Effects of Variety and Postharvest Treatments On Shelf Life and Quality of Banana

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J. Environ. Sci.

& Natural Resources, 6(2): 163 -175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

Effects of Variety and Postharvest Treatments on Shelf Life and Quality of
H. Akter, M. K. Hassan, M. G. Rabbani and A. A. Mahmud1
Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh,
TREAK Resources Urea-Zinc Bangladesh, International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC),
Abstract: Banana is considered a short life commodity. Extended storage of bananas can be accomplished when ripening is not
induced by a large ethylene exposure. Extension of shelf life banana would be possible by applying different promising
postharvest treatments. The present study attempts to investigate the effect, of different postharvest treatments namely modified
atmosphere with or without ethylene scavenging chemical (KMnO4), cooling, low temperature and hot water treatment on shelf
life and quality of 3 commercially important bananas namely Sabri, Champa and Amritasagar. The two-factor experiment was laid
out in completely randomized design with three replications. Sabri, Champa and Amritasagar showed significant differences in
time periods to reach successive stages of ripening. Longer period was required to reach ripening stages in variety Sabri than those
of Champa and Amritasagar. Postharvest treatments and varieties were found to exhibit significant variation in total soluble solids
(TSS) content during storage. The variety Sabri had the highest TSS content than that of Champa and Amritasagar. An increasing
trend in TSS contents was observed in all varieties at all stages of ripening. The disease severity and disease incidence wer e
greatly influenced by postharvest treatments and varieties during ripening and storage. All the treatments exhibited significant
effects in relation to disease incidence. Modified atmosphere packaging with ethylene scavenger (KMnO 4) and storage of banana
at 15C resulted in reduced disease. Disease incidence was the lowest in Sabri variety than that of Champa and Amritasagar.
Different postharvest treatments and varieties showed highly significant variation on shelf life. Results showed that the shelf lives
of bananas of the variety Sabri, Amritasagar and Champa were 10.81, 9.00 and 10.11 days, respectively. Sabri had the longest
shelf life (16.25 days) than two other varieties. Postharvest treatments exerted significant effects to extend shelf life of bananas.
The longest shelf life of 15.58 days was observed in bananas held at 15c temperature. Significant extensions of shelf life were
also recorded in fruits held in plastic bags with or without KMnO 4. Combinedly, the longest shelf life was found in fruits of Sabri
variety at 15C. Considering the findings it may be concluded that significant variation existed due to the effects of different
varieties and postharvest treatments in respect of prolongation of shelf life and other quality parameters of banana. The she lf life
of banana could be extended up to 15.58 days in low storage temperature (15C) and up to 10.91 days in modified atmosphere
packaging with KMnO4. The longer shelf lives of banana with the above mentioned treatments might be related to the slower
changes in physico-chemical compositions.

Key wards: Banana, Different varieties, Postharvest treatments,

Introduction Basrai, Seeded banana, Anaji or Kancha Kola and

Banana is a familiar fruit of Bangladesh. From its Singapuri, etc. (Haque, 1988).
native southwestern Pacific home, the banana plant There is a great demand of banana among the people
spreads to India by about 600 BC and later on it of Bangladesh. It is equally liked by all age groups of
spreads all over the tropical world. It is possibly the people in the country because it is easily digestible
world's oldest cultivated crop. Banana (Musa and palatable. From the nutritional point of view, it
sapientum, family Musaceae) is one of the tallest of has high caloric and nutritional values. It contains
the herbaceous plants with a pseudostem (Rahman et carbohydrate, crude fiber, protein, fat, ash,
al., 2006). Banana occupies an important position phosphorous, iron, -carotene, riboflavin, niacin and
among the fruits of Bangladesh not only for its ascorbic acid (Khader et al., 1996). Nowadays,
highest production among the fruits but also for its demand of banana consumption is increasing day by
increasing popularity to many farmers as an economic day due to its high caloric and nutritional value, but
crop. Among the fruit crops grown in Bangladesh, non-availability of adequate postharvest storage
banana ranks first in terms of production comprising facilities has posed a great threat to the commercial
nearly 42% of the total. Bangladesh produces 818254 cultivation of banana. Appropriate storage facilities
metric tons of bananas from 53948.54 ha of land and knowledge about storage are insufficient. As a
(BBS, 2010). Varieties of banana grown in result, considerable amount of banana is spoiled every
Bangladesh are Amritasagar, Mehersager, Sabri, year. Banana is a perishable fruit and its postharvest
Champa, Chini Champa, Kabuli, Jahaji, Agnishwar, loses range from 25-50% (Amiruzzaman, 1990). This
loss occurs during transporting and marketing due to

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

adverse physiological changes (loss of weight due to a) To investigate the effects of variety on shelf
increased respiration and transpiration), softening of life and quality of banana,
flesh and lack of resistance capacity against microbial b) To assess the shelf life of banana under
attack. In Bangladesh postharvest losses of banana different storage conditions,
due to environmental drivers (high temperature and c) To study the physico-chemical changes
humidity) ranges from 25-40% and it is only 5-25% during storage and ripening, and
in developed countries (Kader, 1992). Recently d) To find out the suitable storage methods to
Hassan (2010) reported that the postharvest loss of prolong shelf life of banana without
banana is 24.62% which accounts for 56.7 crore taka deteriorating fruit quality.
Materials and Methods
Bananas are highly perishable fruits. Extended
storage of bananas can be obtained when ripening is Experimental location
not induced by a large ethylene exposure (exogenous The detailed methodologies followed to carry out the
or endogenous). Shelf life can be extended by present experiment are given in the following. The
different processes such as modified atmosphere experiment was conducted at the laboratory of
packaging (MAP) (Basel et al., 2002; Hassan, 2000). Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural
Prolongation of shelf life may be achieved by several University, Mymensingh. The maximum and
methods. Scott et al. (1971) mentioned that the minimum temperatures as well as relative humidity’s
ripening of banana is delayed when stored in sealed in the storage room were 30 and 25.8C and 86 and
polythene cover and the minimal fruit losses were 66% respectively. Temperature and relative humidity
recorded in sealed polythene along with KMnO4 of the storage room were recorded with a digital
(Bhadra and Sen, 1997). Proper harvesting is also Temperature-humidity recorder (Thermo, Germany).
important. Bananas should be harvested at appropriate
Experimental materials
stage of maturity for transport, handling and storage.
Freshly harvested bananas of uniform size, shape and
It is necessary to delay ripening for distant markets
color of commercial varieties namely Sabri, Champa
and then enhance ripening for retail sale (Rao, 1979).
and Amritasagar were collected from farmer’s garden
Postharvest loss of banana is also occurred due to
of Telki Village in Madhupur of Tangail district.
inappropriate postharvest handling and very poor
Three varieties of banana were harvested in the
knowledge in the field of postharvest technology as
morning hours and transferred to the BAU campus as
well as postharvest pathology. The postharvest losses
early as possible firstly by Van and then after by two
of banana can be reduced considerably by applying
stroke three wheeler with careful handling to avoid
improved technologies. The use of synthetic
injury and placed in shelf life room Postgraduate
chemicals for the reduction of postharvest losses and
Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh
extrusion of shelf life of perishables is a threat to
Agricultural University (Plate 1). Following their
human health and environment. Recently, a number
arrival in the laboratory bunches were cooled by air
of chemicals have been withdrawn from the market
condition to quickly remove the field heat. Both upper
upon report of health hazards. Efforts should be
and lower 1-2 hands of each cultivar were cut off for
made to optimize or develop suitable alternatives such
ensuring the experimental unit of more or less
as modified atmosphere packaging with or without
uniform. Individual fingers were separated from the
ethylene scavenging compounds, hot water
hands of bunches and one hundred ninety two fingers
treatments, cooling, etc. for postharvest reduction loss
of each varieties were used for the experiment. Brief
of banana extension of shelf life with retained quality.
descriptions of the banana varieties are shown in the
Therefore, improvement of shelf life of banana is an following.
urgent need to reduce the postharvest losses and
contribute to the uplift of the national economy. Experimental design
Hence, it is necessary to reduce enormous postharvest The two-factor experiment was laid out in completely
spoilage. Efforts to find out suitable method of randomized design (CRD) with three replications of
storage and shelf life extension are important for eight fruits per replication.
reducing postharvest losses. Therefore, systematic Methods
studies on the postharvest behavior of commercial Mature green bananas of more or less uniform size,
banana varieties of Bangladesh are important. shape and color were selected. A total of one hundred
Keeping these points in view, the present experiment ninety two tots of each variety were selected for
was undertaken with the following specific conducting the experiment. The skins of banana were
objectives: cleaned with the help of soft tissue paper just before

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

setting. The bananas were harvested for the same Modified atmospheric packaging with ethylene
plantation to avoid variation in experimental fruits. scavenger, KMnO4
Experimental treatments Firstly, cotton were soaked with saturated KMnO4
The experiment consists of two factors as follows: solution and sealed in smaller transparent perforated
Factor A: Variety polythene (8cm5cm). Then each banana fingers
V1- Sabri were individually sealed (using impulse plastic heat
V2- Champa sealer, TISH 300) in a transparent polythene bag
V3- Amritasagar (20cm20cm) along with smaller packet containing
Factor B: Postharvest treatments KMnO4 soaked cotton. Care was taken so that
T1: Control bananas did not touch the KMnO4 soaked cotton.
T2: Cooling for field heat removal at 5C for 30
minutes Storage at 15C
T3: Cooling for field heat removal at 10C for 30 For low temperature storage, twenty four fingers of
minutes each variety were selected and randomly arranged
T4: Low temperature storage at 15C with replication and kept in the refrigerated incubator
T5: Hot water treatment at 50 2 C for 5 minutes (FOC 255 I, Velp Scientifica) where temperature
T6: Modified atmospheric packaging without were maintained at 15C.
perforations Hot water treatment
T7: Modified atmospheric packaging with For hot water treatment, the banana fingers were
immersed into hot water (502C) for five minutes
T8: Modified atmospheric packaging with ethylene
before placing them on the brown paper placed on the
scavenger, KMnO4
table in the laboratory at ambient atmospheric
Application of experimental treatments conditions. For hot water treatment, a hot water bath
The selected banana fruits were randomly assigned in was used.
the study for the postharvest treatments. After the
Modified atmospheric packaging with perforations
application of treatments, the fruits were kept on a
Individual banana fingers were kept sealed in
brown paper previously placed on laboratory floor at
transparent perforated polythene by electric sealer and
room temperature. Each treatment comprised of three
kept on the brown paper placed on the table in the
replications of eight fingers. The procedures of
laboratory at ambient atmospheric conditions for
applying the postharvest treatments to the fruits of
observations. Eight perforation of 5 mm diameter
each variety were as follows.
were made on each polythene bag.
Modified atmospheric packaging without
Twenty four fingers of each variety were randomly
selected and kept on the brown paper placed on the
Individual banana fingers were sealed in transparent
laboratory table at ambient conditions for
unperforated polythene and held on the brown paper
observation.(25.8-30C and 63-86% Rh). placed on the table in the laboratory at ambient
Cooling at 5C for field heat removal atmospheric conditions for observations.
Twenty four fingers of each variety were randomly Data collection
selected and held in refrigerated incubator (FOC 255 Changes in the different parameters namely total
I, Velp Scientifica) at 5C for 30 minutes. After then soluble solids, disease incidence, disease severity,
the bananas were brought out and kept on the brown causal pathogens and shelf life were investigated. The
paper placed on the table of the laboratory at ambient methods of studying above-mentioned parameters are
conditions for observation. discussed in the following.
Cooling at 10C for field heat removal Parameters studied
Twenty four fingers of each variety were randomly In the present experiment the following parameters
selected and held in refrigerated incubator (FOC 255 were studied:
I, Velp Scientifica) at 10C for 30 minutes. After then  Chemical characters: total soluble solids.
the bananas were brought out and kept on the brown
paper placed on the table of the laboratory at ambient  Microbial characters: disease incidence,
conditions for observation. disease severity and causal pathogens.

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

The experimental fruits were cleaned by tissue paper samples with typical symptoms were selected and 10
to remove the dirt and latex before applying the semi-permanent slides were prepared. Then the
treatments. Among 8 fruits in each replication of each prepared slides were observed under compound
treatment, 4 fruits were used for destructive sampling microscope for identifying the pathogenic structures.
at 3 days interval to investigate several parameters After 24 hours the prepared slides were made
including moisture content, dry matter content and permanent by using nail polish and taken in the
TSS. The remaining 4 fruits were used to investigate central laboratory, BAU, to take photographic image
colors, firmness, total weight loss, disease incidence, of the organisms.
disease severity and shelf life. The methods of
studying the above parameters are described below: Shelf life
Shelf life of banana fruits as influenced by different
Total soluble solids postharvest treatment was calculated by counting the
Total soluble solids (TSS) content of banana fruit days required to ripe fully as to retaining optimum
pulp was estimated using Abbe’s refractometer. A marketing and eating qualities.
drop of banana juice squeezed from the fruit pulp on
the prism of the refractometer and percent Total Statistical analysis
soluble solids content were recorded as %Brix from The collected data on various parameters were
direct reading of the instrument. Temperature statistically analyzed using MSTST C program. The
corrections were made using the temperature means for all the treatments were calculated and
correction chart that accompanied the instrument. analysis of variances (ANOVA) for all the parameters
was performed by F-test. The significance of
Disease incidence difference between the pairs of means was compared
Disease incidence means percentage of banana by least significant difference (LSD) test at the 1 %
infected with diseases. The incidence of banana was and 5% levels of probability (Gomez, 1984).
recorded at every 3 days intervals. The diseased fruits
were identified symptomatically. The disease Results and Discussion
incidence was calculated as follows:
Disease Incidence (%) = (Number of banana The results of the present study on changes in various
infected/Total number of banana)  100 physico-chemical parameters during storage and
ripening of three varieties of banana are presented and
Disease severity discussed in this chapter. Postharvest storage
Disease severity represents the percentage diseased behavior namely total soluble solids, disease
portion of infected fruit. The infected fruits of each incidence, disease severity, causal pathogens and
replication of each treatment were selected to shelf life of bananas as observed during the study
determine percent fruit area infected, and was have been presented and discussed.
measured based on eye estimation.
Disease incidence
Isolation and identification of causal pathogens There were significant disease incidence found in all
Representative samples of diseased fruits were the three varieties during ripening and storage. At the
collected and taken to the laboratory of the 9th day Amritasagar showed highest (78.06%)
department of plant pathology, Bangladesh incidence but Sabri showed lowest (70.83%) disease
Agricultural University, Mymensingh for isolation incidence (Table 1).
and identification of causal organisms. Diseased
Table 1. Main effects of varieties on diseases incidence of banana during storage and ripening.
Variety Disease incidence at different days of storage
3 6 9 12 15
Sabri 39.58 52.08 70.83 58.332 50
Champa 15.62 44.74 72.91 54.167 58.33
Amritasagar 59.37 64.58 78.06 54.165 58.33
LSD(0.05) 0.55 0.81 1.39 0.91 0.634
LSD(0.01) 0.74 1.09 1.89 1.23 0.87
Level of ** ** ** ** **
CV% 2.40 2.52 3.15 2.74 3.86
** = Significant at 1% level of probability.

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

All the treatments exhibited significance differences atmosphere packaging and Storage at 15C showed
in influencing disease incidence (Table 2). Modified lower disease incidence.
Table 2. Main effects of treatments on disease incidence of banana during storage and ripening
Variety Disease incidence at different days of storage
3 6 9 12 15
T1 44.44 66.66 86.11 - -
T2 50 77.77 88.89 - -
T3 47.22 74.88 88.89 - -
T4 19.44 19.44 33.33 47.22 55.55
T5 49.99 61.11 80.55 - -
T6 25 30.55 55.55 - -
T7 33.33 66.66 94.44 - -
T8 36.11 33.33 63.74 63.88 -
LSD(0.05) 0.97 1.45 2.48 ND ND
LSD(0.01) 1.40 2.08 3.57 ND ND
Level of significance ** ** ** - -
CV% 2.40 2.52 3.15 - -
** = Significant at 1% level of probability, ND=Statistical analysis was not done. T1 = Control, T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes,
T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes, T4 = Storage at 15C, T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes, T6 = Modified
atmosphere packaging without perforation, T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation and T8 =Modified atmosphere
packaging with KMnO4.

The combined effects of variety and treatments in modified atmosphere packaging with perforation and
influencing disease incidence of banana during in Champa treatment with cooling at 10C showed
ripening and storage were significant (Table 3). At 9th 100% disease incidence (Table 5).
day of storage in Amritasagar treatment with control
condition, cooling at 5C, hot water treatment and
Table 3. Combined effects of variety and postharvest treatments on disease incidence of banana during storage and
Variety Treatments Disease incidence at different days of storage
3 6 9 12 15
T1 50.00 75.00 83.33 - -
T2 66.67 66.67 75.00 - -
T3 41.67 58.33 75.00 - -
T4 16.67 16.67 25.00 33.33 50.00
T5 50.00 58.33 75.00 - -
T6 33.33 33.33 75.00 - -
T7 33.33 66.67 91.67 - -
T8 25 41.67 66.67 83.33 -
T1 30.00 33.33 75.00 - -
T2 16.67 83.33 91.67 - -
T3 16.67 66.33 100 - -
T4 25.00 25.00 41.67 50.00 58.33
T5 8.33 33.33 66.67 - -
T6 16.67 25.00 58.33 - -
T7 8.33 58.33 91.67 - -
T8 33.33 33.33 58.33 58.33 -
T1 83.33 91.67 100 - -
T2 66.67 83.32 100 - -
T3 83.33 100 91.67 - -
T4 16.67 16.67 33.33 58.33 58.33
T5 91.66 91.67 100 - -
T6 25.00 33.33 33.33 - -

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

T7 58.33 75.00 100 - -

T8 50.00 25.00 66.22 50 -
LSD(0.05) 1.50 2.23 3.83 ND ND
LSD(0.01) 2.00 2.97 5.10 ND ND
Level of ** ** ** - -
CV% 2.40 2.52 3.15 - -
** = Significant at 1% level of probability, ND=Statistical analysis was not done. T1 = Control, T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes,
T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes, T4 = Storage at 15C, T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes, T6 = Modified
atmosphere packaging without perforation, T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation and T8 =Modified atmosphere
packaging with KMnO4.

Disease severity 9th day of storage (Table 4). All the varieties caused
The banana surface disease was greatly influenced by significant effect on the levels of disease severity but
postharvest treatments in case of all varieties. Sabri showed less disease severity as compared to
Postharvest treatments exerted significant result in other varieties.
terms disease severity. The maximum (25.52 %)
disease severity was observed in Amritasagar at the
Table 4. Main effects of varieties on disease severity of banana during storage and ripening.
Variety Disease severity at different days of storage
3 6 9 12 15
Sabri 1.06 1.94 9.16 6.665 3.75
Champa 1.78 4.22 25.52 9.17 6.25
Amritasagar 1.42 2.59 17.72 6.335 3.75
LSD(0.05) 0.05 0.06 0.32 0.13 0.08
LSD(0.01) 0.08 0.092 0.44 0.18 0.11
Level of significance ** ** ** ** **
CV% 6.22 3.95 3.04 2.97 5.70
** = Significant at 1% level of probability.
Remarkable variation in disease severity was found in fruit cooled at 5°C at the 9th days of storage.
observed between the different treatments. The lowest At the 12th day of storage all the treated fruits were
disease level (0.38) was found in bananas which was completely damaged except modified atmosphere
stored at 15C and highest disease level (26.97) was packaging with KMnO4 and held at 15C (Table 5).
Table 5. Main effects of postharvest treatments on disease severity of banana during storage and ripening.
Variety Disease severity at different days of storage
3 6 9 12 15
T1 2 6.27 17.75 - -
T2 1.41 3.91 26.97 - -
T3 1.19 4.05 31.91 - -
T4 0.38 0.47 1.77 3.39 4.583
T5 3.75 2.55 19.54 - -
T6 0.53 1.08 7.75 - -
T7 1.14 4.27 26.08 - -
T8 0.97 0.75 7.97 11.39 -
LSD(0.05) 0.09 0.12 0.57 ND ND
LSD(0.01) 0.14 0.17 0.82 ND ND
Level of significance ** ** ** - -
CV% 6.22 3.95 3.04 - -
** = Significant at 1% level of probability, ND=Statistical analysis was not done. T1 = Control, T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes,
T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes, T4 = Storage at 15C, T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes, T6 = Modified
atmosphere packaging without perforation, T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation and T8 =Modified atmosphere
packaging with KMnO4.

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

The combined and interaction effects of verities and cooling at 10C in the variety Amritasagar. However,
postharvest treatments on disease severity levels were least disease severity was observed in fruits of all
highly significant .The maximum disease severity varieties at 15C (Table 6).
level (44.58%) was observed in the treatment of

Table 6. Combined effects of variety and postharvest treatments on disease severity of banana during storage and

Variety Treatments Disease severity at different days of storage

3 6 9 12 15
T1 1.75 3.83 4.5 - -
T2 1.58 1.83 10.5 - -
T3 1.08 2.42 16.58 - -
T4 0.33 0.33 1.25 2.08 3.75
T5 1 1.92 13.67 - -
T6 0.67 1.17 8.75 - -
T7 1.58 3 11.67 - -
T8 0.5 1.08 6.42 11.25 -
T1 0 5.17 13.33 - -
T2 0.33 3.65 35.83 - -
T3 0.33 3 34.58 - -
T4 0.5 0.75 2 2.67 3.75
T5 8.33 2.42 7.79 - -
T6 0.17 1 7.08 - -
T7 0.42 4.08 32 - -
T8 1.33 0.67 9.17 10 -
T1 4.25 9.83 35.42 - -
T2 2.33 6.25 34.58 - -
T3 2.17 6.75 44.58 - -
T4 0.33 0.33 2.08 5.42 6.25
T5 1.92 3.33 37.17 - -
T6 0.75 1.07 7.42 - -
T7 1.42 5.75 34.58 - -
T8 1.08 0.5 8.33 12.92 -
LSD(0.05) 0.15 0.19 0.87 ND ND
LSD(0.01) 0.19 0.25 1.17 ND ND
Level of ** ** ** ** - -
CV% 6.22 3.95 3.04 - -
** = Significant at 1% level of probability, ND=Statistical analysis was not done. T1 = Control, T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes,
T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes, T4 = Storage at 15C, T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes, T6 = Modified
atmosphere packaging without perforation, T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation and T8 =Modified atmosphere
packaging with KMnO4.

Total soluble solids solids contents (26.29%) was found in Sabri at 9th day
Total soluble solids contents of fruit pulp of different of storage and the lowest total soluble solids content
varieties were found to be statistically significant. (12.22%) was found in Amritasagar at 3th day of
Percent total soluble solids contents increased with storage.
storage period (Table 7). The highest Total soluble

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

Table 7. Main effects of varieties on TSS of banana during storage and ripening

Variety TSS at different days of storage

3 6 9
Sabri 15.44 25.2 26.29
Champa 18.89 21.2 24.81
Amritasagar 12.22 24.33 24.56
LSD(0.05) 0.413 0.547 0.515
LSD(0.01) 0.559 0.742 0.698
Level of significance ** ** **
CV% 4.46 3.89 3.43
** = Significant at 1% level of probability.

The different storage treatments used in the stages. The maximum value of TSS (27.11% Brix.)
investigation showed statistically significant was observed at the 6th day of storage in controlled
variations in relation to percent TSS at all ripening condition (Table 8).

Table 8. Main effects of postharvest treatments on TSS of banana during storage and ripening

Variety TSS at different days of storage

3 6 9
T1 15.00 27.11 25.66
T2 14.61 25.88 26.33
T3 15.5 26.05 26.77
T4 13.44 17.55 23.11
T5 17 22 25.61
T6 16.88 22.66 23.83
T7 16.77 22.27 24.33
T8 14.96 25.11 26.11
LSD(0.05) 0.74 0.98 0.92
LSD(0.01) 1.06 1.40 1.32
Level of significance ** ** **
CV% 4.46 3.89 3.43
** = Significant at 1% level of probability, ND=Statistical analysis was not done. T1 = Control, T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes,
T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes, T4 = Storage at 15C, T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes, T6 = Modified
atmosphere packaging without perforation, T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation and T8 =Modified atmosphere
packaging with KMnO4.

The combined effects of variety and postharvest postharvest treatments might be due to the modified
treatments were significant during the entire period of internal atmosphere and physiological aspects of
storage. Increase of TSS content was observed in the banana fruits, suppressed respiration and metabolic
present investigation agrees with the report by processes, which involve in increasing TSS at
Abdullah et al. (1985) and Sarker et al, (1995). The different magnitudes.
degree of increase in TSS value for different
Table 8. Combined effects of variety and postharvest treatments on TSS of banana during storage and ripening

Variety Treatments TSS at different days of storage

3 6 9
T1 15.00 23.33 29.16
T2 15.00 23.00 26.33
Sabri T3 15.16 24.66 26.33
T4 16.83 22.00 23.33
T5 15.16 25.33 26.33

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

T6 18.16 28.00 25.5

T7 15.16 27.33 27.00
T8 13.06 28.00 26.33
T1 16.00 30.33 25.5
T2 19.00 28.66 27.33
T3 19.66 29.00 27.00
T4 12.5 14.66 25.00
T5 21.66 15.66 24.00
T6 20.66 14.33 21.00
T7 22.00 14.00 23.00
T8 19.66 23.00 25.66
T1 14.00 27.66 22.33
T2 9.83 26.00 25.33
T3 11.66 24.5 27.00
T4 11.00 16.00 21.00
T5 14.16 25.00 26.5
T6 11.83 25.66 25.00
T7 13.16 25.5 23.00
T8 12.16 24.33 26.33
LSD(0.05) 1.14 1.50 1.41
LSD(0.01) 1.51 2.02 1.89
Level of significance ** ** **
CV% 4.46 3.89 3.43
** = Significant at 1% level of probability, ND=Statistical analysis was not done. T1 = Control, T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes,
T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes, T4 = Storage at 15C, T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes, T6 = Modified
atmosphere packaging without perforation, T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation and T8 =Modified atmosphere
packaging with KMnO4.

Shelf life of banana (10.81 days) followed by Champa (10.11 days) and
Amritasagar (9.00 days) (Figure 1). Similar results
Shelf life is the period from harvesting up to the last
were also obtained by the effects of different
edible stage. Significant variation was obtained
postharvest treatments used in the investigation were
among the varieties in relation to shelf life extension
significant in respect of prolonging the shelf life of
of bananas . Sabri bananas had the longest shelf life
banana .

Shelf life (days)

Sabri Champa Amritasagar

Varie ty

Fig.1. Main effects of varieties on shelf life of banana during storage and ripening. Vertical bar represents LSD at 1
% level of significance. T1 = Control, T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes, T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes, T4
= Storage at 15C, T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes, T6 = Modified atmosphere packaging without
perforation, T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation and T8 =Modified atmosphere packaging with

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

The longest shelf life (15.58 days) was observed in compared to control treatment (Fig. 2). Another
bananas stored at low temperature storage at 15C, striking result of the study was that the significant
whereas the shortest shelf life (8.08 days) was extension of shelf life was also obtained in bananas
recorded in control fruits. Modified atmosphere held under modified atmosphere condition with or
packaging with ethylene scavenging compound without perforations, especially when stored with
(KMnO4) also showed prolonged shelf life as KMnO4 (Table 9).




Shelflife (days)


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
Postharve st Tre atme nt

Fig.2. Combined effects of variety and postharvest treatments on shelf life of banana. Vertical bars represent LSD at
1 % level of significance. T1 = Control, T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes, T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes, T4
= Storage at 15C, T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes, T6 = Modified atmosphere packaging without
perforation, T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation and T8 =Modified atmosphere packaging with
The combined and interaction effects of different held at 15C temperatures (Table 9). By contrast, the
varieties and postharvest treatments were significant shortest shelf life (7.25 days) was recorded in bananas
on shelf life extension of banana. The longest shelf of variety Amritasagar when not subjected to any
life (16.25 days) was observed in Sabri bananas when treatment (Table 9).
Table 9. Combined effects of variety and postharvest treatments on shelf life of banana.

Variety Treatments Shelf life at different

days of storage
T1 = Control 9.25
T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes 10.25
T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes 10.25
T4 = Storage at 15C 16.25
T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes 9.5
T6 = Modified atmosphere packaging without perforation 10
T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation 9.75
T8 =Modified atmosphere packaging with KMnO4 11.25
T1 = Control 8.25
T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes 9
T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes 8.75
T4 = Storage at 15C 16
T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes 9.75
T6 = Modified atmosphere packaging without perforation 10.17
T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation 8.5
T8 =Modified atmosphere packaging with KMnO4 10.5
Amritasagar T1 = Control 6.75

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

T2 = Cooling at 5C for 30 minutes 7.5

T3 =Cooling at 10C for 30 minutes 7.25
T4 = Storage at 15C 14.5
T5 = Hot water treatment at 502C for 5 minutes 7.5
T6 = Modified atmosphere packaging without perforation 10.29
T7 = Modified atmosphere packaging with perforation 7.25
T8 =Modified atmosphere packaging with KMnO4 11
LSD(0.05) 0.67
LSD(0.01) 0.90
Level of **
CV% 4.12
** = Significant at 1% level of probability, NS = Non-significant

These extended shelf life due to low temperature and Identification of diseases and pathogens from
modified atmosphere packaging were possibley due infected fruits
to the inhibition of ripening rates as contributed by One fungal pathogen, namely Colletotrichum musae
the reduced physiological process, decay and weight was indicates from the infected bananas. The bananas
loss. were predominantly infected by Anthracnose diseases
as characterized by the formation of black spots on
the fruit surface (Plate 1).

Plate 2: Photograph showing fruiting body (left) and spore(right) of Colletotrichum musae.

Diagnostic characteristics of (Colletotrichum and quality of banana cv. Amritasagar, Sabri and
musae): Champa under different promising postharvest
It has orange color colony with scanty, white mycelia and treatments.
dense orange conidial ooze, mycelium was hyaline and Parameters investigated were shelf life, total soluble
septate. Conidia are hyaline, one celled and straight (Plate solids, disease incidence, disease severity and causal
1). This pathogen causes anthracnose disease of banana. pathogen. The results showed that the TSS, disease
Anthracnose is characterized as small black speaks on incidence and diseases severity increased during
fruit. The lesions increased in size and later become storage period. Postharvest treatments and variety
sunken and coalesced forming spots on the fruit surface caused showed highly significant variation to
(Plate 1). influences shelf life of bananas. Highly significant
Summary and Conclusion variations were observed among the different
The experiment was conducted at the laboratory, varieties of banana. The shelf lives of banana varieties
Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural Sabri, Champa and Amritasagar were 10.81, 10.11
University, Mymensingh. The objectives of the and 9.00 days, respectively. From the varietal effects
experiment were to evaluate the pattern of shelf life it was observed that longest shelf life was obtained in

J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(2): 163- 175, 2013 ISSN 1999-7361

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