Selektope: The Solution For Sustainable Marine Fouling Protection
Selektope: The Solution For Sustainable Marine Fouling Protection
Selektope: The Solution For Sustainable Marine Fouling Protection
Selektope ®
Selektope® I-Tech
Selektope highlights 4 Our vision is for
The biofouling process 6
Global trends 8 Selektope to be Selektope is an organic, metal-free
active agent added to marine antifouling
I-Tech is a global biotechnology company
operating in the marine paint industry.
paints to prevent barnacles from sett- The company has developed and com-
Selektope - Next
the preferred
ling on coated surfaces by temporarily mercialised the product, Selektope. With
10 activating the swimming behaviour of Selektope, I-Tech is uniquely the first
generation antifouling barnacle larvae. This bio-repellent effect company to ever apply principles from
makes Selektope the only type of tech- biotechnology research in the marine
Case Calypso 12
Formulate with Selektope 14
solution for nology of its kind available to the marine
paint manufacturers.
paint industry to keep ship hulls free
from marine fouling.
Barnacle fouling is very detrimental for
Reducing emissions 16 ship fuel consumption, emissions and in-
vasive aquatic species transfer. The use
“ Barnacles can cause
Sustainability 18 of antifouling paints containing Selekto- an increase of fuel
Case Mercy ships 22 marine fouling pe significantly reduces fuel consump-
tion, which contributes to lowering emis- consumption of over
sions. It also enables ship operators to
unlock financial savings associated with
40% and with an incre-
protection lower fuel bills and lower maintenance
costs associated with hull cleaning.
asing risk of fouling, the
problem has grown to
Depending on the formulation, Selektope new levels. Selektope is
can also help to reduce emissions to
water by reducing biocide release with the natural alternative
up to 90 percent compared to other today and for the future.”
antifouling paints, without negatively
impacting the performance of the paint.
Selektope is effective in
Selektope provides
ultra-low concentrations,
unique, repellent action
markedly reducing biocidal
with non-fatal effect on the
leaching from painted hulls
to marine environments.
An ocean of opportunities Selektope highlights
potential power savings
Selektope is a small molecule with huge
possibilities. It is used in ultra-low concentra-
tions and can therefore coexist with all existing Next step - the leisure boat market. I-Tech,
Currently protected by A vessel with 10% barnacle biocides and other ingredients. It is powerful together with US paint manufacturer Pettit
an antifouling coating coverage would need a 36% shaft enough to be used as the core biocide, but is also Marine Paints, will develop a series of high-
containing Selektope power increase to maintain the
flexible enough to boost existing formulations. performance antifouling products for the
same speed.* leisure boat market.
Read more on pages 14–15
>20 >100
billion USD million tonnes CO2 Protected healthcare at sea. Global Mercy, Powered by Selektope. Selektope is offered
The world’s largest civilian hospital vessel, is through a range of high performing antiifouling
In fuel-savings potential Fuel savings potential relating to protected by Selektope®. I-Tech has donated the coatings by some of the biggest marine paint
connected to fouling on the fouling on the hull corresponds to necessary volumes of the antifouling ingredient manufacturers. The coatings have been adapted
hull. 0.3% of the global CO2 emissions. to the organisation Mercy Ships. for a wide selection of different types of vessels
Read more on pages 22–23 and operation patterns.
A growing
is an age-old problem which has existed depends on the temperature of the water
for t housands of years. Over 1,700 species and the availability of light and nutrition.
pose a fouling risk in all global waters. Fouling takes place significantly faster in
Marine fouling is normally divided into two warm, tropical waters. Ships exposed to
main categories: longer periods at anchor waiting for cargo
or access to port face a larger risk of fouling
than those that are moving.
Hard fouling – usually shell building
organisms and animals with a large effect Costly removal increases risk for new
on the surface structure. Barnacles are fouling
the main species and the biggest problem Marine fouling also means that ships need
for ships. They are a sort of crustacean to be cleaned regularly by divers or under-
that like to settle on boat hulls, where they water robots. This is difficult to carry out on
immediately build a protective calcite hulls without damaging the antifouling and
shell. The age and size of the barnacle has increasing the risk for additional fouling.
Marine biofouling is a biological process which immediately a correlational effect on the friction; the Fouling generates direct operating costs for
affects every surface submerged in sea water. Ship hulls attract longer it has settled, the bigger the friction cleaning services, as well as missed cargo
different types of organisms, with barnacles as the main issue, but against the water. revenue as the ship must be s tationary
while being cleaned. Ocean-going ships
algae, bacteria and weeds also pose a problem. Over time, a thick
are usually dry docked every three to five
layer of fouling can form on the ship hull which significantly incre- Soft fouling – bacteria and algae that years. Avoiding extra cleaning during the
ases friction against the water when a ship is sailing. This leads to attach to exposed surfaces within a couple period in between dry docking creates
major consequences for the shipowners. Marine fouling is not only of hours. After a couple of weeks, these are significant financial savings since each cle-
a problem for ships, it also affects all types of marine installations. often defined as slime or seaweeds. aning can cost between USD 15,000 to USD
45,000 depending on the size of the ship.
Organic particles and Primary fouling: Spores and protozoa, Macro-fouling: algae,
molecules attach to the bacteria and diatoms larvae from macro-fouling barnacles, mussels, sea
surface urchins, etc.
Global trends At the same time as global trends are fundamentally impacting the ship-
ping i ndustry, the risks associated with marine fouling are increasing
as are the costs for the extra fuel consumption it generates. This leads to
As marine fouling on the hull increases, 1 2 3 5
so does the friction between the ship
and the water. This must be compensa-
ted by i ncreased power output from the Increased global sustainabi- Increased pressure from Increased transports in World crises force vessels to
engine, which leads to higher fuel costs lity ambitions interest groups warm waters idle.
and increased carbon dioxide emissions.
These extra fuel costs are so high that Starting on 1 January 2020, the UN Shipowners are facing strong Due to changing production patterns An extensive study conducted in
governing body for international pressure from groups of financiers, with more and more companies 2021 by I-Tech and marine data
they can make the d ifference between
shipping, IMO, introduced global re- shipping banks and charterers, such locating production in Asia, the ship- analysts Marine Benchmark,
profit and loss for a shipping company. quirements for reduced fuel sulphur as the interest groups Poseidon Prin- ping routes of freight vessels are including all IMO-registered vessels,
To avoid the financial and environme- content to reduce sulphur emissions. ciples and SeaCargo Charters. Both also being moved to more equatorial shows that most vessels will be
ntal problems that comes as a result of The IMO has also set a goal that initiatives are major steps to drive latitudes. This increases the time forced into idling periods with high
biofouling, investments for antifouling international shipping must cut its sustainable issues in the shipping for freighters in warm waters where risk of hard fouling during their
carbon dioxide emissions by at least industry and it is likely that more the risk of growth is greater than in operation periods. The study also
products with exceptional performan-
40% before 2030, compared to the players will join in the coming years. colder waters. showed that global crises have high
ce is essential, non the least due to the base year 2008, and that greenhou- impact in forcing vessels into idling
global trends impacting the shipping se gas emissions must be reduced Poseidon Principles Result: Increased growth leads periods, For example, when compa-
industry. by at least 50 percent by 2050. Behind the initiative is a large group to an increased need for effective ring 2020 with 2019, overall idling
However, low-sulphur fuels or of world-leading shipping banks that antifouling. increased with 200%. COVID-19
alternative fuels such as methanol have gathered around a new global caused reduced quantities of trans-
or LNG are generally significantly framework for sustainable shipping ported goods and the world was
more expensive than traditional
heavy fuel oil (HFO), which can lead
4 hit by an oil crisis that resulted in
stationary tankers.
to increased fuel costs of 50 percent Sea Cargo Charter
The study showed that that idling-
or more. Launched in 2020, the initiative is
crisis, such as that of 2020, is not
setting new objectives for respon- Biofouling hotspots unique, over the past 12 years, we
Result: The sustainability goals sible chartered shipping, transpa-
have seen at least 3 peaks of idling
mean an increased focus on fuel rent climate reporting and improved
Global warming is increasing water due to unforseen circumstances.
consumption and fuel costs, Requi- decision-making in line with the
temperatures in the world oceans. Factors such as lack of infrastructu-
rements for cleaner more expensive UN’s CO2 emissions targets. The
This leads to higher risk of marine re in ports, strikes, wars and other
fuel results in even more focus on re- initiative is founded by some of the
fouling, such as barnacles on ships, trouble spots are all factors forcing
ducing fuel consumtion, for example largest industrial companies that
and to more difficult conditions ships to lie at anchor.
with low friction between hull and use global shipping services.
for the shipping industry. A recent
water. To reach the emission targets,
study shows that 44% of a group of Result: High risk of idling directly
effective antifouling becomes incre- Result: Powerful interest groups
249 vessels had more than 10% of links to high risk of hard fouling, To
asignly importnant. mean increased focus on fuel
the hull covered by barnacles. be prepared for idling periods ship
consumption and environmental
owners need to invest in effective
impact by shipping companies and
Result: To protect vessels operating antifouling coatings. Selektope has
are an i ncentive to drive the choice
in biofouling hotspots, an effective proven efficiency during the hardest
of high-performance antifouling
antifouling treatment on more ships conditions such as long idling or out-
is essential. fitting periods in tropical waters.
Next generation
Selektope is an organic molecule developed by I-Tech over
more than 20 years. Selektope’s powerful, repellent effect on
marine fouling keeps the ship’s hull clean—which reduces
frictional resistance between the ship’s hull and water,
reducing fuel consumption and emissions. With its own soluble packaging solution, Selektope
can be added directly into the antifouling paint
production system and is dissolved immediately.
The organic molecule, Selektope, is a pioneering and Along with only seven other substances, Selektope is app- This innovative approach minimises the risk of When a barnacle larva comes into contact with Selektope, the larva becomes
innovative solution that offers marine paint companies roved, for use in antifouling, according to the very com- exposure at the paint manufacturing facilities hyperactive and performs about 100 kicks per minute. In this way, the larva
a more sustainable alternative to traditional antifouling prehensive EU biocidal legislation, the EU-BPR. Selektope which contributes to a better work environment. simply cannot attach to the surface. The effect is reversible, and the larva
products. is also approved for use in a number of other countries, quickly returns to its normal state when not exposed to Selektope.
including China, Japan and South Korea where a majority
The power of Selektope of all antifouling paints are applied. EU-BPR-
Selektope® is a biocide with a unique mode of action, approved
repelling barnacle larvae from submerged surfaces in Considerable reduction of biocide leakage R
ultra-low concentrations. Selektope is a technology characterised by its selective U-BP Along with only seven
E other substances,
Selektope’s unique characteristics offer marine action and enormous efficacy even at extremely low con- Selektope is approved,
paint companies numerous possibilities to formulate centrations. This creates new opportunities, that in some for use in antifouling,
high-performance, antifouling paint systems for ship cases, can reduce biocide release from a paint by more than according to the very
hulls with reliable and continuous protection aga- 90 percent compared to traditional antifouling paints, whilst comprehensive EU
biocidal legislation,
inst barnacles. Selektope can also enable increased still improving the hull performance.
the EU-BPR. as well as
protection against other marine fouling. Selektope by the corresponding
builds on advanced biotechnology in marine paints No side-effects on paint properties authorities in Japan,
where, when Selektope leaches out from an antifouling The effect of Selektope on a paint system is in most cases
paint, barnacle larvae are temporarily affected as they insignificant, which means that the paint and its application
After risk evaluation, Selektope®, as one
approach the hull surface. The larvae become hyperac- method are not affected. Selektope gives I-Tech´s customers
of only a handful active agents, has been
tive and cannot attach to the surface of the hull, instead greater freedom to formulate different types of antifouling approved as environmentally acceptable
they are forced to swim away and find another place to products. For example, it is possible to formulate Selektope
settle. with or without cuprous oxide, and functional materials
can also be formulated. For example, the Chukogo product, Image by:
SEAFLO NEO CF-PREMIUM, in which all cuprous oxide is re- Selektope in paint Chugoku Marine Paints
placed, shows a particularly good ability to also reduce soft/
primary fouling. To date, there are more than 10 commercial Selektope is an ingredient technology in
paint systems which binds to various pig- Test-patch
products on the market that contain Selektope.
ment particles that are evenly distributed
in the paint. As the paint is polished off, A coastal ship in Japan after 12 months in operation with a test
Selektope’s contribution patch coated with antifouling paint containing Selektope. The
there is a constant amount of Selektope in
Selektope contributes to positive environmental impact in the paint’s surface, ready to continuously ship had a low level of activity, i.e. long periods at anchor, in
repel the barnacle. Long development the area in and around Tokyo Bay, which is considered to be an
several stages when the product’s characteristics are used
times for antifouling paints are required area of intense marine fouling. The result on the test area is to
to full effect: be contrasted with the hull in general which uses an antifouling
to achieve a balanced polishing speed of
• Reduced emissions to the air. paint without Selektope, albeit adapted for the current operating
the paint under all conceivable opera-
• Reduced biocidal leakage into the marine ting conditions and water temperatures, conditions. The increased resistance through the water is
environment. as well as to have a linear release of estimated to be 60% or more due to the fouling.
• Reduced transfer of invasive species. biocides.
Barnacle-free after When the ship was
5 years in operation inspected in a dry dock
in February 2021, after
After 5 years of operation, the first ship fully coated with a Selektope-contai-
ning antifouling paint went in for regular maintenance at a Chinese shipyard.
The hull was completely free of barnacles, this after the ship both sailed and
laid at anchor in high-risk areas for hard fouling and the growth of barnacles.
Thanks to Selektope in the antifouling paint, the
vessel’s hull has received outstanding protection
against barnacles, even at anchor and low speeds
(below 6 knots) in biofouling ´hotspots´ with high
performance. Calculations from this analysis
shows that the average yearly speed loss between
December 2015 - January 2021, was smaller than
0.5% (0.06 kn), The speed loss analysis confirms
63 months of operation,
the hull’s paint showed
chemical/oil product water temperatures. exceptional performance of the hull through water.
tanker In November 2015, the vertical sides and bottom During most of its operation, Calypso was opera-
(46067DWT IMO II) of the tanker hull were painted with a 60-month ted by Team Tankers who has reaped the benefits
Name: Selektope-containing and copper-free antifouling of the high performing antifouling coating.
M/T Calypso / Team product at the Sembcorp shipyard in Singapore. Capt. Pär Brandholm, Senior Performance &
a normal amount of
Thereafter, the vessel was in active operation Technical Manager at Team Tankers Internatio-
(IMO: 9411290)
over a wide range of global routes for a period of 63 nal comments: “After operating predominantly in
27061 GR Ton, 183 m.
months. The vessel has frequently sailed in high- tropical and sub-tropical regions, the fact that the
risk areas for marine growth. It has also spent long average weighted speed loss is significantly lower
periods at anchor in these zones, generating an than for other vessels in our fleet, is hugely impres-
growth of barnacles.
SEAFLO NEO CF tively affect the ship’s fuel consumption, or if the active in the harshest conditions for marine fouling
PREMIUM vessel runs on a fixed shaft power, the fouled hull for the past 63 months, data on the ship’s sustained
Shipyard: will result in speed loss. performance show that the Selektope-containing
Singapore yard To confirm the efficacy of antifouling agent antifouling paint has helped maintain the ship’s
Selektope, Molflow’s AI-ship modelling tool efficiency. The owner of this tanker has reaped
Dry docked:
“Slipstream” was used to analyse Calypso´s hull the benefits from the fuel savings that can be
February 2021
associated with the power of Selektope’s ability to
protect the hull from barnacles. Data analysis and
Port of Nansha, China
inspections of the hull provide strong evidence
that proves Selektope’s high-performance protec-
tion against hard marine fouling, regardless of the
ship’s activity or movement patterns.”
The ship’s hull was never cleaned during the
promised service life of the paint technology, In
addition, Calypso laid at anchor off the coast of
China for 1 month before dry docking. During this
month, the hull was exposed to a very high risk of
hard marine fouling.
When the ship was taken to dry dock and inspec-
ted in February 2021, after 63 months of operation,
there was no growth of barnacles.
Formulate with
I-Tech are dedicated to make Selektope® easy Solution enabler It is powerfull enough to replace actives changes, it also enables new concepts, for
to use and to provide as much advise as How to mix antifouling paint to achieve the and it´s flexible enough to boost existing example very low polishing DFT systems.
possible on formulation concepts to give best possible benefit from Selektope can formulations. Selektope® enables new
the best possible start in exploring the full pose major challenges for paint manu- ways of formulation as well as giving for- Available
range of benefits. With the completely uni- facturers. In recent years, I-Tech has built mulators the tools to improve the perfor- Delivery capacity is secured through
que and innovative Selektope solution and up a team with extensive experience and mance against algae and slime. long-term relationships with reputable
I-Tech’s expertise, a great deal of trust has expertise with the aim to further develop Selektope® can be used in most coating manufacturers with enormous capacity.
been built with customers and shipow- the company’s commitment to customers’ formulations where other biocides are As such, I-Tech can quickly and dynami-
ners. We invest in staying one step ahead product development work, to achieve an used today and does not give rise to any cally meet and deliver increased volumes.
of understanding formulation challenges increased integration of Selektope in the extra application procedures. The ability to Selektope® is approved for use as an
and opportunities. On the market today end products. By utilising the knowledge overcoat, drying times or weather condi- active antifouling agent in all leading
there are formulations in which biocide that exists in the company, conceptual tions during application are not affected by marine markets for both newbuild vessel
loadings have been substantially redu- paint formulations can be developed that Selektope. construction and dry docking of existing
ced as the hard-fouling spectra of fouling contribute to making the paint manufactu- vessels. Selektope® fulfils the IMO criteria
is fully in hands of Selektope. As this rers’ development work easier. How to formulate with Selektope for approved antifouling compounds, and
requires a different platform to start off How and when Selektope® is added during can therefore be used without limitations
from, the vast majority of coatings on the Compatibility is key the formulation process is key to control on vessels with global routes. Within the
market use Selektope® as a booster next Selektope® is used in ultra-low concen- the release rate of Selektope® from an EU, Selektope® is approved for use in all
to existing ingredients and biocides. The trations and can therefore coexist with all antifouling paint. The low concentrations relevant antifouling products.
way of formulating is fully up to the R&D existing biocides and other ingredients. of Selektope® can either be used with
team. current formulations without bigger
The shipping
Increased fuel consumption and associ-
ated increased emissions are a growing
problem for the global shipping indu-
stry. Besides the negative impact on the
Environment Agency, shipping’s share
of global emissions could amount to as
much as 17 percent by 2050. 1,000 tonnes less
CO2 emissions
environment, increased fuel consump- This is how much fuel production
tion also brings financial stress for can be reduced
shipowners. Case studies show that, protecting
Today, the global shipping industry is the hull with a Selektope-containing
responsible for approximately 2.3% of antifouling coating generally leads to
total global CO2 emissions – as much as lower fuel consumption. The referen-
Fuel consumption due to the redu-
the aviation industry. ce vessel in one study halved its hull ced hull resistance for this vessel
At the same time, the shipping indu- resistance compared to an equivalent is 375 tonnes lower per year, which
stry accounts for about 85 percent of product. Fuel consumption due to the corresponds to 1000 tonnes less CO2
the world’s transports of commercial reduced hull resistance for this vessel emissions.
goods. If globalisation and consump- is 375 tonnes lower per year, which
tion continue to increase at the same corresponds to 1000 tonnes less CO2
rate, according to the European emissions.
• The shipping industry must, through • Since January 1, 2020, IMO has intro- • The commercial shipping fleet has
Optimal hull performance has an average Route and autopilot optimisa- Optimised propulsion (engine A propeller free from
mandatory rules adopted by the IMO in duced global requirements for lower several possible options for improve-
saving potential of about 10-15% for the tions have a savings potential and propeller control) can give marine fouling can de-
2018, decrease their emissions of gre- sulphur emissions in the shipping indu- ments, with a low investment barrier entire shipping fleet. Antifouling paints of 5–10%. a saving potential of 3–15%. liver savings of around
enhouse gases by 50 percent compared stry. This means that shipowners must and a short repayment period (see powered by Selektope demonstrate that 3–8%.
to 2008 levels by 2050. This provides a use a larger proportion of low-sulphur illustration). savings can be even higher than this on
strong incentive for shipowners to in- fuel, which demands a higher cost. certain ship types.
Each year, the shipping industry consumes 350 In recent years, the spread of invasive aquatic Traditional antifouling generally uses active
million tonnes of bunker fuel oil. The industry species has become an increasing threat to biocides, which make up anything from a few
accounts for, on average, roughly 2.3 percent biodiversity. Failure to protect a ship and its hull percent to more than half the weight of the
of the world’s global CO2 emissions – about the against marine fouling increases the risk of paint. These biocides gradually leak into marine
same amount as the aviation industry. invasive aquatic species attaching to the hull. environments.
Marine fouling on the hull increases friction When ships carrying biological hitchhikers
a gainst the water. To compensate for the friction arrive at new ports, these species, for example: Opportunity
and maintain the desired speed, fuel consump- invasive crabs, oysters, etc. negatively disrupt Unlike traditional ingredi-
tion increases. As little as 10% coverage of hard the animal life and existing ecosystems at the ents in antifouling paints,
marine fouling, such as barnacles, requires a destination. Selektope has a specific
36% increase in shaft power to maintain the effect that enables it to be
same speed thru water and about the same Opportunity used in uniquely small
increase in fuel consumption. Stricter fouling restrictions have concentrations. The use of
been introduced regionally in ports, Selektope-containing anti-
Opportunity with fines or refusals as a consequ- fouling paint can therefore
Hull performance can be optimised using effec- ence to reduce the spread of invasive significantly reduce biocide
tive antifouling paint containing Selektope. With species. By using an effective anti- emissions into the sea. On
the right antifouling paint on all cargo ships, fouling paint, for example containing top of being effecient in low
CO2 emissions could decrease by 100 million Selektope, the hull is kept clean and concentrations, Selektope
tonnes each year, and the total financial savings the problem of the spread of invasive is also biodegradeable over
potential could reach USD 20 billion per year. aquatic species can be curbed. time.
Selektope paves the way for
Three sustainable focus areas
large environmental benefits
The savings from effective antifouling systems are estimated at more
than 100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide for the entire shipping industry
annually. As such, Selektope has enormous potential to contribute to
1 2 3
sustainable development at sea. Sustainability is an obvious part of
I-Tech’s business model that strives to work in an ethically, socially and Sustainable Sustainable Sustainable
environmentally responsible manner, and to ensure sustainable innovation innovation production environment
Selektope was developed with sus- Since 2017, Selektope has been
tainability in focus within a research manufactured by two large capacity
project specifically designed to producers in Asia. With a majority of
develop marine fouling protection for Seleketope-containing paints being
the future. I-Tech has since continued manufactured in Asia, logistics have
How Selektope can assist in reaching to work in the same spirit and further
refined its knowledge. Together with
thereby been streamlined. The manu-
facturers, who also supply products
customers, Selektope has opened up to some of the world’s largest phar-
the UN’s global development goals possibilities to create more effec-
tive antifouling products. I-Tech
maceutical companies, have been
selected after extensive evaluation
integrates good business practice, processes. They work systematical-
Using Selektope to power up the
9 Sustainable industry, innovation and 13 Climate action legal commitments and protection ly with quality, environment, work
antifouling coating is environmen-
infrastructure of people and the environment in all environment and subcontracting
Climate change is one of the greatest chal- tally beneficial in several ways.
strategic decisions and in day-to-day requirements, and are certified
Technological development and innovation lenges of our time. If greenhouse gas emis- Compared to other biocides used
work. according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and
are crucial for creating sustainable solutions sions continue, climate change will cause in traditional antifouling paints,
Among other things, I-Tech is ISO 45001/OHSAS 18001.
to the world’s economic and environmental Selektope provides a unique, repel-
serious consequences for ecosystems, food investing in exploring the possibili-
lent mode of action with non-fatal
challenges as well as contributing to more production, water supply, human safety and ties to minimise leakage of Selektope
effect on barnacles.
efficient use of resources. For I-Tech, develo- health, while increasing the risk of natural without affecting the antifouling
With a clean hull, resistance
effect. As large resources have
pers of Selektope, it is obvious to focus on a disasters. Through I-Tech’s i nnovation, Se- between the ship and water redu-
been invested in Selektope, in terms
sustainable industry where research, more lektope, emissions of greenhouse gases are ces, leading to less fuel consump-
of knowledge and also in terms of
environmentally friendly technology and inno- reduced, one vessel at a time. tion and greenhouse gas emissions.
production, an expansion of the areas
To reach the global emission targets
vation are f undamental components. of use is also an important part of the
set out for the shipping industry, a
sustainability strategy.
clean hull is key.
12 Responsible consumption and production 14 Life below water In recent years, the spread of
Sustainable consumption and production is Protection and restoration of coastal and alien, so-called invasive species,
necessary to reduce the negative impact on the marine areas are key measures to preser- that hitchhikes on fouled ship hulls
An important part of I-Tech’s
climate, environment, and on people’s health. have become an all greater threat to
ve biodiversity and fishery resources, and sustainability strategy concerns
biodiversity. Using en effective
This includes using resources efficiently, taking also to strengthen resilience to climate emissions from the production of
antifouling paint containing
account of ecosystems, and reducing negative change. 70 percent of the planet is covered Selektope. I-Tech works conti-
Selektope contributes in reducing
impact of chemicals. I-Tech has a high focus nuously to minimise the emissions
by oceans and how they are managed is the spread of invasive species.
generated during the process, from
on a safe production chain and has developed crucial in the fight to balance the effects of Selektope also works beneficial to
raw material production and energy
a desolving package for safe use in the paint climate change. Selektope can contribute the marine ecosystems by reducing
supply to waste incineration.
biocidal leakage from painted hulls.
making process. For shipping, using Selektope to the protection of marine ecosystems by For safe handling of Selektope, a
Since Selektope has a powerful
is beneficial to protect marine ecosystems both reducing the transfer of invasive species on special soluble container has been
effect on barnacles in ultra-low
by reducing the transfer of invasive species and developed for the paint making
fouled hull, as well as by reducing biocidal concentrations, biocodes can be
also by making it possible to reduce biocidal leakage from antifouling paints to marine significantly reduced in the paint
leakage from hull paint by more than 90%. environments. formulation.
I-Tech AB
c/o Astra Zeneca AB
Pepparledsleden 1
SE-431 83 Mölndal
Selektope® I-Tech
Selektope is an organic, metal-free active I-Tech is a global biotechnology company
agent added to marine antifouling paints to operating in the marine paint industry. The
prevent barnacles from settling on coated company has developed and commerciali-
surfaces by temporarily activating the sed the product, Selektope. With S elektope,
swimming behaviour of barnacle larvae. I-Tech is uniquely the first company to
This bio-repellent effect makes Selektope ever apply principles from biotechnology
the only type of technology of its kind research in the marine paint industry to
available to the marine paint manufactu- keep ship hulls free from marine fouling.