32476C/P3 Work Placement Portfolio: 1. Background/overview

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Student Name: Tetyana Hyde E1144 Certificate III in

Student ID: E 0972688 Individual Support

(Ageing, Home and
32476C/P3 Work Placement Portfolio Community)

Your Work Placement

This is document 6(c) of 7.

1. Background/overview Deliverables
During your work placement, you will be undertaking a variety of duties
and tasks that relate to your course and the role of a care support worker.
1. Write your student name an
You will need to successfully demonstrate that you can perform tasks ID at the top of this page.
required in the work environment and collect evidence.
2. Please follow the instruction
Your workplace portfolio is divided into four sections. These need to be in each part of your portfolio
submitted in four parts following the training and assessment plan agreed
upon with your Workplace Assessor. This is the third section. 3. Please ensure you complete all
templated sections of this
Your Supervisor will give you guidance and feedback on your document and include any
performance, supporting you to complete the tasks in an appropriate and appendices or extra
professional manner. evidence/templates within this
one Word file for submission.
Evidence of your performance must be collected and submitted to your
assessor. This document, the Work Placement Portfolio Part 3, outlines 4. Save this single Word document
activities 5-8 and provides instructions on how to collect evidence. using the following naming

2. Work Placement Portfolio P3.docx.
You will be required to complete each task in this portfolio at your host 5. Upload this completed documen
organisation under the supervision of an approved Workplace Supervisor in Open Space using the relevan
(See Workplace Assessment Guide). Assessment Upload link in this
Your Open Colleges Work Place Assessor (WPA) will conduct workplace for
key Portfolio tasks. These are identified by the use of the following text:

This task must be assessed in the workplace by your Open Colleges Work Place
Assessor (WPA).
Date: WPA name: WPA signature:

A workplace visit will be arranged through discussions with your WPA, and
will take place approximately half way through your work placement. The
visit serves to enable observation/demonstration of these key tasks. Take
every opportunity to practice these tasks with your colleagues or
supervisor in advance of your WPA visit. You may also need to prepare
some task documentation in readiness for your WPA visit. If so, this will be

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clearly indicated in the relevant task instructions. Where required, your
WPA may also ask a short contingency question based on the task.

Your WPA will deem your assessment performance as either Satisfactory

(S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). Where your assessment performance is
deemed NYS, you will be required to participate in the relevant
assessment again.

Before you move onto the last part of the portfolio, make sure you have
completed all the tasks in this file and uploaded your work to OpenSpace.

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Activity 5: Social and cultural diversity This is Activity 5 of 11

Conduct interviews with three (3) different people in your
workplace (these could be either clients or work colleagues) who To do:
come from different social or cultural backgrounds to you. Select a
relevant topic to discuss, or use the suggestions in following list: 1. Complete this activity as
per the instructions using
 differences in social perspectives the four templates
provided on the next page.
 preferences in food
 religious beliefs 2. Save your work regularly.
 cultural values
3. Once you have completed
 attitudes towards ageism
all parts of this activity,
 benefits of diversity in the workplace. save this Word document
and proceed to the next
activity (Activity 6).
Make notes during each interview, including what verbal and
nonverbal communication skills you used. The interviews should
each be a maximum of two (2) minutes long and demonstrate that
you are able to recognise and respect diversity.
Complete the three (3) tables on the next page, one for each
Reflecting on the three interviews, consider whether there were any
situations where misunderstandings occurred. If not, think of a situation
where a misunderstanding could occur due to diversity. Discuss how you
would respond to this.

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Interview 1 Date of interview: 12/05/21

Interview conducted with a colleague / client (delete as necessary)

Topics discussed (20-50 words):

My topic discussed with a client was preferences of food.

Interview notes (50-100 words) include notes about the communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) you used
during the interview:

Clients culture beliefs were different to mine, due to beliefs client is unable to eat pork, but
enjoys chicken, client had good communication skills and was happy to participate.

Interview 2 Date of interview: 15/05/21

Interview conducted with a colleague / client (delete as necessary)

Topics discussed (20-50 words):

Religious Beliefs

Interview notes (50-100 words) include notes about the communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) you used
during the interview:

The client does not have good communication skills, so I referred to the care plan and the
client's daughter attended and answered questions to help the resident with her religious beliefs.
I also didn’t interrupt them while they prayed before eating, she was very grateful.

Interview 3 Date of interview: 16/05/21

Interview conducted with a colleague / client (delete as necessary)

Topics discussed (20-50 words):

My topic is culture values- A culture's values are its ideas about what is good, right, fair, and

Interview notes (50-100 words) include notes about the communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) you used
during the interview:

The Daughter had a non-judgment approach and was happy to be interviewed about their
culture values. A Jewish resident here does not celebrate Christmas due to culture values, but
he does still participate in hanging up lights, decorating the tree, eating candy canes but the
Jewish man and daughter and rest of family don’t do presents and they don’t get together for
Christmas, but they do for new year’s. Instead of them greeting everyone with merry Christmas
they say happy holidays but doesn’t get offensive when someone greets them a merry

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Reflecting on the three interviews you conducted, consider whether there were any situations where
misunderstandings occurred. If not, think of a situation where a misunderstanding could occur due to diversity.
Discuss how you would respond to this.

What was the situation where a misunderstanding occurred? (50-100 words)

The part where there was a misunderstanding was when I asked about how many times she
prays during the day / night and the woman got a misunderstanding when I didn't really explain
my self-esteem enough and she gave me a weird look and that's where I knew I had phrased my
question incorrectly. So, I had to repeat the question so that she could understand, and she
could answer my question.

How did you respond to this situation? (50 – 100 words)

I answered with a clearer question and explained myself better and apologized for the way I
phrased it as I think it offended her a little as she looked at me strangely, answered with just a
number and left it as it is.

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Activity 6: Facilitating empowerment and choice This is Activity 6 of 11

In Portfolio 2, activity 4, you completed a simulation to review the

personal goals for a client from activity 1.
You will now review the personal goals of another client from To do:
activity 1 in the workplace.
1. Complete the task
See the task and table to be completed on the next page. according to the
instructions using the
template provided on the
next page.

2. Save your work regularly.

3. Once you have completed

all parts of this activity,
save this Word document
and proceed to the next
activity (Activity 7).

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Task 1 – Workplace activity
Client 2 – review the socialisation component of the individualised care plan of another client from
Activity 1. Select one (1) of the personal goals and undertake research to provide information
about the availability and accessibility of the goal/activity for the client. Examples of personal
goals/activities could include participating in using computers, attending the local club, local
festivals or a particular activity. Document your findings in a written report, identifying any risks
that could be associated with this activity and share this with the client. Include the client’s
response in your report (approximately 150 words in total).

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Task 2 - Personal goals written report

(approx. 150 words)

1. What is the goal/activity of the client from their care plan?

For Margaret to keep doing Physiotherapists

2. What research did you do?

I have researched what a real physical therapist does, and it helps to improve mobility and
physical independence. Physical therapists offer treatments including pain relief, manual therapy,
and exercise. Helping residents with individual needs, helping to reduce pain and optimize
strength, mobility, and physical independence.

3. What information did you find out about the availability and accessibility of the particular goal or activity of the

This service is accessible and available twice a week, but he is at the facility 7 days a week, you
will need to book in to be able to see a physiotherapist.

4A. Did you find out any other useful information for the client regarding this particular goal or activity?

Margarete has a lot of pain in her legs and knees so her seeing a physiotherapist help with:

ailments that arise as she gets older, arthritis, increasing strength, reduced mobility and general stiffness,
reducing the possibility of injury or illness, choosing the right walking aid for Margaret.

4B. How could this activity be adapted if necessary?

Activities can be adapted and tried another time if they were not successful or enjoyable the first
time. Use times that suits Margret’s best level of functioning to achieve the most success when
carrying out activities, consider the times of the day when Margarete is at her best.

4C. How would you support empowerment in this activity?

By encouraging Margarete to do your physio and to advise Margarete as to which steps, she
should take and provide feedback. I won’t pressure her into it but I will guide her the right way
and let her no what she will benefit out of it.

5A. What are the risks associated, if any?

No risk physiotherapist can treat you if you have a problem with pain or

movement. Physiotherapy could help you become more mobile and make you more comfortable.

5B. How would you respond to them?

I won’t need to respond to them as it is the physiotherapist job but if there was a risk, I would
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immediately report it.
Activity 7: WHS and risk assessment This is Activity 7 of 11

One of your roles as a care support worker is to follow safe work

practices when providing direct care to aged clients. Using the
supplied Hazard Identification / Risk Assessment form, complete the
To do:
tasks below.
1. Complete the two (2) tasks
Task 1 - Conduct a WHS inspection and complete the relevant according to the
section of the supplied form (Appendix 1). instructions using the
templates provided to you
Task 2 - Using the Risk Assessment Matrix (Appendix 2), Probability in the appendices at the
Table and Risk Priority table (Appendix 3) supplied, complete a risk end of this document.
assessment for the hazards identified in Part 1 above and complete
4. Save your work regularly.
the relevant fields of the Hazard Identification / Risk Assessment
form. 5. Once you have completed
all parts of this activity,
save this Word document
and proceed to the next
activity (Activity 8).

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Activity 8: Infection Prevention and Control This is Activity 8 of 11

This activity contains two parts, during which you are required to exercise
organisational infection prevention and control procedures:
Part A. Simulated Case Scenario Deliverables
Part B. Three separate occasions at Workplace
To do:
Attempt the tasks under each section after carefully reading the instructions
1. Complete the following
documents based on
Part A. Simulated Case Scenario respective tasks:

This task is a simulated case scenario that must be performed in your  Risk Assessment
Control form (Part
A, Task 1,
Based on the below scenario you need to: Appendix 4)
Task 1. Conduct a risk assessment of the situation  Progress Note (Part
Task 2. Follow organisational procedures and guidelines to minimize A, Task 2,
the spread of infection Appendix 5)
 Journal of all
Task 3. Exercise self-care against body fluid cleaning,
Task 4. Minimise contamination by aerosol and splatter maintenance and
infection control
Simulated Case Scenario activities followed
Imagine, while working as a care support worker, a resident/client suffering during three
from gastroenteritis suddenly vomits on the side of their bed, which spreads different occasions
over the linen, splatters on to the footrest of the wheelchair and drips on to (Part B, Appendix
the floor. 6).

You have been instructed to clean the area and prevent further spread of 2. Save your work regularly.
infection in accordance to the workplace organisation procedures. (The
resident/ client was moved from the bed.)
Note: For the purpose of this task, you have a cut on one of your fingers. 3. Obtain the filled and signed
workplace supervisor
checklist and send it to the
You would need access to the following items: workplace assessor. (Part
 Organisational guidelines on infection prevention and control policies A, Task 2, Task 3 and Task
and procedures
 Substance to simulate the vomit (pea soup or porridge etc. It would
be spread over the side of the bed and on the floor.) 4. Ensure that you have
 Bed with soiled linen completed all other tasks
 Body fluids spill kit OR paper towels in this portfolio and saved
your Word document as a
 Spill area warning signs
single file (please add any
 PPE (gown, mask, gloves, eye cover etc.) extra evidence or
 Disinfectant wipes or disinfectant spray/ aerosol and cleaning cloth templates to this one
 Waste receptacle and bin document).
 Hand-washing facilities
 Access to First Aid Kit
5. Follow the upload
 Surface cleaning equipment (mop, bucket etc.) instructions available on
 Access to sluice OR cleaning room, clean linen storage page 1 of this document.
 Wheelchair

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Task 1. Risk Assessment Form

Conduct a risk assessment of the situation, document your findings in Appendix 4: Risk Assessment Control
Form. and report it. You should:
o Identify the hazard
o Identify any risks to clients/ staff
o Determine the control measures that must be taken to minimize the risk
o List your responsibilities to prevent and control the infection

Use the below Risk Assessment Rating Matrix to assess the risk of the scenario and record your answers in
the table provided in Appendix 4: Risk Assessment Control Form. Report your findings to your supervisor.

Risk Assessment Rating Matrix

The event will The event is The event may The event is CERTAIN
only occur in not likely to occur within a likely to occur The event is
exceptional occur in a year within a year almost certain to
circumstances year occur within a

(Accidental death / serious
(serious injury)
(Lost time due to workplace LOW MEDIUM HIGH HIGH HIGH
(Minor workplace injury – no LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM MEDIUM
lost time)
(no injury)

Resolution at each level involves reducing the risk level to a lower level of risk
 Extreme – requires immediate assessment with management consideration. A detailed plan, regular
monitoring and reporting is required with a target resolution within 1 month timeframe
 High – requires immediate assessment with senior staff consideration, planning and reporting. Target
resolution should ideally be within 3 months
 Medium – reviewing of existing controls and planning required. Resolution timeframe should be within 1 year
 Low – the risk may be tolerable and controlled if managed with high quality process and procedures.

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Task 2. Infection Prevention and Control
After identifying the organisational control measures that have to be implemented, to contain the infection,
you are now required to exercise the necessary steps to
 Protect yourself against exposure to body fluid spill
 Change the linen
 Clean and Disinfect the contaminated floor
 Clean client equipment
 Dispose of waste
 Document occasion

Important Note: The workplace supervisor will observe your performance for Task 2, Task 3 and Task 4 and provide
feedback in a workplace supervisor checklist. The workplace assessor sends the checklist directly to the supervisor before
your commencement of work placement. If you fail to perform any action satisfactorily in the first attempt, you have the
opportunity to redo it again in your second attempt. The supervisor shall capture evidence of your performance in the
checklist and provide a completed, signed document to you. You shall then send it to the workplace assessor for grading.
Please note that this checklist must not contain any corrections. If corrections are required, you must request a new copy
of this document from the workplace assessor, and it must be completed before submission by the workplace
supervisor. Any checklists submitted containing corrections will be graded as incomplete.

Your supervisor will observe the following actions and verify if it has been done as per the organisational
policies and procedures:
1 Demonstrated hand washing procedure accurately at various stages during the clean up
2 Exercised necessary hand care (including covering cuts and abrasions)
3 Utilised appropriate PPE (in accordance to the situation and risk factors)
4 Took additional precautions to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure, contamination of
clothing and transfer of pathogens
5 Placed relevant hazard signage near the contaminated area
6 Removed and placed soiled linen in receptacle bags
7 Changed relevant PPEs to avoid cross-contamination, before cleaning the vomit off the floor
8 Used appropriate instruments (body fluid spill kit OR paper towels) to clean the body fluid spill
9 Used appropriate equipment to clean, disinfect the surface and limit the contamination
1 Minimised the contamination due to the use of disinfectant spray/ aerosol and splatter, while
0 cleaning (optional)
1 Disposed of the waste in equipment, as per organisational procedures
1 Handled and cleaned client equipment carefully
1 Disposed contaminated PPEs
1 Followed protocols for care after exposure to body fluid
1 Identified clean and contaminated zones
1 Transferred contaminated equipment, items, waste and soiled linen to sluice room
1 Reprocessed equipment

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1 Stored cleaned equipment and in designated clean zones
1 Documented the progress note, Appendix 5 and confined it to designated areas

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Task 3. Self-care against body fluid

Demonstrate the protocols you would follow if your fingers came in direct contact with the vomit

Your supervisor will observe the following actions and verify if it has been done as per the
organisational policies and procedures:
1 Performs hand washing procedure accurately
2 Reports the incident to supervisor

Task 4. Minimise contamination by aerosol and splatter

NOTE: Attempt this task only if you DID NOT use disinfectant aerosol spray, cleaning cloth, mop and
bucket in Task 2 to clean and disinfect the surface and client equipment

If you were advised to disinfect the contaminated footrest of a wheelchair and unclean floor with the
following cleaning instruments:
 disinfectant spray/ aerosol
 cleaning cloth or paper towel
 mop and bucket
 neutral detergent
Demonstrate the measures you would take to minimise the contamination of:
a) equipment and instrument due to the use of disinfectant spray/ aerosol and cleaning cloth or paper
b) surroundings due to splatter, while using mop, bucket and neutral detergent
c) surroundings while sanitising the mop and bucket after usage.

Your supervisor will observe the following actions and verify if it has been done as per the
organisational policies and procedures:
1 Demonstrated hand washing procedure at necessary stages
2 Use necessary PPE as per the requirements
3 Demonstrated the steps to minimise the contamination of equipment by use of disinfectant
spray/ aerosol and cleaned the client equipment
4 Took measures to reduce the contamination caused by splatter, while cleaning the unclean floor
5 Took measures to reduce the splatter while washing the mop and bucket
6 Placed appropriate signs

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Part B. Three Separate Occasions at Workplace
In consultation with your workplace supervisor, identify three (3) separate occasions, during which
you could follow the established organisation's infection prevention and control procedures.
Use the journal pages (Appendix 6) to document the infection prevention and control procedures
you perform during your day- to day work activities. You will have to show that you have followed
organisation infection prevention and control procedures on at least three separate occasions. The
procedure followed could be any one of the following:
 Handwashing/Hand Hygiene
 Use of appropriate PPE
 Handling of Waste
 Environmental cleaning
 Surface cleaning
 Limiting the contamination
You must include:
 The date that you undertook the procedures
 Brief description of the incident
 The hazards/risks involved in the situation
 A description of what you did (i.e. the procedure)
 A list of the equipment you used, including the PPE you had to wear.
Your journal must be signed by your supervisor.

You would need access to

 Workplace processes and procedures on infection prevention and control
 Workplace’s equipment and PPE for infection prevention and control

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Appendix 1
(Please use Appendix 2 and 3 to assist in completing this risk assessment)



Managing Workplace Health and Safety Risks

Workplace: Church of Christ

Assessment no: Assessment date: 16 / 05

Review date: /21
16 / 05 /24
(3 years maximum)
What is being assessed? Describe the item, job, process, work arrangement: Clients room complained room is too dark, afraid of fall

Step 1 - Form a team of assessors. Decide who else should be consulted.

Assessor(s): myself, RN on duty/ supervisor and handyman

Others consulted: (e.g. elected health and safety representative, other staff exposed to risks)

Step 2 - Identify the hazards associated with the thing or situation being assessed
Hazards: Potential to cause harm to people, property or the environment. Tick the applicable hazards
General work environment Health and security Plant and equipment
Restricted access or egress Food Vehicles
Confined spaces Poisoning or contamination Mobile and fixed plant
Air-conditioning (thermal comfort) Intoxication Powered equipment
Air quality Dehydration Non-powered equipment

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Lighting Violence Elevated Work Platforms
Noise (discomfort) Working alone or in isolation Pressure vessel
Outdoors (sun exposure) Working in remote areas Laser (class 2 or above)
Uneven walking surfaces Bites / stings Traffic control
Working at height Electrical
Chemical Vibration
Ergonomic / manual handling Hazardous chemicals Moving parts
Workstation set up Explosives Acoustic / noise
Poor posture Engineered nanomaterials
Lifting / carrying Gas cylinders Temperature / weather effects
Pushing / pulling Heat
Reaching / overstretching Radiation Cold
Repetitive movement Ionising radiation Rain / flood
Bending Ultraviolet (UV) radiation Wind
Eye strain Radiofrequency / microwave In or on water
Infrared radiation Pressure (diving / altitude)
Work design and management Lightning
Fatigue Biological Smoke
Workload Microbiological
Mental stress Animal tissue / fluids OTHER
Organisational change Human tissue / fluids
Work violence or bullying Allergenic
Inexperienced or new personnel Other biological

List the hazards identified from above

1. poor lighting
2. fall hazard
3. eye strain
Any specific circumstances (describe):

Persons at risk (list):

Resident and staff
Any relevant legislation, regulations, codes, standards or guidelines (list):
The workplace health and safety welfare Regulations 1992
Emergency lighting must be provided for the safe evacuation of people in the event of an emergency.
Sufficient lighting must be provided, whether it is from a natural or artificial source, to allow safe movement around the workplace and

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to allow workers to perform their job without having to adopt awkward postures or strains their eyes to see.

Step 3 – Risk assessment For each identified hazard, rate the risk using the Risk Rating Matrix.
Step 4 – Risk controls Detail control measures required to address the risks, applying the Hierarchy of Controls.

Controls to be considered from the following hierarchy of control:

Elimination (is it necessary?) Administration (training. SOPs,)
Substitution Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (eg gloves, leather apron, coveralls,
Isolation (restrict access) respirator)
Engineering (guarding, redesign)

Identified hazards Risk assessment Risk rating Required controls Controls implemented
exposure Consequences Likelihood
Poor lighting Falling Likely Medium Add more lighting Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No

Adequately controlled. No further action required - sign off form as completed.

Is the risk? (Tick one)
Inadequately controlled. Further action / investigation required. Continue with Step 5.
Step 5 – Implementation plan (for controls not already in place)
Control option Resources Person(s) responsible Proposed implementation date
No need for implementation as handyman N/A N/A N/A
was on site added another light in room

Step 6 – Comments and endorsements

Name: Signature: Date:

Assessment approval: (e.g. Workplace Supervisor, Health and Safety Representative)
I am satisfied that the risks are not significant and/or adequately controlled and that resources required will be provided.

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Name: Signature: Date:

Position title:

Appendix 2

Risk Assessment Matrix


o Very likely Likely Unlikely Highly unlikely
s Life threatening High High High Medium
Detrimental High High Medium Medium
u Harmful High Medium Medium Low
n Negligible Medium Medium Low Low

Hazard Consequence Rating Table

Life threatening Hazard may cause death or total loss of one or more bodily functions (e.g. loss of an arm, an eye, huge financial loss).
Detrimental Hazard may cause severe injury, illness or permanent partial loss of one or more bodily functions (e.g. noise induced hearing
loss), or serious property damage, loss of production capability.
Harmful Hazard may cause a reportable incident i.e. an incident that results in the employee being unable to undertake their normal
duties for 7 days or more, or significant property damage, high financial loss.
Negligible Hazard may cause minor injury, illness or property damage, first aid treatment only or no injury, low financial loss.

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Appendix 3


Very likely Exposure to hazard likely to occur frequently.

Likely Exposure to hazard likely to occur but not frequently.
Unlikely Exposure to hazard unlikely to occur.
Highly unlikely Exposure to hazard so unlikely that it can be assumed that it will not happen.

Risk Priority Table

Risk Priority Definitions of priority Suggested timeframe

High Situation critical, stop work immediately or consider cessation of work process. Now
Must be fixed today, consider short term and/or long term actions.
Medium Is very important, must be fixed this week, consider short term and/or long term actions. This week
Low Is still important, but can be dealt with through scheduled maintenance or similar type 1 - 3 months
programming. However, if solution is quick and easy then fix it today.
Review and/or manage by routine procedures.

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Appendix 4

Risk Assessment Control form

Location: Lakes Entrance Care Community Workplace supervisor/Manager: Simone Muller
Completed by: Date: 20/05/2021
Description of work

Hazard identification and initial risk rating Control measures and actions
Individuals who would Your responsibilities in
Potential Likelihood of Conseque Risk level be affected Control measures that can
Hazard relation to prevention and
harm harm occurring nces rating (Staff/ Residents/ minimise the risk
Clients/ Visitors) control of infection
Charlie Fall, slips, Very likely Serious Extreme Staff, Do not leave loose items Limit toys to only on
leaving trip injury Residents,Visitors on the ground. room
Hilda can
trip over

Very likely Injury by Extreme Remove all sharp-edged

Charlie Cuts, knives or Residents,staff, items and any pest control Keep dangerous objects
poisoning, death by visitors, clients.
accessing or any kind of poisonous away from easy access
burns poison
dangerous substance
objects (for

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Hazard identification and initial risk rating Control measures and actions
Individuals who would Your responsibilities in
Potential Likelihood of Conseque Risk level be affected Control measures that can
Hazard relation to prevention and
harm harm occurring nces rating (Staff/ Residents/ minimise the risk
Clients/ Visitors) control of infection

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Appendix 5

Name and Designation

Date: Progress Note Signature of Carer
of Carer



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Appendix 6

Date 22/05/21

Brief the incident during which you followed the infection prevention and control procedures


Infection Prevention and Risk/hazard Procedure followed to prevent and control the spread Equipment used to minimise the risk of
Control Tasks of infection infection

Hand Hygiene High /Very likely washing hands before and after putting on gloves Gloves,masks…
according to the protocol

Use of Personal Protective High /Very likely use work uniform Provide cleaning staff with disposable
Equipment gloves, surgical masks, gowns/aprons
and eye/face protection for cleaning
tasks, insulation.

Waste handling High /Very likely we put all used protective equipment in a special urn cheers with lid, red film inside

Surface Cleaning High /Very likely wash the entire surface with special solutions gloves, surgical masks, gowns/aprons
and eye/face protection for cleaning

Limiting the High /Very likely carry out preventive cleaning in all rooms sign a danger zone,

Environmental Cleaning High /Very likely carry out preventive cleaning in all rooms gloves, surgical masks, gowns/aprons
and eye/face protection for cleaning

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Supervisor Sign Off
The student exercised infection prevention and control procedures in accordance to the organisational policies and procedures

Supervisor Name Simone Muller

Supervisor Signature Date 22/05/21

Date 20/05/21

Brief the incident during which you followed the infection prevention and control procedures


Infection Prevention and Risk/hazard Procedure followed to prevent and control the spread Equipment used to minimise the risk of
Control Tasks of infection infection

Hand Hygiene High/Very likely washing hands before and after gloves gloves

Use of Personal Protective Medium/Likely work in uniform, protective equipment gloves, masks,

Waste handling Medium/Likely put dressing bandages in a special package urn gloves, mask

Surface Cleaning High/Very likely clean the surface with a chemical, throw the waste into mask, gloves, solution cleaner,
a special bin disposable cloth

Limiting the Medium/Likely wounds must be under the supervision of the nurses, Gloves,mask
contamination and we are executing the order.

Environmental Cleaning High/Very likely wet cleaning mask, gloves, chemical, rag

Supervisor Sign Off

32476C/P3 - E1144 CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) Page 26 of 31
The student exercised infection prevention and control procedures in accordance to the organisational policies and procedures

Supervisor Name Fay Miller

Supervisor Signature Date 20/05/21

Date 23/05/21

Brief the incident during which you followed the infection prevention and control procedures


Infection Prevention and Risk/hazard Procedure followed to prevent and control the spread of Equipment used to minimise the risk of
Control Tasks infection infection

Hand Hygiene High/Likely inform the nurse about the cut, examine the cut area with Maska, gloves, aprons
gloves, wash your hands after gloves

Use of Personal Protective High/Likely inform the nurse about the cut Maska, gloves, aprons

Waste handling High/Likely collect waste in a separate garbage bag gloves, mask, package

Surface Cleaning High/Likely clean the surface with a disinfectant mask, gloves, disinfector, cloth rag

Limiting the Medium/Likely inform the cleaning lady about the incident for additional report
contamination cleaning

Environmental Cleaning Medium/Likely cleanse the affected areas mask, gloves, disinfector, cloth rag

Supervisor Sign Off

32476C/P3 - E1144 CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community) Page 27 of 31
The student exercised infection prevention and control procedures in accordance to the organisational policies and procedures

Supervisor Name Fay Miller

Supervisor Signature Date 23/05/21

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Assessment rubric
Below is a rubric that determines whether your answers and knowledge are satisfactory.

To pass the portfolio section, you must complete all the requirements for the column that is titled

To help you attain the correct submission standard, it is advisable to read the rubric before
attempting the tasks.

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Criteria Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory
Activity 5 The student has successfully interviewed The student has not successfully
social and cultural three (3) different people with different interviewed three (3) different people with
diversity social or cultural backgrounds, different social or cultural backgrounds,

and and/or

has adequately completed interview Has not adequately completed interview

notes for each interview including the notes for each interview including the topic
topic discussed, discussed,

and and/or

has adequately reflected on the three has not adequately reflected on the three
interviews and identified: interviews and identified:
 any situations where  any situations where misunderstandings
misunderstandings did occur because did occur because of diversity and how
of diversity and how they were able to they were able to respond to this
respond to this or
or  if there was no misunderstanding, the
 if there was no misunderstanding, the student has correctly identified a situation
student has correctly identified a where a misunderstanding could occur
situation where a misunderstanding due to diversity and how they could
could occur due to diversity and how respond to this.
they could respond to this.

Activity 6 The student has successfully completed a The student has not successfully completed
facilitating review of the personal goals of another a review of the personal goals of another
empowerment and client from Activity 1 in accordance with client from Activity 1 in accordance with the
choice the instructions, instructions,

and and /or

has adequately completed the written has not adequately completed the written
report for that client, including: report for that client, including:
 identification of the goal/activity of the  identification of the goal/activity of the
client from the care plan client from the care plan
 what research was completed by the  what research was completed by the
student student
 what information the student found  what information the student found
about the availability and accessibility about the availability and accessibility of
of the particular goal or activity of the the particular goal or activity of the client
client  what other useful information the
 what other useful information the student found for the client in relation to
student found for the client in relation their particular goal or activity, including:
to their particular goal or activity, o how that activity could be adapted if
including: necessary
o how that activity could be adapted o how the student could support
if necessary empowerment in this activity
o how the student could support  has identified what risks are associated, if
empowerment in this activity any, including:
 has identified what risks are associated, how they, the student, would respond to
if any, including: these risks.
o how they, the student, would
respond to these risks.
Activity 7 The student has adequately and The student has not adequately and/or
WHS and risk correctly: correctly:
assessment  conducted a WHS inspection,  conducted a WHS inspection, Page 30 of 31
32476C/P3 - E1144 CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home and Community)
and and/or
 completed relevant paper work  completed relevant paper work
accurately, accurately,
Units of competency
Unit of competency name
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
CHCCCS023 Support independence and well being
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

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