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Evaluation Condition of Transformer Based On Infrared Thermography Results

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Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on J-20

Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials

July 19-23, 2009, Harbin, China

Evaluation Condition of Transformer Based on Infrared Thermography Results

N.Y. Utami*, Y. Tamsir, A. Pharmatrisanti, H. Gumilang, B. Cahyono, R. Siregar
PT. PLN (Persero) P3B Jawa Bali RJKB, Jalan Mayjend Sutoyo I, Jakarta 13640, Indonesia
Phone : (62)-21-8092208 ; Fax: (62)-2-8091376
Email : [email protected]

ABSTRACT the failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA) and

Transformer is one of the most important equipment in followed by failure modes, effect, and criticality
electricity grid since problems in transformer will analysis (FMECA), the most three critical subsystems
influence electrical power system stability. Therefore are: current carrying unit, electromagnetic circuit, and
early knowing on transformer abnormality and abilityto dielectric subsystems.
evaluate the problems can avoid damage on the
transformer. I. Electromagnetic circuit
In sub system electromagnetic circuitwe divide become
Among methods of transformer abnormality monitoring three parts sub sub systems. One of sub sub systems is
is thermography Monitoring. In PLN P3B Jawa Bali core.
thermographic monitoring of transformer is a new
method that have been applied recently. The parts of the Failure Modes Functional
F~i l ure
transformer that being observed are transformer tank, I
tap changer, radiator, and bushing. I- - - - - - - .. 1

The testing process, transformer tank, radiator, and

Gassing /
contamination ~ ~egradation Short circuit
I :: .-----,
Can not
Oz.acid.moisture) on paper tum to tum! I . - - - - - - ,: I

bushing shared be three side, top, middle, and bottom. isolation 7 layer to
~I streaming
layer/ flux well
In normal condition the thermal pattern of the winding to I

~ .
transformer tank and radiators is cooler at the bottom High Temperature winding I

and gradually warmertowards the top.

Unusual thermal pattern of the transformer tanks

indicates problems inside the transformer. Basedon this
result we are able to propose transformer tests such as Water, oxygen, oil aging products (acids particularly)
DGA, oil quality test, checking radiator valves, and particles of different origin are agents of
checking fans, clampof bushings. degradation, that can shorten transformer life
As for the cases study we analyze a 150/20 kV significantly under impact of thermal, electric,
transformer 2 in Balara high voltage substation and a electromagnetic and electrodynamics stresses[ I].
150/20 kV transformer I in Cikupa high voltage Degradation on paper insulation can cause short circuit.
substation based on abnormality indication on the In FMEA of PLN P3B Jawa Bali, functional failure on
radiator and maintank. core is can not streaming flux well due to short circuit
tum to tum / layer to layer / winding to winding. This
Keywords :Transformer, Thermographic, Method abnormality will make local core overheating.

INTRODUCTION 2. Current Carrying Circuit

In Cigre 227(I] typical functional subsystems of a Thereare threeparts sub sub systems in currentcarrying
transformer are : circuit. They are : winding, spacerand connector.
• Electromagnetic circuit Failure Modes Functional
• Currentcarrying circuit Failure
• Dielectric system
• Mechanical structure Over
I heating
• Cooling system I
I------_ .." ,
• Bushings
Fig 2. Root causes functional fai lure in connector
• Oil preservation and expansion system
• Protection and Monitoring Moisture in oil due to high temperature, can cause
corrosion on connector. Corrosion will make loose
connector, and becomes over heating.
Accoring to Cigre 277, PLN P3B Jawa Bali applying

978-1-4244-4368-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 1055

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3. Dielectric System 50

Oil and paper insulation are sub sub systems in 40

dielectric system. Sludge is one of failure modes, that
will indicate overheating in maintank.

Failure Modes Functional

Failure Fig 4. Thermography Monitoring Method on Maintank
and Tap Changer

2. Radiator
' - -_ _- - " L . . -_ _----I On radiator, methodthat used is comparing temperature
on each radiator fins. The position on each radiatorfins
Fig 3. Rootcausesfunctional failure in paperisolation when measured shouldbe the same.

Most of abnormality will make overheating in

transformer. So early monitoring on transformer will be
effective to knowcondition of transformer.
Nowandays, PLN P3B Jawa Bali has study about new
method in monitoring transformer. That method is
Infrared Thermography Monitoring.


Thermography is a type of imaging that is accomplished
with an IR camera calibrated to display temperature
values across an object or scene. Therefore,
thermography allows one to make non-contact Fig 5. Thermography Monitoring Method on Radiator
measurements of an object's temperature[4].
3. Bushing
Infrared radiation (IR) is not detectable by human eye, The measuring method on bushing is divide bushing
an IR camera can convert it to a visual image that becomes three point. Then each points measuring on
depicts thermal variations across an object scene. IR bushing compared with otherbushings.
covers a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum fro
approximately 900 to 14.000 nanometers (0,9 - 14 11m).
IR is emitted by all objects at temperatures above
absolute zero, and the amount of radiation increases
with temperature[4].

Thermographic monitoring measurement techniques in

the transformer is a method used to measure
temperature in parts of transformer that results in visual
image so that, it's very usefull for analysis the
conditions parts of the transformer and we will know Fig 6. Thermography Monitoring Method on Bushings
that parts is still normal or not.
4. Clamps
MEASURING METHOD Perpose of measure clamps of transformer is to know
Basedon typical functional subsystems of a transformer, condition of clamps on the transformer still good or not.
we dividing parts of the transformer that measured Due to weakon clamps can causedamage.
become 5 parts, are maintank, OLTC, radiator, bushing
and clamps.

1. Maintank and OLTC

In maintank and OLTC measurement method that used
is divided maintank and OLTC become three parts
measuring, on the top, meddle, and bottom.


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ANALYSIS MEASURING METHOD Table 2. Paek Load of Transformer 2 BalarajaApril
The concept of thermography monitoring transformer 2009
are evaluating condition each parts of transforrner, is
there any abnormality or not based on pattern Dates Times A MW MVAR Temp," C
temperature results and find position of abnormality. 1 10:00 1080 3 11 76.67
2 10:00 1170 39 13 81.6
3 10:00 1200 40 13 83.74
Unusually high external temperatures or unusual 4 10:00 960 32 7 72.64
thermal patterns of transformer tanks indicate problems 5 11 :00 600 20 0 57.55
6 9:00 1140 38 11 77.68
inside the transformer, Abnormally high temperatures 1110
7 10:00 37 37 78.7
can damage or destroytransformer insulation and, thus, 8 11:00 870 29 11 76.67
reduce life expectancy. Thermal patterns oftransfonner 9 10:00 360 12 -5 55.54
tanks should be cooler at the bottom and gradually 10 10:00 570 19 1 55.54
11 10:00 840 28 6 61.55
wanner ascending to the top[3] . When temperature at 12 10:00 600 20 0 56.54
the bottom or middle of transformer tank is hotter than 13 11:00 1110 37 12 84.74
the top, means that there are problems inside the 14 9:00 1170 39 11 82.72
15 9:00 1200 40 13 86.76
maintank. Next analysis are compare the thermography
16 10:00 1290 43 15 91.8
monitoring results with other tests, such as DGA and 17 9:00 1260 42 14 88.7
oil Quality. 18 10:00 900 30 6 79.63
19 10:00 630 21 2 60.56
Evaluation Thermograph Monitoring Results. 20 11:00 1110 37 10 85.66
21 11:00 1080 36 11 82.74
In Balaraja high voltage substation, there are two 22 9:00 1140 38 12 81.73
transformers, They have same manufacturer and same 23 9:00 1200 40 13 83.74
capacity. But abnormality in transformer I . When both 24 10:00 1170 37 12 81.72
25 10:00 102 34 8 75.66
transformer have same load, the temperature of winding 26 10:00 660 22 2 60.58
indicator in transformer 2 will be higher than 27 10:00 1080 36 11 85.68
transformer I. 28 11 :00 1050 35 9 80.72

Table I.Paek Load ofTransfonner I BalarajaApril Basedon data of paek load of transformer 1 and 2, in 16
2009 April 2009, paek load is 1290. Temperature of
transformer 1 is 60,74°C and temperature oftransfonner
Dates Times A MW MVAR Temp," C 2 is 91,8°C. Defference temperature is 31,06 -c. Due to
I 10:00 750 25 17 61.75 the fact that, we do investigation to know root causes of
2 10:00 1020 34 14 60.71
3 10:00 1410 47 19 62.78 that abnormality.
4 10:00 810 27 13 56.59
5 10:00 690 23 7 55.55 Most of measuring that shoulddo are off-line conditions.
6 9:00 1320 44 20 57.62 Due to the fact that, we do thermographic measuring to
7 9:00 870 29 9 54.58
8 9:00 930 31 10 51.52 check parts of transformer. This method is practice due
9 10:00 330 11 I 54.5 to performed in on-line condition to know is there any
10 10:00 570 19 4 52.5 problems or not in transformer..
11 9:00 930 31 14 59.59
12 10:00 990 33 14 56.65
13 10:00 1350 45 19 61.72
14 9:00 1320 44 24 61.74
15 9:00 1260 42 20 62.65
16 8:00 1290 43 16 60.74
17 10:00 1050 35 16 60.7
18 8:00 1230 41 20 62.67
19 9:00 1020 34 21 54.57
20 9:00 1290 43 18 60.77
21 9:00 1230 41 16 61.77
22 8:00 1170 39 20 60.75
23 9:00 1230 41 15 57.69
24 8:00 1380 46 19 60.74
25 9:00 990 33 11 55.61
26 10:00 450 15 8 55.55
27 9:00 1290 43 18 59.62
28 10:00 1290 43 18 60.75 Fig 8. Abnormal on Radiator

Result of that measuring shows that temperature in

secondradiatorfin is cooler than other radiator fins. It's
can causing poor distribution of oil flow.


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Second case is a transformer 1 in Cikupa high voltage
substation. [5] IEC 60422."Mineral Insulating Oil in Electrical
Equipment Supervision and Maintenance Guidance".
ThirdEdition 2005 .

Fig 9. Abnormal on Maintank

From thermoographic monitoring on Desember, 16

2008, there is local overheating in maintank, means
indicates thereare problems insidemaintank.
Next, we do DGA and oil quality tests to know is there
any problem with isolation on transformer.

Table3. DGAresult on January, 122009

Table4. Oil Quality result on January, 122009

Breakdown Voltaie

Degradation on paper isolation will produce CO, CO2

and water. The DGA and oil quality results showing
that the quantity of CO, CO2 and water appear in high
number. It's means there is degradation on paper
isolation that can cause localoverheating in maintank.


Thermographic monitong method is useful as the first
measure, to check abnormality on transformers. Future
works is study to know relationship local over heating
that happen in maintank to abnormality of transformer.

[l] CIGRE TF Dl.Ol.lO, "Ageing of Cellulose in
Mineral-Oil Insulated Transformers," -, -, -, Technical
Brochure TB 323, Oct.2007.

[2]CIGRE WG A2.l8, "Life anagement Techniques for

PowerTransformer", -, -, -, Technical Brochure TB 227,
June 2003

[3] Ficilities Instructions, Standars and Techniques

Volume 3-31 . "Transformer Diagnostics". UnitedStated
Department of The Interior Bureu of Reclamation. June
2003 .
[4] FUR Systems, Inc. "The Ultimate Infrared
Handbook for R&D Professionals".


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