AU Gov - Mariculture Develop New Ireland, Papua NG 2019
AU Gov - Mariculture Develop New Ireland, Papua NG 2019
AU Gov - Mariculture Develop New Ireland, Papua NG 2019
Mariculture development in New
Ireland, Papua New Guinea
co-authors/ Jacob Wani, Jeff Kinch, Peter Minimulu, Esther Leini and Casper
contributors/ Dako (National Fisheries Authority, PNG)
Cathy Hair, Thane Militz and Rowan McIntyre (University of the
Sunshine Coast)
De’arne Kershler (AVID)
approved by NA
published by ACIAR
GPO Box 1571
Canberra ACT 2601
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© Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) 2019 - This work is copyright. Apart from any use as
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Final report: Mariculture development in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
1 Acknowledgments .................................................................................... 3
2 Background ............................................................................................... 6
3 Objectives ................................................................................................. 8
4 Methodology ........................................................................................... 10
7 Impacts .................................................................................................... 41
7.1 Scientific impacts – now and in 5 years .............................................................................41
7.2 Capacity impacts – now and in 5 years .............................................................................43
7.3 Community impacts – now and in 5 years .........................................................................47
7.4 Communication and dissemination activities .....................................................................48
9 References .............................................................................................. 52
9.1 References cited in report ..................................................................................................52
9.2 List of publications produced by project .............................................................................53
10 Appendixes ............................................................................................. 55
10.1 Appendix 1: ........................................................................................................................55
Page ii
1 Acknowledgments
We acknowledge the inputs of numerous National Fisheries Authority (NFA) and Nago
Island Mariculture and Research Facility (NIMRF) staff who supported establishment of
full functional capacity of NIMRF during this project and the research reported. We also
acknowledge the willing and enthusiastic engagement of partner community members,
particularly Village Planning Committee and community members of Limanak, Ungakum
and Enuk villages, and partner NGOs, including John Aini of Ailan Awareness and officers
of the Wildlife Conservation Society who greatly assisted this project.
Page 3
Executive summary
This project operated from the newly completed Nago Island Mariculture and Research
Facility (NIMRF) in Kavieng, Papua New Guinea (PNG), which was purpose built to
support mariculture research and training. Modifications to the facility during the project
included extension of general indoor and outdoor culture facilities supporting replicated
experiments with larvae and juveniles, additional raceways, construction of a seawater
pond, expansion of pumping capacity, and upgrading of the seawater system to provide a
more reliable water supply supporting routine production of target species.
Hatchery production of sea cucumbers (sandfish) was developed early in the project and
by the final year of the project, routine production was managed by NIMRF staff, with 2-3
hatchery runs per year. Simplification of the larval rearing protocol by replacing cultured
live micro-algae with commercial micro-algae concentrates as a larval food source, was
an important development that eliminated many technical constraints often associated
with hatchery production. This was a major breakthrough for this project with broad
application within the global mariculture sector. A hatchery culture manual for sandfish
was developed for training purposes. Land-based husbandry of hatchery-produced
juveniles, however, was a bottleneck to production of large numbers of juveniles for field-
based culture activities. Further research is required to address this issue and this aspect
is a major focus of research in the follow-on project (FIS-2014-0611).
A range of land-based and community nursery systems were trialled and evaluated to
produce release-size sandfish juveniles of >3 grams. Results provide a basis for ongoing
fine-tuning of grow-out systems. Three local communities actively participated in sandfish
field-based grow-out trials, supporting either experimental sea pens, ocean-based grow-
out nets or trial sea ranches. Biophysical parameters were monitored at field sites, using
protocols that were standardised with those used in similar ACIAR funded research in the
Philippines, northern Australia and Vietnam2. They contributed to a multi-country, broad-
scale experiment to identify optimum sea ranching habitats for sandfish. Pen culture grow-
out results have been highly variable, for example, one site supported exceptionally high
growth rates and survival of sandfish juveniles (compared to that reported internationally),
while another suffered total mortality. Important information on the key biophysical
parameters which drive growth has been collected. Multivariate analysis of bio-physical
factors shows promise for identifying key factors influencing sandfish culture performance,
with preliminary principal component analysis clearly differentiating prime sites.
Preliminary research findings have been published and the results of a broader
international study, including data from this project, are being prepared for publication.
Both hapas and sea pens established at partner community field sites are cared for by
community wardens who liaise with project staff. Considerable socio-economic data has
been collected on past wild fishery practices with respect to sea cucumber, community-
based fishery management and attitudes towards mariculture.
A primary site for spat collection of edible oysters was identified and the long-term spat
collection program established in 2013. Collector design was modified to better suit local
conditions. Plastic slats covered in a cement/lime slurry supported greater recruitment and
better handling than other collector types and were adopted as a ‘standard’ across all
project sites. However, relatively poor recruitment to spat collectors greatly limited the
extent to which growth trials could be established. A grow-out trial was conducted at the
1 FIS/2014/061: “Improving technical and institutional capacity to support development of mariculture based
livelihoods and industry in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea”
2 FIS/2010/042: ““Expansion and Diversification of Production and management Systems for Sea Cucumbers
in the Philippines, Vietnam and northern Australia”
Page 4
main NFA wharf site in Kavieng, but oysters suffered close to 100% mortality in all
treatments over a month-long period through predation by Cymatium gastropods that
recruited to oyster culture units. In a follow-up trial using sub-tidal baskets on the floating
pontoon at NIMRF, Saccostrea cucullata spat reached an average weight of 3.75 g while
S. mytiloides spat reached 9-16 g after 8 months. Survival of both was relatively low at
around 40%. When S. cucullata spat were deployed in intertidal baskets at Losogul and
Panapai, those at Panapai performed better and reached an average weight of 3.45 g
after 6 months with survival of 95%. Poor recruitment of oyster spat to collectors at all
research sites limited the scope of grow out trials and is likely to limit the potential of spat-
based oyster mariculture in the Kavieng region. Hatchery production of S. cucculata at
NIMRF may provide a future option to address this bottleneck.
Field surveys of marine organisms with potential value to marine aquarium markets
occurred in the first year of the project. They revealed several species of fishes, coral, and
giant clams in New Ireland Province to be ideal candidates for mariculture. Surveys also
revealed regionally endemic phenotypes of several Amphiprioninae (clownfishes) and
research was undertaken to document the ecological parameters associated with these
high value commodities. Successful production of “Nemo” (Amphiprion percula) was
achieved in the second year of the project and successful production of the “maroon
clownfish” (Premnas biaculeatus) was achieved in the third year of the project. By the final
year of the project, production of these two species became routine at NIMRF, with
several thousand market-sized individuals on hand. Coral propagation was also trialled at
two field-sites and in land-based raceways. Production of corals was found to be optimal
in community reef areas exposed to regular fishing activity. This has led to the
development of semi-commercial scale culture (2,000 pieces biannually) in partnership
with the Nago Island community. Ongoing research is evaluating the ideal coral substrates
for propagation and the economic potential of this mariculture activity for local
communities in New Ireland. In the last year of the project, the teardrop giant clam
(Tridacna noae) was successfully cultured and this is the first documentation of captive
production of this species.
Aquaculture curriculum development at the NFA National Fisheries College (NFC)
progressed via an Aquaculture Training Package (ATP) which meets the requirements of
the National Training Council (NTC) and was endorsed by the Fisheries Training and
Advisory Committee (FTAC). Specific lesson plans were developed for the ATP and an
Aquaculture Instructor has been recruited by NFA to begin implementing and delivering
the ATP through the NFC and NIMRF. A series of best practice booklets have been
developed for aquaculture operations with a focus on NIMRF activities, including a
hatchery manual for sandfish and ornamental fish. Project staff contributed directly to
development of Certificate 1 and Certificate 2 level mariculture curriculums for NFC
students and have provided face-to-face tuition of these students. Graduate students from
UNRE have also been accommodated within project research activities at NIMRF,
working directly with project staff involved in sea cucumber and ornamental fish culture.
There were regular visits to NIMRF by project staff, commodity specialists and research
students throughout the project, that have worked directly with NFA/NIMRF staff.
Community members from Limanak, Ungakum, Belifu and Enuk have received training on
field-based sea cucumber culture, survey techniques and data collection, and one or two
community members from three of these communities were engaged to look after ocean
nursery culture systems for sea cucumbers. Community members from all village sites
have visited the NIMRF hatchery during operation and were given a live demonstration on
aspects of life-cycle and culture methods. Short handouts have been developed to assist
community awareness of field-based research activities with sea cucumbers and oysters.
Both were developed through consultation with a partner local NGO (Ailan Awareness)
and translated into Tokpisin. Larger more comprehensive extension materials were also
developed to support future project activities. Regular community meeting were held to
disseminate project research results and key points are delivered using a Tokspisin
Page 5
2 Background
The vast coastline of PNG supports numerous communities that depend primarily on
marine resources for their livelihoods. The coastal environment and fish stocks are
comparatively healthy, but beyond the immediate resource, communities do not maximise
the potential economic and livelihood opportunities provided by this environment. There
has been depletion of some fishery resources, including the collapse of the sea cucumber
fishery, which was the main village-based fishery generating significant export income. In
response, the NFA implemented a nationwide moratorium in September 2009. There was
an urgent need for economic activities, as alternatives to the sea cucumber fishery, to
provide livelihood opportunities for coastal communities in PNG, and the NFA was under
political pressure in this regard.
There is no tradition of mariculture in the coastal communities of PNG, so awareness of
possibilities is low. However, development of mariculture opportunities in PNG was
enhanced by the NFA NIMRF at Kavieng, New Ireland Province. This multi-species
marine hatchery and research facility, the first in PNG, was operational from 2012. The
role of the facility is to develop marine aquaculture based livelihood opportunities for PNG
and to become a training centre for students from the NFC. The NFC is located in Kavieng
and, at the start of this project, hosted 2nd and 3rd year students from University of Natural
Resources and Environment (UNRE) though a Memorandum of Understanding.
For NIMRF to achieve its desired impacts there was an immediate need for capacity
building, and for identification of local species which have potential to support viable,
sustainable mariculture industries for coastal communities in PNG. This project partnered
with NFA, NFC and UNRE to address this, and to develop a strategy for long-term
strengthening of institutional mariculture training capacity in PNG. This project addressed
these capacity and feasibility issues.
Some scoping work was conducted in prior ACIAR projects (FIS/2006/1383 and
FIS/2010/0174) to identify marine commodities that may support community-based
mariculture activities and income generation opportunities in PNG. This project assessed
the potential of three major commodities identified in these prior studies: sea cucumbers,
edible oysters and marine ornamentals, for which there are established national and
international markets. All three are priority commodities within the PNG National
Aquaculture Development Policy.
Overfishing of sea cucumbers, a traditional source of income for coastal communities in
PNG, forced a nationwide moratorium on the fishery. Developing alternative means of
income is an imperative, and one of the more obvious options is development of sea
cucumber mariculture. Prior ACIAR research (FIS/2006/138) showed that the sea
cucumber species, sandfish (Holuthuria scabra) can be reliably propagated in a hatchery
and that ‘sea-ranching’ can be successfully undertaken using village-based culture
systems (Hair et al., 2011). Another ACIAR project is further refining culture methods for
sandfish (FIS/2010/0425), and this provided an opportunity, strong linkage and synergy for
assessing current sandfish culture methods in PNG. Given the traditional importance of
sea cucumber as an income source for coastal communities in PNG, closure of the fishery
3FIS/2006/138: ‘Developing Aquaculture based livelihoods in the Pacific Islands region and Tropical Australia’
5 FIS/2010/042: ‘Expansion and diversification of production and management systems for sea cucumbers, in
the Philippines, Vietnam and Northern Australia’
Page 6
because of depleted stocks, and high international demand for bêche-de-mer, developing
sea cucumber mariculture in PNG is a high priority for the NFA. There is opportunity to
introduce sandfish culture to communities in areas where the NFA have established
seaweed culture. Sandfish and seaweed require similar habitats and can be co-cultured.
Edible oysters are consumed by locals and are also sold to hotels, restaurants and tourist
facilities. Prior ACIAR research (FIS/2006/138) showed that oyster juveniles (spat) readily
recruit to spat collectors in the Kavieng area and can be grown to market size within
months. However, more research is required to optimise spat collection protocols and
culture methods to maximise growth and survival. Oyster culture is well suited to coastal
communities with limited technical capacity. Oysters are the only commodity with
mariculture potential (identified in FIS/2006/138 and prioritised by NFA) which relates,
albeit marginally, to food security, a priority issue for NFA.
A sustainable, equitable, and profitable marine aquarium trade in PNG was to be started
through the SEASMART Program which began in 2008 though the contracting of a US-
based consultancy firm EcoEZ Inc. The SEAMSART Program aimed to develop a
commercial scale marine aquarium trade in PNG but failed to achieve any of the
contractual milestones necessary for this to happen. As a result, the arrangement
between the NFA and EcoEZ was terminated in 2010. NFA is currently moving forward
with an internally run marine aquarium program with the primary aim of taking the
aquarium fishery in PNG from pilot stage to a fully developed and sustainable, privately
run industry. This project aimed to facilitate development of the NFA Marine Aquarium
Program by assessing the feasibility of captive breeding of valuable marine aquarium
Strengthening institutional capacity for mariculture training in PNG, and appropriate
training of mariculture graduates, are key priorities for the NFA. Prior to this project, the
aquaculture component of the UNRE diploma and degree program was only three weeks
long and focused on freshwater, not marine aquaculture (mariculture). A key component
of sustainable mariculture development in PNG will be development of a separate training
program focused on mariculture. The recent SPC joint-country strategy included a request
from NFA for support with curriculum development for mariculture. This project reviewed
aquaculture/mariculture training opportunities and curricula as a basis for developing an
appropriate mariculture curriculum at NFC with an initial aim of developing a larger
AusAID-funded university ‘twinning’ program’6. Given that there is no tradition of
mariculture in New Ireland, another important step was to build mariculture capacity within
local communities and extension organisations such as Provincial fisheries and
appropriate NGOs, as a basis for long-term and sustainable mariculture development.
This project aligned closely with the SPC Aquaculture Action Plan (2007) which identified
sea cucumbers and marine ornamentals as high priority commodities for aquaculture
development within the region.
The project supported NFA priorities for development of Aquaculture as laid out in the
NFA Corporate Plan 2008-2012 and the National Aquaculture Development Policy, and
directly addressed a number of key components and research objectives outlined in the
National Development Policy. Results provided an improved basis for the NFA to make
improved decisions related to policy development for the target commodities of this
project, and strengthen institutional, community and extension capacity to implement
NFA’s Aquaculture Development Policy at both national and provincial levels.
6 The targeted AusAID twinning program was closed shortly after the start of this project. Furthermore, the
training relationship between NFC and UNRE changed. As a result, the project shifted its focus towards
independent assistance to NFC with mariculture curriculum development.
Page 7
3 Objectives
The overall aim of this project was to provide a sustainable basis for development of a
mariculture sector in PNG, and to build capacity within country partner organisations to
support this development. Specific objectives were to:
Develop community based sea cucumber culture methodologies;
Trial and assess other mariculture commodities; and
Improve the capacity of PNG institutions to support mariculture development in
New Ireland Province
Research activities within these Objectives were:
Page 8
Objective 3: Improve the capacity of PNG institutions to support mariculture
development in New Ireland province
3.1 Develop and initiate a strategy for long-term institutional mariculture training
capacity in PNG
Review the current curriculum and practical training in mariculture at
Develop a strategy for improved training capacity in mariculture
Develop and submit a university “twinning” application in consultation with
3.2 Build capacity amongst NFA, Provincial fisheries, NGOs and local communities
Appoint an appropriately qualified expatriate Project Scientist to be based at
Nago Island
Establish a steering committee comprising project staff, NFA, Provincial
fisheries officers, and representatives from NGOs and communities to guide
project activities
Support Nago Island facility operations and production of selected species (i.e.
technology transfer, expert personnel)
Develop mariculture training activities with key communities using local
counterparts as liaison and facilitators
Train specific community members of participating villages to undertake project
activities (i.e. hands-on training, workshops)
Develop manuals on specific aspects of selected culture commodities to
support workshops and other training activities
Page 9
4 Methodology
Objective 1: Develop community based sea cucumber culture
The sea cucumber component of the project was based on production of the commercial
holothurian, Holothuria scabra (common name, sandfish). It was conducted at the NIMRF
multi-species hatchery and at field sites within two hours boat travel of the NIMRF. Two to
three sea cucumber hatchery runs were carried out each year as training exercises for the
hatchery staff and to produce juvenile sandfish for use in experiments and other aspects
of the project. Hatchery experiments included research into ways to increase production
(i.e. better survival and growth of larvae and small juveniles through husbandry and
system improvements). An important component involved research to assess the use of
commercially available micro-algae pastes to rear larvae and juveniles. The grow-out of
juveniles after the larval rearing phase from approximately 3 mm in length (or one-month
old) up to the recommended release size of 3 g, is a major bottleneck in the scaling-up of
sandfish culture. Much of the research at NIMRF has focused on identifying ways to
improve survival and growth during this nursery stage. A proportion of the juveniles
produced were grown to the minimum recommended release size of 3 g (Purcell and
Simutoga 2008) within ocean and land-based nursery systems, including tanks, raceways,
hapa nets and bag nets. Hatchery experiments and field trials were carried out to identify
ways to increase juvenile survival and growth in all the grow-out systems utilised.
Juveniles of ≥3 g size were tagged with fluorochromes and stocked into round 100 m2 sea
pens (part of a large-scale experiment in collaboration with ACIAR Project FIS/2010/042)
at village sites. Survival and growth of sandfish in these pens were monitored at regular
intervals for up to two years.
Field sites for sea cucumber mariculture were identified in collaboration with NFA officers,
community members and local NGOs. Site selection was based upon: presence of
suitable juvenile sandfish habitats as suggested by Purcell (2004) and Tsiresy et al.
(2011); proximity of a community to release sites; willingness of the community to be
involved in the study; and a range of socio-economic aspects related to each community.
The three sites selected were: (1) Limanak (encompassing Limellon and Nusailas); (2)
Enuk; and (3) Ungakum. The first two sites are located close to NIMRF in the Tigak Island
group and the third is on the north east side of New Hanover (Lavongai) in a large lagoon.
GPS was used to map all sampling areas and to classify the habitats in relation to their
suitability for sea cucumber mariculture activities. These sites provided a range of
habitats, environments and social situations for research. A participatory approach was
employed in the establishment and management of the trial sites and prospective sea
ranches. Partner communities at each site were involved in all aspects of the research
from the time the juveniles left the hatchery. Local community members were paid to
assist with the research at each village, and to maintain the experimental and grow-out
systems between visits by project staff. The broader community was kept up to date with
research progress via regular meetings.
Juveniles were released into the wild using the methods detailed by WorldFish (Purcell
2004) but also reared in different release micro-habitats and using different grow-out
systems developed in the Philippines (Juinio-Meňez et al. 2012) and Madagascar (Tsiresy
et al. 2011, Robinson and Pascal, 2012) and as demonstrated to be effective in PNG.
Initial ocean-rearing trials were done in 100 m2 sea pens using methods developed in
collaboration with scientists from FIS/2010/042, in order to produce directly comparable
data. A number of rearing systems were tested to determine what level of protection is
most effective in various habitats for various sized juveniles. In the last year of the project,
large-scale releases were made into sea ranches, set up with partner communities, also
using methods developed with FIS/2010/042. Techniques for collection and analysis of
biophysical data were also developed collaboratively with FIS/2010/042. Data on spatial
Page 10
and temporal variability in release micro-habitat variables (seagrass species diversity,
seagrass cover, canopy height, epiphyte growth, sediment penetrability, anoxic layer,
sediment organic matter and chlorophyll-a content, and grain size) were collected in order
to identify the optimum release habitat for 3 g sandfish juveniles.
The social constraints and opportunities relating to development of mariculture as an
alternative source of livelihoods in collaborating communities were also investigated.
Community members were surveyed on: (1) the compatibility of community attitudes to
marine resource management with development of mariculture; (2) attitudes to ‘farmed’
products compared to wild harvest; and (3) the differential roles for men and women and
their implications for livelihoods. Pre-aquaculture interviews were conducted by Cathy Hair
during this project. However, extension of the sea cucumber fishery moratorium meant
that commercial village mariculture activities could not be initiated, therefore social-
economic factors relating to success, or otherwise, of mariculture were not assessed. This
aspect is continued in the follow-on project (FIS/2014/061).
The sandfish hatchery was overseen by De’arne Kershler (AVID), assisted by NFA
aquaculture technician, Esther Leini. A JCU PhD student, Nguyen Duy, conducted most of
his larval sandfish research at NIMRF, and provided larval rearing training to Esther Leini,
who assumed responsibility for the hatchery in mid-2015.
The field research was overseen by Cathy Hair. She was employed full-time on this
Project as Principal Research Scientist. The sea cucumber research was assisted by the
PNG-based Research Scientist, Rowan McIntyre, up to mid-2015. NFA technicians Peni
Bitalen and Posolok Kanawi were trained in (and assisted with) all research and field
activities. A senior technician, Nicholas Daniels, joined the team in early 2016. Research
outputs from this Project were complementary to (and augmented) those from
FIS/2010/042 and the Project benefitted considerably from this linkage. Ms Hair also
spent 20% of her time overseeing extension of sea cucumber sea ranching activities in
northern Australia within FIS/2010/042. Ms Hair is undertaking a part time PhD on
development of community-based sea cucumber mariculture during the Project, and this
continues in the follow-on project. Her research was supervised by Paul Southgate, Dr
Simon Foale of James Cook University’s Department of Anthropology as well as Dr David
Mills (WorldFish).
Page 11
case study was undertaken by a value chain specialist involved in the ACIAR-PARDI7
All edible oyster research activities were carried out by Rowan McIntyre, the NIMRF-
based Project Scientist. He was assisted by and trained NFA technicians, Casper Dako,
Peni Bitalen and Posolok Kanawi.
Page 12
of these species was (and continues to be) undertaken. The coral propagation outputs of
the project were completed with assistance from the Nago Island community, who
received training in the establishment and long-term maintenance of a field-based coral
A private company, EcoAquariums PNG, began export of wild-collected fish from PNG to
aquarium markets in the USA and Europe in 2011. It also developed community-based
coral culture in PNG to promote sustainable aquarium supply practices and income
generating opportunities. EcoAquariums PNG was aware of the objectives of this Project
and expressed interest in developing a collaborative linkage. Discussions with
EcoAquariums PNG were held during the early stages of this project with a view to
developing this collaboration. EcoAquariums PNG were consulted during the business
case study in this Project to which it had significant input. However, EcoAquariums PNG
ceased operation during the first year of the project and there was no further input.
Field surveys also revealed a high abundance of the teardrop giant clam, Tridacna noae,
which was recently ‘resurrected’ from synonymy with T. maxima and is a sought-after
aquarium species. Broodstock clams were collected and spawning was undertaken with
successful production of settled juvenile clams achieved in the final year of this project.
All aquarium species activities were carried out by Thane Militz, JCU PhD student and
Project Scientist, with assistance from professional marine aquarium operators. Antoine
Teitelbaum and Tony Nahacky are industry leaders in sustainable collection of marine
aquarium fish in New Caledonia and Hawaii, respectively. Both Antoine and Tony
participated in the desktop review of the PNG aquarium industry, the business case study,
and field-based scoping studies. The mariculture activities at NIMRF were carried out by
Thane Militz with assistance from NFA technicians, Casper Dako, Noah Piliman and
Steven Namangan. These technicians received direct training from Thane in relation to
facility maintenance and mariculture of fishes, corals, and clams.
Page 13
3.2 Build capacity amongst NFA, Provincial fisheries, NGOs and local communities
This Project involved NFA aquaculture officers, Provincial Fisheries extension staff, local
NGOs and communities. Qualified Project Scientist, Rowan McIntyre (to 2015) and Thane
Militz (2015-present) were based full-time at NIMRF during the project. A ‘steering
committee’ composed of project staff and local partners was established to guide and
coordinate project activities on the ground in New Ireland, soon after the start of the
project and roles and responsibilities of participants were designated at the first meeting.
With support from Project staff, NIMRF staff produced juvenile sandfish for distribution to
partner communities and were responsible for setting up edible oyster spat collection
systems and supplying spat for village grow-out. Additional hatchery-produced aquarium
species were introduced as the Project progressed including fishes (Amphiprion percula
and Premnas biaculeatus), corals (Acropora spp.), and giant clams (Tridacna noae and T.
maxima). For other commodities (e.g., micro-algae and rotifer production used for
hatchery culture activities) on-going training was provided through the permanent
presence of the Project Scientists at NIMRF, technical and trouble-shooting support from
Peter Graham of QDEEDI and Jamie Whitford (consultants), regular visits and hands-on
training from commodity experts, targeted workshops and dedicated extension materials.
In addition to the transfer of production technology and day-to-day running of NIMRF, they
also gained experience in experimental and equipment design, sampling methods, data
collection and management, reporting and project management. NFA personnel were
involved in all project and research management decisions and had an important role in
guiding Project strategy and activities.
Ailan Awareness (AA) was the main NGO partner in this Project but ties were also
established with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). Both organisations have strong
relationships with village groups and undertake active extension and awareness programs
in a variety of marine conservation and community-based fisheries management topics.
Their role(s) included assistance with site selection, facilitating dissemination of project
results, training workshops and liaison with village leaders and project workers to
maximise project benefits to communities.
In the New Ireland community, village representatives (appointed by village leaders) were
the primary point of contact for the Project and were informed of Project outputs through
regular meetings. For day-to-day running of the Project, one or two people from each
participating village were trained and paid a stipend to assist with data collection and
maintenance, and security of experimental set ups. These assistants received training and
all equipment necessary to fulfil their duties. Project staff supported the village casuals
through frequent visits, and supply of phone credit for communication. Capacity was
further strengthened by community participation in hands-on training relating to specific
aspects of project research (e.g., establishing enclosures for sea cucumber juveniles,
establishing grow-out sites for oysters or deploying spat collectors, establishing grow-out
sites for corals). Methods for community-based mariculture of sandfish are not yet
finalised and it is too early for a manual on village sandfish ranching8. However, an
educational poster has been produced and regular slide nights provided information to
enhance familiarity with the concepts.
Commercial-sized sandfish have been produced during the life of this Project but could
not be marketed because the moratorium on sea cucumber fishing (and bêche-de-mer
trade) in PNG was in place for the entire Project. NFA is responsible for developing future
sea cucumber management policies and results of the sea cucumber component were
provided to NFA to guide these policies. Further, Project staff were available to provide
input if requested by NFA. Good communication lines were established with NFA fisheries
managers to facilitate this process.
8 Continuing knowledge gaps are being addressed in the follow-on project FIS-2014-061
Page 14
5 Achievements against activities and
Objective 1: Develop community-based sea cucumber culture methodologies
no. activity outputs/ completion comments
milestones date
1.1 Identify suitable Selection of Y1, M3 The three project sites (Limanak /
grow-out sites suitable grow-out Limellon, Ungakum, and Enuk) were
sites in Kavieng selected. These sites were the primary
area. data collection and community
engagement sites.
Page 15
1.2 Hatchery culture Two successful Y1,M3 - Two to three hatchery runs were
of sea cucumbers hatchery culture Y4,M6 completed.
runs per year.
More consistent larval culture conditions
resulted from a full NIMRF facility
Sufficient upgrade (completed in mid-2016):
juveniles to installation of new submersible pumps to
support other Y1,M3 –
triple existing seawater supply to facility;
research activities Y4,M12
construction of swirl separator filtration for
particle removal and an 8T sand filter;
simplification of seawater delivery
pipework within facility; and a hatchery
ring line constructed to regulate water
quality to larval rearing tanks.
Page 16
1.3 Refine race-way Reliable Y1,M3 - There is limited capacity to grow large
tank culture production of Y4,M8 numbers of juveniles to release size (>3
methods and juveniles for g) using NIMRF land-based facilities.
transfer methods. transfer to field Despite relatively slow growth in ocean
based culture nursery systems, they remain an
systems. essential step in the production process.
Young hatchery-produced juveniles are
grown out in floating, fine-mesh bag nets
Improved survival Y4,M12
deployed in protected channels at
of juveniles and Ungakum and Enuk village sites. Best
reduced tank- results were gained through good
culture duration. husbandry (cleaning) and regular
exchange of fouled nets. Local village
labour is used to clean and maintain nets,
with supervision by NIMRF staff.
1.4 Establish village- Three secure field Y1,M8 Three secure field sites were established
based culture sites supporting to support project research: Limanak /
facilities. project research. Limellon (Tigak), Ungakum (Tsoi) and
Enuk (Tigak). Ungakum and Enuk are
used for the bag net grow-out of early
juveniles (ocean nursery phase). All three
sites were used for sea pen experiments.
Trial sea ranches have been established
at Limanak and Ungakum during this
Page 17
1.5 Undertake village- Information basis Y1,M8 – Four round 100 m2 sea pens (part of a
based sea for improving field- Y4,M12 large-scale experiment in collaboration
cucumber culture based culture with ACIAR Project FIS/2010/0429) were
trials. methods deployed at the village sites and each
stocked with 200 fluoro-chrome tagged
Improved growth juveniles (>3-g). Survival and growth of
rates and survival sandfish in these pens was monitored at
of field-cultured regular intervals for up to 2 years.
sea cucumbers Highest survival was at Limanak 1 (93%),
followed by Limanak 2 (87%), Enuk
(53%) and Ungakum (0%). Limanak 1
sandfish showed the best growth, with
commercial size sandfish after one year.
Subsequent pens installed at Ungakum
and Limellon also showed promising
survival and growth.
Reduced pen density led to higher
individual sandfish sizes. Short-term
protection did not improve survival in sea
pens. Maximum carrying capacity (g.m2)
varied depending on specific site
The first trial sea ranch was established
at Limellon (part of the Limanak
community) in September 2015. This 7
ha site has been surveyed twice for
biophysical characteristics using standard
methods. Wild sea cucumbers were
surveyed before and after the release of
3,000 fluorochrome-tagged, cultured
juveniles. Ongoing research will monitor
survival, growth and movement of
juveniles within the sea ranch. A sea
ranch has also been established at
Ungakum and pre-stocking sea cucumber
and biophysical surveys completed.
Preliminary consultation has been started
with the Enuk community regarding a sea
ranch in their marine tenure area.
Page 18
mariculture as an
alternative source
of livelihoods
1.6 Training of local Key community Y1,M7- At least 10 men, women and youths from
communities members trained Y4,M12 partner communities were trained in
in sea cucumber building, deploying and maintaining field-
culture methods in based culture equipment and in on-going
partner monitoring of sandfish performance. A
communities stipend was paid to individuals who
maintain project grow-out systems (pens
or bag nets) at each village site. Because
Ungakum is more distant from NIMRF,
project partners also collect basic field
data at this site.
9 FIS/2010/042 “Expansion and Diversification of Production and management Systems for Sea Cucumbers in
the Philippines, Vietnam and northern Australia”
Page 19
Objective 2: Trial and assess other mariculture commodities
Page 20
2.1. Assess spat Establish spat Y1,M6 – Recruitment of oyster spat was
2 collection sites collectors at each Y4,M12 spasmodic and initially very low.
and spat collector site and maintain However, changes made to the spat
materials spat collector collecting system (see 2.1.1) had a
program for positive impact on recruitment with the
duration of first significant numbers of spat
project. collected in February, March and April,
Page 21
2.1. Identify Mapping suitable Y1,M6 – A primary site for spat collection and
3 appropriate grow- grow-out sites in Y1,M12 grow-out trials with oysters was
out sites Kavieng area established at the NFA wharf site in
Kavieng. This site has relatively high
natural recruitment of oysters and
Establish village restricted public access and functioned
based as the main site for project research
partnerships into growth and culture of edible
At least three
Following negotiations with landowners
secure field sites
facilitated by a project partner NGO
supporting project
(Ailan Awareness), grow-out trials were
established at the two community sites
-Losogul and Panopai. The Panopai
Culture sites that site is within an area to be established
can be supported as a marine protected area and is close
through village to the landowner’s house for increased
and provincial security. Large numbers of oysters can
fisheries input be observed at the community and they
are used to supply the fish processing
Page 22
2.1. Establish village Establish growth Y1,M12 See comments for 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.
4 based grow-out trials at least three Poor recruitment to spat collectors
trials secure field sites limited the extent to which growth trials
could be established. A grow-out trial
was conducted at the main NFA wharf
Determine growth site with spat collected in 2014.
rates under However, oysters suffered close to
different culture 100% mortality in all treatments over a
conditions month-long period as a result of
predation by Cymatium sp. (a
gastropod) that recruit to culture units
Identification of
factors that
maximise growth
Limited availability of oyster spat from
and survival
poor recruitment to collectors resulted
in only small-scale growth trials being
Information that established at each site. Due to high
will be used in levels of predation in initial trials at the
training and wharf site, a new trial was set up using
extension subtidal baskets on the floating pontoon
off NIMRF. Spat were individually
labelled and photographed so their
grow rates and morphological changes
could be observed overtime. The
morphologically differences observed
overtime allowed differentiation of the
species; primarily Saccostria cucullata
and Striostrea mytiloides. After 9
months S.cucullata spat reached an
average weight of 3.75 g whereas the
only surviving two S. mytiloides spat
reached weights of 9.24-16.3 g after 8
months. Although a higher survival rate
was achieved than at the wharf site,
survival was relatively low at 40%. S.
cucullata spat were deployed in
intertidal baskets at Losogul (n=40) and
Panopai (n=40). The spat at Panopai
reached an average weight of 3.45 g
after 6 months with a survival rate of
95% whereas mass mortalities were
observed in the initial weeks at the
Losogul site. The influence of a tidal
creek, high turbidity and lower salinity
of the Panopai site differentiate it from
the others and may be responsible for
the lack of Cymatium sp. recruitment.
Page 23
Objective 2.2: Aquarium species
no. activity outputs/ completion comments
milestones date
2.2. Industry review Review of regional Y1,M6 Historically, there have been two marine
1 aquarium supply aquarium exporters operating out of
industry. PNG. The first was a NFA contracted
Identification of consultancy group, EcoEZ Inc., that
key markets, most implemented the SEASMART Program in
important species PNG from 2008-2010. This encompassed
(groups), holding commercial exports. Funding to the
and transport program was terminated by NFA in 2010
mechanisms and as a result of EcoEZ Inc. failing to
bottlenecks. complete contractual milestones. A
review of the EcoEZ, Inc. supply chain
was undertaken by PhD student, Thane
Militz, in 2013 and identified several
weaknesses addressed in section 2.2.2
The second marine aquarium exporter
operating out of PNG was EcoAquariums
Ltd. This NFA-subsidised private
entrepreneur engaged in commercial
exports from 2011-2012. Alpha Reef –
Aquarium Consultancy was hired to
review the company’s operations while
still commercially active in July/August
2012. The draft report was submitted for
review in November 2012. It satisfied all
terms of reference and identified key
markets, most important species
(groups), holding and transport
mechanisms and bottlenecks. It identified
transport as the main bottleneck to
development of the ornamental industry
in PNG (see also Kinch, 2008).
A second post-operational review of
EcoAquariums Ltd. was carried out by
Thane Militz in 2014. This review
identified the wild fishery to be highly
selective of not only fish species, but also
specific colour morphs. This selectivity
raises sustainability concerns as the most
demanded colour morphs tended to be
the least common in natural populations,
where studied.
Starting in 2013 a locally run company,
Paradise Aquariums in Port Moresby,
began supplying the domestic market. As
of 2014 domestic trade volume was less
than 100 fish per annum. Given the small
trade volume domestically, the primary
market focus would need to be the
international market in order to reach
trade volumes capable of supporting
Page 24
2.2. Conduct business Assessment of Y1,M8 A retrospective assessment of the
2 case- study PNG ornamental Seasmart Program from 2008-2010
supply/value chain revealed several major weaknesses in
and identification their supply chain:
of weaknesses. 1) A large proportion of fish and
invertebrates caught by communities
were rejected by the company. A
thorough analysis of this topic was
undertaken (Militz et al. 2016).
2) A large proportion of fish and
invertebrates purchased by the exporting
company died prior to export.
3) Further losses of fish and invertebrates
were incurred during transport to the end
market. A thorough analysis of both (2)
and (3) was undertaken in comparison to
other supply chains operating in the
Pacific (Militz et al. in prep).
4) The high cost of freight. This has been
reviewed in detail (see 2.2.1 or Kinch,
Detailed business A detailed business case-study for New
case-study Ireland to supply marine aquarium
completed. species to the global marketplace
identified freight costs as the major
bottleneck. A consumer-based market
study was also launched in 2015 through
the projects Facebook page. The findings
reveal consumer preference for PNG
products over competing markets in
Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
The results of this study are now
published as Militz et al., 2017.
As a direct measure of feasibility, a trial
shipment of wild-caught and aquacultured
marine aquarium fish was conducted in
May 2015. Fish were collected/reared in
Kavieng and shipped to Singapore. The
exercise highlighted difficulties in
obtaining live fish packaging materials
and expensive shipping with domestic
airlines (Air Niugini) applying live-animal
surcharges intended for shipping
mammals or birds. All fish survived
transport to Port Moresby (POM) but, in
the case of Singapore, the need for
repacking prior to on-shipping would
require a main export facility to be based
in Port Moresby. The Australian market
would be the most economically feasible
due to regular flights, allowing regional
locations to supply fish to Australia
without need for repackaging in POM.
However, no exports of marine aquarium
fish have ever been sent to Australia due
to quarantine requirements.
This aspect is a component of the follow-
on project (FIS/2014/061) that will assess
feasibility of transporting cultured fish and
clams to Australia in collaboration with a
major aquarium market retailer.
Page 25
2.2. Undertake local Comprehensive Y1,M10 A comprehensive species survey (fish)
3 species surveys to list of local was conducted in June 2013 by Tony
identify valuable species (fish and Nahacky (Hawaii), Antoine Teitelbaum
species and coral) with (New Caledonia) and Thane Militz
collect potential potential in the (Australia), with a focus on identifying
brood fish for aquarium trade high-value species in the Kavieng area.
production Reports on species with potential to
A short list of support a wild-harvest fishery (Nahacky
species with the and Teitelbaum) and of high aquaculture
greatest potential (Militz) were completed.
potential FISH
Several members of the subfamily
Amphiprioninae (clownfish) were
identified to have regionally endemic
Identification of phenotypes representing a high-value
species/forms commodity in the aquarium trade. A
endemic to the second, more detailed, survey focusing
Kavieng are exclusively on this group of fish was
conducted in July 2014. The second
survey revealed select environmental
conditions may cause an expression of
the desired phenotypes. This information
Capture of is now published (Militz et al. 2016) and is
individuals to be being used to inform ongoing culture of
held in aquaria at clownfish at NIMRF.
Nago for
identification A total of 24 pairs of Amphiprioninae (A.
percula and P. biaculeatus) were
maintained at NIMRF by NFA staff for the
duration of the project.
potential breeding
pairs of
During these surveys a high abundance
important fish
of the giant clam, Tridacna noae, was
species (e.g.
noted. This species, traded by the name
‘teardrop clam’ is highly demanded by the
aquarium trade. Throughout its range T.
noae is particularly rare. A field survey of
T. noae stocks in Kavieng was conducted
and revealed Kavieng giant clams stocks
had the highest proportion of T. noae
ever reported. The study also identified
two primary colour morphs in Kavieng:
brown (91% of population) and blue (9%
of population). This study was published
(Militz et al. 2015).
Page 26
2.2. Larval culture and Determine basic Y4,M6 Appropriate husbandry and culture
4 juvenile husbandry and parameters for broodstock have been
production of key culture determined for 7 species of
fish species at parameters for Amphiprioninae with several broodstock
Nago Island key species pairs now spawning in captivity at
NIMRF. Regular spawning has been
achieved by both Amphiprion percula and
Premnas biaculeatus.
Page 27
2.2. Establish coral Identify key Y4,M6 Key species of significance to the
5 culture trials at species suited to aquarium trade were identified during the
Nago Island tank and field local species survey (June 2013; see
culture 2.2.3) of the Kavieng lagoon. Acropora
species dominate the trade of stony
corals globally and several high-value
species of this genus are present in
Page 28
Objective 3: Develop and initiate a strategy for long term institutional mariculture
training capacity in PNG
Objective 3.1: Develop and initiate a strategy for long term institutional mariculture training
capacity in PNG
no. activity outputs/ completion comments
milestones date
3.1.1 Review of Review outlining Y1,M6 Consultation meetings (involving NFC,
current strengths and UNRE and JCU) were held in 2013 to
curriculum and weaknesses in establish priorities for curriculum
practical training current development at NFC and UNRE. A
in mariculture mariculture working paper was developed as a basis
training curriculum for further consultation.
The Aquaculture curriculum at NFC
Recommendation subsequently developed independently of
s to address UNRE and expertise from Australia (Gay
shortfalls and Marsden from Broome TAFE) developed
weaknesses in an Aquaculture Training Package which
current curriculum meets the requirements of the National
and training Training Council (NTC) and was
program endorsed by the Fisheries Training and
Advisory Committee (FTAC).
Page 29
3.1.2 Develop a Draft strategy Y1,M8 See 3.1.1
strategy for based on
improved recommendations To advance this activity, several
training capacity from review approaches were suggested, including:
in mariculture
Stakeholder Y1,M10 Secondment of NFA Aquaculture
agreement on Business Unit staff to assist ACIAR
recommendations researchers when they are onsite or
in draft strategy when specific hatchery activities are
document being undertaken at the NIMRF.
Conducting a Training Needs
Analysis with existing commercial
aquaculture facilities which would
include assessments on operational
procedures; staffing structure;
qualifications of staff; and training
Constant operation of the NIMRF
hatchery to allow NIMRF staff skills
to be continuously honed, and
provide a program of activity as a
basis for the incoming NFC
Aquaculture Instructor to plan
teaching and training courses
utilising the NIMRF, particularly for
promising students from UPNG and
the UNRE who could become
involved in identified mini-projects
and short-term research activities.
Both NIMRF and project staff have
been involved in training of NFC
Aquaculture students at NIMRF at
Cert. 1, Cert 2, and Cert 3 levels.
3.1.3 Develop and Draft funding Y1,M12 During early 2013 it became unclear
submit university application for whether mariculture remained an
‘twinning’ stakeholder appropriate topic for a ‘twinning’
application to consultation application to AusAID because of the
AusAID based on outputs distinctions between NFC/NIMRF and
of Activities 3.1.1 UNRE. The recent integration of AusAID
& 3.1.2 within DFAT and streamlining and
realignment of the Australian aid program
Y2,M3 further diminished the possibility that this
Submission of project activity could be pursued.
application for
funding to AusAID There is no doubt of the long-term value
in support of of a ‘twinning’ style arrangement with an
university twinning established mariculture institution and
arrangement for possible mechanisms to support such a
capacity building development are being actively examined
in mariculture in the follow-on project.
A possible way forward is for ACIAR/USC
and the NFA to approach DFAT for the
implementation of a training program that
would see students from UPNG and
UNRE access a post-graduate program
at JCU or USC that could include
research at the NIMRF or in the field with
some level of supervision from JCU or
USC staff or project staff. Such a
program could also be supported by the
new NFA/NFC Aquaculture Instructor.
PC = partner country, A = Australia
Page 30
Objective 3.2: Build capacity amongst NFA, Provincial fisheries, NGOs and local
no. activity outputs/ completion comments
milestones date
3.2.1 Appoint an Qualified Project Y1,M6 Rowan McIntyre, a JCU Aquaculture
appropriately Scientist on site at graduate with experience of commercial
qualified Project Nago Island fish and pearl oyster farming was
Scientist to be employed as Project Scientist at NIMRF
based from October 2012 to April 2015.
permanently at He was replaced by Thane Militz, a JCU
Nago Island PhD student, in mid-2015.
3.2.3 Support Nago Project personnel Ongoing Over the course of the Project there have
Island hatchery to visit Nago been regular visits by project staff and
and culture Island regularly for directly associated students to NIMRF
operations and trouble-shooting including:
production of and capacity P. Southgate, C. Hair, P. Graham, T.
selected species building in day to Militz (on-site in Kavieng), N.D.Q. Duy, S.
(i.e. technology day hatchery Nowland.
transfer, expert management
Other commodity experts that have
Commodity visited and worked with NIMRF/NFA staff
experts to visit during this project include:
regularly to J. Moorhead (ornamental fish)
transfer A, Teitelbaum (ornamental fish)
technology in T. Nahacky (ornamental fish)
specific areas of J. Whitford (facility systems)
expertise G. Marsden (curriculum development and
R. Garcia (biosecurity, SPC mariculture)
R. Braley (clam culture)
P. Lee (cobia)
L. Dutney (cobia)
Page 31
3.2.4 Develop Conduct small Y2,M12 – Pen keepers in charge of family group
mariculture workshops on Y3,M6 pens in Limanak received assistance with
training activities aspects of pen construction and training on pen
with key selected care. Project staff visited regularly to also
communities commodities (e.g. advise on any issues that were
using local spat collection, encountered.
partners as sea cucumber)
liaison and The Nago Island community in charge of
facilitators maintaining the coral propagation farm
Involve key Y2,M12 – engaged in a two-week workshop on the
community Y3,M6 production of coral nubbins. Project staffs
members in larger regularly visit the coral farm and consult
workshops with the community on farm progress.
Page 32
3.2.6 Develop Simple manuals Y2,M12 – Short handouts have been developed to
manuals on produced for Y3,M6 assist community awareness of field-
specific aspects village sea based research activities with sandfish
of selected cucumber grow and oysters. Both were developed
culture out and oyster through consultation with a partner local
commodities to culture NGO (Ailan Awareness) and translated
support into Tokpisin.
workshops and
Small handouts Y2,M12 – Larger more comprehensive extension
other training materials will be developed to support
produced for Y3,M6
activities future project activities.
workshops during Regular community meeting were held to
the project under disseminate project research results and
Activity 4 (e.g. the key points translated to a Tokspisin
algae culture, handout.
coral fragging, Comprehensive manuals detailing
spat identification husbandry, broodstock conditioning,
etc.) rotifer culture and larval rearing pertaining
Y3,M12 to ornamental fish culture have been
Handouts developed and are regularly used by NFA
compiled into a staff at NIMRF.
single reference A poster entitled “Sea ranching of
document at sandfish in PNG” was distributed to
conclusion of partner communities to explain the key
project concepts of sea ranch operation
(Appendix 1).
Page 33
6 Key results and discussion
Key results of this project include:
Successful engagement of three local communities and training in mariculture
systems for sea cucumber.
Successful development of methods for hatchery production and routine
production of juveniles sandfish at NIMRF
Successful grow-out of juvenile sandfish to release size (>3 g) for use in
experiments and community trials.
Identification of optimum sandfish habitat in the project area and comparable
survival and growth to studies in other countries.
NIMRF staff trained to produce and grow-out sandfish larvae and juveniles in
hatchery and community grow-out systems.
Improved capacity within NIMRF staff for experimental design, research planning,
data collection, analysis and reporting.
Comprehensive review of PNG marine aquarium fishery.
Successful hatchery production of key ornamental commodities: Amphiprion
percula, Premnas biaculeatus, and Tridacna spp.
Successful grow-out of hatchery-produced ornamental commodities: Amphiprion
percula, Premnas biaculeatus, and Tridacna spp, and asexual production and
grow-out of Acropora spp.
NIMRF staff trained in live food production and other skills to support live fish
Genetic variation within PNG sandfish populations was very low and these data
will inform sea cucumber translocation and broodstock use protocols. Two journal
publications resulted from this aspect of project research.
PhD student, Duy Nguyen, developed a routine hatchery protocol for sandfish at NIMRF
and trained Esther Leini (NFA hatchery technician) to produce sandfish juveniles. The
Page 34
PhD research of Duy showed that micro-algae pastes support good survival rates of
larvae through to the early juvenile stage (e.g. 13.7% survival to a size range of 0.5-10
mm). Hatchery culture of sandfish larvae and juveniles using commercially available
micro-algae pastes as a food source has simplified culture methods and eliminated a
major technical bottleneck (live micro-algae production). De’arne Kershler (AVID) and
Esther Leini produced a hatchery culture manual to support staff training.
Local village labour was used to clean and maintain nets, with supervision by NIMRF staff.
Trial grow-out of early juveniles was carried out in bottom-set and floating bag nets (black
colour, 1-mm mesh size) at the 3 village sites, Limanak, Enuk and Ungakum. The former
site was in an exposed area and the latter two sites were in sheltered channels. Different
stocking size and density were also tested. Best results were obtained in floating bag nets
in sheltered environments, using juveniles greater than 5 mm in length, stocked at
medium density (approx. 500 per 2 m2 net). Due to the highly variable growth of juvenile
sandfish, we investigated whether grading would improve growth but there was only
marginal improvement. Due to the very fast growth of biofilm and clogging of the net
mesh, best results were gained through good husbandry (cleaning) and regular exchange
of fouled nets. Growth and survival were higher at Enuk than Ungakum, possibly a result
of closer supervision from project staff and more frequent net exchange. In mid-2016, the
Ungakum site was dropped from the bag net grow-out. Hapas in the NIMRF pond
replaced the production from Ungakum bag nets, and establishment of a sea ranch
replaced the community engagement aspect.
With the construction of seawater pond at NIMRF, we now have the option to grow-out
juveniles in hapa nets in a calm and accessible environment (as successfully developed in
Vietnam). Proximity to the hatchery means that more dedicated husbandry is possible and
more rigorous experimentation can be carried out. Early results have indicated that growth
can be better than that in ocean bag nets, although time of year (e.g. water temperature
and salinity, algal blooms) influences survival and growth. One experiment has shown that
additional substrate in the hapas improved growth. However, pest species such as sea
hares, flatworms and molluscs have had negative effects on juvenile sandfish and there
have also been problems with low salinity and insufficient drainage from the pond.
Management of these issues will be the subject of future work.
Page 35
who received a weekly stipend. Community members have helped to build and maintain
other experimental systems and are involved in data collection and monitoring (paid and
The highest survival of juvenile sandfish was at Limanak 1 (93%), followed by Limanak 2
(87%), then Enuk (53%) but there was total mortality at Ungakum (0%). Limanak 1
sandfish also showed the best growth, in fact, this site had higher survival and growth
than any reported sandfish mariculture activity in any country where juveniles are released
into the sea (e.g. Madagascar, the Philippines, New Caledonia, etc). Growth in Limanak 1
pen was almost as high as growth in ponds in Vietnam, with sandfish attaining a mean
individual weight of 400 g after 12 months in the sea. Subsequent pens installed at
Ungakum and Limellon also showed acceptable survival and growth. Growth in the pens
eventually plateaued and reducing the pen density at Limanak led to higher individual
sandfish weight in the short term, indicating that high density will limit growth of penned
sandfish, supporting the case for sea ranching in larger areas. Cage protection at release
of juveniles into the wild did not improve survival in a sea pen experiment. Carrying
capacity (g.m2) varied depending on specific site characteristics and reached a maximum
of around 650 g m-2 at Limanak.
The first trial sea ranch, a 7 ha area of shallow sandy-seagrass habitat near Limellon (part
of the Limanak community), was surveyed twice for biophysical characteristics using
standard quadrant methods developed with ACIAR Project FIS/2010/042. Sea cucumber
abundance and diversity were surveyed using transects before the release of 3,000
fluorochrome-tagged cultured juveniles (in batches of 200-500 juveniles), and 8 months
after the first batch was released. Preliminary analysis of skin samples from the surveyed
sandfish resulted in 4 recaptures of cultured sandfish, weighing between 41-370 g, and
maximum dispersal distance of 150 m from the release site. The Ungakum trial sea ranch
site has been surveyed once for biophysical characteristics and once for wild sea
cucumber abundance and diversity (pre-stocking survey). The habitat of this trial sea
ranch is more homogeneous in nature. Further, the resident sandfish are much fewer in
number and generally larger in size. These features make it a more convenient location
for monitoring released cultured sandfish movement and growth. The Ungakum
community also has experience with managing a protected reef area and are likely to not
collect sea cucumber from the ranch if the moratorium on fishing is lifted during the
lifetime of the follow-on Project. Community negotiations have commenced for a third sea
ranch at Enuk although this will depend on hatchery production as to when stocking will
be possible.
Page 36
at regular sampling times. Preliminary multivariate analysis clearly differentiated the four
pen habitats and indicated key features of good grow-out sites (i.e. those with high
survival and growth). However, further research is needed to elucidate which biophysical
or other factors are most useful in predicting the quality of potential sea ranch sites and
whether these change through time. Novel GIS techniques were explored via high
resolution, multispectral-band satellite images for habitat classification. Further results
from the sea ranches will be incorporated into the classification system to improve our
capacity to predict ‘good’ culture sites and estimate suitable areas for sea cucumber
mariculture. This research is ongoing and will be finalised during FIS/2014/061.
6.1.6 Other
JCU Honours student Samantha Nowland completed a study on the population genetic
structure of sandfish in PNG. She developed a non-destructive shave biopsy tissue
sampling method for holothurians. Results showed that genetic variation among all
populations sampled was very low and PNG populations have a largely panmictic stock
structure, which was genetically distinct from the northern Australia population. These
results provide valuable information relating to sea cucumber translocation and
broodstock use. This research is reported in Nowland et al. (2015) and Nowland et al.
When adult cultured sandfish were culled in order to decrease biomass in a sea pen, we
had an opportunity to compare the recovery rate (i.e. bêche-de-mer yield expressed as a
percentage of the wet gutted weight) of cultured sandfish with that of similarly-sized wild
conspecifics. NFA gave special permission for the collection of wild sandfish of a similar
size range to the cultured individuals. Results indicated no significant differences between
ocean-cultured and wild-caught H. scabra for important attributes such as recovery rate,
dry body wall thickness or collagen composition. This is good news for sea cucumber
mariculture proponents because our data disproves published yet anecdotal claims that
bêche-de-mer produced from cultured sandfish have a much lower recovery rate and
thinner body wall than wild-caught sandfish.
The cement/lime slurry collectors had higher recruitment than plain PVC collectors. The
cement/lime slurry collectors also made it easier to remove the spat and improved the
survival of the spat during and after the removal process. The “recipe” and application of
the slurry has been refined to suit local conditions and the collectors. Alternative collectors
made of bamboo, PVC conduit and old “Pin” shells (Polymesoda erosa) were not
successful, the former two collected no spat and the latter was successful at one site only.
Pin shells deployed vertically through the water column, were used to assess the
preferred depth of recruitment at Losogul. The shells were deployed every 10 cm from the
substrate to the high tide mark. Assuming a high tide mark of 0 cm, the greatest
recruitment was recorded between -60 and -120 cm.
Two species of oyster have been provisionally identified in the Kavieng area, Saccostrea
cucullata and S. mordax. A third species of oyster has been identified during the grow out
Page 37
trial and has been provisionally identified as Striostria mytiloides. A fourth oyster recorded
at Losogul was identified as a Dendostrea species.
Poor recruitment to spat collectors limited the extent to which growth trials could be
established. A grow-out trial was conducted at the main NFA wharf site with spat collected
in 2014. However, the oysters suffered close to 100% mortality in all treatments over a
month long period as a result of predation by Cymatium sp. (a gastropod).
Limited availability of oyster spat from poor recruitment to collectors has resulted in only
small scale growth trials being established at each site. Due to high levels of predation in
initial trials at the wharf site, a new trial was set up using subtidal baskets on the floating
pontoon off NIMRF. Spat were individually labelled and photographed so their grow rates
and morphological changes could be observed overtime. The morphologically differences
observed overtime allowed for the differentiation of the species; primarily Saccostrea
cucullata and Striostrea mytiloides. After 9 months S. cucullata spat had reached an
average weight of 3.75 g whereas the only surviving two S. mytiloides spat had reached
weights of 9.24-16.3 g after 8 months. Although a higher survival rate was achieved than
at the wharf site, survival was relatively low at 40%. S. cucullata spat were deployed in
intertidal baskets at Losogul (n=40) and Panapai (n=40). The spat at Panapai reached an
average weight of 3.45 g after 6 months with a survival rate of 95% whereas mass
mortalities were observed in the initial weeks at the Losogul site. The influence of a tidal
creek, high turbidity and lower salinity of the Panapai site differentiate it from the others
and may be responsible for the lack of Cymatium sp. recruitment.
An economic assessment of the potential of edible oyster culture in Kavieng and potential
marketing options was begun in late May 2013 as scheduled. A preliminary assessment of
potential markets was completed; however, full assessment of the business case requires
recruitment and growth rate (production) information that is not available at this point. This
activity is ongoing.
The second marine aquarium exporter operating out of PNG was EcoAquariums Ltd. This
NFA-subsidised private entrepreneur engaged in commercial exports from 2011-2012.
The overlap of operations with the commencement of this project allowed for this Project
to conduct both active and post-operational reviews of EcoAquariums Ltd.
Page 38
bringing maricultured fishes, giant clams, or hard corals (Scleractinia) to market. Soft
corals were successful cultured by EcoAquariums Ltd. and exported in small quantities.
The absence of both in-country facilities and technical capacity to support marine
ornamental mariculture has resulted in missed opportunities for the PNG marine aquarium
industry. Where rare and/or endemic phenotypes of organisms have been discovered,
these items were exported to buyers in the US and Europe that then began their own
captive production of these fishes. This resulted in a shift in economic base as consumers
demonstrate preference for cultured specimens (Militz, 2017).
This project addressed these weaknesses in several areas. The development of the NFC
Aquaculture Training Package now offers the opportunity for in-country skill development
in marine aquatic animal husbandry, handling, and production. This will give future marine
aquarium companies the opportunity to hire staff trained in this area. The ability to obtain
staff trained in aquatic animal husbandry, handling, and production is anticipated to help
reduce the high mortality along the supply-chain observed in previous operations.
Further, the desktop review of the marine aquarium fishery has found several areas where
company management can be improved to reduce rejections and mortality along the
supply chain. The review also found ways to reduce the management burden imposed on
NFA by an expanding fishery that is high diversity but low volume.
Successful culture of clownfishes, giant clams, and hard corals at NIMRF and training of
NFA staff offers potential for the NFA to more fully support future aquarium industry
development. The captive production of giant clams and hard corals is of particular value
given the listing of these species on CITES Appendix II which limits the capacity to export
wild-collected organisms. NIMRF has capacity to produce semi-commercial quantities of
clownfishes, giant clams, and corals as evidenced from the outputs of this project. In
future, the NIMRF can produce organisms to directly contribute to aquarium industry
operations or serve as a training facility to transfer knowledge to industry participants. By
developing routine production methods for clownfish, future discoveries of high value fish
phenotypes can be cultured in-country so that most of the economic potential of such fish
can be realised by PNG rather than the importing countries.
AVID De’arne Kershler developed a series of best practice booklets for aquaculture
operations with a focus on NIMRF activities, including a hatchery manual for sandfish. A
second manual for ornamental fish culture has been completed.
During early 2013 it became unclear whether mariculture remained an appropriate topic
for a ‘twinning’ application to AusAID because of the distinctions between NFC/NIMRF
and UNRE. Subsequent integration of AusAID within DFAT and streamlining and
realignment of the Australian aid program has further diminished the possibility of this
project activity.
Page 39
were discussed conceptually in the final year of this project and will be further developed
in the follow-on project (FIS/2014/061).
A possible way forward is for ACIAR/USC and the NFA to approach DFAT for the
implementation of a training program that would see students from UPNG and UNRE
access a post-graduate program at JCU or USC that could include research at the NIMRF
or in the field with some level of supervision from JCU or USC staff or project staff. Such a
program could also be supported by the NFC Aquaculture Instructor.
Over the course of the Project there have been regular visits by Project staff and Project-
associated post-graduate students to NIMRF, which have contributed to increased staff
capacity. These are listed in full in Section 3.2. Inputs included regular contributions from
the core project team (Paul Southgate, Cathy Hair, and Thane Militz) as well as targeted
research projects or trouble-shooting by officers from organisations such as Queensland
Department of Fisheries and Forestry, SPC, and consultants with expertise in facility
systems, curriculum development, bio-security, and culture of relevant commodities.
Comprehensive manuals detailing husbandry, broodstock conditioning, rotifer culture and
larval rearing pertaining to ornamental fish culture have been developed and are regularly
used by NFA staff at NIMRF.
Community members from all village sites have visited the NIMRF hatchery during
operation for a demonstration on aspects of sandfish culture methods to increase their
understanding of the life-cycle processes. Short handouts were developed to assist
community awareness of field-based research activities with sea cucumbers and oysters.
Both were developed through consultation with a partner local NGO (Ailan Awareness)
and translated into Tokpisin. A poster entitled “Sea ranching of sandfish in PNG” has been
produced for distribution to partner communities to explain the key concepts of sea ranch
operation. Regular community meetings were held to disseminate project research
Page 40
7 Impacts
Sea cucumber:
Hatchery: New information relating to larval culture of sandfish which has improved culture
methods. Particular impacts relate to the development of larval culture protocols using
commercially available micro-algae pastes as the sole larval food source during hatchery
culture, supporting high larval survival through to the early juvenile stage (e.g. 13.7%
survival to a size range of 0.5-10 mm). Small juveniles can also be grown on these
pastes. This development supports simpler hatchery culture methods that are less
technically demanding and more appropriate to developing countries.
Genetics: Baseline genetic data for Holothuria scabra within PNG and the region was
generated and a non-destructive shave biopsy tissue sampling method for holothurians
was developed. The research provided new information on sandfish population genetics in
PNG and within a broader regional context, and a research foundation for improved
management of restocking programs and sustainable development of a future sandfish
mariculture industry.
Production: Unique data were obtained on the recovery rate, body wall thickness and
collagen content of ocean-cultured and wild-harvested sandfish. Analysis showed there
was no significant differences between cultured and wild sandfish for these important
attributes which contribute to the value of the final dried product, bêche-de-mer.
In five years’ time, the improved feeding methods for larval and small juvenile sandfish will
promote increased juvenile supply at NIMRF, enabling all aspects of this research to
progress more quickly towards commercial viability. This development also has important
and widespread application for other countries where hatchery production of sea
cucumbers is undertaken. Without the need for live micro-algae production, the uptake of
hatchery technology will increase over the next 5 years. This will facilitate research in
grow-out and field mariculture activities. In PNG and other countries providing data on
field-based culture and biophysical factors, it will be possible to select sites that support
Page 41
high survival and growth. Not all communities will have optimal habitat but there will be
greater capacity to predict mariculture outcomes. This will be valuable in maximising
production, managing community expectations and proving semi-commercial viability. The
results of Project research will be useful in developing management plans for mariculture
activities (farms, sea ranches, etc). At least one demonstration sandfish sea ranch will be
operating and several other communities will have sea ranches being monitored by NFA
project staff.
Other species:
Aquarium Species: The immediate scientific impacts from the ornamental components of
the project encompass:
These outputs are not only of immediate value to PNG, but will also be of great interest to
partner countries in the region and of value to marine aquarium industry at a global level.
In five years’ time, these scientific outputs are likely to have significantly contributed to the
re-development of PNG’s marine aquarium industry. As part of this re-development, the
scientific outputs offer the opportunity for mariculture to play a significant role in supplying
organisms for industry. Further research will build on these outputs to: (1) evaluate
improved shipping techniques to reduce transit mortality; (2) refine T. noae culture
methods to increase production; and (3) assess capacity for cultured clownfish to restock
depleted wild populations or supplement fishery catch.
Edible Oysters: New information on reproductive seasonality and growth rates of edible
oysters in Kavieng was generated by the spat collection program and was used to
develop more targeted spat collection methods and optimise culture methods.
The results of the oyster focused research undertaken in this project were disappointing in
terms of poor recruitment, high mortality and relatively slow growth rates. Potential for
Page 42
developing oysters as an economically-viable mariculture commodity in Kavieng appears
to be limited. This is particularly the case because economically-viable transportation of
oysters from Kavieng to main markets in Port Moresby was also identified as a major
bottleneck in the economic assessment conducted in this project (Section 2.1.5).
Postgraduate students:
This project has so far involved four postgraduate students. Three PhD students (Hair,
Militz, Nguyen) and an Honours student (Nowland), Nguyen and Militz have now
successfully completed their studies. Involving postgraduate students broadens the
relevant outputs from the project, increases the project’s contributions to current scientific
knowledge and raises the profiles of both ACIAR’s Fisheries Program and mariculture
research in the region. A significant number of publications in scientific journals resulted
from these student projects. Fifteen journal publications have so far resulted from this
project of which thirteen resulted from the work of research students (see Section 10).
Two UNRE graduate students undertook 2-month Industrial Placements to gain
experience in the mariculture industry. One student gained experience in aspects of live
food production and fish production with Thane Militz while the second gained experience
in biophysical habitat analysis and grow-out of juvenile sea cucumber with Cathy Hair. A
total of seven OLSH school students undertook work experience with project staff at
NIMRF over course of the project. Development of research projects and further support
for appropriate post-graduate students from UNRE and UPNG, with appropriate
institutional supervisory support, is an aim of the follow-on project (FIS/2014/061).
Page 43
particular, as ocean nursery grow-out of small juveniles and sea pen rearing of larger
juveniles (>3 g released into the sediment) expands, staff are gaining valuable skills in
juvenile grow-out activities, monitoring and community liaison. However, there was a
chronic shortage of appropriately trained NFA staff at NIMRF and this situation greatly
reduced the significant capacity building impacts that this project was designed to bring to
NFA. This situation was partly addressed with the recruitment of a UNRE graduate senior
technician, Nicholas Daniels, who became part of the sea cucumber team and also took
on general facility duties.
Community members assisted with sandfish grow-out activities throughout this project.
These groups are a valuable source of local knowledge on sandfish distribution, habitats
and local sea conditions. Project staff, in collaboration with community marine resources
committees and local NGOs, have been involved in developing management plans for trial
sea cucumber ranches. While the sea ranches are monitored for research purposes at the
moment, the way they are managed and utilised by partner communities will have
important implications when the sea cucumber fishery moratorium is lifted.
Many community members have visited NIMRF to see the larval rearing process and have
learnt about the life-cycle of sandfish and other marine invertebrates. With respect to sea
cucumber mariculture, awareness presentations are regularly made at all villages to keep
communities up to date with project research findings.
The major training activities conducted by the project are shown in Table 1 and general
skill training provided to project partners is shown in Table 2.
Page 44
Packing, transport and acclimatisation
of juveniles for release into the sea
Designing and deploying field trials
(cages, bag nets, pens)
Assessing suitable release and grow-
out habitat
GPS use for sea ranch boundaries, grid
location, transect and quadrat
positioning, sea cucumber tracking.
Micro-algae Outdoor large-scale production Esther Leini Rowan McIntyre
production and use Micro-algal density estimates and feed Duy Nguyen
ration estimation Paul Southgate
Micro-algae lab techniques (stock
culture maintenance, sterilisation,
scaling up cultures)
Use of micro-algae concentrates
Rotifer culture Batch culture methods of ss-strain Noah Piliman Thane Militz
Rotifer density estimates and feed
ration estimation
Rotifer culture techniques (stock culture
maintenance, sterilisation, scaling up
Edible oyster spat Preparation and deployment of spat NIMRF staff Rowan McIntyre
collection and grow- collectors Paul Southgate
out Harvest and identification of oyster spat
Design and construction of grow-out
Ornamentals Identification of high value marine NIMRF staff Paul Southgate
ornamental fish Thane Militz
Collection of marine ornamental fish of Antoine Teitelbaum
high trade value using snorkelling De’arne Kershler
equipment and hand nets
Rick Braley
Construction of broodstock, larval
rearing and grow-out aquariums for
Maintenance and husbandry of
broodstock clownfish
Identification of clownfish eggs and egg
development stages
Plankton towing for collection of larval
Culture of live feeds (rotifers, Artemia)
used in larval rearing
Larval rearing of Amphiprion percula
Construction of coral propagation
Coral propagation using two part
epoxies and cyanoacrylate gel
Spawning and larval rearing of giant
Pearl oysters Mabe pearl seeding Pranesh Kishore
Hatchery culture Max Wingfield
Table 2. Summary of general skills training provided to NIMRF staff and community
Page 45
Skill set Specific skills
Field techniques Animal handling, packing and transport (juveniles and adults)
Gear construction and deployment in the field
Field gear integrity checks and running maintenance
ID of target commodities (e.g. oysters, holothurians, etc)
Data recording
Transect survey techniques
Basic GIS skills (Hand-held GPS, Google Earth, basic mapping)
General hatchery Tank cleaning in preparation for stocking with invertebrate eggs/larvae
procedures Setting up filtration, aeration, plankton screens for invertebrate eggs/larvae
Appropriate hygiene procedures for person, tanks and gear (e.g. chlorination,
freshwater rinsing, etc)
Feeding of larvae (appropriate rations of live algae or prepared diets delivered at
designated times)
Tank drain-downs
Screening invertebrate eggs/larvae
Siphoning tanks
Water changes
Sampling/estimating density of invertebrate eggs/larvae
Laboratory Microscope use
techniques Loading and recording Sedgewick-Rafter counting cells with invertebrate
Use of weighing balances
Preparing chemicals in appropriate dosage for tanks (e.g. EDTA)
Micro-algae Estimating micro-algae culture density using haemocytometer
production and feed Tank preparation for inoculation (cleaning, aeration, addition of nutrients, etc)
Inoculation with live micro-algae
Preparation and use of live micro-algae and micro-algae concentrates
Aquarium and fish- Setting up aquarium tanks
keeping techniques Feed preparation and feeding
Monitoring condition
Office and Computer software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
computer skills Data entry
Basic statistics and graphing of data
Development of simple macro programmes in Excel for frequently used
applications, e.g. to calculate micro-algal feed quantities
Hatchery systems Maintenance of mechanical filtration system (sand filters, bag filters)
maintenance Maintenance of UV unit
Maintenance of pumps
Maintenance of intake pipes
NIMRF workshop staff trained in HDPE welding construction
NIMRF workshop staff trained in HDPE electrofusion plumbing
Hatchery Basic experimental design principles
experimental Preparation of plastic aquaria for experimental treatments and controls.
Weighing of sea cucumbers according to set protocols (24-hour starvation, draining,
Feeding using exact rations and protocols
Recording data and observations of experimental animals/systems
Preparation and use of commercial micro-algae pastes
Seawater pond Application of the principles of pond design (including sea water pumping
design, requirements, bank slope and size, site selection, outlet type/position and wall
Page 46
construction and Management of the pond environment including pest management, salinity
In five years’ time, PNG national staff should be responsible for day to day running of the
NIMRF hatchery systems and production. A practical and simple guide will be available to
assist in selecting suitable habitats for ranching/farming of sandfish and an economic
decision-making tool will enable NFA managers and communities to determine if sea
cucumber mariculture is viable at a specific site. NIMRF/NFA national staff will produce
and distribute cultured sandfish to communities. Progress will be made in optimising
management of sea ranches, although a one-size-fits-all model is unlikely. NFA staff will
have the capacity to guide communities in developing a system that benefits them while
supporting a sustainable industry. The increased capacity of project staff will facilitate
capacity building of PNG national trainee researchers, and students from NFA and UNRE.
With a proposal for re-development of PNG’s marine aquarium industry having recently
been submitted by private investors to the NFA, it is likely that in five years’ time the
outputs of this project will support real economic impacts. The extent to which these
economic benefits are realised by communities in New Ireland Province will depend on
where future industry is based. Even if future industry is based outside of New Ireland, the
scientific impacts of this project will likely bring economic benefits to communities
engaging in coral propagation and giant clam culture efforts. While fish propagation is
unlikely to have direct economic impacts to communities, future research assessing the
capacity to restock wild populations clownfishes with cultured fishes may reveal at
pathway for community benefits to be realised.
Page 47
empowerment of individuals and communities to better manage their marine resources.
Village-based livelihoods, which can provide employment and reduce the migration of
people (especially youth) to towns and cities, will improve the standard of living and
accrue social benefits in the communities involved.
In five years’ time, Project activities will provide additional options for people to remain in
their communities and earn money from various mariculture activities, enabling the
positive social impacts discussed above. There is enhanced capacity in partner
communities to sustainably manage their marine resources and extract greater social
benefits (e.g. increased standard of living, health, diet, etc).
Page 48
Regular community awareness nights and meetings with village committees were
held at Nago Island community to explain the coral propagation project and
present up-to-date research results.
The PNG Food Bowl episode (featuring sea cucumber community trials) was aired
at Limanak village and an ACIAR blog on the village ‘premier’ was produced.
Cathy Hair has conducted four Australian ABC Regional radio interviews on
bêche-de-mer and sea cucumber aquaculture.
A poster to address common misconceptions about the project and to explain the
theory of sea cucumber sea ranching has been prepared in collaboration with John
Aini (Ailan Awareness) and distributed to partner communities (Appendix 1).
Completion of the NIMRF Sandfish Hatchery Manual. This manual was developed
as a staff training tool and outlines current sandfish (Holothuria scabra) hatchery
techniques employed at the facility.
Comprehensive manuals detailing husbandry, broodstock conditioning, rotifer
culture and larval rearing pertaining to ornamental fish culture have been
developed for use by NFA staff at NIMRF.
Establishment of project Facebook page for marine ornamental components
attracted over 900 followers. With project completion this Facebook page merged
with the new USC Tropical Aquaculture Research Facebook page: (Appendix 2)
Achievement of project milestones has been featured by several media websites
Thane Militz conducted Pacific Beat radio interview on progress with marine
ornamental components of the project (June, 2014).
Webinar on marine ornamental research objectives published by Reef 2 Rainforest
Thane Militz has written several blog articles for Coral Magazine on research and
project outputs
o Papua New Guinea Gearing up for Aquarium Market Again
o PNG Produces its First Captive-Bred Clownfish
o Marine Aquarium Hobbyist Survey – Have Your Say!
Article in Business Advantage PNG in Feb 2016: “Project to revive Papua New
Guinea’s lucrative beche-de-mer export industry begins at new mariculture centre
in Kavieng”.
Above article reproduced in Air Niugini’s in-flight magazine, Paradise Vol 3 (May-
June 2016), as “A fresh harvest from the sea”.
Page 49
Annual meetings of FIS/2010/04210 provided opportunities to disseminate project
findings to scientists from Philippines, Vietnam and Australia working on similar
research problems related to sea cucumber culture. Cathy Hair and Duy Nguyen
made presentations about their research on this project.
Cathy Hair presented on aspects of the sea cucumber component of this project at
the 5th International Symposium Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching, Sydney,
October 2015. Her paper was entitled: “Optimising methods for community-based
sea cucumber ranching: experimental releases of cultured juvenile Holothuria
scabra into PNG seagrass meadows” (see section 10).
Cathy Hair presented on aspects of the sea cucumber component of this project at
the 6th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association for Pacific Studies, Tides
of Transformation: Pacific Pasts, Pacific Futures, Cairns, April 2016. Her paper
was entitled: “Can mariculture help to rebuild a traditional Sandfish (Holothuria
scabra) industry in the Tigak Islands, Papua New Guinea?”.
Cathy Hair and Duy Nguyen gave oral presentations on aspects of the sea
cucumber component of this project at the World Aquaculture Conference, Cape
Town, South Africa, 2017. “Using GIS classification methods to predict suitable
habitat for sea ranching of cultured sandfish, Holothuria scabra, in Papua New
Guinea” and “A new approach to feeding larvae and early juveniles of sandfish,
Holothuria scabra, supporting simplified hatchery culture methods”.
The University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) Facebook page “Tropical Aquaculture
Research” published a number of post relating to research activities in this project
(July-Sept., 2016)(Appendix 2).
A number of publications in scientific journals resulted from this project (see
section 9.2) and others are still in review.
10 FIS/2010/042: ““Expansion and Diversification of Production and management Systems for Sea Cucumbers
in the Philippines, Vietnam and northern Australia”.
Page 50
8 Conclusions and recommendations
8.1 Conclusions
The main objectives of this project were to develop viable, sustainable mariculture
livelihoods for coastal communities in PNG, based on local marine species, and build
capacity in research and training in mariculture. This presented many challenges because
there was no tradition of mariculture in the coastal communities of PNG, few successful
commercial mariculture ventures to backstop the Project11, and no curriculum for culture
of marine commodities. The NIMRF provided the base for sandfish and ornamental
culture. The Project has been responsible for building the hatchery into a functional facility
producing juvenile sandfish and a range of ornamental species (fish, clams, corals) with
potential to support community livelihoods. Together with the NFC, there is enhanced
educational and training capacity supported by the Project. The Project has been very
successful in meeting all expected milestones and establishing a solid foundation for
follow-up research.
The project was reviews in May 2016. Good progress against project milestones was
noted and a follow-on project recommended. FIS/201/061 “Improving technical and
institutional capacity to support development of mariculture based livelihoods and industry
in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea” began in 2016.
8.2 Recommendations
The follow-on project (FIS/2014/061) was based on the success of this project with
research focus on those commodities showing the greatest promise in this project.
The research questions it addresses are:
Can the hatchery, nursery and grow-out methods developed for target species
during FIS/2010/054 be further developed to support more efficient larger-scale
production of juveniles supporting semi-commercial production levels?
What are the biological, economic and social challenges involved in developing
community-based sea cucumber ranching to a level supporting income generation,
and how transferable is this activity to new communities?
What are the potential socio-economic benefits from mariculture in PNG, what are
they, how significant are they, how compatible is mariculture with traditional
lifestyles, and are there any negative impacts of mariculture development in PNG?
It focuses primarily on the commodities showing most mariculture potential during this
project - sea cucumbers and ornamental species.
A pearl farm at Samarai, prawn farm at Kokopo and barramundi farm at Daru were active at the start of the
project but are now defunct.
Page 51
9 References
Hair, C., Pickering, T., Meo, S, Vereivalu, T., Hunter, J., Cavakiqali, L. 2011. Sandfish
culture in Fiji Islands. SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin 31:3-11.
Johnston, B. 2012. Applying economic decision tools to improve management and
profitability of sandfish industries in the Asia-Pacific region. In: Hair, C.A.,
Pickering,T.D., Mills, D.J. (Eds.), Asia–Pacific tropical sea cucumber aquaculture,
ACIAR Proceedings No. 136. Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research, Canberra, pp. 205-209.
Juinio-Mẽnez, M.A., Dumalan, R.J.P., Edullantes, C.M., Catbagan, T.O. 2012. Ocean
nursery systems for scaling up juvenile sandfish (Holothuria scabra) production:
ensuring opportunities for small fishers. In: Hair, C.A., Pickering,T.D., Mills, D.J.
(Eds.), Asia–Pacific tropical sea cucumber aquaculture, ACIAR Proceedings No.
136. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, pp. 57–62.
Kinch, J. 2008. A preliminary assessment of the viability of the development of the marine
ornamental aquarium fishery in Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby, National
Fisheries Authority. pp. 13.
Mathiah, P. 1987. Techniques of collection of oyster spat or farming. CMFRI Bulletin, 38,
pp. 48-51.
Purcell, S.W. 2004. Criteria for release strategies and evaluating the restocking of sea
cucumbers, In: Lovatelli A. et al. (Eds). Advances in sea cucumber aquaculture and
management. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 463. Rome, FAO.
Purcell, S.W., Blockmans, B.F., Agudo N.S. 2006. Transportation methods for restocking
of juvenile sea cucumber Holothuria scabra. Aquaculture 251:238-244.
Purcell, S.W., Simutoga, M. 2008. Spatio-temporal and size-dependant variation in the
success of releasing cultured sea cucumbers in the wild. Reviews in Fisheries
Science 16:204-214.
Robinson, G., Pascal, B. Sea cucumber farming experiences from south-west
Madagascar. In: Hair, C.A., Pickering,T.D., Mills, D.J. (Eds.), Asia–Pacific tropical
sea cucumber aquaculture, ACIAR Proceedings No. 136. Australian Centre for
International Agricultural Research, Canberra, pp. 142–155.
Tsiresy, G., Pascal, B., Plotieau, T. 2011. An assessment of Holothuria scabra growth in
marine micro-farms in southwestern Madagascar. SPC Beche-de-mer Information
Bulletin 31:17-22.
Page 52
9.2 Publications produced by this project
Hair, C.A., Foale, S., Kinch, J., Yaman, L., Southgate P.C. 2016. Beyond boom, bust and
ban: The sandfish (Holothuria scabra) fishery in the Tigak Islands, Papua New
Guinea. Regional Studies in Marine Science 5, 69-79.
Hair, C., Bitalen, P., Kanawi, P., Leini, E., Southgate, P. 2016. Multi-species sea
cucumber spawning at Limellon Island, New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea.
SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin 36, 87-89.
Hair, C., Mills, D.J., McIntyre, R., Southgate, P.C. 2016. Optimising methods for
community-based sea cucumber ranching: Experimental releases of cultured
juvenile Holothuria scabra into seagrass meadows in Papua New Guinea.
Aquaculture Reports 3, 198-208.
Militz, T.A., Kinch, J., Southgate, P.C., 2015. Population demographics of Tridacna noae
(Roding, 1798) in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. Journal of Shellfish Research
34, 329-335.
Militz, T.A., Kinch, J., Foale, S., Southgate, P.C., 2016. Fish rejections in the marine
aquarium trade: an initial case study raises concern for village-based fisheries.
PLoS ONE 11: e0151624.
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Militz, T.A., Foale, S., Kinch, J., Southgate, P.C., 2017. Consumer perspectives on
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Research 193, 33–42.
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Duy, N.D.Q., Francis, D.S., Southgate, P.C., 2016. Development of hyaline spheres in late
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Duy, N.D.Q., Francis, D.S., Southgate, P.C., 2017. The nutritional value of live and
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Nowland, S.N., Southgate, P.C., Basiita, R.K., Jerry, D.R., 2017. Elucidation of fine-scale
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Page 53
Hair, C.A., Ram, R., Southgate, P.C. 2018. Is there a difference between bêche-de-mer
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Aquaculture 483, 63-68.
Militz, T.A., Kinch, J., Schoeman, D.S., Southgate, P.C., (in review). Use of total allowable
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Page 54
10 Appendices
Appendix 1: Community Awareness Poster: “Sea ranching of sandfish in PNG”
Page 55
Appendix 2: Posts relating to research at NIMRF from the University of the
Sunshine Coast ‘Tropical Aquaculture Research’ Facebook page (July-Sept. 2016).
Marine aquarium
Pictured are, juvenile cultured Percula clownfish produced in Papua New Guinea (PNG)
for the first time. Globally, trade in marine aquarium species is becoming contentious due
to increasing pressures on our coral reefs. One way our team is improving the
sustainability of marine aquarium fisheries is through captive culture of high-demand
species. This successful research is a team effort involving the PNG National Fishery
Authority and funding through the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Fisheries Program.
Page 56
Sea cucumbers
The fourth successful PNG hatchery cycle of the sea cucumber, Holothuria scabra
(commonly known as sandfish), recently reared 55,000 six-week old juveniles, our best
result to date! Juveniles will now be used in experiments with local communities to
maximise production efficiency of beche-de-mer. We would like to acknowledge the
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), the National Fisheries
Authority (NFA), and NFA Hatchery Manager, Esther Leini. This work is part of Tropical
Aquaculture Research project, 'Mariculture development in New Ireland - PNG'.
Page 57
Sea cucumbers
For the first time in PNG's history, sea ranching trials of cultured sea cucumber
(Holothuria scabra - or sandfish) have been launched at community fishing villages near
Kavieng, New Ireland. USC Tropical Aquaculture Research and PNG National Fisheries
Authority staff have been making small releases of cultured sea cucumber into trial
community sea ranches. The team will continue to release cultured sandfish over the next
two years. Their survival, growth and migration will be closely monitored.
Sea cucumber ranching (growing juveniles to harvest-ready sea cucumbers), could
provide a much-needed income stream to people living in remote PNG coastal
communities. This work is funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research through the project: 'Mariculture Development in New Ireland Province PNG'.
Page 58
Sea cucumbers
To assist with seacucumber searanching awareness and education in PNG, staff from
USC Tropical Aquaculture Research, PNG National Fisheries Authority and local
conservation group, Ailan Awareness, have produced a poster to explain the key
principles behind growing cultured, juvenile sea cucumbers. Information is presented in
Tokpisin and support is offered to community fishers. If you would like to find out more,
please message via our page, or contact us at USC.
Page 59
Here's a hands-on approach to establishing a mabé culture trial in New Ireland Province,
PNG! National Fisheries Authority Technical Officers participated in a recent three-day
oyster seeding workshop run by USC Tropical Aquaculture Research staff. Together, the
team successfully seeded over 130 oysters which will be harvested early 2017. This work
is proudly funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and is
part of the USC TAR project: 'Pearl industry development in the Western Pacific'.
Page 60