: 4008-ST-DCR-001
1 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Table 3-1 Factor of wind Load Grouped Pipes .................................................................. 8
Table 6-1 List material type with recommended and specification .................................. 16
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
APPENDIX - A CALCULATION ....................................................................................... 27
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Design shall result in simple regular structures which are fit for purpose, and provide robust economical plant
supports and access. Consideration shall be given at all stages of design development to accommodating the
requirements of other disciplines. Standard details shall be incorporated in design wherever practical and
previous designs for similar projects should be referred to and utilized where appropriate.
Transport requirements for elements fabricated off-site should be considered, with a view to minimizing over-
size loads.
In the structural calculations the sources of all design loading and layout information shall be clearly stated.
This information shall be confirmed by certified vendor drawings or other appropriate documents approved
by the Design Coordinator.
In the absence of certified vendor information for equipment, all design assumptions relating to the structure
must be confirmed by the Design Coordinator. Such confirmation shall be obtained in writing.
The design life of the process plant facility will be 15 years, unless noted otherwise.
The Structural Engineering Deliverables for the project shall include:
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
SNI 1727-2013 Beban Minimum untuk Perancangan Bangunan Gedung dan Struktur lain
SNI 6573-2000 Tata Cara Perancangan Sistem Transportasi Vertikal Dalam Gedung (Lift)
SNI 1726-2012 Tata Cara Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Bangunan
Gedung dan Non Gedung
ASCE 7-2010 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
SNI 03-1729 Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Baja Untuk Bangunan Gedung
AS 1657 SAA Code for Fixed Platforms, Walkways, Stairs and Ladders
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
SNI 7186-2009 Metoda Pengukuran Percepatan Getaran Seluruh Tubuh dan Sikap
Kerja Duduk.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
SW Structure self-weight
DLp Dead weight of platforms, floor grillage, floor slabs, handrails and other
structural items
SL Service loads from utilities such as lighting, minor piping and cable trays.
BE Blocked equipment
WL Wind load
Eq Earthquake load
T Thermal load
PL Piping load
Design loadings on structures shall be in accordance with the SNI 1727 “ Beban Minimum untuk Perancangan
Bangunan Gedung dan Struktur lain “ or Building Code of Australia Part 81 and AS 1170 Parts 0, 1, 2 and 4,
except as specified below. Load conditions shall be assessed based on Structure Importance Level II based
on Table 15-2 SNI 1727, unless determined otherwise.
Annual probability of exceedance of design events for safety under wind and earthquake loading shall be 1:50.
Annual probability of exceedance of design events for serviceability shall be 1:20.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
i) Occasional maintenance point load (unless otherwise agreed) shall be 10 kN at any point on a
ii) Blocked chutes shall be computed from the maximum expected bulk density of materials and the
struck volume of the chute with free surface in contact with the lowest rotating or oscillating machinery
component. For column design, the simultaneous effects of live loads on other floors need not be
considered with the blocked chute load.
iii) The base data from which the dynamic loads will be calculated for the mills, screens, crushers,
samplers and feeders will be supplied in the form of Certified Vendor drawings or in writing from the
Lead Mechanical Engineer.
Unit Weight
Water : 10 kN/m3
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
For other materials, values from SNI 1727 or AS 1170 Part 1 shall be used.
The dead load from floor grating and hand railing shall be obtained from manufacturers data. In place of
accurate calculation, platform areas using open floor grating may adopt a uniformly distributed load of
0.5 kPa to account for all grating, hand railing and minor trimming steelwork.
Weights of all building materials shall be included as dead load. Allow 0.1 kPa for utilities (e.g. lighting and
utility piping). Process piping ducts or major electrical runs shall be individually assessed in each case.
The design floor and walkway live loads shall be given on applicable drawings where the design loadings
exceed typical values. Live load reduction factors shall not be used.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
All hoppers, chutes, tanks, pipes and other equipment items containing product or material being processed
shall be taken as completely filled by the material or by liquid as appropriate (for structural design purposes).
Bulk density shall be assumed to be at least 10% greater than that used for assessing storage volume, but
advice shall be sought from the process design criteria or the Process Engineer.
For head chutes, feed chutes etc. blocked chute load shall be considered. Blocked chutes shall be calculated
from the maximum expected bulk density of materials and the struck volume of the chute with free surface in
contact with the low set rotating or oscillating machinery component. The operating material load for a chute
may be assumed to be 10% of the blocked chute load as defined in item 3.11.
Design cases arising from combinations of empty and full items shall be investigated and taken into account
in design. For column design, the simultaneous effects of live loads on other floors need not be considered
with the blocked chute load.
Tanks shall be designed on the worst specified gravity conditions. For tanks containing slurry, the slurry density
for structural design shall be at least 10 % greater than the nominal operating density. Advice shall be sought
from the Process Engineer as to whether more severe upset conditions might occur.
For head chutes, feed chutes etc. blocked chute load shall be considered. Blocked chutes shall be calculated
from the maximum expected bulk density of materials and the struck volume of the chute with free surface in
contact with the lowest rotating or oscillating machinery component.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
= 44 m/s Ultimate
Vo = 25 m/s (Ultimate)
CD = Drag co-efficient from AS 1170.2 for the largest pipe in the group.
e 0 0.70 1.19 1.53 1.77 1.94 2.06 2.14 2.20 2.24 2.27 2.29 2.30
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
S1 = 0.623 g.
SD1 = 0.133
Importance Factor 1
Piping loads shall include the weight of pipe (empty or full) plus fittings, valves, insulation and instruments.
Pipe racks shall be designed for the minimum horizontal forces as follows:
Soil Pressures shall be calculated according to Rankine’s Method. For the design of underground and retaining
structures a minimum surcharge load of 5 kN/m2 shall be considered for non-approachable areas and 10
kN/m2 (including compaction loads) for light traffic area. For heavy traffic areas actual surcharge due to wheel
loads shall be ascertained. The effect of ground water table on the structure shall be considered if any.
For preliminary design, earth lateral pressure take from Table 3.2-1 SNI 1727, unless detail geotechnical data
ii) At rest pressures - shall be used to design rigid structures, such as tied retaining walls and concrete
tunnels. The rest pressure coefficient shall be taken as not less than Ko = 0.50.
iii) Passive pressures - shall not be assumed to resist lateral forces unless substantial movement can
be accommodated (eg. Free standing retaining walls). The upper 300 mm of soil shall not be
considered to be contributing to the passive resistance of lateral forces.
iv) Lateral earth pressure coefficients on retaining structures subject to repeated traffic loads shall take
into consideration the resulting long term compaction, which in some cases has been measured as
giving coefficients as high as the passive coefficients Kp.
For structure analyzed using the load titles listed in section 3.1, the load combinations shall be as listed in
appendix A.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
The predicted vibration levels at any point of a structure supporting· vibrating machinery should not exceed a
velocity of 5.5 mm/second peak within an operating range +/-15% of the specified machine frequency. The
maximum absolute deflection of any concrete foundation supporting vibrating machinery should not exceed
200 microns within the operating frequency range in accordance with CP2012.
Structural vibration shall be limited such that a minimum exposure time of 8 hours for “fatigue decreased
proficiency” is available on operating floors, and 10 hours for 'reduced comfort' in control rooms, in accordance
with AS 2670.1-1990. In the immediate vicinity of items such as vibrating screens where operators do not
normally remain for any length of time, the minimum exposure time may be reduced to 25 minutes.
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Unless otherwise specified, deflections under serviceability limit state load combinations shall be limited as
Floor Beams with vibrating equipment max Span/1000 and 20 mm, whichever is less
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Limit state design shall be used in accordance with SNI 03-2847 or AS 3600. The limit state method of design
shall be used and appropriate serviceability checks made.
Reinforced concrete footings and foundations shall be provided for all structures and for all ground-level
equipment supports. Concrete slabs shall be provided for the ground level floors of all process buildings. The
slabs shall be graded for drainage and wash down. Non-trafficable slabs shall generally be 120 mm thick,
trafficable slabs at least 175 mm.
Reinforced pavements shall be designed in accordance with the recommendations of the Cement and
Concrete Association of Australia's paper, T48 - Industrial Floors & paving.
Suspended concrete floors shall be provided as required. These floors shall be provided with kerbs around
all openings. Care should be taken at entry and exit points on the kerb perimeter to ensure that kerbing remains
continuous. Slabs may be supported on Bondek as permanent formwork, but the Bondek shall not be
considered as reinforcing, because of corrosion.
The requirements for concrete properties, reinforcing steel, formwork. Placement of concrete and curing of
concrete shall be as given in the relevant Engineering Specifications and the SNI Standards or equivalent.
Specific requirements for concrete properties to resist chemical attack shall be investigated where appropriate
and the technical specifications varied accordingly.
Concrete manufacture and placement shall comply with all relevant ASTM standards including:
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Slabs generally to have a slope of 1:25 and graded to fall to a sump. Slopes shall generally not be less than
1:50, but gradients of 1:100 may be used in exceptional circumstances.
Slab panels shall generally be limited to 40m2 in area within the range of 4.0 to 8.0m with a ratio of lengths of
sides not exceeding 1.5. Provision of movement joints and reinforcement of elements should be designed to
limit crack widths to 0.1 mm for highly aggressive areas or 0.2 mm for mildly aggressive. Joints shall be laid
out to minimize irregular shapes and re-entrant corners which may act as crack initiators.
Movement joints in aggressive areas should have a water stop as a back up to joint sealants. A 200 .m
polythene membrane shall be provided beneath a slabs. Dowels in aggressive areas should be stainless steel.
Footings shall generally be spread bearing type footings. Footings shall be designed for the allowable bearing
pressures given in the geotechnical report, and to limit settlement to acceptable values. The acceptable values
of settlement will depend on the type of structure being supported.
The allowable bearing pressure for all major footing bearing onto fill or onto the stiff silt and clay colluvial
surface soils shall be 200 kPa for all loading conditions where wind loads and earthquake loads are not
included. The dead load from the footing and backfill material over the footing are to be included in the
calculations. With loading condition including wind or earthquake loads the allowable bearing capacity can be
increased to 300 kPa.
Generally, factors of safety for footing stability of plant structures shall be in accordance with the requirements
of AS 1170.0. The requirements of NZS 1170.05 shall be satisfied where seismic loading is considered.
Minor footings are defined as footings to minor equipment, tanks and strip footings to blockwork structures.
The allowable bearing pressure for these footings is 200 kPa.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
For foundations supporting dynamic machines, generally the soil pressures under static load should not
exceed 50% of the allowable maximum bearing pressure. The dynamic soil pressures should not exceed 10%
of the maximum static values unless the static values and the overall combined values are quite small.
The factors of safety for footing stability for plant structures shall be in accordance with the requirements of AS
Blinding concrete may be used in the base of footings, as required by site conditions.
It is expected that the long term settlement for footings designed primarily to sustain full dead and live load on
a continuous basis, will be a maximum of 30 mm. However, depending on the likelihood of the full live load
being achieved, a more probable settlement would be 20 mm.
Grout thickness under baseplates shall be nominally 30 mm. Grout thickness shall be appropriate to the type
of grout used.
Grout used shall be for subject to acidic process spills (where concrete protection and stainless HD bolts are
used) and select from material compatible with the acid concrete protection.
Bearing stresses under baseplates shall be limited to those values given in Appendix D SNI 2847 or AS 3600
Clause 12.3 The preferred methods of transferring shear loads from baseplates to concrete are:
Pedestals to all footings shall be rectangular unless agreed otherwise by the Lead structural engineer.
Where specified, pedestals shall be provided with a cast in conduit for the electrical earth bond cable
connection to steelwork. The conduit shall be PVC 32 mm diameter fitted with a long radius bend.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Generally design shall be in accordance with AISC 2010 but for all seismic provisions SNI 1726-2012 shall be
the primary design standard and code. The load factors for load combination are based on SNI 1727 or AS
Structural framing shall be designed on the basis of simple braced structures, with columns taken as pinned
and lateral stability obtained by bracing. Roof framing may be designed as portal frames.
Steelwork shall be designed wherever practical for shop-fabricated, site bolted construction and the
requirements for site welding shall be minimized.
Column splices shall be located immediately above a floor at a level which ensures no clashing of bolts at
intersection of floor beams or braces. These splices shall be bolted and prepared for full contact.
Beam splices shall be fully bolted and preferably located at a position of minimum moment. This does not
preclude the use of bolted beam-column connections carrying full moment, but comprehensive calculations of
bolts, prying forces, end plate and flange strength in bending, and the necessary stiffeners that are required
for such moment connections.
Due to uncertainty in material supply sources, all structural steel sections, including tubing, shall be designed
using a maximum yield strength of 250 MPa.
(a) Steel sections, plates and bars JIS G3101, ASTM A36 SS400, A36
(b) Steel Hollow Sections JIS A5525, ASTM A-252 SK490, A-252 Gr.3
(e) Welding Electrode AWS D.1.1 AWS D.1.1 E70XX with 480
MPa (70 ksi) tensile strength
Structural steelwork shall comply with all relevant JIS, AS, SNI & ASTM standards including:
ASTM A6/A6M Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
ASTM A325 Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints
ASTM ASOO Specification for Cold Formed Welded & Seamless Carbon Structural
Steel Tubing & Round
ASTM A50 Specification for Hot Formed Welded & Seamless Carbon Structural Steel
Mild steel sections, JIS G3101 OR SS 400 245 MPa 400 MPa
Thickness =< 16 mm JIS G3136 SN400 245 MPa 400 MPa
Mild steel sections, JIS G3101 OR SS 400 245 MPa 400 MPa
Thickness > 16 mm JIS G3136 SN400 245 MPa 400 MPa
Plate JIS 3101 SS400 250 MPa 410 MPa
For Steel beams ratio length / depth shall be used for preliminary sizing;
Stair threads used FRP Threads as bolted fixing, with an abrasive nosing.
The design of bolted connections shall be based on bearing type ASTM A 193 – 316SS bolts, except for the
following minor connections where ASTM F568 - 02 Grade 4.6/S bolts may be used:
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Generally, where high strength bolts are used, the preferred size shall be M20. Where, in large connections,
the use of M20 size is impractical, M24 size may be used. This rule is intended to minimize the number of
different bolt diameters.
Minimum size of mild steel bolts shall be M16, unless otherwise approved.
All fasteners should be hot dip galvanized based on ASTM A 153 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-
Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.
In design of bolts, the shear plane shall be considered through the threaded area. Welding generally shall be
in accordance with AWS 2004 01.1
Lysaght Grade 450 : Cold-formed purlins and girts minimum gauge 1.2 mm
Maximum spacing for roof purlins 1500 mm
Maximum spacing for side girts 1500 mm
Generally, cladding and roofing shall be color coated, zinc primed, pressed metal sheeting material with a
minimum of 0.48 mm thickness unless otherwise specified on drawings. Minimum roof slope is 50.
Steelwork generally shall be selected, oriented and detailed to minimize potential corrosion sites, and to
facilitate effective wash-down. Welding shall be continuous. Closed sections are preferred for bracing
Cold-formed purlins and girts in aggressive areas should be selected from the heavier gauges available. 1.0
mm BMT minimum. Down-turn lip sections may be considered for purlins.
Mild steel hold down bolts to be grade 8.8/S unless a higher grade is required by design. In areas where
framing is of stainless steel, and in areas subject to acid fumes, holding down bolts shall be of stainless steel
Grade 316.
For bolts subject to combined shear and tension a straight line interaction relationship is to be used. The shear
shall be assumed to be resisted by only half the HD bolts. Due to the oversize holes provided in the base plate,
assume that only half the bolts are in contact with the plate. Shear keys are to be used when the total shear
capacity of the bolts is exceeded and when column bases are subject to lateral dynamic loads.
Careful consideration needs to be given to the size of fabricated members and subassemblies to ensure that
they are suitable for transportation to the site by road.
Accordingly, all details shall be so arranged as to allow the elements of structures to be broken down to suit
road transportation with provision for site splices and connections.
Steelwork sizes shall comply with Engineering Spec 4008-GE-ESP-001 for Packaging and Transportation.
Height from top of trailer Height 2.5m (standard trailer) 3.7 m 4.0m (low loader) 4.6m
from road surface Weight
10.0 t 28.0t
1) Heights are from road surface to top of load and includes the trailer. Trailer heights are 1.2m standard
and 0.6m low loader.
2) Oversized loads drawings/dimensions shall be sent to site for review prior to issue of AFC drawings.
Welded cleats proud off the overall member should be avoided due to the possibility of damage during
For crane rails, where possible, use rail section fixed with proprietary type clips. If a square or rectangular bar
section is used, the bar is to be field welded to the girder flange to allow for correct alignment.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Structures considered dynamically loaded are structures which support vibrating screens, crushers, ball mills,
rod mills, vibrating feeders, agitators, motors, pumps, compressors, engines etc.
The design criteria below applies to both individual elements supporting a vibrating machine and complete
building structures containing vibrating machinery.
The structures supporting vibrating equipment are to be initially sized using quasi static design procedures.
This is to be followed by detail dynamic design to check for global and local member dynamic stability and to
carry out fine tuning of members to frequencies higher or lower than resonance to achieve economy of
This information is to be validated by the Structural Dynamics Engineer prior to design proceeding.
For initial sizing of structural steel elements the following impact factors shall be applied to the operating mass
of the equipment. This quasi static equipment load shall then be added to the other loads as outlined in section
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Alternatively, equipment vendors may specify a dynamic load which must be clarified and confirmed before
analysis proceeds. In addition to this the dynamic response of elements should be checked when final
equipment and vendor data is available.
The following tables provides ratios between frequency of member and frequency of machine. Structural
supports shall be so proportioned to be over-tuned such that objectionable vibrations of the supports and other
parts of the structure cannot take place. Particular care shall be taken with vibrating equipment which has a
forcing frequency range of 4 to 8 hertz. Refer AS 2670.
N.B. Beam spans should be kept to a minimum when beams are supporting vibrating equipment.
When the support structure natural frequency is below the driving frequency, resonance can occur momentarily
during start up and for longer periods during shut down of if the machinery is operated below its nominal or
peak speed. Low tuned structures shall be generally avoided and only used after obtaining consent from the
Supervising Structural Engineer.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
The purpose of the follow up detailed dynamic analysis using proprietary software will be to reduce the dynamic
stability factors were judged appropriate.
Prior to commencement of the development of a 3D “Staad Pro” model of a dynamically loaded structure the
Structural Design Engineer shall to consult with the Lead Structural Engineer to ensure computability between
the “Staad Pro” model and final “ANSYS” dynamic model.
All dynamically loaded concrete footings shall be checked by the Lead Structural Engineer.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Following the static design using the above parameters the platform structure will be checked dynamically by
the Lead Structural Engineer.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Tanks shall be designed accordance with API 650. Tanks shall be designed for brim full (blocked overflow)
condition. Load for Tank design take from ACI 350.3.
Seismic design of tanks shall be undertaken in accordance with Appendix E of API650 for Seismic Zone 4.
A corrosion allowance of at least 1 mm shall be considered in the design. Advice shall be sought from the
Lead Process Engineer.
Agitated slurry tanks should have a ratio of radius to wall thickness no greater than 800.
For tanks not containing hazardous materials the annual probability of exceedance of design events for safety
under wind and earthquake loading shall be 1:100. Annual probability of exceedance of design events for
serviceability shall be 1:20.
Standard plate thickness to be used for MS tanks shall be 6, 8,10,12, 16 and 20 unless otherwise advised.
Min corrosion allowance for MS Tanks 2 mm and SS Tanks 0 mm.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
For the design of bins reference shall be made to accepted industry literature e.g. Gaylord and Gaylord- Design
of Steel Bins for Storage of Bulk Solids, Trahair- Structural Design of Steel Bins for Bulk Solids. The design of
steel bunkers and bins shall be in accordance with the following publications:
AWRA Technical Note 14 "Design and Construction of Welded Steel Bins. AS 3774-1990"Loads on Bulk Solids
The design shall be based on the Modified Jenike Method and shall recognize the effects of pressures
developed during filling and emptying operations.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Care shall be taken in detailing steel beams to avoid unnecessary welding, sudden changes in section, sharp
corners and other stress risers. Where possible all attachments including support plates shall be bolted.
Doc. No. : 4008-ST-DCR-001
Sheet No. Rev No.
Environmental Loads Parameters Calculation Sheet 1 of 1 A
Wind Speed at Operation Wo = 25 m/s = 0.309 Wu
Serviceability Wind Speed Ws = 37 m/s = 0.676 Wu Description Prepared By Checked By
Ultimate Wind Speed Wu = 45 m/s Doc. No 4008-ST-CAL-002 DZ
Earthquake Design = SNI 1726 Project MARTABE RECYN PLANT PROJECT 4-Feb-19
Flooded Belt/Overload
Differential Settlement
Blocked Equipment
Encrustation Loads
Hydrostatic Loads
Floor Dead Loads
Services Loads
Thermal Loads
Combinations of Primary Load Cases
Q(D) Q(L) Q(S) Q(ML) Q(MS) Q(MF) Q(MB) Q(ME) Q(C) Q(Bto) Q(BTs) Q(BTn) Q(MPT) Q(V) Q(BC) Q(T) Q(DS) Ws(+x) Ws(-x) Ws(+z) Ws(-z) Wo(+x) Wo(-x) Wo(+z) Wo(-z) Wu(+x) Wu(-x) Wu(+z) Wu(-z) Eq(+x) Eq(+z) F(EP) F(H)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
101 D+L+S+ML+BTo+V+T+DS+[Wo(-x)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.309
102 D+L+S+ML+BTo+V+T+DS+[Wo(+z)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.309
103 D+L+S+ML+BTo+V+T+DS+[Wo(-z)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.309
104 D+L+S+MS+MF+MB+ME+BC+BTs+V+T+DS+Wo(+x) 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 0.309
105 D+L+S+MS+MF+MB+ME+BC+BTs+V+T+DS+Wo(-x) 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 0.309
106 D+L+S+MS+MF+MB+ME+BC+BTs+V+T+DS+Wo(+z) 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 0.309
107 D+L+S+MS+MF+MB+ME+BC+BTs+V+T+DS+Wo(-z) 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 0.309
108 D+L+S+MB+ME+BTn+T+DS+[Wu(+x)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.00
109 D+L+S+MB+ME+BTn+T+DS+[Wu(-x)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.00
110 D+L+S+MB+ME+BTn+T+DS+[Wu(+z)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.00
111 D+L+S+MB+ME+BTn+T+DS+[Wu(-z)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.00
200 D+L+S+ML+ME+BTo+V+T+DS+[Wo(+x)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.309
201 D+L+S+ML+ME+BTo+V+T+DS+[Wo(-x)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.309
202 D+L+S+ML+ME+BTo+V+T+DS+[Wo(+z)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.309
203 D+L+S+ML+ME+BTo+V+T+DS+[Wo(-z)/EQ] 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.309
204 D+L+S+ME+BTn+T+DS+[Wu(+x)/EQ] 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.00
205 D+L+S+ME+BTn+T+DS+[Wu(-x)/EQ] 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.00
206 D+L+S+ME+BTn+T+DS+[Wu(+z)/EQ] 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.00
207 D+L+S+ME+BTn+T+DS+[Wu(-z)/EQ] 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.00
300 D+L+S+ML+MB+ME+BTo+V+T+DS+Ws(+x) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.676
301 D+L+S+ML+MB+ME+BTo+V+T+DS+Ws(-x) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.676
302 D+L+S+ML+MB+ME+BTo+V+T+DS+Ws(+z) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.676
303 D+L+S+ML+MB+ME+BTo+V+T+DS+Ws(-z) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.676