Master Thesis
Prof. Antonio Lioy
Ing. Daniele Canavese
Ing. Leonardo Regano
Matteo Coscia
1 Introduction 6
3 Network attacks 17
3.1 Bruteforce attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.1 Attack description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.2 Attack tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Denial of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2.1 Attack description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.2 Attack tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Web attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3.1 Attack description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3.2 Attack tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.4 Botnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.4.1 Attack description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.4.2 Attack tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4 Intrusion Detection Systems 31
4.1 Detection methodologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.1.1 Signature-based Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.1.2 Anomaly-based Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2 Detection approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.3 Technology types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.3.1 Host-based IDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.3.2 Network-based IDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.3.3 Wireless-based IDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.4 Popular IDSes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.4.1 Suricata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.4.2 Snort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.4.3 Zeek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
6 Solution design 63
6.1 Creation and selection of classifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.1.1 Extraction of statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.1.2 Features selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.1.3 Training and Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.1.4 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.2 IDS integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.2.1 Suricata initialisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.2.2 Packet decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
6.2.3 Packet classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7 Dataset analysis 73
7.1 Dataset composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.1.1 CSE-CIC-IDS2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.1.2 Torsec dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.2 Traffic analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
8 Experimental results 77
8.1 Classification results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
8.1.1 Random Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
8.1.2 Support Vector Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
8.1.3 Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
8.1.4 Comparison between algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
8.2 Classification time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
8.3 Suricata integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
9 Related works 84
9.1 Machine Learning and IDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
9.2 Machine Learning and traffic analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
10 Conclusions 92
A User manual 94
A.1 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
A.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.3 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.3.1 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
A.3.2 Creation of new signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Bibliography 106
Chapter 1
The network threats landscape changes at an increasingly faster pace and the failure
in mitigating such threats has a twofold consequence: an economic loss for the
victims and an infrastructure cost, in terms of bandwidth and throughput, for the
whole network. A report of Netscout1 about the first half of 2020 highlights a
15% increase of cyber-attacks with respect to 2019, for a total of 4.83 millions
of DDoS attacks observed by the company and a total 10 millions at the end of
20202 . Moreover, the same Netscout report states that the attackers shifted their
targets towards fundamental services during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as E-
commerce, healthcare and educational services.
However, not only the average number of attacks increased during the first pandemic
lock-down, with a spike in the number of attacks between April and May 2020, but
the type of attacks has changed and adapted to the new targets. The average
attack duration has reduced by around 50%, with an increase in complexity and
strength of the attack: DDoS attacks that exploits a single attack vector, i.e. the
exploitation of a flaw in a network protocol or software, has decreased by 43% with
respect to 2019, while the number of attacks exploiting more than 15 vectors at
the same time has increased by more than 2.800% in the last couple of years. The
same report shows that the preferred attack vector is the DNS protocol, counting
more than 1 million of attacks alone and an amplification factor of 160:1 for DDoS
amplification attacks.
However, DDoS attacks are not the only popular cyber-attack type: web appli-
cation attacks like SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS) are as much popular
and widespread among attackers, if not more. In fact, the European Union Agency
For Cybersecurity (ENISA) threat landscape report3 of 2020 lists web-based and
web application attacks in the top four positions of the most recurrent and danger-
ous attacks, while DDoS attacks and botnets can be found at the sixth and tenth
position respectively. Moreover, the Akamai company provides a periodic report4
of the web attacks it observes inside networks monitored by its systems. The report
that covers the week between February 7 2021 and February 14 2021 states that
over 145 millions of web attacks attempts have been observed. The vast majority
of these attacks is composed by SQL injection, accounting for 60% of the total,
while XSS attacks reach almost the 18%.
Chapter 2
This chapter contains a description of the statistics that can be extracted analysing
network traffic and the tools that can be used to perform such analysis. In general,
network traffic measurement and monitoring is a methodology aimed at under-
standing packet traffic on the Internet. It serves as the basis for a wide range of IP
network operations and engineering tasks such as trouble shooting, accounting and
usage profiling, routing weight configuration, load balancing, capacity planning,
and more. Two approaches are possible: active or passive [1]. The active approach
aims at interfering with the network to induce a measurable effect. An example
of such interference could be the alteration of network state by the enforcement of
artificial packet loss. On the other hand, the passive approach does not interfere
with the network: a pure observation is performed by means of dedicated tools,
commonly named “sniffers”.
There are several tools widely available that can capture packets at various levels
of the OSI model1 , performing a passive analysis. The most common probably are
Tcpdump2 or Wireshark3 , while other tools like Tcptrace4 are able to accept already
captured packets as input, in various formats.
The following sections describe some of the candidate tools to be used for this
work, while the last section contains a comparison between these tools and the
explanation for the final choice.
2.1 Wireshark
Wireshark is a network packet analyser. Its functionalities can be used, for example,
to troubleshoot network problems, examine security problems or debug protocol
implementations. It is available for both UNIX and Windows systems and it can
capture live packet data from a network interface, import packets from text files
Network traffic statistics
containing hex dumps of packet data, save packet data captured, filter packets on
many criteria and create various statistics. Since the scope of this chapter concerns
network traffic statistics, a detailed overview of the ones produced by Wireshark is
The statistics section5 of Wireshark is split into general ones, containing in-
formation about the capture files, or into protocol-specific statistics. The general
section can be further split into:
Protocol Hierarchy details about the protocol hierarchy of the captured packets;
Network traffic statistics
2.2 Tstat
TCP Statistics and Analysis Tool6 (Tstat) is an automated tool for passive mon-
itoring. It has been developed by the networking research group at Politecnico di
Torino since 2000 and it offers live and scalable traffic monitoring up to gigabits
per second. Tstat started as an evolution of Tcptrace, by automating the collection
of TCP statistics adding real-time traffic monitoring features, but it evolved over
the years, offering more statistics and functionalities. Since it is a passive tool,
its typical usage scenario is the monitoring of Internet links, in which all flowing
packets can be observed. An example of this setup is shown in Figure 2.1: Tstat
monitors a link that connects the network of interest with the rest of the Internet,
to see all the passing packets.
Outgoing traffic
PC with
Internet Edge
Router LAN
Incoming traffic
The basic objects monitored by Tstat are IP packets transmitted on the mon-
itored link. Flows are defined according to some rules: all packets identified by
the same “flowID” that have been observed in a given time interval are grouped
together. A common choice for the “flowID” is the tuple (ipProtoType, ipSrcAddr,
srcPort, ipDstAddr, dstPort) so that TCP and UDP flows are considered [1]. For
example, in the case of TCP, the start of a new flow is commonly identified when
the TCP three-way handshake is observed; similarly, its end is triggered when ei-
ther a proper TCP connection teardown is seen, or no packets have been observed
for some time. While for UDP, a new flow is identified when the first packet is
observed, and it is ended after an idle time. Moreover, opposite symmetric uni-
directional flows are typically grouped together to compute separate statistics for
“client-to-server” and “server-to-client” flows.
Furthermore, Tstat supports both real-time and non real-time analysis of pack-
ets. Real-time monitoring is obtained with the usage of libpcap, a library created
by the same developers of the Tcpdump tool that is widely used to capture packets
from Ethernet links under several operating systems. Aside from libpcap sniffing,
Tstat supports common hardware solutions like Endace DAG7 cards. Instead, non
real-time monitoring is performed by analysing packets previously captured with
other tools. The trace formats currently supported by Tstat are:
Network traffic statistics
Network traffic statistics
Remove flow
Yes Yes
Add new
Yes New flow? Is TCP? No Is UDP?
No Yes Yes
Figure 2.2: A schematic block diagram of Tstat trace analyser. Only the TCP
analyser is detailed.
However, the log tcp nocomplete file always contains only the Core TCP set.
This set contains the basic information for all TCP flows and its content is described
in Table 2.1. The first two columns represent the position inside the log of the
client-to-server and server-to-client information respectively.
The other sets include specific measures, which usefulness is more situational.
For example the TCP End to End set includes measures about round-trip-time
(RTT) and time-to-live (TTL) for TCP connections. The complete list can be
found in the Tstat website9 . Finally, the detailed description of the steps to use
Tstat can be found in Appendix B.
2.3 CICFlowMeter
CICFlowMeter10 is a network traffic flow generator and analyser. It can be used
to generate bidirectional flows, where the first packet determines the forward and
backward directions. Moreover, it can compute more than 80 network traffic fea-
tures, such as flow duration, number of packets, number of bytes and average length
of packets. The complete list of extracted features can be found on the website of
one of the datasets created with this tool, the CSE-CIC-IDS201811 dataset. Fur-
thermore, this tool allows the addition of more features or the reduction of the
existing ones. The output is produced in the CSV format. Finally, the tool is
publicly available in a Git repository12 and it is written in Java.
Network traffic statistics
As explained in Section 2.1, it can produce a very limited amount of statistics for
bi-directional flows; moreover, it does not provide any API to retrieve statistics in
real-time and the only way to obtain a CSV file of the produced ones is through
the GUI or through the terminal-based version of Wireshark, Tshark13 .
Instead, the other two candidate tools, Tstat and CICFlowMeter, produce a consid-
erable amount of network traffic statistics. The highest number of features is pro-
vided by the CICFlowMeter, that can compute around 80 features for bi-directional
flows, while Tstat can produce almost 40 features for TCP flows. Moreover, the
CICFlowMeter tool is the same tool that has been used to create the dataset cho-
sen for this works’s experiments, as explained in Chapter 7, and the authors of
the dataset already provides the CSV files with the extracted statistics. On the
other hand, the usage of Tstat would require the extraction ex-novo of the traffic
statistics, starting from the provided packets captures.
However, the final choice has been the usage of Tstat, due to the last requirement
of the list explained above: the integration with an IDS. The fact that Tstat is
written in C, the same programming language used by the IDS chosen for this
work, as explained in Section 6.2, allows for a seamless integration of the required
functionalities inside the IDS.
Network traffic statistics
Chapter 3
Network attacks
This chapter focuses on some of the most popular network attacks, with a particular
emphasis on the typologies encountered during this work’s experiments and further
described in Section 7.1. It also presents a sum of the main tools used to perform
such attacks.
There are different techniques to execute this type of attack: the exhaustive attack
is the simplest one, but other popular techniques are dictionary attacks and rainbow
Exhaustive attack is quite straightforward: given a set of characters and a length
range, it tries all the possible combinations until the right one is found. The set
of characters can include lowercase and/or uppercase letters, digits and special
symbols. A possible variation of this method consists in trying only specific words
or variations of such words, starting from commonly used terms and names: for
this reason, this technique is called dictionary attack.
NordPass, a password manager software, shows the most common passwords of
20201 and they are easily cracked in less than a second with this simple type of
attack: the most used one seems to be “123456”, followed by the way more secure
“123456789”, probably used for forms that require longer passwords. On the fourth
place there is the evergreen “password”, but scrolling down the list it is possible
to find many popular names like “qwerty”, “iloveyou”, “unknown”, “pokemon” or
Network attacks
A smarter variation to bruteforce attacks, still used to guess credentials, starts from
the hash of the password: given a known hash algorithm, the hash of each word
in a set is pre-computed and stored with the hash as searching index. The set can
be an exhaustive one or composed by a subset of common passwords, like above.
Once an hashed password is captured on the network, a lookup function searches for
that hash inside the dictionary and obtains the corresponding password associated.
This type of attack is not properly bruteforce, since it does not try all the possible
combinations, it simply stores them for a later use.
Given the same set of characters for both methods, the number of combinations
is the same, of course. However, the bruteforce one has to compute and try during
the attack the whole set of combinations, in the worst case. The second type is
much faster at attack time, because it has only to lookup a data structure, given the
index. The downside is that this pre-computed table has to be stored in memory.
The rainbow table method [3] is a trade-off between time and memory requirements:
a chain of hashes is computed for a subset of the possible combinations. Starting
from an element of this subset, the hash function is computed, followed by the
computation of a reduction function, that brings the result back into the password
domain (e.g. into fixed length alphanumeric words). This reduction function is not
the reverse of the hash. The chain continues computing the hash over the reduction
and so on, for a fixed amount of times. Only the beginning and the end of each
chain are stored: in this way the table is much smaller.
The lookup of an hash is done in the following way: the reduction function is
computed over the hash and then the hash is computed again over the reduction,
similarly to the creation of the table process. This is repeated for a maximum
number of times equal to the length of chains: if at any time during the process
a match is found with an end of a chain in the table, the beginning of the chain
is taken and the chain is reconstructed to find the hash and the corresponding
A simple example is shown in Figure 3.1 to better clarify this algorithm. The
starting set is composed by three words: “123456”, “password” and “security”.
The hash and reduction functions are computed and only the beginning and the
ending of the chains are stored. Once the hash “67d23ry” is sniffed from the
network, the reduction and hash functions are alternated until the end of a chain
is found, the word “linux”. The beginning of the corresponding chain, “security”,
is used to reconstruct the chain and the sniffed hash is found: the password that
originated it is on the previous step, “paperino”.
Actually, using the same reduction function at each step, causes the collision
and fusion of multiple chains, in case at different steps both chains produce the
same output. To overcome this limitation and allow even longer chains, a different
reduction function is used for each link in a chain, but keeping the same order for
different chains. In this way, to have a complete chain fusion, the collision should
happen at the exact same number of link in two different chains. If it happens, one
of the colliding chains is pruned off.
Often, pre-computed rainbow tables for different hash functions and different sets
of characters are sold on the black market, making this type of attack much easier.
However, in case of an offline attack, the attacker has all the time needed to
Network attacks
bruteforce the credentials; instead, in an online attack, there are some basic coun-
termeasures that can be taken. Against both techniques, it is possible to limit
the number of attempts to login over a certain time, to increase the complexity
of login or to introduce a timed two factor authentication (2FA). A typical exam-
ple of a timed 2FA is the Timed One Time Password [4] (TOTP): in this case,
after the insertion of the correct credentials, the server requires the insertion of a
pseudo-random password, generated by an ad-hoc system. Possible examples of
such generators are OTPs received by SMS or specific dedicated applications like
Google Authenticator.
Furthermore, against the techniques based on hash tables, it is possible to add a
salt to the password in order to force the re-computation of the hash. This simple
technique can make impossible the usage of rainbow tables: the salt is a large sized
word, possibly not the same for all the passwords of a server, that is added after the
user’s password. The hash is computed on the concatenation of the password and
the salt, forcing the attacker to create a table for each possible salt. While with a
12 bit salt it would still be possible to compute and store 4096 different tables, a
128 bit salt would require too many years to compute all the possible tables (2128 ).
Network attacks
For instance, Listing 3.2 shows a possible output of the execution of this tool, to
find a FTP password for the user “root”. In this case, a file containing a list of
passwords is passed to the tool, that attempts to perform the login into the target
FTP server by trying the provided passwords: the correct one is “ftp”.
Other more common similar tools are THC Hydra, NCrack, John the Ripper,
Rainbow Crack and many others. Rainbow Crack4 is a software able to both create
and lookup rainbow tables. It is available for both Windows and Linux and includes
hardware acceleration capabilities, for both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. Moreover,
for less than 1000$, it is possible to buy the full set of MD5 rainbow tables from
its website, shipped within a 2TB hard drive. The table containing alphanumeric
characters from the set [a-z], [0-9] with plaintext long from 1 to 9 characters needs
65GB, while it increases to 690GB for the alphanumeric set [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9].
The Denial of Service attack (DoS) is maybe one of the most known attacks. Its
aim, rather than being that of accessing information, is to disrupt its availability.
The underlying concept is to saturate the server’s resources with packets, to negate
the connection to legitimate users.
Network attacks
If the client does not answer with the last ACK message, the server awaits some
time before freeing the resources held for that possible connection. So, if the server
receives too many SYN messages without the last ACK, maybe from fake IP sources
through IP spoofing, it runs out of resources, slowing down or crashing directly.
The most basic method to fight this type of DoS attacks is to shorten the timeout
for the half-opened connections or to dynamically dimension the queue for new
On the other hand, reflection with amplification attacks are easier to perform
since they require less resources from the attacker. Typical examples of protocols
that allow amplification are NTP, IGMP and also newer ones like DNSSEC.
Network attacks
Network Time Protocol [7] (NTP) is a protocol widely used to synchronize computer
clocks in the Internet: NTP amplification is based on the existence of a specific
command “monlist” that answers a UDP message with the list of the last 600 hosts
that connected to the queried server. By spoofing the IP address and sending
repeated monlist requests, the victim is flooded with UDP packets. IGMP DoS
is based on a bad-configured network: usually IGMP messages are limited to the
local network; however some routers reply to the “AskNeighbors2” query from
arbitrary Internet hosts with a unicast “Neigbors2” response. The normal and
legitimate use of these queries is to obtain a list of the local neighbours inside a
network: a unicast “AskNeighbors2” query has to be sent to a router, that should
answer with a unicast “Neigbors2” response. However, with a moderate botnet of
2000 bots, it is possible to flood a 10Gbps link, with an amplification of almost
20 times [8], by exploiting the existence of this bad-configured routers, used to
amplify the attack. For DNSSEC amplification, the starting point is the same as
for IGMP: a misconfiguration. Recursive DNS servers should accept DNS queries
only from authorized clients, but sometimes this does not happen. Through IP
spoofing, the victim can be flooded with UDP packets. The implementation of
DNSSEC, a security extension of DNS, increased the amplification rate from 4.5
times to 45 times the size of the request5 .
Another possible method is called Smurfing: in this case it is exploited the “ICMP
Echo Request” and a bad-configured network gateway. Sending such request to
the broadcast address of this network and spoofing the source IP as the victim
IP address, the victim will be flooded by the “ICMP Echo Reply” messages. A
correctly configured gateway would simply not answer to ICMP requests sent to its
broadcast address.
Furthermore, there are DoS attacks that do not involve layer 4 protocols, but
use layer 7 protocols to damage the victim [9]. In this case HTTP requests with
GET, POST or HEAD methods are used. The underlying concept is the same for
all three methods: an incomplete request is sent to the server, sending subsequent
headers at regular interval to keep the connection alive. The full header is never
sent and the attack keeps going until the server resources are depleted.
Interestingly, a 2017 study shows that more than 30.000 DoS attacks per day
are performed [10]. Moreover, TCP is the preferred protocol, accounting for around
80% of the total direct attacks, with UDP and ICMP following at 16% and 4.5%.
Instead, reflection and amplification attacks are mostly performed with NTP, with
40% of the total, followed by DNS and CharGen at 26% and 22% respectively.
Finally, an other interesting statistic about DoS attacks is that in TCP floods the
preferred target ports are HTTP and HTTPS ones, with 50% and 20% of the total,
while for UDP floods the victim ports are mostly associated with various on-line
multiplayer games.
Network attacks
Network attacks
mode to allow the remote control of the client: a sort of voluntary botnet. It is
written in C#, but a JavaScript and a web-based versions have been released too.
Interestingly, LOIC has been used in some high profile DDoS attacks, like “Project
Chanology”11 in 2008, when the Anonymous group used it to protest against the
actions of the Church of Scientology, in the United States.
Its successor, HOIC, operates slightly differently and has been developed by the
Anonymous group. It floods the victim with HTTP POST or GET requests and
can target as many as 256 sites simultaneously. In this case, fewer people are
needed to perform a low-scale attack, as few as 50. It also contains some additional
features with respect to LOIC, like some scripts that let the attackers hide their
geolocation. A famous attack perpetrated by the same Anonymous group hap-
pened in 2012 with “Operation Megaupload”, one of the largest DDoS attacks at
that time. It was launched to protest against the shutting down of Megaupload12 ,
a filesharing website, by the United States Department of Justice. In this case
the targeted websites belonged to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Recording
Industry Association of America, the Motion Picture Association of America and
Broadcast Music, Inc.
XSS attacks consist, typically, in a JavaScript code injection that allows the exe-
cution of this code in the victim’s web browser. This can happen in different ways,
leading to the definition of three main groups of XSS attacks [11]: server side ones
are called Persistent and Non-Persistent, while on the client side there are DOM
based XSS attacks. Moreover, there is also another client side attack; it exploits
plug-ins to inject the malicious code.
Persistent attacks are maybe the most dangerous, because any legitimate user
that will visit the infected website will be potentially affected by the XSS attack.
Instead, to carry out a Non-Persistent attack, each single victim must be tricked
into performing specific actions, as described later. Once a vulnerable website is
found, the steps of the attack are the following:
1. one of the web application forms is used to inject the script, that is stored
into the website repository;
Network attacks
2. the victim browses the vulnerable website and requests a web page;
3. the HTTP response of the server now contains the requested HTML web page
incorporated with the stored script;
4. the malicious code is executed on the victim’s web browser, transferring, for
example, private credentials to the attacker.
The injected script can contain many different commands. Listing 3.3 shows a
very trivial example of a script that sends the cookie of the victim to the attacker’s
website. Normally, the code does not contain only the script: for example if the
vulnerable form is in a comment section on a website, the script is injected with a
benign text, but only the text is shown when the page is loaded, while the script is
window.location = "http://attacker/?cookie=" +
Non-Persistent attacks work in a similar way, but in this case the script is not
saved into the server repository. An ad hoc URL is crafted by the attacker and it
contains the malicious code inside. When the victim uses such URL, the script is
executed, with the same results as before. A possible example of a malicious URL
is shown in Listing 3.4.
In this case, a big difference with respect to the previous attack is that the victim
must be induced to click on such URL, because simply visiting the vulnerable web
site as usual, will not trigger any script. A common way to trick people to use these
URLs are emails that try to mimic a real website email, but contain malicious links.
The third and last type of XSS described is the DOM based attack. The first
steps are exactly the same as in Non-Persistent attack, the difference is purely
about the type of HTTP response of the vulnerable website. While in the case of
Non-Persistent attack, the server incorporates the malicious script directly inside
the response message, in DOM based attacks the response contains a benign script
that, using the same example of Listing 3.4, prints the requested keyword on the
webpage. The difference is subtle, but in this second case the malicious script is
executed on the victim’s client once a benign script makes it possible. Still using
the same example, the benign script of the client expects to print a keyword on
Network attacks
the HTML page; instead, since it does not perform any validation mechanism, it
executes an unexpected script on the client’s browser.
However, XSS is not the only way to attack vulnerable web sites. SQL injection
attacks often have the same aim, i.e. obtaining private credentials of the victim, but
can perform more dangerous operation and instead of working through JavaScript
injection, they use SQL. In this case too, there are different possibilities: Piggy
Backed and Union queries are the most simple and popular, but more advanced
ones do exist [12].
Piggy Backed injections consist in the execution of additional queries that were
not intended by the developer of the website. The most common example is made
with a vulnerable login form, where username and password must be inserted. Let’s
assume that the server executes the query shown in Listing 3.5, once credentials
have been retrieved from the client. The parameters usr and psw are the retrieved
credentials. A Piggy Backed attack consists in the addition of another query after
this one.
For example, if the attacker inserts in the password field a malicious input, the
query becomes as shown in Listing 3.6, causing the deletion of the Users table.
usr = "Paperino"
psw = "0000; DROP TABLE Users"
Instead, the Union query method exploits the UNION keyword in SQL. The way
to perform this injection is through a vulnerable form, as usual, and the resulting
query could be the one shown in Listing 3.7. In this case the -- at the end of the
malicious username starts a comment in the SQL query, so the password field is
not considered during the execution. In a real case there would be some differences
from this example, since the attacker needs to be sure that the number and type
of columns in the results of both queries are compatible, in order to use the UNION
Finally, there are more advanced strategies that combine SQL injection with
other attacks. For instance, SQL + DDoS attack is a possibility. Exploiting specific
SQL commands that allow to encode and decode strings plus forms vulnerable to
previous attacks like UNION queries, it is possible to create SQL queries that take
a lot of time to be executed. Encoding and decoding many times a set of columns
Network attacks
or a whole table can drain all the server resources, causing it to crash or to not be
able to answer to further requests.
However, there are some good practices that can strongly mitigate the effects of
these types of attacks and combined with more sophisticated techniques can detect
them. A general advice is to always add validation steps to all the input fields,
removing or escaping unwanted characters that can be used to perform XSS or
SQL attacks. Character escaping can be split into several different categories13 :
the main ones are output escaping, JavaScript and Event Handler escaping and
various specific tags escaping.
Output escaping is about HTML text that is directly printed on the page; in this
case the five XML significant characters that need to be escaped are &, <, >, ",
’ and they respectively becomes &, <, >, ", '. Other
non-alphanumerical characters with ASCII code lesser than 256 should be escaped
with the format &#xHH;, where HH is the hexadecimal ASCII code. Also HTML
attributes like attr are subject to these escaping rules. JavaScript and Event Han-
dlers (e.g. onmouseover) sensible characters are ’, ", \, /, <, > (and others)
and are escaped following the format \xHH, where HH is the ASCII hexadecimal
code. Specific tags like CSS <style> require the escaping format \HH, while others
like URL href require %HH format. Fortunately, each language usually offers library
functions to automatically perform this kind of transformations.
Moreover, specifically for SQL injection, it is possible to use, beside specific char-
acter escaping, prepared statements or stored procedures to automatically parse
the query variables14 . The difference between prepared statements and stored pro-
cedures is that the SQL code for a stored procedure is defined and stored in the
database itself, and then called from the application, while prepared statements are
written directly inside the application. An example of a Java prepared statement
is shown in Listing 3.8. All these techniques can counter a large amount of basic
attacks, but are not enough for more advanced ones, so specific countermeasures
have to be taken.
Network attacks
Heartleech15 is a tool that looks for a specific vulnerability inside the system. The
OpenSSL library introduced a bug called Heartbleed (hence the name of the tool)
between 2012 and 2014, due to an erroneous validation of inputs. The Heartbleed
bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected
by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret
keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the names and
passwords of the users and the actual content. This allows attackers to eavesdrop on
communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate
services and users. This bug affected Operating Systems, websites and common
software. Some popular websites that were affected are Yahoo!, Stack Overflow,
GitHub, Reddit and Wikipedia. Its official record number inside the Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) list is CVE-2014-016016 , while the name comes
from the TLS/DTLS extension’s implementation which contained the bug, named
Among other functionalities, the Heartleech tool is capable of obtaining private
keys directly from a vulnerable website. The way it works, on a high level, is to look
through the Hearthbleed memory buffer, which is accessible due to the vulnerability,
one byte at a time and it constructs a BIGNUM variable. Then it obtains the public
key of the server and tries to divide it with the constructed variable, if it is a prime
number. If the result has no remainder, the other prime number needed to build
the private key has been found. Moreover, it has been specifically designed to avoid
being detected by IDS like Suricata17 , since their signatures trigger when the TCP
payload starts with a specific pattern similar to 18 03 02 00 03 01 40 00.
3.4 Botnet
Botnets are not properly cyber-attacks, but can be defined as the tools used to per-
petrate specific attacks. Specifically, botnets are distributed computing platforms
Network attacks
used for illegal activities like launching DDoS attacks or sending spam, trojan and
phishing emails [13].
Network attacks
Chapter 4
Intrusion Detection Systems
Depending on the network layers and protocols monitored by the IDS, there could
be an internal IP packet representation, a generic flow representation or others.
These internal objects are then used by the detection subsystem to find anomalies
and report them or take the chosen countermeasures.
Sensor Subsystem
Modeling Subsystem
Model Construction Model
Results &
Activity D Reports
Detection Subsystem
the number of bytes sent/received during a fixed time interval by a given final
On the other hand, also a distinction about the considered protocols can be
done, classifying AD methods according to the network layers modelled (i.e. Data
Link, Network, Transport or Application).
However, the core choice concerns the creation of the model, which is performed
by the “modelling subsystem”. In this case, there are two possible approaches:
learnt models and specification-based models. Learnt models are based on various
learning techniques, such as rule-based systems, statistical algorithms or various
machine learning algorithms. The common aspect of all these approaches is the fact
that the model is not manually specified by a human, but each learning technique
uses some algorithm to extract knowledge from the data provided: more details on
this type of approach is given in Section 4.2. On the other hand, in specification-
based detectors, the model is constructed by an expert human. Such model is
Intrusion Detection Systems
of attempts to exploit known vulnerabilities. Sometimes they are also used to verify
the proper application of the security policy of an organization [22].
State-based methodologies adopt the finite state machine concept: the model be-
haviour is captured in states, transitions and actions. Like other AD methods, a
deviation from the expected behaviour, i.e. a transition to an unexpected state,
will trigger the alarm.
Finally, heuristic-based IDS mostly belong to the AD family and include various
techniques: some machine learning algorithms like Neural Networks or techniques
like Genetic algorithms [23]. Genetic algorithms are a search technique used to find
approximate solutions to optimization problems. The major advantage of genetic
algorithms is their flexibility and robustness and are based on probabilistic rules
instead of deterministic ones. They can be used to directly derive classification
rules or as a feature selection tool, followed by other data mining algorithms to
acquire the rules.
periodical generation of checksums (e.g. with MD5) of critical files, then compar-
ing them to reference values. File attribute checking is used for less vital files and
monitors files attributes like dimension, last modified date and write permissions.
Both techniques are reactive, i.e. they detect attacks only after they happened,
but some agents have more proactive abilities, such as monitoring file access at-
tempts and preventing malicious ones. Finally, some agents can monitor system
and application logs to identify malicious activity.
Moreover, HIDS usually require considerable customization: for example, they
may rely on observing host activity to develop profiles of expected behaviour, but
some need to be configured with detailed policies that define how each application
should behave. Without this configuration, an agent could not distinguish, for
example, if the installation of a new application is due to malicious activity or it
is done as part of normal host operations. A big limitation of host-based IDSes is
the considerable resource consumption on the host machine. For this reason, most
of the techniques described above can be applied only periodically, such as every
hour, leading to delays in detecting intrusions and consequent actions.
With promiscuous mode, the network interface controller accepts all the passing traffic, rather
than accepting only the traffic that is destined to it.
Intrusion Detection Systems
Furthermore, IP addresses are normally not assigned to the network interface used
to monitor traffic, except for interfaces used to manage the IDS. A sensor with no
IP address on its monitoring interfaces is known as “stealth mode” and it provides
some security benefits such as concealing it and preventing other hosts to initialise
a connection with it. However, an attacker could be able to determine the existence
of a sensor and its characteristics by analysing its prevention actions triggered in
response to specific attack patterns.
Finally, the main limitation of NIDSes is the inability to analyse encrypted
traffic (e.g. HTTPS, SSH or VPN connections). Moreover, NIDSes may be unable
to perform full analysis under high loads: the delays in processing packets could
cause unacceptable latency. To avoid this, some IDS sensors can recognize high
load conditions and skip certain types of traffic without performing a full analysis;
in other cases, it may be necessary to perform manual adjustments to the IDS con-
figurations. For example, Suricata, a popular open source IDS, automatically skips
some packets if it can not handle all the traffic, but it also provides some guidelines
to solve this issue, if possible7 . Furthermore, the presence of a firewall must also be
considered to decide the best layout, since it can change the characteristics of the
traffic. NIDS sensors are susceptible to some network attacks: the most popular are
DDoS attacks, that can exhaust a sensor’s resources, as described in Section 3.2.
The most popular open source NIDS available are: Snort8 , Suricata9 and Zeek10 ,
which are described in Section 4.4.
Intrusion Detection Systems
connections, in this case through the air: this happens by sending messages to the
interested end-points, telling them to de-associate the current session and refusing
new connections to be established.
However, also WIDSes have some limitations: for example, they are subject to some
evasion techniques: an attacker could launch the attack on more channels at the
same time since a sensor can not monitor them all at once [24]. Moreover, they are
also subject to some attacks like DoS or specific WLAN attacks like jamming. The
only way for a sensor to avoid the disruption of its radio transmissions by jamming
is to establish a physical perimeter so that attackers can not get close enough to
perform it. Finally, some types of attack can not be detected at all by WIDSes: for
example, an attacker can passively monitor wireless traffic without being detected,
to process it off-line at a later time.
Intrusion Detection Systems
up to five sources.
TrendMicro Tipping Point15 is a stand-alone IDPS, designed to identify and block
malicious traffic. It can be deployed into the network with no IP address or MAC
address to immediately filter out malicious and unwanted traffic. Its filters lever-
age machine learning and statistical data modelling. TippingPoint can also detect
domain name system (DNS) requests from malware-infected hosts attempting to
contact their command and control (CnC) hosts. Moreover, it supports IPv4 and
IPv6 payload inspection, also with VPN or MPLS tags and GRE traffic [27]. It is
suited for large and very large enterprises, including banking, telecom, healthcare
and transportation. The base model price starts at 6000$.
Hillstone IDPS16 is a network-based IDPS that offers intrusion prevention, anti-
virus, application control, advanced threat detection, abnormal behaviour detec-
tion, a cloud sandbox and a cloud-based security management and analytics plat-
form. It operates in-line, performing deep packet inspection, and assembling inspec-
tion of all network traffic. It also applies protocol anomaly analysis and signature
analysis to block threats. It is suited for enterprise customers who need a standalone
IDPS solution. The price starts from 18000$.
4.4.1 Suricata
Developed in C language by the Open Information Security Foundation17 (OISF),
Suricata is a multi-platform network threat detection engine. It is capable of both
detection and prevention functionalities, so it can be classified as an IDPS. It is
one of the most widely used open source IDSes and it supports a powerful rule
and signature language, plus the ability to use Lua18 scripting to detect complex
threats. Some examples of other features are:
traffic recording using PCAP logger (i.e. the ability to export the captured
traffic into PCAP files);
YAML19 configuration file, which is easier to read for humans with respect to
other formats, like XML;
support for decoding of IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, SCTP, ICMPv4, ICMPv6,
GRE, Ethernet, PPP and VLAN packets;
Intrusion Detection Systems
support for decoding of HTTP, SSL, TLS, SMTP, FTP, SSH, DNS and DHCP
app layer protocols;
FTP, HTTP and SMTP engine20 capable of transaction logging and file iden-
tification, extraction and logging; the file extraction works on top of other
protocol parsers and it is capable of storing on disk the re-assembled file
extracted from the request/response data;
live rule reloading, without restarting Suricata;
EVE and JSON logging, plus the ability to generate personal output formats
with Lua scripts;
event filtering, based on rules or thresholds;
multi threading support;
IP reputation21 mechanism, integrated into the rules language.
The keywords tcp, $HOME_NET, $EXTERNAL_NET, any and -> are part of the
header of the signature, while the remaining part consists of options. Instead,
the drop keyword is the action: it determines what happens when the signature
matches. Possible actions are:
Intrusion Detection Systems
reject - send RST/ICMP unreach error to the sender of the matching packet;
tcp is the protocol. In this case, the list of supported protocols is much longer,
but a few examples are TCP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP, FTP, TLS, DNS, SSH, SMTP,
$HOME_NET, $EXTERNAL_NET represent source and destination of the traffic. Both
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported and can be combined with some operators.
A couple of examples could be the ones presented in Table 4.1.
Example Meaning
! Every IP address but
![,] Every IP address but and
$HOME NET HOME NET setting in configuration file
[, !] except for
The two any keywords indicate the source and destination ports. Port numbers
can be combined in a way similar to addresses.
Finally, the -> symbol tells in which way the signature has to match. Nearly every
signature has an arrow to the right. This means that only packets with the same
direction can match. However, it is also possible to have a rule match both ways,
with the <> symbol. The <- direction does not exist.
The remaining part of the signature consists of options. There are lots of
possible options for each signature: these are enclosed by parenthesis and sepa-
rated by semicolons. Some options have settings (such as msg), which are specified
by the keyword of the option, followed by a colon, followed by the settings (e.g.
flow:established,to_server;). Others have no settings and are composed sim-
ply by the keyword. Rule options have a specific ordering and changing their order
would change the meaning of the rule.
A high level overview of the Suricata IDS pipeline can be seen in Figure 4.3,
which begins with the capture of packets from the network and ends with the
Intrusion Detection Systems
Packet Capture
Decoder 1
Packet Decoding
Decoder 2
Rules Detection
Detection 1 Detection 2
creation of log outputs. The IPS workflow is slightly different since it also includes
eventual countermeasures to take after a signature match.
Captured packets pass through the Decoding module first. The decoding pipeline
starts from the lower layers of the stack and proceeds with the higher ones. It is
also possible to create a custom decoding functionality and to place it into the
pipeline. Decoded data is stored as an internal representation that is then used by
the following modules.
The Detection module is the core one. Differently from the Decoding one, it
operates in a parallel way. Each Detection function checks one rule against each
packet, and in case a rule is triggered, the action specified in the rule itself is
taken. Rules can be composed of one or more patterns or signatures, as explained
in Section 4.1.1. Moreover, Suricata provides a pre-filter engine: since there are too
many rules to be checked individually, it is possible to check only a specific pattern
for each rule before checking the whole rule. The most common example is the
Multi Pattern Matcher (MPM), where only the rules that have at least one match
in the MPM stage are completely checked. This algorithm works in a simple way:
of each signature, one pattern is used by the MPM. That way Suricata can exclude
many signatures from being examined because a signature can only match when
all its patterns match. Finally, it is also possible to add custom detection functions
to the module or to use Lua scripts to achieve more complex tasks.
The output produced is one or more log files, where the content can be highly
customized in order to show specific alerts or warnings in different formats. The
most common way of logging in Suricata is through the Extensible Event Format,
Intrusion Detection Systems
nicknamed as EVE23 . EVE is a specific configuration file format, used to select the
alerts, anomalies, metadata and files info that will be stored in the actual log file.
An example of an EVE configuration file is shown in Listing 4.4: in this specific
example, the logging is enabled and will produce a file called “eve-ids.json”. This
file will contain details about the alert and the drop actions caused by signature
- eve-log:
enabled: yes
type: file
filename: eve-ids.json
- alert
- drop
Intrusion Detection Systems
"timestamp": "2009-11-24T21:27:09.534255",
"event_type": "alert",
"src_ip": "",
"src_port": 1041,
"dest_ip": "x.x.250.50",
"dest_port": 80,
"proto": "TCP",
"alert": {
"action": "allowed",
"gid": 1,
"signature_id" :2001999,
"rev": 9,
"signature": "ET MALWARE BTGrab.com Spyware
Downloading Ads",
"category": "A Network Trojan was detected",
"severity": 1
the web pre-made signatures for different types of attack or manually write and add
signatures to Suricata. All the provided rules are parsed and a syntactic check is
performed; then the rules are loaded into internal structures to be used from other
modules. Once all the initialisation has been completed, the threads deputed to
perform decoding or detection are created and started.
A single thread of the decoding module works in the following way: it extracts
a packet from the packets pool, a sort of list structure where packets are inserted
after being captured on the network interface. Then, each protocol that composes
the packet is decoded, calling the appropriate function. Each protocol information
is parsed and used to update internal structures and statistics. The inner protocol
information is then passed to the next decoding function until all the supported
parts of the packet have been analysed.
Finally, the detection module has the objective of finding matches between
decoded packets and signatures. Each detection thread extracts a “packet” from
an internal structure. As explained above, this is no more a network packet, but
a C struct containing all the details about a specific packet, the related flow and
eventual other higher layer protocols. At this point a first pre-filtering is performed:
for example, using the MPM algorithm described above. Then, each remaining
signature is checked individually. Furthermore, to reduce the time needed to check
all the signatures, its header is checked first (i.e. the protocol, the source and
destination IP addresses and ports and the direction of the packet). If the header
part of a specific signature matches, then the remaining options are checked. If also
all the rest of the signature matches, the related action is performed.
Intrusion Detection Systems
Creation of
Yes No
worker threads
Check rest of
the rule
for match
Yes No
Perform signature
Yes No
Are there
other signatures?
4.4.2 Snort
Snort24 is an IDPS that performs packet inspection using pattern matching. This
matching is implemented in the form of rules, which syntax is almost totally com-
patible with the one of Suricata rules, that has been described in Section 4.4.1.
Some minor differences exists, but are mostly about advanced features introduced
by the two IDSes to add more functionalities to each tool25 . The Snort architec-
ture contains some modules called pre-processors, that read the captured packets
Intrusion Detection Systems
before rule evaluation, serially in the order specified by Snort’s configuration. Pre-
processors allow the implementation of functionalities more complicated than pat-
tern matching, such as anomaly detection. A few examples of pre-processors [28,
chapter 6] included in Snort are the fragmentation, the stream and the reputation
The fragmentation pre-processor has the objective of managing the re-assembling
of packets that it is analysing. This pre-processor is of fundamental importance
because different hosts with different operating systems re-assemble packets in dif-
ferent orders. This means that if the Snort pre-processor would re-assemble frag-
mented packets in an order specific to a single OS, it may not detect exploits based
on fragmentation for another OS. For this reason, the fragmentation pre-processor
uses seven different policies to re-assemble packets and keeps track of a high number
of fragments (8192 by default). The seven policies are based on the conventions
used by most of the operating systems like BSD26 , Linux, Windows and Solaris27 .
The stream pre-processor is a target-based TCP reassembly module for Snort. It
is capable of tracking sessions for both TCP and UDP. TCP protocol anomalies,
such as data on SYN packets or data received outside the TCP window, are con-
figured via the detect_anomalies option in the TCP configuration. Some of these
anomalies are detected on a per-target basis. For example, a few operating systems
allow data in TCP SYN packets, while others do not.
Instead, the reputation pre-processor provides basic IP blacklist/whitelist capabil-
ities, to block/drop/pass traffic from IP addresses listed. In the past, the standard
Snort rules were used to implement reputation-based IP blocking, but this pre-
processor will address the performance issue and make the IP reputation manage-
ment easier. This pre-processor runs before other pre-processors. The IP lists are
loaded from external files and multiple blacklists or whitelists are supported. One
of the biggest limitations of Snort is that it is a single-threaded application, even if
it is possible to obtain multithreading by splitting the flow into multiple parts and
letting a different instance of Snort analyse each part.
4.4.3 Zeek
Zeek28 is primarily not rule-driven, differently from Snort, but it implements its own
scripting environment, with its own programming language. It is an interpreted,
typed language and what makes it interesting is the existence of domain-specific
types. For example, the “addr” type holds an IP address. Two types of collections
are present: sets and tables. The loops are available in the form of iteration through
The Zeek scripting language29 is event-driven: an example of an event is the ex-
traction of a file from the network traffic. In this case, the Zeek scripting language
Intrusion Detection Systems
allows to create a function that handles this specific event to perform certain anal-
ysis. For example, Listing 4.7 shows an event handler that is triggered when the
“Files framework” of Zeek, deputed to extracting and hashing files, extracts a file
from a flow. The file_hash event allows scripts to access the information associ-
ated with a file: in this example the script checks that the hash function is SHA1
and then performs a lookup of the hashed file in a database containing hashed mal-
ware. In case of match, the “Notice framework” will create the corresponding log.
The events handled by Zeek are contained in an “Event Queue” and are processed
on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Differently from Snort, Zeek acts only as an IDS, rather than an IDPS: it moni-
tors the traffic and produces log files with alerts, to be checked manually or through
other systems. Some of the items monitored by Zeek are bidirectional flows, DNS
queries and responses, HTTP requests, port scans, email headers from SMTP traf-
fic, successful and unsuccessful SSH connections, SSL certificates and traffic tunnels.
The pre-installed scripts usually expose an API that can be used by users to extend
the default functionalities. Finally, the scripts are organised in modules, that can
be broken in several files. A module can define types, variables, functions, and
event handlers. These entities can be either local to the module or globally acces-
sible from other modules. Zeek can be run both as a single-threaded application
and as a multithreaded application.
Chapter 5
For example, a computer program that learns to play checkers might improve
its performance as measured by its ability to win (P) at the class of tasks involving
playing checkers games (T), through experience obtained by playing games against
itself (E).
Moreover, machine learning techniques can be split into several groups, the
main ones being “supervised” and “unsupervised” families. Supervised learning in-
cludes all methods that assume the presence of labelled data, i.e. usually a human
decided value that indicates the expected output, the target. On the other hand,
other approaches that do not require labelled data and do not have a target are
Machine Learning and classification techniques
First of all, the source dataset must be analysed. The number of features and
the nature of each of them has to be inspected, to eventually perform some mod-
ifications. It is common to use graphs of different types to better visualise the
distribution of each class, for example, histograms, scatter diagrams or box-plots.
A possible problem that may be detected visualising the dataset is to have a high
unbalance between the classes: for example, in a binary classification problem, one
of the two classes may have a number of samples that is 10000 times higher with
respect to the other class. The next steps will have to act accordingly to this infor-
mation, for example with a specific sampling technique or by completely ignoring
that class.
Then, the first selection of features is performed. Sometimes the source dataset
contains features that are not useful for that particular work, maybe because the
data has been collected for other purposes, or because different experiments have
to be performed with the same dataset. In this case, the useless features are simply
discarded, as they would add noise to the model learning. Once these preliminary
steps are performed, the preprocessing of the dataset can start.
duplicate samples are usually removed from the dataset, since they do not carry
any useful information.
Feature transformation techniques are used to change the type of specific fea-
tures. For example, some algorithms like Neural Networks only accept numerical
attributes, but sometimes datasets contain categorical values. In this case, it is
necessary to transform the feature values domain with a process called “encoding”.
The opposite process, “decoding”, must be performed at the end of the learning
phase, to bring back the values to the original domain.
A specific encoding technique, called “one-hot encoding”, consists in the creation of
a column for each category of the original domain, as shown in Figure 5.1, assigning
the value one when the category is the same as the original, zero otherwise.
1D 2D 3D
Machine Learning and classification techniques
Machine Learning and classification techniques
a different technique: “K-Fold Cross Validation” [33] (KCV). This method helps
to reduce overfitting, at the cost of a much higher computational time. Longer
algorithms or huge datasets typically do not use it, since the training time would be
incredibly high. This validation technique works as follows: instead of using a single
validation set, the split between training and validation are performed multiple
times, creating “K folds”, one for each different split. Then, the training and
validation is performed separately on each fold, using the respective training and
validation set. Finally, the results of all the folds are averaged and compared with
the other training sessions. This means that, if the standard validation optimized
20 combinations of hyper-parameters, a K-Fold Cross Validation with 4 folds has to
perform 20 · 4 = 80 separate training sessions. However, this technique is especially
useful for small or very small datasets, since it allows to perform a meaningful
validation even with few samples. Moreover, there is a variant of this algorithm,
called “Leave-One-Out Cross Validation”: it still follows the general rule of the
KCV algorithm, but in this case the validation set has size equal to one; a single
element is picked each time and used to perform the validation. This allows to
assign more samples to the other two sub-sets, the training and test ones: this can
be helpful for very small datasets.
Positive TP FP
Negative FN TN
Positive Negative
could not be enough: for example, a test set contains 10000 elements, of which
100 in the positive class and 9900 in the negative one; after the test phase, the
obtained accuracy is equal to 99%, which is pretty high. Using only the accuracy,
this would be considered an almost perfect model, but the truth may be that the
model is assigning the negative class to all the samples; in fact 9900/10000 = 0.99.
The other two measures that are typically used to find these problems are precision
and recall. Precision is computed as:
and it represents the correctly classified positive samples among the samples that
have been labelled as positive. It can be computed also for negative samples, if
necessary. High precision means that when the model says that a sample is positive,
it is quite probable that it is truly positive. Instead, recall is computed as:
and it represents the number of positive samples that have been labelled as positive.
A high recall means that the model is good at finding the positive samples. Using
the example explained above, the precision would have been p = 0+0 and the recall
would have been r = 0+100 and an alarm would have triggered.
Furthermore, many more measures exists to evaluate the performances of a clas-
sifier: other examples are the balanced accuracy and the F-score. Both measures
aim to solve the problem of the simple accuracy explained above. The balanced
accuracy is computed as the average of the accuracies obtained by each class indi-
+ TN
accbalanced = T P +F N T N +F P
where the two terms in the numerator represent the number of positive samples
correctly classified as positive and the number of negative samples correctly clas-
sified as negative. Still using the same example explained above, the balanced
Machine Learning and classification techniques
0 9900
accuracy would have been accbalanced = 0+100 2 9900+0 = 0.5. Instead, the F-score can
be computed directly from the precision and recall measures as:
F − score = 2 ∗
where p and r are respectively the precision and the recall. The main difference with
respect to the balanced accuracy is the fact that the F-score gives more importance
to the correct classification of the positive samples because its equation does not
contain any information about the True Negative samples. Instead, the balanced
accuracy treats both classes in the same way: in a context where both classes
have equal importance, this behaviour is preferred, while the F-score is more suited
for problems where a class has more importance than the other (e.g. in intrusion
detection the correct classification of malicious traffic is more important than the
correct classification of legitimate traffic).
feature that best splits the set, relying on the mentioned measures. For example,
the Gini index for a given node t is computed as:
GIN I(t) = 1 −
where j is the class index and p(j|t) is the frequency of class j at node t. This index
measures the “purity” of the split, reaching its maximum value when the number
of samples is equally distributed among all classes (1 − n1c with nc the number of
classes) and the minimum value when all the samples belong to the same class after
the split (1 − 1 = 0). A lower value of the index means that the split can better
distinguish between the target classes.
Feature 3
F3 < X F3 > X
Feature 1 Feature 2
from the union of two concepts: feature bagging and bootstrap aggregation.
The first one means that at each split during the training, a subset of random
features is selected (typically the square root of their number). The second one
consists of a random subsampling with replacement as input for each tree of the
forest. So the algorithm can be summed up as follows: T random subsamples with
replacement are created from the dataset, for T decision trees to be trained. Each
tree is created separately and at each split a random subset of the features is taken
into account, rather than the whole pool.
This process leads to some advantages; first of all the decorrelation between the
trees. Also, the features that are chosen the most times in the higher splits are
naturally identified as the most relevant ones. Finally, the accuracy is generally
higher than simple decision trees, at the cost of a more complex model and less
easy to interpret results and of course higher training times.
y = ⟨w, x⟩ + b
Machine Learning and classification techniques
where x is the sample and b is the so-called bias term, while the ⟨w, x⟩ term rep-
resents the scalar product between the two vectors. The sample is assigned to the
positive class if y > 0 and negative otherwise. The w term is calculated as:
w= α i xi y i
with x and y being the samples with their corresponding class, while α is a term
that is equal to 0 for all the points, except for the support vectors.
Finally, it is possible to apply kernel functions to separate classes that are not
linearly separable. Using Figure 5.7 as a reference, imagine a binary classification
problem with two features and samples distributed as shown: a linear SVM clearly
can not find a separating hyper-plane to correctly classify the samples. A possi-
ble solution is the introduction of kernels, that allow the mapping of points in a
higher-dimensional space: keeping the same example of Figure 5.7, the points can
be mapped with the new dimension z = (x2 + y 2 ) (which is the equation of a cir-
cumference); now the points are linearly separable in the new space. Unfortunately,
mapping all the points of a dataset in a higher-dimensional space is computationally
too expensive. The so-called “kernel trick” [39] is a method that allows introducing
the kernel function inside the scalar product of the linear SVM, that now becomes:
y = ⟨w, ϕ(x)⟩ + b
where ϕ(x) is the kernel function. Many possible kernel functions can be used. The
most common ones are the linear kernel, the polynomial kernel, the radial basis
function (RBF) kernel and many others.
y z
x y x
z = x2 + y 2
x1 w1
xn wn
Figure 5.8: An example of a Neural Network, with the detail of a single neuron.
or feed-forward NN. What happens inside a neuron is a weighted sum of the inputs
of that neuron, followed by an activation function, as better explained in Figure 5.8.
The activation function carries out an essential role inside the network: in fact
it introduces the non-linearities that are fundamental to distinguish the network
from a shallow model. Actually, several types of activation functions exist, with
the most common being:
The issue with non-zero-centred activation functions is due to the peculiar way
a NN is trained: an always-positive (or negative) output of an activation function
will slow the process of convergence of the network [41], as better explained below.
Usually, ReLU or PReLU are the chosen ones. Finally, Figure 5.9 shows these
functions, to better visualize what already explained.
Machine Learning and classification techniques
Figure 5.9: Examples of activation functions. From left to right, on the top: sigmoid
and tanh; on the bottom: ReLU and PReLU.
At the end of all the fully connected layers, a softmax function compresses the
outputs to have a sum equal to one, to be interpreted as a probability. The equation
of the softmax function is:
e zi
σ(z) = ∑︁ zj
once all the training set has been forwarded through the network, the epoch ends.
The number of epochs, i.e. the number of times the whole training set is forwarded
through the network, can be a fixed number or the interruption of the training
can be triggered dynamically. For example, a common method is to interrupt the
training if the loss is not decreasing by a fixed percentage since a certain interval
of epochs.
Finally, another type of neural networks exists: Convolutional Neural Net-
works [44] (CNN). They are designed to process data that come in the form of
multiple arrays. Besides images, many other datasets are composed by such form,
e.g. sequences and text, audio spectrograms and videos. CNN try to exploit some
intrinsic characteristics in this form of data with some additions to the fully con-
nected NN architecture: convolutional layers and pooling layers are added to the
architecture. A convolutional layer can be seen as a filter that moves over the input:
each time this filter moves, it performs the scalar product between the weights of
the filter and the values of the part of the input it is passing over. Like in standard
NNs, the output produced by a layer is used as input for the next one. These filters
are helpful to grasp local features typical of images and other similar inputs like
audio or video tracks. Instead, pooling layers are needed to reduce dimensionality
and make the representations more manageable. An example of pooling filter that
chooses the max value of an area of the input is shown in Figure 5.10. Some popular
CNN architectures are ResNet [45] or Inception [46].
1 3 0 2
8 4 4 5 8 5
1 3 2 0 3 4
2 1 0 4
Chapter 6
Solution design
This chapter’s objective is to explain the workflow followed during this work’s
experiments and to describe in detail the different phases that compose it.
The two main steps of the experiments are the creation of the machine learning
models that allow to classify network traffic as benign or malign and the integration
and deployment of these models inside a working IDS, Suricata. The technical
details on IDSes can be found in Chapter 4, while the overview of machine learning
techniques is in Chapter 5. Finally, Figure 6.1 shows an high level diagram with
the whole workflow of the experiments.
performed. The IP and port information of both source and destination has been
removed from the set because they typically do not carry useful information about
the presence of an ongoing attack: this is due to IP address and port spoofing, a
technique explained in Section 3.2. Moreover, another couple of columns that have
no use in the intrusion detection are the absolute time of the first and last packet
observed per flow, for both directions. Instead, the total flow duration has been
kept. Finally, some qualitative information about the flow has been discarded, like
the presence of CryptoPAn [47] IP addresses or the position of the client/server
inside the network (e.g. internal/external). The final selection of features is shown
in Table 6.1 and will be used as reference for all the following experiments.
# Description # Description
0 # of packets sent by client # of bytes sent by server in the
1 RST sent by client payload
2 # of ACK sent by client # of segments with payload
sent by server
# of ACK sent by client with-
3 # of bytes sent by server
out data
18 in the payload, including re-
# of bytes sent by client in the transmissions
# of re-transmitted segments
# of segments with payload 19
5 by server
sent by client
# of re-transmitted bytes by
# of bytes sent by client 20
6 in the payload, including re-
transmissions # of server segments out of se-
# of re-transmitted segments
7 22 # of SYN sent by server
by client
# of re-transmitted bytes by 23 # of FIN sent by server
client 24 Flow duration (in ms)
# of client segments out of se- Client first payload since start
9 25
quence (in ms)
10 # of SYN sent by client Server first payload since start
11 # of FIN sent by client (in ms)
12 # of packets sent by server Client last payload since start
(in ms)
13 RST sent by server
Server last payload since start
14 # of ACK sent by server 28
(in ms)
# of ACK sent by server with- Client first ACK without SYN
15 29
out data (in ms)
Server first ACK without SYN
(in ms)
Solution design
Due to the huge size of the dataset, the choice of the classification algorithms
is naturally narrowed. Algorithms like K-Nearest-Neighbours that do not scale
well with big datasets have been directly excluded and the chosen ones have been
the ones described in Section 5.2: Random Forest, Support Vector Machines and
Neural Networks. SVM have been included, but their “kernel trick” explained in
Section 5.2.3 typically takes too much time to converge with big datasets: for this
reason a linear SVM has been used.
Then, among the many frameworks available for machine learning, the chosen
one has been Scikit-learn1 . It is a popular Python framework that offers many ML
algorithms, pre-processing techniques and evaluation methods. Moreover, one of
its points of strength is the ease of use: it allows the creation of a Machine Learning
classifier with a single line of code and the training of such model with another line
of code.
The training phase has been designed with the aim of making possible to run
it many times, over many days, with different inputs and algorithms and with the
ability to store the output of each training to analyse it at a later time. With these
requirements fixed, the logical blocks that compose the training phase are shown
in Figure 6.2.
Figure 6.2: The logical sequence of actions that are part of the training phase.
First of all, the configuration file relative to the training phase is read and
used to setup some internal variables. As better explained in Appendix B.3.2,
the configuration file contains information about the path to the dataset or to the
subsets of attacks of interest for the specific training, the path to the output folder
Solution design
for the storage of the created models and the list of features that will be used for
the training phase.
Then, the appropriate dataset is loaded from its folder. At first, the set of chosen
flows is split between the positive and negative class, i.e. malign and benign flows;
then, the two sub-sets are further split into training, validation and test sets and
then merged. The reason for this choice has been explained in Section 5.1.4. Once
the datasets have been created, the standardisation is performed by fitting a Scikit-
learn “StandardScaler”2 on the training set and then transforming the training and
validation sets with the fitted scaler. The standardisation is performed in this way,
because the validation set, used as evaluation set for the training, must not be used
to fit the scaler to avoid the introduction of bias.
After the creation and standardisation of the training and validation sets, for
each of the selected algorithms, a cycle over the combinations of hyper-parameters
is performed. For each iteration, the appropriate classifier is instantiated and then
trained with the training set. The obtained classifier is evaluated with the valida-
tion set and stored in the chosen output folder.
This process of storing the model happens as follows: first, a Python object is cre-
ated, containing the set of hyper-parameters used for the current iteration; instead,
another Python object contains the evaluation measures obtained on both training
and validation sets, which are described below. Then, the two Python objects are
encapsulated inside another Python object, that contains these two objects together
with a list of the names of the network attacks used for the specific experiment (or
eventually a single name, in case only one dataset is used to train the classifier)
and with the trained model itself. This final Python object, which structure is
summed up in Listing 6.3, is then serialised using the joblib3 library and stored in
an external file. The set of stored statistics, inside the “stats” object, includes the
accuracy, balanced accuracy and F-score obtained on both training and validation
sets, together with the time needed for the training. The technical description of
these statistics can be found in Section 5.1.5.
Once several models have been created, the validation step has been performed.
The process to choose among the different trained classifiers has been automated
by cycling over the stored Python objects, now de-serialised, and selecting the one
with the highest F-score: this process of selecting the best set of hyper-parameters
by cycling over all the possible combinations is known as grid-search, as detailed in
Section 5.1.4. As explained in Section 5.1.5, the F-score for a binary classification
problem can be interpreted as the ability of correctly classifying positive samples: its
value increases with a higher number of True Positive samples and decreases with a
higher number of False Positive or False Negative samples. The correct classification
of legitimate traffic is not considered by this measure (the True Negative value),
differently from other measures like the balanced accuracy. Since the objective
of a model to be integrated into an IDS is to correctly classify malicious traffic
with a low rate of False Positive or False Negative samples, this measure has been
Solution design
’params’ : {
’hp1’ : hyper-param 1,
’hp2’ : hyper-param 2,
’hpN’ : hyper-param N,
’stats’ : {
’stat1’ : statistic 1,
’stat2’ : statistic 2,
’stat3’ : statistic 3,
’statN’ : statistic N,
’attacks’ : [
’model’ : trained model
Figure 6.3: The structure of the exported model, represented in JSON format.
As a result of the validation phase, each one of the three algorithms (NN, RF and
SVM) has a single trained classifier for each one of the attacks in the dataset:
the next phase has the objective of evaluating these models and choosing the best
algorithm for each attack.
6.1.4 Testing
Finally, the test phase decides which models are most suited to be integrated in
the IDS. The optimal solution would be to select as much as possible of the best
performing models, but it must be kept in mind that each model would add an
overhead to the performance of the IDS and one of the objectives of this work is to
obtain a working IDS, by interfering as less as possible with its standard routine
and performance after the integration. For this reason, the resulting models have
been compared both under the aspect of classification results and the time required
to perform the predictions.
Hence, the best models selected after the previous phases have been trained
again, this time over a bigger training set, composed by the former training and
validation sets. Each classifier has been trained using the set of hyper-parameters
stored in the corresponding Python object, over the same set of attacks used for
its first training. To perform this step, a process similar to the one previously
described in Figure 6.2 has been followed, with two major differences: the set of
Solution design
hyper-parameters is fixed and the standardisation scaler is fit over the new training
set, composed by the old training and validation sets. The obtained models have
been exported in the same way as the previous ones, to perform more analysis.
Then, the results of the different models have been compared, as explained in
Section 5.1.4, using the same set of measures used during the validation phase,
together with the average time needed to perform a prediction. Additionally, to
better visualise the results, the confusion matrix has been created for each classifier.
All the results obtained from both validation and testing phases have been collected
and presented in Chapter 8.
Once the machine learning models are ready, a way to actually integrate their usage
into the Suricata IDS has been designed. Using the Suricata workflow described
in Section 4.4.1 as a reference, some of its modules have been modified. The
resulting workflow is shown in Figure 6.4, where the added functionalities have
been highlighted with respect to the original workflow. The initialisation phase
and the decoding and detection modules have been modified, as explained in the
following sections. Moreover, a Python script to perform the classification has been
Through the whole integration process, the Tstat API functions provided by its
library (libtstat) have been used to communicate with Tstat and obtain the TCP
flows statistics. The five API functions provided by Tstat are:
3. int tstat next pckt (struct timeval *pckt time, void *ip hdr, void *last ip byte,
int tlen, ip direction);
Creation of
Yes No
worker threads
Check rest of
the rule
for match
Perform signature
Are there
other signatures?
Inside the Suricata initialisation phase have been inserted two more sequences of
initialisation: the Tstat initialisation and the Python interpreter initialisation. The
Tstat initialisation is needed by the Tstat tool, integrated inside Suricata by using
two of the five API functions provided by libtstat, while the Python interpreter
initialisation is needed to be able to use the C/Python API4 , as deeply explained
in Appendix B.
The best position to initialise Tstat is inside the main function of Suricata,
before the initialisation of the threads that will perform all the Suricata activities.
After all the basic checks and configurations of internal modules have been com-
pleted, the Tstat initialisation function has been inserted. In this way, it is possible
to take advantage of the Suricata internal logging system to produce informative
logs about the status of the integration mechanism.
This process performs many preparative actions before actually calling the Tstat
Solution design
API tstat_init. Some of these actions are directly needed to obtain some configu-
ration parameters for Tstat, while other are useful to setup some internal variables
that will be used later by the decoding module. First of all, the configuration file
used for the integration is retrieved (called “integration.conf”): in case it is not
found, a critical error is emitted with the Suricata logging system and the execu-
tion is interrupted since this file is necessary to continue with the initialisation.
Then, the tstat_init and tstat_new_logdir API functions are called and the
Tstat initialisation sequence ends.
Once Tstat has been successfully initialised, the Python interpreter performs
some similar actions. It is initialised through some of its API functions and then
a configuration file containing information about the ML models is read, with the
result of storing the ML models inside an ad-hoc data structure, ready to be used at
a later stage. The reason for this choice is the fact that as much of preparative work
as possible has been moved inside the initialisation phase, to allow a faster execution
of the detection phase. For this same reason, the pointer to the Python function
contained inside the external Python script is stored: in this way the function is
ready to be called as soon as the needed arguments are ready, as explained later in
the classification phase.
The remaining part of the integration concerns the creation of the Tstat flows
statistics and the subsequent detection of malicious flows. The optimal place to
perform this step of the integration has been located inside the detection module
of Suricata, where the packets are directly available and can be passed to Tstat, as
required by the tstat_next_pckt function. More in detail, the DecodeIPV4 Suri-
cata function is the exact place where the IP packet bytes are available. However,
the whole section of integration inside this function has been considered a critical
section, since multiple threads operate concurrently in Suricata: for this reason a
mutex lock has been required before the beginning of the actual integration section
and has been released after all the operations have been performed. However, this
integration step performs only a single action: the IP packet is passed to Tstat,
that automatically updates its internal structures with the packet data.
The final phase of the integration happens inside the Suricata detection module.
The ML-based detection has been placed after the normal Suricata process of sig-
nature matching: in this way, the ML classification is performed only if all the other
options of a rule provide a match, allowing to further reduce the added overhead.
The ML-based detection happens in different stages: first, the flags of the current
signature analysed by Suricata are read and the new machine learning flags are
retrieved; then, the statistics of the flow of the current packet are obtained from
Tstat; finally, the ML flags and the statistics are passed to the external Python
function, that performs the prediction and returns the outcome to Suricata.
Solution design
More in detail, the flags are obtained from a Suricata internal structure (a C
struct) that contains information about a specific signature. This structure has
been populated by Suricata during its initialisation phase and contains, among the
other data, the options of the specific signature (e.g. action, protocol, id). If the
ML options are found, the ML-based detection process starts, otherwise the normal
Suricata workflows continues. These special flags contain information about which
ML models have to be used during the detection phase of a specific signature.
Instead, the statistics related to the current packet’s TCP flow are obtained from
Tstat using a sixth API function: this function has been created ad-hoc to retrieve
statistics of a single flow because the other libtstat functions do not allow to do so.
A specific flow is identified inside the Tstat internal data structures by using the
IP address/port pair of both source and destination of the analysed packet, plus a
timestamp to not find eventual old flows.
Finally, the external Python function performs very few actions: given the already
loaded models, the statistics of a flow and the list of flags, it performs the prediction
with each one of the models selected by the flags and returns the outcome to
Since the ML-based detection happens at the end of the Suricata detection phase,
if the outcome is positive Suricata performs the action specified in the signature,
while it continues with the analysis of the next signature if the outcome is negative.
Chapter 7
Dataset analysis
This chapter contains an in-depth description of the datasets used for the experi-
ments described in Chapter 8. Then, it proceeds with an overview of the features se-
lected from the ones extracted by Tstat, among the ones described in Section 2.2.1.
Finally, Section 7.2 explores the statistical characteristics of the final dataset.
7.1.1 CSE-CIC-IDS2018
This dataset2 is part of the collaboration between the Communications Security Es-
tablishment (CSE) and the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC). Among the
different datasets available on their website, this is the most complete one and also
recent enough to contain novel attack methodologies. The main objective of this
dataset is to develop a systematic approach to generate a comprehensive benchmark
dataset for intrusion detection. The final dataset includes seven different attacks,
which technical description and the related tools can be found in Chapter 3. The
attacks are the following:
Dataset analysis
DDoS, performed with LOIC and HOIC on UDP, TCP and HTTP;
Dataset analysis
graphs. The DoS attacks of this dataset have been performed with some tools
already described in Chapter 3 and are: Goldeneye, Hulk, Rudy, Slowhttptest and
Figure 7.1: The class distribution of TCP flows across the different datasets.
The DoS attack captures from the Torsec dataset have been called “DoS Extra”
to distinguish them from the other ones. Also, the count scale is logarithmic,
to allow a better visualisation of the global distribution. Each pair of columns
represents the amount of legitimate and malicious TCP flows contained in the
respective dataset: in fact, each set of traffic captures of the CSE-CIC-IDS2018
dataset contains both legitimate and malicious traffic.
The first thing to notice is the fact that malign flows are always less than the
benign ones, in each of the different attack types. This has to be expected, since
anomalous traffic is typically less frequent than the normal one. The ratio between
benign and malign traffic can be visually computed by looking at the logarithmic
scale and goes from 2:1 to around 20:1 for most of the attacks. The only attack
Dataset analysis
that clearly have a different ratio is the web attack. To have a better idea of the
different ratios, the exact numeric distribution can be found in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1: The numeric class distribution of TCP flows across the different datasets.
The highly unbalanced ratio of the web dataset could be easily solved by re-
moving samples of the most present class, the negative one in this case. However,
it has been chosen to not remove the samples and perform the training with the
unbalanced dataset, to see how well can the models adapt to this situation. The
final dataset is composed by more than 25 millions of TCP flows, of which the 15%
belong to the positive class.
The next type of analysis performed consists of a comparison between the av-
erage values of some features, differentiated between positive and negative flows.
The set of chosen features is composed by the average size in bytes of the client and
server payloads and by the average duration in milliseconds of a flow. The results
of this analysis are presented in Table 7.2.
The first thing to notice is the fact that the negative class (i.e. the legitimate traffic)
has almost the same distributions of values among each attack type: this means
that more or less the type of traffic modelled for the legitimate users has been
consistent among all the different experiments during the creation of the dataset.
Instead, the average values of the positive class are mostly different with respect to
the ones of the negative class.
Table 7.2: The average value of some features of the TCP flows, split by class and
attack type.
Chapter 8
Experimental results
This chapter describes the results obtained during the different phases of the ex-
periments performed in this work. Since one of the objectives of this work is the
creation of models capable of detecting malicious attacks without adding too much
overhead to the IDS where they have been integrated, the first section of this chap-
ter focuses on the classification ability, while the second one concerns the time
dimension. All the time performances have been measured on an Ubuntu PC with
an Intel i5-7200U 2.5GHz CPU and 12GB of available RAM.
Experimental results
results can be considered really good, even compared with the ones that can be
found in literature and that have been described in Chapter 9. The “Web” attack
is the one with the lowest performance, but as explained in Section 7.2, it contained
very few positive samples.
Balanced Max
Attack Accuracy % F-Score % Estimators
accuracy % depth
Botnet 100 100 100 20 16
Bruteforce 99.99 99.99 99.99 20 16
DoS 99.99 99.99 99.99 100 16
DDoS 99.99 99.99 99.99 20 16
Web 99.99 96.59 96.47 20 16
Attack #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Botnet 17 24 29 16 4
Bruteforce 5 30 0 18 17
DoS 16 18 17 5 12
DDoS 29 16 0 5 26
Web 29 30 5 6 12
Table 8.2: The top-five most important features for each attack type.
Experimental results
The linear SVM classifier2 has been trained with a single hyper-parameter, that is
C, the regularization parameter. The set of used values is composed by 0.5, 1, 1.5
and 3. As explained in Section 5.2.3, this parameter is responsible of the amount of
error tolerated by the SVM in the soft-margin problem. The only parameter that
has been changed among the default ones is the “class weight” parameter, that
has been set with the value “balanced”, to balance the weight of the two classes
depending on the number of samples of each one.
Instead, Table 8.3 contains the accuracy, balanced accuracy and F-score ob-
tained by the best support vector machines for each attack, together with the value
of the relative hyper-parameter, C. The scores are not really high, specially if com-
pared with the random forest ones. The balanced accuracies are acceptable, but
the F-scores are definitely not. The only possible explanation for this result is a
high number of false positive classifications since the balanced accuracy is high and
knowing that the dataset is highly unbalanced towards the negative class: even a
small percentage of negative samples classified as positive has a high impact on the
Balanced Regularisation
Attack Accuracy % F-Score %
accuracy % parameter (C)
Botnet 82.45 90.86 31.42 3
Bruteforce 76.03 87.52 24.61 0.5
DoS 83.79 88.35 77.78 3
DDoS 81.48 88.43 68.30 3
Web 49.91 74.95 0.02 3
Table 8.3: The evaluation metrics for the best SVM models.
In this case, the most chosen value for the C hyper-parameter has been 3, while
only one model chose the value of 0.5. Since a higher value of C typically means
that the SVM allows for less misclassification and uses a smaller margin for its
separating hyper-plane, this result had to be expected. However, a smaller margin
leads to more error if eventual new samples come from a different distribution.
The neural network classifier3 has been trained with different combinations of hyper-
parameters, changing the value of the batch size, the number and size of the hidden
layers and the learning rate. The different sizes of the batches have been 128, 256
and 512, while the learning rate has been set to 0.01, 0.005 and 0.001; instead,
Experimental results
the architecture of the NN has been set with one hidden layer, with 16 or 24
nodes and with two hidden layers, with 20 nodes in the first and 10 in the second.
The only parameter that has been changed among the default ones is the “solver”
parameter, that has been set with the “adam” solver, considered the best choice
for big datasets.
Instead, Table 8.4 contains the accuracy, balanced accuracy and F-score ob-
tained by the best neural networks for each attack. Also in this case the results are
very good. The scores are overall very high, for exception of the “Web” attack that
performs in a worse way, like with all the other algorithms. On the other hand, the
hyper-parameters distributions are quite various. There is not a clear preference
of the models for a set of hyper-parameters. Each attack dataset used a different
combination of hyper-parameters: the only one that has never been chosen is the
single hidden layer architecture with 24 nodes.
Accuracy Batch Hidden Learning
Attack accu- F-Score %
% size layers rate
racy %
Botnet 99.99 99.99 99.98 256 (16) 0.005
Bruteforce 99.99 99.99 99.99 128 (16) 0.01
DoS 99.99 99.99 99.99 256 (20, 10) 0.001
DDoS 99.99 99.98 99.98 512 (20, 10) 0.005
Web 99.99 96.21 96.06 512 (20, 10) 0.001
Figure 8.1: The F-score obtained by each algorithm on each attack type.
is the only one with 100 estimators, while the other attacks uses 20 estimators, five
times less. In fact, also the classification times are five times smaller with respect to
the DoS one. On the other hand, the NN does not show a clear correlation between
the classification times, but they are mostly higher with respect to the RF ones.
Random Neural
Attack SVM
Forest Network
Botnet 0.4 µs 0.05 µs 8.9 µs
Bruteforce 0.4 µs 0.04 µs 17.8 µs
DoS 2.4 µs 0.05 µs 3.8 µs
DDoS 0.5 µs 0.04 µs 14.7 µs
Web 0.5 µs 0.05 µs 1.2 µs
Table 8.5: The times used by each algorithm for each attack type.
Even if the Suricata integration involved many aspects of the original Suricata tool,
only the detection phase has been considered for the analysis of the overhead. The
reason for this choice is the fact that the initialisation time is not important for the
performance of an IDS: Suricata itself performs many CPU-expensive operations
during the setup of the internal structures and takes some seconds before being
completely operative. So, the operations performed by the integrated ML classifiers
have been moved as much as possible in the initialisation phase, that is performed
only once. In this way, the detection engine has almost everything it needs ready to
be used. The times considered for the comparison of the performances of Suricata
with or without the integrated ML models have been computed using the rule shown
in Listing 8.2, adding or removing ML keywords for different tests and averaging
the results over 20 tries for each test. This base rule is the same one used in
Appendix A, where its precise meaning can be found.
alert tcp any -> any any (msg:"My custom rule
with machine learning!"; flow:established, <ML options>;
content:"facebook"; nocase; classtype:policy-violation;
sid:666; rev:1;)
The base rule has been expanded using different combinations of classifiers.
Since the overall best-performing models have been random forests for all the at-
tacks, both in terms of classification score and time performance, these classifiers
have been used for all the attack types for this specific test. Table 8.6 presents
the average time needed by the Suricata engine to complete the execution of the
detection phase of a single packet, including the normal Suricata workflow. In this
way it is possible to analyse how much does the ML engine impact on the Suricata
detection performance.
Table 8.6: The times used by each algorithm for each attack type.
detection time spent by Suricata and the time used only by the ML engine is almost
constant and equal to 20-30 µs. Finally, a consideration about the obtained time
measures must be made: almost all the time needed by the ML engine is used by a
single function: the predict() function contained in the Python script provided.
However, this same time had been previously computed for the classification time
of the classifiers, as already shown in Table 8.5, and in that case the times are
considerably lower, around 0.5 µs. A possible reason for this high discrepancy
between the times taken by the same function can be found directly in the Scikit-
learn documentation4 , which shows that the prediction time for a single sample
is higher in proportion than the average prediction time needed for a batch of
Chapter 9
Related works
Related works
IDS, that has been called AI-IDS, has been designed to work in parallel with a stan-
dard IDS like Snort, rather than being strictly integrated inside it. The authors
suggest to use it as an “assistant system”, capable of detecting anomalies that may
bypass Snort rules and they propose to use the generated logs to manually improve
existing Snort rules.
Another work from 2020 [55] proposes a novel IDS framework, called AlarmNet-
IDS, that works both as a HIDS and as a NIDS, which theoretical explanation has
been presented in Section 4.3. This IDS has been deployed on a Linux machine that
collects and parses network traffic and system call traces to perform predictions. In
this case, two distinct dataset have been used for the training of the classifiers: one
for the NIDS and ore for the HIDS. The NIDS dataset is the NSL-KDD4 , a popular
dataset created starting from an old standard dataset from 1999, the KDDCup 995 .
The NSL-KDD has been created to solve some of the problems of the KDDCup
99, like the presence of redundant records [62]: in fact, from the almost 5 millions
of training samples and 300.000 test samples of the KDDCup 99 dataset, only an
average of 25% of the records is actually unique. This reduction leads to a total size
of the training set of around 1 million of samples: 80% of them represents legitimate
traffic, while the remaining 20% is split among the various attacks contained in the
dataset. On the other hand, the dataset used for the HIDS part is the ADFA-LD6 ,
Related works
which has been designed specifically for Linux threats and contains system call
traces of various Linux servers. There is another version of this dataset, designed
for Windows, the ADFA-WD.
Furthermore, the high-level architecture of the AlarmNet-IDS is shown in Figure 9.1
and follows the general scheme described in Section 4.1.2. The network packets are
captured using tcpdump and then parsed with Bro (today known as Zeek7 ), while
system call traces are captured with “auditd”, a Linux audit tool. The feature
extraction is performed with an unsupervised Neural Network called autoencoder,
which aim is to reconstruct the input data passing through a latent space. This
less-dimensional space is then used as input of a fully-connected NN, composed
by a single layer followed by the softmax layer to obtain predictions. Instead, for
the HIDS data, a CNN composed by a single convolutional layer has been used
to classify the input. The average F-score for NIDS data is 78% and 75% for the
HIDS one. Also in this case, the resulting IDS is designed as a stand-alone tool,
than can operate by itself and it is not connected to any existing IDS software.
Offline training
Data collection Data processing Decision engine
Log module
module module module
The next work presented has the objective of creating an almost real-time IDS
using Machine Learning techniques [49]. The authors designed an IDS workflow
starting from the capture of the packets and ending with the production of the
logs. Differently from previous works, this real-time IDS focuses on three different
network protocols: TCP, UDP and ICMP. In this case, the dataset used to train the
classifiers has been created by the authors themselves, performing 4 different types
of DoS attacks and 13 probe attacks performed with an nmap tool on Windows.
The normal traffic has been captured in the local department of a University. The
KDDCup 99 dataset has been also used for the test phase.
Then, the traffic is pre-processed using the Information Gain technique, which
has been explained in Section 5.2. Moreover, the algorithms used to perform the
classification are: Decision Trees; a rule-based algorithm called Ripper Rule; a
fully-connected NN and Näıve Bayes classifier. The Ripper Rule algorithm consists
of two stages: the first stage is to initialize the rule conditions, while the next stage
uses a rule optimization technique. This step re-prunes each rule of the rule set
to minimize the errors. Instead, the Näıve Bayes classifier is a simple technique
Related works
for classification using a probabilistic model from Bayes’s theorem with the as-
sumptions of independent attributes. The prediction phase happens by collecting
the captured data in batches, and passing each batch to the chosen classification
techniques. The detection result is decided with a majority voting by the various
algorithms and it is stored in a log file. The F-score is not available for a direct
comparison, but the average True Positive rate is around 99%. Furthermore, some
resources usage measures are also available in this case: the developed system uses
around the 25% of the CPU (a 2.83GHz Intel Pentium Quad core) and 100MB of
memory, with a network rate of 100Mbps.
The following is a work with a slightly different approach: it focuses on a com-
plex IDS to monitor 5G networks [50]. The proposed architecture is split in three
layers: a forwarding layer, a management and control layer and a data and intelli-
gence layer. The forwarding layer is responsible for traffic monitoring and capturing.
It can collect and upload network flows to the control layer, and block malicious
flows according to the instructions of the controller. Management and control layer
identifies suspicious flows and detects anomalies preliminarily using uploaded flow
information. It also generates protection strategies according to decisions made by
the intelligent layer and instructs the forwarding layer. The data and intelligence
layer makes further analysis through feature selection and flow classification using
adaptive machine learning algorithms.
The training datasets used are a 10% sub-set of the KDDCup 99 and its improved
version, the NSL-KDD. The selected algorithms are: Random Forest; K-means (an
unsupervised clustering technique) and Adaptive Boosting, an ensemble classifier
composed of different classifiers, in a way similar to Random Forest. The aver-
age F-score is 90%. Differently from other works, in this one the authors only
provide a proposal of IDS design, without actually providing any implementation
However, the approach that is most similar to the proposed one can be found
in a 2018 work [51]. In this case the authors performed a preliminary study on two
popular IDSes: Snort and Suricata (both presented in Section 4.4). Then, they
attempted to improve the accuracy of Snort with Machine Learning techniques,
by developing an ad-hoc plug-in for Snort. The chosen datasets are the DARPA
Intrusion Detection Evaluation8 dataset and the NSL-KDD one, while the chosen
algorithms are Support Vector Machines, Decision Tree, Fuzzy Logic and Näıve
Bayes classifier. The SVM has been selected as the best performing algorithm and
used in the subsequent integration.
The resulting architecture of Snort after the deployment of the plug-in is shown
in Figure 9.2, where the original architecture is highlighted and separated from
the plug-in. As explained by the authors, the plug-in operates in parallel with the
Snort detection engine. The pre-processor sends decoded packets to the plug-in,
which uses the Machine Learning algorithm to classify the legitimate and malicious
Also in this case the F-score is not available, so a direct comparison is not possible.
However, the average False Positive rate obtained by SVM on the used dataset is
Related works
around 2% and increases to 8.6% after the integration with Snort. In this case the
authors provide some performances measures: for example the CPU usage with a
100Mbps network traffic goes from 30% without the plug-in to 35% with the plug-in
and the respective memory usage goes from 1.5GB to 1.6GB. Instead, for a 10Gbps
traffic, the CPU usage increases from 65% to 73% and the memory from 3GB to
Decode packets
Classify packets
Produce alerts
Figure 9.2: The resulting Snort architecture after the deployment of the detection
Finally, a brief overview of the differences and similarities between the proposed
work and the ones described in this section can be summed up with these points:
only one of the works found in literature proposes and develops an integration with
an already existing tool [51], while the others propose a stand-alone IDS solution [59,
55, 49, 50]; the datasets used are in most cases NSL-KDD or KDDCup 99 or
other old datasets, the only exceptions being CIC-IDS2017 [59] or the ADFA-LD
dataset specific for HIDS [55]. The analysed attacks are a direct consequence of the
chosen dataset, with exception of a work where the dataset has been created ad-hoc
with manually performed attacks [49]. The set of chosen algorithms contains some
different types of NNs, Decision Trees, Random Forest, Näıve Bayes classifier, SVM,
K-means clustering and Fuzzy Logic and Ripper Rule algorithms. The detailed
reasons for this work’s design choices can be found in Chapter 6, while the ones
concerning the dataset have been presented in Chapter 7.
Even if many works describe their results as a “Machine Learning based IDS”,
many of them only focus on the classification part of the problem. For example, a
2019 work [60] uses different feature selection techniques to optimise the training
and then performs the classification of the collected traffic. In this case, the UNSW-
NB159 dataset has been used, which contains around 100GB of packets captured
with tcpdump. The authors propose a feature selection step composed by an outlier
detection algorithm and a Genetic algorithm step to choose the best sub-set of
features to perform the training. This step is then performed using a Random
Forest. The average F-score obtained is 62%.
A completely different approach is adopted by the authors of a work focused on
detecting anomalies in mobile devices traffic [63]. In this case the authors decided to
create themselves a dataset with mobile network traffic, developing a tool to collect
iPhone data on a voluntary base (i.e. each user had to willingly install a client on
the iPhone). The data collected during these experiments contain telephone call
information, SMS and web browsing history. More specifically, the dataset consists
in 35 iPhone users, around 8300 phone calls, 11300 SMSs and 800 hyperlinks. The
chosen algorithms are an RBF Neural Network (a NN with a specific activation
function), the K-Nearest Neighbours algorithm, Random Forest and a Bayesian
Network. The best performing algorithms are the Random Forest and K-NN with
an average True Positive rate of 99.9%. However, this work was focused on the
creation of legitimate user behavioural profiles, rather than in the detection of
actual anomalies.
Instead, other works focus on the comparison of different classification algo-
rithms using consolidated datasets. In this case, the authors used the NSL-KDD
dataset to compare the results obtained by a recurrent NN with the benchmark
results of more common algorithms, such as SVM, K-NN and Random Forest [56].
Different RNNs have been tried for this work, performing the validation step on
the number of hidden nodes and the learning rate. The authors show that their
best RNN reaches an accuracy of 83%, with respect of the average of 80% obtained
in literature by other algorithms. However, the authors did not mention the True
Positive rate, which is in this case more significant than the accuracy and in this
case equals only 73%.
Another work that created its own dataset to perform its experiments concerns
the analysis of network anomalies in a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
(SCADA) system inside an industrial control system [64]. Due to the privacy issues
of industrial network traffic, the authors had to develop an real-world testbed that
resembles an actual industrial plant: more specifically, a system that supervises
the water level an turbidity of a water storage tank. The attacks performed to cre-
ate the dataset include backdoors, command injection and SQL injection. Instead,
the used algorithms include SVM, K-NN, Näıve Bayes classifier, Random Forest,
Decision Tree, logistic regression and Neural Networks. The library used for all of
them is scikit-learn, for exception of the NN, which has been created with Keras
library. In this case, the measure used to compare the results is the Matthews
Related works
Correlation Coefficient (MCC), a popular measure that shows the correlation be-
tween the observed and predicted values. The three best performing algorithms
are Random Forest, Decision Tree and K-NN with a MCC of 96.81%, 94.26% and
93.44% respectively.
A 2019 work [57] focuses on the optimization of a single Machine Learning
algorithm over multiple datasets. The chosen algorithm is a Neural Network, with
a varying number of hidden layers. The peculiar characteristic of this work is the
usage of a Genetic algorithm to choose the optimal number of hidden layers of
the NN. This step works as a sort of validation step, that searches in an iterative
way the best parameters for the NN. Once this parameters have been found, the
training works as usual. Three different datasets have been used for this work: the
CIC-IDS2017, the NSL-KDD and the CIDD-00110 dataset. The F-score obtained
separately on all three datasets is equal to 99%.
A possible different approach consists in the usage of a Big Data environment to
develop the classification algorithms. For example, the Apache Spark engine11 has
been used to create a workflow entirely based on Big Data tools [52]. In this case
the KDDCup 99 dataset has been loaded in a Spark Resilient Distributed Dataset
(RDD) and preprocessed. Then, the Spark Chi-SVM algorithm has been used to
train and evaluate the model. The difference between this method and a standard
SVM is the presence of a regularization term inside the SVM equation. The results
provided show an Area Under Precision-Recall Curve (AUPR) of 96.24% for the
Chi-SVM, with respect of the 94.36% of the standard SVM and 92.77% of a logistic
regression algorithm. Moreover, the authors give the total prediction time for the
three compared algorithms, that are equal to 1.21s, 1.37s and 1.58s respectively.
Some works are focalised on a single dataset and experiment different algorithms
to compare their performances. The CIC-IDS2017 dataset has been used to test
some Machine Learning algorithms using libraries available in the R language [61].
After a first pre-processing of the dataset, the authors performed a long feature
selection step with an unspecified algorithm, to reduce the dimensionality of the
dataset. From the original 80 features provided in the dataset CSV files, the top
15 ones have been picked to proceed with the training phase. The two algorithms
used have been a NN with 500 iterations and Random Forest with 10 epochs. The
obtained True Positive rate average is equal to 96% for the NN and 98% for the
Random Forest.
Another work used a single dataset to compare a different set of Machine Learn-
ing algorithms [53]. In this case the chosen dataset is the KDDCup 99 and the set
of algorithms is composed by: a Decision Tree, a NN with a single hidden layer
and a Näıve Bayes classifier. The KDDCup 99 records had to be pre-processed to
remove the duplicate records; then the different algorithms have been trained and
tested over the dataset. The average True Positive rate for the three classifiers is
equal to 92%.
The same dataset has been used similarly by another work [54]. The authors fol-
lowed the same approach, but with a different set of algorithms. The chosen ones
Related works
have been SVM and Random Forest, for which has been provided the test accuracy:
the SVM obtained a 92% of accuracy and the Random Forest a 91.4%. However,
the confusion matrix shows a 92.5% recall for the DoS attack and only an 84.5%
for less frequent attacks like probing, for the Random Forest. Instead, the SVM
recall is 96% for DoS, bu only 57% for probing attacks.
The last work presented used an unsupervised clustering technique to separate
the legitimate traffic from the malicious one [58]. The NSL-KDD dataset has been
used and the selected algorithm is the K-means clustering technique. The authors
tried different numbers of clusters to compare different results: 11, 22, 44, 66 and
88 clusters have been created to separate the 22 classes contained in the dataset.
The results are not very good, with a maximum detection rate of 28.8% for the
positive class and 22 clusters and a 52.8% for the negative class. Increasing the
number of clusters further reduces the obtained results.
Finally, the differences and similarities of the described works with the experi-
ments proposed in this work concern the following choices: the datasets used include
mostly outdated ones (KDDCup 99 or NSL-KDD), but the CIC-IDS2017 has been
used by some works with good results [57, 61]; the most adopted algorithms are
Random Forest, Neural Networks and SVM, with some usage of the Näıve Bayes
classifier [64, 53] and a single case of an unsupervised clustering technique [58].
Also, some different frameworks and languages have been used beside Python, like
Scala for the Spark environment [52] and R [61].
Chapter 10
The objective of this work has been the integration of machine learning classifiers
of network traffic attacks inside an IDS, Suricata. The statistics of the analysed
network traffic have been extracted with Tstat, an automated tool for passive net-
work monitoring. As explained in Chapter 2, Tstat has been chosen because it can
produce a good amount of TCP flows statistics and it provides some API functions
to interact with it from other external software.
Then, the statistics of the resulting dataset, a composition of the CSE-CIC-IDS2018
and the Torsec datasets, have been analysed, as explained in Chapter 7. As a result,
some of the Tstat core TCP features have been removed from the dataset because
they have not been considered useful for the experiments.
Once the preparation of the dataset has been completed, the machine learning
workflow to create and select the best models has been designed. The three different
classification algorithms, i.e. random forests, support vector machines and neural
networks, have been used to train different classifiers for each attack, using various
combinations of hyper-parameters, as explained in Chapter 6.
Therefore, a new set of classifiers has been trained using the best set of hyper-
parameters, producing a single model for each algorithm and for each attack type,
for a total of 15 models. The number of models has been further reduced by
choosing, for a single attack type, only the best performing algorithm: as a result
each one of the five attack types has its own ML classifier. As shown in Chapter 8,
the random forest algorithm has been chosen for all the network attacks analysed,
due to an F-score higher than the other two algorithms and a reasonably low average
classification time: around 0.5 µs per flow.
Finally, the obtained models have been integrated into the Suricata IDS. To
perform this action, the Suricata workflow has been modified in some specific points,
as detailed in Chapter 6. A new set of options has been created inside the Suricata
rules syntax, that allows to create signatures able to detect specific attacks using
the relative ML models. In this way it is possible to combine ML-based detection
together with the normal Suricata rules options. In order to obtain this result, the
modules that have been modified are the decoding and detection ones, beside the
Suricata initialisation phase. Moreover, the Tstat API has been expanded with a
new function, to obtain the statistics of a single specific flow.
Instead, Chapter 9 contains a comparison of other existing similar solutions, by
Appendix A
User manual
This appendix contains the manual for any user that would like to use the modified
version of the Suricata IDPS, which includes the ability of detecting malicious TCP
flows using pre-made machine learning classifiers. The details to create additional
custom ML models can be found in Appendix B. Instead, this manual describes
the technical steps to follow, starting from the installation of the required tools and
the setup of the environment.
A.1 Requirements
The software needed by the modified version of Suricata is composed by the Tstat
tool, Suricata itself, the source code of the integrated functionalities and the ma-
chine learning models. All the described steps have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.2
LTS and for this reason the example commands given below come from that OS;
however, the set of operating systems compatible with the final tool include all the
Linux and Mac systems. Windows is not supported because the Tstat tool is not
available for that OS.
The latest version of Tstat1 is available through its SVN repository2 and can
be downloaded with the command
svn checkout http://tstat.polito.it/svn/software/tstat/trunk tstat
while a specific version can be downloaded with the command
wget http://tstat.polito.it/download/tstat-3.x.y.tar.gz
where 3.x.y represents the specific version. The latest version available during the
execution of this work’s experiments is the 3.1.1, hence the compatibility with
later versions is not guaranteed. Moreover, Tstat requires some specific libraries
to work, like libpcap: in case they are missing from the user’s system, the Tstat
installation procedure will automatically show the list of needed libraries. The in-
stallation guide of the Tstat3 tool can be found on its website and it is not explained
User manual
in this manual. However, it has to be noted that during the installation of the Tstat
tool, the option to enable the library version provided by Tstat (libtstat) has to
be used, with the command
./configure --enable-libtstat
Instead, the source code needed to install the modified version of Suricata, to-
gether with a set of pre-made machine learning classifiers, can be found in the repos-
itory associated with this work. The only additional dependencies needed to use this
code are the Python libraries used by the classification script and can be obtained
using the commands pip install joblib and pip install scikit-learn pro-
vided the fact that the Python 3 version is available on the user’s system.
User manual
A.2 Installation
Once all the previous steps have been performed, the user should be in a situation
where both Tstat and Suricata have been installed separately and are able to run
independently. The process to obtain the integrated tool used in this work is com-
posed by a few more steps.
First, the content of the “tstat modified” folder available inside this work’s reposi-
tory must be copied into the Tstat source folder. More in detail, the files
inireader.c options.c tcp.c tstat.c tstat.h must be copied into the “tstat”
folder contained in the Tstat source code directory. Instead, the libtstat.h file
contained in the provided “include” folder must be copied into the “include” folder
contained in the Tstat source code directory. Now, the Tstat tool must be installed
again in the system, simply using the make and make install commands used to
install it the first time. Then, a similar process must be performed for the Suricata
source code folder. In this case, all the files contained inside the provided “suricata
modified” folder must be copied into the “src” folder contained in the Suricata
source code directory. Now, the Suricata installation pipeline must be informed of
the existence of the newly installed libtstat library, by adding the command
AC_CHECK_LIB([tstat], [tstat_next_pckt],, AC_MSG_ERROR([missing
’tstat’ library]))
inside the “configure.ac” file contained in the Suricata source code directory. More-
over, Suricata must be informed also about the location of the Python libraries:
this is done by adding a similar command to the same “configure.ac” file, which is
AC_CHECK_LIB([pyhton3.8], [PyArg_ParseTuple],, AC_MSG_ERROR([missing
’python3.8’ library]))
where python3.8 is the version of Python used for the integration and for this
reason is the suggested one. At this point, the Suricata tool can be installed again
using the make and make install commands used to install it the first time. Fi-
nally, the tool is ready to be used: the last missing steps are the configuration and
the usage of the tool.
A.3 Usage
This section contains the steps needed to correctly configure the installed tool,
followed by a complete example of usage and creation of new signatures.
A.3.1 Configuration
If the tool has been installed correctly, before trying to use it it is necessary to
setup some configurations. The file “integration.conf” contained in the “config”
folder provided in the repository is the main configuration file: Suricata searches
for this file in the current working directory at running time. The structure of
this file is explained in its first line and an example is shown in Listing A.2. The
remaining three lines of the file contain three absolute paths and are used by Suri-
cata to determine respectively the path to the Tstat configuration file (“tstat.conf”
in this case), the path of the folder containing the Python script for classification
User manual
(with the fixed name of “ml detect.py”) and the path to the script configuration
file (“ml detect.conf” in this case). In this way, it is possible to place these files
in the preferred directory: the only constraints are the presence of the “integra-
tion.conf” in the current working directory and the existence of a “ml detect.py”
in the directory specified in the configuration.
The exact contents of the “tstat.conf” file are explained in the Tstat website9 : it
contains some configuration information needed by Tstat, together with the paths
of other Tstat files. It is fundamental to correctly setup the Tstat configuration
to be able to use the new Suricata tool. Instead, the “ml detect.conf” file contains
the absolute paths to each of the classifiers available and the related scalers, in the
form of a dictionary: the key for each line is the value that must be used inside
the Suricata signatures to perform the classification of flows. Finally, the user has
to configure Suricata before running the tool. The complete guide to customise
Suricata can be found on its website10 : the “suricata.yaml” configuration file must
be edited with the user’s information (e.g. the name of the network interface to
monitor) and the path to any additional file of signatures must be added.
Once all this steps have been completed, the user can run Suricata from the
command line with the command
sudo suricata -c <suricata.yaml path> -i <interface name> -l
<suricata log dir>
that starts Suricata. If the operation is successful, the user should see a message
similar to the one provided in Figure A.3.
User manual
With the new tool installed and ready to be used, the user can classify TCP flows
with the chosen machine learning classifiers. To do so, the user can modify any
already existing Suricata signature or can create a new one. The following example
will concern the creation of a new signature: the complete list of available keywords
and rules format can be found on the Suricata website11 .
For this example, the file “custom.rules” provided in the repository has been
used, but the user can create any number of rule files, remembering to add their
path inside the “suricata.yaml” configuration file. First of all, it is necessary to
write a classic Suricata rule, like the one provided in Listing A.4.
alert tcp any -> any any (msg:"My custom rule!";
flow:established; content:"facebook"; nocase;
classtype:policy-violation; sid:666; rev:1;)
This example rule is very simple: the action performed in case of match is an
alert and the protocol to look for is tcp. The source address has been set to a
local host (, while the source port and the destination address and
port are set to match to any address and port number. The flow: established
option is used to match only flows where the TCP handshake has been completed,
the content: facebook option is used to match packets that contain the word
“facebook” inside the payload and the option nocase tells the engine that the
content value is not case-sensitive. The sid value can be freely chosen by the
user, paying attention to not use a value already used for other signatures since
Suricata would overwrite the previous rule in that case. An example of usage of this
very trivial rule is to check if the host visits or searches for the
Facebook website, leading to a policy violation (classtype:policy-violation in
the example).
Then, to add the machine learning classification of the flow to look for specific
attacks, the user has to add one or more special keywords inside the option of the
rule. The keywords supported by the pre-made set of classifiers available in the
repository are:
User manual
ml detect all to match with flows classified as any of the previous attacks.
The description of the attacks used to train these classifiers can be found in
Section 7.1, while Chapter 3 contains the technical explanation of these attacks.
The user can choose a combination of any of the previous keywords to detect
multiple attacks with a single rule: if at least one of the chosen classifiers finds a
match, the whole machine learning detection engine considers the flow as matching.
Hence, the overall rule is considered as matching by Suricata if both the classic
options and the machine learning engine consider the flow as matching. The only
exception with the explained syntax is the ml_detect_all keyword: if this keyword
is used, none of the other machine learning keywords can be inserted in the rule
because it already includes all the classifiers automatically. In any case, the Suricata
initialiser performs a syntactic and semantic check of all the provided rules and
informs the user of any error. Finally, the previous example has been integrated
with some of these keywords in Listing A.5, to show a practical example of the
usage of the new keywords. In this case, the ml_detect_bot and ml_detect_web
keywords have been used: they must be inserted as values of the option flow.
alert tcp any -> any any (msg:"My custom rule
with machine learning!"; flow:established, ml_detect_bot,
ml_detect_web; content:"facebook"; nocase;
classtype:policy-violation; sid:666; rev:1;)
Appendix B
Developer manual
This appendix is focused on the technical details useful for developers that would
like to modify or to expand the provided work. While the installation and usage of
the tool can be found in Appendix A, the following sections contain the necessary
information to perform actions like the addition of more classifiers, modify the
training pipeline, use different datasets, use a different set of features from the
same dataset, add other keywords to the Suricata rules or improve the existing
work in any other way.
B.1 Requirements
The system requirements to modify the provided tool are the same needed to use it
as-is and can be found in Appendix A. The new Suricata tool, Tstat and the files
provided in this work’s repository can be all necessary, depending on the type of
action to perform. If the developer is interested in modifying the training pipeline
or add new models, as explained in Section B.3.2, it may be necessary to install
additional Python libraries to use the provided scripts. This can be done with the
command pip install matplotlib.
B.2 Installation
The manual to install the tools provided in this work has been already explained in
Appendix A. The additional files useful for a developer are only Python scripts and
therefore they do not require any installation. If the developer is interested in using
a dataset different from the one used in this work and presented in Chapter 7, the
Tstat tool may have to be used as a stand-alone software, instead of as a library. In
this case, it is suggested to perform the Tstat configuration as needed, as explained
in the Tstat website1 .
Developer manual
This section contains the technical description of the files provided in this work’s
repository. This description has been split in different sections, depending on the
purpose of each file. First, the Python scripts used to parse the “pcap” files of
the dataset, extract flow features with Tstat and add the label to each flow are
presented. Then, The Python scripts to create the machine learning classifiers
starting from the dataset are described. Instead, the following section concerns the
C files and the Python script used to expand the functionalities of Suricata with
the ML classifiers. Finally, the last section analyses the Tstat C files that have been
modified to expand the libtstat API to produce the data needed by Suricata at
The two Python scripts used to parse the pcap packets captures, extract the re-
lated Tstat statistics and label the flows are contained in the “dataset scripts”
directory of the provided repository. Each one of the two scripts comes with its
own configuration file, needed to customise the execution of the script itself.
The first script is “read pcap.py” and it is used to extract the Tstat flow statis-
tics from many pcap files at the same time. In fact, to analyse many pcap files
with Tstat it is necessary to pass the name of each file as a command line argument
or to call Tstat multiple times, one for each file. This script simply performs this
operation and collects the outputs in a single file. The configuration file contains
three different absolute paths: the path to the “runtime.conf” configuration file
used by Tstat, the path to the input folder containing the pcap files and the path
to the output folder, where the statistics will be produced.
Instead, the second script is used to add the label “Malign” or “Benign” to
each one of the flows produced by the previous script. The distinctions between
legitimate and malicious traffic has been performed using the IP addresses of the
attackers provided by the creators of the dataset, as explained in Chapter 6. The
produced output is split in a set of files with a maximum length of 500.000 lines.
The reason for this choice is to ease the management of the output, in case it is too
big to be processed at once by the machine learning pipeline. Also, in this way it
is possible to use only a sub-set of the data, in case it is needed.
Furthermore, the configuration file of this script contains more lines with respect
to the previous one. The first path contains the name of the input file, while
the second one is the output folder path. Instead, the third value is the prefix
of the output files produced by the script: for example, if the chosen prefix is
my_dataset, the files produced will be my_dataset_01 my_dataset_02 and so on,
until all the input file has been labelled. Finally, the last line contains the list of
IP address to consider as malign. It is a list of space-separated IPv4 addresses, like
Developer manual
Instead, there are two scripts used for the training and are “training.py” and
“final training.py”: the first one is used to train many models with different com-
binations of hyper-parameters, while the second one is used after the validation
Developer manual
phase, to train only the best classifiers chosen by the validation phase. The two
configuration files have the same structure, so are described together. The first
path contained in each configuration file is the root directory for the dataset, i.e.
<root dir> using the example explained before. The next line contains the names
of the sub-directories, separated by a space: still using the same example, the line
would be <sub-dir 01> <sub-dir 02>. The subsequent line contains the path to
the folder containing the created ML models. For the “training.py” script this is
only an output folder, but the other script uses it as an input folder to obtain the
hyper-parameters of the best models and as an output folder for the final models
that will be used for the integrated Suricata tool. Finally, the last line contains
the list of space-separated columns of the dataset to use for the training phases.
The reference for the numbers in this line is the table of Tstat features explained in
Section 2.2.1, while the chosen ones for this work’s experiments have been described
in Section 6.1.2. If, for any reason, the developer decides to use a different set of
features to create the ML classifiers, it is necessary to change this list inside the
configuration file and to modify the Tstat API function that provides the list of
features to Suricata. This is a simple process and it is explained in Section B.3.4.
Finally, the last script provided contains the functionalities needed to extract
some statistics from the trained models. The script “statistics.py” mainly performs
two types of actions: it selects the best set of hyper-parameters for each algorithm
starting from the models created with the script “training.py” and then computes
some statistics with the final models created with the script “final training.py”.
The list of produced statistics, like the F-score or the balanced accuracy, have been
presented in Chapter 6, while a theoretical description of these measures can be
found in Section 5.1.5. The configuration file of this script has the same structure as
the other two, for exception of the last line: it has an additional line that contains
the number of neural networks, random forests and SVMs that have to be validated.
Hence, if a user is interested in creating new ML models, the steps to follow can
be summed up as:
1. parse the network traffic captures with the script “read pcap.py”;
2. label the obtained CSV files with the script “label dataset.py”;
3. train one or more classifiers with the preferred set of hyper-parameters using
the script “training.py”;
4. validate the trained models with the script “statistics.py”, that produces one
model for each algorithm;
5. use the best set of hyper-parameters to train the final models on the whole
training set, with the script “final training.py”;
6. optionally, use the script “statistics.py” again to compare multiple final mod-
els to perform a sub-selection of the best algorithms.
Developer manual
Developer manual
examined by Suricata and in any case only after all the other options of the signature
have provided a match, in this way the overhead is reduced to the least amount
possible. The statistics of the flow of the current packet are retrieved through a
new libtstat API function created ad-hoc for this purpose and better explained
in Section B.3.4. Then, the classify() function contained in the “ml detect.py”
script is called and it determines if the flow is considered positive for at least one of
the ML models required by the current signature. The response is returned to the
original Suricata pipeline that processes it as usual and performs eventual actions
accordingly to the specific rule.
Instead, the “ml detect.py” script operates in a different way: it contains two
functions that are used in different moments of the integration pipeline. The first
function is init() and receives as input the path of its configuration file. The
function is called by Suricata during the initialisation phase, when the Python
interpreter is created, as explained above. This function loads from the locations
contained in its configuration file the list of ML classifiers and the related scalers
to be used at prediction time and returns them to Suricata as PyObject references.
Instead, the other function is classify() and receives as input the statistics of a
single flow, created with the new Tstat API function, and the list of ML models
and scalers to use for the current classification. It iterates over this list and returns
the result of the classification to Suricata.
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