B40 Confirmation Form
B40 Confirmation Form
B40 Confirmation Form
Expanded Targeted Repayment Assistance for All Individuals Under B40 Category
(Registered in the Bantuan Sara Hidup / Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat's Database) &
Micro Enterprise / Micro SME Customers with Financing Value up to RM150,000.00
Please Select: √ Individual B40
Tick √ where applicable Micro Enterprise / Micro SME
For Multiple HP / AITAB HP-i Accounts. To fill in account details in Page 2
►Personal Particulars
Vehicle Registration No. VEU 249 Account No. 869055570590010 Note No.
Office / Business -
For Micro Enterprise / Micro SME
Nature of Business Year in Business: yrs
Entity [ ] Sole Proprietor [ ] Partnership [ ] Company [ ] Others:
Office / Business
►Hirer's Declaration
For Individual B40 Tick (√) where applicable
[√ ] I hereby declared that I am categorised as B40 group and registered in the Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) / Bantuan Prihatin
Rakyat (BPR) database.
For Micro Enterprise / Micro SME
[ ] I hereby declared that my / our firm / company is under Micro SME category as define below:-
■ Sales turnover of less than RM300,000.00, or
■ Less than 5 full-time employees
[ ] Total financing value is NOT more than RM150,000.00.
Please ensure the email furnished belongs to you as it will be used for communication with you and any attachment transmitted with
it may contain information that is privileged and/or confidential.
Expanded Targeted Repayment Assistance for All Individuals Under B40 Category
(Registered in the Bantuan Sara Hidup / Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat's Database) &
Micro Enterprise / Micro SME Customers with Financing Value up to RM150,000.00
I/We hebeby would like to revise / reschedule the following accounts with the same ETRA option :-
Vehicle Registration
Account No. Note No. Vehicle Model Branch /HPC/ HPH/ CAC
1.VEU 249 869055570590010 MYVI 1.5 H
►Hirer’s Declaration:
I/We hereby declare that:
i) I am not an undischarged bankrupt / My company is not wound up.
ii) The information given in this confirmation is true, complete and accurate. I understand that any false or incorrect information
declared may result in my confirmation be declined or approval be recalled at the Bank’s sole discretion.
iii) The email address furnished belongs to me and I hereby authorise PBB/PIBB to use the said email address as a channel
of correspondence with me. I shall indemnify PBB / PIBB against any losses, damages, claims whatsoever which may
arise as a consequence of the Bank using the email address given by me in the confirmation form.
iv)I/We have obtained consent from the guarantor (if any) for my confirmation to revise payment of / reschedule the above HP
account and the guarantor will continue the guarantee and legally bind by the terms and conditions of the Hire Purchase
v) I / We am/are the appointed and authorised person of the company / business to provide the above information.
(For Business Hirer)
[√ ] I/We hereby confirm that I/We required the repayment assistance and have read and accept the above terms and
Hirer's Signature
Expanded Targeted Repayment Assistance for All Individuals Under B40 Category
(Registered in the Bantuan Sara Hidup / Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat's Database) &
Micro Enterprise / Micro SME Customers with Financing Value up to RM150,000.00
Option 3: Rescheduling with First 3-Month Deferment of Instalments and Reduction of Existing Monthly Instalments
a. Rescheduling with reduction in monthly instalments including 3 month deferment of instalments.
b. Loan/financing tenure will be extended for maximum of 2 years. However, customer may request for longer extension tenure
exceeding 2 years to suit their financial situations.
Hirer's Signature
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