Helpline-Termination FinalPaycheckAcknowledgement

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Final Paycheck Acknowledgement

I, the undersigned recipient, have received my final paycheck from __(Company


The total amount of the paycheck is: __($)__

Paycheck amount represents:

Wages __($)__
Accrued Vacation Pay __($)__
Bonus __($)__
Commission __($)__
Other __($)__

_____________________________ __($)__
_____________________________ __($)__
_____________________________ __($)__

To the best of my knowledge, there is no additional money owed to me by the employer

at the present time.

___________________________________ _____________________
Name of Recipient (please print) Dept.

________________________________________ _____________________
Signature of Recipient Date

_______________________________________ _____________________
Signature of Person Issuing Final Paycheck Date

This form provided to members of

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