Day 4
Day 4
Day 4
5-6 minutes
Well let's start from the top. This is one everyone should be
comfortable with. I will use the Customers form to discuss this
various short-keys since this was the form I mentioned in my
previous blog. You can launch this form by going to Common
Data -> BPs -> Customers.
Beware not every field, but almost every field will contain help.
Some of the fields will be more useful than others. This shows
the field name of the Customer field. This corresponds to the
For example in the image below you can see that I am sitting on
the Address CRP1 for Customer C6001. However until I press
F2 or Double-click on the field I can't enter into that field.
The same form below after pressing F2. You can see the cursor
is now in the field.
Suppose you have filtered the search on the Left List as show
below you can see a filter is on the Customer column. I have
this filtered to just include Customer's that begin with 'C'. If you
press F5 this will take the filter off and refresh the list with all
window. You can see the Field name and Screen name in the
Title bar of the window below. You can also see that Data Type
and Length of the field.
This will show the history behind the parent property of the