Agile Key With Answers Consolidatedpdf
Agile Key With Answers Consolidatedpdf
Agile Key With Answers Consolidatedpdf
No Questions PLEASE USE THE ANSWERS MARKED IN GREEN Correction First set
1 Which of the following statements are correct Agile and Design Thinking are same
Design Thinking is about Product Devopment Agile Manifesto is about Software
Devopment ok
Design Thinking is finding the right things and Agile is about building the right
Design Thinking is building the right things and Agile is about finding the right
team. He has acquired knowledge by reading Scrum Master Accredited Certificate (SMAC)
3 multiple sources. After practicing Scrum for a SAFe Agilist (SA)
while on the job, he is looking for a certification to Professional Scrum Master I (PS/VI I) ok
The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work
The team manages the work by self-organization
9 Who manages the team's work during a Sprint?
The Product Owner manages the work
The Delivery Manager manages the work
• 4,10
• 6, 12
10 Agile Manifesto has ... Values and......Principles • 4.12
• 4.4
Noor's Scrum Team had a great Sprint Review of a
new feature with their Product Owner. Product
Owner was happy with new feature, and wanted to
release the feature to user_ But, the Scrum Team
cannot do it themselves because production
13 environment is owned the company's IT operations
team_ Scrum Team was directed to create a ticket
with IT operations for production release_ and wait
a week for an Ops engineer to manually Work on the Flow First
ticket What is missing in this environment?
Continuous Improvement
Agile vision. he was recommended to attain EID Martin is right. Agile principles are not useful outside software development
15 competency in Agile. Martin Was thinking that XP and DevOps can help in Robotic Process Automation ok
Agile was only for software. How could Agile Agile principles can help in continuously improving BPS processes
knowledge First
The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crals a
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting_ Sprint
16 What are the activities that the team must perform Goal. First
during the meeting? Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks
For last few years, there is a double digit increment in number of Agile projects
(per PMS) year on year
Increasing number of TCS customers are moving to In 90% of executive conversations, customers bring in Agile as a topic of
17 the Agile way of working. Why is this a true conversation Ok
statement? For all new engagements. TCS mandates Agile
This is not a true statement
Both 1 and 2
18 Sprint itself is an event in Scrum
a Scrum Team where the Scrum Master is Magneto. Be prepared to face such anti patterns and work together with the team to
Contrary to his expectation of Scrum Master as a continuously improve and eliminate anti-patterns First
coach, he finds that Magneto acts like a Correct his understanding of Scrum and accept that Scrum Master is the Team's
19 manager
traditional manager_ Magneto controls the team
heavily by individually assigning tasks and Protest about this at the earliest possible team meeting and let others know he
leading the Daily Scrum meetings to collect the is
percentage of task more knowledgeable about Scrum
Scrum Master
Product Owner
20 Who owns quality in a Scrum Team? Scrum Team
External QA team
Planning is a continuous activity done jointly by Scrum Master and Product Owner
Detailed planning is done upfront and not revisited
Which of the following BEST represent the Scrum Whole team together does just enough upfront planning followed by continuous
21 planning throughout the project First
approach to planning?
Only planning in Scrum is the Sprint Planning
Scrum is one of the planning events
Providing additional feature without clear We do it all the time It is not a waste.
23 understanding of the business need - What is this ok
Over Production
category of waste?
Over Processing
In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes should undergo heavy change control process Review
Changes are acceptable till design but once development starts, any further
Which of the following statements about changing change should be rejected
24 requirements in software development, are correct? In traditional way of software development, once the requirements are base lined,
further changes can be easily accepted with light process.
Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant
Which framework prescribes User Story as the FDD
25 Crystal 0 Extreme Programming
format for backlog items?
consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
26 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
Unit testing is not fun anyway. As a self-organized team, choose to ignore the unit
A Scrum Team works on a 4 weeks Sprint. After new testing
Sprints, the team finds that they spend more effort
27 on unit testing, as the code base size has Adopt practices like test automation from other frameworks like XP
increased. What can be BEST recommended for this Increase the duration of the sprint from 4 weeks to 6 weeks
team? Add two more temporary testers
Form a separate Testing team
28 Scrum defines roles events and artifacts 3-3-5
Product Owner can show the progress to the stakeholders and get the approval
to release the work to the production
To assess the team's productivity and possibly record the assessment score
against the performance
35 What is the purpose of Sprint Review'? To inspect the working software with the key stakeholders and take the insights
from the feedback to next
So that the Scrum Team can reorganize for the next
Stakeholders and team discuss the Sprint Backlog for next
Mannar & Company kick started a major cross For large transformation projects, Design Thinking is required before
company project that involved working with
Agile is based on trust and collaboration so that consensus can be arrived at
multiple business unit leaders to build enterprise quickly. This scenario did not have that
wide platform. Impressed by the success of small
projects in Agile: company leadership enforced
37 Agile in this transformation project. Shortly after
few Sprints, teams witnessed that The Product Agile doesn't require any pre-requisites. It works very well in all context. In this
Owner was not able to build consensus among the scenario: the Product Owner doesn't seem to be competent
business unit leaders on requirements. There were
several political aspects behind the collaboration.
What went wrong?
Waterfall method
….. improves the flow of business idea through its DevOps practices
development and release to users.
Beta release First
Change Control Board (CCB)
The team must discuss the problems encountered in the earlier project
Team chooses the Product Backlog Items to work in the Sprint and crafts a Sprint
A team is having the first Sprint Planning meeting. Goal.
40 What are the activities that the team must perform Team must draw up the Release Plan for the final product
during the meeting?
Each team member should come prepared with their version of the plan
The team must look at the project plan prepared by the Product Owner and
understand their tasks
What is MOST likely to happen if the Product Owner The Business Analyst helps the team until the Product Owner returns
43 The Sprint deliverables may not be of desired value
is not available during a Sprint?
The Scrum Master plays the role of Product Owner
Scrum Master terminates the Sprint and waits for the Product Owner to return First
Scrum Team
Product Owner
44 Who owns the Product backlog? Scrum Master First
Business Analyst
Technical Lead
consumer device with embedded software. The Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later
team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the More practices from Extreme Programming
project must produce an outcome that will be highly
47 adoptable by the users to become successful. After
every Sprint Review, the Product Owner keeps Apply waterfall and have the Product Owner sign-off on the requirements
changing the Product vision and makes
contradictory statements about user needs. What
Reduced Risk
Faster time to market
50 Which of these is a benefit of Agile? Ability to respond to changing requirements First
Improved collaboration between business and technical team
All of these
TCS to be regarded by the market and our customers as 100% right partner/
advisor for Agile Transformations Review
Every project in TCS must follow all practices of Extreme Programming
51 TCS Agile vision ‘100% Agile by 2020’ means 100% of TCS associates must be at least at Agile E3 competency
TCS to be regarded as 100% Enterprise Agile company
There should not be any Agile related non-compliance in the project audits
56 h one is a popular tool used in Agile software MS PowerPoint
project leader
Agile practitioner
project manager
Agile for Beginners course is intended towards certified manager
motivating you to learn more about agile so that you can
63 None of the above
65 Design Thinking is other name for Agile Manifesto FALSE
Product Owner can change me sprint Backlog any day