QFT Strategies For Teachers
QFT Strategies For Teachers
QFT Strategies For Teachers
Page No.
Areas of Need – strategies for students who may have difficulties in the following
Cansfield SEND – General Advice and Support on iQFT
Strategies for all learners – QFT checklist
Cansfield SEND – General Advice and Support on iQFT
Area of Need: Communication and Interaction
Range of multi-sensory approaches used to support spoken language e.g. symbols, pictures,
concrete apparatus, artefacts, role-play
Instructions broken down into manageable chunks and given in the order they are to be
Delivery of information slowed down with time given to allow processing
Students are given a demonstration of what is expected
System of visual feedback in place to show if something has been understood
Students are encouraged – and shown – how to seek clarification
Prompt cards using a narrative framework (who, where, when, what happened etc.) used
to support understanding of question words
Talking buddies or similar used to encourage responses
Classroom furniture and groupings consider whether students with speech &
communication needs can see visual prompts and the teacher
Where possible, access to a quiet, distraction free work station if needed
‘Word walls’ or similar to develop understanding of new vocabulary
Appropriate use of visual timetables – personalised to the student
Opportunities to work on exam access techniques with a scribe, laptop or reading pen
Small group or 1:1 work to develop social skills
Cansfield SEND – General Advice and Support on iQFT
Area of Need: Cognition and Learning
Links to prior learning explicitly made – and linked to ‘real life’ experiences and concepts
Key learning points reviewed at appropriate times during and end of lesson
Alternative ways to demonstrate understanding e.g. diagrams, mind maps, use of voice
Provide – and teach use of – range of writing frames to aid organisation
Mark writing for content – encourage students to highlight one or two words themselves
that may be incorrect to be looked at later
Occasional opportunities to work with a scribe – perhaps in a small group to produce writing
for ‘publication’ e.g. displayed on the wall, read to others
Use IT programs and apps. to reinforce and revise what has been taught
To support short term memory, have small whiteboards and pens available for notes, to try
out spellings, record ideas etc.
Text presented clearly – uncluttered, use bullet points and clear font
Diagrams and pictures to add meaning alongside text
Don’t ask student to read aloud in class unless you know they have pre-prepared and are
comfortable with this
Additional time to complete tasks if necessary
Teach and model memory techniques
Use different coloured pens to support learning spellings, identifying different sections of
text, one colour for each sentence etc.
Minimise copying from the board – provide copies for student if necessary
Teach student how to use planners, task lists etc.
Encourage and practice keyboard skills
Cansfield SEND – General Advice and Support on iQFT
Area of Need: Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Use a visual timer to measure and extend time on task – start small and praise, praise,
Teach students how to use post-it notes for questions and ideas rather than interruptions
(when appropriate)
Legitimise movement by getting student to take a message, collect an item or have pens
with variety of textures to aid sensory needs
Give a set time for written work and do not extend into breaks to ‘catch up’ – the student
will need these breaks
Use student’s name and give eye contact before giving instructions
Consider seating – student seated at the back of the class may not be as tempted to turn
around. Students who interact with other students may need to sit at the fron with their
back to the class
Communicate in a calm, clear manner
Keep instructions, routines and rules short, precise and positive
Communicate positive achievements – no matter how small – with home and encourage
home to do the same. Could be in the form of text messages, ‘good notes’, postcards,
merits, rewards
Ensure groupings provide positive role models
Transition from whole class work to independent or group work is taught, clearly signalled
and actively managed
Cansfield SEND – General Advice and Support on iQFT
Area of Need: Sensory Needs
Cansfield SEND – General Advice and Support on iQFT
Quality First Teaching – Co-ordination and Physical Impairment
Consider organisation of classroom to allow free movement
Allow the student plenty of space to work – where space allows, could he/she be placed
next to a ‘free’ desk?
Ensure that left and right handed students are not sitting next to each other with writing
hands adjacent
Seating should allow student to rest both feet flat on the floor – check chair heights
Desk should be at elbow height – sloping desk provided if possible
Positioned so student is able to view the teacher directly without turning the body – close
enough to see and hear instructions
Seated where there are minimal distractions e.g. away from windows and doors
Encourage oral presentations as an alternative to some written work
Lined paper with spaces sufficiently wide to accommodate student’s handwriting
Ensure range of different pen/pencil grips is available
If copying from the board is absolutely necessary, use different colours for each line and
leave a gap between lines
Equipment clearly labelled and kept in same place in class
Teach student how to use planner, diary, lists to organize themselves as appropriate
Allow additional time to complete tasks
Allow access to lap-tops/tablets etc. & teach key board skills
Cansfield SEND – General Advice and Support on iQFT
Cansfield SEND – General Advice and Support on iQFT