Arc-Air Gouging (Air-Carbon Arc Gouging) : Control Approach 2
Arc-Air Gouging (Air-Carbon Arc Gouging) : Control Approach 2
Arc-Air Gouging (Air-Carbon Arc Gouging) : Control Approach 2
✓✓ Discharge extracted air to a safe place away from doors, windows and
air inlets.
✓✓ Arrange work to reduce the worker’s exposure to the fume, eg welder’s
head is out of the fume.
Personal decontamination
✓✓ Provide warm water, mild skin cleansers, and soft paper or fabric
towels for drying. Avoid abrasive cleansers.
✓✓ Provide pre-work skin creams, which will make it easier to wash dirt
from the skin.
✓✓ Provide after-work creams to replenish skin oils.
Caution: ‘Barrier creams’ are not ‘liquid gloves’ and do not provide
a full barrier.
✓✓ For LEV with no user manual or log book, you may need the help of a
competent person. They can determine the performance needed for
adequate control.
✓✓ LEV systems require a statutory ‘thorough examination and test’ (TExT).
✓✓ Get a competent person to perform the TExT at least once every
14 months.
✓✓ Carry out all actions arising from the TExT.
✓✓ Keep an employer record for at least 5 years of TExT information
such as target extraction rates which show the LEV is performing as
originally intended.
✓✓ Several measures are available to check effectiveness of controls.
These range from simple qualitative (eg. use of a dust lamp) to complex
quantitative techniques (eg. air sampling) usually for higher-risk
✓✓ HSG258 provides more detailed information on LEV systems and legal
and competence requirements.
Exposure monitoring
✓✓ Exposure monitoring should be considered as a check on the
effectiveness of control measures in place when welding:
–– stainless steels;
–– non-ferrous alloys;
–– painted or coated metals.
✓✓ See sheet WL0 for further information.
Health surveillance
✓✓ Provide health surveillance for asthma where there is a reasonable
likelihood that asthma may occur in your workplace. See sheet G402
Training and supervision
✓✓ Provide supervision – ensure that safe work procedures are followed.
✓✓ Tell workers about the health hazards from welding fume.
✓✓ Provide workers with training on:
–– Following safe working procedures.
–– When and how to use controls.
–– How to check they are working.
–– How the LEV system works.
–– How to use LEV to get the best out of it.
–– How to check the LEV is working.
–– What to do if something goes wrong.
✓✓ Provide them with training on handling chemicals safely, when and
how to use controls, and how to check they are working.
✓✓ Involve managers and supervisors in health and safety training.
✓✓ Training records are helpful to demonstrate training has taken place.
Welding, hot work and allied processes - WL16 - Engineering control + Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) Health and Safety
Employee checklist
Essential information
Are you sure about safe
WL0 – Advice for managers work procedures?
G402 – Health surveillance for occupational asthma
Is equipment in good
condition and working
G409 – Exposure measurement: Air sampling
Further information
Do you know how to use
For further health and safety information for welding and allied the equipment properly?
processes, visit the HSE welding website:
Use, maintain and store
For further information on local exhaust ventilation (LEV): HSG258 your RPE and PPE
Controlling airborne contaminants at work: A guide to local exhaust in accordance with
ventilation (LEV) instructions.
© Crown copyright If you wish to reuse this information visit for details. Published 11/19
Published for the Health and Safety Executive under licence from the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.