The High Courts of India
The High Courts of India
The High Courts of India
In India, neither the State executive nor the State Legislature has any power
to control the High Courts or two after its Constitution or organisation. It is
only Parliament which can do it. In case of Union Territories the Parliament
may by law extend the jurisdiction of a High Court to or exclude the
jurisdiction of a High Court from any Union Territory, or create a High Court
for a Union Territory.
Thus Delhi, a Union Territory, has a separate High Court of its own while the
Madras High Court has jurisdiction over Pondicherry, the Kerala High Court
over Lakshadweep and Mumbai High Court over Dadra and Nagar Haveli,
the Kolkata High Court over Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Punjab High
court over Chandigarh.
(a) Additional Judges for a temporary period not exceeding two years, for the
clearance of areas of work in a High Court;
(b) an acting judge, when a permanent judge of a High Court (other than
Chief Justice) is temporarily absent or unable to perform his duties or is
appointed to act temporarily as Chief Justice.
But neither an additional nor an acting Judge can hold office beyond the age
of 62 years (by 15th Amendment) Act age of retirement raised from 60 to 62.
A Judge of the High Court shall hold office until the age of 62 years.
Every Judge, permanent, additional or acting, may vacate his office earlier in
any of the following ways; (i) by resignation in writing addressed to the
President; (ii) by being appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court or being
transferred to any other High Court, by the President; (iii) by removal by the
President on an address of both Houses of Parliament (supported by the vote
of 2/3 of the members present) on the ground of proved misbehaviour or
incapacity,. The mode of removal of a Judge of the High Court shall thus be
the same as that of a judge of the Supreme Court.
The Constitution, accordingly, provided that the High Courts would retain
their existing jurisdiction and any future law that was to be made by the
Besides, the original and appellate jurisdiction, the Constitution vested in
the High Court’s four additional powers:
(1) The power to issue writs or orders for the enforcement of Fundamental
Rights or for any other purpose;
The High Courts of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras exercise original civil
jurisdiction when the amount involved exceeds specified limit. In criminal
cases it extends to case committed to them by Presidency Magistrates.
On the appeal side they entertain appeals in civil and criminal cases from
their subordinate courts as well as from their original side. For historical
reasons and as a result of the specific provisions in the Government of India
Act, 1935, no High Court has any original jurisdiction in any matter concern-
ing revenue. In 1950 Constitution removed this restriction.
However, this jurisdiction of High Court has been taken away in respect of
Administrative Tribunals set up under Article 323A, by the administrative
Tribunals Act. 1985. If the High Court is satisfied that a case pending in a
court subordinate to it involves a substantial question of law as to the
interpretation of the Constitution, it may transfer the case of itself.
After the case has come to the file of the High Court, it may dispose of the
whole case itself, or may determine the constitutional questions involved and
return the case to the court from which it has been withdrawn together with a
copy of its judgement on such question and direct it to dispose of the case in
conformity with such judgement.
The Constitution, thus, denies to subordinate courts the right to interpret the
Constitution so that there may be the maximum possible uniformity as
regards constitutional decisions. It is accordingly, the duty of the subordinate
courts to refer to the High Court a case which involves a substantial question
of law as to the interpretation of the Constitution and the case cannot be
disposed of without the determination of such question. The High Court may
also transfer the case to itself upon the application of the party in the case.
(c) Writ Jurisdiction:
Article 226 of the Constitution empowers every High Court, throughout the
territories in relation to its which exercises jurisdiction to issue to any person
or authority, including in appropriate cases, any Government, within those
territories, directions, orders or writs, including writs in the nature of habeas
corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warrantor and certiorari, or any of them,
for the enforcement of any of the Fundamental Rights and for any other
Although the Supreme Court and the High Courts have concurrent
jurisdiction in the enforcement of Fundamental Rights, the Constitution does
not confer to the High Court’s the special responsibility of protecting
Fundamental Rights as the Supreme Court is vested with such a power.
Under Article 32 the Supreme Court is made the guarantor and protector, of
Fundamental Rights whereas in the case of High court the power to enforce
Fundamental Rights is part of their general jurisdiction.
The jurisdiction to issue writs under these Articles is larger in the case of
High Court in as much as while the Supreme Court can issue them only
where a fundamental right has been infringed, a High Court can issue them
not only in such cases but also where an ordinary legal right has been
infringed, provided a writ is a proper remedy in such cases, according to
well-established principles.
(d) Court of Record:
The High Court is a court of record and has all the powers of such a court
including the power to punish for contempt of itself. The two characteristics
of a court of record are that the records of such a Court are admitted to be of
evidentiary value and that they cannot be questioned when produced before
any court and that it has the power to punish for contempt of itself. Neither
the Supreme Court nor the Legislature can deprive a High Court of its power
of punishing contempt of itself.
(ii) Subject to the provisions of any law made by the Legislature of the State,
the conditions of service of Officers and servants of a High Court shall be
such as may be prescribed by the rules made by the Chief Justice of the High
(iii) The administrative expenses of the High Court including all salaries,
allowances, etc. are charged upon the Consolidated Fund of the State.