In my opinion, English for Specific Purposes is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as
to content and method are based on the learners’ reasons for learning. In the field of English for Specific
Purposes (hereafter described as “ESP”), it is widely agreed that course design and teaching should always be
based on learners’ needs (Woodrow, 2018). UK University Foundations in Asiyah (2015) determines that this
term (English for Specific Purposes) refers to the teaching of a specific genre of mostly technical English for
students with specific goals, careers or field of study. Examples include English for Academic Purposes
(students will enter an English-speaking university), English for Business & Management, or Hotel & Catering
English (for hotel and tourism professionals). ESP is getting more popular since more English language
programs are intended for the individuals who might want to learn English, which is applicable to their
occupations (Renandya & Widodo, 2016). Robinson stated three differences between general English and ESP.
Those are (1) objective-oriented learning activity, the students learn English is not because the language itself
but also for specific goals in an academic and professional field, (2) the course content is designed and
developed based on students' need analysis, and (3) it is especially proposed to adult learners (Sari, Kuncoro,
Erlangga, 2019, p.30). Hutchinson and Waters (as cited in Mahripah, 2016: 6) emphasize that the difference
between ESP and EGP is not in the learners 'needs but in the awareness of learners' needs. All parties involved
in the language learning process, be they learners, teachers, stakeholders, and prospective users realize the
importance of needs analysis and its process. The awareness of how this needs analysis is conducted and how to
react to it in the entire learning process, including internalizing the results of the needs analysis in developing
teaching materials is an important key that distinguishes ESP or EGP-based learning practices.
Asiyah, Siti. (2015). The 62nd TEFLIN. Exploring ESP Students’ Speaking Skill by Video Field Trip.
Mahripah, Siti. dkk. (2016). Analisis Persepsi Mahasiswa dalam Mengembangkan English for Specific
Purposes (ESP) Learning Materials (Materi Ajar Pengajaran Bahasa Inggrisuntuk Tujuan Khusus) [Proposal
Penelitian Pengembangan]. Yogyakarta: Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas
Negeri Yogyakarta.
Renandya, W. A., & Widodo, H. P. (2016). English Language Teaching Today. Linking Theory and
Practice (Eds (ed.)). Springer.
Sari. R. K., Kuncoro, A., Erlangga, F. (2019). Need analysis of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to
informatic students. Journal of English Education, Linguistics, and Literature. 5(2), 26- 37.
Woodrow, W. (2018). Introducing Course Design in English for Specific Purposes. New York: Routledge.