation
//to the input arguments
double[] sinValues(double[] x) {
double[] y = new double[x.length];
for(int i=0; i<y.length; i++) {
y[i] = Math.sin(x[i]);
return y;

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Figure 242: User function example file.

Mathematical operations that use any defined user function can be used within the Calculator tool.

Click on Tools - Calculator menu. Invoke any user function, as shown in the below figure. Remember
that an user function file with the considered functions is required for this example, as mentioned in the
introduction section.

Figure 243: Using user functions in the Calculator

Plot Viewer
Values returned by user functions can also be plotted. To do that, the values must be previously
computed in the Calculator tool.

Click on Tools - Calculator menu. Invoke any user function that return an array of values, and the
use the plot sentence to visualize the values in the Plot Viewer, as shown in next figure. Remember
that an user function file with the considered functions is required for this example, as mentioned in the
introduction section.

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Figure 244: Using user functions in calculator to invoke the Plot Viewer

The plot sentence open the Plot Viewer with the selected data in a plotted serie (named plot1).
Mathematical operations can be applied to the serie to obtain new plots, as shown in the below figure.

Figure 245: Using user functions in the Plot Viewer

Geometry Parameters
User functions that return a double value can be used in the definition of geometrical parameters.

Click on Geometry - Parameters - Define Parameters menu. Remember that an user function file
with the considered functions is required for this example, as mentioned in the introduction section.
Create the three parameters that are shown in next figure. Note that it is only an training example
without further purposes, as the random (and then the y) parameters depend on the randomValue(),
so its values will be different whenever the simulation step changes.

Figure 246: Using user functions in the Define Parameters panel

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Then, the defined parameters may be used for any geometrical operation. In the below figure, a line
with variable end-point has been created.

Figure 247: Line with random end point

Geometry Creation
User functions that return a double value can be used in most of geometrical operations. Remember
that an user function file with the considered functions is required for this example, as mentioned in the
introduction section.

Most of commands may work with user functions. This section show some examples with the commands
where the user functions are especially useful.

• curveFunction The randomValue(min, max) has been used to create a sinusoid (with random
noise) curve.

Figure 248: Using user functions in the curveFunction command

• surfaceFunction The randomValue() has been used to create a sinusoid (with random noise)

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Figure 249: Using user functions in the surfaceFunction command

FMCW (Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave) is a postprocessing of the GTD-PO Module. Any project
with Doppler effect enabled can perform this postprocess. A user function is required to introduce the
signal frequency in the time domain.

See FMCW for more information.

Reflectarray Layout
The Reflectarray Layout generation requires to specify an User Function, as detailed in the New
Layout. The default function is the collimatedBeam that is included in the newFASANT installation.

Note that the reflectarray functions have no arguments but they can access to internal arguments, as
shown in the below figure.

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Figure 250: collimatedBeam user function for reflectarray layout

Java for Beginners

My First User Function
Let us look at a simple code that will print the words Hello World. Open the User Functions Editor and
add the code as above.

void myFirstUserFunction() {
This is my first java program.
This will print 'Hello World' as the output.
This is an example of multi-line comments.
// This is an example of single line comment
System.out.println("Hello World");

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> myFirstUserFunction()

Primitive Data Types

• byte: The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two's complement integer. It has a minimum value of
-128 and a maximum value of 127 (inclusive). The byte data type can be useful for saving memory
in large arrays, where the memory savings actually matters. They can also be used in place of int
where their limits help to clarify your code; the fact that a variable's range is limited can serve as a
form of documentation.

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• short: The short data type is a 16-bit signed two's complement integer. It has a minimum value of
-32,768 and a maximum value of 32,767 (inclusive). As with byte, the same guidelines apply you
can use a short to save memory in large arrays, in situations where the memory savings actually
• int: By default, the int data type is a 32-bit signed two's complement integer, which has a
minimum value of -231 and a maximum value of 231-1. In Java SE 8 and later, you can use the
int data type to represent an unsigned 32-bit integer, which has a minimum value of 0 and a
maximum value of 232-1. Use the Integer class to use int data type as an unsigned integer. See
the section The Number Classes for more information. Static methods like compareUnsigned,
divideUnsigned etc have been added to the Integer class to support the arithmetic operations for
unsigned integers.
• long: The long data type is a 64-bit two's complement integer. The signed long has a minimum
value of -263 and a maximum value of 263-1. In Java SE 8 and later, you can use the long data
type to represent an unsigned 64-bit long, which has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum
value of 264-1. Use this data type when you need a range of values wider than those provided by
int. The Long class also contains methods like compareUnsigned, divideUnsigned etc to support
arithmetic operations for unsigned long.
• float: The float data type is a single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point. Its range of values
is beyond the scope of this discussion, but is specified in the Floating-Point Types, Formats, and
Values section of the Java Language Specification. As with the recommendations for byte and
short, use a float (instead of double) if you need to save memory in large arrays of floating point
numbers. This data type should never be used for precise values, such as currency. For that, you
will need to use the java.math.BigDecimal class instead. Numbers and Strings covers BigDecimal
and other useful classes provided by the Java platform.
• double: The double data type is a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point. Its range of
values is beyond the scope of this discussion, but is specified in the Floating-Point Types, Formats,
and Values section of the Java Language Specification. For decimal values, this data type is
generally the default choice. As mentioned above, this data type should never be used for precise
values, such as currency.
• boolean: The boolean data type has only two possible values true and false. Use this data type for
simple flags that track true/false conditions. This data type represents one bit of information, but
its "size" isn't something that's precisely defined.
• char: The char data type is a single 16-bit Unicode character. It has a minimum value of
'\u0000' (or 0) and a maximum value of '\uffff' (or 65,535 inclusive).

Basic Operations
• Addition (+): Adds values on either side of the operator.
• Substraction (-): Subtracts right-hand operand from left-hand operand.
• Multiplication (*): Multiplies values on either side of the operator.
• Division (/): Divides left-hand operand by right-hand operand.
• Modulus (%): Divides left-hand operand by right-hand operand and returns remainder.
• Increment (++): Increases the value of operand by 1.
• Decrement (--): Decreases the value of operand by 1.

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void basicOperations(int a, int b, int c, int d) {

System.out.println("a + b = " + (a + b) );
System.out.println("a - b = " + (a - b) );
System.out.println("a * b = " + (a * b) );
System.out.println("b / a = " + (b / a) );
System.out.println("b % a = " + (b % a) );
System.out.println("c % a = " + (c % a) );
System.out.println("a++ = " + (a++) );
System.out.println("b-- = " + (a--) );
int f;
// Assign value to 'f'
f = (a + b) * (c * d);
System.out.println("f = " + f);

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> basicOperations(1, 2, 3, 4)

Relational operations
• Equal to (==): Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not, if yes then condition
becomes true.
• Not equal to (!=): Checks if the values of two operands are equal or not, if values are not equal
then condition becomes true.
• Greater than (>): Checks if the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand, if
yes then condition becomes true.
• Less than (<): Checks if the value of left operand is less than the value of right operand, if yes
then condition becomes true.
• Greater than or equal to(>=): Checks if the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the
value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true.
• Less than or equal to (<=): Checks if the value of left operand is less than or equal to the value
of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true.


void relationalOperations(int a, int b) {

System.out.println("a == b = " + (a == b) );
System.out.println("a != b = " + (a != b) );
System.out.println("a > b = " + (a > b) );
System.out.println("a < b = " + (a < b) );
System.out.println("b >= a = " + (b >= a) );
System.out.println("b <= a = " + (b <= a) );

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> relationalOperations(1, 2)

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Logical operations
• Logical and (&&): Called Logical AND operator. If both the operands are non-zero, then the
condition becomes true.
• Logical or (||): Called Logical OR Operator. If any of the two operands are non-zero, then the
condition becomes true.
• ! (logical not): Called Logical NOT Operator. Use to reverses the logical state of its operand. If a
condition is true then Logical NOT operator will make false.


void logicalOperations() {
boolean a = true;
boolean b = false;
System.out.println("a && b = " + (a && b));
System.out.println("a || b = " + (a || b) );
System.out.println("!(a && b) = " + !(a && b));

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> logicalOperations()

Advanced Operations (Math Class)

• double Math.E: The double value that is closer than any other to e, the base of the natural
• double Math.PI: The double value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the
circumference of a circle to its diameter.
• double Math.abs(double a): Returns the absolute value of a double value.
• float Math.abs(float a): Returns the absolute value of a float value.
• int Math.abs(int a): Returns the absolute value of an int value.
• long Math.abs(long a): Returns the absolute value of a long value.
• double Math.acos(double a): Returns the arc cosine of a value; the returned angle is in the
range 0.0 through pi.
• int Math.addExact(int x, int y): Returns the sum of its arguments, throwing an exception if the
result overflows an int.
• long Math.addExact(long x, long y): Returns the sum of its arguments, throwing an exception if
the result overflows a long.
• double Math.asin(double a): Returns the arc sine of a value; the returned angle is in the range -
pi/2 through pi/2.
• double Math.atan(double a): Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the
range -pi/2 through pi/2.
• double Math.atan2(double y, double x): Returns the angle theta from the conversion of
rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (r, theta).
• double Math.cbrt(double a): Returns the cube root of a double value.
• double Math.ceil(double a): Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that
is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.

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• double Math.copySign(double magnitude, double sign): Returns the first floating-point

argument with the sign of the second floating-point argument.
• float Math.copySign(float magnitude, float sign): Returns the first floating-point argument
with the sign of the second floating-point argument.
• double Math.cos(double a): Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle.
• double Math.cosh(double x): Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a double value.
• int Math.decrementExact(int a): Returns the argument decremented by one, throwing an
exception if the result overflows an int.
• long Math.decrementExact(long a): Returns the argument decremented by one, throwing an
exception if the result overflows a long.
• double Math.exp(double a): Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value.
• double Math.expm1(double x): Returns ex -1.
• double Math.floor(double a): Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that
is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
• int Math.floorDiv(int x, int y): Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) int value that is
less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.
• long Math.floorDiv(long x, long y): Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) long value
that is less than or equal to the algebraic quotient.
• int Math.floorMod(int x, int y): Returns the floor modulus of the int arguments.
• long Math.floorMod(long x, long y): Returns the floor modulus of the long arguments.
• int Math.getExponent(double d): Returns the unbiased exponent used in the representation of a
• int Math.getExponent(float f): Returns the unbiased exponent used in the representation of a
• double Math.hypot(double x, double y): Returns sqrt(x2 +y2) without intermediate overflow or
• double Math.IEEEremainder(double f1, double f2): Computes the remainder operation on two
arguments as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard.
• int Math.incrementExact(int a): Returns the argument incremented by one, throwing an
exception if the result overflows an int.
• long Math.incrementExact(long a): Returns the argument incremented by one, throwing an
exception if the result overflows a long.
• double Math.log(double a): Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a double value.
• double Math.log10(double a): Returns the base 10 logarithm of a double value.
• double Math.log1p(double x): Returns the natural logarithm of the sum of the argument and 1.
• double Math.max(double a, double b): Returns the greater of two double values.
• float Math.max(float a, float b): Returns the greater of two float values.
• int Math.max(int a, int b): Returns the greater of two int values.
• long Math.max(long a, long b): Returns the greater of two long values.
• double Math.min(double a, double b): Returns the smaller of two double values.
• float Math.min(float a, float b): Returns the smaller of two float values.

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• int Math.min(int a, int b): Returns the smaller of two int values.
• long Math.min(long a, long b): Returns the smaller of two long values.
• int Math.multiplyExact(int x, int y): Returns the product of the arguments, throwing an
exception if the result overflows an int.
• long Math.multiplyExact(long x, long y): Returns the product of the arguments, throwing an
exception if the result overflows a long.
• int Math.negateExact(int a): Returns the negation of the argument, throwing an exception if the
result overflows an int.
• long Math.negateExact(long a): Returns the negation of the argument, throwing an exception if
the result overflows a long.
• double Math.nextAfter(double start, double direction): Returns the floating-point number
adjacent to the first argument in the direction of the second argument.
• float Math.nextAfter(float start, double direction): Returns the floating-point number
adjacent to the first argument in the direction of the second argument.
• double Math.nextDown(double d): Returns the floating-point value adjacent to d in the
direction of negative infinity.
• float Math.nextDown(float f): Returns the floating-point value adjacent to f in the direction of
negative infinity.
• double Math.nextUp(double d): Returns the floating-point value adjacent to d in the direction of
positive infinity.
• float Math.nextUp(float f): Returns the floating-point value adjacent to f in the direction of
positive infinity.
• double Math.pow(double a, double b): Returns the value of the first argument raised to the
power of the second argument.
• double Math.random(): Returns a double value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0
and less than 1.0.
• double Math.rint(double a): Returns the double value that is closest in value to the argument
and is equal to a mathematical integer.
• long Math.round(double a): Returns the closest long to the argument, with ties rounding to
positive infinity.
• int Math.round(float a): Returns the closest int to the argument, with ties rounding to positive
• double Math.scalb(double d, int scaleFactor): Returns d × 2scaleFactor rounded as if
performed by a single correctly rounded floating-point multiply to a member of the double value
• float Math.scalb(float f, int scaleFactor): Returns f × 2scaleFactor rounded as if performed by a
single correctly rounded floating-point multiply to a member of the float value set.
• double Math.signum(double d): Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the
argument is zero, 1.0 if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0 if the argument is less than zero.
• float Math.signum(float f): Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is
zero, 1.0f if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0f if the argument is less than zero.
• double Math.sin(double a): Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.

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• double Math.sinh(double x): Returns the hyperbolic sine of a double value.

• double Math.sqrt(double a): Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double
• int Math.subtractExact(int x, int y): Returns the difference of the arguments, throwing an
exception if the result overflows an int.
• long Math.subtractExact(long x, long y): Returns the difference of the arguments, throwing an
exception if the result overflows a long.
• double Math.tan(double a): Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle.
• double Math.tanh(double x): Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a double value.
• double Math.toDegrees(double angrad): Converts an angle measured in radians to an
approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees.
• int Math.toIntExact(long value): Returns the value of the long argument; throwing an exception
if the value overflows an int.
• double Math.toRadians(double angdeg): Converts an angle measured in degrees to an
approximately equivalent angle measured in radians.
• double Math.ulp(double d): Returns the size of an ulp of the argument.
• float Math.ulp(float f): Returns the size of an ulp of the argument.


void advancedOperations() {
System.out.println("toDegrees(pi/2) " + Math.toDegrees(Math.PI/2) );
System.out.println("sin(pi/2) " + Math.sin(Math.PI/2) );
System.out.println("cos(pi/2) " + Math.cos(Math.PI/2) );
System.out.println("2 ^ 0.5 = " + Math.pow(2, 0.5) );
System.out.println("hypot(1, 1) " + Math.hypot(1, 1) );

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> advancedOperations()

If statement: An if statement consists of a boolean expression followed by one or more statements.


void ifExample(int a) {
if(a % 2 == 0) {
System.out.println("the value is pair");

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> ifExample(2)

If-else statement: An if statement can be followed by an optional else statement, which executes
when the boolean expression is false.

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void ifElseExample(int a) {
if(a >= 0) {
System.out.println("the value is positive");
} else {
System.out.println("the value is negative");

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> ifElseExample(-3)

While loop: Repeats a statement or group of statements while a given condition is true. It tests the
condition before executing the loop body.


void whileExample() {
int x = 1;
while(x <= 10) {
System.out.println("Value of x " + x );

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> whileExample()

Do while loop: Like a while statement, except that it tests the condition at the end of the loop body.


void doWhileExample() {
int x = 1;
do {
System.out.println("Value of x " + x );
} while(x <= 10);

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> doWhileExample()

For loop: Execute a sequence of statements multiple times and abbreviates the code that manages the
loop variable.


void forExample() {
for(int x = 1; x <= 10; x++) {
System.out.println("Value of x " + x );

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Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> forExample()

An array is used to store a collection of data, but it is often more useful to think of an array as a
collection of variables of the same type. To use an array in a program, you must declare a variable to
reference the array, and you must specify the type of array the variable can reference.

int[] myArray = new int[10];

Alternatively you can create arrays as follows

int[] myArray = {10, 20, 30, 40};

The array elements are accessed through the index. Array indices are 0-based; that is, they start from
0 to myArray.length-1.


void arrayExample(){
double[] myArray = {10.1, 60.2, 20.4, 50.4, 30.2, 40.1};
// Print all the array elements
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
System.out.print(" " + myArray[i] + " ");
// Summing all elements
double total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
total = total + myArray[i];
System.out.println("Total is " + total);
// Finding the largest element
double max = myArray[0];
for (int i = 1; i < myArray.length; i++) {
if (myArray[i] > max) {
max = myArray[i];
System.out.println("Max is " + max);

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> arrayExample()

ArrayList class
The ArrayList class extends AbstractList and implements the List interface. ArrayList supports dynamic
arrays that can grow as needed.

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Standard Java arrays are of a fixed length. After arrays are created, they cannot grow or shrink, which
means that you must know in advance how many elements an array will hold. Array lists are created
with an initial size. When this size is exceeded, the collection is automatically enlarged. When objects
are removed, the array may be shrunk.

void arrayListExample(){
// create an array list
ArrayList myList = new ArrayList();
// add elements to the array list
// display the array list
System.out.println("Size of myList " + myList.size());
for(int i=0; i>myList.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Item " + i + " = " + myList.get(i) );
// remove elements
// display the array list
System.out.println("Size of myList " + myList.size());
for(int i = 0; i > myList.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Item " + i + " = " + myList.get(i) );

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> arrayListExample()

HashMap Class
The HashMap class uses a hashtable to implement the Map interface. This allows the execution time of
basic operations, such as get() and put(), to remain constant even for large sets.


double[] generateRandomArray(int size){

double[] arrayDouble = new double[size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
arrayDouble[i] = Math.random();
return arrayDouble;
HashMap searchMin(double[] arrayValues){
int indexMin = 0;
double valMin = arrayValues[0];
for(int i = 1; i < arrayValues.length; i++) {
if(arrayValues[i] < valMin) {
valMin = arrayValues[i];
indexMin = i;

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HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("index", indexMin);
map.put("value", valMin);
return map;
void hashMapExample() {
// generate a random array
double[] values = generateRandomArray(10);
// print array
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
System.out.println(i + " " + values[i]);
// search minimum value and index
HashMap map = searchMin(values);
System.out.println("Minimum value " + map.get("value"));
System.out.println("Index " + map.get("index"));

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> hashMapExample()

Cmplx class
Cmplx is a class which implements complex numbers in Java. It includes basic operations that can be
performed on complex numbers such as, addition, subtraction, multiplication, conjugate, modulus and

• Cmplx(double real, double imag): Returns new complex (real,imag).

• Cmplx(double real): Returns new complex (real, 0).
• double Cmplx.real(Cmplx c): Returns the real part of a complex value.
• double Cmplx.imag(Cmplx c): Returns the imaginary part of a complex value.
• Cmplx Cmplx.conjugate(Cmplx c): Returns the conjugate of a complex value.
• Cmplx Cmplx.opposite(Cmplx c): Returns the opposite of a complex value.
• double Cmplx.mod(Cmplx c): Returns the module of a complex value.
• double Cmplx.abs(Cmplx c): Returns the absoute of a complex value. Corresponds with the
• double Cmplx.phase(Cmplx c): Returns the phase (argument) of a complex value; the returned
value is in the range 0 through 360.
• double Cmplx.arg(Cmplx c): Returns the phase (argument) of a complex value; the returned
value is in the range 0 through 2*pi.
• double Cmplx.argd(Cmplx c): Returns the phase (argument) of a complex value; the returned
value is in the range 0 through 360.
• Cmplx Cmplx.sum(Cmplx c1, Cmplx c2): Returns the sum of two complex values.
• Cmplx Cmplx.sum(Cmplx c, double d): Returns the sum of complex value by a double value.
• Cmplx Cmplx.sub(Cmplx c1,Cmplx c2): Returns the subtraction of two complex values.

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• Cmplx Cmplx.sub(Cmplx c, double d): Returns the subtraction of complex value by a double
• Cmplx Cmplx.mul(Cmplx c1, Cmplx c2): Returns the multiplication of two complex values.
• Cmplx Cmplx.mul(Cmplx c, double d): Returns the multiplication of complex value by a double
• Cmplx Cmplx.div(Cmplx c1, Cmplx c2): Returns the division of two complex values.
• Cmplx Cmplx.div(Cmplx c, double d): Returns the division of complex value by a double value.
• Cmplx Cmplx.exp(Cmplx c): Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a complex value.
• Cmplx Cmplx.sqrt(Cmplx c): Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double
• Cmplx Cmplx.sqrt(Cmplx c): Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a complex
• double Cmplx.amplitude20(Cmplx c): Returns the amplitude, in db, of a complex value from a
lineal magnitude.
• double Cmplx.amplitude10(Cmplx c): Returns the amplitude, in db, of a complex value from a
squared magnitude.
• double Cmplx.db20(double d): Returns the amplitude, in db, of a module of a complex value
from a lineal magnitude.
• double Cmplx.db10(double d): Returns the amplitude, in db, of a module of a complex value
from a squared magnitude.
• Cmplx Cmplx.nat20(Cmplx c): Returns the complex natural value of a complex value in
(dB,degrees) from a lineal magnitude.
• Cmplx Cmplx.nat10(Cmplx c): Returns the complex natural value of a complex value in
(dB,degrees) from a squared magnitude.
• double Cmplx.idb20(double d): Returns the module of a complex natural value of a value in dB
from a lineal magnitude.
• double Cmplx.idb10(double d): Returns the module of a complex natural value of a value in dB
from a squared magnitude.


void complexExample(double real, double imag){

Cmplx complex = new Cmplx(real, imag);
System.out.println("Modulus = " + Cmplx.mod(complex));
System.out.println("Argument (in radians) = " + Cmplx.arg(complex));
System.out.println("Argument (in degrees) = " + Cmplx.argd(complex));

Save the file and try in the Calculator.

> complexExample(1, -1)

Import Libraries
Files that require any additional library must start with the loading sentence, that is, "import library".

For newFASANT tool, the main libraries that can be required are:

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import java.io

import java.lang

import java.net

import java.util

Further Java Information

For more information about the Java language programming you can visit the following external links:
• https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/
• https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/index.html
• http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/

1.6.6 Script
newFASANT scripts are text files (in ASCII code) with .nfs extension that allow to save or load all the
geometrical commands that have been run.

Two type of data are generated in script files:

• Geometrical parameters defined that can be visualized within the Geometry- Parameters menu.
• Geometric operation that have been performed that can be seen within the Edit -History menu.

By using this tool, a geometry that depends on multiple parameters may be generated and exported to
be used in a different project with the same or even modified parameters. Use it whenever you need to
set-up the configuration parameters of the existing geometry.

Be careful after loading an existing script, as the original units are not taken into account for the script
loading/saving and the geometrical objects are generated in the working units.

Usage Examples
This sections show an example of application of the scripts tool. We will show how to create a dihedral
with parametric angle.

The Centimeters Units have been choosen and default Reference Plane is valid.

• First step Parameters definition. Click on Geometry - Parameters - Define Parameters

menu, and create the parameters that are shown in the figure below.

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Figure 251: Defined parameters

• Second step: Geometry creation. The dihedral consists on two square planes that share a
common edge, and the angle between them is given by the parameter angle that has been
previously defined. The next figure show the commands performed to create the geometry.

Figure 252: Commands that have been run to create a dihedral.

• Third step Script saving. Export the script by clicking on Tools - Script - Save menu.
• Fourth step Script visualization. Open the exported .nfs file with a text editor to visualize its
content. Note that a new parameter (named $1) has been automatically generated for saving a
mathematical operation. Edit the angle parameter, for example, change it from" [45.0,315.0] 7" to
"[15.0,75.0] 5".
• Fifth step Script loading. Open a new instance of newFASANT. Note that a new instance is
suggested to restart the default parameters (such as the Units) and remove both the History and
the Defined Parameters. Click on Tools - Script - Load menu and select the modified script.
Note that although the script was generated in Centimeters, the new geometry has been created
in Meters, as they are the current working Units. Now, the angle of the new dihedral is set to 15
degrees, as it is the first value defined within the script file.

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Figure 253: Modified script loading

With this option the user can execute a list of commands written in a text file. The commands written in
the file will be executed in order, one by one. This option is useful to execute a group of operations by a

Example, script that creates a geometry with copy and rotate commands:

# newFASANT script file
# Copy this content to a .nfs file and load it.
box -n myGeometry -p -1.0 -1.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
move -s myGeometry -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0
copy -s myGeometry -n myCopy -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
rotate -s myGeometry -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 45.0
copy -s myGeometry -n myCopy -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
rotate -s myGeometry -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 45.0
copy -s myGeometry -n myCopy -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
rotate -s myGeometry -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 45.0
copy -s myGeometry -n myCopy -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
rotate -s myGeometry -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 45.0
copy -s myGeometry -n myCopy -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
rotate -s myGeometry -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 45.0
copy -s myGeometry -n myCopy -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
rotate -s myGeometry -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 45.0
copy -s myGeometry -n myCopy -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
rotate -s myGeometry -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 45.0
copy -s myGeometry -n myCopy -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
rotate -s myGeometry -p 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 45.0
# End script file

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Results of the previous script.

Figure 254: Geometry after loading the script

The user can export all executed commands with this option. To see a list of executed commands, enter
into the menu Edit→ History.

Advanced Description
This section is detailed for advanced users that need to write the scripts by themselves. After
reading this section, the user may be able to understand the script examples available at https://

Regarding general information about newFASANT scripts, the next considerations must be taken into
• Blank lines may be inserted to get a more readable file.
• Comments start with "#" character. Every sentences of the current line that are written after this
character will be omitted.
• Every line run a new order. However, a line may be split in so many lines as desired, as stated in
the below specification.
• Character " \" is the Escape character, so the next character will be omitted. It is usually inserted to
split an order in multiple lines and then to obtain a more readable file.
• Order lines start with the command name.

The following specifications are applied to most of commands that may be loaded in script files:
• set command creates new parameters, specified by its name and values (it may be fixed values,
range values or even functions)

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• -n option set the output name of the resulting elements within the current command. Be careful
to provide unique names to every command; otherwise the console will not load the script after
detecting repeated output names.
• -s option list the selected objects as input arguments to the current command. It is used in
commands that require the selection of objects as input.
• -p option list the required parameters for the current command.
• -t option list the transformation matrix of the reference plane required for using the current
command. It is the next 4x4 matrix with the below specifications:

column0 column1 column2 column3

row0 m00 m01 m02 m03

row1 m10 m11 m12 m13

row2 m20 m21 m22 m23

row3 m30 m31 m32 m33

◦ the matrix is written in rows as: -t m00 m01 m02 m03 m10 m11 m12 m13 m20 m21 m22
m23 m30 m31 m32 m33
◦ the elements m00 m10 m20 within column0 defines the X unitary vector-direction of the
reference plane.
◦ the elements m01 m11 m22 within column1 defines the Y unitary vector-direction of the
reference plane.
◦ the elements m02 m12 m22 within column2 defines the Z unitary vector-direction of the
reference plane.
◦ the elements m00 m10 m20 within column3 defines the X Y Z point where the reference plane
is centered.
◦ the elements m30 m31 m32 m33 withinrow3 are always set to 0 0 0 1 respectively.
• -c option is only available in some commands, and it may be used with different purposes:
◦ It indicates that the current command will generate a copyof the input objects. It may be used
in commands such as: symmetric,...
◦ It indicates that the current command will generated a closedobject. Otherwise, only the side
surfaces are generated. It may be used in commands such as: cylinder, cone, ogive,...
◦ It indicates that the current command will have cuttingobjects that will not be modified. It is
only used in split options, such as splitSurfaces, splitCurves,...

1.6.7 Batch
This option lets you select multiple projects and execute them one by one.

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Figure 255: Batch

To add projects to the table press the button Add project. To delete multiple projects, select them in
the table and press the button Remove selected projects. Pressing the Run button to execute all
projects inserted into the table.

Figure 256: Run Batch

To stop the Batch simulations, go to Process Log tab and press Abort button. To finish the Batch
simulation, the user can be visualize the log.

Figure 257: Batch Log

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1.6.8 Remote
By default, newFASANT software has the local server meaning that the kernels used will be provided
with the software installed and must have an active license for them. With this option the user can
define a new server where newFASANT software must be installed and must have an active license for
the installed kernels. This requires setting up a connection to the server indicating its network route
(IPaddress) and the port which will connect. Once the connection is established the client sends data to
the server, which will process it and return the results to the client.

Figure 258: Remote Parameters Tab

• "New Server..." Button. Open a new window for create the connection with the new server,
introducing parameters as "name", "IP address" and "port".

Figure 259: New Server Parameters

• "Name" identification for the new server to show on the server list in the main tab.
• "Hostname" IP Address of the server.
• "Port" listening connections port. This parameters has a value default selected.

Saving the parameters with "OK" button, the main tab will have selected the new server.

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Figure 260: Remote Parameters Tab (2)

• "Check connection" Button. Allows the user check whether the server is active or is not working. If
the server is active the next message will appear:

Figure 261: Server Active message

If the server is not configured properly or has any problem the next message will appear

Figure 262: Server Not Active message

• "Delete Server" Button. Allows the user to delete any server of the servers stored.
• "Enable server fallback". This option check all the servers on the list looking for one active.
• "Import" Button. This option load the configuration information about the servers from a selected
• "Export" Button. This option save the configuration information about the servers on a selected file.
Previously user must save all changes with "Save" Button.

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1.7 Help Menu

When selecting Help, the following menu appears:

Figure 263: Help menu.

1.7.1 About
In this menu some specific information about newFASANT is shown. Important information about the
software release being used is included as well.

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1.8 Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options

This section explains the advanced options menu that appears when the user clicking with a right

Figure 264: Chart Advanced Options menu

1.8.1 Properties
This section explains the following properties panel, that appears clicking on "Properties..." option on
the main menu:

This panel is divided on three tabs:

This tab allows the user to configure the following parameters referenced to the title of the chart:

• Show Title. When this check box is selected, the title will be visible on the chart panel, otherwise
there is no visible title.

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• Text. This text field set the name for the chart title.
• Font. This option allows the user to configure the font settings. The text field resumes the current
configuration and "Select..." button displays a panel to customize the configuration.

◦ Font. With this panel the user select the font family for the title.
◦ Size. With this panel the user select the font size for the title.
◦ Attributes. With this panel the user can apply bold and italic effects to the font.
• Color. This option allows the user to configure the font color. The text field shows the current color
and "Select..." button displays a panel to select a new color.

This tab allows the user to configure the parameters for the axis and the appearance, divided on three
• Domain Axis. With this tab the user configures the parameters for the horizontal axis (X):

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"General" panel has the following parameters:

◦ Label. This text field set the name for the axis.
◦ Font. This option allows the user to configure the font settings. The text field resumes the
current configuration and "Select..." button displays a panel to customize the configuration.
The panel that appears is the same as the 'Font' option explained on 'Title' tab.
◦ Paint. This option allows the user to configure the font color. The text field shows the current
color and "Select..." button displays a panel to select a new color. The panel that appears is the
same as the 'Font' option explained on 'Title' tab.

"Other" panel has the following parameters, divided on three tabs:

• Ticks. This tab configures the parameters to the ticks of the axis:

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◦ Show tick labels. When this check box is selected, ticks values will be visible over the axis.
◦ Tick Label Font. This option allows the user to configure the font settings. The text field
resumes the current configuration and "Select..." button displays a panel to customize the
configuration. The panel that appears is the same as the other 'Font' option explained on this
◦ Show tick marks. When this check box is selected, ticks will be visible over the axis.
• Range. This tab configures the parameters to the ticks of the axis:

◦ Auto-adjust range. When this check box is selected, the maximum and minimum visible values
for the axis on the chart will be calculated automatically over the range of values. This option

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calculates the total range with a margin before the first value and after the last value of the
represented plot.
◦ Minimum range value. This option allows the user to configure the initial value for the chart
(this value is not the first value of the plot to be represented). This value can be used to have
or not a margin before the represented plot. Can be used to eliminate some values at the
beginning of the represented plot. This option is only enabled if the "Auto-adjust range" check
box is not selected.
◦ Maximum range value. This option allows the user to configure the final value for the chart
(this value is not the last value of the plot to be represented). This value can be used to have
or not a margin after the represented plot. Can be used to eliminate some values at the ending
of the represented plot. This option is only enabled if the "Auto-adjust range" check box is not
• TickUnit. This tab configures the parameters to the units of the ticks of the axis:

◦ Auto-selection of TickUnit. When this check box is selected, the value between two consecutive
ticks for the axis on the chart will be calculated automatically over the range of values.
◦ TickUnit value. This option allows the user to configure the value for the interval between two
consecutive ticks. This option is only enabled if the "Auto-selection of TickUnit" check box is
not selected.
• Range Axis. With this tab the user configures the parameters for the vertical axis (Y):
• Appearance. With this tab the user configures the parameters for the chart:

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◦ Outline stroke. This option allows the user to select the type of the outline of the chart. With
"Select..." button a panel appears, where the user can select the prefer type of line.
◦ Outline paint. This option allows the user to configure the outline color of the chart. The text
field shows the current color and "Select..." button displays a panel to select a new color. The
panel that appears is the same as the other color choosers explained on this section.
◦ Background paint. This option allows the user to configure the background color of the chart.
The text field shows the current color and "Select..." button displays a panel to select a new
color. The panel that appears is the same as the other color choosers explained on this section.
◦ Orientation. This option allows the user to select the orientation of the chart. When "Vertical"
option is selected, the domain appears on the horizontal axis and the range appears on the
vertical axis. Otherwise, the axis for the domain and the range will be changed.

This tab allows the user to configure the parameters for the appearance of the plot and series:

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• Draw anti-aliased. When this option is selected,the display of the graph is improved, smoothing the
contours of the components. When this option is selected, chart drawing has more definition for all
the drawing components.
• Background paint. This option allows the user to configure the Background color of the chart panel,
not the chart. The text field shows the current color and "Select..." button displays a panel to select
a new color. The panel that appears is the same as the other color choosers explained on this
• Series Paint. This option is not implemented.
• Series Stroke. This option is not implemented.
• Series Outline Paint. This option is not implemented.
• Series Outline Stroke. This option is not implemented.

1.8.2 Copy
This option allows the user to copy the chart panel to paste on a desired file.

1.8.3 Save As
This option allows the user to save the chart panel as a file. When this option is selected a submenu
appears to select the file format to the output file:

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Figure 265: Selecting "PNG...", "SVG..." or "PDF..." a file chooser appears to select the path to the output file.

1.8.4 Print
This option allows the user to print the chart panel. When this option is selected a panel appears to
configure printing parameters:

Figure 266: This panel is a default printing panel that allows configure parameters as:

• Size ('Tamaño' on the figure). Size of the print paper.

• Printer ('Origen' on the figure). Machine used to print the chart.
• Orientation ('Orientación' on the figure). Orientation of the print pages, vertical or horizontal.
• Margins ('Márgenes' on the figure). Margins at the four sides of the page to keep without print.

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1.8.5 Zoom In
This option allow the user to reduce the visualization range of the chart to see less values. When this
option is selected a sub-menu appears with three options to the zoom:

• Both Axes. Reduce the visualization range on the two coordinates of the chart.
• Domain Axis. Reduce the visualization range on the horizontal axis of the chart.
• Range Axis. Reduce the visualization range on the vertical axis of the chart.

1.8.6 Zoom Out

This option allow the user to enlarge the visualization ranges of the chart to see more values. When this
option is selected a sub-menu appears with three options to the zoom:

• Both Axes. Enlarge the visualization range on the two coordinates of the chart.
• Domain Axis. Enlarge the visualization range on the horizontal axis of the chart.
• Range Axis. Enlarge the visualization range on the vertical axis of the chart.

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1.8.7 Auto Range

This option allow the user to set the range of the chart values automatically, calculated over the
represented values. When this option is selected, a sub-menu appears with three options to set the
Auto Range:

• Both Axes. Set the chart values automatically on the two coordinates.
• Domain Axis. Set the chart values automatically on the horizontal axis.
• Range Axis. Set the chart values automatically on the vertical axis.

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1.9 Annex 2: Inverting Normals

We created a cube of side 2. We select the cube and click on normal button in the upper bar.

The normal vectors with their senses are visualized.

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By clicking on the main window the sense of the normal vectors are changed.

By clicking on the "Normals" button the new normal senses are saved.

By clicking on the "shaded with lines" button the cube appears with a dark color because its normal is
pointing ingoing.

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We click again in"Normal button" and then in the main window the change the sense of normal. Finally
we click on "Normals button" to save the new normal sense.

Now we have the cube with a brilliant color because its normal is pointing outgoing.

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Some time is useful change the color to a more clear one. For that click on Layer, manage layer.

Change the color of the layer.

Now we will change the sense of the normal of only the surface in the top of the cube. We select the
cube and explode it.

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We select the surface in the top and click on the "Normals" button.

We click on the main window the change the sense of the normal of the top surface.

We save the new normal sense of the top surface by clicking on the “Normal” button.

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Now the top surfaces are darker than the other surfaces because the normal in the top surface is
pointing ingoing.

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Post-Process 2
2 Post-Process

Results can be post-processed to obtain customized results.

This chapter covers the following:

• 2.1 Post-Process Menu (p. 269)

• 2.2 Post-Process Window (p. 270)
• 2.3 Trace Window (p. 272)
• 2.4 Trace Results Output (p. 276)
• 2.5 Examples (p. 280)
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2.1 Post-Process Menu

Post-Process is an option from the “Show Results” menu, available for some modules.

Figure 267: Show Results menu

The steps to be followed in order to post-process a result are the same in all the cases:
1. Select the type of the representation for the results in the first window that appears (post-process

2. Select, on the second window (trace window), the type of the results for the post-processing, set the
required options and select the domain of the representation (only for table and plot representations).

In the next chapters more details are given regarding the functionalities of the two windows that post-
process uses to get a customized result.

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2.2 Post-Process Window

This window allows the user to select the type of representation to visualize the new trace.

Figure 268: Post-Process Window

New Trace options:

- Table visualize the results as a table of values indicating, for each value of the domain, the value of
the result to be associated.

Figure 269: Table trace

- Plot visualize the results as a plot of values drawing a line that represent the result values for each
value of the domain of representation.

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Figure 270: Plot trace

Most of plots show 2-D curves of a result field versus an input parameter. This type of graphics share
additional features of zoom, raxis and curves edition, and so on. To read more information about the
chart options (when clicking on the right button over a chart) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

- Text File visualize the results on plain text and show the results file.

Figure 271: Diagram Trace

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2.3 Trace Window

Figure 272: Trace Window

2.3.1 Trace Options Panel

This panel allows the user to configure the results that will be shown in the new trace.

- Simulation Results in this list, the user selects the type of the result to visualize. This list only includes
the results according to the type of representation selected from the post-process window. For example,
if the user selects the “table” option in the post-process window, the “Current Density” option for
the simulation result will not appear because “Current Density” results only can only be visualized in
diagram trace.

- Results Type in this list, the user selects a sub-type form the results selected on the previous list. This
list only includes the sub-types of the results selected on the previous list, modifying it when the user
changes the selected value on the “Simulation Results” list.

- Results Options this list is an auxiliary list that will be filled only if the results have other options
(additional to the “Result Type” options). This list will be used, for example, for the “Near Field” results
that have “Ex”, “Ey”,“Ez”,“ETotal”,“Hx”,“Hy”,“Hz” and“HTotal” as “Results Type” and “Scatter”, “Direct”
and “Total” as “Result Options”.

- Project Options allows the user to select which project will take the results to load at that time to bring
them into line results. The projects will be displayed in the list with the name of the project in question,
accompanied by the nickname that will put the loaded result, for example, if the selected project is

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"Project002.nfp (_1)" and the result selected in "ETheta" when loaded in the result line will appear as
"ETheta_2" .

- “Import trace from project” button Allows the user to import the result that corresponds with a
previous project having these same results. This button shows a window where the user needs to select
the “.nfp” file(s) to import the results. Then, in the “Result Type” list, a new option appears including
the name of the selected option with an added numeric value corresponding to each imported file.

Figure 273: Import trace Window

• “Delete” remove the selected row for the file previously imported and close it from imported
• “Import” import the results from a selected file and open the project to used its results.
• “Save” load the changes into "Trace Window" to actualise the enable imported projects.

2.3.2 Trace Representation Panel

This panel allows the user to configure the representation of the results and the application of formulas
over the original results to customize the results to be visualized.
• Domain: this list allows the user to select a parameter to visualize the results (applying a function
to such parameter). For each value of this parameter one result value will be visualized.
• “Parameters”: this button shows a window that allows the user to configure the options for the
domain of the representation. This window is specific for the result type selected and includes
parameters such as “step”, “frequency”, “cut” (for far field), “point”, “observation” (for near field)
and “Angular Average” for results with domain in degrees and trace type as table, plot or diagram.
• Trace: this option shows the value that, as a function of the original results, will be represented
as a result. This option allows the user to customize the representation results with the operation
option and the selected original results.
• Operation: this list allows the user to select an operation to be applied to the trace results. The list
contains all the operations supported. The operations are:
◦ <none> apply the result type directly.
◦ abs returns the absolute value of the value.

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◦ acos returns the arc cosine value in degrees.

◦ acosr returns the arc cosine value in radians.
◦ ampl10 returns the amplitude in dB of a squared magnitude value.
◦ ampl20:returns the amplitude in dB of a lineal magnitude value.
◦ asin returns the arc sine value in degrees.
◦ asinr returns the arc sine value in radians.
◦ atan returns the arc tangent value in degrees.
◦ atanr returns the arc tangent value in radians.
◦ ceil rounds value to the higher integer.
◦ complex returns a new complex number with the first parameter as real part and second
parameter as imaginary part.
◦ cos returns the cosine value of the value introduced in degrees.
◦ cosr returns the cosine value of the value introduced in radians.
◦ dB10 returns the amplitude in dB of a squared magnitude value.
◦ dBNormalized10 returns the normalized amplitude in dB of a squared magnitude value.
◦ dB20 returns the amplitude in dB of a lineal magnitude value.
◦ dBNormalized20 returns the normalized amplitude in dB of a lineal magnitude value.
◦ deg returns the value in degrees from a value in radians.
◦ exp returns the power of ‘e’ raised to the specified the value.
◦ floor truncates to the lower integer value.
◦ imag returns the imaginary part of a complex value
◦ ln returns the natural logarithm of the value
◦ log returns the logarithm in base of the first parameter form the second parameter.
◦ log10 returns the logarithm in base 10 of the value.
◦ max returns the maximum value of the parameters.
◦ min returns the minimum value of the parameters.
◦ mod returns the module of a complex value.
◦ nat10 returns the natural value of a squared magnitude. Returns a complex value if the input
is complex and the module of the natural complex if the input is real.
◦ nat20 returns the natural value of a lineal magnitude. Returns a complex value if the input is
complex and the module of the natural complex if the input is real.
◦ phase returns the phase value from a complex value in natural units.
◦ pow returns the power of the first argument raised to second argument.
◦ rad returns the value in radians from a value in degrees.
◦ random returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
◦ rcs returns the Radar Cross Section value from the value.
◦ real returns the real part of a complex value.
◦ round returns the nearest integer value of the input value.
◦ sin returns the sine of the value introduced in degrees.

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◦ sinr returns the sine of the value introduced in radians.

◦ sqrt returns the square root of the value.
◦ tan returns the tangent of the value introduced in degrees.
◦ tanr returns the tangent of the value introduced in radians.
• Operation: "Apply" button this button allows the user to apply the selected operation to the
represented trace. There are two possibilities to apply the operations:
◦ If the user selects some text in the trace text before clicking on this button, the operation will
be applied over the selected text.
◦ If the user doesn't select some text, the operation will be applied over the Result Type option
and will be written at the cursor position of the trace text.
• Constant: this list allows the user to select a constant to be added to the trace formula. The list
contains all the constants defined. The constants are:
◦ E: adds the value of 'e' number.
◦ PI: adds the value of 'PI'.
◦ J: adds the value of the (0,1) complex number.
◦ SubJ: adds the value of the (0,-1) complex number.
• Constant "Apply" button: this button allows the user to apply the selected constant to the trace
formula. The constant will be applied at the cursor position of the trace text.

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2.4 Trace Results Output

This section explains the output results returned by the selected options on "Simulation Results",
"Results Type" and "Results Options" combo boxes of "Trace" window.

Table 1: Far Field and Radiation Pattern Results

Simulation Results Results Type Results Options Output

FarField / Lineal ETheta Complex natural of

RadiationPattern ETheta Field.

FarField / Lineal EPhi Complex natural of EPhi

RadiationPattern Field.

FarField / Lineal ETotal Complex natural of

RadiationPattern ETotal Field.

FarField / Lineal Ex Complex natural of Ex

RadiationPattern Field.

FarField / Lineal Ey Complex natural of Ey

RadiationPattern Field.

FarField / Lineal ExEyTotal Complex natural of

RadiationPattern ExEyTotal Field.

FarField / Circular RHCP Complex natural of

RadiationPattern RHCP Field.

FarField / Circular LHCP Complex natural of

RadiationPattern LHCP Field.

FarField / Circular CircularTotal Complex natural of

RadiationPattern CircularTotal Field.

FarField / Circular AxialRatio Axial Ratio value in dB.


FarField / +/-45 +45 Complex natural of +45

RadiationPattern Field.

FarField / +/-45 -45 Complex natural of -45

RadiationPattern Field.

FarField / 3er Ludwing 3X_Co-Polar Complex natural of

RadiationPattern 3X_Co-Polar Field.

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Simulation Results Results Type Results Options Output

FarField / 3er Ludwing 3X_Cross-Polar Complex natural of

RadiationPattern 3X_Cross-Polar Field.

FarField / 3er Ludwing 3Y_Co-Polar Complex natural of

RadiationPattern 3Y_Co-Polar Field.

FarField / 3er Ludwing 3Y_Cross-Polar Complex natural of

RadiationPattern 3Y_Cross-Polar Field.

FarField / Gain ETheta Complex natural of

RadiationPattern ETheta Power.

FarField / Gain EPhi Complex natural of EPhi

RadiationPattern Power.

FarField / Gain ETotal Total Power value in dBi.


Table 2: Far Field Results (PO Module)

Simulation Results Results Type Results Options Output

FarField VV <<Effects>> Complex natural of VV

Field for selected effect.

FarField HV <<Effects>> Complex natural of HV

Field for selected effect.

FarField VH <<Effects>> Complex natural of VH

Field for selected effect.

FarField HH <<Effects>> Complex natural of HH

Field for selected effect.

FarField VTotal <<Effects>> Complex natural of

VTotal Field for selected

FarField HTotal <<Effects>> Complex natural of

HTotal Field for selected

<<Effects>> Can be "Total", "Simple Reflection", "Double Reflection", "Triple Reflection" or "Diffraction"

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Table 3: Near Field Results

Simulation Results Results Type Results Options Output

NearField Ex <<Type>> Complex natural of Ex

Field of selected type.

NearField Ey <<Type>> Complex natural of Ey

Field of selected type.

NearField Ez <<Type>> Complex natural of Ez

Field of selected type.

NearField ETotal <<Type>> Complex natural of

ETotal Field of selected

NearField Hx <<Type>> Complex natural of Hx

Field of selected type.

NearField Hy <<Type>> Complex natural of Hy

Field of selected type.

NearField Hz <<Type>> Complex natural of Hz

Field of selected type.

NearField HTotal <<Type>> Complex natural of

HTotal Field of selected

<<Type>> Can be "Scatter", "Direct" or "Total"

Table 4: Current Density Results

Simulation Results Results Type Results Options Output

Current Density X - Natural value of X

current value.

Current Density Y - Natural value of Y

current value.

Current Density Z - Natural value of Z

current value.

Current Density Total - Natural value of Total

current value.

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Table 5: Charge Density Results

Simulation Results Results Type Results Options Output

Charge Density Density - Natural value of charge


Table 6: RCS (MONCROS Module)

Simulation Results Results Type Results Options Output

RCS ETheta - Complex natural of

ETheta Field.

RCS EPhi - Complex natural of EPhi


RCS ETotal - Complex natural of

ETotal Field.

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2.5 Examples
In this section some basic examples of the use of the post-process functionality are shown. For the
examples a case of the MOM Module is considered. Obtain the radiation of four planes of 250mm per
side centred at points (0,0,0), (0,0,0.25), (0,0,5.25) and (0,0,5.5), on mm units, at 5.0 GHz, using a
plane wave source with default parameters and the default solver parameters. The are two 'Observation
Points' defined two planes of 100x100 mm centred at (0 0 -0.5) and (0,0,6), on mm units and with
11x11 points.

To see more information about the chart options (when clicking on the right button over a chart) see
Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

2.5.1 Example 1: Table Trace

Step 1: Select “Table” option on “Post-Process” window.

Figure 274: Step 1

Step 2:Select the simulation results and the type and sub-type from it.

Step 3:Select the domain and apply the desired operations over the original results.

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Figure 275: Step 2 and Step 3

Step 4:Click on “OK” and visualize the result.

Figure 276: Step 4

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2.5.2 Example 2: Plot Trace

Step 1: Select “Plot” from the “Post-Process” window.

Figure 277: Step 1

Step 2: Select the simulation results and the type and sub-type from it.

Step 3: Select the domain and apply the desired operations over the original results.

Figure 278: Step 2 and Step 3

Step 4: Click on “OK” button and visualize the result.

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Figure 279: Step 4

2.5.3 Example 3: Diagram 2D Trace

Step 1: Select the “Diagram” option on the “Post-Process” window.

Figure 280: Step 1

Step 2: Select the simulation results and the type and sub-type from it.

Step 3: Select the domain and apply the desired operations over the original results.

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Figure 281: Step 2 and Step 3

Step 4: Click on “OK” button and visualize the result.

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Figure 282: Step 4

2.5.4 Example 4: Diagram 3D Trace

Step 1: Select the “Diagram” option on “Post-Process” window.

Figure 283: Step 1

Step 2: Select the simulation results and the type and sub-type from it.

Step 3: Select the domain and apply the desired operations over the original results.

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Figure 284: Step 2 and Step 3

Step 4: Click on “OK” and visualize the result.

Figure 285: Step 4

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Antennas 3
3 Antennas

A large collection of antennas are supported as well as importing radiation patterns and specifying the
antenna feeding.

This chapter covers the following:

• 3.1 Plane Wave (p. 288)

• 3.2 Dipole (p. 290)
• 3.3 Pattern File (p. 298)
• 3.4 Equivalent Sources (p. 304)
• 3.5 Coaxial Feed (p. 309)
• 3.6 Waveguides (p. 310)
• 3.7 Primitive Antenna (p. 312)
• 3.8 Radome (p. 349)
• 3.9 Reflectors (p. 353)
• 3.10 Reflectarrays (p. 364)
• 3.11 Import Pattern File (p. 367)
• 3.12 Edit Antenna (p. 368)
• 3.13 Delete Antenna (p. 369)
• 3.14 Antenna Size (p. 370)
• 3.15 Antenna Feeding (p. 371)
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3.1 Plane Wave

One possible kind of excitation source is the plane wave. If enabled, a plane wave with the parameters
described by the user will be simulated. When a plane wave is being defined, a panel similar to the one
displayed in the following figure is presented. The user can modify the values for the polarization wave
and the incidence angle, represented using spherical coordinates.

Figure 286: Plane wave parameters

A plane wave has the following properties:

• Polarization Wave this value specifies the polarization for the incident field of the plane wave.
• Incidence Angle this value specifies the incidence direction for the plane wave.
• Monostatic this check box enables the Monostatic mode, causing the values set in Incidence Angle
to be ignored in order to use the range of angles specified in Observation Directions.

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Figure 287: Adding a Coaxial feeding point

To add the Observation Directions, the user must select Obervation Directions in the Output dropdown.

Figure 288: Observation directions parameters

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3.2 Dipole
This menu allows the user to create Dipole antennas.

Figure 289: Dipoles Menu

The following menu items are available:

• Dipole Antenna: using this option the user is able to create a single dipole.
• Dipole Array: using this option the user is able to create an array of dipoles.
• Attach Dipole to Object: using this option lets the user to attach (associate) a pre-existent dipole
to an object.

3.2.1 Dipole Antenna

Using the "Dipole Antenna" option, the user can define the parameters for a dipole antenna that will be
added to the project and processed during simulation.

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Figure 290: Dipole Antenna panel

The following options are available:

• Set dipoles this setting specifies how many magnetic and electric dipoles have to be generated.
This feature is covered later in this section.
◦ Number of magnetic dipoles: sets the number of magnetic dipoles that the generated dipole
will have.
◦ Number of electric dipoles: sets the number of electric dipoles that the generated dipole will
• Components: the amplitude and phase for the dipole moment of the generated antenna.
• Position: the Cartesian center for the generated antenna. For a more precise mode, the pick-point
mode can be enabled. Select Pick, then click anywhere in the 3D Panel. The position fields will be
filled with the coordinates of the clicked point.
• Orientation: dipole antenna rotation. There are multiple ways of setting the orientation.
◦ Director Cosines: manually set the director cosines for the dipole.
◦ Spherical: set the orientation using spherical system (theta, phi, alpha).
◦ Rotation: specify X, Y, and Z angles in degrees.
◦ Z-Axis: this option can be used for manually defining the local Z-axis of the dipole.
• Relative to reference plane: when this option is set, the given coordinates and rotations are
considered relative to the coordinate system defined by the current reference plane. If this option is
unchecked, the given position and rotation are absolute.

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When the number of magnetic dipoles is greater than 0, the position and orientation of magnetic dipoles
can be selected by pressing the Position button.

Figure 291: Magnetic Dipoles

The selector at the top of the window lists every magnetic dipole defined in the antenna. The following
settings can be defined:

• Dipolar moment: values for the magnetic dipole moment, magnitude, and phase, can be set here.
• Position: Cartesian coordinates for the magnetic dipole, relative to the location of the antenna.
• Orientation: similar to the rotation controls under Dipole tab, this setting lets the user set the
rotation for this magnetic dipole using either Director cosines, Spherical, Rotation or Z-Axis values.

Similarly, when the number of electric dipoles is higher than 0, the position and rotation for every
electric dipole can be set by pressing the Position button.

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Figure 292: Electric Dipoles

The behavior of this dialog is similar to the one for setting magnetic dipoles.

After every possible setting has been set, press Save to create the Dipole. When generated, the dipole
is displayed as a set of red cones. The bigger one is the antenna itself. Every another small dipole
represents each magnetic and electric dipole associated with the antenna.

Figure 293: Dipole Antenna visualization with 2 electrical dipoles and 2 magnetic dipoles

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3.2.2 Dipole Array

The "Dipole Array" operation is a faster way for generating multiple dipole antennas when they are
located in an array structure, where a set of closely located dipoles should be simulated. To create a
Dipole Array, select a Dipole Array source to display the Dipole Array panel, as shown in the figure:

Figure 294: Dipole Array Panel

The following settings are available for defining the parameters of the overall dipole structure.

• Set dipoles this setting specifies how many magnetic and electric dipoles have to be generated.
This feature is covered later in this section.

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◦ Number of magnetic dipoles: set the number of magnetic dipoles that each one of the
generated dipole will have.
◦ Number of electric dipoles: set the number of electric dipoles that each one of the
generated dipole will have.
• Components: the amplitude and phase for the dipole moment for each generated antenna.
• Array orientation: dipole antenna rotation. There are multiple ways for setting the orientation.
◦ Director cosines: manually set the director cosines for the dipole.
◦ Spherical set the orientation using spherical system (theta, phi, alpha).
◦ Rotation: specify X, Y and Z angles as degrees.
◦ Z-Axis: this option can be used for manually defining the local Z-axis of the dipole.
• Array center: the Cartesian center for the generated dipole array structure. For a more precise
mode, pickpoint mode can be enabled. Select Pick, then click anywhere in the 3D Panel. The
position fields will be filled with the coordinates of the clicked point.
• Array parameters: this setting lets the user specify the number of dipoles to be generated and
the separation between each dipole.
• Array orientation: similar to the dipole orientation, this control lets the user specify the array

When the number of magnetic dipoles is greater than 0, the position and orientation of magnetic dipoles
can be selected by pressing the Position button.

When the number of magnetic dipoles is greater than 0, the position and orientation of magnetic dipoles
can be selected by pressing the Position button.

Figure 295: Magnetic Dipoles

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The selector at the top of the window lists every possible magnetic dipole defined in the antenna. The
following settings can be defined:

• Dipolar moment: values for the magnetic dipole moment, magnitude and phase, can be set here.
• Position: Cartesian coordinates for the magnetic dipole, relative to the location of the antenna.
• Orientation: similar to the rotation controls under Dipole tab, this setting lets the user set the
rotation for this magnetic dipole using either Director cosines, Spherical, Rotation or Z-Axis values.

Similarly, when the number of electric dipoles is higher than 0, the position and rotation for every
electric dipole can be set by pressing the Position button.

Figure 296: Electric Dipoles

The behaviour of this dialog is similar to the one for setting magnetic dipoles.

When all the parameters have been set, press Create Array to create the dipoles. Note that the dipole
generation will create separate dipoles. This means that after generating the dipole array, you will be
able to modify the values for each dipole separately.

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Figure 297: Generated dipole array

3.2.3 Attach Dipole to Object

The "Attach Dipole to Object" lets the user to anchor one or more dipoles to the current position of an
object, refreshing the dipole position whenever the object is moved.

Figure 298: Dipole Attach Panel

In order to attach the dipoles to any object, the user must create them first. After doing so, selecting
the desired object in the Geometry Panel or Tree and clicking in Source → Dipole → Attach Dipole to
Object will take us to the proper panel. Here the user can select the desired dipole and clicking the Add
button will attach that dipole to the specified object. The Remove button let the user detach an attached
dipole without deleting the dipole.

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3.3 Pattern File

This menu allows the user to create Pattern File antennas.

Figure 299: Dipoles Menu

The following menu items are available:

• Pattern File Antenna: using this option the user is able to create a single pattern file antenna.
• Pattern File Array: using this option the user is able to create an array of pattern file antennas.
• Attach Pattern File to Object: using this option lets the user to attach (associate) a pre-existent
Pattern File to an object.

However, before using any of these options, the user needs to import at least one radiation pattern file.
This is covered in the appropriate chapter later in this guide.

3.3.1 Pattern File Antenna

The Pattern File Antenna option is used to add pattern file antennas to the project.

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Figure 300: Pattern File Antenna panel

To create a radiation pattern antenna using a pattern file, select a previously imported Pattern File
using the File drop-down menu (see Import Pattern File). The Type and Polarization labels will display
information about the currently selected pattern file antenna. For a particular pattern file antenna, the
following options are available:

• Components the amplitude and phase for the generated antenna.

• Position the Cartesian center for the generated antenna. For a more precise mode, the pick-point
mode can be enabled. Select Pick, then click anywhere in the 3D Panel. The position fields will be
filled with the coordinates of the clicked point.
• Orientation antenna rotation. There are multiple ways for setting the orientation.
◦ Director Cosines manually set the director cosines for the dipole.
◦ Spherical set the orientation using spherical system (theta, phi, alpha).
◦ Rotation specify X, Y, and Z angles as degrees.
◦ Z-Axis this option can be used for manually defining the local Z-axis of the dipole.
• Relative to reference plane when this option is set, given coordinates and rotations are considered
relative to the current relative plane. If this option is unchecked, it is assumed an unchanged
relative plane.

Press Save to add the Pattern File to the project. It will be represented as a brown cone in the geometry

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Figure 301: Pattern File Antenna added to the project

3.3.2 Pattern File Array

Using the "Pattern File Array" option, it is possible to create arrays of radiation pattern antennas defined
based on information described in a radiation pattern file. This is useful when an array of several
antennas has to be created and added to the project. When the Pattern File Array option is selected, the
following panel appears.

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Figure 302: Pattern File Array Tab

The following options are available:

• Components the amplitude and phase for each generated antenna.

• Orientation antenna rotation. There are multiple ways for setting the orientation.
◦ Director Cosines manually set the director cosines.
◦ Spherical set the orientation using spherical system (theta, phi, alpha).
◦ Rotation specify X, Y, and Z angles as degrees.
◦ Z-Axis this option can be used for manually defining the local Z-axis.

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• Array center the Cartesian center for the generated radiation pattern array structure. For a more
precise mode, the pick-point mode can be enabled. Select Pick, then click anywhere in the 3D
Panel. The position fields will be filled with the coordinates of the clicked point.
• Array parameters this setting lets the user specify the number of pattern files to be generated
along each axis and the separation between each antenna.
• Array orientation similar to the pattern file orientation, this control lets the user specify the array

When all the parameters have been set, click the "Create Array" button to create the radiation pattern
antennas. Note that the pattern file generation will create separate antennas. This means that after
generating the pattern file array, you will be able to modify the values for each pattern file separately.

Figure 303: Radiation Pattern Array structure.

3.3.3 Attach Pattern File to Object

The Attach Pattern File to Object lets the user to anchor one or more Pattern Files to the current
position of an object, refreshing the pattern position whenever the object is moved.

Figure 304: Pattern File Attach Panel

In order to attach any pattern file, they must be created and set as a valid source first. In order to do
so, the user can import them via the Source menu, in Import Pattern File option. After doing that, the

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file must be set as a valid source, thing that can be done in the Pattern File Antenna or Pattern File
Array, in Source → Pattern File, specifying the .dia file (Pattern File) in the Set Radiation Pattern Panel,
and clicking on the Save button.
When these requisites are fulfilled we can select the object which we want to attach Pattern Files, and
clicking on the Source → Pattern File → Attach Pattern File to Object will take us to the Pattern File
Attach Panel. Here by clicking on the desired Pattern Files on the Geometry Panel or Tree and clicking
the Add button will successfully attach the pattern file to our object.

In the same manner we can detach any previously attached pattern file by selecting it and clicking the
Remove button.

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3.4 Equivalent Sources

3.4.1 Multipole Antenna

Multipole antennas are antennas that have multiple dipoles. When the antennas are close to other
structures, the simulation using multipole antennas provides a higher accuracy than when using regular
radiation pattern antennas, while avoiding the extra computational cost of a physical antenna. To create
a multipole antenna, select "Multipole Antenna" from the Antenna menu.

Figure 305: Multipole Antenna panel

To add a multipole antenna, a Multipole File has to be imported. These files usually have a .suj
extension. Click Browse to locate on your hard drive the desired Multipole File to import.

The user can also specify a transformation to apply to the loaded multipole. The transformation consists
on a displacement (given by a three coordinate vector) and a rotation (given by the X, Y and Z axes of
the local coordinate system of the rotation). If the "Relative to reference plane" check box is selected,
the entered displacement and rotation will be relative to the reference plane coordinate system.
Pressing the Save button will add the multipole antenna.

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Figure 306: Multipole Antenna Visualization

3.4.2 Insight
When the "Insight" option is selected, the following panel is shown:

Figure 307: Insight panel

This panel allows the user to add a new Insight antenna. An insight antenna is a type of antenna that is
defined by an Insight file (a file with a .ins extension). This file defines a geometry made from points,
where each point is assigned a current density.

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The user can import a INS file by pressing the "Browse" button and selecting the file in their hard
drive. Before adding the Insight antenna to the simulation, the user needs to specify the following
• Displacement: This parameter is a vector that specifies the translation applied to the points of the
insight file when added to the simulation.
• Orientation: This parameter allows the rotation of the points of the Insight file. There are several
ways the user can specify this rotation by giving each of the axis directions of the transformation,
by specifying spherical rotation angles, by specifying rotation angles on each axis or by specifying
the Z axis and a rotation angle.

If the "Relative to reference plane" check box is checked, the displacement and rotation will be relative
to the current reference plane coordinate system.

The user can also choose to view a 3D diagram of the current densities of the imported Insight file by
pressing the "Show Currents" button:

Figure 308: Insight currents panel

In this panel, the user can select the component of the current density that is displayed in the diagram,
as well as choose the magnitude and filter the displayed values to be between a given range. The check
boxes below the diagram allow the user to hide/show the left panel, show/hide the axes and show/hide
the wireframe of the Insight antenna geometry. The user can also save the diagram as a PNG image file
by pressing the "Save as..." button.

When the user has finished setting up the parameters of the Insight antenna, they need to press the
"Save" button in order to actually add the antenna to the simulation.

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3.4.3 Feko Source

When the "Feko Source" option is selected, the following panel is shown:

Figure 309: Feko Source Panel

This panel allows the user to add a new Feko Source. A Feko Source is a type of antenna that is defined
by an EFile file (a file with a .EFELD extension) and an HFile file (a file with a .HFELD extension). This file
defines a geometry made from points, where each point is assigned a current density.

The user can import the required files by pressing the "Browse" button and selecting the file in their
hard drive. Before adding the Feko Source antenna to the simulation, the user needs to specify the
following parameters:
• Displacement: This parameter is a vector that specifies the translation applied to the points of the
insight file when added to the simulation.
• Orientation: This parameter allows the rotation of the points of the Insight file. There are several
ways the user can specify this rotation: by giving each of the axis directions of the transformation,
by specifying spherical rotation angles, by specifying rotation angles on each axis or by specifying
the Z axis and a rotation angle.

If the "Relative to reference plane" check box is checked, the displacement and rotation will be relative
to the current reference plane coordinate system.

When the user has finished setting up the parameters of the Feko Source, they need to press the
"Save" button in order to actually add the antenna to the simulation.

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Figure 310: Feko Source Set Up

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3.5 Coaxial Feed

3.5.1 Add Feed Point

This option is used to add a coaxial feed point between two surfaces of an object. To create a Feed
Point, select one object using the geometry view, then go to Coaxial Feed > Feed Point menu in order to
display the Coaxial Feed Panel:

Figure 311: Add Feed Point panel

To add a feed point, select one or two surfaces of the object and click on 'Add' button. A feed point
between the surfaces (or an auto feed if only one surface is selected) will be added from the table with
a voltage of (1.0, 0.0) and impedance of (0.0, 0.0) that can be modified clicking on the corresponding
cell. After setting the values, press Save to add the feed point.

When a coaxial feed has been added, the involved surfaces are represented using red dashed lines.

Figure 312: Coaxial Feed Visualization

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3.6 Waveguides

3.6.1 Add Waveguide Port

This section explains how to add a waveguide port.

Note This option requires an already created waveguide geometry. The geometry must be only one
object (use the group command if it is not) and the waveguide cap needs to be removed.

Figure 313: Waveguide geometry

To add a waveguide port, select the object and click on 'Antenna->Waveguides->Add Waveguide port'
menu to open the panel.

Figure 314: Waveguide port panel with waveguide geometry

Select the port edges with 'Ctrl' pressed and click on 'Add Port'.

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Figure 315: Port edges selected

Figure 316: Waveguide port added

Note CutOff frequency warning appears if the current simulation frequency is not adequate for this
waveguide. However, you can save the port and modify the frequency later.

Click on the 'Save' button to apply the changes to the waveguide object.

Figure 317: Waveguide port created

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3.7 Primitive Antenna

3.7.1 Horns

Pyramidal Horn
This section explains how to create a pyramidal horn.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

Figure 318: Pyramidal Horn panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, the user
can select the position with the mouse, selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking on a point in the
geometry panel.
• Waveguide Aperture Dimensions: set the values for the pyramidal geometry on the top of the
antenna. 'Width' and 'Depth' values are only for the top sides of the antenna. The bottom sides of
the pyramidal geometry will be added from the 'rectangular waveguide dimensions' parameters.
• Rectangular Waveguide Dimensions: set the values for the rectangular geometry on the
bottom of the antenna. 'Width' and 'Depth' values will be added to the bottom sides of the
pyramidal geometry on the top of the geometry.

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• Feed: Set the type of feeding which will receive the antenna. Select None if no feeding point
is required, Coaxial to establish a coaxial feeding point in the bottom of the horn (which will be
represented by a red-dashed line), or Dipole in order to set a single dipole antenna.
For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

Figure 319: Pyramidal Horn previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the current previsualization turns on the final visualization for the antenna with
a red dashed line for the coaxial feed.

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Figure 320: Pyramidal Horn visualization

Conical Horn
This section explains how to create a conical horn.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 321: Conical Horn panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, the user
can select the position with the mouse, selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Waveguide Aperture Dimensions: defines the parameters for the conical geometry on the top
of the antenna. The height defines the length of the aperture section, while the radius defines the
radius of the circular hole at the end of the aperture section.
• Circular Waveguide Dimensions: sets the values for the cylindrical geometry on the bottom of
the antenna. The height defines the length of the cylindrical section, while the radius defines the
radius of this cylindrical section.
• Feed: Set the type of feeding which will receive the antenna. Select None if no feeding point
is required, Coaxial to establish a coaxial feeding point in the bottom of the horn (which will be
represented by a red-dashed line), or Dipole in order to set a single dipole antenna.

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 322: Conical Horn previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the current previsualization turns on the final visualization for the antenna with
a red cone for the dipole.

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Figure 323: Conical Horn visualization

3.7.2 Coaxial Feed

This section explains how to create a biconical antenna.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 324: Biconical panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, the user
can select the position with the mouse, selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Radius: set the values for the radius of the conical geometries of the antenna.
• Other Params: set the value for the height of the conical geometries of the antenna. Selecting
the'Cover' option,the caps in both ends of the antenna geometry will be created.

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 325: Biconical previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the current previsualization turns on the final visualization for the antenna with
a red dashed line for the coaxial feed.

Figure 326: Biconical visualization


Simple Blade
This section explains how to create a simple blade.

When the option is selected, the following panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the
parameters on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 327: Simple Blade Panel

• Position: sets the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, the user
can select the position with the mouse, selecting the "Pick" check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Dimensions: sets the height (h) and the width (w) of the antenna, the lower angles of the blade
(Angle1 and Angle2), and the dimensions of the coaxial feed the height (fh), the base width (wb),
the top width (wt) and the depth (fd).

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 328: Simple Blade previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the current previsualization turns on the final visualization for the antenna with
a red dashed line for the coaxial feed.

Note that this antenna should be placed on a metallic ground plane to provide a good performance as
shown in the below figure. The ground plane surface must be attached below the antenna, with no gap
between them.

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Figure 329: Simple Blade with ground plane visualization

This section explains how to add a coaxial feed dipole.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

Figure 330: Coaxial Dipole panel

• Position set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna/dipole. For the antenna, the
user can select the position with the mouse, selecting the "Pick" check box and clicking any point
in the geometry panel. For the dipoles, these values are relative to the same values defined for the

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• Size set the values for size on 'X' and 'Y' axis.

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

Figure 331: Coaxial Dipole previsualization

Clicking on the 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for the coaxial
feed will be shown.

Figure 332: Coaxial Dipole visualization


Multi-Filar Helix
This section explains how to create a multi-filar helix.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 333: Multi-Filar Helix panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, the user
can select the position with the mouse, selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Other Params: set the value for the bottom radius (R), top radius (r) and height for the helix.
The width of the strip (w), the number of turns (Turns) and the number of strips (Helixes) will be
defined too. RHCP or LCHP selected option will define the polarization and the turn direction.

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 334: Multi-Filar Helix previsualization

Clicking on the 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for the coaxial
feed will be shown.

Note that this antenna should be placed on a metallic ground plane to provide a good performance as
shown in the below figure. The ground plane surface must be attached below the antenna, with no gap
between them.

Figure 335: Multi-Filar Helix with ground plane visualization

This section explains how to create a LPDA antenna.

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When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

Figure 336: LPDA panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, the user
can select the position with the mouse, selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Fixed Parameters: set the sigma parameter (Sigma) and the tau parameter (Tau).
• Optional Parameters: set the number of dipoles (Number of Dipoles), the length of them (Length),
the length of the first dipole (First Length) or length of the last dipole (Last Length).

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 337: LPDA previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for the coaxial
feed is shown.

Figure 338: LPDA visualization


Circular Spiral
This section explains how to create a circular spiral.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 339: Circular Spiral panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, user
can select the position with the mouse, selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Other Params: set the value for the radius (R), the width of the strip (w) and the number of turns
(Turns). Turns can be a decimal value.

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

Figure 340: Circular Spiral previsualization

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Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for the coaxial
feed will be shown.

Figure 341: Circular Spiral visualization


Arbitrary Wire
This section explains how to create a arbitrary wire antenna.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

Figure 342: Arbitrary Wire panel

Adds a new row for a new point with default values (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02).

Delete the selected rows.

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 343: Arbitrary Wire previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for the coaxial
feed will be shown.

Figure 344: Arbitrary Wire visualization

3.7.3 Slot Antennas

This section explains how to create a LTSA slot antenna.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 345: LTSA panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, the user
can select the position with the mouse by selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in
the geometry panel.
• Dimensions: set the values of the length of the sides (L1 and L2), the separation from the slot (S),
the length of the blades (P), the length of the coaxial (T) and the width of the slot (W).

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 346: LTSA previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for the coaxial
feed will be shown.

Figure 347: LTSA visualization

This section explains how to create a Vivaldi slot antenna.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 348: Vivaldi panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, user can
select the position with the mouse by selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Dimensions: set the values of the length of the sides (L1 and L2), the separation from the slot (S),
the length of the blades (P), the length of the coaxial (T) and the width of the slot (W).

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 349: Vivaldi previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for the coaxial
feed will be shown.

Figure 350: Vivaldi visualization

Travelling-Wave Array
This section explains how to create a travelling-wave slot array antenna (non-resonant) fed by a
rectangular waveguide.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 351: Travelling-wave Array panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, user can
select the position with the mouse by selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Dimensions: set the values of the number of slots (Slots), the width and height of the feeding
waveguide (a and b), the distance between adjacent slots (d), the length and width of the slots (L
and W), the rotation angle of the slots (R in degrees), the distance from the start of the waveguide
to the first slot center (P), the distance from the end of the waveguide to the last slot center (S)
and the separation from the slot center to the broadwall center of the waveguide (g).

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 352: Travelling-wave Array previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with red filled waveguide ports (input
and output) will be shown.

Figure 353: Travelling-wave Array visualization

Resonant 1D Array
This section explains how to create a resonant slot linear (1D) array antenna fed by a rectangular

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 354: Resonant 1D Array panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, user can
select the position with the mouse by selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Dimensions: set the values of the number of slots (Slots), the width and height of the feeding
waveguide (a and b), the distance from the start of the waveguide to the first slot center (P), the
distance from the end of the waveguide (short) to the last slot center (S) and the separation from
the slot center to the broadwall center of the waveguide (g).

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 355: Resonant 1D Array previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red filled waveguide port will be

Figure 356: Resonant 1D Array visualization

Resonant 2D Array
This section explains how to create a resonant slot planar (2D) array antenna, where a feeding
rectangular waveguide excites an array of resonant linear (1D) array antennas.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 357: Resonant 2D Array panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, user can
select the position with the mouse by selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Dimensions: Set the values of the number of radiating slots (NxM, being N the number of feeding
slots and M the number of radiating slots for each resonant 1D array), the width and height of the
feeding waveguide (a and b), the distance from the start of the waveguide to the first slot center
(P), the distance from the end of the waveguide (short) to the last slot center (S) and the height of
the feeding slots pipes (t).

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 358: Resonant 2D Array previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red filled waveguide port will be

Figure 359: Resonant 2D Array visualization

3.7.4 Patch Antennas

Single Patch
This section explains how to create a single patch antenna.

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When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

Figure 360: Single Patch panel

Position set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, user can select
the position with the mouse by selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the geometry
Dimensions set the values of the length and width of the patch (Lpatch and Wpatch), the position of
the feeding point from the center of the patch (Fdist) as well as the length, width and height of the
substrate material (Lsubs, Wsubs and Hsubs).

Layer Properties set the substrate material from the material library of newFASANT.

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 361: Single Patch previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for the coaxial
feed will be shown.

Figure 362: Single patch visualization

Planar Array
This section explains how to create a planar patch array antenna.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 363: Planar patch array panel

• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna. For the antenna, user can
select the position with the mouse by selecting the 'Pick' check box and clicking any point in the
geometry panel.
• Patch dimensions: set the values of the length and width of the patches (Lpatch and Wpatch) and
the position of the feeding point from the center of the patch (Fdist).
• Array dimensions: set the values of the number of patches in X (Nx), the number of patches in Y
(Ny), the distance between patches in X (Dx) and the distance between patches in Y (Dy).
• Layer Properties: set the substrate material from the material library of newFASANT and the height
of the substrate material (Hsubs).

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 364: Planar patch array previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for every coaxial
feed will be shown.

Figure 365: Planar patch array visualization

Circular Array
This section explains how to create a circular patch array antenna.

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.

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Figure 366: Circular patch array panel

• Patch dimensions set the values of the length and width of the patches (Lpatch and Wpatch) and
the position of the feeding point from the center of the patch (Fdist).
• Array dimensions set the values of the number of patches in the first ring (Nring_1), the number of
rings (Rings) and the distance between rings (Dring).
• Layer Properties set the substrate material from the material library of newFASANT and the height
of the substrate material (Hsubs).

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new

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Figure 367: Circular patch array previsualization

Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for every coaxial
feed will be shown.

Figure 368: Circular patch array visualization

Planar Patch Array (Circular GND)

This section explains how to create a planar patch array antenna.

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Figure 369: Planar Patch Array Panel

When the option is selected, the next panel and a previsualization of the antenna with the parameters
on the panel are displayed.
• Position: set the Cartesian coordinates for the position of the antenna.
• Patch dimensions: set the values of the length and width of the patches (Lpatch and Wpatch) and
the position of the feeding point from the center of the patch (Fdist).
• Array dimensions: set the values of the number of patches in X (Nx), the number of patches in Y
(Ny), the distance between patches in X (Dx) and the distance between patches in Y (Dy).
• Layer Properties: set the substrate material from the material library of newFASANT and the
height of the substrate material (Hsubs). The diameter specifies the longitude of the circumference.

For each modification on parameters panel, this previsualization will be updated for the new parameter.

Figure 370: Planar Patch Array Previsualization

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Clicking on 'Add' button, the final visualization for the antenna with a red dashed line for every coaxial
feed will be shown.

Figure 371: Planar Patch Array Visualization

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3.8 Radome
The Radome menu contains three options: "Define Interface Radome", “Define Volumetric Radome” and
"FSS Primitives".

Figure 372: Radome menu

3.8.1 Define Interface Radome

The "Define Interface Radome" option allows the user to generate a radome, including interfaces and
materials. Every radome layer is bounded by two surrounding interfaces and the material defined on the
inner interface. Click on to add a new radome.

Figure 373: Interface Radome Definition Tab

"Interface 1" is the most inner one, select its geometry and select the interface on the table, then click
on Set Objects.

Repeat the process with all interfaces. Then select the layer material clicking on the material cell.

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Figure 374: Set Objects on Interface 1

FSS geometry can be added to the interface. First, create the FSS geometry using arrayOnSurface
command. Select its geometry and select the interface on the table, then click on Set FSS Elements.

Figure 375: Set FSS Elements on interface 2

The "Antenna Results" checkbox enables meshing and calculating the antenna system without the
radome structure. This option enables "Insertion Losses" and "Boresight Error" and allows to compare
the results when the radome is considered or not.

Click on "Save" button to save the radome parameters.

3.8.2 Define Volumetric Radome

The "Define Volumetric Radome" option allows the user to generate a volumetric radome, including
materials. Every radome layer is bounded by two surrounding interfaces and the material defined on the
inner interface. Click on to add a new radome.

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Figure 376: Volumetric Radome Definition Tab

Select the desired object (must be a valid geometric volume) and click the Set Volume button to add
the Volume to the radome. Click on the material cell to specify the radome material. Aditionally the user
can add FSS Elements in the same manner as in an Interface Radome as mentioned in the previous

The "Antenna Results" check box enables meshing and calculating the antenna system without the
radome structure. This option enables "Insertion Losses" and "Boresight Error" and allows to compare
the results when the radome is considered or not.

Figure 377: Set FSS Elements on Interface 1

3.8.3 FSS Primitives

In this menu the user can find a variety of periodical structures primitives to use in conjunction with the
radome tool mentioned in the previous chapters.

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Figure 378: FSS Primitives Menus

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3.9 Reflectors
This section will explain how to create different types of reflectors.

3.9.1 Simple Reflector

This option allows the user to create a paraboloid reflector. This is a reflector that has a paraboloid
shape. It can be created by selecting Source > Reflectors > Simple Reflector on the menu bar or by
issuing the command "simpleReflector".

Figure 379: Simple Reflector menu item.

The following panel will be visible:

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Figure 380: Add Simple Reflector

Using this panel the user is able to create and preview a simple reflector. The following options are

• Position where to place the reflector. The geometry center is located at the vertex point of the
paraboloid. Therefore, when the position is set, it is done for the paraboloid vertex.
• Diameter the diameter for the paraboloid. This sets the diameter for the upper circle border of the
paraboloid; or more concisely, the diameter of the circular projection made by the paraboloid itself.
• Focal length this sets the focal length of the paraboloid.
• Enable reflector offsetting by checking this option, the paraboloid will be offset. The user can
provide the shape for the offset paraboloid. The circular shape is already provided as an option. The
behavior of offset paraboloids is further detailed below.

While the data is being introduced, a preview will be displayed in the Geometry panel. Once the data is
set, press Save to generate the final Geometry that will be added to the project.

As described above, the user can offset the paraboloid. The offsetting process will generate a different
kind of paraboloid, as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 381: Offset paraboloid

Either a circle or a custom shape can be selected as offsetting primitives.

• Circular Shape is provided as a fast method to create offset paraboloids that still have a circular
shape. The D' parameter sets the distance between the dish and the focal point.
• To create a custom offset geometry, a set of curves can be created and used as an offsetting cut.
Select the curves and press the Select button on the panel to cut the dish to the curves projection.

Figure 382: Paraboloid dish offset using custom curves

3.9.2 Cassegrain Reflector

To create a Cassegrain Reflector antenna, select Source > Reflectors > Cassegrain Reflector from the
menu bar, or issue the command cassegrainReflector on the command line.

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Figure 383: Cassegrain reflector menu item.

This will display the Cassegrain Reflector panel, used to create these reflectors.

Figure 384: Cassegrain Reflector panel.

The following options can be given:

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• Position the coordinates for the Cassegrain center. This is the geometrical point that will be used as
a reference when the Cassegrain reflector is created. The center is located at the vertex from the
main paraboloid reflector.
• Diameter this sets the diameter for the main paraboloid. This value sets the diameter of the circular
projection of the main paraboloid reflector.
• Focal length this sets the focal length for the main paraboloid.
• Feed height this sets the height of the feed point. It is described as a height above the position
center; so, as an example, if the position is (x, y, z) and the feed height is p, the actual feed point
will be (x, y, z+p).
• Height this is the height the secondary hyperboloid reflector will be placed.

Additionally, the user is able to select if they want to create a front-fed Cassegrain reflector or an
offset-fed one. By default, a front-fed Cassegrain reflector system will be created, and by checking the
"Offset-fed" option the user can create an offset-fed Cassegrain reflector.

Figure 385: An offseted Cassegrain reflector and a simple Cassegrain reflector.

There are two ways of creating an offset-fed Cassegrain reflector:

• Circular shape Selecting this option will cause the sub reflector to have a circular projection on the
XZ plane. This mode of creating the reflector requires an additional parameter the separation (also
called D'), along the X axis, between the left border of the main reflector and the vertex of the
paraboloid it is extracted from.
• Custom shape This option allows the user to customize the shape of the main reflector (and
consequently, the shape of the secondary reflector) by selecting a closed set of curves that define
the projection of the main reflector on the XZ plane. To do this, the user needs to select the
"Custom shape" option, select the set of curves and press the "Select curves" button (the preview
will be updated if the selected curves are adequate).

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In order to create the geometry of the Cassegrain reflector system, the user needs to press the "Save"

3.9.3 Gregorian Reflector

This option allows the user to create a Gregorian reflector system. When this option is selected, or the
"gregorianReflector" command is called without parameters, the following panel will be shown:

Figure 386: "Add Gregorian Reflector" panel

Additionally, a preview of the antenna (using the current parameters of the panel) is shown in the
geometry panel. This preview will be shown in green and will be updated every time a parameter is
modified in the panel.

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Figure 387: Preview of the Gregorian reflector system in the geometry

A Gregorian reflector system is composed of a main (paraboloidal) reflector and a secondary

(ellipsoidal) reflector. The geometry of the main reflector is a portion taken from a paraboloid with
its axis pointing in the same direction as the Z axis. The portion is determined by the offset the main
reflector of a front-fed reflector system (no offset) will be centered at the vertex of the paraboloid.
In an offset-fed reflector system, the main reflector will be a portion of the paraboloid separated by a
distance D' from the vertex of the paraboloid.

On the other hand, the geometry of the secondary reflector is defined by the geometry of the main
reflector and the eccentricity of the ellipsoid the secondary reflector is based on.

The following parameters define a Gregorian reflector system:

• Position This point will be the vertex point of the paraboloid that defines the main reflector. Note
that the vertex point does only match the geometric center of the main reflector if the Gregorian
reflector is front-fed (i.e. no offset).
• Focal length Defines the distance, along the positive Z axis, from the vertex point to the focal
point of the paraboloid. This point will also be one of the foci of the ellipsoid.
• Feed Defines the distance, along the positive Z axis, from the vertex point to the point where the
antenna feed should be located. This distance should be smaller than the focal length. The point
defined by this parameter will be the second focus of the ellipsoid.
• Diameter Defines the diameter of the main reflector. Note that this is the diameter of the circular
projection of the main reflector on the XY plane (projected along the Z axis).
• Eccentricity Defines the eccentricity of the ellipsoid used to create the secondary reflector.
Therefore, this parameter will affect the curvature of the secondary reflector (values closer to 0 will
cause the secondary reflector to be more spherical-shaped, while values closer to 1 will cause the
secondary reflector to be more ellipsoidal-shaped).

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Additionally, the user is able to select if they want to create a front-fed Gregorian reflector or an offset-
fed one. By default, a front-fed Gregorian reflector system will be created, and by checking the "Offset-
fed" option the user can create an offset-fed Gregorian reflector:

Figure 388: "Add Gregorian Reflector" panel when the "Offset-fed" option is selected

There are two ways of creating an offset-fed Gregorian reflector:

• Circular shape Selecting this option will cause the subreflector to have a circular projection on
the XZ plane. This mode of creating the reflector requires an additional parameter the separation
(also called D') along the X axis between the left border of the main reflector and the vertex of the
paraboloid it is extracted from.

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Figure 389: Offset-fed Gregorian reflector with circular shape

• Custom shape This option allows the user to customize the shape of the main reflector (and
consequently, the shape of the secondary reflector) by selecting a closed set of curves that define
the projection of the main reflector on the XZ plane. To do this, the user needs to select the
"Custom shape" option, select the set of curves and press the "Select curves" button (the preview
will be updated if the selected curves are adequate).

Figure 390: Offset-fed Gregorian reflector with custom shape, and the curves used to define the shape

In order to actually create the geometry of the Gregorian reflector system, the user needs to press the
"Save" button.

3.9.4 Equivalent Antenna

This option allows the user to create a reflector with a rectangular aperture area and with the size to
give the selected gain. When this option is selected, or the "equivalentAntenna" command is called
without parameters, the following panel will be shown:

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Figure 391: Equivalent Antenna Panel

• Frequency: Specify the antenna’s working frequency, given in the desired unit. (By default will be
in GHz).
• Gain: Indicates the antenna’s resulting gain, in dBi.
• Simple Antenna: Creates a simple antenna with a feeding point over it.
• Simple Monopulse: Create two rectangular reflectors for simple monopulse (only one plane)
• Full Monopulse: Create four rectangular reflectors for full monopulse (two planes) applications.
• Feed with pattern File: Indicate the antenna feeding via .dia file (diagram). If selected, a new
.dia file will be generated alongside the antenna.

Additionally, a preview of the antenna (using the current parameters of the panel) is shown in the
geometry panel. This preview will be shown in green and will be updated everytime a parameter is
modified in the panel.

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Figure 392: Equivalent Antenna Previsualization (Simple Antenna)

Figure 393: Equivalent Antenna Visualization(Full Monopulse)

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3.10 Reflectarrays

3.10.1 New Layout

This option allows the user to create a new reflectarray or transmitarray layout. Three elements are
required to create a reflectarray layout:

• Database

The database contains all the geometric cells available for the reflect array generation, together with
their field values by frequencies and components. It must have been created by using the Periodical
Structures module (see Annex 1: Creating a Reflectarray Database for an example).

• Target surfaces.

Single layer that defines the real shape of the top reflect array layout the upper interface of the reflect
array will be placed on the target surfaces, and the next interfaces will be automatically generated. Both
planar and curved surfaces are allowed, but the generation for planar surfaces is faster. In the case of
using curved surfaces, a soft curvature is recommended.

The layout is generated by considering a planar grid on the current XY system (see Reference Plane)
and projecting it onto the target surfaces with the reference Z direction, so it is important to have a
good agreement between the surfaces orientation and the reference system.

After the layout generation, the original surfaces are deleted.

• Cell Selection Function.

The best available cell is assigned at a point of the grid on the real geometry, considering as the best
cell the one that provides the closest phase to the given by the selection function.

The user may set its own selection function programmed in Java. The next variables can be read from
a custom function, all of them with their name starting with the "$" character, and obtained from the
reflectarray generation parameters:

• $freq Working frequency, given in Hz.

• $x, $y, $z Cell position where the function is evaluated.
• $focusX, $focusY, $focusZ Focus position.
• $theta, $phi main beam direction, where the reflectarray must be pointing to.

The program function has to return a double value corresponding to the optimal phase at the given
point, in degrees.

Include the customized functions in the /functions/ directory corresponding to the installation path.

See further information about the custom functions programmatic in User Functions.

The fields for the layout generation are explained in the following.

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Figure 394: New Layout Parameters tab

• Database: Shows the selected database file to create the new layout. With the button a file

chooser window will prompt the user to add a database file. Opens a database information tab
on the main panel of the application. With this button, it is possible to visualize all the relevant
parameters of the database: cell dimensions, cell replications, material considered, skew angle,
geometrical models, plots of the phase cells,…The button detaches the specified database from
the layout.
• Component: Allows the user to select the desired polarization component of the database to
generate the layout.
• Frequency: Allows the user to select the desired frequency of the database to generate the layout.
• Function: Allows the user to select the desired user function to assign one cell of the database to
every position of the base geometry.
• Focus Position: Allows the user to define the point of the source.
• Main Bean Direction: Allows the user to define the output direction of the main beam.

Is possible to specify more than one database in order to create more complex layouts. In order to do
so, user must specify the parameters of each database file separately.

When all parameters have been specified for each database, clicking the Create button will generate the
desired reflectarray/transmitarray layout.

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Figure 395: Multi database ReflectArray Layout

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3.11 Import Pattern File

This section explains how to import one or more radiation pattern files to the current project. This files
can be used for the definition of pattern file antennas.

Figure 396: Import Pattern File panel

• Adds a new radiation pattern file selecting the file on a panel.

• Delete the selected radiation pattern file.

newFASANT allows the user to create their pattern files (.dia) and edit existing files. To see more
information about creating or editing pattern files see DIA Files.

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3.12 Edit Antenna

This section explain how to edit an antenna.
Selecting this option with a previous selection of an antenna will show a panel with editable parameters
of the antenna.

An alternative way to edit an antenna is selecting the "Edit" option under the context menu of the

Figure 397: Context menu of an antenna

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3.13 Delete Antenna

This section explain how to delete an antenna.
If the user selects an antenna in the geometry panel and selects this option, the antenna will be

An alternative way of deleting an antenna is selecting the "Delete" option in the context menu of the

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3.14 Antenna Size

This parameter allows changing the size for displaying the logical antennas, such as the dipole antenna
(both active and passive), multipole antennas, 3D pattern... It just modifies the visualization size of the
antennas that is in the magnitude of the selected value, but the radiating behavior keeps invariable.

Figure 398: Antenna Size

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3.15 Antenna Feeding

When the user selects "Antenna Feeding" in the Source menu, the following panel is shown:

Figure 399: Antenna Feeding panel

This panel allows the user to modify the antenna feeding for each individual antenna (even if it is part
of an array). The table shows the position, module and phase of each antenna, all of which can be
modified independently.

In the panel labelled as "Direction of the main beam (degrees)", the user can set global parameters
for the feeding of all antennas. By pressing the "Calculate Phases" button, the application will calculate
the module and phase for each antenna based on the given array phase center, frequency and angle of
the beam (both theta and phi must be given in degrees).

It is also possible to set an specific module and phase to an antenna or group of antennas. To do this,
the user should fill the "Module" and "Phase" textboxes below the table, select the row or rows of the
table they want to modify and press the "Fill value to selection" button.

In order to export a text file with the list of modules and phases of the antennas, the user needs to click
the "Export" button. Reciprocally, in order to import a text file with the list of modules and phases, the
user needs to click the "Import" button.

The format of the input/output text files used by the import/export functionality is the following:

<Number of antennas (N)>

<Module of antenna 1> <Phase of antenna 1 (degrees)>
<Module of antenna 2> <Phase of antenna 2 (degrees)>
<Module of antenna N> <Phase of antenna N (degrees)>

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Materials 4
4 Materials

Materials can be defined, edited, deleted and assigned to specific surfaces or objects.

This chapter covers the following:

• 4.1 Materials Menu (MOM and MONCROS Modules) (p. 373)

• 4.2 Materials Menu (PO Module) (p. 380)
• 4.3 Materials Menu (GTD and GTD-PO Modules) (p. 388)
• 4.4 Materials Menu (Periodical Structures Module) (p. 395)
• 4.5 Materials Menu (US Module) (p. 398)
• 4.6 APPENDIX A: Color Selection (p. 404)
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4.1 Materials Menu (MOM and MONCROS Modules)

In the following sections, all the options of the materials menu will be discussed:

Figure 400: Materials Menu

4.1.1 Add
After selecting the Add option the following panel will be shown on the right side of the window:

Figure 401: Add Material panel

This option allows the user to create a new material. The following options are available:

Material Attributes-Name: The user may want to provide a name for this material for future

Material Attributes-Color: For more information, see APPENDIX A: Color Selection.

Material Definition - Material defined by geometry: Used to define a material according to its
physical properties. After clicking on the Set Parameters button, two different options are available in
the Material defined by Geometry window:


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Figure 402: Material defined by geometry

§ Real part: common values are greater than or equal to 1.0.

§ Imaginary part: if the imaginary part is negative, the material is considered to have losses;
otherwise it would be equivalent to a material with gain.

o Isotropic: Selecting this option sets the epsilon (e’ - permittivity) and mu (µ’ - permeability)
properties immutable. The user will need to specify both real and imaginary components of both
properties or loss tangent and relative permittivity. Common real values for epsilon and mu are greater
of equal to 1.0. If the imaginary part is negative, the material is considered to have losses; otherwise,
it’s considered to be a material with gain.

o Anisotropic: This option allows the user to set the material properties depending on the volumetric
subdomain direction (i.e. the dielectric coefficient may change depending on the direction of the
subdomains). The epsilon parameter consists of a 3x3 matrix where all Cartesian combinations can be
modified. The materials using this option are only designed to be applied to volumes.


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Figure 403: Material defined by geometry, tab 'Variable'

To assign the physical properties of the material according to the frequency.

§ Frequency (in GHz): Sets the associated frequency to the physical properties. The frequency values
for each material are interpolated when the simulation is launched in order to use the most suitable one
for the working frequency.

§ Real part (’): common values are greater than or equal to 1.0.

§ Imaginary part (’’): if the imaginary part is negative, the material is considered to have losses;
otherwise it would be equivalent to a material with gain.

Figure 404: § Add:to add new frequencies to the material properties.

§ Remove: to remove existing frequencies to the material properties

§ Import/Export: to import table with values from a text file or export the table into a text file.

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Figure 405: File Format

The information of this file can be modified by the user. Be sure not to modify the format and not to
introduce any additional line break.

§ Fill value to selection: This option allows the user to automatically change the value of the selected
cells of the table with the inserted value

These parameters can also be set using formulas in function of the frequency values.
§ Formula:

This option serves for completing the selected cells of the table with values depending on the selected
function. After choosing the function that we want to apply, pressing the Load Formula button will load
the formula f(p) in the field. The next step is choosing the initial and the final value for the function. The
final step is selecting the cells that we want to apply the function to and press the button Apply. The
cells will be auto-completed with the values created by the chosen function starting with the initial value
and ending with the final one.

Material Definition - Material defined by reflection coefficient:Used to define a material according

to its reflection coefficient. After clicking on the Set Parameters button, a window appears to define the
reflection coefficient:

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Figure 406: Material defined by reflection coefficient

4.1.2 Edit
When this option is selected, a panel similar to the Add panel will be shown:

Figure 407: Edit Material panel

This panel allows the user to select an existing material to edit its properties. Refer to Materials Menu
(MOM and MONCROS Modules) for details on setting the color and physical parameters of materials.

4.1.3 Delete
Selecting this option shows the following panel on the right side of the window:

Figure 408: Delete Material panel

In this panel, the user may select the name of the material to remove and then left-click the Delete

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4.1.4 Assign
This option allows the user to assign existing materials to objects and surfaces previously selected from
the geometry tab. Selecting this option shows the following panel on the right side of the screen.

Figure 409: Assign Material panel

The following operations can be applied to surfaces:

Perfect Conductor
Type of material that is selected by default. It corresponds to the metallic material.

Material defined by geometry

This option allows the user to select a custom material and a thickness value for the selected
objects and/or surfaces. If the ‘Volume’ option is selected, the objects (not surfaces) will be
transformed to a volume and this property will be considered for the meshing and simulation.

Material defined by reflection coefficient

This option allows the user to select a custom material for the selected objects and/or surfaces.

In order to assign a material to a surface or an object, first, select this one on the screen and then
choose the material to be assigned. Finally, click on Save button.

4.1.5 Material Properties

This option displays the material assigned to different surfaces. The first table shows the selected
surfaces, the color of the assigned material and the number of layers. The second table shows the
selected surface of the first table with the materials of each layer.

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Figure 410: Material properties

PO module supports the multilayer material. Other modules only have one layer of a material.

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4.2 Materials Menu (PO Module)

In this section, all the features available in the PO (Physical Optic) module Materials menu are
explained. The available options in the Materials menu are shown in the next Figure.

Figure 411: Materials Menu

In the following sections, all the options of the Materials Menu are detailed.

4.2.1 Add
When Add is selected, the Add Material window appears, as shown in the next Figure.

Figure 412: Add Material panel

Select the required parameters and click on Save. When clicking on this button, if the material exists,
then a message is displayed informing the user that the material has already been defined. Otherwise,
the material definitions are saved.

In the Add Material window, the following options are available:

Material Attributes - Name: The user specifies the desired name for the new material.

Material Attributes - Color: For more information, see APPENDIX A: Color Selection.

Material definition - Material defined by geometry:Used to define a material according to its

physical properties. After clicking on the Set Parameters button, two different options are available in
the Material defined by Geometry window:

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Figure 413: Material defined by geometry, tab ‘Constant’

To set the material properties immutable. Epsilon (e’) and Mu (µ’) are defined with the same
• Real part: common values are greater than or equal to 1.0.
• Imaginary part: if the imaginary part is negative, the material is considered to have losses;
otherwise it would be equivalent to a material with gain.
◦ Variable

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Figure 414: Material defined by geometry, tab 'Variable'

To assign the physical properties of the material according to the frequency.

• Frequency (in GHz):: Sets the associated frequency to the physical properties. The frequency
values for each material are interpolated when the simulation is launched in order to use the most
suitable one for the working frequency.
• Real part (’): common values are greater than or equal to 1.0.
• Imaginary part (’’): if the imaginary part is negative, the material is considered to have losses;
otherwise it would be equivalent to a material with gain.

• Add: to add new frequencies to the material properties.

• Remove: to remove existing frequencies to the material properties.
• Import/Export: to import table with values from a text file or export the table into a text file.

Figure 415: File Format

The information of this file can be modified by the user. Be sure not to modify the format and not to
introduce any additional line break.

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• Fill value to selection: This option allows the user to automatically change the value of the
selected cells of the table with the inserted value

These parameters can also be set using formulas in function of the frequency values.

• Formula:

This option serves for completing the selected cells of the table with values depending on the selected
function. After choosing the function that we want to apply, pressing the Load Formula button will load
the formula f(p) in the field. The next step is choosing the initial and the final value for the function. The
final step is selecting the cells that we want to apply the function to and press the button Apply. The
cells will be auto-completed with the values created by the chosen function starting with the initial value
and ending with the final one.

Material Definition - Material defined by reflection coefficient. Used to define a material

according to its reflection coefficient. After clicking on the Set Parameters button, two different options
are available in the Material defined by reflection window ( the following Figure):

• Constant

Figure 416: Material defined by coefficient, tab ‘Constant’

To set the material properties invariable. Amplitude and Phase are defined using decibels (dB) and
degrees (degrees).

• Variable with frequency and angle

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Figure 417: Material defined by coefficient, tab 'Variable'

To assign the refraction properties of the material according to the frequency and angle.
• Frequency (in GHz):: Sets the associated frequency to the physical properties. The frequency
values for each material are interpolated when the simulation is launched in order to use the most
suitable one for the working frequency.
• Angle (in degrees):: Sets the associated angle to the physical properties.

4.2.2 Edit
This option allows the user to modify a previously defined Material. When the Materials –Edit option
is selected the Edit Material window (following Figure) appears. When the material to be edited has
been selected in the Select material combo box, its color can be modified. It is important to remark
that the properties of the materials may be modified, but not their type (defined by geometry, defined
by electrical impedance, or defined by reflection coefficient). To edit the material parameters, click on
the Set Parameters button and the corresponding window (following Figure) will appear. The rest of the
editing process may continue as explained in section Add.

Figure 418: Edit Material panel

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4.2.3 Delete
This option allows the user to remove a previously defined Material. When the Materials –Delete option
is selected, the Delete Material window (following Figure) appears. When the material to be deleted has
been selected in the Select material combo box, the action can be confirmed by clicking on Delete.

Figure 419: Delete Material panel

4.2.4 Assign
The geometry properties assigned to materials can be edited by clicking on Materials Assign. After
selecting this option, the surfaces/objects assigned to specific materials must be selected, and confirm
the selection with the “Assign” button as shown in next Figure.

Figure 420: Assign Material panel

The following material assignment options can be applied to surfaces:

Number of Layers
to specify the number of layers to be considered in this object.

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Selected Layer
to select the layer that is being edited.

to assign a thickness to each layer.

For each layer, the user can select one of the following material types but can’t assign material
properties defined by geometry, material properties defined by reflection coefficient, and material
properties defined by electrical impedance to the same surface.
Perfect Conductor
The objects of this type of material are metallic or PEC (Perfect Electrical Conductor). This is the
material selected by default.

Perfect Absorbing Surface

The objects of this type of material are perfectly absorbing.

Material defined by geometry

If there are materials defined with this type, it is possible to assign them by selecting from the
combo box.

Material defined by reflection coefficient

. If there are materials defined with this type, it is possible to assign them by selecting from the
combo box.

Material defined by electrical impedance

If there are materials defined with this type, it is possible to assign them by selecting from the
combo box. (Note This feature is under development at this moment.)

Assign button
To confirm the changes.

In order to assign a material to a surface or an object, first, select this one on the screen and then
choose the material to be assigned. Finally, click on Save button.

4.2.5 Material Properties

This option displays the material assigned to different surfaces. The first table shows the selected
surfaces, the color of the assigned material and the number of layers. The second table shows the
selected surface of the first table with the materials of each layer.

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Figure 421: Material properties

PO module supports the multilayer material. Other modules only have one layer of a material.

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4.3 Materials Menu (GTD and GTD-PO Modules)

In this section all the features available in the GTD (Geometrical Theory of Diffraction) module Materials
menu are explained. The available options in the Materials menu are shown in the next Figure.

Figure 422: Materials Menu

In the following sections all the options of the Materials Menu are detailed.

4.3.1 Add
When Add is selected, the Add Material window appears, as shown in the next Figure.

Figure 423: Add Material panel

Select the required parameters and click on Save. When clicking on "save" to save the material, if it
exists, then a message is displayed informing the user that the material has already been defined. If
not, then the material definitions are saved.

In the Add Material window, the following options are available:

Material Attributes - Name. The user specifies the desired name for the new material.

Material Attributes - Color. For more information, see APPENDIX A: Color Selection.

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Material Definition- Material defined by geometry. Used to define a material according to its
physical properties. After clicking on the Set Parameters button, two different options are available in
the Material defined by Geometry window:
• Constant

Figure 424: Material defined by geometry, tab ‘Constant’

To set the material properties invariable. Epsilon (e’) and Mu (µ’) are defined with the same restrictions.

§ Real part: common values are greater than or equal to 1.0.

§ Imaginary part: if the imaginary part is negative, the material is considered to have losses;
otherwise it would be equivalent to a material with gain.


Figure 425: Material defined by geometry, tab 'Variable'

To assign the physical properties of the material according to the frequency.

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§ Frequency (in GHz): Sets the associated frequency to the physical properties. The frequency values
for each material are interpolated when the simulation is launched in order to use the most suitable one
for the working frequency.
§ Real part (’): common values are greater than or equal to 1.0.

§ Imaginary part (’’): if the imaginary part is negative, the material is considered to have losses;
otherwise it would be equivalent to a material with gain.

§ Add: to add new frequencies to the material properties.

§ Remove: to remove existing frequencies to the material properties

§ Import/Export: to import table with values from a text file or export the table into a text file.

Figure 426: File format

The information of this file can be modified by the user. Be sure not to modify the format and not to
introduce any additional line break.

§ Fill value to selection: This option allows the user to automatically change the value of the selected
cells of the table with the inserted value

These parameters can also be set using formulas in function of the frequency values.

§ Formula:

This option serves for completing the selected cells of the table with values depending on the selected
function. After choosing the function that we want to apply, pressing the Load Formula button will load
the formula f(p) in the field. The next step is choosing the initial and the final value for the function. The
final step is selecting the cells that we want to apply the function to and press the button Apply. The
cells will be auto-completed with the values created by the chosen function starting with the initial value
and ending with the final one.

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Material Definition - Material defined by reflection/transmission coefficient. Used to define

a material according reflection coefficient. After clicking on the Set Parameters button, three different
options are available in the Material defined by reflection window (following Figure):
• Constant

Figure 427: Material defined by coefficient, tab ‘Constant’

To set the material properties invariable. Amplitude and Phase are defined with decibels (dB) and
degrees (degrees).
• Variable with frequency and angle

Figure 428: Variable with frequency and angle

To assign the refraction and transmission properties of the material according to the frequency and

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§ Frequency (in GHz): Sets the associated frequency to the physical properties. The frequency values
for each material are interpolated when the simulation is launched in order to use the most suitable one
for the working frequency.
§ Angle (in degrees): Sets the associated angle to the physical properties.

4.3.2 Edit
This option allows the user to modify a previously defined Material. When the Materials –Edit option is
selected the Edit Material window (following Figure) appears. When the material to be edited has been
selected from the Select material combo box, its color can be modified. It is important to remark that
the properties of the materials may be modified, but not their type (defined by geometry, defined by
electrical impedance, or defined by reflection coefficient). To edit the material parameters, click on the
Set Parameters button and the corresponding window (following Figure) will appear. The rest of the
editing process may continue as explained in section Materials Menu (GTD and GTD-PO Modules).

Figure 429: Edit Material panel

4.3.3 Delete
This option allows the user to remove a previously defined Material. When the Materials –Delete option
is selected, the Delete Material window (following Figure) appears. When the material to be deleted has
been selected in the Select material combo box, the action can be confirmed by clicking on Delete.

Figure 430: Delete Material panel

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4.3.4 Assign
The geometric properties assigned to materials can be edited by clicking on Materials - Assign. After
selecting this option, the surfaces/objects assigned to specific materials must be selected, and confirm
the selection with the “Assign” button as shown in next Figure.

Figure 431: Assign Material panel

The following material assignment options can be applied to surfaces:

Perfect Conductor
The objects of this type of material are metallic, or PEC (Perfect Electrical Conductor). This is the
material selected by default.

Perfect Absorbing Surface

The objects of this type of material are perfectly absorbing.

Material defined by geometry

If there are materials defined with this type, it is possible to assign them by selecting from the
combo box and to specify the thickness.

Material defined by reflection/transmission coefficient

If there are materials defined with this type, it is possible to assign them by selecting from the
combo box.

Assign button
To confirm the changes.

In order to assign a material to a surface or an object, first, select this one on the screen and then
choose the material to be assigned. Finally, click on Save button.

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4.3.5 Material Properties

This option displays the material assigned to different surfaces. The first table shows the selected
surfaces, the color of the assigned material and the number of layers. The second table shows the
selected surface of the first table with the materials of each layer. This options is only available in GTD

Figure 432: Material properties

PO module supports the multilayer material. Other modules only have one layer of a material.

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4.4 Materials Menu (Periodical Structures Module)

In this section, the different options of the "Materials" menu from the Periodical Structures module will
be detailed. The following figure shows the "Materials" menu of this module:

Figure 433: "Materials" menu of the Periodical Structures module

4.4.1 Add
The "Add" option of the materials menu allows the user to add a new material to the list of materials.
When this option is selected, the following tab will appear:

Figure 434: "Add Material" tab

In this tab, the user can set the parameters for the material they want to create. The "Material
Attributes - Name" option allows the user to give a name for the created material for future reference,
and the "Material Attributes - Color" allows to give the material a representative color by clicking the
small rectangle with the current material color (white, by default). On more details about color selection
for a material, see APPENDIX A: Color Selection.

The user should modify the Epsilon (permittivity) and Mu (permeability) values associated with the
material, specifying their real parts (on the left text field) and imaginary parts (on the right text field),
or the loss tangent and relative permittivity values. Common real parts for these values are greater or
equal to "1.0". Additionally, materials with positive imaginary parts are considered to have gains, while
materials with negative imaginary parts are considered to have losses.

When the user is satisfied with the properties given to the material, they should click the "Save" button
to confirm the creation of the material.

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4.4.2 Edit
The "Edit" option of the materials menu allows the user to edit the properties of already existing
materials. When selected, this option will show the following tab to the user:

Figure 435: "Edit Material" tab

The user needs to select the material they want to edit in the "Select material to edit" dropdown menu.
The user can modify the material color by clicking the small rectangle filled with the material color,
as well as modify the Epsilon and Mu values. The meaning of these values is the same as in the "Add
Material" tab, detailed in the previous section.

When the user has finished editing the parameters for the material, they need to click the "Save" button
in order to confirm the changes.

4.4.3 Delete
The "Delete" option of the "Materials" menu allows the user to delete already existing materials. When
the user clicks on this option, the following tab will be presented:

Figure 436: "Delete Material" tab

The user needs to select the material to delete in the "Select material to delete" dropdown menu. The
properties of the selected material, that is, the material color and the Epsilon/Mu values, will be shown

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in this tab. If the user wants to delete the selected material, they only need to click the "Delete" button.
Note the material deletion cannot be undone.

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4.5 Materials Menu (US Module)

This section describes the options of the Materials menu available in US projects.

Figure 437: Materials menu (US module)

4.5.1 Add
The "Add" option allows the user to create new materials to be assigned to objects and surfaces in the
simulation. When the user selects this option, the following panel appears:

Figure 438: Add Material panel

Currently, the only possibility is the creation of materials given by their reflection/transmission
coefficients. In this panel, the user can set the name of the new material, as well as the color. To set
the color, the user needs to double-click the box next to the "Color:" label. For more information about
setting a material's color, check APPENDIX A: Color Selection.

In order to set the parameters of the material, the user needs to press the "Set Parameters" button.
The following dialog will appear:

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Figure 439: Set Parameters dialog

There are two types of coefficient-defined materials:

• Constant coefficient materials These are materials with reflection and transmission coefficients
that are constant (not depending on frequency nor angle of incidence). To define this kind of
material, it is necessary to check the "Constant" option under the "Constant" tab and introduce the
complex values of the coefficients. Please note that the amplitudes of the coefficients cannot be
larger than 1.

Figure 440: Set Parameters dialog (variable coefficients)

• Variable coefficient materials These are materials with reflection/transmission coefficients that
depend on the simulation frequency and the incidence angle of the ray in the surface. To define this

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kind of material, the user needs to select the "Variable" option under the "Variable" tab of the "Set
parameters" dialog. There are two different ways of creating variable coefficient materials:
◦ Table definition This mode of creating variable coefficient materials allows the user to
manually specify the reflection and transmission coefficient for different frequencies and
angles of incidence. To add and remove rows, the user needs to use the "Add" and "Remove"
buttons located below the table. The user can edit the content of the cells of the table directly.
However, it is possible to bulk update the value of multiple cells at once. To do that, the user
needs to select the cells of the table, introduce the value in the "Fill value to selection" field
and then press the "Fill" button.
◦ Formula definition This mode allows the user to specify formulas used to generate the
values of the amplitudes and phases of the coefficients. In the formula definition mode, the
user needs to set a sweep of frequency values and a sweep of angle of incidence values, used
to generate the data points where the formulas will be evaluated. The user also needs to
specify the formulas for each of the amplitudes and phases of the coefficients. The available
parameters and functions are shown in the drop-down lists at the top of the "Formula
Parameters" panel. The "Apply" buttons next to the formula boxes allows the user to add the
function to the formula.

Figure 441: Set Parameters dialog (formula definition)

Once the parameters has been set, the user needs to press the "OK" button on the "Coefficient
Material" dialog and then press the "Save" button in the "Add Material" button in order to save the new

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4.5.2 Edit
This option allows the edition of already created materials. When the user selects this option, the
following panel appears:

Figure 442: Edit Material panel

The user can select the material to edit in the drop-down list next to the "Select material to edit:" label.
It is possible to edit the color of the selected material by double-clicking the box next to the "Color"
label. The "Set Parameters" button allows the user to modify the reflection/transmission coefficients
of the materials. For more details on the edition of the parameters of a material, refer to the "Add"

4.5.3 Delete
This option allows the user to delete a material. When the user selects this option, the following panel

Figure 443: Delete Material panel

To delete a material, the user needs to select the material's name from the drop-down list and then
press the "Delete" button. Please note that, if the material to delete is already assigned to at least one
object or surface, the following warning will appear:

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Figure 444: Warning when deleting an assigned material

If the user selects "Yes", the material will be deleted and the surfaces that had the material assigned
will be assigned a perfect reflective material instead. If the user selects "No", the material won't be
deleted and no action will be performed.

4.5.4 Assign
This option allows the user to assign a material to one or more surfaces. When this option is selected,
the following panel appears:

Figure 445: Assign Material panel

There are several options when assigning materials:

• Perfect reflective surface: Represents a material that perfectly reflects any wave that gets into it
(that is, without attenuation).
• Perfect absorbing surface: Represents a material that perfectly transmits any wave that gets
into it (that is, without attenuation).
• Material defined by reflection/transmission: This option allows the user to select a user-
defined material to be assigned to a surface or object.

To assign a material, the user needs to select (in the geometry panel) the objects and surfaces they
want to assign the material to, and then press the "Assign" button.

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4.5.5 Properties
This option allows the user to visualize the materials assigned to surfaces, as well as bulk assign
materials and visualize the coefficients of the assigned materials. The user needs to select the objects
and surfaces in the geometry panel and then select the "Properties" option. The following panel will

Figure 446: Material Properties panel

It is possible to edit the material of the selected surface in the table (only if it isn't a perfectly reflective
or absorbent material) by pressing the "Edit material" button. For more details on how to edit the
parameters of a material, refer to the "Add" section.

The "Set reflective", "Set absorbent" and "Set material" buttons allow the user to bulk-assign a material
to multiple surfaces (to select multiple surfaces in the table, hold the Ctrl key while clicking surfaces).
The "Set material" allows to assign a user-defined material to one or multiple surfaces. The material
that is assigned corresponds to the one selected in the drop-down list next to the button.

If the user wants to update which surfaces appear in the table, they need to select the appropriate
objects and surfaces in the geometry panel and then press the "Update selected object" button.

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4.6 APPENDIX A: Color Selection

The box shows the currently selected color for the material. Left-clicking the box will originate the
Choose Material Color dialog, which allows the user to select a color in a variety of color modes:

This tab shows a grid of predefined colors from which the user can choose.

In this tab the user can pick a color specifying its hue, saturation, and value (HSV) properties.
The user can also specify a transparency or alpha value for the color.

Likewise, in this tab the user can pick a color specifying its hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL)
values and also a transparency value.

This tab allows the user to pick a color specifying its RGBA (red, green, blue, and alpha)
This tab allows the user to pick a color specifying its CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black)
components, and also an alpha component.

Figure 447: Choose Material Color using the ‘Swatches’ tab

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Figure 448: Choose Material Color using the ‘HSV’ tab

Figure 449: Choose Material Color using the ‘HSL’ tab

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Figure 450: Choose Material Color using the ‘RGB’ tab

Figure 451: Choose Material Color using the ‘CMYK’ tab

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Command Line 5
5 Command Line

The command line can be used to draw geometries or change the GUI configuration.

This chapter covers the following:

• 5.1 Using the Command Line (p. 408)

• 5.2 List of Commands Ordered by Functionality (p. 409)
• 5.3 Command Reference (p. 413)
• 5.4 Appendix I: List of Functions (p. 634)
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5 Command Line p.408

5.1 Using the Command Line

The command line provides numerous commands that can be used for multiple purposes, like drawing
geometries or changing the GUI configuration.

The command line panel is located at the bottom of the main window. In this panel the user can issue
commands to be processed by the application.

Figure 452: Calling the box command using interactive mode

Most commands (especially those related to geometry) have two modes of invocation inline mode
and interactive mode. In the inline mode, the command is called by specifying the command name
followed by all the arguments the command needs to work. In interactive mode, commands are called
by specifying their name (in some cases, a modifier can also be specified to alter its behaviour) and
then the command line asks for the required parameters, one by one. The latter mode is easier to
use when the user does not know the order of the parameters used by the inline mode (which can
be queried by calling the command with the–hmodifier). It is possible to abort a command while in
interactive mode by pressing the Esc key, or to jump into the previous step by pressing the Ctrl+Left
keys combination. The previous figure shows the box command called in interactive mode, whereas
the following figure shows the same command called using the inline mode. Both forms of invocation
achieve the same result.

Figure 453: Calling the box command using inline mode

Commands that are used to create geometric primitives are called in a similar way. The -n modifier is
optional and, if it's present, it must be followed by a user-given name for the created geometry. This
name can be used to refer to the created object in commands that represent geometric operations (like
copy, rotate or array). If the -n modifier is not present, the created object will be given an automatically
generated name.

In the other hand, the -p modifier is mandatory and must be followed by the parameters needed for the
creation of the geometry. In case of doubt about the meaning and the order of the parameters needed
to create a certain primitive, it is recommended to run the command with only the -h modifier to obtain

For further information about the commands general behaviour, use the help command.

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5.2 List of Commands Ordered by Functionality

The next table represents an exhaustive list of the commands supported in newFASANT. These
commands are ordered by the function they perform.

Category Commands

Surfaces bentDipoles: Generates a pair of bent dipoles.

capacitance: Generates a capacitance-shaped surface.

circularHole: Generates a plane with a circular hole in it.

cornerpoints: Generates a surface from 3 or 4 given points

cross: Draws a cross-like surface.

crossHole: Generates a plane with a cross-shaped hole in it.

disk: Draws a circular surface.

hexagon: Generated a solid hexagonal surface.

hyperboloid: Draws a hyperboloid.

interdigitalLines: Generates a stripline interdigital filter.

openRing: Generates a ring-shaped surface with an opening.

paraboloid: Draws a paraboloid.

plane: Draws a plane.

rebuildSurface: Rebuilds the selected surface.

ring: Generates a ring-shaped surface.

spiralCross: Generates a spiral-shaped cross surface.

splitRing: Generates a ring-shaped surface with two symmetrically located

spiralCross: Generates a hollow cross-shaped surface.

stripHexagon: Generates a hollow hexagonal surface.

stripTrifilar: Generates a hollow trifilar surface.

surfacesurface: Creates a surface with control points.

surfaceEdges: Generates the bound curves of the surface selected.

surfaceEllipse: Generates a solid ellipse surface.

surfaceFunction: Creates a surface with three functions that define points in

Cartesian coordinates.
surfaceInterpolation: Creates a surface that goes through a set of points
specified by the user.

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Category Commands
surfaceIsoparamCurve: Extracts an isoparametric curve of the selected
surfaceSpiral: Generates a surface-spiral from its center.

tCross: Generates a cross with T-shaped segments.

trifilar: Generates a cross with three segments.

rectangularHole: Generates a plane with a rectangular hole in it.

threeDipoles: Generates three straight dipoles.

threeDipolesUnion: Generates three, joined, straight dipoles.

Objects box: Draws a box.

cone: Draws a cone.

cylinder: Draws a cylinder.

ellipsoid: Draws an ellipsoid.

ogive: Draws a tangent ogive.

flare: Draws a flare.

sphere: Draws a sphere.

torus: Draws a torus.

Mesh meshFromSurfaces: Groups NURBS surfaces in mesh (degree one and


meshToSurfaces: Explodes mesh object in NURBS surfaces.

Geometric operations array: Copies objects in each of the directions of the axes.

arrayOnSurface: This option creates an array from planar elements

conformed to the selected surface.

coons: Creates a coons patch through a selected loop of curves.

copy: Copies the selected objects from start to end points.

delete: Deletes objects on screen.

duplicate: Creates a copy of the selected objects at the same position.

explode: Explodes the selected objects on screen. This generates an specific

number of surfaces.

extendHole: Extends a hole created by a surface and a loop of curves.

extrude: Creates a surface by sweeping a curve along a vector.

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Category Commands
extrudeNormal: Creates an object by sweeping the selected surfaces along
their normal vectors.
extrudeSurface: Creates an object by sweeping a surface along a vector.

group: Groups a set of surfaces into a single object.

invertNormals: Inverts the normal vectors of curves and surfaces.

localTransform: Transforms a object or more objects (assuming they are

designed with respect to the absolute coordinate system) to the coordinate
system defined by the current reference plane.

move: Moves objects by applying a translation vector.

pipe: Creates a circular cross-section tube that surrounds the selected

revolve: Creates a surface by revolving a curve an specific number of

degrees around a rotational axis.

rotate: Rotates objects a certain angle using a start point and an end point.

scale: Scales objects with a specific scale factor regarding the reference
plane or ignoring it.

scale1D: Scales only one of the X, Y or Z dimension of objects with a specific

scale factor regarding the reference plane or ignoring it.

scale2D: Scales two of the X, Y or Z dimensions of objects with a specific

scale factor regarding the reference plane or ignoring it.

scale3D: Scales the three X, Y or Z dimension of objects with a specific scale

factor regarding the reference plane or ignoring it.

scaleNonUniform: Scales the three X, Y or Z dimension of objects with a

specific scale factor for each dimension regarding the reference plane or
ignoring it.

skinned: Interpolates a surface through the given curves.

surfaceEdges: Creates a surface defined by a closed boundary loop of


symmetric: Reflects objects with respect a plane of symmetry.

trim: Trims a surface using a curve.

untrim: Undoes trim operations.

Interface operations axis: Changes the configuration of the display axes.

exit: Exits the application.

export: Exports geometry file (NUR, IGES, DXF, MSH, NAS…).

import: Imports geometry file (NUR, IGES, DXF, MSH, NAS…).

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Category Commands
rename: Rename object from an actual name to a new name.
script: Loads script and execute it or save history to script.

Parameter operations set: Assigns a set of values to a parameter.

unset: Undeclares a parameter.

Boolean operations booleanInside: Regions of an object inside another one

booleanIntersection: AND operation between two objects

booleanOutside: Regions of an object outside another one

booleanSplit: Split two objects

booleanDifference: Difference operation between two objects

booleanUnion: OR operation between two objects

booleanXOR: XOR operation between two objects

planarSurface: Generates planar surfaces for closed loops of curves.

splitByProjection: Split surfaces with the projection of the curves.

splitCurves: Splits between all selected curves.

splitSurfaces: Splits between surfaces or by curves.

splitSurfaceByIsoparam: Split a surface by an isoparametric line.

splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid: Split a surface by a grid of isoparametric lines.

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5.3 Command Reference

• analyzeCurvature
• analyzeEdges
• analyzeNakedBorders
• angle
• arc
• area
• array
• arrayOnSurface
• axis
• bentDipoles
• booleanDifference
• crossHolebooleanInside
• booleanIntersection
• booleanOutside
• crossHole
• booleanSplit
• cross
• booleanUnion
• crossHole
• booleanXOR
• box
• capacitance
• circle
• circularHole
• cone
• connect2Surfaces
• connectCurves
• coons
• copy
• cross
• crossHole
• curve
• curveFunction
• curveInterpolation
• cylinder
• delete

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• disk
• distance
• duplicate
• ellipse
• ellipsoid
• exit
• explode
• export
• extendHole
• extrude
• extrudeNormal
• extrudeSurface
• flare
• group
• help
• hexagon
• hyperbola
• hyperboloid
• import
• interdigitalLines
• invertNormals
• length
• line
• localTransform
• meshFromSurfaces
• meshToSurfaces
• move
• ogive
• openRing
• parabola
• paraboloid
• perpendicular
• pipe
• planarSurface
• plane
• point
• pointCloud
• pointsFromCurve
• pointsFromCurveByDistance

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• pointsFromSurface
• polygon
• project
• rebuildCurve
• rebuildSurface
• rectangle
• rectangularHole
• rename
• revolve
• rhomboid
• ring
• rotate
• scale
• scale1D
• scale2D
• scale3D
• scaleNonUniform
• script
• segment
• semicircle
• set
• skinned
• sphere
• spiral
• spiralCross
• splitByProjection
• splitCurves
• splitRing
• splitSurfaceByIsoparam
• splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid
• splitSurfaces
• stripCross
• stripHexagon
• stripTrifilar
• surface
• surfaceCornerPoints
• surfaceEdges
• surfaceEllipse
• surfaceFromEdges

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• surfaceFunction
• surfaceInterpolation
• surfaceIsoparamCurve
• surfaceSpiral
• sweep
• symmetric
• tangent
• tCross
• threeDipoles
• threeDipolesUnion
• torus
• trifilar
• trim
• unset
• untrim

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5.3.1 analyzeCurvature
This option is useful to identify the curves and surfaces in the geometry that describe large curvatures.
Given a desired angle as reference (in degrees), if some of the selected objects describe curvatures
bigger than the reference angle the points are generated where the curves has varied their direction
every angular step. The detected points may be only visualized or also added to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

analyzeCurvature -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Identifies the points of curvature according to the given angle.

Interactive mode usage:

analyzeCurvature [-all]

• Selection of the curves, surfaces and objects to be analyzed.
• Division angle (in degrees).

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5.3.2 analyzeEdges
This tool allows the user to detect the edges in the geometry. The edges may be only visualized or also
added to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

analyzeEdges -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Shows the detected edges in the whole geometry.

analyzeEdges –s
Shows the detected edges only in the selected geometry.

Interactive mode usage:

analyzeEdges -s

• Selection of the surfaces and objects to be analyzed.

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5.3.3 analyzeNakedBorders
This tool allows the user to detect the naked borders (borders of the surfaces that are not in contact
with other ones) in the geometry. The borders may be only visualized or also added to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

analyzeNakedBorders -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Shows the detected edges in the whole geometry.

analyzeNakedBorders –s
Shows the detected edges only in the selected geometry.

Interactive mode usage:

• analyzeNakedBorders -s
• Parameters:
◦ Selection of the surfaces and objects to be analyzed.

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5.3.4 angle
This tool allows the user to calculate the angle (in degrees) between two given vectors. Vectors are
specified by an initial point and an end point.

Inline mode usage:

angle -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

angle <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2> <x3 y3 z3> <x4 y4 z4>

Calculates the angle between the vectors. <x1 y1 z1> and <x2 y2 z2> refer to the initial and
final Cartesian coordinates of first vector and <x3 y3 z3> and <x4 y4 z4> refer to the initial and
final Cartesian coordinates of second vector, respectively.

Interactive mode usage:


• Initial coordinate for the first vector: x1 y1 z1.
• Final coordinate for the first vector: x2 y2 z2.
• Initial coordinate for the second vector: x3 y3 z3.
• Final coordinate for the second vector: x4 y4 z4.

All coordinates are specified by writing each of their three spatial components separated by a blank



Select first point for first vector [x y z] 0 0 0

Select second point for first vector [x y z] 3 0 0

Select first point for second vector [x y z] 0 0 0

Select second point for second vector [x y z] 0 2 0

The angle between given points is 90.0

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5.3.5 arc
This command allows the user to draw a circumference arc specifying its central point, radius, initial and
final angles (in degrees), in this order.

Inline mode usage:

arc -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

arc –n <name> -p <x_center> <y_center> <z_center> <radius> <initial_angle> <final_angle>

Draws a circle arc named <name> between the <initial_angle> and the <final_angle> (both
specified in degrees), and with the specified radius and center point.

Interactive mode usage:


• Center point, specified in "x y z" format x y z.
• Radius: radius.
• Initial angle: start_angle.
• Final angle: end_angle.

Both angles are specified in degrees.



Center [x y z] 0 1 0

Radius [double] 3

Initial angle [degrees] 45

Final angle [degrees] 100


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Figure 454: Resulting arc

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5.3.6 area
This command returns the total area of the selected surfaces.

Inline mode usage

area -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

area -all
The total area of the whole geometry is computed.

Interactive mode usage


Selection of surfaces and objects to be analyzed.

command> disk

Select center [x y z] 0 0 0

Radius [double] 0.5

command> area

Select the surfaces to be analyzed (Press enter when done)

Please Wait...

The area of the selected geometry is 0.7853981633982382 square meters


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5.3.7 array
Copies an object or a set of objects a given number of times in the direction of each of the axes. This
option lets the user easily create a matrix of geometries.

Inline mode usage

array -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

array –s <name> [-cir <radius>] –p <i> <j> <k> <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> :
Copy <name> object <i> times in X axis, <j> times in Y axis and <k> times in Z axis, starting
with <x1 y1 z1> point and ending in <x2 y2 z2> point.

Interactive mode usage

• array -all: Makes an array for all objects.
• array -cir <radius>: Makes a circular array by removing elements that are in a radius greater
than the <radius> parameter.
• array: Copy the selected objects on the screen.

• Objects to copy (used only when not specifying -h or -all parameters). These objects must
be selected by left-clicking on each of them (hold Ctrl to select several objects) or selecting
them on the tree view.
• Number of copies in the X axis: i.
• Number of copies in the Y axis: j.
• Number of copies in the Z axis: k.
• Starting point: x1 y1 z1.
• End point: x2 y2 z2.

Both the starting point and the end point are specified by their Cartesian coordinates. These two points
define a vector whose projection along each of the axes define the location that each successive copy
creates along the axis.

As an example, if the starting point is (1, 2, 3) and the end point is (6, 5, 4), the resulting translation
vector will be (5, 3, 1). The projection of this vector along the X axis is the vector (5, 0, 0), so in this
case each successive copy along the X axis will be spaced by 5 units. Similar calculations can be done
with respect to the Y and Z axis.

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A 2x2x2 box was created prior to this operation:

> array

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done) // Left-click on the box appearing
on the screen display

Number of copies in X axis: 2

Number of copies in Y axis: 3

Number of copies in Z axis: 4

Select start point [x y z]: 0 0 0

Select end point [x y z]: 5 4 3

Figure 455: Result of the array operation

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5.3.8 arrayOnSurface
Creates an array of planar elements along surface.

Inline mode usage

ArrayOnSurface -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Interactive mode usage


• Select surfaces on screen (Press enter when done)
• Size of cell structure [Tx Ty] (Object with planar elements must be in cell)
• Select array mode [1-Parametric,2-Global](default=2) (Global mode requires Tx=Ty)
• Select array type [1-Capacitive,2-Inductive](default=1)
• Select one object with planar elements (Press enter when done)

The next figure shows the full example of the disk array on the sphere with all the parameters required
by default (the original objects have not been deleted).

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Figure 456: Result of the execution of the arrayOnSurface command with default parameters

The next figure shows the full example of the disk array on the sphere generated with parametric mode
(the original objects have not been deleted).

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Figure 457: Result of the execution of the arrayOnSurface command using parametric mode

The next figure shows again the full example of the disk array on the sphere generated with the global
mode and the inductive type (the original objects have been deleted).

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Figure 458: Result of the arrayOnSurface command with global array mode and inductive array type

The next figure shows again the full example of the disk array on the sphere generated with the
parametric mode and the inductive type (the original objects have been deleted).

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Figure 459: Result of the arrayOnSurface command with parametric array mode and inductive array type

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5.3.9 axis
This option toggles the visualization of the three axes in the view area and allows to modify their length.

Inline mode usage:

• axis -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
• axis off: Turns off the visualization of the axes.
• axis on: Turns on the visualization of the axes.
• axis -size <value>: Sets the length of each of the axis to the specified value.

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5.3.10 bentDipoles
Add new "Bent dipoles" structure to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• bentDipoles -h: Display a help message.

• bentDipoles -n name -p x y z separation firstDipoleHeight firstDipoleWidth firstDipoleLength
secondDipoleHeight secondDipoleWidth secondDipoleLength: Creates a new pair of bent dipoles.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new pair of bent dipoles.

1. Select center [x y z]: Central point of the structure (equidistant to the vertical segment of both
2. Separation [double]: Separation between dipoles
3. Height of first dipole [double]: Height of the first dipole.
4. Width of first dipole [double]: Width of the first dipole.
5. Length of first dipole [double]: Length of the first dipole.
6. Height of second dipole [double]: Height of the second dipole.
7. Width of second dipole [double]: Width of the second dipole.
8. Length of second dipole [double]: Length of the second dipole.


Figure 460: bentDipoles example

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5.3.11 booleanDifference
This command computes the resulting surfaces of subtracting the second object to the first one (A
minus B operation), that is, the regions of the first object that are not contained in the second object.

Inline mode usage:

booleanDifference -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

booleanDifference –s –objectA <list of names A> -objectB <list of names B>

Draws the parts of the objects of A minus the objects of B.

Interactive mode usage:

• booleanDifference
• Parameters:
• ◦ Surfaces of the 'objectA' selection of surfaces and objects of the first object.
◦ Surfaces of the 'objectB' selection of surfaces and objects of the second object.


Suppose we want to create a sphere with a sphere-shaped hole in its surface. To do this, we need to
create a whole sphere (using the sphere command) and the sphere that will represent the hole we want
to make in the previously created sphere. The following commands will be used for the creation of the
two spheres:

command> sphere

Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Radius [double]: 2

command> sphere

Select center [x y z]: 1 1 1

Radius [double]: 0.75


The state of the geometry at this moment is shown in the next figure:

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Figure 461: State of the geometry before the booleanDifference operation

To create the desired object, we need to subtract the regions of the small sphere from the regions of
the big sphere. This can be done in the following way:

command> booleanDifference

Select the surfaces of the 'objectA' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select the
big sphere)

Select the surfaces of the 'objectB' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select the
small sphere)

Please Wait...


If the spheres had names, the command could also be run in the following way (assuming the spheres
have, as names, "bigSphere" and "smallSphere"):

command> booleanDifference -s -objectA bigSphere -objectB smallSphere

Please Wait...command>

The final result is shown in the next figure:

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Figure 462: State of the geometry after the booleanDifference operation

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5.3.12 booleanInside
This command select the surfaces of the first object that are contained in the second one (A inside B

Inline mode usage:

booleanInside -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

booleanInside –s –objectA <list of names A> -objectB <list of names B>

Draws the parts of the surfaces listed in A that are contained in B.

Interactive mode usage:

• booleanInside
• Parameters:
• ◦ Surfaces of the 'objectA' selection of surfaces and objects of the first object.
◦ Surfaces of the 'objectB' selection of surfaces and objects of the second object.


Suppose we have the following geometry, which is the same as the created for example of the
booleanDifference command:

Figure 463: Initial state of the geometry for the booleanInside command

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With the booleanInside command it is posisble to obtain the surfaces of the small sphere that are
contained inside the big sphere. To do this, we have to run the booleanInside command in the following

command> booleanInside

Select the surfaces of the 'objectA' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select the
small sphere)

Select the surfaces of the 'objectB' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select the
big sphere)

Please Wait...


As usual, the command can be run in non-interactive mode by specifying the names of the objects:

command> booleanInside -s -objectA smallSphere -objectB bigSphere

Please Wait...


The final result is shown in the next figure:

Figure 464: State of the geometry after the booleanInside operation

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5.3.13 booleanIntersection
This command creates an object with the regions of the two selected objects that are included in both
of them (A AND B operation). Note that the original objects used for the operation will be deleted.

Inline mode usage:

booleanIntersection -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

booleanIntersection –s –objectA <list of names A> -objectB <list of names B>

Draws the parts of the surfaces listed in A and B that are contained in both objects.

Interactive mode usage:

• booleanIntersection
• Parameters:
• ◦ Surfaces of the 'objectA' selection of surfaces and objects of the first object.
◦ Surfaces of the 'objectB' selection of surfaces and objects of the second object.


Suppose we have a box and an overlapping sphere, like the shown in the next figure:

Figure 465: Initial state of the geometry for the booleanIntersection command

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This geometry was created by running the following commands:

command> boxFirst corner of base [x y z]: 0 0 0

Base size [width depth]: 1 1

Height [double]: 1

command> sphere

Select center [x y z]: 1 0.5 0.5

Radius [double]: 0.3


Getting an object of the shared regions between the two objects is possible by running the
booleanIntersection command in the following way (note that the boolean intersection operation is
commutative, so the order of the selection does not matter):

command> booleanIntersection

Select the surfaces of the 'objectA' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select one of
the objects)

Select the surfaces of the 'objectB' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select the
other object)

Please Wait...


As usual, it is possible to run the command in non-interactive mode by using the object names.
Assuming the names of the objects are "sphere" and "box":

command> booleanIntersection -s -objectA sphere -objectB box

Please Wait...


The final state of the geometry is shown in the following figure:

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Figure 466: State of the geometry after the booleanIntersection operation

Note that the booleanIntersection operation computes the regions that are shared between the objects
(therefore, this operation is commutative). On the other hand, the booleanInside operation calculates
only the parts of the surface of an object that are inside the other object (this operation is not
commutative). As a result, the output of the booleanIntersection operation is a closed surface because
it encloses a region (assuming the input objects are also closed surfaces, as in this example), while the
booleanInside operation would not output a closed surface because its output is only the part of the
surface of an object that is enclosed inside another object.

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5.3.14 booleanOutside
This command select the surfaces of the first object that are not contained in the second one (A outside
B operation).

Inline mode usage:

booleanOutside -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

booleanOutside –s –objectA <list of names A> -objectB <list of names B>

Draws the parts of the surfaces listed in A that are not contained in B.

Interactive mode usage:


• Surfaces of the 'objectA' selection of surfaces and objects of the first object.
• Surfaces of the 'objectB' selection of surfaces and objects of the second object.


Suppose we have the following open cone and box in the geometry:

Figure 467: Initial state of the geometry for the booleanOutside command

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These objects can be created by running the following commands:

command> cone

Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Bottom radius [double]: 2

Height [double]: 3

Top radius [double]: 1

command> box

First corner of base [x y z]: -2 -1 0

Base size [width depth]: 6 2

Height [double]: 4


Let's assume we want to obtain the part of the surfaces of the cone that are outside the region enclosed
by the box. To achieve this, we need to run the booleanOutside command in the following way:

command> booleanOutside

Select the surfaces of the 'objectA' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select the

Select the surfaces of the 'objectB' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select the

Please Wait...


As usual, if the cone and the box had the names "myCone" and "myBox" respectively, the command
could also be run in the following way:

command> booleanOutside -s -objectA myCone -objectB myBoxPlease Wait...command>

The final result is shown in the following figure:

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Figure 468: State of the geometry after the booleanOutside operation

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5.3.15 booleanSplit
This command introduces the cuts that an object produces in another one.

Remark If the object that this command is called on is a surface, the surface itself will be split into
several surfaces. However, if it is an object, this command will only create a cutting loop on the object.
In the latter situation, the user may want to explode the object so it is possible to manipulate the
surfaces delimited by the cutting loop individually.

Inline mode usage:

booleanSplit -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

booleanSplit –s –objectA <list of names A> -objectB <list of names B>

Split mutually the selected objects.

Interactive mode usage


• Surfaces of the 'objectA' selection of surfaces and objects of the first object.
• Surfaces of the 'objectB' selection of surfaces and objects of the second object.


Let's assume we have the following geometry, consisting on a sphere and a surface:

Figure 469: Initial state of the geometry for the booleanSplit command

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This geometry was created using the following commands:

command> sphere
Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0
Radius [double]: 2
command> surface
Points in u direction [integer](default=3): 3
Points in v direction [integer](default=3): 2
Point [0][0] [x y z w]: -3 -3 0 1
Point [0][1] [x y z w]: -3 3 0 1
Point [1][0] [x y z w]: 0 -3 0.5 1
Point [1][1] [x y z w]: 0 3 0.6 1
Point [2][0] [x y z w]: 3 -3 2 1
Point [2][1] [x y z w]: 3 3 2.1 1

Now we will use the booleanSplit command on these two objects to create a cutting loop on the sphere
at the intersection between it and the surface. To do this, we run the command in the following way:

command> booleanSplit
Select the surfaces of the 'objectA' on screen (Press enter when done): (Select one
of the objects)
Select the surfaces of the 'objectB' on screen (Press enter when done): (Select the
other object)
Please Wait...

This will create cutting loops on both the sphere and the surface. The surface will be split into two
surfaces the part that is outside of the sphere, and the part that is inside of the sphere. However, the
sphere will not be split because it is considered a 3D object. Nevertheless, it is possible to explode the
sphere (so it is divided into individual surfaces) and, because the cutting loop was created, we can
select the surfaces of both parts of the sphere (above and below the cutting loop) independently, as
shown in the next figure:

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Figure 470: Selecting the part of the surface above the cutting loop

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5.3.16 booleanUnion
This command creates a new object that encloses the regions of the two selected objects that are
included in any of them (A OR B operation). Note that this command will delete the original objects.

Inline mode usage:

booleanUnion -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

booleanUnion –s –objectA <list of names A> -objectB <list of names B>

Draws the parts of the surfaces listed in A and B that are contained in any object.

Interactive mode usage


• Surfaces of the 'objectA' selection of surfaces and objects of the first object.
• Surfaces of the 'objectB' selection of surfaces and objects of the second object.


Suppose that we have created the two spheres shown in the next figure:

Figure 471: Initial state of the geometry for the booleanUnion command

The geometry was created by using the following commands:

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command> sphere
Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0
Radius [double]: 2
command> sphere
Select center [x y z]: 1.5 1.5 1.5
Radius [double]: 1

We want to create an object that encloses the regions of both spheres. To do this, we need to run the
booleanUnion command on both objects:

command> booleanUnion
Select the surfaces of the 'objectA' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select one
Select the surfaces of the 'objectB' on screen (Press enter when done) (Select the
other sphere)
Please Wait...

If the spheres were named "sphere1" and "sphere2", the user could run the command in non-
interactive mode in the following way:

command> booleanUnion -s -objectA sphere1 -objectB sphere2

Please Wait...

This command will create the surfaces, grouped as an object, needed to enclose the regions of both
objects. Visually, the result is the same as shown in the previous figure.

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5.3.17 booleanXOR
This command selects the surfaces of the two selected objects that are included only in one of them (A
XOR B operation).

Inline mode usage:

booleanXOR -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

booleanXOR –s –objectA <list of names A> -objectB <list of names B>

Draws the parts of the surfaces listed in A and B that are contained only in an object.

Interactive mode usage


• Surfaces of the 'objectA' selection of surfaces and objects of the first object.
• Surfaces of the 'objectB' selection of surfaces and objects of the second object.


Suppose we have the following boxes in the geometry:

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Figure 472: Initial state of the geometry for the booleanXOR command

Note that the box in the left is overlapping the box in the right, so both boxes have a shared region.
These two boxes are created with the following commands:

command> box
First corner of base [x y z]: -1 -1 0
Base size [width depth]: 2 2
Height [double]: 3
command> box
First corner of base [x y z]: 0.5 -0.5 0
Base size [width depth]: 2.5 1
Height [double]: 3

We want to run a boolean XOR operation in these two boxes, in order to end up with an object that
encloses the non-shared regions of both boxes. To do this, we run the booleanXOR command in the
following way:

command> booleanXOR
Select the surfaces of the 'objectA' on screen (Press enter when done): (Select one

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Select the surfaces of the 'objectB' on screen (Press enter when done): (Select the
other box)
Please Wait...

Or, if the boxes have the names like "box1" and "box2", the command can be run in non-interactive

command> booleanXOR -s -objectA box1 -objectB box2

Please Wait...

The result of running this command is shown in the next figure:

Figure 473: State of the geometry after the booleanXOR command

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5.3.18 box
This command draws a box at the specified coordinates taking a square bounded by width, depth and

Inline mode usage

box -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

box–n <name> -p <x> <y> <z> <width> <depth> <height>

Draws a box with the specified parameters. The x, y and z parameters refer to the corner of the
base of the box.

Interactive mode usage


• First corner point of the base of the box: x y z.
• Base size: width depth.
• Height of the box: height.

The point of the first corner is specified by writing its three Cartesian components, while width and
depth specify the dimension of the base.


First corner of base [x y z]: 0 -1 0

Base size [width depth]: 2 1

Height [double]: 3

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Figure 474: Resulting box

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5.3.19 capacitance
Add a new capacitance to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• capacitance -h: Display a help message.

• capacitance -n name -p centerX centerY centerZ separation width height length: Create a new

Screen usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new capacitance:

1. Select center [x y z]: Central point of the capacitance (equidistant to both plates).
2. Separation between plates [separation]: Separation between the two plates.
3. Size of plate [width height]: Size of both plates.
4. Length [length]: Length of the outer segment.

Remark: All input values (besides the central point components) must be greater than zero.


Figure 475: capacitance example

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5.3.20 circle
This command draws a circle with a specified radius and center point.

Inline mode usage

circle -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

circle –n <name> -p <x_center> <y_center> <z_center> <radius>

Draws a circle named <name>with center coordinates (<x_center>, <y_center>, <z_center>)
and specified radius <radius>.

Interactive mode usage:


• Center point, in "x y z" format: x y z.
• Radius of the circle: radius.



Center [x y z] 0 1 0

Radius [double] 3


Figure 476: Resulting circle

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5.3.21 circularHole
Add a new plane with a circular hole in it to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• circularHole -h: Display a help message.

• circularHole -n name -p cornerX cornerY cornerZ width depth radius: Create a new circular hole.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new circular hole.

1. First corner of plane [x y z]: Corner point of the plane.

2. Plane size [width depth]: Size of the plane (width and depth).
3. Hole radius [radius]: Radius of the circular hole.


Figure 477: circularHole example

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5.3.22 cone
This command draws a closed or open cone.

Inline mode usage:

cone -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

cone –n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius_bottom> <height> <radius_top>

Draws an open cone (no surfaces for the bottom and top bases) with the specified parameters.

cone –c –n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius_bottom> <height> <radius_top>

Draws a closed cone with the specified parameters.

Interactive mode usage:

cone (only the shell (lateral surface) is drawn) or cone –c (caps of the cone as a solid model).

• Center point of the base, specified in "x y z" format: x y z.
• Bottom radius: radius_bottom.
• Height of the cone: height.
• Top radius: radius_top.


> cone -c

Select center [x y z]: 0 1 0

Set bottom radius: 5

Set height: 4

Set top radius: 3


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Figure 478: Resulting cone

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5.3.23 connect2Surfaces
Generates a new surface to join the two selected ones (if they are not in contact).

Inline mode usage

connect2Surfaces -n name -p nameSurface1 nameSurface2 Connects the two surfaces named
"nameSurface1" and "nameSurface2" by creating a new surface that joins them. The name of the
joining surfaces will be "name".

Interactive mode usage:


• -n name: name of the new generated surface
• -p name:Surface1 nameSurface2: name of the surfaces to connect

Suppose we have created two hemispherical surfaces, as shown in the next figure:

Figure 479: Two separated hemispheres

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Let's also suppose we want to connect them to end up with a capsule-shaped object. To achieve this,
the connect2Surfaces command can be used the following way:

command> connect2Surfaces

Select the first surface (Press enter when done or Esc to Cancel): (Select one of the

Select the second surface (Press enter when done or Esc to Cancel) (Select the other

Please Wait...


Or even, if we are dealing with named surfaces, and the hemispheres are named "hemisphere1" and

command> connect2Surfaces

-p hemisphere1 hemisphere2

Please Wait...


The final result after the execution of this command is shown in the next figure:

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Figure 480: Result of the execution of the connect2Surfaces command

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5.3.24 connectCurves
Connects the selected curves.

Inline mode usage

connectCurves -s all|name... -n resul_name

Interactive mode usage:


Step 1: Select curves on screen (Press enter when done)

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5.3.25 coons
Creates a coons patch through a selected loop of 2, 3 or 4 curves.

Inline mode usage

coons -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

coons –s all
Selects all curves of the scene.

coons –s <name>
Selects <name> curve.

Interactive mode usage


• Two, three or four curves used for the creation of the coons patch. The set of selected curves
must form a closed loop.


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We are going to create a coons patch from a set of four curves, so the first step is to create the curves.
For this, we will use the curveInterpolation command:


Degree [3] 3

Select curve points [Press Enter when done]

Point 0 [x y z] 0 0 0

Point 1 [x y z] 1 0 2

Point 2 [x y z] 2 0 1

Point 3 [x y z] 4 0 0

Point 4 [x y z]:


Degree [3] 3

Select curve points [Press Enter when done]

Point 0 [x y z] 4 0 0

Point 1 [x y z] 4 1 0.5

Point 2 [x y z] 4 3 1

Point 3 [x y z] 4 4 0

Point 4 [x y z]:


Degree [3] 3

Select curve points [Press Enter when done]

Point 0 [x y z] 4 4 0

Point 1 [x y z] 3 4 0.5

Point 2 [x y z] 1 4 0
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Point 3 [x y z] 0 4 2
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Remember that you need to press Enter when all the points of a curve have been introduced. The
result of these curves are shown in the following figure:

Figure 481: Curves used for the coons patch

Now we are going to create the coons surface. To do this, use the coons command:


Select a closed set of 2, 3 or 4 curves (press Enter when done)


The result is shown in the following figure:

Figure 482: Resulting coons patch

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5.3.26 copy
Copies an object or set of objects. The difference between this command and the array command is that
the copy command copies objects by applying a displacement vector with an arbitrary direction.

Inline mode usage

copy -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

copy –s all –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>

Copies all the objects from start point <x1 y1 z1> to end point <x2 y2 z2>.

copy –s <name> –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>

Copies object with name <name> from start point <x1 y1 z1> to end point <x2 y2 z2>.

Interactive mode usage


Copy all objects.

Copy only the selected objects.

• Objects to copy (only used when not specifying the -all parameter). These objects must be
selected by left-clicking on them (hold Ctrl to select several objects) or selecting them on the
tree view.
• Start point: x1 y1 z1.
• Copy point: x2 y2 z2.

The difference between the two points determines the displacement vector applied to the original object
to create the copy.

A 2x2x2 box was created prior to executing this command:


Select objects on screen (Press enter when done): // Select the box.

Select start point [x y z]: 0 0 0

Select copy point [x y z]: 2 2 0

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Figure 483: Result of applying the copy operation

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5.3.27 cross
This command draws a cross-shaped surface.

Inline mode usage

cross -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

cross –n <name> -p <x> <y> <z> <sizeA> <sizeB>

Draws a cross named <name> and centered at the specified point <x> <y> <z>. <sizeA>
determines the side length of the central square of the cross, while <sizeB> determines one of
the sides (i.e. the one not shared with the central square) of each of the external rectangles.

Interactive mode usage


• Center point, in "x y z" format: x y z.
• Size A, length: sizeA.
• Size B, width: sizeB.

The meanings of both sizes are specified above.

> cross

Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Set Size A: 2

Set Size B: 3


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Figure 484: Resulting cross

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5.3.28 crossHole
Add a new plane with a cross shaped hole in it.

Inline mode usage:

• crossHole -h: Display a help message.

• crossHole -n name -p cornerX cornerY cornerZ width height holeThickness holeSideLenght: Create
a new cross hole.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new cross hole:

1. First corner of plane [x y z] Corner point of the plane.

2. Width and height of plane [width height] Size of the plane (width and depth).
3. Thickness of cross-shaped hole [thickness] Thickness of the hole.
4. Length of sides of the cross-shaped hole [length] Length of the blades of the cross-shaped hole.


Figure 485: crossHole example

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5 Command Line p.471

5.3.29 curve
This command creates a NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) curve by specifying its control points
(as well as the weight of each one). Note that the number of points must be at least one more than the
degree of the curve.

Inline mode usage

curve -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

curve –n <name> -d <degree> -p <x y z w>

Creates a NURBS curve named <name> with degree <degree> and specified points of control.

curve –n <name> -p <x y z w>

Creates a NURBS curve named <name> with degree 3 and specified points of control.

Interactive mode usage

• The degree of the curve degree.
• The control points, in "x y z weight" format. The user has to press Enter after specifying each
control point. A minimum of degree + 1 points are required. To finish the insertion of points,
press Enter.


Degree [3]: 2

Select control points [Press Enter when done]

Point 0 [x y z w]: 0 0 0 1

Point 1 [x y z w]: 3 3 0 0.7

Point 2 [x y z w]: 6 3 0 1

Point 3 [x y z w]:

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Figure 486: Resulting curve

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5.3.30 curveFunction
This command draws a curve with three functions that define points in Cartesian coordinates.

Inline mode usage

curveFunction -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

curveFunction –n <name> -p <u_start> <u_end> <u_samples> <x=f($u)> <y=f($u)> <z=f($u)>

Creates a curve named <name> that starts in <u_start>, ends in <u_end> and has
<u_samples>, defined by functions <x=f($u)>, <y=f($u)> and <z=f($u)>.

Interactive mode usage


• Parameter ‘u’, define range of variable ‘u’ start end samples.
• ‘x’ coordinate function: x=f($u).
• ‘y’ coordinate function: y=f($u).
• ‘z’ coordinate function: z=f($u).

The parameter is bound to the $u variable.


> curveFunction

Parameter ‘$u’ (start end samples): 0 24 48

x = f($u) = $u

y = f($u) = sin($u)

z = f($u) = 0


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Figure 487: Resulting curve function

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5.3.31 curveInterpolation
This option allows the user to draw a curve that goes through a set of points by applying polynomial

Inline mode usage

curveInterpolation -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

curveInterpolation–n <name> -d <degree> -p <x y z>

Creates a curve named <name> with degree of the polynomial of <degree> and with points <x y
z> used for the interpolation.

curveInterpolation–n <name> -p <x y z>

Creates a curve named <name> with degree of the polynomial of 3 and with points <x y z> used
for the interpolation.

Interactive mode usage:


• Degree of the curve degree.
• The points used for defining the points of interpolation to form a curve. The number of points
specified must minimally be (degree + 1) in order for the interpolation algorithm to work. To
finish the insertion of points, press Enter.


> curveInterpolation

Degree [3]: 3 // (3+1) = 4 points required for interpolation to work.

Select curve points [Press Enter when done]

Point 0 [x y z]: 0 0 0

Point 1 [x y z]: 3 3 0

Point 2 [x y z]: 2 5 1

Point 3 [x y z]: 3 1 3

Point 4 [x y z]:


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Figure 488: Resulting curve

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5.3.32 cylinder
Creates a closed or open (i.e. without taps) cylinder.

Inline mode usage

• cylinder -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
• cylinder <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius> <height>: Draws an open cylinder with the
specified parameters.
• cylinder -c <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius> <height>: Draws a closed cylinder with
the specified parameters.

Interactive mode usage


• Center point of the base, in "x y z" format.
• Radius of the circular section of the cylinder.
• Height of the cylinder.

>cylinder -c

Select center [x y z] 0 2 0

Set radius 4

Set height 3



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Figure 489: Resulting cylinder

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5.3.33 delete
This command deletes an object or set of objects from the geometry. It is also possible to delete all the
command history.

Inline mode usage

delete -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Interactive mode usage


delete -all
Delete all objects of the geometry and the command history.

Delete the selected objects of the geometry.

• Objects to delete (only when not specifying -h or all parameters). These objects must be
selected by left-clicking on them (hold Ctrl to select several objects) or selecting them on the
tree view.

When invoking "delete -all", the command will instead ask for confirmation to delete all objects of the
geometry and command history. Note that this operation cannot be undone.

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5.3.34 disk
This command creates a disk by specifying its center point and the radius.

Inline mode usage

disk -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

disk –n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius>

Creates a disk named <name>, center at the specified point and with a given radius.

Interactive mode usage


• Center point of the disk.
• Radius of the disk.


Select center [x y z] 0 0 0

Set radius 4



Figure 490: Resulting disk

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5.3.35 distance
This option allows the user to calculate the Euclidean distance between two given points.

Inline mode usage:

distance -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

distance <point1> <point2>

Calculates and displays the distance between the two specified points. Each point is represented
by its three components, separated by a blank space.

Interactive mode usage:


• First point
• Second point


> distance

Select first point [x y z] 3 0 0

Select second point [x y z] 0 4 0

The distance between points is 5.0


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5.3.36 duplicate
Creates a copy of an existing object at the same position as the original one.

Inline mode usage:

• duplicate -h: Display a help message.

• duplicate -s all: Creates a copy of every object in the geometry.
• duplicate -s <objectName1> <objectName2> ... <objectNameN>: Creates a copy of the objects
with names "<objectName1>", "<objectName2>", ..., "<objectNameN>".

Interactive mode usage:

If the command is called without any parameters, it will be run in interactive mode. In this mode, the
user only needs to select the objects they want to duplicate and press Enter to perform the copy.


Figure 491: "duplicate" command example

The object with name "id19969926_1" is created by the "duplicate" command.

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5.3.37 ellipse
This command draws an ellipse.

Inline mode usage

ellipse -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

ellipse –n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius_x> <radius_y>

Draws an ellipse centered at the specified point and with the defined radii.

Interactive mode usage


• Center point of the ellipse.
• Radius along the X axis.
• Radius along the Y axis.



Center [x y z]: 0 0 0

First radius (double): 1

Second radius (double): 5



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Figure 492: Resulting ellipse

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5.3.38 ellipsoid
This command draws an ellipsoid in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

ellipsoid -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

ellipsoid –n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius_x> <radius_yz>

Draws an ellipse centered at the given point, and with the specified radii.

Interactive mode usage


• Center of the ellipse
• Radius along the Y and Z axes
• Radius along the X axis.


Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Set major radius: 3

Set minor radius: 1


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Figure 493: Resulting ellipsoid

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5.3.39 exit
This command closes the application.

Inline mode usage

exit -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Closes the application.

When this command is issued, a dialog will require a confirmation from the user to exit newFASANT. If a
project is already opened, it will give the possibility to save the project before exiting.

Figure 494: Dialog asking to save changes to the current project

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5.3.40 explode
Divides an object into a specific number of surfaces.

Inline mode usage

explode -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

explode -all
Explode all geometries in the screen.

Interactive mode usage

explode or explode -all

• Objects to explode (when not using the all option).

A box was created prior to the following operation:

> explode

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done) // Select the box


We can see the object representing the box was split into 6 different surfaces:

Figure 495: Resulting tree view after the explode operation

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5.3.41 export
This command lets the user export the geometry contained in the current project into a file (NURBS,

Inline mode usage:

export -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Exports all selected objects. Search the geometry file with a file chooser window.

export <filepath>
Exports all objects into a file specified in the parameters.

export –s
Exports the selected objects. Search the geometry file with a file chooser window.

export –s <filepath>
Exports the selected objects into a file specified in the parameters.

Interactive mode usage


Path of the geometry file.

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5.3.42 extendHole
This option allows the user to trim a surface with a loop and extrude the resulting cut off part of the

Inline mode usage:

extendHole -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

extendHole –s <name> –c <curve> –p <height>

Extends a hole created by a surface <name> and a loop of curves <curve> with specified height.

Interactive mode usage:


• The surface where the hole will be created.
• The curve used to create the hole.
• The length of the extrusion to be applied to the hole.


We are going to create a circular hole in a box, using the extendHole command. To do this, create the
box and a circle using the following commands:


First corner of base [x y z]: 0 0 0

Other corner of base [x y]: 2 2

Height: 2


Center [x y z]: 1 1 2

Radius [double]: 0.5


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Figure 496: Created box and circle

Then we need to separate the box into different surfaces so we can work with only the top surface
instead of the whole object. To do this, select the box and enter the explode command into the
command line.

Next, we are going to invert the normal vectors of the curve. Initially, the normals of the circle are
pointing counter-clockwise so the trim will cut off the part of the surface that is outside the circle. This
is why we need to invert the normals, so select the circle and enter the invertNormals command into
the command line.

Now, we can call the extendHole command the following way:


Select one surface to prolong, then press Enter. // Select the top face of the box

Select a closed set of curves, then press Enter. // Select the circle

Height [double]: -1


We pass a negative length to the command so we create a hole (if you need to extend the hole
outwards, enter a positive length). The result is the following:

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Figure 497: Result of the extendHole command

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5.3.43 extrude
This command creates a surface by sweeping a curve along a translation vector, or by joining all of its
points to a central point.

Inline mode usage

extrude -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

extrude –point –s all –p <x y z>

Extrudes all curves to a point.

extrude –point –s name –p <x y z>

Extrudes one curve <name> to a point.

extrude –s all –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>

Extrudes all curves from a start point to an end point.

extrude –s name –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>

Extrudes one curve <name> from a start point to an end point.

Interactive mode usage

Sweeping method:


• Curves to extrude (selecting them on the screen or in the tree view).
• Start point.
• End point.

The vector that joins the start point and the end point will be considered the translation vector used for
the extruding.

Point method:

extrude -p

• Curves to extrude (selecting them on the screen or in the tree view).
• The coordinates of the extrusion point.

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A circle (centered at the origin, radius = 2) was created prior to the following

> extrude

Select curves on screen (Press enter when done) // Select the circle

Start Point [x y z]: 0 0 0

End Point [x y z]: 0 0 3



Figure 498: Result after extruding the circle

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5.3.44 extrudeNormal
Creates a closed object by sweeping the chosen surfaces in the direction of their normal vectors. This
command is a simplified version of the extrudeSurface command as the extrusion direction is set to the
normal vector of the surfaces.

Inline mode usage:

• extrudeNormal -h: Display a help message.

• extrudeNormal -n <name> -s <surface1> <surface2> ... -closeMode <mode> -d <distance>:
Creates a object by sweeping the surfaces with names <surface1>, <surface2>, the close mode
<mode> and the given distance <distance> along their corresponding normal vectors.

Interactive mode usage:

If the command is called with no arguments, the steps required to properly execute this command in
interactive mode are the following:

1. Select the surfaces to be extruded on screen (Press enter when done) It is possible to select more
than one surface by holding the Ctrl key.
2. Insert the extrusion distance (Press enter when done) The distance the surfaces will be swept.
3. Select the close mode [1-None, 2-All, 3-Inner, 4-Outer, 5-Auto].

In the third parameter one of the following modes must be selected:

1. None: Only the parallel layer is returned.

2. All: Connects all edges of the surfaces. If the surfaces are connected it generates duplicate
surfaces on the outer edges.
3. Inner: Only connects the inner edges (holes) of the surfaces.
4. Outer: Only connects the outer edges (bounds) of the surfaces.
5. Auto: Study the topology and connect the naked edges. It is not recommended to use on curved
surfaces with long extrusion distances because the parallel layer may not be well connected.


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Figure 499: "extrudeNormal" command example

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5.3.45 extrudeSurface
This option allows the user to create a solid volume from a surface. The original surface is not removed
from the view area after the extrusion has been performed.

Creates a solid object by sweeping a surface along a translation vector, or by connecting all points on
the perimeter of the surface to an extrusion point.

Inline mode usage:

extrudeSurface -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

extrudeSurface –point –s <name> –p <x y z>

Creates a solid object by connecting all points of the surface <name> to a single point.

extrudeSurface –s <name> –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>

Creates a solid object by sweeping a surface along a direction vector.

Interactive mode usage:

Sweeping method:


• The surface or surfaces to extrude.
• Start point.
• End point.

The vector that joins the start point and the end point will be considered the vector used for the

Point method:

extrudeSurface -p

• The surface or surfaces to extrude.
• The coordinates of the extrusion point.

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A square surface was created prior to executing the following command.


Select surface on screen (Press enter when done) // Select the surface

Start Point [x y z] 0 0 0

End Point [x y z] 0 0 3



Figure 500: Result of extruding a square surface

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5 Command Line p.499

5.3.46 flare
This command creates a trapezoidal prism.

Inline mode usage

flare -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

flare –n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <bottomWidth> <bottomDepth> <height>

<top_x> <top_y> <topWidth> <topDepth>
Draws a flare with the specified parameters with no caps (only the lateral surface).

flare –c –n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <bottomWidth> <bottomDepth>

<height> <top_x> <top_y> <topWidth> <topDepth>
Draws a flare with the specified parameters with caps.

Interactive mode usage

flare or flare -c
• First corner of bottom base.
• Second corner of bottom base.
• Height of the flare.
• First corner of top base.
• Second corner of top base.

The corners of both the bottom base and the top base must be two opposite ones (i.e. in the same

> flare

First corner of base [x y z] 0 0 0

Other corner of base [x y] 2 2

Set height 4

First corner of top [x y] 0.5 0.5

Other corner of top [x y] 1 1


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Figure 501: Resulting flare

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5.3.47 group
This command groups the selected surfaces into an object.

Inline mode usage

group -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

group –s all
Groups all surfaces.

group –s <name>
Groups selected surfaces in <name>.

Interactive mode usage

group or group -all

• The surfaces to group into a single object (if the "all" flag is not specified).

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5.3.48 help
This command displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for the console or the selected

Interactive mode usage: help [commandName | no_param]

• comandName displace the help that describes the command specified by commandName.
• no_param display the help that explain the most important tips for using the console with
interactive commands.

The next information is displayed when the help -box command is used:

Description: Adds new box in geometry panel taking a square bounded by width, depth
and height
Screen usage: box [-h]
-h: Print this help
no_param: Follow these steps:
Step 1: First corner of base [x y z]: x y z
Step 2: Base size [width depth] width depth
Step 3: Height [double] height

The next information is displayed when the help command is used:

Help Usage Type 'help <command>' or '<command> -h' to show help about a specific
- Type a command and press ENTER to execute it.
- Press ESC to abort a command.
- Press TAB to complete the written pattern name with the coincident commands.
- Use the mouse to pick points or draw the geometry directly.
- Press Ctrl+Left in a command step for coming back to the previous one.
- Use Up/Down arrows to show the commands used recently.
- Use Ctrl+Z or Ctrl+Y for Undo/Redo.
- Go to Edit->History to modify previous operations or delete specific commands.
Ctrl+L Clear the console panel.

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5.3.49 hexagon
Adds a new hexagon to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• hexagon -h: print help guide

• hexagon -n name -p x y z radius: create hexagon

Interactive mode usage:

• Invocation hexagon
• Parameters:
• ◦ Center [x y z]: point marked as center.
◦ Radius [double]: hexagon radius.


> hexagonCenter [x y z]: 0.4 0.6 0.0

Radius [double]: 0.92


Figure 502: hexagon example

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5.3.50 hyperbola
This command creates a hyperbolic curve on the geometry.

Inline mode usage

hyperbola -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

-n <name> -p <centerX> <centerY> <centerZ> <focusX> <focusY> <focusZ> <pX> <pY>
<pZ>: Creates a hyperbola with the directrix center, focus and corner point.

Interactive mode usage


• Directrix center point [x y z].
• Focus point [x y z].
• Corner point [x y z].


Figure 503: Hyperbola.

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5.3.51 hyperboloid
This command draws a hyperboloid on the geometry.

Inline mode usage

hyperboloid -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

hyperboloid -n <name> -p <centerX> <centerY> <centerZ> <focus> <height> <radius>

Draws a hyperboloid on the screen with the vertex point, focus distance, height of hyperboloid
and radius. Hole radius is used to create a hole around the vertex.

Interactive mode usage


• Center point: Describes the vertex of the hyperboloid.
• Focus distance: It is defined as the distance between the vertex and focus point.
• Radius: It is the distance from the vertex to the corner point in XY plane.
• Height: It is the distance from the vertex to the corner point in Z.
• Hole radius: It is the size of the hole in the center of hyperboloid.


Figure 504: Hyperboloid.

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5.3.52 import
Description:This option allows the user to import an external geometry in a file (NUR, IGES, DXF,

Inline mode usage:

import -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Import and search the geometry file with a file chooser window.

import <file_path>
Import from <file_path> directly.

Interactive mode usage:


Path of the geometry file.

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5.3.53 interdigitalLines
Creates a stripline interdigital filter.

Inline mode usage:

• interdigitalLines -h: show help message

• interdigitalLines -n name -p x y z width height gap separation: create one geometry instance

Interactive mode usage:

• Center [x y z]: center for the interdigital filter.

• Gap [double]: separation between each one of the five parallel segments.
• Separation [double]: separation between each one of the two segment groups.
• Height [double]: height for the segments
• Width [double]: thickness for every segment in the filter.


> interdigitalLines
Center [x y z]: 0 0 0
Gap [double]: 1
Separation [double]: 0.4
Height [double]: 1.7
Width [double]: 0.44


Figure 505: interdigitalLines example

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5.3.54 invertNormals
This command inverts the direction of the normal vectors of a curve, surface or solid object.

Inline mode usage:

invertNormals -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

invertNormals -all
Invert the normal vector of all objects.

Invert normals by selecting objects on screen.

Interactive mode usage:


• The curve, surface or object whose normal surface vectors are to be inverted.


Figure 506: Visualizing normals

We’re going to invert the normal vectors of an existing surface. To help us visualize this, select the
surface and select the View Normals option by clicking the button. The normal vectors are now visible
on the geometry view:

Now we want to invert the normals, so they point downwards. To do this, use the invertNormals

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done): // Select the surface and press


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Figure 507: Result of inverting the normals

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5.3.55 length
This command returns the total length of the selected curves.

Inline mode usage

length -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

length -all
The total length of the whole geometry is computed.

Interactive mode usage


• Selection of curves to be analyzed.

command> spiral

Center [x y z] {default (0,0,0)}:

Radius [double] {default 1.0}:

Number of turns [double] {default 2.0}:

command> length

Select the curves to be analyzed (Press enter when done)

The length of the selected curves is 6.431392544068673 meters


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5.3.56 line
This command generates a straight line in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

line -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

line –n <name> -p <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2>

Draws a straight line between the two points specified by the user.

Interactive mode usage


• Initial point of the line.
• Final point of the line.


First point [x y z]: 0.5 1 0

Second point [x y z]: 1 0 2



Figure 508: Resulting straight line

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5 Command Line p.512

5.3.57 localTransform
This command allows the user to transform the selected objects, which are assumed to be positioned in
the default Cartesian coordinate system, to the current coordinate system (determined by the reference

Inline mode usage:

• localTransform -h: Display the help message that summarizes the parameters for this command.
• localTransform -all: Transforms all the objects in the geometry to the current reference plane.
• localTransform -s <objectName1> <objectName2> ... <objectNameN>: Transforms the objects
with names <objectName1>, <objectName2>, ... and <objectNameN> to the current reference

Interactive mode usage


• Step 1: Select objects on screen that need to be transformed.

Interactive mode usage:


A typical use case for this command is the positioning of an antenna feed at the focal point of a single
reflector or reflector system. In the following example, we will put an antenna feed (designed to be at
the origin point of the absolute coordinate system) at the focal point of a Gregorian reflector system.
Note that the following example can only be done in the MOM module.

Firstly, we will create the antenna feed. The chosen antenna feed for this example will be a pyramidal

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Figure 509: Created pyramidal horn

Next, we will create a offset-fed Gregorian reflector system. The feed point for this reflector system is
chosen to be at (0.0, 0.0, 0.2):

Figure 510: Created horn and Gregorian reflector system

Now, we will use the localTransform command in order to locate the pyramidal horn at the feed point of
the Gregorian reflector system. However, prior to this operation we will need to set the reference plane
so the origin point is at the feed point of the Gregorian system, and the positive Z axis is pointing to the
center of the subreflector.

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Figure 511: Reference plane for the localTransform operation

Once we have the reference plane (and therefore, our local coordinate system) configured adequately,
it is possible to use the localTransform command to locate the horn at the feed point of the Gregorian
system. We can do so in two different ways:
• Running the localTransform command in inline mode "localTransform -s <name of the horn
• Running the localTransform command in interactive mode by writing "localTransform" in the
command line, then selecting the horn object in the geometry panel and pressing Enter.

The result of the execution of this command is shown in the next figure:

Figure 512: Result of the execution of the localTransform command on the horn

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5.3.58 meshFromSurfaces
This command creates a mesh from a set of surfaces.

Inline mode usage:

• meshFromSurfaces -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Interactive mode usage


• Surfaces to join to create a mesh.

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5 Command Line p.516

5.3.59 meshToSurfaces
This command converts a mesh to a set of (open) surfaces.

Inline mode usage:

• meshToSurfaces -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Interactive mode usage


• Mesh to convert to surfaces.

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5.3.60 move
This command moves an object by applying a translation vector to it.

Inline mode usage

move -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Interactive mode usage

move or move -all

• The objects or objects to move (only when not specifying the all parameter). The objects
must be selected by clicking on them in the geometry view (hold Ctrl to select several
objects) or by selecting them on the tree view.
• Start point.
• End point.

The vector that joins the start point and the end point will be considered the translation vector
considered for the move operation. For example, if the start point is (1,0,0) and the end point is
(2,0,2), the object will be moved 1 unit in the X direction and 2 units in the Z direction.

Assume a box was created prior to the move operation with the “box 0 0 0 2 2 2” command:

> move

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done): // Select the box and press Enter.

Start Point [x y z]: 1 1 1

End Point [x y z]: 3 3 1

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Figure 513: Result of the move operation

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5.3.61 ogive
This command create a tangent ogive in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

• ogive-h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
• ogive -n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius_bottom> <height>
<radius_top>: Creates a tangent-ogive named name whose base is centered at ( center_x,
center_y, center_z) and has a radius of radius_bottom, and the given height and radius_top
at the peak. The tangent ogive is opened both at the base and peak.
• ogive -c -n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius_bottom> <height>
<radius_top>: Creates a spherically blunted-tangent ogive named name whose base is centered at
( center_x, center_y, center_z) and has a radius of radius_bottom, and the given height and
radius_top at the peak. The tangent ogive is closed both at the base and peak.

Interactive mode usage

Interactive mode usage

• -c :Creates a spherically blunted-tangent ogive that is closed both at the base and peak.
• no_param: Creates a tangent ogive that is open both at the base and peak.
• [-rightTurned | no_param]: The following parameters are required:
• ◦ Step 1: Base center, given by its x, y and z coordinates.
◦ Step 2: Radius at the bottom.
◦ Step 3: Height of the tangent ogive.
◦ Step 4: Radius at the top of the tangent ogive.

• A spherically blunted-tangent ogive is shown in next figure.

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Figure 514: Spherically blunted-tangent ogive

• A tangent ogive with the same parameters than the spherically blunted is shown in figure below.
Note that the height of the generated ogive only agrees with the specified one when the top
radius is set to 0 (tangent ogive), otherwise the ogive is shorter (spherically blunted-tangent

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Figure 515: Tangent ogive compared to the spherically blunted-tangent ogive

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5.3.62 openRing
Add a new open ring to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• openRing -h: Display a help message.

• openRing -n name -p centerX centerY centerZ minorRadius majorRadius openingAngle
openingDirection: Creates a new open ring.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new open ring:

1. Select center [x y z]: Center point of the ring.

2. Minor radius [double]: Inner radius.
3. Major radius [double]: Outer radius.
4. Opening angle [degrees]: Angle, in degrees, that determines how large is the opening.
5. Opening direction [degrees]: Angle, in degrees, that determines the direction the opening is facing
in. An angle of zero degrees means that the opening is facing in the direction of the positive Y
axis, and larger angles are interpreted as counter-clockwise rotations.

Remark The opening angle MUST be between 0 and 360.


Figure 516: openRing example

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5.3.63 parabola
This command draws a parabola.

Inline mode usage

parabola -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

parabola -n <name> -p <centerX> <centerY> <centerZ> <focusX> <focusY> <focusZ> <pX> <pY>
Draws a parabola with the specified directrix center, focus and corner point.

Interactive mode usage:


• Directrix center: Center point of the directrix.
• Focus point: Parabola focus.
• Corner point: It is the end of the parabola.


Figure 517: Parabola

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5.3.64 paraboloid
This command creates a paraboloid in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

paraboloid -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

paraboloid -n <name> -p <centerX> <centerY> <centerZ> <focus> <radius> <holeRadius>

Draws a paraboloid on the screen with the vertex point, focus distance and radius. Hole radius is
used to create a hole around the vertex.

Interactive mode usage


• Center point: Describes the vertex of the paraboloid.
• Focus distance: It is defined as the distance between the vertex and focus point.
• Radius: It is the distance from the vertex to the corner point in XY plane.
• Hole radius: It is the size of the hole in the center of paraboloid.


Figure 518: Paraboloid.

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5.3.65 perpendicular
This command generates a straight line in the geometry perpendicular to the selected object that cross
the introduced point.

Inline mode usage

perpendicular -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

perpendicular –n <resulName> -s <selectionName> -p <pX> <pY> <pZ> <length>

Generate a straight line normal to the selectionName curve/surface and crossing the point <pX>
<pY> <pZ> with the specific length.

Interactive mode usage


• Point in the perpendicular line.
• Length of the line.

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The following example shows how to insert a perpendicular line to a surface generated by revolving a

command> line

First point [x y z] 0.2 0 0

Second point [x y z] 0.2 0 1

command> revolve

Select curves on screen (Press enter when done)

Axis point 1 [x y z] 0 0 0

Axis point 2 [x y z] 0 0 1

Initial Angle [degrees] {default 0.0}

Final Angle [degrees] {default 360.0} 90

command> perpendicular

Insert the coordinates of a point in the perpendicular line [x y z] 0.5 0.5 0.0

Insert the length of the perpendicular line 0.75


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Figure 519: Resulting perpendicular line

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5.3.66 pipe
This command create a circular cross-section tube that surrounds the selected curve with the specified

Inline mode usage

pipe -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

pipe -s <nameCurve> -p <radius>

Create the pipe along the given curve with the specified radius.

Interactive mode usage


• Rail curve. Axis-curve where the pipe is centered in.
• Radius. Radius of the circular-cross section pipe. Corresponding distance from the rail curve
to the closest point in the pipe.

We're going to create a torus from a circle by using the pipe command.

command> circle
Center [x y z]: 0 0 0
Radius [double]: 1
command> pipe
Select one curve on screen (Press enter when done)
Radius [double]: 0.2

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Figure 520: Pipe of a circle

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5.3.67 planarSurface
This option allows the generation of planar surfaces from multiple coplanar lines.

Inline mode usage

planarSurface -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Interactive mode usage


• Selected coplanar curves on the screen.

First of all, a circle and a rectangle will be created in order to generate a planar surface from them.

> circle

Center [x y z] 0 0 0

Radius (double) 1

> rectangle

First corner of the rectangle [x y z] 0.5 0.5 0

Size [width depth] 1 1.5


Then, planar surface can be created.

> planarSurface

Select coplanar curves on the screen (press enter when done)



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Figure 521: Resulting planar surface

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5.3.68 plane
This command creates a plane in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

plane -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

plane –n <name> -p <point1_x> <point1_y> <point1_z> <width> <depth>

Creates a new plane determined by a start point, width and depth.

Interactive mode usage


• First point.
• Width.
• Depth.

> plane

Select first point [x y z] 0 0 0

Plane size [width depth] 2 2


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Figure 522: Resulting plane

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5.3.69 point
This command defines a point in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

point -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

point –n <name> -p<x><y><z>

Draws a point at the specified coordinates.

Interactive mode usage


• Components of the point. Each component must be separated by a blank space. The point
can also be selected by left-clicking points in the geometry view.

In this example, we will create two points by using the two different interactive methods mentioned

> point

Select point on screen [x y z] 2 2 0



Figure 523: Resulting points

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5.3.70 pointCloud
This command allows the user to create several points on the geometry.

Inline mode usage

pointCloud -h
Prints command usage.

pointCloud–n <name> -p <x y z>

Adds any arbitrary points given by <x y z> in geometry.

Interactive mode usage


• Points to draw. The points are specified by entering their coordinates in the command line or
by selecting them on the geometry view. In both cases, the user will press Enter to confirm
the selection. To finish entering points, press Enter without specifying an additional point.

> pointCloud

Select point on screen [x y z]: 1 1 0

Select point on screen [x y z]: 1 1 1

Select point on screen [x y z]: 2 2 3

Select point on screen [x y z]:


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Figure 524: Resulting points

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5.3.71 pointsFromCurve
The user can draw several points along a selected curve. The points are generated along a curve as a
result of its division in several subcurves (the curve is not split) of identical size.

Inline mode usage

pointsFromCurve -h
Prints command usage.

pointsFromCurve –s <name_curve> -p <n_points>

Extract <n_points> points from the curve <name_curve>.

Interactive mode usage


• Curve
• Number of points

For this example, one curve must be defined.

> pointsFromCurve

Select one curve (Press enter when done):

Number of points [integer]: 4



Figure 525: Extracted points from a curve

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5.3.72 pointsFromCurveByDistance
The user can draw several points along a selected curve. The points are generated along a curve when
the desired length of a subcurve (the input curve is not split) is reached.

Inline mode usage

pointsFromCurveByDistance -h
Prints command usage.

pointsFromCurveByDistance –s <name_curve> -p <distance>

Extract points from the curve <name_curve> separated <distance>.

Interactive mode usage


• Curve
• Distance

For this example, one curve must be defined.

> pointsFromCurveByDistance

Select one curve (Press enter when done):

Distance between points [double]:0.1



Figure 526: Extracted points from a curve by distance

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5.3.73 pointsFromSurface
The user can draw several points along the two parametric dimensions of a selected surface.

Inline mode usage

pointsFromSurface -h
Prints command usage.

pointsFromSurface –noTrim <name_surface> -p <n_points_U> <n_points_V>

Extract points from along a surface <name_surface>. The user needs to introduce the maximum
number of points along the U-dimension and the V-dimension of the surface, not considering
trimmed points.

pointsFromSurface <name_surface> -p <n_points_U> <n_points_V>

Extract points from along a surface <name_surface>. The user needs to introduce the maximum
number of points along the U-dimension and the V-dimension in the valid region of the surface.

Interactive mode usage


• Surface
• Number of points along the U-dimension
• Number of points along the V-dimension

For this example, one surface must be defined.

> pointsFromSurface

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done):

Number of points in U-dimension [integer] 20

Number of points in V-dimension [integer] 40


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Figure 527: Extract points from a surface

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5.3.74 polygon
This command draws a polygon in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

polygon -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

polygon –n <name> -p <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3> ...
Draws a N-gon with the specified vertices.

polygon –n <name> -r -p <sides> <x y z> <radius>

Draws a regular polygon with <sides> number of sides.

polygon –n <name> -s -p <sides> <x y z> <radius_1> <radius_2>

Draws a regular star with <sides> number of sides.

Interactive mode usage

Vertices method:

• The coordinates of each vertex of the polygon, in “x y z” format. When the desired points
have been entered, the user needs to press Enter (without specifying any coordinates) to
draw the polygon. A minimum of three vertices are required.

Regular polygon method:

polygon -r

• The number of sides of the polygon.
• The center point of the polygon.
• The radius of the circle that the polygon is circumscribed in.

Star method:

polygon -s

• Number of spikes of the star.
• Center point of the star.
• Minor radius of the star.
• Major radius of the star.

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> polygon

Point 0 [x y z] 1 1 0

Point 1 [x y] 1 3

Point 2 [x y] 3 3

Point 3 [x y] 4 1

Point 4 [x y]:



Figure 528: Resulting polygon

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5.3.75 project
This command projects points and curves onto surfaces or objects. The original points and curves are
not modified.

Inline mode usage

project -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

project -s <nameToProject1> <nameToProject2> ... –targets <nameSurface1> <nameSurface2> ...

Project the selected points and curves onto the closest points of the target surfaces selection.

project -s <nameToProject1> <nameToProject2> ... –targets <nameSurface1> <nameSurface2> ... -

dir <startX> <startY> <start> <endX> <endY> <endZ>
Project the selected points and curves onto the target surfaces selection according to the vector
defined by the differences <endX-startX> <endY-startY> <endZ-startZ>.

Interactive mode usage

project or project -dir


Objects to project
Selection of points and curves to be projected. They are not modified.

Target surfaces
Selection of surfaces and objects where the points and curves are projected.

Start point
Origin of the projection direction. This parameter is only required when the option -dir is
included in the invocation.

End point
End of the projection direction. This parameter is only required when the option -dir is
included in the invocation.

We’re going to project a circle onto a sphere by using the two different modes.

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The next commands create the objects required for the projection.

command> circle

Center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Radius [double]: 0.1

command> sphere

Select center [x y z]: 0 0 -1

Radius [double]: 2


If no options is included in the invocation, the project to the closest point is done. This projection may
modify the dimensions of the resulting curves.

If the option -dir is included in the invocation, two points are required to define the projection direction.


Figure 529: Project a circle onto a sphere

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Figure 530: Project a circle onto a sphere by direction

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5.3.76 rebuildCurve
This option allows rebuilding any given curve by sampling and interpolating the resulting points.

Inline mode usage:

rebuildCurve -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

rebuildCurve –s <curve> -p <degree> <points>

Rebuild the selected curve.

rebuildCurve –c –s <curve> -p <degree> <points>

Rebuild the selected curve, keeping the original surface.

Interactive mode usage:


• Selected curve.
• Degree of the new curve.
• Points of the new curve.


For this example one curve must be defined.


Select one curve (Press enter when done):

Degree [integer](default=2): 3

Points [integer](default=3): 11


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5.3.77 rebuildSurface
This option allows rebuilding any given surface by sampling and interpolating the resulting points.

Inline mode usage:

rebuildSurface -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

rebuildSurface –s <surface> -p <uDegree> <uPoints> <vDegree> <vPoints>

Rebuild the selected surface

rebuildSurface –c –s <surface> -p <uDegree> <uPoints> <vDegree> <vPoints>

Rebuild the selected surface, keeping the original surface.

rebuildSurface -noTrim –s<surface> -p <uDegree> <uPoints> <vDegree> <vPoints>

Rebuild the selected surface not trimmed.

rebuildSurface –c -noTrim –s <surface> -p <uDegree> <uPoints> <vDegree> <vPoints>

Rebuild the selected surface not trimmed, keeping the original surface.

Interactive mode usage:


• Selected surface.
• Degree along the U-dimension.
• Degree along the V-dimension.
• Points along the U-dimension.
• Points along the V-dimension.


For this example, one surface must be defined.


U-Degree [integer](default=2): 1

V-Degree [integer](default=2): 1

Points in u direction [integer](default=3): 2

Points in v direction [integer](default=3): 2


Original surface:

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Figure 531: Original surface used for the rebuildSurface operation

Resulting surface:

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Figure 532: Resulting surface after the rebuildSurface operation

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5.3.78 rectangle
This command draws a rectangle in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

rectangle -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

rectangle –n <name> -p <x1> <y1> <z1> <width> <depth>

Draws a rectangle with a start point on the corner of the geometry, width and depth.

Interactive mode usage:


• Coordinate of first corner.
• Width
• Depth.

> rectangle

First point [x y z] 0 0 0

Size [width depth] 2 4


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Figure 533: Resulting rectangle

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5.3.79 rectangularHole
Adds new hole rectangle in geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• rectangularHole -h: shows the help guide for this command

• rectangularHole -n name -p x y z width height holeWidth holeHeight: creates a rectangular hole

Interactive mode usage:

• Invocation holeRectangle
• Parameters:
• ◦ Select corner [x y z]: x y z - x, y, z corner for this holeRectangle
◦ Major [width height]: width and height for the rectangle.
◦ Minor [width height]: width and height for the inner hole.


> rectangular

HoleFirst corner of plane [x y z]: -1 -1 0

Size of plane [width height]: 2 2

Size of hole [width height]: 1 1


Figure 534: rectangularHole example

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5.3.80 rename
This command renames an object to a given new name

Inline mode usage

rename -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

Interactive mode usage:

rename <oldname> <newname>

• Old name of the object.
• New name of the object.

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5.3.81 revolve
This command creates a surface by revolving a curve around a rotational axis.

Inline mode usage

revolve -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

revolve –s <name> –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2> <angle>

Create a surface by rotating a curve by a number of degrees.

Interactive mode usage


• Curves to revolve.
• First axis point.
• Second axis point.
• Rotation angle, in degrees.

The line that joins both axis points will be the axis considered for the rotation.

We’re going to create a torus by revolving a circle around a rotational axis. In order to do this, we have
to create the circle to revolve:


Center [x y z]: 6 0 0

Radius [double]: 2


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Figure 535: Base Circle

Revolving this circle around the Y axis we will create a torus with an inner radius of 4 and an outer
radius of 8, as we will see below:

> revolve

Select curves on screen (Press enter when done): // Select the circle

Axis point 1 [x y z]: 0 0 0

Axis point 2 [x y z]: 0 1 0

Angle [degrees]: 360


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Figure 536: Resulting torus

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5.3.82 rhomboid
This command draws a rhomboid in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

rhomboid -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

rhomboid –n <name> -p <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3>

Draws a rhomboid in the geometry given three of its corner points are defined by the user.

Interactive mode usage


• First point.
• Second point.
• Third point.

The fourth point of the rhomboid will be calculated by adding the difference between the second point
and the first point to the third point.

> rhomboid

First point [x y z]: 1 1 0

Second point [x y]: 3 2

Third point [x y]: 2 5


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Figure 537: Resulting rhomboid

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5.3.83 ring
Adds new ring in geometry panel.

Inline mode usage:

• ring -h: Display a help message.

• ring -n name -p x y z minorRadius majorRadius: Generates a new ring surface.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new ring:

1. First corner of base [x y z]: Center point of the ring.

2. Minor radius [double]: Inner radius of the ring.
3. Major radius [double]: Outer radius of the ring.


Figure 538: ring example

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5.3.84 rotate
This command rotates an object a given number of degrees around a specified axis.

Inline mode usage

rotate -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

rotate –all –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2> <angle>

Rotates all objects from start point <x1 y1 z1> to final point <x2 y2 z2> with angle <angle>.

Interactive mode usage

rotate or rotate -all

• Objects to rotate (when not specifying the all modifier).
• First point of rotational axis.
• Second point of rotational axis.
• Angle to rotate, in degrees.

We want to create a circle lying on the XZ plane. To do this, we create a circle using the circle
command. This circle will lie in the XY plane:


Center [x y z] 0 0 0

Radius [double] 2


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Then, we will rotate this circle by 90 degrees around the Z axis. For that operation, we will use the
rotate command:

> rotate

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done) // Select the circle

Select first point [x y z] 0 0 0

Select second point [x y z] 1 0 0

Select angle (double) 90


Figure 539: Circle lying in the XZ plane

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5.3.85 scale
This command scales the size of an object or objects by a factor specified by the user.

Inline mode usage

scale -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

scale –all –p <scaleFactor>

Scales all objects with a scale factor.

scale <name> –p <scaleFactor>

Scales one selected object with a scale factor.

scale –nolocal -all –p <scaleFactor>

Scales all objects with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

scale –nolocal <name> –p <scaleFactor>

Scales one selected object with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

Interactive mode usage

scale or scale -all

• Objects to scale (when not using the all modifier). The objects can be selected by left-clicking
on them in the geometry view (hold Ctrl for multiple selection) or by left-clicking on them in
the tree view.
• Scale factor. Factors smaller than 1 decrease the size of the selected objects while factors
greater than 1 magnify the objects.
• By default, the selected objects will be scaled using the reference plane as reference.
Optionally, the user can specify the-noLocalargument to ignore the reference plane when

We’re going to create a 1x1x1 cube and then scale it so we convert it into a 10x10x10 cube. First, we
need to create the original cube:


First corner of base [x y z]: 0 0 0

Other corner of base [x y]: 1 1

Height: 1


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Figure 540: Original 1x1x1 cube

Now, we just have to scale this cube by a factor of 10:


Select objects on screen (Press enter when done):

Scale factor (double): 10


Figure 541: Scaled cube

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5.3.86 scale1D
This command scales only the specified dimension (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the factor
specified by the user.

Inline mode usage

scale1D -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

scale1D –all –p <scaleFactor>

Scales all objects with a scale factor.

scale1D <name> –p <scaleFactor>

Scales one selected object with a scale factor.

scale1D –nolocal -all –p <scaleFactor>

Scales all objects with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

scale1D –nolocal <name> –p <scaleFactor>

Scales one selected object with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

Interactive mode usage

scale1D or scale1D -all

• Objects to scale (when not using the all modifier). The objects can be selected by left-clicking
on them in the geometry view (hold Ctrl for multiple selection) or by left-clicking on them in
the tree view.
• Coordinate. The dimension to be scaled. Only one of the values "x", "y" or "z" are allowed.
• Scale factor. Factors smaller than 1 decrease the size of the selected objects while factors
greater than 1 magnify the objects.
• By default, the selected objects will be scaled using the reference plane as reference.
Optionally, the user can specify the -noLocal argument to ignore the reference plane when

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We’re going to scale the height of a cone by using the scale1D command.

command> cone -c

Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Bottom radius [double]: 1

Height [double]: 1

Top radius [double]: 0

command> scale1D

Coordinate {x|y|z}: z

Scale factor [double]: 2


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Figure 542: Cone scaled in the Z coordinate

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5.3.87 scale2D
This command scales only the two specified dimensions (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the same
factor specified by the user.

Inline mode usage

scale2D -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

scale2D–all –p <scaleFactor>
Scales all objects with a scale factor.

scale2D<name> –p <scaleFactor>
Scales one selected object with a scale factor.

scale2D–nolocal -all –p <scaleFactor>

Scales all objects with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

scale2D–nolocal <name> –p <scaleFactor>

Scales one selected object with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

Interactive mode usage

scale2D or scale2D -all

• Objects to scale (when not using the all modifier). The objects can be selected by left-clicking
on them in the geometry view (hold Ctrl for multiple selection) or by left-clicking on them in
the tree view.
• First Coordinate. One of the dimensions to be scaled. Only one of the values "x", "y" or "z"
are allowed.
• Second Coordinate. The other dimension to be scaled. Only one of the values "x", "y" or
"z" (different of the first coordinate) are allowed.
• Scale factor. Factors smaller than 1 decrease the size of the selected objects while factors
greater than 1 magnify the objects.
• By default, the selected objects will be scaled using the reference plane as reference.
Optionally, the user can specify the -noLocal argument to ignore the reference plane when

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We’re going to convert an ellipsoid into a sphere by using the scale2D command.

command> ellipsoid

Select center [x y z] 0 0 0

X radius [double] 1

Y radius [double] 0.5

Z radius [double] 0.5

command> scale2D

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done)

Coordinate 1 {x|y|z} y

Coordinate 2 {x|y|z} z

Scale factor [double] 2


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Figure 543: Scaled ellipsoid converted into a sphere by scaling it in two dimensions

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5.3.88 scale3D
This command scales the three dimensions (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the same factor specified
by the user.

Inline mode usage

scale3D -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

scale3D–all –p <scaleFactor>
Scales all objects with a scale factor.

scale3D<name> –p <scaleFactor>
Scales one selected object with a scale factor.

scale3D–nolocal -all –p <scaleFactor>

Scales all objects with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

scale3D–nolocal <name> –p <scaleFactor>

Scales one selected object with a scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

Interactive mode usage

scale3D or scale3D -all

• Objects to scale (when not using the all modifier). The objects can be selected by left-clicking
on them in the geometry view (hold Ctrl for multiple selection) or by left-clicking on them in
the tree view.
• Scale factor. Factors smaller than 1 decrease the size of the selected objects while factors
greater than 1 magnify the objects.
• By default, the selected objects will be scaled using the reference plane as reference.
Optionally, the user can specify the -noLocal argument to ignore the reference plane when

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We’re going to create an ellipsoid and then scale it by a factor of 1.5.

command> ellipsoid

Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0

X radius [double]: 0.5

Y radius [double]: 1

Z radius [double]: 0.8

command> scale3d

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done)

Scale factor [double]: 1.5


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Figure 544: Scaled ellipsoid in the three dimensions

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5.3.89 scaleNonUniform
This command scales the three dimensions (X, Y, Z) of an object or objects by the three different scale
factors for each dimension specified by the user.

Inline mode usage

scaleNonUniform -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

scaleNonUniform –all –p <scaleFactorX>


scaleNonUniform <name> –p
<scaleFactorX> <scaleFactorY> <scaleFactorZ> Scales the dimensions of the selected object with
the corresponding scale factors.

scaleNonUniform –nolocal -all –p

<scaleFactorX> <scaleFactorY> <scaleFactorZ> Scales the dimensions of all objects with the
corresponding scale factor, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.
scaleNonUniform –nolocal <name> –p
<scaleFactorX> <scaleFactorY> <scaleFactorZ> Scales the dimensions of the selected object with
the corresponding scale factors, ignoring the reference plane to apply it.

Interactive mode usage

scaleNonUniform or scaleNonUniform -all

• Objects to scale (when not using the all modifier). The objects can be selected by left-clicking
on them in the geometry view (hold Ctrl for multiple selection) or by left-clicking on them in
the tree view.
• X, Y and Z Scale factors. Factors smaller than 1 decrease the size of the selected objects
while factors greater than 1 magnify the objects.
• By default, the selected objects will be scaled using the reference plane as reference.
Optionally, the user can specify the -noLocal argument to ignore the reference plane when

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We’re going to convert an ellipsoid into a sphere by scaling each coordinate with a scale factor.

command> ellipsoid

Select center [x y z]: 0 0 0

X radius [double]: 5

Y radius [double]: 4

Z radius [double]: 2

command> scaleNonUniform

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done)

Scale factor for 'X' [double]: 0.2

Scale factor for 'Y' [double]: 0.25

Scale factor for 'Z' [double]: 0.5


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Figure 545: Ellipsoid converted into a sphere by using a non-uniform scale

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5.3.90 script
This command loads and executes a script or saves the history to script.

Inline mode usage

script -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

script –load <text_plane_script.nfs>

Loads a script.

script –save <text_plane_script.nfs>

Saves a script.

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5.3.91 segment
This command draws a straight segment in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

segment -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

segment –n <name> -p <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2>

Draws a linear segment between the two points specified by the user.

Interactive mode usage


• Initial point of the segment.
• Final point of the segment.


First point [x y z]: 0 0 0

Second point [x y z]: 3 3 2



Figure 546: Resulting segment

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5.3.92 semicircle
This command draws a semicircle in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

semicircle -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

semicircle –n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius> <initial_angle>

Draws a semicircle beginning at the initial angle specified (in degrees) and with the given radius.

Interactive mode usage


• Center point of the semicircle.
• Radius of the semicircle.
• Starting angle (counted counter-clockwise from the +X axis) of the semicircle, in degrees.


Center [x y z] 0 0 0

Radius [double] 4

Angle [degrees] 45



Figure 547: Resulting semicircle

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5.3.93 set
This command allows visualizing and/or changing the value of a parameter.

Inline mode usage

set -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

set -v
Prints the names and values of all parameters.

set -v <varname>
Displays the values of the parameter named <varname>.

set <varname> {<value1>, <value2>, ..., <valueN>}

Sets the values <value1>, <value2> … <valueN> to the parameter <varname>.

set <varname> [<initial_value>, <final_value>] <number_samples>

Sets a linear variation to the parameter named <varname>. If n is the number of samples, this
command will create a parameter with n values: initial, initial + 1*(final - initial)/(n-1), initial +
2*(final - initial)/(n-1) ... initial + n*(final - initial)/(n-1).

set <varname> <expression>

Sets the result of the expression <expression> to the values of the parameter <varname>. This
expression can be an expression involving constant values or other parameters. Refer to Appendix
I for the list of functions that can be used in an expression.

Let’s create a new parameter named “myPar” and assign to it the values 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. To do this,
we use the fourth form of the command:

> set myPar {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}


We can check that the parameter has been created by opening the Define Parameters panel or by
executing the following command:

> set -v myPar

myPar = {1.0,2.0,3.0}


We can see that, effectively, the parameter has been created with the desired values.

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Now, let’s create another parameter named “myParDouble” whose values are the values of “myPar”
doubled. To do this, the user has to enter the following command:

> set myParDouble 2*myPar


We can check the values of both parameters using the following command:

> set -v

myPar = {1.0,2.0,3.0}

myParDouble = 2*myPar


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5.3.94 skinned
This command creates a surface by interpolating it through several curves.

Inline mode usage

skinned -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

skinned–s <curve1><curve2>…
Interpolates a surface through the given curves.

Interactive mode usage


• Curves used for the interpolation of the surface. The user can select them by left-clicking on
them in the geometry view (hold Ctrl and click for multiple selection).

In this example we will create a surface that interpolates through several circles of different radius. To
do this, we first create the circles used for the interpolation:

> circle 0 0 0 3

> circle 0 0 2 1

> circle 0 0 4 2


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Figure 548: Circles used for the interpolation

To create the surface, we invoke the skinned command and pass to it the three circles as parameters:

> skinned

Select curves on screen (Press enter when done) // Select the three circles

Figure 549: Resulting surface

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5.3.95 sphere
This command creates a new sphere in the geometry.

Inline mode usage

sphere -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

sphere –n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius>

Creates a sphere centered at the given point and with a given radius.

Interactive mode usage


• Center point of the sphere.
• Radius of the sphere.


Select center [x y z] 0 1 0

Select radius 3


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Figure 550: Resulting sphere

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5.3.96 spiral
Create a spiral curve with a given center, radius and number of turns.

Inline mode usage:

• spiral -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
• spiral -n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius> <numberTurns>: Creates left-
turned spiral named <name>, with center at ( center_x, center_y, center_z), and the given
radius and numberTurns turns.
• spiral - rightTurned -n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <radius>
<numberTurns>: Creates right-turned spiral named <name>, with center at ( center_x,
center_y, center_z), and the given radius and numberTurns turns.

Interactive mode usage: spiral [-rightTurned]

• -rightTurned: Spiral with right-handed turn

• no_param: Spiral with left-handed turn
• [-rightTurned | no_param]: The following parameters are required:
• ◦ Step 1: Center [x y z] x y z
◦ Step 2: Radius [double] radius
◦ Step 3: Number of turns [double] numberTurns


Figure 551: spiral example

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5.3.97 spiralCross
Adds a new spiral cross to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• spiralCross -h: Display a help message.

• spiralCross -n name -p x y z thickness firstSegmentLength secondSegmentLength
thirdSegmentLength: Create a new spiral cross.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new spiral cross:

1. Select center [x y z]: Central point of the cross.

2. Thickness [double]: Thickness of the segments of the cross.
3. Length of first segment [double]: Length of the first segment of each blade.
4. Length of second segment [double]: Length of the second segment of each blade.
5. Length of third segment [double]: Length of the third segment of each blade.


Figure 552: spiralCross example

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5.3.98 splitByProjection
This command projects curves onto surfaces or objects and split them with the resulting projections.
The projected curves are only used to split the target surfaces and they are not included to the

Inline mode usage

splitByProjection -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

splitByProjection -s <nameCurve1> <nameCurve2> ... –targets <nameSurface1> <nameSurface2> ...

Project the selected curves onto the closest points of the target surfaces selection and then the
surfaces are split.

splitByProjection -s <nameCurve1> <nameCurve2> ... –targets <nameSurface1> <nameSurface2> ...

-dir <startX> <startY> <start> <endX> <endY> <endZ>
Project the curves onto the target surfaces selection according to the vector defined by the
differences <endX-startX> <endY-startY> <endZ-startZ> and then the surfaces are split.

Interactive mode usage

splitByProjection or splitByProjection -dir

• Curves to project. Selection of curves to be projected. They are not modified and the
projected curves are not generated in the geometry.
• Target surfaces. Selection of surfaces and objects to be split by the projected curves.
• Start point. Origin of the projection direction. This parameter is only required when the option
-dir is included in the invocation.
• End point. End of the projection direction. This parameter is only required when the option -
dir is included in the invocation.

We’re going to split a sphere with the projection of a circle by using the two different modes.

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The next commands create the objects required for the projection.

command> circle

Center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Radius [double]: 0.1

command> sphere

Select center [x y z]: 0 0 -1

Radius [double]: 2


If no options is included in the invocation, the project to the closest point is done. This projection may
modify the dimensions of the resulting curves.

If the option -dir is included in the invocation, two points are required to define the projection direction.


Figure 553: Project a circle onto a sphere and split it

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Figure 554: Project a circle onto a sphere by a direction and split it

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5.3.99 splitCurves
Split operation applied to curves.

Inline mode usage

splitCurves -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

splitCurves–s <curve1><curve2>
Splits between selected curves.

splitCurves–c <object1> –s <curve1>

Selected curves are split by the cutting objects.

splitCurves–p <parametric_value><curve1>
Selected curve is split on parametric space.

Interactive mode usage


• Selected curves.
• Cutting objects (with –c option).
• Parametric value (with –p option).

Two curves are necessary for this example.


Select the curves to be split on screen (Press enter when done):



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Figure 555: Resulting split curves

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5.3.100 splitRing
Add a new split ring to geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• splitRing -h: Display a help message.

• splitRing -n name -p centerX centerY centerZ minorRadius majorRadius openingAngle
openingDirection: Creates a new split ring.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new split ring.

1. Select center [x y z]: Center point of the ring.

2. Minor radius [double]: Inner radius of the ring.
3. Major radius [double]: Outer radius of the ring.
4. Opening angle [degrees]: The angle of aperture of the opening, in degrees.
5. Opening direction [degrees]: Angle, in degrees, that determines the direction the openings are
facing in. An angle of zero degrees means the openings will be facing in the direction of the Y axis.
Larger angles will be interpreted as counter-clockwise rotations.

Remark The opening angle MUST be between 0 and 180.


Figure 556: splitRing example

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5.3.101 splitSurfaceByIsoparam
This option is useful when a surface needs to be split at a given isoparametric curve. This operation may
be used to separate surfaces with extreme curvatures in different parts.

Inline mode usage

splitSurfaceByIsoparam -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

splitSurfaceByIsoparam–s <surface> -p <parametric_value>

Splits a selected surface by an isoparametric line in the u-dimension

splitSurfaceByIsoparam–u –s <surface> -p <parametric_value>

Splits a selected surface by an isoparametric line in the u-dimension

splitSurfaceByIsoparam–v –s <surface> -p <parametric_value>

Splits a selected surface by an isoparametric line in the v-dimension

Interactive mode usage


• Selected surface.
• Parametric value.

A curve surface are necessary for this example.


Select one surface to be split on screen (Press enter when done):

Tip v to change the dimension or insert the parametric value of u(0,1): 0.25



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Figure 557: Split surface on u-dimension

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5.3.102 splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid
This option is useful when a surface needs to be split at a given grid of isoparametric curves. This
operation may be used to separate surfaces with extreme curvatures in different parts.

Inline mode usage

splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid -n <name> -s <selectedSurface> [-u u1 u2 ...uM] [-v v1 v2 ... vN]

Split the surface selectedSurface at the M coordinates listed for U-dimension and the N
coordinates listed for V-dimension, and the resulting surfaces are named as a sequence of
(M+1)x(N+1) surfaces that start with name_.

Interactive mode usage: This command cannot be used in interactive mode, and it is only available
by using the Geometry - Tools - Split Surfaces By Curvature option because of its complexity.

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5.3.103 splitSurfaces
Split operation on surfaces.

Script usage:

• splitSurfaces -s surface1 surface2 ... object1 object2...

• splitSurfaces -s surface1... object1... -c surface2 ... object2...

Screen usage:

• Invocation splitSurfaces [-c|-tips|-h]

• ◦ no_param: Split between all selected surfaces
◦ -c: Selected surfaces are split by the cutting objects
◦ -tips: Show the most practical tips on solving unexpected results for this command
◦ -h: Print this help

Additional tips:

• The selected objects must produce intersections on the surfaces.

• The selected objects cannot have curvatures larger than 90 degrees.


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Figure 558: splitSurfaces example

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5.3.104 stripCross
Adds new strip cross in geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• stripCross -h: print help message

• stripCross -n name -p x y z a b thickness: create cross

Interactive mode usage:

• Center [x y z]: provide center

• Size [a b]: provide cross dimensions
• Thickness [double]: provide outer thickness


> stripCross
Center [x y z]: 0 0 0
Size [a b]: 0.6 1.3
Thickness [double]: 0.10


Figure 559: stripCross example

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5 Command Line p.599

5.3.105 stripHexagon
Adds new strip hexagon in geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• stripHexagon -h: shows usage guide.

• stripHexagon -n name -p x y z radius thickness: create a strip hexagon

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new strip hexagon:

1. Select center [x y z]: x y z position for the center

2. Radius [double]: radius for the strip hexagon
3. Thickness [double]: outer thickness


> stripHexagon
Center [x y z]: 0.3 0.8 0
Radius [double]: 1.1
Thickness [double]: 0.3


Figure 560: stripHexagon example

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5.3.106 stripTrifilar
Add a new hollow trifilar surface to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• stripTrifilar -h: Display a help message.

• stripTrifilar -n name -p x y z thickness length holeThickness: Create a new trifilar strip.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new trifilar strip:

1. Center [x y z]: Central point of the trifilar.

2. Thickness [double]: Thickness of the entire trifilar (without hole).
3. Length [double]: Length of the segments of the trifilar.
4. Hole thickness [double]: Thickness of the trifilar-shaped hole.


Figure 561: stripTrifilar example

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5.3.107 surface
This command allows the user to create a NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline) surface
specifying its control points.

Inline mode usage

surface -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

surface –n <name> -p <u> <v> <x y z>

Allows to create a NURBS surface.

Interactive mode usage


• Number of points in the u direction.
• Number of points in the v direction.
• The control points of the surface. For each u coordinate, a point for each v coordinate will
be asked. The points are specified by entering its Cartesian (x, y and z) components and a
weight parameter that indicates how much that point will pull the surface into it. All these
values need to be separated by a blank space.


Points in u direction [3]: 2

Points in v direction [3]: 3

Point [0][0] [x y z w]: 0 2 3 1

Point [0][1] [x y z w]: 2 2 3 0.7

Point [0][2] [x y z w]: 2 0 3 1

Point [1][0] [x y z w]: 0 2 0 1

Point [1][1] [x y z w]: 2 2 0 0.7

Point [1][2] [x y z w]: 2 0 0 1


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Figure 562: Resulting NURBS surface

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5.3.108 surfaceCornerPoints
This command allows drawing a surface that is bound by the corner points specified by the user.

Script usage: surfaceCornerPoints -n name -p x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3 [x4 y4 z4]

Screen usage:

Invocation: surfaceCornerPoints [-h]

• -h: Print this help

• no_param: Follow these steps:
• ◦ Step 1: Corner 1 [x y z] x y z
◦ Step 2: Corner 2 [x y z] x y z
◦ Step 3: Corner 3 [x y z] x y z
◦ Step 4: Corner 4 [x y z] x y z, may be empty for a triangle


Figure 563: surfaceCornerPoints example

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5.3.109 surfaceEdges
This command creates the curves that delimit a surface.

Inline mode usage

surfaceEdges -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

surfaceEdges –s <name>
Generate the bound curves of the surface selected.

Interactive mode usage


The surface to generate the edges for.

Let’s assume that a planar surface has been created on the geometry. We are going to generate the
curves that represent the edges of a surface. Initially, we can see there are no curves in the geometry.

Figure 564: Initial state of the tree view

If we enter thesurfaceEdgescommand into the command line, select the surface and press Enter, we
can see that four curves have been created by looking at the tree view.

Figure 565: Tree view after the surfaceEdges operation.

Note that the original surface is still in the geometry. We can delete this surface to view more clearly
the created curves by selecting it and pressing the Delete key.

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Figure 566: Edges of the surface

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5.3.110 surfaceEllipse
Adds a new ellipse to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• surfaceEllipse -h: Display a help message.

• surfaceEllipse -n name -p x y z radiusX radiusY: Generates an ellipse surface.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be performed in order to create a new ellipse surface:

1. Select center [x y z]: Center point of the ellipse.

2. Radius x [double]: Radius in the X axis.
3. Radius y [double]: Radius in the Y axis.


Figure 567: surfaceEllipse example

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5.3.111 surfaceFromEdges
Inline mode usage
surfaceFromEdges -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

surfaceFromEdges –s all
Selects all curves of the scene.

surfaceFromEdges –s <name>
Selects <name> curve.

Interactive mode usage


• Two, three or four curves used for the creation of the coons patch. The set of selected curves
must form a closed loop.

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In this example, four boundary arcs are considered to create a new coons surface.

command> arc

Center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Radius [double]: 1

Initial angle [degrees]: 0

Final angle [degrees]: 90

command> arc

Center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Radius [double]: 1

Initial angle [degrees]: 90

Final angle [degrees]: 180

command> arc

Center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Radius [double]: 1

Initial angle [degrees]: 180

Final angle [degrees]: 270

command> arc

Center [x y z]: 0 0 0

Radius [double]: 1

Initial angle [degrees]: 270

Final angle [degrees]: 360

command> surfaceFromEdges

Select a closed set of 2, 3 or 4 curves (press Enter when done):

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Figure 568: Disk generated from 4 edge arcs

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5.3.112 surfaceFunction
This option creates a surface by defining two parameters and three functions.

Inline mode usage:

surfaceFunction -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

surfaceFunction –n <name> -p <u_start> <u_end> <u_samples> <v_start> <v_end> <v_samples>

<x=f($u,$v)> <y=f($u,$v)> <z=f($u,$v)>
Create surface with three functions that define points in Cartesian.

Interactive mode usage:


• Parameter “u” (start end samples) in order to define range of variable “u”.
• Parameter “v” (start end samples) in order to define range of variable “v”.
• x = f($u,$v) for X coordinate function
• y = f($u,$v) for Y coordinate function
• z = f($u,$v) for Z coordinate function

Remark: The parameters u and v of the functions are bound to the variables $u and $v.



Parameter ‘$u’ (start end samples): 0 24 48

Parameter ‘$v’ (start end samples): 0 24 48

x = f($u,$v) = $u

y = f($u,$v) = $v

z = f($u,$v) = sin($u) + sin($v)


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Figure 569: Result of surface function

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5.3.113 surfaceInterpolation
This command allows drawing a surface that goes through a set of points specified by the user.

Inline mode usage

surfaceInterpolation -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

surfaceInterpolation–n <name> -p <u><v><x y z>

Draws a surface that passes through the points specified by the user, using interpolation.

Interactive mode usage


• Number of points in u direction (default 3).
• Number of points in v direction (default 3).
• The points used for the interpolation. For each u coordinate, the user will be asked for the
points corresponding to each v coordinate.

> surfaceInterpolation

Points in u direction [3]: 2

Points in v direction [3]: 3

Point [0][0] [x y z]: -1 -1 0

Point [0][1] [x y z]: -1 0 1

Point [0][2] [x y z]: -1 1 0

Point [1][0] [x y z]: 1 -1 0

Point [1][1] [x y z]: 1 0 1

Point [1][2] [x y z]: 1 1 0


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Figure 570: Resulting surface using interpolation

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5.3.114 surfaceIsoparamCurve
Any isoparametric curve of a surface (in the U- or V-dimension) may be obtained by using this

Inline mode usage

surfaceIsoparamCurve -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

surfaceIsoparamCurve –s <surface> -p <parametric_value>

Extract an isoparametric curve in the u-dimension of the selected surface.

surfaceIsoparamCurve –u –s <surface> -p <parametric_value>

Extract an isoparametric curve in the u-dimension of the selected surface.

surfaceIsoparamCurve –v –s <surface> -p <parametric_value>

Extract an isoparametric curve in the v-dimension of the selected surface.

Interactive mode usage

surfaceIsoparamCurve, surfaceIsoparamCurve –u or surfaceIsoparamCurve -v.

• Parametric dimension “u” or “v”.
• Surface to extract an isoparametric curve.
• Parametric value of the desired coordinate.

In order to do this example, a surface must exist in the scene.


Select one surface (Press enter when done):

Tip v to change the dimension or insert the parametric value of u (0,1): v

Tip u to change the dimension or insert the parametric value of v (0,1): 0.5


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Figure 571: Extracted isoparametric curve from a surface

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5.3.115 surfaceSpiral
Create a spiral surface with a given width, radius and number of turns.

Inline mode usage:

• surfaceSpiral -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
• surfaceSpiral -n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <width> <radius>
<numberTurns>: Creates left-turned spiral named <name>, with center at (center_x, center_y,
center_z), and the given width, radius and numberTurns turns.
• surfaceSpiral -rightTurned -n <name> -p <center_x> <center_y> <center_z> <width> <radius>
<numberTurns>: Creates right-turned spiral named < name>, with center at ( center_x,
center_y, center_z), and the given width, radius and numberTurns turns.

Interactive mode usage: surfaceSpiral [rightTurned]

• -rightTurned: Spiral with right-handed turn

• no_param: Spiral with left-handed turn
• [-rightTurned | no_param]: The following parameters are required:
• ◦ Step 1: Center [x y z] x y z
◦ Step 2: Width [double] width
◦ Step 3: Radius [double] radius
◦ Step 4: Number of turns [double] numberTurns


Figure 572: surfaceSpiral example

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5.3.116 sweep
Interpolate a surface through the curves chosen by the user.

Script usage: sweep -s railCurve profileCurve

Screen usage: sweep

Follow these steps:

• Step 1: Select the rail curve on screen

• Step 2: Select the cross-section (profile) curve on screen


Figure 573: sweep example

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5.3.117 symmetric
This command creates an object that is symmetric to the original one with respect to a plane of

Inline mode usage

symmetric -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

symmetric –all –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>

Get symmetric objects (all) moving from start point to end point.

symmetric –s <name> –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>

Get symmetric object (<name> object) moving from start point to end point.

symmetric –c -all –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>

Get symmetric objects (all) copying from start point to end point.

symmetric –c -s <name> –p <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2>

Get symmetric object (<name object) copying from start point to end point.

Interactive mode usage

symmetric,symmetric -c,symmetric -allorsymmetric -c -all.

When using the-cparameter, the original object is kept in the geometry. Otherwise, the original
object will be deleted.

• Original objects (when not using theallparameter) can be selected by clicking on them in the
geometry view (hold Ctrl for multiple selection) or in the tree view.
• First point of normal vector for the plane of symmetry.
• Second point of normal vector for the plane of symmetry.

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We are going to create a cylinder-like surface by using the example surface created for
thesurfacecommand as a base. First, let’s create the surface:


Points in u direction [3] 2

Points in v direction [3] 3

Point [0][0] [x y z w] 0 2 3 1

Point [0][1] [x y z w] 2 2 3 0.7

Point [0][2] [x y z w] 2 0 3 1

Point [1][0] [x y z w] 0 2 0 1

Point [1][1] [x y z w] 2 2 0 0.7

Point [1][2] [x y z w] 2 0 0 1


This surface is only the fourth part of our desired cylindrical surface. Now we are going to create a
symmetric surface using the YZ plane as a plane of symmetry. We want to keep the original surface, so
we must use the -c parameter:

>symmetric -c

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done) // Select the surface

First point (for normal vector of symmetry plane) [x y z] 0 0 0

Second point (for normal vector of symmetry plane) [x y z] 1 0 0


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Figure 574: Half cylindrical shape

The only thing left to do to obtain the desired shape is to create the symmetric shape using the
existing surfaces, with the XZ plane defined as a plane of symmetry. For convenience, we will use
theallparameter this time.

>symmetric -c all

First point (for normal vector of symmetry plane) [x y z] 0 0 0

Second point (for normal vector of symmetry plane) [x y z] 0 1 0


Figure 575: Cylindrical shape

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5.3.118 tangent
This command generates a straight line in the geometry tangent to the selected curve that cross the
introduced point.

Inline mode usage

tangent -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

tangent –n <resulName> -s <selectedCurve> -p <pX><pY><pZ><length>

Generate a straight line tangent to the selectedCurve and crossing the point <pX><pY><pZ>
with the specific length.

Interactive mode usage


• Point in the tangent line.
• Length of the line.

The following example shows how to insert a tangent line to a circle.

command> circle
Center [x y z]: 0 0 0
Radius [double]: 1
command> tangent
Select one curve (Press enter when done):
Insert the coordinates of a point in the tangent line [x y z]: 1.2999999523162842
0.699999988079071 0.0
Insert the length of the tangent line 1.35


Figure 576: Resulting tangent line

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5.3.119 tCross
Adds a new T cross (a cross with T-shaped ends) to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

• tCross -h: Display a help message.

• tCross -n name -p x y z thickness firstSegmentLength secondSegmentLength: Create a new T

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new T cross.

1. Select center [x y z]: Central point of the cross.

2. Thickness [double]: Thickness of the segments.
3. Length of first segment [double]: Length of the first segment of each blade.
4. Length of second segment [double]: Length of the top of the segment of each blade.


Figure 577: tCross example

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5.3.120 threeDipoles
Add three dipoles to geometry.

Inline mode usage

• threeDipoles -h: Display a help message.
• threeDipoles -n name -p x y z dipoleWidth centralDipoleHeight dipoleSeparation
lateralDipoleHeight: Creates three dipoles.

Interactive mode usage

The following steps will be needed in order to create new three dipoles:

1. Central point [x y z]: Central point of the set of three dipoles.

2. Dipole size [width height]: Size of the central dipole (width and height). The width will be the
same for the lateral dipoles.
3. Dipole separation [gap]: Separation between the central dipole and each of the lateral dipoles.
4. Lateral dipoles height [height]: Height of the lateral dipoles.

Figure 578: threeDipoles example

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5.3.121 threeDipolesUnion
Add three joined dipoles to geometry.

Inline mode usage

• threeDipolesUnion -h: Display a help message.
• threeDipolesUnion -n name -p x y z dipoleWidth centralDipoleHeight dipoleSeparation
lateralDipoleHeight unionWidth: Create new set of joined dipoles.

Interactive mode usage

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new set of three joined dipoles:

1. Central point [x y z]: Central point of the set of dipoles.

2. Dipole size [width height]: Size of the central dipole (width and height). The width will be the
same for the lateral dipoles.
3. Dipole separation [gap]: Separation between dipoles.
4. Lateral dipoles height [height]: Height of the lateral dipoles.
5. Union width [width]: Width of the union between dipoles.


Figure 579: threeDipolesUnion example

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5.3.122 torus
Adds a new torus to the geometry panel, receiving the central point, the minor (inner) radius and the
major (outer) radius of the torus.

Script usage: torus -n name -p x y z minorRadius majorRadius

Screen usage: torus [-h]

• -h: Print this help

• no_param: Follow these steps:
• ◦ Step 1: Select center [x y z] x y z
◦ Step 2: Minor radius [double] minorRadius
◦ Step 3: Major radius [double] majorRadius


command> torus
Select center [x y z]: 0 1 0
Minor radius [double]: 0.5
Major radius [double]: 2.5


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Figure 580: Resulting torus

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5.3.123 trifilar
Add a new trifilar to the geometry.

Inline usage
• trifilar -h: Display a help message.
• trifilar -n name -p x y z thickness length: Create a new trifilar.

Interactive mode usage

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new trifilar:

1. Center [x y z]: Central point of the trifilar.

2. Thickness [double]: Thickness of the trifilar segments.
3. Length [double]: Length of the trifilar segments.


Figure 581: trifilar example

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5.3.124 trim
This command allows the user to trim a surface using a curve or set of curves.

Inline mode usage

trim -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

trim –s <surface> -c <curve>

Trims the selected surface <surface> with the selected curves <curve>.

Interactive mode usage


• Surface to trim.
• Cutting closed curves to be used for the trim operation.

We want to create a circular hole (with radius 1) in the center of a plane. This plane is defined as


Select first point [x y z]: 0 0 0

Select second point [x y]: 4 4

> explode

Select objects on screen (Press enter when done) // Select the plane and press Enter.


We need to explode the plane so it will be treated as a surface and not as an object. Next, we will define
our cutting curve, in this case, a circle. This is done with the following command:


Center [x y z]: 2 2 0

Radius [double]: 1


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Figure 582: Plane and cutting circle

We have the surface to trim and the cutting curve, so we can proceed with the trim operation. However,
the direction of the curve is going counter-clockwise (we can check this by selecting the curve and

showing the normals with the button on the toolbar), so the trim operation will delete the part of
the plane that is outside the circle . We want exactly the opposite, so will need to invert the normals
of the circle. This can be done simply clicking on the geometry view while the normals of the curve are
being shown.

Now we can finally perform the trim operation. This is done in the following way:

> trim

Select one NURBS surface to trim (Press enter when done): // Select the plane

Select cutting closed curve(s) (Press enter when done): // Select the circle


1. This happens because the part of the surface that is cut off is pointed by the vector resulting from
the cross product of the normal vector of the curve and the normal vector of the surface. The
normal vector of a plane is pointing in the positive direction of the Z-axis by default, so the cross
product vector will point outwards if the normals of the curve are pointing counter-clockwise.

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Figure 583: Trimmed plane

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5.3.125 unset
Deletes already existing parameters.

Inline mode usage

• unset -h: Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.
• unset<parameter_name>: Deletes the parameter named <parameter_name>.
• unset -a: Deletes all parameters.

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5.3.126 untrim
This command removes cutting loops of the selected surfaces.

Inline mode usage

untrim -h
Displays the help file that summarizes the parameters for this command.

untrim –s <name> -p indexCurve1 indexCurve2

Removes cutting loops of the surface <name>.

Interactive mode usage


• The surface that will have its cutting loops removed.
• The selected trimmed curves to remove their loops

We can use the untrim operation to undo a previous trim operation. To demonstrate this, let’s take the
example used for the trim command:

Figure 584: Trimmed surface

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To undo the previous trim, the user needs to enter the untrim command in the command line, select the
surface and press Enter.


Select one NURBS surface to untrim (Press enter when done):

Press enter to remove all trim curves or select the curves to remove their loops (Press enter when


Figure 585: Untrimmed surface

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5.4 Appendix I: List of Functions

The following table contains the list of functions that can be used in the value expressions for

Function Description

abs(x) Returns the absolute value of a value.

acos(x) Returns the arc cosine of a value; the returned angle is in the range 0.0 through pi.

acosd(x) Returns the arc cosine of a value; the returned angle is in the range 0.0 through

asin(x) Returns the arc sine of a value; the returned angle is in the range -pi/2 through pi/2.

asind(x) Returns the arc sine of a value; the returned angle is in the range -90.0 through

atan(x) Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the range -pi/2 through

atand(x) Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the range -90.0 through

atan2(y, x) Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar
coordinates (r, theta); the returned angle is in the range -pi through pi.

atan2d(y, x) Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar
coordinates (r, theta); the returned angle is in the range -180.0 through 180.0.

cbrt(x) Returns the cube root of a value.

ceil(x) Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) value that is greater than or equal
to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.

cos(x) Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle (x) in radians.

cosd(x) Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle (x) in degrees.

cosh(x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value.

deg(x) Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle

measured in degrees.

exp(x) Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a value.

expm1(x) Returns exp(x) -1.

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Function Description

floor(x) Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) value that is less than or equal to the
argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.

hypot(x, y) Returns sqrt(x*x + y*y) without intermediate overflow or underflow.

ln(x) Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a value.

log(x, b) Returns the base (b) logarithm of a value.

log2(x) Returns the base 2 logarithm of a value.

log10(x) Returns the base 10 logarithm of a value.

max(x1, x2) Returns the greater of two values.

min(x1, x2) Returns the smaller of two values.

pow(x, exp) Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.

rad(x) Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle

measured in radians.

random() Returns a value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.

random(min, Returns a value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to min and less than max.

rint(x) Returns the value that is closest in value to the argument and is equal to a
mathematical integer.

round(x) Returns the closest to the argument, with ties rounding to positive infinity.

sin(x) Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle (x) in radians.

sind(x) Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle (x) in degrees.

sinh(x) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value.

sqrt(x) Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a value.

tan(x) Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle (x) in radians.

tand(x) Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle (x) in degrees.

tanh(x) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a value.

db20(x) Returns the value corresponding to the function 20*log10(x).

db10(x) Returns the value corresponding to the function 10*log10(x).

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Function Description

idb20(x) Returns the value corresponding to the function pow(10,x/20).

idb10(x) Returns the value corresponding to the function pow(10,x/10).

ridb20(p, x) Returns the value corresponding to the function cosd(p)*idb20(x).

iidb20(p, x) Returns the value corresponding to the function sind(p)*idb20(x).

cmplx(real, Returns new complex (real,imag).


cmplx(real) Returns new complex (real,0.0).

real(c) Returns the real part of a complex value.

imag(c) Returns the imaginary part of a complex value.

conjugate(c) Returns the conjugate of a complex value.

opposite(c) Returns the opposite of a complex value.

mod(c) Returns the module of a complex value.

phase(c) Returns the phase (argument) of a complex value; the returned value is in the range
0.0 through 360.0.

arg(c) Returns the phase (argument) of a complex value; the returned value is in the range
0.0 through 2*pi.

argd(c) Returns the phase (argument) of a complex value; the returned value is in the range
0.0 through 360.0.

sum(c1, c2) Returns the sum of two complex values.

sum(c, d) Returns the sum of complex value by a value.

sum(d, c) Returns the sum of value by a complex value.

sum(c, i) Returns the sum of complex value by a integer value.

sum(i, c) Returns the sum of integer value by a complex value.

sub(c1, c2) Returns the subtraction of two complex values.

sub(c, d) Returns the subtraction of complex value by a value.

sub(d, c) Returns the subtraction of value by a complex value.

sub(c, i) Returns the subtraction of complex value by a integer value.

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Function Description

sub(i, c) Returns the subtraction of integer value by a complex value.

mul(c1, c2) Returns the multiplication of two complex values.

mul(c, d) Returns the multiplication of complex value by a value.

mul(d, c) Returns the multiplication of value by a complex value.

mul(c, i) Returns the multiplication of complex value by a integer value.

mul(i, c) Returns the multiplication of integer value by a complex value.

div(c1, c2) Returns the division of two complex values.

div(c, d) Returns the division of complex value by a value.

div(d, c) Returns the division of value by a complex value.

div(c, i) Returns the division of integer value by a value.

div(i, c) Returns the division of integer value by a complex value.

exp(c) Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a complex value.

csqrt(c) Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a value.

sqrt(c) Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a complex value.

To call a function, the user has to specify its name followed by the list of parameters, enclosed in
parentheses and separated by commas, for example, pow(4, 3)

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GTD can be used for 3D analysis of on board antennas and coverage parameters for
radiocommunications systems.

This chapter covers the following:

• 6.1 File Menu (p. 639)

• 6.2 Edit Menu (p. 640)
• 6.3 View Menu (p. 641)
• 6.4 Geometry Menu (p. 642)
• 6.5 Materials Menu (p. 643)
• 6.6 Simulation Menu (p. 644)
• 6.7 Antennas Menu (p. 651)
• 6.8 Output Menu (p. 662)
• 6.9 Meshing Menu (p. 679)
• 6.10 Calculate Menu (p. 682)
• 6.11 Show Results Menu (p. 684)
• 6.12 Tools Menu (p. 715)
• 6.13 Help Menu (p. 716)
• 6.14 Training Examples (p. 717)
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6.1 File Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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6.2 Edit Menu

For information about the Edit menu, refer to Edit Menu.

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6.3 View Menu

For information about the View menu, refer to the View Menu.

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6.4 Geometry Menu

For information about the Geometry menu, refer to Geometry Menu.

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6.5 Materials Menu

For information about the Materials menu, refer to Materials.

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6.6 Simulation Menu

This menu contains the following options:

Figure 586: Simulation Parameters menu

6.6.1 Parameters
When the user selects this option, the following panel is shown:

Figure 587: Simulation parameters panel

In this panel, the user can set the main parameters of the simulation:

Simulation Type
There are five types of simulations:
• A far field simulation calculates the Far Field in the directions specified in the Output →
Observation Directions option.

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• A near field simulation calculates the Near Field of a set of points specified by the user, in
the Output → Observation Points option.
• A coupling simulation calculates the coupling between two antennas. The user will have to
introduce one or more active antennas and one passive antenna.
• A MIMO simulation calculates the same parameters as the coupling simulation, as well as the
MIMO channel transfer matrix, the channel correlation and overall system capacity.
• A Doppler simulation calculates the Doppler shift. The user will have to introduce the
Doppler parameters.

Frequency Sweep
To set the simulation frequency. The following parameters may be modified:
• Enable Sweep
select this option to simulate a range of frequencies.

• Units
to set the magnitude of the frequency. Hz, kHz, MHz and GHz are available.

• Initialfrequency
the first step in the frequency range, in the selected Units. If the frequency Sweep is
disabled, this value coincides with the simulation frequency.

• Final frequency
the last step in the frequency range, in the selected Units. This parameter may be only
modified when the frequency Sweep is enabled.

• Samples
number of frequency samples to be analyzed on the frequency Sweep. This parameter
may be only modified when the frequency Sweep is enabled.

Additional Effects
• Number of bounces: it is possible to define the number of interactions (bounces) to be
taken into account in the simulation for each observation point.
• Diffracted: if this option is selected, the simulation will be performed taken into account
• Creeping: if this option is selected, the simulation will be performed taken into account
creeping waves.
• Transmission: if this option is selected, the simulation will be performed taken into account
• Output Ray-Tracing: if this option is selected, the .ray file will be generated in the
simulation and the View Ray option in Show Results menu will be available.
• Selecting Advanced Parameters button, the following dialog will appear:

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Figure 588: Advanced parameters dialog

In this dialog the user can modify several advanced parameters of the simulation, most of them relative
to the analysis of the creeping waves:

• Max. contributions: maximum number of contributions to taken into account. A contribution is for
instance that due to a given double ray-path.
• Max. iterations: maximum number of contributions that are taken into account.
• Max. candidates: maximum number of surfaces that can shadow other surfaces.
• Max. Silhouette Points: maximum number of points for the silhouette when creeping wave paths
are computed.
• Max. Geodesic Points: maximum number of geodesic points when computed a creeping wave
• Max Antenna facets: maximum number of facets to be stored in the anxel of Z-Buffer matrix of
the antenna.
• Max Surface facets: maximum number of facets to be stored in the anxel of Z-Buffer matrix of
every surface.
• Max Creeping Distance: maximum distance between a surface and the antenna to increase the
creeping sample resolution.
• Creeping Square Size: size edge of the square where the creeping sample resolution is increased
near the antenna.
• Creeping Higher Resolution: higher sampling resolution per surface used to compute the
creeping silhouette.
• Creeping Lower Resolution: lower sampling resolution per surface used to compute the creeping

After setting up the simulation parameters, press the Save button to save the configuration.

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6.6.2 Creeping
If the creeping effect has been selected in the Simulation Parameters Panel, the Creeping parameters
option in the Simulation Parameters menu will be available. When this option is selected, the following
panel will appear:

Figure 589: Creeping parameters panel

In this panel, we can add a creeping effect to objects in the geometry. To do this, select an object from
the geometry view and press the Add button. The selected object will be added to the list of objects
with creeping. It is possible to remove the creeping effect from an object by selecting it from the list
and pressing the Remove button.

6.6.3 Doppler
If the Doppler simulation type has been selected in the Simulation Parameters panel, the Doppler option
will be available. When this option is selected, the following panel will appear:

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Figure 590: Doppler parameters panel (Objects tab)

In the "Objects" tab, the user can add Doppler effect to objects in the geometry. To do this, select
an object from the geometry view and press the Add button. The selected object will be added to the
"Objects with doppler" list. It is possible to remove the Doppler effect from an object by selecting it
from the list and pressing the Remove button.

• Translation Parameters. Any object in the list can have a translation movement. Using this panel
the user can define the linear velocity of the object. The Enable / Disable Translation check box
must be selected.
• Rotation Parameters. Any object in the list could have a rotation movement. The Enable /
Disable Rotation check box must be selected. Using this panel the user can define:
◦ First point axis first point of the rotation axis.
◦ Second point axis second point of the rotation axis.
◦ Speed rotation speed.
• Advanced Options. The user can also define the frequency bin.

Once the parameters of the movement of one object have been defined, it is necessary to click on Save
Changes button in order to save this information and assign it to the selected object.

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Figure 591: Doppler parameters panel (Source & Observation tab)

In the "Source & Observation" tab, the user can set Doppler velocities to individual antennas and
observation points. To do this, the user should select an item from the "Antennas" or the "Observation
points" lists and fill the Velocity textboxes with the desired velocity. It is possible to select multiple
antennas or observation points by holding the Ctrl key and clicking on each antenna or observation

Once the velocity for the selected antennas or observation points has been specified, the user needs to
press the "Save Changes" button in order to confirm the changes.

6.6.4 HPC Parameters

In this section the user can define the queuing system to launch simulations on the cluster. The user
can choose between 3 systems:
2. LSF
3. PBS

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Figure 592: HPC parameters

With Mesh Scripts and Calculate Scripts, the user can open and edit the mesh or calculate script to
be queued on the system.

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6.7 Antennas Menu

The options in this menu allow the user to create antennas to use in simulations. This menu contains
the following options:

Figure 593: Antennas menu

6.7.1 Dipole
The "Dipole" menu item contains two options to add dipole antennas to the current simulation. The user
may add an individual dipole antenna or a array of dipole antennas. The "Dipole Array" option allows
the user to add multiple dipole antennas that will be simulated together. This allows the results to be
calculated for the group of antennas as a whole, and not for individual antennas (this is useful when
calculating coupling results between groups of antennas).

Figure 594: Dipole menu options

Dipole Antenna
The "Dipole Antenna" option allows the user to add an individual dipole to the simulation. When the
option is selected, the following panel will be shown:

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Figure 595: Add Dipole Antenna panel

In this panel, the user can set:

• Set dipoles
the user can set the number of magnetic and electric dipoles. When setting the number of
dipoles of each type we can press the Position button to adjust their properties. First of all,
we need to select the dipole we want to modify by selecting from in the combo box at the top
and editing its properties:
◦ Dipolar moment
magnitude and phase of the dipolar moment.

◦ Positon - Coords
location of the dipole.

◦ Orientation - Director cosines

orientation of the dipole coordinate system.

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Figure 596: Dipole settings window

• Components
the amplitude and phase of the antenna.

• Position - Coords
location of the antenna (X, Y and Z).

• Orientation - Director cosines

orientation of the antenna coordinate system related to the absolute coordinate system.

• Relative to referencePlane
if this check box is selected, the position of the dipole is relative to the reference plane.

Dipole Array
This option allows the user to add an array of dipole antennas to the simulation. When the user selects
this option in the menu, the following panel will appear:

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Figure 597: Dipole array panel

In this panel, the user can specify the parameters of each dipole in the same way as in the "Dipole
Antenna" panel (as described in the previous section). Additionally, the user can specify parameters
regarding the creation of the array:

• The point specified in the "Array center" panel is the point where the array center will be located.
By checking the "Pick" check box, the user can pick the desired point in the geometry panel and the
textboxes will be automatically filled with the point coordinates.
• The "Array parameters" panel contains the values that will determine the number of antennas
created along each axis ( Number of Elements X, Number of Elements Y and Number of

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Elements Z), as well as the separations between each adjacent antenna along each axis ( Tx, Ty
and Tz).
• The "Array orientation" panel allows the user to specify the directions of the axes considered
when creating the array. By default, the array axes are the same as the absolute X, Y and Z axes
when the "Relative to reference plane" option is selected.

If the "Relative to reference plane" check box is selected, the axes given in the "Array orientation"
panel, as well as the point given in the "Array center" panel will be transformed according to the current
reference plane coordinate system.
After specifying the parameters, the user needs to click on the "Create Array" button for the array of
dipoles to be added to the simulation.

6.7.2 Pattern File

The "Pattern File" menu item contains two options to add pattern file antennas to the simulation.
While "Pattern File Antenna" allows the user to add an individually defined pattern file antenna to the
simulation, the "Pattern File Array" option allows them to add multiple pattern file antennas that will be
simulated together. This allows the results to be calculated for the group of antennas as a whole, and
not for individual antennas (this is useful when calculating coupling between groups of antennas).

Figure 598: Figure:Pattern File menu

Note In order to add a pattern file antenna or pattern file array to the simulation, it is necessary to
import a DIA file (radiation pattern file) before. To do that, select Antenna -> Import DIA File.

Pattern File Antenna

This option allows the user to introduce several files (at different frequencies) that define the radiation
pattern. Firstly, the user has to import a radiation pattern file using the Import DIA file option of the
Antenna menu.

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Figure 599: Add Pattern File Antenna panel

The following parameters may be edited:

Set Radiation pattern file

Click on the Add button to add the imported file to the table where it is possible to specify the
frequency, the type and the polarization of the file.

the amplitude and phase of the antenna.

Position - Coords
location of the antenna (X, Y and Z).

Orientation - Director cosines

orientation of the antenna coordinate system related to the absolute coordinate system.

Relative to reference plane

if this check box is selected, the position of the radiation pattern is relative to the reference plane.

The required format of the radiation pattern file is described in DIA Files.

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Pattern File Array

This option allows the user to add an array of pattern file antennas to the simulation. When the user
selects this option in the menu, the following panel will appear:

Figure 600: Pattern File Array panel

In this panel, the user can specify the parameters of each pattern file in the same way as in the
"Pattern File Antenna" panel (as described in the previous section). Additionally, the user can specify
parameters regarding the creation of the array:

• The point specified in the "Array center" panel is the point where the array center will be located.
By checking the "Pick" check box, the user can pick the desired point in the geometry panel and the
textboxes will be automatically filled with the point coordinates.

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• The "Array parameters" panel contains the values that will determine the number of antennas
created along each axis ( Number of Elements X, Number of Elements Y and Number of
Elements Z), as well as the separations between each adjacent antenna along each axis ( Tx, Ty
and Tz).
• The "Array orientation" panel allows the user to specify the directions of the axes considered
when creating the array. By default, the array axes are the same as the absolute X, Y and Z axes
when the "Relative to reference plane" option is selected.

If the "Relative to reference plane" check box is selected, the axes given in the "Array orientation"
panel, as well as the point given in the "Array center" panel will be transformed according to the current
reference plane coordinate system.

After specifying the parameters, the user needs to click on the "Create Array" button for the array of
pattern files to be added to the simulation.

6.7.3 Multipole Antenna

When this option is selected, the following panel is shown:

Figure 601: Multipole antenna panel

In this panel, the user can select a multipole antenna file (.suj) from the local file system. This
file contains the specification for a multipole antenna arrangement. The user can also specify a
transformation to apply to the loaded multipole. The transformation consists on a displacement (given
by a three coordinate vector) and a rotation (given by the X, Y and Z axes of the local coordinate
system of the rotation). If the "Relative to reference plane" check box is selected, the entered
displacement and rotation will be relative to the reference plane coordinate system. Pressing the Save
button will add the multipole antenna.

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6.7.4 Import DIA File

Before defining an antenna as a radiation pattern file, it is necessary to import the file. Click on the icon
on the left and select the file to import. This file will be listed in the panel.

Figure 602: Import DIA file panel

6.7.5 Edit Antenna

When this option is selected and, previously, an antenna of the scene has been also selected, the
corresponding panel of the antenna parameters will be opened. For example, if the selected antennas is
a dipole, the following panel is shown:

Figure 603: Dipole antenna panel

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In this panel the user can modify the parameters of the selected antenna according to the information
in Dipole, Pattern File and Multipole Antenna.

6.7.6 Delete Antenna

When this option is selected, the antenna selected on the scene is deleted.

6.7.7 Antenna Display Size

When this option is selected, the following panel is shown:

Figure 604: Scale Antennas panel

This option allows the user to scale the antennas represented in the geometry view. The user needs
to indicate the factor of scale. Pressing OK will cause the antennas in the geometry view (and the new
created antennas) to be scaled. The Auto Size button allow the user to perform this task automatically.

6.7.8 Antenna Feeding

When the user selects "Antenna Feeding" in the Antenna menu, the following panel is shown:

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Figure 605: Antenna Feeding panel

This panel allows the user to modify the antenna feeding for each individual antenna (even if it is part
of an array). The table shows the position, module and phase of each antenna, all of which can be
modified independently.

In the panel labelled as "Direction of the main beam (degrees)", the user can set global parameters
for the feeding of all antennas. By pressing the "Calculate Phases" button, the application will calculate
the module and phase for each antenna based on the given array phase center, frequency and angle of
the beam (both theta and phi must be given in degrees).

It is also possible to set an specific module and phase to an antenna or group of antennas. To do this,
the user should fill the "Module" and "Phase" textboxes below the table, select the row or rows of the
table they want to modify and press the "Fill value to selection" button.

In order to export a text file with the list of modules and phases of the antennas, the user needs to click
the "Export" button. Reciprocally, in order to import a text file with the list of modules and phases, the
user needs to click the "Import" button.

The format of the input/output text files used by the import/export functionality is the following:

<Number of antennas (N)>

<Module of antenna 1> <Phase of antenna 1 (degrees)>
<Module of antenna 2> <Phase of antenna 2 (degrees)>
<Module of antenna N> <Phase of antenna N (degrees)>

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6.8 Output Menu

This menu allows the user to set different parameters that determine what results are calculated in
the simulation. Depending on the simulation type selected in the Simulation Parameters menu, the
options shown in this menu will be different:

• If “ Far Field” simulation type is selected, the Observation Directions option will be shown in the
Output menu.
• If “ Near Field” or "Doppler" simulation type is selected, the Observation Points option will be
shown in this menu.
• If “ Coupling” simulation type is selected, the Coupling option will be shown in this menu.

Next, the different Output options are explained in detail:

6.8.1 Observation Directions

When selecting this option (remember that it’s only active when the type of the simulation is Far
Field), the following panel will appear:

Figure 606: Observation directions panel

In this panel, we can specify the observation directions:

• Sweep angle
◦ the type of cut (phi cut or theta cut)
• Cut:

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◦ Number of cuts: describes the number of cuts. It is an integer value.

◦ Initial cut: defines the angular initial value (in degrees) of the cuts.
◦ Final cut: defines the angular final value (in degrees) of the cuts.
• Number of points
◦ Number of points: describes the number of points. It is an integer value.
◦ Initial point: defines the angular initial value (in degrees) of the points.
◦ Final point: defines the angular final value (in degrees) of the points.

6.8.2 Observation Points

If the user selects the Observation Points option (only available when the Near Field or Doppler
simulation types is selected), the following panel will appear:

Figure 607: Observation points panel

The user can select near field observation points in different ways. The next options are available:

• Geometry Types observation points may be inserted as a group that defines different shapes.
Select the desired type entity and click on Add button to set its parameters. The available
Geometry Types are detailed in next subsections. Before adding new elements, check that the
Name of the new entity to be added is different from the already existing ones; otherwise, an error
will be shown.
• Observation points this section contains several options to work with observation points.
• ◦ The left list contains all the observation shapes that have been added as observation points.

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◦ The Edit button allows editing an observation points shape selected on the left list.
◦ The Delete button allows removing the observation entities selected on the left list.
◦ Use the Delete All button to remove all the observation points shapes on the left list.
◦ The Export as Text button allows saving all the generated observation points. Every point is
defined in a different line by its X, Y and Z coordinates.
◦ The Import File allows the user to add a previously saved observation points file. Only .obs
files are supported, which are the internal format generated by the application.
◦ The Export File allows the user to save the current observation points configuration in a new
file. It must be saved as obs file, which is the internal format generated by the application.
◦ Check the Hide observation points option to hide the observation points from the main
geometry window but without deleting them. Disable this option to show the observation
• Hide observation points this option hide the observation points.

The observation cylinder may be defined as a closed cylinder (circular section) or only a cylindrical
sector (arc section). The following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Base Center coordinates where the base of the cylinder will be placed (in the XY plane).
• Radius radius of the cylinder
• Height Coordinates to define the hight sampling rate of the cylinder.
◦ Number of points define the number of samples to be generated along the height of the
cylinder (in the Z axis).
◦ Height defines the total height of the cylinder.
• Angle Coordinates to define the circular sampling rate of the cylinder.
◦ Number of points define the number of samples to be generated along the transversal
section of the cylinder (in the XY plane).
◦ Initial angle angle where the first circular sample is generated in the transversal section, in
◦ Final angle angle where the last circular sample is generated in the transversal section, in

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Figure 608: New Cylinder parameters

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the cylinder, or abort the insertion by clicking
on Cancel button.

External File
The user can also import the near field points from a text file. This file can then be imported by
selecting External File into the Geometry Types combo-box. Note that this option imports a file of
points, but does not preserve the near field type (i.e. every point is imported as a separate type). In
order to preserve the near field type, the Export file and Import file must be used instead.

Figure 609: Open External File dialog

The external file must contain a list of points given by its X, Y and Z coordinates, with every point
specified in separated lines.

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the file, or abort the insertion by clicking on
Cancel button.

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From Curve
This option lets you select a line or curve of the main panel and sampling it as observation points.
Before clicking on Add button having select the From Curve type, the curve has to be selected in the
Geometry panel. As shown in the below figure, the following parametrs are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Number of points to specify the number of samples generated along the curve.

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the curve, or abort the insertion by clicking on
Cancel button.

Figure 610: The next figure shows that the grid points are added to the
Observation points list, and represented together the geometry as a dotted grid.

Figure 611: Observation points generated on the curve

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From Surface
This option lets you select a surface of the main panel and sample it as observation points. Before
clicking on Add button having select the From Surface type, the surface has to be selected in the
Geometry panel. As shown in the below figure, the following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Parameters the generated observation entity will be a matrix of U x V points obtained by sampling
the surface.
◦ U-Dimension to specify the number of samples generated along the the U-Dimension of the
◦ V-Dimension to specify the number of samples generated along the the V-Dimension of the

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the surface, or abort the insertion by clicking
on Cancel button.

Figure 612: Adding a surface of observation points

The next figure shows that the grid points are added to the Observation points list, and represented
together the geometry as a dotted grid.

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Figure 613: Observation points generated on the surface

Observation points also may be generated along a virtual straight line sampled between its extremes.
As shown in the below figure, the following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Coordinates the line is defined by its side points.
◦ Initial Point first extreme of the straight line.
◦ Final Point opposite extreme of the straight line.

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the line, or abort the insertion by clicking on
Cancel button.

Figure 614: New Line parameters

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Use this option to generate a parallelogram of coplanar observation points. The parameters required to
its shape are:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Coordinates the parallelogram is defined by three points that form its two main axis, so the
generated observation entity will be a matrix of Side x Botton points obtained by sampling the
◦ Side left axis is defined from Point 1 to Point 2.
◦ Bottom axis is defined from Point 2 to Point 3.

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the parallelogram, or abort the insertion by
clicking on Cancel button.

Figure 615: New Parallelogram parameters

In this window, the user can create a set of observation points laid out in a grid pattern. To do so, the
user needs to specify several parameters:

• Name A short name that will be used by the user to identify the created set of observation points.
• Constant axis The normal axis of the plane that will contain the grid of observation points.
• Coordinate value Value of the coordinate of the axis specified in the previous option.

For each of the axes different than the one selected in the Constant axis drop-down list, the user
needs to specify the following parameters:

• Initial value Initial value of the coordinate along each axis.

• Total size The total length of the grid of observation points along the axis.
• Number of points The number of observation points along the axis.

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Note The spacing between each pair of consecutive observation points along an axis will be given by
the formula spacing = (total size) / (number of points - 1). This value will be shown next to the
label "Distance btw. points".

Figure 616: New Plane parameters

Isolated observation points may be generated by using this option. The parameters to specify are:

• Name to define the name of the observation point. The name must be different of the already
defined ones.
• Coordinates position of the observation point, specified by its X, Y and Z coordinates.

Figure 617: New Point parameters

Click on OK button to insert the observation point, or abort the insertion by clicking on Cancel button.

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The observation sphere may be defined as a full closed sphere or only an spherical sector specified.
Multiple concentric spheres (or spherical sectors) may be defined within the same entity. The following
parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Parameters:
◦ Center Point X, Y and Z coordinates where the sphere will be centered on.
◦ Radius radius of the sphere. A radius sweep may be defined to generate multiple concentrical
∙ Initial Radius radius of the first generated sphere, which is the only one if the sweep is
not configured.
∙ Increment Radius step between two adjacent spheres. It is only considered when the
sweep is configured.
∙ Radius Samples number of concentric spheres to be generated, it must be an integer
number. The radius sweep is enabled when this parameter is higher than 1.
◦ Theta Coordinates to set the spherical range where te observation points are generated, in
theta dimension.
∙ Number of points defines the number of samples to be taken in theta dimension along
the specified angular range.
∙ Initial angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the first theta point to be
∙ Final angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the last theta point to be generated.
◦ Phi Coordinates to set the spherical range where te observation points are generated, in phi
∙ Number of points defines the number of samples to be taken in phi dimension along the
specified angular range.
∙ Initial angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the first phi point to be generated.
∙ Final angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the last phi point to be generated.

The total number of observation points to be generated in the sphere is ( Radius Samples) x (
Number of Points) Theta x ( Number of Points) Phi.

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Figure 618: Spherical observation points.

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the sphere, or abort the insertion by clicking
on Cancelbutton.

6.8.3 Coupling
The Coupling submenu is available under the Output menu when the current simulation is a Coupling
or MIMO simulation. This menu allows the user to configure the passive antennas of the simulation
by adding individual antennas or creating arrays of passive antennas. The available options under the
Coupling submenu are shown in the following figure:

Figure 619: Coupling submenu

If the user selects the Short Dipole option, the following panel is shown:

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Figure 620: Passive short dipole panel

The user is able to select whether they want to add an individual short dipole or an array of short
dipoles. In the first case, the user needs only to specify its location and orientation. In the second case,
however, the user will need to specify the following parameters:

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Figure 621: Passive short dipole panel (array layout)

• Array center The Cartesian coordinates of the geometrical center of the array.
• Array parameters The "Number of elements" determine the number of elements of the array in
each of the Cartesian axes. The "Tx", "Ty" and "Tz" determine the spacing between two consecutive
antennas along each axis.
• Array orientation Determines the axes used to calculate the position of each antenna in the array.
This parameter does not affect the rotation of the individual antennas.
• Individual orientation Determines the rotation of each antenna in the array.

If the user selects the Horn Aperture Pattern option in the Coupling submenu, the following panel will
appear. Note it is required to import at least one DIA file before adding an antenna of this type.

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Figure 622: Passive horn aperture panel

In this panel, the user needs to select the DIA (radiation pattern) file to be used for the antenna feeding
and set its polarization vector (given by the real and imaginary parts along each coordinate). When the
user selects a DIA file, the type and polarization of the radiation pattern file will be shown.

As with the "Short Dipole" antenna type, the user can add arrays of horn aperture antennas. The
parameters needed to configure an array of this type of antennas are the same as in the short dipole

When the Radiation Pattern option in the Coupling submenu is selected, the following panel will be

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Figure 623: Passive radiation pattern panel

In this panel, the user will need to select the DIA file to be used for the antenna feeding. Like the Horn
Aperture Pattern type, the user needs to import at least one DIA file to be able to select this option.
Creation of antenna arrays is also possible and the parameters needed to create an arrays are the same
as in the previous cases.

If the Multipole option in the Coupling submenu is selected, the following panel will be shown:

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Figure 624: Passive multipole panel

In this panel, the user needs to select the SUJ file that contains the multipole definition. Unlike the
previous antenna types, it is not possible to create arrays of passive multipole antennas.

When the user has finished adding and configuring an antenna or array of antennas, they need to press
the "Save" button to confirm the changes. If all the information is correct, the created antennas will be
shown on the screen, represented by magenta cones.

The user can add multiple passive antennas, as long as all the antennas are of the same type. This
means that only one kind of passive antenna can be configured in a project at a given time. To change
the passive antenna type, the user only needs to add an antenna of the type they want to use. If, when
doing this, one or more passive antennas of a different type have been added before, the application
will warn the user that those antennas will be deleted before adding the new passive antenna:

Figure 625: Warning when adding passive antennas of a different type

Pressing "Yes" will confirm the addition of the new antenna and therefore, the deletion of the previous
passive antennas. Otherwise, the previous antennas will not be deleted and the creation of the new
antenna will be aborted.

The currently configured type of passive antenna will be marked with a green tick next to the
corresponding option in the Coupling submenu, as shown in the next image:

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Figure 626: Green tick showing the current type of passive antenna

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6.9 Meshing Menu

6.9.1 Ignore Edges

In some cases, the geometry designed for a case (such as an urban scenario case) features a plane that
is used as a ground plane for the simulation. This plane is always a plane with finite dimensions and
therefore the edges of the plane are taken into account when calculating reflected and diffracted rays
using the GTD approach.

The "Ignore Edges" menu option under the "Meshing" menu allows the user to ignore specific edges of
the geometry, so that these edges are not taken into account when performing the ray-tracing. In the
example specified before, this option would allow a user to ignore the edges of the ground plane, so
that this ground plane would behave like an infinite ground plane.

In order to specify the edges to be ignored, the user needs to select the "Ignore Edges" under the
"Meshing" menu:

Figure 627: "Ignore Edges" menu option

The following panel will appear when this option is selected. Note that it may take a few seconds to
detect all the edges in the geometry.

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Figure 628: "Ignore Edges" panel

It is possible to select the edges to be removed by clicking on them in the geometry panel (holding the
Ctrl key allows selection of many edges at once). It is also possible to select the edges on the list at the
left side of the panel. When an edge is selected, it is drawn as a thicker yellow-colored line. The "Mark
as ignored" button allows the user to ignore the currently selected edges. The ignored edges will be
drawn as a dashed line in the geometry view, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 629: "Ignore Edges" panel, showing some ignored edges

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In order to undo the "Mark as ignored" operation, the user needs to select the currently ignored edges
and then press the "Mark as not ignored" button.

When the user has finished marking edges as ignored, they need to press the "Save" button to save the
changes. The ignored edges will not be taken into account in subsequent simulations.

6.9.2 Create Mesh

When the "Meshing → Create Visibility Matrix" option is selected, the following panel is shown:

Figure 630: Meshing panel

The user may select the following:

• Processors the number of processors used to run the simulation.

• Advanced Parameters the contributions are previously evaluated on a parametric internal mesh
of the geometry where the curved surfaces are simplified. The resolution of this mesh may be
edited according to the below parameters, which are set by default with the recommended values.
◦ Parametric Steps accuracy in the curvature evaluation, normalized. Decrease this parameter
to get a higher precision in the parametric discretization.
◦ Curvature angle (deg)maximum curvature considered on targets. It indicates the maximum
curvature allowed in the input surfaces for the meshing step. Decrease this parameter to get a
higher resolution mesh.
◦ Angular Margin (deg) maximum deviation allowed around the curvature reference angle.
The curvature discretization is achieved by an approximated iterative method, so an angular
error around the previous parameter is allowed. Decrease this parameter to increase the
precision in the curvature discretization.

This process may take a while (depending on the number of processors selected and the computing
power of the computer running the simulation). While it is running, the status of the meshing process
will be reported in the process log panel. From this panel we can abort the running meshing process, as
well as save the log to a text file.

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6.10 Calculate Menu

When the meshing process is finished, the user can start the simulation. It is advised for the user
to verify that all the simulation parameters are correct. If there is any problem that prevents the
simulation from running, it will be notified to the user.

Figure 631: Calculate menu

Selecting the Calculate → Execute option from the menu will show the following panel:

Figure 632: Calculate options panel

In this panel, the user needs to select the number of processors that will run the simulation. When the
user presses the Execute button, the simulation will begin. The Process Log panel will show the status
of the running simulation:

Figure 633: Process log showing the status of the simulation

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It is possible to abort the simulation at any time, but only when it is running.

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6.11 Show Results Menu

This menu allows the user to visualize the results of the simulation. The results are stored in external
files that the user can access to obtain the information corresponding to that simulation.

Most of the plots show 2-D curves of a result field versus an input parameter. This type of graphics
shares additional features of zoom, axis and curves edition, and so on. To read more information about
the chart options (when clicking on the right button over a chart) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced

6.11.1 Common Options

View Ray
This option allows the user to view the rays emitted by the active antennas in the simulation.
This command plots the rays emitted by the active antennas in the simulation only if the check box
Output Ray-Tracing in the Simulation panel has been selected.

When initially open, the panel will display the rays for a particular step, order, antenna and observation
point or direction. All the effects type are selected by default. The user can change:

Ray effect
it is possible to select one of these options (direct, reflected, transmitted, creeping and diffracted)
or all of them.

Ray selection
• Order the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation
when designing the simulation.
• Antenna select one of the antennas that were previously added to the project.
• Point/Theta phi select a particular observation point or direction.

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Figure 634: Ray visualization panel

Selecting a ray will highlight it in yellow color and its information will be shown in the Info panel
(length of the ray, type of effect and propagation time) at the bottom. This information is composed of
frequency and the modulus and argument for each of its components.

Figure 635: Ray information

View Text Files

This option shows the simulation results as a text file. First, a panel will appear after selecting this
option. Selecting this option will display a panel where the user should select an antenna, a component,

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the step and the order. To use this section, select a parametric step from the list, a component, one
of the orders shown in the list and a step to get the results from and click on "OK" to load the data.
A table will be presented with the values for the electrical field. To save the result click on the "Save
as..."button below the table.

Figure 636: Showing the result text file

6.11.2 Far Field

Using this menu it is possible to analyze the Far Field through the observation directions previously
defined in the Output section.

The following options are available:

• View Cuts: display a plot that relates the amplitude against a Theta cut or a Phi cut.
• View Cuts by Frequency: displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a frequency sweep.
• View Cuts by Step: displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a parametric step.

Figure 637: Results menu with a far field simulation

View Cuts
This command plots the amplitude and phase of the far field computed for each angular cut of the
simulation geometry. Several cuts and frequencies can be plotted in the same graphic considering
different effects and antennas. To plot a graph, the user can select the field component, the frequency,

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the step, the cut, the order and the antenna. A new graph will be plotted with the button ' Add Series'.
In the case that the user has set up a parametrized geometry, it is possible to select the step to
visualize the results for.
It is also possible to delete a series that is selected by the user from the list with the 'Remove Series'.
The display option also allows changing the color of the series and display points. The buttons ' Import
Series' and ' Export Series' are used for importing and exporting the selected series in 'List of Series'
to a text file.

This panel displays a plot with the results and several options for adding and removing extra series from
the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and observation point, against every possible
frequency and antenna that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting a component,
step and spherical coordinates in the control panel that appears on the left side of the plot.

• Component:: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Etheta, Ephi, Etotal
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Frequency: frequencies that have been simulated.
• Point: select a particular observation point.
• Order: select a particular order.
• Antenna: select a particular antenna.

Figure 638: View cuts panel (linear representation)

The user can also draw a polar plot with the same options used in the previous window.

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Figure 639: View cuts panel (polar representation)

View Cuts by Frequency

This kind of plot can be used to compare the amplitude measurements made by the simulation process
for a particular component, step, order, antenna, cut and point in the sweep, against a simulation
frequency. This option is useful when the user has selected a frequency sweep in the Simulation
Parameters, in order to inspect how the measurements for a particular observation point change
through a frequency sweep.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Far Field > View Cuts By Frequency menu, the
panel presented in the figure below will appear.

Figure 640: View cuts by frequency panel

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Similar to the behavior of the standard Far Field chart, this panel displays a plot with the results and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and observation point, against every possible
frequency and antenna that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting a component,
step and spherical coordinates in the control panel that appears on the left side of the plot.

• Component: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Etheta, Ephi, Etotal
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Frequency: frequencies that have been simulated.
• Point: select a particular observation point.
• Order: select a particular order.
• Antenna: select a particular antenna.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

View Cuts by Step

This kind of plot lets the user analyze far field measurements made by the simulation process for
a particular component, frequency, order, antenna, theta or phi cut and observation point against
the parametric steps defined in the project. This option is useful when the user has parametrized a
simulation by adding parameters and making objects such as geometries depend on the parameters

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Far Field > View Cuts by Steps menu, the panel
presented below will appear:

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Figure 641: View cuts by step panel

Similar to the behavior of the standard Far Field chart, this panel displays a plot with the results and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, frequency, order, antenna, and observation point, against
every possible step that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component,
frequency, order, antenna and spherical coordinates in the control panel that appears on the left side of
the plot.

• Component: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Etheta, Ephi, Etotal
• Frequency frequencies that have been simulated.
• Point: select a particular observation point.
• Order select a particular order.
• Antenna select a particular antenna.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

6.11.3 Near Field

Using this menu it is possible to analyze the amplitudes in the Near Field through the observation
directions previously defined in the Output section.

The following options are available:

• View Cuts: display a plot that relates the amplitude against the observation cut.
• View Cuts by Frequency: displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a frequency sweep.

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• View Cuts by Step: displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a parametric step.
• Near Field: displays the numeric results using a colored map.
• Delay Process: displays the results of the delay process.
• Power Process: displays the results of the power process.

Figure 642: Show Results menu with a near field simulation

View Cuts
This command plots the amplitude and phase of the near field computed for each observation point of
the simulation geometry. Several observation points (such us lines, planes and so on) and frequencies
can be plotted in the same graphic. To plot a graph, the user can select the field component, the step,
the frequency, the observation, the order and the antenna. A new graph will be plotted with the button
' Add Series'. In the case that the user has set up a parametrized geometry, it is possible to select the
step to visualize the results for.

It is also possible to delete a series that is selected by the user from the list with the 'Remove Series'.
The display option also allows changing the color of the series and display points. The buttons ' Import
Series' and ' Export Series' are used for importing and exporting the selected series in 'List of Series'
to a text file.

This panel displays a plot with the results and several options for adding and removing extra series from
the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, frequency, and observation point, against every
possible frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting a component, step,
observation, order and antenna in the control panel that appears on the left side of the plot.

• Component: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Ex, Ey, Ez, Etotal.
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Frequency: select one frequency to inspect.
• Observation: select one of the observation series.
• Order: select a particular order.

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• Antenna: select a particular antenna.

Figure 643: Near Field View Cuts panel

View Cuts by Frequency

This kind of plot can be used to compare the amplitude measurements made by the simulation process
for a particular component, step, observation point, order and antenna, against a simulation frequency.
This option is useful when the user has selected a frequency sweep in the Simulation Settings, in order
to inspect how the measurements for a particular observation point change through a frequency sweep.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Near Field > View Cuts By Frequency menu, the
panel presented in the figure below will appear.

Figure 644: View cuts by frequency panel

Similar to the behavior of the standard Far Field chart, this panel displays a plot with the results and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, frequency, and observation point, against every
possible frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting a component, step,
observation, order and antenna in the control panel that appears on the left side of the plot.

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• Component: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Ex, Ey, Ez, Etotal.
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Observation: select one of the observation series.
• Point: select the observation point.
• Order: select a particular order.
• Antenna: select a particular antenna.
The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

View Cuts by Step

This kind of plot lets the user analyze RCS measurements made by the simulation process for a
particular component, frequency, theta or phi cut and observation point against the parametric steps
defined in the project. This option is useful when the user has parametrized a simulation by adding
parameters and making objects such as geometries depend on the parameters themselves.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Far Field > View Cuts by Steps menu, the panel
presented below will appear:

Figure 645: View cuts by step panel

Similar to the behaviour of the standard Far Field chart, this panel displays a plot with the results, and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, frequency, and observation point, against every

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possible frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component, step,
observation, order and antenna in the control panel that appears leftside to the plot.

• Component: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Ex, Ey, Ez, Etotal.
• Frequency: select one frequency to inspect.
• Observation: select one of the observation series.
• Point select one of the observation points.
• Order: select a particular order.
• Antenna select a particular antenna.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

Near Field
When this option is selected, the following panel will appear:

Figure 646: Near field panel

In this panel, the user can select a step, a frequency (from the set of sampled frequencies) and a set
of observation points (holding the Ctrl key, the user can select more than one item from the list). When
the user presses the OK button, the following window will be opened, showing a 3D diagram of the near
field values on the selected observation points:

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Figure 647: 3D diagram showing the near field values.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component and field in dBo natural magnitude. Different values can be
visualized by changing the parameters in the control panel.

• Incidence: the type of field to inspect. Select one of the possible values Direct, Scatter, Total.
• Magnitude: dB o natural.
• Component: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Ex, Ey, Ez, Etotal.
• Filter: enable the filter check box and select a particular maximum and minimum to filter the
values that will be plotted.

Delay Process
The Delay Process is a post-process computation that shows how a given signal is distorted in
the time domain because of its environment. The signal, which may be set with different shapes,
is generated by every antenna source available in the simulation, and the delay process may be
computed in multiple near field observation points.

After running a Delay Process type simulation, click on View Delay Process to open the Delay
Process window, and the following panel is shown on the right side:

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Figure 648: Delay process configuration panel

This panel contains several options for plotting the Delay Process:

• Component: specify the component considered for the Delay Process computation (Ex, Ey or
• Selection to define the spherical far-field ranges where the Delay Process will be computed. The
first row defines the theta interval and the second row the phi one.
◦ Step select the step of the parametric simulation to be consider. If it is not a parametric
simulation, this value will be 1.
◦ Frequency frequency of the simulation.
◦ Point select the observation point index to consider in the Delay Process.
• Signal the original signal may be generated by using different patterns. All of them are configured
in the time domain.
◦ Dirac Delta only a pulse is generated in the initial time.
◦ CDMA a random distribution of pulses centred with positive (high) an negative (low) levels is
generated. Note that a low or high level is considered as a Pulse.
◦ ∙ Length number of pulses to be generated.
∙ Pulse Width time duration of each Pulse, in microseconds.
◦ Sinusoid a sinusoidal signal is generated.
◦ ∙ Carrier Freq. frequency of the sinusoidal signal, in MHz.
∙ Phase initial phase of the sinusoidal signal, in degrees.
∙ Duration total length of the generated sinusoid in the time domain, in microseconds.
◦ Tukey Envelope a Gaussian signal enveloped by a rectangular pulse is generated.

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◦ ∙ Alpha Parameter define the slope of the Gaussian curve. The higher is this parameter,
the more enveloped by the rectangular pulse is the generated signal.
∙ Pulse Width define the total length of the generated signal in the time domain, in
• Time this section specifies the observation time range.
• Initial
first observation instant in the time domain, in microseconds.

last observation instant in the time domain, in microseconds.

number of instants to evaluate deDelay Processthat are equally equispaced in the time

Click on OK button to plot de Delay Process results.

Only when the CDMA signal has been selected, the window represented below aks the selection of the
Correlation Signal to be plotted with the following options.

• Input (x[n]) the original CDMA signal is represented.

• Output (y[n]) the received CDMA signal is represented Correlation (c[n]) the correlation on the
received signal is represented.

Figure 649: Selection of signal to be plotted with CDMA

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Figure 650: Delay Process generated with a Dirac Delta signal

Figure 651: Delay Process generated with a CDMA (output y[n]) signal

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Figure 652: Delay Process generated with a Sinusoid signal

Figure 653: Delay Process generated with a Tukey Envelope signal

Power Process
When this option is selected, the following panel will appear:

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Figure 654: Power process configuration panel

In this panel, the user can configure the component to be shown, the step, the frequency and the
antenna to show the results for. Pressing the OK button will show the chart.

Figure 655: Power Process generated

6.11.4 Doppler Spectrum

Using this menu it is possible to analyze the Doppler spectrum through the observation point previously
defined in the Output section.

The following options are available:

• Chart display a plot that relates the Doppler spectrum.

• Text Files displays the numeric results obtained in the simulation process.

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Figure 656: Showing the result text file

This command plots the Doppler frequency shift computed. Several cuts and frequencies can be plotted
in the same graphic. To plot a graph, the user can select the field component, step, antenna and
observation point. A new graph will be plotted with the button ' Add Series'. In the case that the user
has set up a parametrized geometry, it is possible to select the step to visualize the results for.
It is also possible to delete a series that is selected by the user from the list with the 'Remove Series'.
The display option also allows changing the color of the series and display points. The buttons ' Import
Series' and ' Export Series' are used for importing and exporting the selected series in 'List of Series'
to a text file.

This panel displays a plot with the results and several options for adding and removing extra series from
the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, antenna, observation point and step. More series can be
added, by selecting component and step in the control panel that appears on the left side of the plot.

• Component: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Ex, Ey, Ez, Etotal.
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Antenna group: The antenna to show the Doppler spectrum results for. The user can select a
specific antenna group or they can choose to show the results for all antennas.
• Observation group: The observation points group that contains the point that the user wants to
see the results for.
• Observation point: The observation point to visualize the results for. This drop-down list shows
the observation points included in the selected observation group.

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Figure 657: View Doppler spectrum panel

Text Files
When the user selects this option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 658: View Text Files panel

In this panel, the user can select the step. Then, the text file is generated and opened with newFASANT
text file viewer.

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Figure 659: Showing the result text file

The user can export the text file by selecting the "Save as..." button.

6.11.5 Coupling
When the user has executed a Coupling simulation, the Show Results will look like this:

Figure 660: Show Results menu with a coupling simulation

Antenna Coupling
When this option is selected, the following panel will be shown:

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Figure 661: Coupling results panel

This panel allows the user to view the coupling (in dB) between each pair of active antenna group and
passive antenna. The user can select a row in the table and the geometry panel will only highlight the
antennas corresponding to that coupling value (and rendering the other antennas with low opacity). The
user can also select a different step and frequency and the coupling values will be updated immediately.

The user can also visualize the results in text format by pressing the "View Text File" button.

Figure 662: Coupling text file

Antenna Coupling by Frequency

This kind of plot can be used to compare the coupling obtained by the simulation process against a
frequency sweep. This option is useful when the user has selected a frequency sweep in the Simulation
Parameters, in order to inspect how the coupling value change through a frequency sweep.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Coupling > Antenna Coupling By Frequency menu,
the panel presented in the figure below will appear.

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Figure 663: Coupling by frequency

This panel displays a plot with the results. More series can be added by selecting the step in the control
panel that appears on the left side of the plot.

• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Active ant. group: the individual antenna or antenna array that acts as an active antenna.
• Passive antenna: the antenna that acts as passive antenna.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look of a series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular series
by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. It is possible
to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file where the
results were saved in.

Antenna Coupling by Step

This kind of plot can be used to compare the coupling obtained by the simulation process against a
frequency sweep. This option is useful when the user has selected a frequency sweep in the Simulation
Parameters, in order to inspect how the coupling value changes through a frequency sweep.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Coupling > Antenna Coupling By Frequency menu,
the panel displayed in the figure below will appear.

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Figure 664: GTD coupling results

This panel displays a plot with the results. More series can be added by selecting the step in the control
panel that appears on the left side of the plot.

• Frequency: the user can select a frequency.

• Active ant. group: the individual antenna or antenna array that acts as an active antenna.
• Passive antenna: the antenna that acts as passive antenna.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the display of a series previously added to the chart. You can change the colour of a particular
series by selecting the series in the list and pressing the Change Colors button. Series can be imported
and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. It is possible to load previously
exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file in which the results were
saved in.

Antenna Coupling Text Files

This option shows the coupling results as a text file. First, a panel should appear after selecting this
option. Selecting this option will display a panel where the user should select an step. To use this
section select a parametric step and click on OK to load the data. A table will be presented with the
coupling values. To save the result click on the Save as button below the table.

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Figure 665: Showing the result text file

Power Angular Spectrum

The Power Angular Spectrum represents the power of the rays that reach the passive antenna according
to the arrival direction. The power of each ray that reaches the passive antenna is computed taking into
account the angular range in which the ray is received. As shown in the following figure, an imaginary
circumference is drawn around the receiver, which is divided into the number of sectors specified by the
user. Only the power of the rays received within a specific angular range is associated with the angular

Figure 666: These options are only available when a coupling analysis has
been performed. When this option is selected, the following panel is shown:

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Figure 667: Power angular spectrum panel

In this panel, the user can set:

• Steps: the user can choose the step if a parametric simulation has been performed.
• Number of sectors: number of divisions in which the angular space is divided. For instance, if the
number of sectors is 12, 360º is divided by 12, so each angular sector is 30º.
• Frequency: the user can also select the frequency.
• Representation type: the user can also select whether to show a linear graph or a polar one.

When the user presses the Ok button, the chart is shown:

Figure 668: Power angular spectrum chart

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6.11.6 MIMO Results

If the user has selected "MIMO" as the simulation type in the Simulation panel, newFASANT will
calculate the parameters that characterize the MIMO system defined in the simulation case, in addition
to the coupling values.

Channel Transfer Matrix

Pressing the menu item "Show Results -> MIMO Channel -> View Channel Transfer Matrix" will show
the following panel:

Figure 669: Channel transfer matrix results

If the simulation has more than one step, the user can select the step they want to show the results for,
and the same applies for the different simulation frequencies.

The table shows the elements of the channel transfer matrix of the MIMO system. For each value, the
table shows the indices of the active antenna and passive antenna pair, as well as the module and
phase of the channel transfer matrix element. By selecting any row in the table, the active antenna and
passive antenna will be highlighted in the Geometry view, and a line between the two antennas will be
drawn. In the geometry panel, transmit antennas are red-colored while receiving antennas are blue-

In this panel, it is also possible to visualize a plot of a certain element of the channel transfer matrix by
step or frequency. Pressing the "Show Chart" button will open the Plot Viewer and visualize the selected
chart. Refer to the GUI for more details on the Plot Viewer panel.

It is also possible to view a text file with the values of the channel transfer matrix by pressing the "View
Text File" button.

Channel Correlation
Selecting the option "Show Results -> MIMO Channel -> View Channel Correlation" will show the
following panel:

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Figure 670: Correlation Matrix results panel

As with the channel transfer matrix panel, the user can select different steps and frequencies to change
the shown results (if there is only one step or one frequency in the simulation, the drop-down list will be
grayed out).

The "Channel 1 (Tx, Rx)" and "Channel 2 (Tx, Rx)" drop-down lists allow the user to select the two
channels for the visualization of their correlation. Each channel is defined by the index of its transmit
(Tx) antenna and the index of its receiving (Rx) antenna. If the user selects two different channels,
the geometry panel will highlight their antennas and draw a blue line connecting the antennas of the
first channel, and a red line connecting the antennas of the second channel. As in the "Channel Transfer
Matrix" panel, transmit antennas are red-colored while receiving antennas are purple-colored.

It is also possible to draw a plot of a specific element of the correlation matrix by step or frequency. To
do this, the user needs to select whether they want to draw a plot by step or by frequency, select the
two channels and press the "Show Chart" button. Doing this will open the Plot Viewer with the selected
plot (refer to GUI for more information about Plot Viewer functions).

For each combination of step and frequency, the user can export a text file with the values of the
correlation matrix. Pressing the "Export text file" button will show the following window:

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Figure 671: Correlation text file format window

In this window, the user needs to the select the format of the generated text file. There are three
different options:

• Table format (module and phase): Generates a text file with its contents arranged in a table.
Each row of the table contains the Channel 1 and Channel 2, each one defined by its transmit
antenna (Tx) index and receiving antenna (Rx) index; and the module and phase of the correlation
for those channels.
• Matrix format (module only): Generates a text file with only the modules of the correlation
values. These values are displayed in a matrix format C lines, with each line containing C space-
separated values (where C is the total number of channels).
• Matrix format (phase only): The same as the previous format, but the phases of the correlation
values are written (instead of the modules).

After selecting the format, the application will show a window in which the user needs to select a
location for the text file on their hard drive. The file will be exported to the selected location.


Capacity Postprocess
When a MIMO simulation is executed, only the channel transfer matrix and the correlation matrix are
calculated. For the user to be able to see the overall capacity of the MIMO system, they first need to
specify some parameters.

When the user selects the option "Capacity Postprocess", the following panel is shown:

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Figure 672: Capacity post-process panel

In this panel, the user can specify multiple sets of the following parameters in the table:

• The transmitted power per antenna defines the power, in dBm, that each active antenna
• The temperature, in Kelvin, is the temperature in each of the passive (receiving) antennas. This
temperature is used when determining the signal-to-noise ratio in the receivers using thermal
• The bandwidth is also used when calculating signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver. It represents the
bandwidth over which the thermal noise is calculated.

When the user presses the "Calculate" button, the application will run a post-process to calculate the
capacity of the MIMO system for each of the parameter sets configured in the table. The Process Log
panel will appear showing the progress of the calculation.

Figure 673: Capacity post-process log

When the post-process has finished running, the user will be able to visualize the results using the
options on the "Show Results -> MIMO Capacity" menu.

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Viewing Capacity Results

The menu "Show Results -> MIMO Capacity" provides several options to visualize the capacity of the
MIMO system:

Figure 674: MIMO Capacity menu

The first option, "View Capacity by Frequency", allows the visualization of the capacity in terms of the
frequency at a given step. When this option is selected, the following panel will appear:

Figure 675: MIMO Capacity by frequency

In this panel, the user can visualize many plots by selecting the step, the parameter set and pressing
the "Add Series" button. In addition, it is possible to import existing series from a text file and export a
currently shown series to a text file. The user can also change the color of the series and delete them.
Selecting the "View Capacity by Step" menu option will show a similar panel:

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Figure 676: MIMO Capacity by step

In this case, the user can visualize the capacity values in terms of the step for a given frequency value.
It is possible to add more plots for different frequency values by selecting the frequency and parameter
set and pressing the "Add Series" button. The rest of the functionality is the same as in the "MIMO
Capacity by frequency" panel.

If the user selects the "Capacity text files" menu option, a panel will appear (right side of the next
figure). This panel will ask the user the step and the parameter set they want to see the results for.
When the "OK" button is pressed, the requested text file will be shown.

At the bottom of the "Text File" panel, there is a button labeled as "Save as..." that allows the user to
save this text file to a user-given location in their local filesystem.

6.11.7 Post-Process
For information about the Post-Process menu, refer to Post-Process.

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6.12 Tools Menu

For information about the Tools menu, refer to Tools Menu.

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6.13 Help Menu

For information about the Help menu, refer to Help Menu.

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6.14 Training Examples

6.14.1 Example 1: Getting Started

In this section a simple example of a Far Field simulation will be shown. This simulation will be
performed considering a cube as the geometry. An antenna will be configured to feed this geometry.

Step 1. The first step consists of creating a new data file where all the parameters of the simulation will
be saved. Use the command ‘New’ from the File menu. Select GTD type.

Figure 677: Selection Method dialog box

Step 2. The second step is to generate the box. Select Geometry→ Solid → Box. It will be located at
(0,0,0) and the dimensions are 1x1x1 m.

Figure 678: Create box

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Figure 679: Box situated at (0,0,0)

Step 3. The next step is to set the main parameters of the simulations, which are located in Simulation
Parameters Menu → Simulation.

A dialog appears. In this menu, the frequency, number of antennas, kind of simulation, effects to
calculate, and other parameters must be defined before running the simulation. In this example, a
radiation pattern file in far field is simulated. The user will introduce:
• Far field in Simulation Type.
• The number of frequency points and the frequency: in this example 1 and 2.4 GHz.
• The effect order will be 1.

The rest of the options are the default ones

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Figure 680: Parameters dialog box

Step 4. Define an antenna over the cube clicking on Antenna → Dipole Antenna. The position of the
dipole will be (0.0, 0.0, 1.2).

Figure 681: Dipole Antenna dialog box

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Figure 682: Dipole Antenna dialog box

Step 5.The next step is to situate the Far Field Observation. Select Observation directions from the
Output menu. In the Angular Sweep Type dialog select one cut in Phi = 0 degrees and 10 points in theta
from 0 degrees to 360 degrees. Select Theta as the Angular Sweeptype.

Figure 683: Far Field Observation dialog box

Step 6. To mesh the geometry click on Meshing → Create visibility matrix and select the number of

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Figure 684: Processors option for meshing

Figure 685: Mesh

Step 7. Execute the simulation by selecting Calculate → Execute and introduce the number of
processors to be used.

Figure 686: Processors options for Execute

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Figure 687: Execute

Step 8. After obtaining the results, choose view ray from show results. It is possible to visualize order 1
rays. It is possible to represent the ray tracing interacting with the geometry.

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Figure 688: Ray Viewer dialog box

Step 9. It is possible to select a ray to show its information. Clicking in one of the ray will fill its
information in the bottom of the panel.

Figure 689: Viewing the ray information

Step 10. To visualize the charts click on Show Results → Far Field → View Cuts, after which the
following dialog will be shown:

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Figure 690: Far field

6.14.2 Example 2: Dynamic Simulation

In this section, we will explain how to compute the Near Field of a dynamic simulation using a simple

Step 1: Create a newFASANT project for running a GTD simulation. To do this, select the File → New
option (or press Ctrl+N) and press the following icon in the panel that appears in order to create a GTD

Figure 691: GTD module icon

Step 2: Since we want a dynamic simulation, we need to define some parameters in order to be able
to parametrize our geometry. In this simulation, we will create two boxes moving in opposite directions
along the Y axis. These boxes will move at a rate of 0.5 meters per step, considering a total of 4 steps.
To add a parameter, select the Geometry → Parameters → Define Parameters option and press the
Add parameter. A new row in the parameters table will be created. Change the name of the parameter
to something more descriptive like “yPos1” and change the text in the Values column to:

[-0.5, -2.0] 4

This can be read as “This parameter will take four equally spaced values, beginning in-0.5 and ending in
-2.0” (so the parameter will take the values -0.5, -1.0, -1.5 and -2.0).

Repeat the same procedure to add a new parameter called “yPos2”, which will describe the movement
of the second box. Set the content of the Values column of this second parameter to the following text:

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[-0.5, 1.0] 4

Press the Save button to save the parameter settings.

Figure 692: Defining the parameter

Step 3: Now we will create the geometry for the simulation. Let’s create both boxes using the
command line (the command line is the panel at the bottom side of the window, below the geometry
view). The following figure shows the commands to be entered into the command line in order to create
the boxes.

Figure 693: Commands used to create the geometry

As we can see, we have used the parameters created in the previous step to define a varying Y
coordinate in the boxes. The result is shown in the following figure. Note that the following figure
depicts the state of the geometry in the first step (i.e. both parameters are equal to the first value in
their set of values):

Figure 694: Created boxes

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Step 4: Now we are going to set up the parameters of the simulation. Select Simulation Parameters
→ Simulation. Enter the following parameters:

• Near Fieldsimulation type.

• Initial frequency 4.0 GHz.
• Disable Frequency Sweep.
• Enable diffraction.
• Keep the number of bounces equal to 1.

Figure 695: Simulation parameters

Step 5: Define an antenna over the cube by selecting the option Antennas → Dipole Antenna and
setting up the antenna parameters as in the following figure:

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Figure 696: Antenna parameters

Press the Add button to add the antenna to the simulation.

Step 6: Now we are going to add a line of observation points. Select the Output → Observation
Points option. In the Geometry Types combo box, select Line and press the Add button. The following
dialog will pop up. Set the line parameters as shown in the figure.

Figure 697: Observation line parameters

Press OK button to add the observation line.

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Figure 698: Geometry view showing the observation line

Step 7: Select Meshing → Create Visibility Matrix to mesh. Select the number of processors to use
for the meshing process and press the Mesh button.

Figure 699: Selecting the number of processors for the meshing

Step 8: Once the meshing process has finished (no more text is being outputted into the process log),
we are ready to run the simulation. To do this, select Calculate → Execute, select the number of
processors to use (like we did before meshing) and press the Execute button.
Step 9: When the calculation has finished, press Show Results → View Ray. In the left side of the
Ray Visualization panel, select Step 2. The result should be the same as in the following figure:

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Figure 700: Ray visualization

Step 10: It is possible to select a ray to show its information. Clicking in one of the rays will fill its
information in the bottom of the panel.

Figure 701: Information of a selected ray

Step 11: To visualize the angular cuts, click on Show Results → Near Field → View Cuts.

Figure 702: View cuts

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Step 12: To visualize the evolution of the near field along the different steps of the simulation, select
Show Results → Near Field → View Cuts by Step:

Figure 703: View cuts by step

6.14.3 Example 3: Radiation Pattern File Simulation

In this section, we show how to compute the Near Field using a simple geometry fed by a customized
DIA (radiation features definition) file.

Step 1: Create a newFASANT GTD project by selecting the File → New option (or alternatively pressing
Ctrl+N) and click on the following icon in the panel:

Figure 704: GTD module icon

Step 2: To create a new radiation pattern file (.dia), select the Tools –> DIA Files option.

Figure 705: DIA Files option

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Step 3: Introduce the following parameters in the DIA Files Editor. The formula shown in the first
figure has been used to fill the Etheta(dB) column, and the formula is shown in the second figure has
been used to fill the Ephi(dB) column.

Figure 706: DIA Files Editor

Figure 707: DIA Files Editor

Step 4: Click on the Save button to save the DIA file.

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Step 5: Now create the geometry for the simulation. Let’s generate a cylinder using the following

Figure 708: Created cylinder

Step 6: Now set up the parameters of the simulation. Select Simulation Parameters → Simulation.
Enter the following parameters:

• Near Field simulation type.

• Initial frequency 3.0 GHz. Disable Frequency Sweep.
• Enable diffraction.
• Keep the number of bounces equal to 1.

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Figure 709: Simulation parameters

Step 7: Antenna -> Pattern File Antenna -> Import DIA File

Figure 710: Import DIA file

Step 8: Antenna -> Pattern File Antenna -> Pattern File Antenna

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Figure 711: Pattern File parameters

Step 9: Now add a line of observation points. Select the Output → Observation Points option. In the
Geometry Types combo box, select Line and press the Add button. The following dialog will pop up.
Set the line parameters as shown in the figure.

Figure 712: Observation line parameters

Step 10: Select Meshing → Create Visibility Matrix to mesh. Select the number of processors to use
for the meshing process and press the Mesh button.

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Figure 713: Selecting the number of processors for the meshing

Step 11: Once the meshing process has finished, run the simulation. To do this, select Calculate →
Execute, select the number of processors to use (like we did before meshing) and press the Execute

Step 12: When the calculation has finished, press Show Results → View Ray. On the left side of the
Ray Visualization panel, select Step 2. The result should be the same as in the following figure:

Figure 714: Ray visualization

Step 13: It is possible to select a ray to show its information. Clicking in one of the rays will fill its
information in the bottom of the panel.

Figure 715: Information of a selected ray

Step 14: To visualize the angular cuts, click on Show Results → Near Field → View Cuts.

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Figure 716: View cuts

6.14.4 MIMO Examples

MIMO Example with 25x25 TX and 3x1RX in Urban Environment

Step 1: Create a new GTD Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

Figure 717: Select GTD option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, click on the MIMO button and set the parameters.

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Step 3: Import the geometry.

In order to import the desired geometry, select Geometry – Import, select the .igs file and open it.

Step 4: Create the transmitter array.

Select Antenna – Dipole – Dipole Array and set the parameters.

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Figure 718: A spacing of 0.025 m. between array elements is

chosen because is equivalent to a spacing of 0.5 lambdas at 6 GHz.

It is important that the Group all antennas in array option is left unchecked.

Step 5: Create the receptor array.

Click on Output – Coupling – Short Dipole and select the Antenna array option. Set the
parameters as shown.

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Step 6: Meshing the geometry model.

Select Meshing - Create Matrix Visibility to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the
parameters as show the next figure.

Step 7: Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

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Step 8: Show Results.

The ray tracing can be visualized by clicking Show Results – View Ray.

The coupling between the transmitter and the receptor antennas can be visualized by clicking Show
Results – Coupling – Antenna Coupling.

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The channel correlation can be visualized by clicking Show Results – MIMO Channel – View Channel

In order to be able to see the overall capacity of the MIMO system, the user need to specify some

When the user selects the option Show Results – MIMO Capacity – Capacity Post-process, the
following panel is shown:

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Figure 719: Capacity post-process panel

In this panel, the user has to specify the transmitted power per antenna, the temperature, and the
bandwidth. In this example, the user has to set up the values shown in the above figure.

The capacity at the selected frequency can be visualized by clicking Show Results – MIMO Capacity
– View Capacity by Frequency.

MIMO Example with 25x25 TX and 3x1RX in Urban Environment

Considering Multiple Effects
Step 1: Create a new GTD Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

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Select GTD option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, click on the MIMO button and set the parameters,
increasing the number of bounces.

Step 3: Import the geometry.

In order to import the desired geometry, select Geometry – Import, select the city.igs file and open

Step 4: Create the transmitter array.

Select Antenna – Dipole – Dipole Array and set the parameters.

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Figure 720: A spacing of 0.025 m. between array elements is

chosen because is equivalent to a spacing of 0.5 lambdas at 6 GHz.

It is important that the Group all antennas in array option is left unchecked.

Step 5: Create the receptor array

Click on Output – Coupling – Short Dipole and select the Antenna array option. Set the
parameters as shown.

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Step 6: Meshing the geometry model.

Select Meshing - Create Matrix Visibility to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the
parameters as show the next figure.

Step 7: Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

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Step 8: Show Results.

The ray tracing can be visualized by clicking Show Results – View Ray.

The coupling between the transmitter and the receptor antennas can be visualized by clicking Show
Results – Coupling – Antenna Coupling.

The channel correlation can be visualized by clicking Show Results – MIMO Channel – View Channel

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In order to be able to see the overall capacity of the MIMO system, the user needs to specify some

When the user selects the option Show Results – MIMO Capacity – Capacity Post-process, the following
panel is shown:

Figure 721: Capacity post-process panel

In this panel, the user has to specify the transmitted power per antenna, the temperature, and the
bandwidth. In this example, the user has to set up the values shown in the above figure.

The capacity at the selected frequency can be visualized by clicking Show Results – MIMO Capacity
– View Capacity by Frequency.

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6.14.5 Using Multipole in GTD Module

Examples about how to compute array coupling in Near-Field and Far-Field using multipoles and GTD in
newFASANT are presented in this section.

Using Multipole in newFASANT to Compute Mutual Coupling in

A training example to compute the array coupling in Near-Field using multipoles and GTD module in
newFASANT is presented.

The first step is to calculate the multipole using the MoM module and export it to be used to compute
the array coupling in Near-Field. You can find it on the next link:

• Multipole Array Simulation

In order to generate the multipole file, an array close to a sphere is created and it will be used as the
passive antenna in this training example.

Note that in version 6.3 only is able to compute the coupling with only one element of the passive array.
In new improvements, a more general formulation for the coupling between arrays will be stated. We
explode all the array elements except this one selected for coupling calculation in order to get only one
antenna in the array (other elements will be considered as passive scatters).
In this case, the exploded array elements are grouped and the simulation is selected as shown.

The size of the multipole is set up to 2*wavelengths, therefore the multipole can be used accurately for
distances greater than 2*((2*0.1)**2)/0.1=0.8 m.

Then, the simulation is meshed, calculated and saved the multipole generated.

More information about how to do a multipole simulation and how to export this file are in the next

• Multipole Simulation
• Export Multipole File

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Once the multipole has been created, the GTD project can be started.

Step 1: Create a new GTD Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File' --> 'New' option.

Select 'GTD' option on the previous figure and start to set up the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model. To obtain more information about geometries generation see
Geometry Menu.

Execute 'plane' command writing it on the command line and set up the parameters as the next figure
shown when the command line asks for it.

Execute 'box' command writing it on the command line and set up the parameters as the next figure
shown when the command line asks for it.

Step 3: Set up Simulation Parameters.

Select 'Simulation' --> Parameters option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set up the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

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Note: It is important to select ‘Output Ray-Tracing’ to be able to visualize the ray-tracing.

Step 4: Set up the active antenna.

Select ‘Antenna’ --> ‘Multipole Antenna’ and select the arraySmallBoxMultipole4lambda.suj file and
locate the antenna at (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Note the file arraySmallBoxMultipole4lambda.suj is the multipole file obtained in the Multipole Array

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Step 5: In the output menu, the multipole option is selected, input the multipole of the array near
sphere of the previous example (only one element is active). Select the array2oneDipole.suj file and
locate it at (6.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Step 6: Meshing the geometry model.

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Select 'Meshing --> 'Create visibility matrix' and select the number of processors.

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

Step 7: Execute the simulation.

Select 'Calculate --> 'Execute' and introduce the number of processors to be used.

Step 8: After obtaining the results, choose view ray from show results. It is possible to visualize the
order 1 ray. It is possible to represent the ray-tracing interacting with the geometry.

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Step 9: Coupling.

Step 10: In order to modify the location of the passive multipole, the user has to click on the cones
with the right button of the mouse, and then the click on ‘Edit’, as is shown in the next figure.

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Step 11: Now, the passive multipole is located at (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Step 12: A new coupling value and a new ray-tracing between the active array and the dipole in the
passive array are obtained.

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PO 7
7 PO

PO is used for radar cross section analysis of electrically large and complex targets using physical optics

This chapter covers the following:

• 7.1 File Menu (p. 757)

• 7.2 Edit Menu (p. 758)
• 7.3 View Menu (p. 759)
• 7.4 Geometry Menu (p. 760)
• 7.5 Materials Menu (p. 761)
• 7.6 Simulation Menu (p. 762)
• 7.7 RCS Menu (p. 768)
• 7.8 Output Menu (Alt +O) (p. 769)
• 7.9 Meshing Menu (p. 771)
• 7.10 Calculate Menu (Alt + C) (p. 775)
• 7.11 Show Results Menu (p. 777)
• 7.12 Tools Menu (p. 783)
• 7.13 Help Menu (p. 784)
• 7.14 Training Examples (p. 785)
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7 PO p.757

7.1 File Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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7 PO p.758

7.2 Edit Menu

For information about the Edit menu, refer to Edit Menu.

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7 PO p.759

7.3 View Menu

For information about the View menu, refer to View Menu.

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7 PO p.760

7.4 Geometry Menu

For information about the Geometry menu, refer to Geometry Menu.

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7 PO p.761

7.5 Materials Menu

For information about the Materials menu, refer to Materials.

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7.6 Simulation Menu

This menu has several options that let the user change the simulation settings for the current project.

Figure 722: Simulation Menu

The following options are available:

• Parameters this option is used to modify simulation frequency, bounces, and the ground plane.
• Doppler this option is used to apply Doppler shifts to objects that are part of the simulation.
• Delete Edges this option is used to discard selected edges during the simulation.
• Duplicate Normals this option tells the simulation process to consider both sides of selected

7.6.1 Parameters Menu

Parameters are defined by the user for the simulation on the right-side of the window where the
user can select the parameters to be defined. The user may enable a single frequency simulation, or
enable a swept simulation by left-clicking the Enable Sweep box. The user may then define the Initial
Frequency, Final Frequency, and the number of frequency points (Samples) for the simulation.

Figure 723: Simulation Parameters panel

• Frequency. To set the simulation frequency. The following parameters may be modified:

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• Enable Sweep
select this option to simulate a range of frequencies.

to set the magnitude of the frequency. Hz, kHz, MHz, and GHz are available.

Initial frequency
the first step in the frequency range, in the selected Units. If the frequency Sweep is
disabled, this value coincides with the simulation frequency.

Final frequency
the last step in the frequency range, in the selected Units. This parameter may be only
modified when the frequency Sweep is enabled.

number of frequency samples to be analyzed on the frequency Sweep. This parameter may
be only modified when the frequency Sweep is enabled.

Simulation effects.
In this section, the user can select the order of the effects to take into account in the simulation
for the computation of the fields. The order of the effects relates to the combination of simpler
effects. For example, order 1 contains only direct, reflected and the diffracted field (if the user
has checked the diffraction check box). Order 2 contains the combination of the simple effects
reflected-reflected, reflected-diffracted, diffracted-reflected, etc.

NOTICE: Click on Save button before closing this window to confirm the changes.

7.6.2 Doppler
This option is used to consider the Doppler shift in the computation of the RCS. On the right-side of the
window the user can define the parameters, as shown in the next Figure:

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Figure 724: Doppler Parameters panel

In this panel, we can add Doppler effect to objects in the geometry. To do this, select an object from
the geometry view and press the Add button. The selected object will be added to the list of objects.
It is possible to remove the Doppler effect from an object by selecting it from the list and pressing the
Remove button.

• Translation Parameters. Any object in the list could have a translation movement. Using this
panel the user can define the linear velocity of the object. The Enabled/Disabled Translation check
box must be selected.
• Rotation Parameters. Any object in the list could have a rotation movement. The Enabled/
Disabled Rotation check box must be selected. Using this panel the user can define:
• ◦ First point axis cords of the first point axis.
◦ Second point axis cords of the second point axis.
◦ Speed rotation speed
• Advanced Options. The user can also define the source velocity, the observation velocity, and the
frequency bin.

Once the parameters of the movement of one object have been defined, it is necessary to click on Save
Changes button in order to save this information and to assign it to the object selected.

NOTICE: Click on Save Changes button before closing this window to confirm the changes.

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7.6.3 Delete Edges

This option is used to avoid considering the diffraction effect due to edges contained in the simulation.
The selection of edges to be discarded from the simulation can be performed in different ways, as
shown in the next Figure:

Figure 725: Delete Edges

Automatic Define the angle of the edge to delete and left click on run. All of the edges with an angle
smaller than the specified threshold angle are selected and shown in the window. For example, in the
previously created box object, the edges represented in the next Figure are detected when an angle of
90° is defined in the Automatic Edges Deletion window.

Figure 726: Delete edges automatic

Manual: Select edges from the list and left-click on delete. All the edges detected in the geometry are
shown in the Selector Point window. Edges can be selected to not be considered for the simulation by

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left-clicking on them and pressing the delete button. The user can confirm the deletion with the Save
changes button. In the next Figure, we can see how the deleted edges are represented by dashed lines.

Figure 727: Delete Edges manual

Figure 728: Delete Edges options panel

NOTICE: Click on Save button before closing this window to confirm the changes.

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7.6.4 Duplicate Normals

In the PO module, the surfaces are only considered in the region pointed by its normal vectors. This
option is used to consider both sides (according to with the normal vector directions) of the selected
objects. It is recommended for use when the user wants to calculate the RCS of open surfaces in the
two normal vector possible directions. As shown in the figure below:

Figure 729: Duplicate Normals

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7.7 RCS Menu

Figure 730: RCS menu

7.7.1 Parameters
In this window, the user selects the type of RCS calculation to be performed.

The following setting is available:

• Monostatic RCS in order to compute the Monostatic RCS, in this case, the user can enable speed-
up. Speed-up option will reduce the analysis time for problems that have several incident angles.
• Bistatic RCS in this case, the user must define the angle of incidence (by default theta and phi are

Figure 731: RCS panel

Click on Save button before closing this window to confirm the changes.

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7.8 Output Menu (Alt +O)

Figure 732: Output Menu

7.8.1 Observation Directions

The user needs to configure the directions of observation where the electrical far field is to be
calculated. The user selects a combination of angular sweeps in Theta or Phi, choosing in each case the
number of samples for the variable angular component and the number of cuts to be simulated between
the initial and final cuts, for the fixed angular value defined by the user. All the values for Theta and Phi
are entered in degrees.

The following settings are available:

• Cuts in Phi / Points in Theta: the user selects to compute cuts in Phi and angular sweeps in
• Cuts in Theta / Points in Phi: the user selects to compute cuts in Theta and angular sweeps in

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• Number of cuts: defines the number of samples in the angular cuts where the user wants to
compute the RCS.
• Initial Cut: define the cut initial value (in degrees).
• Final Cut: define the cut final value (in degrees).
• Number of Points: defines the number of samples in the angular sweep where the user wants to
compute the RCS.
• Initial Point: define the angular initial value (in degrees).
• Final Point: define the angular final value (in degrees).

Note: Click Save before closing this window to confirm the changes.

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7.9 Meshing Menu

In this section, all the features available in the Meshing menu of the PO module are explained. The
options available in the Meshing menu are shown in the next Figure.

Figure 733: Meshing Menu

In the following sections, the options for the Meshing Menu are described.

7.9.1 Create Mesh

In the PO module, the mesh generation is a required step that is performed immediately before
simulating. In the Meshing Parameters window, represented in the next Figure, the following options are

Figure 734: Meshing Parameters panel

In the Meshing Options panel the following options are available:

• Number of processors: To set the number of processors for the meshing process.
• Meshing Strategy
◦ Regular Meshing: The size of the generated elements is selected by the user. Regular
meshing is the common algorithm used in other modules such as MOM. It provides a mesh of

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triangles of similar sizes with a distribution as uniform as possible. It enables the user to set
the exact size edge of the triangles to be generated, given in lambda units. However, a huge
number of mesh elements may results when the geometry contains large surfaces.
∙ Multilevel: Use Multilevel to generate the mesh automatically in several sequenced
steps. This option is usually more efficient (in terms of runtime) than the common mesh
generation option, so it is selected by default. However, there may be minor differences
between the meshes obtained with and without the Multilevel mode.
∙ Edge size: The desired size for the edge of the elements, in wavelengths.
◦ Curvature Meshing:
Using curvature meshing we get the meshed geometry defined in terms of triangles. This
geometry should be very similar to the original geometry. We can force that the meshed
geometry be close to the original one using the surface error (in wavelengths). In the mesher
we have default values for this magnitude but the user can change it. The mesher tries to
minimize the number of triangles of a meshed geometry such that the distance from any point
of this geometry to the original one is smaller than the “selected surface error”.

If we have a cube, say the original geometry is defined by six flat quadrangles the meshed
geometry is composed by twelve triangles. In this case the distance of any point of the meshed
geometry to the original one is null, say both geometries are identical for every frequency.

If an sphere of 1 m of radius at 300 MHz the “selected value” using the defaults values is
0.08*wavelength = 8.0 cm. The mesh is composed by 104 triangles. If you increase the
frequency we obtain the same mesh until about 0.7 GHz. Due to topological restriction the
number of elements of a mesh of triangle can not increases continuously, say we can not go
from 104 triangles to 105 triangles for the sphere (next for the sphere can be 174 triangles).

The Distance error error is other parameter of the meshing by curvature. It only applies to
flat facets. The longer edge of the planar surface is split by this parameter. For instance if you
set 10 for the cube case you get 12*(10 ) = 1200 triangles. By default we have 0.01, that is, if
this parameter is lower than 1.0 not division of flat facets is consider.

The table below shows a comparison of meshing criteria with a different configuration for meshing
a cylinder with a radius of 0.25 m. and height of 1 m. at 3 GHz.

Table 7: Comparison of meshing criteria.

1 lambda 0.5 lambda 0.01 lambda


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0.2 surface error 0.1 surface error 0.01 surface error


7.9.2 Visualize Existing Mesh

It is possible to visualize an existing mesh already generated by searching for mesh files (msh file
extension), as shown in the following Figure. This option is only useful to visualize meshes, but not for
simulations, unless the visualized mesh matches the one used in the current simulation project.

Figure 735: Visualize Existing Mesh

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7.9.3 View Log

When some special operation has been performed on the input geometry, some information about that
process is written into a log file (mesh_log.txt) that can be seen by left-clicking on View Log button.

Figure 736: View Log window

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7.10 Calculate Menu (Alt + C)

Figure 737: Calculate Menu

Before executing the simulation, the user needs to make sure that every simulation parameter has been
entered by the user. If something is wrong with a user defined parameter, then a warning message is
displayed to let the user know that it is necessary to correct one or more parameters for this simulation.

7.10.1 Execute
This option runs the simulation. The user can define the number of processors for solving this
electromagnetic problem using the parallel version of newFASANT, where the user can choose between
two parallelization models:

• MPI (Messages Passing Interface)

• OpenMP (Multi-Processing).

Figure 738: Calculate Menu panel

When the simulation starts, a new screen is shown:

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Figure 739: Processing screen

During a solution process, the screen reports the status of each phase of the calculation process date,
number of iterations, CPU time for every phase of the solution process, etc.

Click on the Save button to save it, as shows the next Figure.

Figure 740: Processing Calculate

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7.11 Show Results Menu

This menu allows the user to visualize the results of the simulation. The results are stored in external
files that the user can access to obtain the information corresponding to that simulation.

Figure 741: Show Result menu

Most of the plots show 2-D curves of a result field versus an input parameter. This type of graphics
share additional features of zoom, axis and curves edition, and so on. To read more information about
the chart options (when clicking on the right button over a chart) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced

7.11.1 Far field

Using this menu it is possible to analyze the amplitudes in the Far Field through the observation
directions previously defined in the Output section.

The following options are available:

• View Cuts display a plot that relates the amplitude against a Theta cut or a Phi cut.
• View Cuts by Frequency displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a frequency sweep.
• View Cuts by Step displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a parametric step.
• View Text Files displays the numeric results obtained in the simulation process.

View Cuts
This command plots the amplitude or the phase of the RCS fields computed for each angular cut of the
simulation geometry. Several cuts and frequencies can be plotted in the same graphic. To plot a graph,
the user can select the RCS component, the frequency, and the cut. A new graph will be plotted with
the button ' Add Series'. In the case that the user has set up a parametrized geometry, it is possible to
select the step to visualize the results for.

It is also possible to delete a serie that is selected by the user from the list with the 'Remove Series'.
The display option also allows changing the color of the series and display points. The buttons ' Import
Series' and ' Export Series' are used for importing and exporting the selected series in 'List of Series'
to a data file written as a text file.

This panel displays a plot with the results, and several options for adding and removing extra series
from the plot.

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When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and observation point in a phi or theta cut, against
every possible frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component,
step and spherical coordinates in the control panel that appears leftside to the plot.
• Component: the plane wave component to inspect. Select one of the possible values VV, HV,
VTotal, HH, VH, HTotal
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Theta cut / Phi cut: select one of the theta cuts or phi cuts that were previously added to the
• Point: select a particular observation point in the cut selected before.

Figure 742: View Cuts Linear window

The user can also draw a polar plot with the same options used in the previous window.

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Figure 743: View Cuts Polar window

View Cuts By Frequency

This kind of plot can be used to compare the amplitude measurements made by the simulation process
for a particular component, step, cut and point in the sweep, against a simulation frequency. This option
is useful when the user has selected a frequency sweep in the Simulation Settings, in order to inspect
how the measurements for a particular observation point change through a frequency sweep.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Far Field > View Cuts By Frequency menu, the
panel presented in the figure below will appear.

Figure 744: View Cuts By Frequency window

Similar to the behaviour of the standard Far Field chart, this panel displays a plot with the results, and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

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When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and observation point in a phi or theta cut, against
every possible frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component,
step and spherical coordinates in the control panel that appears leftside to the plot.
• Component: the plane wave component to inspect. Select one of the possible values VV, HV,
VTotal, HH, VH, HTotal
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Theta cut / Phi cut: select one of the theta cuts or phi cuts that were previously added to the
• Point: select a particular observation point in the cut selected before.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

View Cuts By Step

This kind of plot lets the user analyze RCS measurements made by the simulation provess for a
particular component, frequency, theta or phi cut and observation point against the parametric steps
defined in the project. This option is useful when the user has parametrized a simulation by adding
parameters and making objects such as geometries depend on the parameters themselves.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Far Field > View Cuts by Steps menu, the panel
presented below will appear:

Figure 745: View Cuts By Step window

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Similar to the behaviour of the standard Far Field chart, this panel displays a plot with the results, and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and observation point in a phi or theta cut, against
every possible frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component,
step and spherical coordinates in the control panel that appears leftside to the plot.

• Component: the plane wave component to inspect. Select one of the possible values VV, HV,
VTotal, HH, VH, HTotal
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Theta cut / Phi cut: select one of the theta cuts or phi cuts that were previously added to the
• Point: select a particular observation point in the cut selected before.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

View Text Files

This option shows the simulation results as a text file. First,a panel should appear after selecting this
option. Selecting this option will display a panel where the user should select a step and a frequency. To
use this section, select a parametric step from the list, and select the frequency to get the results from
and click on OK to load the data. A table will be prsented with the values for this frequency and step
(see the next figure). To save the result click on the Export button below the table.

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Figure 746: View Text Files window

7.11.2 Post-Process
For information about the Post-Process menu, refer to Post-Process.

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7.12 Tools Menu

For information about the Tools menu, refer to Tools.

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7.13 Help Menu

For information about the Help menu, refer to Help Menu.

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7.14 Training Examples

7.14.1 Example 1
In this example, the Monostatic RCS of a plane is calculated. The normal vectors of the geometry are
duplicated for this simulation.

Step 1

Start newFASANT.

Figure 747: Start newFASANT window

Step 2

Select File and click on New.

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Figure 748: New File

Step 3

Select PO.

Figure 749: Method Type selection

Step 4

Click on Geometry → Surface → Plane, which introduces the first and the second point dialog as shown
in the next Figure.

In this example the user enters the following parameters into the command line:
• First corner of plane: -0.5 -0.5 0
• Plane size [width depth]: 1 1

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Figure 750: Create plane command

Step 5

Click on Simulation → Parameters.

Figure 751: Simulation Parameters Menu

Step 6

Select 1 bounce (simple reflection) and a frequency of 0.3 GHz as shown and left-click the Save button.

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Figure 752: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 7
Select RCS → Parameters.

This command appears in the top left side of the newFASANT window as shown in the next Figure.

Figure 753: RCS Menu

Step 8

Select Monostatic RCS only, and left-click on the Save button.

Figure 754: RCS Parameters panel

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Step 9

Select Output and left-click on Observation Directions.

Figure 755: Observation Directions Menu

Step 10

Introduce the far-field observations (cuts, points and sweep angles), as shown in the next Figure and
left-click on the Save button.

Figure 756: Observation Directions panel

Step 11

Before running the case, select Meshing → Create Mesh.

Figure 757: Meshing Parameters Menu

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Step 12

Select 1 processor and define the curvature mesh option with a distance error of 10 and surface error of
0.08 and left-click on Mesh.

Figure 758: Meshing Parameters panel

Left-clicking on Mesh enables the meshing engine as shown in the next Figure:

Figure 759: Mesh process

In order to visualize the mesh, then Meshing → Visualize Existing Meshing and select the .msh file.

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Figure 760: Mesh visualization

Step 13

Select Calculate → Execute and then indicate the a number of processors available to simulate this

Figure 761: Execute panel

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Figure 762: Execute information

Step 14

When the simulation finishes, we can visualize the simulation results. Click on Show Results → Far Field
→ View Cuts, which allows the user to show the RCS graphic (in the next figure).

Figure 763: Far Field View Cuts Menu

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Figure 764: RCS Graphic

Step 15

Click on Show Results → Far Field → View Text Files. Then select the Steps and the order and press OK
to show the RCS data file.

Figure 765: Far Field View Text File panel

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Figure 766: Result Text File visualization

This example has been executed using a plane whose normal vector is along the Z-axis. The user
can duplicate this vector and simulate the problem again using duplicate normal vectors. After the
simulation, the user can visualize the results to see the differences between one normal vector and two
duplicated normal vectors. To view the normal vectors of this geometry, click the icon, as shown in
the next Figure.

Figure 767: Appearance Normals visualization

Step 16

To duplicate the normal vectors click on Simulation → Duplicate Normals.

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Figure 768: Duplicate Normals Menu

Then select the object to duplicate the normal vector and left-click the Add button in the right panel
that has appeared.

Figure 769: Duplicated Normals visualization

Step 17

Re-mesh the geometry and start the simulation again, like in step 12 and 13. The process is simply the

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Figure 770: Mesh window

Step 18
Click on Show Results → Far Field → View Cuts, to show the RCS graphic like in step 14. In this case,
we can notice that the result is different.

Figure 771: RCS Graphic

7.14.2 Example 2
In this example, the bistatic RCS of a flare is calculated using a frequency sweep from 0.4 GHz to 0.6
GHz (400 MHz to 600 MHz).

Step 1

Create a new project using Step 1 to Step 5 discussed in Example 1.

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Step 2

Click on Geometry → Solid → Flare.

Figure 772: Create flare command

Step 3

Enter the following parameters to define the flare in the command line as shown in the next Figure:

· First corner of base [x y z] -0.5 -1 0

· Base size [width depth] 1 2

· Height 2

· First corner of top [x y] -0.25 -0.25

· Top size [width depth] 0.5 0.5

Figure 773: Flare Parameters box

Step 4

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Select Simulation → Parameters. Select 1 bounce (simple reflection), and define the diffraction and a
frequency sweep from 0.4E9 Hz to 0.6E9 Hz (400 MHz to 600 MHz) as shown in the next Figure, and
left-click on Save button.

Figure 774: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 5

Select RCS → Parameters. Define the parameters as shown in the following Figure, and left-click the
Save button.

Figure 775: RCS Parameters panel

Step 6

Select Output and left-click on Observation directions. Define the parameters as shown in the next
Figure, and left-click the Save button.

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Figure 776: Observation Directions panel

Step 7

Select Meshing → Create Mesh. Define the parameters as shown in the next Figure, and left-click the
Mesh button.

Figure 777: Mesh process

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Figure 778: Mesh process

Step 8

Then select Calculate → Execute and enter the number of processors to be used in this simulation.

Figure 779: Execute Parameters panel

Step 9

Select Show Results → Far Field → View Cuts.

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Figure 780: RCS Graphic

Step 10

Select Show Results → Far Field → View Text Files.

Figure 781: Text Files panel

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Figure 782: Result Text File visualization

Step 11

Select Materials → Add to add a new material to the simulation in the new panel shown at the right side
of the window.

Figure 783: Add Material Parameters box

Then select the “Material defined by Geometry” option and also left-click the “Set Parameters” button to
define the material properties as shown in the next Figure. Press Save.

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Figure 784: Material defined by geometry Properties box

Step 12

Select Material → Assign to assign the new material properties to the geometry. Select the object and
left-click the “Assign” button as shown in the next Figure.

Figure 785: Material Assign object selection


Re-mesh the geometry and run the simulation again. Then open the new RCS results shown in the next

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Figure 786: RCS Graphic

7.14.3 Example 3
In this example, the Monostatic RCS of two cubes is calculated, where one cube is dynamic.

Step 1

Create a new project following steps 1 to 5 in Example1 above.

Step 2

Click on Geometry → Solid → Box.

Figure 787: Create box command

Create the first box by entering the following parameters from the command line as shown in the next

· First corner of base [x y z] 0.5 -0.5 0

· Base size [width depth] 1 1

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· Height 1

Figure 788: Box Parameters box

Step 3

Now, let’s add the dynamic cube to the model. We want this cube to move in the direction of the
positive Z-axis at 0.5 meters each step in the simulation. We will use three steps for this simulation.

First, we must define a parameter for the geometry that represents the Z coordinate of the base of the
cube at each step of the simulation. To do this, select Geometry → Parameters → Define Parameters
and the following window appears:

Figure 789: Define parameters

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Figure 790: Define parameters panel

Press the Add parameter button, after which a row appears in the table. In the Parameter column,
change the name of the created parameter to “height”, for example. Then change the values to “{0.0,
0.5, 1.0}” and left-click the Save button to save the changes.

Now, create a new box as the other. It is possible to change the parameters as desired, but the z
coordinate of the first corner of the base must be now the parameter “altitude”.

Figure 791: Creating the dynamic cube

Optional: To see a visualization of each step for the second cube, select the Geometry → Parameters →
Set Step. Enable “Linear (By step)”, set the desired time delay between steps, and left-click Run to see
the animation on the Geometry View.

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Figure 792: Execute Parameters box

It is possible to see the two remaining steps for the simulation in the next Figures.

Figure 793: View of the dynamic cube (Step 2)

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Figure 794: View of the dynamic cube (Step 3)

Step 4: Click on Simulation → Parameters. Enter the simulation parameters as shown in the next

Figure 795: Simulation parameters

Step 5

Select RCS → Parameters and enter the parameters shown in the next Figure.

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Figure 796: RCS parameters

Step 6

Select Output → Observation Directions and enter the parameters shown in the next Figure.

Figure 797: Observation Directions option

Step 7

Select Meshing → Create Mesh. Select the appropriate number of processors available to run the
meshing process as shown in the next Figure and left-click Mesh.

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Figure 798: Meshing configuration

Figure 799: Resulting Mesh

Step 8

Select Calculate → Execute and enter the number of available processors for this simulation.

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Figure 800: Calculate options

Step 9

Click on Show Results → Far Field → View Cuts, to show the RCS graph.

Figure 801: RCS graphic of the first step

The plot corresponds to the RCS of the first step (when the two boxes share the same Z coordinate). To
plot the graphics for the remaining two steps, select “2” in the Step combo-box and left-click the Add
Series button. Repeat this procedure to add Step 3 to the RCS graphic.

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Figure 802: RCS graphic showing each step

Step 10

Click on Show Results → Far Field → View Text Files, to show the RCS data file. Select the step to obtain
as a data file. Press OK to continue.

Figure 803: View Text Files options

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Figure 804: Far-Field text file

7.14.4 Example 4: Monostatic RCS of a Ship

This case explains how to calculate the monostatic RCS of an imported geometry.

Step 1: Start newFASANT and click on File → New

Step 2: Select PO.

Step 3: Select the geometry to import.

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Step 4: Click on Simulation → Parameters to change the project parameters.

Step 5: Click on RCS → Parameters to set de RCS parameters of the project.

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Step 6: Click on Output → Parameters to modify the source parameters for this project.

Step 7: Before running this example, create the project mesh by doing click on Meshing → Create

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Step 8 Visualize the created mesh. To do this click on Meshing → Visualize mesh. Now you will be able
to choose the generated mesh file.

Step 9: Now we are going to simulate the project. Click on Calculate → Execute and choose the number
of processors to use for the simulation. Then click on the Execute button and wait until it ends.

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Step 10: Now you can see the results of the simulation by doing click on Show Results and selecting
the desired results.

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GTD-PO combines the GTD and PO high-frequency techniques for the RCS analysis of complex bodies as
well as antenna and radio propagation in large urban environments.

This chapter covers the following:

• 8.1 File Menu (p. 819)

• 8.2 Edit Menu (p. 820)
• 8.3 View Menu (p. 821)
• 8.4 Geometry Menu (p. 822)
• 8.5 Materials Menu (p. 823)
• 8.6 Simulation Menu (p. 824)
• 8.7 RCS Menu (p. 830)
• 8.8 Source Menu (p. 831)
• 8.9 Output Menu (Alt +O) (p. 835)
• 8.10 Meshing Menu (p. 839)
• 8.11 Calculate Menu (Alt + C) (p. 845)
• 8.12 Show Results Menu (p. 847)
• 8.13 Tools Menu (p. 871)
• 8.14 Help Menu (p. 872)
• 8.15 Training Examples (p. 873)
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8.1 File Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to the GUI Use Guide.

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8.2 Edit Menu

For information about the Edit menu, refer to Edit Menu.

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8.3 View Menu

For information about the View menu, refer to View Menu.

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8.4 Geometry Menu

For information about the Geometry menu, refer to Geometry Menu.

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8.5 Materials Menu

For information about the Materials menu, refer to Materials.

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8.6 Simulation Menu

Figure 805: Simulation Menu

8.6.1 Parameters
The parameters are defined by the user on the right side of the window. It is possible to select a single
frequency simulation, or a frequency sweep by left-clicking the Enable Sweep box. The user will then
define the Initial Frequency, Final Frequency, and the number of frequency points (Samples) for the

Figure 806: Parameters panel

In this panel, the user can set the main parameters of the simulation:

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Method Type.
The user can select the method to be applied (GTD-PO or PO).

Simulation Type. The user can select four different simulation types:
• RCS: to compute the radar cross section.
• Field: to compute only the electric field. When this option is selected it is also possible to
select direct ray, which is selected by default.
• Coupling: to compute the coupling. When this option is selected it is also possible to select
direct ray in order to take it into account during the analysis.
• Doppler: to compute the Doppler shift due the displacement of some objects of the scene.

Frequency Sweep.
The user can select a single frequency or a frequency sweep to calculate the field.
• Enable Sweep: select this option to simulate a range of frequencies.
• Units: to set the magnitude of the frequency. Hz, kHz, MHz and GHz are available.
• Initial frequency: the first step in the frequency range, in the selected Units. If the
frequency Sweep is disabled, this value coincides with the simulation frequency.
• Final frequency: the last step in the frequency range, in the selected Units. This parameter
may be only modified when the frequency Sweep is enabled.
• Samples: number of frequency samples to be analyzed on the frequency Sweep. This
parameter may be only modified when the frequency Sweep is enabled.

Additional Effects.
It is also possible to specify additional effects.
• Number of bounces: It is possible to define the number of interactions (bounces) to be
taken into account in the simulation for each observation point.
• Diffracted: if this option is selected, the simulation will be performed taken into account
• Creeping: it this option is selected, the simulation will be performed taken into account
creeping waves.
• Transmission: if this option is selected, the simulation will be performed taken into account
• Generate Ray-Tracing: enable this option for obtaining the ray-tracing results. If this
option is disabled, the Show Results - Ray Tracing option will not be available after the
• Selecting Advanced Parameters button, the following dialog will appear:

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Figure 807: Advanced parameters dialog

In this dialog the user can modify several advanced parameters of the simulation, most of them relative
to the analysis of the creeping waves:

• Max. contributions maximum number of contributions to taken into account. A contribution is for
instance that due to a given double ray-path.
• Max. iterations maximum number of contributions that are taken into account.
• Max. candidates maximum number of surfaces that can shadow other surfaces.
• Max. Silhouette Points maximum number of points for the silhouette when creeping wave paths
are computed.
• Max. Geodesic Points maximum number of geodesic points when computed a creeping wave
• Max Antenna facets maximum number of facets to be stored in the anxel of Z-Buffer matrix of
the antenna.
• maximum number of facets to be stored in the anxel of Z-Buffer matrix of every surface.
• Max Creeping Distance maximum distance between a surface and the antenna to increase the
creeping sample resolution.
• Creeping Square Size size edge of the square where the creeping sample resolution is increased
near the antenna.
• Creeping Higher Resolution higher sampling resolution per surface used to compute the
creeping silhouette.
• Creeping Lower Resolution lower sampling resolution per surface used to compute the creeping

After setting up the simulation parameters it is necessary to press the Save button to save the
configuration changes.

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8.6.2 Creeping
If the creeping effect has been selected in the Simulation Parameters Panel, the Creeping parameters
option in the Simulation Parameters menu will be available. When this option is selected, the following
panel will appear:

Figure 808: Creeping parameters panel

In this panel, we can add a creeping effect to objects in the geometry. To do this, select an object from
the geometry view and press the Add button. The selected object will be added to the list of objects
with creeping. It is possible to remove the creeping effect from an object by selecting it from the list
and pressing the Remove button.

8.6.3 Doppler
If the Doppler simulation type has been selected in the Simulation Parameters panel, the Doppler option
will be available. When this option is selected, the following panel will appear:

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Figure 809: Doppler Parameters panel

In this panel, we can add Doppler Effect to objects in the geometry. To do this, select an object from
the geometry view and press the Add button. The selected object will be added to the list of objects.
It is possible to remove the Doppler Effect from an object by selecting it from the list and pressing the
Remove button.

• Translation Parameters. Any object in the list could have a translation movement. Using this
panel the user can define the linear velocity of the object for each coordinate. The Enabled/
Disabled Translation check box must be selected.

• Rotation Parameters. Any object in the list could have a rotation movement. The Enabled/
Disabled Rotation check box must be selected. Using this panel the user can define:
◦ First point axis coordinates of the first point axis.
◦ Second point axis coordinates of the second point axis.
◦ Speed rotation speed.

• Advanced Options. Using this panel the user can define:

◦ Source velocity Using this panel the user can define the linear velocity of the source for each

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◦ Observation Velocity Using this panel the user can define the linear velocity of the observation
for each coordinate.
◦ Frequency bin defines the frequency resolution for de doppler shift analysis.
• FMCW. This option allows the user to compute Doppler Effect centered with the analysis of
continuous wave FM radar. This option performs one meshing and one simulation for each of the
periods defined considering the geometry located in the corresponding positions following the
defined movements per unit of time and the periods for Doppler Effect. Using this panel the user
can define:
◦ Period Duration, in seconds, of the period of the FMCW wave.
◦ Number of periods number of periods.

Once the parameters of the movement of one object have been defined, it is necessary to click on Save
button in order to save this information and to assign it to the object selected.

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8.7 RCS Menu

Figure 810: RCS menu

8.7.1 Parameters
Selecting this option the user indicates the type of observation to be performed. If the Bistatic option is
selected, the user must define the angle of incidence using the Source menu. In both cases, the output
parameters must be specified using the Output menu.

Figure 811: RCS panel

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8.8 Source Menu

Figure 812: Source Menu

This option allows the user to set the position of the source.

8.8.1 Source Parameters

When this option is selected, the following panel will be shown:

Figure 813: Source Parameters panel (spherical coordinates).

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Figure 814: Source Parameters panel (Cartesian coordinates).

In this panel the user can set:

Spherical Coordinates
when Use Spherical Coordinates radio button has been selected, the spherical coordinates (R,
theta and phi) must be specified to define the source position.

Cartesian Coordinates
when Use Cartesian Coordinates radio button has been selected, the Cartesian coordinates
(x, y, z) must be specified to define the source position. In this case, it is possible to define the
coordinates values with a function and the parameter t.

Transmitted power:
This option allows the user to specify the transmitted power of the source.

Source size
This option allows the user to scale the antennas represented in the geometry view. The user
needs to indicate the factor of scale in meters.

8.8.2 Pattern File

This option allows the user to introduce several files (at different frequencies) that define the radiation
pattern. Firstly, the user has to import a radiation pattern file using the Import DIA file option of the
Antenna menu. This options is not available if RCS&Field has been selected as the simulation type.

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Figure 815: Pattern File Antenna panel.

The following parameters may be edited:

Set Radiation pattern file

Click on the Add button to add the imported file to the table where it is possible to specify the
frequency, the type and the polarization of the file.
Position - Coords
location of the antenna (X, Y and Z).

radiation power of the file in dBm.

Orientation - Director cosines

orientation of the antenna coordinate system related to the absolute coordinate system.

Visualization size
This option allows the user to scale the antennas represented in the geometry view. The user
needs to indicate the factor of scale in meters.

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The required format of the radiation pattern file is described in DIA Files.

8.8.3 Import Pattern Files

Before defining an antenna as a radiation pattern file, it is necessary to import the file. To do this, click
on the left icon and select the file to import. Finally, this file will appear in the panel.

Figure 816: Import DIA file panel

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8.9 Output Menu (Alt +O)

This menu allows the user to set different parameters that determine what results are calculated in
the simulation. Depending on the simulation type selected in the Simulation Parameters menu, the
options shown in this menu will be different:

• If “ RCS & Field” or "Field" simulation type are selected, the Observation Directions option will
be shown in the Output menu.
• If “ Coupling” simulation type is selected, the Coupling option will be shown in this menu.
• If “ Doppler” simulation type is selected, the Output menu is not enabled.

Next, the different Output options are explained in detail:

8.9.1 Observation Directions

Figure 817: Output Menu

This option allows the user to set the position of the observation.

• Spherical observation. If the position of the source has been defined in spherical coordinates,
this option will be available. It is possible to define a parametric sweep for one variable (radius,
theta or phi) selecting the check box Source Position Sweep. The initial value for R, theta and phi
have to be specified.
◦ Final value final value for the chosen variable (R, theta or phi).
◦ Samples number of samples.

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Figure 818: Spherical observation panel.

• Cartesian observation. If the position of the source has been defined in Cartesian coordinates,
this option will be available. It is possible to define a parametric sweep on t selecting the check box
Sweep on 't'. The coordinates x, y and z can be defined with a function which values could depend
on the parameter 't'. The initial value for R, theta and phi have to be specified.
◦ Initial 't' the initial value for t.
◦ Final 't' the final value for t.
◦ Samples on 't' number of samples.

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Figure 819: Cartesian observation panel

8.9.2 Coupling

Figure 820: Output Menu

If the user selects theCouplingoption (which is only available ifCouplingsimulation type is enabled),
the following panel is shown:

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Figure 821: Passive antenna configuration panel

The following parameters may be edited:

• Antenna Type the passive antenna can be:

◦ Short dipole: the passive antenna is defined by a short dipole.
◦ Horn aperture pattern: The user has to select the pattern file of a horn antenna and its
polarization vector (given by its real and imaginary parts for each coordinate). The required
format of the radiation pattern file is described in DIA Files. This option will be selected when
the pattern file to be used as the definition of the passive antenna, correspond to a horn
◦ Radiation pattern file: The user has to select the pattern file of an antenna. The format of
the radiation pattern file can be REV, RV2 or 3DE, and the polarization can be linear ( LIN) or
circular ( CIR). The required format of the radiation pattern file is described in DIA Files. This
option will be selected when the passive antenna is defined by a radiation pattern file.
• Position-Coords: location of the passive antenna (from the keyboard or using the mouse with '
Pick Point Edition' option).
• Orientation Director Cosines: orientation of the passive antenna coordinate system related to
the absolute coordinate system.

If all the information is correct, the antenna will be shown on the screen. A red parabola represents the
active antenna and a magenta parabola the passive antenna. The axis of the antenna is also visualized.
If the antenna is not visualized on the screen after pressing Save button, the most common reason is
that the radiation pattern has not been found in the NewFasant installation folder.

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8.10 Meshing Menu

Figure 822: Meshing Menu

8.10.1 Create Mesh

In the GTD-PO module, the mesh generation is a required step that is performed immediately before
simulating. In the Meshing Parameters window, represented in the next Figure, the following options are

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Figure 823: Parameters panel

• Bands Per Octave. Set the different meshes to be generated, according to the bands per octave
divisions. If no options are chosen, just a mesh at the lowest simulation frequency is generated.
This option is only highlighted when previously a frequency shift or a distance to source sweep are
◦ On R: the octaves are considered according to the distance to the source. This option only can
be set when the source is defined by spherical coordinates.
◦ On Frequency: the octaves are considered according to the frequency range.
• Number of processors. Sets the number of processors for the meshing process.
• GTD Advanced Parameters: the user can change the curvature angle and the angular margin in
order to control how the curved surfaces of the geometry will be partitioned. The contributions are
previously evaluated on a parametric internal mesh of the geometry where the curved surfaces are
simplified. The resolution of this mesh may be edited according to the below parameters, which are
set by default with the recommended values.
◦ Parametric Steps: accuracy in the curvature evaluation, normalized. Decrease this parameter
to get a higher precision in the parametric discretization.

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◦ Curvature angle (deg): maximum curvature considered on targets. It indicates the

maximum curvature allowed in the input surfaces for the meshing step. Decrease this
parameter to get a higher resolution mesh.
◦ Angular Margin (deg): maximum deviation allowed around the curvature reference angle.
The curvature discretization is achieved by an approximated iterative method, so an angular
error around the previous parameter is allowed. Decrease this parameter to increase the
precision in the curvature discretization.
• PO Advanced Parameters
◦ Regular Meshing. The size of the generated elements is selected by the user. Regular
meshing is the common algorithm used in other modules such as MOM. It provides a mesh of
triangles of similar sizes with a distribution as uniform as possible. It enables the user to set
the exact size edge of the triangles to be generated, given in lambda units. However, a huge
number of mesh elements may results when the geometry contains large surfaces.
∙ Multilevel. Use Multilevel to automatically generate the mesh in several sequenced
steps. This option is usually more efficient (in terms of runtime) than the common mesh
generation option, so it is selected by default. However, there may be minor differences
between the meshes obtained with and without the Multilevel mode.
∙ Edge size. This value is the desired size for the edge of the elements, in wavelengths.

Figure 824: Regular meshing

◦ Curvature Meshing:
Using curvature meshing we get the meshed geometry defined in terms of triangles. This
geometry should be very similar to the original geometry. We can force that the meshed
geometry be close to the original one using the surface error (in wavelengths). In the mesher
we have default values for this magnitude but the user can change it. The mesher tries to
minimize the number of triangles of a meshed geometry such that the distance from any point
of this geometry to the original one is smaller than the “selected surface error”.

If we have a cube, say the original geometry is defined by six flat quadrangles the meshed
geometry is composed by twelve triangles. In this case the distance of any point of the meshed
geometry to the original one is null, say both geometries are identical for every frequency.

If an sphere of 1 m of radius at 300 MHz the “selected value” using the defaults values is
0.08*wavelength = 8.0 cm. The mesh is composed by 104 triangles. If you increase the
frequency we obtain the same mesh until about 0.7 GHz. Due to topological restriction the
number of elements of a mesh of triangle can not increases continuously, say we can not go
from 104 triangles to 105 triangles for the sphere (next for the sphere can be 174 triangles).

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The Distance error error is other parameter of the meshing by curvature. It only applies to
flat facets. The longer edge of the planar surface is split by this parameter. For instance if you
set 10 for the cube case you get 12*(10 ) = 1200 triangles. By default we have 0.01, that is, if
this parameter is lower than 1.0 not division of flat facets is consider.

1 lambda 0.5 lambda 0.01 lambda


0.2 surface error 0.1 surface error 0.01 surface error


The user may select the number of processors used to run the simulation and press the Mesh button
to start the meshing process. This process may take a while (depending on the number of processors
selected and the computing power of the machine running the simulation).

While running, the status of the meshing process is reported in the process log panel. From this panel,
it is possible to abort the running meshing process or save the log to a text file.

8.10.2 Visualize Existing Mesh

When this option is selected, the following panel is shown, in which the user can select the step, the
frequency and the radius. Only when a Doppler type of simulation is going to be performed, it is also
possible to select the Doppler step.

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Figure 825: Meshing file panel

It is possible to visualize the mesh as shown in the following Figure. This option is useful to obtain
information about which surfaces are going to be analyzed by GTD (coloured in red) or by PO (coloured
in blue).

Figure 826: Visualize Existing Mesh

8.10.3 Manual Surface Classification

With this option, the user can perform a manual classification of the geometry.

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Figure 827: Manual classification panel

Once the check box is selected, the panel box is available. The user can select the surfaces from the
scene to be added to the list. This surfaces will be classified automatically as PO surfaces. To remove
any surface from the list, select the surface and click on Remove button.

8.10.4 Manual Divisions

With this option the user can set how many divisions are used for meshing the selected the geometry. It
may be useful for having higher or lower level of detail in some targets.

The user can select the surfaces from the scene to be added to the list by clicking on Add button. By
default, the new objects added to the list are meshed by using 10 Divisions per wavelength, but it may
be edited in two different ways clicking twice in the Divisions cell of the list element to be edited and
pressing Enter key after modifying the number of divisions; or selecting the row to be edit and clicking
on Fill button with the new number of Divisions. Click on Remove button to delete the selected rows
from the list.

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8.11 Calculate Menu (Alt + C)

Figure 828: Calculate Menu

Before executing the simulation the user needs to make sure that every simulation parameter has
been correctly configured. If something is wrong with a user defined parameter a warning message is
displayed to let the user know that it is necessary to correct one or more parameters.

8.11.1 Execute
This option runs the simulation. The user can define the number of processors.

Figure 829: Calculate Menu panel

When the simulation starts, a new screen is displayed:

Figure 830: Processing screen

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During a solution process, the screen reports the status of each phase of the calculation process date
and CPU time for every phase of the solution process, etc.

This data can be saved by the user by clicking the Save button, as shown in the next Figure.

Figure 831: Save processing window

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8.12 Show Results Menu

This menu allows the user to visualize the results of the simulation. The results are stored in external
files that the user can access to obtain the information corresponding to that simulation.

Figure 832: Show Results menu

Depending on the type of the simulation, the list of possibilities results to open is different:

• RCS&Field simulation. This type of simulation has RCS, Field and Ray Tracing results.
• Field simulation. This type of simulation has Field and Ray Tracing results.
• Coupling simulation. This type of simulation has Coupling and Ray Tracing results.
• Doppler simulation. This type of simulation has Field, Ray Tracing and Doppler results.

Most of plots show 2-D curves of a result field versus an input parameter. This type of graphics share
additional features of zoom, raxis and curves edition, and so on. To read more information about the
chart options (when clicking on the right button over a chart) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

8.12.1 RCS
Using this menu it is possible to analyze the amplitude of the RCS through the observation directions
previously defined in the Output section.

The following options are available:

• View Cuts: display a plot that relates the amplitude against a Theta cut or a Phi cut.
• View Cuts by Frequency: displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a frequency sweep.
• View Cuts by Step: displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a parametric step.
• View Text Files: displays the numeric results obtained in the simulation process.

View Cuts
This command plots the amplitude of the RCS fields computed for each angular cut of the simulation
geometry. Several frequencies can be plotted in the same graphic. To plot a graph, the user can select
the RCS component and the frequency. A new graph will be plotted with the button ' Add Series'. In
the case that the user has set up a parametrized geometry, it is possible to select the step to visualize
the results for.

It is also possible to delete a series that is selected by the user from the list with the 'Remove Series'.
The display option also allows changing the color of the series and display points. The buttons ' Import

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Series' and ' Export Series' are used for importing and exporting the selected series in 'List of Series'
to a data file written as a text file.

This panel displays a plot with the results, and several options for adding and removing extra series
from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and observation point in a phi or theta cut, against
every possible frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component,
step and spherical coordinates in the control panel that appears leftside to the plot.
• Component: the plane wave component to inspect. Select one of the possible values VV, HV,
VTotal, HH, VH, HTotal
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Frequency: select a particular frequency.

Figure 833: Cuts Linear window

The user can also draw a polar plot with the same options used in the previous window.

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Figure 834: View Cuts Polar window

View Cuts By Frequency

This kind of plot can be used to compare the amplitude measurements made by the simulation process
for a particular component, step, cut and point in the sweep, against a simulation frequency. This option
is useful when the user has selected a frequency sweep in the Simulation Settings, in order to inspect
how the measurements for a particular observation point change through a frequency sweep.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > RCS > View Cuts By Frequency menu, the panel
presented in the figure below will appear.

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Figure 835: View Cuts By Frequency window

Similar to the behaviour of the standard View Cuts, this panel displays a plot with the results, and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and radius, theta or phi, against every possible
frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component, step and sweep
representation information in the control panel that appears left-side to the plot.

• Component: the plane wave component to inspect. Select one of the possible values VV, HV,
VTotal, HH, VH, HTotal
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Sweep representation: select one value for one of the variables radius, theta or phi.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

View Cuts By Step

This kind of plot lets the user analyze RCS measurements made by the simulation provess for a
particular component, frequency and observation point against the parametric steps defined in the

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project. This option is useful when the user has parametrized a simulation by adding parameters and
making objects such as geometries depend on the parameters themselves.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > RCS > View Cuts by Steps menu, the panel
presented below will appear:

Figure 836: View Cuts By Step window

Similar to the behaviour of the standard RCS chart, this panel displays a plot with the results, and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, frequency and observation point, against every possible
step that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component and frequency in the
control panel that appears left-side to the plot.

• Component: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Etheta, Ephi, Etotal
• Frequency frequencies that have been simulated.
• Sweep representation: select one value for one of the variables radius, theta or phi.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

View Text Files

This option shows the simulation results as a text file. First, a panel should appear after selecting this
option. Selecting this option will display a panel where the user should select a step, an order, a radius
and a frequency. To use this section, select a parametric step from the list and one of the orders shown

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in the list to get the results from and click on OK to load the data. A table will be presented with the
values for the electrical field. To save the result click on the Export button below the table.

Figure 837: View Text Files window

8.12.2 Field
Using this menu it is possible to analyze the amplitude of the field through the observation directions
previously defined in the Output section.
The following options are available:

• View Cuts: display a plot that relates the amplitude against a Theta cut or a Phi cut.
• View Cuts by Frequency: displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a frequency sweep.
• View Cuts by Step: displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a parametric step.
• View Text Files: displays the numeric results obtained in the simulation process.

View Cuts
This command plots the amplitude of the fields computed for each angular cut of the simulation
geometry. Several frequencies can be plotted in the same graphic. To plot a graph, the user can select
the field component and the frequency. A new graph will be plotted with the button ' Add Series'. In
the case that the user has set up a parametrized geometry, it is possible to select the step to visualize
the results for.

It is also possible to delete a series that is selected by the user from the list with the 'Remove Series'.
The display option also allows changing the color of the series and display points. The buttons ' Import
Series' and ' Export Series' are used for importing and exporting the selected series in 'List of Series'
to a data file written as a text file.

This panel displays a plot with the results and several options for adding and removing extra series from
the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and observation point in a phi or theta cut, against
every possible frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting the
component, step and spherical coordinates in the control panel that appears left side to the plot.

• Component: the plane wave component to inspect. Select one of the possible values VV, HV,
VTotal, HH, VH, HTotal

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• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Frequency: select a particular frequency.

Figure 838: View cuts linear window

The user can also draw a polar plot with the same options used in the previous window.

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Figure 839: View cuts polar window

View Cuts by Frequency

This kind of plot can be used to compare the amplitude measurements made by the simulation process
for a particular component, step, cut and point in the sweep, against a simulation frequency. This option
is useful when the user has selected a frequency sweep in the Simulation Settings, in order to inspect
how the measurements for a particular observation point change through a frequency sweep.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Field > View Cuts By Frequency menu, the panel
presented in the figure below will appear.

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Figure 840: View cuts by frequency window

Similar to the behavior of the standard View Cuts, this panel displays a plot with the results, and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and observation direction, against every possible
frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting the component, step and
sweep representation information in the control panel that appears left side to the plot.

• Component: the plane wave component to inspect. Select one of the possible values VV, HV,
VTotal, HH, VH, HTotal
• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Sweep representation: select one value for one of the variables radius, theta or phi.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

View Cuts by Step

This kind of plot lets the user analyze field measurements made by the simulation proves for a
particular component, frequency and observation point against the parametric steps defined in the

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project. This option is useful when the user has parametrized a simulation by adding parameters and
making objects such as geometries depend on the parameters themselves.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Field > View Cuts by Steps menu, the panel
presented below will appear:

Figure 841: View cuts by step window

Similar to the behavior of the standard field chart, this panel displays a plot with the results, and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, frequency and observation point, against every possible
step that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component and frequency in the
control panel that appears left side to the plot.

• Component: the field component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Etheta, Ephi, Etotal.
• Frequency frequencies that have been simulated.
• Sweep representation: select one value for one of the variables radius, theta or phi.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, click on the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

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View Text Files

This option shows the simulation results as a text file. First, a panel should appear after selecting this
option. Selecting this option will display a panel where the user should select a step, an order, a radius
and a frequency. To use this section, select a parametric step from the list and one of the orders shown
in the list to get the results from and click on OK to load the data. A table will be presented with the
values for the electrical field. To save the result click on the Export button below the table.

Figure 842: View text field window

8.12.3 Ray Tracing

View Ray
This option allows the user to view the rays emitted by the source in the simulation.

This command plots the rays emitted by the source in the simulation.
When initially open, the panel will display the rays for a particular step, order and observation direction.
All the effects type are selected by default. The user can change:

Ray effect
it is possible to select one of this options (direct, reflected, transmitted, creeping and diffracted)
or all of them.

Ray selection
• Order: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation
when designing the simulation.
• Radius: select a particular radius value.

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• Theta: select a particular theta value.

• Phi: select a particular phi value.

Figure 843: Ray visualization panel

The user can filter the rays that are displayed using the check boxes on the left panel. The user can also
visualize the rays having a specific order.

After selecting a ray it will be highlighted in yellow color and its information will be shown in the panel
at the bottom. The table on the left shows the coordinates of the points (source point, first reflection/
diffraction point, second reflection/diffraction point... and the observation point). The table on the right
shows the amplitude and phase for each of the field components. The values of the first line correspond
to the vertical source polarization and the values of the second line correspond to the horizontal source
polarization. However, if the source has been defined with a radiation pattern, this table will only have
one line.

Figure 844: Ray visualization information

View Text Files

When the user selects the View Text Files option, a panel where the user can configure the results to
be shown in the generated text file appears. The user can filter the results by step and radius.

When the user presses the OK button, the text file is generated and visualized.

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Figure 845: Showing the result text file

8.12.4 Coupling
When the user has executed a simulation of type "Coupling", the following options will be available
under the Show Results menu:

Figure 846: Coupling submenu of the Show Results menu

Source Coupling
This option allows the user to inspect the coupling values at each step, at a given frequency and a given
observation point. The coupling value will be shown next to the "Antenna Set" label in dB.

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Figure 847: Viewing the source coupling values

Note The step, frequency or observation drop-down lists may appear grayed-out if there is only one
available option.

The user may also want to visualize the results in text format. To do so, they need to press the "View
Text File" button.

Source Coupling by Step

This option allows the user to visualize the coupling values at each step in a graph. The user needs
to select the frequency, observation and polarization they want to plot the values for. When the user
presses the "Add Series" button, a plot will be added.

Figure 848: Visualizing coupling values by step

The user can also import and export each of the plots (series) from/to a text file. To import, the user
needs to press the "Import Series" button and select the text file. Similarly, to export, the user needs

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to select the desired series to export, press the "Export Series" button and select the location the user
wants to save the file to. The user can also remove previously added series, as well as change their
display colors.

View Text Files

This option allows the user to visualize the coupling values of the simulation for a given step and
observation in text format. To do so, the user needs to select the step and observation and press the
"OK" button.

Figure 849: Viewing coupling values in text format

If the user wants to save the results to a file, they need to press the "Save as..." button located below
the text area showing the results and select a location to save the file to.

8.12.5 Doppler
This option will be available when the simulation type selected in the Simulation Parameters window
is Doppler.

Doppler Spectrum
This option allows the user to see a 2D graph of the field values for each frequency of the Doppler
frequency Spectrum Shift. The frequency scale is relative to the carrier frequency, that means that a 0.0
frequency shift is for a signal that does not suffer any frequency shift (it frequency is exactly the carrier

To plot a graph, the user can select the field component, the polarization, the step, the carrier
frequency and the Doppler Period (). A new graph will be plotted with the button ' Add Series'. In the
case that the user has set up a parametrized geometry (see GUI for details), it is possible to select the
step to visualize the results for.

It is also possible to delete a series that is selected by the user from the list with the 'Remove Series'.
The display option also allows changing the color of the series and display points. The buttons ' Import
Series' and ' Export Series' are used for importing and exporting the selected series in 'List of Series'
to a data file written as a text file.

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This panel displays a plot with the results, and several options for adding and removing extra series
from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, polarization and step. More series can be added, by selecting
component, polarization and step that appears leftside to the plot.

• Component: select the Cartesian component of the field to visualize the results. The enabled
options are Ex, Ey, Ez and ETotal.
• Polarization: select the polarization component of the wave to visualize the results. Select one of
the possible values Vertical, Horizontal. If the source has been defined as a radiation pattern, this
combo box will not be available.
• Step: select the simulation scene to visualize the results. These should have been defined prior to
the calculation when designing the simulation.
• Frequency select the simulation frequency (as the carrier frequency) to visualize the results.
• Period select the simulation Doppler period (Only will be enabled if Doppler FMCW option is
selected on Doppler parameters) to visualize the results.

Figure 850: Doppler Spectrum panel

Text Files
This option shows the same file as in section View Ray on Ray Tracing results. First, a panel should
appear after selecting this menu option to wait for step and period parameters to open the desired file.

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Figure 851: File Selection panel

To use this section, select a parametric step from the list and a Doppler period (only will be enabled if
Doppler FMCW option is selected on Doppler parameters) to get the results from and click on OK to load
the data of the present rays.

Figure 852: Ray File Panel

To generate a copy of the file click on ‘Save as…’ button and select the file path to save the copy.

When the user selects a simulation of type Doppler and defines the Doppler parameters including
FMCW, this option will be visible on the ‘Show Results --> Doppler’ option of the menu bar.

This option allows the user to visualize the spectrum of the field for one time or more times in the signal
periods. Then, selecting a determinate instant of time, the user can see the Doppler Spectrum. The user
can select one or more instants of time over all the periods simulated.

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Figure 853: FMCW Parameters

• Period indicates, on seconds, the period duration on time. This parameters is configured in section
• Number of periods indicates the number of repeats for the frequency variation. This parameters is
configured in section Doppler.
• Step select the parametric scene to realize the analysis.
• Frequency select the carrier frequency for the analysis. This frequency will be one of the simulation
• Initial Frequency indicates, on GHz, the frequency selected to be the carrier frequency.
• Function of 'x' assign the user function frequency signal.
• Distance Range indicates, on meters, the maximum distance considered in the simulation that rays
can travel from transmitter to receptor including rebounds with obstacles.
• t(s) allows to add instant of time to analyze. Selecting an instant of time, in seconds, and clicking
on the ‘Add’ button (green icon with the plus sign) the instant will be added to the analyzing list.
Selecting a row from the list and clicking on the ‘Delete’ button (red ‘X’ icon) the selected instant
will be removed from the analyzing list.

The frequency signal can be defined by a user function, where the x coordinate is the time in seconds.
These functions are defined without parameters and return a double data type. These functions can
use the $x variable, which is assigned the value of time in seconds and $period variable that equals the
period value. The $x variable is always less or equal than $period.

The application includes by default five user functions for usage in FMCW. They are in the functions

Sawtooth wave (fmcw_1.java):

// This function returns the frequency increment from time '$x'
// Global parameters
// $period period time in seconds.
// $x time within the period.

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// Note '$x' it is always less than '$period'
doubleMAX_BROADBAND=0.3;// GHz

Figure 854: FMCW User function sawtooth wave

Square wave (fmcw_2.java):

// This function returns the frequency increment from time '$x'
// Global parameters
// $period period time in seconds.
// $x time within the period.
// Note '$x' it is always less than '$period'

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Figure 855: FMCW User function square wave

Range wave (fmcw_3.java):

// This function returns the frequency increment from time '$x'
// Global parameters
// $period period time in seconds.
// $x time within the period.
// Note '$x' it is always less than '$period'

Figure 856: FMCW User function range wave

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Triangular wave (fmcw_4.java):

// This function returns the frequency increment from time '$x'
// Global parameters
// $period period time in seconds.
// $x time within the period.
// Note '$x' it is always less than '$period'
doubleBROADBAND=0.3;// first point
doublex0=0;doubley0=0;// second point
doublex1=1./2*$period;doubley1=BROADBAND;// third point

Figure 857: FMCW User function triangular wave

Sinusoidal wave (fmcw_5.java):

// This function returns the frequency increment from time '$x'
// Global parameters
// $period period time in seconds.
// $x time within the period.
// Note '$x' it is always less than '$period'
doubleBROADBAND_GHZ=3.0e-3;// change [0, $period] range to [0, 2*PI] range

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Figure 858: FMCW User function sinusoidal wave

See further information in User Functions.

When all the previous parameters will be defined, clicking on "View FMCW Spectrum" button, the
spectrum chart appears.

Figure 859: FMCW Spectrum, Data Values

To save the data table values click on the ‘Save as...’ button and select the path for the file.

This chart indicates, for each frequency on the broadband, the contribution of the rays emitted in
the frequency and came to the receptor at time ‘t’. The frequency values on X-axis will be indicated
referenced to the current frequency (‘Ft’) on the analyzing instant, then a contribution of -2000 Hz
means a contribution of a rays emitted to 2000 Hz below of the current frequency.

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Figure 860: FMCW Spectrum, Chart

• t: Indicates the instant of time that ‘Time’ parameter referenced.

• Ft: indicates the current frequency. This frequency is the frequency on the instant of time ‘t’.
• Bin: divides the spectrum and modifies the beat signal frequency domain and the beat signal
time domain charts.

Figure 861: FMCW Spectrum, Beat signal frequency domain

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Figure 862: FMCW Spectrum, Beat signal time domain

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8.13 Tools Menu

For information about the Tools menu, refer to Tools.

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8.14 Help Menu

For information about the Help menu, refer to Help Menu.

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8.15 Training Examples

8.15.1 Example 1: Monostatic RCS of a Sphere and a Box

In this example, the Monostatic RCS of a box and a sphere is calculated.

Step 1

Start newFASANT.

Step 2

Select File and click on New.

Step 3

Select GTD-PO.

Figure 863: Method Type selection

Step 4

Click on Geometry→Solid→Sphere, which requires the center and the radius, as shown in the next Figure.

In this example the user enters the following values into the command line:

• Center: 0 0 0
• Radius: 1.0

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Figure 864: Create sphere command

Step 5

Click on Geometry → Solid → Box, which requires the first corner of the base, width, depth, and height
as shown in the next Figure.

In this example the user enters the following values into the command line:

• First corner base: 2.5 -0.5 -0.5

• Width: 1.0
• Depth: 1.0
• Height: 1.0

Step 6

Click on Simulation → Parameters.

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Step 7

On the top left side of the newFASANT window, the user can enter the desired parameters for this
simulation, as shown in next Figure.

Select 1 bounce (simple reflection) and a frequency of 3.0 GHz and left-click the Save button.

Figure 865: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 8

Select RCS → Parameters.

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Figure 866: RCS menu

Step 9

This command appears at the top left side of the newFASANT window as shown in the next Figure.

Select Monostatic RCS only.

Figure 867: RCS panel

Step 10

Select Source→ Parameters.

Figure 868: Source menu

Step 11

Introduce the source position (r, theta, and phi), as shown in the next Figure and left-click on the Save

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Figure 869: Source panel

Step 12

In the Output tab, introduce the observation information sweep on theta with 181 samples.

Figure 870: Observation directions panel

Step 13

Before running the case, select Meshing → Create Mesh.

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Figure 871: Meshing menu

Step 14

Select 1 processor and define the curvature mesh option with a distance error of 0.01 and surface error
of 0.08 and left-click on Mesh.

Figure 872: Meshing panel

Left-clicking on Mesh launches the meshing engine as shown in the next Figure:

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Step 15

To obtain information about the mesh, select Meshing →Visualize Existing Mesh.

Figure 873: Meshing visualization

Step 16

Select Calculate → Execute and select the number of processors available to simulate this case.

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Figure 874: Calculate panel

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Figure 875: Process Log panel

Step 17

When the simulation finishes we can visualize the simulation results. Click on Show Results →RCS→
View Cuts, which allows the user to see the RCS graphic.

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Figure 876: Show Results menu

Figure 877: RCS visualization

Step 18

Click on Show Results → RCS → View Text Files. Then select the Steps and press OK to see the RCS
data file.

Figure 878: File text panel

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Step 19

Click on Show Results → Ray Tracing → View Ray. It is possible to represent the ray tracing of the
sources interacting with the geometry

Figure 879: Show Results menu

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Figure 880: Ray-tracing visualization

8.15.2 Example 2: Monostatic RCS of a Ship

This case explains how to calculate the monostatic RCS of an imported geometry.

Step 1

Start newFASANT.

Step 2

Select File and click on New.

Step 3

Select GTD-PO.

Figure 881: Method Type selection

Step 4

Select the geometry to import.

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Figure 882: Import geometry menu

Step 5

Click on Simulation -> Parameters to change the project parameters.

Figure 883: Simulation parameters window

Step 6

Click con RCS -> Parameters to set de RCS parameters of the project.

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Figure 884: RCS parameters window

Step 7

Click on Source -> Parameters to modify the source parameters for this project.

Figure 885: Source parameters panel

Step 8

Introduce the observation information as follows:

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Step 9

Before running this example, create the project mesh by doing click on Meshing -> Create Mesh.

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Figure 886: Meshing panel

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Figure 887: Meshing execution log

Step 10

Visualize the created mesh. To do this click on Meshing -> Visualize mesh.

Now you will be able to choose the generated mesh file.

Figure 888: Visualize generated mesh

Step 11

Now we are going to proceed to simulate the project.

Click on Calculate -> Execute and choose the number of processors to use for the simulation. Then click
on the Execute button and wait until it ends.

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Figure 889: Simulation log

Step 12

Now you can see the results of the simulation by doing click on Show Results and selecting the desired

Figure 890: View RCS cut result

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Figure 891: Ray tracing results

8.15.3 Example 3: Bistatic RCS of a Box

This case explains how to compute the bistatic RCS of a box.

Step 1

Start newFASANT.

Step 2

Select File and click on New.

Step 3

Select GTD-PO.

Figure 892: Method Type selection

Step 4

Define the geometry of a box.

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Figure 893: Geometry of a box

Step 5

Click on Simulation -> Parameters to change the project parameters.

Figure 894: Simulation parameters window

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Step 6

Click on RCS -> Parameters to set de RCS parameters of the project.

Figure 895: RCS parameters window

Step 7

Click on Source -> Parameters to modify the source parameters for this project.

Figure 896: Source parameters panel

Step 8
Click on Output -> Observation directions.

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Figure 897: Observation directions panel

Step 9

Before running this example, create the project mesh by doing click on Meshing -> Create Mesh.

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Figure 898: Meshing panel

Step 10

Now we are going to proceed to simulate the project.

Click on Calculate -> Execute and choose the number of processors to use for the simulation. Then click
on the Execute button and wait until it ends.

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Figure 899: Calculate window

Step 11

Now you can see the results of the simulation by doing click on Show Results and selecting the desired

Figure 900: RCS results

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8.15.4 Example 4: Coupling

This case explains how to calculate the coupling between two antennas.

Step 1

Start newFASANT and select GTD-PO.

Figure 901: Method type selection.

Step 2
Define the geometry of an ellipsoid

Figure 902: Ellipsoid command.

Step 3

Click on Simulation -> Parameters to change the project parameters

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Figure 903: Simulation parameters panel.

Step 4

Click on Source -> Parameters to modify the source parameters for this project

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Figure 904: Source parameters panel.

Step 5

Click on Output -> Coupling to define the parameters of the passive source

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Figure 905: Coupling parameters panel.

Step 6

Before running this example, create the project mesh by doing click on Meshing -> Create Mesh

Figure 906: Mesh result.

Step 7

Now we are going to proceed to simulate the project.

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Click on Calculate -> Execute and choose the number of processors to use for the simulation. Then click
on the Execute button and wait until it ends.

Step 8
Now you can see the results of the simulation by doing click on Show Results -> Coupling -> Source

Figure 907: Coupling results.

8.15.5 Example 5: Doppler Spectrum

In this example, the Doppler spectrum of two boxes moving along the x-axis has been analyzed.

Step 1

Start newFASANT and select GTD-PO.

Figure 908: Method type selection.

Step 2

Define the geometry of two boxes.

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Figure 909: Geometry command.

Step 3

Click on Simulation -> Parameters to change the project parameters

Figure 910: Simulation parameters panel.

Step 4

Now Doppler option in the Simulation menu is available. Click on Simulation -> Doppler. We are going
to add doppler effects to the objects in the geometry. Select one box and press the Add button. The
selected object is added to the list. Introduce the linear velocity of this object:

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Figure 911: Doppler parameters of the first box.

Select the other box and press Add button. Introduce its linear velocity.

Figure 912: Doppler parameters of the second box.

Step 5

Click on RCS -> Parameters to select Monostatic RCS. As Monostatic RCS has been selected, Output
menu is not available.

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Figure 913: RCS parameters panel.

Step 6

Click on Source -> Parameters to modify the source parameters for this project. Define its position in
Cartesian coordinates

Figure 914: Source parameters panel.

Step 7
Before running this example, create the project mesh by doing click on Meshing -> Create Mesh

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Figure 915: Mesh result.

Step 8

Now we are going to proceed to simulate the project.

Click on Calculate -> Execute and choose the number of processors to use for the simulation. Then click
on the Execute button and wait until it ends.

Step 9

Now you can see the results of the simulation by doing click on Show Results -> Doppler -> Doppler

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Figure 916: Doppler spectrum results.

Step 10

The ray tracing can be also visualized by doing click on Show Results -> Ray Tracing -> View Ray.

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Figure 917: Ray tracing results.

8.15.6 Example 6: Monostatic RCS of a Truck

This case explains how to compute the monostatic RCS of a truck changing the distance of the source.

Step 1

Start newFASANT and select GTD-PO.

Figure 918: Method type selection.

Step 2

Select the geometry to import by doing click on Geometry -> Import.

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Figure 919: Import geometry.

Step 3

Click on Simulation -> Parameters to change the project parameters

Figure 920: Simulation parameters panel.

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Step 4

Click on Source -> Parameters to modify the source parameters for this project

Figure 921: Source parameters panel.

Step 5

Click on Output -> Observation directions to define the parameters.

Figure 922: Observation parameters panel.

Step 6

Before running this example, create the project mesh by doing click on Meshing -> Create Mesh

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Figure 923: Mesh result.

Step 7

Now we are going to proceed to simulate the project.

Click on Calculate -> Execute and choose the number of processors to use for the simulation. Then click
on the Execute button and wait until it ends.

Step 8

Now you can see the results of the simulation by doing click on Show Results -> RCS -> View Cuts.

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Figure 924: RCS results.

8.15.7 Example 7: FMCW Analysis

This case explains how to compute the FMCW spectrum of a simple geometry.

Step 1: Open newFASANT software and generate a new GTD-PO project selecting the option on the tab
that appears when the 'File --> New' option of the menu bar is selected.

Step 2: Build the geometries. For this purpose the user can use all options available to construct
geometries (see Geometry Menu). Generate a plane typing 'plane' on the command line panel, and
introducing the following parameters when the command line ask for it:

• First corner of base [x y z] 6.0 10.0 0.0

• Box size [width depth] 5.0 2.0
• Height 1.0

Repeat the operation with the following parameters:

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• First corner of base [x y z] -15.0 12.0 0.0

• Box size [width depth] 2.0 1.0
• Height 3.0
Repeat the operation with the following parameters:

• First corner of base [x y z] 8.0 -8.0 0.0

• Box size [width depth] 3.0 3.0
• Height 1.0
Repeat the operation with the following parameters:

• First corner of base [x y z] -10.0 -10.0 0.0

• Box size [width depth] 5.0 1.0
• Height 2.0

The following figure shows the created boxes:

Step 3: Set the simulation parameters using "Simulation --> Parameters" option on the menu bar.

Set ‘Method Type’ to GTD-PO, to analyze the scene classifying the object to analyze it with GTD or PO
methods when corresponds.

Set ‘Simulation Type’ to ‘Doppler’ to analyze the scene considering Doppler effects.

Set the ‘Initial frequency’ to 24.05 and the ‘Units’ parameter to ‘GHz’.

Set ‘Number of bounces’ to 2 for the maximum number of rebounds of the rays.

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Figure 925: Simulation Parameters panel

NOTE: Selecting 'Doppler' option, "Output" menu is disabled on the menu bar and the observation will
be forced to the same point that the source.

Step 4: Set the doppler parameters using "Simulation --> Doppler" option on the menu bar. With this
option doppler effect will be added for the desired objects. Add the object selected in the next figure,
selecting it and clicking on the “Add” button of the “Objects with doppler” panel.

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Then set the parameters as the next figure shows, to add to the object a velocity of 10 m/s on the
Y-Axis. Select "Enable/Disable FMCW" to obtain the analysis of 6 period of time with 0.01 seconds of
duration. Then we analyze 6 periods of time with the movements on the object calculating the position
of each moment with the duration of a period and the velocity.

Figure 926: Dopler Parameters panel

NOTE: Selecting ‘FMCW’ options “RCS” menu is disabled and the RCS will be forced to monostatic.

Step 5: Set source parameters using "Source --> Source Parameters" on the menu bar. This option
allows the user to locate the source defining the position by spherical or Cartesian coordinates. For this
case select ‘Cartesian Coordinates’ and set the parameters as the following figure shows, to locate the
source at the point 20.0,-6.0,1.0.

Set the ‘source size’ to 0.5 to optimal visualization of the source.

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Figure 927: Source panel

Clicking on ‘Save’ button the source appears on the main panel.

Step 6: Set meshing parameters using "Meshing --> Create Mesh" option on the menu bar. The
number of processors to be selected, to improve the efficiency on time, will be the number of the
processors of the machine where the example will be executed. Set the parameters remaining to default

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Then, the simulations for each period will be executed. When the execution has finished the result
meshes can be opened with "Meshing --> Visualize an existing Mesh" option on the menu bar, and
selecting the file from the directory of the selected step, frequency and period.

Step 7: Set calculate parameters using "Calculate --> Execute" option on the menu bar. The number of
processors to be selected, to improve the efficiency on time, will be the number of the processors of the
machine where the example will be executed.

Then, the simulations for each period will be executed. When the simulations finish the results will be
enabled to display it.

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Step 8: Display the information about the field value with "Show Results --> Field --> View Cuts". The
representation indicates the field component value on the observation point, in the case, the same point
of the source, for a step, a frequency and period.

Selecting other field component, step, frequency or period and clicking on “Add Series” button adds
other visualization of field.

Step 9: Display the information about the ray tracing with "Show Results --> Ray Tracing --> View
Ray". The representation shows the rays for the selected step, period, frequency and source position.
The rays can be filtered by effects and orders.

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Selecting other step, frequency, period, position of the source or the orders and effects the visualization
will be updated printing the rays that have the selected parameters. Selecting a ray into the panel, the
information about it will be displayed on the tables at the bottom of the panel and on the ‘Info’ and
‘Doppler’ panels on the left panel.

Step 10: Display the information about the FMCW spectrum with "Show Results --> Doppler -->
FMCW". When this option is selected, appear a panel to set the parameters to calculate the FMCW
Spectrum. These parameters are step, frequency, user function, maximum distance of the spectrum
and the time to analyze. Press "Apply" button to visualize the frequency function. For this case, the
parameters are correct to visualize the spectrum of the time 0.025 seconds.

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Clicking on "View FMCW Spectrum" button the spectrum will be displayed.

Step 11: The user can change the function to be applied. Change the function on the popup menu to
fmcw_2(). Press "Apply" button to view the frequency function.

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Clicking on ‘View FMCW Spectrum’ button the spectrum considering the new function will be displayed.

Step 12: To implement a function that defines the frequency in the time domain, open "Tools --> User
Functions". Create a new file and programming the function using the global variables $x and $period.
The $x variable defines the time. The $period defines the period and this variable is constant.


double fmcw_example(){
// This function returns the frequency increment from time '$x'

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// Global parameters
// $period period time in seconds.
// $x time within the period.
// Note '$x' it is always less than '$period'

double x1 = 1./3 * $period;

double x2 = 2./3 * $period;
double x3 = $period;

double y1 = 0.1;
double y2 = 0.2;

if($x < x1) {

return y1/x1 * $x;
} else if($x < x2) {
return y1;
} else {
return y1 + ((y2-y1)/(x3-x2)) * ($x-x2);

In the above example are defined three ranges, for each range defines a different function.

Save file and display the information about the FMCW spectrum with "Show Results --> Doppler -->
FMCW". Select the function in the popup menu and press "Apply" button. The function will be displayed
into the plot.

Introduce the time, for example t(s)=0.0225, to analyze and press "View FMCW Spectrum". Select the
Bin into the popup menu to change the plots.

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MONCROS is used for 3D radar cross section (RCS) using the method of moments (MOM) technique.

This chapter covers the following:

• 9.1 File Menu (p. 924)

• 9.2 Edit Menu (p. 925)
• 9.3 View Menu (p. 926)
• 9.4 Geometry Menu (p. 927)
• 9.5 Materials Menu (p. 928)
• 9.6 Simulation Menu (p. 929)
• 9.7 Solver Menu (p. 931)
• 9.8 RCS Menu (p. 939)
• 9.9 Output Menu (p. 941)
• 9.10 Meshing Menu (p. 950)
• 9.11 Calculate Menu (p. 959)
• 9.12 Show Results Menu (p. 961)
• 9.13 Tools Menu (p. 976)
• 9.14 Help Menu (p. 977)
• 9.15 Training Examples (p. 978)
• 9.16 Annex 1: Post-Processing Currents (p. 1007)
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9.1 File Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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9.2 Edit Menu

For information about the Edit menu, refer to Edit Menu.

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9.3 View Menu

For information about the View menu, refer to View Menu.

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9.4 Geometry Menu

For information about the Geometry menu, refer to Geometry Menu.

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9.5 Materials Menu

For information about the Materials menu, refer to Materials.

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9.6 Simulation Menu

This menu contains the following options:

Figure 928: Simulation Parameters menu

9.6.1 Parameters
This menu lets the user modify several parameters related to the simulation process, such as the
simulation frequency. Select this option to open the Simulation panel on the right area of the main

Figure 929: Simulation panel

In this panel, the user can set the main parameters of the simulation:

• Frequency: The user can select a single frequency or a frequency sweep to calculate the electrical
field. On single frequency simulation, the user will have to introduce the simulation frequency. If
frequency sweep is selected, the user will have to introduce the initial and final frequencies, and
the number of samples to be simulated in the sweep.

9.6.2 HPC Parameters

In this section the user can define the queuing system to launch simulations on the cluster. The user
can choose between 3 systems:
2. LSF
3. PBS

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Figure 930: HPC parameters

With Mesh Scripts and Calculate Scripts, the user can open and edit the mesh or calculate script to
be queued on the system.

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9.7 Solver Menu

This menu contains options that specify the behaviour of the solver being used during the simulation.

9.7.1 Parameters
Using Solver Parameters the user can specify settings that are used by the solver being used to execute
the calculations. When the Parameters menu item is selected from the Solver menu, the following panel

Figure 931: Solver Panel

The Solver method is used to specify which solution method is used to execute the calculations. Each
method has a different operation mode.

• Physical Objects (PO) performs a high frequency approximation based in the combination of
optics and full wave methods. It computes the RCS considering only the illuminated subdomains by
the incident wave and with the PO current.
• Method of Moments (MoM) is an accurate full wave method that can be used to solve many
kinds of simulations. The Method of Moments approach is used in subdomains.

A multiprocessing architecture strategy can be selected using the appropiate options as well.
MPI is an multiprocessing architecture that works on many computer architectures, but it requires
more shared memory than OpenMP, which is a memory architecture that can be selected when the
constraints for memory requirements are important.

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Electromagnetic equation and Solver Functions can only be set when the solver method have been set
to MoM. These settings are covered later on its own section.

The user can set the relative error that is used by the simulation process. This is the maximum
delta error accepted by the simulation. The maximum number of iterations can be set as well. The
simulation process makes use of an iterative process. This setting can limit the number of iterations
performed by the calculation in order to prevent simulations that don't converge simulating infinititely.

Method of Moments
When the solver method has been set to MoM, there are extra settings that can be selected in order to
configure how the analysis is made during the simulation process.

It is possible to set the electromagnetic equation as well. This option is only available when the
solver method has been set to MOM. This electromagnetic equation defines the integral equation to
solve during the simulation process. There are three possible equations:

• EFIE makes use of the Electric Field Integral Equation, which solves most of the problems provided
a that a good convergence is achieved.
• MFIE makes use of the Magnetic Field Integral Equation. Note that this solver requires geometries
to be closed, having their normal vectors pointing outside the objects, in order to obtain valid
• CFIE combines EFIE with MFIE -therefore, requirements for MFIE also apply on CFIE. CFIE uses
a weighted combination of EFIE and MFIE. The CFIE Parameter sets this weight. CFIE uses the
following equation:

CFIE = EFIE · α + MFIE · (1 - α)

Tip EFIE is best recommended on projects with open surfaces, although it works on closed surfaces as
well. CFIE is best suited for closed metallic surfaces. You can use a combined approach using EFIE for
some surfaces and CFIE for closed surfaces.

Warning if the solver uses the CFIE approach, it is mandatory for the normal vectors to be facing
outside. Unexpected results and likely errors will happen if normal vectors point inside of volumes.

The selected solver function is ued to set the electromagnetic technique being used through the
simulation process:

• If the subdomains option is chosen, the MLFMA-MoM (Multi-Level Fast Multipole Algorithm) will be
used. This is the most conventional technique.
• If the macro basis functions (CBFs) option is selected, then the CBFM-MLFMA (Characteristic
Basis Function Method - Multi-Level Fast Multipole Algorithm) is used instead. This option
improoves the convergence of the MLFMA algorithm, reducing CPU consumption and time since the
number of unknowns is reduced.

Tip CBFs approach is more efficient than the subdomains approach. However, the CBF method has
accuracy issues in cavities.

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Advanced Solver Options

As covered before, it is possible to set the Solver Functions when the solver method has been set to
MoM. Solver functions have custom settings that can be changed by selecting the Advanced Options
button in the Solver Functions. Pressing this button shows a dialog with two visible tabs:

• Main Properties this tab has settings for changing how the solver works, including which kind of
algorithm will the solver use.
• Preconditioner this tab contains available preconditioners for the selected solver.
• CBFs Properties this tab is only enabled when the solver functions are set to CBFs.

The Main Properties tab looks like this:

Figure 932: Main Properties

The following settings are available:

• Solver: Three algorithms to solve the problem are available. We can choose between two iterative
methods, like BICGSTAB (BiConjugate Gradient STAbilized method) and GMRES (Generalized
Minimal Residual method), and the DIRECT solver. If no convergence is achieved by using any of
the iterative methods, it is recommended to try to use the other one.

Direct Solver improves the efficiency in time when the problem is less than the number of
unknowns introduced. Direct Solver is enabled only if OpenMP Architecture is selected on the main
Solver window, and is not compatible with Speed Up and preconditioners.

Note: The direct solution method may require huge memory and time resources when
a large number of unknowns is considered.

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• More Properties: This group lets the user set other special parameters used by the solver, such
as the conductor losses, region size or maximum multipole level. It is possible to enable Speed
Up as well, which will reduce the analysis time for problems that have several incident angles
at different frequencies. Rigorous Radiation improves efficiency on the solve solution, but is not
compatible with the 3D Radiation computation. The 3D Radiation computation is not compatible
with Monostatic RCS.

The Preconditioner tab contains the following options:

Figure 933: Preconditioner

This tab mainly covers the usage of the Preconditioner, which speeds up the resolution of the problem
by selecting one of the possible preconditioners provided.

Diagonal Preconditioner
Use this preconditioner only when the mesh density is 10 div/lambda or higher.
Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner (SAI)
• Use SAI initial currents: This option set the currents computed using the SAI
preconditioner as the inicial vector of the iterative method. It may be useful if not
convergence is achieved in the solution of the problem.
• Sparsity Distance: Set this parameter between 0.2 and 2. Usually hight values increase
convergence speed and cpu / memory needs.
• Filtering Threshold: These parameters should contain a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The
default values should be adequate in most cases.

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• Pre-Processing: This parameter controls the amount of data considered to generate the
preconditioner. Lower values entail a more accurate generation, while higher values entail a
faster computation.
• Post-Processing: This parameter controls the amount of data to be stored after the
generation of the preconditioner. Lower values entail better convergence, while higher values
entail less RAM required to store the preconditioner.
• MPI Data Exchange Frequency: This parameter sets up how often the MPI nodes request
more coupling terms to generate the preconditioner. Larger values require less interactions
speeding up the simulation, although more memory will be needed to store these terms. A
negative or 0 value indicates that the coupling terms are only exchanged once.

Hybrid (Diagonal + SAI)

This preconditioner is suited for memory-shared machines, in which case will use both Diagonal
and SAI preconditioners.

When CBFs are enabled, the following options are available as well:

Figure 934: CBFs Properties

These settings let the user configure different parameters of the CBFM method. For most of the
analysis, default parameters are suitable.

• Generation method: CBFs can be generated using PO currents or MoM currents (default MoM).
In this last option, it is desirable to extend the size of the block to avoid the edge effect. The
extension is selected in the Block Extension (MoM) panel (by default, 0.2 lambda).

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• Excitation Drop Threshold: With this method, a second stage is implemented to discard cbfs. In
this case, only CBFs that get a significant impressed field due to external sources are preserved. If
used, a threshold of 0.01 is recommended. Lower values give more accuracy.
• Generation Threshold: It is used to set how many cbfs should be retained to solve the problem
(Default 2000).
• PWS angular separation: Defines the angular separation between two plane waves in the PWS,
which determines how many plane waves will be used in generating the PWS. (By default, 10º).
• Block size: This parameter defines the size of the block of the CBFM method in lambdas.
• Matrix calculation method: You can define the method to calculate the reduced matrix of CBFM,
using rigorous calculation or multiple approximation.
• Block definition: This option allow to choose the definition of the block. “Surface-based blocks”
define a block that includes only subdomains inside of a MLFMM region that belongs to the same
surface. “Volume based blocks” define a block as the set of all subdomains inside of a MLFMM

In order to save the solver configuration press the Save button.

9.7.2 Advanced Options

This submenu lets the user manage advanced options that might be required for some specialized

Specify EFIE can be used to override the selected electromagnetic equation for some geometries when
the global electromagnetic equation is set to CFIE. CFIE requires geometries to be closed in order to get
the best results. This menu can be used to select some geometries that should be analyzed using EFIE
despite having other objects already in the simulation using CFIE.

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Figure 935: CFIE Parameters

In order to use this tool, open this menu when the solver equation has been set to CFIE. A list with
every object defined in the user interface, surfaces and objects, will be displayed in the EFIE Panel that
will appear. Use the Set EFIE check box near every row to mark that object to be analyzed using EFIE
equation. Press Save to save changes after every object has been selected.

Specify Divisions can be used to force the sampling density and the divisions for a particular object in
the user interface. This can be used to override the global sampling and division values for a particular
object or surface.

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Figure 936: Specify Divisions

In order to use this setting, open this menu item. The Divisions tab will appear on the screen listing
in the table every object and surface defined in this project. To override the global divisions value for
a particular object or surface, enable the check box that appears in the same row, and change the
divisions value near the check box. Press Save when all the desired settings have been changed in order
to save the settings in the project.

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9.8 RCS Menu

This menu lets the user modify the settings for the RCS radar being used in this simulation, as well as
other parameters related to the plane wave. To enter RCS settings, go to RCS > Parameters.

Figure 937: RCS Menu

Selecting the RCS → Parameters option will show the following panel.

Figure 938: RCS Parameters Panel

The following settings are available:

• RCS Type: The RCS can either be monostatic or bistatic depending on whether the radar
transmitter and the radar receiver are co-located or not.
• ETheta and EPhi: These parameters define the polarization wave for the plane wave.
• Tx-Rx Angle: The user is able to define this value when the RCS is set to monostatic.
• Angle of incidence: The user is able to define this value when the RCS is set to bistatic.
• Output currents: This option configures that the current distribution over the surfaces could be
shown in the Result menu when the analysis finish.

The kind of observations available in the Output menu depends on the RCS Type selected in this
window. Bistatic RCS allows Observation Points where as Monostatic RCS doesn't. Therefore, if RCS is

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changed from Bistatic and Monostatic the user wil have to confirm the operation, since any previously
defined Observation Points will be removed.

Figure 939: Confirm observation points

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9.9 Output Menu

The Output menu lets the user modify observation directions and other settings related to the output
generated by the simulation. The visible menu items will depend on the type of RCS simulation
previously selected in the RCS menu.

If in the RCS menu, the user selected the monostatic RCS option, the following menu appears:

Figure 940: Output Menu on Monostatic RCS

However, if the RCS type is set to Bistatic, the user will be able to enable and disable 3D Diagram
generation as well:

Figure 941: Output Menu on Bistatic RCS

9.9.1 Observation Directions

Observation directions are used when inspecting the generated results at the user interface, such as the
generated Far Field results. This option is used for letting the user add, modify and delete these cuts.
Select Output > Observation Directions to show the panel described in the figure:

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Figure 942: Observation Directions panel

In order to make the calculations useful, the user should configure observation directions where the
electrical field will be calculated. These directions will be selectable by the user after the calculations
have been done when inspecting the results. To add a cut, either a theta or a phi cut, press the Add
button to add a row to the associated table, and fill the values in the row.

• Theta Cut / Phi Cut this is the value at which theta will be fixed in a conical cut (theta cut) or at
which phi will be fixed in a planar cut (phi cut).
• Initial Phi / Initial Theta this is the initial value for the sweep in that observation direction cut.
• Increment this is the value the angle will be incremented in each iteration for the sweep.
• Samples the number of samples to take for the cut.

Final Phi / Final Theta is a non-editable value that will display the final angle for the sweep. This value is
actually calculated using the following simple formula Initial + Samples * Increment.

Rows can be deleted by selecting them in the tables and pressing Delete. Press the Save button when

Additionally, this information can be included using an external file, pressing the 'Import File' button and
uploading the file with the data. The content of this file will have a row for each cut to enter

For the definition of each cut, two formats are possible:

• A 4-field format separated by the space character. Each field refers to the angle theta, phi, steps
and samples of the cut.
• A two-field format separated by the space character, detailing the angles theta and phi to be
calculated are detailed (in this case, the sample data is assumed to be 1).

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9.9.2 Observation Points

This option is enabled when the RCS Type has been set to Bistatic. It allows the user to set a series of
observation points that will be used later when inspecting the Near Field. In the following sections inside
this chapter they will be covered.

When the menu item is selected, the following panel appears:

Figure 943: Observation Points panel

The user can add new geometry types by selecting the correct option presented in the Geometry Types
list and pressing Add. Note that these geometries are just considered as "geometries" inside this panel
to make it easier to manage them. When they are added to a project, the simulation will consider every
point in the geometry mesh as an actual observation point. The behaviour for each kind of geometry
type will be described later.

The Observation points list displays a list with every geometry added as an observation point.
By default, every point and geometry added to the project is displayed in the Geometry view. This
behaviour can be changed by checking or unchecking the Hide observation points check box item.
Buttons near the list are used to modify and delete these observation points.

• Edit use this button to modify the data for a geometry using a panel similar to the one that
appears when Add is pressed.
• Delete use this button to delete a previously added geometry from the observation points list.
• Delete All use this button to delete every previously added observation point. Note that this will
delete everything.
• Export as text use this button to export the list of points in the selected geometry. The exported
file is a text file with the X, Y, Z components for every point in CSV format.

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• Export file use this button to export the current observation points as an OBS (Observation Points)
File. It will be possible to import an OBS file using the Import file in other MONCROS project or in
other modules that also make use of Observation Points.
It is also possible to view the list of observation points that form a geometry by selecting the geometry
item from the list and pressing View. A new panel listing every point in the geometry will appear.

Figure 944: View Points

A cylinder requires a valid name, coordinates for the base cylinder (Base Center), its radius (Radius)
and the height and angle coordinates. For the Height Coordinates, the Height and the Number of
points must be specified. For the Angle Coordinates, the user must introduce whether a complete or an
incomplete cylinder is to be generated by specifying the Initial angle and Final angle parameters. It is
also possible to change the Number of points.

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Figure 945: New Cylinder parameters

External File
The user can also export the near field points to a text file (Export as text). This file can then be
imported by selecting “External File” into the Geometry Types combo-box. Note that this option imports
a file of points, but does not preserve the near field type (i.e. it is imported as a separate type). In
order to preserve the near field type, the Export file and Import file must be used instead.

Figure 946: Open External File dialog

From Curve
This option lets you select a line or curve of the main panel and sample it as observation points. The
user has to previously select a NURBS Curve. Using the given NURBS curve the number of points to be
added is a parameter.

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Figure 947: Adding a nurbs curve of observation points

From Surface
Using this option it is possible to create observation points using a surface as a reference. To create
one of these geometries, a NURBS Surface has to be previously selected. This operation is usually done
by selecting a previously created surface in the project, or exploding an object to select the desired
surface. Then, a new geometry type is added. The number of points in U-Dimension and V-Dimension
are parameters for this kind of geometry.

Figure 948: Adding an observation point From Surface

A line is created using the initial and final point as endpoints for the line. As a parameter, the number of
points will have to be introduced. The line will be split in as many points as introduced here and every
point will be considered as an observation point.

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Figure 949: New Line parameters

To configure the parallelogram, the user can introduce the coordinates of the three points that shape
the final figure. Furthermore, the number of points between vertices can be introduced (i.e. Number of
points from p1 to p2).

Figure 950: New Parallelogram parameters

In this window, the user can create a set of observation points laid out in a grid pattern. To do so, the
user needs to specify several parameters:

• Name A short name that will be used by the user to identify the created set of observation points.

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• Constant axis The normal axis of the plane that will contain the grid of observation points.
• Coordinate value Value of the coordinate of the axis specified in the previous option.

For each of the axes different than the one selected in the Constant axis drop-down list, the user
needs to specify the following parameters:

• Initial value Initial value of the coordinate along each axis.

• Total size The total length of the grid of observation points along the axis.
• Number of points The number of observation points along the axis.
Note The spacing between each pair of consecutive observation points along an axis will be given by
the formula spacing = (total size) / (number of points - 1). This value will be shown next to the
label "Distance btw. points".

Figure 951: New Plane parameters

The user can introduce the coordinates of the new point.

Figure 952: New Point parameters

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In order to build spheres, introduce the Center Point of the initial sphere. For the radius controls, the
user can set the radius for the initial sphere using Initial radius. It is possible to create more than one
sphere using the Radius samples. In that case, the radius increment between two consecutive spheres
is controlled via Increment radius. Theta coordinates and phi coordinates let the user specify how
many points to create from the sphere and whether to use the entire sphere curvature or just a slice of
the sphere.

Figure 953: New Sphere parameters

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9.10 Meshing Menu

This menu performs operations related to the meshing process. The following operations are available
and covered in later sections of this chapter:

• Create Mesh this option is used to mesh the project.

• Visualize existing mesh this option is used to visualize a .msh file.
• View log this option is used to visualize the log that the mesher generates.

Figure 954: Meshing Menu

9.10.1 Create Mesh

When the Create Mesh option is selected, the following panel will be shown on the right side of the

Figure 955: Create Mesh panel

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• Divisions per wavelength: The user may specify different mesh density in planar and curved
surfaces. Planar surfaces are contained in a single plane, otherwise surfaces are curved. Let c
be the speed of light in the vacuum (meters per second), given a number of divisions D and a
frequency f, the size of the generated elements L is given by:
L = lambda / D ; lambda = c / f

Number of bands per octave

When a frequency swept is enabled, the meshing frequencies are different to the simulation ones.
An automatic frequency ranges per octaves is performed, that depends on the initial frequency,
the final frequency, and the number of bands per octave specified. The higher is this parameter,
the more frequencies are considered for the meshing process.

Select this option to use the same frequency for meshing all the frequencies of the swept. The
frequency must be specified in GHz.

Use this to set the number of processors used for the meshing process.

More options
• Mesh Repair Select this option to evaluate and repair the generated mesh. It is
recommended for analyzing complex geometries, specially whenever a good convergence is
not achieved. Several problems will be studied and solved isolated and spurious elements
are removed, and overlapped regions are repaired. The detection of this defects on the
mesh depends on two parameters that are explained below, and can be edited by clicking on
Options button. Elements wit smaller area than the minimum allowed, isolated elements,
or parallel elements closer than a minimum distance are deleted from the output mesh. The
minimum area and distance depends on the wavelength, the number of divisions per
wavelength selected, and the Area and Border factors, and they are determined as:

Figure 956: Meshing Repairing options



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• Click on Advanced Settings button to edit more complex meshing parameters. The available
options is detailed in next subsection.
• Mesh click on this button to save the parameters and start the meshing process.

Advanced Meshing Settings

When the Advanced Settings button is pressed in the Meshing tab, a window where several advanced
parameters on how the messing process work is displayed. The following sections cover these

The General tab has generic advanced parameters that are used by the mesher.

Figure 957: Meshing advanced parameters general tab

• Multilevel Meshing. Enable this option to generate the mesh automatically in several steps.
This option is usually more efficient (in terms of runtime) than common mesh generation, so it is
selected by default. However, minor differences may appear between the meshes obtained with and
without multilevel mode. The frequency of the first step may be specified by the user in the First
freq field, but when this field is empty, the first frequency is automatically computed.

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• Memory Factor. This option allows a reduction of the memory resources required in the mesh
generation process. The memory allocation is an automatic feature in this process, so the highest
one is selected by default to ensure that the mesh will be successfully obtained.
• Volumetric Mode. This option allows to change the algorithm used in the mesh generation
process of dielectric objects (defined as Volumes). Two different modes are available:
◦ Structured Mesh All elements of the volumetric mesh are perfect parallelepipeds. This
method is an approximation of the real shape of the dielectric objects by simple cubes. Some
parts of the mesh can be out of the volume and other regions can have incomplete regions,
but the average volume of the mesh is very similar to the volume of the original dielectric
objects. This algorithm is the fastest one.
◦ Conformed Mesh Most of elements of the volumetric mesh are perfect parallelepipeds, but
only in the completely inner regions of them. The inner structured mesh is joined with the
boundaries of the volume by using hexahedrons of variable shapes. This method is more
accurate than the Structured Mesh, but is also slower and irregular elements may appear in
specific cases.

Different divisions per wavelength for the X, Y and Z dimensions may be considered for meshing
the volumetric objects.
• Topology. If the electrical continuity between the surfaces have to be broken, the option Disable
topology must be selected. Note that the accuracy may be reduced when the electrical continuities
are not correctly analyzed because virtual fissures are introduced.
• Edge Refinement. This option allows enabling the modelling of border effect in the mesh
generation. The Edge Factor field represents the portion of size of the final elements to model the
border effect. It is only enabled when Edge Refinement is selected.

Note that the memory factor is limited by the available memory in the computer. If the memory
resources exceed the available memory, a dialog will appear to suggest decreasing this factor:

Figure 958: Not enough memory warning dialog.

Surfaces Replication
Surfaces Replication contains parameters that set the behaviour for the mesher when working with

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Figure 959: Meshing advanced parameters surface replication tab

There is only one option called Parameters in this tab that is composed by some sub-options. By
marking the Replicate Open Surfaces option, a parallel layer of open objects is generated in the mesh
generation process. If replication is marked, the elements of all the open objects are replicated to an
automatic frequency-dependent distance from the original ones. By clicking on the advanced button,
the window shown in the next Figure will appear where additional features can be configured.

• Replication Area. The criterion to replicate open objects can be edited.

• ◦ Automatic Replication. It is the default option. Let div_plane and div_curve are the
number of divisions per wavelength for planar and curved surfaces, any object with a total
area greater than:


◦ Replicate all open objects. Any object is replicated, by default.

◦ Replicate objects with area greater than. To specify manually the threshold of the
minimum total area of the objects to be replicated, in square meters.
• Replication Distance. The distance between the original objects and their parallel replicas can
also be edited.
• ◦ Automatically calculate. By default, the distance is given by the following expression:

◦ Specified distance. To specify manually the desired distance, in meters.

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The Geometry tab has parameters related to how the geometry is studied during the meshing process.

Figure 960: Meshing advanced parameters geometry tab

• Study Geometry. To pre-process the input geometry, evaluating some features such as its sizes or
electrical continuities.
• Study Edges. To delete the edges of the input surfaces that are shorter than the Minimum Edge
parameter (in meters), extending its adjacent edges. This option is only enabled when the Study
Geometry button is enabled.
• Study Loops. To delete the loops of the input surfaces that are shorter than the Minimum Loop
parameter (in meters). This option is only enabled when the Study Geometry button is enabled.
• Study Areas. To delete the input surfaces that are smaller than the Minimum Area parameter (in
square meters). This option is only enabled when the Study Geometry button is enabled.
• Detect Topology. To detect automatically electrical continuity between neighboring surfaces
that are very close but have not been modeled with precise continuity. The maximum separation
allowed to set the electrical continuity is the Maximum Distance parameter (in meters). This option
is only enabled when the Study Geometry button is enabled.
• Split Curves. To divide the curved borders of the input surfaces that have a curvature greater than
the Maximum Arc parameter (in degrees). This option is only enabled when the Study Geometry
button is enabled.
• Scale Geometry. To scale internally the geometry during the meshing process. When the mesh
generation finishes, the output mesh has the same sizes as the original geometry. This option is
useful for meshing very small structures. This option is only enabled when the Study Geometry
button is activated.

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This option is no longer within the Meshing Advanced Parameters window. It has been moved to the
main Meshing window, as it is recommended whenever a good convergence is not achieved.

9.10.2 Visualize Existing Mesh

This option can be chosen by the user to load and render a mesh file. Mesh files are generated by the
mesher provided with newFASANT and usually end by .msh.

Select Visualize Existing Mesh item from the menu in order to render a mesh file. It will ask for a .msh

Figure 961: Open a Visualize Existing Mesh

Once a valid mesh file is selected, press OK to load it and render it using the viewer:

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Figure 962: Mesh Viewer

The following two options appear as check boxes that can be enabled in the bottom left area of the

• Render: if this option is disabled, the mesh will appear as a wireframe. Enable this check box to
actually render a solid yellow mesh.
• All Points: selecting this option will increase the number of points displayed for the mesh.

It is possible to export the mesh pressing the Export button and selecting a folder where the mesh
should be saved.

9.10.3 Visualize Mesh Log

During the meshing process, information about the meshing execution is generated and displayed in
the log. This information can be manually viewed later by selecting this item from the menu. A tab will
display the contents of the log file, which is also saved into mesh_log.txt. Press the Save as... button
to save the log to a file.

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Figure 963: Mesh Log

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9.11 Calculate Menu

This menu has options for executing a simulation after every parameter has been correctly defined
and every possible geometry has been added to the project. Before executing the simulation, the user
needs to make sure that every simulation parameter is enabled and well-defined. If something is wrong
(e.g. the geometry is not meshed) a warning message will be displayed to let the user know that it is
necessary to properly configure the simulation data.

9.11.1 Execute
This option runs the simulation. The user can set the number of processors the simulation will run on.

Figure 964: Calculate, execute option

Once the simulation starts, the following panel is shown:

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Figure 965: Calculate, process log

In this panel, the program shows the process log of the running simulation. It also offers the possibility
of aborting the simulation and saving the contents of the process log to a text file.

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9.12 Show Results Menu

This menu contains several options that lets the user view the results generated by the simulation
process. There are different kinds of results, some of them presenting tables, some of them presenting
numerical results, some of them presenting plots and some of them presenting 3D views where the
user can see visual results like the charges and currents analysis through the objects.

Figure 966: Show Results Menu

Most of plots show 2-D curves of a result field versus an input parameter. This type of graphics share
aditional features of zoom, raxis and curves edition, and so on. To read more information about the
chart options (when clicking on the rigth button over a chart) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

9.12.1 Far Field

Using this menu it is possible to analyze the amplitudes in the Far Field through the observation
directions previously defined in the Output section.

Figure 967: Far Field Menu

The following options are available:

• View Cuts: Displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a theta cut or a phi cut.
• View Cuts by Frequency: Displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a frequency sweep.
• View Cuts by Step: Displays a plot that relates the amplitude against a parametric step.
• View Text Files: Displays the numeric results gathered by the simulation process.

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View Cuts
This option is used to analyze information about the calculated 2D Far Fields using the observation
directions previously created in the Output menu. When selecting this option, a panel similar to the one
presented in the figure will be displayed:

Figure 968: View Cuts panel. Linear plot

This command plots the amplitude or the phase of the RCS computed for each angular cut. Several
cuts and frequencies can be plotted in the same graphic. To plot a graph, the user must select the RCS
component, the frequency and the cut. The user can press the button “Add Series” to plot the new
graph. In the case that the user has set up a parametrized geometry, it is possible to select the step to
visualize the results for.

It is also possible to delete the selected trace of the list with the “Remove Series“. The display option
allows to change the color of the series and display points. The buttons “Import Series“ and “Export
Series“ are used for importing and exporting the selected series in “List of Series“ to a datatext file.

The user can also switch between the linear graph and the polar graph to visualize far field results.

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Figure 969: View Cuts panel. Polar plot

View Cuts By Frequency

This kind of plot can be used to compare the amplitude measurements made by the simulation process
for a particular component, step, cut and point in the sweep, against a simulation frequency. This option
is useful when the user has selected a frequency sweep in the Simulation Settings, in order to inspect
how the measurements for a particular observation point change through a frequency sweep.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Far Field > View Cuts By Frequency menu, the
panel presented in the figure below will appear.

Figure 970: View Cuts By Frequency panel

Similar to the behaviour of the standard Far Field chart, this panel displays a plot with the results, and
several options for adding and removing extra series from the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, step, and observation point in a phi or theta cut, against

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every possible frequency that has been simulated. More series can be added, by selecting component,
step and spherical coordinates in the control panel that appears leftside to the plot.

• Component the plane wave component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Eθ, Eφ or Et.
• Step the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Theta cut / Phi cut select one of the theta cuts or phi cuts that were previously added to the
• Point select a particular observation point in the cut selected before.
The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, press the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series press the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

View Cuts By Step

This kind of plot lets the user analyze RCS measurements made by the simulation proves for a
particular component, frequency, theta or phi cut and observation point against the parametric steps
defined in the project. This option is useful when the user has parametrized a simulation by adding
parameters and making objects such as geometries depend on the parameters themselves.

When this option is chosen from the Show Results > Far Field > View Cuts by Steps menu, the panel
presented below will appear:

Figure 971: Far Field by Step

Similar to the behaviour of the standard Far Field chart, this panel displays a plot with the results and
a control panel where the user can add, modify and remove series that are then displayed in the chart.
A default series will be added automatically to the plot, but the user can add new series by modifying
the values in the control panel and pressing Add Series for adding the series to the panel. The following
settings can be modified:

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• Component the plane wave component to inspect. Select one of the possible values Eθ, Eφ or Et.
• Frequency if a frequency sweep has been made, multiple frequencies may be available for
• Cuts on phi / Cuts on theta select one of the cuts that were previously added as observation points
to the project.
• Point select one of the samples made for this observation direction.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look and delete series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular
series by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors. To remove a series from the plot
representation, press the Remove series button.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series press the Export series button. Later it is
possible to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file
where the results were saved in.

View Text Files

This option lets the user inspect the results of the Far Field RCS values in a tabular like structure.
Selecting this option will display a panel where the user should select a step and a frequency. To use
this section, select a parametric step from the list, and select the frequency to get the results from and
press OK to load the data. A table will be presented with the values for this frequency and step. To save
the results press the Export button below the table.

Figure 972: View Text Files panel

Select a frequency on the list and press Ok. The following tab in the central panel will show up with the
results in text format:

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Figure 973: Viewing results in text format

If Monostatic RCS is enabled, the “Monostatic RCS-Frequency Files” option appears. If this option is
selected, the program generates the text file showing the result for the RCS-Frequency cuts, visualizing
the RCS values for each combination of frequencies and angular cut.

Figure 974: Viewing RCS-Frequency cuts data in text format

9.12.2 NearField
These settings are used to inspect the near field using the observation points previously defined in
Observation points. It is necessary therefore to define at least one observation points structure in the
corresponding panel at the Output menu. Observation points also require the RCS to be configured in
bistatic mode.

Figure 975: Near Field menu.

The following menu items are available:

• View Near Field display a 3D View with the measurements for every observation point in the near

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• View Observation Points display a plot with the measurements for each observation point in the
near field.
• View Radial Points displays a radial plot with measurements made in the different radii for spheres.
• View Obervation Points by Frequency displays a plot with the measurements for a particular
observation point against a frequency sweep.
• View Observation Points by Step displays a plot with the measurements for a particular observation
point against parametric steps.
• View Text Files displays numerical results as given by the simulation process.

View Near Field

This option can be used to present in a 3D View the value for each user defined observation points.

After selecting this option, the following panel will be displayed.

Figure 976: View Near Field panel

The diagram shows, for every structure defined as an observation point, the near field measurement
in every point of the structure. For each geometry, values will be rendered with a diferent color that is
smoothed, creating a grid matrix where every observation point is assigned to a color. Colors are part of
a measurement system where blue is asigned to the lowest values and red to the highest values.

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Figure 977: Near Field diagram

The following options are available:

• Incidence: possible values are scatter incidence, direct incidence or total incidence.
• Magnitude: which units to use in measurements. Units affect to the color scale being used.
• Field Component: which field component to inspect, from either the E-field or the H-field, and
whether to inspect the X, Y or Z component or the total field.
• Filtering Range: if filtering is enabled, a custom range can be set in the measurement system,
setting maximum and minimum values in the rendering view to the values provided by the user.

Additionally, the following options are available at the bottom bar:

• Options: hides and shows the options panel that appears on the left.
• Show Grid: if this option is selected, a grid with every observation point will be overlayed to the
rendered figure, making possible to precisely see which value has every observation point defined
in the geometry.
• Show geometry: use this option to make the geometry visible or not.
• Show Axis: use this option to hide or show the axis.

It is also possible to export a graphical representation of the image. Press Save as... to save the image
as a PNG file.

View Observation Points

This option shows the observation points as a plot.

Select the theta or phi cut using the controls and press OK. After selecting the desired options and
pressing OK, the following screen will be shown:

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Figure 978: View Observation Points panel

The controls on the left let the user add, modify and delete series. Using the visible controls the user
can select a series to add using the following settings:

• Incidence: which kind of near field incidence to add scatter incidence, direct incidence or total
• Field Component: which field component to inspect, from either the E-field or the H-field, and
whether to inspect the X, Y or Z component or the total field.
• Step: on simulation projects that make use of step, the user can select the step number to add.
• Frequencies: on simulation projects that make use of multiple frequencies, the user can select
one particular frequency to add.
• Observation points: on simulation projects that make use of multiple observation point
structures, the user can select one of the geometries.

Press the Add Series button to add the series to the graph. Note that if multiple cuts exists, a dialog
similar to the one that appeared before will be presented to the user again asking to select a particular
theta cut or phi cut.

It is possible to modify already existing series too. The user cans et the color for the series, which
is useful when multiple series have been added to the plot. Select the series using the List of series
control, and press Change colors to modify the color used to render the series. Additionally, a series can
be removed if it's not relevant anymore to the purpose of the plot.

It is also possible to export already existing series and import series previously imported, which is
useful for comparing series made using different projects or simulations.

View Radial Points

This option is available when observation spheres have been set. This plot is used to represent the
different values for the Near Field on each radius sample defined in a sphere. Therefore, to make this
plot useful, it is suggested to generate an observation sphere that makes use of multiple radius using

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Figure 979: Radial Near Field

When this option is selected, the panel previously depicted is shown. The following options are available
to the left.

which kind of near field incidence to add scatter incidence, direct incidence or total incidence.

which field component to inspect, from either the E-field or the H-field, and whether to inspect the
X, Y or Z component or the total field.

on simulation projects that make use of step, the user can select the step number to add.

on simulation projects that make use of multiple frequencies, the user can select one particular
frequency to add.

Observation points
on simulation projects that make use of multiple observation point structures, the user can select
one of the geometries

Theta and phi cuts

when multiple observation directions are available, this option is used to select one particular cut.

Press the Add Series button to add the series to the graph.

It is possible to modify already existing series too. The user can set the color for the series, which
is useful when multiple series have been added to the plot. Select the series using the List of series
control, and press Change colors to modify the color used to render the series. Additionally, a series can
be removed if it's not relevant anymore to the purpose of the plot.

It is also possible to export already existing series and import series previously imported, which is
useful for comparing series made using different projects or simulations.

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View Observation Points By Frequency

This option lets the user analyze the values for the near field through a frequency sweep. To make this
section useful, a frequency sweep must have been previously calculated. The user can use this result
view to generate plots that compare the values at near field for a particular Observation point in a given
component and incidence and step through every frequency.

Figure 980: Near Field - Frequency

The controls on the left let the user add, modify and delete series. Using the visible controls the user
can select a series to add using the following settings:

which kind of near field incidence to add scatter incidence, direct incidence or total incidence.

Field Component
which field component to inspect, from either the E-field or the H-field, and whether to inspect the
X, Y or Z component or the total field.

on simulation projects that make use of step, the user can select the step number to add.

Observation points
on simulation projects that make use of multiple observation point structures, the user can select
one of the geometries.

Observation Point
the user can select a particular observation point from the list.

Press the Add Series button to add the series to the graph.

It is possible to modify already existing series too. The user can set the color for the series, which
is useful when multiple series have been added to the plot. Select the series using the List of series
control, and press Change colors to modify the color used to render the series. Additionally, a series can
be removed if it's not relevant anymore to the purpose of the plot.

It is also possible to export already existing series and import series previously imported, which is
useful for comparing series made using different projects or simulations.

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View Observation Points By Step

This option lets the user analyze the values for the near field through multiple steps. To make this
section useful, at least two steps must exist in the project. The user can use this result view to generate
plots that compare the values at near field for a particular Observation point given component,
incidence and frequency through every step.

Figure 981: Near Field - Step

The controls on the left let the user add, modify and delete series. Using the visible controls the user
can select a series to add using the following settings:

which kind of near field incidence to add scatter incidence, direct incidence or total incidence.

Field Component
which field component to inspect, from either the E-field or the H-field, and whether to inspect the
X, Y or Z component or the total field.

on simulation projects that make use of multiple frequencies, the user can select one particular
frequency to add.

Observation points
on simulation projects that make use of multiple observation point structures, the user can select
one of the geometries.

Observation Point
the user can select a particular observation point from the list.

Press the Add Series button to add the series to the graph.

It is possible to modify already existing series too. The user can set the color for the series, which
is useful when multiple series have been added to the plot. Select the series using the List of series
control, and press Change colors to modify the color used to render the series. Additionally, a series can
be removed if it's not relevant anymore to the purpose of the plot.

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It is also possible to export already existing series and import series previously imported, which is
useful for comparing series made using different projects or simulations.

View Text Files

This option can be used to view the numerical results for the near field for a particular step and
frequency. Select this menu item to display the Near Field Text panel. In this window, it is possible to
select a step if more than one step exists, and one of the simulated frequencies. There will only be one
frequency available for selection. However, if multiple frequencies are available as part of a frequency
sweep simulation, they will be available for selection.

Press the OK button to display the numerical results. It is possible to export these results to a text file
by pressing the Export button.

Figure 982: Viewing near field values in text format

9.12.3 View Currents

This visualization option allows the user to see a representation of the induced currents. A color legend
shows the magnitude of the current values corresponding to each color shown on the geometry (at the
right side of the screen).

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Figure 983: Currents diagram

The following options are available at the left side:

• Step and Frequency: on projects that make use of multiple steps and frequencies, it is possible to
select a particular step and frequency.
• Magnitude: the magnitude that is used to represent the values.
• Field Component: use this option to select which kind of field values to represent. Either the total
field or particular X, Y or Z values can be selected.
• Filtering range: by default the values are assigned a color scale where blue is the lowest value
and red is the highest value. It is possible to change this to use a custom filter scale by enabling
this option and setting the minimum and maximum value.

Additionally, the following options are available at the bottom bar:

• Options: hides and shows the options panel that appears on the left.
• Show geometry: use this option to make the geometry visible or not.
• Show Axis: use this option to hide or show the axis.

It is also possible to export a graphical representation of the image. Press Save as... to save the image
as a PNG file.

9.12.4 View Charges

This visualization option allows the user to see a representation of the charge density. A color legend
shows the magnitude of the charge values corresponding to each color shown on the geometry (at the
right side of the screen).

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Figure 984: Charges diagram

The following options are available at the left side.

• Step and Frequency: on projects that make use of multiple steps and frequencies, it is possible to
select a particular step and frequency.
• Magnitude: the magnitude that is used to represent the values.
• Filtering range: by default the values are assigned a color scale where blue is the lowest value
and red is the highest value. It is possible to change this to use a custom filter scale by enabling
this option and setting the minimum and maximum value.

Additionally, the following options are available at the bottom bar:

• Options: hides and shows the options panel that appears on the left.
• Show geometry: use this option to make the geometry visible or not.
• Show Axis: use this option to hide or show the axis.

It is also possible to export a graphical representation of the image. Press Save as... to save the image
as a PNG file.

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9.13 Tools Menu

For information about the Tools menu, refer to Tools.

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9.14 Help Menu

For information about the Help menu, refer to Help Menu.

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9.15 Training Examples

9.15.1 Example 1
Step 1

First, start newFASANT.

Figure 985: Starting window

Step 2

Create a new newFASANT project. To do this, select the File → New option (alternatively, the press Ctrl

Figure 986: File menu

Step 3

After selecting the New option, a list of the available modules is presented. The user needs to select a
module from the available module list. Select MONCROS for this training example.

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Figure 987: Module selection screen

Step 4

Select the Geometry → Surface → Plane option.\

Figure 988: Geometry → Surface menu

Step 5

The command line panel requires some parameters at this point. Enter “-0.5 -0.5 0” as the first
parameter and “1 1” as the second parameter so we create a 1x1 plane centered at the origin.

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Figure 989: Creating a 1x1 plane

Step 6

Select the simulation parameters option.

Figure 990: Simulation menu

Step 7

Select a frequency of 0.3 GHz (default options) and press Save.

Figure 991: Simulation options

Step 8

Select the Solver → Parameters option:

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Figure 992: Solver menu

Figure 993: Solver parameters

Check the default parameters as the follow figure.

Click on the “Advanced Options” button to set up other solver parameters:

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Figure 994: Advanced parameters of solver, 'Main Properties' tab

Save the values for the advanced parameters of the solver.

Step 9

Select the RCS → Parameters option:

Figure 995: RCS menu

Step 10

Select Monostatic RCS and leave the default parameters. Press the Save button.

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Figure 996: RCS parameters

Step 11

Select Output → Observation directions.

Figure 997: Output menu

Step 12

Leave the default observation directions (0.0 phi cut with theta angle varying between 0.0 and 180.0
using 181 samples).

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Figure 998: Observation directions options

Step 13

Before running the simulation, select the Meshing → Create Mesh option.

Figure 999: Meshing menu

Step 14

Set 10 divisions on planar and curved surfaces, set Processors to 1 and the default number of bands per
octave. Press the Mesh button.

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Figure 1000: Meshing options

Figure 1001: Mesh visualization

Step 15

Select Calculate → Execute and set the number of desired processors to run the simulation. Press the
Execute button to start the calculation.

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Figure 1002: Calculate options

Figure 1003: Process Log showing the progress of the calculation

Step 16

When the simulation finishes (the progress bar on the bottom-left corner displays “Done”), we are able
to see the results. Select the Show Results → Far Field → View cuts option to show the RCS plot.

Figure 1004: Show Results → Far Field menu

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Figure 1005: RCS graphic

Step 17
Select Show Results → Far Field → View Text Files to show the RCS data in text format.

Figure 1006: Show Results → Far Field menu

Select the desired frequency and press OK.

Figure 1007: Far Field View Text File options

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Figure 1008: Viewing results in text format

9.15.2 Example 2
In this example, we will calculate the bistatic RCS of an imported geometry using a frequency sweep
from 0.4 GHz to 0.6 GHz.

Step 1

Create a new newFASANT project (using the MONCROS module) following Step 1 to Step 3 in Example

Step 2

Select Geometry → Solid → Sphere.

Figure 1009: Geometry menu

Step 3

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Insert the parameters shown in the figure.

Figure 1010: Importing geometry

Figure 1011: Imported geometry

Step 4

Select the Simulation → Parameters option. Enable the Frequency Sweep option and set the initial
frequency to 0.4 GHz and the final frequency to 0.6 GHz. Set the number of samples to 3 (the
frequencies will be 0.4 GHz, 0.5 GHz and 0.6 GHz) and left-click the Save button.

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Figure 1012: Simulation parameters

Step 5

To set up the solver parameters, follow Step 8 of the Example 1 and follow the next step, making sure
to comply with the final warning.

Step 6

Select the RCS → Parameters option. In the panel that appears, select the Bistatic RCS option and leave
the default values for the remaining options. Press the Save button.

Figure 1013: RCS parameters

WARNING: return to ‘Advanced Options’ of the solver, disable ‘Rigorous Calculate’ option and enable
‘Compute Pattern 3D’ option with the angle value for 0.5 degrees as default.

Step 7

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Select the Output → Observation Directions option. Modify the existing phi cut and set it to 45º. Leave
the remaining fields intact. Press the OK button.

Figure 1014: Observation Directions panel

Step 8

Select the Output → Observation Points option. The following panel will be shown:

Figure 1015: Observation Points panel

Select the Line option from the Geometry Types combo-box and left-click the Add button. In the dialog
that appears, configure the parameters as shown in the next figure and press the OK button:

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Figure 1016: Observation Line parameters

Figure 1017: Observation line visualization

Step 9

Select Meshing → Create Mesh. Set the options as shown in the following figure:

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Figure 1018: Meshing options

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Figure 1019: Visualizing the created mesh

Step 10

Select Calculate → Execute and set the number of processors that will be used for the simulation. Press
the Execute button to start the simulation.

Figure 1020: Calculate options

Step 11

After the simulation finishes, select the option Show Results → Far Field → View Cuts.

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Figure 1021: RCS graphic

Initially, only the RCS for the first sampled frequency will be plotted. The user can add more series by
selecting a different frequency in the Frequencies combo-box and left-clicking the Add Series button.

Step 12

Select Show Results → Far Field → View Text Files. Select the frequency to display the results for and
left-click the OK button.

Figure 1022: Far Field Text File options

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Figure 1023: Viewing RCS results in text format

Step 13

Select the Show Results → Near Field → View Near Field. Select the observation points to show (in our
case, “line_0”) and press the OK button.

Figure 1024: View Near Field panel

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Figure 1025: Near Field representation

Step 14
Select the Show Results → View Currents option.

Figure 1026: Current Density representation

Step 15

Select the Show Results → View Charge option.

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Figure 1027: Charge Density representation

Step 16

Select Materials → Add option.

Figure 1028: Add material panel

Step 17

Select Material defined by Geometry option and press the Set Parameters button, to configure as shown
the material properties.

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Figure 1029: Geometry material parameters

Step 18

Select the geometry on the screen and click on Material → Assign to assign the new material to those
surfaces. Choose the material and specified the thickness.

Figure 1030: Geometry selection

Step 19

Mesh the geometry and run the simulation again.

Step 20

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Select the option Show Results → Far Field → View Cuts.

Figure 1031: RCS graphic

Step 21

Select the Show Results → View Currents option.

Figure 1032: Current Density representation

Step 22

Select the Show Results → View Charge option.

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Figure 1033: Charge Density representation

9.15.3 Example 3
This example shows the dynamic monostatic RCS of two cubes.

Step 1

Create a new newFASANT project (using the MONCROS module) following the Step 1 to Step 3 in
Example 1.

Step 2

Select Geometry → Parameters→ Define parameters and introduce the following parameters.

Figure 1034: Define parameters panel

Step 3

Select Geometry → Solid→ Box to define the box parameters as follows:

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Figure 1035: Box parameters

Step 4

Repeat Step 3 to define another box.

Figure 1036: Box parameters

Figure 1037: Geometry composed of two boxes

Step 5

In the Simulation panel select a frequency of 0.3 GHz (default options) and press Save.

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Figure 1038: Simulation panel

Step 6

Select the Solver → Parameters option and choose CFIE solution

Figure 1039: Solver panel

Step 7

Select the RCS → Parameters option. Select Monostatic RCS and leave the default parameters. Press
the Save button.

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Step 8

Select Output → Observation directions. Leave the default observation directions (0.0 phi cut with theta
angle varying between 0.0 and 180.0 using 181 samples).

Figure 1040: Observation directions panel

Step 9

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Before running the simulation, select the Meshing → Create Mesh option. Set 10 divisions on planar
and curved surfaces, set Processors to 2 and the default number of bands per octave. Press the Mesh
Step 10

Select Calculate → Execute and set the number of desired processors to run the simulation. Press the
Execute button to start the calculation.

Step 11
Select Show Results → Far Field→ View Cuts to visualize the far field values for the first step.

Figure 1041: Far Field results

Step 12

Add a new series selecting the step on the combo box and click on Add Series button.

Figure 1042: Far Field results

Step 13

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Select Show Results → Far Field→ View Text Files to visualize the text file with the results of the

Figure 1043: Text file result

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9.16 Annex 1: Post-Processing Currents

A new option has been added to the MONCROS module that allows to generate a set of currents file in
binary files to be preprocessed; and with the new currents in binary format could be used to obtain the
scattering field. To use this new option, the user needs to do the following steps:

Open newFASANT code and open MONCROS module.

Figure 1044: Module selection screen

Create for example a flat face with 1 m x 1 m. Use the command plane from Command Window.

Figure 1045: Creating a 1x1 plane

Set the Simulation Parameters using Simulation > Parameters menu. In this case, use the default

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Figure 1046: Simulation options

From RCS menu, use Monostatic Option and select Output Currents option. This must be selected to
activate the postprocess currents menu in the Output menu. Press Save button.

Figure 1047: RCS parameters

From Output > Observations Directions, the user has to define the observation directions that can be
set using the cuts in theta or phi from the dialog, or use an external file to Import the samples of the
observation directions where the currents will be calculated. If a file is used, the format has to be in
ASCII file with this structure:

Theta_sample1 Phi_sample1

Theta_sample2 Phi_sample2


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Theta_smapleN Phi_sampleN


0.0 0.0
45.0 0.0

90.0 0.0

If this file is loaded, then the samples will be loaded in the theta cuts table. Use the Import File Button
to select a .TXT file with the sample. Press Save to set.

Figure 1048: Observation Directions options

The next step is to mesh the geometry. Please use Meshing > Create Mesh command menu. Use the
default values.

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Figure 1049: Meshing options

To generate the currents of every observation direction, please use Calculate command menu.

Figure 1050: Calculate options

When the simulation has finished, the binary currents file will be in the folder results from the project
folder. So, from File > Project Folder command menu, a windows explorer from the project folder will be
opened. Please log into results > step0 > f0 (first frequency) al the results will be there.

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Figure 1051: Binary current files

There are three binary file because there are three observations directions samples, and also an
important file called subdoj.bin file that it is necessary to obtain the scattering fields.

When the user has preprocessed the input currents binary files, then the user can put all the new
currents in any folder, but the subdoj.bin file must be also included. For example, a new folder into
mydatfiles has been created with the name currents. The new binary currents files will be placed in
it and also the subdoj.bin file. If the new files are located into the folder project, the new files will be
saved with the project.

Figure 1052: Binary current files copied to mydatfiles

To postprocess the new currents and obtain the scattering field, the Show Results > Post-Process
Currents command menu must be used.

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Figure 1053: RCS graphic

To obtain the results, please follow these steps:

• With the Browse button, select the folder where the new currents and subdoj.bin file is located.
• Select if the results that has to be displayed on the graph will be a cut on theta or cut on phi, and
set the value of the cut (degree), the initial value (degree), increment (degree) and number of
samples. In this case there is only three files with one cut in phi of 0º and a sweeping point in theta
from 0º to 90º with a step of 45º and 3 samples.
• Press load to obtain the values. If everything is right, the Status will be OK, if there is anything
wrong, the status will be Error.
• Also the results of the scattering field in text mode can be obtained if the View Text Button is

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Figure 1054: Viewing results in text format

It is very important that the value of the theta,phi samples in the currents binary file must be exactly
the value the user is setting in the Post-Process command, if not, there will be an error. Also, a binary
file for every observation point is being processed must be present, if not, an error will be obtained in
the post-processing stage.

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MOM 10
10 MOM

MOM is used for the 3D analysis of complex antennas, on board antennas, electromagnetic compatibility
and radar cross section (RCS).

This chapter covers the following:

• 10.1 File Menu (p. 1015)

• 10.2 Edit Menu (p. 1016)
• 10.3 View Menu (p. 1017)
• 10.4 Geometry Menu (p. 1018)
• 10.5 Materials Menu (p. 1019)
• 10.6 Simulation Menu (p. 1020)
• 10.7 Solver Parameters Menu (p. 1023)
• 10.8 Source (p. 1033)
• 10.9 Output Menu (p. 1034)
• 10.10 Meshing Menu (p. 1046)
• 10.11 Calculate Menu (p. 1054)
• 10.12 Show Results (p. 1056)
• 10.13 Tools Menu (p. 1110)
• 10.14 Help Menu (p. 1111)
• 10.15 Training Examples (p. 1112)
• 10.16 Test Cases (p. 1400)
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10.1 File Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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10.2 Edit Menu

For information about the Edit menu, refer to Edit Menu.

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10.3 View Menu

For information about the View menu, refer to View Menu.

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10.4 Geometry Menu

For information about the Geometry menu, refer to Geometry Menu.

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10.5 Materials Menu

For information about the Materials menu, refer to Materials.

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10.6 Simulation Menu

This menu contains the following options:

Figure 1055: Simulation Parameters menu

10.6.1 Parameters
Selecting this option opens the Simulation panel on the right of the window:

Figure 1056: Simulation panel

In this panel, the user can set the main parameters of the simulation:

To set the simulation frequency. The following parameters may be modified:
• Enable Sweep: select this option to simulate a range of frequencies.
• Units: to set the magnitude of the frequency. Hz, kHz, MHz, and GHz are available.

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• Initial frequency: the first step in the frequency range, in the selected Units. If the
frequency Sweep is disabled, this value coincides with the simulation frequency.
• Final frequency: the last step in the frequency range, in the selected Units. This parameter
may be only modified when the frequency Sweep is enabled.
• Samples: number of frequency samples to be analyzed on the frequency Sweep. This
parameter may be only modified when the frequency Sweep is enabled.

Simulation Type
• Selecting None type, the user will obtain default results as radiation pattern, current density,
charge density, near-field observation, etc.
• Selecting Multipole type, the user will obtain default result and multipole files that
can be used in other simulation as antenna input. A multipole consists in a division on
parallelepipedal regions of the simulated case. Each region contains the whole information
such as its geometry and its currents, so this representation is more accurate than the
radiation pattern files. The multipole files only will provide accurate results in further Far Field
• Selecting Radiation Map type, the user will obtain default results and the radiation map
results. This simulation enables the Radiation Map results, which show the scattered field by
each region in the observation direction.
• Selecting Delay Process type, the user will obtain default results and the delay process
results. This simulation enables the Delay Process results, which show the interferences
introduced in a given input Signal in the time domain by each region in the observation
• Selecting S-Parameters, the user will obtain S-Parameters results of coaxial feed antennas
and waveguides. Note that with simulation type, the only provided results after the
simulation process are the S-Parameters. When this simulation type is selected, the S-
Parameters Settings button is enabled to modify advanced parameters that affect to the
waveguides analysis. The following parameters may be configured:
◦ Lambda guide factor: it is the value for dividing the wavelength and then obtaining the
distance to extend the main port in the analysis process. The higher parameters result in
shorter extensions.
◦ Lambda guide factor for short-circuiting: it is the value for dividing the wavelength
and then obtaining the distance to extend the ports that are not fed in the analysis
process. The higher parameters result in lower extensions.

Figure 1057: Advanced S-Parameters setting

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The Window Size (lambda) parameter specifies the number of lambdas which defines the size edge
of the generated regions in multipoles output files. This option only may be modified when a Multipole
or Radiation Map simulation types are selected.

10.6.2 HPC Parameters

In this section the user can define the queuing system to launch simulations on the cluster. The user
can choose between 3 systems:
2. LSF
3. PBS

Figure 1058: HPC parameters

With Mesh Scripts and Calculate Scripts, the user can open and edit the mesh or calculate script to
be queued on the system.

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10.7 Solver Parameters Menu

This section contains the options available to set the set-up the solver parameters.

Figure 1059: Solver menu

10.7.1 Parameters
Clicking on the Solver → Parameters option, the next panel is opened.

Figure 1060: Solver Panel

• Solver Method the method used to solve the solution. Two options are available:
◦ PO (Physical Optics). It is a high-frequency approximation that computes the currents on
the surfaces from the Physical Optics technique, so the iterative process of the resolution

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method is not carried out. The normal vectors of the geometry must be pointing to the proper
◦ MoM (Method of Moments). It is an accurate full wave method that may be used to solve
all types of situations. Selecting the Method of Moments solver, the Subdomains option
with the MLFMA-MoM (Multi-Level Fast Multipole Algorithm – Method of Moments)
technique is applied. This is the most conventional technique.
• Architecture Strategy method to divide the problem based on hardware properties. Two different
options are available:
◦ MPI (Message Passing Interface). It is valid for all types of computer architectures, but
more memory may be required for shared memory machines.
◦ OpenMP. It is only valid for shared memory machines, where it may require fewer memory
resources than the MPI strategy.
◦ Hybrid (MPI + OpenMP). This architecture uses both MPI + OpenMP. It is commonly used
with computational clusters.
• Electromagnetic Equation equation used to solve the solution. Further information about this
options is explained in Method of Moments.
◦ EFIE (Electric Field Integral Equation)
◦ MFIE (Magnetic Field Integral Equation)
◦ CFIE (Combined Field Integral Equation)
• Solver Function: The selected solver function is used to set the electromagnetic technique being
used through the simulation process:
◦ If the subdomains option is chosen, the MLFMA-MoM (Multi-Level Fast Multipole Algorithm) will
be used. This is the most conventional technique.
◦ If the macro basis functions (CBFs Radome) option is selected, then the CBFM-MLFMA
(Characteristic Basis Function Method - Multi-Level Fast Multipole Algorithm) is used instead.
This option is only available for the analysis of antennas composed by radomes.
• Relative Error it is the maximum value error allowed in the iterative process. When the relative
error of any iteration is lower than the value specified, the current computation stay is considered
as a valid solution and the iterative process is finished. The smaller is the Relative Error the more
accurate is the provided solution, but the larger is the computation time.
• Maximum number of iterations maximum number of iterative steps used to search an iteration
that satisfies the specified Relative Error. If the Maximum number of iterations is reached
without getting a valid solution, the last iteration solution is saved.
Click on Save button to confirm the updated configuration.

Method of Moments
In the Method of Moments option, different parameters can be selected to configure the analysis.

Firstly, the user needs to choose the Electromagnetic Equation to solve:

• EFIE the Electric Field Integral Equation is considered. This options solves the most of
problems and is the most accurate one, but the convergence may be slow or even it may not be
achieved in some cases.

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• MFIE the Magnetic Field Integral Equation is considered. This option provides valid results only
for closed bodies, whenever the normal vectors of the geometry is pointing to the proper direction
(outside the objects).
• CFIE the Combined Field Integral Equation is considered. It is also recommended only for
closed bodies, whenever the normal vectors of the geometry is pointing to the proper direction
(outside the objects), and it uses a weighted combination of the two previous methods. The
CFIE parameter must be defined between 0 and 1, and it weigths the rate in which the EFIE
is considered. A value close to 1 is recommended for this parameter to ensure accurate results
provided by the EFIE solution, but with the benefits of speeding-up the iterative process with the
MFIE formulation (0.8 or 0.9, for example). The CFIE solution combines the two previous methods
according to the next formula: CFIE = EFIE · CFIEparameter + (1 - CFIEparameter) · MFIE

Solver functions have custom settings that can be changed by selecting the Advanced Options button
in the Solver Functions. Pressing this button shows a dialog with two visible tabs (three if MacroBasis
Function method is selected):
• Main Properties: This tab has settings for changing how the solver works, including which kind of
algorithm will the solver use.
• Preconditioner: This tab contains available preconditioners for the selected solver.
• CBFs Properties: This tab is only enabled when the solver functions are set to CBFs.

The Main Properties tab looks like this:

Figure 1061: Solver Advanced Options. Main Properties tab

• Solver: Three algorithms to solve the problem are available. We can choose between two iterative
methods, like BICGSTAB (BiConjugate Gradient STAbilized method) and GMRES (Generalized
Minimal Residual method), and the DIRECT solver. If no convergence is achieved by using any of
the iterative methods, it is recommended to try to use the other one.

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Note: The direct solution method may require huge memory and time resources when
a large number of unknowns is considered.

• More properties: The user can specify the next parameters

◦ Conductor losses: the metallic structures may induce the conduction losses defined by its
parameter, specified in Ohm/m. By default, no conductor losses are considered.
◦ Region Size: this parameter defines the size edge (in terms of wavelengths) of the regions
generated in the MLFMA-MoM (Multi-Level Fast Multipole Algorithm – Method of
Moments) algorithm.
◦ Maximum Multipole Level: it is an advanced parameter that defines the maximum number
of levels considered in the MLFMA-MoM solver to consider the coupling effect. The default
value (-1) consider the coupling in every levels, whereas an integer positive value specifies
that the coupling is only considered between the regions up to this level. The more levels
consider the coupling effect, the more accurate is the provided solution but also the slower
is the solution process. Radiation Level this parameter sets the maximum radiation level in
the multipole generation to obtain the radiated fields. The default value (-1) let the program
to adjust automatically this configuration. For very large simulations, it may be used to save
memory and time resources by avoiding the computation of radiated far field in the largest
◦ Compute 3D Pattern: The 3D Pattern is a spherical diagram that shows the field distribution
of the analyzed problem. The resolution of the spherical diagram may be modified by the
user with the Angle Step parameter (in degrees), that specifies the angular step taken into
account in the diagram computation. Disable the Compute 3D Pattern to avoid the 3D
Pattern generation whenever it is not required, the simulation time may be reduced.

Preconditioner tab:

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Figure 1062: Solver Advanced Options. Preconditioner tab

In the subdomains analysis, the user can enable the preconditioner to speed up the resolution of
the problem with the Enable Preconditioner option. The user can choose between two different

• Diagonal Preconditioner The diagonal preconditioner is fast to compute and requires a reduced
amount of memory, although the improvement in the convergence rate it produces is normally
moderate. This preconditioner it is only recommended when more than 8 divisions per wavelength
is set in the meshing process, as a shorter number of divisions slows down the convergence instead
not using this preconditioner.
• Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner (SAI) This preconditioner will generally result in a
faster convergence than the diagonal preconditioner.
◦ Use SAI initial currents: This option set the currents computed using the SAI preconditioner as
the inicial vector of the iterative method. It may be useful if not convergence is achieved in the
solution of the problem.
◦ Sparsity Distance: This parameter is expressed in wavelengths (0.25 as the default value)
and indicates how accurately this preconditioner will resemble the inverse of the rigorous MoM
matrix. Higher values will normally involve a faster convergence, but the memory required to
store the preconditioner data will grow fast, non-linearly. We advice to keep the default value
or increase it slightly in case of specially ill-conditioned systems.
◦ Filtering Threshold: These parameters should contain a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The default
values should be adequate in most cases.

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◦ Pre-Processing: This parameter controls the amount of data considered to generate the
preconditioner. Lower values entail a more accurate generation, while higher values entail a
faster computation.
◦ Post-Processing: This parameter controls the amount of data to be stored after the generation
of the preconditioner. Lower values entail better convergence, while higher values entail less
RAM required to store the preconditioner.
◦ MPI Data Exchange Frequency: This parameter sets up how often the MPI nodes request more
coupling terms to generate the preconditioner. Larger values require less interactions speeding
up the simulation, although more memory will be needed to store these terms. A negative or 0
value indicates that the coupling terms are only exchanged once.
• Hybrid (Diagonal + SAI) : This preconditioner is suited for memory-shared machines, in which
case will use both Diagonal and SAI preconditioners.

Due to its numerical nature, the SAI preconditioner is better suited for the case of shared memory
parallelization ( OpenMP), while the conventional diagonal preconditioner can be used either for
OpenMP or for the MPI paradigm.

CBFs Propierties tab (available only for antennas with radome structures):

When Macro Basis Functions (CBFs Radome) option is enabled in the panel Solver Functions in
the Solver menu, the following options are available as well:

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Figure 1063: Solver Advanced Options. CBFs Properties tab

These settings let the user configure different parameters of the CBFM method. For most of the
analysis, default parameters are suitable.
• Generation method: CBFs can be generated using PO currents or MoM currents (default MoM).
In this last option, it is desirable to extend the size of the block to avoid the edge effect. The
extension is selected in the Block Extension (MoM) panel (by default, 0.2 lambda).
• Excitation Drop Threshold: With this method, a second stage is implemented to discart cbfs. In
this case, only CBFs that get a significant impressed field due to external sources are preserved. If
used, a threshold of 0.01 is recommended. Lower values give more accuracy.
• Generation Threshold: It is used to set how many cbfs should be retained to solve the problem
(Default 2000).
• PWS angular separation: Defines the angular separation between two plane waves in the PWS,
which determines how many plane waves will be used in generating the PWS. (By default, 10º).
• Block size: This parameter defines the size of the block of the CBFM method in lambdas.
• Matrix calculation method: You can define the method to calculate the reduced matrix of CBFM,
using rigorous calculation or multiple approximation.

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• Block definition: This option allow to choose the definition of the block. "Surface-based blocks"
define a block that includes only subdomains inside of a MLFMM region that belongs to the same
surface. "Volume based blocks" define a block as the set of all subdomains inside of a MLFMM
• Radome Coupling: This parameter defines the coupling terms considered when solving the
radome problems. Three options are available
◦ All cubes: A MLFMA-CBFM full-wave analysis is performed to solve the radome problem.
◦ Adjacent cube: Only the coupling terms associated to MLFMM-cubes that are adjacent are
considered to solve the radome problem
◦ Self Block: Only the coupling terms associated to cbfs that belongs to the same MLFMM-cube
are considered.
• Iterations: It define the number of interactions between antenna and radome that should be
considered to obtain the solution

In order to save the solver configuration press the Save button.

10.7.2 Advanced Options

In this submenu, the user can access the options explained below:

• Specify EFIE: this option is only taken into account when the Electromagnetic Equation of CFIE
is selected on the Solver Parameters menu.
It is recommended when the geometry contains open and closed entities, because only the closed
objects may be analyzed with the CFIE formulation, and the open ones are analyzed with the EFIE

This option opens a table list with all the names of the objects that are going to be analyzed with
EFIE. Selecting the objects on the geometry panel and clicking on Add button, the object names
are added to the Objects with EFIE list. Use the Remove button to delete objects from the list.

Figure 1064: Solver - Specify objects with EFIE

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Specify Divisions
using this option, the user can force the sampling density to be applied to any object, which
will be used in the meshing process. It is recommended when the most of the geometry may
be meshed with the same density - which will be set in the meshing configuration -, but some
regions of the geometry require different meshing resolutions.

This option opens a table list with all the names of the objects that are going to be meshed with
a different number of divisions than the meshing configuration together with the value of its
divisions. Selecting the objects on the geometry panel and clicking on Add button, the object
names will be added to the Objects with divisions list and then the number of divisions for it
may be edited. To edit the number of divisions of a given object, select its row, introduce the
desired number of divisions in the field left to the Fill value to selection button, and then click
on the button. Use the Remove button to delete objects from the divisions' table.

Figure 1065: Solver - Specify divisions

Surfaces to not duplicate

this option is only taken into account when the Replicate Open Surfaces of Surfaces
Replication is selected on the Meshing Advanced Parameters menu (see Meshing Menu). It
may be useful to analyze open objects as volumes that are automatically approximated by two
parallel thin layers, and then apply the CFIE formulation on them. Using this option, the user can
select which objects are analyzed only with their normal vectors orientation, so they are not going
to be duplicated.

Selecting the objects on the geometry panel and clicking on Add button, the object names will be
added to the list of object which will be not duplicated. Use the Remove button to delete objects
from the table.

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Figure 1066: Solver - Specify objects with no duplication

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10.8 Source
For information about the Source menu, refer to Antennas.

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10.9 Output Menu

The output results to obtain may be specified within this menu, such as the coupling between the
available antennas, observation directions in spherical coordinates and observation points.

10.9.1 Passive Antenna

With this option, the user can enable the coupling effect between antennas to obtain results of this kind.
Selecting Output - Passive Antenna and the following panel will be displayed to configure the passive
antenna parameters.

Figure 1067: Passive Antenna Panel

The following parameters may be edited:

• Enable / Disable Coupling the check box on the top of the window can be enabled or disabled.
This option allows computing the mutual coupling between active and passive antennas.
• Antenna Type the passive antenna can be:
◦ Short dipole creates a logical dipole with default length.
◦ Radiation pattern file. The format of the radiation pattern file can be REV, RV2 or 3DE, and
the polarization can be linear ( LIN) or circular ( CIR). The name of the pattern file has to be
indicated. See DIA Files to read further information regarding the DIA Files.

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• Position-Coords location of the passive antenna (from the keyboard or using the mouse with '
Pick Point Edition' option).
• Polarization Vector polarization given by its real and imaginary parts for each coordinate.
• Orientation Director Cosines orientation of the passive antenna coordinate system related to the
absolute coordinate system.

If all the information is correct, the antenna will be shown on the screen. A red parabola represents the
active antenna and a magenta parabola the passive antenna. The axis of the antenna is also visualized.
If the antenna is not visualized on the screen after pressing Save button, the most common reason is
that the radiation pattern has not been found in the newFASANT installation folder.

10.9.2 Observation Directions

Clicking on the Output -> Observation directions menu will show the following panel:

Figure 1068: Observation Directions panel

The user needs to configure the directions of observation where the electrical far field is going to be
calculated. Given a Theta or Phi table, the following parameters may be modified:

• ThetaPhi cut defines the value of the angular cut (in degrees) in the current table.
• Initial PhiTheta defines the angular initial value (in degrees) of the other component in the
current table.
• Increment PhiTheta defines the angular step (in degrees) between adjacent samples in the
current cut.

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• Samples column describes the number of steps for the row cut. It is an integer value.

The Final Phi/Theta value is automatically computed according to the previous configuration.

Insert Theta or Phi cuts by clicking on the Add buttons of the corresponding section, and remove
undesired cuts by using the Delete buttons. Clear buttons removes all cuts from table.

Press Save button before closing this window to confirm the changes.

The user can import a file of directions using the Import File button. The file to be imported must be
saved with .txt extension and the following format is required:
• Each direction is defined by Theta Phi angles.
• Every direction to be imported must be defined in separated lines.

Considerer an example file (cuts.txt) to plot with the following content:

10.0 10.0
10.0 20.0
20.5 35.0
45.0 0.0

After importing the file, a new cut is added to Theta cuts table for each direction.

10.9.3 Observation Points

This panel allows setting observation points in near field. When this option is selected, the following
panel is shown:

Figure 1069: Observation Points panel

The user can select near field observation points in different ways. The next options are available:

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• Geometry Types observation points may be inserted as group that define different shapes. Select
the desired type entity and click on Add button to set its parameters. The available Geometry
Types are detailed in next subsections. Before adding new elements, check that the Name of the
new entity to be added is different of the already existing ones; otherwise an error will be shown.
• Observation points this section contains several options to work with observation points.
• ◦ The left list contains all the observation shapes that has been added as observation points.
◦ The Edit button allows editing an observation points shape selected on the left list.
◦ The Delete button allows removing the observation entities selected on the left list.
◦ Use the Delete All button to remove all the observation points shapes on the left list.
◦ The Export as Text button allows saving all the generated observation points. Every point is
defined in a different line by its X, Y and Z coordinates.
◦ The Import File allows to add a previously saved observation points file. Only .obs files are
supported, which are the internal format generated by the application.
◦ The Export File allows to save the current observation points configuration in a new file. It
must be saved as .obs file, which are the internal format generated by the application.
◦ Check the Hide observation points option to hide the observation points from the main
geometry window but without deleting them. Disable this option to show the observation

The observation cylinder may be defined as a closed cylinder (circular section) or only a cylindrical
sector (arc section). The following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Base Center coordinates where the base of the cylinder will be placed (in the XY plane).
• Radius radius of the cylinder
• Height Coordinates to define the hight sampling rate of the cylinder.
◦ Number of points define the number of samples to be generated along the height of the
cylinder (in the Z axis).
◦ Height defines the total height of the cylinder.
• Angle Coordinates to define the circular sampling rate of the cylinder.
◦ Number of points define the number of samples to be generated along the transversal
section of the cylinder (in the XY plane).
◦ Initial angle angle where the first circular sample is generated in the transversal section, in
◦ Final angle angle where the last circular sample is generated in the transversal section, in

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Figure 1070: New Cylinder parameters

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the cylinder, or abort the insertion by clicking
on Cancel button.

External File
The user can also import the near field points from a text file. This file can then be imported by
selecting External File into the Geometry Types combo-box. Note that this option imports a file of
points, but does not preserve the near field type (i.e. every point is imported as a separate type). In
order to preserve the near field type, the Export file and Import file must be used instead.

Figure 1071: Open External File dialog

The external file must contain a list of points given by its X, Y and Z coordinates, with every point
specified in separated lines.

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the file, or abort the insertion by clicking on
Cancel button.

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From Curve
This option lets you select a line or curve of the main panel and sampling it as observation points.
Before clicking on Add button having select the From Curve type, the curve has to be selected in the
Geometry panel. As shown in the below figure, the following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Number of points to specify the number of samples generated along the curve.

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the curve, or abort the insertion by clicking on
Cancel button.

Figure 1072: Adding a curve of observation points

The next figure shows that the grid points are added to the Observation points list, and represented
together the geometry as a dotted grid.

Figure 1073: Observation points generated on the curve

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From Surface
This option lets you select a surface of the main panel and sample it as observation points. Before
clicking on Add button having select the From Surface type, the surface has to be selected in the
Geometry panel. As shown in the below figure, the following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Parameters the generated observation entity will be a matrix of U x V points obtained by sampling
the surface.
◦ U-Dimension to specify the number of samples generated along the U-Dimension of the
◦ V-Dimension to specify the number of samples generated along the V-Dimension of the

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the surface, or abort the insertion by clicking
on Cancel button.

Figure 1074: Adding a surface of observation points

The next figure shows that the grid points are added to the Observation points list, and represented
together the geometry as a dotted grid.

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Figure 1075: Observation points generated on the surface

Observation points also may be generated along a virtual straight line sampled between its extremes.
As shown in the below figure, the following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Coordinates the line is defined by its side points.
◦ Initial Point first extreme of the straight line.
◦ Final Point opposite extreme of the straight line.

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the line, or abort the insertion by clicking on
Cancel button.

Figure 1076: New Line parameters

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Use this option to generate a parallelogram of coplanar observation points. The parameters required to
its shape are:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Coordinates the parallelogram is defined by three points that form its two main axis, so the
generated observation entity will be a matrix of Side x Bottom points obtained by sampling the
◦ Side left axis is defined from Point 1 to Point 2.
◦ Bottom axis is defined from Point 2 to Point 3.

Click on OK button to insert the observation points from the parallelogram, or abort the insertion by
clicking on Cancel button.

Figure 1077: New Parallelogram parameters

In this window, the user can create a set of observation points laid out in a grid pattern. To do so, the
user needs to specify several parameters:

• Name A short name that will be used by the user to identify the created set of observation points.
• Constant axis The normal axis of the plane that will contain the grid of observation points.
• Coordinate value Value of the coordinate of the axis specified in the previous option.

For each of the axes different than the one selected in the Constant axis drop-down list, the user
needs to specify the following parameters:

• Initial value Initial value of the coordinate along each axis.

• Total size The total length of the grid of observation points along the axis.
• Number of points The number of observation points along the axis.

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Note The spacing between each pair of consecutive observation points along an axis will be given by
the formula spacing = (total size) / (number of points - 1). This value will be shown next to the
label "Distance btw. points".

Figure 1078: New Plane parameters

Isolated observation points may be generated by using this option. The parameters to specify are:

• Name to define the name of the observation point. The name must be different of the already
defined ones.
• Coordinates position of the observation point, specified by its X, Y and Z coordinates.

Figure 1079: New Point parameters

Click on OK button to insert the observation point, or abort the insertion by clicking on Cancel button.

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The observation sphere may be defined as a full closed sphere or only a spherical sector specified.
Multiple concentric spheres (or spherical sectors) may be defined within the same entity. The following
parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different from the
already defined ones.
• Parameters:
• ◦ Center Point X, Y and Z coordinates where the sphere will be centered on.
◦ Radius radius of the sphere. A radius sweep may be defined to generate multiple concentrical
∙ Initial Radius radius of the first generated sphere, which is the only one if the sweep is
not configured.
∙ Increment Radius step between two adjacent spheres. It is only considered when the
sweep is configured.
∙ Radius Samples number of concentric spheres to be generated, it must be an integer
number. The radius sweep is enabled when this parameter is higher than 1.
◦ Theta Coordinates to set the spherical range where te observation points are generated, in
theta dimension.
∙ Number of points defines the number of samples to be taken in theta dimension along
the specified angular range.
∙ Initial angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the first theta point to be
∙ Final angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the last theta point to be generated.
◦ Phi Coordinates to set the spherical range where te observation points are generated, in phi
∙ Number of points defines the number of samples to be taken in phi dimension along the
specified angular range.
∙ Initial angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the first phi point to be generated.
∙ Final angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the last phi point to be generated.

The total number of observation points to be generated in the sphere is ( Radius Samples) x (
Number of Points) Theta x ( Number of Points) Phi.

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Figure 1080: Spherical observation points.

Click on OKbutton to insert the observation points from the sphere, or abort the insertion by clicking on
Cancelbutton. The View Radial Points will be only enabled after the simulation process if an observation
sphere has been added.

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10.10 Meshing Menu

In this menu, the features of the meshing menu of the MOM module are explained. The options
available in this menu are shown in the figure below:

Figure 1081: Meshing menu

10.10.1 Create Mesh

The most common parameters for the meshing process may be edited in this window.

Figure 1082: Meshing panel

The following parameters may be edited:

• Divisions per wavelength This section specifies the size of the elements to be generated in the
meshing process. Let c be the speed of light in the vacuum (meters per second), given a number
of divisions D and a frequency f, the size of the generated elements L is given by: L = lambda /

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D ; lambda = c / f The larger is the number of divisions specified the denser are the generated
meshes. Different meshing resolution is considered for planar and curved surfaces. Also, a specific
number of divisions may be assigned to different used by using the Specify Divisions option
within the Advanced Options section.
◦ Planar surfaces To set the number of divisions to be applied on planar surfaces which are
contained in a single plane.
◦ Curved surfaces To set the number of divisions to be applied on curved surfaces which are
not contained in a single plane.
• Mesh Mode This section specifies how the meshing frequencies are assigned. It allows considering
different frequencies in the meshing process than the specified in Simulation parameters section.
◦ Octaves When a frequency swept is enabled, the meshing frequencies are different to the
simulation ones. An automatic frequency range per octaves is performed, that depends on the
Initial frequency, the Final frequency set in the Simulation parameters panel, and the
number of Bands per octave specified. The higher is this parameter, the more frequencies are
considered for the meshing process.
◦ Frequency Select this option to set the desired Frequency for the meshing process, in GHz.
If a Frequency Sweep has been enabled within the Simulation parameters panel, all the
steps in the sweep will consider the mesh generated at the Frequency value.
◦ All frequencies: a meshing by each frequency is built, so it is the more accurate option. This
option will only be chosen when the user needs a very accurate mesh.
• Processors To set the number of processors used in the meshing process.
• More Options:
◦ Mesh Repair Select this option to evaluate and repair the generated mesh. It is recommended
for analyzing complex geometries, especially whenever a good convergence is not achieved.
Several problems will be studied and solved isolated and spurious elements are removed,
and overlapped regions are repaired. The detection of this defects on the mesh depends on
two parameters that are explained below and can be edited by clicking on Options button.
Elements with smaller area than the minimum allowed, isolated elements or parallel elements
closer than a minimum distance are deleted from the output mesh. The minimum area and
distance depend on the wavelength, the number of divisions per wavelength selected, and
the Area and Border factors, and they are determined as:

Figure 1083: Meshing Repairing options

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• Click on Advanced Settings button to edit more complex meshing parameters. The available
options are detailed in next subsection.
• Mesh click on this button to save the parameters and start the meshing process.

Advanced Settings
The advanced meshing parameters are detailed within this section, separated in so many sections as
available tabs.
Click on OK button to save the changes performed on every tab. Otherwise, the last configuration will
not be taken into account.

The most common advanced parameters are resumed in the General section.

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Figure 1084: General advanced parameters.

The following options are available within this panel:

• Multilevel Meshing This option generates the mesh automatically in several steps, and it is
usually more efficient (in terms of runtime) than common mesh generation, so it is selected by
default. However, minor differences may appear between the meshes obtained with and without
multilevel mode.
◦ Use Multilevel Meshing enable this option to use the multilevel mode.
◦ First frequency The frequency of the first step may be specified by the user with this
parameter. If this field is empty, the first frequency is automatically computed. It is only
considered when the Multilevel Meshing is enabled.
• Memory Factor This option allows a reduction of the memory resources required in the mesh
generation process. The memory allocation is an automatic feature in this process, so the highest
one is selected by default to ensure that the mesh will be successfully obtained. If the memory
resources exceed the available memory, the message "ERROR Not enough memory. Please, try
decreasing Memory Factor" will appear to suggest decreasing this factor. Sometimes, a short
factor may lead in not enough allocation for the required mesh resolution.
• Volumetric Meshing When a dielectric material is assigned to any geometric object, it may be
defined as a volume, so it will be meshed with hexaedrons instead of quads. If there are any
volume in the geometry, this section is enabled.
◦ Mode This option allows to change the algorithm used in the mesh generation process of
dielectric objects (defined as Volumes). Two different modes are available:

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◦ ∙ Structured Mesh All elements of the volumetric mesh are perfect parallelepipeds. This
method is an approximation of the real shape of the dielectric objects by simple cubes.
Some parts of the mesh can be out of the volume and other regions can have incomplete
regions, but the average volume of the mesh is very similar to the volume of the original
dielectric objects. This algorithm is the fastest one.
∙ Conformed Mesh Most of elements of the volumetric mesh are perfect parallelepipeds,
but only in the completely inner regions of them. The inner structured mesh is joined with
the boundaries of the volume by using hexahedrons of variable shapes. This method is
more accurate than the Structured Mesh, but is also slower and irregular elements may
appear in specific cases.
◦ Divisions Different divisions per wavelength for the X, Y and Z dimensions may be considered
for meshing the volumetric objects. If some of this field is empty, the divisions specified in the
main Meshing Parameters window are assigned.
• Topology If the electrical continuity between the surfaces have to be broken, the option Disable
topology must be selected. Note that the accuracy may be reduced when the electrical continuities
are not correctly analyzed as virtual fissures are introduced.
• Edge Refinement Within this section, the border effect in the mesh generation may be configured.
The border effect consist on generating thinner elements in the boundary of the surfaces than the
meshing size, so currents analysis is more accurate. This function is recommended for analyzing
planar structures.
◦ Edge Refinement This option allows enabling the modelling of border effect in the mesh
◦ Edge Factor It represents the portion of size of the final elements to model the border effect
the higher is this value the are the boundary elements. This parameter may be higher than 3.
It is only enabled when Edge Refinement is selected.

Surfaces Replication
During the meshing process, open objects may be replicated in the meshing process to approximate
them as two thin parallel layers. It may be useful to analyze open structures by using the CFIE
formulation, as the thin layer replication allows to consider its objects at approximate volumes.

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Figure 1085: Meshing advanced parameters - Surfaces Replication

The following options may be edited within this section:

• Replicate Open Surfaces Select this option to activate the replication and the to enable rest of
parameters in the window. If replication is enabled, the elements of the open objects are replicated
to an automatic frequency-dependent distance from the original ones.
• Replication Area This section defines the criterion to select the open objects that would be
replicated or not, according to its dimensions. To force any open objects to not be replicated, use
the Surfaces to not duplicate option included in Advanced Options. The criterion may be edited:
◦ Automatic replication Any object with a total area greater than


square meters is replicated, where div_plane and div_curve are the number of divisions
per wavelength for planar and curved surfaces.. It is the default option.
◦ Replicate all open objects every open objects are replicated.
◦ Objects with area greater than To specify manually the threshold of the minimum total area
of the open objects to be replicated, in square meters.
• Replication Distance The distance between the original objects and their parallel replicas can also
be edited. Two different methods are available:
◦ Automatically calculate By default, the distance (in meters) is given by the following

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◦ Specified distance To specify manually the desired distance, in meters.

Within section, several parameters may be modified to set how the input geometry is preprocessed
before the meshing process. It may result on getting or not electrical continuity between surfaces, or
discarding spurious shapes.

Figure 1086: Meshing advanced parameters geometry tab

Note that every option that may be enabled has at the right side its corresponding parameter to set the
maximum threshold allowed. The following parameters are included in this panel:

• Study geometry enable this option to carry out the input geometry preprocessing. Some features
such as the surface sizes or electrical continuities may be evaluated.
◦ Study edges enable this option to delete the edges of the input surfaces that are shorter than
the Minimum Edge parameter (in meters), extending its adjacent edges. It is only enabled
when the Study geometry option is enabled.
◦ Study loops enable this option to delete the loops of the input surfaces that are shorter than
the Minimum Loop parameter (in meters). It is only enabled when the Study geometry
option is enabled.
◦ Study areas enable this option to delete the input surfaces that are smaller than the
Minimum Area parameter (in square meters). It is only enabled when the Study geometry
option is enabled.

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◦ Detect topology enable this option to detect automatically electrical continuity between
neighboring surfaces that are very close but have not been modeled with precise continuity.
The maximum separation allowed to set the electrical continuity is the Maximum Distance
parameter (in meters). It is only enabled when the Study geometry option is enabled.
◦ Split curves enable this option to divide the curved borders of the input surfaces that describe
curvatures greater than the Maximum Arc parameter (in degrees). It is only enabled when
the Study geometry option is enabled.
◦ Scale geometry enable this option to scale internally the geometry during the meshing
process by the given factor. When the mesh generation finishes, the output mesh has the same
sizes as the original geometry. This option is useful for meshing very small structures. It is only
enabled when the Study geometry option is enabled.

10.10.2 Visualize Existing Mesh

This option can be chosen by the user to load a mesh file (.msh or .mcs file extension). When this
option is selected the following window appears:

Figure 1087: Open a Visualize Existing Mesh

10.10.3 View Log

This option loads a file named mesh_log.txt that contains information about the meshing process. This
information is printed in a new tab on the screen.

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10.11 Calculate Menu

Before executing the simulation, the user needs to make sure that every simulation parameter is
enabled and well-defined. If something is wrong (e.g. the geometry is not meshed) a warning message
will be displayed to remember that it is necessary to properly configure the simulation data.

10.11.1 Execute
This option runs the simulation. The user can set the Number of processors the simulation will run

Figure 1088: Execute Panel

Click on Execute button to launch the simulation. Once the simulation starts, the following panel is

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Figure 1089: Calculate, process log

In this panel, the program shows the process log of the running simulation. Several actions may be
performed within this panel:

• Click on Clear button to remove all the text shown in the process log.
• Click on Save button to export the text shown in the process log to a text file.
• Click on Abort to cancel the current simulation.

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10.12 Show Results

This menu allows the user to visualize the results of the simulation. The results are stored in external
files that the user can access to obtain the corresponding information. Depending on the options
selected in the Simulation Parameters Menu and the Antennas Menu, the enabled options within
the results section may be different.

Most of the plots show 2-D curves of a result field versus an input parameter. This type of graphics
shares additional features of zoom, axis and curves edition, and so on. To read more information about
the chart options (when clicking on the right button over a chart) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced

In the next sections, a description of the results for the different simulation types is detailed.

10.12.1 Far Field

This menu is only enabled if at least one cut has been added within the Output - Observation
Directions section. It allows to visualize the field or gain values in every far field cut defined on
Observation Directions.

The following ways of results representation are included within this menu:

Figure 1090: Far Field options

View Cuts
Use this option to plot the results on the desired Far Field cut, that must be specified in the Output -
Observation Directions menu.

When the user click on the View Cuts option, the following panel will appear:

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Figure 1091: View Cuts panel. Linear Amplitude

This window plots both the amplitude and the phase of the FIELD or GAIN computed for every angular
cut. To plot a graph, select the desired parameters:
• Component The results may be plotted by using different polarizations and its components.
◦ Lineal ETheta, EPhi, ETotal, Ex, Ey and Ex/Ey Total components.
◦ Circular RHCP, LHCP, Circular Total, and AxialRatio components.
◦ +/- 45 +45 and -45 components.
◦ 3rd Ludwig 3x Co-Polar, 3x Cross-Polar, 3y Co-Polar, and 3y Cross-Polar components.
◦ Gain (dBi): Theta Gain, Phi Gain, RHCP Gain, LHCP Gain and Total Gain components.
• Frequencies and Cuts the far field cuts may be represented for each frequency and direction.
◦ Step To select the geometric step in a parametric simulation. If the geometry does not contain
any parameter, only one Step is available.
◦ Frequencies To select the desired frequency in a sweep. If just a frequency has been
analyzed, only one Frequency is available.
◦ Cuts on...Phi/Theta so many cuts as specified in the Observation Directions may be plot by
using this section.

Then, click on Add Series button to plot the selected curve. Having inserted several plots, the Options
section allow to edit the result curves:
• List of Series All the plotted polarizations and components are listed. Note that two options are
included for every plot both the amplitude and the phase.
• View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for every
inserted plot.
• Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
• Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
• Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have .txt extension, and it
must contain in every new line the X and Y values to be plotted.

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• Export Series:To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a .txt file, with the X and Y
values of the plot in a new line.

The user can also switch between the linear graph and the polar graph to visualize far field results.
It is possible to visualize the Linear Phase, Polar Amplitude and Polar Phase by clicking on their
respective tabs.

Figure 1092: View Cuts panel. Linear Phase

Figure 1093: View Cuts panel. Polar Amplitude

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Figure 1094: View Cuts panel. Polar Phase

View Cuts By Frequency

This option is only enabled when a Frequency Sweep is chosen within the Simulation Parameters.
Use it to compare the field or gain values on a Far Field observation direction according to the

When the user click on the View Cuts By Frequency option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1095: View Cuts by Frequency panel. Linear Amplitude

To plot a graph, select the desired observation points:

• Component The results may be plotted by using different polarizations and its components.
◦ Lineal: ETheta, EPhi, ETotal, Ex, Ey and Ex/Ey Total components.
◦ Circular RHCP, LHCP, Circular Total, and AxialRatio components.
◦ +/- 45 +45 and -45 components.
◦ 3rd Ludwig 3x Co-Polar, 3x Cross-Polar, 3y Co-Polar, and 3y Cross-Polar components.
◦ Gain (dBi): Theta Gain, Phi Gain, RHCP Gain, LHCP Gain and Total Gain components.

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• Step and Spherical Coords the far field cuts are represented for each selected direction.
◦ Step To select the geometric step in a parametric simulation. If the geometry does not contain
any parameter, only one Step is available.
◦ Cuts on...Phi/Theta so many cuts as specified in the Observation Directions may be plot by
using this section.
◦ Points Given a selected cut on Phi or Theta directions, the angular steps in the other
spherical dimension must be chosen to be plot along the frequency.

Then, click on Add Series button to plot the selected curve. Having inserted several plots, the
Optionssection allow to edit the result curves:

• List of Series All the plotted polarizations and components are listed. Note that two options are
included for every plot both the amplitude and the phase.
• View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for every
inserted plot.
• Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
• Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
• Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have .txt extension, and it
must contain in every new line the X and Y values to be plotted.
• Export Series:To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a .txt file, with the X and Y
values of the plot in a new line.

The user can also switch between the linear graph and the polar graph to visualize far field results.
It is possible to visualize the Linear Phase, Polar Amplitude and Polar Phase by clicking on their
respective tabs.

Figure 1096: View Cuts by Frequency panel. Linear Phase

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Figure 1097: View Cuts by Frequency panel. Polar Amplitude

Figure 1098: View Cuts by Frequency panel. Polar Phase

View Cuts By Step

This option is useful when a Parametric Simulation has been performed, as the results at each Far
Field observation direction may be compared for every parametric step. We can compare the field
values in each direction at every frequency.

When the user click on the View Cuts By Step option, the following panel will appear:

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Figure 1099: View Cuts by Step panel. Linear Amplitude

Select the results to plot according to next options:

• Component The results may be plotted by using different polarizations and its components.
• ◦ Lineal: ETheta, EPhi, ETotal, Ex, Ey and Ex/Ey Total components.
◦ Circular RHCP, LHCP, Circular Total, and AxialRatio components.
◦ +/- 45 +45 and -45 components.
◦ 3rd Ludwig 3x Co-Polar, 3x Cross-Polar, 3y Co-Polar, and 3y Cross-Polar components.
◦ Gain (dBi): Theta Gain, Phi Gain, RHCP Gain, LHCP Gain and Total Gain components.
• Frequency and Spherical Coods the far field cuts are represented for each frequency and
◦ Frequencies To select the desired frequency in a sweep. If just a frequency has been
analyzed, only one Frequency is available.
◦ Cuts on...Phi/Theta so many cuts as specified in the Observation Directions may be plot by
using this section.Points Given a selected cut on Phi or Theta directions, the angular steps in
the other spherical dimension must be chosen to be plot along the frequency.

Then, click on Add Series button to plot the selected curve. Having inserted several plots, the
Optionssection allow to edit the result curves:

• List of Series All the plotted polarizations and components are listed. Note that two options are
included for every plot both the amplitude and the phase.
• View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for every
inserted plot.
• Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
• Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
• Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have .txt extension, and it
must contain in every new line the X and Y values to be plotted.
• Export Series To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a .txt file, with the X and Y
values of the plot in a new line.

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The user can also switch between the linear graph and the polar graph to visualize far field results.
It is possible to visualize the Linear Phase, Polar Amplitude and Polar Phase by clicking on their
respective tabs.

Figure 1100: View Cuts by Step panel. Linear Phase

Figure 1101: View Cuts by Step panel. Polar Amplitude

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Figure 1102: View Cuts by Step panel. Polar Phase

View Text Files

The values of the field components at every far field directions may be visualized within this menu.
When click on this option, a new tab-panel is opened on right side with some options to select the
results to visualize. Click on Ok button to confirm and visualize the text files of the selected options.

• Step to select the results corresponding to a given status of the parametric simulation.
• Current Frequencies for the selected Step, a list of all the simulated frequencies is available.

When a simulation of an unique step and frequency is performed, the corresponding file text is directly
opened to the left side of the File Text panel.

Click on Save as button to save the text file in the desired path.

10.12.2 Radiation Pattern

This menu is only enabled when the Method of Moments is selected on Solver section, and the option
Compute 3D Pattern is selected in the Method of Moments. The angular step specified in the solver
parameters is used for the whole spherical far field sweep, so this section allows to visualize results in
these spherical coordinates.

The following results are available within this menu:

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Figure 1103: Radiation Pattern results menu

View Cuts
When the user click on the View Cuts option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1104: Radiation Pattern View Cuts panel. Linear Amplitude

This window plots both the amplitude and the phase of the FIELD or GAIN computed in the radiation
patter for every angular cut in the full spherical range. To plot a graph, select the desired parameters:

• Component The results may be plotted by using different polarizations and its components.
◦ Lineal: ETheta, EPhi, ETotal, Ex, Ey and Ex/Ey Total components.
◦ Circular RHCP, LHCP, Circular Total, and AxialRatio components.
◦ +/- 45 +45 and -45 components.
◦ 3rd Ludwig 3x Co-Polar, 3x Cross-Polar, 3y Co-Polar, and 3y Cross-Polar components.

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◦ Gain (dBi): Theta Gain, Phi Gain, RHCP Gain, LHCP Gain and Total Gain components.
• Frecuencies and Cuts the far field cuts may be represented for each frequency and direction.
• ◦ Step To select the geometric step in a parametric simulation. If the geometry does not contain
any parameter, only one Step is available.
◦ Frequencies To select the desired frequency in a sweep. If just a frequency has been
analyzed, only one Frequency is available.
◦ Cuts on...Phi/Theta so many cuts as specified in the Observation Directions may be plot by
using this section.
Then, click on Add Series button to plot the selected curve. Having inserted several plots, the
Optionssection allow to edit the result curves:

• List of Series All the plotted polarizations and components are listed. Note that two options are
included for every plot both the amplitude and the phase.
• View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for every
inserted plot.
• Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
• Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
• Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have .txt extension, and it
must contain in every new line the X and Y values to be plotted.
• Export Series:To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a .txt file, with the X and Y
values of the plot in a new line.

The user can also switch between the linear graph and the polar graph to visualize far field results.
It is possible to visualize the Linear Phase, Polar Amplitude and Polar Phase by clicking on their
respective tabs.

Figure 1105: Radiation Pattern View Cuts panel. Linear Phase

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Figure 1106: Radiation Pattern View Cuts panel. Polar Amplitude

Figure 1107: Radiation Pattern View Cuts panel. Polar Phase

View Cuts by Frequency

This option is only enabled when a Frequency Sweep is chosen within the Simulation Parameters.
It allows to compare the results in a given direction according to the frequency. When the user click on
the View Cuts By Frequency option, the following panel will appear:

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Figure 1108: Radiation Pattern View Cuts panel by frequency. Linear Amplitude

This window plots both the amplitude and the phase of the FIELD or GAIN computed for every
simulated frequency. It is specially useful when a Frequency Sweep is enabled, as we can compare the
field values in each observation direction/point at every frequency. To plot a graph, select the desired
observation points:

• Component The results may be plotted by using different polarizations and its components.
• ◦ Lineal: ETheta, EPhi, ETotal, Ex, Ey and Ex/Ey Total components.
◦ Circular RHCP, LHCP, Circular Total, and AxialRatio components.
◦ +/- 45 +45 and -45 components.
◦ 3rd Ludwig 3x Co-Polar, 3x Cross-Polar, 3y Co-Polar, and 3y Cross-Polar components.
◦ Gain (dBi): Theta Gain, Phi Gain, RHCP Gain, LHCP Gain and Total Gain components.
• Step and Spherical Coords the far field cuts are represented for each direction in the 3D
• ◦ Step To select the geometric step in a parametric simulation. If the geometry does not contain
any parameter, only one Step is available.
◦ Theta select the theta direction in the 3D pattern to compare its results according to the
◦ Phi select the phi direction in the 3D pattern to compare its results according to the

Then, click on Add Series button to plot the selected curve. Having inserted several plots, the
Optionssection allow to edit the result curves:

• List of Series All the plotted polarizations and components are listed. Note that two options are
included for every plot both the amplitude and the phase.
• View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for every
inserted plot.
• Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
• Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.

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• Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have ". txt" extension, and it
must contain in every new line the X and Y values to be plotted.
• Export Series:To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a ".txt" file, with the X and Y
values of the plot in a new line.
The user can also switch between the linear graph and the polar graph to visualize far field results.
It is possible to visualize the Linear Phase, Polar Amplitude and Polar Phase by clicking on their
respective tabs.

Figure 1109: Radiation Pattern View Cuts panel by frequency. Linear Phase

Figure 1110: Radiation Pattern View Cuts panel by frequency. PolarAmplitude

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Figure 1111: Radiation Pattern View Cuts panel by frequency. Polar Phase

View Cuts by Step

This option is useful when a Parametric Simulation has been performed, as the results at each 3D
pattern direction may be compared for every parametric step. We can compare the field values in each
direction at every frequency.

When the user click on the View Cuts By Step option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1112: View Cuts by Step panel. Linear Amplitude

Select the results to plot according to next options:

• Component The results may be plotted by using different polarizations and its components.
◦ Lineal: ETheta, EPhi, ETotal, Ex, Ey and Ex/Ey Total components.
◦ Circular RHCP, LHCP, Circular Total, and AxialRatio components.
◦ +/- 45 +45 and -45 components.
◦ 3rd Ludwig 3x Co-Polar, 3x Cross-Polar, 3y Co-Polar, and 3y Cross-Polar components.
◦ Gain (dBi): Theta Gain, Phi Gain, RHCP Gain, LHCP Gain and Total Gain components.

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• Frequency and Spherical Coords the 3D pattern cuts are represented for each frequency and
◦ Frequencies To select the desired frequency in a sweep. If just a frequency has been
analyzed, only one Frequency is available.
◦ Theta select the theta direction in the 3D pattern to compare its results according to the
parametric steps.
◦ Phi select the phi direction in the 3D pattern to compare its results according to the parametric
Then, click on Add Series button to plot the selected curve. Having inserted several plots, the
Optionssection allow to edit the result curves:

• List of Series All the plotted polarizations and components are listed. Note that two options are
included for every plot both the amplitude and the phase.
• View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for every
inserted plot.
• Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
• Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
• Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have ". txt" extension, and it
must contain in every new line the X and Y values to be plotted.
• Export Series:To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a ".txt" file, with the X and Y
values of the plot in a new line.

The user can also switch between the linear graph and the polar graph to visualize far field results.
It is possible to visualize the Linear Phase, Polar Amplitude and Polar Phase by clicking on their
respective tabs.

Figure 1113: View Cuts by Step panel. Linear Phase

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Figure 1114: View Cuts by Step panel. Polar Amplitude

Figure 1115: View Cuts by Step panel. Polar Phase

View Text Files

The values of the field components of the full radiation pattern may be visualized within this menu.
When click on this option, a new tab-panel is opened on right side with some options to select the
results to visualize:
• Step to select the results corresponding to a given status of the parametric simulation.
• Current Frequencies for the selected Step, a list of all the simulated frequencies is available.

When a simulation of an unique step and frequency is performed, the corresponding file text is directly
opened to the left side of the Far Field File Text panel.

Click on Save as button to save the text file in the desired path.

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View 3D Pattern
This option allows to visualize the full 3D pattern, classified by parametric and frequency steps. The
next figure shows and example of 3D pattern:

Figure 1116: 3D Radiation Pattern diagram

The following elements are available within this panel:

• Left color legend it shows the magnitude and range of values of the represented results.
• Step and Frequency to select the results from the available files to plot the diagram.
◦ Step specify the parametric step when a parametric simulation has been run.
◦ Frequency specify the desired frequency.
• Component The 3D diagram may be plotted by using different polarizations and its components.
◦ Lineal: ETheta, EPhi, ETotal, Ex, Ey and Ex/Ey Total components.
◦ Circular RHCP, LHCP, Circular Total, and AxialRatio components.
◦ +/- 45 +45 and -45 components.
◦ 3rd Ludwig 3x Co-Polar, 3x Cross-Polar, 3y Co-Polar, and 3y Cross-Polar components.
◦ Gain (dBi): Theta Gain, Phi Gain, RHCP Gain, LHCP Gain and Total Gain components.
• Filtering Range Use this section to skip results that are outside the desired range.
◦ Enable Filtering The filter only is applied when this check box is selected.
◦ Max To specify the maximum value of the range.
◦ Min To specify the minimum value of the range.
◦ Filter Click on this button to update the results filtering.
• Radius Use this slider to increase or decrease the size of the 3D pattern representation.
• Radiated Power Shows information about the effective radiated power (ERP), in watts.
• Bottom Options Below the 3D pattern diagram, the following options are included:
◦ Options Disable this option to hide the left menus and visualize just the diagram.
◦ Show Grid Enable this option to show a line grid in the 3D pattern.
◦ Show Geometry Enable this option to visualize the geometry together the 3D pattern. Note
that the 3D pattern is always represented in the origin of coordinates.

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◦ Transparent Enable this option to add a transparency property to the visualized diagram.
◦ Save as To export the current representation as an image file.

Export as DIA File

This menu allows the user to export the radiation diagram into a DIA file to use it later in another
project. After clicking on this option, a new panel is opened on right side with some options to export
the desired DIA file:

• Step to select the results corresponding to a given status of the parametric simulation.
• Frequency for the selected Step, a list of all the simulated frequencies is available.

Click on OK button to confirm and export the selected file, and then select the desired Path to save the

10.12.3 View Currents

This option allows to visualize the induced currents on the geometry, classified by parametric and
frequency steps. Click on Show Results - View Currents to open the window shown in next figure:

Figure 1117: Currents density diagram

The following elements are available within this panel:

• Left color legend it shows the magnitude and range of values of the represented Current
• Step and Frequency to select the results from the available files to plot the currents.
◦ Step specify the parametric step when a parametric simulation has been run.
◦ Frequency specify the desired frequency.
• Magnitude The Current Density may be represented in natural or dBs magnitudes.
◦ dB The current density is represented in logarithmic scale, given in dB-Amperes per meter.
◦ nat The current density is represented in natural scale, given in Amperes per meter.

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• Field Component To specify the component of the current density to plot. Only one component
may be selected:
◦ X Plot the X component of current density.
◦ Y Plot the Y component of current density.
◦ Z Plot the Z component of current density.
◦ Total Plot the total current density, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
• Filtering Range Use this section to skip results that are outside the desired range.
◦ Enable Filtering The filter only is applied when this check box is selected.
◦ Max To specify the maximum value of the range.
◦ Min To specify the minimum value of the range.
◦ Filter Click on this button to update the results filtering.
• Bottom Options Below the currents diagram, the following options are included:
◦ Options Disable this option to hide the left menu and visualize just the currents distribution.
◦ Show Axis Enable this option to show the coordinate axes.
◦ Show Geometry Enable this option to visualize the meshed geometry together the current
◦ Antenna Results Enable this option to visualize the antenna currents or disable it to hide
them. It is only available when a radome has been analyzed.
◦ Save as To export the current representation as an image file.

10.12.4 View Charges

This option allows to visualize the charge density on the geometry, classified by parametric and
frequency steps. Click on Show Results - View Charges to open the window shown in next figure:

Figure 1118: The results represented in the figure above are corresponding to the MOM - Example 10.

The following elements are available within this panel:

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• Left color legend it shows the magnitude and range of values of the represented Charge
• Step and Frequency to select the results from the available files to plot the charges density.
◦ Step specify the parametric step when a parametric simulation has been run.
◦ Frequency specify the desired frequency.
• Magnitude The Charge Density may be represented in natural or dBs magnitudes.
◦ dB The charges density is represented in logarithmic scale, given in dB-Coulomb per square
◦ nat The charges density is represented in natural scale, given in Coulomb per square meter.
• Field Component To specify the component of the current density to plot. Only one component
may be selected:
◦ X Plot the X component of current density.
◦ Y Plot the Y component of current density.
◦ Z Plot the Z component of current density.
◦ Total Plot the total current density, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
• Filtering Range Use this section to skip results that are outside the desired range.
◦ Enable Filtering The filter only is applied when this check box is selected.
◦ Max To specify the maximum value of the range.
◦ Min To specify the minimum value of the range.
◦ Filter Click on this button to update the results filtering.
• Bottom Options Below the charges diagram, the following options are included:
◦ Options Disable this option to hide the left menu and visualize just the charges distribution.
◦ Show Axis Enable this option to show the coordinate axes.
◦ Show Geometry Enable this option to visualize the meshed geometry together the charges
◦ Antenna Results Enable this option to visualize the antenna charges or disable it to hide
them. It is only available when a radome has been analyzed.
◦ Save as To export the charges representation as an image file.

10.12.5 Near Field

This menu is only enabled with any observation point has been added in Output - Observation points
section. With in this menu, the following options are available to visualize different results on near field.

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Figure 1119: Near Field menu

View Near Field Diagram

After clicking on Show Results - Near Field - View Near Field Diagram, a new panel is opened on
right side to select which observation points are considered in the diagram. In this panel, the following
options are available:

• Step To specify the step results files when a parametric simulation has been run.
• Frequency To specify the desired frequency results files when a frequency sweep has been run.
• Observation points List with all the observation points entities defined. Select the desired ones to
plot the near field results.
• Select all Click on this button to select all the observation points entities.
• Ok Confirm the observation points to plot and open the Near Field 3D diagram.

Then, the options available in the Near Field 3D results panel are listed:

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Figure 1120: Near Field diagram

• Left color legend it shows the magnitude and range of values of the represented results.
• Incidence The near field may be plotted by considering different contributions on the observation
◦ Scatter Scattered field components.
◦ Direct Direct field components.
◦ Total Combination of the scattered field plus the direct field components.
• Magnitude The near field may be represented in natural or dBs magnitudes.
◦ dBs The near field is represented in logarithmic scale, given in dB-Amperes per meter for
magnetic field, or in dB-Volts per meter for electric field.
◦ nat The near field is represented in natural scale, given in Amperes per meter for magnetic
field, or in Volts per meter for electric field.
• Field Component To specify the field component to plot. Only one component may be selected:
◦ Ex Plot the X component of electric field.
◦ Ey Plot the Y component of electric field.
◦ Ez Plot the Z component of electric field.
◦ ETotal Plot the total electric field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
◦ Hx Plot the X component of magnetic field.
◦ Hy Plot the Y component of magnetic field.
◦ Hz Plot the Z component of magnetic field.
◦ HTotal Plot the total magnetic field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
• Filtering Range Use this section to skip results that are outside the desired range.
• ◦ Enable Filtering The filter only is applied when this check box is selected.
◦ Max To specify the maximum value of the range.
◦ Min To specify the minimum value of the range.
◦ Filter Click on this button to update the results filtering.
• Bottom Options Below the near field diagram, the following options are included:

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• ◦ Options Disable this option to hide the left menu and visualize just the near field diagram.
◦ Show Grid Enable this option to visualize the grid of the near field observation entity.
◦ Show Geometry Enable this option to visualize the meshed geometry together the near field
◦ Show Axis Enable this option to show the coordinate axes.
◦ Save as To export the current representation as an image file.

View Observation Points

Use this option to plot curves of near field components along the observation points. Note that the
observation points are listed in the X axis, so its order may vary the curve shape. Click on Show
Results - Near Field - View Observation Points, and the below window will appear:

Figure 1121: View Observation Points panel

Within this window, the following options are available:

• Incidence The near field may be plotted by considering different contributions on the observation
◦ Scatter Scattered field components.
◦ Direct Direct field components.
◦ Total Combination of the scattered field plus the direct field components.
• Magnitude The near field may be represented in natural or dBs magnitudes.
◦ dBs The near field is represented in logarithmic scale, given in dB-Amperes per meter for
magnetic field, or in dB-Volts per meter for electric field.
◦ nat The near field is represented in natural scale, given in Amperes per meter for magnetic
field, or in Volts per meter for electric field.
• Component To specify the field component to plot. Only one component may be selected:
◦ Ex Plot the X component of electric field.
◦ Ey Plot the Y component of electric field.
◦ Ez Plot the Z component of electric field.

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◦ ETotal Plot the total electric field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
◦ Hx Plot the X component of magnetic field.
◦ Hy Plot the Y component of magnetic field.
◦ Hz Plot the Z component of magnetic field.
◦ HTotal Plot the total magnetic field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
• Step, Frequency and Observation Select the observation points to plot.
◦ Step To specify the step results files when a parametric simulation has been run.
◦ Frequency To specify the desired frequency results files when a frequency sweep has been
◦ Observation points List with all the observation points entities defined. Select the desired
ones to plot the near field results.
◦ Add series Confirm the observation points to plot and add its curve.
• Options Having inserted several plots, the Options section allow to edit the result curves:
◦ List of Series All the plotted field components are listed. Note that two options are included
for every plot for most of components both the amplitude and the phase. However, ETotal and
HTotal only represent the module.
◦ View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for
every inserted plot.
◦ Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
◦ Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
◦ Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have ". txt" extension,
and it must contain in every new line the point index and the values to be plotted.
◦ Export Series:To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a ".txt" file, with the point
index and the value of the plot in a new line.
• Options Disable this option to hide the left menu and visualize just the near field curves.

View Observation Points By Frequency

This option allow to compare the near field values in a given observation point according to the
frequency. It is only useful if a Frequency Sweep has been run. Click on Show Results - Near Field
- View Observation Points By Frequency, and the next window will appear:

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Figure 1122: View Observation Points By Frequency panel (Module)

Within this window, the following options are available:

• Incidence The near field may be plotted by considering different contributions on the observation
◦ Scatter Scattered field components.
◦ Direct Direct field components.
◦ Total Combination of the scattered field plus the direct field components.
• Magnitude The near field may be represented in natural or dBs magnitudes.
◦ dBs The near field is represented in logarithmic scale, given in dB-Amperes per meter for
magnetic field, or in dB-Volts per meter for electric field.
◦ nat The near field is represented in natural scale, given in Amperes per meter for magnetic
field, or in Volts per meter for electric field.
• Component To specify the field component to plot. Only one component may be selected:
◦ Ex Plot the X component of electric field.
◦ Ey Plot the Y component of electric field.
◦ Ez Plot the Z component of electric field.
◦ ETotal Plot the total electric field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
◦ Hx Plot the X component of magnetic field.
◦ Hy Plot the Y component of magnetic field.
◦ Hz Plot the Z component of magnetic field.
◦ HTotal Plot the total magnetic field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
• Step and Observation Points Select the observation points to plot.
◦ Step To specify the step results files when a parametric simulation has been run.
◦ Observation points List with all the observation points entities defined. Select the desired
ones to load the next list.
◦ Point Specify the index point within the observation entities selected above to compare its
values along the frequency.

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◦ Add series:Confirm the observation points to plot and add its curve.
• Options Having inserted several plots, the Options section allow to edit the result curves:
◦ List of Series All the plotted field components are listed. Note that two options are included
for every plot for most of components both the amplitude and the phase. However, ETotal and
HTotal only represent the module.
◦ View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for
every inserted plot.
◦ Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
◦ Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
◦ Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have ". txt" extension,
and it must contain in every new line the point index and the values to be plotted.
◦ Export Series:To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a ".txt" file, with the point
index and the value of the plot in a new line.
• Options Disable this option to hide the left menu and visualize just the near field curves.

Figure 1123: View Observation Points By Frequency panel (Phase)

View Observation Points By Step

This option allow to compare the near field values in a given observation point according to the
geometric configuration (or parametric step). It is only useful if the geometry depends on one or more
parameters which have multiple values. Click on Show Results - Near Field - View Observation
Points By Step, and the next window will appear:

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Figure 1124: View Observation Points By Step panel (Module)

Within this window, the following options are available:

• Incidence The near field may be plotted by considering different contributions on the observation
◦ Scatter Scattered field components.
◦ Direct Direct field components.
◦ Total Combination of the scattered field plus the direct field components.
• Magnitude The near field may be represented in natural or dBs magnitudes.
◦ dBs The near field is represented in logarithmic scale, given in dB-Amperes per meter for
magnetic field, or in dB-Volts per meter for electric field.
◦ nat The near field is represented in natural scale, given in Amperes per meter for magnetic
field, or in Volts per meter for electric field.
• Component To specify the field component to plot. Only one component may be selected:
◦ Ex Plot the X component of electric field.
◦ Ey Plot the Y component of electric field.
◦ Ez Plot the Z component of electric field.
◦ ETotal Plot the total electric field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
◦ Hx Plot the X component of magnetic field.
◦ Hy Plot the Y component of magnetic field.
◦ Hz Plot the Z component of magnetic field.
◦ HTotal Plot the total magnetic field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
• Frequency and Observation Points Select the observation points to plot.
◦ Frequencies To specify the desired frequency results files when a frequency sweep has been
◦ Observation points List with all the observation points entities defined. Select the desired
ones to load the next list.
◦ Point Specify the index point within the observation entities selected above to compare its
values along the frequency.

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◦ Add series:Confirm the observation points to plot and add its curve.
• Options Having inserted several plots, the Options section allow to edit the result curves:
◦ List of Series All the plotted field components are listed. Note that two options are included
for every plot for most of components both the amplitude and the phase. However, ETotal and
HTotal only represent the module.
◦ View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for
every inserted plot.
◦ Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
◦ Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
◦ Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have .txt extension, and
it must contain in every new line the point index and the values to be plotted.
◦ Export Series:To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a .txt file, with the point
index and the value of the plot in a new line.
• Options Disable this option to hide the left menu and visualize just the near field curves.

Figure 1125: View Observation Points By Step panel (Phase)

View Radial Points

This option is only enabled when the user has set up several Sphere within the Output - Observation
Points section. It plots the near field for each observation spheres in the desired direction versus the
radius. After clicking on Show Results - Near Field - View Radial Points, the next window is open.

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Figure 1126: Radial Field results (Module)

Within this window, the following options are available:

• Incidence The near field may be plotted by considering different contributions on the observation
◦ Scatter Scattered field components.
◦ Direct Direct field components.
◦ Total Combination of the scattered field plus the direct field components.
• Magnitude The near field may be represented in natural or dBs magnitudes.
◦ dBs The near field is represented in logarithmic scale, given in dB-Amperes per meter for the
magnetic field, or in dB-Volts per meter for the electric field.
◦ nat The near field is represented in natural scale, given in Amperes per meter for the magnetic
field, or in Volts per meter for the electric field.
• Component To specify the field component to the plot. Only one component may be selected:
◦ Ex Plot the X component of the electric field.
◦ Ey Plot the Y component of the electric field.
◦ Ez Plot the Z component of the electric field.
◦ ETotal Plot the total electric field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
◦ Hx Plot the X component of magnetic field.
◦ Hy Plot the Y component of magnetic field.
◦ Hz Plot the Z component of magnetic field.
◦ HTotal Plot the total magnetic field, which is the combination of the X, Y and Z components.
• Step, Frequency, Observation and Coords Select the observation points to plot.
◦ Step To specify the step results files when a parametric simulation has been run.
◦ Frequency To specify the desired frequency results files when a frequency sweep has been
◦ Observation Spheres List with all the different observation spheres entities that have been
defined. Select the desired one to specify the direction in the next fields.

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◦ Theta Cut Spherical theta angle within the above-selected observation sphere, in degrees.
◦ Phi Cut Spherical theta angle within the above-selected observation sphere, in degrees.
◦ Add series Confirm the observation points to plot and add its curve.
• Options Having inserted several plots, the Options section allow to edit the result curves:
◦ List of Series All the plotted field components are listed. Note that two options are included
for every plot for most of the components both the amplitude and the phase. However, ETotal
and HTotal only represent the module.
◦ View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for
every inserted plot.
◦ Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
◦ Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
◦ Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have ". txt" extension,
and it must contain in every new line the point index and the values to be plotted.
◦ Export Series To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a ".txt" file, with the point
index and the value of the plot in a new line.
• Options Disable this option to hide the left menu and visualize just the near field curves.

Figure 1127: Radial Field results (Phase)

View Text Files

The values of the near field components on the observation points may be visualized and exported as a
text file within this menu. When click on this option, a new tab-panel is opened on right side with some
options to select the results to visualize:

• Step to select the results corresponding to a given status of the parametric simulation.
• Frequency for the selected Step, a list of all the simulated frequencies is available.

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Figure 1128: Viewing near field values in text format

When a Text File is visualized, click on Export button to save it as a text file in the desired path.

10.12.6 View Radiation Map

The Radiation Map is a diagram that shows show the scattered field by each region in the specified
directions. It is only available when the Radiation Map has been set as Simulation type in the
Simulation Parameters section.

The signal, which may be set with different shapes, is generated by every antenna source available in
the simulation, and the delay process may be computed in multiple far field observation directions.

After running a Radiation Map type simulation, click on Show Results - View Radiation Map to
open the Radiation Map results, and the following panel is shown:

Figure 1129: Radiation Map results

Within this window, the following options are available:

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Step - Frequency
Select the results files to plot.
• Step To specify the step results files when a parametric simulation has been run.
• Frequency To specify the desired frequency results files when a frequency sweep has been

The radiation map may be represented in natural or dBs magnitudes.
• dBs The radiation map is represented in logarithmic scale, given in dB-Volts per meter for
electric field.
• nat The radiation map is represented in natural scale, given in Volts per meter for electric

To specify the field component to plot and the observation direction to be considered:
• Global/Directional Select the observation direction.
◦ Global Only the Z axis direction is considered.
◦ Directional The user may introduce the observation direction, defined by its spherical
• Phi/Phi/Total Select the field component of electric field to plot.
• Theta Spherical theta angle to define the observation direction, in degrees. It is only enabled
when de Directional mode is selected.
• Phi Spherical phi angle to define the observation direction, in degrees. It is only enabled
when de Directional mode is selected.
• Load Confirm the selection to plot and update the diagram representation.

Filtering Range
Use this section to skip results that are outside the desired range.
• Enable Filtering The filter only is applied when this check box is selected.
• Max To specify the maximum value of the range.
• Min To specify the minimum value of the range.
• Filter Click on this button to update the results filtering.

Bottom Options
Below the radiation map diagram, the following options are included:
• Options Disable this option to hide the left menu and visualize just the radiation map
• Show Axis Enable this option to show the coordinate axes.
• Show Geometry Enable this option to visualize the meshed geometry together the radiation
map results.
• Save as To export the represented results as an image file.

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10.12.7 View Delay Process

The Delay Process is a post-process computation that shows how a given signal is distorted in the
time domain because of its environment. It is only available when the Delay Process has been set as
Simulation type in the Simulation Parameters section.

The signal, which may be set with different shapes, is generated by every antenna source available in
the simulation, and the delay process may be computed in multiple far field observation directions.

After running a Delay Process type simulation, click on View Delay Process to open the Delay
Process window, and the following panel is shown on the right side:

Figure 1130: Delay Process panel

This panel contains several options for plotting the Delay Process:

• Observation Directions to define the spherical far-field ranges where the Delay Process will be
computed. The first row defines the theta interval and the second row the phi one.
◦ Initial Theta first observation direction in theta, in degrees.
◦ Step (Theta) angular increment for the theta sampling, in degrees.
◦ Samples (Theta) total angles analyzed in theta direction, starting from the Initial Theta
with Step equispaced intervals.
◦ Initial Phi first observation direction in phi, in degrees.
◦ Step (Phi) angular increment for the phi sampling, in degrees.
◦ Samples (Phi) total angles analyzed in phi direction, starting from the Initial Phi with Step
equispaced intervals.

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• Component specify the field polarization and components considered for the Delay Process
◦ Linear or Circular polarization are differenciated.
◦ Etheta or Ephi components may be chosen only when the Linear polarization is selected. It
specifies the consideration of only the Theta or Phi component.
◦ Eul or Eur components may be chosen only when the Circular polarization is selected. It
specifies the consideration of only the Left or Right component.
• Options - Threshold only the contributions whouse level is below the strongest one up to this
threshold, in dB, are taken into account.
• Signal the original signal may be generated by using different patterns. All of them are configured
in the time domain.
◦ Dirac Delta only a pulse is generated in the initial time.
◦ CDMA a random distribution of pulses centred with positive (high) an negative (low) levels is
generated. Note that a low or high level is considered as a Pulse.
∙ Length number of pulses to be generated.
∙ Pulse Width time duration of each Pulse, in microseconds.
◦ Sinusoid a sinusoidal signal is generated.
∙ Carrier Freq. frequency of the sinusoidal signal, in MHz.
∙ Phase initial phase of the sinusoidal signal, in degrees.
∙ Duration total length of the generated sinusoid in the time domain, in microseconds.
◦ Tukey Envelope a Gaussian signal enveloped by a rectangular pulse is generated.
∙ Alpha Parameter define the slope of the Gaussian curve. The higher is this parameter,
the more enveloped by the rectangular pulse is the generated signal.
∙ Pulse Width define the total length of the generated signal in the time domain, in
• Time this section specifies the observation time range.
• Initial
first observation instant in the time domain, in microseconds.

last observation instant in the time domain, in microseconds.

number of instants to evaluate deDelay Processthat are equally equispaced in the time

Click on OK button to plot de Delay Process results.

Only when the CDMA signal has been selected, the window represented below ask the selection of the
Correlation Signal to be plotted with the following options.

• Input (x[n]) the original CDMA signal is represented.

• Output (y[n]) the received CDMA signal is represented
• Correlation (c[n]) the correlation on the received signal is represented.

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Figure 1131: Selection of signal to be plotted with CDMA

In the following, a Coaxial Feed Dipole has been simulated at 300 MHz. to compare the plots obtained
by using the different signals:

Figure 1132: Delay Process generated with a Dirac Delta signal

Figure 1133: Delay Process generated with a CDMA (output y[n]) signal

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Figure 1134: Delay Process generated with a Sinusoid signal

Figure 1135: Delay Process generated with a Tukey Envelope signal

10.12.8 Export Multipole File

This option is only enabled when the Simulation Type is set to Multipole. Then, use it to save the
multipole simulation file of a project to be used in later simulations. When the geometry depends on
parameters, the multipoles of every steps and frequencies are available:
• Select a step Select the parametric step to export its multipole results.
• Select a frequency Specify the frequency of the sweep to export its multipole results.

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10.12.9 Antenna Impedance

With this option, the user can visualize the calculated impedance results for each antenna and for each
user defined frequency.
• Select the parametric Step to consider its results.
• The user can specify the impedance used for normalizing the results with the Normalized (SWR
- Return Loss) parameter, or using the local impedance at every frequency by using the Auto
option. The table is updated whenever one of this parameters is modified.

Only the antennas fed with physical feeding (for example, a Coaxial Feed point) are included in this

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Figure 1136: Viewing Antenna Impedance results in table format

Clicking the View Text File button, the results shown as a table will appear in text file format:

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Figure 1137: Viewing Antenna Impedance results in text format

If user selects one column of the table and press Chart button, a representation of the selected values
will appear in chart format.

Figure 1138: Viewing Antenna Impedance results in chart format

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10.12.10 S-Parameters
This option is only enabled when the Simulation Type is set to S-Parameters. Then, the user can
visualize the calculated S-Parameters results for each defined coaxial feed antennas and for each user
defined frequency.

Click on Show Results - S-Parameters menu and the S-Parameters panel shown in figure below is

Figure 1139: S-Parameters panel

The S-Parameters panel contains the following options:

• Matrix Selection:
◦ Step To select the geometric step in a parametric simulation. If the geometry does not contain
any parameter, only one Step is available.

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◦ Matrix Selection The results may be represented in different magnitudes.

∙ S scattering parameters.
∙ Z impedance parameters.
∙ Y admittance parameters.
◦ Representation The results are represented as complex values, given by different
components and units.
∙ Real, Imag The Real and Imaginary parts are shown, in natural scale.
∙ Amplitude, Phase The Amplitude is given in natural format, and the Phase in degrees.
∙ db, Phase The amplitude, which is named dB, is given in logarithmic format, and the
Phase in degrees.
◦ Ports section It shows all the available ports. When a port is selected in this list, it is selected
in the geometry panel, so it is useful to identify where each port is placed.
• Results This section contains a table with the results represented in the format specified according
to the Matrix Selection configuration. Each row in the table represents a frequency with all the
parameters given by columns. Within the table, the results may be selected by columns for further
• Buttons below:
◦ View Text File Open a new tab panel with the table Results given in text file format. It can
be exported by clicking on Save as... button.
◦ Advanced Report Open a new window with multiple options to export all the results as a
html file. The next information may be edited:
∙ Output Matrices The results may be generated in one or all the magnitudes as
mentioned above.
∙ Output Units The results may be generated in one or all the magnitudes and units as
mentioned above.
∙ Frequency To select all frequency steps within a frequency sweep with the Export All
Frequencies option, or just the desired one with the Export Single Frequency option.
∙ Step To select all geometric steps in the parameteric simulation with the Export All
Steps option, or just the desired one with the Export Single Step option.
∙ Output Format To select the output format.
∙ Generate Click on this button to confirm the selected configuration and generate the
output file. Then, the path of the output file is required.
∙ Cancel To close the Advanced Report window.

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Figure 1140: Advanced Report window

• Chart Click on this button to generate a 2D-plot with the selected row within the Results section.
Every time that this button is clicked on, the new plots are included in the same graph.

Some examples of results representation are included in next figures.

Figure 1141: S-Parameters plot

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Figure 1142: S-Parameters as text file

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Figure 1143: S-Parameters as html file

10.12.11 Insertion Losses

This option allows the user to visualize the values of the Insertion Losses only on simulations with
some radome defined and the Calculate antenna results option activated on the radome definition
window. User can visualize the Insertion Losses values for all frequencies of the selected simulation

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Figure 1144: Insertion Losses Results

10.12.12 Boresight Error

This option allows the user to visualize the values of the Boresight Erroronly on simulations with
some radome defined and the Calculate antenna results option activated on the radome definition
window. User can see the Boresight Error values for all frequencies of the selected simulation step.

Figure 1145: Boresight Error Results

10.12.13 Post-Process
For information about the Post-Process menu, see Post-Process.

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10.12.14 Amplitude-Phase Point Results

The user can choose between seeing the results divided by the different frequencies used, or by the
number of steps committed.

Figure 1146: Amplitude-Phase Point results menu

Amplitude-Phase Point by frequency

When the user selects the by frequency option the following tab will appear:

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Figure 1147: Point results by frequency

In this menu the user can select which point will be represented in the chart. In order to do so, the
user must select first the point that will be represented and click on the first cell of the Amplitude-
Phase Point column of the Results chart. It is also posible to specify a step(Default value is 1). User can
visualize in plain text the evolution of a point in a specified step with the View Text File button.

Figure 1148: Point results by frequency in plain text

Then click the Chart button and the following graph will appear:

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Figure 1149: Amplitude-Phase Point results by Frequency.

Import/Export Series:With these options the user is allowed to export or import a series. To export a
series the user needs to click in the panel beneath which series will be exported (Amplitude or Phase).
This will give the user a .txt file with the X and Y values of the plot in a new line. To import a series the
user must submit a .txt file which must contain in every new line the X and Y values to be plotted.

List of Series In this panel will appear all the series that are being plotted into the graph. Here the
user can customize each plot or remove the desired ones. The customization options are:

• View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for every
inserted plot.
• Change series stroke Change the composition of the plots from a preset of options.
• Change Color Change the color of the selected plot.
• Remove Plot Delete a chosen plot from the graph.

Amplitude-Phase Point by step

When the user selects the by step option the following tab will appear:

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Figure 1150: Point results by step

On this menu the user can select which point will be represented in the chart. In order to do so, the
user must select first the point that will be represented and click on the first cell of the Amplitude-Phase
Point column of the Results chart. It is also possible to specify a frequency band(Default value is 1.0).
User can visualize in plain text the evolution of a point with a specified frequency with the View Text File

Figure 1151: Point results by step in plain text

Then click the Chart button and the following graph will appear:

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Figure 1152: Amplitude-Phase Point results by Steps.

Import/Export Series:With these options the user is allowed to export or import a series. To export a
series the user needs to click in the panel beneath which series will be exported (Amplitude or Phase).
This will give the user a .txt file with the X and Y values of the plot in a new line. To import a series the
user must submit a .txt file which must contain in every new line the X and Y values to be plotted.

List of Series:In this panel will appear all the series that are being plotted into the graph. Here the
user can customize each plot or remove the desired ones. The customization options are:

• View points: Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for every
inserted plot.
• Change series stroke: Change the composition of the plots from a preset of options.
• Change Color: Change the color of the selected plot.
• Remove Plot: Delete a chosen plot from the graph.

View Monostatic Cuts

This menu is only enabled when the Method of Moments is selected on Solver section, and the option
Monostatic is selected in the Source - Plane wave section.

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Figure 1153: Figure:Amplitude-Phase Point results menu

When the user clicks on the View Monostatic Cuts option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1154: Monostatic View Cuts panel. Linear Amplitude

To plot a graph, select the desired parameters: Frequencies and Cuts Here the user is able to select
a feeding point, its Step and Frequencies and the list of Phi or Theta cuts to add the defined serie to the
graph. Then, click on Add Series button to plot the selected curve.

Options This menu allow the user to edit the result curves.

• List of Series All the plotted polarizations and components are listed. Note that two options are
included for every plot both the amplitude and the phase.
• View points Enable this option to visualize the points where the field has been computed for every
inserted plot.

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• Change color This option allows to change the color of the selected curve in the above List of
• Remove To delete the selected curve in the above List of Series.
• Import Series To add a new plot from an external file. The file must have .txt extension, and it
must contain in every new line the X and Y values to be plotted.
• Export Series To export the selected curve in the above Plot List in a .txt file, with the X and Y
values of the plot in a new line.

The user can also switch between the linear graph and the polar graph to visualize far field results.
It is possible to visualize Linear Amplitude, Linear Phase, Polar Amplitude and Polar Phase by clicking on
their respective tabs.

Figure 1155: Monostatic View Cuts panel. Linear Phase

Figure 1156: Monostatic View Cuts panel. Polar Amplitude

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Figure 1157: Monostatic View Cuts panel. Polar Phase

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10.13 Tools Menu

For information about the Tools menu, refer to the Tools.

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10.14 Help Menu

For information about the Help menu, refer to Help Menu.

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10.15 Training Examples

In this section, there are some examples showing the basic use of the MOM module. For further
information about antennas simulations, see Antennas.

10.15.1 Example 1: Common Simulation

This case explains how to calculate far-field, radiation pattern, current density, charge density and near
field of an open box with a dipole antenna insides the box.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open 'New Fasant' and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1158: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model. To get the complete information about geometries edition see 4.
Geometry Menu.

Execute 'box' command writing it on the command line and sets the parameters as the next figure
shows when command line ask for it.

Figure 1159: Box parameters

Select box geometry on the main panel and execute 'explode' command writing it on the command line.
Then the box will be transformed into 6 surfaces.

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Figure 1160: Box selection and 'explode' command

Select the top surface and execute 'delete' command. Then the surface will be removed from the

Figure 1161: Surface selection and 'delete' command

Select all remaining surfaces and execute 'group' command.

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Figure 1162: Surfaces selection and 'group' command

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

Figure 1163: Simulation Parameters panel

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Step 4: Set the source parameters. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see

Select 'Source --> Dipole --> Dipole Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the next figure.
Then save the parameters and the dipole appears.

Figure 1164: Dipole Antenna panel

Step 5: Set Near Field parameters.

Select 'Output --> Observation Points' option. The following panel will appear.

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Figure 1165: Observation Points panel

To add a line visualization, select 'line' on the selector of 'Geometry Types' section and click on 'Add'
button. The line parameters panel will appear, then configure the values as the next figure show and
accept it clicking on 'OK' button.

Figure 1166: Observation Line panel

The observation line will appear as a dashed line on the position configured.

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Figure 1167: Observation Line visualization

Step 6: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing,it is recommended to
run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

Figure 1168: Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

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Figure 1169: Meshing process log

Step 7: Execute the simulation.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the
results,it is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the

Figure 1170: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process

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Figure 1171: Execute process log

Step 8: Show Results. To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on
right button of the mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation directions

Figure 1172: Far Field cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Far Field'

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menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this
option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1173: Radiation Pattern cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Radiation
Pattern' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and
this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1174: Radiation Pattern 3D

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Currents' option to show the current density.

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Figure 1175: Current Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Charges' option to show the charge density.

Figure 1176: Charge Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> Near Field --> View Near Field Diagram' option to show the observation points
diagram. Previously, select the observation to visualize and the step and frequency on the next figure.

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Figure 1177: Near Field diagram selection

Figure 1178: Near Field Diagram

Changing values for incidence, magnitude, field or component parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> Near Field --> View Observation Points' option to show the observation points

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Figure 1179: Near Field Observation Points cuts

Selecting other values for incidence, component, step, frequency or observation parameters and clicking
on 'Add Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Far
Field' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and
this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

10.15.2 Example 2: Common Parametric Simulation with

Frequency Sweep
This case explains how to calculate far-field, radiation pattern, current density, charge density, near
field and coupling of a parametric open box with a dipole antenna insides the box and with a frequency
sweep from 0.5 GHz to 1.5GHz with 3 samples.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT' and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1180: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

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Step 2: Create parameters for the parametric geometry model.

Select 'Geometry --> Parameters --> Define Parameters' option from the menu bar. Then, on the
panel, set the follow parameters. 'side' parameter will be the values for the size of the box in width and
depth, 'h' parameter will be the height value on the box and 'initPoint' will be the value for the initial
point coordinates on the base of the box. To obtain more information about parameters definition see

Figure 1181: Parameters panel

Step 3: Create the geometry model. To obtain more information about geometries generation see

Execute 'box' command writing it on the command line and sets the parameters as the next figure
shows when command line ask for it.

Figure 1182: Box parameters

Select box geometry on main panel and execute 'explode' command writing it on the command line.
Then the box will be transformed into 6 surfaces.

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Figure 1183: Box selection and 'explode' command

Select the top surface and execute 'delete' command. Then the surface will be removed from the

Figure 1184: Surface selection and 'delete' command

Select all remaining surfaces and execute 'group' command.

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Figure 1185: Surfaces selection and 'group' command

Step 4: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

Figure 1186: Simulation Parameters panel

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Step 5: Set the source parameters. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see

Select 'Source --> Dipole --> Dipole Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the next figure.
Then save the parameters and the dipole appears.

Figure 1187: Dipole Antenna panel

Step 6: Set Near Field parameters.

Select 'Output --> Observation Points' option. The following panel will appear.

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Figure 1188: Observation Points panel

To add a line visualization, select 'line' on the selector of 'Geometry Types' section and click on 'Add'
button. The line parameters panel will appear, then configure the values as the next figure show and
accept it clicking on 'OK' button.

Figure 1189: Observation Line panel

The observation line will appear as a dashed line on the position configured.

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Figure 1190: Observation Line visualization

Step 7: Set Passive Antenna parameters for coupling results.

Select 'Output --> Passive Antenna' option. On the panel show, select the 'Enable / Disable Coupling'
check box and set the parameters as the next figure. Then save the parameters and the passive
antenna appears as a magenta dipole.

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Figure 1191: Passive Antenna panel

Step 8: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing,it is recommended to
run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

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Figure 1192: Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

Figure 1193: Meshing process log

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Step 9: Execute the simulation. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the results,it
is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show.

Figure 1194: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process

Figure 1195: Execute process log

Step 10: Show Results. To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on
right button of the mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation directions

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Figure 1196: Far Field cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters.

On 'Show Results --> Far Field' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View
Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Figure 1197: Far Field by Frequency cuts

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Figure 1198: Far Field by Step cuts

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1199: Radiation Pattern cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters.

On 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step'
and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or

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Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1200: Radiation Pattern 3D for step 1 and frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Figure 1201: Radiation Pattern 3D for step 2 and frequency 0.5 GHz

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Figure 1202: Radiation Pattern 3D for step 2 and frequency 1.5 GHz

Select 'Show Results --> View Currents' option to show the current density.

Figure 1203: Current Density for step 1 and frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

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Figure 1204: Current Density for step 3 and frequency 1.5 GHz

Select 'Show Results --> View Charges' option to show the charge density.

Figure 1205: Charge Density for step 1 and frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

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Figure 1206: Charge Density for step 3 and frequency 1.5 GHz

Select 'Show Results --> Near Field --> View Near Field Diagram' option to show the observation points
diagram. Previously, select the observation to visualize and the step and frequency on the next figure.

Figure 1207: Near Field diagram selection

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Figure 1208: Near Field Diagram for step 1 and frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for incidence, magnitude, field or component parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Figure 1209: Near Field Diagram for step 3 and frequency 1.5 GHz

Select 'Show Results --> Near Field --> View Observation Points' option to show the observation points

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Figure 1210: Near Field Observation Points cuts

Selecting other values for incidence, component, step, frequency or observation parameters and clicking
on 'Add Series' button a new cut will be added for the selected parameters.

On 'Show Results --> Near Field' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View
Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Figure 1211: Near Field Observation Points by Frequency cuts

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Figure 1212: Near Field Observation Points by Step cuts

Select 'Show Results --> Coupling' option to show the value of the coupling between antennas.

Figure 1213: Coupling values

Selecting other values step or frequency parameters new table of values for the coupling between
antennas and passive antenna will be shown.

On 'Show Results --> Coupling' menu, other results are present such as 'View Coupling by Step' and
'View Coupling by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or

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Figure 1214: Coupling by Frequency values

Figure 1215: Coupling by Step values

10.15.3 Example 3: Radiation Map Simulation with

Frequency Sweep
This case explains how to calculate far-field, radiation pattern, current density, charge density, and
radiation map of an open box with a dipole antenna insides the box and a frequency sweep from 0.5
GHz to 1.5 GHz with 3 examples.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

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Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1216: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model. To obtain more information about geometries generation see

Execute 'box' command writing it on the command line and sets the parameters as the next figure
shows when command line ask for it.

Figure 1217: Box parameters

Select box geometry on the main panel and execute 'explode' command writing it on the command line.
Then the box will be transformed into 6 surfaces.

Figure 1218: Box selection and 'explode' command

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Select the top surface and execute 'delete' command. Then the surface will be removed from the

Figure 1219: Surface selection and 'delete' command

Select all remaining surfaces and execute 'group' command.

Figure 1220: Surfaces selection and 'group' command

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

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Figure 1221: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 4: Set the source parameters. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see

Select 'Source --> Dipole --> Dipole Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the next figure.
Then save the parameters and the dipole appears.

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Figure 1222: Dipole Antenna panel

Step 5: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing,it is recommended to
run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

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Figure 1223: Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

Figure 1224: Meshing process log

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Step 6: Execute the simulation. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the results,it
is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show.

Figure 1225: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process

Figure 1226: Execute process log

Step 7: Show Results. To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on
right button of the mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation directions

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Figure 1227: Far Field cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Far Field'
menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this
option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Figure 1228: Far Field by Frequency cuts

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

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Figure 1229: Radiation Pattern cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Radiation
Pattern' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and
this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1230: Radiation Pattern 3D for frequency 0.5 GHz

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Figure 1231: Radiation Pattern 3D for frequency 1.0 GHz

Figure 1232: Radiation Pattern 3D for frequency 1.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Currents' option to show the current density.

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Figure 1233: Current Density for frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

Figure 1234: Current Density for frequency 1.5 GHz

Select 'Show Results --> View Charges' option to show the charge density.

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Figure 1235: Charge Density for frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Figure 1236: Charge Density for frequency 1.5 GHz

Select 'Show Results --> View Radiation Map' option to show the radiation map.

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Figure 1237: Radiation Map for frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

Figure 1238: Radiation Map for frequency 1.5 GHz

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10.15.4 Example 4: Delay Process Simulation with

Frequency Sweep
This case explains how to calculate far field, radiation pattern, current density, charge density and delay
process of a open box with a dipole antenna insides the box and a frequency sweep from 0.5 GHz to 1.5
GHz with 3 examples.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1239: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model. To obtain more information about geometries generation see

Execute 'box' command writing it on the command line and sets the parameters as the next figure
shows when command line ask for it.

Figure 1240: Box parameters

Select box geometry on the main panel and execute 'explode' command writing it on the command line.
Then the box will be transformed into 6 surfaces.

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Figure 1241: Box selection and 'explode' command

Select the top surface and execute 'delete' command. Then the surface will be removed from the

Figure 1242: Surface selection and 'delete' command

Select all remaining surfaces and execute 'group' command.

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Figure 1243: Surfaces selection and 'group' command

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

Figure 1244: Simulation Parameters panel

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Step 4: Set the source parameters. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see

Select 'Source --> Dipole --> Dipole Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the next figure.
Then save the parameters and the dipole appears.

Figure 1245: Dipole Antenna panel

Step 5: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing,it is recommended to
run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

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Figure 1246: Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

Figure 1247: Meshing process log

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Step 6: Execute the simulation. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the results,it
is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show.

Figure 1248: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process

Figure 1249: Execute process log

Step 7: Show Results. To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on
right button of the mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation directions

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Figure 1250: Far Field cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Far Field'
menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this
option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Figure 1251: Far Field by Frequency cuts

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

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Figure 1252: Radiation Pattern cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Radiation
Pattern' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and
this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1253: Radiation Pattern 3D for frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

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Figure 1254: Radiation Pattern 3D for frequency 1.0 GHz

Figure 1255: Radiation Pattern 3D for frequency 1.5 GHz

Select 'Show Results --> View Currents' option to show the current density.

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Figure 1256: Current Density for frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

Figure 1257: Current Density for frequency 1.5 GHz

Select 'Show Results --> View Charges' option to show the charge density.

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Figure 1258: Charge Density for frequency 0.5 GHz

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Figure 1259: Charge Density for frequency 0.5 GHz

Select 'Show Results --> View Delay Process' option to show the time delay. Set the parameters as the
next figure shows:

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Figure 1260: Delay Process parameters panel

Then, click on 'OK' Button the delay process cut appears:

Figure 1261: Delay Process cuts

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Changing values for step, frequency, theta cut or phi cut parameters and clicking on 'Add Series' button
a new cut will be added to the selected parameters.

10.15.5 Example 5: Multipole Examples

Multipole Simulation
This case explains how to calculate far-field, radiation pattern, current density, charge density and
save a multipole file. Then use the multipole file to calculate the near field not calculated in the first

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1262: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model. To obtain more information about geometries generation see

Execute 'box' command writing it on the command line and sets the parameters as the next figure
shows when command line ask for it.

Figure 1263: Box parameters

Select box geometry on the main panel and execute 'explode' command writing it on the command line.
Then the box will be transformed into 6 surfaces.

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Figure 1264: Box selection and 'explode' command

Select the top surface and execute 'delete' command. Then the surface will be removed from the

Figure 1265: Surface selection and 'delete' command

Select all remaining surfaces and execute 'group' command.

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Figure 1266: Surfaces selection and 'group' command

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

Figure 1267: Simulation Parameters panel

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Step 4: Set the source parameters. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see

Select 'Antenna --> Dipole --> Dipole Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the next figure.
Then save the parameters and the dipole appears.

Figure 1268: Dipole Antenna panel

Step 5: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing,it is recommended to
run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

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Figure 1269: Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

Figure 1270: Meshing process log

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Step 6: Execute the simulation. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the results,it
is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show.

Figure 1271: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process

Figure 1272: Execute process log

Step 7: Show Results. To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on
right button of the mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation directions

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Figure 1273: Far Field cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Far Field'
menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this
option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1274: Radiation Pattern cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Radiation

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Pattern' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and
this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1275: Radiation Pattern 3D

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Currents' option to show the current density.

Figure 1276: Current Density

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Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Charges' option to show the charge density.

Figure 1277: Charge Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> Export Multipole File' option to save the multipole file on a selected path for
use in other simulations. Previous, select the step and frequency for the multipole file.

Figure 1278: Export Multipole

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Step 8: Delete the geometry model and the dipole antenna and set the multipole file saved as an
antenna. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see Antennas.

Figure 1279: Delete Antenna

Figure 1280: Import Multipole File as Antenna

Step 9: Set Near Field parameters.

Select 'Output --> Observation Points' option. The following panel will appear.

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Figure 1281: Observation Points panel

To add a line visualization, select 'line' on the selector of 'Geometry Types' section and click on 'Add'
button. The line parameters panel will appear, then configure the values as the next figure show and
accept it clicking on 'OK' button.

Figure 1282: Observation Line panel

The observation line will appear as a dashed line on the position configured.

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Figure 1283: Observation Line visualization

Step 10: Meshing and Execute as in steps 5 and 6.

Step 11: Show Results again to ensure that results are similar to the original simulation.

Multipole Array Simulation

This example shows how to simulate an array of dipoles and how to create the multipole file and how to
use it in another project.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set up the
frequency at 3 GHz and the multipole option, as the next figure shows and save it.

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Step 3: Set the source parameters. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see

In this example, a physical dipole (coaxial feed) is set up.

Select 'Antenna --> ‘Primitive Antenna’ --> ‘Coaxial Feed’ --> ‘Dipole' option and set the parameters as
show the next figure. Then save the parameters and the dipole appears.

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Step 4: Using the array command, a small array is created.

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Step 5: Create the geometry model. To obtain more information about geometries generation see
Geometry Menu.

Execute 'box' command writing it on the command line and sets the parameters as the next figure
shows when command line ask for it.

Note if you are doing this example to obtain the multipole file (arraySmallBoxMultipole4lambda.suj) to
be used on (GTD-Example) then, to get a faster simulation, the dimensions of the box are:

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First point -0.225, -0.1, -0.1

Width 0.2

Depth 0.2
Height 0.2

Step 6: Solver parameters menu.

As you can see in the below figure, in this example, CFIE is setting up.

Step 7: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing, it is recommended to
run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

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Step 8: Execute the simulation. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the results,
it is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters.

Step 9: Show Results. To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on
the right button of the mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

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Step 10: Export Multipole File.

Select 'Show Results --> Export Multipole File' option to save the multipole file on a selected path for
use in other simulations. Previous, select the step and frequency for the multipole file.

Step 11: Close the project and open a new MoM Project.

In the new project, we import the previously created multipole. Because the geometry in the previous
project is very big we have many multipole, each multipole model the radiation of the current in

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each cube of one wavelength of side. We can use this multipole to compute the fields at a distance
greater than 2*(D**2)/lambda, where D is the size of the cubes. In this case this distance is given by
2*(lambda**2)/lambda = 2*lambda= 20 cm.
The process to create this project is similar to the previous one, the main changes are on the next

Step 1: Set the source parameters. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see

Select 'Antenna --> ‘Primitive Antenna’ --> ‘Equivalent Sources’ --> ‘Multipole' option and set the
parameters as show the next figure. Then save the parameters and the dipole appears.

Step 2: Set Near Field Parameters

Select ‘Output’ --> ‘Observation Points’ option. Select ‘cylinder’ on the selector ‘Geometry Types’ section
and click on ‘Add’ button. The line parameters panel will appear, then set up the values as the next
figure show and accept it clicking on ‘Ok’ button.

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Step 3: Show Results.

Select 'Show Results --> Near Field --> View Near Field Diagram' option to show the observation points
diagram. Previously, select the observation to visualize and the step and frequency on the next figure.

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10.15.6 Example 6: Common Simulation with a Coaxial

Feed Source
This case explains how to calculate far-field, radiation pattern, current density, charge density, near
field and impedance of an open box with a coaxial feed simple blade insides the box.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1284: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model. To obtain more information about geometries generation see

Execute 'box' command writing it on the command line and sets the parameters as the next figure
shows when command line ask for it.

Figure 1285: Box parameters

Select box geometry on main panel and execute 'explode' command writing it on the command line.
Then the box will be transformed into 6 surfaces.

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Figure 1286: Box selection and 'explode' command

Select the top surface and execute 'delete' command. Then the surface will be removed from the

Figure 1287: Surface selection and 'delete' command

Select all remaining surfaces and execute 'group' command.

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Figure 1288: Surfaces selection and 'group' command

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

Figure 1289: Simulation Parameters panel

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Step 4: Set the source parameters. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see

Select 'Source --> Primitive Antenna --> Coaxial Feed --> Blade --> Simple Blade' option and set the
parameters as show the next figure. Then save the parameters and the antenna appears.

Figure 1290: Simple Blade Antenna panel

Step 5: Set Near Field parameters.

Select 'Output --> Observation Points' option. The following panel will appear.

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Figure 1291: Observation Points panel

To add a line visualization, select 'line' on the selector of 'Geometry Types' section and click on 'Add'
button. The line parameters panel will appear, then configure the values as the next figure show and
accept it clicking on 'OK' button.

Figure 1292: Observation Line panel

The observation line will appear as a dashed line on the position configured.

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Figure 1293: Observation Line visualization

Step 6: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing,it is recommended to
run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

Figure 1294: Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

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Figure 1295: Meshing process log

Step 7: Execute the simulation. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the results,it
is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show.

Figure 1296: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process

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Figure 1297: Execute process log

Step 8: Show Results. To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on
right button of the mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation directions

Figure 1298: Far Field cuts

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Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Far Field'
menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this
option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.
Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1299: Radiation Pattern cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Radiation
Pattern' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and
this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

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Figure 1300: Radiation Pattern 3D

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Currents' option to show the current density.

Figure 1301: Current Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Charges' option to show the charge density.

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Figure 1302: Charge Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> Near Field --> View Near Field Diagram' option to show the observation points
diagram. Previously, select the observation to visualize and the step and frequency on the next figure.

Figure 1303: Near Field diagram selection

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Figure 1304: Near Field diagram

Changing values for incidence, magnitude, field or component parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> Near Field --> View Observation Points' option to show the observation points

Figure 1305: Near Field Observation Points cuts

Selecting other values for incidence, component, step, frequency or observation parameters and clicking
on 'Add Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Near
Field' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and
this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

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Select 'Show Results --> View Impedance' option to show the impedance values for the simulated
coaxial feed.

Figure 1306: Impedance panel

Selecting other values for the step or return loss parameters new values will be displayed for the
selected parameters.

Clicking on 'Chart' button when any columns selected on 'Results' table, a plot with the values will be

Figure 1307: Impedance chart

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10.15.7 Example 7: Basic Reflectarray Simulation

This case explains how to analyze a reflectarray layout. The database used in step 4 to create the
reflectarray layout is the database created on section Annex 1: Creating a Reflectarray Database.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1308: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model. To get the complete information about geometries edition see 4.
Geometry Menu.

First, select 'centimeters' on units list on the bar at the bottom of the main window.

Figure 1309: Units selection

Execute 'plane' command writing it on the command line and sets the parameters as the next figure
shows when command line ask for it.

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Figure 1310: Plane parameters

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

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Figure 1311: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 4: Create a reflectarray layout.

Select 'Source --> Reflectarray --> New Layout' option. The following panel will appear. First load de
database previously created with Periodical Structures module, using the icon with a green plus sign
and selecting the database on the path where it is stored. Then select the parameters as the next figure

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Figure 1312: Reflectarray New Layout panel

Clicking on the 'eye' icon, the parameters of the database will be shown on a new tab.

Figure 1313: Reflectarray Database Information panel

Select the plane previously created to generate the reflectarray over it. The reflectarray layout is
generated placing in each cell the structure of geometries with the phase value closest to the phase
value calculated by the user-selected function for this purpose. Then, click on 'Create' button and wait
until the reflectarray layout is created.

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Figure 1314: Reflectarray creation process

Figure 1315: Reflectarray Layout

Step 5: Set the source parameters. To obtain more information about sources and antennas see

First, select 'View--> Reference Plane' and set the parameters as the next figure shows, then click on
'Update' button to put the reference plane as the figure:

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Figure 1316: Reference Plane panel

Select 'Source --> Import Pattern File' option and select BOC0677.dia file from 'myDataFiles' folder on
the installation path of newFASANT software.

Figure 1317: Pattern File Import panel

Select 'Source --> Pattern File --> Pattern File Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the
next figure. Then save the parameters and the antenna appears.

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Important select the check box "Relative to reference plane" to set the position and orientation relative
to the local reference plane.

Figure 1318: Pattern File Antenna panel

Step 6: Meshing the geometry model. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing,it is
recommended to run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure.

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Figure 1319: Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

Figure 1320: Meshing process log

Step 7: Execute the simulation.

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Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the
results,it is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the

Figure 1321: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process

Figure 1322: Execute process log

Step 8: Show Results. To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on
right button of the mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

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Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation directions

Figure 1323: Far Field cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Far Field'
menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this
option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

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Figure 1324: Radiation Pattern 3D

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Currents' option to show the current density.

Figure 1325: Current Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

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Select 'Show Results --> View Charges' option to show the charge density.

Figure 1326: Charge Density

10.15.8 Example 8: S-Parameters

This case explains how to calculate the S-parameters of an bifilar helix antenna placed on a plane.

Step 1 Create a new MOM Project

Open newFASANT and select File - New option. Select MOM on the module selection.

Figure 1327: New Project panel

Step 2 Create the bifilar antenna with its ground plane

Open the Source menu and navigate to click on Primitive Antenna - Coaxial Feed - Helix - Multi-
filar Helix option to select an antenna from the primitives.

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Figure 1328: Primitive Antenna menu

The Multi-filar Helix panel is open on right side. Set all parameters by default except the number of
Helixes, which is set to 2. Then, this primitive provide two ports defined one in each Helix. Confirm the
antenna definition by clicking on Add button. After that, close the Multi-filar Helix panel.

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Figure 1329: Bi-filar helix definition

This antenna must be placed on a planar structure which acts as reference plane. Use the plane
command to insert a plane under the helix antenna with the following parameters.

Figure 1330: Plane parameters

The resulting geometry is represented in next figure.

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Figure 1331: Final geometric design

Step 3 Set Simulation Parameters

Click on Simulation - Parameters option on the menu bar. Set a Frequency Sweep and the S-
Parameters as shown in the figure below. Remember clicking on Save button to confirm the changes.

Note that a large number of frequencies has been set in this example, so the simulation time may
requires several minutes. You may reduce the number of Samples to speed-up the simulation time and
generate the example with less resolution.

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Figure 1332: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 4 Set Solver Parameters

Click on Solver - Parameters option on the menu bar. Verify that all the parameters are defined by
default, as shown in next figure. Click on Save button before going to next step.

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Figure 1333: Solver Parameters panel

Step 5 Meshing

Click on Meshing - Create Mesh option on the menu bar. To use the same mesh for all the frequency
sweep, select the Frequencyand specify the upper frequency of the range, 3.5 GHz. Select the
available number of Processors, and then launch the meshing process by clicking on Mesh button.

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Figure 1334: Meshing parameters

After the end of the meshing process, the meshes may be visualized by clicking on Meshing -
Visualize Existing Mesh and select the mesh within any frequency folder. Then, you can verify that
the mesh show the electrical continuity between the helix filaments and the ground plane, as shown in
next figure.

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Figure 1335: Generated mesh

Step 6 Execute

Click on Calculate - Execute menu and launch the simulation with the available processors. Launch
the simulation by clicking on Calculate button.

Step 7 Results

When the simulation process has finished, the S-Parameters are enabled within the results menu. Click
on Show Results menu and S-Parameters option to visualize this parameters. The panel with the
available options to visualize the S-Parameters is open on right side.

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Figure 1336: S-Parameters parameters

Select the S Matrix Representation and the option db, Phase in Representation section. Then,
select the column to represent in the Results table and then click on Chart button to add them to plot

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Figure 1337: S11 and S22 parameters plot

Figure 1338: Z11 parameters plot

Click on Advanced Report button, and select all the fields to be exported into a html file, which may
be selected in the new Advanced Report window shown in next figure.

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Figure 1339: Advanced Report window

Figure 1340: Advanced Report results for the first frequency

10.15.9 Example 9: Parameters, Frequency Sweep, Far

and Near Field
This case explains how to generate a full example with most of options available in the tool geometric
parameters, frequency sweep, primitive antennas, solver parameters, 3D radiation pattern, and
observation entities for near field.

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Step 1 Create a new MOM Project

Open newFASANT and select File - New option. Select MOM on the module selection.

Figure 1341: New Project panel

Step 2 Create the geometry

A quadri-filar helix antenna on a box which is moving according to a parameter will be generated.

Create the geometric parameter to be used in the box later. Click on Geometry - Parameters menu
and select the Define Parameters option. Then, click on Add parameter button and the new
parameter added it is named X and its values ranges from -0.25 to 0.25 with 11 equispaced samples,
as shown in next figure. Remember clicking on Save button before closing the parameters panel.

Figure 1342: Parameter X defined

Now, create a box which is moving along the X axis according to the defined parameter. Tip box in the
command line and press Enter key or click on Geometry - Solid menu and select the Box option.
Define the box with the same arguments than shown below:

Figure 1343: Box parameters

As the box definition contains an operation over the X parameter, a new auxiliary parameter has been
added, so it is possible to use again this operation by repeating it or by using the name of this auxiliary
parameter (in this example, it is named $1 but it may change in other cases). Verify that the auxiliary
parameter has been correctly added within Geometry - Parameters - Define Parameters panel.

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Figure 1344: Geometric parameters with an auxiliary parameter

Now, an antenna will be placed on the top of the box in a fixed position. That means that only the box is
moving. It may be useful to make a parametric study to find which is the optimal ground plane position
for the antenna behaviour. Click on Source - Primitive Antenna - Coaxial Feed - Helix - Multi-filar
Helix menu, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1345: Primitive Antenna menu

The Multi-filar Helix panel is open on right side. Set all parameters by default Z position, which is set to
0.1. Then, this primitive provide four ports defined one in each Helix. Confirm the antenna definition by
clicking on Add button. After that, close the Multi-filar Helix panel.

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Figure 1346: Quadri-filar helix definition

This antenna must be placed on a planar structure which acts as reference plane, so the box performs
this function. The resulting geometry is represented in next figure.

Figure 1347: Final geometric design

Step 3 Set Simulation Parameters

Click on Simulation - Parameters option on the menu bar. Set a Frequency Sweep and the None as
shown in the figure below. Remember clicking on Save button to confirm the changes.

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Note that a large number of frequencies has been set in this example, so the simulation time may
requires several minutes due to the combination with the parametric steps. You may reduce the number
of Samples to speed-up the simulation time and generate the example with less resolution.

Figure 1348: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 4 Set Solver Parameters

Click on Solver - Parameters option on the menu bar. Set the OpenMP Architecture Strategy, and then
verify that all the parameters are defined by default, as shown in figure below.

Note that EFIE is set even having a box which is closed and could be analyzed with CFIE. As it is not an
electrically large case and the convergence is good, we can solve it directly with EFIE. However, if CFIE
is selected, the user must assign EFIE to the helix antenna within the Solver - Advanced Options -

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Figure 1349: Solver Parameters panel

This example will be solved with Direct Solver. To do that, click on Advanced Options, and set the
Max. Number of unknowns for Direct Solver with a value which is higher than the number of
unknowns of the problem. As it is a small case, a value of 10000 is high enough for considering the
Direct Solver. Note that the Compute 3D Pattern option is enabled, as we want to generate the
3D radiation pattern in the simulation process. Click on Save button to close the Solver Advanced
Options window by confirming the changes.

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Figure 1350: Solver Advanced Options

Click on Save button before going to next step, and the Solver panel may be already closed.

Step 5 Output

Both Far field and Near field results are considered in this example.

Regarding the Far field, click on Output menu and select the Observation Directions option. Set the
default parameters in the Observation Directions panel, and click on Save button before closing it.

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Figure 1351: Observation directions

On the other hand, a plane and a progressive radial sphere will be generated as observation points.
Click on Output menu and select the Observation Points option to open the Observation Points

First, within the Geometry Types section select the Plane on the list and click on Add button to open
the New Plane window. Set the values as shown in figure below and click on OK button to add the
observation plane.

Figure 1352: Observation plane

Next, within the Geometry Types section select the Sphere on the list and click on Addbutton to
open the New Sphere window. Set the values as shown in figure below and click on OKbutton to add

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the observation sphere. Note that several Radius Samples has been set, so we will generate multiple
spheres in the same entity and the Radial Points results will be enabled after the simulation process.

Figure 1353: Observation sphere

Having inserted the plane and the sphere as observation points entities, they are shown together the
geometry in the Geometry panel. Then, you can close the Observation Points panel.

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Figure 1354: Observation points panel

Figure 1355: Geometry together the observation points entities

Step 6 Meshing

Click on Meshing - Create Mesh option on the menu bar. To use the same mesh for all the frequency
sweep, select the Frequencyand specify the upper frequency of the range, 0.9 GHz. Select the
available number of Processors, and then launch the meshing process by clicking on Mesh button.

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Figure 1356: Meshing parameters

After the end of the meshing process, the meshes may be visualized by clicking on Meshing -
Visualize Existing Mesh and select the mesh in any frequency folder within the desired step folder.
Then, you can verify that the mesh show the electrical continuity between the helix filaments and the
box, as shown in next figure.

Figure 1357: Generated mesh (step 0)

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Figure 1358: Generated mesh (step 3)

Step 7 Execute

Click on Calculate - Execute menu and launch the simulation with the available processors. Launch
the simulation by clicking on Calculate button.

Step 8 Results

When the simulation process has finished, most of options are enabled within the results menu.

Click on Show Results - Far Field menu and View Cuts option. In the figure below, we compare the
Total Gain of the only considered far field cut versus all the geometric steps. To do that, select the
Gain Lineal - ETotal Gain, and then click on Add Series button after selecting every step.

Figure 1359: Far field cuts for every parametric step

Click on Show Results - Radiation Pattern menu and View Cuts By Step option. In the next
figure, a comparison of a far field direction (obtained from the 3D radiation pattern) versus the
parametric step is shown. To do that, select the Circular, and then click on Add Series button after
selecting each component.

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Figure 1360: Far field cuts for every parametric step

To visualize the 3D radiation pattern, click on Show Results - Radiation Pattern menu and View 3D
Pattern option. The diagram of the first parametric step at 800 MHz is depicted in next figure.

Figure 1361: Far field 3D pattern

The next figure shows the current distribution on the structure at the second parametric step. To
visualize it, click on Show Results - View Currents menu.

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Figure 1362: Current density distribution

Far field 3D pattern

The charges density on the structure is represented in next figure. To visualize it, click on Show
Results - View Charges menu. Note that the Enable Filtering has been enabled.

Figure 1363: Charge density distribution

The next figure shows the near field distribution on the observation plane. To visualize it, click on Show
Results - Near Field menu and select the first option, View Near Field Diagram. Then, select the
Step, Frequency and Observation entity in the Near Field 3D panel and click on OK button to open
the results.

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Figure 1364: Near field distribution on the observation plane

The last results represented in this example is the Near field obtained from the observation radial
spheres in a near field direction at all the simulated frequencies. To do that, Click on Show Results
- Near Field menu and select the View Radial Points option. To do that, select the Theta and Phi
directions, and then click on Add Series button after selecting frequency step.

Figure 1365: Radial near field comparison at every frequency

10.15.10 Examples with Different Pointing Algorithms

Example 1: 16x16 Short Dipole Array with Uniform Algorithm

This case explains how to use the uniform algorithms to calculates the pointing parameters in a
bidimensional short dipole array.

Step 1 Create a new MoM Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

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Figure 1366: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2 Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, set the parameters and save it.

Figure 1367: Simulation panel

Step 3 Create the array.

Click on Source - Dipole - Dipole Array to create an array of 16x16 electrical short dipoles, with a
spacing of 0.04 m, that are oriented following the y-axis. The array is located on the XY plane. The
spacing of 0.04m is equivalent to a spacing of 0.267 in units of lambda, at a frequency of 2 GHz.

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Figure 1368: Dipole Array panel

Step 4 Feed the array.

To set the feeding of the array select Source - Antenna Feeding and the following panel will open.

Figure 1369: Antenna Feeding panel

This is the default setting. To use the uniform algorithm click on Tools - User Function and select
the corresponding function. NOTE To use the bidimensional uniform function it is needed to download
both the bi-dimensional and the unidimensional functions.

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Figure 1370: Bi-dimensional Uniform function

A path has been selected by default so the files will be created on the mydatafiles folder in the
newFASANT directory.

Figure 1371: Bidimensional Uniform function

The next step is generating the text file. To do so click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the

Figure 1372: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

• d1 element spacing of the array in the x-axis in units of lambda
• N1 number of array elements of the array in the x-axis
• d2 element spacing of the array in the y-axis in units of lambda
• N2 number of array elements of the array in the y-axis
• theta beam angle, in degrees
• phi azimuth angle, in degrees

In this case, set the parameters as shown. Angles of theta=45º and phi=0º are selected as an

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Figure 1373: Calculator panel

The text file will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder.

Figure 1374: Results file

Now, apply these results to the array created before by clicking on Source - Antenna Feeding.

The panel shown before will appear. To use the weights and phases calculated with the uniform
algorithm, click on Import.

Figure 1375: Amplitude/Phase File panel

Select the corresponding file and save the feeding.

Step 5 Create ground plane.

In order to avoid unwanted radiation to go below the array, create a ground plane using the plane
command, or Geometry - Surface - Plane. The array is situated in the XY plane with z=0, so the z
coordinate has to be negative.

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Figure 1376: Plane parameters

View of the dipole array.

Figure 1377: Array view

Step 6 Solver parameters.

Select Solver - Advanced Options and set the parameters as shown.

Figure 1378: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 7 Meshing the geometry model.

Select Mesh - Create Mesh to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as
show the next figure.

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Figure 1379: Meshing panel

Click on Mesh.

Step 8 Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

Figure 1380: Calculate panel

Step 9 Show Results.

The radiation cuts can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View Cuts.

Figure 1381: Radiation Pattern Cuts

The radiation pattern can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View 3D

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Figure 1382: Radiation Pattern 3D

Figure 1383: Radiation Pattern 3D

Example 2: 20x20 Pattern File Array with Uniform Algorithm

This case explains how to use the uniform algorithms to calculates the pointing parameters in a
bidimensional pattern file array.
Step 1 Create a new MoM Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

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Figure 1384: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2 Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, set the parameters and save it.

Figure 1385: Simulation panel

Step 3 Import the pattern file

Select Source - Import Pattern File and click on the Import button.

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Figure 1386: Open DIA File panel

The file is now imported.

Figure 1387: Import DIA File panel

Step 4 Create the array

Click on Source - Pattern File - Pattern File Array to create an array of 20x20 pattern file dipoles,
with a spacing of 0.04m, that are oriented following the z -axis. The array is located on the XY plane.
The spacing of 0.04m is equivalent to a spacing of 0.267 in units of lambda, at a frequency of 2 GHz.

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Figure 1388: Pattern File Array panel

Step 5 Feed the array

To set the feeding of the array select Source - Antenna Feeding and the following panel will open.

Figure 1389: Antenna Feeding panel

This is the default setting. To use the uniform algorithm click on Tools - User Function and select
the corresponding function. NOTE To use the bidimensional uniform function it is needed to download
both the bidimensional and the unidimensional functions.

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Figure 1390: Bidimensional Uniform function

A path has been selected by default so the files will be created on the mydatafiles folder in the
newFASANT directory.

Figure 1391: Bidimensional Uniform function

The next step is generating the text file. To do so click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the

Figure 1392: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

· d1 element spacing of the array in the x-axis in units of lambda

· N1 number of array elements of the array in the x-axis

· d2 element spacing of the array in the y-axis in units of lambda

· N2 number of array elements of the array in the y-axis

· theta beam angle, in degrees

· phi azimuth angle, in degrees

In this case, set the parameters as shown. Angles of theta=20º and phi=0º are selected as an

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Figure 1393: Calculator panel

The text file will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder.

Figure 1394: Results file

Now, apply these results to the array created before by clicking on Source - Antenna Feeding.

The panel shown before will appear. To use the weights and phases calculated with the uniform
algorithm, click on Import.

Figure 1395: Amplitude/Phase File panel

Select the corresponding file and save the feeding.

Step 6 Create ground plane.

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In order to avoid unwanted radiation to go below the array, create a ground plane using the plane
command, or Geometry - Surface - Plane. The array is situated in the XY plane with z=0, so the z
coordinate has to be negative.

Figure 1396: Plane parameters

View of the pattern file array.

Figure 1397: Array view

Step 7 Solver parameters.

Select Solver - Advanced Options and set the parameters as shown.

Figure 1398: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 8 Meshing the geometry model.

Select Mesh - Create Mesh to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as
show the next figure.

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Figure 1399: Meshing panel

Click on Mesh.

Step 9 Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

Figure 1400: Calculate panel

Step 10 Show Results

The radiation cuts can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View Cuts.

Figure 1401: Radiation Pattern Cuts

The radiation pattern can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View 3D

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Figure 1402: Radiation Pattern 3D

Example 3: 14x14 Coaxial Feed Array with Uniform Algorithm

This case explains how to use the uniform algorithms to calculates the pointing parameters in a
bidimensional coaxial feed array.

Step 1 Create a new MoM Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

Figure 1403: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2 Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, set the parameters and save it.

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Figure 1404: Simulation panel

Step 3 Create the array

First, select 'milimeters' on units list on the bar at the bottom of the main window.

Figure 1405: The first element is created using Source - Coaxial Feed - Add Feed Point.

Figure 1406: Add feed point

Select the surfaces and click on Add.

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Figure 1407: Coaxial Feed panel

Then save the feed point.

Use the array command and enter the characteristics of the array.

Figure 1408: Array parameters

Figure 1409: Array view

Step 4 Feed the array

To set the feeding of the array select Source - Antenna Feeding and the following panel will open.

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Figure 1410: Antenna Feeding panel

This is the default setting. To use the uniform algorithm click on Tools - User Function and select
the corresponding function. NOTE To use the bi-dimensional uniform function it is needed to download
both the bi-dimensional and the unidimensional functions.

Figure 1411: Bid-imensional Uniform function

A path has been selected by default so the files will be created on the mydatafiles folder in the
newFASANT directory.

Figure 1412: Bi-dimensional Uniform function

The next step is generating the text file. To do so click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the

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Figure 1413: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

· d1 element spacing of the array in the x-axis in units of lambda

· N1 number of array elements of the array in the x-axis

· d2 element spacing of the array in the y-axis in units of lambda

· N2 number of array elements of the array in the y-axis

· theta beam angle, in degrees

· phi azimuth angle, in degrees

In this case, set the parameters as shown. Angles of theta=30º and phi=0º are selected as an

Figure 1414: Calculator panel

A spacing of 0.5 in units of lambdas is selected because is equivalent to a spacing of 2.104 millimeters
at 70 GHz.

The text file will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder.

Figure 1415: Results file

Now, apply these results to the array created before by clicking on Source - Antenna Feeding.

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10 MOM p.1255

The panel shown before will appear. To use the weights and phases calculated with the uniform
algorithm, click on Import.

Figure 1416: Amplitude/Phase File panel

Select the corresponding file and save the feeding.

Step 5 Solver parameters

Select Solver - Advanced Options and set the parameters as shown.

Figure 1417: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 6 Meshing the geometry model.

Select Mesh - Create Mesh to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as
show the next figure.

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Figure 1418: Meshing panel

Step 7 Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

Figure 1419: Calculate panel

Step 8 Show Results

The radiation cuts can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View Cuts.

Figure 1420: Radiation Pattern Cuts

The radiation pattern can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View 3D

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Figure 1421: Radiation Pattern 3D

Example 4: 16x16 Short Dipole Array with Dolph-Chebychev

This case explains how to use the Dolph-Chebychev algorithms to calculates the pointing parameters in
a bidimensional short dipole array.

Step 1 Create a new MoM Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

Figure 1422: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.
Step 2 Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, set the parameters and save it.

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Figure 1423: Simulation panel

Step 3 Create the array.

Click on Source - Dipole - Dipole Array to create an array of 16x16 electrical short dipoles, with a
spacing of 0.04 m, that are oriented following the y-axis. The array is located on the XY plane. The
spacing of 0.04m is equivalent to a spacing of 0.267 in units of lambda, at a frequency of 2 GHz.

Figure 1424: Dipole Array panel

Step 4 Feed the array.

To set the feeding of the array select Source - Antenna Feeding and the following panel will open.

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Figure 1425: Antenna Feeding panel

This is the default setting. To use the Dolph-Chebychev algorithm click on Tools - User Function
and select the corresponding function. NOTE: To use the bidimensional Dolph-Chebychev function it is
needed to download both the bidimensional and the unidimensional functions.

Figure 1426: Bidimensional Dolph-Chebychev function

A path has been selected by default so the files will be created on the mydatafiles folder in the
newFASANT directory.

Figure 1427: Bidimensional Dolph-Chebychev function

The next step is generating the text file. To do so click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the

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Figure 1428: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

• d1: element spacing of the array in the x axis in units of lambda
• N1: number of array elements of the array in the x axis
• R1: relative side lobe level (in dB) in the x array
• d2: element spacing of the array in the y axis in units of lambda
• N2: number of array elements of the array in the y axis
• R2: relative side lobe level (in dB) in the y array
• theta: beam angle, in degrees
• phi: azimuth angle, in degrees
In this case, set the parameters as shown. Angles of theta=45º and phi=0º, and a side lobe level of
50dB, are selected as an example.

Figure 1429: Calculator panel

The text file will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder.

Figure 1430: Results file

Now, apply these results to the array created before by clicking on Source - Antenna Feeding.

The panel shown before will appear. To use the weights and phases calculated with the Dolph-
Chebychev algorithm, click on Import.

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Figure 1431: Amplitude/Phase File panel

Select the corresponding file and save the feeding.

Step 5 Create ground plane.

In order to avoid unwanted radiation to go below the array, create a ground plane using the plane
command, or Geometry - Surface - Plane. The array is situated in the XY plane with z=0, so the z
coordinate has to be negative.

Figure 1432: Plane parameters

View of the dipole array.

Figure 1433: Array view

Step 6 Solver parameters.

Select Solver - Advanced Options and set the parameters as shown.

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Figure 1434: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 7 Meshing the geometry model.

Select Mesh - Create Mesh to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as
show the next figure.

Figure 1435: Meshing panel

Click on Mesh.

Step 8 Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

Figure 1436: Calculate panel

Step 9 Show Results.

The radiation cuts can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View Cuts.

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Figure 1437: Radiation Pattern Cuts

Note that the side lobe level selected earlier must be represented here.

The radiation pattern can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View 3D

Figure 1438: Radiation Pattern 3D

Figure 1439: Radiation Pattern 3D

Example 5: 20x20 Pattern File Array with Dolph-Chebychev

This case explains how to use the Dolph-Chebychev algorithms to calculates the pointing parameters in
a bidimensional pattern file array.

Step 1 Create a new MoM Project.

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Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

Figure 1440: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2 Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, set the parameters and save it.

Figure 1441: Simulation panel

Step 3 Import the pattern file

Select Source - Import Pattern File and click on the Import button.

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Figure 1442: Open DIA File panel

The file is now imported.

Figure 1443: Import DIA File panel

Step 4 Create the array

Click on Source - Pattern File - Pattern File Array to create an array of 20x20 pattern file dipoles,
with a spacing of 0.04m, that are oriented following the z-axis. The array is located on the XY plane.
The spacing of 0.04m is equivalent to a spacing of 0.267 in units of lambda, at a frequency of 2 GHz.

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Figure 1444: Pattern File Array panel

Step 5 Feed the array

To set the feeding of the array select Source - Antenna Feeding and the following panel will open.

Figure 1445: Antenna Feeding panel

This is the default setting. To use the Dolph-Chebychev algorithm click on Tools - User Function
and select the corresponding function. NOTE To use the bidimensional Dolph-Chebychev function it is
needed to download both the bidimensional and the unidimensional functions.

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Figure 1446: Bidirectional Dolph-Chebychev function

A path has been selected by default so the files will be created on the mydatafiles folder in the
newFASANT directory.

Figure 1447: Bidirectional Dolph-Chebychev function

The next step is generating the text file. To do so click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the

The parameters to set are:

• d1: element spacing of the array in the x axis in units of lambda
• N1: number of array elements of the array in the x axis
• R1: relative side lobe level (in dB) in the x array
• d2: element spacing of the array in the y axis in units of lambda
• N2: number of array elements of the array in the y axis
• R2: relative side lobe level (in dB) in the y array
• theta: beam angle, in degrees
• phi: azimuth angle, in degrees

In this case, set the parameters as shown. Angles of theta=20º and phi=0º, and a side lobe level of
50dB, are selected as an example.

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Figure 1448: Calculator panel

The text file will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder.

Figure 1449: Results file

Now, apply these results to the array created before by clicking on Source - Antenna Feeding.

The panel shown before will appear. To use the weights and phases calculated with the Dolph-
Chebychev algorithm, click on Import.

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Figure 1450: Amplitude/Phase File panel

Select the corresponding file and save the feeding.

Step 6 Create ground plane.

In order to avoid unwanted radiation to go below the array, create a ground plane using the plane
command, or Geometry - Surface - Plane. The array is situated in the XY plane with z=0, so the z
coordinate has to be negative.

Figure 1451: Plane parameters

View of the pattern file array.

Figure 1452: Array view

Step 7 Solver parameters.

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Select Solver - Advanced Options and set the parameters as shown.

Figure 1453: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 8 Meshing the geometry model.

Select Mesh - Create Mesh to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as
show the next figure.

Figure 1454: Meshing panel

Click on Mesh.

Step 9 Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

Figure 1455: Calculate panel

Step 10 Show Results.

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The radiation cuts can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View Cuts.

Figure 1456: Radiation Pattern Cuts

Note that the side lobe level selected earlier must be represented here.

The radiation pattern can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View 3D

Figure 1457: Radiation Pattern 3D

Example 6: 14x14 Coaxial Feed Array with Dolph-Chebychev

This case explains how to use the Dolph-Chebychev algorithms to calculates the pointing parameters in
a bidimensional coaxial feed array.

Step 1 Create a new MoM Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

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Figure 1458: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2 Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, set the parameters and save it.

Figure 1459: Simulation panel

Step 3 Create the array

First, select 'milimeters' on units list on the bar at the bottom of the main window.

Figure 1460: The first element is created using Source - Coaxial Feed - Add Feed Point.

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Figure 1461: Add feed point

Select the surfaces and click on Add.

Figure 1462: Coaxial Feed panel

Then save the feed point.

Use the array command and enter the characteristics of the array.

Figure 1463: Array parameters

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Figure 1464: Array view

Step 4 Feed the array

To set the feeding of the array select Source - Antenna Feeding and the following panel will open.

Figure 1465: Antenna Feeding panel

This is the default setting. To use the Dolph-Chebychev algorithm click on Tools - User Function
and select the corresponding function. NOTE To use the bidimensional Dolph-Chebychev function it is
needed to download both the bidimensional and the unidimensional functions.

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Figure 1466: Bidimensional Dolph-Chebychev function

A path has been selected by default so the files will be created on the mydatafiles folder in the
newFASANT directory.

Figure 1467: Bidimensional Dolph-Chebychev function

The next step is generating the text file. To do so click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the

Figure 1468: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

· d1: element spacing of the array in the x axis in units of lambda

· N1: number of array elements of the array in the x axis

· R1: relative side lobe level (in dB) in the x array

· d2: element spacing of the array in the y axis in units of lambda

· N2: number of array elements of the array in the y axis

· R2: relative side lobe level (in dB) in the y array

· theta: beam angle, in degrees

· phi: azimuth angle, in degrees

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In this case, set the parameters as shown. Angles of theta=30º and phi=0º, and a side lobe level of
50dB, are selected as an example.

Figure 1469: Calculator panel

A spacing of 0.5 in units of lambdas is selected because is equivalent to a spacing of 2.104 millimetres
at 70 GHz.

The text file will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder.

Figure 1470: Results file

Now, apply these results to the array created before by clicking on Source - Antenna Feeding.

The panel shown before will appear. To use the weights and phases calculated with the Dolph-
Chebychev algorithm, click on Import.

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Figure 1471: Amplitude/Phase File panel

Select the corresponding file and save the feeding.

Step 5 Solver parameters

Select Solver - Advanced Options and set the parameters as shown.

Figure 1472: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 6 Meshing the geometry model.

Select Mesh - Create Mesh to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as
show the next figure.

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Figure 1473: Meshing panel

Step 7 Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

Figure 1474: Calculate panel

Step 8 Show Results

The radiation cuts can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View Cuts.

Figure 1475: Radiation Pattern Cuts

Note that the side lobe level selected earlier must be represented here.

The radiation pattern can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View 3D

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Figure 1476: Radiation Pattern 3D

Example 7: 16x16 Short Dipole Array with Binomial Algorithm

This case explains how to use the binomial algorithms to calculates the pointing parameters in a
bidimensional short dipole array.

Step 1 Create a new MoM Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

Figure 1477: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2 Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, set the parameters and save it.

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Figure 1478: Simulation panel

Step 3 Create the array.

Click on Source - Dipole - Dipole Array to create an array of 16x16 electrical short dipoles, with a
spacing of 0.04 m, that are oriented following the y-axis. The array is located on the XY plane. The
spacing of 0.04m is equivalent to a spacing of 0.267 in units of lambda, at a frequency of 2 GHz.

Figure 1479: Dipole Array panel

Step 4 Feed the array.

To set the feeding of the array select Source - Antenna Feeding and the following panel will open.

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Figure 1480: Antenna Feeding panel

This is the default setting. To use the binomial algorithm click on Tools - User Function and select
the corresponding function. NOTE: To use the bidimensional binomial function it is needed to download
both the bidimensional and the unidimensional functions.

Figure 1481: Bidimensional Uniform function

A path has been selected by default so the files will be created on the mydatafiles folder in the
newFASANT directory.

Figure 1482: Bidimensional Uniform function

The next step is generating the text file. To do so click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the

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Figure 1483: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

• d1: element spacing of the array in the x axis in units of lambda
• N1: number of array elements of the array in the x axis
• d2: element spacing of the array in the y axis in units of lambda
• N2: number of array elements of the array in the y axis
• theta: beam angle, in degrees
• phi: azimuth angle, in degrees

In this case, set the parameters as shown. Angles of theta=45º and phi=0º are selected as an

Figure 1484: The text file will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder.

Figure 1485: Results file

Now, apply these results to the array created before by clicking on S ource - Antenna Feeding.

The panel shown before will appear. To use the weights and phases calculated with the binomial
algorithm, click on Import.

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Figure 1486: Amplitude/Phase File panel

Select the corresponding file and save the feeding.

Step 5 Create ground plane.

In order to avoid unwanted radiation to go below the array, create a ground plane using the plane
command, or Geometry - Surface - Plane. The array is situated in the XY plane with z=0, so the z
coordinate has to be negative.

Figure 1487: Plane parameters

View of the dipole array.

Figure 1488: Array view

Step 6 Solver parameters.

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Select Solver - Advanced Options and set the parameters as shown.

Figure 1489: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 7 Meshing the geometry model.

Select Mesh - Create Mesh to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as
show the next figure.

Figure 1490: Meshing panel

Click on Mesh.

Step 8 Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

Figure 1491: Calculate panel

Step 9 Show Results.

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The radiation cuts can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View Cuts.

Figure 1492: Radiation Pattern Cuts

The radiation pattern can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View 3D

Figure 1493: Radiation Pattern 3D

Figure 1494: Radiation Pattern 3D

Example 8: 20x20 Pattern File Array with Binomial Algorithm

This case explains how to use the binomial algorithms to calculates the pointing parameters in a
bidimensional pattern file array.

Step 1 Create a new MoM Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

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Figure 1495: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2 Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, set the parameters and save it.

Figure 1496: Simulation panel

Step 3 Import the pattern file

Select Source - Import Pattern File and click on the Import button.

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Figure 1497: Open DIA File panel

The file is now imported.

Figure 1498: Import DIA File panel

Step 4 Create the array

Click on Source - Pattern File - Pattern File Array to create an array of 20x20 pattern file dipoles,
with a spacing of 0.04m, that are oriented following the z-axis. The array is located on the XY plane.
The spacing of 0.04m is equivalent to a spacing of 0.267 in units of lambda, at a frequency of 2 GHz.

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Figure 1499: Pattern File Array panel

Step 5 Feed the array

To set the feeding of the array select Source - Antenna Feeding and the following panel will open.

Figure 1500: Antenna Feeding panel

This is the default setting. To use the binomial algorithm click on Tools - User Function and select
the corresponding function (which can be downloaded). NOTE To use the bidimensional binomial
function it is needed to download both the bidimensional and the unidimensional functions.

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Figure 1501: Bidimensional Binomial function

A path has been selected by default so the files will be created on the mydatafiles folder in the
newFASANT directory.

Figure 1502: Bidimensional Binomial function

The next step is generating the text file. To do so click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the

Figure 1503: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

• d1: element spacing of the array in the x axis in units of lambda
• N1: number of array elements of the array in the x axis
• d2: element spacing of the array in the y axis in units of lambda
• N2: number of array elements of the array in the y axis
• theta: beam angle, in degrees
• phi: azimuth angle, in degrees

In this case, set the parameters as shown. Angles of theta=20º and phi=0º are selected as an

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Figure 1504: Calculator panel

The text file will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder.

Figure 1505: Results file

Now, apply these results to the array created before by clicking on Source - Antenna Feeding.

The panel shown before will appear. To use the weights and phases calculated with the binomial
algorithm, click on Import.

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Figure 1506: Amplitude/Phase File panel

Select the corresponding file and save the feeding.

Step 6 Create ground plane.

In order to avoid unwanted radiation to go below the array, create a ground plane using the plane
command, or Geometry - Surface - Plane. The array is situated in the XY plane with z=0, so the z
coordinate has to be negative.

Figure 1507: Plane parameters

View of the pattern file array.

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Figure 1508: Array view

Step 7 Solver parameters.

Select Solver - Advanced Options and set the parameters as shown.

Figure 1509: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 8 Meshing the geometry model.

Select Mesh - Create Mesh to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as
show the next figure.

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Figure 1510: Meshing panel

Click on Mesh.

Step 9 Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

Figure 1511: Calculate panel

Step 10 Show Results

The radiation cuts can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View Cuts.

Figure 1512: Radiation Pattern Cuts

The radiation pattern can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View 3D

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Figure 1513: Radiation Pattern 3D

Example 9: 14x14 Coaxial Feed Array with Binomial Algorithm

This case explains how to use the binomial algorithms to calculates the pointing parameters in a
bidimensional coaxial feed array.
Step 1 Create a new MoM Project.

Open newFASANT and select File - New option.

Figure 1514: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2 Set the simulation parameters as shown.

Select Simulation - Parameters option, set the parameters and save it.

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Figure 1515: Simulation panel

Step 3 Create the array

First, select 'milimeters' on units list on the bar at the bottom of the main window.

The first element is created using Source - Coaxial Feed - Add Feed Point.

Figure 1516: Add feed point

Select the surfaces and click on Add.

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Figure 1517: Coaxial Feed panel

Then save the feed point.

Use the array command and enter the characteristics of the array.

Figure 1518: Array parameters

Figure 1519: Array view

Step 4 Feed the array

To set the feeding of the array select Source - Antenna Feeding and the following panel will open.

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Figure 1520: Antenna Feeding panel

This is the default setting. To use the binomial algorithm click on Tools - User Function and select
the corresponding function (which can be downloaded). NOTE To use the bidimensional binomial
function it is needed to download both the bidimensional and the unidimensional functions.

Figure 1521: Bidimensional Binomial function

A path has been selected by default so the files will be created on the mydatafiles folder in the
newFASANT directory.

Figure 1522: Bidimensional Binomial function

The next step is generating the text file. To do so click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the

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Figure 1523: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

· d1: element spacing of the array in the x-axis in units of lambda

· N1: number of array elements of the array in the x-axis

· d2: element spacing of the array in the y-axis in units of lambda

· N2: number of array elements of the array in the y-axis

· theta: beam angle, in degrees

· phi: azimuth angle, in degrees

In this case, set the parameters as shown. Angles of theta=30º and phi=0º are selected as an

Figure 1524: Calculator panel

A spacing of 0.5 in units of lambdas is selected because is equivalent to a spacing of 2.104 millimeters
at 70 GHz.

The text file will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder.

Figure 1525: Results file

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Now, apply these results to the array created before by clicking on Source - Antenna Feeding.

The panel shown before will appear. To use the weights and phases calculated with the binomial
algorithm, click on Import.

Figure 1526: Amplitude/Phase File panel

Select the corresponding file and save the feeding.

Step 5 Solver parameters

Select Solver - Advanced Options and set the parameters as shown.

Figure 1527: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 6 Meshing the geometry model.

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Select Mesh - Create Mesh to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as
show the next figure.

Figure 1528: Meshing panel

Step 7 Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate - Execute option to open simulation panel.

Figure 1529: Calculate panel

Step 8 Show Results

The radiation cuts can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View Cuts.

Figure 1530: Radiation Pattern Cuts

The radiation pattern can be visualized by clicking on Show Results - Radiation Pattern - View 3D

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Figure 1531: Radiation Pattern 3D

10.15.11 Corrugated Horn Examples

Example 1: Design and Analyze a Corrugated Horn in the Band

from 10 to 20 GHz
This case explains how to calculate far-field, radiation pattern, current density, charge density and near
field of a corrugated horn.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1532: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Change the scale to millimeters.

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Figure 1533: Scale settings

Step 3: Create the geometry of the corrugated horn.

Execute the function “ corrugated_horn(fmin,fmax)” (which can be downloaded). To execute the

function, click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the function.

Figure 1534: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

• fmin is the lowest operating frequency (GHz)
• fmax is the highest operating frequency (GHz)

The script file, called script_corrugated_horn.nfs, will be automatically generated in the

mydatafiles folder in the newFASANT directory.

The next step is to execute the generated script file. For that, click on Tools – Script - Load and open
the script “ script_corrugated_horn.nfs”.

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Figure 1535: Horn geometry has been generated.

Step 4: Set Simulation Parameters.

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

Figure 1536: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 5: Set the source parameters.

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Select 'Source --> Dipole --> Dipole Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the next figure.
Then save the parameters and the dipole appears.

Figure 1537: Dipole Antenna panel

Select 2 electric dipoles and click on “Position”.

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Figure 1538: Electric Dipole 1 Settings

Figure 1539: Electric Dipole 2 Settings

Step 6: Set the solver parameters.

Click on Solver --> Parameters option on the menu bar. Verify that all the parameters are defined by
default, as shown in next figure. Click on Save button before going to next step.

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Figure 1540: Solver panel

Select ‘Advanced Options’ and activate Preconditioner as shown.

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Figure 1541: Preconditioner panel

Step 7: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing, it is recommended to
run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

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Figure 1542: Meshing panel

The user can choose between:

• octaves an automatic frequency range per octave is performed, that depends on the Initial and
Final frequency. The user can choose 1 frequency by an octave or several frequencies by an octave.
The more frequencies per octave, the greater the precision
• all frequencies a meshing by each frequency is built, so it is the more accurate option. This
option will only be chosen when the user needs a very accurate mesh.

Step 8: Execute the simulation.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the
results, it is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the

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Figure 1543: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation.

Step 9: Show Results.

To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on right button of the
mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation
directions options.

Figure 1544: Far Field cuts - Linear Amplitude

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters.

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On 'Show Results --> Far Field' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and
'View Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or
On 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by
Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each
step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the
radiation pattern options.

Figure 1545: Radiation Pattern 3D

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Currents' option to show the current density.

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Figure 1546: Current Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Charges' option to show the charge density.

Figure 1547: Charge Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

On 'Show Results --> Far Field' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and
'View Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or

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Example 2: Design and Analyze a Conical Corrugated Horn at 10

GHz and 22 dB Gain
This case explains how to calculate far-field, radiation pattern, current density, charge density and near
field of a corrugated horn with 22 dB gain at 10 GHz.
Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1548: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Change the scale to millimeters.

Figure 1549: Scale settings

Step 3: Create the geometry of the corrugated horn.

Execute the function “corrugated_horn_gain(fmin,fmax,alfa,D)". To execute the function, click on Tools -

Calculator and write the call to the function.

Figure 1550: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

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• fmin is the lowest operating frequency (GHz)

• fmax is the highest operating frequency (GHz)
• alfa is the flare angle (obtained from the following graph)
• D is the aperture diameter (obtained from the following graph)

In this case, we will simulate at 10 GHz, so the maximum and minimum frequency are 10 GHz.

To choose the flare angle and the aperture diameter, observe the next graph.

For a gain of 20 dB a flare angle of 15° and a diameter of 5.5 times, λc is chosen. So:
• Alpha = 15

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• D = 5.5

The script file, called “ script_corrugated_horn_gain.nfs”, will be automatically generated in the

mydatafiles folder in the newFASANT directory.
The next step is to execute the generated script file. For that, click on Tools – Script - Load and open
the script script_corrugated_horn_gain.nfs.

Figure 1551: Horn geometry has been generated.

Step 4: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

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Figure 1552: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 5: Set the source parameters.

Select 'Source --> Dipole --> Dipole Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the next figure.
Then save the parameters and the dipole appears.

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Figure 1553: Dipole Antenna panel

Select 2 electric dipoles and click on “Position”.

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Figure 1554: Electric Dipole 1 Settings

Figure 1555: Electric Dipole 2 Settings

Step 6: Set the solver parameters. Click on Solver --> Parameters option on the menu bar. Verify that
all the parameters are defined by default, as shown in next figure. Click on Save button before going to
next step.

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Select ‘Advanced Options’ and activate Preconditioner as shown.

Figure 1556: Preconditioner panel

Step 7: Meshing the geometry model.

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Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing, it is recommended to
run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the machine.

Figure 1557: Meshing panel

Step 8: Execute the simulation.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the
results, it is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the

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Figure 1558: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation.

Step 9: Show Results.

To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on right button of the
mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation directions

Figure 1559: Far Field cuts - Linear Amplitude

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Figure 1560: Far Field cuts - Polar Amplitude

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters.

On 'Show Results --> Far Field' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View
Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1561: Radiation Pattern cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters.

On 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step'
and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

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Figure 1562: Radiation Pattern 3D

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

Select 'Show Results --> View Currents' option to show the current density.

Figure 1563: Current Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.
Select 'Show Results --> View Charges' option to show the charge density.

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Figure 1564: Charge Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

On 'Show Results --> Far Field' menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View
Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Example 3: Design of a Corrugated Horn with a Customized Profile

This case explains how to add a new profile of the corrugated horn.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1565: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Open the function.

Select 'Tools --> User Functions' option on the menu bar and open the function "corrugated_horn.java"
or "corrugated_horn_gain.java".

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Figure 1566: User Functions panel

Look for the 'try' exception and the IF ... ELSE IF statement with the "profile_index" parameter in the
section 'Corrugated surface profile formulations':

Figure 1567: Exception 'try' and if...else statement

The last 2 profiles (profile_index==8 and profile_index==9) are reserved for the user profile
formulation. User profile 1 and User profile 2.

Step 3: Introduce the profile formulation:

In this example, we will establish a linear profile in user profile 1 (profile_index==8).

The linear profile has the following formulation:


• ai: input radius

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• ao: output radius

• L: length
• z in the variable parameter. It is necessary to enter it as i*p
We look for the 'User profile1' within the function:

Figure 1568: User profile 1 and 2

And write our function, which in this case is the linear profile:


Note that 'z' has been changed to 'i*p'.

Step 4: Select the user profile 1.

To activate the profile entered, we have to select it within 'Profile Type Parameters' at the beginning of
the function. In this case we select the profile index number 8 (profile_index = 8;)

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Figure 1569: Select the profile index

Step 5: Save the function.

Finally, save the changes. Save it clicking on 'SAVE' or 'SAVE ALL' button.

Figure 1570: Save the function

Step 6: Show Results

The corrugated horn with linear profile has been generated.

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To simulate it, follow Example 1: Analysis of a Waveguide with 12 Rotated Slots or Example 2: Design
of an Array of Slotted Waveguides, depending on the user function where the new profile has been

Example 4: Compute the S-Parameters of a Corrugated Horn in the

Band from 10 to 20 GHz
This case explains how to calculate S-parameters of a corrugated horn.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1571: New Project panel

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.
Step 2: Change the scale to millimeters.

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Figure 1572: Scale settings

Step 3: Create the geometry of the corrugated horn.

Execute the function “ corrugated_horn(fmin,fmax)” (which can be downloaded). To execute the

function, click on Tools - Calculator and write the call to the function.

Figure 1573: Calculator panel

The parameters to set are:

• fmin is the lowest operating frequency (GHz)
• fmax is the highest operating frequency (GHz)

The script file, called script_corrugated_horn.nfs, will be automatically generated in the

mydatafilesfolder in the newFASANT directory.

The next step is to execute the generated script file. For that, click on Tools – Script - Load and open
the script script_corrugated_horn.nfs.

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Figure 1574: Horn geometry has been generated.

Step 4: Set Simulation Parameters

Select Simulation --> Parameters option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set a
Frequency Sweep and the S-Parameters Simulation type as shown in the figure below. Remember
clicking on Save button to confirm the changes.

Step 5: Set the source parameters.

Note this option requires that the geometry must be only one object (use the group command if it is
not) and the waveguide cap needs to be removed

To add a waveguide port, select the object and click on 'Source' --> 'Waveguides' --> 'Add Waveguides
Port' menu to open the panel.

And follow the steps described in Add Waveguide Port.

Step 6: Set the solver parameters.

Click on Solver --> Parameters option on the menu bar. Verify that all the parameters are defined by
default, as shown in next figure. Click on Save button before going to next step.

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Figure 1575: Solver panel

Select ‘Advanced Options’ and activate Preconditioner as shown.

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Figure 1576: Preconditioner panel

Step 7: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the
parameters as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing, it is
recommended to run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the

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Figure 1577: Meshing panel

The user can choose between:

• octaves: an automatic frequency range per octave is performed, that depends on the Initial and
Final frequency. The user can choose 1 frequency by an octave or several frequencies by an octave.
The more frequencies per octave, the greater the precision
• all frequencies: a meshing by each frequency is built, so it is the more accurate option. This
option will only be chosen when the user needs a very accurate mesh.

Step 8: Execute the simulation.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the
results, it is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the

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Figure 1578: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation.

Step 9: Show Results.

To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on right button of the
mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

When the simulation process has finished, the S-Parameters are enabled within the results menu. Click
on Show Results menu and S-Parameters option to visualize these parameters. The panel with the
available options to visualize the S-Parameters is open on the right side.

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Figure 1579: S-Parameters parameters

Select the S-Matrix Representation and the option db, Phase in Representation section. Then, select the
column to represent in the Results table and then click on Chart button to add them to plot them.

Figure 1580: S11parameters plot

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Figure 1581: S11 parameters table

10.15.12 Design of Waveguides

Example 1: Analysis of a Waveguide with 12 Rotated Slots

This case explains how to create and calculate far-field, radiation pattern, current density, charge
density and near field of a 12 Slots Feeding Waveguide.

Step 1: Create a New MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select ' File --> New' option.

Figure 1582: Figure New Panel Project

Select MOM option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Change the scale to cm.

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Figure 1583: Scale settings

Step 3: Open the function.

Select Tools --> User Functions option on the menu bar and open the function

Figure 1584: User Function Code

Figure 1585: User Function Code

The parameter a represents the width of the guides and it is calculated to be equal to lambdag / 2.

Step 4: Configure the parameters of your Project.

Select Tools --> Calculator option on the menu bar and write
SlottedWaveguide(N,F,angle,slotgap) on the command line.

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N is the number of slots, F is the design frequency value in GHz, angle is the rotation angle of the
slots and slot gap is the distance between the slot's center and the meridian of the upper face of the
In our case, as we want a 12-slot feeding waveguide N= 12, F=10 Ghz, angle=0 and slotgap =
0.243953 cm

Although in this example the slots aren't rotated, the user function allows to rotate them in phase and
in counter phase alternately.

The script file, called script_waveguide.nfs, will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles folder
in the newFASANT directory.

Figure 1586: Calculator panel

Step 5: Load the generated Script.

The next step is to execute the generated script file. For that, click on Tools – Script - Load and open
the script script_waveguide.nfs.

Figure 1587: Geometry

Step 6: Set Simulation Parameters.

Select Simulation --> Parameters option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

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Figure 1588: Simulation Parameters panel

Note: The design frequency and the simulation frequency must be the same.

Step 7: Add a port to the waveguide.

Click on the waveguide menu and Select Source --> Waveguides--> Add Waveguide Port option
on the menu bar and add the port.

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Figure 1589: Add Waveguide Port Panel

Step 8: Set the solver parameters.

Click on Solver --> Parameters option on the menu bar. Verify that all the parameters are defined by
default, as shown in next figure. Click on Save button before going to next step.

Figure 1590: Solver Parameters panel

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Select Advanced Options and activate Preconditioner as shown.

Figure 1591: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 9: Meshing the geometry model.

Select Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the
parameters as show the next figure.

Because this design requires a high precision, 20 division are set.

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Figure 1592: Meshing panel

Step 10: Execute the simulation.

Select Calculate --> Execute option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the
results, it is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the

Then click on Execute button to starting the simulation.

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Figure 1593: Execute panel

Step 11: Show Results.

To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on right button of the
mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the
radiation pattern options.

Figure 1594: Radiation Pattern 3D

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

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Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on Add
Series button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters.

On Show Results --> Far Field menu, other results are present such as View Cuts by Step and
'View Cuts by Frequency' and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or

On Show Results --> Radiation Pattern menu, other results are present such as View Cuts by Step
and View Cuts by Frequency and this option display the values for one selected point for each step or
Select Show Results --> View Currents option to show the current density.

Figure 1595: Current Density

Changing values for step, frequency, magnitude, component or filtering parameters the visualization for
the new parameters will be shown.

If you have selected S-parameters on the Simulation Panel now you will have enabled the Show
Results --> S-Parameters option.

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Example 2: Design of an Array of Slotted Waveguides

This case explains how to create an array with 12 upper waveguides and calculate its far-field, radiation
pattern, current density, charge density and near field.

Step 1 Create a New MOM Project

Open ' newFASANT' and select ' File --> New' option.

Figure 1596: New Project panel

Select ' MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2Change the scale to cm.

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Figure 1597: Scale settings

Step 3Open the function

Select ' Tools --> User Functions' option on the menu bar and open the function
"SlottedWaveguideArray .java"

Figure 1598: User Function Code

Look at these lines, where you can change the parameters of the waveguide structure

Figure 1599: User Function Code

The parameter "a" represents the width of the guides and is calculated to be equal to lambdag / 2 so
that for any working frequency the side walls of the upper guides are in contact and there is no gap.

Step 4Create the geometry of the waveguide array

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Select ' Tools --> Calculator' option on the menu bar and write "SlottedWaveguideArray(N,M,F)".

In our case, as we want a 12-slot feeding waveguide, N= 12, M=11 and F is the working frequency
value in GHz.
The script file, called “ script_waveguide.nfs”, will be automatically generated in the mydatafiles
folder in the newFASANT directory.

Figure 1600: Calculator panel

So our array will have a feeding waveguide with 12 slots, 12 upper guides with 11 slots each one and
the working frequency is 10 GHz.

Step 5Load the generated Script

The next step is to execute the generated script file. For that, click on Tools – Script - Load and open
the script "script_waveguide.nfs".

Figure 1601: Geometry

Step 6Set Simulation Parameters

Select ' Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

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Figure 1602: Simulation Parameters panel

If the frequency to which you are going to simulate is equal to the frequency at which the parameters
of the array were calculated, the radiation diagram will have the shape of a brush pointing along the
z axis. On the other hand slightly varying the frequency of simulation will get the brush to oscillate
around the z-axis.

Step 7Add a port to the feeding waveguide.

Click on the waveguide and Select ' Source --> Waveguides--> Add Waveguide Port' option on the
menu bar and add the port (see Add Waveguide Port).

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Figure 1603: Add Waveguide Port Panel

Step 8 Set the solver parameters.

Click on Solver --> Parameters option on the menu bar. Verify that all the parameters are defined by
default, as shown in next figure. Click on Save button before going to next step

Figure 1604: Solver panel

Select ‘ Advanced Options’ and activate Preconditioner as shown.

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Figure 1605: Main Properties Solver Panel

Figure 1606: Preconditioner Solver Panel

Step 9Meshing the geometry model.

Select ' Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the
parameters as show the next figure. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for meshing, it is
recommended to run the process of meshing with the number of physical processors available to the
machine. As it is a very complicated design requires 20 divisions in the mesh and a high computing

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Figure 1607: Meshing Panel

Step 10Execute the simulation.

Select ' Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show. In order to obtain the shortest possible time for calculating the
results, it is recommended to run the process with the number of physical processors available to the

Figure 1608: Execute panel

Then click on ' Execute' button to starting the simulation.

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Step 11Show Results.

To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on right button of the
mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.
Select ' Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the radiation
diagram in three dimensions.

Figure 1609: 3D Radiation Pattern

Select ' Show Results --> View Currents ' option to show the current density on the surfaces of the

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10.15.13 Reflectarrays

Example 1: Analysis of a Rectangular Reflectarray

This case explains how to analyze a reflectarray layout. The database used on step 4 to create the
reflectarray layout is the database for 37 steps and 20 divisions per wavelength (see Annex 2: Analysis
of a Reflectarray Database Creation).

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open newFASANT and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1610: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model.

First, select 'millimeters' on units list on the bar at the bottom of the main window.

Figure 1611: Units Selection

Add these parameters to have the reference for the reflectarray layout generation. On this tab, all the
parameters to be used in the construction of geometry will be set (see Define Parameters). - ‘length’
contains the length value for the plane of the reflectarray layout. In order to follow the reference article,
this parameter must be the length of the unitary cell of the database (x = 11.43mm) multiplied by 37
unitary cells that the reflectarray contains in ‘X’ axis. - ‘width’ contains the width value for the plane of
the reflectarray layout. In order to follow the reference article, this parameter must be the width of the

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unitary cell of the database (y = 10.16mm) multiplied by 29 unitary cells that the reflectarray contains
in ‘Y’ axis. - ‘focus’ contains the value for the position of the focus on the ‘Z’ axis. This value will be
used for positioning a relative plane to locate the radiation pattern and its value is 340mm.

Figure 1612: Define Parameters panel

Generate a plane with a width of ‘length’ and a depth of ‘width’, with the first corner on -‘length’/2,
-‘width’/2, 0; executing the 'plane' command writing it on the command line and sets the parameters
when command line asks for it.

Figure 1613: Plane parameters

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

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Figure 1614: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 4: Create a reflectarray layout.

Select 'Source --> Reflectarray --> New Layout' option. The following panel will appear. First load de
database previously created with Periodical Structures module. Then select the parameters as the next
figure shows

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Figure 1615: Reflectarray New Layout panel

Clicking on the 'eye' icon, the parameters of the database will be shown on a new tab.

Figure 1616: Reflectarray Database Information panel

Select the plane previously created to generate the reflectarray on it. Then, click on 'Create' button and
wait until the reflectarray layout is created.

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Figure 1617: Reflectarray creation process

Figure 1618: Reflectarray Layout

Step 5: Set the antenna parameters.

First, select 'View--> Reference Plane' and set the parameters as the next figure shows, then click on
'Update' button to put the reference plane as the figure:

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Figure 1619: Reference Plane panel

Select 'Source --> Import Pattern File' option and select 'BOC0677.dia' file from 'myDataFiles' folder on
the installation path of newFASANT software.

Figure 1620: Pattern File Import panel

Select 'Source --> Pattern File --> Pattern File Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the
next figure. Then save the parameters and the antenna appears.

Important select the check box "Relative to reference plane" to set the position and orientation relative
to the local reference plane.

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Figure 1621: Pattern File Antenna panel

Step 6: Set solver parameters.

Select Solver --> Parameters' to open the solver configuration panel and then set the following
parameters in order to obtain the most possible efficiency and the 3D results: - OpenMP option for the
Architecture Strategy, on Solver parameters panel.

Then click on 'Advanced Options' button to configure the advanced properties as the next figure shows:
• Check the “Compute 3D Pattern” box and set the angle step to 0.5, on ‘Main Properties’ tab.
• Check the “Enable Preconditioner” box and select Diagonal Preconditioner option on ‘Preconditioner’

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Figure 1622: Solver Advanced Options panel

Step 7: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure.In this case, the number of division is selected by the case with the most
accuracy of the databases compared to section Periodical Structures. The number of processors to be
selected, to improve the efficiency on time, will be the number of the processors of the machine where
the example will be executed.

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Figure 1623: Meshing Parameters panel

Step 8: Execute the simulation.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show. The number of processors to be selected, to improve the efficiency
on time, will be the number of the processors of the machine where the example will be executed.

Figure 1624: Execute Parameters panel

Step 9: Show Results. To get more information about the graphics panel advanced options (clicking on
right button of the mouse over the panel) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

Select 'Show Results --> Far Field --> View Cuts' option to show the cuts of the observation directions
options. Delete all series with the red cross button and select 'Gain Lineal' and 'ETotal Gain (dBi)' on
'Component' panel, then click on 'Add Series' button.

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Figure 1625: Far Field cuts

Selecting other values for the component, step, frequency or cut parameters and clicking on 'Add
Series' button a new cut will be added to the selected parameters. On 'Show Results --> Far Field'
menu, other results are present such as 'View Cuts by Step' and 'View Cuts by Frequency' and this
option display the values for one selected point for each step or frequency.

Select 'Show Results --> Radiation Pattern --> View 3D Pattern' option to show the cuts of the radiation
pattern options.

Figure 1626: Radiation Pattern 3D

Changing values for step, frequency, component or filtering parameters the visualization for the new
parameters will be shown.

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10.15.14 Radomes

Example 1: Parametric Radomes

Benchmark Description
This document shows several examples for studying the thickness of a radome by using the parametric
simulations. In particular, we are interested in studying the behavior of a radome with three layers,
where the external ones are identical but the middle one has a different material and its thickness
depends on the parameter t. This idea is shown in the bi-dimensional example of the figure below.

Figure 1627: Figure1 Parametric radome design.

It has been analyzed by using several radome shapes and also different excitation methods.

Setting-Up Common Parameters

The table below resumes the common parameters taken into account in the following examples:

Table 8:

Data Definition Values

Frequency Simulation frequency 5 GHz

Material 1 Dielectric constant of Material 1 4 - 0.08·j

Material 2 Dielectric constant of Material 2 1.1 - 0.0055·j

Thickness Constant thickness of material 1 0.25 mm

t Parametric thickness of material 3 , 3.5 , 4, 4.5, 5 mm


Units Units for working in newFASANT Millimeters

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Now, we set-up the parameters of this table within a project that will be copied and renamed for all the
configurations shown.

1. Create a new MOM project. To do that, click on New Project button and select the MOM

Figure 1628: Choose the MOM module

2. Set the units. Click on the current units and select Millimeters to make easier working with the

Figure 1629: Set units to Milimeters unit

3. Set the frequency. Click on Simulation – Parameters menu and then the Simulation panel is
open on right side of screen. Set the frequency to 5 GHz and click on Save button before closing
the panel.

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Figure 1630: Set the frequency to 5 GHz

4. Define the materials. Click on Materials – Add menu and then the Add Material panel is
open on right side of screen. Set the Name and Color of the materials to be defined, keep the
default Material Definition option, that is Material defined by geometry, and then click on Set
Parameters button to specify the dielectric values of each material (click on OK button within the
Geometry Material window to confirm the dielectric constant assigned). Remember clicking on
Save button after defining every material.

Figure 1631: Material 1 definition

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Figure 1632: Material 2 definition

5. Define the parameters. Click on Geometry – Parameters – Define Parameters, and then
the Define Parameters panel is open on right side of screen. Unless it is not necessary to add
the thickness of the Material 1 as a parameter because it has a fixed value, we will define its
parameter to create the geometry also as a full parametric model. To assign a fixed value to a
parameter, the value must be inserted between “{ }” characters. The interesting parameter is
the thickness of the Material 2, which we have named t, and it must be ranging between 3 and
5 millimeters. To assign a range of values to a parameter, the initial and end values are inserted
between “[ ]” characters and separated by spaces, and then the number of samples must be
specified. Remember click on Save button before closing this panel.

Figure 1633: Parameters definition

6. Save the project. Click on File – Save As menu and specify where you want to save
this project, which will be used as base project for the next example. We have named it as
baseProject.nfp. Then, for every example we will copy and rename this base project and only
will have to set-up the antenna and the radome.
7. Solver parameters. Click on Solver – Parameters menu to open the Solver panel on right side.
The only parameter to be modified in this document may be the Preconditioner one that may be
enabled or disabled for speeding-up the solver convergence. Click on Advanced Options button
to open the Solver Advanced Options window, then select the Preconditioner tab and enable or
disable the option Enable Precontioner as desired.

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Figure 1634: Preconditioner Solver options

Feeding with a Circular Horn

Create a copy of baseProject.nfp project and rename it as baseProjectHorn.nfp. Then open it with
newFASANT by clicking on File – Open menu or clicking twice on the project icon.

Insert a conical horn by using the existing primitives. To do that, click on Source – Primitive Antenna
– Horns – Conical Horn menu and then the Conical Horn panel is open on right side of screen.

Figure 1635: 9 Conical Horn menu.

The radomes will be placed on the origin of coordinates to make easier its geometrical definition, so
the horn is created 10 centimeters below it on the Z axis. Keep the most of parameters in the Conical
Horn panel by default except the Z-Position that must be set to -100. Click on Add button to insert
the horn before closing the panel.

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Figure 1636: 10 Conical Horn definition.

Save the current project, as it will be used again as base project in the following subsections.

Square Radome
Create a copy of baseProjectHorn.nfp project and rename it as Horn_Square.nfp. Then open it with
newFASANT by clicking on File – Open menu or clicking twice on the project icon.

The radome considered in this section is a square of 50 centimeters of side with the base centered at
the origin of coordinates.

Geometric Design
Four square planes will be generated to model the radome as a thin layer approximation. It may be
achieved by using the plane command, which requires the first corner (the lower one), the width (X
size) and the depth (Y size). The table below shows the parameters to be used for every plane:

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Plane X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm)

1 -250 -250 0 500 500

2 -250 -250 thickness 500 500

3 -250 -250 thickness+t 500 500

4 -250 -250 (2*thickness)+t 500 500

Figure 1637: Command line planes definition

Figure 1638: List of geometric entities in the tree

After creating the four planes, in the tree we can see that they have been added in order as Objects,
and each one has a different name.

Radome Definition
Having defined the geometric model, the radome must be created and assigned. To do that, click on
Source – Radome – Define Radome menu and the Radome panel is open on right side of screen.

In the Radome panel, no radomes are created so click on Add Radome button to insert a new radome.
Then, the table of interfaces of the selected radome (1) is loaded below. As we have shown in Figure 1,
the radome is made of 4 interfaces that define the 3 layers, so click on New Interface button twice to
get the 4 interfaces.

Each plane must be assigned to every radome interface in the same order than specified in Figure 1.
Remember that the normal vectors of every interface must be pointing to the next one. To assign a
plane to an interface, select the geometrical object from the tree or in the Geometry panel, then select

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the corresponding row in the Interfaces table, and click on Set Objects button. Then, assign the Material
to its interface, which is defined to the current layer.

The material (or layers) is considered between one interface and its next one, so the last interface does
not required a material.

Remember clicking on Save button to confirm the radome definition.

Figure 1639: 13 Radome definition.

The next figure shows the final design of the radome with the horn, with the Material Shaded view. In
this representation, we verify that the layers of the radome have the correct materials.

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Figure 1640: 14 Shaded view with materials of the final design

Mesh and Run

The only parameters modified in the meshing process are the number of Processors and the
Multilevel Meshing Mode (click on Advanced Settings to open the Meshing Advanced Parameters
window), which has been disabled. Click on OK and Mesh buttons to confirm the changes and mesh.

The five parametric steps are meshed by requiring about 4 GB of RAM memory and 10 seconds per

Click on Calculate – Execute menu and launch the simulation with 8 processors by clicking on
Execute button.

The five parametric steps are simulated by requiring about 4 GB of RAM memory and 5 minutes per

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Figure 1641: 15 Meshing parameters

Computational Specifications

Step 1 2 3 4 5

Number of unknowns 43165 43165 43165 43165 43165

Required RAM (GB) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5

Number of
100 91 92 82 79
Preconditioner Simulation Time
5 : 34 5 : 07 5 : 12 4 : 57 5 : 03
(min : ss)

Number of
With 23 24 23 22 22

Simulation Time 3 : 42 3 : 39 3 : 36 3 : 40 3 : 31

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Step 1 2 3 4 5
(min : ss)


Semi Spherical Radome

Create a copy of baseProjectHorn.nfp project and rename it as Horn_SemiSphere.nfp. Then open it
with newFASANT by clicking on File – Open menu or clicking twice on the project icon.

The radome considered in this section is a semisphere of 25 centimeters of radius with the base
centered at the top of the horn.

Geometric Design
Four semispheres will be generated to model the radome as a thin layer approximation. It may be
achieved by using the sphere command, which requires both the center and the radius. The table
below shows the parameters to be used for every sphere:

Sphere X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) Radius (mm)

1 0 0 -100 250

2 0 0 -100 250+thickness

3 0 0 -100 250+ thickness+t

4 0 0 -100 250+(2*thickness)+t

Note that the sphere command creates the full closed sphere and we need just the upper semisphere.
Then, after creating each sphere, we use the explode command to separate it in several surfaces, then
remove the lower semisphere with the delete command, and finally we use the group command on the
upper remaining surfaces to have one object for every semisphere.

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Figure 1642: Command line semispheres definition

After creating the four semispheres, in the tree we can see that they have been added in order as
Objects, and each one has a different name.

Figure 1643: List of geometric entities in the tree

Radome Definition
Having defined the geometric model, the radome must be created and assigned. To do that, click on
Source – Radome – Define Radome menu and the Radome panel is open on right side of screen.

In the Radome panel, no radomes are created so click on Add Radome button to insert a new radome.
Then, the table of interfaces of the selected radome (1) is loaded below. As we have shown in Figure 1,
the radome is made of 4 interfaces that define the 3 layers, so click on New Interface button twice
to get the 4 interfaces.

Each semisphere must be assigned to every radome interface in the same order than specified in Figure
1. Remember that the normal vectors of every interface must be pointing to the next one. To assign a
semisphere to an interface, select the geometrical object from the tree or in the Geometry panel, then
select the corresponding row in the Interfaces table, and click on Set Objects button. Then, assign the
Material to its interface, which is defined to the current layer.

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The material (or layers) is considered between one interface and its next one, so the last interface does
not required a material.

Remember clicking on Save button to confirm the radome definition.

Figure 1644: 19 Radome definition.

The next figure shows the final design of the radome with the horn, with the Material Shaded view. In
this representation, we verify that the layers of the radome have the correct materials.

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Figure 1645: 20 Shaded view with materials of the final design.

Mesh and Run

The only parameter modified in the meshing process is the number of Processors, which is set to 8.
Specify the number of processors and click on Mesh buttons to confirm the changes and mesh.

The five parametric steps are meshed by requiring about 4 GB of RAM memory and 10 seconds per

Click on Calculate – Execute menu and launch the simulation with 8 processors by clicking on
Execute button.

The five parametric steps are simulated by requiring about 4.5 GB of RAM memory and 10 seconds per

Computational Specifications

Step 1 2 3 4 5

Number of unknowns 68816 68818 68834 68906 68906

Required RAM (GB) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5

Number of
337 331 295 248 245
Preconditioner Simulation Time
26 : 25 25 : 46 21 : 30 19 : 31 18 : 33
(min : ss)

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Step 1 2 3 4 5

Number of
30 27 27 29 20
Simulation Time
7 : 49 7 : 29 7 : 20 7 : 09 6 : 37
(min : ss)


Custom Nose-Airplane Shape Radome

Create a copy of baseProjectHorn.nfp project and rename it as Horn_Nose.nfp. Then open it with
newFASANT by clicking on File – Open menu or clicking twice on the project icon.

The radome considered in this section is modified ogive which resembles to the noise of an airplane. We
have created its geometry by using the userFunctions utility included in newFASANT tools that allow the
user to create geometries with its own Java programmed functions.

The geometry shape may be defined in two parts according to the next parameters and functions:

Parameter a b c d e

Value 0.5 2 1.2 1.4 a*1000

Positive Y-axis half geometry definition, see Equation 10.


Negative Y-axis half geometry definition, see Equation 11.


These functions may be used to interpolate a surface defined by its u and v parametric coordinates and
using the surfaceFunction command. We recommend using it to build the same geometry.

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Anyway, the next content may be copied to a text file to be imported as a newFASANT script, for
example, nose_radome.nfp.

# newFASANT script file to generate a Nose-Airplane shape, in milimeters

#required parameters
set a {0.5}
set b {2.0}
set c {1.2}
set d {1.400}
set e = 1000.0*a
#first half nose (Y-axis positive)
surfaceFunction -n id2a4dc855 -p \ #command start with main parameters
0.0 1.0 19 \ # $u definition
0.0 1.0 11 \ # $v definition
"$x=a*cos(Math.PI*$v/2.0)*cos(Math.PI*$u)-Math.pow($v/b,2)" \ # x definition
"$y=a*cos(Math.PI*$v/2.0)*sin(Math.PI*$u)/c" \ # y definition
"$z=d*$v" \ #z definition
#second half nose (Y-axis negative)
surfaceFunction -n id5a4dc856 -p \ #command start with main parameters
0.0 1.0 19 \ # $u definition
0.0 1.0 11 \ # $v definition
"$x=a*cos(Math.PI*$v/2.0)*cos(Math.PI*$u)-Math.pow($v/b,2)" \ # x definition
"$y=-a*cos(Math.PI*$v/2.0)*sin(Math.PI*$u)/c" \ # y definition
"$z=d*$v" #z definition
#set the second half normal vectors pointing to -Y
invertNormals -s id5a4dc856
#group the two halfs in the same object
group -s id2a4dc855 id5a4dc856 -n id31a94b3d
#scale the objects from meters to millimetres
scale -s id31a94b3d -p 1000.0

This script contains several commands:

• The first section defines the required values for creating the geometry.
• The second section generates two surfaces according to the formulas given previously.
• The last section processes the normal vectors orientation, group the surfaces in an only object and
scale it from meters to millimeters.

Geometric Design
Four nose surfaces are generated to model the radome as a thin layer approximation. To do that, click
on Tools – Script – Load menu and load the nose_radome.nfp script that provides the internal layer
of the radome. Not that the script is ready for loading it in millimetres because of its last command.

As it is not a canonical shape, we can approximate the next interfaces by scaling the original one. Use
three times the command duplicate to create three additional copies of the generated shape.

The selected dimension as reference is the X-one, which has a distance to the origin of 500 millimetre,
given by the e parameter (it is the a parameter, in meters, scaled to millimetres). As we need that the
reference dimensions varies according to the thickness and tparameters, the scale factor is computed
as the desired size divided by the original one.

Use the scale command to scale the three copies of the nose shape, each one by the corresponding

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Table 9:

Plane Scale Factor

2 (e+thickness)/e

3 (e+thickness+t)/e

4 (e+(2*thickness)+t)/e

Figure 1646: Command line semispheres definition

After creating the four noses, note that the base is centred at the origin of coordinates, so they must be
moved to the horn.

Use the move command to move the four noses from 0 0 0 to 0 0 -100 point.

Figure 1647: List of geometric entities in the tree

Radome Definition
Having defined the geometric model, the radome must be created and assigned. To do that, click on
Source – Radome – Define Radome menu and the Radome panel is open on right side of screen.

In the Radome panel, no radomes are created so click on Add Radome button to insert a new radome.
Then, the table of interfaces of the selected radome (1) is loaded below. As we have shown in Figure 1,
the radome is made of 4 interfaces that define the 3 layers, so click on New Interface button twice
to get the 4 interfaces.

Each nose must be assigned to every radome interface in the same order than specified in Figure 1.
Remember that the normal vectors of every interface must be pointing to the next one. To assign a
nose to an interface, select the geometrical object from the tree or in the Geometry panel, then select

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the corresponding row in the Interfaces table, and click on Set Objects button. Then, assign the
Material to its interface, which is defined to the current layer.

The material (or layers) is considered between one interface and its next one, so the last interface does
not required a material.

Remember clicking on Save button to confirm the radome definition.

Figure 1648: 27 Radome definition.

The next figure shows the final design of the radome with the horn, with the Material Lines view. In this
representation, we verify that the layers of the radome have the correct materials.

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Figure 1649: 28 Lines view with materials of the final design.

Mesh and Run

Note that it is an electrically large case, so we have run it in a workstation

The only parameter modified in the meshing process is the number of Processors, which is set to 16.
Specify the number of processors and click on Mesh buttons to confirm the changes and mesh.

The five parametric steps are meshed by requiring about 7 GB of RAM memory and 1 minute per step.

Click on Calculate – Execute menu and launch the simulation with 16 processors by clicking on
Execute button.

The five parametric steps are simulated by requiring about 4.5 GB of RAM memory and 10 seconds per

Computational Specifications

Step 1 2 3 4 5

Number of Unknowns 454,780 454,983 455,342 455,780 456,010

Required RAM (GB) 10 10 10 10 10

With Number of
28 28 30 29 29
Preconditioner Iterations

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Step 1 2 3 4 5

Simulation Time
31 : 36 30 : 15 29 : 53 31 : 23 30 : 40
(min : ss)


Radiation Pattern
Step 1

Step 2

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Step 3

Step 4

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Step 5

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Current Density
Step 1

Step 2

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Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

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Step 1 2 3 4 5

Insertion Losses -0.15372 -0.14825 -0.1358 -0.13691 -0.13398


Radiated Power 0.00263137

– Antenna (RPA)


Radiated Power 0.00220632 0.0020827 0.00217986 0.00215892 0.00213711

with radome



RPA/RPR (dB) 1.530268344 2.03110404 1.63506634 1.71890739 1.80710085

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Figure 1650: Cut Phi = 0 comparison - radome steps and isolated antenna

Example 2: Radome with FSS

This document shows an example to create a radome with FSS. The table below resumes the
parameters taken into account in the following example:

Data Definition Values

Frequency Simulation Frequency 10 GHz

Material Teflon Er = 1.9

Thickness Radome thickness 4 mm

FSS Radome FSS Cross

Create a new MOM project. To do that, click on New Project button and select the MOM module.

Figure 1651: 1 Choose the MOM module.

Set the frequency. Click on Simulation –> Parameters menu and then the Simulation panel is open
on right side of screen. Set the frequency to 10 GHz and click on Save button before closing the panel.

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Figure 1652: 2 Simulation Parameters

Set the feeding. Click on Source -> Primitive Antennas -> Horn -> Pyramidal Horn menu
and click on Add with default parameters. Note The default parameters of the horn are calculated
automatically for the simulation frequency.

Figure 1653: 3 Set up a Pyramidal Horn

Set the Radome Geometry. To create the radome geometry follow this steps:

1. Change Y axis of Reference Plane to Z axis. Click on View -> Reference Plane and set Y-axis to
(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) and then click on Update button.

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2. Draw an arc with the following parameters. Click on Geometry -> Curve -> Arc.

Figure 1654: 4 Change Reference plane and draw an arc

3. Draw another arc with the following parameters. The thickness between the two arcs is 4mm.

Figure 1655: 5 Second arc with 4mm of thickness

4. Click on Reset button of the Reference Plane panel.

5. Revolve arcs. Click on Geometry -> Surface -> Revolve and select the two arcs. For a better
meshing create the surfaces with 90 degrees of revolution.

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Figure 1656: 6 Revolve arcs

Set the FSS. To create a conformed FSS on the radome surface folow this steps:

1. Draw the FSS Element. Click on Source -> Radome -> FSS Primitives -> Crosses -> Cross and
click on Save button with default parameters. The FSS Element must be on XY plane and centered on
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

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Figure 1657: 7 FSS Element

2. Select the upper surfaces of the radome and click on Edit -> Geometric Operations -> Arrays ->
Array On Surface.

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Figure 1658: 8 Set up a conformed FSS on Radome Surface

3. Group radome interfaces. Select the upper and lower surfaces of the radome and group them

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Figure 1659: 9 Group Radome Interfaces

4. Remove the crosses that are not closed and the FSS Element. Select crosses and click on Edit ->
Explode and then select the individual cross and click on Edit -> Delete.

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Figure 1660: 10 Remove FSS Element and individual crosses.

5. Group the crosses again. Crosses can be selected by clicking on the tree surfaces folder. Click on
Edit -> Group.

6. It is possible to give a thickness to the crosses. In this case select the crosses and click on
Geometry -> Solid -> Extrude Normal. Set the thickness to 1mm.

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Figure 1661: 11 Set a thickness to the crosses

7. Group the crosses with their thickness and rename the objects as you can see in the following image.

Figure 1662: 12 Geometry at this point

Configure Radome Parameters. To finish defining the radome follow the next steps:

1. Click on Source -> Radome -> Define Radome menu and add a radome.

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Figure 1663: 13 New Radome

2. Select the object of Interface 1 (lower) and the first row in Radome panel and then click on Set
Objects button. Repeat the process with the object of Interface 2.

Figure 1664: 14 Add Interface Object

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3. Selects the FSS object and the second interface in Radome Panel. Click on Set FSS Elements

Figure 1665: 15 Set up a FSS in the Radome

4. Select the material 'Teflon' on Interface 1. Click on Save button of Radome panel. Note The
material of interface 1 corresponds to the material between the two interfaces.

Figure 1666: 16 Select the material

Meshing Geometry. Click on Meshing -> Create Mesh and set planar and curved divisions to 20.
Click on Mesh button.

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Figure 1667: 17 Meshing panel

Start Simulation. Click on Calculate -> Execute.

Figure 1668: 18 Simulation


Radiation Pattern:

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Figure 1669: Currents:

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10.16 Test Cases

In this section will be developed advanced cases of the use of the MOM module.

10.16.1 Test Case A

This example describesthe calculation ofthepoyting vector andthe maximum value of the
field on an observationplaneofpointsnear the antenna.By calculating themultipolein this
firstsimulation,thencalculatethe same dataonother observation, this timecylindrical,around yhe antenna
and usingthe multipolefor a gainintime.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open 'New Fasant' and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1670: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model.

Execute 'plane' command writing it on command line and sets the parameters as the next figure shows
when command line ask for it.

Figure 1671: 'Plane' Command parameters

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

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Figure 1672: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 4: Set the antenna parameters.

Select 'Antenna --> Primitives --> Coaxial Feed --> Dipole' option and set the parameters as show the
next figure. Then save the parameters and the antenna appears.

Figure 1673: Coaxial Dipole Antenna panel

Step 5: Set Near Field parameters.

Select 'Output --> Observation Points' option. The following panel will appear.

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Figure 1674: Observation Points panel

To add a plane visualization, select 'plane' on the selector of 'Geometry Types' section and click on 'Add'
button. The plane parameters panel will appear, then configure the values as the next figure show and
accept it clicking on 'OK' button.

Figure 1675: Observation Plane panel

The observation will appear as a dashed line on the position configured.

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Figure 1676: Observation visualization

Step 6: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure.

Figure 1677: Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

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Figure 1678: Meshing process log

Step 7: Execute the simulation.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show.

Figure 1679: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process

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Figure 1680: Execute process log

Step 8: Show Results

Select 'Show Results --> Post-Process' option to calculate the puyting vector of the observation. To see
the result as a diagram, select 'diagram' on the selector of 'New Trace' option and click on 'OK' button.

Figure 1681: Post-Process Trace panel

Then, a panel to configure the results appears. Set the parameters as next figure and add on 'OK'

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Figure 1682: Trace panel

The visualization of the results appears on the main panel.

Figure 1683: Puyting Vector visualization

Select 'Show Results --> Post-Process' option to calculate the maximum field value of the plane
observation. To see the result as a table, select 'table' on the selector of 'New Trace' option and click on
'OK' button.

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Figure 1684: Post-Process Trace panel

Then, a panel to configure the results appears. Set the parameters as next figure and add on 'OK'

Figure 1685: Maximum Value visualization

Step 9: Save the multipole file to use it for calculating the second observation.

Select 'Show Results --> Export Multipole File' option to save the multipole file on a selected path for
use on other simulations. Previous, select the step and frequency for the multipole file.

Figure 1686: Export Multipole

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Step 10: Delete the geometry model, the antena and the observation plane. Then set the multipole file
saved as antenna selecting 'Antenna --> Multipole Antenna' option and selecting the '.suj' file saved en
the step 9. Then click on 'Save' button and the multipole appears as green cone.

Figure 1687: Multipole Antenna panel

Figure 1688: Multipole Antenna visualization

Step 11: Set Near Field parameters.

Select 'Output --> Observation Points' option. To add a cylindrical visualization, select 'cylinder' on
the selector of 'Geometry Types' section and click on 'Add' button. The cylinder parameters panel will
appear, then configure the values as the next figure show and accept it clicking on 'OK' button.

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Figure 1689: Observation Cylinder panel

The observation will appear as a dashed line on the position configured.

Figure 1690: Observation Cylinder visualization

Step 12: Calculate again (meshing is not necessary and not work without a geometry). This calculation
uses the multipole antenna as the geometry and the coaxial dipole used in the first simulation.

Step 13: Show results again like step 8.

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Figure 1691: Puyting Vector visualization

Figure 1692: Maximum Value visualization

10.16.2 Test Case B

This example describesthe calculation offield differencein aobservation planeofpointsbetween
twoboxeswithoutandwith a slot, having adipoleinone of the boxes. The same processwill be performedon
a lineofobservationinside the boxin which thedipoleis not found.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open 'New Fasant' and select 'File --> New' option.

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Figure 1693: New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model.

Execute 'box' command writing it on command line and sets the parameters as the next figure shows
when command line ask for it.

Figure 1694: 'Box' Command parameters

To generate other box execute 'symmetric' command as the next figure shows.

Figure 1695: 'Symmetric' command parameters

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the
parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

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Figure 1696: Simulation Parameters panel

Step 4: Set the antenna parameters.

Select 'Antenna --> Dipole Antenna' option and set the parameters as show the next figure. Then save
the parameters and the antenna appears.

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Figure 1697: Dipole Antenna panel

Step 5: Set Near Field parameters.

Select 'Output --> Observation Points' option. The following panel will appear.

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Figure 1698: Observation Points panel

To add a plane visualization, select 'plane' on the selector of 'Geometry Types' section and click on 'Add'
button. The plane parameters panel will appear, then configure the values as the next figure show and
accept it clicking on 'OK' button.

Figure 1699: Observation Plane panel

The observation will appear as a dashed line on the position configured.

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Figure 1700: Observation visualization

To add the line observation, repeat this step with the 'line' option on the selector of 'Geometry Types'
and the following parameters.

Figure 1701: Observation Line Panel

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Figure 1702: Observation visualization

Step 6: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters
as show the next figure.

Figure 1703: Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process

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Figure 1704: Meshing process log

Step 7: Execute the simulation.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of
processors as the next figure show.

Figure 1705: Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process

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Figure 1706: Execute process log

Step 8: Save the project

Select 'File --> Save' option to save the project. Select a name and a path to save it on the file chooser
that appears.

Step 9: Modify the geometry to make the slots in the boxes.

Execute 'explode' command with the boxes selected and follow the steps like shows the next figure.
This command divide each object on independent surfaces.

Figure 1707: 'Explode' command

Execute 'delete' command with the nearest surface to observation plane selected in the boxes.

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Figure 1708: 'Delete' command

Execute 'plane' command with the parameters shows on the next figure.

Figure 1709: 'Plane' command

Repeat the operation with the following parameters.

Figure 1710: 'Plane' command

Execute 'explode' command with the new planes selected.

Execute 'booleanDifference' command with the surfaces given for the previous 'explode'. This command
ask for two surface to eliminate the second one from the first one.

Figure 1711: 'booleanDifference' command

Execute 'rotate' command with the new surface previously selected, using the parameters shown on the
next figure.

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Figure 1712: 'Rotate' command

Execute 'symmetric -c' command with the surface used on previous step. Use 'symmetric' parameters
as the following figure shows.

Figure 1713: 'Symmetric' command

Execute 'group' command with the surfaces composing one of the boxes previously selected. Then
repeat the operation with the surfaces composing the other box.
The final result is a geometry with two boxes with a slot on the front surface to the observation plane.

Figure 1714: Geometry visualization

Step 10: Meshing and calculate again like steps 6 and 7.

Step 11: Show results.

Select 'Show Results --> Post-Process' option to calculate the field difference on the plane observation
between this example (slotted boxes) and the example executed on the first part of this guide (closed
boxes). To see the result as a plot, select 'plot' on the selector of 'New Trace' option and click on 'OK'

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Figure 1715: Post-Process Trace panel

To import the result of the other project, first select the result to show on 'Simulation results', 'Results
Type' and 'Results Options' combo boxes. In this case, the values of the next figure for 'Trace options'

Figure 1716: Trace Options

Then click on 'Import trace form project' button to import the selected results to a project. In the panel
that appears, select the project on the file chooser opened with 'Browse' button. Then click on 'Save'
button to import the results. The imported results appears on 'Results Type' combo box as a new entry
with the name of the selected to import with an index indicating the order of the imported projects.

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Figure 1717: Imported trace

Set the parameters as next figure and add on 'OK' button.

Figure 1718: Field Difference parameters

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Figure 1719: Field Difference plot visualization on plane observation

To show the result as a diagram, repeat step 11 selecting 'diagram' on the 'Post-Process Trace' panel.

Figure 1720: Field Difference diagram visualization on plane observation

To show the same results over the line observation, follow the steps explained for the plane observation
but previously to click on 'OK' button to show the results, click on 'Parameters' button on 'Trace
Representation' panel. Then select the line observation on the panel that appears and confirm the

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Figure 1721: Field Difference plot visualization on line observation

Figure 1722: Field Difference diagram visualization on line observation

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Periodical Structures 11
11 Periodical Structures

Periodical structures is used for the analysis and design of reflection and transmission coefficients in
periodical structures and metamaterials.

This chapter covers the following:

• 11.1 File Menu (p. 1426)

• 11.2 Edit Menu (p. 1427)
• 11.3 View Menu (p. 1428)
• 11.4 Geometry Menu (p. 1429)
• 11.5 Materials Menu (p. 1430)
• 11.6 Cell Menu (p. 1431)
• 11.7 Simulation Menu (p. 1433)
• 11.8 Solver Menu (p. 1434)
• 11.9 Meshing Menu (p. 1436)
• 11.10 Calculate Menu (Alt + C) (p. 1443)
• 11.11 Show Results Menu (p. 1445)
• 11.12 Tools Menu (p. 1448)
• 11.13 Help Menu (p. 1449)
• 11.14 Training Examples (p. 1450)
• 11.15 Annex 1: Creating a Reflectarray Database (p. 1461)
• 11.16 Annex 2: Analysis of a Reflectarray Database Creation (p. 1465)
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11.1 File Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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11.2 Edit Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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11.3 View Menu

For information about the View menu, refer to View Menu.

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11.4 Geometry Menu

In order to generate the geometry for the cell is recommended to pay attention the following

• For the cell construction the user geometries must be planar surfaces, located on XY planes
(parallel to the floor) and centered over the 'Z' axis.
• If the user wants to locate a ground plane, a point where the ground plane will be located will be
added. This point can be located in any order of the 'Z' axis but it will be considered as the bottom
interface, i.e. the other interfaces must be located in upper orders of the 'Z' axis of this point.
• More points can be defined to generate empty interfaces but the reference plane only will be
introduced on the bottom interface.

For information about the Geometry menu and the geometry primitives to add, refer to Geometry

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11.5 Materials Menu

For information about the Materials menu, refer Materials Menu (Periodical Structures Module).

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11.6 Cell Menu

The main options for the cell definition are included in the Cell menu.

Figure 1723: Cell Menu

11.6.1 Define Cell

When this panel is opened, the cell is automatically created according to the geometry previously
generated, see Geometry Menu.

Figure 1724: Define Cell panel

This panel has the following considerations:

• An interface is generated for every different Z coordinate that is detected on the geometry. In the
image, the cell has two interfaces because a point and the plane are defined on two different XY
planes with different Z order.
• According to the scheme on the top of the panel, the interfaces and materials are numerated from
the lowest Z coordinate to the highest one. In the image 'Interface 1' correspond with the interface
where the point is defined and 'Material 1' that is 'Foam' corresponds with the blue layer. On the
top, 'Interface 3' corresponds with the interface where the plane is defined.
• The material layers, that defines the material located over the interface of the same number, are
only represented while this panel is opened.

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• In the table the user can assign defined materials to the layers, except to the upper interface that
is the top of the cell. To add a material to de materials database for use it for a layer see Materials
Menu (Periodical Structures Module).
• Cell dimension: Tx and Ty determines the x-size and the y-size of the cell.
• Skew angle: Define the angle of displacement for the y-axis to the replication cells. Normally, a
skew angle of 45 to 90 degrees is defined. The upper cells will move to the right on the y-axis.
• Ground Plane: The check box define a reflection (enabled) or transmission (disabled) cell. The
ground plane is added automatically on the bottom interface, where a point must be presented
or the present geometry will be removed. The ground plane will be painted on gray to visualize it
when this panel is displayed.
• Adjust Cell: The button resize the cell to the bounding box geometry.

11.6.2 FSS Primitives

In this menu, the most common periodic primitives are defined. For information about the periodic
primitives, refer to the Geometry menu in the Geometry Menu.

11.6.3 Import
Imports a previously saved cell, selecting the cell file on the file chooser that appears when this option
is selected.

11.6.4 Export
Export to a .cell file the cell defined into the interface, selecting the path on a file chooser that appears
when this option is selected.

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11.7 Simulation Menu

Figure 1725: Simulation Menu

11.7.1 Simulation Parameters

The parameters are defined by the user to the right of the window. It is possible to select a single
frequency or a frequency sweep. The user can define the initial frequency, final frequency and the
number of samples for the simulation.

Figure 1726: Simulation Parameters panel

• Frequency: The user may select a single frequency or a frequency sweep to run.
• Planewave Incident Angles: Define in which angle the plane wave will incide.
• Ports: In this panel the user can specify some additional distance from the top and bottom of the
structure. The specified distance will be added into the structure, into the Z-Axis.

After setting up the simulation parameters it is necessary to press the Save button to save the
configuration changes.

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11.8 Solver Menu

Figure 1727: Solver Menu

11.8.1 Solver Parameters

Figure 1728: Solver Parameters

• Solver: Algorithm to solve the iterative method. BICGSTAB (BiConjugate Gradient STAbilized
method) and GMRES (Generalized Minimal Residual method) are available. If no convergence
is achieved by using any of this methods, try to use the other one. direct solution method may
require huge memory and time resources when a large number of unknowns is considered.
• Method:
◦ MRW: Ma-Rokhlin-Wandzura (MRW) specialized quadrature rules are used in the computation
of inductive and capacitive contributions of MoM’s matrix. User can set this parameter to low,
medium or high accuracy.
◦ Gauss: Conventional Gauss quadrature rules are used in the computation of inductive and
capacitive contributions of MoM’s matrix.
• Region Size: This parameter defines the size edge (in terms of wavelengths) of the regions
generated in the MLFMA-MoM (Multi-Level Fast Multipole Algorithm – Method of Moments)

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• Relative Error: It is the maximum value error allowed in the iterative process. When the relative
error of any iteration is lower than the value specified, the current computation stay is considered
as a valid solution and the iterative process is finished. The smaller is the Relative Error the more
accurate is the provided solution, but the larger is the computation time.
• Maximum number iterations: Maximum number of iterative steps used to search an iteration
that satisfies the specified Relative Error. If the maximum number of iterations is reached without
getting a valid solution, the last iteration solution is saved.

Click on Save button to confirm the update configuration.

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11.9 Meshing Menu

Figure 1729: Meshing Menu

11.9.1 Create Mesh

In the Periodical Structures module, the mesh generation is a required step that must be performed
immediately before simulating. In the Meshing Parameters window, represented in the next figure, the
following options are available:

Figure 1730: Meshing Parameters panel

Divisions per wavelength The user may specify different mesh density in planar and curved surfaces.
Planar surfaces are contained in a single plane, otherwise surfaces are curved. Let c be the speed of
light in the vacuum (meters per second), given a number of divisions D and a frequency f, the size of
the generated elements L is given by:

L = lambda / D ; lambda = c / f

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This parameters are critical for the resolution of the analysis. By default, 10 divisions means that a flat
side of 1 meter generate a mesh of 100 elements (10x10 divisions) if the mesh is 0.3 GHz. This module
sizes frequently unit cell geometries are in relation to centimeters or millimeters so these values for
meshing may not be sufficient to obtain sufficiently accurate results but meshing frequencies rise to the
order of GHz or tens of them. In these cases it is recommended to increase this number of divisions for
more accurate results, for example to 20 divisions per wavelength.

Number of bands per octave:

When a frequency swept is enabled, the meshing frequencies are different to the simulation ones.
An automatic frequency ranges per octaves is performed, that depends on the initial frequency,
the final frequency, and the number of bands per octave specified. The higher is this parameter,
the more frequencies are considered for the meshing process.

• Frequency:Select this option to use the same frequency for meshing all the frequencies of the
swept. The frequency must be specified in GHz.

Use this to set the number of processors used for the meshing process.

• Mesh Repair Select this option to evaluate and repair the generated mesh. It is recommended for
analyzing complex geometries, specially whenever a good convergence is not achieved. Several
problems will be studied and solved isolated and spurius elements are removed, and overlapped
regions are repaired. The detection of this defects on the mesh depends on two parameters that
are explained below, and can be edited by clicking on Options button. Elements wit smaller area
than the minimum allowed, isolated elements, or parallel elements closer than a minimum distance
are deleted from the output mesh. The minimum area and distance depends on the wavelength,
the number of divisions per wavelength selected, and the Area and Border, and they are
determined as:

Figure 1731: Meshing Repairing options

• The Advanced Settings are explained below.

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Figure 1732: Meshing Advanced Parameters panel (I), General tab

• General there are some options to specify in this tab.

◦ Multilevel Meshing. Enable this option to generate the mesh automatically in several steps.
This option is usually more efficient (in terms of runtime) than common mesh generation, so it
is selected by default. However, minor differences may appear between the meshes obtained
with and without multilevel mode. The frequency of the first step may be specified by the
user in the First freq field, but when this field is empty, the first frequency is automatically
◦ Memory Factor. This option allows a reduction of the memory resources required in the mesh
generation process. The memory allocation is an automatic feature in this process, so the
highest one is selected by default to ensure that the mesh will be successfully obtained. If the
memory resources exceed the available memory, the message depicted in the next Figure will
appear to suggest decreasing this factor.

Figure 1733: Warning panel

• Volumetric Mode. This option allows to change the algorithm used in the mesh generation
process of dielectric objects (defined as Volumes). Two different modes are available:

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• ◦ Structured Mesh All elements of the volumetric mesh are perfect parallelepipeds. This method
is an approximation of the real shape of the dielectric objects by simple cubes. Some parts of
the mesh can be out of the volume and other regions can have incomplete regions, but the
average volume of the mesh is very similar to the volume of the original dielectric objects. This
algorithm is the fastest one.
◦ Conformed Mesh Most of elements of the volumetric mesh are perfect parallelepipeds, but
only in the completely inner regions of them. The inner structured mesh is joined with the
boundaries of the volume by using hexahedrons of variable shapes. This method is more
accurate than the Structured Mesh, but is also slower and irregular elements may appear in
specific cases.

Different divisions per wavelength for the X, Y and Z dimensions may be considered for meshing the
volumetric objects.

• Topology. If the electrical continuity between the surfaces have to be broken, the option Disable
topology must be selected. Note that the accuracy may be reduced when the electrical continuities
are not correctly analyzed because virtual fissures are introduced.
• Edge Refinement. This option allows enabling the modelling of border effect in the mesh
generation. The Edge Factor field represents the portion of size of the final elements to model the
border effect. It is only enabled when Edge Refinement is selected.

• Surfaces Replication there is only one option called Parameters in this tab that is composed by
some sub-options.

Figure 1734: Meshing Advanced Parameters panel (II), Surfaces Replication tab

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◦ By marking the Replicate Open Surfaces option, a parallel layer of open objects is generated
in the mesh generation process. If replication is marked, the elements of all the open objects
are replicated to an automatic frequency-dependent distance from the original ones. By
clicking on the advanced button, the window shown in the next Figure will appear where
additional features can be configured.
◦ Replication Area. The criterion to replicate open objects can be edited.

• Replicate all open objects. Any object is replicated, by default.

• Replicate objects with area greater than. To specify manually the threshold of the minimum total
area of the objects to be replicated, in square meters.

• Replication Distance. The distance between the original objects and their parallel replicas can
also be edited.
◦ Automatically calculate. By default, the distance is given by the following expression:

• Specified distance. To specify manually the desired distance, in meters.

• Geometry the followings parameters can be specified.

Figure 1735: Meshing Advanced Parameters panel (III), Geometry tab

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◦ Study Geometry. To pre-process the input geometry, evaluating some features such as its
sizes or electrical continuities.
◦ Study Edges. To delete the edges of the input surfaces that are shorter than the Minimum
Edge parameter (in meters), extending its adjacent edges. This option is only enabled when
the Study Geometry button is enabled.
◦ Study Loops. To delete the loops of the input surfaces that are shorter than the Minimum
Loop parameter (in meters). This option is only enabled when the Study Geometry button is
◦ Study Areas. To delete the input surfaces that are smaller than the Minimum Area parameter
(in square meters). This option is only enabled when the Study Geometry button is enabled.
◦ Detect Topology. To detect automatically electrical continuity between neighboring surfaces
that are very close but have not been modeled with precise continuity. The maximum
separation allowed to set the electrical continuity is the Maximum Distance parameter (in
meters). This option is only enabled when the Study Geometry button is enabled.
◦ Split Curves. To divide the curved borders of the input surfaces that have a curvature greater
than the Maximum Arc parameter (in degrees). This option is only enabled when the Study
Geometry button is enabled.
◦ Scale Geometry. To scale internally the geometry during the meshing process. When the
mesh generation finishes, the output mesh has the same sizes as the original geometry. This
option is useful for meshing very small structures. This option is only enabled when the Study
Geometry button is activated.

11.9.2 Visualize Existing Mesh

This option can be chosen by the user to load the meshes files (msh file extension). When this option is
selected the following window appears:

Figure 1736: Visualize Existing Mesh

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Figure 1737: Mesh View

11.9.3 Visualize Mesh Log

This option loads a file named mesh_log.txt that contains information about meshes. This information is
printed in a new tab on the screen.

Figure 1738: Mesh Log

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11.10 Calculate Menu (Alt + C)

Figure 1739: Calculate Menu

Before executing the simulation the user needs to make sure that every simulation parameter has
been correctly configured. If something is wrong with a user defined parametera warning message is
displayed to let the user know that it is necessary to correct one or more parameters.

11.10.1 Execute
This option runs the simulation. The user can define the number of processors that will run the

Figure 1740: Execute panel

When the simulation starts, a new screen is displayed:

Figure 1741: Processing command

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During a solution process, the screen reports the status of each phase of the calculation process:date
and CPU time for every phase of the solution process, etc.

This data can be saved by the user by clicking the Save button, as shown in the next Figure.

Figure 1742: Save processing

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11.11 Show Results Menu

This option allows the user to see the results obtained on the project simulation.

Figure 1743: Show Results Menu

Most of plots show 2-D curves of a result field versus an input parameter. This type of graphics share
aditional features of zoom, raxis and curves edition, and so on. To read more information about the
chart options (when clicking on the rigth button over a chart) see Annex 1: Graphics Advanced Options.

11.11.1 View Cuts by Frequency

This command plots the amplitude (dB or nat) or the phase of the fields computed for each frequency of
the simulation periodical structure. The user can select different components to view.

Figure 1744: View cuts by frequency

It is also possible to delete the selected trace of the list with the Remove Series button. The display
option allows to change the color of the series and display points. The Import Series and Export Series
buttons are used for importing and exporting the selected series in List of Series to a data text file.

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11.11.2 View Cuts by Step

This command plots the amplitude (dB or nat) or the phase of the fields computed for each step of the
simulation periodical structure. The user can select different components to view.

Figure 1745: View cuts by step

It is also possible to delete the selected trace of the list with the Remove Series button. The display
option allows to change the color of the series and display points. The Import Series and Export Series
buttons are used for importing and exporting the selected series in List of Series to a data text file.

11.11.3 View Text Files

This command shows the calculated results as a text file.

Figure 1746: View Text Files

11.11.4 Export Database

This option allows the user to export the database in a .db file. This database can be used in MoM
module to generate the reflectarray/transmitarray layout.

See Annex 1: Creating a Reflectarray Database and New Layout for more information.

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11.11.5 View Database

This command allow the user to represent all the information about the generated database, if it would
be generated. The panel show information about the number of steps or different configurations of the
cell, including the option to represent each one, the material layers, cell dimension and replication and
if the cell has a skew angle. This panel show information about if the generated object is reflectarray
or transmitarray and information about the phase values for a selected frequency of the computed
frequencies and the desire component. The phase can be represented on a table of values or plot.

Figure 1747: View DB information

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11.12 Tools Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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11.13 Help Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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11.14 Training Examples

11.14.1 Example 1: Analysis of a Cell with Disk Geometry

Step 1: Start newFASANT.

Step 2: Select File and click on New.

Step 3: Select Periodical Structures.

Step 4: Select Centimeters units.

Step 5: Click on "Cell → FSS Primitive → Disk", which requires the center and the radius, as shown in
the next figure.

In this example the user enters the following values:

• Center 0 0 0
• Radius 0.5

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Step 6:. Click on "Geometry → Point → Single point", which requires the x,y and z coordinates as
shown in the next figure.
In this example the user enters the following values into the command line:

• Select point on screen [x y z] 0 0 0.5

Step 7: Click on "Cell → Define cell". Assign the material of the layer.

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Step 8: Click on "Simulation → Parameters". Configure the simulation with this parameters:

• Units: GHz
• Initial frequency: 10
• Final frequency: 16
• Samples: 4
• Planewave Definition: Symmetric

Step 9: Before running the case, select "Meshing → Create Mesh".

Configure the meshing with this parameters:

• Planar surfaces: 40
• Curved surfaces: 40
• Mesh mode: Frequency, 16.0 GHz
• Processors: (Processors available)

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Click on "Mesh" button launch the meshing engine as shown in the next figure:

Step 10: Select "Calculate → Execute" and select the number of processors available.

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Step 11: When the simulation finishes we can visualize the simulation results. Click on "Show Results
→ View Cuts By Frequency".

Step 12: To view text file results, click on "Show Results → View Text Files".

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11.14.2 Example 2: Analysis of a Cell with Spiral

Geometry and Skew Angle
Step 1: Start newFASANT.

Step 2: Select File and click on New.

Step 3: Select Periodical Structures.

Step 4: Select Centimeters units.

Step 5: Click on "Cell → FSS Primitive → Strips → Spiral", which requires the center, width, number of
turns and the radius.

In this example the user enters the following values:

• Center position: 0 0 0
• Width: 0.05
• Number of turns: 2
• Radius: 0.9

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Step 6: Click on "Geometry → Point → Single point", which requires the x,y and z coordinates as shown
in the next figure.
In this example the user enters the following values into the command line:

• Select point on screen [x y z]: 0 0 -1

Step 7: Click on Cell → Define cell.

• Assign the material of the layer. The selected material is DiClad870_0020

Change the cell dimensions to ensure that the cell contains the whole metallic structure.

• Tx: 2
• Ty: 1.75

The final design of the cell is shown in the next figure.

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Step 8: Click on "Simulation → Parameters". Configure the simulation with this parameters:

• Units: GHz
• Initial frequency: 10
• Final frequency: 11
• Samples: 5
• Theta incidence: 0.0
• Phi incidence: 0.0

Step 9: Before running the case, select "Meshing → Create Mesh".

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Configure the meshing with this parameters:

• Planar surfaces: 40
• Curved surfaces: 40
• Mesh mode: Frequency, 11.0 GHz
• Processors: 2

Click on "Meshing → Visualize Existing Mesh" to visualize all the generated meshes.

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Step 10: Select "Calculate → Execute" and select the number of processors available.

Step 11: When the simulation finishes we can visualize the simulation results. Click on "Show Results
→ View Cuts By Frequency".

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Step 12: To view text file results, click on "Show Results → View Text Files".

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11.15 Annex 1: Creating a Reflectarray Database

This chapter summarizes the main steps for generating a database in order to build and analyze
reflectarray/transmit array structure.

Step 1: Set the variable parameters for the structure. Select "Geometry --> Parameters --> Define
Parameters" option on the menu bar. On this tab, all the parameters used in the construction of
geometry will be set, see Define Parameters.

Step 2: Build the geometry for the elementary cell of the reflectarray / transmitarray structure. For this
purpose the user can use all options available to construct geometries (see Geometry Menu) only with
the following restrictions:

1. The used geometries must be planar geometries.

2. The geometries must be built in parallel planes to the XY plane (floor).
3. If the user wants to leave some empty interfaces on the cell, a point for each empty interface
must be added to detect an interface on the cell editor tab .
4. The used geometries must be created with some parameters in order to have different cells.
This is an example of a cell geometries, where two elements has been added at the same interface, and
a point has been inserted below to set the thickness of the material:

Note: Only first parameter (called 'len') has been defined, and the next ones are auxiliary parameters
that depends directly on the first one. The auxiliary parameters are automatically defined when an
operation is performed on an existing parameter, and their name starts always with the '$' character to
be identified.

Step 3: Build the elementary cell of the structure. Select "Cell --> Define Cell" option on the menu
bar. On this tab the parameters as layer material, cell size, cell replication, cell type (reflectarray or
transmitarray) or skew angle will be configured.

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The example has two interfaces, defined by the two geometries added on the previous step. The
materials for the layers are defined as the image shows, this is one material for each interface except
on the top interface.

Step 4: Set simulation parameters. On this tab the values for the frequency, planewave and
observation direction will be configured. For database creation is recommended to select only one
frequency and if the cell geometry is not symmetric for the vertical and horizontal polarizations select
asymmetric polarization type to analyze both polarizations.

Step 5: Meshing the periodical cell structure. Select "Meshing --> Create Mesh" option on menu bar.
Parameters as divisions per wavelength, frequency and number of processors will be configured.

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Step 6: Analyze the periodical cell structure. Select "Calculate --> Execute" option on menu bar.

Step 7: Select "Show Results --> Export Database".

Step 8: Show results. Select "Show Results --> View Cuts by Step".

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11.16 Annex 2: Analysis of a Reflectarray Database

This chapter analizes the squared geometry model proposed by F. Zubir et al.

This case analizes cases varying values on two of the critical parameters for this type of cases:
1. Two possibilities for the geometry steps 7 and 37 different sizes of the geometry.
2. Two possibilities for the number of divisions per wavelength on the meshing process 10 and 20

Step 0: Open newFASANT software and generate a new PERIODICAL STRUCTURES project selecting
the option on the tab that appears when the 'File --> New' option of the menu bar is selected.

Then, set the interface units on 'millimeters' using the selection list on the bottom left of the main

2. reference: F. Zubir, M. K. Abd Rahim, O. B. Ayop, and H. A. Majid, "Design and analysis
of microstrip reflectarray antenna with minkowski shape radiating element," Progress In
Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 24, 317-331, 2010. doi:10.2528/PIERB1007120, http://

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Step 1: Set the variable parameters for the structure. Select "Geometry --> Parameters --> Define
Parameters" option on the menu bar. On this tab, all the parameters to be used in the construction of
geometry will be set as described in Define Parameters.

This parameter is referenced to the size of the plane for the resonant frequency at 11 GHz. For this
frequency parameter ‘v’ = 6.06mm. This way the plane has 7 different sizes having in the middle step
the size of the resonant frequency at 11 GHz and in the upper step the maximum size possible to the
cell that will be defined on next steps. Note to use 37 steps for 37 different sizes the parameters must
be defined changing the samples value of 7 to 37 on the parameters definition.

Step 2: Build the geometry for the elementary cell of the reflectarray/transmitarray structure. For this
purpose the user can use all options available to construct geometries (see Geometry Menu) only with
the following restrictions:
1. The used geometries must be planar geometries.
2. The geometries must be built in parallel planes to the XY plane (floor).
3. If the user wants to leave some empty interfaces on the cell, a point for each empty interface
must be added to detect an interface on the cell editor tab.
4. The used geometries must be created with some parameters in order to have different cells.

Generate a plane typing 'plane' on the command line panel, and introducing the parameters as the next
figure shows. To see information about the use of the command line panel, see Command Line.

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Add a point to add the reference of phase where a ground plane will be placed on the cell definition.
Add the point at ‘0, 0, -1.524’. This value is the thickness for the cell layer.

Step 3: Create the material for the layer (see Materials Menu (Periodical Structures Module)). The
name used for the new material is RF-35 with the values Epsilon = (3.54, -0.0018) and Mu = (1.0,

Step 4: Edit the unit cell. Use "Cell --> Define Cell" option for the menu bar. Default, the window takes
a size of the cell with the maximum values in X and Y axis, and the first material on the list. Edit the cell
as follow:

1. In the table, each row means an interface with it object. The material column refers to the
material of the layer above the interface, i.e. the layer between the interface indicate by the row
and the next interface. This interfaces are ordered from the lowest Z order to the upper (that can
´t has a material). For the material on interface 1 select ‘RF-35’ on the list (the material added on
the previous step).
2. For the cell dimension select Tx = 11.43 and Ty = 10.16.
3. For the cell replication, and the skew angle, default values are correct.
4. Set the ground plane, selecting the check box. Then, the floor of the cell will be painted on grey.

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Step 5: Set the simulation parameters using "Simulation --> Parameters" option on the menu bar. This
configuration will be identical for both examples.

Set the initial frequency to 11 GHz, the final frequency with default values and the frequency samples
set to 1. This options allows to configure a frequency sweep to analyze the cases for different
frequencies. For this case only 11 GHz will be analyzed.

Step 6: Set meshing parameters using "Meshing --> Create Mesh" option on the menu bar.

In this step a meshing with 10 and 20 divisions per wavelength will be compared for the cases with
7 and 37 steps. First, the models will be meshed with 10 divisions per wavelength to the simulation
frequency. The number of processors to be selected, to improve the efficiency on time, will be the
number of the processors of the machine where the example will be executed.

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Then, the simulations for each size of the cell component will be executed. When the execution has
finished the result meshes can be opened with "Meshing --> Visualize an existing Mesh" option on the
menu bar, and selecting the ‘fss_1.msh’ (mesh of the unitary element) file from the directory of the
selected step and frequency. The next images corresponds with the files of the last size (‘step6’ or
‘step36’) and the unique frequency (‘f0’). On this steps the difference between 10 and 20 divisions is
greater than on ‘step0’ because the size is the biggest on the cases and on the ‘step0’ the size is low to
generate differences.

The next image corresponds with the mesh with 10 divisions per wavelength. This result is identical for
the cases of 7 and 37 steps.

Then, meshing the structures with 20 divisions per wavelength, the meshes will be larger and the
results will be more efficient. The next image corresponds with the mesh with 20 divisions per
wavelength. This result is identical for the cases of 7 and 37 steps.

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Step 7: Set calculate parameters using "Calculate --> Execute" option on the menu bar. The number of
processors to be selected, to improve the efficiency on time, will be the number of the processors of the
machine where the example will be executed. Select the path for the database file, previously checked
the box to generate it.

Then, the simulations for each size of the cell component will be executed. When the simulations finish
the results will be enabled to display it.

Step 8: Display the information about the phase with "Show Results --> Show Rx/Tx Phase".

First see the phase for the case with 7 steps and 10 divisions per wavelength.

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Then see the information for case with 7 steps and 20 divisions.

Now see the case with 37 steps and 10 divisions.

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Then see the information for case with 37 steps and 20 divisions.

Analyzing the results we can see that on reflectarray cases with elementary cell of size around
millimeters is recommended 20 or more divisions per wavelength. On reflectarray cases, to improve the
quality of the results is recommended to have a sufficient number of sizes for the unitary cell.

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Parabolic Equation 12
12 Parabolic Equation

PE is used for the analysis of radio-wave propagation over land and sea for medium and large distances.

This chapter covers the following:

• 12.1 File Menu (p. 1474)

• 12.2 Edit Menu (p. 1475)
• 12.3 View Menu (p. 1476)
• 12.4 Terrain Menu (p. 1477)
• 12.5 Profiles Menu (p. 1480)
• 12.6 Simulation Cases Menu (p. 1484)
• 12.7 Calculate Menu (p. 1487)
• 12.8 Results Menu (p. 1488)
• 12.9 Annex 1: PE Module Commands (p. 1491)
• 12.10 Training Examples (p. 1494)
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12.1 File Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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12.2 Edit Menu

For information about the Edit menu, refer to Edit Menu.

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12.3 View Menu

For information about the View menu, see View Menu.

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12.4 Terrain Menu

The Terrain menu contains options that work with terrains. The options are shown in the following

Figure 1748: Terrain menu

The available options are the following:

• Import terrain: Allows the user to import a terrain model into the project. Terrain models can
be used for extracting the topographic profiles that will be used in simulation cases. The user can
import terrain models with the GeoTiff or ARC/INFO ASCII GRID formats.
• Delete terrain: Deletes the currently imported terrain model from the project.

12.4.1 Import Terrain

This option allows the user to import a terrain model (with the GeoTIFF or ARC/INFO ASCII GRID) into
the project. Note that only one terrain model can be imported at the same time.

When the user selects this option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1749: Import Terrain panel

The user needs to click the "Browse" button to open a file explorer on which the user needs to select
the file to be imported.

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In case the selected file is ARC/INFO ASCII GRID, additional information is necessary for the proper
representation of the terrain. If there is already a PRJ file named as the terrain file, the user can edit it
or, if it does not exist, create a new one by clicking the button placed on the left of the browse button.
Then the following panel will appear:

This parameters will affect both the visualization of the terrain and the topographic profiles extracted
from it:

• Type: determines the way the terrain is represented. If it's projected on a plane, Projection will
be selected, otherwise, if it's represented on the earth's surface, Geological must be chosen.
• AngularFactor: conversion factor of the angular units. It can be specified for degrees or radians.
• Latitude: it's only necessary if the Geological is selected. Specifies the approximate medium
latitude of the terrain in degrees.
• LinearFactor: it's only necessary if the Projection is selected. Conversion factor of the linear units.
It must be specified in meters.

The Display options panel allows the user to control certain options of visualization for the imported
terrain. These options only affect the visualization of the imported terrain in the geometry panel and will
not impact the topographic profiles created from it:

• Center point: Specifies the location at which the terrain will be centered in the geometry panel.
• Point skip: In some cases, terrain models will have too many points. This may cause the graphical
user interface to lag due to the excessive computational resources needed to render the terrain
model. This field indicates how many columns/rows of the terrain model are skipped between two
successively rendered columns/rows. For instance, a value of 0 indicates that all points will be
rendered, while a value of 2 indicates that the GUI will render one column/row of points, ignore the
following two columns/row, render the next one and so on.
• Vertical exaggeration: Sometimes, the area of the terrain model is much greater than the
variations of height of the same terrain model, making those variations of height unappreciable.
This field allows the user to specify how many times the vertical features of the terrain model are
amplified, so visually it's easier to identify the relief of the terrain model.

When the above parameters have been set, the user can press the "Save" button to import the terrain.
The terrain model will be shown in the geometry panel.

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Figure 1750: Terrain visualized in the Geometry Panel

12.4.2 Delete Terrain

This option removes the currently imported terrain model from the project, if there is any. After deleting
a terrain model, the user may import another one by using the "Import terrain" option under the
"Terrain" menu.

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12.5 Profiles Menu

This option allows the user to manage the topographic profiles that are contained in the project. A
topographic profile can be created by using any of the following methods:

• By extracting them from the loaded terrain model.

• By importing a text file that contains the points (distance and height) of the topographic profile.
• By creating a topographic profile manually using the editor.

The first method of creating profiles has been explained in the previous section. It is possible to create
a topographic profile from a text file or using the editor by using the options present in the "Profiles"

The following figure shows the available options under this menu:

Figure 1751: Profiles menu

The available options are the following:

• Extract topographic profiles: Allows the user to create new topographic profiles from the
currently imported terrain model.
• New profile: Creates a new (empty) topographic profile.
• Import profile: Creates a topographic profile from the contents of a text file with the points of the
topographic profile. The format of the text file needs to be:
◦ First, any number of lines starting with "#" that will be ignored by the parser. These lines may
be used as comments.
◦ Then, any number of lines, each containing a point of the topographic profile. Each of these
lines must specify the distance from the origin (in meters) and the height of the point (in
meters). Both values must be separated by any number of spaces.
• View/Edit profile: Under this submenu, all the topographic profiles of the project will be listed.
Clicking on any of them will allow the edition of the profile.

Selecting any of these options will open the Topographic Profiles Editor, which will allow the user to
edit the new or existing topographic profile.

12.5.1 Extract Topographic Profiles

This submenu shows two options that allow the user to create topographic profiles from an imported
terrain model. The options under this submenu are the shown in the following figure:

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Figure 1752: Extract Topographic Profiles submenu

The available options for extracting topographic profiles from a terrain model are:

• Radial topographic profiles: Allows the user to extract multiple topographic profiles by choosing
a starting point (also referred to as "the center"), and a radius (which will be the length of each
topographic profile). The obtained profiles will match the radii of the circle with the specified radius
and center point.
• Profile between two points: Allows the user to extract a single topographic profile between two
points of the terrain model.
Selecting any of these options will call the matching command, see Annex 1: PE Module Commands for
more details.

12.5.2 Topographic Profile Editor

The Topographic Profile Editor allows the user to create new topographic profiles or edit the existing
ones. The Topographic Profile Editor will be opened when clicking any of the options under the "Profiles"

The Topographic Profile Editor is shown in the following figure:

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Figure 1753: Topographic Profile Editor

In this panel, it is possible for the user to manage the topographic profiles of the project. The
"Topographic profile management" panel allows the user to manage the list of topographic profiles of
the project, allowing the following actions:

• Select a profile so it is loaded into the editor (allowing further actions on it such as adding/
removing points, modifying points or exporting the profile).
• Create a new (empty) profile.
• Delete the selected profile.
• Import a profile from a text file. The required format is the same as when importing the
topographic by using the "Import profile" option under the "Profiles" menu:
◦ First, any number of lines starting with "#" that will be ignored by the parser. These lines may
be used as comments.
◦ Then, any number of lines, each containing a point of the topographic profile. Each of these
lines must specify the distance from the origin (in meters) and the height of the point (in
meters). Both values must be separated by any number of spaces.

The "Topographic profile editor" panel allows the user to visualize the selected topographic profiles, as
well as performing the following actions on the selected profile:

• Changing the name of the topographic profile.

• Editing the height of the points of the topographic profile in the table of points.
• Exporting the points of the topographic profile to a text file. The format of the resulting text file is
the same format required to import a topographic profile from a text file (explained above).
• Adding a new point to the topographic profile by using the "+" button. When doing this, the
program will ask the user the distance (in km) where the point is located. The new point will be
inserted into the table (note that points will be sorted by distance), allowing the user to edit its

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• Removing a point from the topographic profile. To do this, the user needs to select the row
corresponding to the point they want to remove and press the "-" button.

When the user has finished editing a topographic profile, they need to press the "Save" button to
confirm the changes.

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12.6 Simulation Cases Menu

The options under this menu allows the user to manage the list of simulation cases of the project. The
following figure shows the contents of the "Simulation cases" menu:

Figure 1754: Simulation Cases menu

The available options under this menu are the following:

• New case Allows the user to create a new (empty) simulation case.
• View/Edit case This submenu will list the simulation cases of the project. Clicking on any of them
allows to edit the parameters of the case.

Any of these options will open the Simulation Case Editor to edit the parameters of the new or existing
simulation case.

12.6.1 Simulation Case Editor

The Simulation Case Editor allows the user to manage the list of simulation cases of the project, as well
as changing the parameters of already existing simulation cases.

The Simulation Case Editor consists on two different tabs:

• Refraction Profiles This tab allows the user to create and edit the refraction profiles that will be
used in the simulation case. A refraction profile specifies how the refraction index of the air varies
along with the height.
• Case Definition This tab allows the user to configure the numerical parameters of the simulation
case, such as the parameters of the antenna and the spatial bounds of the simulation. In this
tab, the user also needs to set the topographic profile used for the simulation case, as well as the
assignation of the refraction profiles created in the previous tab to the different range values.

In addition, the top of the Simulation Cases Editor (shown in the next figures of this section) allows the
user to create new simulation cases or delete already existing ones. The combobox located at the top
of the panel allows the selection of the simulation cases that is going to be edited, and whose contents
are shown in the Simulation Cases Editor. When the user finishes the edition of the parameters of the
simulation case, they need to press the "Save Simulation Case" button located on the bottom of the

The options in each of the tabs of the Simulation Cases Editor will be explained next.

Refraction Profiles Tab

The contents of this tab are shown in the following figure:

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Figure 1755: Refraction Profiles Tab of the Simulation Case Editor

In this tab, it is possible to manage the list of refraction profiles contained in the simulation case.
Therefore, it is possible to create new profiles and delete the selected profile. When selecting a
refraction profile in the combobox, the table will show the points of the refraction profile, each
composed of the height (in meters) and the modified refraction (M).

It is possible to add new points to the refraction profile by entering the height value in the field next to
the "Add Height Point" button and then pressing this same button. The points of the refraction profile
will be ordered in the table by height value. The chart on the right will be updated automatically to
represent the values of the refraction points of the table.

When the user has finished editing the points of the refraction profile, they must press the "Save
Profile" button to confirm the changes.

Case Definition Tab

The contents of this tab are shown in the following figure:

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Figure 1756: Case Definition Tab of the Simulation Case Editor

This tab allows the user to define the parameters of the simulation case:

• The Refraction panel allows the user to specify the refraction profiles that will be used in the
simulation case. Each refraction profile is assigned a range, which is the distance from the origin
the profile will take effect at. It is recommended to assign refraction profiles to ranges so that the
refraction profiles span the whole range interval of the simulation (from 0.0 to the value specified
in the "Range limit" field). To add a refraction profile, the user needs to enter the range in the
"Range" field (in km), select the refraction profile in the drop-down list just below and press the
"Add Profile" button.
• The Topographic Profile panel allows the user to specify the topographic profile used for the
simulation (depicted in red on the chart on the right side). The "Reference Height" panel allows
the user to shift the Z-coordinate (or height coordinate), so that height 0 will be located in
another height value. It is recommended to set this value to be close to (but not greater than) the
minimum height of the topographic profile used.
• The Transmitter Antenna panel allows the user to specify the parameters of the antenna of the
simulation (the antenna will always be located at range = 0). The parameters that can be setup are
the polarization of the antenna, the half power beamwidth angle, the height (above the terrain at
range = 0) and the frequency.
• The Simulation Parameters panel contains the parameters of the SSPE (Split-Step Parabolic
Equation) algorithm. On the one hand, it allows to specify the range and height increments that the
algorithm will use to compute the fields. On the other hand, it allows to specify the computational
domain of the simulation with the "Range limit" and "Height limit" fields. These bounds are depicted
in blue on the chart.

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12.7 Calculate Menu

This menu contains only one option "Execute", which allows the execution of the simulation cases added
to the project. When the user selects the "Execute" option, the following panel is shown:

Figure 1757: Execute panel

This panel allows the user to select which of the cases of the project will be simulated. Only the
simulation cases with a checked mark next to them will be simulated. The user can click on the name of
a simulation case to toggle the state of the case.

To perform the simulation, the user needs to click the "Execute" button. This will open the Process Log,
which will show the state of the simulation.

Figure 1758: Process Log

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12.8 Results Menu

This menu allows the user to visualize the computed results for the executed simulation cases. The
contents of this menu are shown in the following figure:

Figure 1759: Results menu

• The Field submenu contains options to visualize the field at a given height value or range value.
• The Propagation Factor submenu contains options to visualize the propagation factor, that is, the
strength of the field relative to the free-space value, at a given height or range value.
• The Path Loss submenu contains options to visualize the path loss, that is, the ratio between
radiated power and power available at a point, at a given height or range value.

12.8.1 Visualizing Results

For each possible result type (field, propagation factor and path loss), there are three possible
visualization options show the results at a given height for every possible value of range, show the
results at a given range for every value of height, or show a color map of the value of the results of all
the profile. The options under each submenu of the "Results" menu allow to choose between the three

Figure 1760: Visualization options

By Height or Range
When any 'at Range' or 'at Height' option is selected, a new panel will be opened and will look like the
one in the following figure:

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Figure 1761: PE Field at Range panel

In this panel, it is possible to select the simulation case the user wants to show the results for, as well
as the range or height value, depending on the visualization mode. To add a new series, the user needs
to press the "Add Series" button after selecting the simulation case and range/height value.

In addition, the user can manage the added series by using the "Options" panel. In this panel, the user
can remove series, change the color of a series and import/export series from/to text files.

Color Map
If any of the 'Spectrum' options is selected a panel like this will appear:

Figure 1762: PE Prop. factor Spectrum

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In this panel, only one result set can be shown at once. To add or change a set, the user must select
the appropriate case, select the point skip, explained in the import terrain section and press the
"AddSeries" button.
In the Color Bar section, the user can define the range of values represented by the map. Any values
lower or higher than the limits will be represented with the same color as the correspondent limit. These
values can be changed before of after adding the values. The module or the phase can be changed. To
change it afterwards, click "Apply".

If the user wants to see a more detailed view of the values at range or height, pressing right click
anywhere in the graph will show a pop-up menu with those options.

Figure 1763: Spectrum Pop-Up Menu

Selecting any of those options will add the series to a panel like the one described above at the range or
height where the menu was triggered.

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12.9 Annex 1: PE Module Commands

The Parabolic Equation module includes several commands for use in the command-line that can be
used for managing terrains and creating topographic profiles. In this section, these commands will be

12.9.1 importTerrain command

Description This command is used to import a terrain model from a GeoTIFF or ARC/INFO ASCII GRID

Usage When called without arguments, it will open the same tab as the menu option to continue the

The command can also be called with command line arguments. In this case, it will need to be called
the following way:

importTerrain -p "path to file" centerX centerY centerZ verticalExaggeration pointSkip

These parameters are the same shown in the Import Terrain panel when accessing this function from
the menu:

• Center Specifies the location at which the terrain will be centered in the geometry panel.
• Point skip In some cases, terrain models will have too many points. This may cause the graphical
user interface to lag due to the excessive computational resources needed to render the terrain
model. This field indicates how many columns/rows of the terrain model are skipped between two
successively rendered columns/rows. For instance, a value of 0 indicates that all points will be
rendered, while a value of 2 indicates that the GUI will render one column/row of points, ignore the
following two columns/row, render the next one and so on.
• Vertical exaggeration Sometimes, the area of the terrain model is much greater than the
variations of height of the same terrain model, making those variations of height unappreciable.
This field allows the user to specify how many times the vertical features of the terrain model are
amplified, so visually it's easier to identify the relief of the terrain model.

In case the file is Ascii Grid (.asc), 3 extra parameters are necessary. The command must be called as

importTerrain -p "path to file" projectionType angularFactor (latitude | linearfactor) centerX centerY

centerZ verticalExaggeration pointSkip

• ProjectionType Type of representation of the terrain. It can be projected on a plane (p) or

represented on the earth's surface (g).
• AngularFactor conversion factor of the angular units. It must be specified in degrees.
• Latitude In case it is a geological representation Medium latitude of the location of the terrain.
• LinearFactor In case it is a projection conversion factor of the linear units. It must be specified in

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12.9.2 deleteTerrain command

Description This command deletes the currently loaded terrain.

Usage The command does not need any arguments.

12.9.3 profileBetweenPoints command

Description Creates a topographic profile between two different points of the loaded topographic

Usage When called without arguments, the command will ask for the following parameters in order:

• Geometrical coordinates (x, y) of the first point of the terrain, where the starting point of the
topographic profile will be located.
• Geometrical coordinates (x, y) of the second point of the terrain, where the final point of the
topographic profile will be located.

In order to easily determine these two points, the user can click on a point of the loaded terrain model
in the geometry panel, and the point will automatically be filled in the console.

When called with arguments, the command must be called the following way:

profileBetweenPoints -n profile_name -p x0 y0 x1 y1

Where "profile_name" is the name given to the created profile, (x0, y0) are the coordinates of the first
point and (x1, y1) are the coordinates of the second point.

12.9.4 radialProfiles command

Description Creates multiple topographic profiles, all starting at the same point (the center point) and
with the same distance (the radius length). The created profiles with match the radii of a circle centered
at the specified point and with the given radius length.

Usage When called without arguments, the command will ask for the following parameters in order:

• Geometrical coordinates (x, y) of the center point. The user can click on a point of the terrain
model to fill this value automatically.
• Radius length (i.e. profile length). The user can click on a point of the terrain model to calculate the
radius between the clicked point and the center point.
• The initial angle. Angles will be measured from the positive X axis and go up counter-clockwise. At
this angle will be the radius of the first topographic profile.
• The final angle. At this angle will be the radius of the last topographic profile.
• Number of topographic profiles that will be taken. This number must be of two or greater.

The result of this command will be as many topographic profiles as specified, each one matching
a radius of the circle defined by the center point and radius length, and each profile is sampled at
constant angle intervals between the initial angle and the final angle.

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When called with arguments, the command must be called the following way:

radialProfiles -n profile_name_prefix -p xCenter yCenter radius thetaStart thetaEnd


The names of the topographic profiles will have the prefix given by "profile_name_prefix" and will be
suffixed with a "_" followed by the number of the profile sample (1, 2, etc.). The rest of parameters are
the same as in the interactive version of the command.

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12.10 Training Examples

12.10.1 Example 1: Propagation Factor on an Existing

In this example, the propagation factor of a simple antenna is calculated and visualized.
Step 1

Start newFASANT.

Step 2

Select File and click on New.

Step 3

Select PE.

Step 4

Click on Terrain→Import Terrain, and a new tab will appear.

Figure 1764: Import Terrain Menu

Step 5

In the Import Terrain tab click browse and select the desired file.

Step 6
As the file is .asc it's necessary to have a projection file. If it does not exist, clock OK in the pop-up
window that will appear. Else, click on the Edit PRJ button next to browse.

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Step 7

Select the type Geological, factor of 1 degree and 45º of latitude. Then click OK.

Step 8

Introduce the display options and click Save,

Step 9

When the terrain appears, click Profiles→Extract topographic profiles→Profile between two points.

Step 10

In the console, write the point "-3700 1600" and press enter, then do the same for the point "1100
-1600". This points can also be selected on the terrain.

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Step 11

Select Simulation cases→New case. Click New Simulation Case. Then choose a name and press OK.

Step 12

Click Add profile and choose a name.

Step 13

Add height points at 750 and 1000 meters and then change the refraction to match the image below.
Then save the profile.

Step 14

Switch to the Case Definition tab. In the Topographic Profile section, choose the profile and set the
reference height to 550 m.

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Step 15

In the refraction section, select 6 km of range and the created refraction profile and press add.

Step 16

Set the antenna parameters. In this case we will use the default values.

Step 17

In the simulation parameters, set the range step size to 0.01 km, the height step size to 1m, the range
limit to 5.5 km and the height limit to 600. Then save the simulation case.

Step 18

Select Calculate→Execute on the menu bar. Select the case to process and press execute.

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Step 19

When the simulation finishes we can visualize the simulation results. Click on Results→Propagation
Factor→Propagation Factor Spectrum.

Step 20

Select the case and press add series.

Step 21

Right click on any point at 250 m of height and select Profile at selected height.

Step 22

In the chart window add a series at 275 m to compare both values.

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Ultrasound 13
13 Ultrasound

Ultrasound is used for the 3D analysis of ultrasound emitting sources and time delay response

This chapter covers the following:

• 13.1 File Menu (p. 1501)

• 13.2 Edit Menu (p. 1502)
• 13.3 View Menu (p. 1503)
• 13.4 Geometry Menu (p. 1504)
• 13.5 Materials Menu (p. 1505)
• 13.6 Simulation Menu (p. 1506)
• 13.7 Source Menu (p. 1511)
• 13.8 Output Menu (p. 1516)
• 13.9 Meshing Menu (p. 1527)
• 13.10 Calculate Menu (p. 1528)
• 13.11 Show Results Menu (p. 1529)
• 13.12 Tools Menu (p. 1548)
• 13.13 Help Menu (p. 1549)
• 13.14 Training Examples (p. 1550)
• 13.15 Annex 1: DUS File Format (p. 1559)
• 13.16 Annex 2: Closed-Loop Simulation Support in the US Module (p. 1561)
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13.1 File Menu

For information about the File menu, refer to File Menu.

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13.2 Edit Menu

For information about the Edit menu, refer to Edit Menu.

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13.3 View Menu

For information about the View menu, see View Menu.

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13.4 Geometry Menu

For information about the Geometry menu, refer to Geometry Menu.

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13.5 Materials Menu

For information about the Materials menu, refer to Materials Menu.

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13.6 Simulation Menu

The first step when designing a US simulation case is to configure the simulation parameters. The
options under the "Simulation" menu allows us to do so. The available options are shown in the
following figure.

Figure 1765: Simulation menu

13.6.1 Parameters
When the user selects the "Parameters" option under the "Simulation" menu, the following panel will

Figure 1766: Simulation parameters panel

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This panel allows the user to select the simulation type for the current case. The "Near Field"
simulation type consists on the computation of the sound pressure field in a set of points known as
"observation points". The "Coupling" simulation type allows the calculation of coupling values between
a set of sources and a passive receptor. The "Doppler" simulation type takes into account the relative
speed and rotation of objects, observation points and sources to calculate the Doppler Shift.

The "Frequency Sweep" panel allows the configuration of the frequency of sound waves considered for
the simulation. There are two possibilities:

• Single frequency When the "Enable Sweep" check box is unchecked, the results will be computed
only for the frequency specified in the "Initial frequency" field.
• Frequency sweep When the "Enable Sweep" check box is checked, the results will be computed
for a set of frequencies bounded by the specified values in the "Initial frequency" and "Final
frequency" fields. The number of frequencies used for the frequency sweep is given in the
"Samples" field. The sampled frequencies in the frequency sweep will be evenly-spaced.

The "Speed of Sound Sweep" panel allows the configuration of the speed of the sound waves in the
simulation. As with the frequency, there are two options. If the "Enable Sweep" check box is unchecked,
only the speed given in the "Initial speed" will be used in the simulation. Otherwise, the user can specify
a range of speeds to compute the results for, as well as the number of samples within that range that
will be used.

The sound pressure field is computed by taking into account the multiple paths the sound waves make
in their way from the ultrasound source to each observation point. The "Effects" panel allows the user
to set up which effects are considered when computing these paths. The available options are the

• Number of bounces The maximum number of bounces considered in path calculation. Paths
which exceed the number of bounces specified here are not computed.
• Diffracted Determines whether diffracted rays are computed.
• Creeping Determines whether creeping rays are computed. This option isn't available at the
• Transmission Determines whether transmitted rays are computed.

The "Advanced Parameters" button allows the user to configure parameters that are closer to the
computation algorithm. When the user presses this button, the following dialog will appear:

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Figure 1767: Simulation advanced parameters dialog

All these parameters are detailed below:

• Max. Contributions maximum number of contributions to taken into account. A contribution is for
instance that due to a given double ray-path.
• Max. Iterations maximum number of contributions that are taken into account.
• Max. Candidates maximum number of surfaces that can shadow other surfaces.
• Max. Silhoutte Points maximum number of points for the silhoutte when creeping wave paths are
• Max. Geodesic Points maximum number of geodesic points when computed a creeping wave
• Max Antenna facets maximum number of facets to be stored in the anxel of Z-Buffer matrix of
the source.
• maximum number of facets to be stored in the anxel of Z-Buffer matrix of every surface.
• Max Creeping Distance maximum distance between a surface and the antenna to increase the
creeping sample resolution.
• Creeping Square Size size edge of the square where the creeping sample resolution is increased
near the antenna.
• Creeping Higher Resolution higher sampling resolution per surface used to compute the
creeping silhoutte.
• Creeping Lower Resolution lower sampling resolution per surface used to compute the creeping

After setting up the simulation parameters, the user may press the Save button to save the

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13.6.2 Doppler
If the Doppler simulation type has been selected in the Simulation Parameters panel, the Doppler option
will be available. When this option is selected, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1768: Doppler parameters panel (Objects tab)

In the "Objects" tab, the user can add Doppler effect to objects in the geometry. To do this, select an
object from the geometry view and press the Add button. The selected object will be added to the
"Objects with doppler" list. It is possible to remove the Doppler effect from an object by selecting it
from the list and pressing the Remove button.

• Translation Parameters. Any object in the list can have a translation movement. Using this panel
the user can define the linear velocity of the object. The Enable / Disable Translation check box
must be selected.
• .Any object in the list could have a rotation movement. The Enable / Disable Rotation check box
must be selected. Using this panel the user can define:
• ◦ First point axis first point of the rotation axis.
◦ Second point axis second point of the rotation axis.
◦ Speed rotation speed.
• . The user can also define the frequency bin.

Once the parameters of the movement of one object have been defined, it is necessary to click on "Save
Changes" button in order to save this information and assign it to the selected object.

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Figure 1769: Doppler parameters panel (Source & Observation tab)

In the "Source & Observation" tab, the user can set Doppler velocities to individual sources and
observation points. To do this, the user should select an item from the "Antennas" or the "Observation
points" lists and fill the Velocity text boxes with the desired velocity. It is possible to select multiple
sources or observation points by holding the Ctrl key and clicking on each source or observation point.

Once the velocity for the selected antennas or observation points has been specified, the user needs to
press the "Save Changes" button in order to confirm the changes.

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13.7 Source Menu

The "Source" menu contains the options needed to define the ultrasound sources of the simulation. The
"Source" menu contains the following options:

Figure 1770: Source menu

13.7.1 Ultrasound Pattern

This option allows the user to define an ultrasound source defined a ultrasound pattern file (also called
DUS files). A DUS file is a text file format that defines the amplitude and phase of the sound waves
emitted by a source in different directions.

Please note that it is necessary to import a DUS file into the project before defining an ultrasound
pattern source. In order to so, the user needs to select the Import DUS file option under the Source
menu and load a DUS file. The user can create their own DUS files by using the DUS Files option under
the Tools menu.

When the user selects the Ultrasound Pattern option, the following panel will be shown:

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Figure 1771: Ultrasound source panel

In the "Set ultrasound pattern file" panel, the user can select multiple DUS files (ultrasound pattern
files), from the ones imported, to be used for the ultrasound source. The user can specify several
ultrasound pattern files to be used for different frequency values. The table will show, for each added
DUS file, the frequency of operation (editable), the file name and whether it's a 3D pattern file (3DE) or
a revolution pattern file (REV).

In the Parameters panel, the user can set the Amplitude factor for the emitted sound waves so
that the amplitude of the resulting waves are multiplied by this factor. The user can also introduce a
Phase variation, in degrees, to the sound waves defined in the ultrasound pattern. Finally, the user can
set up the Gain, Max directivity and Transmitted power of the source. Note that Gain and Max
directivity are in natural units.

The Position - Coords panel allows the user to specify the location of the ultrasound source. By
checking the Pick check box, the user can pick a point by clicking in the desired position in the
geometry panel.

The Orientation panel allows the user to configure the orientation of the ultrasound source using
different methods.

• The Director cosines tab allows the user to explicitly provide the rotation matrix.

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• The Spherical tab allows to specify the rotation using the theta and phi angles from spherical
coordinates, as well as a alpha rotation -- the rotation around the source's local Z-axis.
• The Rotation tab allows the user to specify the angles of rotation around each axis.
• The Z-Axis tab allows the user to give the coordinates of the local Z-axis vector of the source, as
well as the alpha rotation -- the rotation around the source's local Z-axis.

The Relative to reference plane check box controls whether the coordinates of the created source
will be relative to the local coordinate system defined by the reference plane (checked) or they will be
considered with respect to the absolute coordinate system (unchecked).

13.7.2 Import DUS File

This option allows the user to add DUS (ultrasound pattern) files to the current project. When the user
selects this option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1772: Import DUS panel

The user can import a new DUS file by pressing the button. This will show a dialog that allows the
user to import a DUS file (.dus extension). The imported files will appear in the table, showing their
filenames and types (REV for revolution defined patterns, and 3DE por 3D patterns).

It is also possible to remove an already added DUS file by selecting its row in the table and pressing the

13.7.3 Edit Source

This option allows the user to modify the parameters of a previously created source. To edit an
ultrasound source, the user first needs to select it in the geometry panel (selected sources will be
colored with a bright yellow color) and then select this option. It is also possible to edit a source by
right-clicking it and selecting the "Edit" option in the pop-up menu that appears.

The displayed panel for editing a source is the same as the one shown for adding a new source. Please,
refer to previous sections for more details on the parameters of ultrasound sources.

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13.7.4 Delete Source

This option allows the user to remove the selected ultrasound sources from the simulation. To delete
ultrasound sources, the user needs to select them in the geometry panel (selected sources will appear
colored with a bright yellow color) and then select this option. It is also possible to delete sources by
selecting the "Delete" option in the pop-up menu shown when right-clicking a source.

13.7.5 DUS File Editor

The "DUS File Editor" under the "Source" menu allows the user to create their own DUS (ultrasound
pattern) files. In addition, it is possible to edit already existing DUS files. When the user selects this
option, the following panel is shown:

Figure 1773: DUS File editor panel

The "Ultrasound Pattern" panel allows the user to select the type of DUS file to be created, being able
to select whether they want a revolution-defined ultrasound pattern or a 3D pattern. In the revolution-
defined case, the user also needs to select whether it's a theta cut or a phi cut.

The "Theta" and "Phi" panels allow the user to specify the ranges of values used for the theta and
phi spherical coordinates, respectively. In the case of a 3D pattern, both panels are enabled as both
spherical coordinates are used at the same time. When the revolution-defined type (REV) is selected,
the "Theta" panel will be enabled only when the "Phi" cut type is selected and vice versa. When the
user makes an update to the range of either theta or phi values, they needs to press the "Update Cut
Ranges" in order to update the table model and take into account the new ranges.

The table on the right of the panel allows the user to manually enter the desired amplitudes and phases
for the sound waves along each direction. However, it is also possible to make bulk updates to multiple
cells at once in one of the following ways:

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• By entering a formula that depends either on theta (if a REV with phi cut is selected), on phi (if a
REV with theta cut is selected) or both (if a 3D pattern is selected). In order to apply the formula
to multiple cells of the table, the user needs to select the cells they want to update and then press
the "Apply" button. The functions than can be used in formulas can be viewed in the drop-down
list next to the "Load Formula" button. The user can select a function from the list and press this
button to load it into the formula text box.
• By entering a value that will be entered into multiple cells. In order to do this, the user needs to
enter a value into the text box below the table, select the cells they want to fill in, and then press
the "Fill value to selection" button.
The "Load DUS File" option allows the user to load an already existing DUS file into the editor, allowing
them to visualize and edit the values of this DUS file. This can be done by pressing the button and
browsing the DUS file to be loaded.

When the user has finished the edition of the DUS file, they can save it into a file by pressing the "Save"
button. A dialog will be shown to the user asking them to select the location where they want to save
the file. Alternatively, the user can introduce a file name and press the "Save to project" button to
automatically save and import the DUS file into the current open project (note that this option is only
available for US projects).

13.7.6 Source Display Size

When this option is selected, the following panel is shown:

Figure 1774: Source Display Size panel

This option allows the user to scale the sources represented in the geometry view. The user needs
to indicate the factor of scale. Pressing OK will cause the sources in the geometry view (and the new
created sources) to be scaled. The Auto Size button allow the user to perform this task automatically.
Note that this parameters only affects the visualization of sources in the geometry view and has no
impact in the simulation.

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13.8 Output Menu

This menu allows the user to set different parameters that determine what results are calculated in the

13.8.1 Observation Points

This option allows the user to specify the points where the results will be calculated. Please note
that this option is available only in "Near Field" and "Doppler" simulations. If the user selects the
"Observation Points" option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1775: Observation points panel

The user can add near field observation points in different ways. The next options are available:

• Geometry Types observation points may be inserted as a group that defines different shapes.
Select the desired type entity and click on the "Add" button to set its parameters. The available
Geometry Types are detailed in the following subsections. Before adding new elements, check
that the Name of the new entity to be added is different from the already existing ones; otherwise,
an error will be shown.
• Observation points this section contains several options to work with observation points.
• ◦ The left list contains all the observation shapes that have been added as observation points.
◦ The "Edit" button allows editing an observation points shape selected on the left list.
◦ The "Delete" button allows removing the observation entities selected on the left list.
◦ Use the "Delete All" button to remove all the observation points shapes on the left list.

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◦ The "Export as Text" button allows saving all the generated observation points. Every point is
defined in a different line by its X, Y and Z coordinates.
◦ The "Import File" button allows the user to add a previously saved observation points file.
Only .obs files are supported, which are the internal format generated by the application.
◦ The "Export File" button allows the user to save the current observation points configuration
in a new file. It must be saved as .obs file, which is the internal format generated by the
• Hide observation points this option controls whether the observation points are shown in the
geometry panel.

The observation cylinder may be defined as a closed cylinder (circular section) or only a cylindrical
sector (arc section). The following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Base Center coordinates where the base of the cylinder will be placed (in the XY plane).
• Radius radius of the cylinder
• Height Coordinates to define the hight sampling rate of the cylinder.
• ◦ Number of points define the number of samples to be generated along the height of the
cylinder (in the Z axis).
◦ Height defines the total height of the cylinder.
• Angle Coordinates to define the circular sampling rate of the cylinder.
• ◦ Number of points define the number of samples to be generated along the transversal
section of the cylinder (in the XY plane).
◦ Initial angle angle where the first circular sample is generated in the transversal section, in
◦ Final angle angle where the last circular sample is generated in the transversal section, in

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Figure 1776: New Cylinder parameters

Click on the "OK" button to insert the observation points from the cylinder, or abort the insertion by
clicking on the "Cancel" button.

External File
The user can also import the near field points from a text file. This file can then be imported by
selecting "External File" in the "Geometry Types" combo-box. Note that this option imports a file of
points, but does not preserve the near field type (i.e. every point is imported as a separate type). In
order to preserve the near field type, the "Export file" and "Import file" options must be used instead.

Figure 1777: Open External File dialog

The external file must contain a list of points given by its X, Y and Z coordinates, with every point
specified in separated lines.

Click on "OK" button to insert the observation points from the file, or abort the insertion by clicking on
"Cancel" button.

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From Curve
This option lets you select a line or curve of the main panel and sampling it as observation points.
Before clicking on the "Add" button having selected the "From Curve" type, the curve has to be selected
in the Geometry panel. As shown in the below figure, the following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Number of points to specify the number of samples generated along the curve.

Click on the "OK" button to insert the observation points from the curve, or abort the insertion by
clicking on the "Cancel" button.

Figure 1778: The next figure shows that the grid points are added to the
Observation points list, and represented together the geometry as a dotted grid.

Figure 1779: Observation points generated on the curve

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From Surface
This option allows the user to select a surface of the main panel and sample it as observation points.
Before clicking on the "Add" button having selected the "From Surface" type, the surface has to be
selected in the Geometry panel. As shown in the below figure, the following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Parameters the generated observation entity will be a matrix of U x V points obtained by sampling
the surface.
• ◦ U-Dimension to specify the number of samples generated along the U-Dimension of the
◦ V-Dimension to specify the number of samples generated along the V-Dimension of the

Click on the "OK" button to insert the observation points from the surface, or abort the insertion by
clicking on the "Cancel" button.

Figure 1780: Adding a surface of observation points

The next figure shows that the grid points are added to the Observation points list, and represented
together the geometry as a dotted grid.

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Figure 1781: Observation points generated on the surface

Observation points also may be generated along a virtual straight line sampled between its extremes.
As shown in the below figure, the following parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this set of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Coordinates the line is defined by its side points.
• ◦ Initial Point first end point of the line.
◦ Final Point opposite end point of the line.

Click on the "OK" button to insert the observation points from the line, or abort the insertion by clicking
on the "Cancel" button.

Figure 1782: New Line parameters

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Use this option to generate a parallelogram of coplanar observation points. The parameters required to
its shape are:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Coordinates the parallelogram is defined by three points that form its two main axis, so the
generated observation entity will be a matrix of Side x Botton points obtained by sampling the
◦ Side left axis is defined from Point 1 to Point 2.
◦ Bottom axis is defined from Point 2 to Point 3.

Click on the "OK" button to insert the observation points from the parallelogram, or abort the insertion
by clicking on the "Cancel" button.

Figure 1783: New Parallelogram parameters

In this window, the user can create a set of observation points laid out in a grid pattern. To do so, the
user needs to specify several parameters:

• Name A short name that will be used by the user to identify the created set of observation points.
• Constant axis The normal axis of the plane that will contain the grid of observation points.
• Coordinate value Value of the coordinate of the axis specified in the previous option.

For each of the axes different than the one selected in the "Constant axis" drop-down list, the user
needs to specify the following parameters:

• Initial value Initial value of the coordinate along each axis.

• Total size The total length of the grid of observation points along the axis.
• Number of points The number of observation points along the axis.

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Note The spacing between each pair of consecutive observation points along an axis will be given by
the formula spacing = (total size) / (number of points - 1). This value will be shown next to the
label "Distance btw. points".

Figure 1784: New Plane parameters

Isolated observation points may be generated by using this option. The parameters to specify are:

• Name to define the name of the observation point. The name must be different of the already
defined ones.
• Coordinates position of the observation point, specified by its X, Y and Z coordinates.

Figure 1785: New Point parameters

Click onthe "OK"button to insert the observation point, or abort the insertion by clicking

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The observation sphere may be defined as a full closed sphere or only an spherical sector specified.
Multiple concentric spheres (or spherical sectors) may be defined within the same entity. The following
parameters are required:

• Name to define the name of this type of observation points. The name must be different of the
already defined ones.
• Parameters:
◦ Center Point X, Y and Z coordinates where the sphere will be centered on.
◦ Radius radius of the sphere. A radius sweep may be defined to generate multiple concentrical
∙ Initial Radius radius of the first generated sphere, which is the only one if the sweep is
not configured.
∙ Increment Radius step between two adjacent spheres. It is only considered when the
sweep is configured.
∙ Radius Samples number of concentric spheres to be generated, it must be an integer
number. The radius sweep is enabled when this parameter is higher than 1.
◦ Theta Coordinates to set the spherical range where te observation points are generated, in
theta dimension.
∙ Number of points defines the number of samples to be taken in theta dimension along
the specified angular range.
∙ Initial angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the first theta point to be
∙ Final angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the last theta point to be generated.
◦ Phi Coordinates to set the spherical range where te observation points are generated, in phi
∙ Number of points defines the number of samples to be taken in phi dimension along the
specified angular range.
∙ Initial angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the first phi point to be generated.
∙ Final angle defines the angular angle (in degrees) of the last phi point to be generated.

The total number of observation points to be generated in the sphere is ( Radius Samples) x (
Number of Points) Theta x ( Number of Points) Phi.

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Figure 1786: Spherical observation points.

Click on the "OK" button to insert the observation points from the sphere, or abort the insertion by
clicking on the "Cancel" button.

13.8.2 Coupling
This option allows the configuration of the receiver of ultrasound waves in "Coupling" simulations. In
order to create a ultrasound receiver, a DUS file must have been imported into the project. Please,
check section "Import DUS File" for more information.

When the user selects this option, the following panel appears:

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Figure 1787: Coupling panel

This panel allows the configuration of the new ultrasound receiver or the edition of the parameters of
an already existing one. The File dropdown list allows the selection of one of the DUS file imported into
the project. The Gain allows to set up the gain of the receiver (note that Gain is in natural units). The
Position and Orientation panels allows to set the location and orientation of the receiver in the same
way as in the Ultrasound Source panel.

It is possible to use the current local coordinate system (defined by the reference plane) so that the
given coordinates and orientation are relative to it. To do this, the check box User local coordinate
system (reference plane) must be selected.

The user needs to press the Save button in order to add or edit the ultrasound receiver.

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13.9 Meshing Menu

13.9.1 Create Visibility Matrix

Prior to running the simulation, it is necessary to run a preprocessing that takes into account the
geometry of the simulation case and prepares the files needed to run the actual simulation. When the
"Create Visibility Matrix" option is selected, the following panel is shown:

Figure 1788: Create Visibility Matrix panel

The following parameters can be configured:

• Number of processors The number of processors used to run the meshing process.
• Parametric Steps Accuracy in the curvature evaluation, normalized. Decrease this parameter to
get a higher precision in the parametric discretization.
• Curvature Angle Maximum curvature considered on targets. It indicates the maximum curvature
allowed in the input surfaces for the meshing step. Decrease this parameter to get a higher
resolution mesh.
• Angular Margin maximum deviation allowed around the curvature reference angle. The curvature
discretization is achieved by an approximated iterative method, so an angular error around the
previous parameter is allowed. Decrease this parameter to increase the precision in the curvature

To start the meshing process, the user needs to press the "Mesh" button. This process may take a while
(depending on the number of processors selected and the computing power of the computer running
the simulation). While it is running, the status of the meshing process will be reported in the process log
panel. From this panel we can abort the running meshing process, as well as save the log to a text file.

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13.10 Calculate Menu

The calculate menu contains only one option, which allows the user to start the simulation process.

Figure 1789: Calculate menu

When the user selects the "Execute" option, the following panel will be shown:

Figure 1790: Execute panel

In this panel, the user needs to select the number of processors that will be used to run the simulation.
Before pressing the "Execute" button, it is advisable to check that all the simulation parameters are
correct. If a problem is detected when trying to run the simulation, it will be notified to the user. Please
note that the simulation can only be started if the meshing process has been executed successfully.

When the "Execute" button is pressed, the simulation process will start. The Process Log will appear and
it will display the progress of the current simulation. It is possible to abort the simulation process while
it is running by pressing the "Abort" button.

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13.11 Show Results Menu

This menu allows the user to visualize the results of the simulation. The results are stored in external
files that the user can access to obtain the information corresponding to that simulation.

Most of the plots show 2-D curves of a result field with respect to an input parameter. This type of
graphics share additional features of zoom, axis, curves edition, and so on. To read more information
about the chart options (when clicking on the right button over a chart) see Annex 1: Graphics
Advanced Options.

13.11.1 View Ray Tracing

This option allows the user to view the rays emitted by the source of the simulation that end up
reaching an observation point.

When open, the panel will display the rays for a particular step, order, source, observation point and
speed. All the effects are selected by default. The possible configuration options are:
• The parametric step the results are visualized for.
• Ray effect: The user can filter the rays shown in the geometry panel by selecting the effects of the
rays they want to visualize.
• Order: The order of the displayed rays. The order of a ray corresponds to the number of bounces it
makes before reaching the observation point.
• Source: The ultrasound source that generates the rays the user wants to visualize.
• Point: The point where the visualized rays impact, or "All" to see the rays of all observation points.
• Speed: The speed of sound the results are visualized for.

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Figure 1791: Ray visualization panel

Selecting a ray will highlight it in yellow and its information will be shown in the Info panel (length of
the ray, type of effect and propagation time). Other information will be shown in the bottom panel. This
information comprises the frequency and its contribution to the total pressure at the corresponding
observation point. The critical points of the ray are also displayed. These points consist on the starting
point, the points where the ray bounces and the ending point (the observation point).

There are several visualization options at the bottom of the ray visualization panel:

• Options Controls whether the left (options) panel is shown.

• Render Controls whether the geometry in the geometry panel is fully rendered or shown as a
wireframe model.
• Show Axis Controls whether the X, Y and Z axes are shown.

13.11.2 View Ray Tracing Text File

This option allows the user to visualize the information of the rays computed in the ray-tracing process
in text format, allowing them to export these files in case they are needed for processing by external

When the user selects this option, the following panel appears:

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Figure 1792: Figure Ray-tracing text file panel

In the left side of the panel, the user can select the parametric step and the speed of sound to show the
results for. When any of these options is modified, the text area will immediately show the updated file.
The user can export the currently shown file to a location in their hard drive by pressing the "Save as..."
button and selecting the location in the dialog that will appear.

The information that the ray-tracing file shows, for each ray, is the following:

• The first line contains the order (number of effects), the observation point, the number of critical
points of the ray path, the source that generates the ray and the first effect (more info on how to
interpret this field in the next point). All these values are separated with spaces.
• The second line shows each one of the effects of the ray. Each effect is associated with a specific
number, i.e. 0 = direct, 1 = reflected, 2 = diffracted, 3 = transmitted, and 4 = creeping.
• The following lines contain the coordinates of each critical point of the ray. The first point always
matches the coordinates of the source that emits the ray. Subsequent points are the ones where
the ray is reflected, transmitted or diffracted. The last point always matches the coordinates of the
observation point.
• The next line shows the index (starting in 1) of the surface where the ray is transmitted, reflected
or diffracted (in the case of a direct ray, this value is 0). If the ray is transmitted, reflected or
diffracted, the next four lines will show the reflection and transmission coefficients of the surface.
If the ray has multiple effects, the index of the surface and the reflection and transmission
coefficients will be shown for each effect.
• The next line shows the distance the ray travels between being emitted by the source and arriving
at the observation point, in meters.
• The next line shows the propagation time of the ray, in seconds.
• The final line shows the contribution of the ray to the sound pressure at the observation point, as a
complex value given in rectangular form.

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This content is repeated for each one of the rays computed in the ray-tracing process.

13.11.3 View Text Files

This option allows the user to visualize the values of the sound pressure field in text format. These
results are shown for each frequency and observation point at a given parametric step. When the user
selects the View Text Files option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1793: Text File options panel

In this panel, the user needs to select the ultrasound source, the parametric step, the speed of sound
and the order of the rays considered for the field calculation. When the user presses the OK button, a
panel will appear showing the results:

Figure 1794: View Text Files panel

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For each frequency, a list of observation points with their respective field values (module and phase) are
displayed. The user can export the text results to a file by pressing the Save as button and selecting
the desired location and name for the file.

13.11.4 Near Field

The options in this menu allow the user to visualize the field values at the observation points defined in
the simulation parameters.

The following options are available:

• View Cuts: Visualizes a plot of the field values with respect to the observation points cut.
• View Cuts by Frequency: Visualizes a plot of the field values at a given point, step and speed of
sound with respect to frequency.
• View Cuts by Step: Visualizes a plot of the field values at a given frequency, point and speed of
sound with respect to the parametric step.
• View Cuts by Speed: Visualizes a plot of the field values at a given frequency, point and step with
respect to the speed of sound.
• Near Field 3D: Visualizes a 3D diagram showing the amplitude of field values at each observation
point for a given step and frequency.
• Delay Process: Visualizes the temporal evolution of the signal emitted by the ultrasound sources
at an observation point, allowing the user to choose the shape of the signal.
• Power Process: Visualizes the power of the sound waves emitted by the ultrasound sources as
received by each observation point.

View Cuts
This option allows the user to visualize a plot of the sound pressure values at a given frequency, step
and speed of sound with respect to the cut of observation points. When this option is selected, the
following panel is shown:

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Figure 1795: View Cuts Panel

In this panel, the user can select the effects of the rays used to calculate the field, the parametric step,
the frequency, the set of observation points, the order of the considered rays, the source and the speed
of sound. By pressing the "Add Series" button, a new plot will be added to the panel.

It is also possible to visualize the phase of the field values by selecting the "Phase" tab in the chart

The user can also manage the already added series, being able to do actions such as removing series,
changing the color of series or importing and exporting series from/to text files.

View Cuts by Frequency

This option allows the user to visualize the field values at a given point, step and speed of sound with
respect to the frequency. When the user selects this option, the following panel will be shown:

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Figure 1796: View Cuts by Frequency panel

In this panel, the user can select the effects of the rays used to calculate the field, the parametric step,
the set of observation points, the point, the order of the considered rays, the source and the speed of
sound. By pressing the "Add Series" button, a new plot will be added to the panel.

It is also possible to visualize the phase of the field values by selecting the "Phase" tab in the chart

The user can also manage the already added series, being able to do actions such as removing series,
changing the color of series or importing and exporting series from/to text files.

View Cuts by Step

This option allows the user to visualize the field values for a given point, frequency and speed with
respect to the parametric step. When the user selects this option, the following panel is shown:

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Figure 1797: View Cuts by Step panel

In this panel, the user can select the effects of the rays used to calculate the field, the frequency, the
set of observation points, the point, the order of the considered rays, the source and the speed of
sound. By pressing the "Add Series" button, a new plot will be added to the panel.

It is also possible to visualize the phase of the field values by selecting the "Phase" tab in the chart

The user can also manage the already added series, being able to do actions such as removing series,
changing the color of series or importing and exporting series from/to text files.

View Cuts by Speed

This option allows the user to visualize the field values for a given point, frequency and step with
respect to the speed of sound. When the user selects this option, the following panel is shown:

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Figure 1798: View Cuts by Speed panel

In this panel, the user can select the effects of the rays used to calculate the field, the frequency, the
step, the set of observation points, the point, the order of the considered rays and the source. By
pressing the "Add Series" button, a new plot will be added to the panel.

It is also possible to visualize the phase of the field values by selecting the "Phase" tab in the chart

The user can also manage the already added series, being able to do actions such as removing series,
changing the color of series or importing and exporting series from/to text files.

Near Field 3D
This option allows the user to visualize a 3D diagram displaying the amplitude of the field values at
each observation point, given the step and frequency. When this option is selected, the following panel

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Figure 1799: Near Field 3D options

In this panel, the user needs to select the step, frequency and speed of sound they want to visualize
the 3D diagram for, as well as the group or groups of observation points they want to compute the near
field for. After the user has configured the parameters and pressed the "OK" button, the following panel

Figure 1800: Near Field 3D diagram

The user can select whether they want to visualize the contributions of the direct rays to the field, the
contribution of the scatter rays, or the total field. They can also select whether they want to visualize
the results in logarithmic units (dBPa - that is, sound pressure with respect to 1 pascal in dB) or

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natural units (Pa). The user can also filter the displayed values within a range, by checking the "Enable
Filtering" check box, entering the minimum and maximum values and pressing the "Filter" button.

Additionally, there are several options the user can use to alter the visualization of the results, such as
possibility of hiding/showing the left panel, the observation points grid, the geometry, the axes or the
sources. The user can also save the 3D diagram to an image file in a given location in their computer.

Delay Process
This option allows the user to visualize the Delay Process, that is, a visualization of the signal emitted
by the ultrasound sources in the time domain, as it is received at an observation point. When the user
selects this option, the following panel is shown:

Figure 1801: Delay Process panel

In this panel, the user needs to select the step, frequency, observation point and speed of sound they
want to show the results for. In addition, the user needs to select one of the multiple signal shapes:

• Dirac Delta A instantaneous pulse.

• CDMA A random distribution of pulses centred with positive (high) a negative (low) levels.
Note that a low or high level is considered as a Pulse. The "Length" parameter determines the
number of pulses to be generated, while "Pulse Width" refers to the time duration of each pulse, in

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• Sinusoid A sinusoidal signal. The "Frequency" is the frequency of the sinusoidal signal, in kHz. The
"Phase" is the initial phase of the sinusoidal signal, in degrees. The "Duration" is the total length of
the generated sinusoid in the time domain, in milliseconds.
• Tukey Envelope A Gaussian signal enveloped by a rectangular pulse. The "Alpha Parameter"
defines the slope of the Gaussian curve. The higher is this parameter, the more enveloped by
the rectangular pulse is the generated signal. The "Pulse Width" defines the total length of the
generated signal in the time domain, in milliseconds.
• Gaussian pulse A Gaussian pulse defined by its sigma parameter, in milliseconds.
• Custom signal A user-defined signal (by a user function). In this drop-down list, only functions
that return a double value and accept no arguments will be shown. The user function defines
the base signal function, that must be centered at t=0. This function is then multiplied by the
field value of each ray, translated in time by the propagation of the ray and finally the value of all
functions are added at each point to obtain the Delay Process plot.

The following is the example of a user-function that can be used as a custom signal (a square signal of
amplitude 1 and 3ms long):

double square_signal(){
double tms = $t * 1000.0;
double DURATION_MS = 3;
if (tms <= -DURATION_MS/2 || tms >= DURATION_MS/2) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return 1.0;

The function used as a custom signal has access to three special variables, prefixed by the dollar

• $t The time value, in seconds, the function is sampled at.

• $freq The selected frequency, in Hz.
• $sound_speed The selected speed of sound, in m/s.

Additionally, the "Time (ms)" panel allows the user to specify the time interval they want to see the
results for. The "Initial" and "Final" fields represent the bounds of the time interval, while the "Samples"
field is the number of evenly-spaced points that will be calculated within the time interval and therefore
the number of points of the generated plot.

The "Keep previous plots" option allows the user to choose whether they want to preserve the
previously plotted graphs (which could be useful if the user wants to compare several plots) or
they want to clear all previous plots. This option only has an effect for signals different than "Dirac
Delta" (which are always shown in a different panel each time).

When the user has finished setting the parameters, they need to click on the "OK" button to plot the
Delay Process results.

Only when the CDMA signal has been selected, the window represented below asks the selection of the
Correlation Signal to be plotted with the following options.

• Input (x[n]) the original CDMA signal is represented.

• Output (y[n]) the received CDMA signal is represented

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• Correlation (c[n]) the correlation on the received signal is represented.

Figure 1802: Selection of signal to be plotted with CDMA

Figure 1803: Plot of the delay process with a Gaussian signal

In the plot viewer, the user can delete or change the color of the displayed series, as well as import or
export series from/to text files.

Power Process
This option allows the user to visualize the power of the emitted sound waves as received at each
observation point. When the user selects this option, the following panel is shown:

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Figure 1804: Power process options panel

In this panel, the user needs to select the step, frequency and speed of sound the results are visualized
for. The user can select a specific source or compute the sum of the results of each one by checking the
"All" option.
The "Keep previous plots" option allows the user to choose whether they want to preserve the
previously plotted graphs (which could be useful if the user wants to compare several plots) or they
want to clear all previous plots.

When the user presses the "OK" button, a graph like the following will appear, showing the power of the
sound waves for each observation point:

Figure 1805: Plot of the power process

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13.11.5 Coupling
This menu allows the visualization of the coupling values between each source and receiver pair. As
such, this submenu is only visible when a Coupling simulation has been executed.

The available options under this menu are the following:

• Coupling Values This options presents a table showing the coupling values for each source-
receiver pair and each simulation frequency. The user can select the speed of sound and step to
show the results for.
• Coupling by Frequency This option shows a plot of the coupling values by frequency of
simulation. The step, speed of sound and source-receiver pair are set by the user.
• Coupling by Step This option shows a plot of the coupling values by parametric step. The
frequency, speed of sound and source-receiver pair are set by the user.
• Coupling by Speed This option shows a plot of the coupling values by speed of sound. The
frequency, step and source-receiver pair are set by the user.
• Coupling Text Files This option allows the visualization of the coupling values for a given step and
speed of sound in text format.

Coupling Values
This option allows to visualize the coupling values for each source-receiver pair at each frequency, for a
user-specified parametric step and speed of sound. The contents of the table will automatically reflect
the changes in any of these parameters.

Figure 1806: Coupling values panel

Coupling Charts
The options "Coupling by Frequency", "Coupling by Step" and "Coupling by Speed" under the Results ->
Coupling menu allow the user to analyze the dependency the coupling values have with the frequency,
the geometry and the speed of sound, respectively, while keeping the other parameters constant. When
selecting one of these options, a panel like the following will be shown:

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Figure 1807: Coupling by Frequency panel

In the left panel, the user can select the independent parameters (those other than the one the
coupling values are plotted against -- in the previous figure, that would be the frequency). This allows
the user to configure the series they want to plot.

The selected series can be added to the plot by pressing the Add Series button. It is also possible to
modify the look of a series previously added to the chart. You can change the color of a particular series
by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change Colors.

Series can be imported and exported. To save a series click on the Export series button. It is possible
to load previously exported series by pressing the Import Series button and locating the file where the
results were saved in.

Coupling Text Files

This option shows the coupling results as a text file. First, a panel will appear after selecting this option.
In this panel, the user needs to select the parametric step and the speed of sound they want to show
the results for. A table will be presented with the coupling values. To save the results click on the Save
as... button below the text file.

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Figure 1808: Showing the result text file

13.11.6 Doppler Spectrum

This menu offers various options to analyze the Doppler Spectrum through the observation points
previously defined in the Output section.

The following options are available:

• Chart Display a plot that relates the Doppler spectrum.

• Text Files Displays the numeric results obtained in the simulation process in text format.

This command plots the Doppler frequency shift computed. Several cuts and frequencies can be plotted
in the same graphic. To plot a graph, the user can select the source and observation point. A new
graph will be plotted with the button ' Add Series'. In the case that the user has set up a parametrized
geometry, it is possible to select the step to visualize the results for.

It is also possible to delete a series that is selected by the user from the list with the ' Remove Series
'. The display option also allows changing the color of the series and display points. The buttons '
Import Series' and ' Export Series' are used for importing and exporting the selected series in 'List of
Series' to a text file.

This panel displays a plot with the results and several options for adding and removing extra series from
the plot.

When initially open, the panel will display a default series in the plot that will represent the
measurements for a particular component, antenna, observation point and step. More series can be
added, by selecting component and step in the control panel that appears on the left side of the plot.

• Step: the parametric step to select. These should have been defined prior to the calculation when
designing the simulation.
• Antenna group The antenna to show the doppler spectrum results for. The user can select a
specific antenna group or they can choose to show the results for all antennas.
• Observation group The observation points group that contains the point that the user wants to
see the results for.
• Observation point The observation point to visualize the results for. This drop-down list shows the
observation points included in the selected observation group.

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Figure 1809: Doppler Spectrum panel

Text Files
When the user selects this option, the following panel will appear:

Figure 1810: View Text Files panel

In this panel, the user can select the step, the source and the observation point the results will be
shown for. Then, the text file is generated and opened with newFASANT text file viewer.

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Figure 1811: Showing the result text file

The user can export the text file by selecting the "Save as..." button.

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13.12 Tools Menu

For information about the Tools menu, refer to Tools.

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13.13 Help Menu

For information about the Help menu, refer to Help Menu.

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13.14 Training Examples

13.14.1 Example 1: Getting Started

In this section, a simple example of a Near Field simulation will be shown. This simulation will be
performed considering a cube as the geometry. An Ultrasound Source will be defined as an ultrasound
pattern file (also called Annex 1: DUS File Format).

Step 1: The first step consists of creating a new data file where all the parameters of the simulation will
be saved. Use the command New from the File menu. Select US type.

Figure 1812: Selection Method dialog box

Step 2: The second step is to generate the box. Select GeometrySolidBox. It will be located at
(0,0,0) and the dimensions are 1x1x1 m.

Figure 1813: Create box

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Figure 1814: Box situated at (0,0,0)

Step 3: The next step is to set the main parameters of the simulations, which are located in
Simulation Parameters Menu > Simulation.

A dialog appears. In this menu, the frequency, kind of simulation, speed of sound sweep, effects to
calculate, and other parameters must be defined before running the simulation. In this example, a
radiation pattern file in far field is simulated. The user will introduce:
• Near field in Simulation Type.
• The number of frequency points and the frequency in this example 1 and 50 kHz.
• The Speed of Sound Sweep will be 340 m/s
• The effect order will be 1.

The rest of the options are the default ones.

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Figure 1815: Parameters dialog box

Step 4a: To create a new ultrasound pattern file (.dus), select the Source menu → DUS Source
Editor. The user can find more info about DUS Source format at Annex 1: DUS File Format.

In this case, an omnidirectional pattern file has been edited.

Figure 1816: DUS file Editor

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Step 4b: Import the ultrasound pattern (DUS file) to the current project. In this example, the user has
to import the demo_DUSfile.dus file.

Figure 1817: Import DUS file

Step 5: Define the position of the ultrasound pattern over the cube clicking on Source > Ultrasound

Set the ultrasound pattern file. Click on the add button and add the previous imported file.

Set the Amplitude and Phase.

Set the position of the source on (0.5, 0.5, 1.2).

Figure 1818: Ultrasound Pattern menu

Step 6: The next step is to define the position of the observations points. Select Observation points
from Output menu. In Geometry Types dialog, select Plane and click on the Add button.

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Step 7: To mesh the geometry click on Meshing > Create visibility matrix and select the number of

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Figure 1819: Processors option for meshing

Figure 1820: Mesh

Step 8: Execute the simulation by selecting Calculate > Execute and introduce the number of
processors to be used.

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Figure 1821: Processors options for Execute

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Figure 1822: Execute

Step 9: After obtaining the results, choose view ray from show results. It is possible to visualize order 1
rays. It is possible to represent the ray tracing interacting with the geometry.

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Figure 1823: Ray Viewer dialog box

Step 9: It is possible to select a ray to show its information. Clicking in one of the ray will fill its
information in the bottom of the panel.

Figure 1824: Viewing the ray information

Step 10: To visualize the charts click on Show Results > Near Field > View Cuts, after which the
following dialog will be shown:

Figure 1825: Near field

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13.15 Annex 1: DUS File Format

DUS files are ultrasound pattern files, and their function is analogous to DIA files (radiation pattern)
used by other modules of newFASANT. DUS files are used to define the sound waves emitted by an
ultrasound source in different directions. These directions are specified in spherical coordinates and,
depending on whether the pressure sound field emitted is constant on either phi or theta coordinates,
the DUS file format is different. On the one hand, when the ultrasound pattern depends only on theta or
phi, it is said to be a revolution (REV) DUS file, defined as a phi or theta cut respectively. On the other
hand, an ultrasound pattern with an emitted field depending on both theta and phi is said to be a 3D
DUS file.

In the following subsections, the format of both types of DUS files is defined.

Note It is not necessary to know the DUS file format in order to work with this kind of files in
newFASANT. The “DUS Files” option under the “Tools” menu allows the visualization and edition of the
information contained in DUS files.

13.15.1 REV DUS Files

Revolution defined DUS files can be classified into two types those defined by a phi cut and those
defined by a theta cut. The cut determines the coordinate upon which the emitted field remains
constant. Thus, when a REV DUS file is defined by theta cut, the field does not depend on the theta
coordinate but only on the phi coordinate, and vice versa.

The file format for a REV DUS file is very simple and consists of the following information (for each list
item, a line is required):

• A header line usually reserved for information on the program that generated the DUS file and
information about the file.
• The type of DUS file. In this case, it is the string "REV" (without quotes).
• The type of cut, "TH" if it is a theta cut or "PH" if it is a phi cut.
• The component of the field that is defined in this file. It always is "Ptotal" (without quotes).
• A comment line, ignored by the software, that can hold any content.
• Several values separated by whitespaces. These values are, in order:
◦ Initial theta value.
◦ The number of theta samples.
◦ The theta increment (the difference between two consecutive theta samples).
◦ Initial phi value.
◦ The number of phi samples.
◦ The phi increment (the difference between two consecutive phi samples).
• Please note that either the first three values or the last three values will be ignored by the program
if the file is defined as a theta cut or a phi cut, respectively. However, all the values must be
provided in the file.
• Another comment line that can hold any content.

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• For each theta/phi sample (depending on whether is a phi or theta cut, respectively), three values,
separated by whitespace, are provided the theta/phi value, the amplitude of the emitted sound
pressure wave (in dBPa) and the phase of the sound pressure wave (in degrees).

13.15.2 3D DUS Files

3D DUS files are very similar to the revolution-defined DUS files. However, in this case, the sound
pressure wave depends on both theta and phi coordinates and therefore:

• There is only one type of 3D DUS files, unlike in REV files.

• It is necessary to specify both theta and phi values for each sample of the sound pressure emitted

In consequence, the 3D DUS file format is defined as follows (each list item corresponds to one line in
the file):

• A header line usually reserved for information on the program that generated the DUS file and
information about the file.
• The type of DUS file. In this case, it is the string "3DE" (without quotes).
• The component of the field that is defined in this file. It always is "Ptotal" (without quotes).
• A comment line, ignored by the software, that can hold any content. Several values separated by
whitespaces. These values are, in order:
◦ Initial theta value.
◦ The number of theta samples.
◦ The theta increment (the difference between two consecutive theta samples).
◦ Initial phi value.
◦ The number of phi samples.
◦ The phi increment (the difference between two consecutive phi samples).
• Another comment line that can hold any content.
• For each combination of theta and phi samples, four values, separated by whitespace, are provided
the theta value, the phi value, the amplitude of the emitted sound pressure wave (in dBPa) and the
phase of the sound pressure wave (in degrees).

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13.16 Annex 2: Closed-Loop Simulation Support in

the US Module
Besides the usual GUI execution mode and server execution mode, newFASANT includes a third
model of execution closed-loop execution. This mode allows the user to use the capabilities in the
program without the need of using the graphical user interface (except for creating the geometries, as
explained in the following sections). This mode of execution is intended as a way of using the simulation
capabilities of newFASANT in headless machines (without graphical environments) or as an aid to
external simulation workflows such as closed-loop simulations, where it is needed to automate the
generation of simulation cases.

The following sections explain the usage of the "closed-loop simulations" feature.

13.16.1 Simulation Workflow

When using newFASANT in closed-loop mode, the user needs to provide a path to a NFIL file that
contains the specification of the simulation case. This file consists of a series of directives and
commands that are used for setting up the simulation case (i.e simulation parameters, geometry,
sources and observation points). An example of NFIL file is provided below:

@version 1
@log stdout
@set_module us
set_simulation_type doppler
# Geometry.
add_geom box.nur box.mat
# Sources.
add_sound_source source.mat 1.0 0.0 50.0 unit.dus
# Simulation parameters.
set_frequency 50.0
#set_freq_sweep 50.0 60.0 3
set_speed_sound 340.0
set_bounces 1
set_effects Df Tx
# Observations.
add_point_observation obs.dis 0.0 0.0 0.0
# Doppler.
set_doppler_freq_bin 1.0
set_doppler_velocity_obj box 1.0 0.0 0.0
set_doppler_velocity_source 1 -1.0 0.0 0.0
set_doppler_velocity_obs 1 2.0 0.0 0.0
# Calculation.
set_processors 4

NFIL files are processed line by line. Empty lines and lines starting with the "#" character (comments)
are ignored by the parser. Every other line consists in the name of a command followed by zero or
more arguments, the number of which depends on the specific command or directive. Commands
whose name begins with "@" are called directives, and the purpose of this type of commands is
to configure details relating to how the closed-loop simulation is run rather than the simulation itself.
As such, directives MUST always appear at the start of the file, and therefore no regular command can
appear before any directive. Any file that does not comply with this rule will be considered invalid.

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NFIL files are designed to be written only once even if multiple simulations are run within the same
closed-loop simulation workflow. That happens because NFIL files only encode "static" information
about the simulation geometry, observation points, sources, receivers and simulation parameters. The
parameters of the simulation that are subject to change between simulations, such as the position
and rotation of geometry, observation points and sources, are factored out into files other that the
NFIL files DIS files and MAT files, which are the ones that are supposed to be modified by the external
tool between simulations (usually in response to the results of the previous simulation). DIS files only
encode information about the translation of a particular object, while MAT files encode translation,
rotation and/or scaling by specifying an affine transformation matrix. Depending on the command,
it will accept either a DIS file or a MAT file. Please check the "Command Reference" section for more

An example of the contents of a DIS file would be the following. This file encodes a translation of two
meters along the X axis:

2.0 0.0 0.0

On the other hand, an example of the contents of a MAT file is presented below. This file represents a
scaling along the X axis (by a factor of 2, as defined by the top-left 3x3 submatrix) and a translation of
3 units along both the X axis and the Y axis (as defined by the last column of the matrix):

2.0 0.0 0.0 3.0

0.0 1.0 0.0 3.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

The geometry for the simulation case provided to the add_geom command must be in newFASANT's
NUR file format. Therefore, the user needs to use newFASANT GUI to design and export the geometry
as a NUR file in order to be used in a closed-loop simulation workflow. The NUR file contains the
information of the materials assigned to each surface of the geometry, so these do not need to be
configured in the NFIL file.

After the NFIL file and all companion (NUR, DIS and MAT) files have been created, the user can run
newFASANT in closed-loop mode by running the following command (using the command-line):

C:\newFASANT\newFASANT6.exe "C:\PathToNfil\spec.nfil"

The above command assumes that the installation directory of newFASANT is "C:\newFASANT" and
that "C:\PathToNfil\spec.nfil" is the path where the NFIL file is located. Please note that all relative
paths referenced from the NFIL file will be relative to the folder where the NFIL is located (in
the previous example, that would be the "C:\PathToNfil" directory). This encourages a folder structure
where all the files relating to the closed-loop simulation are located in the same directory.

When the above command is run, newFASANT will parse the NFIL file and build the simulation using the
commands specified in this file. After the file is parsed, newFASANT will run the meshing and calculation
process one after another. After the simulation is run, newFASANT will output the result files in the
"mesh" and "result" folders inside the NFIL file folder.

To sum up, the following process should be followed when running a closed-loop simulation with

• Create an empty folder that will contain the files used in the simulation.

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• Design and export as NUR the geometry to be used in the simulation. It is advisable to export
each different object in the simulation as a separate NUR file so that these different objects can
be transformed independently between simulations. These NUR files should be saved to the folder
created in the previous step.
• Create the NFIL file that will be the specification of the simulation. Check the "Command
Reference" section for detailed information about the available commands for use in NFIL files.
• The previous NFIL file will contain references to DIS and MAT files. Create these files with the
translations and transformations desired for each of the objects, sources and observation points
they refer to in the NFIL file.
• Add the additional files referred to by the NFIL file, such as DUS files, to the NFIL folder.
• Using the command-line, call the newFASANT6.exe executable with the path to the NFIL file.
• Inspect the result files in the "mesh/" and "result/" folders inside the NFIL folder and, if desired,
modify the DIS and MAT files and re-run the simulation. Repeat this step as many times as needed.

13.16.2 Command Reference

The current section contains the detailed description of the directives and commands that can be used
within NFIL files.

Directives are special commands that configure the way simulations are run, rather than the simulations
themselves. In this sections, the different directives are described:

Directive @version

Description Specifies the version of the NFIL file format used. This directive is intended to be used for
backwards-compatiblity reasons. At the moment, it should be passed the argument "1".


@version 1

Directive @set_module

Description Sets the module of the simulation. Currently, only US module simulations are supported.
Arguments This directive only takes one argument the name of the module that will be used.


@set_module us

Directive @log

Description Allows to configure the logging of messages during the simulation.

Arguments The first argument can be "off" if the user does not need logging, "stdout" if the user
wants to see the messages of the simulation in the standard output, or "file" if the user wants to

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output messages to a file. If the first argument is "file", the directive will accept an additional argument
specifying the path to the output log file.


@log off

@log stdout

@log file log.txt

Directive @output_nfp

Description Allows the creation of a NFP (newFASANT project) file containing the generated simulation.
This NFP can later be opened with the newFASANT GUI. This functionality is intended to be used with
debugging or troubleshooting purposes, as the generation of the NFP project file takes some time.

Arguments This directive only takes one argument either "off" if the user wants to disable this
functionality (although it is disabled by default) or the path to the resulting NFP file.


@output_nfp off

@output_nfp project.nfp

In this section, the available commands available for US simulations are documented. Please note that
all paths are relative to the folder where the NFIL file is located.

Command add_geom

Description Adds the geometry from a NUR file to the simulation.

Arguments The add_geom commands accepts two arguments:

• The path to the NUR file with the geometry to be added to the simulation.
• The path to the MAT file that defines the affine transformation applied to the geometry.


add_geom car.nur car.mat

Command add_sound_source

Description Adds a new ultrasound source to the simulation.

Arguments This command accepts the following arguments, in order:

• The path to the MAT file that defines the affine transformation applied to the source.
• The amplitude of the ultrasound source.
• The phase of the ultrasound source.

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• The frequency of operation of the DUS file given in the next argument, in kHz.
• The DUS file that the defines the ultrasound pattern.

The later two arguments can be repeated if the user wants to specify DUS pattern files for different


add_sound_source source.mat 1.0 0.0 50.0 pattern.dus

add_sound_source source.mat 1.0 0.0 50.0 pattern50khz.dus 60.0 pattern60khz.dus

Command set_simulation_type

Description Sets the simulation type of the current US simulation. Note that some other commands
will only work when the simulation is of a certain type.

Arguments This command only takes one argument the simulation type. The simulation type can
either be "near" for Near Field simulations, "coupling" for coupling simulations or "doppler" for doppler


set_simulation_type near

set_simulation_type coupling

Command set_frequency

Description Sets the frequency of the simulation.

Arguments This command only takes one argument the frequency in kHz.


set_frequency 50.0

Command set_freq_sweep

Description Sets a frequency sweep for the simulation.

Precondition The simulation type must not be Doppler.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments, in order:

• The initial frequency of the simulation, in kHz.

• The final frequency of the simulation, in kHz.
• The number of frequency samples in the interval of frequencies.


set_freq_sweep 50.0 60.0 3

Command set_speed_sound

Description Sets the speed of sound of the simulation.

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Arguments This command only takes one argument the speed of sound in m/s.


set_speed_sound 340.0

Command set_speed_sweep

Description Sets a sweep of speeds of sound for the simulation.

Precondition The simulation type must not be Doppler.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments, in order:

• The initial speed of sound, in m/s.

• The final speed of sound, in m/s.
• The number of samples in the interval of speeds.


set_speed_sweep 340.0 350.0 3

Command set_bounces

Description Sets the number of effects per ray that will be calculated in the ray-tracing.

Arguments This command only takes one argument the number of desired effects.


set_bounces 2

Command set_effects

Description Sets the types of effects that will be taken into account when calculating rays in the ray-
tracing. Note that direct and reflected rays are ALWAYS calculated.

Arguments This command takes the list of effects to be calculated, or "none" if the user does not want
to calculate any effects other than direct and reflected. The available effects are "Tx" (transmission) and
"Rf" (refraction).


set_effects Tx Df

set_effects none

Command add_passive

Description Adds a new receiver to the simulation.

Precondition Simulation must be of type Coupling.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments:

• Path to the MAT file that defines the position and orientation of the receiver.
• Path to the DUS file that defines the ultrasound pattern of the receiver.

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13 Ultrasound p.1567

• The effective area of the receiver, in m .


add_passive passive.mat passive.dus 0.01

Command set_doppler_freq_bin

Description Sets the Doppler frequency bin value.

Precondition Simulation must be of type Doppler.

Arguments This command takes only one argument the Doppler frequency bin, in Hz.


set_doppler_freq_bin 1.0

Command set_doppler_velocity_obj

Description Sets the doppler velocity for a geometry object.

Precondition Simulation must be of type Doppler.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments:

• The name of the object. The name of an object is the name set to it before exporting to NUR.
• The three components (X, Y, Z) of the vector that defines the velocity, in m/s.


set_doppler_velocity_obj car 26.0 0.0 0.0

Command set_doppler_rotation_obj

Description Sets the doppler rotation for a geometry object.

Precondition Simulation must be of type Doppler.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments:

• The name of the object. The name of an object is the name set to it before exporting to NUR.
• The three components (X, Y, Z) of the first point of the rotation axis.
• The three components (X, Y, Z) of the second point of the rotation axis.
• The rotation speed, in rad/s.

set_doppler_rotation_obj box 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5

Command set_doppler_velocity_source

Description Sets the doppler velocity for an ultrasound source.

Precondition Simulation must be of type Doppler.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments:

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13 Ultrasound p.1568

• The index (starting at 1) of the source the user wants to apply the velocity to. Indices are assigned
sequentially to sources when they are created with the add_sound_source command.
• The three components (X, Y, Z) of the vector that defines the velocity, in m/s.

set_doppler_velocity_source 1 1.0 2.0 0.0

Command set_doppler_velocity_obs
Description Sets the doppler velocity for an observation point group.

Precondition Simulation must be of type Doppler.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments:

• The index (starting at 1) of the observation point group the user wants to apply the velocity to.
Indices are assigned sequentially to observation point groups when they are created.
• The three components (X, Y, Z) of the vector that defines the velocity, in m/s.


set_doppler_velocity_obs 1 1.0 2.0 0.0

Command set_meshing_processors

Description Sets the number of processors that will be used for meshing.

Arguments This command only takes one argument the number of processors that will be used.


set_meshing_processors 4

Command set_executing_processors

Description Sets the number of processors that will be used for execution.

Arguments This command only takes one argument the number of processors that will be used.


set_executing_processors 4

Command set_processors

Description Sets the number of processors that will be used for meshing and execution. This command
is a shortcut for setting the number of processors for both calculations without the need to call two

Arguments This command only takes one argument the number of processors that will be used.


set_processors 4

Command add_point_observation

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13 Ultrasound p.1569

Description Adds an observation point to the simulation.

Precondition Simulation type must not be Coupling.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments:

• Path to the DIS file that defines the translation applied to this observation point.
• Coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the point. The result of applying the translation defined in the DIS file to
this point will be the location of the observation point.


add_point_observation obs1.dis 2.0 1.0 0.0

Command add_cylinder_observation

Description Adds a cylinder (or cylindrical section) of observation points to the simulation.

Precondition Simulation type must not be Coupling.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments (all distances are expressed in meters):

• Path to the DIS file that defines the translation applied to this group of observation points.
• The coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the center of the cylinder's base.
• The radius of the cylinder.
• The number of points along the height of the cylinder.
• The height of the cylinder.
• The number of points along the circumference of the cylinder.
• The initial angle of the cylindrical section, in degrees.
• The final angle of the cylindrical section, in degrees.


add_cylinder_observation obs2.dis 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 11 20.0 10 0.0 180.0

Command add_line_observation

Description Adds a line of observation points.

Precondition Simulation type must not be Coupling.

Arguments This command takes the following arguments (all distances are given in meters):
• The path to a MAT or DIS file defining an affine transformation or a translation, respectively.
• The number of points of the line.
• The coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the initial point of the line.
• The coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the final point of the line.


add_line_observation obs3.dis 21 10.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 0.0

add_line_observation obs3.mat 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0

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Command add_parallelogram_observation

Description Adds a parallelogram of observation points.

Precondition Simulation type must not be Coupling.

Arguments The command takes the following arguments (all distances are given in meters):

• The path to a MAT or DIS file defining an affine transformation or a translation, respectively.
• The coordinates (X, Y, Z) of three points defining the vertices of the parallelogram. The fourth point
is calculated by using the other three points.
• The number of points along the direction from the first to the second point.
• The number of points along the direction from the second to the third point.


add_parallelogram_observation obs4.mat 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 11 11

Command add_plane_observation

Description Adds a plane of observation points to the simulation.

Precondition Simulation type must not be Coupling.

Arguments The command takes the following arguments (all distances are given in meters):

• The path to a DIS path defining the translation applied to this group of observation points.
• The constant coordinate of the plane (can either be "x", "y" or "z").
• The value of the constant coordinate of the plane.
• The initial value of the first non-constant coordinate of the plane.
• The total size of the plane along its first non-constant coordinate.
• The number of points along the first non-constant coordinate of the plane.
• The initial value of the second non-constant coordinate of the plane.
• The total size of the plane along its second non-constant coordinate.
• The number of points along the second non-constant coordinate of the plane.


add_plane_observation obs5.dis y 2.0 1.0 5.0 5 2.0 6.0 5

Command add_sphere_observation
Description Adds a sphere of observation points to the simulation.

Precondition The simulation type must not be Coupling.

Arguments The command takes the following arguments (all distances are given in meters):

• The path to the DIS file with the translation applied to this group of observation points.
• The coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the center of the sphere.
• The initial radius of the sphere.
• The increment between two consecutive radius values.
• The number of radius values.

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13 Ultrasound p.1571

• The number of points along the theta direction.

• The initial theta value, in degrees.
• The final theta value, in degrees.
• The number of points along the phi direction.
• The initial phi value, in degrees.
• The final phi value, in degrees.


add_sphere_observation obs6.dis 2.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 1.0 3 11 0.0 90.0 21 0.0 180.0

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List of Acronyms and
Abbreviations 14
14 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

View the list of commonly used acronyms in newFASANT.

This chapter covers the following:

• 14.1 Acronyms (p. 1573)

Altair newFASANT 2021
14 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations p.1573

14.1 Acronyms
AZB Angular Z-Buffer

BiCGStab Biconjugate Gradient Stabilized Method

CBFM Characteristic Basis Function Method

CFIE Combined Field Integral Equation

EFIE Electric Field Integral Equation

FSS Frequency Selective Surface

GMRES Generalized Minimal Residual Method

GO Geometrical Optics

GTD Geometrical Theory of Diffraction

IR Infrared

ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar

MBF Macro Basis Function

MFIE Magnetic Field Integral Equation

MLFMA Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm

MoM Method of Moments

NURBS Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline

PEC Perfect Electric Conductor

PO Physical Optics

PSO Particle Swarm Optimization

PTD Physical Theory of Diffraction

RAM Radar Absorbing Material

RCS Radar Cross Section

SVP Space Volumetric Partitioning

UTD Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction

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acronyms 1573
analyzeCurvature 417
analyzeEdges 418
analyzeNakedBorders 419
angle 420
delete 660
display size 660
edit 659
passive 1034
antenna coupling 703
antenna coupling by frequency 704
antenna coupling by step 705
antenna coupling text files 706
antenna feeding
import 660
arc 421
area 423
3D 63
ArrayOnSuerface 64
arrayOnSurface 426
axis 431

batch 247
bentDipoles 432
bistatic RCS
box 891
boolean operations 59
booleanDifference 433
booleanInside 436
booleanIntersection 438
booleanOutside 441
booleanSplit 444
booleanUnion 447
booleanXOR 449
box 452

calculator 221, 227
capacitance 454

circle 455
circularHole 456
analyzeCurvature 417
analyzeEdges 418
analyzeNakedBorders 419
angle 420
arc 421
area 423
array 424
arrayOnSurface 426
axis 431
bentDipoles 432
booleanDifference 433
booleanInside 436
booleanIntersection 438
booleanOutside 441
booleanSplit 444
booleanUnion 447
booleanXOR 449
box 452
capacitance 454
circle 455
circularHole 456
cone 457
connect2Surfaces 459
connectCurves 462
coons 463
copy 466
cross 468
crossHole 470
curve 471
curveFunction 473
curveInterpolation 475
cylinder 477
delete 479
disk 480
distance 481
duplicate 482
ellipse 483
ellipsoid 485
exit 487
explode 488
export 489
extendHole 490
extrude 493
extrudeNormal 495

extrudeSurface 497
flare 499
group 501
help 502
hexagon 503
hyperbola 504
hyperboloid 505
import 506
interdigitalLines 507
invertNormals 508
length 510
line 511
localTransform 512
meshFromSurfaces 515
meshToSurfaces 516
move 517
ogive 519
openRing 522
parabola 523
paraboloid 524
perpendicular 525
pipe 528
planarSurface 530
plane 532
point 534
pointCloud 535
pointsFromCurve 537
pointsFromCurveByDistance 538
pointsFromSurface 539
polygon 541
project 543
rebuildCurve 546
rebuildSurface 547
rectangle 550
rectangularHole 552
rename 553
revolve 554
rhomboid 557
ring 559
rotate 560
scale 562
scale1D 564
scale2D 567
scale3D 570
scaleNonUniform 573
script 576
segment 577

semicircle 578
set 579
skinned 581
sphere 583
spiral 585
spiralCross 586
splitByProjection 587
splitCurves 590
splitRing 592
splitSurfaceByIsoparam 593
splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid 595
splitSurfaces 596
stripCross 598
stripHexagon 599
stripTrifilar 600
surface 601
surfaceCornerPoints 603
surfaceEdges 604
surfaceEllipse 606
surfaceFromEdges 607
surfaceFunction 610
surfaceInterpolation 612
surfaceIsoparamCurve 614
surfaceSpiral 616
sweep 617
symmetric 618
tangent 621
tCross 622
threeDipoles 623
threeDipolesUnion 624
torus 625
trifilar 627
trim 628
unset 631
untrim 632
command-line shell 23
cone 457
connect2Surfaces 459
connectCurves 462
console 23
coons 463
copy 54, 466
coupling 703, 837, 897
create mesh 839
creeping 827
cross 468
crossHole 470

arc 106
circle 107
connect 98
control points 96
ellipse 108
function 98
hyperbola 109
interpolate points 97
parabola 109
perpendicular 101
polygon 103
rebuild 99
rectangle 102
regular polygon 104
rhomboid 105
segment 102
semicircle 107
spiral 110
star polygon 105
tangent 100
curveFunction 473
curveInterpolation 475
cylinder 477

delay process 695
delete 54, 479
delete all 54
files 201
DIA file
examples 207
import 659
structure 205
diagram correlation 218
difference 60
dipole 651
dipole antenna 651
dipole array 653
disk 480
displayaxes 45
distance 481
Doppler 647, 827
Doppler spectrum
chart 701

text files 702
drag and drop 29
duplicate 56, 482

project parameters 27
edit menu 53
ellipse 483
ellipsoid 485
MIMO 736, 742
execute 1054
exit 487
explode 58, 488
export 86, 489
extendHole 490
extrude 493
extrudeNormal 495
extrudeSurface 497

far field
view cuts 686
view cuts by frequency 688
view cuts by step 689
DIA 201
flare 499
FMCW 911

advanced options 252
group 57, 501
overview 23

help 251, 502
hexagon 503
history 53
parameters 649, 929, 1022
hyperbola 504

hyperboloid 505

ignore edges 679
pattern files 834
inside 62
interdigitalLines 507
intersection 60
invert normals 82
inverting normals 262
invertNormals 508

Java 231
Java function 224

layers 83
length 510
line 511
load 245
localTransform 512

geometry 86
create visibility matrix 681
ignore edges 679
manual divisions 844
to surfaces 178
view 842
meshFromSurfaces 515
meshToSurfaces 516
method of moments (MoM) 1024
example 736, 742
MIMO results
channel correlation 709
channel transfer matrix 709
monostatic RCS
ship 884
sphere / box 873
truck 907

move 55, 517
multiple points 90
multipole antenna 658
mutual coupling 748

near field
view cuts 691
view cuts by frequency 692
view cuts by step 693
newFASANT script 243

object properties 84
observation directions 662, 835, 1035
observation points
coupling 672
curve 666
cylinder 664
external file 665
line 668
parallelogram 669
plane 669
point 670
sphere 671
surface 667
ogive 519
openRing 522
outside 62

pan 45
parabola 523
paraboloid 524
define 198
passive antenna 1034
pattern file 655
pattern file antenna 655
pattern file array 657
pattern files
import 834
perpendicular 525
pipe 528
planarSurface 530

plane 532
plot viewer 218, 227
point 89, 534
pointCloud 535
pointsFromCurve 537
pointsFromCurveByDistance 538
pointsFromSurface 539
polygon 541
post-process 268
power angular spectrum 707
power process 699
primitive 88
by direction 94, 117
new 38
open 40
recent 41
save 42
save as 42
to closest point 93, 116
wizard 38
project folder 43
project parameters
edit 27
project to surface 93, 116

radiation pattern 1064
RCS 830, 847
RCS parameters 830
rebuildCurve 546
rebuildSurface 547
rectangle 550
rectangularHole 552
redo 53
reference plane 45
reflectarray 230
rename 553
render mode 51
result 276
revolve 554
rhomboid 557
ring 559
rotate 44, 77, 560

save 246
1D 73
2D 74
3D 75
non-uniform 76
scale1D 564
scale2D 567
scale3D 570
scaleNonUniform 573
load 245
save 246
segment 577
semicircle 578
set 579
set step 199
simulation parameter 644, 929, 1020
single point 89
skinned 581
box 169
cone 170
cylinder 171
ellipsoid 172
extrude surface 166
flare 175
from surfaces 178
ogive 173
sphere 176
torus 177
pattern file 832
sphere 583
spiral 585
spiralCross 586
by curves 113
by cutting objects 115
by direction 164
by isoparam 162
cut object 161
extrude normal 168
parametric 114
surface 160

to closest point 163
splitByProjection 587
splitCurves 590
splitRing 592
splitSurfaceByIsoparam 593
splitSurfaceByIsoparamGrid 595
splitSurfaces 596
statusbar 36
stripCross 598
stripHexagon 599
stripTrifilar 600
bent dipole 153
capacitance 147
circular hole 150
connect 131
control points 120
coons 155
corner points 119
cross 139
cross hole 152
disk 133
ellipse 135
extend hole 129
extrude curve 123
extrude normal 125
function 122
hexagon 134
hyperboloid 150
interdigital line 146
interpolate points 121
open ring 137
paraboloid 149
pipe 159
planar surface 156
plane 132
rebuild 131
rectangular hole 151
revolve 126
ring 137
skinning 157
spiral 148
spiral cross 140
split ring 138
strip cross 145
strip hexagon 143
strip trifilar 144

sweep 158
T cross 141
three dipoles 154
three dipoles union 155
trifilar 142
trim 127
untrim 128
surfaceCornerPoints 603
surfaceEdges 604
surfaceEllipse 606
surfaceFromEdges 607
surfaceFunction 610
surfaceInterpolation 612
surfaceIsoparamCurve 614
surfaceSpiral 616
sweep 617
symmetric 618
symmetry 77

tangent 621
tCross 622
threeDipoles 623
threeDipolesUnion 624
angle 179
area 180
border 180
clean surface 196
curvature 182
distance 179
duplicate elements 183
edges 181
length 180
overlapped objects 188
split surface 191
toolbar 34
torus 625
trace 272
trace options 272
trace representation 273
to reference plane 79
tree 24
trifilar 627
trim 628

undo 53
union 59
unset 631
untrim 632
user function
editor 221

reset 44
view control points 80
view mesh 842
view ray 684
view text files 685
visibility matrix 681

XOR 61

zoom in 44
zoom out 44
zoom selected 44


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