Lab Report
Lab Report
Lab Report
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ID : 201-15-3505
Experiment no: 01
The objective of this experiment is to observe how a single power semiconductor
Diode is used to obtain DC power from ac input source.
The input ac voltage is obtained from the conventional 230v as supply through a
step down transformer. It is rectified using a single diode. A tungsten filament
bulb is used as a resistive load. The dc voltage thus obtained in the output is not
pure, rather contains some ac voltage also. The quality of DC voltage obtained
from such systems is measured by a factor called “ripple factor” which is the ratio
of the ac part of the dc part of the output voltage. The input ac voltage and the
output dc voltage is measured by using voltmeters and the relation between the
two voltage are found from the experiment, which is then compared to the
corresponding theoretical voltage. The input and output voltage wave shapes are
also observed using a CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope).
Center Tape Power transformer, 230/12-0-12 volt, 3 Amp. 01No
Power diode, 2N4005, 01 No.
Tungsten Filament Bulb, 12V, 5W, 01 No.
AC Voltmeter, 0 – 30V, 01 No.
DC Voltmeter, 0 – 30V, 01No.
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Dual Trace, 01No.
Oscilloscope Probe, 1X-10X, 02 Nos.
Student should know how to use a dual trace CRO, ac Voltmeter, DC Voltmeter
Step 1: Connect the circuit as shown in the diagram. The transformer secondary
has two coils, use any one. Use the tungsten filament bulb as the load resistor.
Step 2: Switch ON the input ac power to the transformer.
Step 3: Using ac Voltmeter, measure the rms Voltage of the transformer
secondary. Note the reading in the data sheet.
Step 4: Using ac Voltmeter, measure the rms Voltage across the load. Note the
reading in the data sheet.
Step 5: Using DC Voltmeter, measure the dc output Voltage across the load. Note
the reading in the data sheet.
Step 6: Using CH1 of the CRO, observe and draw the Voltage wave across the
transformer secondary. Also observe and draw the load voltage using CH2. Draw
both the Voltage wove shape on the same vertical axis. From the wave shape,
measure the peak value of the input as well as of the output Voltage of the
rectifier. Note the reading in the data sheet.
Step 7: Using CH1of the CRO, observe and draw the Voltage wave across the
diode. From the wave shape, measure the peak value (PIV) of the diode Voltage.
Note the reading in the data sheet. (Caution: While connecting CH1 across the
diode, CH2 must be kept open).
1. Compare between the practical and theoretical results for input and output
2. Design a Carbon dioxide laser power supply, if the voltage across discharge
tube and the current pass through discharge tube.
3. The transformer utilization factor of a rectifier circuit is defined as the ratio of
the DC power available at the load resistor to the AC rating of the secondary coil
of a transformer. The. rating of the transformer can be defined as:
TRANSFORMER utilization factor for half wave rectifier. Here we should
compare calculated value and utilization factor. I think there will little difference
between them.
4. Peak Inverse Voltage or Peak Reverse Voltage refer to the maximum voltage
a diode or other device can withstand in the reverse-biased direction before
breakdown. Also may be called Reverse Breakdown Voltage. The value I
calculated there is no difference between them.
5. We know that voltage goes from AC to DC. For that the other channel should
kept open. Otherwise the voltage won’t flow from AC to DC.