RASFF Portal: Search Result: 141 Notifications

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Search result: 141 notifications

Search criteria | Product category ices and desserts

Date of Last Risk Product Category /

Classification case change
Reference Country Type
decision Subject
1. border rejection 23/11/2020 31/12/2020 2020.5163 Spain food not serious ices and desserts
too high content of
colour E 110 - Sunset
Yellow FCF (136 mg/kg
- ppm) in powder
preparation for flan with
caramel aroma from
2. alert 16/11/2020 21/12/2020 2020.5031 Germany food serious ices and desserts
gluten undeclared on
caramel coconut
flavoured ice cream
from Germany
3. alert 02/07/2020 03/08/2020 2020.2697 Poland food serious ices and desserts
plastic fragments in fruit
bars from Poland
4. alert 08/06/2020 26/08/2020 2020.2343 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
milk ingredient
undeclared on chilled
vegan organic chocolate-
flavoured hemp desserts
from France
5. alert 20/05/2020 29/06/2020 2020.2114 Ireland food serious ices and desserts
milk ingredient
undeclared (labelling not
in English) on ice cream
from the United
Kingdom, manufactured
in Hungary
6. alert 15/05/2020 15/06/2020 2020.2061 United food serious ices and desserts
metal fragments in ice
cream from the United
7. alert 20/04/2020 31/07/2020 2020.1693 Belgium food serious ices and desserts
E 202 - potassium
sorbate unauthorised and
wheat undeclared on
pastries from Turkey
8. alert 26/03/2020 26/03/2020 2020.1405 Belgium food serious ices and desserts
Listeria monocytogenes
(presence /25g) in frozen
bavarois pastry from
9. information for 21/02/2020 23/03/2020 2020.0877 Germany food serious ices and desserts
sharp plastic fragment
(2.5 cm) in frozen cocoa
curd cheesecake from
10. alert 18/02/2020 07/04/2020 2020.0818 United food serious ices and desserts
risk of breakage (when
heated) of glass
ramekins containing
chilled sticky toffee
pudding from the United
11. alert 28/01/2020 25/02/2020 2020.0424 Germany food serious ices and desserts
lactoprotein (1200
mg/kg - ppm)
undeclared on and traces
of soya (15 mg/kg -
ppm) in premix for
preparation of ice cream
from Italy
12. alert 27/01/2020 02/03/2020 2020.0390 United food serious ices and desserts
milk ingredient
undeclared on chocolate
fondant from France
13. alert 16/01/2020 17/02/2020 2020.0219 Poland food serious ices and desserts
gluten undeclared on ice
cream from the Czech
14. alert 21/11/2019 23/12/2019 2019.4107 Germany food serious ices and desserts
gluten undeclared on
vegan chocolate and
coconut milk ice cream
from the Netherlands
15. alert 13/11/2019 16/12/2019 2019.3983 Denmark food serious ices and desserts
hazelnut undeclared on
chilled rice dessert with
raspberry flavour from
the Czech Republic
16. alert 04/11/2019 09/12/2019 2019.3854 United food serious ices and desserts
incorrect labelling
(labels are missing some
part of the allergen
information) on lemon
butter curd from the
United Kingdom
17. alert 17/10/2019 11/02/2020 2019.3615 Ireland food serious ices and desserts
traces of milk (30 mg/kg
- ppm) in vegan dark
chocolate mousse from
18. alert 17/10/2019 14/11/2019 2019.3626 Sweden food serious ices and desserts
almond undeclared on
vanilla ice cream with
chocolate from Poland
mislabelled as almond-
19. alert 15/10/2019 21/11/2019 2019.3592 Switzerland food serious ices and desserts
milk ingredient (2200
mg/kg - ppm)
undeclared on milk and
gluten-free vegan choco
dessert with coconut
cream from Belgium, via
20. information for 15/10/2019 18/11/2019 2019.3594 Italy food not serious ices and desserts
poor hygienic state of
and too high count of
aerobic mesophiles in
panna cotta with caramel
cream from Italy
21. alert 12/10/2019 11/11/2019 2019.3572 United food serious ices and desserts
insufficient labelling
(allergens undeclared in
English) of pretzel ice
cream from Germany
22. alert 30/07/2019 16/09/2019 2019.2769 Germany food serious ices and desserts
glass fragments in
organic chocolate
pudding and red fruit
jelly from Germany
23. alert 10/07/2019 16/09/2019 2019.2510 Germany food serious ices and desserts
metal fragments in ice
cream with cookies and
salted caramel from
24. alert 27/06/2019 29/07/2019 2019.2319 Italy food serious ices and desserts
traces of almond (6
mg/kg - ppm) in
hazelnut stracciatella ice
cream from Italy
25. alert 07/05/2019 09/05/2019 2019.1713 Germany food serious ices and desserts
foreign body (blade of a
cutter knife) in red fruit
jelly from Germany
26. alert 04/04/2019 06/05/2019 2019.1289 Netherlands food serious ices and desserts
soya, almond and walnut
undeclared and incorrect
labelling on non-dairy
ice cream from the
27. information for 03/04/2019 07/06/2019 2019.1268 Spain food serious ices and desserts
milk ingredient (4.1; >25
mg/kg - ppm)
undeclared on and traces
of egg (0.2; 0.6 mg/kg -
ppm) in ice cream and
dessert drinks from
28. information for 19/03/2019 19/03/2019 2019.1042 Germany food serious ices and desserts
metal fragments in
various ice creams from
29. alert 12/03/2019 05/08/2019 2019.0941 Sweden food serious ices and desserts
milk ingredient
undeclared on soft
marshmallow with
chocolate coating from
30. alert 18/01/2019 11/05/2020 2019.0201 Spain food serious ices and desserts
traces of lactoprotein
(casein >13.5;
betalactoglobulin 2.3
mg/kg - ppm) in
vegetarian vanilla ice
cream from the
31. alert 18/01/2019 25/02/2019 2019.0209 Belgium food serious ices and desserts
undeclared hazelnut and
almond in lemon
cremeux meringue's
crumble, due to the use
of mistaken raw
material, from Belgium
32. alert 08/01/2019 25/02/2019 2019.0066 United food serious ices and desserts
peanut undeclared on
strawberry ice cones
from the Netherlands
33. information for 21/12/2018 28/01/2019 2018.3764 Italy food not serious ices and desserts
E 203 - calcium sorbate
unauthorised in
spreadable beer from
34. information for 18/12/2018 17/02/2020 2018.3686 Italy food serious ices and desserts
gluten (mislabelled as
gluten-free vanilla ice
cream with chocolate)
undeclared on vanilla
and chocolate ice cream
dessert covered with
chocolate and cereals
from Italy
35. alert 11/12/2018 08/01/2019 2018.3603 Belgium food serious ices and desserts
absence of labelling
(missing ingredient list,
including indication of
allergens) on ice cream
cake from Belgium,
packaged in the
36. alert 21/08/2018 03/01/2019 2018.2378 Austria food serious ices and desserts
glass fragments in
vanilla ice cream from
37. alert 09/08/2018 25/04/2019 2018.2278 France food serious ices and desserts
Bacillus cereus (4500
CFU/ml) in dairy dessert
from France
38. information for 09/08/2018 05/09/2018 2018.2271 Denmark food not serious ices and desserts
undeclared almond (as
an ingredient, due to
wrong packaging) in ice
cream from Poland
39. border rejection 31/07/2018 28/08/2018 2018.2184 Italy food serious ices and desserts
insufficient labelling (no
allergens labelled) of
pastry products from
40. information for 27/07/2018 27/08/2018 2018.2144 Germany food not serious ices and desserts
Listeria monocytogenes
(<100 CFU/g) in vegan
ice cream from the
United Kingdom
41. information for 25/07/2018 04/02/2019 2018.2114 Finland food serious ices and desserts
metal wires in milk
powder used to produce
ice cream from Finland
42. alert 16/07/2018 20/08/2018 2018.2007 Sweden food serious ices and desserts
traces of hazelnut in
chocolate ice cream
from Germany
43. alert 04/07/2018 24/07/2018 2018.1859 Germany food serious ices and desserts
undeclared almond
(>900 mg/kg - ppm) in
chilled paste for the
production of ice cream
from Italy
44. alert 29/06/2018 03/01/2019 2018.1832 Denmark food serious ices and desserts
plastic fragments in ice
cream from Belgium
45. alert 13/04/2018 15/05/2018 2018.0998 Netherlands food serious ices and desserts
presence of gluten in
gluten-free ice cream
from the Netherlands
46. alert 12/04/2018 14/05/2018 2018.0969 United food serious ices and desserts
undeclared soya (soya
lecithin) in ice cream
from the United States
47. information for 16/03/2018 03/01/2020 2018.0727 Italy food not serious ices and desserts
insufficient labelling
(missing warning "may
have an adverse effect
on activity and attention
in children") of cashew
nut rice pudding mixture
from Pakistan, via the
United Kingdom
48. information for 16/03/2018 05/04/2018 2018.0728 Italy food not serious ices and desserts
insufficient labelling
(missing warning "may
have an adverse effect
on activity and attention
in children") of drink &
dessert mix produced in
Pakistan, dispatched
from the United
49. border rejection 15/03/2018 07/06/2018 2018.0699 United food not serious ices and desserts
too high content of
colour E 102 - tartrazine
(803 mg/kg dry matter)
and of colour E 110 -
Sunset Yellow FCF (130
mg/kg dry matter) in
custard powder from
50. alert 12/03/2018 16/04/2018 2018.0641 Denmark food serious ices and desserts
undeclared egg in ice
cream cones from
51. alert 23/01/2018 05/03/2018 2018.0170 Italy food serious ices and desserts
traces of lactoprotein
(1.3 mg/kg - ppm) in soy
vegan ice cream cones
with vanilla flavour from
52. information for 16/01/2018 13/03/2018 2018.0116 Netherlands food not serious ices and desserts
unauthorised use of
colour E 110 - Sunset
Yellow FCF (9.1 mg/kg
- ppm) in mango dessert
from Malaysia, via Hong
53. alert 27/11/2017 02/01/2018 2017.2036 Germany food serious ices and desserts
undeclared wheat in ice
cream mislabelled as
gluten-free from
54. information for 10/11/2017 10/11/2017 2017.1928 Czech food not serious ices and desserts
follow-up Republic
unauthorised use of
colour E 124 - Ponceau
4R / cochineal red A in
ice-cream powder from
55. alert 18/09/2017 18/09/2017 2017.1465 Czech food serious ices and desserts
traces of milk (9.6
mg/kg - ppm) in gluten-
free and milk-free ice
cones from Hungary, via
56. information for 23/08/2017 10/10/2017 2017.1266 Netherlands food serious ices and desserts
undeclared wheat (flour
and starch) in speculoos
ice cream from France
57. alert 21/08/2017 04/02/2019 2017.1248 Austria food serious ices and desserts
glass particles in
stracciatella ice cream
from France, via
58. alert 06/07/2017 10/08/2017 2017.0972 Netherlands food serious ices and desserts
undeclared egg in
pistachio ice cream from
59. alert 31/05/2017 04/02/2019 2017.0755 Croatia food serious ices and desserts
metal wires in 4 flavors
ice cream from Slovenia
60. alert 02/05/2017 06/06/2017 2017.0549 Netherlands food serious ices and desserts
undeclared milk
ingredient in coconut
sorbets from Poland
61. alert 03/03/2017 07/04/2017 2017.0279 Hungary food serious ices and desserts
Listeria monocytogenes
(310 CFU/g) in frozen
ricotta and pears cakes
from Italy
62. alert 15/09/2016 03/01/2019 2016.1274 Germany food serious ices and desserts
plastic fragments (white,
hard plastic) in semolina
dessert with fruits from
63. alert 29/08/2016 03/10/2016 2016.1191 United food serious ices and desserts
metal pieces in cookie
dough ice cream from
the Netherlands, with
raw material from the
United Kingdom
64. alert 19/04/2016 20/10/2016 2016.0474 Sweden food serious ices and desserts
presence of lactoprotein
(casein, beta-
lactoglobulin) in frozen
popsicle from Spain
65. alert 01/12/2015 14/12/2015 2015.1512 Germany food serious ices and desserts
undeclared lactoprotein
(10812; 14762 mg/kg -
ppm) and lactose (13
g/100g) in ice cream
premixture from Italy
66. information for 30/09/2015 28/10/2015 2015.1235 Italy food not serious ices and desserts
unauthorised use of
colour E 127 -
erythrosine in powder
preparation for flan with
strawberry aroma from
67. information for 09/09/2015 12/01/2016 2015.1152 United food not serious ices and desserts
follow-up Kingdom
undeclared hazelnut,
egg, milk ingredient and
wheat in frozen
chocolate ice cream
from Italy
68. alert 07/07/2015 24/05/2016 2015.0865 Denmark food serious ices and desserts
undeclared gluten, soya,
nuts and lactose
(ingredients list in
Danish, Finnish and
Swedish is missing on
the label) in ice cream
from Germany
69. alert 19/06/2015 27/07/2015 2015.0794 Netherlands food serious ices and desserts
undeclared milk
ingredient, soya and
lactose in acai ice
covered with chocolate
from the Czech
Republic, via Slovakia
70. alert 11/07/2014 30/07/2014 2014.0958 Ireland food serious ices and desserts
undeclared milk
ingredient (lactoprotein:
102; 110 mg/kg - ppm)
in dairy-free raspberry
desserts from the United
71. alert 01/07/2014 19/12/2014 2014.0895 Finland food serious ices and desserts
undeclared wheat in ice
cream from Finland
72. alert 29/04/2014 03/01/2019 2014.0585 Germany food serious ices and desserts
glass fragments in ice
shakes from Germany
73. border rejection 19/03/2014 27/03/2014 2014.AMR Croatia food not serious ices and desserts
high count of
Enterobacteriaceae in ice
cream from the former
Yugoslav Republic of
74. alert 02/01/2014 03/01/2019 2014.0006 Germany food serious ices and desserts
glass fragments in
chilled chocolate
desserts from Belgium
75. information for 27/11/2013 28/04/2014 2013.1562 Croatia food serious ices and desserts
Salmonella in ice cream
from Serbia
76. alert 18/11/2013 09/01/2019 2013.1513 United food serious ices and desserts
foreign body
(paracetamol 500 mg
with codeine tablet) in
ice cream cones from the
United Kingdom
77. information for 27/09/2013 18/10/2013 2013.1317 Sweden food serious ices and desserts
undeclared egg (only in
finnish language) in
rhubarb pie from
78. alert 09/09/2013 30/01/2014 2013.1231 Germany food serious ices and desserts
aflatoxins (B1 = 5.72;
Tot. = 6.72 µg/kg - ppb)
in pistachio paste from
79. alert 09/08/2013 03/01/2019 2013.1103 France food serious ices and desserts
glass fragments in
chocolate mousse from
80. information for 23/07/2013 23/07/2013 2013.1028 Netherlands food not serious ices and desserts
poor temperature control
(Insufficient cooling
down) and bulging
packaging of semolina
pudding with red berries
sauce from the
81. alert 19/07/2013 26/07/2013 2013.1015 Netherlands food serious ices and desserts
undeclared lactose (0.33
g/100g) in soy-based ice
cream from Belgium
82. information for 03/06/2013 09/01/2019 2013.0768 Italy food undecided ices and desserts
foreign body (elastic
filament) in cream
dessert chocolate from
83. information for 31/05/2013 09/01/2019 2013.0763 Sweden food not serious ices and desserts
foreign body (small
wooden pieces) in sugar
for icecream topping
from Finland, processed
in Sweden
84. information for 07/11/2012 22/11/2012 2012.1539 Denmark food not serious ices and desserts
chilled chocolate mousse
from Belgium infested
with moulds
85. information for 12/09/2012 12/10/2012 2012.1311 Switzerland food serious ices and desserts
Listeria monocytogenes
(360 CFU/g) in vanilla
ice cream from Italy
86. information for 04/09/2012 16/01/2013 2012.1265 Czech food not serious ices and desserts
follow-up Republic
abnormal smell
(presence of di-terc-
butylphenol) of pickled
baby corn with raw
material from China
87. alert 01/08/2012 31/10/2012 2012.1102 Greece food serious ices and desserts
undeclared milk
ingredient (casein) in
blackcurrant sorbet from
88. border rejection 20/07/2012 04/09/2012 2012.BMV United food undecided ices and desserts
E 210 - benzoic acid
(730 mg/l) unauthorised
in syrup from the United
89. alert 21/06/2012 16/07/2012 2012.0855 Denmark food undecided ices and desserts
undeclared soya in
chocolate mousse from
90. information for 14/06/2012 15/06/2012 2012.0813 United food undecided ices and desserts
follow-up Kingdom
pieces of wood
(fragments of lollypop
sticks) in ice creams
from the United
91. information for 11/05/2012 09/01/2019 2012.0651 Italy food undecided ices and desserts
foreign body (10 cents
coin) in ice cream from
92. information for 11/05/2012 14/08/2012 2012.0648 Czech food undecided ices and desserts
follow-up Republic
insufficient labelling
(peanut not declared in
ingredients list: 252.5
mg/kg - ppm) of ice
cream coated with milk
chocolate and almonds
from Poland
93. information for 23/04/2012 02/05/2012 2012.0575 Denmark food undecided ices and desserts
chilled chocolate mousse
from Belgium infested
with moulds (presence
of moulds)
94. alert 14/02/2012 24/02/2012 2012.0234 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
undeclared peanut
(presence of peanut oil)
in walnut icecream from
95. information for 14/02/2012 14/02/2012 2012.0235 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
undeclared peanut
(presence of peanut oil)
in walnut icecream from
96. alert 22/12/2011 03/01/2019 2011.1893 France food undecided ices and desserts
glass fragments in
caramel pudding with
salted butter from
97. information for 11/08/2011 14/08/2012 2011.1094 Czech food undecided ices and desserts
follow-up Republic
insufficient labelling
(peanut not declared in
ingredients list: 1251
mg/kg - ppm) of vanilla
ice cream from Poland
98. alert 07/07/2011 14/07/2011 2011.0907 Italy food undecided ices and desserts
high count of
(1.2x10E4 CFU/g) in
vanilla ice cream from
99. information for 08/06/2011 22/07/2011 2011.0757 Italy food undecided ices and desserts
risk of internal injuries
as a result of the
consumption of milk
icecream with chocolate
from Spain
100. alert 16/05/2011 03/01/2019 2011.0642 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
glass fragments in rice
pudding (cherry,
cinnamon, pure) from
101. information for 18/03/2011 06/04/2011 2011.0361 Czech food undecided ices and desserts
follow-up Republic
pudding dessert from
Poland infested with
102. alert 18/02/2011 03/03/2011 2011.0220 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
hydrogen peroxide (2.5-
5 g/100g) in semolina
pudding and cream
pudding from Germany
103. border rejection 01/10/2010 01/10/2010 2010.BRM Italy food undecided ices and desserts
too high content of
colour E 124 - Ponceau
4R / cochineal red A (in
product: 897; in dessert:
75; 135; 42 mg/kg -
ppm) in jelly for
pudding from Ecuador
104. alert 12/08/2010 09/09/2010 2010.1114 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
Paecilomyces variotii in
water ice from the
105. information 09/07/2010 03/01/2019 2010.0933 Italy food undecided ices and desserts
plastic fragments in ice
cream from Italy
106. border rejection 22/06/2010 07/08/2012 2010.BCD Greece food undecided ices and desserts
too high content of
colour E 110 - Sunset
Yellow FCF (71.6 mg/kg
- ppm) in orange
flavored sherbet dots
from the United States
107. border rejection 22/06/2010 07/08/2012 2010.BCB Greece food undecided ices and desserts
too high content of
colour (total: 215.3
mg/kg - ppm) and of
colour E 110 - Sunset
Yellow FCF (109.5
mg/kg - ppm) in rainbow
flavored ice dots from
the United States
108. information 27/01/2010 11/02/2010 2010.0103 Czech food undecided ices and desserts
chocolate desserts from
Germany infested with
109. information 11/12/2009 09/01/2019 2009.1721 France food undecided ices and desserts
foreign body (piece of
translucent plastic) in
tiramisu from Italy
110. border rejection 15/06/2009 23/06/2009 2009.BDC Poland food undecided ices and desserts
unauthorised colour
Gardenia Yellow in
custard cream powder
from the Republic of
111. border rejection 11/05/2009 11/05/2009 2009.AXZ Hungary food undecided ices and desserts
establishment for ice
cream from the Former
Yugoslav Republic of
112. alert 31/03/2009 03/01/2019 2009.0398 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
plastic fragments (10 x 1
mm) in strawberry
flavoured ice cream
from Spain
113. border rejection 10/02/2009 15/07/2011 2009.AHV Finland food undecided ices and desserts
unauthorised use of
colour E 123 - amaranth
in cherry flavoured
dessert ingredient from
114. information 29/12/2008 25/01/2011 2008.1699 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
E 210 - benzoic acid
unauthorised and
unauthorised use of
colour E 123 - amaranth
in mixed flavour fruit
jelly from Vietnam
115. alert 02/09/2008 08/09/2008 2008.1049 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
aflatoxins (B1 = 6.7;
Tot. = 7.3 µg/kg - ppb)
in pistachio paste for
making ice cream from
116. information 22/08/2008 14/01/2009 2008.1023 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
E 210 - benzoic acid
unauthorised and
unauthorised use of
colour E 123 - amaranth
in strawberry flavoured
fruit jelly from Vietnam
117. information 19/08/2008 23/06/2010 2008.1007 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
E 211 - sodium benzoate
unauthorised in mango
flavour fruit yoghurt
from Vietnam
118. border rejection 08/02/2008 06/04/2010 2008.AGW Italy food undecided ices and desserts
too high content of E
210 - benzoic acid
(429.36 mg/l) in sherbert
syrup from Sri Lanka
119. information 21/01/2008 03/01/2019 2008.0065 United food undecided ices and desserts
glass fragments in iced
dessert from Sweden
120. information 04/07/2007 27/04/2011 2007.BQS Cyprus food undecided ices and desserts
traces of milk in ice
cream with rose flavour
from Cyprus
121. alert 01/12/2006 12/07/2011 2006.0848 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
too high content of
coumarin (12.0; 17.0;
19.0; 9.6 mg/kg - ppm)
in cinnamon flavoured
rice pudding from
122. information 17/08/2006 2006.BXC Cyprus food undecided ices and desserts
too high content of
colour E 122 - azorubine
(103 mg/kg - ppm) in
rose flavour ice cream
from Cyprus
123. alert 05/05/2006 2006.0287 Germany food undecided ices and desserts
unauthorised use of
colour E 127 -
erythrosine (presence) in
agar dessert mix with
flower flavouring from
Thailand via the
124. information 28/04/2006 03/01/2019 2006.BBU United food undecided ices and desserts
glass fragments in
tiramisu from the United
125. information 28/04/2006 03/01/2019 2006.BBT United food undecided ices and desserts
glass fragments in
champagne and
raspberry trifle from the
United Kingdom
126. alert 13/03/2006 2006.0171 Cyprus food undecided ices and desserts
suspicion of illegal trade
(expired products) of ice
cream products from the
United Kingdom
127. alert 07/07/2005 13/06/2017 2005.471 France Food undecided ices and desserts
Salmonella enterica
(presence) in ice cream
from the Netherlands,
via Belgium
128. information 10/11/2004 2004.CKX Italy Food undecided ices and desserts
ochratoxin A (2.9 µg/kg
- ppb) in plain cocoa
powder for ice cream
129. alert 30/08/2004 12/06/2009 2004.425 Germany Food undecided ices and desserts
aflatoxins (B1 = 3.7;
Tot. = 16 / B1 = 3.7; Tot.
= 16.2 µg/kg - ppb) in
pistachio ice-cream base
130. alert 20/08/2004 2004.408 France Food undecided ices and desserts
Listeria monocytogenes
(<10 CFU/100g) in
organic ice cream lollies
131. alert 22/03/2004 2004.134 Finland Food undecided ices and desserts
undeclared hazelnut in
ice cream
132. information 06/01/2004 2004.AAF Germany Food undecided ices and desserts
establishment for ice
cream assortment
133. alert 28/07/2003 2003.191 France Food undecided ices and desserts
abnormal colour and
abnormal smell of soya
134. alert 03/09/2001 2001.158 United Food undecided ices and desserts
Clostridium butyricum
(presence) in Custard
135. alert 08/09/2000 05/01/2009 2000.078 France Food undecided ices and desserts
suffocation risk as a
result of the
consumption (chewing
gum inside the tube) of
Ice cream
136. alert 27/07/1999 1999.64 Denmark Food undecided ices and desserts
suffocation risk as a
result of the
consumption of ice
lollipop in container
with plastic lid
137. alert 23/02/1999 1999.20 United Food undecided ices and desserts
undeclared hazelnut in
138. alert 06/06/1997 1997.11 Germany Food undecided ices and desserts
Listeria monocytogenes
in Vanilla ice-cream
139. information 26/08/1994 1994.C Netherlands Food undecided ices and desserts
contamination of Rice
pudding - canned
140. alert 11/07/1989 1989.17 Germany Food undecided ices and desserts
Salmonella enteritidis in
base material used for
the manufacture of ice
141. alert 07/08/1985 1985.06 Germany Food undecided ices and desserts
monoethylene glycol
(MEG) in ice mixes
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