Bioenergetic Basics The Art of Dynamic Wellness With Goiz Biomagnetic Pairs (PDFDrive)

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The key takeaways are that the publication aims to educate and provide general information on various subjects, but laws and practices vary in different places and specific medical advice should be tailored to individual situations.

This publication is designed to educate and provide general information regarding the subject matter covered.

The author has taken reasonable precautions in the preparation of this book and believe the information presented in the book is accurate at publishing. However, neither the author nor the publisher assume any responsibility for any errors or omissions.


publication is designed to educate and provide general information

regarding the subject matter covered. However, laws and practices often vary
from state to state and country to country and are subject to change. Because
each situation is different, specific advice should be tailored to the particular
circumstances. For this reason, the reader is advised to consult with his or her
own health advisor regarding that individual’s specific situation.
The author has taken reasonable precautions in the preparation of this book and
believe the information presented in the book is accurate at publishing.
However, neither the author nor the publisher assume any responsibility for any
errors or omissions. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any liability
resulting from the use or application of the information contained in this book,
and the information is not intended to serve as medical advice related to
individual situations.
While this guidebook’s subject matter can help produce wellness, it is not
intended to replace or supplant licensed professional health care. The author is
not a licensed physician and offers this guidebook as an educational and
research tool only.
Copyright © 2010 by Janice Bailey
All rights are reserved.
ISBN: 1-4392-0259-1
ISBN-13: 9781439202593
E-Book ISBN: 978-1-61789-388-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008906145
Visit to order additional copies.

This book is written in partial fulfillment of a challenge Isaac Goiz gave to
our class of spring of 2000. After teaching us of his findings, he charged us with
informing others, saying that he was not concerned about remuneration, asking
only that we give him credit, mentioning his name, much as he did for Dr.
Richard Broeringmeyer who preceded him. Hopefully, this book does that, and
the author alone takes full responsibility for any errors that might exist.
Dedicated to Craig.
Check out our video on how to scan the body
@ our website:

Thank you for your interest in wellness.

The above is a copy of a supportive endorsement letter dated August 9, 2000, to
Janice Bailey from Isaac Goiz (Duran).

Many thanks to Craig Harris and to Leslie Maria Cramer for innumerable
hours of excellent help, editing and suggestions, to Lucinda Hilbrink for editing
on her vacation time, to Kathy Gordon for her work with the computer, and to
Lupita Navarro.
Applause for Fernando Tames and his fine illustrations.
Muchisimas gracias to Isaac Goiz Duran for having persevered in his
research of biomagnetic pairs and shared with me.
And a special thank you to all my readers. Helping you to learn how to feel
dynamically well and be more in charge of your health is very gratifying.
Table of Contents

Title Page
Copyright Page
1. Background of Bioenergetic Basics
2. AIDS as Catalyst in Biomagnetic Pair Discovery
3. Speaker Magnets and Leukemia?
4. Duality
5. Magnetism
Descriptions of Magnetism
Gauss of Over 1,000
6. Magnetic Lines and Migrations
Migrations Within the Body by Bacteria and Viruses
7. Influences on Bioenergetics
Rainbows and Biomagnetic Pairs
8. pH and Bioenergetic Basics
Process of Ion Formation
Water in our Bodies
pH Scale
9. Effects of Acidity and Alkalinity on Tissue
10. Micro Organisms
More on Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi & Parasites
Fungi, Parasites and By-Products
11. Biomagnetic Pairs
Glandular Dysfunction BMPs
Associated BMPs
Cancers and Tumors
12. Symptomology
13. Scanning with Magnets
Using and Storing Magnets
Goiz Special Pair
14. Bioenergetic Basics: Art form taking shape
15. Other Considerations
Scanning and Reservoirs
Scanning and Previous Surgery
Effects of Imbalanced Polarized Energy of Male and Female Reproductive
Geography and Healing Time
Further Clarifications
16. Conclusions
17. Alphabetized List of Conditions and Possible BMPs for Depolarization
Clarification of BMP Composition
18. Explanation of Body Catalog of Biomagnetic Pairs
Body Catalog of Biomagnetic Pairs
19. Appendix
20. Bibliography

Fields of subtle energies inhabit what science has wrongly believed to be the
“vacuum of empty space.” We ourselves are beings of energy and this book is
about the art of managing that energy for dynamic wellness. Dictionaries say
that art is human effort to supplement or alter the work of nature. Physician Isaac
Goiz of Mexico City, then, is an artist of energy.
In a class including 28 MDs, 3 nurses, a nun and myself, he demonstrated
how working on the unseen subtle energy flow may produce an oeuvre d’art
equally as moving as a musical masterpiece. One of the students, also an M.D.,
volunteered to be the canvas upon which Goiz would carry out his art form. The
man had been crippled by polio at a young age and wore a prosthesis with a high
heel and thick sole on the polio-shortened leg. Goiz placed two magnets on the
man and after about 20 minutes, told him, “Get up and walk.” His short leg
changed length practically before our eyes that day in Mexico City. He no longer
needed the prosthesis! Those in the class marveled with the bewildered man who
exclaimed with joy, “Doctor, these biomagnetic pairs will change medical
As the Nobel Prize is awarded for discovering how to eradicate a single
disease (such as that for stomach ulcers), Goiz could be called and recalled to the
stage in Stockholm based on biomagnetic pairs. In 1995 he published El Par
Biomagnetico (translated as The Biomagnetic Pair in 2002 by this author) for
which he received recognition from Ecuador’s Universidad Nacional de Loja
and Mexico’s Universidad de Chapingo. Since the first biomagnetic pair
discovery in 1988, he has located over 250 pairs for eradicating a plethora of
diseases. When El Par Biomagnetico was released, there were 114 biomagnetic
pairs (BMPs) with 20 special BMPs for a total of 134. In 2002, when the English
version was ready, the number of BMPs had increased to over 200. At present
there are 267 contained in this guidebook. In the words of Goiz, “these pairs
associated with the elements of diagnosis or evaluation permit us to understand
and treat practically all human pathologies, including less common syndromes,
and tumor phenomena such as cancer.” Nevertheless, this method remains
basically unknown in the English-speaking world.
The method—the art form—empowers the body to eradicate numerous viral
infections for which there are no effective medications. With it the body may
easily destroy harmful bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. It may
counter fungus and parasites such as pinworm and clarify troubling health
problems we call syndromes. The method also locates and may prevent disease
situations from evolving before symptoms arise. The amount of recovery time is
shockingly fast, though not necessarily as rapid as with the above-mentioned
case of the man with polio.
The absolute ease of this art form is phenomenal. For example, to discover
and treat AIDS, adult onset diabetes, benign and cancerous tumors, herpes, and
other conditions, he has the person, fully clothed, lie on a table. He places
magnets on the corresponding biomagnetic pair locations as specified by his
research. Painful exploratory surgery and time-consuming lab tests are rendered
unnecessary. Anesthesia and many drugs are not a requirement. Such wellness,
then, is truly an art form encouraged through this information and at minimal
cost to the patient.
Much like Vivaldi’s brilliant violin concertos engage musicians and delight
listeners, this art form can transform you. It can give you peace through
confidence in being able to participate in more of what is happening within you.
Read this entire book as presented before ever attempting depolarizations. In that
way you may best learn about and perhaps become an energy artist who creates
wellness for yourself, family and friends such that you may never have dreamed!
While this guidebook’s artform can allow the body to produce wellness, it is
not intended to replace or supplant licensed professional health care. The author
is not a licensed physician and offers this guidebook as an educational and
research tool only.



In 1988, the now controversial physician Isaac Goiz (Duran) attended a life-
changing session on bioenergy at the medical school of the University of
Guadalajara in Mexico. Goiz tells how Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer (see photo,
following page) described his work with NASA (National Aeronautic and Space
Administration). Broeringmeyer, who passed away in 1991, measured and tested
the early astronauts before and after their space mission. He noticed that when
the astronauts returned from space, their bodies were slightly lopsided with one
leg shortened. (Before going into outer orbit they had been normal.)
Broeringmeyer had speculated about what caused the abnormality. He
wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that the astronauts were far from
the direct magnetic influence of planet earth. To his delight he found the answer.
By applying magnets to their bodies, it caused them to lose the lopsidedness and
they regained their normal stance and leg length.*
According to Goiz, Broeringmeyer had continued his studies with
magnetism and looked at how it related to pH (acidity and alkalinity) in the
body. He developed certain practices based on biomagnetism, which he shared
in Guadalajara.

He taught Goiz about biomagnetic energy in the human body and reviewed
what he had learned about interference of energy flow.
Broeringmeyer stressed that organs and tissues in the body can become
magnetically polarized. He lectured about his polar therapy based on pH and
also about the importance of hydrogen ions in health and disease.
Broeringmeyer’s technique involved kinesiology (muscle testing) to locate
magnetic polarizations. When he found a polarization, indicated by changes in
muscle strength, he would apply a magnet to the indicated area. He suggested
leaving the magnet in place for 30 days, as he had done with the astronauts, to
obtain depolarization.
As one of the physicians attending the seminar, Goiz was fascinated. Born in
1941, he had lived his whole life in Mexico, at first studying chemical
engineering. Later he changed his field, going into medicine as a physical
therapist. He incorporated a variety of approaches and studies such as massage
and acupuncture in his work. Eventually he studied and became a licensed
medical doctor. With his broad background, he was aware that there were many
factors about health that were being ignored in the conventional medical school
courses. New scientific health findings intrigued him, wherever they came from.
He continually sought a wider understanding of the body to improve his
expertise in his own medical practice.

*In the 1930’s, Dr. Albert R. Davis discovered the phenomenon of apparent
leg length changes and placement of magnets on various body parts. A patent
was applied for on December 20, 1976, for his method of conducting a screening
and diagnostic examination to identify “damaged, diseased, abnormal and/or
malfunctioning parts of the body”. Davis’s discovery was not mentioned by Goiz
in his writings.

Within a week following the Broeringmeyer seminar, Goiz’s discovery of
the first biomagnetic pair occurred. He returned to his Mexico City clinic
pondering the concepts of Dr. Broeringmeyer. A patient stricken with an
advanced case of AIDS soon arrived at his clinic. In 1988 not much was known
about the treatment of that devastating disease. Goiz scanned the patient with a
magnet by moving it over the body. When he passed the magnet over the thymus
area, one side of the body immediately shortened, similar to the lopsidedness
Broeringmeyer had observed in the astronauts.
At that instant something nudged Goiz’s intuition. It was an idea beyond
what Broeringmeyer taught about diseased organs being polarized. Goiz thought
that in the case of AIDS there might exist more than just a single polarized area
of the body.
Magnetic poles come in pairs, he thought to himself. They are not just a
north pole alone or an unaccompanied south pole (which is one limitation of
other biomagnetic therapies presently being practiced). Perhaps, he postulated,
AIDS could be caused by a PAIR of magnetic poles or a pair of polarized body
areas. If so, the thymus gland below the collar bone could represent one of the
poles, since placing a magnet in that location caused a drawing up of one side of
the body. The other pole, he reasoned, had to be hidden somewhere else. Where,
he asked himself, could that other pole be? And, if he were to locate the other
pole and put a magnet on it, would the patient’s body lose the shortness and
return to normal? Would this progressed case of AIDS be affected?
Leaving the first magnet over the thymus, he set to work scanning the rest of
the patient’s entire body, front and back, with another magnet. With each
placement of the second magnet, he checked to determine if the contracted side
of the body had returned to normal.
He checked points over the front of the patient’s body. No reaction. He
checked the arms, legs, and head. Then he began scanning his back side. Finally,
when he placed the second magnet over the area at the end of the coccyx, he saw
what he was looking for. The man’s shortened leg returned to normal. He
conjectured the base of the spine might be the point of the second biomagnetic
pole for AIDS.
He left each magnet in place on the patient’s body for less than an hour,
explaining to the man how the technique might possibly help him. However, he
did not know for sure what the effect might be. He assured him also that natural
magnets such as the ones he was using would not be harmful. He told him to
return in one week to be rechecked.

In the words of Goiz (from Goiz’s seminar, spring of 2000),

“When the patient came back, he had no symptoms of his disease. He has
continued AIDS-free to this time.”

That monumental breakthrough could prove to be one of our most important
medical discoveries. The extraordinary concept of the biomagnetic pair, that a
sickness has two magnetic poles or points of opposite polarity, was first
postulated in 1988:

From Goiz again (The Biomagnetic Pair, p. 15):

“Orthodox medicine of our time conceives pathological phenomena only

as unipolar and isolated. But the discovery and practical demonstration of
MEDICAL BIOMAGNETISM … confirm(s) physical, biological, and
energetic duality of living organisms and … their manifestations in health as
well as in sickness. That is to say, the pathological and pathogenic
manifestations are formed from well-defined poles—positive and negative—or
south and north respectively, which depart from the natural limits of organic
entropy where health is established as a natural law. That means a constant
and biomagnetic resonance exists within the boundaries of health, as well as
in the deviations wherein sicknesses originate. So, the presence of one
conditions that of the other.”
Goiz’s dual polarity discovery was the first known example of
bioenergetically aiding the body to obliterate an illness with a pair of magnets.
That first biomagnetic pair received the name of Timo/Recto, (Thymus/Rectum
in English.) Goiz said that perhaps the only positive thing about AIDS was that
its presence led to the discovery of the main principles of bioenergetic basics:
depolarizing biomagnetic pairs with a pair of magnets. There were to be many
more firsts. Since that occasion in his Mexico City clinic, Goiz discovered a
multitude of applications of depolarizing dual polarities.

“Once I discovered the first pair, I felt that more diseases might respond in
the same way. The results were always spectacular.”
(Goiz, Mexico City seminar, 2000)

Since the first breakthrough with AIDS, Goiz’s research into other
biomagnetic pairs in the body has continued. He has helped over 200,000
patients in Mexico, Italy, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Spain with his art or
biomagnetic pair “medicine.” Students of Goiz are successfully applying the
same principles by utilizing the biomagnetic pairs (BMPs). They depolarize the
BMPs as a new, alternative medical treatment in their respective fields of
gynecology, dentistry, pediatrics, ophthalmology, psychiatry, etc., often with
remarkable positive health benefits.

With the understanding of how disease states exist due to Goiz’s newly
defined biomagnetic pairs, we take the first step in BIOENERGETIC BASICS.
There are no overdoses in this method. It is not expensive. It is not toxic. It does
not require lab tests or surgery. The magnetic energy applied cannot harmfully
alter the milieu within or around the cell as drugs can. Instead, maintains Goiz, it
organizes and stabilizes cells so the body can heal itself.

Benefits of the method are usually seen within one week or sooner
depending on the case. Not all conditions respond the same or as quickly as
others. But often the patients recover in an unexpectedly short time. Viruses can
be eradicated quickly. Bacteria, parasites, and fungi may take longer, but once
they are located and identified they are substantially weakened. Then the body’s
own immune system can destroy them, often without the need for antibiotics or
other medications. It has also been found that young children’s bodies (and
animals’) often heal themselves more rapidly with magnets than do adults.

This knowledge about AIDS as well as other “incurable” diseases that has
been developed by Goiz needs to be better understood by everyone possessing a
body. Bioenergetic basics can help us feel better and learn to be more in control
of our bodies. Goiz’s work can give us greater understanding about ourselves.
Discussing his findings with one’s health care providers is a good beginning.
Implementing them can reduce fear and dependency and give us confidence and


The author, who is not a doctor, wanted to help her father who had
developed leukemia. Upon learning about the possible benefits from what Goiz
was doing, she petitioned him to admit her as his student in early 2000. After
studying with him and working under his tutelage at his clinic in Mexico City,
she was ready to see what could be done for her father.
Normal white blood cell count is measured from around 4,500 to 10,000
white blood cells (WBC) per microliter, and his count had climbed close to
100,000, at 98,000. Following the bioenergetic basics procedure, she scanned his
body. She placed two magnets pulled from second-hand store speakers on the
leukemia points, leaving them in place for some 30 minutes.
Her father, a skeptical Ph.D. from an Ivy League university, verified that at
his next regularly scheduled blood test his white cell count was down by almost
10,000, which, he considered, might be due merely to remission. But the count
continued downward more than 60,000 over time. (See chart.) It was lowered to
36,000, which seemed to his oncologist quite remarkable for a 92 year old man
who had refused conventional treatment. For bioenergetic basics colleagues,
remarkableness is often the rule.

If we accept the current findings of science about the nature of matter, it
becomes easier to understand how magnets could help the body with leukemia.
When we touch our bodies they feel solid to us. They look substantial to our
eyes. In spite of what our senses tell us, quantum physics shows us that the body
—all matter—is not as solid as we perceive.
Humans are beings composed of atoms held together by the energy of our
atoms’ electrons. There is a great amount of space between each of our atoms.
Additionally, each atom is also mostly space, with (comparatively) vast
distances between its center point and its electrons. We are space and energy.
Much of what is reported in this book about the workings of bioenergy relates to
quantum physics, guided by qualitative results we have witnessed. Hopefully,
the information contained herein will inspire others to develop instrumentation
for accurately measuring quantitatively our bioenergy and the biomagnetic pairs.
According to bioenergetic basics, when disease occurs it starts at the
subatomic level. Magnets somehow help the body influence that level. To see
how that happens, how two magnets can help diseases such as leukemia, we
need to consider other concepts. These include: pairs and duality in life, the
basics of magnetism, pH and wellness, and the great variety of micro organisms
and their effects on our bodies. All of these aspects enter into the art of
bioenergetic basics for dynamic wellness.

According to Goiz’s bioenergetic model of the human body, disease can
exist where our body’s energy separates into two poles. When this disease-
duality is absent, our energy circulates as an uninterrupted singularity. Current
popular medicine as taught in most western medical schools is oblivious to this
model of duality in disease formation and control. Disease is basically defined
by drug-and surgery-controlled symptoms without seeking the cause of the
disease. In his practice, Goiz has striven to show the necessity of employing
simultaneously the positive and negative duality of magnetism, not limiting
wellness work merely to a single polarity as is done in other magnet techniques.
Historically, the early Mesopotamians esteemed dually-entwined serpents.
The ancient Mexicans believed in a supreme and dual creator OMETEOTL,
called “Our Mother, Our Father” (from Miguel Leon Portilla’s website, Early civilizations also saw paired
divisions in other areas of life representing them in carvings and sculptures. The
yin/yang symbol of ancient China signified the divided and opposing yet
complementary forces in nature. For the Chinese, there remains A principle of
duality wherein yin is expansive and yang is contracting in all of existence.
Acupuncture is the 2,000 year old science of balancing the yin and yang
energies. In Zen Buddhism this is sometimes called “going through the gateless
It is quite stupefying that conventional allopathic medicine has overlooked
such a natural, simple and ubiquitous concept as duality. This oversight can be
corrected by applying the principles of bioenergetic basics: depolarize
biomagnetic pairs to help our body manage our wellness.


Magnetism is a dual energy—one of the basic energies of matter and of the
universe. Science tells us that the apparent cause of magnetism is the whirring
around of electrons within atoms. Magnetism and magnetic energy have been
recognized and used since antiquity.
Ancient mariners employed its energy for navigation. They would tie a
magnetized lodestone to a piece of cork floating on the water. The direction it
pointed would show north.

In addition to its use indicating direction, magnetism’s healing properties
were employed thousands of years ago. Archaeologists have uncovered an
ancient African mine where prehistoric miners obtained that naturally
magnetized ferric compound, lodestone, known today as magnetite.
From “Biomagnetism and Electro-Biomagnetism:

The Foundation of life in FUTURE HISTORY,

Series 1, Vol. 8, 1985, by H. Coetzee. By permission.

An ancient text from India mentions “ferromagnetic ores being used for
relieving pain and acting as antidotes to poisons.” (Alfredo Crossland, “New
Hope Offered by Magnetic Therapies, Journal of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics
institute Vol. 2 No 3, fall 1990, p 7) Cleopatra and other Egyptians fastened
pieces of magnetite to their foreheads supposedly to increase longevity and
forestall aging. And in the Middle Ages, Paracelsus ranked the magnet as the
most powerful of therapeutic agents.

Magnetism is/has a field of force. This field of force consists of two charges:
negative and positive. It exists in something as small as an atom or in large
bodies such as the earth or sun. Human bodies, as we stated, possess magnetic
charges, as do all material things composed of atoms—plants, animals, rocks,
molecules of water, etc.

Our planet is like a huge magnet. Spinning on its axis, it creates magnetic
energy. The churning movement of the molten rock deep within its core
produces additional magnetism. Science shows that at the earth’s geographic
North Pole, magnetic energy streams upward and outward. The energy can
eventually circle back down towards the earth, entering at a variety of locations
including at the South Pole. From the South Pole, magnetic lines also flow. The
North Pole is called negative, The South Pole is positive. When speaking of
energy, the title of “positive” or “negative” refers only to location (direction) of
travel of energy. There is absolutely no judgment saying that positive energy is
good and negative is bad.

There are certain laws of magnetism that hold true whether dealing with
magnetism outside or inside of the body. One law states: Like charges repel
each other. That means that two positive charges push against each other. Two
negative ones also repel one another. A second law holds that: Opposites
attract. Therefore, the North Pole, being negative, attracts positive charges. It
also repels negative charges. The South Pole, which is positive, follows the
above laws and attracts negative charges and repels positive ones.

Different conventions exist for naming magnet polarities. Physicists and

certain other scientists use one definition of polarities. In bioenergetic basics, we
define a magnet’s negative side as “north ” because it attracts the compass
needle pointing north. The magnet’s north side would be repelled by the North
Pole, as like charges repel. The positive side of a magnet is repelled by the
earth’s positive South Pole while being drawn to the earth’s negative North Pole.
Polarities are important in bioenergetic basics as are the characteristics of
attraction and repulsion—pulling and pushing. We must know when to push,
when to pull; when to use positive, when to use negative (to be discussed in the
section on scanning.)

The human body, mostly empty space (space within and between atoms) has
tiny electrons energizing that space. When those electrons move along a path or
line—like the power lines above us and nervous system within us—we call that
“electricity.” Acupuncture, for example, deals with energy movement along such
paths or meridians and their blockages that can result in illness.
Magnetism is created wherever there is movement of electrons. If the
electricity flows along a line, the magnetism is at right angles to the flow. Some
teach that if you stick out your thumb while clenching your four fingers in
toward the palm, you have created a visual aid. Your thumb represents the
direction of flow of electrons. The angle between the thumb and fingers is
approximately 90 degrees, the fingers showing the direction in which magnetism
forms, encircling the electrical path. It is said that electrical energy (straight)
seems masculine; magnetic, (curving) feminine.

Wherever there is matter, formed by atoms with their electrons in constant
movement, there is magnetic energy. We have magnetic energy from electron
action within our bodies. We also contain magnetite, a ferrimagnetic mineral in
the form of an intricate web involved in electromagnetic transfer throughout our
bodies, as discovered in 1968 by Dr. Esther del Rio (See photo from a personal
interview in autumn, 2007, at Dr. Del Rio’s hacienda.)

Trauma—physical, emotional, chemical, psychological, etc.—can cause a
“breakdown” to form in the normally free-flowing neutral and balanced
bioenergy. Unnatural polarizations occur at those breakdowns of energy. Taking
advantage of the law of magnetic attraction of opposite signs and repulsion of
like signs, magnets can help locate the hidden breakdowns of energy flow in our
cells, tissues, and organs. Goiz teaches that non-neutral charges manifest in the
body chemistry as too many H+ ions (positive charge of acidity) and too many
OH-ions (negative charge of alkalinity).
Scanning the body with a magnet can indicate these unbalanced polarized
areas in our organs, tissues and cells. The biomagnetic pairs exist at the
subatomic level of ions of H+'s and OH-'s, where diseases can start to develop
before they progress to the level detectable by our five senses and by existing
scientific instruments. In scanning, says Goiz, the magnet’s negative pole will
push against a negative area in the body. The positive magnet pole repulses a
positive charge.

The atoms of non-magnetized materials can be chaotic. Once a material is
magnetized, its atoms align in a north-south direction permanently or semi-
permanently. These atoms will be pulled towards the North and repelled by the
South Pole of the earth, as in the illustration. This characteristic endows magnets
with traits the body may use in healing itself.
To work with magnets, we need to know the positive and negative sides. As
mentioned, a compass will point to a magnet’s negative side. If we lack a
compass, we can determine which part of a magnet is north-facing by
suspending it from a string. When it stops swaying, the part of the magnet
pointing north is the south or positive part of the magnet, attracted by the north
(negative pole of the earth). Paint the side facing north with red paint or
fingernail polish so you do not forget. Once the magnet’s pole is calibrated, it
can then be used to identify other magnets’ poles because it will either attract
them or repel them.

Magnets have different strengths. “Gauss” is the measurement of magnetic
strength, named after Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), a
mathematician, astronomer, and magnetism scientist. A gauss meter is the
instrument that can measure the strength of the lines of magnetic flux at a
specific place on the magnet.

According to magnetic engineers, a gauss reading doesn’t necessarily tell
what the overall strength of the magnet is. The material composing the magnet,
its thickness, the date of its magnetizing, and its total size can influence its
strength. Different locations on a magnet can give different gauss readings as
well. There is often confusion regarding gauss but we can state that generally,
“refrigerator” magnets (used for sticking doodads on the metal door) and the
majority of those sold as bracelets, shoe sole inserts, pain reliever wraps for
ankle, knee, shoulder, etc., and mattress pads are in the order of 700 gauss or less
and lack sufficient gauss to be effective for depolarizing biomagnetic pairs. Goiz
does not use them.


Apparently differences in gauss measurement are not a serious drawback.
Goiz is not overly concerned about the gauss of his magnets, as long as it
measures at least 1,000 gauss. (A handy rule of thumb for this author is that
proper magnets for depolarizing will have enough strength not to be pulled apart
easily.) Goiz’s reason for a seeming lack of concern about gauss is what is called
the law of all or nothing. In the author’s tapes of a lecture he gave at his clinic in
April of 2002, he explained that any amount over 1,000 gauss in a magnet will
make no difference in its effect upon the human body:

“With muscles, the law of all or nothing means they need a minimum
electrical charge to move. More charge will just give the same muscle
movement result. Less charge than sufficient will give no movement at all—
“The same law applies to magnetic charges in biomagnetic pair work. One
thousand gauss are needed. Any more gauss will do nothing more to
correct the biomagnetic pair. Any less than 1,000 and there will be no
permanent magnetic or polarity change.
“You need at least 1,000 gauss to have effect. We have tested gauss from
1,000 to just below 50,000 and the result is the same. Over 50,000 and you
are just getting into an amount that fatigues your body.”

The power of the magnets he uses is variable as are the magnets used by the
students in his clinic. As long as they fall within the range of between 1,000 and
50,000 gauss, they will be effective and non-iatrogenic (not harmful) as he has
demonstrated in his practice. (Most of the magnets he uses are much less than
50,000—in the 5,000 to 35,000 range depending on the material and on how the
gauss is measured).
The type of magnet he uses is what is termed a “natural” magnet. That
means it keeps its magnetism naturally without having to have an electrical
current constantly running through it. Natural magnets are different from non-
natural or coil magnets (with electrical current) which are in use industrially,
such as electron magnets used to lift heavy loads, or the high gauss magnets used
in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As mentioned, natural magnets are not
toxic and cannot produce the harmful effects derived from high power electron
magnets. Such magnets are relatively inexpensive and can be obtained over the
Internet or often as used magnets from electrical repair shops. Magnets from
speakers and from microwave ovens are some of the ones this author uses.

The lines of magnetic energy called flux or ley lines, go around the earth and
also penetrate it as well. Some ancients were more enlightened energetically than
modern-day city planners, and they established sacred temples and other
important buildings where the energy lines were strong. Examples would be
Stonehenge, Teotihuacan and the Egyptian pyramids of Giza.
Science is now finding that certain animals such as whales, birds, butterflies,
and ants, can sense these magnetic lines of force. (Coetzee, H., Ph.D,
Electromagnetism: The Foundation of Life, as published in Future History, Vol
8). Other animals, including tiny one-celled bacteria, have the ability to produce
ferromagnetic mineral crystals of magnetite (Fe3O4) within their bodies. With
their biologically-manufactured magnetite these animals can detect the presence
of magnetic lines. Using their instinctive magnetic sensitivity, they routinely
navigate the great distances of their yearly migrations. (Susan A. Jungreis,
“Biomagnetism: An Orientation Mechanism in Migrating Insects?” The Florida
Entomologist, Vol 70, #2, p. 277.) According to the interesting but non-scientific
observations of an old Texas rancher, fire ants are aware of these lines, building
their domes and super highways on them. Cows, also, seemed to him to seek out
these lines just before giving birth. He often found a new born calf blinded
because it had been born right on top of a line or mound of fire ants.

Bacteria apparently detect magnetism because of the way they react to it,
and can successfully orient themselves as well. In the world’s oceans certain
water-borne bacteria continually re-align themselves to north after the waves of
the tide alter the direction they face. Goiz’s work would indicate that magnetic
pulling and pushing directly affects not only those ocean-borne bacteria, but also
the bacteria and viruses swimming within the waters of our own bodies. Human-
residing bacteria apparently seek negatively charged organs, tissues, or cells, due
to their outer cell walls being positively charged.

Because we humans also possess magnetite in our brains, and throughout our
bodies, as discovered by Dr. Esther Del Rio in 1968 (reported in Catalina
Herrera’s Por las Venas Corre Luz, pp. 3–4), we also have the potential of
sensing magnetic energy. Perhaps we will one day discover how to put this
mysterious ability to conscious use. But in order to bioenergetically manage our
health, it is not necessary to develop the ability whales have to follow magnetic
lines. It is important to bear in mind that we humans are magnetic, just as is the
earth. We have magnetic charges and magnetic lines of force circling around us
and through our bodies.

From studying our bodies we learn we possess a north and south pole. Goiz
indicates our north pole is at our heads, the south, at our feet. Understanding this
idea gets us closer to understanding how bioenergetic basics actually works just
by using two magnets. Still, there remain a few other concepts such as how
bacteria and viruses migrate that we must consider.


As mentioned, Goiz noticed a most interesting phenomenon. He found that
the bacteria and viruses apparently travel within our bodies much like the
migrating whales in the seas and butterflies on land. They both seem to use the
same ability to home in on magnetic lines. Bacteria, equipped with magnetite
particles, migrate to their preferred nesting or resting areas of our body “world”.
Viruses do the same. He discovered, for example, that the rabies virus
consistently prefers to migrate to and “set up housekeeping” in the area of the
armpits. (Rabies was the second biomagnetic pair he found). The tetanus
bacteria (Clostridium tetani) migrate to the kidneys. Anthrax bacilli go to the

Using magnets, the doctor has located over 250 different magnetically
polarized ‘hideouts’ of different micro organisms within our bodies. He has
found that each specific condition or pathogen has manifested in the identical
locations for each individual he has checked.
By identifying these prime localities in our cells, tissues, and organs, he
gives anyone interested the precision tools needed for disease determination.
Once pathogens are recognized (discovered with magnets), they can be
eradicated or greatly weakened by the body (using the same magnets).
Bioenergetic basics helps the body correct pH (acidity and alkalinity through the
magnetic laws of attraction and repulsion. A correct pH is necessary for good
health and for ridding the body of diseases such as leukemia. This can be
accomplished by the body through the use of a simple pair of magnets.

Investigations around the globe are discovering fascinating facts about our
bioenergy. . Kirlian photography, for example, has indicated (and recorded) local
microenvironments including temperature, pressure, moisture, etc., change our
bioenergy. (Gerber, Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselvesp
54) Studies show the magnetized solar ionic particles streaming to earth from the
sun, as well as the eleven year sun spot cycle, affect our health. The earth’s own
magnetic activity (known as geomagnetic activity or GMA) specifically
influences the health of our cardiovascular system. (Stoupel, “Clinical
Cosmobiology”, Newsletter of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute, p.7)
Through bioenergetic basics we can also see that geography—one’s relation
to the equator—also influences energy and wellness. Due somehow to
magnetism of the earth and the flow of energy in our bodies, in the northern
hemisphere the negative poles of the biomagnetic pairs are generally on the right
side of the body. The positive poles are usually on the left side.
In the southern hemisphere it can be just the opposite. The negative halves of
the biomagnetic pair often locate themselves on the left side of the body and the
positive poles on the right. Goiz theorizes that the prevalence of viral versus
bacterial infections is dependent on magnetism and geographical hemispheres,
with more viruses originating south of the equator, more bacteria north of it, a
situation meriting study, which as of yet remains inconclusive. (See Molina
Pimenetel, “El Par Biomagnetico y el Hemisferio Sur,” pp. 171–192)


When a light ray traveling from the sun goes through droplets of
condensation or through a prism or crystal, what happens? The condensation,
prism and crystal, denser than light, act as a type of impediment, polarizing or
separating the light. The white light passing through a calcite crystal divides
itself into two parts. A prism divides the light into its component colors of the
rainbow of the spectrum.

An important concept in bioenergetic basics is that, like light, if our
bioenergy streaming around us and within us hits something powerful (a
physical, psychological, or emotional trauma, etc), it can also become polarized,
divided. Similar to light energy, our bio energy separates. It splits into the
component parts (called positive and negative) of the biomagnetic pairs. In the
presence of such abnormal charges in the body, the laws of magnetism can
operate. For example, if we place a negative magnet on a negatively charged
body part, there will be resistance (likes repel each other). The resistance
actually occurs at the atomic level of our electrons (with negative charges). This
is at that same atomic dimension where charges of pH occur and are measured
and give rise to the disease-causing biomagnetic points that unite to create
biomagnetic pairs in the body.

It is impossible to delve into the bioenergetic healing arts and biomagnetic
pairs (BMPs) without considering the presence and influence of pH (potential or
power of hydrogen). The BMPs and pH are very much a part of each other.
Hydrogen, oxygen, and water are the three important components of pH which
in turn affect the biomagnetic pairs. A quick review of some high school
chemistry can help us to understand the model of wellness of bioenergetic

The hydrogen atom is the smallest of all the atoms. The hydrogen atom is
constructed of one positively charged proton in the nucleus. To perfectly balance
the one positively charged proton, it has one electron. The electron has a
negative charge something like an electrical spark or a wave of electrical energy.
The electron buzzes around the proton much like a bee buzzing around the hive.
The electron moves so fast that it produces what some scientists call the electron
“cloud”. They theorize that its speed causes an impenetrable electromagnetic
field around the proton creating what we call matter.
Hydrogen as a component of water is very important to our body processes
and health. With its single negative electrical charge, it plays a vital role in
bioenergetic basics.
How does the hydrogen atom so specially relate to health and managing our
bioenergy? Atoms in general and hydrogen in particular are so small that if all
the nuclei of all the atoms of an entire human body were gathered together in
one place, they would be no larger than a period at the end of a sentence. (Tierra,
Biomagnetic and Herbal Therapy, p. 12). Partly due to this extreme smallness,
the hydrogen atom can dart around very rapidly in bodily processes like a VW
bug zipping in and out of 18-wheeler traffic.

A hydrogen atom can lose part of itself (its electron with the negative
charge) and still function. When that occurs—if a bigger atom comes along and
“shares” or “steals” hydrogen’s single electron—the hydrogen atom is no longer
balanced. The little hydrogen atom without its electron becomes merely a
positively charged particle (the proton that is still left in the nucleus). We call
that remaining positive particle a hydrogen ion (or H+). This ion is a naked
proton without its balancing electron clothing and it can harm our health.
The H+ is an extremely diminutive matter particle. A hydrogen ion, because of
its extraordinary smallness, possesses great mobility which gives it an enormous
capacity to react. Goiz indicates that with its positive charge, hydrogen can act
as a living element in living cells. Because of this, hydrogen plays a very
important role in the majority of chemical processes occurring in our body. He
explains that hydrogen can also act as a nonliving element in our body (meaning
hydrogen can enter into inorganic or nonliving chemical reactions). In this
inorganic capability of hydrogen, another element, oxygen, is involved.

The oxygen atom is much bigger than a hydrogen atom. Oxygen has 8
negatively charged electrons that it balances with 8 positively charged protons at
its center. It has two openings or vacancies in its outer electron ring for two more
electrons. It “wants” to fill up the empty spaces of its outer electron ring. One
oxygen molecule will “grab” on to and share the single electron of a hydrogen
atom. It will actually not be completely satisfied until it attaches the electrons of
two separate hydrogen atoms to itself to fill both of the vacancies.

When two atoms of hydrogen join with an atom of oxygen, they form a
single molecule of water, H2O. The root for the word “hydrogen” actually means
“water creator” (“HYDRO”—“GEN”erator) due to what hydrogen creates in
company with oxygen. Water’s chemical formula can also be written “HOH”
(instead of “H20”) which can show us more clearly the association of the three
atoms. Physically the two hydrogen atoms attach themselves on either side of the
single oxygen atom and they can do so at different angles, forming different
kinds of water.
Most water molecules keep their hydrogen and oxygen atoms hooked
together. But every so often they can get split apart. This is one way the above-
mentioned hydrogen ions can form. If the part of the hydrogen atom with the
proton is knocked from a water molecule, leaving its negatively-charged electron
attached to the water molecule, two things happen:
First, the separated, naked hydrogen particle becomes what we have already
shown—an ion, a charged particle due to its positive proton and its loss of the
balancing negative charge (which stayed with the original water molecule). The
ion is depicted as an “H” with a “+” or “H+” and is important in the study of life
processes as it can cause chaos and imbalances at the body’s energy level.
Second, the water molecule that the positive ion departed from no longer has
a balanced charge either. It holds the extra unbalanced negatively-charged
electron of the departed positive hydrogen ion. That extra electron gives the
remaining portion of the water molecule a negative charge. It is written with an
“O” for the oxygen part plus an “H” for its remaining whole hydrogen that did
not get split off, plus a negative sign for the still-attached electron from the
departed H+, thus “OH-”. This “OH-” is called a hydroxide anion. Hydroxide
anions are negatively-charged particles that can interfere with our wellness
starting at the basic energy level.


Our bodies are composed of a lot of water—at least 75%. This water can be
neutral, positively-charged with H+ ions, and negatively charged with
OHanions. Water, whether balanced or containing excess hydroxide (OH-)
anions and H+ ions, greatly influences our health. Balanced water is neutral
having mostly unbroken water molecules and equal amounts of free H+ ions and
OH-ions. But water’s neutrality can change and become acid or alkaline. It
becomes acidic when it contains many H+ ions. It turns alkaline with greater
amounts of OHanions.
In good health, the water in the body’s organs and tissues is at a specific
level with regard to the amount of H+ and OH-. In some organs—kidneys and
stomach, for example, the body needs acidity for good health. At the same time,
as in the case of blood, a slight alkalinity signals a state of well being. Hair needs
a different amount of H+ and OH-than does the scalp. Saliva must differ from
digestive juices in H+ and OH-content. In other words, certain H+ and OH-
differences are normal within the different locations in the body.

Apparently, when these normal levels of H+ and OH-in the water in the
body are compromised, pre-disease and disease states can arise at the subatomic
level. In bioenergetic basics we seek to normalize areas of abnormal hydrogen
ion and hydroxide anion levels. These abnormalities are actually points of
abnormal pH or abnormal energy charges. The pH affects the activity and
presence of viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi.
To better understand health and the workings of our biomagnetism in
abating leukemia and other diseases, we now turn to a discussion of pH, a clever
method of measuring water’s acidity and alkalinity.

The ‘p’ of pH stands for ‘potential’ or ‘power’ The ‘H’ represents hydrogen.
Together, they give us ‘potential power of hydrogen.’ This pH scale is based
on the power of 101. It is similar to the Richter scale for measuring earthquake
intensity. The Richter scale is also based on the power of 10. Each level or
gradient is ten times more powerful than the one before it.
With the pH scale, the same relationship exists. Instead of measuring the
power of quakes, it rates the amount of H+ ions in water, going from 0 to 14.
Neutral, in the middle, has a rating of 7 (see chart below). Less than 7 shows
acidity and has progressively more H+ ions. Numbers higher than 7 indicate
alkalinity and have progressively less H+ ions but progressively more OH-ions.
As mentioned above, between each number in the pH scale, there is a tenfold
increase or decrease in ions depending on the direction of the change. Going
down (in numbers of the scale) in the direction of acidity, from 7 to 6, for
example, the acidity level increases by ten times. From 6 to 5, the measured
solution has 10 times more acid or H+ ions at 5 than at 6, and so on down to 1
and 0, being very, very acidic, or having a super high concentration of H+ ions.

Going up numerically the opposite way on the scale, as from 7 to 8, there is
an increase in the amount of OHanions present and a decrease in the amount of
H+ ions. At 8 there are ten times fewer H+ ions than at 7. This also means that
there are 10 times more OH-free radicals or hydroxide anions at level 8 than at
level 7. So, a pH of 8 is ten times more alkaline than one of 7. At a pH level of 9,
there are ten times more OH-ions present than at level 8 and ten times fewer H+
ions, more alkalinity, and so on to 14. Level 14 is the most alkaline level of all
and is the most deficient of H+ ions and has the largest amount of OH-.
All the physics and chemistry of pH depend totally on the synergy of these
tiny hydrogen entities. Though infinitesimal, they powerfully influence our
bodies. Because they have positive or negative charges, they can create
differences in the north/south (or negative/positive) polarity of areas—cells,
tissues, and organs—within our bodies. Such polarity can be observed using the
north and south poles of magnets. This is what NASA’s Dr. Broeringmeyer
learned from studying the returning astronauts. This is what he taught and what
Goiz’s biomagnetic pair discovery augmented. This is also why magnets with
their positive and negative poles are able to help the body influence leukemia
and other diseases.
1) Powers of 10
In any amount of water, the number of H+ and OH-particles can be very
great or very small. To more easily describe their amounts, science uses the
powers of ten to develop a pH rating. The pH measuring system derives from a
notational scale “based on counting how many times 10 must be multiplied by
itself to reach a desired number. For example, 10 x 10 equals 10 to the 2nd
power or 100. And 10 x 10 x 10 equals 10 to the 3rd power or 1000.
Multiplying a number by itself gives a power of that number: 10 is read out
loud as “ten to the third power” and is another way to say one thousand. In
this case, there is no great advantage, but it is much easier and clearer to write
or say 10 to the minus 14th power (which is the most alkaline) than minus
100,000,000,000,000 or one hundred trillion….” (Morrison, Philip and Phyllis
Morrison and The Office of Charles and Ray Eames, POWERS OF TEN, New
York: Scientific American Books, Inc,1982, p. 112)}

How do these energy or pH distortions affect the body? Goiz teaches that if
the body is unable to normalize an imbalanced polarity, the affected areas
become too acidic or alkaline, the start of disease. When we have an area of
hyperacidity (low pH), there is a contraction of matter. In cases of acidic
degenerative disease there will usually be no symptoms of pain. But just because
there is no pain at first does not mean illness is absent. Diseased acidic areas
form polarities in the body and they get smaller and harder, eventually
degenerating. (See chart, p. 32)

Just the opposite happens in areas of alkalinity. In hyper alkalinity we get
swelling in our body, the distention and pain of inflammation. If there is pain,
there is usually alkalinity. Alkalinity is one reason why organs get bigger in
some disease states, the presence of many OH-ions give a high pH or alkalinity
with a negative charge, causing the organs to enlarge, as in the case of dysplasia.
In health, our bio energy is balanced and neutral. If we have swelling or
inflammation, we have a negatively-charged area in our body. If we find
shrinkage or hardness, that indicates a positive charge. The charges in these
areas give us great clues about what is happening in our body and Goiz’s work
seems to show that the charged areas can also indicate the presence of such
entities as viruses and bacteria. They can also be rated or charted, indicating the
presence of leukemia and other diseases, as discussed later.
Goiz stresses the necessity of treating the actual disease at the energy level
location rather than treating the area of a symptom or several symptoms. The
symptoms are not the disease. Impacting with the magnets can break up the
resistance between the two parts of the biomagnetic pair (BMP). It also cancels
the charges between the pair, and the energy can return to the dynamic energy
level where it can flow freely once again. This is one of the differences between
Goiz’ method and that taught by Broeringmeyer. Broeringmeyer suggested
putting a magnet on for 30 days to obtain results—to draw out the charges.

In Goiz’s model, instead of drawing out the charges, he puts a magnetic
charge similar to the one in the polarized organ(s). That allows the body to
dissipate unhealthy charges and force the energy and organs back to their neutral
and healthy state. That is apparently what is occurring: a positive charge placed
on a positive pathological element pushes its charge up (in pH) from acidity to
neutral. A negative charge pushes the high negative charge down (in pH) from
alkalinity and back to the mid pH range of our dynamic wellness level of energy.
When asked what happens to a magnet during this pushing of charges (often
the magnets get warm or damp) Goiz has answered,

“Nothing! The magnet is only pushing charges. Magnets do not have

intelligence. They only have polarity. They heat up or become damp because of
the increased circulation in the tissues under them and this causes absolutely no

According to Goiz, both the positive and negative poles of the biomagnetic
pairs “feed” each other energetically. Occasionally the positive one resonates or
feeds two or more negative poles similar to how a stallion can pair with several
The positive polarity pole has the more concentrated energy of the two. The
negative poles are more dispersed or broader. Just as the ovum (female egg) is
much greater in size than the male sperm, the negative pole of the BMP is larger
than the positive one. Because the negative pole is larger, it is easier to locate
within the body. For that reason, the use of the negative magnet in scanning is
the easier way. We will show more on this later.
We know that usually negatively and positively magnetized objects, being
opposites, attract each other. Yet in the case of the polarization of bioenergy, the
separated parts seem to resist each other. What keeps the oppositely charged
parts separated when a basic law of magnetism says that opposites attract?
There is an energy phenomenon in magnetism called the Bloch wall, named
after the physicist Felix Bloch. A Bloch wall, according to physicists, is built up
from the spin of mobile electrons, and is a narrow transition region at the
boundary between magnetic domains, over which the magnetization changes
from its value in one domain to that in the next. It forms a neutral center force
element or neutral field. (from Anti Gravity and the World Grid, ed. By David
Hatcher Childress, Adventures Unlimited Press, pp. 64-5) As mentioned, in Zen
Buddhism this neutral central area is sometimes referred to as the “gateless
Apparently when a biomagnetic pair forms there is something like the
neutral Bloch wall or gateless gate in between the pair, keeping them separated.
Goiz calls the area between the charged pair—within the Bloch wall—the
normal energy level, the level needed for dynamic wellness.

This central area of dynamic wellness is a significant place between
opposites. Physicists have found that at this meeting point of positive and
negative, gravity is affected. Scientists are apparently working on using that
special point for “beaming” into space or even for studying other dimensions.
(David Hatcher Childress, ed. Anti-Gravity & The World Grid, p.64.)
In health, the area of dynamic wellness is where all cellular metabolism
happens. It is the ideal healthy place to be—centered. It is the point of unity,
what might be called the Tao of our unencumbered, free-flowing energy. This
space, as quantified by the pH scale as we have mentioned, is usually very close
to 7 with only a ‘+ .3’ or a ‘ - .3’ variation tolerance. (Goiz, The Biomagnetic
Pair, p. 47) The Bloch wall is a natural barrier which, in cases of disease, keeps
the charges apart and thus keeps the disease process going. It is an insulator
keeping opposite charges apart for the stability and formation of each
biomagnetic pair, since opposite charges are normally attracted strongly to one
The following chart is based on one from Goiz’s The Biomagnetic Pair,(p.
51.) It shows the two poles of diseases, positive/negative or acidic/alkaline. The
positive side is where viruses and fungi appear. That side is asymptomatic at
first, but finally shows degeneration of tissue.
The negative side is where bacteria and also parasites congregate. The
negative side gives clinical symptoms right away, later resulting also in tissue
degeneration. As explained above, even though the two poles each result finally
in tissue degeneration, that degeneration is different at each pole. At the positive
pole, the tissue is much shrunken. At the negative one, it is much expanded.

The straight arrows pointing away from the dynamic wellness area indicate
what happens when the pH becomes extremely acidic or extremely alkaline.
There can be at least 4 levels in the disease progression based on pH
abnormalities. When we place magnets on the biomagnetic pairs and push their
polarized energies back to the center within the Bloch walls, the two sides
reunite in the balance of dynamic wellness.

To further summarize, this is Goiz’s model of how diseases progress on each

side of the dynamic wellness area:
At the positive pole,
1. Acidosis is established in the affected organ.
2. Matter or tissue contracts or foreshortens.
3. The organ or tissue decreases in size.
4. The organ or tissue dysfunctions.
5. Degeneration occurs.
All five events are in the presence of a virus.

At the negative pole,

1. Alkalosis is established in the organ or tissue supporting the alkalinity.
2. Distention of matter or tissue occurs.
3. Edema and inflammation happen.
4. Organ dysfunction takes place.
5. Degeneration occurs.
All five occurrences are in the presence of bacteria.

As we can see, the two processes at the two poles end up with the same
final result:

Degeneration. (Goiz, The Biomagnetic Pair, p.49)

In The Biomagnetic Pair, p. 15-6 Goiz declares:

“These days, the presence of free radicals is accepted and also
polarization of tissues. But the phenomenon is considered as being
isolated as if each polarized focus were independent and did not have
a relation to the charges of the opposite sign. Dr. Broeringmeyer did
not realize that there exist two biomagnetic charges in resonance, a
biomagnetic pair that identifies pathology of living organisms.
“The concept of biomagnetic pairs revolutionizes all the
physiopathological theories upon understanding that viral and
bacterial sicknesses are in strict relationship and that the first are
reciprocal with the second ones and are simultaneous in their genesis
as well as in their morbid presence as well as in their final
consequences. That is the irreversible degenerative process.”

Theorizing as to why this polarization can happen, Goiz continues,
“We still do not understand—and when we do, sicknesses will be
finished—why a whole organ gets polarized in one instant, towards the
positive side with an excess of hydrogen ions, falling to a state of acidity in
its totality, which in turn, conditions as a necessarily logical consequence,
the polarization of another organ in the opposite sign, i.e., towards
alkalinity, due to a deficit of hydrogen ions and a presence of free complex
radicals of negative polarity.

“As we now know, hydrogen is the principle glue of organic matter. It
constitutes the strongest union of the molecules. Also, from the kinetic point
of view, it is the rack and pinion uniting the atoms of carbon, oxygen,
nitrogen and all the other components of organic substance {It can do this}
since it acts simultaneously electro negatively when it is an element and
electro positively when it is an ion. All of that depends on the dynamism of
the energetic shadow known to us as “electron.” (Goiz, The Biomagnetic
Pair, p.48)


Goiz presents a theory about the intensity and frequency of the charge in the
polarized areas. The theory holds that the opposing poles display the same
charge intensity and frequency due to and indicated by the fact that they paired.
He declares:

… “in theory both poles present the same intensity of charge, the same
biomagnetic frequency, which I have been able to prove practically since it
is not possible to inhibit the pole of one B(iomagnetic)M(agnetic)P(air)
with that of another pair, i.e., each … can be deactivated by pushing its
charges internally one against another, but not that of one pair against
another pair.” (Goiz, The Biomagnetic Pair, p. 49)

In other words the two points making up the biomagnetic pair are in
harmonic vibration and can be depolarized by putting magnets on each one of
them. The BMPs are independently depolarized even though it is possible to
depolarize more than one pair simultaneously.

Goiz postulates that when disease-causing bacteria appear in the body, they
gravitate to a specific location. They will wait there, he says, until they make
contact with a virus of the same resonance and vibration. When that meeting
occurs, the disease process can begin. Sort of like an opera diva arriving at the
theater but waiting off stage until the orchestra tunes up and is at the correct
pitch for her performance. The singer won’t perform under any other condition.
If the virus necessary to resonate with the bacterium is not present or does
not resonate in harmony, the bacterium will simply wait and there will be no
duet (no disease). The disease-causing bacterium will not perform, will not
produce disease. It will be latent and there will be no symptoms. It can lie
patiently in waiting, even for long periods of time before making an actual
Similarly, viruses showing up in the body will not become pathological until
or unless they can pair with bacteria of the same vibration with which they
resonate. If that specific bacterium is absent, the virus will not produce a disease.
This, explains Goiz, is one reason why some people can be exposed to the HIV
virus and not get ill. They lack the corresponding bacteria needed to vibrate and
resonate with the virus. The virus is impotent without its polarizing partner;
everything happens in pairs.
When conditions exist for this resonance to occur, there is an immediate
polarization of a biomagnetic pair. The bacterial partner of the pair, with its
positively charged outer cell membrane, surrounds itself in negative polarity,
existing in and/or creating alkalinity. The negatively charged viral part is in the
positive polarity and provokes and/or needs acidity to thrive. The question as to
which comes first, the bacteria or the alkalinity, the virus or the low pH, is, at
this point, an unanswered “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” question.
A virus won’t live in acidity without a corresponding resonance from a
bacterium in alkalinity. The bacteria can’t be provoking diseases in an alkaline
pH without a corresponding virus of equal vibrations and resonance in its own
acidic pH environment.

It is obvious that to create a baby, for example, we need both feminine and
masculine energies. Likewise, to create an illness requires both positive and
negative energies. If we ignore this requirement, we overlook 50% of the
problem. Usually only one half of the disease is recognized and receives
treatment. No wonder some illnesses reoccur and can go on seemingly


Viruses act as ions when resonating with bacteria because of their charge
and tiny size. Impacting the viruses with a magnetic field of over 1000 gauss
affects them violently. They lose their pathogenic capacities almost immediately.
Their viral effects—toxicities due to their presence—reduce in critically short
time periods, often in minutes or hours. Depolarizing a virus seems to destroy
the virus memory, similar to what happens to a recorded electromagnetic tape
when you put a magnet on it. The prerecorded messages are erased, wiped clean.
Likewise with a virus, its memory is obliterated so it no longer has an identity. It
no longer IS. It no longer exists as a virus at the energy level. That is a simplistic
but descriptive explanation. The bioenergetic basics method is extremely
effective against viruses especially if you treat them in their beginning stage
(before ensuing toxic and structural side effects can be provoked) so the body
can heal itself most easily and completely.

The magnetic impacting will only allow the body to affect the active viruses
at an energetic level. What, then, about damage on the structural, physical body?
Degeneration caused on a structural level (pH and/or micro organism damage) is
not affected so dramatically by magnets.. Once the damage is structural, the
effects of magnets will be mostly palliative or beneficial in the healing process
(but must be left in place for longer time periods, a process different from that
involving biomagnetic pairs as considered in this writing). Goiz recommends
routine checks to catch and prevent harmful, irreversible tissue damage from
polarity imbalances and micro organism damage before they become structural.
As such, bioenergetic basics offers an effective preventative alternative.
Bacteria are more complicated, being unicellular living entities not directly
destroyed by natural magnets. They “group and sustain themselves in their
metabolism, organizing themselves so as to be more aggressive.“(Goiz, The
Biomagnetic Pair, p. 130) They thrive in an alkaline environment. With
magnetic energy, the body may rid itself of bacteria by radically altering their
surroundings. If hyper-alkalinity is returned to a neutral pH, bacteria cannot
thrive. By reducing their vigor and number, the body’s own immune system has
a better chance to overpower them. If the virus with which they resonate is
exterminated, the bacteria lose their resonating accomplice and their shared
private energy vortex. They lose their partner in crime and cease their
If there is a pathogenic bacterium present at the time of scanning and
treatment, Goiz prescribes an antibiotic for the patient to take for a few days to
insure that the bacteria die off quickly. He uses antibiotics as a safety net to
catch any that might have survived the magnetic impacting. Alternative natural
products such as herbs with antibacterial properties (garlic, grapefruit seed
extract, echinacea, myrrh, etc.) may also serve in the same way.
The bioenergetic basics method deals with both members of the pair. With
conventional allopathic methods, when someone is treated with antibiotics, s/he
is receiving treatment for only one half of the problem (the bacteria). The viral
half of the disease stays in the system, waiting for the bacteria to reappear again.
Reinfection can happen much more easily. By eliminating the viral partner of the
pair and making it inhospitable for a bacterium, there is much less likelihood of
reinfection. Also, Goiz has determined that, apparently, once he magnetically
impacts a bacterium, it weakens its defense mechanism against antibiotics
making it more easily destroyed by antibiotics or herbal antibacterial
Goiz explains how viruses and bacteria join together in the body to form the
biomagnetic pair. (See chart #36) The virus can be of two different types. It can
be an RNA type or a DNA type. The DNA type is pathogenic, disease-causing.
Whenever there is a pathogenic DNA virus, the bacterium of its BMP is not
disease-causing. In such a pair, the virus causes the sickness.

On the other hand, when the virus is of the RNA type (non-pathogenic) then
the bacterium of the pair is pathogenic. In that case, the virus only lends support
to the bacterium, vibrating and resonating with it to strengthen it. The bacterium
causes the disease and ensuing pain.


The art of bioenergetic basics deals with other micro organisms besides
viruses and bacteria. Fungi and parasites may also be controlled by the body
when using magnets. Fungi need four conditions in order to exist in the body: 1)
organic matter; 2) humidity; 3) partial darkness; and 4) acid pH. The first three
are part of the body normally. The fourth is made available by the presence of
viruses. (See chart below) This, Goiz says, is why so many fungal diseases
remain untreatable in regular medical practice. The medical practitioners do not
identify the underlying virus that supports the fungus so neither an oral nor local
drug works effectively. Seeking and eliminating the virus, first, and then
changing the local pH to eliminate the fungus is more efficient.

Parasites, on the other hand, “can only exist in organisms where bacteria that
feed them also exist in an area of heightened alkalinity.” (Goiz’s El Par
Biomagnetico, p.132) To eliminate the parasites, it is first helpful to locate and
destroy the bacteria that support them. Otherwise, getting rid of only the
parasites will not bring lasting results, as the milieu is still favorable to parasite
habitation as long as bacteria are present as their food supply.

This chart shows Goiz’s findings about the relationship of fungi with viruses
and parasites with bacteria. He has found that fungi seek acidity and also live off
of viruses. Parasites dwell in alkalinity and survive on bacteria and/or free
radicals, which also dwell in alkalinity. Therefore, when we do a scan and locate
a fungus or a parasite, we need to check to find the virus or bacterium that was
helping it to survive. Also, if a bacterium or virus is found during scanning, the
whole body should be scanned to uncover any associated fungi, parasites or
other micro organisms. Often the fungus or parasite can hide or screen out a
virus or bacterium in the scanning process if the fungus or parasite is very
aggressive. Depending on the aggressiveness of the fungus, Goiz might use
antifungal preparations in combination with the magnets.

As mentioned, Goiz has found that the BMPs form in distortions of pH.
Whatever makes the body abandon its dynamic wellness energy level of pH (7
+/- .3) gives us bioenergetic imbalance, disease. We know that in the human
body, magnetic fields exist. A variation or compensation within the organism
can produce a change in those fields. Those changed fields indicate the BMPs. In
notes taken at Goiz’s 2000 seminar, he classified the BMPs in the following five

1. Regular BMPs
2. Special BMPs
3. Glandular dysfunction BMPs
4. Associated BMPs
5. Temporary BMPs

The regular biomagnetic pairs are the most numerous. They are formed by a
combination of a bacterium and a virus, in which only the pathogenic micro
organism is named.
The special biomagnetic pairs have titles (names of persons) in addition to
names for location in the body. They are different from the regular pairs in that
viruses and bacteria do not support them, except possibly for the pair named
Duran. They produce cerebral, pulmonary, or renal symptoms. The Duran pair
appears similar to HIV 1, but after many years of observing it, Goiz still has not
identified the virus or bacteria connected with it. He thinks these special pairs
are probably involved with glandular dysfunction or nerve plexus networks.
There are at least 20 of these special pairs.
The glandular dysfunction BMPs involve various glands in the body. They
cause biomagnetic pairs to originate due to circumstances other than viral or
bacterial. There are 12 of them.
Associated biomagnetic pairs occur where various pairs unite together. They
are found in syndromes such as Alzheimer’s and cancer. In Alzheimer’s, the
BMPs Wrist/Wrist and Calcaneus/Calcaneus are both polarized. For cancer,
Scapula/Scapula plus three other BMPs must be associated.
Temporary pairs are formed by trauma or intoxication. They spontaneously
disappear when the damage is corrected. There can be an infinite number of
them based on the variety of possible injuries, intoxicants or poisons. For
example, heavy metal poisoning may be addressed with Pancreas/Pancreas, or
pesticide poisoning with Quadriceps/Quadriceps. An injury may be helped with
a negative magnet on the injury, a positive one on the kidney of the same side of
the body.
In this book, the regular BMPs, the special BMPs, the associated BMPs and
the glandular dysfuntioning BMPs can be found in the Body Catalog section,
and in the Alphabetical List of Conditions.


Goiz has found that often a glandular dysfunction originates not in the gland
itself, but in a broader area surrounding the gland. By priming the body with
magnets so it may eliminate other BMPs close to the gland, often the gland
returns to normal function. For example, diagram 38 shows three additional
BMPs around the thyroid besides that of Thyroid/Thyroid which could alter its
function: Nasal Sinus/Nasal Sinus, Mandible/Mandible and Armpit/Armpit. At
times, they could impinge on the thyroid, afflicting it. Depolarizing them, as well
as Thyroid/Thyroid may be necessary for the body to achieve complete wellness.




The associated BMPs, as mentioned, create syndromes and other more
complicated disease states. The body may heal abscesses, cysts and dysplasia
successfully by depolarizing the contributing BMPs. The chart below (from a
seminar in 2000) summarizes certain associated BMPs that yield those
1) If you find a BMP that has pathogenic bacteria associated with another BMP
pathogenic bacteria, they may produce an abscess. Two pathogenic bacteria
together may produce a slow-forming abscess..
2) Two pathogenic bacteria pairs plus a fungus, may lead to a fast-growing
3) If there is a pathogenic virus BMP along with a pathogenic bacteria BMP,
your body may form a cyst.
If you add to that cyst another pathogenic bacteria BMP, you may have a
dysplasia (abnormal growth or development). An example of dysplasia is:
Borrelia+Vibrio cholera+a virus = an enlarged colon. (This would show up
during a scanning session as the following BMPs: Costal/Liver to hepatic duct
{Borrelia} +Colon, Transverse/Bladder {Vibrio cholera bacteria} + {Coxsackie
intestinal virus} Mango/Mango).


Goiz owes his phenomenal success with cancers and tumors (over 10,000
cases to date, according to his estimates) to his understanding of associated
BMPs. His findings, as delineated in the chart below, show that benign tumors
occur when there are three pathogenic bacteria BMPs in combination with a
pathogenic (DNA) virus. An example would be: Actimomises bacter
(Bursa/Bursa-p.99) plus Bordatella bacteria (Countercaecum/Countrcaecum-
p.109) plus Escherichia coli bacteria (Index Finger/Index Finger-p.122) plus
Enterovirus (Malar/Sternum-p.130) coming together to create a benign tumor.

Malignant tumors, Goiz teaches, can arise from a benign tumor in the
presence of Mycobacterium lepra (the leprosy cause). Most English-speaking
people are not aware of how invasive leprosy has become. Goiz says he has
found it present at the energy level in every case of malignant tumors he has
treated. Leprosy is simple for the body to eradicate, putting magnets on
Scapula/Scapula. With Mycobacterium lepra, even in very low levels, comes
true cancer, having anaerobic (no oxygen) metastasis. He calls Mycobacterium
lepra the “factor of malignancy,” and the body must destroy it to eliminate

The implications of these findings are revolutionary and liberating. They
need to be taught to every man, woman, and child. Every doctor and nurse, every
patient suffering from cancer needs to realize this: that by aiding the body to get
rid of Mycobacterium lepra in the early stages, true cancer may be stopped dead
in its tracks by the body.
Whether a tumor is benign or malignant, its location is determined by
bacteria, with the tumors obeying what Goiz terms a regional bacterial factor.
Examples would be patients with leprosy and BMP Parietal/Middle Intestine
(Entamoeba histolytic) getting tumors in the brain due to the parietal aspect of
the pair. Or, a patient with leprosy and Staphylococcus aureus (located in the
pancreas) could get pancreatic cancer. A patient with leprosy plus the BMP
Humerus/Humerus (Enterobacter pneumonia) would be likely to get a tumor in
the humerus bone. The BMP of aspergillus (a fungus), Canthus/Canthus (at the
outer corner of the eye) could cause eye cancer. The cancer will appear wherever
the negative pole of the bacteria is located if the cancer process is allowed to
continue from the energy level forward without bioenergetic or other

Being able to predict the location of a cancer in the body removes much of
its morbid mystique. What we strive for with bioenergetic basics is never to
allow the cancer process to reach deformity on the physical level. If cancer has
proceeded to materialize, bioenergetic basics still offers the body the opportunity
to destroy the cancer. Utilizing the BMP knowledge may prevent or eradicate
many cancers, but not all. Success can occur only if the growth of the cancer
stops before permanent structural damage has occurred. Thus we can see the
value of frequent and regular biomagnetic scans so as to catch and dispatch
disease at the energy level.

By depolarizing early, the future cancerous tumor could be eliminated by

the body!

“We are not interested in symptoms!”
-Isaac Goiz

In conventional forms of treatment where biomagnetic pairs are not taken

into consideration, most doctors or therapists base their work on symptoms.
They study them, describe them, catalogue them and then they prescribe the
indicated treatment or medication to deal with the symptoms.
In bioenergetic work based on the BMP and pH, we don’t kowtow to
symptoms. In fact, by using bioenergetic basics soon enough, symptoms need
never appear. Goiz does ask his patients to fill out forms listing their symptoms
while giving permission for treatment. If we go by symptoms alone, we will be
leaving out half of the possible disease conditions. Symptoms show up earlier
where alkalinity (negative polarity) exists. The symptoms that are provoked by
acidity or low pH are not going to be visible as symptoms until later stages of
disease. And very often, diagnosis by symptomology is misleading, as the same
symptom can be caused by a variety of situations. These can be confusing when
not applying bioenergetic basics.
To reiterate, we need to scan for both positive and negative—acidic and
alkaline. If we locate only one of the poles, we are ignoring one half of the
illness. Both polarities must be located, verified, and depolarized. That can be
accomplished by using both negative and positive magnets. With bioenergetic
basics what matters is the cause of the disease (the etiology), not its symptoms,
which only appear later on the grosser material plane.
As Goiz says, “Symptoms have nothing to do with etiology, the cause of
illness.” Symptoms arise late in the disease process. With the BMPs, disease
may be identified and halted by the body before major symptoms occur. This is
the ideal method for health. It is like seeing water seeping out of a teeny, tiny
crack in a dam (little, almost unnoticeable problems on our energy level), and
stopping the progression of the problem before it becomes a gaping hole with
water gushing out (or a visible disease with symptoms and rampant destruction
and degeneration).
One anecdote that Goiz tells about symptoms causing confusion or not
showing up at all is that of a patient of one of his colleagues in conventional
medicine during Goiz’s early days of BMP research. The patient’s lab work kept
coming back showing only the presence of high acidity, so the colleague kept
giving him more and more medication to reduce the acidity. The patient did not
recover. When the colleague confided in Goiz about the difficult situation, Goiz
suspected that the patient had more than only the visible disease showing up in
lab reports. Distraught at losing his patient, the doctor commented to Goiz that
he did not understand how he could have died when he was treating the disease
“according to the book.” Goiz took advantage of the opportunity to explain
about biomagnetic pairing and symptoms.
He showed the other doctor that in the case of that patient, according to the
biomagnetic pairs, there was not just one thing needing to be treated. Two things
were going on at once. There was acidity, as the lab reports indicated. But in
another part of the body there was an equally great alkalinity which did not show
up in the tests. By treating only the hyperacidity, his patient died from the
powerful alkaline state in the other organ that was overlooked and worsened by
the medication prescribed.
In Goiz’s words,

“When the doctor found out about my system he understood that if… his
patient…died of metabolic acidosis, the alkaline focus was also present but
it was not discovered and was not freed. That occurred generally in the
pancreas, i.e., if he had detected the pair and it had been impacted, the two
phenomena would have been neutralized and he would not have required a
single dose of Carbonate.” (Goiz, The Biomagnetic Pair, p. 128)

The colleague is now one of Goiz’s staunchest supporters.

Goiz tells his students that a BMP is where viruses and bacteria interact.
Symptoms are merely a by-product and often occur at places that are different
from the BMP location. One BMP that is located at places not “logically
connected” to the symptoms its micro organisms can produce is rabies. The
rabies BMP is located under the left and right armpits. That is where the virus
and bacteria are dealt with on the bioenergetic level. The symptoms that rabies
gives usually appear in other parts of the body—larynx, ear, sinuses, thyroid,
parathyroid, and parotid.

Another element which is often not taken into account by conventional
medicine is the part played by sub products that are created by the micro
organisms. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites can all produce toxic by-
products while they live as well as after they die and their bodies decompose.
These toxins “increase the symptomology or make it more diffuse, confusing and
profuse…but… upon identifying the BMPs and depolarizing them {they}
mitigate their production and their pathogenic manifestation.” (Goiz, The
Biomagnetic Pair, p. 133-4) An example of this is the ribosome which is given
off when bacteria die. If the ribosomes are excessive they become toxic and can
produce bone pain. Staphylococcus aureus magalasa+ produces toxic ribosomes
and polypeptides as a result of its metabolism. They can produce a “false”
rheumatism, successfully eliminated by the body after depolarizing its
biomagnetic pairs.
There is a multitude of symptoms that imitate true disease states but are
actually false representations often leading to misdiagnoses. These copycat
diseases come about due to the presence of biomagnetic pairs or to the toxicities
of by-products produced by the micro organisms and their toxins. Goiz classified
an entire section of these misdiagnoses as “false positives.” When patients come
to him with states of disease that have been resistant to conventional medical
treatment, they bring their medical records and laboratory reports which indicate
the supposed disease.
In his efforts with these patients, Goiz has compiled some amazing
percentages on the accuracy of their previous diagnoses. He claims that, for
example, arthritis was misdiagnosed in a whopping 80% of cases. One percent of
diabetes mellitus was due to pancreas dysfunction and the rest due to other
causes. “Cancers” were often not cancerous, but were a combination of bacteria
and viruses and as such were curable by the body with bioenergetic basics..
“AIDS patients have come to him who magnetically scan out as having no HIV
but rather a totally different set of microbes that are completely treatable.
Below are some of his findings for false positives (wrong diagnoses) which
mimic the real diseases. (Goiz, The Biomagnetic Pair, pp. 136–137) To take an
example from the chart, patients have come to him with a previous diagnosis of
“diabetes mellitus”. As the chart indicates, he has found the presence of fifteen
different micro organisms (under the column titled “possible diagnosis” from
Salmonella typhus bacteria to Helicobacter pilori), located in various parts of the
body (shown under the column entitled “Corresponding BMP”) which may
cause pancreas dysfunction. The patients with one or more of the differentially
diagnosed BMPs did not necessarily have diabetes mellitus. It is a good idea to
scan for these incorrectly named diseases, especially if the person’s condition
has not responded to conventional allopathic treatment.


Once we understand how bioenergetic basics works, we are ready for the
scanning process. Lab test results may be checked and verified with magnets. If
we have an unknown malaise or merely wish to scan our body to make sure all is
well, the scanning procedure gives us information about what is going on in the
body. The scanning procedure actually has two parts, called by Goiz diagnosing
and treating. Here are some practical hints about using magnets before putting
them into bioenergetic use.


Great care must be used when working with magnets. The magnets we
use are not toys. Keep them away from children, credit cards, pace makers,
computer hard drives, analog tapes, and videos. They can slam together, harming
fingers or pinching and injuring skin. The best way to be safe is to follow this
rule: Handle only one magnet at a time. By handling only one magnet at a time,
we are much less likely to drop one or break one, and we don’t risk hurting

The circular ceramic magnets like the ones used in television speakers and
microwave ovens are fairly strong. If stuck together, you may not be able to pull
them apart. You must slide them apart instead of trying to pry them apart. That
will help to avoid broken fingernails or other injuries. If they are extremely hard
to slide apart, try pushing one of them against the edge of a table while sliding
off the other one. Their magnetic strength can be considerable. It deserves our
Using leather-, plastic-, cloth-or rubber-covered magnets can help to avoid
the magnets-sticking-together situation. They are readily available on the
Internet, or you can get used magnets and attach covers yourself. The author’s
daughter sews her magnets into socks for ease of use, to avoid loosing them, and
to double as a tie to hold the magnet in place on the body (if the sock is long
enough.) Some people prop the magnets in place with pieces of wood, bean bags
or pillows. Various kinds of tape can also be used. With squirmy children,
magnets stay in place better when the wee ones are asleep.
Exercise caution when storing magnets. Keep magnets of similar size and
gauss together. Do not allow less powerful magnets to stay in contact with
stronger ones, as the stronger ones can pull away the magnetic power or gauss
from the weaker ones.

SCANNING Scanning is a way to discover energy polarization

disturbances by placing a magnet over points on the body and checking for
“short leg phenomenon.” The process begins with the following steps, A-E:

Have the person to be scanned lie on her/his back with shoes on. The corners
of the heels of the shoes give us two right angle edges as reference points. With
bare feet and open-heeled sandals, the change in lengths of rounded heels is
harder to compare, so have the person wear closed-heel shoes. The feet should
hang over the edge of the table, protruding at ankle level. It is best to use a table
with a firm base of a comfortable work height. It should be made of wood or
some other material that is non-conducting. This avoids interference with the
magnets. The person need not remove clothes as long as they are not too thick.
They should be light, preferably of natural fibers such as cotton. However, Goiz
scans patients who are wearing light synthetic clothing as well, and scanning has
been done with the person lying on the floor if no table is available.

Have the person relax the mind and the body, arms at sides. Often it helps to
have them close their eyes and block thoughts so as to focus on something
calming Relaxation is very important because if there is tension, especially in the
legs, the subtle changes that are used in diagnosing and treating may not be
noticeable. An example of this was the author’s experience in the Philippines,
where the women found it very hard to relax their legs, and the scanning process
had to be stopped until they could allow relaxation.


First, check visually for evenness of length of the legs by observing the
heels. With your right hand holding their left leg and your left hand holding their
right, raise the legs about 6 inches off the table, the feet together. Hold above the
ankles so as not to touch the shoes. Move the legs apart, then together several
times. Pull slightly towards yourself as you move the legs apart to make sure the
knees are not bent. Legs must be suspended in air to be able to detect subtle
length changes.
Make sure you are exactly centered in the front of the person so you are not
pulling one leg more to one side than another. Look at the position of the left and
right heels. When they come together they should be even.. If heels are even,
i.e., if legs are the same length, proceed to Step D below. If they are of uneven
lengths, as in figure # 49, do Step E before doing Step D. (Some practitioners
find sitting while checking leg length more user friendly than standing.)
the points alphabetically). Or, the points can be scanned from head to toe,
referring to the diagrams preceding the title page of this book. If the BMP is
bilateral, i.e., Eye/Eye or Armpit/Armpit, you need check only one of the sides
of the body. Usually, in the northern hemisphere, you check only the bilateral
point on the right side of the person’s body with the negative magnet. If you are
in the southern hemisphere, this advice may not apply and you may need to
check both parts.

Hold the magnet with negative side pointing towards the person’s body.
Place the negative side of the magnet at the first point you are going to check
and secure the magnet. Leaving the magnet secured over the point, walk back to
the person’s heels. Lift the legs again and move them out and back together a
few times. Check where the heels meet. If they are still the same length and meet
with corners together, as before, there is no polarization or BMP at that point.
Set the legs down gently. Pick up the magnet and place it on the next point to be
checked. Proceed to check the next point on the list. Continue until all points are
scanned, checking leg length each time.
If, after placing a magnet and when checking the heels, they are not even, it
means you have encountered a polarized point!! If the left leg suddenly looks
longer (i.e., the right leg is shorter), the negative magnet has hit upon the
negative partner of a BMP. It produces an overcharge or energy overload from
the resistance of negative against negative. It causes the right leg to shorten.
There is a biomagnetic negative pole at that point. (from personal seminar
notes, p. 15)

On the other hand, if in scanning with a negative magnet, you touch a point
where a lengthening instead of a shortening of the right leg occurs, you have
found where an abnormal positive charge in the body resides. The negative
magnet pulls upon the positive partner of the biomagnetic pair and causes the
right leg to lengthen. There is a biomagnetic positive pole at that point. Put a
positive magnet there, and with another negative magnet, continue scanning.
One idea that makes the scanning go faster is to have a helper either move
the magnets while you stay at the feet or vice versa to avoid having to go back
and forth between the positions. Goiz has the patient or another person hold the
magnet(s) in place while his assistant continues on with the scan. The magnet
can also be taped or propped in place.
If the point happens to be on a large organ such as the liver, move the
magnet around over the liver to check where exactly you get the greatest
difference in heel length and place the magnet there.
Once you discover a biomagnetic point and place a negative magnet on it,
you are ready to locate and place the second magnet on the second point of the
pair. Proceed to chapter 14 which deals with the actual recovery part (or second
magnet placement) of the scanning process.


This step involves checking for the Goiz Special Biomagnetic Pair. If in
doing step C (above) you find that the legs are of different lengths, you must
check to see if the unevenness is caused by body structure or by bioenergy. If the
difference is structural (permanent and unalterable with magnet energy), note
where the two heels meet. Use that point as your reference point to gauge
whether one of the leg lengths changes as you scan. You can make a mark with
chalk on the side of the longer shoe or with a piece of masking tape as a secure
reference. If the leg length difference is structural it is not going to be changed
with magnets which work on an energy level, but bioenergy work can still be
Likewise, if the person is missing a leg or foot, the arms can be used instead
of the legs to ascertain if there are polarized areas. Instead of checking heel
alignment, the corners of the thumbnails can be observed, making sure that the
elbows are not bent.
If the uneven lengths are caused by an energy imbalance, then depolarizing
the Goiz special pair can resolve the situation, making the legs even. The
following section explains how this is done.

To determine whether STRUCTURE or ENERGY is causing the length
difference of the legs, you need to eliminate the special BMP named Goiz as the
possible cause. The Goiz special pair’s biomagnetic points are located on:

a) The kidney of the same side of the body as the shortened leg
b) The second point of the Goiz special pair is in one of four areas on the
opposite side of the body: parietal (on the upper “side edge” of the skull);
ear (over the ear canal opening); parotid (under ear by corner of jaw); or
parathyroid (under ear at thyroid height).

To clear an energy-caused shortening, do the following:

1). Reach under the patient and place the positive side of the magnet facing the
kidney area on the same side of the body as the short leg.
2). Place the negative side of the other magnet on the parietal point on the
opposite side of the body. If the short leg is on the right, the positive
magnet goes on the right kidney, the negative goes on the parietal point on
the left side. Check to see if the heels have then become even. If not, leaving
the positive one on the kidney, move the negative magnet to the ear on the
left side and recheck for heel evenness. Continue on to scan the parotid and
parathyroid points on the left side to see if one of those points causes the leg
to lengthen so both heels are even. If the left leg is shorter, follow the same
process, placing the positive magnet on the left kidney and checking the four
points of the Goiz special pair on the right side of the body.
3). If the shortening is caused energetically, the legs will become the same
length with the magnets in two of these places—the kidney and either the
parietal, ear, parotid or parathyroid. Leave the magnets in place for 25
minutes or more (longer if you live north of Mexico City or at similar
latitudes south of the equator) to correct for the Goiz BMP.

With the magnets in place, proceed to Step D (above) to finish the first part
of the scanning process.

A question often raised by students when scanning for the first time is:
“Why does only the right half of the body lengthen or shorten with a magnet on
the biomagnetic pole and not the left half? Goiz’s answer is that apparently the
left half of the body does not suffer such variations because the electromagnetic
current of the heart beating some 80 times a minute on the body’s left side keeps
it more electromagnetically balanced so it doesn’t shorten.

Once a negative magnet has found its “canvas” for depolarization, it is time
to bring the artistic energy creation to life. Goiz accomplishes this with a second
magnet (positively charged). With the two magnets in place, the body may begin
to break up the polarized biomagnetic pair. Our artistic endeavor works to
achieve what great artists have struggled with throughout the ages: a reconciling
of positive and negative. In this way, our fundamental bioenergy can be re-
established, creating the masterpiece of dynamic wellness.
The placing of the positive magnet begins the actual performance. With the
second (or positive) magnet in place, the body can push the separated charges of
the biomagnetic pair across the Bloch wall. The positive and negative energy can
then reunite within the bioenergy area for dynamic wellness. The formerly
separated, polarized pairs cannot be reunited until both negative and positive
charges are simultaneously depolarized. The reuniting of energy of biomagnetic
pairs means discovery and recovery commence. This is the beginning of
wellness, the creation of this sublime energy art form.

Goiz’s discovery could prove to be one of the greatest ventures into inner
space, the final frontier. The locating and identifying of biomagnetic pairs,
determining their polarity, proper placing of the magnets, and subsequent
depolarizing of the biomagnetic pair, are all the result of painstaking research
and treatment of tens of thousands of patients, primarily in Mexico City. The
hardest part of this new frontier was the cataloguing of each biomagnetic pair as
they were discovered. This book contains 250 + pairs discovered by Goiz to
date. Since the hard part is over (the discovery and organization), all that is left
for you to do is to follow the map he has created to make your own inner space
voyages and to find the hidden treasure of wellness. It’s now almost as easy as
painting by numbers!

Once the site of the first point of a biomagnetic pair is located,

1. Refer to the Body Catalog where all the points and pairs are listed
alphabetically (p.132).
2. Find the name of the second member of the biomagnetic pair. For
example, supposing the right leg shortens when negative magnet is placed on the
point at the base of the neck. You look up “Neck” in the Body Catalog. On page
177 you will see two possible biomagnetic pairs under “Neck.” The possible
pairs are: Neck/Neck and Neck/Femur. Check first to see if the pair is
Neck/Neck by placing the positive magnet at the base of the neck on the side of
the body opposite to the first magnet. Check the feet to see if the positive magnet
at the “Neck” position has caused the heels to become even. If the heels are
even, you have hit the right spot and you know you need to depolarize the
biomagnetic pair called Neck/Neck. You can see by reading further that it is the
location for Blastocystis hominis fungus, which can go to the lungs, radiating
later to the skin, bladder and prostate.
3. If there is no change in leg length when you place the positive magnet
on the other Neck point, then Neck/Neck is not currently a polarized
biomagnetic pair. Return to the other possible biomagnetic pair listed under
“Neck.” That pair is Neck Femur. Since there are two femurs in the body, you
will need to check both the right femur and the left femur with the positive
magnet. Whichever femur is polarized is the second partner in the biomagnetic
pair Neck/Femur. Check with the positive magnet, placing it on each femur until
you find if it is the right femur or the left femur which causes the legs to be the
same length. This pair is good for helping the body be inhospitable to fungus.
4. Leave both magnets in place for about 25 minutes.
“Art,” according to the dictionary, is human effort to supplement or alter the
work of nature. The art of bioenergetic basics for dynamic wellness progresses
naturally when both magnets are properly, securely and simultaneously placed.
In finalizing the creative process as artists of energy, the final step is to:
Rest, stay out of the way, and let the body carry out its magnetic energy
Depending on the virulence of the micro organism destroyed through
bioenergetic basics, a person may afterwards experience what some term a
“healing crisis,” (such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), or natural ways the
body gets rid of impurities. Goiz does not usually put much emphasis on such
natural cleanses. A crisis is not usual although micro organisms in some pairs
leave more pollution in the body than do others. These are noted, if applicable,
in the information about each point. Goiz stresses to the patient that “the cure
has been done.” All that is left is for the toxins to leave and wellness to return.
This may take about one week. Syndromes and stubborn, chronic situations may
require more sessions depending on results.



Goiz theorizes that polarized points of several biomagnetic pairs serve as
reservoirs of viruses or bacteria, much like secondary refuges in the body. Once
these reservoir pairs are depolarized with magnets, the bacteria and viruses
taking refuge in them must flee immediately back to their primary home places.
For example, if antibiotics are being taken for Streptococcus A (normally based
in the Brachial/Brachial biomagnetic pair), the Strep A bacteria may flee to a
reservoir such as Vagus/Kidney, a reservoir for viruses and bacteria. (See
diagram #54) After the person stops taking antibiotics (which the bacteria
perceive as a danger)—the strep could return to its Brachial/Brachial base. For
that reason, reservoirs can be scanned first in the scanning sequence, after having
checked beforehand to make sure the feet are even.
A virus reacts in a similar way. If hit by antiviral drugs or antiviral
procedures, the virus can also take shelter in a reservoir. Then later it may leave
the reservoir and return to home base. For this reason Goiz acknowledges his
considerable respect for viruses and bacteria for their ability to act somewhat
consciously to avoid detection or elimination.
Yet Goiz does not scan the reservoir pairs first. However, if he comes upon
the reservoir pairs during scanning and they are “active” (or polarized, causing
the leg to shorten) he must redo the entire scanning process once he has
depolarized the particular reservoir pair because he can’t tell exactly which
micro organisms they were. Viruses and bacteria will escape to and show up at
locations he may have already scanned. Scanning for reservoirs first can
obviously save time and work.


Descriptions of the eleven possible reservoir BMPs:

1) Pleura/Pleura is a possible reservoir for cancer.

2) Pleura/Peritoneum. Moises Special Pair. (Membranes covering inner chest
and intestines, respectively) Hides bacteria.
3) Gall Bladder/Gall Bladder. Prada Special Pair. When broken up, the
charges go to Thymus/Parietal.
4) Renal Capsule/Renal Capsule includes the area from the kidney almost to
the scapula.
5) Kidney/Renal Capsule is Ale Special Pair for HIV and perhaps other
6) Inguinal Nerve/Inguinal Nerve. This is a reservoir for HIV 3 virus. Upon
depolarization the virus goes to Thymus/Rectum.
7) Trochanter, Lesser/Trochanter, Lesser could be an HIV 4 reservoir…Still
under observation.
8) Vagus/Kidney of opposite side: Benavides Special Pair. This pair is a
universal reservoir of viruses and bacteria.
9) Cardia/Temporal. Boch Special Pair for prions.
10) Sub Diaphragm/Sub Diaphragm. Ecuador Special Pair for Cysticercus
(pork tapeworm)
11) Stub/Stub. Wherever an organ or limb has been removed or incisions made,
the area may harbor micro organisms. (See below)


If a person has undergone surgery, the area invaded by the knife can harbor a
variety of polarizations. This can be true even long after surgery. Check all
former surgery areas as well as “stumps” or “stubs” of excised organs or
amputated limbs. If polarizations are present, it is likely that micro organisms
have set up shop. Kirlian photography, which shows electron discharge trails
around body areas similar to the corona around the sun, has shown that if a piece
of a live leaf is cut away and a photo is taken of what remains of the leaf, the
energy of the cut-away part is still intact. Amputees often say they can feel the
energy of the limb they lost. In bioenergetic basics we have reason to believe
that if a finger, for example, has been physically removed, the energy of that
finger is still present.
At this point the evidence is anecdotal yet there are numerous instances of
problems being removed by the body by depolarizing the residual energy of a
stump or amputated limb. Any such limbs or body parts need to be scanned
because their energy may contain remnants of polarized energy which may cause
A common situation seen by Goiz is that of women who have had a
hysterectomy, who no longer possess a uterus or cervix and may have also lost
ovaries, oviducts, lymph nodes, and lymph channels. The remaining biomagnetic
energy in those areas often retains previous health imbalances despite the
absence of the physical organ. This explains why some women still are plagued
by their original symptoms despite having suffered a hysterectomy to “correct”
bleeding or pelvic inflammation. They bleed as if the uterus were still present
even after its removal. Surgery could possibly be avoided with the simple, non-
invasive bioenergetic basics techniques. With hysterectomies the biomagnetic
pair Stub/Stub, also called Special Pair Guadalupe, requires a pair of magnets at
the surgery site for the body to depolarize any existing reservoirs. In this case it
would also be wise to scan the body for Uterus/Uterus as well as Vagina/Vagina
and Fallopian Tube/Fallopian Tube.


In another example, a woman’s problem may exist at the energy area of the
BMPs normally associated only with males. Penis/Penis, Prostate/Prostate and
Testicle/Testicle can be negatively affected in a woman as well as in a man.
Ridding her of polarities in the area of masculine gender organs can rid her of
previous seemingly unsolvable problems such as excessive facial hair, acne and
menstrual difficulties. This is also possible with males, but reversed, with
involvement for them of Uterus/Uterus, Vagina/Vagina, Ovary/Ovary and
Fallopian Tube/Fallopian Tube. How can that be?
From the time of conception forward into adulthood, each person carries
gender energy and possibilities of both sexes. In a female, the masculine pairs
are dormant. But they still appear to be present at the bioenergy level. Likewise
in a male, the uterus, vagina, and fallopian tube energies exist from conception.
Although it may seem odd, scanning someone of either gender should include
both feminine and masculine reproductive organs. Though not developed on a
physically observable plane, they do exist energetically and can harbor
polarizations and micro organism reservoirs. This has been demonstrable
through the improvements in health from bioenergetic basics. One example of
this is that of a couple who had tried unsuccessfully to achieve pregnancy. Upon
scanning the husband, a BMP appeared in the energy areas of the ovaries and
Fallopian tubes in his body, affecting his masculinity. They were depolarized
and the wife became pregnant right away.


In the event of a possible pregnancy, do not place magnets in the vicinity of
the ovaries and the uterus at the same time.
If scanning people who have a pacemaker, Goiz tells them merely to place
their hand over the pacemaker to protect it from magnetism. He scans them as

Another example concerns chemotherapy. Goiz will treat almost every

patient arriving at his clinic. But there is one group of patients he usually does
not accept: those who have undergone chemotherapy. He says that the chemicals
affect the cells so radically that bioenergetic basics is not effective. Other
doctors—students of Goiz—have used magnets on former chemo patients. They
do so mainly to provide palliative (soothing) treatment, not curative. At present,
Goiz is working to devise a way to help these patients. Goiz does accept patients
who have undergone radiation treatment if their immune system is still intact,
which he decides on an individual basis by seeing if they respond to treatment.

Depending on the health of the person for whom bioenergetic basics is
intended, another precaution can be advised. Since the body may be inundated
with a plethora of dead micro organisms upon depolarization, their remains may
give off toxins as they are expelled. The body is usually capable of getting rid of
such toxic waste through normal processes of elimination and Goiz, as
previously mentioned, generally does not even refer to a “healing crisis.”
Occasionally dead micro organisms and their toxins may be problematic.

It should be quite simple to avoid any adverse reactions. He may suggest a

mild herbal laxative before going to bed that night. Other health practitioners
suggest taking a tablespoon of Epsom salts in a glass of water the next morning.
Parasites, fungi, and bacteria have lost their preferred magnetic environment and
can no longer exist as before. If the bioenergetic basics session weakened but did
not kill the micro organisms, they await the final blow from the body’s own
immune system. This, Goiz indicates, will usually happen within a week.

He sometimes recommends follow-up treatment for them:

Parasites: For parasites, he suggests that the patient take tablets or capsules of
potassium for a few days to help the body finish killing the parasites that were
weakened by bioenergetic basics

Fungi: Goiz prescribes systemic fungal remedies which are unavailable without
a prescription. Depolarization greatly diminishes the amount of time they are
taken. Other alternatives include herbal or homeopathic remedies after

Viruses: As mentioned above, viruses may be eliminated very quickly. But they,
as well as the other micro organisms, can leave toxins in their dying field, which
the body will have to eliminate. To help the body detoxify these poisons, you
can place a positive and a negative magnet over the thymus gland. The thymus is
located under the clavicle above the beginning of the sternum—sort of where
Tarzan bangs on his chest to show strength and valor. (This type of beating
stimulates the thymus which plays a vital part in the immune system’s response
to sickness, and could be a fun, cathartic experience, especially if one does the
jungle yodel while visualizing the body and helper cells whisking away the virus
toxin “invaders” out of one’s inner jungle!)

Bacteria: Being generally much larger than viruses and more robust in their
makeup—having bodies rather than being merely particles with charges—they
may need extra convincing that they are not wanted. With the negative magnet
the body will have brought down the alkaline pH of their “living” and
“breathing” medium to a level that they detest or that is toxic to them (like fish
in polluted waters).

As with viruses, strengthening the thymus may help the body get rid of dead
and dying bacteria. Since they sometimes do not die off as quickly as do viruses,
Goiz might prescribe antibiotics. If you are not a medical doctor, there are
natural or herbal remedies for stubborn bacteria that may be used in conjunction
with magnets.
Over time, the indiscriminate use of antibiotics has caused some bacteria to
develop highly resistant strains. Apparently, upon being impacted with magnets,
the stability or resistant quality of the bacteria is destroyed. The bacteria become
sensitive once again to antibiotic applications. The antibiotics (whether herbal or
in drug form), therefore, are more effective, and smaller quantities are required.
In scanning, if you encounter a parasite linked with a biomagnetic pair, you
know that there must be bacteria that the parasite was using as food. Look for
bacteria, (which may also have been hidden or blocked from view by a more
energetic parasite) then eliminate them so the parasite’s food supply is cut off.
You may add an herbal remedy or a small amount of medicine as the coup de
grace for the parasite’s passing. Remember that the amount of medicine or
remedy may be less once the body is depolarized and better able to attack the


Goiz has found the closer to the equator we are, the less time it takes to
obtain results from bioenergetic basics methods. At the equator, the time it takes
for depolarization of a biomagnetic pair is very rapid—roughly two minutes. In
Mexico City, the time needed is more than 12 minutes. Farther north, the
magnets will have to be left on for longer time periods.

The necessary length of time can be determined by verifying when the
biomagnetic pair has been depolarized and the legs are permanently the same
length again. The author has found that, for example, in Utah at the northern
latitude of 37° it takes about 20–25 minutes. In Brisbane, Australia, at a southern
latitude of 27.5°, depolarization takes place about 12–15 minutes.
Goiz has also noted that certain areas at the same latitude have different
depolarization rates, which may be due to the flow of electromagnetic energy
around and in the earth, or, possibly to the quality of air, water, and sunshine.
Magnetic cycles of sun spots are another potential influence on depolarization
time. Investigative work could shed light on these phenomena. The timing of
when to remove the magnets has to be determined individually at each location.
When in doubt, a good policy is to leave the magnets on longer. In Goiz’ clinic
in Mexico City, for example, he usually puts them on, goes to other patients, and
then returns to remove them some 25–30 minutes later. That way the
depolarization is assured without having to time them specifically.

When Goiz scans, he begins at the top of the head (as shown in the
illustrations at front of book). He does the points around the skull, the face, and
the neck, and goes down the body from there. Many of the biomagnetic pairs are
bilaterals or doubles, i.e., their identification is a repetition, such as
Armpit/Armpit or Cheekbone/Cheekbone. Usually one of the points is on the
right side of the body and the other on the left on the indicated organ or body
part. If both points are located on a single organ or body part, that will be shown
on the list (such as Bladder/Bladder or Spleen/Spleen).
Some areas of the body contain more than one pair. For example, the kidney
—right or left—can hold tetanus (Kidney/Kidney), diabetes mellitus (Right
Kidney/Duodenum), malaria (Cheekbone/Opposite Kidney), intestinal
dysfunction (Kidney/Opposite Sacral), and three special pairs with one point at
the kidney, Goiz, Machin, and Ale. If the person’s leg shortens upon scanning
the kidney, then you must check the various possible matching points one by
one. In the case of a polarized kidney, you would need to scan both kidneys, the
duodenum, the cheekbones, the sacral area, as well as special pairs Goiz
(parietal), Machin (ureter), and Ale (renal capsule on same side), to know which
kidney BMP is involved.
If one polarized point is discovered during scanning but none of the other
possible partner points listed in the body catalog cause the leg length to change,
don’t despair! Check in the Index under the name of the first polarized point and
you should find other possible combinations. (For instance, if the sacrum point is
discovered upon scanning, but neither sacrum nor femur appear to be the other
half of the BMP, checking the index will reveal that Kidney/Interiliac are also
possible partner points.)
In the Body Catalog, most of the BMPs are listed with the point on the right
side of the body first, but in some cases the point on the left side of the body
may be first (depending on Goiz’s discovery of it.) Also, if the situation arises
that you have depolarized a BMP, and on rechecking later, the same pair
appears, it may mean you incorrectly depolarized the first time and need to redo
it.(Know that no harm has been done by incorrectly placing the magnets.) Retry
and check the heels very carefully. If the same pair appears again, take a look at
outside influences such as stress, diet, electromagnetic interference at the home
or workplace, an infected pet or partner, a dirty toothbrush, etc., because the
person might just be getting reinfected or traumatized by other elements.
Bioenergetic basics may seem complicated at first. It takes dedication and
time to learn. But the benefits of improved health with the ease of discovery of
existing imbalances that may lead to disease (without expensive lab work) make
the efforts worthwhile, and the skill, once learned, can serve you throughout life.
By doing one BMP at a time, you get much good information. With practice
your accuracy improves in placing the magnets, your ability to check the lengths
of the legs becomes automatic and it takes you less time to scan.
Do not be alarmed if it takes more than an hour or two when first beginning
to scan. Knowledge of anatomy and physiology will grow as you keep scanning.
Visual aids can help as well. See the appendix at the end of the book for more
information, and also visit our website We are
constantly working to make bioenergetic basics easier and more user friendly.
As new pairs become known, they will be posted on the website for you.

Through proper bioenergetic basics you can become an artist of energy who
stimulates and creates well being for yourself, friends, and family. Such creation
can be likened to a fine symphony or oil painting. With bioenergetic basics we
have the chance to help the body create wonderful wellness.
Bioenergetic basics can reduce fear of illness and dependency on others and
on chemicals and drugs. In one sense we learn how the body can change its own
bioenergetic “melody” from that of a tragic opera to that of a peppy march or
peaceful sonata that creates a tranquil environment where disturbing micro
organisms feel uncomfortable and out of place. We can have greater control over
our lives and our longevity when we manage our energy and our magnetism for
Restoring polarized areas of the body to energetic equilibrium may serve as
the “stitch in time” saving us from not just nine, but over 250 chances for
disease. Saving us, too, from unfruitful effort spent addressing only symptoms,
as we often did before being illuminated by the concept of duality in bioenergy.
Bioenergetic basics offers economic power and freedom as well. Goiz gives
us the way he diagnoses and treats disease conditions. His teachings may mean
less money spent on medicines or expensive lab tests. The need for certain
surgeries may be reduced or eliminated. Cancers and many syndromes may be
alleviated. Such knowledge affords us the opportunity to experience a life of
dynamic wellness that is exciting and worth living.
In writing this book, the author has desired to bring concepts new to the
English-speaking world, specifically including these ideas of Isaac Goiz.
Beginning with an introduction of how the biomagnetic pair was discovered, the
author discussed briefly the importance of duality in magnetism and pH. A short
history of magnets and a look at magnetism in the earth and in the body provided
the platform to launch the discussion of the biomagnetic pairs. The details of the
important topic of scanning followed with various references and examples to
help the reader. With the author’s organization of the list of “conditions and
possible BMPs for depolarization,” much time can be saved in trying to locate
specific BMPs. The Body Catalog, also organized alphabetically, gives the
reader an easy-to-use reference, something that was formerly lacking and greatly
needed by students of bioenergetic basics.

The fact that you have this basic guidebook in your hands means that you are
on the pathway for beautiful artistry of bioenergy in your inner space.
Congratulations! And best wishes for Dynamic Wellness!
The biomagnetic pair information contained in this section stems from the
discovery and subsequent research of Isaac Goiz Duran. The author is not a
licensed physician and offers this information for educational purposes only. The
author disclaims any liability or loss in connection with this information. The
biomagnetic pairs themselves, as well as the drawings of their approximate
location in no way intend to replace or substitute actual licensed medical
evaluation and/or treatment.



Prior Scanning Is Essential for Locating Goiz Biomagnetic Pairs


The biomagnetic pair information contained in the following section stems
from the discovery and subsequent research of Isaac Goiz. The information is
presented in partial fulfillment of Goiz’s challenge in the year 2000 to his
students to publicize his findings to the world, asking only that credit be always
given to him for his discoveries.
The author is not a licensed physician and offers this information for
educational purposes only. The author and publisher disclaim any liability or
loss in connection with this information. The biomagnetic pairs themselves, as
well as the drawings of their approximate location in no way intend to replace or
substitute actual licensed medical evaluation and/or treatment. This publication
is designed to educate and provide general information regarding the subject
matter covered. However, laws and practices vary from state to state, country to
country, and are subject to change. Because each situation is different, specific
advice should be tailored to the particular circumstances. For this reason, the
reader is advised to consult with his or her health adviser, and/or legal consultant
about the specifics of the individual situation before continuing. All subsequent
artist’s renditions of the locations of each specific point of each biomagnetic pair
are merely approximations and in no way constitute a precise location for each
pair. The drawings are provided as a visual aid only, and by no means define a
final locale for each point, or guarantee that the artists’renditions can be applied
to every individual person. The drawings are of an average or generalized nature,
and are not intended to represent scientific fact, i.e., no multi billion dollar
studies have been performed.


Each biomagnetic pair that follows contains two separate point locations.
Each point is represented in the Body Catalog by a Black Dot. Each biomagnetic
pair contains two dots for two separate and opposite charges. The charges are not
labeled as they may vary depending on the person and the location on the planet.
One biomagnetic pair exists with one of the dots being POSITIVE, and the
other being NEGATIVE. No biomagnetic pair exists with each of the two dots
being the same charge. For that reason, the Body Catalog contains the locations
of the points of each biomagnetic pair, but leaves the determining of which one
of the points of the pair is POSITIVE, and which one is NEGATIVE and also
the exact location of the points up to the energy artist doing the scanning.
For example, the pair COLON, TRANSVERSE/BLADDER, shows the
location for the transverse colon to be right below the navel, and the location for
the bladder on the right side of the bladder. Since the transverse colon is much
bigger than represented by the dot in the drawing, it is up to the person scanning
(the energy artist) to pinpoint the exact location on the transverse colon where
the point is most accurately found (indicated by the greatest difference in heel
The point location in this example for bladder is shown to be on the right
side of the bladder, and should not be taken to be the only possible location for
the biomagnetic bladder point location. The bladder point might also be found
on the left side of the bladder and must be scanned for (moving the magnet) to
locate the exact point on the bladder. So with the help of the pictures, we can see
the approximate location of the two points of each biomagnetic pair, and in the
actual scanning process, we can locate the absolute position. For that reason the
scanning process is vital for optimum results.

Taking the example of “Neck,” p. 177 of the Body Catalog of Biomagnetic
Pairs, we see five different elements:

Explanation The five elements are separated in the following manner. (Learn
more from pp. 61-3 of the book and the discussion and scanning video on our
website: (



The biomagnetic pair information contained in this section stems from the
discovery and subsequent meticulous research of. Isaac Goiz. The author is not a
licensed physician and offers this body catalog as an educational and research
tool only. These illustrations are schematic in nature and to locate exactly the
point of greatest polarization of an organ, moving the magnet around on the
organ is suggested. Please refer to color illustrations with scanning points at the
beginning of the book.

Between ankle and knee, posterior


Shigella bacteria can be from dirty water as found in ice treats, ice cream,
cheeses, swimming pools, etc.

Gives diarrhea, vomiting, Intestinal gas; headache itching in groin.

On inner surface of upper thighs

HIV 2 virus
Not true AIDS, as it does not affect thymus

Gives urethral and vaginal disorders in woman

At bra height on back

Glandular dysfunction
Patient has suffered trauma.
Addison’s disease with swelling, chronic fatigue, inability to respond to
infections chest/breast pain
Not a regular pair but a syndrome: a biomagnetic pathology. (The whole front of
body is positive and the adrenals are negative, so just put the positive magnet on
any place on front of body that checks out as positive and the negative magneton
the adrenals to get rid of the symptoms)
Is true allergic asthma; rare. (False asthma can come from other things like
rabies, etc)

Leptospira parasite
Can be confused with Meningococcus
Is similar to mange. Transmitted by animals
Gives disturbances in breathing pathways, mucus in digestive tract
Flatulence in rectum
Measles virus
In a child is rather light, but in the adult it always manifests with high alimentary
canal bleeding and can give ulcers
Main cause of gastritis (together with helicobacter pilori) One woman got
measles from eating infected eggs.

Above heart at armpit height

Help respiratory process of allowing oxygen to move into blood, carbon dioxide
to be removed from blood.
Corner angle of mandible

Streptococcus fragilis bacterium

Mouth and pharynx problems

Ulcers, bleeding, swelling of mouth
This pair contributes to dental caries. (Goiz thinks caries is a combination of
causes, as are all degenerative problems)

At end of tailbone at sides of intergluteus fold

Papiloma virus
Put magnets at anus, horizontally, Side by side

Gives tumor growth in vagina in women,

Warts in pubic area
Not common in men
Also check Prostate/Rectum

Posterior to poles

Aerobacter aeruginosa bacteria, one of main causes of cranial tumors

Lower right abdomen; extends downward from caecum.

APPENDIX/PLEURA of the same side Staphylococcus aureus cuag+ bacteria

Larynx, trachea, pleura disorders
Main cause of pleural bleeding

APPENDIX/PLEURA of left side

Gives Pericarditis (see “pericardium”)

Is Special pair Angeles
This raises or influences the capacity of the immune system, involves
T lymphocytes and white blood cells

Smallpox virus

A rash that can affect prostate

Rabies virus
Pleuritis virus
Otolaryngology disorders, throat and chronic ear problems, sinus problems,
asthma, parathyroid and thyroid disorders, irritability, chronic cough, eye
irritations, headaches

Get new toothbrush, lipstick, razor, hair brush, comb, and washcloths and
sponges for bathing. Try this pair in cases of insomnia. This was the second
biomagnetic pair Goiz discovered. Traveling made his wife carsick even if going
home to see her parents. She was bitten by a rabid dog as a child and had the
rabies vaccine on two occasions. Having had the vaccine, the rabies virus was
not deadly, but its effects stayed on. According to Goiz, the symptoms are very
common, often being attributed to asthma or bronchitis.

On strong bone at back and above base of skull—at first vertebra where head
turns—at level of lower part of ear
Special pair Juana
Use horizontal magnet pairs

Regulates sexual libido, frigidity, lack of or presence of sexual feelings

In front of ear


Neocardia Americana
(can’t open mouth)

Below uterus put magnets horizontally on each side of bladder.

Urinary incontinence, Streptococcus G bacterium Pleura pain, renal problems,
scarlatina in children, Nocturia in adults Combined with Streptococcus A it gives
psoriasis (which, says Goiz, “Is not psychosomatic and is transmitted through
cuts or bites”)
At ligament side of bladder

Gives gynecological problems producing secretions, sweating.

At inner bend of elbow by brachial muscle

Streptococcus A bacteria

Gives skin problems, dermatitis, melanoma, and allergies.

If combined with Streptococcus G, can give psoriasis, which can be confused

with cancer.
If combined with leprosy, gives skin cancer.
This pair can give problems of high cholesterol leading to coronaries, as the
cholesterol can block entrance to heart. Depolarizing this pair can help high
cholesterol, says Goiz.

At crease between deltoid and bone where arm joins trunk of body

Actinomyces bacteria, anaerobic filamentous bacteria
Occurs especially in women Who have an IUD in place

The blind pouch in which the large intestine begins and into which the ileum
opens on one side

Haemophilus influenza Trichomonas parasite. Alters vasentarity
Pair for Klebsiela pneumonia

Large heel bone
Put magnets on back part of foot.

Rickettsia bacteria from dog or cat
Inflammation symptoms can be located from navel down to heel
Pain in lower body
Can give false symptoms for Alzheimer’s. If person tests positive for
Calcaneus/Calcaneus and Wrist/Wrist, that is true Alzheimer’s (which Goiz
describes as “intoxication from something very toxic”).

A calyx is the cup-shaped structure in the kidneys formed from the branching of
the renal pelvis. It covers tips of medullar pyramids and collects urine

Herpes 4.
Affects blood pressure

Outer corner of eye


Aspergillus fungus
Affects eye and lungs and kidneys, can cause immune deficiency
Main cause of glaucoma and other eye problems.
For conjunctivitis, treat with Canthus/Canthus plus Hepatic Ligament/Right

Connects esophagus and stomach, under mediastinum at 5th vertebra (at normal
bra level)

Streptococcus B disorders at height of cardia Gives rheumatic fever and
esophageal varices

Plus Mediastinum/Mediastinum Yields a hiatus hernia

At height of breasts on each side of sternum (where trachea divides into two, on
inner side of each nipple)

Aphthous virus Aphthous fever Transmitted by milk products Mistaken for
AIDS, and is confused with Herpes 3 and 4 Very common Produces sores in
mouth, bronchial and tracheal symptoms

On side of neck by carotid artery

Special pair Marimar (daughter of Prada) Changes arterial hypertension

At vena cava above adrenals
By spine and lower tip of shoulder blade

Trycophyte fungus
Back pain
Is terribly toxic
Can give fungal problems at feet
Usually need antifungal remedy in addition to depolarization

Above rachidian bulb

One magnet above another.
For convulsive crises.

On back of neck

Sleep disorders (Also see Rachidian bulb/Rachidian bulb for insomnia)

Balantidium typhus
Causes serious diarrhea
See also Cervical/Supraspinal

Special pair Pasciano
For elbow pain, carpal tunnel
Put one magnet on neck, the other directly below it “This pair,” says Goiz, “is in
the last cervical vertebra and the first dorsal one and is responsible for sharp pain
in neck and elbow, not to be confused with tennis elbow, which conies from a
lesion of the long one supinator muscle on the hand.” Magnets here can help all
if these problems.

Parasympathetic nerves
Problems of headache in women
If there are bacteria or viruses present in glands, can affect glands
Putting magnets on area can regulate glandular disorders

Balantidium typhus parasite

Neurological involvement

Put magnets on sides of neck at 45° angle

Streptococcus fecal is bacteria
Usually associated with air conditioners and gives problems in throat and lungs
Gives bronchial problems

False multiple sclerosis, it infiltrates in the medullar cord and makes lesions on
the medulla producing quadriplegia

Bone of cheek. Scan both cheekbones.

Malaria protozoan parasite Same as fibro myalgia—many cases in New York
and Canada Pain in all joints (Could also be syphilis. Check.)
Plasmodium vivax protozoa parasite
Causes common tertian malaria

In middle of temporal behind temples

Special pair Lucina
Regulates flow of lymph and as such can cause lymphatic flow problems if
polarized. Can occur as result of infection or trauma.

Herpes 8.

Below nipples

Pneumocystis carini fungus

Manifests in lung with chronic cough, phlegm, chronic bronchitis

Anterior portion between labia minor
Middle of pudendal area

Spirochete bacteria
Pelvic disorders

Spirochete E
Relapsing fever, skin problems

Check various points around end of tailbone, a little above anus. Is vertical with
magnets one above another.

Pelvic disorders

A little more inside than duodenum


Herpes 1 virus
Associated with varicella (chicken pox)
Faja de la reina

Klebsiella bacteria (Hepatitis E)

Klebsiella pneumonia bacteria
Gives pneumonia

Below waist at left side


Enterobacter cloacae
Transmitted by mucus from dogs, cats, and farm animals
Prolapsed bladder or colitis, gives digestive problems, gas, poor absorption,
distends lengthwise the descending colon and displaces all else to the other side
of the abdomen
In women, can perforate organs and go into rectum, causing hemorrhoids or
rectal mucus.
Is helped with bismuth.

Hepatitis A
From Pasteurela bacteria
Hepatitis E; Hepatitis G

Is special pair Olazo (an engineer from Orizaba, Mexico)
For obstruction of the intestine.
Can stop intestinal blockage and constipation

The part of the colon that extends from the end of the colon in the pelvis to the
beginning of the rectum
R-40 virus
Symptoms: somnolence, stupor, coma

Hanging below navel. Search for it.

Vibrio cholera bacteria
Cholera: Stomach pain, diarrhea, headache, dehydration, constipation.
Supposedly there is no cholera, but it is found in developed countries in less
pronounced form.

Hepatitis G

Point where upper and lower lips meet

Herpes 5 virus. Cold sores.

Coronaria is above the left breast and heart—near shoulder—and right lung
Streptococcus A bacteria Provokes heart attacks With Streptococcus A +
Streptococcus G = psoriasis.

At height of ribs joining
Base of sternum, bilateral
Forward of underarms towards outer edge of breast

Proteus mirabilis
Pleural, pulmonary and diaphragm manifestations


Borrelia bacteria
Is deadly
Is like Trypanozoma.
Main cause of mega colon (if in combination with Vibrio cholera)

Under and in front of left armpit at level of diaphragm (below pancreas tail) Put
magnets horizontally side by side

Trypanosoma cruzi bacteria or Chagas disease
Transmitted by fleas
If it goes to pancreas, can give false diabetes
Affects heart and spleen
If it reaches stomach, can give gastric insufficiency
Common in Mexico 6,000 people die/ year of this in Central America. Gives
severe cardiovascular problems, hypertension due to organ blockage
“Relieve organ blockage and hypertension disappears,” say Goiz.
Cardiopathy or cardiac insufficiency, inflamed pericardial cavity
One of main causes of arrhythmia of heart

Is name of body area on left, opposite or as a mirror image of caecum on right
(at head of femur)


Bordetella bacteria
Comes from fruits and vegetables
Gives problems, pain in abdomen,
One of main causes of vaginal flux—producing rectal and vaginal mucus in
Diarrhea, digestive problems
Can cause phlebitis
If nerves in sacral area are aggravated, varicose veins result
Disease of head of femur, can destroy it, resulting in a hip surgery;
Atherosclerosis involvement

At top of nose

Bacillus anthrasis
Nasopharyngeal problems, nasal polyps, pain, bad vision, photophobia, mucus,
cysts, hypophyseal tumor

Near top of shoulder


Treponema palidum bacteria
If one has this, also check Quadrate/Lumbar
Is confused with arthritis
Gives false articular rheumatism
Is from vaginal or urethral transmission,
Not necessarily sexual
Gives dorsal-lumbar pain

Leishmania parasite
From sand fly bite
Skin sores, fever, spleen damage

Is muscle dividing the abdominal and chest cavity. A little below esophagus,

Candida albicans fungus
A fungus is an opportunist; is transmissible from spores
There is a virus behind it!
Mucus, respiratory diseases

Brucella abortus bacteria excites peritoneum and miscarriage can occur
Impact with magnets on same side.

At center of diaphragm

Giardia lamblia
Gives severe digestion problems.

Shoulder blade height on spine

Legionella bacteria
Pulmonary problems
Transmitted by air conditioners and air on planes

Meningococcus bacteria
Put one magnet between shoulder blades, one at waist
Gets established in medullar tube or meningocele
Causes alterations in meningocele, melocele, & meningomielocele
Spina bifida
If associated with gonococcus it produces deforming rheumatoid arthritis,
Arthritic rheumatism. Cartilaage destroyed with gonococcus, which produces
lysozyme toxin, giving rheumatoid arthritis.

Right edge of pelvis

Duodenal dysfunction
Nervous colitis, irritable colon, since food ferments in colon

Chlamydia trachomatis fungus
Is main cause of cervical-uterine cancer if associated with Pseudomona or
Yersinia, giving false cancer.
From dirty water or sex—one of most common sexually transmitted diseases in
North America. Gives lesions in eye, pterygiums (corpulence in front of eye)
related to Enterovirus; also gives lesions in lining of urine passage (urethra) and
lower end of uterus(cervix).(Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are entering the
USA via Mexican and Central American immigrants.)

Diabetes mellitus
The only true diabetes

Is confused with brucellosis.

Hepatitis D virus.

Over ear canal

Toxoplasmosis parasite
Produces repeated convulsions
Caused by the toxoplasma
Spread by cat and bird feces
Harmful to pregnancy

Depolarizing here can help correct problems of horizontal equilibrium (For

vertical equilibrium, see Pole/Pole)


Special Pair Goiz

This is the second place to check (Goiz special pair) if Parietal/Kidney gives no

Over auricular cartilage


Leni special pair
Regulates cranial pairs of brain
Produces intoxication, Gives nervous tics
For facial paralysis if not from mastoid
Can improve hearing

On elbows, outer pointed part

Is special pair Castaneda
Eye dysfunctions

At sides of bellybutton, both magnets right or both left, vertically
This produces a charge in the pancreas

Staphylococcus albus bacillus
Gives common acne

At side of trachea on left side

Fasciolopsis buski parasite or
Hepatic faciola gives false cancer, tracheal, digestive, cardiac problems.
Obstructs normal flow in liver,
Gives hyporexia, bulimia, anorexia from lack of appetite Fasciolopsis buski is a
snail found in water, watercress, etc.

Histoplasma capsulatum fungus
Fungus goes directly to lung

Whole eye

Good for painful muscles
Nervous system diseases such as M.S.
(Some patients diagnosed with M.S. don’t actually have M.S., which, says Goiz,
must involve Eye/Eye + the medulla)

Attacks spinal medulla and produces Multiple sclerosis when associated with
another pathogen,
Is curable as long as no medulla
Damage exists (You can leave a magnet on eye all night long and no harm will

Can have two signs (+ and -) in one location (such as right eye, right eyelid) or
one on each side as shown
Gives false AIDS

Syncitial respiratory virus
Psychological or pre-psychotic disorders
Makes a rug-like Structure of cells hooked Together, affecting respiratory

At highest point of eyelid,
just below brow

Neisseria catarrallis bacteria
If combined with gonorrhea, teeth fall out.
Gives gingivitis and otitis.
Confused with sinusitis.

On edge of bladder


Salpingitis = inflammation of Fallopian tube.
Produces infertility, irritability
Points are separated if she has had a baby, close together if not.
In a male, points are close together.
Parvovirus is from cats and dogs.
Main cause of infertility in women
(Sperm goes in, reaching tubal area with the + charge of the parvovirus and is
rejected by charge) Is in one of the tubes—check both.

Pair indicates ectopic pregnancy Menstruation continues, as ovary releases eggs
(which should not be the case in pregnancy). Fallopian tube may begin to hurt. If
there is no pain, find which tube contains the pregnancy. Goiz suggests pushing
the fertilized egg along the tube (with a magnet of same charge as the egg) and
into the uterus but to be done only in very early stages of pregnancy.

The thigh bone

Reservoir of mycosis (fungus)

At side of waist

Intestinal Yersinia pestis bacteria, responsible for plague, transmitted by fleas.
Check other areas of yersinia pestis.

Above eyebrows


On sides of forehead
Viral sinusitis

Sinusitis virus

On edge of rib, right side (Under liver at bottom of men’s front pocket)

Special pair Prada
A reservoir of many viruses, including Hepatitis B and HIV 1, so after it is
impacted, the viruses go to their “regular” places.

If the person’s gallbladder has been removed, the energy stays in the stub and
can become polarized.

If this pair is detected, also depolarize Pleura/Liver (Hepatitis B) And

Thymus/Rectum (HIV 1)

Common cold virus
Make sure it is not an allergy

To left of neck of gallbladder


Spirochete bacteria
Cause of false diabetes,
Digestive problems

In seat—check various points, going all around the area

Hookworm parasites or other intestinal parasites

Can offer potassium or epazote tea after treatment with magnets

Veillonela bacteria
Can cause root canal infections, nasal discharge

On palm of hand

Plasmodium parasite
Transmitted by mosquito.

Causes malaria
Recurring fevers, chills, acute digestive problems

Hand point on back of hand
Gives relief of pain on back of hand.

On liver above edge of ribs a little
Below breast on right


Adeno virus—hard to detect
Likes to pair up with parvovirus

Gives inflammation of lymphatics (the ganglion) fever, distention of abdomen,

false AIDS respiratory diseases, tumors.
Gives conjunctivitis, which should be treated with both Hepatic Ligament/Right
Kidney plus Canthus/Canthus.

Below hepatic ligament on right side. Toxocara parasite giving mange-like

Under thymus at point where
Two ribs are apart

Enterobacter pneumonia bacteria
Pulmonary problems

Helicobacter pilori bacteria
At first, severe gastritis followed by gastric ulcers,
Alters sperm production,
Bad digestion, Diaphragmatic hernia, can give false diabetes

At hip bone

Chlamydia psittaci (pneumonia) bacteria

Affects coagulation systems and produces bleeding, simulates pneumonia, In

women it gives vaginal flux and bleeding.
Is main cause of cervical-uterine cancer
Nosebleed (epistaxis)
If associated with Pseudomona or Yersinia gives false cancer, problems in lungs,
gives toxins to the lungs, and if associated with tuberculosis, there will be much
blood in lungs.

Upper arm bone

Enterobacter pneumonia
Transmitted by dog and cat.
Respiratory problems
Lung disorders

Deep within brain:
Put magnet on forehead just above center point of pituitary gla

Gives sluggishness
Is psycho-emotional point

On iliac bone, bilateral (Below waist on back of hip)

Special pair Elena
Dysfunctions of digestive tract Sluggishness of intestines
Overweight from poor digestion of foods
Need to do this pair two or three times

For varicose veins, do ILIAC/ILIAC and

Also rest feet up in air daily. Check in pelvic area. Also, varicose ulcers are
From leprosy and came to Mexico from the Chinese immigrants.

On outer border of pelvic girdle

Trypanosoma gambiense bacteria giving African sleeping sickness

Between ileum termination and caecum
Where large intestine begins


Trichomonas micro organism
This is one point that is difficult
To scan for and find.
In women, can cause fallopian tube infections, infection of covering of liver; in
men, pain in testis, narrowing of urethra; in women and men, can be
conjunctivitis; in newborns, can be conjunctivitis and pneumonia.
Treat both partners to avoid reinfection
Check also in Caecum/Caecum.

Escherichia coli bacteria


For heightening immune system, getting rid of fungus. (Someone other than
Goiz found this BMP).

Goes from top of femur to bladder
The point is on front of body at crease where
Legs hook on to trunk of body


HIV 3 virus (still under study)
Reservoir of viruses

Gives chronic diseases

Lower back pain

Not a regular BMP
Gives articular rheumatism,
Isolated, noninfectious joint problems
For hip pain, try this: Put magnets on pain and one on right inguinal nerve. Can
Also help for leg or arm pain

Roseola virus—Common in children under 3.
Viral infection from Herpes 6 virus.
Flat eruptions on chest, back, arms
Inflammation of neck ganglion

Between eyebrows

Special BMP David
Defines and affects character.
Provokes personality changes.

Reservoir for parasites

Below waist on back of hip

This pair is a reservoir of parasites.

Posterior in bend of buttocks on edge of pelvis

Onchocercosis parasite, which are worms that multiply rapidly in a patient’s
body, characterized by nodules or bumps under the skin, an itching rash, eye
tumors and loss of skin color and possible elephantitis. Spread by bite of black
fly, onchocera volvulus

Inner part of ischium
Streptococcus C

Articulations of body


Swelling from physical trauma
See also Inguinal nerve

Along jugular

Not regular BMP
Edema, mental confusion,
Fever, acute catarrh

In a crisis or after trauma, put magnets on the two kidneys.
Helpful for scorpion bites (poison similar to that of Pneumococcus an
Also, to help kidneys get rid of intoxications and infections, put + magnet on
kidney, - magnet on parietal.

Clostridium tetani bacteria (There are 4 kinds of Clostridium)
Some patients have had surgery for this but condition continues. Tetanus is toxic
because of metabolites expelled from kidney which can hit the brain, causing
Can exist in stump of kidney. Often is cause of nephritis and lowering of renal
Some patients have raised cretenin levels (produced by liver) and doctors think it
is due to a weakened kidney, but it isn’t.
Edema, mental confusion, fever, acute catarrh can all result

Intestinal dysfunction
Intestinal noises, gas, flatulence

Special pair Goiz
First special pair discovered and is only organ found so far that can cause a
shortening of the leg of the polarized side of the body.
Can affect central nervous system. and symptomology can cross over to other
side of body, giving motor and subtle disturbances of conduct.

Produces rheumatic complications, tiredness, pain, fibromyalgia

Special pair Ale
Reservoir for HIV and perhaps other viruses. When this pair is depolarized
bacteria and viruses immediately go to Thymus/Rectum.
This is a vertical pair and can be on right or left side, with both on same side.
Change toothbrushes when viruses are present.

Both magnets on same side
Special pair Machin
Nephritic stones or colic
In women, menstrual pain
Use this for pain if passing a kidney stone

Diabetes mellitus
This is not a regular pair. It is a special pair.
If one’s urine is very alkaline, it is not diabetes. Is diabetes only when it
becomes very acid and the insulin production of the pancreas is affected.

Morganella typhus
Gives hepatic cirrhosis (though 80%, according to Goiz, are not true hepatic
cirrhosis) With Morganella, it is the Morganella giving off the pus, not liver

Inner side of knee

Micro sporum fungus

Almost at corner of eye where tears come

Klebsiella pneumonia bacteria
Rhinitis, laryngitis
Cough, nosebleed. (Others giving nosebleed: Dengue, anthrax,
Cytomegalovirus, and Haemophilus influenza)

Above thyroid at Middle of neck
Put magnets one over the other a little above thyroid

Bordetella pertussis bacteria
Whooping cough
Chronic cough
These bacteria are mostly from milk products or are spread from person to

A pair of large, triangular muscles of back extending from under scapula to waist
Can be any place along muscle


Yersinia pestis -goes to lungs and is very problematic.
Gives pneumonia.

A little below bottom right gall bladder, front and straight through to back side

Adeno virus
This virus causes problems with upper lung infection or stomach and intestinal

Large, under pleura; try several points to locate point of greater polarization.

Hepatitis C (toxin)
Is toxic, neither virus nor bacteria, acquired from eating yellow fats and raw oils
(such as margarine) or from many allopathic medicines.
Put magnets one above another at about arm bend level
Liver/Liver can also be involved with vision problems.

Posterior lobe of liver
Hepatic amoeba parasite
Occurs when the amoeba goes from pylorus to liver, causing abscess.
Is hepatic amoebeasis, which is common.

Viral hepatitis

Pinworm parasite

Enlarged or too fatty liver
In cases of cirrhosis, ask body what % of liver is destroyed. According to Goiz,
this organ can easily regenerate.

Brucella bacteria

Waist area on spine


Neisseria gonorrhea bacteria

On 4th lumbar at waist
Enterococcus bacteria
Gives digestion problem


Very aggressive
Headache, dizziness diarrhea,
Is confused with HIV to give false AIDS

Enterovirus (which flourishes mostly in the intestinal tract)


Indicates fungus
With both magnets on inside of ankle, or both on outside of ankle

Various points on jawbone from chin to angle

Neisseria gonorrhea bacteria

Facial paralysis
If this condition is serious, put a negative magnet under the chin and two
positive magnets on each side along mandible.

Arthritis is caused by this.

Rheumatism is caused by a combination of the gonococcal and meningococcal
micro organisms
Is from urethral or sexual transmission.

Under location where the clavicle bones join together


One of the 30 viruses that Infect the intestines.

Small bone behind ear
Filaria parasite which makes a toxin that travels to the brain and creates epilepsy
and seizures.
Results in alterations through intracranial tumors.
Carried by fly

A hole in upper jaw next to nasal cavity


Gives viral sinusitis

Under thymus and affects thymus. In a portion of the space in middle of chest,
between sacs containing lungs. It extends from breastbone (sternum) to spine. It
contains all of chest organs except lungs.


Proteus mirabilis
Is main cause of immune deficiency as it affects thymus.
Use to heighten a lowered immune system.
Dysfunction of thymus
Inflammation of mediastinum (= mediastinitis, with laryngeal, pulmonary and
bronchial symptoms)
Gives false AIDS if combined with another virus. It traps the thymus
anatomically as well as functionally.

Proteus mirabilis has three other locations:

1) Costal/Costal, which gives pleuritis and causes bleeding
2) Sacrum/Sacrum, gives infertility, muscle problems.
3)Renal capsule/Renal capsule Gives lupus.

Any mole on any part of body


Hanta virus
Make sure to check all moles.

On cheek bone, below eye, between nose and cheek


Viral sinusitis virus

Above the scapula on back by neck
But not on neck

Blastocyst is hominis fungus

Goes to lung and radiates to skin, bladder and prostate

To kill fungus

Inferior part of nose

Toxoides—not bacterium or virus
Product of allergies in nose
Do here for vision problems

Behind mastoid

Eipstenbar virus

Dizziness, irritability,
Mental confusion, Neurological symptoms,
Causes a change in behavior and in equilibrium (as does Pole/Pole)

Point at outer lower corner of eye


For Orf virus (gotten from sheep Resulting in skin disease with blisters)

Bilateral on sides of uterus

Ovarian dysfunction
Causes infertility

It is secondary to an inflammatory process.

Under and left of stomach above navel

Special pair Ramses
At middle of pancreas and at pancreas tail
Is there bad digestion?
Put two magnets on pancreas.
Working here can stop convulsions.
Heavy metal toxicity can give deep psychological problems.
Makes people feel like they need sleep as it affects potassium metabolism.
Can be from toxic seafood, excessive protein Poisoning.

Above navel
Staphylococcus aureus cuag + and Staphylococcus epidermis Halitosis
Main cause of gastric reflux
Can cause cancer of pancreas head.
Can give false diabetes.

Special pair Ramses
Produces a toxin that generates a psychotic state in patient, with atypical conduct
affecting the CNS (central nervous system).
Associated with Fasciola hepatica.

Clostridium botulinum bacteria
Obtained from pickled, canned, bottled foods milk products; gives intestinal
problems, muscular pain, colic and gas

(All Clostridium are involved in metastasis, according to Goiz)

Common wart

Directly above bellybutton at waist


Spirochete bacteria
Causes false diabetes

Under ear at thyroid height

Glandular dysfunction
Parathyroid fails from stress
Parathyroid secretes calcitonin, which gives calcium to bones and regulates

Gives syndrome of hypocalcemia, and leads to osteoporosis.

This pair can help osteoporosis, even in menopause.

Over parietal bone

Viral encephalitis virus
This virus usually transferred from animals to humans, but not usually from
humans to animals.
(Parietal/Parietal can alleviate distemper in puppies).
Can affect vision. giving blindness, cataracts. sleeping sickness or cerebral fever,
confusion, mucus and tear secretion.
Good for helping to treat rattlesnake bite.

Plasmodium vivax protozoa (from mosquito) giving common tertian malaria

Special pair Goiz (positive polarization of kidney of same side as short leg).
Check polarities as the person now has one half of the body shorter than the
other and it should be corrected before proceeding with scanning.
Causes renal, cerebral, or pulmonary problems.
Found in most bronchitis cases.
It gives “heavy head” with deafness and Tiredness.
Special pair Goiz can also be located in ear or parotid and opposite kidney.

Entamoeba histolytic parasite. Can be parietal on both sides at same time.
Transverse colon point is under bellybutton
Gives cerebral cysts
Can cause pain, insomnia, other mental or neurological problems.


Below jawbone under and in front of ear

Special pair Lolita
The parotid gland has a direct influence on the hormone production of the
parathyroid, the thyroid, and the pancreas through its secretion of parotina.
Parotina leads to production of thyroxin, insulin, and calcitonin which in turn,
can affect digestion and body weight disturbances and calcium absorption and
bone density. Parotid dysfunction causes a lowering of hormones.

Goiz says if you find Parotid/Parotid, also check the person for presence of
Pudendal/Pudendal. With Parotid/Parotid plus Pudendal/Pudendal, it is
parotiditis, which indicates parotiditis virus. Parotiditis in a male can cause

Spirochete E.

Anterior at joining of legs to trunk of body

Erectile dysfunction

A little to left of cardia enclosing heart

Staphylococcus aureus coag+ bacteria

This was spread by hospital air conditioners

Can be lethal if it is on both sides, according to Goiz.
Gives Pericarditis, heart arrythmia and cardiac pathology

On edge of ribs by liver
Put magnets horizontally

Morganella typhus bacteria, very aggressive bacteria.

Is from bad meat, poorly cooked meat

Causes problems with liver, anorexia, severe digestive problems, diarrhea, fever
Is confused with cirrhosis of liver
Vegetarians who do not eat meat can get it if they eat vegetables refrigerated
next to bad meat—common in some restaurants.

This appears on edge of liver, and when doctors do a biopsy of the liver, they
can contaminate the sample and call it cirrhosis of the liver.

Surrounding the kidney

Bovine tuberculosis.

Lining of abdominal cavity

Moises special pair
Reservoir of bacteria
Fairly rare
Depolarize it with TWO pairs of magnets simultaneously, one pair on each side
of body, placing lower magnets over intestinal walls on front part of body; upper
magnets over pleura under armpits.

Highest point of cranium

PINEAL/PINEAL (horizontal)
Pineal dysfunction
Vitiligio or hypochromia
Acts on pigments, sexuality and adrenals.
Is damaged by trauma

Guillan barre virus or polyradiculo neuritis, which can give ventilation paralysis
Paralysis and weakness of members
Dizziness, fatigue
Very contagious.

Goiz tells us this pair is the most common cause of quadriplegia. It causes death
due to the paralysis of the diaphragm and death results from not breathing.

In center of forehead

Glandular dysfunction
Galactorrhea (Milk flow not related to childbirth or nursing—may be a symptom
of pituitary gland tumor)

Common dengue virus (as opposed to Rachidian bulb/Bladder, hemorrhagic type
From mosquito bites
Joint pains,
Like cold with mucus
Lowers interferon level

Diabetes insipid—not a regular biomagnetic pair as it lacks virus-bacteria
Sickness of metabolism and of thirst
Most patients can be cured of this.

Special pair Carmen
Involved with amenorrhea (suppression or absence of menstruation) and
dysmenorrha (difficult or painful menstruation) or dysfunction of ovaries

Of sole of foot


Paramoxivirus, a member of a family of viruses that includes those causing
mumps and certain lung infections. Also Ebola.

Lining of thoracic cavity
Scan under armpits but at mid-liver level.

PLEURA/PLEURA: 1 side Pseudomona aeruginosa bacteria

Both magnets impact on same side,
Right or left

Pleuritis virus
One magnet on left side, one on right side.
Gives pleuritis
Is rare, but simulates pneumonia or bronchitis with fever

Hepatitis B (DNA virus)
This gives fatigue and colitis.
Is curable with magnets.

At “horns”

Special pair Abraham
Dyslexia treatable here
Can control bulimia. Connected with false pregnancy. This corrects vertical
equilibrium. (For horizontal equilibrium, do Ear/Ear)

Over ear next to temple

Problems of breathing and in digestive tract

At knee bend, posterior

Pneumococcus or Pneumonia bacteria
Causes congestion in pelvis or lungs.
Goes from pelvic cavity to lungs giving pneumonia
Look for this in women with pelvic infection.

Pneumococcus gives explosive congestions.

Surrounding urethra at bladder—located between testicles

Glandular dysfunction

Papiloma virus
Often in cases of papiloma virus, doctors call it cancer or pre cancer.
Is confused with Parvo virus, corona virus and other viruses in that area.
Can give vaginal warts in women.
If it associates with leprosy, it produces a myoma (tumor of muscle tissue) or

If Prostate/Rectum is in a male, check him for energy problems in areas

corresponding to ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus.
If Prostate/Rectum is in a female, check her for energy problems in areas
corresponding to prostate and testicles.

Can be confused with Parvo virus.

Line or crease between trunk of body and legs

Parotiditis virus
Gives mumps. Affects the testicles and bladder.
If Pudendal/Pudendal is present, check also for Parotid/Parotid. Together,
Pudendal + Parotid/Parotid = Parotiditis. Parotiditis can produce infertility in
Any problems in this area can be caused by parotiditis

Under gallbladder in front of lower central part of liver (to right of central line
from chin to navel)

Medication intoxication

Intestinal amoebeasis parasite.
Very toxic. Gives vomit or metal taste in mouth (When amoebeasis parasite goes
to liver, it is hepatic amoebeasis, which is often wrongly called hepatitis. It can
also go to thorax and bronchials)

Pinworm parasite (Enterobius vermicularis)
Can give Hepatitis J
Severe liver problems
Gives digestive problems
Worms can give false diabetes
Liver placement: on front

Causes hot flashes and flushing or reddening of neck and facial skin

Intestinal mycelia (a mass of threadlike strands found on most fungi. Also called

On back above waist on lumbar region
Holds up last rib on each side of spine
Syphilis bacillus

(See also Deltoid, Middle)

Anterior part of thighs; need to check along entire length from top of upper leg
to down above knee

Special pair Magda
A phenomenon from insecticides, toxins or from bismuth intoxication causing
waist and hip pain, false rheumatism.
This pair is often negative on left, positive on right, and is, therefore, rare in
northern hemisphere of earth.
Bismuth can intoxicate. Bismuth is used on plants and parasites. Sometimes, in
eating plants, we get too much bismuth—especially vegetarians. Try this pair for

At nape of neck straight over from ear



Hemorrhagic dengue virus
Secretes large quantities of mucoproteins
Can cause death.
Upon impacting the pair, vomiting is likely
Impact this pair for incontinence.
Incontinence from an inflammation of the nerves so usually the positive magnet
is on bladder.

Newcastle virus
From eating improperly cooked chicken (if it still has any red in it).
Causes dizziness, uneven and staggering walk, equilibrium of position problems,
aggressive behavior, fatigue, mental retardation.

Muscular coordination of thorax, and regulation of affected inspiration-

Produces cerebral ataxia which can cause death.

This pair is one of three to check for equilibrium and dizziness. The other two
l)Middle Ear/Middle Ear (vertical equilibrium)
2) Pole/Pole (horizontal equilibrium)

Meningitis virus
Is a DNA pathogen
Affects nervous system
Inflammation of meninges

Anterior, shorter, thicker bone of forearm on Thumb side

Microsporum fungus

Below coccyx

Pseudomona aeruginosa bacteria (At times this bacterium goes to Pleura/Pleura,
but then it is with both points on same side of body)
Believed to originate metastasis in cancer
Put one magnet on rectum, another above rectum.

The virus is in rectum

Leptospira parasite
Gives effects similar to those of mange.
Transmitted by animals.

Goes from kidney almost to scapula
Can be extensive, but if it is only at one point, that would be at the kidney.


Proteus mirabilis bacteria
Produces true systemic lupus
This can cause infertility, too, as uterus is blocked.

If someone has been diagnosed with lupus and it is not in the renal capsule, it
probably is false lupus.
(“lupus” = “lobo” = wolf face with stains)

Below clavicle

Onychomycosis (any fungal infection of the nails)

RIB #1/RIB #1
Trycophyte fungus
Infects skin, hair and nails.

Round bone on front of knee

Gives fear (as in “My knees were shaking.”)

Above coccyx

Proteus mirabilis bacteria Produces irritation, infection and degeneration of end
of tailbone Infertility, muscular problems in movement and joints of lower

Norwalk virus, which gives up to 50% of gastroenteritis problems in world—
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Also food poisoning: in U.S. often linked to eating raw oysters.

Shoulder blade
Mycobacterium lepra bacteria
Malignancy factor in cancer
Is very aggressive, cause of true cancer
Produces toxins such as lysozyme, goes to skin and destroys it, produces dedos
de tambor (fat or inflamed fingers).
Goiz says 30% of Mexicans have this.
Gives bronchitis and in advanced cases, gives skin problems resembling skin
coming off after sunburn.
If associated with a virus, can cause a cataract.

The Mycobacterium lepra can produce:
1) if it goes to the kidney: calcium deposits (kidney stones)
2) if it goes to the lung: emphysema
3) if it goes to the eyes: varicose ulcers, cataracts

Goiz says impacting a kidney stone with a magnet will not break it up, as it is an
inert substance and won’t react to the magnetic energy. Some of his students
have been able to break up kidney stones with this pair.

Various points between knee and buttocks, posterior

Poliomyelitis virus
Pain in legs, muscular insufficiency
Low back pain, nervous system alterations
Paralysis and muscular dyskinesia (impaired ability to make voluntary
Goiz says the act of forgiveness or pardoning (if the person carries a grudge) can
help relieve this BMP.
Often, due to polio vaccination when the polio energy continues living in the

Node of heart


This is a special pair (termed Ana Alicia by Goiz)

For tachycardia (excessive velocity of Heart beat rhythm)

Above pancreas tail at ribs 11 and 12.

Yersinia pestis bacteria or spleen dysfunction
Bronchitis type laryngeal cough
Vaginal flux in women
Azoospermia in men
Put the magnets side by side horizontally

Not a regular pair but a pathology.
If spleen is affected, it affects the blood.
Whatever pathology affects the spleen can give leukemia-type symptoms.
(Goiz says 90% of “leukemia” is false. There is only a change in white blood
cell quantity, not in the genetics.
They call it cancer, but the cells are not abnormal
And cancer implies a change in the cells! The spleen is swollen and producing
many cells, but not abnormal ones, according to Goiz.)
Is confused with brucellosis;
Gives pulmonary problems

Psycho instinctive pair relating to sluggishness

Brucellosis bacteria or Maltese fever
From eating infected yogurt and cream, source of “90%” of false leukemia.
Is confused with leukemia, giving false leukemia; with respiratory and
pulmonary problems such as bronchitis.
Put magnets at same level on sides of chest, above tail of pancreas and on liver

For common wart virus

Under mastoid under ears

Sympathetic nerve system dysfunction
Alterations in sympathetic nerve system such as poor circulation, sweating,
palpitation, irritable colon
Goiz asks: Why do so many women have headaches? Because their sexual
organs irritate parasympathetic nerves, causing headaches.
Can often cure them in SCM/SCM or in pelvis or with descending colon.

At base of sternum

Is a special BMP called Lucio.
Regulates number of red blood cells in blood (hemotochryte)

Use for anemia.

For polyglobulina (excess of red blood cells)

Hemorrhagic conjunctiva (bleeding of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane
lining inner surface of eyelid and exposed surface of eyeball), bruises, bloody

Under cardia a little to left

Stomach dysfunction
Stomach colic, bad digestion, belching

Measles virus
Main cause of gastritis (together with helicobacter pilori) One woman got
measles from eating infected eggs.

In a child is rather light, but in an adult it always manifests with high alimentary
canal bleeding and can give ulcers.

Clostridium perfringens bacteria
Very aggressive
Gives digestive problems, uterine infections
Can be from milk products

Special pair Guadalupe

Any stub or stump remaining from (Case Specific) an amputated organ or

appendage. can harbor and be a reservoir for bacteria, viruses, parasites, or

Under clavicle

Diphtheria bacillus
Trachea-bronchial problems (classified by allopathic medicine as “asthma”),
chronic cough, diarrhea,
Main cause of general edema
Gives lung problems and allergies
Transmitted by milk products
Main cause of Hodgkin’s (cancer of the neck)
Makes liver extend
After impacting, there is much urine.

Below diaphragm


Cysticercosis, from poorly cooked pork. Cysticercus, the larval stage of pork
tapeworm infects the brain, muscles, and internal organs causing cysts, and if in
brain, headaches and even seizures.

Just above interciliar

Special pair Vivian
Alterations of anatomical integrity. Sadness/depression from losses (lacking an
appendage) or an abortion or an unwanted pregnancy.
If an organ has been removed in surgery, or a leg lost to amputation this pair can
help cancel the negative feeling from loss, whether physical or psychological.
Also formed upon losing a family member and feeling great loss. This point has
also helped correct over activity in children. Good for under activity, too, as in
under activity of growth process in dwarfs or children who have not developed.
Use this to normalize growth.

Above liver


Clostridium malignum bacteria
(Clostridium is a genus of bacteria that forms spores and needs no oxygen to

Above pubis


HTLV virus
Magnets placed side by side.

On trapezium at side of neck, two or three fingers away from neck

Mycobacterium tuberculosis
It gives abscesses in body
Can affect gall bladder and kidney.
Can be fatal.
Body can cure all with this biomagnetic pair.

At sides of eye

Special pair Isaac Cerebral microcirculation,
Pulmonary emphysema, Hypertension
Blood flow Temple/Temple can alleviate bronchial tube problems.

“Many babies die from muscular tiredness of thorax (they can’t breathe).
With preemies, use Temple/Temple and also
Scapula/Scapula and the ventilators are not necessary.”
Regulation of cerebral and pulmonary flow.
Found in many cases of migraines or delicate brain circulation disturbances.
Is present in most emphysema cases.
Check also for Scapula/Scapula.

Above ear

Typhus exanthematique virus
Main cause of migraines and chronic headaches.
Transmitted by flea or rat bite.
Gives irritability, nervousness, fever, mental confusion,

Polyoma virus
From birds.
Respiratory infections
Potentially tumor causing

Prion asylum/reservoir

This is special pair “Bonilla” for aggression
Many criminals found to have it.

Tensor of the muscle going below greater trochanter on side of leg to foot on
each side

Giardinella vaginalis bacteria
Vaginal inflammation


Yersinia pestis bacteria.
Is like Ovary/Ovary in women
If a woman has too much body or facial hair, put magnets on her Testicle/
Testicle area.
Gives laryngeal bronchitis-type cough, with vaginal flux in women and
azoospermia in men
If Testicle/Testicle unbalanced in men, can give high voice.

Half way down and to right of sternum

Glandular dysfunction
Sickness associated with thymus
Can come to be AIDS
Perhaps this gland is associated with getting old.

Special pair Alvaro Echeverria
Hormonal dysfunction
If you find this pair, check to see what hormone is affected from:
Pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas, kidney, ovary, testicle.

Special pair Angeles
Improves white blood cell production and quality and raises lymphocytes

Rubella virus
German measles
Headache, general malaise,
Eye hemorrhaging
Does not give immune deficiency.

Goiz says a bacterium gives AIDS
The virus is in the rectum, and has a supportive role,
Affects production of thymus hormones (CD3, CD4) as well as
T4 lymphocytes

At sides of Adam’s apple

Glandular dysfunction
Check at sides or front of throat
Gives obesity, goiter, exophthalmos, trembling hands, liquid retention.

Inner, lower leg bone between knee and ankle
Magnets go close together, touching. Put them between the two legs, one on
each tibia.

Pityrosporum (an obsolete name) fungus or versicolor or Malassezia furfur, very
aggressive fungus. This can end up in gangrene and in losing a limb.
Can produce a cancer when combined with another bacterium or virus.
Red coloration in skin,
Simulates scarlatina or psoriasis (skin blotches), ulcers in epithelium

The tongue is a large organ and the points can be located all along it. Check for
placement from front of mouth to back by angle. Put magnets on outside, not
inside of mouth.

Scabies or mange parasite
Dermatitis-type skin problems.

Causes alopecia areata (hair falling out by handfuls), is transmitted from animal
Upon associating with another pathogen, can give false tongue or larynx cancer

(Psoriasis can also cause alopecia areata).

Between commissures under chin

Herpes 2 virus
Associated with varicella (chicken pox).

Parallel to sternum on right or left
Put two magnets vertically
Both either on right or left of sternum

Influenza virus
Gives Rhinitis, sinusitis
Nasal disorders

Between legs, but angled


Can be a reservoir of viruses

In a woman, is by the entry to vagina, as high up on the legs as you can get, one
on each side. In male, is where prostate is so turn magnets to side of legs also. Or
can access this point at back of legs under buttocks.

On outer part of hip bone—the part that sticks out the most on the hip.


Salmonella typhus bacteria
Common typhus, typhoid fever
Gives back pain, digestive disorders diarrhea.
Main cause of false diabetes mellitus, which is curable.

Bone of forearm, little finger side

Herpes 3
Gives mucus in mouth or throat
Manifests internally
Associated with varicella (chicken pox)

Above navel from navel to bladder passes over peritoneum. Are on each side of

Varicella zoster virus causing chicken pox, shingles and cystitis.
Constricts vessels and ureters
Polarizes positively one ureter and it can go from navel to the bladder (so as not
to confuse it with ovary or Fallopian tubes) while the other ureter is negative in
charge. In children, varicella is cutaneous. In adults, it goes to ureter, producing
cystitis, bleeding and ureteritis.

Is confused with urinary papiloma
In women, gives vaginal bleeding. (Often these women get hysterectomies and
then they still bleed)
This also causes female infertility.

It can give lower back pain in adults,

The autonomic nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic run along the
length of the spine up to the neck and head area. If a woman has a virus or
bacterium in this area (more common in women) it can easily cause headaches,
as the pain runs up to the head.

Down by bladder above where legs join
Put magnets one above another

Corona virus
Transmitted by cats and rabbits
Is confused with renal insufficiency
Gives bloody discharge

Above bladder

Special pair Roberta False pregnancy
Convenient to impact the pair
Can hide bacteria, or viruses such as HIV, or a parasite If uterus is positive-
negative, could be a parasite.
This is a false pregnancy caused by a parasite. This means that there may also be
endometriosis, so to rid uterus of micro organism, put the magnets on
Uterus/Uterus, with the negative one on top of the uterus, the positive one on
bottom of uterus.

Special pair Duran. Is powerful pair and care must be taken. Is pair for true

Situated in ovary donating fertilized egg and uterus.

If leg shortens with negative on uterus, take care. Goiz discovered that in a
normal pregnancy, a polarization or BMP is always formed between the uterus
and the ovary donating the ovule that becomes fertilized. It is a special magnetic
bond that lasts for and is intimately involved, maintaining the pregnancy for the
nine months of gestation. After delivery, the pair spontaneously disappears.
As soon as implantation occurs, the polarization shows up if a magnet is placed
over the uterus. The woman’s leg shortens. If this occurs, Goiz recommends that
the second magnet over the ovary not be placed (as it would depolarize the pair)
and tests be done to verify a true pregnancy.

Below bladder
Yersinia pestis bacteria
Laryngeal bronchitis-type cough
With vaginal flux in woman and Azoospermia in men

Can also be in Testicle/Testicle

On side of neck under back of ear.

To lose weight
For digestion

VAGUS NERVE/KIDNEY of opposite side
Special pair Benavides.
This is a universal reservoir of viruses and bacteria.
Can negatively affect neurological system.

Between hand and arm

Rickettsia bacteria
Indicates Alzheimer’s if in combination
With Calcaneus/Calcaneus.
Gives symptomology from bellybutton (waist) and up..
Children can have this.
It produces a toxin that goes to the brain. (If not Alzheimer’s, it can be
encephalitis, meningitis, Guillan barre)


In line with Goiz’s findings, another aspect of bioenergy came to light
earlier in 1968 through the research, as mentioned, of Dr. Esther del Rio of
Mexico. She noticed a powder-like substance on slides of animal tissue she was
preparing. Most lab assistants making such slides, noting unknown
contaminants, would simply wash them off, thinking they were careless in
preparing the slides. However, Dr. del Rio knew she had taken scrupulous care
creating her slides. Instead of washing off the contaminant, she, curious, checked
the powdery nuisance under the microscope. What she found is being recognized
for its importance in bioenergetics. For example, Cambridge University in
England awarded her the title of “Woman of the Year” 1995-6. She discovered
that the impurities were ferrous oxide and ferric oxide. “Minerals!” She realized
they were from the tissue samples themselves and not from external foreign
contaminants. These minerals form a magnetic substance known as magnetite.
Ferrous and ferric oxide, or iron, is found in the body as part of hemoglobin
(HEM), enzymes, flavoproteins, and ferroproteins. It is significant as it is united
to many proteins in the form of macromolecules. In the case of HEM (in the red
blood cells), the molecules are 3 dimensional in space in the form of pyramids.
Dr. del Rio says our blood contains a myriad of magnetic pyramids. “The whole
blood stream is full of resonances, vibrations, and electromagnetic energy.”
(Ariadna Gabriela Luce Gomez, “Energia Magnetica en el Cuerpo Humano,”
Par Biomagnetico, Biomagnetismo Medico y Bioenergetica, Experiencias, Ano
2005, Vol II, p. 569) In other words, hemoglobin not only carries oxygen from
the air and carbon dioxide from the cells, it is involved in the electro magnetism
of our bodies.

Our bodies contain numerous tiny particles of magnetite—around 100
million of them. They form a magnetic network from our head to our feet. Some
areas of the body contain more magnetite than others, and Dr. del Rio, (in a
private conference with this author) said that the areas of the chacras have the
highest concentration of them. (See diagram)
Dr. del Rio cautions that in her research with the magnetite network
composing our bodies, she has learned that if X rays or cobalt (radiation) are
applied to the magnetite particles, they can be deactivated or totally destroyed.
This disrupts our magnetic network, harming our health. She also stresses that
since we are composed of levels of magnets, we need to care for this precious
“Illness,” she explains, “occurs when those magnets found in ferrous oxide
and ferric oxide forms are disoriented. Often, the illness can be relieved simply
by returning the magnetite to its place. This can be done without attacking the
body with medicines, but simply by the applications of regulated magnetic
fields.” (See Esther del Rio: Por las Venas Corre Luz, p. 5)
Such application of magnetic fields ties directly in with what Goiz and his
students carry out with magnets.

Information about acquiring magnets for use in Bioenergetic Basics techniques

can be obtained from many sites on the internet. Due to certain restrictive laws
in the United States, it is now not possible for the author to sell or promote the
sale of magnets.
Keep in mind when ordering that the magnets should be natural magnets of at
least 1,000 gauss and less than 50,000 gauss. Another option is to find a free
source in your local area where microwave ovens and speakers are repaired.
Very often the old magnets are discarded or given away at a low cost.
Best of luck!


• Additional Information About Our Wellness Education Products

• Frequently Asked Questions
• Seminars, Events, and Appearances with Janice Bailey
For information on Janice Bailey’s English translation of El Par
Contact: Basilio Perez #11, Col. Constitution de la Republica
Mexico, D. F. C. P. 07469.
E mail: [email protected] For information on the original
Spanish version of El Par Biomagnetico,
Contact: Medicinas Alternativs y Rehabilitacion, S.A. De C. V.
Lucerna 62-7 piso.
Colonia Juarez C.P 06600.
Mexico, D.F.
E mail: [email protected] For additional research
volumes (in Spanish) from the Center of Biomagnetic Medical
S.C. at the Autonomous University of Chapingo in Mexico:
Tel. 52 595 952 1500

Isaac Goiz Duran
Tel. 52 555 781 8511

Other Information in Spanish from the Colegio Mexicano de
Medico, A.C.: Tel. 52 555-591-1000

Bailey, Janice. “Experiencias y Exitos con el Par Biomagnetico.” Par
Biomagnetico, Biomagnetismo Medico y Bioenergetica, Experiencias de
Curacion, Ano 2006. Vol. II. Isaac Goiz Duran and Guillerno Mendoza Castelan,
editors. Mexico: Universidad Autonoma Chapingo; Programa Universitario de
Medicina Tradicional y Terapeutica Naturista; Centro de Investigacion de
Biomangetismo Medico, S. C, 2006.

_________________. Personal collection of unpublished biomagnetic pair notes

and information from private conversations, classes, seminars and conferences
with Isaac Goiz Duran including those held: April, 2000; April 2002; April,
2003; January to November 2006; August, 2007, October, 2008; and October,

Balliett, Suzy. The Complete Guide to Biomagnetic Therapy: Every thing you
need to know to create protocols, provide therapy and document outcomes.
Lyons, CO: Lazuli Press, 1996.

Becker, Robert O., M.D. Cross Currents: The Promise of Electro Medicine, The
Perils of Electropollution. Los Angeles, CA: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1990.

Becker, Robert O. and Gary Selden. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and
the Foundation of Life. New York: Quill, William Morrow, 1985.

Brown, William H. & Elizabeth P. Rogers. General Organic and Biochemistry.

Boston: Willard Grant Press, 1980.

Childress, David Hatcher, ed. Antigravity and the World Grid. Box 74,
Kempton, Illinois 60946, USA: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1995.

Cockrum, E. Lendell, Ph.D. Rabies, Lyme Disease, Hanta Virus and Other
Animal-Borne Human diseases in the United States and Canada. Tucson, AZ:
Fisher Books, 1997.

Coetzee, H., Ph.D. “Biomagnetism and Bio-Electromagnetism: The Foundation

of Life,” Future History, Series 1, Vol. 8. Los Gatos: Academy for Future
Science, P.O. Box 35340, Menlo Park, 0102, Pretoria, South Africa, 1985.

Crossland, Alfreda. “New Hope Offered by Magnetic Therapies, “Journal of the

Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute, Vol. 2. No., Fall, 1990.

Eden, Donna with David Feinstein. Energy Medicine. New York: Jeremy P.
Tarcher/Putnam, 1998.

Facklam, Howard and Margery Facklam. Bacteria. New York: Twenty-first

Century Books, 1994.

Garcia Cuevas, Fernando Alberto. La Globalizacion del Amor: Un Mensaje

Acuatico. Naucalpan, Mexico: Grupo Editorial Endira Mexico, SA. de C.V.,

Gerber, Richard. Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves.

Santa Fe, New Mexico: Bear & Company, 1996.

Goiz Duran, Isaac, Biomagnetic Pair, The. Translated by Janice Bailey.

Privately published. 2002.

________________. Fenómeno Tumoral, El. Loja, Ecuador: Editorial

Universitaria de UNL, 2003.

_________________. Par biomagnetico, El. Edo de Mexico C.P. 55310,

Mexico: Medicinas Alternativas Y Rehabilitacion, SA. de C.V., 1999.

________________. Sida es Curable. El. Mexico, D. F., Mexico: Intertipos

Arias, S. A. de C. V., 1996.

Herrera, Catalina. Esther del Rio: Por las Venas Corre Luz. Mexico City,
Mexico: Impresora Comercial S. A. de C.V., 1998.

Hills, Christopher. Supersensonics: The Spiritual Physics of All Vibrations From

Zero to Infinity. Boulder Creek, California: University of the Trees Press, 1978.

Horowitz, Leonard G. UNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral. Sandpoint, Idaho

83864: Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2004.

Jungreis, Susan A. “Biomagnetism: An Orientation Mechanism in Migrating

Insects?” The Florida Entomologist, Vol. 70, # 2 (June 1987), published by the
Florida Entomological Society.

Luce Gomez, Ariadna Gabriela. “Energia Magnetica en el Cuerpo Humano.”

Par Biomagnetico, Biomagnetismo Medico y Bioenergetica, Experiencias de
Curacion, Ano 2005. Vol. II. Guillermo Mendoza Castelan and Isaac Goiz
Duran, editors. Mexico: Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Programa
Universitaria de Medicina Tradicional y Terapeutica Naturista, Centro de
Investigacion de Biomagnetismo Medico, S.C., 2005.

Molinare Pimentel, Tiare. “El Par Biomagnetico y el Hemisferio Sur,” Par

Biomagnetico, Biomagnetismo Medico y Bioenergetica, Experiencias de
Curacion, Ano 2006. Vol. I. Guillermo Mendoza Castelan and Isaac Goiz Duran,
editors. Mexico: Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Programa Universitaria de
Medicina Tradicional y Terapeutica Naturista, Centro de Investigacion de
Biomagnetismo Medico, S.C., 2006.

Null, Gary. Healing With Magnets. New York: Carroll &Graf Publishers, Inc. A
Division of Avalon Publishing Group, 1998.

Oldstone, Michael. Viruses, Plagues, and History. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1998.

Philpott, William H. and Sharon Taplin. BioMagnetic Handbook: A Guide to

Medical Magnetics The Energy Medicine of Tomorrow. Choctaw, OK: Enviro-
Tech Products, 1990

Sitchin, Zecharia. Cosmic Code, The. New York City, New York: Avon Books,

Stoupel, Eliyahu, M.D., Ph.D. “Clinical Cosmobiology.” Newsletter of the Bio-

Electro-Magnetics Institute. Vol. 1: Number 1, Spring, 1989.

Tierra, Michael. Biomagnetic and Herbal Therapy. Twin Lakes, WI 53181:

Lotus Press, 1997.

Van De Graaff, Kent and Stuart Ira Fox. Concepts of Human Anatomy and
Physiology. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1986.

Werner, David. Donde No Hay Doctor: Una Guia para los Campesinos que
Viven lejos de los Centros Medicos. P.O. Box 1692, Palo Alto, CA 94302: La
Fundacion Hesperian, 1980.

Young, Robert O., with Shelly Redford Young. Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your
Inner Terrain. Pleasant Grove, UT Woodland Publishing, 2001.

Zimmerman, John, Ph.D., and Dag Hinrichs. “Magnetotherapy: An

Introduction.” Newsletter of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute. Vol. 4: Number
1, March 1995.

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