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Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

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Code Name Category 3 0 0 3

Pre-requisite Co-requisite Progressive

Nil Nil Nil
Courses Courses Courses
Course Offering Department Automobile Engineering Data Book / Codes/Standards Nil

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
CLR-1 : Define and understand the concept of Neural Network Models and Learning algorithm. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CLR-2 : Understand the concepts and implementation of fuzzy logic and fuzzy logic controllers.

Environment & Sustainability

Analysis, Design, Research
CLR-3 : Interpret and relate the Fuzzy Sets And Fuzzy Relations.

Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Proficiency (%)

Expected Attainment (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge
CLR-4 : Compare and contrast the Hybrid fuzzy systems such as Neuro fuzzy systems with classical systems.

Design & Development

Project Mgt. & Finance

CLR-5 : Understand the implementation of Fuzzy and neuro systems in hardware.

Modern Tool Usage

Life Long Learning

Society & Culture
Problem Analysis


PSO – 3
PSO - 1

PSO - 2
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:

CLO-1 : List and recognize the various Fuzzy systems in automobile applications. 1 90 85 H M M M L L L L M M L M H M M
CLO-2 : Identify and Estimate Parameters of a system through Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks 2 90 85 H H M H M M M L M L M H H H M
CLO-3 : Identify and use various Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Relations 2 85 80 H H M H M M M L M L M H H H M
CLO-4 : Relate and use the various fuzzy logic and fuzzy logic controllers. 2 85 80 H H M H M M M L M L M H H H M
CLO-5 : Select and Investigate on the various Neural Network Models. 3 85 80 H H H H M H H M M M M H H H H

Hybrid Fuzzy-Neuro Systems And

Introduction To Neural Networks Neural Network Models and Application Fuzzy Sets And Fuzzy Relations Embedded Fuzzy Application
Hardware Implementation
Duration (hour) 09 09 09 09 09
Introduction to conventional Control
SLO-1 Introduction to ANN Neural Network-Feed Forward Application Basic Concepts of Classical Sets Introduction to Hybrid Systems
Components of ANN-Connection, weights, Neural Network-Back Propagation Network
SLO-2 Set Operation, Boolean Logic Description, Design and Analysis Fuzzy Neuron Overview
biases Application
Multilayer FNN architectures XOR
SLO-1 Structure of Neural Network Layers In Neural Network-Single Layer Basics of Fuzzy Sets PID controller
Introduction to Fuzzy logic Controller
SLO-2 Structure of Neural Network. Layers In Neural Network- Multilayer Representation of Fuzzy Sets Types of decision Region
Fuzzy logic Controller (FLC)-
SLO-1 Output of a Neuron XOR Function and Linear Separability Fuzzy Membership Function FNN Neuron Model
Description, Design
Trapezoidal, Gaussian and Its
SLO-2 Propagation functions, Learning Rules XOR Function and Linear Separability. Membership values, Rule table Fuzzy ART, Fuzzy ARTMAP
Threshold Functions-Sigmoid Function, Step Membership values invented Fuzzy ARTMAP- Incremental supervised
SLO-1 Supervised and unsupervised learning Fuzzy Set Properties, Operations
Function pendulum case study Learning
Fuzzy logic Controller (FLC) – Learning Normalized analog input
SLO-2 Reinforced Learning Ramp Function And Linear Function Logic Operation And Algebraic Operations.
Knowledge base and Defuzzyification patterns
Classical Relations And Fuzzy Reasoning Implementation of Antilock controller
SLO-1 Perception and Multilayer Perception Function Approximation With Neural Networks Neuro-Fuzzy systems
overview example
Function Approximation With Neural Fuzzy logic Controller (FLC) –
SLO-2 Perception and Multilayer Perception. Fundamentals Of Fuzzy Relations Neuro-Fuzzy applications
Networks. Analysis with computer aided Tools
Fuzzy based antilock braking system Neuro-Fuzzy systems Linguistic Fuzzy
SLO-1 Feed forward Network and Hopfield Network. System Identification With Neural Networks Binary Fuzzy Relation operation
overview Model
Fuzzy Membership Fuzzy Rules, Fine-
SLO-2 Introduction to Neural Network Models Block Box Model Structure Fuzzy Relations introduction Fuzzy based antilock braking system.
tune Fuzzy Rules
Performance and robustness of Hardware Implementation –Analog
SLO-1 Neural Network Models –Adaline Static Neural Network in system Identification Types Of Fuzzy Relations
Fuzzy controller Techniques
Dynamic Neural Network in system Hardware Implementation - Digital
SLO-2 Neural Network Models –Madaline Membership Matrix Self-Organizing Fuzzy controller
Identification Techniques
Neural Network Models –Back propagation Model Parameters estimation with Neural Fuzzy logic Controller for Automotive Fuzzy Memory and OP-Amp based
SLO-1 Union and intersection of Fuzzy Relations
Network Network Embedded System applications. implementation of basic Neuron Model
Case study on Fuzzy logic Controller Fuzzy Memory and OP-Amp based
SLO-2 Radial basis function Neural Network Control system and Neural Networks Composition of Fuzzy Relations
: Automatic Gearboxes implementation of basic Neuron Model.
Microcontroller Based Implementation of
Case study on Fuzzy logic Controller
SLO-1 Self-organizing, Recurrent Neural Network Neural Networks in Predictive control Fuzzy Reasoning- Fuzzy If-Then Rules Fuzzy controller algorithm for automotive
: Four- wheel steering
air conditioning Case study
Microcontroller Based Implementation of
Case study on Fuzzy logic Controller
SLO-2 Convolution, Modular Neural Network Model Reference Neural Controller Fuzzy If-Then Rules. Fuzzy controller algorithm for automotive
: Vehicle environment control
air conditioning. Cont

4. Simon Haykin“, Neural Networks and Learning Machines –3rd Edition- Pearson Prentice
1. Ahmad.M.Ibrahim “Fuzzy logic for Embedded System application” -Newness 2004,ISBN: 0-7506-7699
Learning Hall-ISBN-13: 978-0131471399.
2. Valluru B.Rao “ C++,Neural Network and Fuzzy logic”., -M&T Books ,IDG books Worldwide,ISBN1558515526
Resources 5. Guanrong Chen “Introduction to Fuzzy Sets,Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy control System”
3. M.Gopal “Digital Control and State Variable Methods”-2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing,2006
Trung Tat Pham-CRC Press -ISBN 0-8493-1658-8

Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage)
Bloom’s Final Examination (50% weightage)
CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (15%) CLA – 3 (15%) CLA – 4 (10%)
Level of Thinking
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 40 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% -
Level 2 40 % - 40 % - 40 % - 40 % - 40% -
Level 3 20 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% -
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, and Conf. Paper etc.

Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
1. Mr.Jegan Amirthalingam, Senior Educator, KPIT <[email protected]> 1. Dr. P. Sathish Kumar,Jiangsu University, China [email protected] 1. Mr. Srividya K, SRMIST
2. Mr.Jesu Godwin D, SRMIST

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