A body of rules established by custom or treaty and recognized by nations as binding in their relations
with one another.
International law, also called public international law or law of nations, the body of legal rules, norms,
and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities that are legally recognized as
international actors.
The main sources of international law are treaty law, international customary law and general principles
of law recognized by civilized nations.
Treaty law
Treaties and Conventions are written agreements that states willingly sign and ratify and as such are
obliged to follow. Such agreements, which are also called statutes or protocols, govern the mutual
relations between states. They are, however, only binding on those states that have signed and also
ratified the particular treaty.
The Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties of 1969, sets out the fundamental legal rules relating to
treaties. The Vienna Convention defines a treaty, identifies who has the capacity to conclude a treaty,
and outlines treaty interpretation, disputes, and reservations.
The basis of treaty law is ‘pacta sunt Servando’, which means that agreements must be honoured and
adhered to.
Many states are involved in the process of drafting a treaty, which often includes stark disagreement on
the scope and content of the agreement. In order to increase the number of signatories and ratifications
of a treaty, and hence global order, international law does allow for states to limit the full application of
a treaty, or clarify their specific understanding of the legal content. This is done through reservations,
declarations and derogations.
Only specified reservations are permitted and they cannot undermine the object and purpose of the
Declarations, unlike reservations, do not affect legal obligations, but are often made when a State
expresses its consent to be bound by a specific treaty. The State uses the declaration to explain or clarify
its understanding of particular aspects of the treaty text.
For example, the reservations and declarations made to the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Some treaties, especially human rights treaties, provide for a derogations system, which allow for a
state party to temporally suspend or limit their legal obligations in exceptional circumstances, for
example during armed conflict or national emergency. For example, the freedom of assembly may be
limited during times of armed conflict. However, some rights can never be derogated from under any
circumstances, notably the prohibition on torture, inhumane and degrading treatment.
It is important to note that international humanitarian law (IHL) does not have a system of derogations
as it is a body of law specifically designed to provide minimum protection during armed conflict.
Customary international law is made up of rules that derive from "a general practice accepted as law".
Customary international law is comprised of all the written or unwritten rules that form part of the
general international concept of justice.
Unlike treaty law, which is only applicable to those states that are parties to the particular agreement,
customary law is binding upon all states, regardless of whether they have ratified a treaty.
Unlike treaty law, customary international law is limited in that it is not codified in a clear and accessible
format and the content of the rules is generally less specific that what you may find in a treaty.
However, as a source of IHL, customary international law is of fundamental importance in armed conflict
due to the limited protections afforded to internal conflicts by treaty law and the lack of ratification of
key treaties. Customary international law exists independently from treaty law and in 2006 the
Independent Commission of the Red Cross (ICRC) published a collection of the rules of IHL considered to
be customary in nature. They identified 161 Rules of customary international law.
When states respect certain rules consistently in their international and internal relations, with legal
intentions, these practices become accepted by the international community as applicable rules of
customary international law.
There are two criteria for identifying a rule as part of customary international law: state practice (usus)
and legal nature of that practice.
State practice (usus) - Customary law is confirmed through the behavior of states (objective criteria),
manifested through their official statements and actions.
Legal nature of practice is the expressed opinion of states, individually or collectively, that their actions
have a legal and not a mere policy basis.
In short, customary international law is based on consistent actions by the majority of the international
community. Examples of customary international law are the prohibition on the arbitrary deprivation of
life, the prohibition on torture, and the rule that civilians and civilian objects cannot be the subject of
direct attacks during armed conflict.
International Law or Law of Nations deals with rules for the governance of Sovereign States in their
relations and Conduct towards one another It Comprises of two parts Namely 1) Public International
Law 2) Private International Law or Law of Conflict.
Public International law is the body of legal rules, which applied between Sovereign States and other
International Personalities.
Private International Law is also Called as 'Conflict of Law' deals with cases involving foreign element. In
case of Dispute between an individual citizen or State and Foreign Element, where there is need to
contact with foreign system of law, the Private International Law will apply.
The main points for Public International Law are over here.
Public International law is the body of legal rules, which applied between Sovereign States and other
International Personalities.
Public International law rules are outcome of International custom and treaties.
Public International law is enforced by international pressure and fear for example – breakage of
diplomatic relations, sanctions etc.
The main points for private international law are over here that can differ it from Public
International Law.
Conflict of laws, often called Private International Law. Private International Law regulating relationship
between Private persons (Natural or Legal) of two different States.