S VI SEM Specification
S VI SEM Specification
S VI SEM Specification
b. PCC in foundation
c. Brick work
d. PCC in RCC
e. Plastering
k. Steel reinforcement
m. Electrification works
i) Site Clearance: -
(a) All obstructions, loose stones, materials and rubbish of all kinds, stumps, brushwood
and trees shall be removed as directed, roots being entirely grubbed up.
(b) Useless materials shall be burned or disposed off.
iii) Excavation: -
(a) Foundation excavation shall include removal of all materials of whatever nature and
whether wet or dry, necessary for the construction of foundation and substructure
exactly in accordance with the line, levels, grades and curves as shown on plans.
(b) It shall be taken to the exact width of the lowest step of the footing and the sides shall
be left plumb where the nature of soil admits it.
v) Unsound Ground: -
(a) Weak ground shall be filled up with 1:3:6 lean concrete.
vi) Dewatering: -
(a) Unless otherwise specified, the excavation rate shall include pumping out all water
which may accumulate in excavation during the progress of construction.
(b) The pumping of water from any trenches shall not cause damage to the foundation
trenches, concrete or masonry or any adjacent structure.
(c) The excavation shall be kept free from water as long as it is necessary.
ix) Protection: -
(a) Adequate protective measures shall be adopted so that the excavation does not affect
or damage adjoining structure and cause injury to the people and property.
(b) Contractor shall be entirely responsible for any injury to the life and damage to the
property caused by his negligence.
x) Backfilling: -
(a) All space between foundation masonry or concrete and the sides of excavation must
be refilled to the original surface with approved materials, in layers of 15 to 20cm in
thickness, watered and rammed to compact.
(b) The filling shall be done after concrete or masonry is fully set and done in such a way
as not to cause undue thrust on any part of the structure.
i. Specification of materials:
It should be clear, dense, hard, sound, durable, non- observant and capable of developing
good bond with mortar.
- Coarse aggregate should be of hard broken stone of granite, free from dust, dirt and other
foreign matters. Unless mentioned it should be 20mm graded down and should be retained in a
5mm square mesh so that voids do not exceed 42%.
- Fine aggregate should be of coarse sand consisting of hard, sharp and angular grains and
shall pass through a 4.75 mm sieve. Sand should be of standard specification, clean and free
from dirt and organic matter. Sea sand should not be used.
Cement should be of OPC when no type is specified. The weight of OPC should be 1440 kg per
m3 and rapid hardening cement as 1210 kg per m3. OPC stored for more than 2 months from
the data of receipt from factory should be subjected to test and used only when found
satisfactory. Cement must be fresh and stored on planks raised 15-20 cm, away from walls, not
more than 15 bags shall be stacked vertically in one pile and maximum width of pile should not
be more than 3m.
Sand shall be river sand or pit sand. It should be well graded. Clay, silt content should not be
greater than 5%; if so should be washed before use.
It should be of potable quality for mixing concrete and cutting the work.
ii.Combination of materials:
The proportion of cement, sand, aggregate should be 1-part cement, 3-part sand, 6-part
Batching/ measurement:
The measurement of cement, sand and aggregate should be in weight.
Hand mixing should be done on masonry platform or sheet iron tray. In machine mixing the
cement, sand, and aggregate is put into the mixer to have required proportion.
Regular slump test should be carried out to control the addition of water and to maintain the
required consistency. A slump of 7.5cm -10cm may be allowed for building work.
v.Clearing on completion:
It should be protected from rain heat and cold. The curing should be done for 14 days.
vi.Mode of measurement:
The measurement is done in per cubic meters (m3) or cubic foot (ft3).
i) Materials:
Unless otherwise stated the bricks should confirm to IS 1077-1957 and should be first class
bricks. It should be thoroughly burnt, have uniform color, regular in shape and size with sharp
edges and should emit a clear ringing sound when struck. Brick shall not absorb more than
1/6th of their weight when soaked in water for 1 hour. The crushing strength shall be of
minimum 105 kg/sq.cm.
The cement should confirm to IS 269-1976. Ordinary Portland cement shall be used unless
otherwise stated. The weight of O.P.C should be 1440 kg/ cu.cm. The minimum compressive
strength of OPC should be 175 kg/sq.cm.
The storage of cement shall be done on the raised platform 15cm above the floor level and 30 cm
away from the walls under the leak proof roof in a weather proof building. Maximum of 15 bags
shall be stacked vertically in one pile to prevent lumping of cement under pressure and height of
maximum 3m.
ii) Mortar:
Mortar shall be as specified in the drawing. Bill of quantities or schedule of items for the
particular work which may differ from case to case and as per the size, shape and thickness of
the wall.
a) Mix:
Cement sand shall be nixed dry thoroughly on clean approved platform of in a mechanical
mixer and water shall be added to obtain a mortar of the consistency of a stiff paste.
b) Use of mortar:
Mortar shall be used as soon as possible, after mixing and within ½ hrs. after cement is mixed
wet. Mortar unused for more than ½ hrs. shall be rejected and removed.
c) Transportation of mortar:
The well mixed mortar shall be transported from the mixing platform to the site of work in such
a manner as to prevent formation of laitance and segregation.
iii) Bond:
English bond shall be used in the construction of full brick and thicker walls unless otherwise
specified in the drawing. For half brick, thick wall “stretcher bond” shall be used throughout the
length of the wall.
iv)Thickness of joints:
The thickness of joints in the brickwork shall be 8mm unless specified.
v) Soaking of bricks:
Bricks shall be soaked in water before use. Any dust shall be removed from the surface of the
bricks while soaking the water must penetrate the whole depth of the brick.
Tests: Tests for cement are carried out as indicated IS 269-1958. Ordinary cement stored for
more than 2 months from the date of receipt from the factory shall be subjected to test and
used only found satisfactorily.
Storage: Cement must be fresh and stored on planks raised 15 to 20cm away from the walls.
Not more than 15 bags shall be stacked vertically in one pile and maximum width of the pile
should not be more than 3m.
ii) Sand:
Sand shall confirm to IS 383-1965. It shall be river sand or pit sand. It shall be free from
mica. Clay, silt content must not be greater than 5%. If so, sand shall be washed before use.
Sand shall be well graded.
iv) Water:
Portable water shall be used for mixing concrete and curing the work.
i) Cement:
Cement shall confirm to be 269-1965. Ordinary Portland cement shall be used when no
type is specified. The other details are as explained for PC (1:1½: 3) for RCC works
Tests for cement are carried out as indicators in IS 269-1958.
Cement must be fresh and stored on planks raised 15 to 20cm away from the walls. Not
more than 15 bags shall be stacked vertically in one pile and maximum width of the pile
should not be more than 3 meters.
ii) Sand:
Sand shall confirm to IS 383-1965. It shall be river sand or pit sand. It shall be free from
mica. Clay, silt content must not be greater than 5%. If so, sand shall be washed before use.
Sand shall be well graded.
iii) Water:
It shall be used for mixing concrete and curing the work. Portable water must be used.
i) White Washing
Fresh white lime slaked at Site of Work shall be mixed with clean water to make thin cream. It shall
be screened through a coarse cloth, and gum (glue) in the proportion of 100 grams to 16 liters of
water shall be added.
The surface to be white washed must be dry and thoroughly cleared from dust and dirt. The wash
shall be applied with "Babio" or brush, vertically and horizontally alternately, and the wash kept
stirring in the container while using as per standard code of practice.
All materials shall be delivered on Site intact in the original drums or tins and shall be mixed and
applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and to the approval of the
Project Engineer. All paints, emulsion paints etc. shall be applied by means of a brush.
The only addition which will be allowed to be made locally will be liquid thinners supplied or
recommended by the manufacturers and none shall be thinned more than approved by the Project
iv) Colors and Priming
The priming undercoats and finishing coats shall each be of differing tints and the priming and
undercoats shall be of the correct types and tints to suit the respective finishing coats in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions. All finishing coats shall be of colors and tints selected by the
Project Engineer. The paint work shall have and enamel finish and all paint for external work shall
be exterior quality only.
v) Rubbing Down
Each coat of paint shall be properly dried and shall be well rubbed down with fine glass paper
before the next coat is applied. The paint work shall be finished smooth and free from brush marks.
Samples cards of all paints, etc., shall be submitted to and samples prepared for approval of the
Project Engineer before laying on and such samples, when approved, shall become the standard for
vi) Program
The Contractor shall so arrange his program of work that all other trades are completely away from
the area to be painted when the painting begins.
All ironmongery shall be removed from joinery before painting is commenced and shall be cleaned
and renovated if necessary and re-fixed after completion of painting.
Cover up all floors, etc., with non-resinous saw dust or other approved covering when executing
and all painting decorating work.
Paint splashes, spots and stains shall be removed from floors, woodwork, etc., and damaged surface
touched up and the whole of the work left clean upon completion.
Prices of paints, etc., shall include for preparation of surfaces, rubbing down between each coat,
stopping, knotting, etc., and all other Work in connection as described and as necessary to obtain a
first class and proper finish. Should the description stated in the items of the bills be insufficient in
the Contractor's opinion to obtain such a finish, the Contractor must allow in his prices for such
extra coats, materials or Work necessary to obtain such a finish to the Project Engineer's approval.
Price must include for the provision of all necessary scaffolding, plant and tools, and also for
applying different colors and cutting into where and as necessary.
ix) Materials
All paint materials are to be obtained from an approved manufacturer. All sealers, primers and
undercoating are to be obtained from the makers of the finishing materials and are to be in
accordance with their recommendation for the particular finish required.
x) Knot Sealer
Stopping and filling composed of 9 parts putty to one part of stiff white lead.
xi) Lacquer
Approved polyurethane eggshell clear lacquer applied in accordance with the manufacturer's
Concrete and cement rendered surfaces shall be smooth and free from defects and shall be allowed
to dry out thoroughly. Surfaces shall be thoroughly brushed down and left free from all
efflorescence, dirt and dust.
All such surfaces which are to be finished with oil or enamel paint shall be primed with two coats of
alkali-resisting primer.
Plaster surfaces shall be perfectly smooth and free from defect. All such surfaces shall be allowed to
dry for a minimum period of four weeks. Surfaces shall be stopped with approved plaster
compound, rubbed down flush, thoroughly brushed down and left free from all efflorescence, dirt
and dust.
All such surfaces which are to be finished with oil or enamel paint shall be primed with two coats of
alkali-resisting primer.
Metal work generally shall be thoroughly wire brushed to remove all scale, rust, etc., where such
rust exists, the special anti-rust primer must be used.
Shop-primed surfaces shall have all bare places touched up with an approved metal primer.
Galvanize surfaces shall be thoroughly weathered, brushed down with white spirit, washed down
and given one coat at zinc chromate primer.
Bituminous coated surfaces shall be given an isolating coat of shellac knotting followed by an
approved metal primer. Woodwork generally shall be rubbed down, given one coat shellac
knotting, one coat aluminum self-knotting primer, and all cracks, nail holes, defects, and uneven
surfaces, etc., stopped and faced up with hard stopping rubbed down flush. Before oiling wood
Work all stains must be removed and uniform color obtained and filled.
xiii) Wood Preservative
All wood Work, as specified or instructed shall, be treated after cutting and preparation but before
assembly or fixing with three coats of solution consisting of one part of Atlas "A" wood preservative
brown grade to three parts of water. The solution is to the brushed in all facets of all timbers unless
exposed to view and painted.
The Contractor shall note that this solution is HIGHLY POISONOUS and shall take all necessary
precautions and instruct his Workmen accordingly.
Painting Items as billed hereafter shall comprise the following, and shall all include for preparing
and priming surfaces as above described: -
Plastic Emulsion - Apply a minimum of three coats, using a thinning medium or water
only if and as recommended by the manufacturer. An approved plaster
primer tinted to match may be substituted for the first cost.
Paint - Apply two undercoats and one finishing coat of enamel gloss oil paint.
Flat oil paint - Apply two coats of flat oil paint, using thinning medium in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
Cement paint shall be of ready mixed type in sealed container of approved makes. It shall be
procured either in 50kg container or 25kg container. All such container shall have unbroken seal
with manufacturer's name and trade marks as well as a description of contents all clearly marked.
Such paint shall be mixed and applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions
and with the approval of Project Engineer. All materials shall be stored in dry place.
Only fresh cement paint shall be used, hard or set paint shall not be used. The container shall be
made loose by rolling and shaking the container before opening.
First a paste shall be prepared by mixing 2 parts of cement paint power with one part of water by
volume and immediately this shall be thinned by adding another part of water to have uniform
solution of consistency of paints.
Before application of paint all dust and foreign materials shall be removed from the surface by use
of wire brush. The surface shall be allowed to run off. The fresh mixed point shall be applied with
broad good quality brush. The paint shall be frequently stirred during application and no mixture
(paint) shall be used after an hour of mixing. The first coat shall be kept wetted for at least 24 hours
before the second coat is applied. The surface shall be thoroughly wetted before the second cost is
The final painted surface shall exhibit uniform and good finished appearance.
Measurement shall be being square meter of actual covered area. No extra shall be allowed for
scaffolding, curing and painting corners, plaster strips etc.
Primers and paints shall be of first class approved quality and of approved manufacturer as
specified. These materials shall be ready mixed and in sealed tins with manufacturer's name, color
and instruction clearly painted in the container.
xvi) Preparation
All surfaces to be painted shall be planed and thoroughly sand papered, first by using No. 120
sandpaper. Nail holes, cracks or other in-equalities shall be filled up by ordinary putting. Putting
shall be made up of 2 parts of best quality whiting (absolutely dead stone lime) 1 part of white
lead, mixed together in linseed oil and kneaded (3 oz. of linseed oil to 0.5 kg of whiting). A
primer coat shall be locally applied in holes, cracks etc. before putting is applied.
After the surface is dry, it shall be sand paper by using No.60 sandpaper.
Surface so prepared shall be painted with one coat of primer. The primed surface when dry shall be
sand papered by using No. 0 sand paper.
The primed surface so prepared shall be painted with one coat of selected enamel using bristle
brush and not horse hair ones. The paint shall be applied in thinnest possible layers with parallel
Care shall be taken to ensure the surface being free from dust or other foreign material before
priming or enameling the surface. No paint shall splash on the floor, wall jambs, sill or other part of
the building.
This specification defines the requirements regarding material, workmanship, finishes and
application of cement paints.
i) Material
- The cement Paint shall be (conforming to IS 5410) of approved brand and manufacture.
- The material shall be brought in at a time in adequate quantities to suffice for the whole
work or at least a fortnight’s work.
ii) Preparation of surface
- For new work, the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all mortar dropping, dirt dust,
algae, grease and other foreign matter by brushing and washing.
- Pitting in plaster shall be made good and a coat of water proof cement Paint shall be applied
over patches after wetting them thoroughly.
iii) Preparation of mix
- Cement Paint shall be mixed in such quantities as can be used up within an hour of its
mixing as otherwise the mixture will set and thicken, affecting flow and finish.
- Cement Paint shall be mixed with water in two stages. The first stage shall comprise of 2
parts of cement Paint and one part of water stirred thoroughly and allowed to stand for 5
- The second stage shall comprise of adding further one part of water to the mix and stirring
thoroughly to obtain a liquid of workable and uniform consistency.
- The lids of cement Paint drums shall be kept tightly closed when not in use, as by exposure to
atmosphere the cement Paint rapidly becomes air set due to its hygroscopic qualities.
- In case of cement Paint brought in gunny bags, once the bag is opened, the contents should
be consumed in full on the day of its opening.
iv) Application
- The solution shall be applied on the clean and wetted surface with brushes or spraying
machine. The solution shall be kept well stirred during the period of application.
- It shall be applied on the surface which is on the shady side of the building so that the direct
heat of the sun on the surface is avoided.
- The completed surface shall be watered after the day’s work.
- The second coat shall be applied after the first coat has been set for at least 24 hours. Before
application of the second or subsequent coats, the surface of the previous coat shall not be
- For new work, the surface shall be treated with three or more coats of water proof cement
Paint as found necessary to get a uniform shade.
- For old work, the treatment shall be with one or more coats as found necessary to get a
uniform shade.
v) Precaution
- Water proof cement Paint shall not be applied on surfaces already treated with white wash,
color wash, distemper dry or oil bound, varnishes, Paints etc.
- It shall not be applied on gypsums, wood and metal surfaces
- If water proofing cement is required to be applied on existing surface, previously treated
with white wash, color wash etc., the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned by scrapping off all
the white wash, color wash etc. completely.
- Thereafter, a coat of cement primer shall be applied followed by two or more coat of water
proof cement.
vi) Mode of measurement
- The rate shall comply with the equipment, materials and labor necessary for the completion
of the work.
This specification defines the requirements regarding material, workmanship, finishes and
application of washable distemper.
i) Materials
- Oil emulsion (Oil Bound) washable distemper (IS 428) of approved brand and manufacture
shall be used.
- The primers where used as on new work shall be cement primer or distemper primer.
- The distemper shall be diluted with water or any other prescribed thinner in a manner
recommended by the manufacturer.
- Only sufficient quantity of distemper required for day’s work shall be prepared.
ii) Preparation of the surface
Primer Coat:
- The priming coat shall be with distemper primer or cement primer. If the wall surface plaster
has not dried completely, cement primer shall be applied before distempering the walls.
- But if distempering is done after the wall surface is dried completely, distemper primer shall
be applied.
- For old work no primer coat is necessary.
Distemper Coat:
- For new work, after the primer coat has dried for at least 48 hours, the surface shall be
lightly sand papered to make it smooth for receiving the distemper, taking care not to rub out
the priming coat.
- One coat of distemper properly diluted with thinner shall be applied with brushes in
horizontal strokes followed immediately by vertical ones which together constitute one coat.
- The subsequent coats shall be applied in the same way.
- Two or more coats of distemper as are found necessary shall be applied over the primer coat
to obtain an even shade.
- A time interval of at least 24 hours shall be allowed between successive coats to permit
proper drying of the preceding coat.
- For old work the distemper shall be applied over the prepared surface in the same manner as
in new work. One or more coats of distemper as are found necessary shall be applied to
obtain an even and uniform shade. 15 cm double bristled distemper brushes shall be used.
- After each day’s work, brushes shall be thoroughly washed in hot water with soap solution
and hung down to dry.
iv) Mode of measurement
- The rate shall comply with the equipment, materials and labor necessary for the completion
of the work.
This specification defines the requirements regarding material, workmanship, finishes and
application of enamel paints.
- Synthetic Enamel Paint (conforming to IS 2933) of approved brand and manufacture and of
the required color shall be used for the top coat and an undercoat of ordinary Paint of shade
to match the top coat.
- For new work the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, old white or colour wash by
washing and scrubbing.
- The surface shall then be allowed to dry for at least 48 hours. It shall then be sand papered to
give a smooth and even surface.
- Any unevenness shall be made good by applying putty, made of plaster of paris mixed with
water on the entire surface including filling up the undulations and then sand papering the
same after it is dry.
The two application is done
Under Coat:
- One coat of the specified ordinary Paint of shade suited to the shade of the top coat shall be
applied and allowed to dry overnight.
- It shall be rubbed next day with the finest grade of wet abrasive paper to ensure a smooth
and even surface, free from brush marks and all loose particles dusted off.
Top Coat:
- Top coats of synthetic enamel Paint of desired shade shall be applied after the undercoat is
thoroughly dry.
- Additional finishing coats shall be applied if found necessary to ensure properly uniform
glossy surface.
Preparation of surface
- Where the existing Paint is firm and sound it shall be cleaned of grease, smoke etc. and
rubbed with sand paper to remove all loose particles dusted off.
- All patches and cracks shall then be treated with stopping and filler prepared with the
specified Paint. The surface shall again be rubbed and made smooth and uniform. If the old
paint is blistered and flaked it will be necessary to completely remove it.
- Removal shall be paid for separately and the painting shall be treated as on new surface.
iv) Finishing
- The number of coats as stipulated in the item shall be applied with synthetic enamel Paint.
- Each coat shall be allowed to dry and rubbed down smooth with very fine wet abrasive
paper, to get an even glossy surface.
- If however, the surface is not satisfactory additional coats as required shall be applied to get
correct finish.
v) Mode of measurement
- The rate shall comply with the equipment, materials and labour necessary for the
completion of the work.
This specification defines the requirements regarding material, workmanship, finishes and
application of French polishing on door shutters.
i) Material
- Pure shellac conforming to IS 16 varying from pale orange to lemon yellow colour, free from
resin or dirt shall be dissolved in methylated spirit at the rate of 140 gm of shellac to 1 litre
of spirit.
- Suitable pigment shall be added to get the required shade. Readymade polish conforming to
IS 348 can also be used.
ii) Polishing new surface
Preparation of surface
- The surface shall be cleaned.
- All unevenness shall be rubbed down smooth with sand paper and well dusted
- Holes and indentations on the surface shall be stopped with glazier’s putty.
- The surface shall then be given a coat of wood filler made by mixing whiting (ground chalk)
in methylated spirit at the rate of 1.5 Kg of whiting per liter of spirit.
- The surface shall again be rubbed down perfectly smooth with glass paper and wiped clean.
Preparation of surface
- If the old polished surface is not much soiled it shall be cleaned of grease and dirt by rubbing
with turpentine and then rubbed with fine sand paper.
- If the old polished surface is much soiled, then it will be necessary to remove the entire polish
and such removal shall be paid for separately outside the rate of polishing.
iv) Application
- The number of coats of polish to be applied shall be as described.
- A pad of woolen cloth covered by a fine cloth shall be used to apply the polish.
- A trace of linseed oil on the face of the pad facilitates this operation. The surface shall be
allowed to dry and the remaining coats applied in the same way.
- To finish off, the pad shall be covered with a fresh piece of clean fine cotton cloth slightly
damped with methylated spirit and rubbed lightly and quickly with circular motions.
- The finished surface shall have a uniform texture and high gloss
v) Mode of measurement
- The rate shall comply with the equipment, materials and labor necessary for the completion
of the work.
Scope: -
This covers the preparation, supply and fixing of paneled door shutters.
i) Material: -
- All timber mentioned in the item in schedule of quantities shall be from the heart of a
sound tree of nature growth entirely free from sap wood.
- It shall be uniform in texture, straight in fiber and shall be well and properly
- It will be free from large, loose, dead or cluster knots, wedges, injuries, open shakes,
borer holes, rot, decay date, discoloration, soft or spongy spot, hollow pockets, pith or
center bore and all other defects or any other damages of harmful nature which will
affect the strength, durability, appearance and its usefulness for the purpose for which
it is required.
- Only properly seasoned timber shall be used.
ii) Installation: -
- Frames of timber doors- Dove-tailed joints.
- The jamb post shall be through and tenoned into the mortices of the transom to the
full width of the transom and the thickness of Tenon shall be closely fitted into the
mortices and pinned with corrosion resisting metal pins, not less than 8 mm diameter
or with hard wood or bamboo dowels not less than 10 mm dia.
- For internal/unexposed joinery work, the joints shall be glued and similarly pinned.
- The depth of rebate in frames for housing the shutters shall be 15 mm.
- The thickness of the stiles and rails shall be specified for the shutters.
- The minimum thickness of the panels shall normally be 15 mm where the clear width
of panel is not more than 300 mm and 20 mm where the clear width of the panel is
more than 300 mm.
- Solid wood panel for door and window shutters shall be made out of one or more
strips of timber planks of not less than 125 mm width.
- Strips of not more than 200 mm width will be used to reduce chances of warping,
splitting or other defects.
- The timber strips shall be joined together with continuous tongue and grooved joints,
glued together and reinforced with metal dowels.
- The grooving of the solid panel shall normally run along the longer dimensions of the
panel unless otherwise directed.
- The corners and edges of panels shall be finished as shown in the drawing and these
shall be further tongued into stiles and rails.
- Sash bars shall have mitred joints with the stiles.
- Stiles and rails of shutters shall be made out of single piece.
- Lock and intermediate rails exceeding 200 mm in width may be made out of one or
more pieces of timber, but the width of each piece shall not be less than 75 mm.
- Where more than one piece of timber is used, they shall be jointed with a continuous
tongue and grooved joint glued together and reinforced with metal dowels (rust
proof) at regular intervals of 20 cm or pinned with not less than three 40 mm rust
proof pins of the lost head type.
- The tenons shall pass clear through stiles at least 3/4th of the width of stile.
- The stiles and rails shall have a 12mm groove to receive the panel.
- In case of the double shutters, the rebate at the closing junction of the two shutters
shall be of depth not less than 2 cm
iii) Tolerance: -
- The finished work, with a tolerance of ± 1mm n thickness and +3 mm and –2 mm in
width of stiles and rails shall be acceptable.
- The rates for shutters are based on the dimensions of various components or parts, as
furnished below, unless otherwise mentioned.
I. Glazed window shutters
i) Specification for Materials: -
- Specified timber shall be used.
- It shall be well-seasoned, dry, and free from sap, knots, cracks or any other defects.
ii) Specification for workmanship: -
- Workmanship: The fixture works shall be of best quality and good workmanship.
- Joinery works: Mortise and Tenon joints shall be used. The joints shall be true to line,
leveled and at right angles, it shall be smooth.
- The contact surface of tenon and mortise joints shall be treated before putting
together with bulk type synthetic resin adhesive of a make approved by the Engineer
in Charge.
- Shutters shall not be painted, oiled on otherwise treated, before there are fixed in
position and passed by Engineer- In charge.
- For glazed shutters, mounting and glazing bars shall be two-tenoned to the maximum
depth which the size of the member would permit or to a depth of 25mm, whichever
is less.
iii) Fittings:
It should uniform and dark. Darker the color, more will be its strength and durability.
Moisture Content:
The maximum permissible moisture content for timber shall be 12 percent of dry weight of
All scantling shall be sawn in straight lines, plains and of uniform thickness and of full
measurement from end to end and shall be sawn in the direction of the grain. Specified
dimension lines and planes shall be secured by leaving sufficient margin.
The holdfast for the frames could be of mild steel. Its size, shape and required number shall be
as per drawing. Holdfasts shall be fixed with iron screws as specified. Any slight adjustment of
spacing necessary shall be done to have the holdfasts in joints of masonry courses.
All fixtures and fastenings must be of the best quality and workmanship. The sizes, shape,
design finish shall be as shown on drawings or as directed on sufficing references. All fixtures
and fastenings shall be of brass or oxidized brass or stedler aluminum (as specified in the item).
Joints/Protection of work:
All fixtures shall be fixed to the joining in secure and sufficient manner. The joints must be true
to line, level, right angled, and smooth. Mortice and tenor joints shall be used. Any of the
fixtures damaged during fixing shall be removed and new ones fixed in their place and the
surface of joinery made good where affected at the contractor’s expense.
Method of construction:
The construction shall be carried out in conformity with IS 1003-1957. The material,
construction, workmanship and finished dimension of the components must be entirely as per
clause 6 therein and as shown on the drawings.
Engineer’s approval:
All the fixtures and works shall be fixed as shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. Engineer’s approval is important for further proceedings.
Fixing of doors and windows shall be as per drawing. It should be true to line, level from
plumb. The frame should be erected in position and held plumb with strong supports from both
sides and built in sold in masonry as it is being built.
Contact surfaces of masonry, concrete, etc. must be preserved by using some preservatives like
coal tan checks decay.
Mode of Measurement:
It is measured in m3.
Earthwork in Filling
Earth filling in floor shall be done with proper ramming in 23cm layers, after sprinkling with water
and consolidating to 15cm. Earth shall be free from rubbish, organic or vegetable growth including
roots, weeds etc. All clods shall be first broken.
Particular care shall be exercised not to dump earth clods in space between foundation trench and
inside face of the masonry.
Brickbat Filling
Brickbat boulders shall be hard, tough, sound and durable. No brickbat shall be more than 5cm.
Boulders shall be laid in their natural bed. Smaller size boulders/pebbles shall be used to fill up gaps
between boulders in order to form uniform well-knitted floor structure.
Plain cement concrete in floors with cement, sand and stone aggregate including mixing, laying,
finishing to the approved level, lines and dimensions, curing including centering, shuttering all
complete shall be measured in sq.m. With thickness specified.
The concrete shall be either 1:2:4 mix or 1:3:6 mix or as specified in the drawing.
Cement used shall confine to IS and shall be free from lump or such defects.
Aggregate of 20mm nominal gauge shall be properly gauged. Sieving may be insisted upon in
which case the Contractor shall provide/supply necessary sieves and labor at his own cost.
Sand shall be clean inner bed. Grain distribution shall be same as described under `Plastering'.
All mix shall be by volume except cement which shall be proportioned by weight and as specified.
Mixing shall be done on a water tight platform. Material shall be dry mixed after accurately
gauging different materials in wooden boxes. The dry mixture shall be turned over thrice (at least)
till the color is uniform and then twice while wet. Water shall be added gradually and no more than
necessary to sufficiently wet the materials. Only that much concrete shall be mixed which can be
used within half an hour. Each stock of dry mix shall not be larger than consuming one bag of
Before laying the concrete, the surface shall be covered with one layer of building paper running
along the room length. Site lap of such paper shall be 15cm or more. Building paper shall be
smoothly curved up to upper level of DPC along the floor edge.
After laying, the concrete shall be allowed to harden, Harden concrete shall be kept wet for 15 days.
In case of machine mixing I.S. code shall be strictly followed and the mixing done under the
supervision of the Project Engineer.
This specification covers terrazzo flooring in situ with white color including glass strip
complete including CC backing.
Material shall be as per “standard construction mater”
The terrazzo storey shall be laid in two layers. The underbed shall be 16mm thick cement
concrete flooring 1:2:4{1 cement:2 sand:4 stone aggregate 20 mm and down gauge} which
shall be rough screed finish. The top layer shall be finished 10 mm thick, with white cement,
marble powder and marble chips of white and black or other color mixed in required
proportion as approved by the engineer in the ration of 1:1:3 {1 white cement :1 marble dust: 3
marble chips 6mm and down gauge}.
Dividing strips shall be provided as required and the under bed shall be placed on the cement
concrete subgrade prepared. The rough screed under bed 28mm shall be laid with dividing
glass strips with the allowance for the top layer of 10mm thick. The top layer of white cement,
marble powder and marble chips mixed as specified shall be laid to achieve a finish 10mm
thick layer. This surface shall be tamped, finished in level/ slope as directed, checked with
straight edge float and trowel. After 3-4 years of laying, the surface shall be covered with wet
gunny bag and left undisturbed for 4 days with water curing continued. The top layer shall
then be ground with carborundum stone or cut with surface grinding machine. The surface
shall be cleaned using plenty of water. After that white cement and marble powder mix of same
proportion as above shall be given on the surface to fill up any depressions, voids etc. and left
undisturbed for 6 days. Water curing shall continue. The surface shall then be ground with
carborundum stone of different grades starting with course one and successively with finer
ones. The rubbing or grinding shall continue till the entire surface shows a uniform granular
smooth surface. This shall be cleaned with water. Oxalic acid powder shall be rubbed on the
surface with pieces of jute clothes until the surface becomes perfectly smooth and glossy. The
surface shall finally be rubbed with approved walk polish to give a glazing smooth surface
before handover. Rounding of junctions. Corner shall be provided as directed without extra
cost. Sample of workmanship shall be got approved prior to execution of work. After
completion on construction of work be done upon it by the contractor in case of damage to the
storey finish by stains or cracking etc.
Rate shall include all material and labor required. For the complete execution of the items.
II. 50mm thick P.C.C. (1:1 ½:3) for DPC including water proof compounds
i) Materials:
a) Course aggregate shall be clean, hard and dense stone chips 12mm down
b) It shall be washed before use.
c) Sand shall be clean, sharp and course of average 5mm size
d) It shall be free from dust, cement, shall be fresh Portland cement.
e) All materials in use including waterproof compound shall be of their respective standard
ii) Mixing:
a) Materials should be mixed in ratio of 1:1 ½:3, i.e. 1 part of cement shall be mixed with 1 ½
parts of sand and 3 parts of dry course aggregate.
b) Course aggregate and sand shall be measured by volume with gauge boxes and cement by
bag having a weight of 50kg or volume of 0.0374 cu m.
c) The mixing shall be done on a clean solid platform.
d) Sand and cement in the specified quantities at first shall be mixed dry till of uniform color
e) Then it shall be spread over the stacked course aggregate.
f) The materials shall then be turned over once without adding water
g) And then at least further 3 times, adding the required quantity of water gradually and slowly
to give a uniform concrete.
iv) Laying:
a) DPC may be laid to the full width of the plinth or of the superstructure as specified in the
drawing or specially mentioned.
b) It shall be laid to the specified thickness (2.5cm or 4 cm) over plinth wall flushing with the
floor surface
c) It shall not be carried across the doorways or such other openings.
d) DPC shall then be tamped, leveled longitudinally and transversely.
e) The joints or breaks shall be given at the door opening.
v) Curing-
a) Damp proof course shall be kept wetted for at-least 7 days after laying.
b) If the brickwork is not ready to proceed further.
c) But in any case no brickwork shall be commenced on the freshly laid damp-proof course
unless DPC has been flooded with water for at least 48 hrs.
v. Exposed reinforcement: -
a. Reinforcement projecting from work being concreted shall not bent out of its correct position
for any reason unless they are protected from deformation or other damage.
vii. Measurement: -
a. The net reinforcement work shall be worked out in term of weight.
viii. Rate: -
a. Rate shall include all materials, labor and other incidental items for complete work.
b. Lapping and spacer bars shall not be measured.
The work cover all materials required for such pipes and fittings. The work shall include
water supply external and internal including jointing the pipes, fixing in positions to its
original finish complete with testing and ready for operation.
I. Materials:
GI pipes and fittings:
The pipes shall be galvanized mild steel welded tubes and seamless, screwed tubes
confirming to the requirements of IS B 1239-1958 for medium grade.
Cast iron pipes:
pipes of 80mm dia. and above shall be span cast iron pipes confirming to IS 1536-1967 of
class as specified in the bill of quantities.
Pipes and fittings shall be cast iron confirming to IS 1536-1960 of class as specified. The
pipes should be joined with pig lead as specified.
Cast iron double flanged pipes:
CI double flanged popes shall be used for making connection to RCC overhead reservoir
pump connection for suction and delivery. The pipes should confirm to IS 1537-1967.
This specification shall cove all material and labor required for the installation of sanitary
and plumbing fixture.
1. Standards:
I.IS standards:
All material shall be best of their kind.
All samples shall be approved by the engineer.
A set of specimen samples of all approved materials shall be kept at site as well as in office.
Each sample shall be accompanied by the manufacture’s specification.
The workmanship shall be best of its kind and approved by the engineer. It shall confirm to
the specification.
2. Sanitary fixtures and accessories:
- Sanitary ware shall be best quality and approved by engineer. Fixing screws shall be half
round head chromium plate brass screws with C.P washers where necessary.
- Sinks for kitchen shall be stainless steel, adjustable mixer type. All fittings and fixtures shall
be fixed in a neat workmanlike manner true to level at heights as shown in drawings and in
accordance with the manufacture’s recommendations.
- Faulty locations shall be made good and any damage to the finished floor, tiling or terrace
shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost.
- The fixtures shall be cleaned and debris and dirt removed. Cold water shall be let in each
fixture individually. The fixtures shall then be observed for any leakage or drip at inlet and
outlet connections. All defective parts shall be replaced and retested.
a. Fixing:
Urinals shall be fixed to wall by concealed hangers, brackets, as required and recommended
by manufactures. Each range of urinal shall be provided with good flushing cistern with
cover of vitreous china with brackets as specified.
No. of urinals Capacity of size of main Size of branch Size of
in range cistern liters flush per mm pipe mm distribution pipe
One 5 - - 15
Two 10 20 - 15
Three 10 25 - 15
Four 12.5 25 20 15
The brackets shall be painted with 2 coats of white synthetic enamel paint of approved
manufacture over and including a priming coat or red lead.
It shall be per urinal set for different ranges as specified in the schedule of quantities.
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labor involved in all operations as described
b. Urinal partition:
i. Porcelain partitions: It shall be large size of white vitreous 1st quality. These shall be free
from cracks, crazes etc.
ii. Marble partitions: It shall be of 1” or ½” thick of approved quality. It shall be of required size
and shall be embedded 5” in wall with cement concrete 1:2:4. These shall confirm to the
specification for civil works.
iii. White glazed channels: They shall be white vitreous china block channels and shall include
special bands.
iv.Chromium accessories: It shall be heavy type fixed to wall by C.P screw.
v. Lavatory (Basin): It shall be white vitreous chain of 1st quality with three tap holes or with
single rap hole, as specified in the bill of quantity. These shall be free form cracks, crazes,
blisters and shall have smooth surfaces. They shall be wall mounted units with the heavy C.P
bottle trap below.
Mixing fittings: They shall be 12.7 mm dia. C.P brass basin mixing fittings with modern head
for hot and cold stop cocks.
Pillar tap:
It shall be 12.7 mm dia. C.P brass with modern head.
Angle valve:
It shall be 12.7 mm dia. C.P brass with 12.7mm dia. C.P copper supply pipe of 610 mm
length and C.P. brass.
It shall be 32mm dia. C.P brass heavy type.
The basin shall be supported on a pair of C.P brackets cantilevering from wall face as
directed by engineer.
It shall be by numbers.
It shall include cost of labors and materials mentioned in bill of quantity.
c. Stainless steel sing and drainage board:
They shall be of orient or equivalent imported make of pressured stainless steel 2mm. thick
sheets and have 32mm dia. outlet with grating on satisfactory testing and commissioning of
the fixture, the contractor shall clean all fixtures and accessories by a suitable detergent.
d. Water closets:
Indian w/c set: Indian w/c pan with integrated foot rests shall be Orissa type as specified in
the bill of quantities. Each Indian w/c shall be provided with 100mm dia. cast iron or
porcelain ‘P’ or ‘S’ trap with or without vent.
European w/c set: It shall be of white vitreous 1st quality, double symphonic close ‘P’ or ‘S’
trap with 12 liters. Capacity porcelain low level cistern including brackets complete in all
Fixing: w/c pan shall be fixed to the wall with c.p. brass buts bolted onto holding bolts of
250mm long 12mm dia. counter sunk bolts and nuts embedded in the wall concrete
mounting arrangements as per the manufacture’s specification.
- The central axis of the pan shall be perpendicular to the finished face of a wall on which the
direct flush valve.
- The outlet of the pan shall be centrally placed in the socket of HDPE pipe with a uniform
space all around for jointing.
- The distance between center line of outlet of w/c pan and finished wall face shall be so
adjusted as to rest squarely against the finished wall face.
f. Bathroom fittings:
It shall be 5.5mm thick plate glass of imported quality shall be free from bubbles, ripples or any
other defects. The glass shall be uniformly silver plated at the back.
- Backing:
The mirror shall have hard board ground of 6mm thickness, projecting all round confirming to
the size of wooden frame.
- Frame:
The mirror and its backing shall be fixed on wall face with wooden cleats, with c.p brass
screws and washers.
- Measurements:
It shall be done by numbers.
- Rate:
It shall include cost of labor and all materials involved in all the operations.
ii.Towel rail:
It shall be heavy c.p brass or oxidized bronze as approved by the engineer.
- Fixing:
brackets shall be fixed to wall by means of c.p brass screws to expansion shields firmly
embedded in the wall or as directed by the engineer.
It shall be c.p brass or equivalent make as shall be approved by the engineer.
iv.Soap dish:
It shall be of vitreous china or heavy type c.p unless otherwise stated in the bill of quantity.
v.C.P. fittings:
All mixing fittings, additional bib cocks, shall be of the best quality heavy pattern approved by
the engineer and conforming to IS 781.
vi.Shower sets:
The set shall comprise of one or two 15mm dia. c.p. concealed stop cocks, 15mm inclined
shower arm with wall flange and 60 mm. bud shower rose with swivel joint concealed stop
cocks shall be fixed on one level 4’ above finished floor level.
vii.Floor traps and gratings:
Floor traps shall be cast Aluminum alloy or HCI or HDP as per bill of quantity with a water
seal. All waste shall be discharged to the trap. The trap and waste pipes shall be set in cement
concrete blocks firmly supported in the structural floor. The blocks shall be in 1: 2: 4 and
extended 1.5” below finished floor level. Contractor shall provide all necessary shuttering and
centering for the blocks. Size of the block shall be 12”x12” of the required length. The floor
finish around the floor trap shall be carefully executed by skilled workmen to provide a perfect
finish with slopes.
g. Urinal traps:
It shall be P or S trap as per bill of quantity with or without vent and set in cement concrete
h. Trap inlets:
Where specified, the contractor shall provide a special type cast iron/ HDP inlet hopper
without or with one, two or three inlet sockets to receive the waste pipes. Joints between waste
and hopper inlet socket shall be lead caulked joint. Floor trap inlet hopper and traps shall be
set in cement concrete blocks.
i. C.P. grating:
Floor and urinal traps shall be provided with heavy c.p. brass grating, with rim of approved
design and shape. Minimum thickness shall be 1/8”.
The following Indian Standard Specifications will apply to the equipment and the
(a) Low tension air circuit breakers : IS 2516 -1965 Part I Selection
(b) Switch fuse units on cubicle switch boards : IS 4047 - 1967
(c) Switch fuse units on Industrial Boards etc.
(d) Switch gear bus bars : IS 375 - 1963
(e) H.R.C. fuse link : IS 2208 - 1963
(f) Distribution fuse boards : IS 2675 - 1966
(g) Enclosures for low voltage switch gear : IS 2147 - 1962
(h) PVC Cables : IS 1554 - 1964
(i) Tubular fluorescent lamps for general
Lighting service : IS 2418 - 1965
(j) Tungsten filament lamps for general service: IS 418 - 1963
(k) Ceiling fans : IS 374 - 1966
(l) Flood lights : IS 1947 - 1961
(m) Flame proof electrical lighting fittings : IS 2206 - 1962(Part I)
(n) Industrial light fittings with metal reflectors: IS 17 - 1961
(o) Water tight electric light fittings : IS 3553 - 1968
(p) Switch socket outlets : IS 4615- 1968
(q) Three pin plug and socket outlets : IS 1293 - 1967
(r) Switches for domestic and similar purpose : IS 3854 – 1966
(s) Earthing : IS 3043 - 1966
(t) Electrical wiring installation : IS 732 - 1963
(u) Switchgear : IS 3072 - 1965(Part I)
(v) Lighting Protection : IS 2309 - 1960.
All materials and equipment shall be new and shall be in accordance with the standards
as established by the Indian Standard Institute or the requirements of the B.S. Where
materials or equipment are specified or shown on the Drawings by name of
manufacturers, they shall be used. Equipment or material of other manufacturers may be
considered for use if equal quality appearance, and electrical and mechanical
characteristics and approved by the Project Engineer.
Power Supply
The power supply system is alternating current 3 phase with neutral at a frequency of 50
cycles per second and 400/230 V.
The switch disconnectors shall consist of a fully enclosed housing fabricated from non-
tracking, heat resistant insulating material, accommodating the silver plated fixed and
movable contacts.
The movable contacts shall be driven by a robust switching mechanism with quick make-
and-break operation.
Handle complete with position indication shall be provided, the protection class, shall be
according to IS.
(d) Ammeters:
Ammeters shall be of 96 X 96 mm size with quadrant scale, scaled according to
the corresponding current transformer rating and shall have the following
- Mechanism : Moving iron
- Tolerance : Class 1.5
- Maximum current : 5A
- Frequency range : 15 to 65 Hz
- Scale graduation : Starting at about one fifth of full
scale value.
- Overload capacity : 1.2 times continuously, 50 times for
sec., 4 times for 2 or 3 min, 2 times
for about 10 min.
Ammeters shall be connected through current transformers.
(e) Voltmeters
Voltmeters shall be of 96 X 96 mm size with quadrant scale, scaled 0 - 500 V with
built-in series to the rear of the indicator, having the following characteristics:
- Mechanism : Moving coil
- Tolerance : Class 1.5
- Frequency range : 15-65 Hz
- Scale graduation : Starting at about one fifth of full scale value.
- Overload capacity : 2 times for 1 min
The measuring of voltage for each phase shall be affected through one five-way voltmeter
selector switch.
(f) Miscellaneous
Before dispatching from the factory, all components of the main low voltage
distribution switchboard shall be subjected to the routine tests specified in
relevant Indian Standards, or equivalent.
Furthermore, certificates issued by a testing organization selected by the Project
Engineer shall be submit to the Project Engineer by the Developer proving that the
types of the components to be supplied have passed the type tests prescribed in the
relevant British Standard or equivalent.
Prior to ordering the relevant equipment the Developer shall submit to the Project
Engineer for approval information and data stated in the relevant British Standard
or equivalent as regards the components for the distribution board.
Distribution Boards
1. This section comprises of surface/recess type Distribution Boards complete with
required miniature circuit breakers (MCB).
2. These Distribution Boards with enclosures, bus bars, neutral links, and earth links,
shall be of the original manufacturers only as indicated in the approved lists.
3. The D.B.’s shall be duly connected with the wire way ducting or conducts to make
it electrically and mechanically continuous with the help or sockets bushes, or
flange plates, as desired by the Project Engineer.
4. All D.B.'s shall be required to be connected with incoming sub-main cable and
outgoing circuit wiring with Dowel's or approved equivalent crimping lugs for
wires of 6 sq. mm. or bigger sizes cables lugs shall be crimped with proper tools at
Site. Rates quoted by the Developer shall include the connections
in the D.B.'s.
5. D.B.'s shall be fixed on the walls/or flush with wall (recessed) in approved
manner and damage to wall made good as per original.
6. Damage to the original paint to the D.B.'s if any, shall be made good as desired by
the Project Engineer.
7. D.B.'s shall be dust and vermin proof. These shall have hinged cover and MCB's
shall not be openable without opening these covers. Phase barrier and shrouding
sheets shall also be provided in D.B. The D.B. shall be fabricated of 16 SWG CRCA
sheet steel and shall be stove enamel painted.
8. Blank spaces (spares) shall be covered with blanking plate.
9. The breaker shall have quick break trip free mechanism with thermal over load
and magnetic short circuit tripping devices. The mechanism shall be such that
the circuit cannot be held closed against a fault. The thermal items shall prevent
reclosing of a circuit when a fault or over load persist.
10. The contact shall be silver tungsten or other suitable material to give long contact
file. Multiple unit shall have common inter tripping mechanism.
11. Miniature Circuit breakers in the panels shall have phase sequence numbering.
The phase to which each single pole branch is connected shall be clearly indicated
and so arranged that any three adjacent branches are connected to phase R,Y and
B respectively and the same relationship of phase sequence is maintained.
12. Each MCB shall have fault current of 9 KA for 6 A and 16 A load at 220 V supply
13. Circuit Diagrams of each D.B. shall be stuck to over cover of the D.B. which shall
clearly identify circuit number and connected load points.
14. Approved M.C.B. Distribution Board names are: Hyonjan Engineering, M.K Metal
LV Cable
Single core, four core, or five core, as shown on the drawing, copper conductor, PVC
insulated, PVC sheathed, single wire armored and PVC served, 0.6/1 KV rated cables
shall be used in the low voltage distribution system. The cable shall comply with IS or
equivalent and have the following technical characteristics.
Number of cores: 4 or 5 for three phase systems 2 or 3 core for single-phase systems.
Rated voltage: 0.6/1 KV
Neutral of distribution system solidly earthen.
Cross-section of copper conductors as shown on the drawings.
Cable shall withstand a continuous copper temperature of 75oC.
The Cable shall consist of:
Shaped standard copper conductors
PVC insulation
Layer of extruded PVC
Galvanized steel wire armor.
The conductors shall be stranded with successive layers of plain annealed wires, drawn
from electrolytic copper of high conductivity meeting the requirements of BS 6360. In
the stranding and shaping process, each conductor shall be pre- spiraled to the lay of the
finished cable, so the cores will automatically bed in their correct relative position when
laid up. Conductors shall have smooth contour, free from sharp edges or projections,
which could damage the insulation or cause high local electrical stresses. Number and
diameter of wires shall be according to IS.
The cables shall be sheathed over the laid-up cores by a layer of extruded PVC complying
with IS or equivalent.
The amour shall consist of a single layer of galvanized steel wires complying with IS or
equivalent. The diameter of the amour wire shall be in accordance with IS.
Cable Laying
Laid Underground: Where cables are laid underground they shall be laid in a trench 0.9l
m deep from the general ground level. The problem of the trench shall be levelled and
the cable shall be laid on a 7.62 cm bedding of fine chemically inert, sand. Mechanical
protection shall be given with single layer of well burnt bricks on sides with concrete tiles
on top, the inside cavity being filled with sand so that at least a 5.08 cm layer of sand
remains on top of the cable. The concrete tiles shall be interlocking type with the word
"DANGER" impressed on top. Back filling shall be done with well rammed and watered
earth. Cast from cable markers shall be placed so as to be visible on the surface at
suitable intervals and at every bend. Wherever cables run through or enter the building,
crosses road or drain, CI sleeves pipes of approved diameter shall be provided.
The rates quoted shall include trenching, giving protection, sleeving and clamping,
including supply of all materials as specified above.
Wherever cables are to run along wall surface of either the building or electrical duct or
on the ceiling, these shall be fixed with clients. Clients shall consist of moulded insulated
materials divided in two halves flat steel of suitable approved section. The securing shall
be by means of studs and nuts with lockouts and washers. For PVC armored cables,
aluminum or GI claw type clamps may be used.
The raises quoted shall include supply and installation of all fixing materials specified
Laid in ready trench: This will mean laying of cable in ready prepared trenches directly
on trench floor. Minimum bending radius shall be twelve times the overall cable diameter
in case of APLSTS cables and six times for PVC armored cables if not otherwise
recommended by the Project Engineer.
The lengths of cables given in the schedule of quantities are only approximate. The
successful Developer is required to measure out the actual lengths needed before laying.
Straight though joints will not generally be permitted.
Jointing: Cable jointing shall be carried out by skilled jointers with expert supervision.
The Developer shall use the best jointing materials and the necessary cable compound
and all jointing, sweating, basting, wiping and filling in of compound shall be done in an
approved manner. In case of aluminum conductor cable special care should be taken for
its marked difference from copper conductor cable.
For PVC cable standard compression type tinned brass glands shall be used.
Wiring System
(a) Concealed Point wiring shall consist of branch wiring for final sub-distribution
board together with the controlling switch (or push) as far as and including the
ceiling rose or any other approved terminations or socket outlet.
(b) A three pin socket outlet point shall include the earth continuity base copper
conductor cable of 3/20 swg Cu. wire from the earth pin to the terminal or bus at
the final distribution center.
Wiring shall be done in "looping system" and phase or live conductor shall be looped at
switch box and neutral conductor can be looped from light, fan, or socket outlets.
a) In estimating the current to be carried out by any conductor, incandescent lamps,
shall be rated at 100 watts, the ceiling fans shall be rated at 80 watts, table fans and
ordinary socket points at 60 watts, fluorescent lamps of 4 ft. at 50 watts and 2 ft. at
25 watts and power socket outlet at 1000 watts, unless the actual values are
b) Lights fans, and socket outlet may be Worked on a common circuit. Such sub-
circuits shall not have more than a total of 10 points of lights, fans and sockets
outlets. The load of such circuits shall be restricted to 1200 watts. The number of
socket outlets shall not be more than four per circuit.
As regards power sub-circuits, the outlet shall be provided according to the load design
for these circuits, but in no case shall these be more than four outlets on each circuit.
The rates for wiring light, fan and all plug points given in the schedule of Work attached
with the tender, shall be irrespective of the length of points. Circuit wires of these points
shall also from part of the point rate. The conductor for final sub-circuit for points shall
have a nominal cross section area not less than 2.5 sq. mm. (Copper conductor for light
and fan circuit and 4 sq. mm for power sub-circuit in case of general light and power
(a) The Developer shall prepare fabrication and detailed working drawings and
obtain the approval. All Work shall be carried out only on approval of these
drawings. However, approval of the drawings does not relieve the Developer of
his responsibility to meet with the intent of the specification.
(b) The Developer shall also submit complete layout drawings on completion of the
work. The rate quoted by the Developer shall be inclusive of this Work. These
drawings must give the following information.
(c) Runs of PVC conduits and number of wires contained in circuits and size of wires
for point wiring.
(d) Location of all distribution boards, main switches, junction and pull boxes and
fuses; Complete schematic diagram of the installation;
(e) Location of earthing stations. The virtual completion certificate will not be issued
till the drawings are submitted.
(f) Position of Lighting, Distribution Boards and Switch Gears
(g) Should there be any discrepancy or incomplete description ambiguity or omission
in the drawings and other documents, whether original or supplementary
forming the Agreement, the Developer shall immediately on discovering the same,
draw attention of the Project Engineer.
(h) Before commencement of Work, the exact final position of all points switch boxes
and the distribution boards shall be ascertained by the Developer from the Project
The Developer shall submit 2 sets of samples of accessories and apparatus, he proposes to
use in the installation, to the Project Engineer for approval. Drawings or samples, as
required shall be submitted by the Developer and this specification shall not be departed
from without any written instructions from the Project Engineer. The verbal approval
given by the Project Engineer to any drawings or samples submitted by the Developer
shall in no way exonerate the Developers from their liability to carry out the Work in
accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
Earth Installation: The entire electrical network shall be solidly and effectively earthen
vigorously following the methods as per I.S. 3043 - 1966.
The Site for earth stations shall be selected as close to the sub-station or switch room as
possible. The Site so selected shall have to be moist with a tendency to remain water-
logged even during the driest season of the year. Such places can be located near the
drain outlet from the main building. The earth pit shall be one meter square and 2 m
deep 600mm x 600mm x 6 mm electrolytically pure copper plate shall be used as earth
electrode which shall be laid vertically from the base of the pit. The earth lead from the
electrode shall be 8 swg copper conductor as specifies which has to be brazed with the
electrode to sustain flow of heavy current without effecting the brazing during heavy
fault conditions. In order to improve the conductivity of the soil, common salt and
charcoal shall be used to required quantity to cover the electrode before refilling the pit.
The earth resistance then shall have to be measured and it must remain as close as 5
ohms. If this value is not reached the other pits shall have to be dug and be repeated the
similar process and connect the earth stations in parallel till the required value of the
earth resistance is obtained.
Testing of Installation
Insulation Resistance
i) The insulation resistance shall be measured by applying between earth and the whole
system of conductors or Any section thereof with all fuses in places an all switches closed,
and except in earthen concentric wiring and all lamps in position or both poles of the
installation otherwise electrically connected together, a direct current pressure of less
than twice the working pressure provided that it need not exceed 500 volts for medium
voltage circuits. Where the supply is derived from the 3 wire (A.C. or D.C.) or a poly
phase system, the neutral pole of which is connected to earth either direct or through
added resistance, the working pressure shall be deemed to be that which is main trained
between the outer or phase conductor and the neutral.
ii) The insulation resistance measured as above shall be not less than 50 divided by
the number of points on the circuit provided that the whole installation shall not
be required to have an insulation resistance greater than one mega ohm.
iii) Control rheostats, heating and power appliances and electric signs may, if
required, be disconnected from the circuit during the test, but in that event the
insulation resistance between the code or frame work, and all live parts of each
rheostat, appliances and sign, shall be not less than that specified in the relevant
Indian Standard Specification or where there is no such specification shall be not
less than half a mega ohm.
iv) The insulation resistance shall also be measured between all conductors connected
to one pole or phase conductor of the supply and all the conductors connected to
the middle wire or the neutral or to the other pole or phase conductors of the
supply and its valve shall be not less than that specified in sub-clause (ii).
v) On completion of an electric installation (or an extension to an installation) a
certificate shall be furnished by the Developer counter signed by the certified
supervisor under whose direct supervision, the installation was carried out. This
certificate shall be in the prescribed from as required by the local Electric Supply
1. All systems shall be tested in accordance with I.S. code of Practice for lighting protection, as
well as I.S. Code of Practice for earthling.
The resistance from any point of the system to earth shall not exceed to ohms.
The resistance of each metallic conducting path, including all joints shall not exceed the
calculated resistance of the tape itself by more than six percent.
In addition, the resistance from the earth electrode to the nearest test clamps shall not
exceed 0.2 ohms.
2. Prices shall remain firm and free from variation due to rise and fall in the cost
materials and labor or any other price variation whatsoever whether during the
stipulated period of execution or during extended period of completion if any,
except direct statutory, increase by the act of Govt. or local Bodies.
3. Item rates shall remain valid for any variations in the estimated quantities given in
the schedule of qualities.
In order to facilitate the technical scrutiny of various quotations, the tender must
supply with their quotations detailed technical particulars, make, catalogues and
erection drawings for various items under different parts specified in the schedule
of quantities.
4. The power supply shall be 3 phase, 4 wire, 400/230 volts A.C. and frequency of
50 cycles, per second. All consuming devices shall be suitable for the voltage and
frequency mentioned above.
5. The drawings and specifications lay down minimum standard of equipment and
workmanship and deviations, if any, shall be clearly set down in Annexure-I. In
the absence of any deviations, it will be deemed that the tender is fully satisfied
with the intents of the specifications and drawings and their compliance with the
statutory and fire insurance provisions including local codes. Where the drawings
and specifications conflict, the more stringent shall apply.
6. All equipment and the installation shall be tested as specified and a test certificate
in the prescribed from as required by the local supply authorities shall be
7. The entire installation shall be guaranteed against defective material or
workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date the installation has been
certified by the Project Engineer and taken over by the owner. During the
guarantee period, all the defects shall be rectified by the Developer, free of cost.
8. The successful tender shall submit the drawings for all the LT boards to the Project
Engineer for approval. The approval of these drawings will be general and will
not absolve the Developer of the responsibility of the correctness of these
drawings. At least 3 copies of the approved drawings shall be supplied to the
Project Engineer for their distribution to various agencies at Site at no cost to the
Project Engineer.
9. The successful Developer shall arrange water and power connections required for
the Work at his own cost. The Developer shall also install tested meters at his own
cost. The Developer shall pay the actual consumption at the supply
company/agency rates.
10. The tenders must see the Site conditions and take all the aforesaid and foregoing
factors while quoting the rates, as no extra will be allowed on any ground arising
out of or relating to the aforesaid and foregoing.
11. The successful Developer shall include in his rates for painting with 3 coats of
synthetic enamel paint to match the surroundings or as directed by the Project
Engineer for all down rod hangers pertaining, to light fixtures fans etc.
12. The Developer shall supply completion drawings of the entire installation on a
tracing cloth showing the complete wiring diagram as executed at Site drawn to
scale approved by the Project Engineer after the completion of Work but before
completion certificate is given by the Project Engineer.
13. After laying and jointing the cables shall be subject to necessary tests as stipulated
in IS No. 5959 (Part -I), 1970.
14. The materials of the 1st preference shall be used and the Developer may excuse
himself of not doing so only, if the required range, as per tender specifications, is
not manufactured by the particular manufacturer. The evidence of such case
shall be supported by a letter from the respective manufacturer. All samples of all
electric fittings and other accessories shall be approved by the Project Engineer
prior to their installation.
15. In case where this specification and the description in the Schedule of Quantities
differ, the Work shall be carried out, as detailed in the schedule of quantities.
16. No alternation whatsoever is to be made to the text or quantities of this schedule
of quantities, unless such alteration is authorities in writing by the Architects.
Any such alteration or additions shall, unless authorize in writing, be disregarded
when tender documents are considered.
17. Any error in description or in quantity or omission of items from the Agreement
shall not vitiate this Agreement but shall be corrected and demand to be a
variation required by Project Engineer.
18. All measurements shall be taken in accordance with the Indian Standard Electrical
Installation in Buildings Method of Measurements of IS: 5808:1770, unless
otherwise specified.