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Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 150 Ciamis
Mata Kuliah : Introduction to ESP
Waktu : 1 minggu
Tingkat/Semester/Kelas : II/4/ABC
Dosen : Lilies Youlia Friatin, SS., M. Pd.BI
NIM : 2109190065
Class : 2C

I. Answer the questions (submit on word format)

1. What’s your perspective of English for specific purposes. Elaborate your answer based on some
resources (books and/or 5 journals max. 2015 to present based on my recommendation journals)
2. Support your sentences by those journals; don’t forget to mention the journal you have taken.
Complete your project with references.
II. Compile all materials and your works in every meeting during this semester in words format



In my opinion, English for Specific Purposes is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as
to content and method are based on the learners’ reasons for learning. In the field of English for Specific
Purposes (hereafter described as “ESP”), it is widely agreed that course design and teaching should always be
based on learners’ needs (Woodrow, 2018). UK University Foundations in Asiyah (2015) determines that this
term (English for Specific Purposes) refers to the teaching of a specific genre of mostly technical English for
students with specific goals, careers or field of study. Examples include English for Academic Purposes
(students will enter an English-speaking university), English for Business & Management, or Hotel & Catering
English (for hotel and tourism professionals). ESP is getting more popular since more English language
programs are intended for the individuals who might want to learn English, which is applicable to their
occupations (Renandya & Widodo, 2016). Robinson stated three differences between general English and ESP.
Those are (1) objective-oriented learning activity, the students learn English is not because the language itself
but also for specific goals in an academic and professional field, (2) the course content is designed and
developed based on students' need analysis, and (3) it is especially proposed to adult learners (Sari, Kuncoro,
Erlangga, 2019, p.30). Hutchinson and Waters (as cited in Mahripah, 2016: 6) emphasize that the difference
between ESP and EGP is not in the learners 'needs but in the awareness of learners' needs. All parties involved
in the language learning process, be they learners, teachers, stakeholders, and prospective users realize the
importance of needs analysis and its process. The awareness of how this needs analysis is conducted and how to
react to it in the entire learning process, including internalizing the results of the needs analysis in developing
teaching materials is an important key that distinguishes ESP or EGP-based learning practices.

Asiyah, Siti. (2015). The 62nd TEFLIN. Exploring ESP Students’ Speaking Skill by Video Field Trip.
Mahripah, Siti. dkk. (2016). Analisis Persepsi Mahasiswa dalam Mengembangkan English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) Learning Materials (Materi Ajar Pengajaran Bahasa Inggrisuntuk Tujuan Khusus) [Proposal
Penelitian Pengembangan]. Yogyakarta: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas
Negeri Yogyakarta.
Renandya, W. A., & Widodo, H. P. (2016). English Language Teaching Today. Linking Theory and
Practice (Eds (ed.)). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-2519-8_7
Sari. R. K., Kuncoro, A., Erlangga, F. (2019). Need analysis of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to
informatic students. Journal of English Education, Linguistics, and Literature. 5(2), 26- 37.
Woodrow, W. (2018). Introducing Course Design in English for Specific Purposes. New York: Routledge.


A. Theories of introduction to ESP

Description of the course: The course provides the students introduction to ESP involving theories and practices
of ESP in general. Terminologies for different occupation will be provided as well. The students will practice
them into written text and spoken English by means of different learningstrategies.This course will develop an
understanding about the factors that led to the emergence of ESP and theforces, both theoretical andapplied that
have shaped itssubsequent development, assist students developneeds assessments and genre analyses for
specific groups of learners and provide guidelines to adapt or create authentic ESP materials in a chosen
professional or occupational area and to critically evaluate currently available materials, including technology-
based ones.
Learning Materials: English for Secretaries, English for Academic, English for Medical, English for Journalism,
and English for Science and Technology.
B. English for Secretaries
The secretary is someone who works in an office, writing letters, making telephone calls and arranging meetings
for a person or for an organization. e.g.: My secretary will phone you to arrange a meeting. (Cambridge
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary).
The role of the secretary: As an assistant, As a manager, As an executive, and As a leader.
The adjectives to describe a good professional secretary: Decisive, Charismatic, Motivating, Adventurous,
Open, Ruthless, Informal, Uncaring, Passionate, Impulsive, Accessible, Moderate, Balanced, Careful,
Thoughtful, Aggressive, Straight, Energetic, Lunatic, and Flexible.
Phrasal Verbs about Secretarial Routine: To get on, To show round, To go over, To speak up, To get through,
To take down, To call back, To look through, To sort out, To fill in, To look up, To pick up, To look out, To
look forward, To get down.
Issues to be considered when arranging a meeting:
Making arrangements
– Could we meet on Monday at 10.30?
– Are you free sometime next week?
– How about next Friday?
– What about April 10th?
– Would Wednesday at 2pm suit you?
– Is 11.15 convenient?
Changing arrangements
– I’m afraid I can’t come on Friday/then.
– We’ve got an appointment for 11.00, but I’m afraid something’s come up.
– Could we fix another time?
– That’ll be fine.
– That’s ok.
– No sorry, I can’t make it then.
– My diary’s rather full that day/week.
– Sorry, I’ve already got an appointment at that time.
ASSIGNMENT 1: Describe a secretary from the chosen adjective!
Text Script : A Secretary is a decisive person. As an assistant to the CEO, she must be able to solve the
problems assigned to her and she also be able to come up with definite decision.
Berkas file berupa audio tersedia di grup telegram ESP 2C.
ASSIGNMENT 2: Make a sentence that describes the routine of a secretary!
Text script: You have to reschedule the meeting.
I'd say : "I have an urgent event that I have to attend. Could we reschedule our meeting,Sir?"
Berkas file berupa audio tersedia di grup telegram ESP 2C.
C. English for Academic
1. Preparation for an interview
Preparation for an interview is essential. The list of questions below is designed to serve as a guide so that you
are not taken by surprise.
Before the interview :
 Prepare and practise giving responses to the questions without trying to memorise them.
 Find out as much as possible about the company as well as the position you are interested in.
 Remember to take an extra copy of your CV/résumé with you so that the employer can refer to it.
ASSIGNMENT 3: Make an interview conversation!
Berkas file berupa audio tersedia di grup telegram ESP 2C.
2. English for Education/Teaching
English for Education is intended to prepare international students for university studies in which English is the
language of instruction. It consists of four courses that focus on critical reading, academic writing,
pronunciation of English as an international language, and oral communication and presentation skills. There
are also important sections to help explain some of the fundamental expectations on students of EAP; the forms
of assessment that are used to evaluate students in EAP; and some of the key areas of support, principally during
your studies.
ASSIGNMENT 4: Present the lesson plan!
Berkas file berupa audio tersedia di grup telegram ESP 2C.
3. Become An Ideal Presenter In Academic Conference
The techniques of an effective presenter can be practised.
1. Don’t touch that slide deck just yet
2. Build your presentation within time constraints
3. Use visuals to illuminate, not obscure
4. Aim for simplicity and consistency
5. Know your research audience
6. Rehearse your presentation
7. Prepare, prepare, prepare
8. Back up your backup
9. Get to know the presenting space
10. Use body language to your advantage
11. Encourage questions and discussion
ASSIGNMENT 5: Present an academic research in a seminar!
Berkas file berupa audio tersedia di grup telegram ESP 2C.
D. English for Medical
ASSIGNMENT 6: Make an appointment with a doctor!
Berkas file berupa audio tersedia di grup telegram ESP 2C.
E. English for Journalism
English for Journalism | Coursera https://www.coursera.org/learn/journalism
ASSIGNMENT 7: Make a conclusion from the material !
I can conclude some points from what I understand about English for journalism. I've learnt the lesson how the
course works. I now understand about the history and principles of journalism. I could also know how to
research, pitch, and interview. Then, knowing about words in print like newspapers and magazines, the process
of broadcasting the news. In the end, I was introduced to the role of journalism in the digital age.
F. English for Science and Technology
1. Understand any text of English for Science
ASSIGNMENT 8: Read a text, make a list of unfamiliar vocabulary based on yourself then find out the
meaning of it!
1. foothold: pijakan
2. afflicted: menderita
3. efficacy: kemanjuran
4. drawbacks : kekurangannya
5. cascade: riam
6. tomography: tomografi
7. tangible: nyata
8. evidentiary : pembuktian
9. macabre: mengerikan
10. subsidiary : anak perusahaan
11. tradeoffs : pengorbanan
12. frontier : perbatasan
13. ubiquitous : dimana-mana
14. succumbed : menyerah
15. endeavor : berusaha keras
16. pitfalls : perangkap
17. scarcity : kelangkaan
18.extrapolate : meramalkan
19. embarked : memulai
20. cohort : kelompok
21. congregate : berkumpul
22. rectify : memperbaiki
23. opacities : kekeruhan
24. resilience : ketahanan
25. profound : mendalam
26. sequelae : gejala sisa
27. feasible : layak
28. influx : arus
29. venture : usaha
30. thoracic : toraks
ASSIGNMENT 9: Read a text, make a list of unfamiliar vocabulary based on yourself then find out the
meaning of it! https://www.thejakartapost.com/academia/2021/06/07/a-safe-pilgrimage.html
1. Tenets = Prinsip
2. Untimely = Sebelum Waktunya
3. Pilgrims = Peziarah
4. Resurgence = Kebangkitan
5. Spike = Paku
6. Curb = Mengekang
7. Contain = Menahan
8. Sluggish = Lamban
9. Herd = Kawanan
10. Suspend = Menangguhkan
2. The Conclusion of English for technology and science
English for technology and science:
ASSIGNMENT 10: Make a conclusion from the material !
Why Study Computers and Technology?
Studying Computers and Technology has many benefits. Graduates can be accepted into any industry because of
the many demands of companies that require Computers and Technology graduates. Although there are no
future plans, this degree can position anyone to transition into lots of other fields. There are lots of different
specializations to choose from as you wish. It’s a dynamic career that will keep you learning and gaining new
skills. Technology is evolving so rapidly that every innovation creates new jobs and spurs the demand for
employees with cutting-edge skills. That makes these graduates will always be needed in the future.

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