Metrology and Measurements
Metrology and Measurements
Metrology and Measurements
value H, and the other is Lower value L, The difference between H, and L, is called range.
2. What is Resolution?
The minimum value of the input signal is required to cause an appreciable change in the
output known as resolution.
3. Differentiate between sensitivity and range with suitable example.
Example: An Instrument has a scale reading of 0.01mm to 100mm. Here, the sensitivity of
the instrument is 0.0lmm i.e. the minimum value in the scale by which the instrument can
read. The range is 0.01 to 100mm i.e. the minimum to maximum value by which the
instrument can read.
4. Define system error and correction.
Error: The deviation between the results of measured value to the actual value.
Correction: The numerical value which should be added to the measured value to get the
correct result.
5. Define: Measurement.
Measuring is the physical quantity or property like length, diameter, and angle to be
Over damped - The final indication of measurement ii approached exponentially from one
Under damped - The pointer approach the position corresponding to final reading and makes
a number of oscillations around it.
4. Coincidence method.
9. Give classification of measuring instruments.
1. Angle measuring Instruments.
2. Length measuring Instruments.
3. Instruments for surface finish.
4. Instruments for deviations.
10. Define True size.
True size is Theoretical size of a dimension.
11. Define Actual size.
Actual size = Size obtained through measurement with permissible error.
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The algebraic difference between higher calibration values to lower calibration value.
Example: In a measurement of temperature higher value is 200*C and lower value is 1500 0 C
means span = 200 - 150 = 500 C.
15. Differentiate between precision and accuracy.
Accuracy - The maximum amount by which the result differ from true value.
Precision - Degree of repetitiveness. If an instrument is not precise it will give different
results for the same dimension for the repeated readings.
16. What is Scale interval? tas
It is the difference between two successive scale marks in units.
17. What is Response Time?
The time at which the instrument begins its response for a change measured quantity.
18. Define Repeatability.
The ability of the measuring instrument to repeat the same results g the act measurements for
the same quantity is known as repeatability.
19. Explain the term magnification.
It means the magnitude of output signal of measuring instrument time’s increases to make it
more readable.
20. Classify the Absolute error.
The absolute error is classified into
1. True absolute error.
for calculation of that absolute error. The comparison may be true value or conventional true
value or arithmetic mean for series of measurement.
22. Classify the errors.
The errors can be classified into
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1. Measurand.
2. Reference.
3. Comparator.
26. What is Legal Metrology?
Legal metrology is part of Metrology and it is directed by a National Organization which is
called "Notional service of Legal Metrology". The main objective is to, maintain uniformity
of measurement in a particular country. tas
Part – B (16 Marks)
1. Draw the block diagram of generalized measurement system and explain different stages
with examples.
2. Distinguish between Repeatability and reproducibility
3. Distinguish between Systematic and random errors
4. Distinguish between Static and dynamic response.
5. Describe the different types of errors in measurements and the causes
1) Explain the various systematic and random errors in measurements?
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iv. Comparator.
5.List out any four angular measuring instrument used in metrology.
(i) Angle gauges.
(ii) Divided scales.
(iii) Sine bar with slip gauges.
(iv) Autocollimator.
(v) Angle dekkor.
Least count. - The least value that can be measured by using any measuring instrument
known as least count. Least count of a mechanical comparator is 0.0 1 mm.
11. How the mechanical comparator is used? State with any one example.
Let us assume that the required height of the component I s 32.5mm. Initially, this height is
built up with slip gauges. The slip gauge blocks are placed under the stem of the dial gauge.
The pointer in the dial gauge is adjusted to zero. The slip gauges are removed- Now, the
component to be checked is introduced under the stem of the dial gauge. If there is any
deviation in the height of the component, it will be indicated by the pointer.
12. State any four advantages of reed type mechanical comparator.
(i) It is usually robust, compact and easy to handle.
(ii) There is no external supply such as electricity, air required.
(iii) It has very simple mechanism and is cheaper when compared to other types.
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(iii) Amplifier.
15. On what basis the transducer works?
An iron armature is provided in between two coils held by a leaf spring at one end. The other
end is supported against a plunger. The two coils act as two arms of an A.C. wheat stone
bridge circuit.
16. How is the accuracy of an electrical comparator checked?
To check the accuracy of a given specimen or work, first a standard specimen is placed under
the plunger. After this, the resistance of wheat stone bridge is adjusted that the scale reading
shows zero. Then the specimen is removed. Now, the work is introduced under the plunger.
17. State the working principle of an electronic comparator.
In electronic comparator, transducer induction or the principle of application of frequency
modulation or radio oscillation is followed.
18. Mention the important parts of an electronic comparator.
(i) Transducer.
(ii) Oscillator.
(iii) Amplifier.
(iv) Demodulator.
(v) Meter.
(iv) The pointer is made very light so that it 'IS more sensitive to vibration.
21. What are the disadvantages of electrical and electronic comparator?
(i) External agency is required to meter for actuation.
(ii) Variation of voltage or frequency may affect the accuracy of output.
(iv) Due to heating coils, the accuracy decreases.
(v) It is more expensive than mechanical comparator.
22. List the various parts of an optical comparator.
The optical comparator consists of the following parts such as
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(iv) High magnification is possible.
(v) There is no interference of measuring head and indicating device because the
measuring head is kept away from the indicating device.
(vi) It is a suitable method to check taperness of circular bore.
1. Explain briefly the three important fields of machine vision system?
Inspection: it is the ability of an automated vision system to recognize well-defined pattern
and if these pattern match these stored in the system makes machine vision ideal for
inspection of raw materials, parts, assemblies etc. Part identification: It is the ability of part
recognition provides positive identifications of an object for decision-making purposes.
Guidance and Control. Machine vision systems are used to provide sensor feedback for real
time guidance.
2 What is interferometer?
Interferometer is optical instruments used for measuring flatness and determining the lengths
of slip gauges by direct reference to the wavelength of light.
3. Name the different types of interferometer?
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b. Flatness of machine tables and slide ways.
c. Parallelism, equidistance and alignment of the slide ways.
d. True running and alignment of shaft and spindle.
e. The pitch error or lead of lead screw.
f. Pitch errors of gears.
8. What is wavelength?
The distance between two crusts or two rough is called the wavelength.
9. Distinguish between geometrical test and practical test on a machine tool.
The alignment test is carried out to check the grade of manufacturing accuracy of the
machine tool. Performance test consist of checking the accuracy of the finished component.
Alignment test consist of checking the relationship between various machine elements when
the machine tool is idle. Performance test consists of preparing the actual test jobs on the
machine and checking the accuracy of the jobs produced.
10. What are the main spindle errors?
a) Out of round.
b) Eccentricity.
1. Test for level of installation of machine tool in horizontal and vertical planes.
2. Test for flatness of machine bed and for straightness and parallelism of bed ways on
bearing surface.
3. Test for perpendicularity of guide ways to other guide ways.
4. Test for true running of the main spindle and its axial movements.
12. Why the laser is used in alignment testing?
The alignment tests can be carried out over greater distances and to a greater degree of
accuracy using laser equipment. Laser equipment produces real straight line, whereas an
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stimulated at In is known as stimulated emission. This multiplication of photon through
stimulated emission' leads to coherent, powerful, monochromatic, collimated beam of light
emission. This light emission is called laser.
17. Define axial length measuring accuracy.
It is defined as difference between the references lengths of gauges aligned with a machine
axis and the corresponding measurement results from the machine.
18. Write the types of coordinate measuring machines?
1. Bridge type. tas
2. Horizontal bore mill.
3. Vertical bore mill.
4. Spherical coordinate measuring machine.
19. Explain CNC, CMM briefly.
A computer numerical control system can be used with CN4M to do calculations while
measuring complex parts. Error can be stored in memory while doing calculations. For
automatic calibration of probe, determination of co-ordinate system, calculation, evaluation
and recording etc., special software's are incorporated.
3. Data communications.
4. Digital input and output command
5. Interface to CAD software.
21. What are the four basic types of machine, vision system?
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(iii) The stylus moving in z-axis may have some perpendicularity errors.
(iv) Styius while moving in x and y direction may not be square to each other.
(v) There may be errors in digital system.
26. Mention the application of CMM.
(i) CMM's to find application in automobile., machine to,,electronics, space and
many other large companies.
(ii) These are best suited for the test and inspection Of test equipment, gauges and
tools. tas
(iii) For aircraft and space vehicles of hundred Percent inspections is carried out by
using CMM.
(iv) CMM can be used for determining dimensional accuracy of the component.
(v) CMM can also be used for sorting tasks to achieve optimum pacing of
components within tolerance limits.
27. Describe the features of a flexible inspection system.
(i) A powerful computer serves as a real time processor to handle part dimensional
data and as a multi 'programming system to perform such tasks as manufacturing
process control.
(ii) The terminal provides interactive communication with personnel Computer where
the programmes are stored.
(iii) Input devices microprocessor based gauges and other inspection devices are used
in CMM.
28. Write brief note about
(i) Co-ordinate measuring machine equipped with a laser probe?
(ii) Virtual measuring system?
(i) A CMM equipped with a laser probe can convert a part of physical model into a
digitize file. Such a file can be compared with other file and can be manipulated
by designers to improve quality. Manufactures can verify that each finished part
measures exactly as designed.
(ii) Virtual measuring System uses an rnicroscope system to' examine an electronic
replica of the Surface texture of part. Such a system is non-contact 3-1) Surface
measurement system and provide image of the surface. The images are processed
on a PC using vertical scanning interferometer and vision analysis software to
produce 2D-profile, 3-D plots and counters plots. It generates statistics for average
roughness, average profile height, reduced peak height, cares roughness depth,
reduced valley depth and a number of other parameters. It also determines the
depth, spacing and angle of groove in a hard surface optical probe of a cylinder
bore can be rotated 360 degrees and moved vertically along the cylinder wall.
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CMMs? State the possible sources of errors in CMM.
8. Explain with a neat sketch the working of talysurf instrument for surface finish
9. What is the symbol for fully defining surface roughness and explain each term?
1. Name the various types of pitch errors found in screw?
(i) Progressive error.
(ii) Drunken error.
(iii) Periodic error.
(iv) Irregular errors.
2. Name the various methods of measuring the minor diameter of the thread.
(i) Using taper parallels.
(ii) Using rollers and slip gauges.
3. Name the various methods used for measuring the major diameter?
6. Name the two corrections are to be applied in the measurement of effective diameter.
(i) Rake corrections
(ii) Compression correction.
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This is one, having erratic pitch, in which the advance Of the helix is irregular in one
complete revolution of thread.
9. What is the effect of flank angle error?
Errors in the flank cause a virtual increase in the effective diameter of a bolt and decrease in
that, of nut.
10. What are the applications of toolmaker's microscope?
(i) Linear measurement.
(ii) Measurement of pitch of the screw.
(iii) Measurement of thread angle.
11. Define: Periodic error.
The periodic error repeats itself at equal intervals along the thread.
12. What are the commonly used forms of gear teeth?
(1) Involutes.
(2) Cycloidal
13. What are the types of gears?
(i) Spur. tas
(ii) Helical.
(iii) Bevel.
(iv) Worth and Worm wheel.
(v) Rack and pinion.
14. Define: Module.
Module= pitch circle diameter/ number of teeth.
15. Define: Lead angle.
It is the angle between the tangent to the helix and plane perpendicular to the axis of cylinder.
16. What are the various methods used for measuring the gear tooth thickness?
(i) Gear tooth Vernier.
(ii) Constant chord method.
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b) Edges are rounded up.
23. What are the factors affecting surface roughness?
a) Vibrations.
b) Material of the work piece.
c) Tool d) Machining type.
24. What are the methods used for evaluating the surface finish?
a) Peak to valley height method. tas
b) The average roughness method.
c) Form factor method.
25. Define fullness and emptiness in form factor.
Degree of fullness (K)= area of metal /Area of enveloping rectangle
Degree of emptiness = 1 – K.
26. What are the methods used for measuring surface roughness?
a) Inspection by comparison
b) Direct instrument measurements.
two planes perpendicular to each other and parallel to the direction of a line remaining within
the specified tolerance limits.
29. Define: Roundness. Name the four measurement of roundness.
It is a surface of revolution where all the surfaces intersected 'by any plane perpendicular to a
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4. V-Block.
5. Three point probe.
6. Accurate spindle.
3. Define various terminologies related with screw thread
4. Define various terminologies related with screw gears
5. Explain any two taper measurements method.
6. Explain the construction and working of Gear tooth vernier
7. Explain a method used in the measurement of surface finish and flatness
Venturi meter.
Orifice meter.
Rota meter.
Pitot tube.
McLeod gauge
Kundsen Gauge.
Pirani Gauge.
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When two metals are joined together it will create an emf and it is primarily a function of the
junction temperature.
9. What is a Kentometer?
It is a device for measurement of absolute pressure.
11. Write the working principles of hot wire anemometer.
When the fluid flows over heated surface heat is transferred from the surface and so, its
temperature reduces. The rate of reduction of temperature is related to floe rate.
12. What is the use of thermometer and pyormeter?
Thermometer is used to measure the absolute temperatures. The pyrometer is used to measure
high temperatures.
Ceramic cement.
16. Mention the types of dynamometers.
Absorption dynamometer.
Driving dynamometer.
Transmission dynamometer.
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A venturimeter.
A orifice meter.
A rotometer.
A pitot tube.
Part – B (16 Marks)
2. Explain various methods of measuring temperature
3. Explain various methods of measuring flow
4. Explain various methods of measuring power
5. Explain various methods of measuring force
6. Explain working of Pressure thermometer and resistance thermometer.
7. Explain the construction and working of Venturimeter and Rotameter
8. Explain the construction and working of bimetallic strip and Thermocouple
9. List the advantages of temperature measurement by using the resistance thermometer.
10. Explain with neat diagram the purpose and operating principle of a venturimeter.
11. What are rotameters? State its applications.
12. Explain the working principle of an electrical resistance thermometer.
13. What are thermo couples? State its applications.