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INSPECT Pressure Vessel Design Calculations

Item: SILO SERIE 1339460_0

Tag: SILO 1339460_0
Date: MAYO 2021

Los espesores usados son obtenidos de los valores críticos indicados en el reporte
de Inspección Visual y de Medición de Espesores.
Table of Contents
Pressure Summary...................................................................................................................................................1/18

Settings Summary.....................................................................................................................................................2/18

Thickness Summary.................................................................................................................................................4/18

Weight Summary.......................................................................................................................................................5/18

Hydrostatic Test........................................................................................................................................................6/18

TAPA SUPERIOR.......................................................................................................................................................7/18

Straight Flange on TAPA SUPERIOR....................................................................................................................10/18


SECCION CONICA...................................................................................................................................................14/18

Pressure Summary

Component Summary

Identifier MAWP MAP MDMT MDMT Impact
Design Design (kg/cm2) (kg/cm2) (°C) Exemption Tested
(kg/cm2) (°C)

TAPA SUPERIOR 1.4 343.33 4.53 4.80 -71.26 Note 1 Yes

Straight Flange on TAPA SUPERIOR 1.4 343.33 4.52 4.79 -71.16 Note 2 Yes

CUERPO 1.4 343.33 3.81 4.03 -33.8 Note 3 No

CUERPO 2 1.4 343.33 3.84 4.06 -33.8 Note 3 No

SECCION CONICA 1.4 343.33 3.27 3.46 -30 Note 4, 5, 6 No

Chamber Summary

Design MDMT -28.89 °C

Rated MDMT -30 °C @ 3.27 kg/cm2

MAWP hot & corroded 3.27 kg/cm2 @ 343.33 °C

MAP cold & new 3.46 kg/cm2 @ 21.11 °C

(1) This pressure chamber is not designed for

external pressure.

Notes for MDMT Rating

Note # Exemption Details

1. Material is impact tested per UG-84 to -45.56°C. UCS-66(i) reduction of 25.7°C applied (ratio = 0.5658).

2. Material is impact tested per UG-84 to -45.56°C. UCS-66(i) reduction of 25.6°C applied (ratio = 0.5668).

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve A = -8°C
3. UCS-66 governing thickness = 6.29 mm
Fig UCS-66.1M MDMT reduction = 25.8°C, (coincident ratio = 0.565)

Material impact test exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve A = -8°C
4. UCS-66 governing thickness = 6.4 mm
Fig UCS-66.1M MDMT reduction = 22°C, (coincident ratio = 0.608)

5. MAWP is governed by cone juncture.

6. MAP is governed by cone juncture.

Settings Summary

INSPECT 2015 Build 7510

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2013 Edition Metric
Units MKS
Datum Line Location 0.00 mm from bottom seam
Get Pressure Rating and Calculate
Vessel Design Mode
Required Thickness
Minimum thickness 1.5 mm per UG-16(b)
Design for cold shut down only No
Design for lethal service (full radiography required) No
Design nozzles for Design P only
Corrosion weight loss 100% of theoretical loss
UG-23 Stress Increase 1.20
Skirt/legs stress increase 1.0
Minimum nozzle projection 152.4 mm
Juncture calculations for α > 30 only Yes
Preheat P-No 1 Materials > 1.25" and <= 1.50" thick No
UG-37(a) shell tr calculation considers longitudinal stress No
Cylindrical shells made from pipe are entered as minimum thickness No
Nozzles made from pipe are entered as minimum thickness No
ASME B16.9 fittings are entered as minimum thickness No
Butt welds Tapered per Figure UCS-66.3(a)
Disallow Appendix 1-5, 1-8 calculations under 15 psi No
Hydro/Pneumatic Test
Shop Hydrotest Pressure 1.3 times vessel MAWP
Test liquid specific gravity 1.00
Maximum stress during test 90% of yield
Required Marking - UG-116
UG-116(e) Radiography None
UG-116(f) Postweld heat treatment None
Code Cases\Interpretations
Use Code Case 2547 No
Use Code Case 2695 No
Apply interpretation VIII-1-83-66 Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-86-175 Yes

Apply interpretation VIII-1-01-37 Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-01-150 Yes
Apply interpretation VIII-1-07-50 Yes
No UCS-66.1 MDMT reduction No
No UCS-68(c) MDMT reduction No
Disallow UG-20(f) exemptions No
UG-22 Loadings
UG-22(a) Internal or External Design Pressure Yes
UG-22(b) Weight of the vessel and normal contents under operating
or test conditions
UG-22(c) Superimposed static reactions from weight of attached
equipment (external loads)
UG-22(d)(2) Vessel supports such as lugs, rings, skirts, saddles and
UG-22(f) Wind reactions No
UG-22(f) Seismic reactions No
UG-22(j) Test pressure and coincident static head acting during the
Note: UG-22(b),(c) and (f) loads only considered when supports are present.

Thickness Summary

Component Data

Component Material Diameter Length Nominal t Design t Total Corrosion Joint Load
Identifier (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) E

TAPA SUPERIOR SA-285 C 2,413 OD 617.63 7.47 2.32 0 0.70 Internal

Straight Flange on TAPA SUPERIOR SA-285 C 2,413 OD 50.0 7.47 2.32 0 0.70 Internal

CUERPO SA-285 C 2,413 OD 2,450 6.30 2.32 0 0.70 Internal

CUERPO 2 SA-285 C 2,413 OD 2,590 6.35 2.32 0 0.70 Internal

SECCION CONICA SA-285 C 838.2 / 2,413 OD 1,097 7.77 3.33 0 0.70 Internal

*Head minimum thickness after forming


Nominal t Vessel wall nominal thickness

Design t Required vessel thickness due to governing loading + corrosion

Joint E Longitudinal seam joint efficiency


Internal Circumferential stress due to internal pressure governs

External External pressure governs

Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + wind


Combined longitudinal stress of pressure + weight + seismic


Weight Summary

Weight (kg) Contributed by Vessel Elements

Metal Metal Insulation Piping Test Liquid Surface Area
Component Insulation Lining Liquid
New* Corroded Supports + Liquid m2
New Corroded New Corroded
TAPA SUPERIOR 359.7 359.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,151.1 2,151.1 7.71
CUERPO 721 721 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,916.4 8,916.4 14.67
CUERPO 2 796.9 796.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,854.9 9,854.9 16.22
SECCION CONICA 496.3 496.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,047.6 4,047.6 9.94
TOTAL: 2,374 2,374 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,970.1 24,970.1 48.54
*Shells with attached nozzles have weight reduced by material cut out for opening.

Weight (kg) Contributed by Attachments

Nozzles & Surface
Body Flanges Packed Ladders & Tray Rings & Vertical
Component Flanges Trays Area
Beds Platforms Supports Clips Loads
New Corroded New Corroded
TAPA SUPERIOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CUERPO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
CUERPO 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SECCION CONICA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Vessel Totals

New Corroded

Operating Weight (kg) 2,374 2,374

Empty Weight (kg) 2,374 2,374
Test Weight (kg) 27,344 27,344
Surface Area (m 2) 48.54 -
Capacity** (liters) 24,991 24,991
**The vessel capacity does not include
volume of nozzle, piping or other

Vessel Lift Condition

Vessel Lift Weight, New (kg) 2,374
Center of Gravity from Datum (mm) 3,503.07

Hydrostatic Test

Horizontal shop hydrostatic test based on MAWP per UG-99(b)

Gauge pressure at 21.11°C = 1.3*MAWP*LSR

= 1.3*3.27*1.0588
= 4.50 kgf/cm2

Horizontal shop hydrostatic test

Local test Test liquid UG-99(b) UG-99(b)
Identifier pressure static head stress pressure
(kgf/cm2) (kgf/cm2) ratio factor
TAPA SUPERIOR (1) 4.50 0.24 1.0588 1.30

Straight Flange on TAPA SUPERIOR 4.50 0.24 1.0588 1.30

CUERPO 4.50 0.24 1.0588 1.30

CUERPO 2 4.50 0.24 1.0588 1.30

SECCION CONICA 4.50 0.24 1.0588 1.30

(1) TAPA SUPERIOR limits the UG-99(b) stress ratio.

(2) The zero degree angular position is assumed to be up, and the test liquid
height is assumed to the top-most flange.

The field test condition has not been investigated.

The test temperature of 21.11 °C is warmer than the minimum recommended temperature of -13 °C so the brittle
fracture provision of UG-99(h) has been met.


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2013 Edition Metric

Component Ellipsoidal Head
Material SA-285 C (II-D Metric p. 10, ln. 6)
Attached To CUERPO
Impact Fine Grain Optimize MDMT/
Normalized PWHT
Tested Practice Find MAWP
Yes (-45.56°C) No No No No
Design Design Design
Pressure (kgf/cm2) Temperature (°C) MDMT (°C)
Internal 1.4 343.33 -28.89
Static Liquid Head
Condition Ps (kgf/cm2) Hs (mm) SG
Test horizontal 0.24 2,445.46 1
Outer Diameter 2,413 mm
Head Ratio 2
Minimum Thickness 7.47 mm
Inner 0 mm
Outer 0 mm
Length Lsf 50.8 mm
Nominal Thickness tsf 7.47 mm
Weight and Capacity
Weight (kg)1 Capacity (liters)1
New 359.72 2,152.95
Corroded 359.72 2,152.95
Category A joints None UW-11(c) Type 1
Head to shell seam None UW-11(c) Type 1
includes straight flange

Results Summary
Governing condition internal pressure
Minimum thickness per UG-16 1.5 mm + 0 mm = 1.5 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) 2.32 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) 4.53 kgf/cm2

Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) 4.80 kgf/cm2

Rated MDMT -71.26°C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements

Material impact test temperature per UG-84 = -45.56°C
tr = 2.79*2,458*1 / (2*1,101.29*0.7 + 2*2.79*(1 - 0.1)) = 4.43 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 4.43*0.8 / (6.27 - 0) = 0.5658
UCS-66(i) reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 25.7°C
MDMT = max[Timpact - TR, -105] = max[ -45.56 - 25.7 , -105] = -71.26°C
Design MDMT of -28.89°C is acceptable.

Factor K
K = (1/6)*[2 + (D / (2*h))2]
Corroded K = (1/6)*[2 + (2,445.46 / (2*611.37))2] 1
New K = (1/6)*[2 + (2,445.46 / (2*611.37))2] 1

Design thickness for internal pressure, (Corroded at 343.33 °C) Appendix 1-4(c)

t = P*Do*K / (2*S*E + 2*P*(K - 0.1)) + Corrosion

= 1.4*2,413*1 / (2*1,040.11*0.7 + 2*1.4*(1 - 0.1)) + 0
= 2.32 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, (Corroded at 343.33 °C) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / (K*Do - 2*t*(K - 0.1)) - Ps

= 2*1,040.11*0.7*7.47 / (1*2,413 - 2*7.47*(1 - 0.1)) - 0
= 4.53 kgf/cm2

Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 21.11 °C) Appendix 1-4(c)

P = 2*S*E*t / (K*Do - 2*t*(K - 0.1)) - Ps

= 2*1,101.29*0.7*7.47 / (1*2,413 - 2*7.47*(1 - 0.1)) - 0
= 4.80 kgf/cm2
% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (75*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (75*6.27 / 418.86)*(1 - 418.86 / infinity)
= 1.1227%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Straight Flange on TAPA SUPERIOR

ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2013 Edition Metric

Component Cylinder
Material SA-285 C (II-D Metric p. 10, ln. 6)
Impact Fine Grain Optimize MDMT/
Normalized PWHT
Tested Practice Find MAWP
Yes (-45.56°C) No No No No
Design Design Design
Pressure (kgf/cm2) Temperature (°C) MDMT (°C)
Internal 1.4 343.33 -28.89
Static Liquid Head
Condition Ps (kgf/cm2) Hs (mm) SG
Test horizontal 0.24 2,445.46 1
Outer Diameter 2,458 mm
Length 50.0 mm
Nominal Thickness 7.47 mm
Inner 0 mm
Outer 0 mm
Weight and Capacity
Weight (kg) Capacity (liters)
New 19.22 238.6
Corroded 19.22 238.6
Longitudinal seam None UW-11(c) Type 1
Bottom Circumferential
None UW-11(c) Type 1

Results Summary
Governing condition Internal pressure
Minimum thickness per UG-16 1.5 mm + 0 mm = 1.5 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) 2.32 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) 4.52 kg/cm2
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) 4.79 kg/cm2
Rated MDMT -71.16 °C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements

Material impact test temperature per UG-84 = -45.56°C
tr = 2.79*1,229 / (1,101.29*0.7 + 0.4*2.79) = 4.44 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 4.44*0.8 / (6.27 - 0) = 0.5668
UCS-66(i) reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 25.6°C
MDMT = max[Timpact - TR, -105] = max[ -45.56 - 25.6 , -105] = -71.16°C
Design MDMT of -28.89°C is acceptable.

Design thickness, (at 343.33 °C) Appendix 1-1

t = P*Ro / (S*E + 0.40*P) + Corrosion

= 1.4*1,206.5 / (1,040.11*0.70 + 0.40*1.4) + 0
= 2.32 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 343.33 °C) Appendix 1-1

P = S*E*t / (Ro - 0.40*t) - Ps

= 1,040.11*0.70*7.47 / (1,206.5 - 0.40*7.47) - 0
= 4.52 kg/cm2

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 21.11 °C) Appendix 1-1

P = S*E*t / (Ro - 0.40*t)

= 1,101.29*0.70*7.47 / (1,206.5 - 0.40*7.47)
= 4.79 kg/cm2

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*6.27 / 1,225.87)*(1 - 1,225.87 / infinity)
= 0.2557%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2013 Edition Metric

Component Cylinder
Material SA-285 C (II-D Metric p. 10, ln. 6)
Impact Fine Grain Optimize MDMT/
Normalized PWHT
Tested Practice Find MAWP
No No No No No
Design Design Design
Pressure (kgf/cm2) Temperature (°C) MDMT (°C)
Internal 1.4 343.33 -28.89
Static Liquid Head
Condition Ps (kgf/cm2) Hs (mm) SG
Test horizontal 0.24 2,445.44 1
Outer Diameter 2,413 mm
Length 2450 mm
Nominal Thickness 6.30 mm
Inner 0 mm
Outer 0 mm
Weight and Capacity
Weight (kg) Capacity (liters)
New 721.03 8,923.81
Corroded 721.03 8,923.81
Longitudinal seam None UW-11(c) Type 1
Top Circumferential
None UW-11(c) Type 1
Bottom Circumferential
None UW-11(c) Type 1

Results Summary
Governing condition Internal pressure
Minimum thickness per UG-16 1.5 mm + 0 mm = 1.5 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) 2.32 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) 3.81 kg/cm2
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) 4.03 kg/cm2
Rated MDMT -33.8 °C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements

Governing thickness, tg = 6.29 mm
Exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve A = -8°C
tr = 2.79*1,229 / (1,101.29*0.7 + 0.4*2.79) = 4.44 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 4.44*0.8 / (6.29 - 0) = 0.565
Reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 25.8°C
MDMT = max[ MDMT - TR, -48] = max[ -8 - 25.8 , -48] = -33.8°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28.89°C.

Design thickness, (at 343.33 °C) Appendix 1-1

t = P*Ro / (S*E + 0.40*P) + Corrosion

= 1.4*1,206.5 / (1,040.11*0.70 + 0.40*1.4) +
0 = 2.32 mm

Maximum allowable working pressure, (at 343.33 °C) Appendix 1-1

P = S*E*t / (Ro - 0.40*t) - Ps

= 1,040.11*0.70*6.30 / (1,206.5 - 0.40*6.30) - 0
= 3.81 kg/cm2

Maximum allowable pressure, (at 21.11 °C) Appendix 1-1

P = S*E*t / (Ro - 0.40*t)

= 1,101.29*0.70*6.30 / (1,206.5 - 0.40*6.30)
= 4.03 kg/cm2

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*6.29 / 1,225.86)*(1 - 1,225.86 / infinity)
= 0.2566%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.


ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2013 Edition Metric

Component Cone
Material SA-285 C (II-D Metric p. 10, ln. 6)
Impact Fine Grain Optimize MDMT/
Normalized PWHT
Tested Practice Find MAWP
No No No No No
Design Design Design
Pressure (kgf/cm2) Temperature (°C) MDMT (°C)
Internal 1.4 343.33 -28.89
Static Liquid Head
Condition Ps (kgf/cm2) Hs (mm) SG
Large 0.24 2,444.72
Test horizontal 1
Small 0.17 1,686.72
Large 2,413 mm
Outer Diameter
Small 838.2 mm
Length 1,097 mm
Nominal Thickness 7.77 mm
Inner 0 mm
Outer 0 mm
Weight and Capacity
Weight (kg) Capacity (liters)
New 496.29 4,051.02
Corroded 496.29 4,051.02
Longitudinal seam None UW-11(c) Type 1
Top Circumferential seam None UW-11(c) Type 1
Bottom Circumferential
None UW-11(c) Type 1

Results Summary
Governing condition Internal pressure
Minimum thickness per UG-16 1.5 mm + 0 mm = 1.5 mm
Design thickness due to internal pressure (t) 3.33 mm
Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) 3.27 kg/cm2
Maximum allowable pressure (MAP) 3.46 kg/cm2
Rated MDMT -30 °C

UCS-66 Material Toughness Requirements

Governing thickness, tg = 6.4 mm
Exemption temperature from Fig UCS-66M Curve A = -8°C
tr = 2.79*2,458 / (2*0.9133*(1,101.29*0.7 + 0.4*2.79)) = 4.86 mm
Stress ratio = tr*E* / (tn - c) = 4.86*0.8 / (6.4 - 0) = 0.608
Reduction in MDMT, TR from Fig UCS-66.1M = 22°C
MDMT = max[ MDMT - TR, -48] = max[ -8 - 22 , -48] = -30°C
Material is exempt from impact testing at the Design MDMT of -28.89°C.

Design thickness, (at 343.33 °C) App 1-4(e) (Large End)

t = P*Do / (2*cos(α)*(S*E + 0.40*P)) + Corrosion

= 1.4*2,413 / (2*cos(45.871)*(1,040.11*0.70 + 0.40*1.4)) + 0
= 3.33 mm
Small End design thickness (t = 0.71 mm) does not govern.

Maximum allowable working pressure, (Corroded at 343.33 °C) App 1-4(e) (Large End)

P = 2*S*E*t*cos(α) / (Do - 0.80*t*cos(α)) - Ps

2*1,040.11*0.70*7.77*cos(45.871) / (2,413 -
0.80*7.77*cos(45.871)) -
0 = 3.27 kg/cm2

Small End MAWP (9.08 kg/cm2) does not govern.

Maximum allowable pressure, (New at 21.11 °C) App 1-4(e) (Large End)

P = 2*S*E*t*cos(α) / (Do - 0.80*t*cos(α))

2*1,101.29*0.70*7.77*cos(45.871) / (2,413 -
0.80*7.77*cos(45.871 ))
= 3.46 kg/cm2

Small End MAP (9.61 kg/cm2) does not govern.

% Extreme fiber elongation - UCS-79(d)

EFE = (50*t / Rf)*(1 - Rf / Ro)

= (50*7.01 / 467.5)*(1 - 467.5 / infinity)
= 0.7495%

The extreme fiber elongation does not exceed 5%.

Cone juncture large end calculations, P =2.79 kgf/cm2
Appendix 1-5(d)
Area check U-2(g)
f1 QL ArL AeL Ring
Loading required analysis Status
(kgf/cm) (kgf/cm) (cm2) (cm2) area (cm2)
(∆ < α) required

Corroded Yes No -2.44 168.16 2.56 2.56 none OK

Cone large end calculations per Appendix 1-5(d)(1), weight + pressure, corroded

Lmin = 2*(RL*ts)0.5
= 2*(1,222.71*6.29)0.5
= 175.39 mm

The length of the attached cylinder (2,100 mm) ≥ Lmin.

f1 = -Wl / (π*2*Rm) + Ml / (π*Rm2)

= -10*1,877.67 / (π*2*1,225.86) + 1e4*0 / (π*1,225.862)
= -2.44 kgf/cm

P*RL / 2 = 170.6 kgf/cm

|f1| <= P*RL / 2 so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 2.79 / (1,040.11*1) = 0.002683

From table 1-5.1 ∆ = 17.05°

As ∆ < α a reinforcement check is required.

QL = P*RL / 2 + f1
= 170.6 + -2.44
= 168.16 kgf/cm

ArL = (k*QL*RL / (Ss*E1))*(1 - ∆ / α)*tan(α)

= (1*168.16*1,222.71 / (10*1,040.11*1))*(1 - 17.05 / 24.0312)*tan(24.0312)
= 2.5606 cm2

AeL = (ts - t)*(RL*ts)0.5 + (tc - tr)*(RL*tc / cos(α))0.5

= 0.01*(6.29 - 4.7)*(1,222.71*6.29)0.5 + 0.01*(6.4 - 5.14)*(1,222.71*6.4 / cos(24.0312))0.5
= 2.5606 cm2

AeL >= ArL therefore the large end juncture is adequately reinforced.

MAP Cone juncture large end calculations, P =2.94 kgf/cm2
Appendix 1-5(d)
Area check U-2(g)
f1 QL ArL AeL Ring
Loading required analysis Status
(kgf/cm) (kgf/cm) (cm2) (cm2) area (cm2)
(∆ < α) required

Pressure Yes No 0 179.82 2.6 2.6 none OK

Cone large end calculations per Appendix 1-5(d)(1), pressure, new

Lmin = 2*(RL*ts)0.5
= 2*(1,222.71*6.29)0.5
= 175.39 mm

The length of the attached cylinder (2,100 mm) ≥ Lmin.

f1 = -Wl / (π*2*Rm) + Ml / (π*Rm2)

= -10*0 / (π*2*1,225.86) + 1e4*0 / (π*1,225.862)
= 0 kgf/cm

P*RL / 2 = 179.82 kgf/cm

|f1| <= P*RL / 2 so a U-2(g) analysis is not required.

P / (Ss*E1) = 2.94 / (1,101.29*1) = 0.002671

From table 1-5.1 ∆ = 17.01°

As ∆ < α a reinforcement check is required.

QL = P*RL / 2 + f1
= 179.82 + 0
= 179.82 kgf/cm

ArL = (k*QL*RL / (Ss*E1))*(1 - ∆ / α)*tan(α)

= (1*179.82*1,222.71 / (10*1,101.293*1))*(1 - 17.01 / 24.0312)*tan(24.0312)
= 2.6008 cm2

AeL = (ts - t)*(RL*ts)0.5 + (tc - tr)*(RL*tc / cos(α))0.5

= 0.01*(6.29 - 4.68)*(1,222.71*6.29)0.5 + 0.01*(6.4 - 5.12)*(1,222.71*6.4 / cos(24.0312))0.5
= 2.6008 cm2

AeL >= ArL therefore the large end juncture is adequately reinforced.


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