Hilton and Pedersen
Hilton and Pedersen
Hilton and Pedersen
Probably the most prominent among the special in- stepping one unit east or one unit north of P,. We say
tegers that arise in combinatorial contexts are the bino- that this is a path from P to Q if Po = P, Pm= Q. It is
mial coefficients (~). These have many uses and, often, now easy to count the number of paths.
fascinating interpretations [9]. We would like to stress
one particular interpretation in terms of paths on the THEOREM 0.1. The number of paths from (0,0) to (a,b) is
integral lattice in the coordinate plane, and discuss the the binomial coefficient if+b).
celebrated ballot problem using this interpretation.
A path is a sequence of points Po P1 999 Pro, m >I O, Proof: We may denote a path from (0,0) to (a,b) as a
where each P, is a lattice point (that is, a point with sequence consisting of a Es (E for East) and b Ns (N for
integer coordinates) and Pz+l, i 1> 0, is obtained by North) in some order. Thus the number of such paths
3 4 5
2 3
p=2 p=3
k=3 k=2
1 O•j• 9
tions of bk a n d dk, which n u m b e r s we will prove equal.
bk = the n u m b e r of expressions involving k appli-
cations of a p-ary o p e r a t i o n (on a w o r d of
k(p - 1) + 1 symbols). Let E be the set of all
such expressions.
dk = t h e n u m b e r of g o o d p a t h s f r o m ( 0 , - 1 ) to
(k, (p - 1)k - 1); by following such a path by a
2 single vertical segment, we m a y identify such
paths with certain paths (which we will also
call 'good') from ( 0 , - 1) to (k, (p - 1)k). Let P
be the set of all such paths.
We set up functions ~: E---* P, ~F: P - - , E, which are
obviously mutual inverses. Thus <I>is obtained by re-
m o v i n g all final parentheses 2 a n d (reading the re-
sulting expression from left to right) interpreting a pa-
renthesis as a horizontal move a n d a symbol as a ver-
5 6 7 tical move. The inverse rule is ~ . It remains to show (i)
that ImCI>consists of elements of P (and not merely of
arbitrary paths from ( 0 , - 1) to (k, (p - 1)k); and (ii)
Figure 6 (a). The tree associated with (sl(s2ss(s,(ssssS~)s.))sg). that Im~F consists of elements of E (that is, of well-
formed, meaningful expressions).
(i) Let E be an expression. We argue by induction on
Ente[ here
k that ~ E is a good path. Plainly ~E is a path from
I (0, - 1) to (k, (p - 1)k), so we have only to prove it
good. This obviously holds if k = 1. Let k I> 2 a n d
let E involve k applications. There m u s t occur
somewhere in E the section
(st+is1+2.. 9 st+ p)
Call this the key section. We wish to show that if
(u,v) is a point on the path <I>Ethat is not the end-
point, t h e n v < (p - 1)u. Let E' be the expression
obtained from E by replacing the key section by s.
Then E' involves (k - 1) applications. Now if A is
the point on ~E corresponding to the parenthesis
of the key section, then the inductive hypothesis
tells us that v < (p - 1)u if (u,v) occurs prior to A.
A s s u m e n o w that (u,v) is not prior to A. There are
t h e n 2 possibilities:
(0, -1) t
E =~b~
Figure 7 (a). The path associated w i t h the expression E = Figure 7 (b). The inductive step, in either direction.
If E ends with S/+p, so that E' e n d s with s, then b y AB, followed by ~2'" It is trivial that ~ ' is a
3(u',v'), the last point of ~E', such that u' = good path to (k - 1, (p - 1)(k - 1)). Thus, by the
u - 1, v' > v - p + 1, v' = (p - 1)u'. inductive hypothesis, ~ ' is a well-formed ex-
H e n c e v - p + 1 < (p - 1)(u - 1), s o y < pression involving (k - 1) applications. Let s be
( p - 1)u. the symbol in ~@' corresponding to AB. Replace s
If E does not end with st+ ~, so that E' does not end by (sj+ls1+ 2 . . . sj+p, w h e r e these symbols do not
with s, then 3(u',v'), not the last point of ~E', occur in ~@'. Then the n e w expression is well-
such that u' = u - 1, v' I> v - p + 1, v' < formed and is obviously ~@. This completes the
(p - 1)u' (by the inductive hypothesis). Hence induction in the ~-direction so that Theorem 0.4 is
v-p + l<(p- 1)(u- 1),sov<(p- 1)u. established.
This c o m p l e t e s the i n d u c t i o n in the ~ - d i r e c t i o n . With Theorem 0.4 established, we may proceed to
Figure 7, which gives a special, but not particular, calculate d k. This is achieved in Section 2; a more gen-
case, may be helpful in following the argument. eral algorithm for counting p-good paths is described
(ii) Let ~ be a good path to (k, (p - 1)k). We argue by in Section 3.
induction on k that ~@ is a well-formed expres- By considering the last application of the given p-ary
sion. This holds if k = 1, because then there is operation, it is clear that pbk satisfies the recurrence re-
only one good path @ and ~@ is (sis2. 9 9 Sp). Let k lation (generalizing the familiar formula in the case p
~> 2. Then b e c a u s e the path climbs altogether = 2)
k(p - 1) + 1 places in k jumps, there must be a Pbk = E pbtl pbi2 . . . pbip, k I> 1. (0.1)
j u m p s o m e w h e r e (not at the initial point) of at tl+t2+ . +tp=k-1
least p places. Let A be a point on ~ where the In Section 2 w e also enunciate a similar recurrence re-
path takes one horizontal step followed by p ver- lation for pdk, thus providing an alternative proof that
tical steps, bringing it to C. Let B be the point one ~bk = pdk. We will also s h o w in Section 2, in outline,
step above A (so that B is not on ~). Then B is on y o w (0.1) leads to a proof of Theorem 0.3 via gener-
= (p - 1)x if and only if C is on y = (p - 1)x, that ating functions and the theory of B/~rmann-Lagrange
is, if and only if C is the endpoint of ~; otherwise B series (see [5]).
is below y = (p - 1)x. Let ~1, ~2 be the parts of The case p = 2, dealing with the Catalan numbers
ending in A and beginning in C, respectively. Let as originally defined, is discussed in Section 1. In that
~2' be the translate of ~2, given by special case w e have available an elegant proof that 2dk
u' = u - 1, v' = v - (p- 1); = ~(k~l), k I 1, using Andre's Reflection Method [1];
however, w e have not discovered in the literature a
and let @' be the path consisting of ~a, followed means of generalizing this m e t h o d effectively.
The authors wish to thank Richard Guy, Richard composition, @ = ~1~2; and let @1 be the path ob-
Johnsonbaugh, H u d s o n Kronk, and Tom Zaslavsky tained from @1 by reflecting_in the line y = x. Then, if
for very helpful conversations and communications = ~ 2 , @ is a path from P(d,c) to Q(a,b); and the rule
during the preparation of this article. ---* @ sets up a one-one correspondence between the
set of bad paths from P to Q and the set of paths from
1. Catalan Numbers and the Ballot Problem to Q. It follows that there are ((a+b)2(~+a)) bad paths
from P to Q, and hence
The ballot problem (see box) was first solved by Ber-
trand, but a very elegant solution was given in 1887 by ((a + b) - c(c + d)) ((a + b) - d(c + (1.1)
the French mathematician D4sir6 Andr6 (see [1], [4]).
In fact, his method allows one easily to count the
number of 2-good paths from (c,d) to (a,b), where (c,d), good paths from P to Q. The argument, illustrated in
(a,b) are any two lattice points below the line y = x. Figure 8, is called Andre's Reflection Method.
Because p = 2 throughout this discussion, we will Notice, in particular, that if c = 1, d = 0, this gives
speak simply of good paths; any path from (c,d) to (a,b) the number of good paths from (1,0) to (a,b) as
in the complementary set will be called a bad path. We
will assume from the outset that both good paths and (o+b
l) (a+b l)
bad paths exist; it is easy to see that this is equivalent a = a
to assuming
Thus the probability that a path from (0,0) to (a,b)
d<c<~b<a. proceeds first to (1,0) and then continues as a good
(Note that this condition is certainly satisfied in our path to (a,b) is a~bb;this then is the solution to the ballot
ballot problem, provided the losing candidate receives problem.
at least I vote!) We return now to Catalan numbers. The kta Catalan
Now a simple translation argument shows that the number ck is expressible as 2dk, the number of good
total number of paths from P(c,d) to Q(a,b) is the bino- paths from ( 0 , - 1 ) to (k,k - 1). According to (1.1)
mial coefficient this is
((a + b) - c(c +
thus it suffices to count the number of bad paths from Thus the kth Catalan number ck is given by the formula
P to Q; see Figure 8. If ~ is a bad path, let it first make
contact with the line y = x at F; let ~1, ~2 denote the 1 ( 2k ) k~>l. (1.2)
subpa~hs PF, FQ, so that, using juxtaposition for path- co = 1, ck =-~ k - 1 "
Ck=k+ 1 (1.3)
kk i-1]'
so that
(p-- 1)z)
' Pz
= dqk (o 1) = dqk.
1 (P 1)( pk k - 2
( 1 , q - 1)
pk- q -
Figure 9. Partitioning paths from (1, q - 1) to (k, n - k)
according to where they first meet the line y = (p - 1)x. = P- q(pk- q~
pk- q\k- 1]"
Because i ranges from I to k and there are (~--0 paths
in all from (1, q - 1) to (k, n - k), formula (2.5) is and (2.6) is proved.
proved in this case. Note that nothing prevents us from taking q nega-
We n o w observe that each side of (2.5) is a polyno- tive in Theorems 2.2 and 2.3. Taking q = 0, we obtain
mial in n over the rationals Q of degree (k - 1), and the values of the generalized Catalan numbers:
we have proved that these two polynomials agree for
infinitely m a n y values of n. They therefore agree for Corollary 2.4 ~lo = 1 and ~dk = ~_~),
k >I 1.
all real values of n.
We m a y use Theorem 2.2 to calculate the value of We come n o w to the second fundamental property
dqk; recall that q ~< p - 1. of the n u m b e r s dqk, for a fixed p ~> 2.
THEOREM 2.3 If k >>-1, then THEOREM 2.5 (Recurrence relation for dqk). Choose a
fixed r >>-1. If k >I 1, and q < p - r, then
Proof: Because, from its definition, dqa = 1, formula dqk = Z dp-r,'dq+r,J' where i >~ 1, j >I 1, i + j = k + 1.
(2.6) holds if k = 1. We therefore assume k / > 2. We
first substitute 3 n = pk - 1 into (2.5), obtaining
The proof proceeds by partitioning the good paths
1 2 d~ (Pk k _ 1 from (1, q - 1) to Pk according to where they first meet
the line y = (p - 1)x - r (see Figure 10). We suppress
We next substitute n = pk - 1 in (2.5), but n o w re- the details of the argument, which resemble those for
place k by (k - 1), obtaining Theorem 2.2. However, notice that formula (2.7) gen-
eralizes the familiar recurrence relation (1.4),
2 ~ d , ( P ~ - /P'_--11).
Ck= ~ c,q, k > ' l ,
3 It is a m u s i n g to note that t h e combinatorial a r g u m e n t in t h e proof of
T h e o r e m 2.2 required n >t pk, a n d we are here s u b s t i t u t i n g a value of for the Catalan numbers, in the light of (2.3) and (2.4)
n less t h a n pk. - - w e have merely to substitute p = 2, q = 0, r = 1. In
= E A1 A2 . . .
(1,p - 1 - r ) S(x) = 1 + ~ , - s k- 1
(o, --r) indeed, this is the solution given to Problem 211 on p.
(1, q - - l )
125 of [71, based on the theory of Bfirmann-Lagrange
series. Thus, Corollary 2.7 leads to a different, but far
more sophisticated, evaluation of the generalized Ca-
Figure 10. Proof of Theorem 2.5.
talan n u m b e r s pdk, though it does not, in any obvious
way, yield Theorem 2.3.
fact, we may use Theorem 2.5 to express dqk in terms of Note that Corollary 2.4 could, of course, have b e e n
the generalized Catalan numbers ~di, at the same time o b t a i n e d w i t h o u t introducing the quantities pdqk for
generalizing (2.4): q # 0. H o w e v e r , these quantities have an obvious
combinatorial significance and satisfy a recurrence re-
T H E O R E M 2.6. If q ~ p - 1, and if k >! 1, then lation (Theorem 2.5) m u c h simpler than that of Corol-
lary 2.7. In the light of (2.1) the quantities pdqk them-
selves deserve to be regarded as generalizations of the
dqk = E rdq ~d,2 . . . ~dlp_q. (2.8) Catalan n u m b e r s - - t h o u g h certainly not the ultimate
q+i2 + . +ip_q=k-1
generalization! We will see in the next section that
Proof: The case q = p - 1 is just (2.4), so w e assume they are useful in certain important counting algo-
q < p - 1. Then, by Theorem 2.5, with r = 1, rithms.
3. C o u n t i n g p-good Paths
dqk = ~ dp-l,, dq+l a,
',] We will give in this section an algorithm for counting
wherei/1, j1>l,i+j = k + 1 the n u m b e r of p-good paths from (c,d) to (a,b), each of
those lattice points being a s s u m e d below the line y =
(p - 1)x. As explained in Section 1, it suffices (via a
= ~ ~d,ldq+ 1,12, where j2 ~ 1, il + j2 = k, translation) to replace (c,d) b y the point (1, q - 1),
with q ~ p - 1. Further, in order to blend our notation
using (1.4). with that of Section 2, w e write (k, n - k) for (a,b), so
that n < pk. We assume there are paths from (1, q - 1)
Iterating this formula, we obtain to(k,n - k),i.e.,thatk1>l,n- k / > q - 1.
dqk Of course, there are (~-~) paths from (1, q - 1) to
(k, n - k). It is, moreover, easy to see that there exist
= E pdH p d z 2 . . , pdzp_q_l pdp_l,lp_q , p-bad paths from (1, q - 1) to (k, n - k) if and only if n
Zl+Z2+ . +,p-q- l +lp-q=k - k I> p - 1, so we assume this--otherwise, there are
where jp_q >i 1. only p-good paths and we have our formula, namely,
A second application of (2.4) yields the formula (2.8). To s u m up, we are counting the p-good paths from
Setting q = 0 in (2.8), and again using (2.4), yields (1, q - 1) to (k, n - k) u n d e r the (nontrivializing) as-
our next result. sumption that 1 ~ k ~ n - p + 1 ~ p(k - 1); notice
g =
J 9 (k,. - k ) There are h~-~) paths in all, so we count the p-bad
paths. Let (~ = [~-1~], where [x] is the integral part of x.
Then (3.1) ensures that (~/> 1, a n d a p-bad path from
(1, q - 1) to (k, n - k) will meet the line y = (p - 1)x
first at some point Q(j,(p - 1)j), j = 1, 2 . . . . .
Figure 11).
e (see
Figure 11. A bad path from (1, q - 1) to (k, n - k), n < pk.
Notice that Qe is the last possible initial crossing point of
the line y = (p - 1)x for such a path. We have proved the following result.
Yl y = 2x
, [n,]
We m a y express this differently, however, and in a
w a y that will be more c o n v e n i e n t if ~ is relatively
xxxx [ (5,
large. If we invoke Theorem 2.2, we obtain the fol-
b x lowing corollary.
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